I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show things to the extreme. Even when we think we are having a bad day, or our day bombs, we see the effects of a real bomb. When you think you had an "ouch" kind of day, and then you see the pidgeon hit the hood of the car for a real ouch!(Incidentally, I hated the pidgeon hitting the car because as it so happened, I was holding my pet bird, Eddie, while I watched the video.) My last year of school was actually pretty good. Some days it was a little bit boring and I felt like the kitten in the video. Then other days were stressful like the antelope hitting the tree. To improve my performance and my school day, I think I could get a little more sleep. I also think that I could be a bit more organized so that finding things wouldn't be so hard. I could also try to make more trips to my locker so that I wouldn't have to make one big one at the end of the day.Megan DeJong8th Period
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show that whether you are having a good day or a bad one, there is always help when you need it. My last year of school was pretty good especially the teachers. Sometimes the classes were hard at times (Especially this one) but the teachers were helpful and everything was easier.I enjoyed school last year to a certain extent. Getting up early and doing bookwork wasn't all that great, but everything else was pretty good. Sometimes, it was boring but not very often. I could definitely stop the socializing in class to improve my school performance. I get pretty high grades but in certain classes I tend to talk more than other classes. The only thing that would improve my school day would be to shorten it, but that won't happen so I am pretty content with school this year. ♥Gabby Tenney♥3rd period.
I think that the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show that even when you think that some days are bad there is always something good about it. I would characterize my last year of school as being under the crazy and fun category. I actually enjoy school most of the time cause it seems that I always find something that is hilarious to laugh during the day, and that makes me really happy! To improve my school performance I would Listen to the teacher better and get organized better in my school work. And to improve a school day all I have to do id make something fun out of whatever I am doing. Logan Demyon 4th period
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show that everyone has there up and down days when it comes to school. There are the days you get all your work done in class and have no homework, and then there are the days you can get nothing done and your stuck carrying all your books home. I would characterize my last year as pretty fun. There were those days when class was fun, or when it was boring, or stressful, but overall it was a pretty good year. I think I enjoyed it a lot. To improve my school day, I think I should get more sleep, study harder, try harder, and give more of my best.Stephanie Harris4th period
I think the videogarpher's purpose was to get us ready for school by getting us excited to go back. Last year was kinda boring and we didn't do anything fun except in Mrs. Constable's class. To improve this year I will stop talking so much in class and really devote my self into learning and doing my work. This video was very funny and I hope to see more like it this it's good to be back in school.
I think the videographer's purpose was to show that you could of had a bad year like the pigeon that got hit by the car hood, or if it was like roses, an easy year. It could have been a bomb, such as being the best year ever. My last year of school was pretty good it was my first year at WFMS but I survived. It was a lot different than my old school though. I enjoyed school, but some of my classes were a bore. A way to improve the school year would not get up so early for school. Cortney Bright 4th period
I think that the videographers purpose in making this video is to show you that school isn't all that bad and that teachers try their hardest to make the school year easier for them and their students. I would characterize my last year of school as being wild/crazy and fun/enjoyable. Acually, I enjoyed school last year, because I didn't have a lot of homework to do all the time and I knew all of the teachers. I wouldn't say it was all boring, but doing the same thing everyday five days a week did seem like I was just repeating the same exact thing eveyday. To improve my performance this year at school, I could get a lot more sleep, learn to type with all my fingers instead of using just two of them. To improve my school day i could learn to make the best of things instead of having a negative attitude towards all of my subjects and teachers.Andrew Strand4th Period
Honestly, i didn't really get the purpose of this video, but if I had to say something about it(which I do) I would interpret that even if you were having a bad day it isn't the worst it could be. Last year was probably my favorite school year. It was pretty fun. I liked having classes seperated with different kids so that you can be with all of your friends instead of just a group of them. But school is still school, it's nice being with your friends but the work I could do without. There are a few small things that would improve my school day. For example, my bus driver could get his butt over to my bus stop on time in the mornings so I wouldn't be late for school everyday. Also, he's the last bus to get to the school in the afternoon as well. If he would be on time then then that would shave off fifteen minutes of my school day. But anyways, one more thing that would be nice is if school started at nine instead of eight. Overall, I'm looking forward to a great 2008/2009 school year!!!...kind of
The videographer's purpose is to show if your having a bad day theres always someone having an even worse day.Last years school year was drama filled and very boring.I was very happy that this is my last year at this school.School is always boring for me it is never exciting,you go and you do alot of work and sometimes you have homework.I could get a little bit more organized instead of looking for papers that i will never find.Bailey Haller1&2 period
The video shows how things can be in real life sometimes.Sometimes things in ur life go smoothly and sometimes it can go bad. My year last year was very different compared to 6th grade. Things got harder and a little more challenging. I also had fun by beening able to cheer for the school.Getting ready for formal. And supporting my team at competition.By.Bobbi Bowsman♥♥
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show that things can always be worse, no matter how bad of a day you're having. If you're having one of those days where all you want to is go back to bed, you see the baby being woken up. Surprisingly, I had a very good year at school last year. I had a few days when I could completely relate to the bird who hit the car and other days I felt like the kitten. I could probably work harder and try to be more organized. Also it wouldn't hurt for me to talk less in class.Amanda Luzader1&2 periods8th grade
The videographer's purpose was to show us somethings aren't as bad as we think they are, and sometimes we overreact and think stuff is bigger than it is. Like if you have a bad day they said it was like a bomb, but really if you think about it, its not that bad. My last year of school was pretty much stupid. I hated Fairmont Catholic, and yes EVERYTHING was a bore !I kinda think i already improved it cause now i go to WFMS. I like it alot better, and i made an upgrade ! Kiley Moore 3rd period
I think that the purpose of this video is to show students tht there can always be a worse day than the worst day that you thought you just had. This video is also trying to get kids to take a moment and laugh. They want students to get pumpedd up for school instead of slouching and having a negative opinion. School can be fun too you know. Last year was a pretty good year of school. It wasnt that bad. I really liked my classes because I had a lot of classes with my friends. I really did enjoy school. I like almost everything about school. I like to be engaged and interested in learning a lot of things that i never kew before. Its exciting to learn about things that you never knew existed. A way i can probably improve my school performance is if i didnt procrastinate as much. I always save things for the last minute. Then, i run out of time and worry and strees over what i didnt do. I think a way that everybody could improve their school day is if everybody would stay in their own business. School would be a lot easier if teens would just blow things off instead of diggind a deeper hole by the minute. It just makes everyones day a whole lot more stressful and then people miss what they need to know in class. But anyways school is alot of work but it will turn out on the good side in the end even if you absolutely hate it. Thats what this video is trying to teach you.Jenny Bundy 3rd
I beleive the authors purpose for making this video was for welcoming students into a new year.My last school year was really sucky, because my grades sucked, and kyle evans (mutters something under my breathe) broke my nose!Last year was also really borning, with the excpetion of your class ms. constable!To improve my school proformance i would need to stop goofing around like i did last year!
I think the videographer's purpose was to show that summer is fun, but school can be fun too. Whether you're having a good day or a bad day you can always find help. I think my last year was good and fun and I hope this year is too. I think that it is also saying that everyone has their good and bad days at school. I think that no matter what kind of day you are having you shouldn't let it ruin your school day. The way I would try to improve my school day is to pay more attention instead of talking.Brandon Plivelich7th period
I think the videographer’s purpose in making this video is to say that when you are having a bad day you can always do things to make it better. The video has several opposites to show different modes. There are good days and bad days in the school year.My last year of school was not very good. They would not let you sit with your friends at lunch and sometimes they would run out of the food that I would pick. Most school days were ok and fun but some days were hard and boring. I really liked the days that were fun.This year I will try to improve my grades by having a better attitude and try to make the most of the school year. I will make better use of my time at school and home to complete my assignments. Matt Wade 6th and 7th period
I think the videographer's point of making the video was to tell you that it may be ruff and hard in the beging but it gets easier as you end the school year.The video can also be telling you if your having a bad day or not.I have learned something over the years teachers are there to help you not to hurt you unless you do something to them.To make my school year better i'm going to try my best, get more sleep, and not to rush myself this year like i did last year.I hope to stay on my teacher's good side this year.Cori cianfrocca6-7th period
I think that the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show us that in the beginning, school may seem hard and unbeatable, but that's how it's always been. You've obviously made it this far and you can make it farther. It gets easier as the year progresses also.Last year at school for me went by very quickly. It didn't seem to last as long as it actually did. I think I will enjoy this year a lot better though. Sometimes I enjoyed school, but others it was boring. I had friends in all of my classes and I also met new people. I think school is very interesting sometimes.To improve my school performance I could study more and check over my homework and class work. To improve my school day, I could try and have more fun with my projects and meet new people. Brianna Woodburn3rd Period
The videographer's purpose was to show that school and learning can be fun, and to get some chuckles here and there. I would say last year was a 6 one my worst year list. I actually really didn't like last year. It was a very very very boring year for me, especially science. I never did like school, but each year gets better for me, sometimes. I could change the way I feel about school.Madison Fitch3rd period
The videographer’s purpose in making this video was to show that if you had a bad year last year than it doesn't necessarily mean that this will be worse. The videographer is trying to tell viewers that if you try you make this year or what ever you are doing better. Last year for me wasn't the best year I ever had, although there were times last year that were way better than any of my years in school. I honestly say that I did enjoy school. In some classes, yeah it was a total bore, but in others it was interesting. Last year I had trouble getting homework turned in on time. This year what I could do to improve my school performance would be to try and get all my homework in all my classes to be turned in on time. Plus try and study for mostly every test as well. Normally when I have my homework and I study for test and think I passed them all my day is pretty well improved. (Like that will happen every time.)I only feel this way because on a normal school day I talk to my friends, try to keep up with all my assignments, and Try to have fun in between.Katie Nestor3rd period
Summer is over and it's back to school. We have the opportunity for a brand new start. The failures of last year can become successes. The mistakes made can be corrected. So even if we hit a wall or bombed, we can learn from our mistakes and have a better school year. Last year was a learnig year for me. I had to start a new school and make new friends.It was difficult at first but once I made friends and got use to WFMS, It was fun and rewarding. But this year I need to change some, I need to quit talking and focus on my schoolwork. I also need to not put things off until the last minute and need to get better grades. If I want to better in school, I'm going to have to really try hard and be the best I can be. Laura tennant =) 4th period
The videographer's purpose in making this video was to get kids ready for the school year. It is also to show kids that they can have fun in school. My school year was very enjoyable but some days where I had two or more tests was a bit of nightmare. I dreaded those days. I always hated the night before them because I had to study a lot. To improve my performance, I could start working on projects as soon as they are assigned, rather then starting a day or a week before it is due. I could get organized better.Alex Keefover1st period
I think that the videographer's purpose in making this video was that even if we made mistakes in the past years, we have a brand new start this year. Nobody cares about what happend in the past, all we care about what is happening now and towards the future. I would characterize my last year of school as fun. It was one of the most fun years I had ever had. I am not really sure if I will like school this year, but hopefully I will. I could try to study more and pay more attention to improve my school year. Katlyn Wilt :D
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show not all days are bad not all days are good but last year was boring but I hope this year isn't going to be a bore I could inprove by getting good grades and concentrating alot more.
I think the purpose in making this video is to show it in a different perspective.My last year was good my teachers were awsome.I did'nt do to good in Science,but all around my grades were good.Some days I wish I was'nt there on the other hand some days were a blast.It was hard doing sports and homework in one night but I stuck in there and did my best.What I want to improve is to get a higher G.P.A then I did last year.I'm going to really crack down hard on the books and study hard to get better results then last year.
The videographers purpose in making the video was to inspire us to do better in school this year. School last year was pretty hard for me. I spent a lot of time thinking about basketball and soccer but I found out that I need to spend more time thinking about what the teachers talk about during class time and less about sports. My Mom expected my grades to be better last year so she was pretty unhappy with me. Last year my teachers were tough and in my opinion I had a lot of bookwork. In the upcoming year I am going to take my classwork more seriously. My attitude toward school is going to improve, well at least that is my goal. lolAlec Wadsworth6/7 period
The videographer made this video to make students look at good and bad times. I liked that dog that is on Rob and Big! I really think that the video doesn’t go well with the theme. The last year of school was VERY VERY long! I do think that it was a wake-up call, because everything was much more difficult than in 6th grade. I usually didn't even study that much in 6th grade and I made straight A's the whole year.Some things I enjoyed last year were doing experiments, using technology, and doing activities instead of worksheets and workbook pages. There were some classes that were pretty uninteresting. I don’t like doing problem after problem. It is also pretty dull when teachers talk too much. I also think there are some teachers that just don't like kids, and that is pretty sad because that is their job. Sometimes after the teacher explains a lesson, kids just need some time to do the work.I could improve in school by getting to bed earlier. I like to stay up late. I could also study more, turn in work on time, and be more organized. I did do pretty well last year, but I want to do better in 8th grade.
I think the purpose of the video was someone’s opinion about school and how they sometimes feel during the school year. Sometimes the way the video was filmed I sometimes feel that way during the school year. First I do think school is fun like I'm riding on a skate board like the dog .After words I feel like I got hit by the hood of a car when I have to Carrie a lot of books home, and when I have a lot of homework. While being in school first it is roses and it all bombs, and I do fall flat that’s how I feel when I get in trouble for forgetting to do my homework or not having some of my important papers. You to tell the truth I am always like the cat I get extremely tired. But eventually wake up once I do something active. Mycahwilson 1st/2nd preiod
I think the Videographer's purpose for making this video was to make you think about how you did last year and how your going to do this year. For example, I didn't do so hot last year in some subjects but now I'm hoping to make those subjects my strong subjects. Last year for me was kind of boring but I hope that will change. My main problem last year was I didn't really try. However this year that will change. And I am sure that I am not the only one that will do the same. So this year me along with many others will try to have a much better year.Zachary Parrucci4th Pd.
Honestly, I think the videographer’s purpose of making this video is to entertain viewers and help them understand that school doesn't always have to be a boring. I believe that your day will either be sweet or sour. If your day is sour or if you’re having a bad day it doesn't always have to be a bomb just put a little sunshine in your day and it will all get better! I liked school for the most part last year. I really liked my teachers. Some days it got a little bit boring but I managed to get through it all! How could I improve my school day? I could be more organized and study a lot longer. I'm pretty sure that if I work a lot harder in school it will make my attitude better and the days will go by smoothly. I try to stay on top of my school work as much as possible. I’m having a pretty good year so far!♥Destini Arbogast1st and 2nd periods.
I think that the videographer's purpose in making this movie was to tell people that you can star out with a brand new plate and If you had a bad year last year forget about it and start over, this is a new year and some new teachers.I would characterize the last school year by saying that it was a whole diffrent ball game than the 6th grade.You have alot more responsblites,homework,and test. Last year for me was diffacult but once you got use to it, it was fine.I enjoyed school but it was not the best thing in the world.Sone things that I could do to inprove my preformance and school day is by eatting breakfast,going to bed earlier,and not waitting til the last minute to do things.Cienna Wright 3rd period
I think the videographer’s purpose of this video was to show that school is better than some people make it seem. I would characterize my last year of school as actually my best year so far. I had alotof classes with my friends and many teachers I admired (yes that includes you Ms. Constable). I also liked last school year because I learned some new and cool things, such as using zamzar. So therefore I did enjoy my last year of school but I enjoyed summer more. To improve my school performance I could get more sleep so I am not groggy or almost falling asleep in my boring classes.
I think the video was very useful.It explains everybody in the mornings,especially on mondays.Even when some days are bad,there's always going to be a good part to it.Last year wasn't as bad,but i have a feeling that this school year is going to be the best school year ever.The video was very funny,but it also had a very understandable meaning to it.At first I thought the blogging was going to really hard,but when I started typing I jus couldn't stop.I hope there are more videos like this.
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show that every bad thing has a little bit of good in it. Like, school, although most people don't enjoy it, it helps them in the long-run by teaching them things that they need to know about life. Last year during school I learned a lot of things so it was a productive year. I though last year was a very enjoyable school year. For me to improve my school performance I could study harder, go to bed earlier, and put more in to my school day. Shannon Yost3rd Period
I think that the videographer's purpose of the video is to show that most students don't want to go back to school. The videographer's example of the bird hitting the car is exactly how I feel when I go back to school, slammed to a complete stop! I didn't like school too much last year. I had a lot of homework and my classes were pretty hard. I think that if I got more sleep, I would feel better. My parents have said only one sport at a time this year and that should help. I try to study hard and to improve my school performance. I am going to work on my organization and getting homework on time.Nick Sinclair8th grade 3rd period
I think the videographer's purpose for making this video was to show that sometimes you just having fun like the dog on the skateboard or you just feel like you hit a wall like the man diving into the ground. Last year was great I made alot of good freinds and memories from that year, but I hope this year I will make alot more memories and some new freinds. I really had those days when you just wanted to cover my head up and take a nap or others days I was wide awake. I really think I don't really need to do anything to improve my performance or school day, but this is only the beggining I might need to improve on somethings or I could be wrong who knows. Marshall Tucker 1st and 2nd period
I think that the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show the up's and the downs of our daily school life’s some days just don’t go as you planned and other days are a piece of cake! My last year of school was okay I guess a lot of boring work but, there was a lot of fun stuff to keep me awake like my friend, food, and gym! Of course I've had a couple of days were I just bombed and things just didn’t go my way but doesn’t everyone have those kinds of days? Last year was a bore for me for many reasons we had to read a lot, we had to do book reports which aren’t very fun and every Friday in tech ed we had to stand up in front of the class and read a report about our ''current events'' which you probably guessed by now was pretty lame! To improve my performance this school year I attend to pay more attention, not to get in a lot of trouble, and use my organizer more often because last year I was a wreck without it! And to improve my school day I will not chew gum, gum always gets me in trouble!!!Nick Bellay1st period
I think the videographer's purpose for making this video was to show us school can be fun and showing us stuff to like the extreme and if your having a bad day it can cheer you up because It was really funny.I would say my school year last year was alot of everything it was to the extreme.I just thought there was alot of homework to do and alot of confusion and i could never stay on task nd never took school seriously.I think I can improve this year by being more organized,pay more attention,study more,stay on task,turn in homework,be perpared for class. DYRELLE JONES 7TH PERIOD
I think the videographer's purpose for this video is if your having a bad day, there is always a bright side. School is supposed to be fun and kids are supposed to enjoy learning about what they didnt know. This video is trying to tell kids they shouldn't be negative about school. Instead, they should have a positive attitude because school gives every kid a better future. My last year of school was miserable because i slouched the first semester and couldnt pull up my grades. But second semester was better because i realized that i was being really lazy and that i needed to step up. I think that last year made me a better student and I am going to do my best in all my classes so i wont have to be stressed second semester while all the other kids are having fun and cant wait til school is out.Olivia Osbourn 1st/2nd
I think the videographer's purpose was to kick off a new school year by showing so many things that were so Hilarious. The last year of school was very quick,most of the stuff at school enjoy able and to a point very boring once I almost went to sleep in social studies.Worst thing was that I didn't do so hot.To improve my school day I've got to stay on task more often and pay a closer to what the teacher and this year I have time to go to my locker to get my books I don't have to carry them all.To improve my school year I plan to better and take my time and not rush. Justin Boyes 4th period
I think that the videographers purpose in making this video was was proble to show that school can be worse than they really is and that and that i f your last year was a bad one do things to imporve the way you do things this year.i charcterize my last school in 3 word drama,DRAMA,drama,and more DRAMA last year there was just too much drama.i enjoyed school a little bit but last year but as i said there was to much drama but i had fun with my friends and stuff. soemn things i can do to improve my school year this year is to pay attention in class more and stop being so talkative and do all of my work.☻☻☻☻☻cheyann hammonds☺☺☺☺☺☺8th period
I think the videographer's purpose of making this video is to explain how school maybe hard and difficult, but at times you can have a good time.some days might be bad but others could be very good.Last year was kind of rough, but i managed to get through it.I met new friends and learned new things. During the Middle of the year everything started going down hill, but this year I am starting off a good year and I am keeping it that way. At times i enjoyed school but then at other times its was boring.Certain things kept me interested and concerned, but when it was something i wasn't interested in that class was boring.Something I could do to improve my school performance and my school day is to pay attention more and be on task. I could also, go to sleep earlier, be good, get to class on time and listen to my teachers.
I think the videographer's purpose of making this video is to explain how school maybe hard and difficult, but at times you can have a good time.some days might be bad but others could be very good.Last year was kind of rough, but i managed to get through it.I met new friends and learned new things. During the Middle of the year everything started going down hill, but this year I am starting off a good year and I am keeping it that way. At times i enjoyed school but then at other times its was boring.Certain things kept me interested and concerned, but when it was something i wasn't interested in that class was boring.Something I could do to improve my school performance and my school day is to pay attention more and be on task. I could also, go to sleep earlier, be good, get to class on time and listen to my teachers.Courtney Jones1,2 Period
I think the videographer’s purpose in making this video was to show that school isn’t as bad as some might think. To support this idea, a day at school isn’t as bad as diving off a cliff into a mud puddle or a bird getting smashed by the hood of a car. The videographer is telling us that we should have a positive mind set about school. I would characterize my last year of school as a new learning adventure with a new level of academics. Even though the level of academics was more difficult, I enjoyed the year. Also, last year school taught me that I should be more disciplined with my homework. To improve my performance at school, I should get more rest, look at school in a positive mind set, and become disciplined with homework. Matt Bartrug 9/4/081st & 2nd periods
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show that your days in school could be a whole lot worse. I think my last year of school was okay, I mean I had a lot of wonderful teachers and some not so wonderful. But all in all last year was sometimes fun, sometimes boring, sometimes drama-filled, but most of all always different. Overall I enjoyed it, but I wouldn’t want to go back. To improve my performance in school I should get to sleep earlier and do my homework earlier, too. To improve my school day I could be a bit more active in classes because sometimes when I know the answers to a question, I’m just too groggy or uninvolved. Jared Burns 8th Period
I think the videographer’s purpose was to show that even if you think you were having a bad day it not really as bad as it seems. I think that my last school year was boring at some parts of the year but overall it was a good year. Too help my school performance I could be more organized and always write down when assignments are due. To help my school day I could make new friends in my classes because I don’t have a lot of classes with my other friends.Nick Trefz4th period
I think the purpose for this video was to help kids not to think of school as something boring and thats why they put in those extra funny snippits. My last years school year was fun and alot of exciting thing happened. On somedays school seemed to bore me but then again on other days it was the complete opposite. To improve my preformance and school day i would probably have to start going to bedd earlier and eating a healthier breakfast.Ali Sansalone4th Period
I think the the point in making this video is to show up tht even if something happend last year or we had the worst year ever this year will be better.I think hes tryna say that there is a up side to every down fall.My last year of school was good i guess there was alot of down falls in it but there was alot of up with friends an teachers.I did ok in school last year but to improve i could get more sleep an try alot harder an study more to get better grades,but this year im going to that an get better :].
I think the video videographer’s purpose of this video is to show that even if you had a bad summer or a bad school year last year it can get better because life is what you make it. Last year was one of my favorite years, well besides kindergarten. It was so fun and I loved my teachers. It was pretty fun but some classes were a little boring. To improve my performance in my school day I would try to get more sleep and eat breakfast because I never eat and it’s a little embarrassing when I’m taking a test or something and my stomach starts growling. It’s especially embarrassing when I’m sitting beside the guy I like or something.Isabella Leon1-2 period
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show you that it dosn't matter what happened in the past, it's the future that counts. I also think they wanted to make you look at things in a different way. I would characterize my last year of school as fun and probablly my favorite so far. School wasn't a bore a last year. This year so far it has been. I think I could improve my school day by being more organized and participate more.Jessica Harris1/2 period
I think the videographer was trying to make a funny video and get their point out at the same time.My last year of school was the worste year of my life so i guess it kind of relates to the video in a way.To me school was a bore but only becouse i had really mean teacher and i didnt like any of my classes. I could have improved my school year by not sleeping in any off my classes and doing my work and turning it in on timel.
i think the purpose was to show that school can be fun to and not just all work.It was crazy and fun with drama. But then again everything can be drama but make the best of it.It was okay i didn't complain.By making the best of it and making a bad stution into a good one stitution.Stay out of other peoples businees and keep your thoughts to your self unless you feel like wahat you know will hurt other people they just deserve to know whats goin on
i think the videographer wants to show that even if your having a bad day, you can always flip it around and make it better. my previous school year bombed, it was a drag. i dont think i could make my performance any better this year.
I think the videographer’s purpose in making this video was to show if you were having a good year so far. Every thing that happens good or bad will effect you in a positive and negative way. I would characterize my last year’s school year as fun because a lot of good stuff was happening last year. I enjoy school most of the time but in some classes where all we did was work it was a bore. Our school performance and school day is great but there are always ways to improve it in better ways. Jon Decker
I think the videographers purpose in making this video was to show every one what it is like. I think that is horable what happen to those animals bercause i am a bird and that would suck if that happend to my bird i would be very mad. And the antelope running into the tree would hurt a lot because it was running realy fast so it hit that tree in pressure and got hit head on
The videographer's purpose in making this video is to determine whether you are having a good day or a bad day something will always make it better. My last year of school was okay I think it could have been a lot better than it was. I think that school can be boring at times but yet it can be interesting sometimes. I think when someone thinks that school is boring they don’t like what they are learning in there classes. To improve my school year and my day I would like it if we had more field trips and we learned by playing games or seeing more things rather than hearing most of.Kayla Wyatt 6-7th period
I think the author of the video purpose was to show all the kids about the school year and how entertaining school can be and that it’s just not fun it’s going to have some dreadful days, but the overall school year is really good. My school year was the greatest school year I’ve ever had. It was amazing because I was able to a lot of stuff like go to the movies a lot more with friends. I have more responsibilities which is good and bad. I had a lot fun because I was moving at the end of the year. I wanted to make it the best year I could. I did so. I enjoyed school except when we had snow days in Iowa. We ended up with 14 snow days which we made up at the end of the year. I need to study a lot more for test instead of guessing.John Morris
I think the videographer’s purpose in making this video is to welcome students back to school and to help them make the transition from summer break to school. I enjoyed the words of the video and the video part but I don’t see how they can relate to me coming back to school, I just can’t find that connection. I know it’s hard to go from waking up about 10:30 to waking up at 6:30.I don’t think I tried my best last school year and I truly think I would have gone up a whole grade in one of my classes if I just would have sat down kept my mouth shut! Some classes who very boring, but there were a few that I really enjoyed. Some teachers made that subject fun and some made it worse than it already was. I am going to try to be more positive about going to school. I also hope that by being attentive and focusing more on my school work and less on what is going on around me I can make this school year a great one! Susan King 3rd pd
I believe the video grapher’s purpose is to entertain us and also to help us put life and situations into proper perspective. Some of the clips were an extreme like the pigeon hitting the car hood and the man jumping off the cliff. But reality hits us with the clip of the bomb. My last year of school was seventh grade. Being the first year of junior high, the school year held many learning experiences. Most of my experiences were good, nothing too extreme happened. Most of last year at West Fairmont Middle School was a bore. Many of the teachers do not teach with any enthusiasm. If a teacher seems to have no energy when teaching how are the students to desire to learn the subject. I could improve my school performance by going to bed earlier. Also I need to maintain a positive attitude towards teachers and students. I hope my last year in junior high will be a good time to remember. Grant Holbert4th Period
I think that the purpose in making this video is to help you realize what you will need to improve on for the upcoming school year. Really my school year was a little boring but I wasn’t expecting a pep rally or nothing. I thought it was just another school year that I’d learn a lot of stuff and that’s it. I think that I could improve my school year and day by actually paying attention and don’t goof off. I do think school is important but some teachers don’t know that we need some fun to learn. I’m just saying that I learn better when I have fun with it. So it might just be me, maybe I need to learn how to have fun with school work and do better. Brandon Boyers 6th and 7th period
I don't really get the point. But I believe the point of the video is to welcome us back to school. I didn't like last year as much as this year. Most of the classes were fun, but it was hard to get used to. I tink it was because I had to get used to switching classes more. In this school year, I have a lot of the same teachers I did from last year. I think this year is going to turn out to be good.To improve my school day, I could start doing assignments when they are assigned. I get worried when an assignment is due the next day, and I forgot about it. I also could go to bed earlier than I do now. Alex Swiger3rd Period
Sorry I'm in 4th Period.
I think the videographer purpose in making this video is to show how if things are going wrong it can get better. M last year school year bombed. I enjoy school alot because i can meet new friends.I would imporve my school year and school day by trying to get better grades, study beter for test, and I would do better on homework.Brittany Morgan 4th
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show that there is always a good thing to find in a bad day. Last year of school was kind of boring. There wasn't alot to do since it was the first full year at the new school. Though there was some laughs, most of school last year was boring. There isn't a whole lot that I can do to improve my school performance. I just think that there should be more excitement in school. Nathan Kolar 3rd Period
I think that the videographer named this piece The Evolution of Dance because it shows the funniest videos. Sometimes I feel like that kitten in the video trying to stay awake because when I have a far away game and not get enough sleep so I am really tired and cranky. Sometimes I feel like that deer running iinto that tree. I have a hard time trying to keeping up with my grades because I have so many other things going on in my life.My mom did the the Moon Walk. my favorite song writter is Little Wayn. My favorite song by him is Lolipop.. Some of my favoritte songs on this video are the Oompa Loompa song,the Thriller song, and the YMCA song.
I think the person who made this viedeo was trying to perswade us to make school fun and maybe we would want to accully want to go to school. my last year was like very boring for me beacuse after I got my first reaportcard I stoped trying to make good grades I just setteled for average.I allways try to get rest beafor school so I wont be tired at school. I aloso try to pay atiention as much as I can beacuse I notice that when know how to do things im not bored but when i dont know what im doing or what the teacher is talking about then it is boring.
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show that whether good or bad days you always have a friend who's there when you need them. there there through the good or bad times. you know that you can always count on them. that's what a real friend would do for each other.
this video was meant to be hilarious!! Actually it was meant to be something that encourages you to pull through school and give you something to laugh about when your feeling down. Last year of school was REALLY fun, i got good grades and all my friends were in all my periods, it was great. I actually enjoyed it believe it or not, during summer there were a couple days when i actually missed going to school and seeing all the teachers. School actually made my day, when i get back on track, it will again.I really need to start eating in the morning and getting at least 7 hours of sleep, i usually only get 6 because im so busy doing things outside with my dad or things with my mom. I also could be a tad nicer i suppose....Ivan Figueroamonday, sept. 8, 11:16 PM
The videographer's purpose in making this video is to so about the last day of school.My last year of school will be amazing. We will not do any thing on the last day of school, thats why it will be alsome.My school year was not a bore it was alsome. I could improve by getting my work in on time and helping the teaches.Also improve by working in class.
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was for fun. Last year school was hard.I liked school, but I didn't know English very well. I want to learn a lot of English words this year to help me.
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video to prove to things in live. I like the video because they show extreme stuff like the dog on the skateboard. My last year of school was actually boaring. The days were boaring and hard because the teachers talked about boaring stuff.roy hogan 6 and 7 period
I think that the videographers purpose in making this video was so that we know that even when we are having a bad day, someone out there somewhere is having a worse day. It may not have been funny at the time but it sure was fun to watch. As far as last year went, thats what it did.I had a very bad year with teachers who didn't understand me and thought that I was a bad kid. In someways I am. We all are. I just hope that this year will be different.I hope, I hope, I hope!
i think the videographers purpose to show us that things in life arent what they mostly seem that most things can be done different.so basically things are not what they always seem in life thats basically the whole point to the video well thats what i think olivia bolling 6/7th pd
I think the videographer's purpose was to get us ready for school by getting us excited to go back. My last year of school was boring because time went slow we didn't really do anything but book work after book work and test everyday. This year of school is exciting because we get to do more stuff on the computer and don't have to do book work everyday this why this year is really exciting.
I believe the videographers purpose of this blog is to show everyone can have a good day or bad day, but to make the most out of it. My school last year was real interesting, I loved the fact that I had met some new teachers. I didn't like the fact that i had really hard classes last year but the teachers tried to help you through as much as the could. Actually my school year last year was not a bore as I metioned earlier it was very interesting. You know dealing with school, sports, friends, and family. I have littlle time to do anything else and last year was my first expeirence with that but it worked out well. Well that's all i have to say right now so goodbye.Aaron Worth7th period
The videographers purpose is to show hoe things go out of porportion. My last year of school was alrite. School was always half and half. My school performance is alrite for now so I dont need to improve that. To improve my school day I would try to stop wishing the day was over.
This video's purpose is to get you exided. the reason it makes you exited is that it extreme it make's you want to stay in school. one of my favoritest parts i when the guy says this bombs and a bomb went off right in front of him it is deafently exstream this is one of the better videose it is also funny.
I think the videographers purpose in making this video is to show even though we are having a bad day something good could happen. I didnt like the fact that the pegion hit the hood but it was kind of funny. Last year was an okey year for me I didnt like some of my teachers and we had alot of work. This year is alot better year. Jason Fortner
The videographer's purpose to make this movie is to give the students a funny thing to make their school year start out fun. My last year at school was really bad because I didn't have many friends. I always got picked on. I hated those people but I like the school. I would talk to my friends about things. I would also think about how many hours left of school that day.Desarae Board1&2 period
i think the videographer's purpose in making this video to let all kids now that know matter if we need math,science, or even geography help the teachers are there for us.
the purpose of this video is that people can have there good days and there bad days the video is just telling you can't stop whays going to happen and that the last day of school was a bomb for parents in the face. I say it was ok but could of work harder and to keep my grades up but other than that last year was ok.I kinda both school was enjoyable and it also was bore it was so an so.I could of work harder, cared a little more, show some hard work.by: Tyivon Horton1& 2 period
The purpose for the making of this video is to tell about west fairmont middle school to all of the new kids coming to the school ,the rules we need to follow at the school ,the ways we can improve our grades from the year before and what we need to do to get good grades.I like to go to school to see my friends and hangout but i dont like the working part of school but i still need to do it or i will get bad grades
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I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show things to the extreme. Even when we think we are having a bad day, or our day bombs, we see the effects of a real bomb. When you think you had an "ouch" kind of day, and then you see the pidgeon hit the hood of the car for a real ouch!(Incidentally, I hated the pidgeon hitting the car because as it so happened, I was holding my pet bird, Eddie, while I watched the video.) My last year of school was actually pretty good. Some days it was a little bit boring and I felt like the kitten in the video. Then other days were stressful like the antelope hitting the tree. To improve my performance and my school day, I think I could get a little more sleep. I also think that I could be a bit more organized so that finding things wouldn't be so hard. I could also try to make more trips to my locker so that I wouldn't have to make one big one at the end of the day.
Megan DeJong
8th Period
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show that whether you are having a good day or a bad one, there is always help when you need it. My last year of school was pretty good especially the teachers. Sometimes the classes were hard at times (Especially this one) but the teachers were helpful and everything was easier.
I enjoyed school last year to a certain extent. Getting up early and doing bookwork wasn't all that great, but everything else was pretty good. Sometimes, it was boring but not very often. I could definitely stop the socializing in class to improve my school performance. I get pretty high grades but in certain classes I tend to talk more than other classes. The only thing that would improve my school day would be to shorten it, but that won't happen so I am pretty content with school this year.
♥Gabby Tenney♥
3rd period.
I think that the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show that even when you think that some days are bad there is always something good about it. I would characterize my last year of school as being under the crazy and fun category. I actually enjoy school most of the time cause it seems that I always find something that is hilarious to laugh during the day, and that makes me really happy! To improve my school performance I would Listen to the teacher better and get organized better in my school work. And to improve a school day all I have to do id make something fun out of whatever I am doing.
Logan Demyon
4th period
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show that everyone has there up and down days when it comes to school. There are the days you get all your work done in class and have no homework, and then there are the days you can get nothing done and your stuck carrying all your books home. I would characterize my last year as pretty fun. There were those days when class was fun, or when it was boring, or stressful, but overall it was a pretty good year. I think I enjoyed it a lot. To improve my school day, I think I should get more sleep, study harder, try harder, and give more of my best.
Stephanie Harris
4th period
I think the videogarpher's purpose was to get us ready for school by getting us excited to go back. Last year was kinda boring and we didn't do anything fun except in Mrs. Constable's class. To improve this year I will stop talking so much in class and really devote my self into learning and doing my work. This video was very funny and I hope to see more like it this it's good to be back in school.
I think the videographer's purpose was to show that you could of had a bad year like the pigeon that got hit by the car hood, or if it was like roses, an easy year. It could have been a bomb, such as being the best year ever. My last year of school was pretty good it was my first year at WFMS but I survived. It was a lot different than my old school though. I enjoyed school, but some of my classes were a bore. A way to improve the school year would not get up so early for school.
Cortney Bright
4th period
I think that the videographers purpose in making this video is to show you that school isn't all that bad and that teachers try their hardest to make the school year easier for them and their students. I would characterize my last year of school as being wild/crazy and fun/enjoyable. Acually, I enjoyed school last year, because I didn't have a lot of homework to do all the time and I knew all of the teachers. I wouldn't say it was all boring, but doing the same thing everyday five days a week did seem like I was just repeating the same exact thing eveyday. To improve my performance this year at school, I could get a lot more sleep, learn to type with all my fingers instead of using just two of them. To improve my school day i could learn to make the best of things instead of having a negative attitude towards all of my subjects and teachers.
Andrew Strand
4th Period
Honestly, i didn't really get the purpose of this video, but if I had to say something about it(which I do) I would interpret that even if you were having a bad day it isn't the worst it could be. Last year was probably my favorite school year. It was pretty fun. I liked having classes seperated with different kids so that you can be with all of your friends instead of just a group of them. But school is still school, it's nice being with your friends but the work I could do without. There are a few small things that would improve my school day. For example, my bus driver could get his butt over to my bus stop on time in the mornings so I wouldn't be late for school everyday. Also, he's the last bus to get to the school in the afternoon as well. If he would be on time then then that would shave off fifteen minutes of my school day. But anyways, one more thing that would be nice is if school started at nine instead of eight. Overall, I'm looking forward to a great 2008/2009 school year!!!...kind of
The videographer's purpose is to show if your having a bad day theres always someone having an even worse day.Last years school year was drama filled and very boring.I was very happy that this is my last year at this school.School is always boring for me it is never exciting,you go and you do alot of work and sometimes you have homework.I could get a little bit more organized instead of looking for papers that i will never find.
Bailey Haller
1&2 period
The video shows how things can be in real life sometimes.Sometimes things in ur life go smoothly and sometimes it can go bad. My year last year was very different compared to 6th grade. Things got harder and a little more challenging. I also had fun by beening able to cheer for the school.Getting ready for formal. And supporting my team at competition.
By.Bobbi Bowsman♥♥
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show that things can always be worse, no matter how bad of a day you're having. If you're having one of those days where all you want to is go back to bed, you see the baby being woken up. Surprisingly, I had a very good year at school last year. I had a few days when I could completely relate to the bird who hit the car and other days I felt like the kitten. I could probably work harder and try to be more organized. Also it wouldn't hurt for me to talk less in class.
Amanda Luzader
1&2 periods
8th grade
The videographer's purpose was to show us somethings aren't as bad as we think they are, and sometimes we overreact and think stuff is bigger than it is. Like if you have a bad day they said it was like a bomb, but really if you think about it, its not that bad.
My last year of school was pretty much stupid. I hated Fairmont Catholic, and yes EVERYTHING was a bore !
I kinda think i already improved it cause now i go to WFMS. I like it alot better, and i made an upgrade !
Kiley Moore
3rd period
I think that the purpose of this video is to show students tht there can always be a worse day than the worst day that you thought you just had. This video is also trying to get kids to take a moment and laugh. They want students to get pumpedd up for school instead of slouching and having a negative opinion. School can be fun too you know. Last year was a pretty good year of school. It wasnt that bad. I really liked my classes because I had a lot of classes with my friends. I really did enjoy school. I like almost everything about school. I like to be engaged and interested in learning a lot of things that i never kew before. Its exciting to learn about things that you never knew existed. A way i can probably improve my school performance is if i didnt procrastinate as much. I always save things for the last minute. Then, i run out of time and worry and strees over what i didnt do. I think a way that everybody could improve their school day is if everybody would stay in their own business. School would be a lot easier if teens would just blow things off instead of diggind a deeper hole by the minute. It just makes everyones day a whole lot more stressful and then people miss what they need to know in class. But anyways school is alot of work but it will turn out on the good side in the end even if you absolutely hate it. Thats what this video is trying to teach you.
Jenny Bundy 3rd
I beleive the authors purpose for making this video was for welcoming students into a new year.
My last school year was really sucky, because my grades sucked, and kyle evans (mutters something under my breathe) broke my nose!
Last year was also really borning, with the excpetion of your class ms. constable!
To improve my school proformance i would need to stop goofing around like i did last year!
I think the videographer's purpose was to show that summer is fun, but school can be fun too. Whether you're having a good day or a bad day you can always find help. I think my last year was good and fun and I hope this year is too. I think that it is also saying that everyone has their good and bad days at school. I think that no matter what kind of day you are having you shouldn't let it ruin your school day. The way I would try to improve my school day is to pay more attention instead of talking.
Brandon Plivelich
7th period
I think the videographer’s purpose in making this video is to say that when you are having a bad day you can always do things to make it better. The video has several opposites to show different modes. There are good days and bad days in the school year.
My last year of school was not very good. They would not let you sit with your friends at lunch and sometimes they would run out of the food that I would pick. Most school days were ok and fun but some days were hard and boring. I really liked the days that were fun.
This year I will try to improve my grades by having a better attitude and try to make the most of the school year. I will make better use of my time at school and home to complete my assignments.
Matt Wade
6th and 7th period
I think the videographer's point of making the video was to tell you that it may be ruff and hard in the beging but it gets easier as you end the school year.The video can also be telling you if your having a bad day or not.I have learned something over the years teachers are there to help you not to hurt you unless you do something to them.To make my school year better i'm going to try my best, get more sleep, and not to rush myself this year like i did last year.I hope to stay on my teacher's good side this year.
Cori cianfrocca
6-7th period
I think that the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show us that in the beginning, school may seem hard and unbeatable, but that's how it's always been. You've obviously made it this far and you can make it farther. It gets easier as the year progresses also.
Last year at school for me went by very quickly. It didn't seem to last as long as it actually did. I think I will enjoy this year a lot better though.
Sometimes I enjoyed school, but others it was boring. I had friends in all of my classes and I also met new people. I think school is very interesting sometimes.
To improve my school performance I could study more and check over my homework and class work. To improve my school day, I could try and have more fun with my projects and meet new people.
Brianna Woodburn
3rd Period
The videographer's purpose was to show that school and learning can be fun, and to get some chuckles here and there. I would say last year was a 6 one my worst year list. I actually really didn't like last year. It was a very very very boring year for me, especially science. I never did like school, but each year gets better for me, sometimes. I could change the way I feel about school.
Madison Fitch
3rd period
The videographer’s purpose in making this video was to show that if you had a bad year last year than it doesn't necessarily mean that this will be worse. The videographer is trying to tell viewers that if you try you make this year or what ever you are doing better. Last year for me wasn't the best year I ever had, although there were times last year that were way better than any of my years in school. I honestly say that I did enjoy school. In some classes, yeah it was a total bore, but in others it was interesting. Last year I had trouble getting homework turned in on time. This year what I could do to improve my school performance would be to try and get all my homework in all my classes to be turned in on time. Plus try and study for mostly every test as well. Normally when I have my homework and I study for test and think I passed them all my day is pretty well improved. (Like that will happen every time.)I only feel this way because on a normal school day I talk to my friends, try to keep up with all my assignments, and Try to have fun in between.
Katie Nestor
3rd period
Summer is over and it's back to school. We have the opportunity for a brand new start. The failures of last year can become successes. The mistakes made can be corrected. So even if we hit a wall or bombed, we can learn from our mistakes and have a better school year. Last year was a learnig year for me. I had to start a new school and make new friends.It was difficult at first but once I made friends and got use to WFMS, It was fun and rewarding. But this year I need to change some, I need to quit talking and focus on my schoolwork. I also need to not put things off until the last minute and need to get better grades. If I want to better in school, I'm going to have to really try hard and be the best I can be.
Laura tennant =)
4th period
The videographer's purpose in making this video was to get kids ready for the school year. It is also to show kids that they can have fun in school. My school year was very enjoyable but some days where I had two or more tests was a bit of nightmare. I dreaded those days. I always hated the night before them because I had to study a lot. To improve my performance, I could start working on projects as soon as they are assigned, rather then starting a day or a week before it is due. I could get organized better.
Alex Keefover
1st period
I think that the videographer's purpose in making this video was that even if we made mistakes in the past years, we have a brand new start this year. Nobody cares about what happend in the past, all we care about what is happening now and towards the future. I would characterize my last year of school as fun. It was one of the most fun years I had ever had. I am not really sure if I will like school this year, but hopefully I will. I could try to study more and pay more attention to improve my school year.
Katlyn Wilt :D
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show not all days are bad not all days are good but last year was boring but I hope this year isn't going to be a bore I could inprove by getting good grades and concentrating alot more.
I think the purpose in making this video is to show it in a different perspective.My last year was good my teachers were awsome.I did'nt do to good in Science,but all around my grades were good.Some days I wish I was'nt there on the other hand some days were a blast.It was hard doing sports and homework in one night but I stuck in there and did my best.What I want to improve is to get a higher G.P.A then I did last year.I'm going to really crack down hard on the books and study hard to get better results then last year.
The videographers purpose in making the video was to inspire us to do better in school this year. School last year was pretty hard for me. I spent a lot of time thinking about basketball and soccer but I found out that I need to spend more time thinking about what the teachers talk about during class time and less about sports. My Mom expected my grades to be better last year so she was pretty unhappy with me. Last year my teachers were tough and in my opinion I had a lot of bookwork. In the upcoming year I am going to take my classwork more seriously. My attitude toward school is going to improve, well at least that is my goal. lol
Alec Wadsworth
6/7 period
The videographer made this video to make students look at good and bad times. I liked that dog that is on Rob and Big! I really think that the video doesn’t go well with the theme.
The last year of school was VERY VERY long! I do think that it was a wake-up call, because everything was much more difficult than in 6th grade. I usually didn't even study that much in 6th grade and I made straight A's the whole year.
Some things I enjoyed last year were doing experiments, using technology, and doing activities instead of worksheets and workbook pages. There were some classes that were pretty uninteresting. I don’t like doing problem after problem. It is also pretty dull when teachers talk too much. I also think there are some teachers that just don't like kids, and that is pretty sad because that is their job. Sometimes after the teacher explains a lesson, kids just need some time to do the work.
I could improve in school by getting to bed earlier. I like to stay up late. I could also study more, turn in work on time, and be more organized. I did do pretty well last year, but I want to do better in 8th grade.
I think the purpose of the video was someone’s opinion about school and how they sometimes feel during the school year. Sometimes the way the video was filmed I sometimes feel that way during the school year. First I do think school is fun like I'm riding on a skate board like the dog .After words I feel like I got hit by the hood of a car when I have to Carrie a lot of books home, and when I have a lot of homework. While being in school first it is roses and it all bombs, and I do fall flat that’s how I feel when I get in trouble for forgetting to do my homework or not having some of my important papers. You to tell the truth I am always like the cat I get extremely tired. But eventually wake up once I do something active. Mycahwilson 1st/2nd preiod
I think the Videographer's purpose for making this video was to make you think about how you did last year and how your going to do this year. For example, I didn't do so hot last year in some subjects but now I'm hoping to make those subjects my strong subjects. Last year for me was kind of boring but I hope that will change. My main problem last year was I didn't really try. However this year that will change. And I am sure that I am not the only one that will do the same. So this year me along with many others will try to have a much better year.
Zachary Parrucci
4th Pd.
Honestly, I think the videographer’s purpose of making this video is to entertain viewers and help them understand that school doesn't always have to be a boring. I believe that your day will either be sweet or sour. If your day is sour or if you’re having a bad day it doesn't always have to be a bomb just put a little sunshine in your day and it will all get better! I liked school for the most part last year. I really liked my teachers. Some days it got a little bit boring but I managed to get through it all! How could I improve my school day? I could be more organized and study a lot longer. I'm pretty sure that if I work a lot harder in school it will make my attitude better and the days will go by smoothly. I try to stay on top of my school work as much as possible. I’m having a pretty good year so far!
♥Destini Arbogast
1st and 2nd periods.
I think that the videographer's purpose in making this movie was to tell people that you can star out with a brand new plate and If you had a bad year last year forget about it and start over, this is a new year and some new teachers.
I would characterize the last school year by saying that it was a whole diffrent ball game than the 6th grade.You have alot more responsblites,homework,and test. Last year for me was diffacult but once you got use to it, it was fine.I enjoyed school but it was not the best thing in the world.
Sone things that I could do to inprove my preformance and school day is by eatting breakfast,going to bed earlier,and not waitting til the last minute to do things.
Cienna Wright
3rd period
I think the videographer’s purpose of this video was to show that school is better than some people make it seem. I would characterize my last year of school as actually my best year so far. I had alotof classes with my friends and many teachers I admired (yes that includes you Ms. Constable). I also liked last school year because I learned some new and cool things, such as using zamzar. So therefore I did enjoy my last year of school but I enjoyed summer more. To improve my school performance I could get more sleep so I am not groggy or almost falling asleep in my boring classes.
I think the video was very useful.It explains everybody in the mornings,especially on mondays.Even when some days are bad,there's always going to be a good part to it.Last year wasn't as bad,but i have a feeling that this school year is going to be the best school year ever.The video was very funny,but it also had a very understandable meaning to it.At first I thought the blogging was going to really hard,but when I started typing I jus couldn't stop.I hope there are more videos like this.
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show that every bad thing has a little bit of good in it. Like, school, although most people don't enjoy it, it helps them in the long-run by teaching them things that they need to know about life. Last year during school I learned a lot of things so it was a productive year. I though last year was a very enjoyable school year. For me to improve my school performance I could study harder, go to bed earlier, and put more in to my school day.
Shannon Yost
3rd Period
I think that the videographer's purpose of the video is to show that most students don't want to go back to school. The videographer's example of the bird hitting the car is exactly how I feel when I go back to school, slammed to a complete stop! I didn't like school too much last year. I had a lot of homework and my classes were pretty hard. I think that if I got more sleep, I would feel better. My parents have said only one sport at a time this year and that should help. I try to study hard and to improve my school performance. I am going to work on my organization and getting homework on time.
Nick Sinclair
8th grade
3rd period
I think the videographer's purpose for making this video was to show that sometimes you just having fun like the dog on the skateboard or you just feel like you hit a wall like the man diving into the ground. Last year was great I made alot of good freinds and memories from that year, but I hope this year I will make alot more memories and some new freinds. I really had those days when you just wanted to cover my head up and take a nap or others days I was wide awake. I really think I don't really need to do anything to improve my performance or school day, but this is only the beggining I might need to improve on somethings or I could be wrong who knows. Marshall Tucker
1st and 2nd period
I think that the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show the up's and the downs of our daily school life’s some days just don’t go as you planned and other days are a piece of cake! My last year of school was okay I guess a lot of boring work but, there was a lot of fun stuff to keep me awake like my friend, food, and gym! Of course I've had a couple of days were I just bombed and things just didn’t go my way but doesn’t everyone have those kinds of days? Last year was a bore for me for many reasons we had to read a lot, we had to do book reports which aren’t very fun and every Friday in tech ed we had to stand up in front of the class and read a report about our ''current events'' which you probably guessed by now was pretty lame! To improve my performance this school year I attend to pay more attention, not to get in a lot of trouble, and use my organizer more often because last year I was a wreck without it! And to improve my school day I will not chew gum, gum always gets me in trouble!!!
Nick Bellay
1st period
I think the videographer's purpose for making this video was to show us school can be fun and showing us stuff to like the extreme and if your having a bad day it can cheer you up because It was really funny.I would say my school year last year was alot of everything it was to the extreme.I just thought there was alot of homework to do and alot of confusion and i could never stay on task nd never took school seriously.I think I can improve this year by being more organized,pay more attention,study more,stay on task,turn in homework,be perpared for class.
I think the videographer's purpose for this video is if your having a bad day, there is always a bright side. School is supposed to be fun and kids are supposed to enjoy learning about what they didnt know. This video is trying to tell kids they shouldn't be negative about school. Instead, they should have a positive attitude because school gives every kid a better future. My last year of school was miserable because i slouched the first semester and couldnt pull up my grades. But second semester was better because i realized that i was being really lazy and that i needed to step up. I think that last year made me a better student and I am going to do my best in all my classes so i wont have to be stressed second semester while all the other kids are having fun and cant wait til school is out.
Olivia Osbourn 1st/2nd
I think the videographer's purpose was to kick off a new school year by showing so many things that were so Hilarious. The last year of school was very quick,most of the stuff at school enjoy able and to a point very boring once I almost went to sleep in social studies.Worst thing was that I didn't do so hot.To improve my school day I've got to stay on task more often and pay a closer to what the teacher and this year I have time to go to my locker to get my books I don't have to carry them all.To improve my school year I plan to better and take my time and not rush.
Justin Boyes
4th period
I think that the videographers purpose in making this video was was proble to show that school can be worse than they really is and that and that i f your last year was a bad one do things to imporve the way you do things this year.i charcterize my last school in 3 word drama,DRAMA,drama,and more DRAMA last year there was just too much drama.i enjoyed school a little bit but last year but as i said there was to much drama but i had fun with my friends and stuff. soemn things i can do to improve my school year this year is to pay attention in class more and stop being so talkative and do all of my work.
8th period
I think the videographer's purpose of making this video is to explain how school maybe hard and difficult, but at times you can have a good time.some days might be bad but others could be very good.Last year was kind of rough, but i managed to get through it.I met new friends and learned new things. During the Middle of the year everything started going down hill, but this year I am starting off a good year and I am keeping it that way. At times i enjoyed school but then at other times its was boring.Certain things kept me interested and concerned, but when it was something i wasn't interested in that class was boring.Something I could do to improve my school performance and my school day is to pay attention more and be on task. I could also, go to sleep earlier, be good, get to class on time and listen to my teachers.
I think the videographer's purpose of making this video is to explain how school maybe hard and difficult, but at times you can have a good time.some days might be bad but others could be very good.Last year was kind of rough, but i managed to get through it.I met new friends and learned new things. During the Middle of the year everything started going down hill, but this year I am starting off a good year and I am keeping it that way. At times i enjoyed school but then at other times its was boring.Certain things kept me interested and concerned, but when it was something i wasn't interested in that class was boring.Something I could do to improve my school performance and my school day is to pay attention more and be on task. I could also, go to sleep earlier, be good, get to class on time and listen to my teachers.
Courtney Jones
1,2 Period
I think the videographer’s purpose in making this video was to show that school isn’t as bad as some might think. To support this idea, a day at school isn’t as bad as diving off a cliff into a mud puddle or a bird getting smashed by the hood of a car. The videographer is telling us that we should have a positive mind set about school. I would characterize my last year of school as a new learning adventure with a new level of academics. Even though the level of academics was more difficult, I enjoyed the year. Also, last year school taught me that I should be more disciplined with my homework. To improve my performance at school, I should get more rest, look at school in a positive mind set, and become disciplined with homework.
Matt Bartrug
1st & 2nd periods
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show that your days in school could be a whole lot worse. I think my last year of school was okay, I mean I had a lot of wonderful teachers and some not so wonderful. But all in all last year was sometimes fun, sometimes boring, sometimes drama-filled, but most of all always different. Overall I enjoyed it, but I wouldn’t want to go back. To improve my performance in school I should get to sleep earlier and do my homework earlier, too. To improve my school day I could be a bit more active in classes because sometimes when I know the answers to a question, I’m just too groggy or uninvolved.
Jared Burns
8th Period
I think the videographer’s purpose was to show that even if you think you were having a bad day it not really as bad as it seems. I think that my last school year was boring at some parts of the year but overall it was a good year. Too help my school performance I could be more organized and always write down when assignments are due. To help my school day I could make new friends in my classes because I don’t have a lot of classes with my other friends.
Nick Trefz
4th period
I think the purpose for this video was to help kids not to think of school as something boring and thats why they put in those extra funny snippits. My last years school year was fun and alot of exciting thing happened. On somedays school seemed to bore me but then again on other days it was the complete opposite. To improve my preformance and school day i would probably have to start going to bedd earlier and eating a healthier breakfast.
Ali Sansalone
4th Period
I think the the point in making this video is to show up tht even if something happend last year or we had the worst year ever this year will be better.I think hes tryna say that there is a up side to every down fall.
My last year of school was good i guess there was alot of down falls in it but there was alot of up with friends an teachers.I did ok in school last year but to improve i could get more sleep an try alot harder an study more to get better grades,but this year im going to that an get better :].
I think the video videographer’s purpose of this video is to show that even if you had a bad summer or a bad school year last year it can get better because life is what you make it. Last year was one of my favorite years, well besides kindergarten. It was so fun and I loved my teachers. It was pretty fun but some classes were a little boring. To improve my performance in my school day I would try to get more sleep and eat breakfast because I never eat and it’s a little embarrassing when I’m taking a test or something and my stomach starts growling. It’s especially embarrassing when I’m sitting beside the guy I like or something.
Isabella Leon
1-2 period
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was to show you that it dosn't matter what happened in the past, it's the future that counts. I also think they wanted to make you look at things in a different way. I would characterize my last year of school as fun and probablly my favorite so far. School wasn't a bore a last year. This year so far it has been. I think I could improve my school day by being more organized and participate more.
Jessica Harris
1/2 period
I think the videographer was trying to make a funny video and get their point out at the same time.My last year of school was the worste year of my life so i guess it kind of relates to the video in a way.To me school was a bore but only becouse i had really mean teacher and i didnt like any of my classes. I could have improved my school year by not sleeping in any off my classes and doing my work and turning it in on timel.
i think the purpose was to show that school can be fun to and not just all work.It was crazy and fun with drama. But then again everything can be drama but make the best of it.It was okay i didn't complain.By making the best of it and making a bad stution into a good one stitution.Stay out of other peoples businees and keep your thoughts to your self unless you feel like wahat you know will hurt other people they just deserve to know whats goin on
i think the videographer wants to show that even if your having a bad day, you can always flip it around and make it better. my previous school year bombed, it was a drag. i dont think i could make my performance any better this year.
I think the videographer’s purpose in making this video was to show if you were having a good year so far. Every thing that happens good or bad will effect you in a positive and negative way. I would characterize my last year’s school year as fun because a lot of good stuff was happening last year. I enjoy school most of the time but in some classes where all we did was work it was a bore. Our school performance and school day is great but there are always ways to improve it in better ways.
Jon Decker
I think the videographers purpose in making this video was to show every one what it is like. I think that is horable what happen to those animals bercause i am a bird and that would suck if that happend to my bird i would be very mad.
And the antelope running into the tree would hurt a lot because it was running realy fast so it hit that tree in pressure and got hit head on
The videographer's purpose in making this video is to determine whether you are having a good day or a bad day something will always make it better. My last year of school was okay I think it could have been a lot better than it was. I think that school can be boring at times but yet it can be interesting sometimes. I think when someone thinks that school is boring they don’t like what they are learning in there classes. To improve my school year and my day I would like it if we had more field trips and we learned by playing games or seeing more things rather than hearing most of.
Kayla Wyatt
6-7th period
I think the author of the video purpose was to show all the kids about the school year and how entertaining school can be and that it’s just not fun it’s going to have some dreadful days, but the overall school year is really good. My school year was the greatest school year I’ve ever had. It was amazing because I was able to a lot of stuff like go to the movies a lot more with friends. I have more responsibilities which is good and bad. I had a lot fun because I was moving at the end of the year. I wanted to make it the best year I could. I did so. I enjoyed school except when we had snow days in Iowa. We ended up with 14 snow days which we made up at the end of the year. I need to study a lot more for test instead of guessing.
John Morris
I think the videographer’s purpose in making this video is to welcome students back to school and to help them make the transition from summer break to school. I enjoyed the words of the video and the video part but I don’t see how they can relate to me coming back to school, I just can’t find that connection. I know it’s hard to go from waking up about 10:30 to waking up at 6:30.I don’t think I tried my best last school year and I truly think I would have gone up a whole grade in one of my classes if I just would have sat down kept my mouth shut! Some classes who very boring, but there were a few that I really enjoyed. Some teachers made that subject fun and some made it worse than it already was. I am going to try to be more positive about going to school. I also hope that by being attentive and focusing more on my school work and less on what is going on around me I can make this school year a great one!
Susan King
3rd pd
I believe the video grapher’s purpose is to entertain us and also to help us put life and situations into proper perspective. Some of the clips were an extreme like the pigeon hitting the car hood and the man jumping off the cliff. But reality hits us with the clip of the bomb.
My last year of school was seventh grade. Being the first year of junior high, the school year held many learning experiences. Most of my experiences were good, nothing too extreme happened.
Most of last year at West Fairmont Middle School was a bore. Many of the teachers do not teach with any enthusiasm. If a teacher seems to have no energy when teaching how are the students to desire to learn the subject.
I could improve my school performance by going to bed earlier. Also I need to maintain a positive attitude towards teachers and students. I hope my last year in junior high will be a good time to remember.
Grant Holbert
4th Period
I think that the purpose in making this video is to help you realize what you will need to improve on for the upcoming school year. Really my school year was a little boring but I wasn’t expecting a pep rally or nothing. I thought it was just another school year that I’d learn a lot of stuff and that’s it. I think that I could improve my school year and day by actually paying attention and don’t goof off. I do think school is important but some teachers don’t know that we need some fun to learn. I’m just saying that I learn better when I have fun with it. So it might just be me, maybe I need to learn how to have fun with school work and do better.
Brandon Boyers
6th and 7th period
I don't really get the point. But I believe the point of the video is to welcome us back to school. I didn't like last year as much as this year. Most of the classes were fun, but it was hard to get used to. I tink it was because I had to get used to switching classes more. In this school year, I have a lot of the same teachers I did from last year. I think this year is going to turn out to be good.
To improve my school day, I could start doing assignments when they are assigned. I get worried when an assignment is due the next day, and I forgot about it. I also could go to bed earlier than I do now.
Alex Swiger
3rd Period
Sorry I'm in 4th Period.
I think the videographer purpose in making this video is to show how if things are going wrong it can get better. M last year school year bombed. I enjoy school alot because i can meet new friends.
I would imporve my school year and school day by trying to get better grades, study beter for test, and I would do better on homework.
Brittany Morgan 4th
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show that there is always a good thing to find in a bad day. Last year of school was kind of boring. There wasn't alot to do since it was the first full year at the new school. Though there was some laughs, most of school last year was boring. There isn't a whole lot that I can do to improve my school performance. I just think that there should be more excitement in school.
Nathan Kolar
3rd Period
I think that the videographer named this piece The Evolution of Dance because it shows the funniest videos. Sometimes I feel like that kitten in the video trying to stay awake because when I have a far away game and not get enough sleep so I am really tired and cranky. Sometimes I feel like that deer running iinto that tree. I have a hard time trying to keeping up with my grades because I have so many other things going on in my life.My mom did the the Moon Walk. my favorite song writter is Little Wayn. My favorite song by him is Lolipop.. Some of my favoritte songs on this video are the Oompa Loompa song,the Thriller song, and the YMCA song.
I think the person who made this viedeo was trying to perswade us to make school fun and maybe we would want to accully want to go to school. my last year was like very boring for me beacuse after I got my first reaportcard I stoped trying to make good grades I just setteled for average.I allways try to get rest beafor school so I wont be tired at school. I aloso try to pay atiention as much as I can beacuse I notice that when know how to do things im not bored but when i dont know what im doing or what the teacher is talking about then it is boring.
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show that whether good or bad days you always have a friend who's there when you need them. there there through the good or bad times. you know that you can always count on them. that's what a real friend would do for each other.
this video was meant to be hilarious!! Actually it was meant to be something that encourages you to pull through school and give you something to laugh about when your feeling down. Last year of school was REALLY fun, i got good grades and all my friends were in all my periods, it was great. I actually enjoyed it believe it or not, during summer there were a couple days when i actually missed going to school and seeing all the teachers. School actually made my day, when i get back on track, it will again.
I really need to start eating in the morning and getting at least 7 hours of sleep, i usually only get 6 because im so busy doing things outside with my dad or things with my mom. I also could be a tad nicer i suppose....
Ivan Figueroa
monday, sept. 8, 11:16 PM
The videographer's purpose in making this video is to so about the last day of school.My last year of school will be amazing. We will not do any thing on the last day of school, thats why it will be alsome.My school year was not a bore it was alsome. I could improve by getting my work in on time and helping the teaches.Also improve by working in class.
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video was for fun. Last year school was hard.I liked school, but I didn't know English very well. I want to learn a lot of English words this year to help me.
I think the videographer's purpose in making this video to prove to things in live. I like the video because they show extreme stuff like the dog on the skateboard. My last year of school was actually boaring. The days were boaring and hard because the teachers talked about boaring stuff.
roy hogan 6 and 7 period
I think that the videographers purpose in making this video was so that we know that even when we are having a bad day, someone out there somewhere is having a worse day. It may not have been funny at the time but it sure was fun to watch.
As far as last year went, thats what it did.I had a very bad year with teachers who didn't understand me and thought that I was a bad kid. In someways I am. We all are. I just hope that this year will be different.I hope, I hope, I hope!
i think the videographers purpose to show us that things in life arent what they mostly seem that most things can be done different.so basically things are not what they always seem in life thats basically the whole point to the video well thats what i think
olivia bolling 6/7th pd
I think the videographer's purpose was to get us ready for school by getting us excited to go back. My last year of school was boring because time went slow we didn't really do anything but book work after book work and test everyday. This year of school is exciting because we get to do more stuff on the computer and don't have to do book work everyday this why this year is really exciting.
I believe the videographers purpose of this blog is to show everyone can have a good day or bad day, but to make the most out of it. My school last year was real interesting, I loved the fact that I had met some new teachers. I didn't like the fact that i had really hard classes last year but the teachers tried to help you through as much as the could. Actually my school year last year was not a bore as I metioned earlier it was very interesting. You know dealing with school, sports, friends, and family. I have littlle time to do anything else and last year was my first expeirence with that but it worked out well. Well that's all i have to say right now so goodbye.
Aaron Worth
7th period
The videographers purpose is to show hoe things go out of porportion. My last year of school was alrite. School was always half and half. My school performance is alrite for now so I dont need to improve that. To improve my school day I would try to stop wishing the day was over.
This video's purpose is to get you exided. the reason it makes you exited is that it extreme it make's you want to stay in school. one of my favoritest parts i when the guy says this bombs and a bomb went off right in front of him it is deafently exstream this is one of the better videose it is also funny.
I think the videographers purpose in making this video is to show even though we are having a bad day something good could happen. I didnt like the fact that the pegion hit the hood but it was kind of funny. Last year was an okey year for me I didnt like some of my teachers and we had alot of work. This year is alot better year. Jason Fortner
The videographer's purpose to make this movie is to give the students a funny thing to make their school year start out fun. My last year at school was really bad because I didn't have many friends. I always got picked on. I hated those people but I like the school. I would talk to my friends about things. I would also think about how many hours left of school that day.
Desarae Board
1&2 period
i think the videographer's purpose in making this video to let all kids now that know matter if we need math,science, or even geography help the teachers are there for us.
the purpose of this video is that people can have there good days and there bad days the video is just telling you can't stop whays going to happen and that the last day of school was a bomb for parents in the face. I say it was ok but could of work harder and to keep my grades up but other than that last year was ok.I kinda both school was enjoyable and it also was bore it was so an so.I could of work harder, cared a little more, show some hard work.
by: Tyivon Horton
1& 2 period
The purpose for the making of this video is to tell about west fairmont middle school to all of the new kids coming to the school ,the rules we need to follow at the school ,the ways we can improve our grades from the year before and what we need to do to get good grades.I like to go to school to see my friends and hangout but i dont like the working part of school but i still need to do it or i will get bad grades
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