The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is to always remember what happened so that no one ever forgets the tragic day that changed America forever! It would be horrible if people didn't remember that so many innocent lives were lost. It is important to remember that as strong as a country as we are, we can be vulnerable if we let our guard down. No one would ever have believed that something like that could have happened, and everyone needs to remember it in hopes of preventing another tragedy such as 9/11. It is really hard to pick out an image in this video that did not move me to near tears. I can't imagine how those people felt, and seeing this video and all the news information on TV at the time made me understand the anguish that they were feeling. So many people lost loved ones in the World Trade Center and all of the rescue workers and others that lost their lives trying to help others. It is hard to watch this video without getting cold chills.I was at Watson Elementary when this happened. I really didn't realize what happened until I got home from school. I was in the second grade so I was pretty young, but I knew it was really awful when I watched the news. The events of 9/11 has really changed everything. I guess everyone is more suspicious now. Supposedly, there is a lot more security at airports. It takes a lot longer now and hopefully they are checking bags and passengers better. We also hear that there is better communication at the FBI and they have a "passenger watch list". I think that people are sterotyping more nowadays. I think the videographer views the USA very patriotically. He displays the symbols of the United States and the things we love here as well as songs that make us appreciate and love our country and the freedom we have here.Megan DeJong4th Period
the importance of remembering 9/11is to remember what to all the people that died and to remember so nobody ever forgets the tragic thing that happened because there was alot of people that died that didnt deserve to die at all. it is important to remember that we stay strong everytime that time comes around for the 9/11. i was in like first are second grade when this happened and when i found out what 9/11 really was i just didnt know what to do but cry i was so upset to hear about it what it really went. i just feult so bad for the familys that had to go through that to find out that a loved one has died. now that i know what it means i would really love to learn about it some more i mean i know somethings but i just want to know more about. because knowing what happened and knowing the things that went on when that happened i just would like to know more about somethings about it..olivia bolling 6/7pd
Remembering the people of lost their lives for our freedom. What I felt was most moving in this video was the firefighters standing up the flag that had been laying in the remains of the World Ttrade Center. Also the people who were effected by the tragedy. When this happened I was in school. I was in I think third grademaybe second. It was on the news right after lunch. We didnt do any thing after it came on besides listen to what they were saying on TV. That freedom speaks louder than words. michael parker 1/2p.
Every American should remember what happened on 9/11, it was a horrific inncident but we grew stronger from it. My grandfather always said that '...When you get knocked down, no matter how badly you're hurt, you always stand with your head held high...' I think this describes America perfectly. I thought the eagle crying was the most moving. When this happened I was in New York visiting my grandfather actually. What happened on 9/11 has cost thousands of lives and even brought along a war. I think the videographer views the U.S.A. as a proud country that mourns the lost of those who were killed.Amanda Luzader1/2
The importance of remembering 9/11 is changes that were made in the U.S.A that day. I don't quite know which images are moving in the movie. I was in school when this happened. I don't know how those events have changed in the world that I live in. I don’t know how videographer views the U.S.A. By: Mycah Wilson 1st/2nd period
The importance of remembering 9/11 is to remember all of the lives that were taken on that horrible, tragic day. Also, to remember how that one day changed the way we live in America. Many innocent people busy working in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were killed by planes crashing into them. Smoke and fire filled the skies above Ney York City that day and it is not a sight many people will ever forget. There were many images that were in this video that I recognized. The World Trade Center, Pentagon, Twin Towers, nd some of the memorials were on this video. It also had pictures of the firefighters rescueing people from the buildings, people covering their faces from the debris and smoke, also a few of the peole that were injured from 9/11.For about a year after that, people were afraid to leave their homes for the fear that this might happen again. Also, now people are questioning how free we really are. Also, airports and other transportations have increased their security to help insure this tragedy does not occur again. Now, they have special people trained from the government and police that ride on the airplanes. I know a person that does this. I think they are allowed to carry a gun on the plane, but I am not sure. They dress like a normal person riding the plane and they are there incase something bad happens. Or someone else has a gun.The videographer views the U.S.A. as something very important. You can tell he was probably changed after 9/11 a little bit. I think it is interesting that he put the quote, "Sometimes Freedom Isn't Free" at the end. That makes me wonder a little bit. Gabby Tenney 3rd
I think the importance of remembering 9/11 is that happened is changes America a lot. I don`t know what that two building called, but i knew they are so tall. Is my mom told me that. I don't know which images are moving in the movie. I was in China, I think I was in school when this happened. I don't konw how it change my live in today, but I remember one thing,when I was in China, I have been looking forward to see such a high building, my mother told me that two buildings are more than 100 floors, I was really surprised to hear this. I think to design this two building's engineers must be very smart. I think that is so sad, and I think this videographer doesn't want to see any similar incidents.
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is to always remember that day. Where thousands of people died. We can't even think of how bad the people who's families feel on the 11th of Septber every year. How could any one ever forget that horrible day of death. the images that wanted to just make be cry is the pictures of the people that made is out of the world trade centers. They just looked so scared and they where all cut up and it is just horriable that they had to go though that. Also the images of the building when it was on fire and smoke was flying out of it. The question really is how has our world not chaged! The world does not think we are invinsable and people are scared. We are still at war, people fighting so we can live in peace and be free and then some thing like this happens and brings our hope down. This should not have happened this tragity this horriable, horriable, horrialbe day. At this day and time the world looks sad and grey. It looks like every thing is going to fall apart. The USA looked dead and diserted. We should all remember that day!
It is important to remember this day because it is a very sad day for all the families that lost some of their family members. I liked the picture with the eagle with a picture faded of the American flag. This happened when I was in school. I think it affected our security and it helped start the war too. I think the videographer thinks of the USA as a wonderful place.
Wow.........this video was really touching and sad for me to watch. The importance of remebering nine eleven is to always try to look at it not as such a tradjedy, but to look at it as and incident that made our country stronger and to be protected if such a horrible thing ever happened again! The two most moving photos are the one where they are putting up the american flags in two different time periods and the ones where people are on the ground bleeding and hallucenating. It makes me want to cry. It has changed the world I live in because we are more prepared and ready if it ever does happen again and it has helped us to stand together as a country and be grateful for the people that have survived or even lost someone in this incident. I think that the videographer veiws the U.S.A as a stronger and a more togethernessed country after this horrific incident.-Katlyn Wilt-4th period
It is important to remember the event that happen on 9/11/01 because it shaped the world into what it is today war, violence, and raging gas prices. This has mostly destroyed the USA, a lot of people wanted to go to war because they wanted to get revenge on all of the people who planned the attack. Now they want everyone out cause they realized it was doing anything besides killing innocent Americans. The picture that I thought was the most moving was the cop having his head on the car crying. It really showed that it was one of the most (if not the most tragic) day in USA history. When this happened I was in gym with Mr. Jordan, I was in 1st grade and they announced over our intercom for everyone to go to their classroom and get ready to go home. The videographer views the USA as basically one big family who is in a very heartbreaking state of mind for this day and rest of the week. My uncle worked for the FBI in Washington D.C. when this happened and they sent him up there to search for any bodies underneath the pile of debris that was left from the Twin Towers.Aaron Worth4th Period
the importance of remebering 9/11 is that it was a tragic time in the united states and we have overcome it and we are moving foward. the images in the video were of the world trade center. when this happened i was in my first grade class room and the teacher had the tv on watching it and the school was going crazy about what was happening. those events have changed the world in many ways. we now have tighter security in airports and other government buildings. the videographer views the USA as a big nation that is held together by the love and loss that happened on that day. GOD BLESS AMERICA.marshall tucker 1st 2nd
The importance of remembering 9/11 is to remember all the people who died. Also, to remember we can never let our guard down. Personally, I think every image is as moving as all the others. I was at Watson Elementary in the 2nd grade, I think. All I remember is being in the classroom, the T.V. was on, the teacher crying, and getting to go home early. It changed the world in a big way. There is a conflict(Iraq is not a war) in Iraq. My dad had to go to Iraq. The videographer loves the U.S.A.Alex Keefover
The importance of remembering the 9/11 because that was one of the most scariest moments and don't know when it could happen again. The images moving in this video is when smoke is coming out the building and the police man crying. It has started a war and more terrorist attacks. The videographer views the USA as freedom.
This video really meant a lot to me. I gave me a totally different view on the incidents that occurred on 9/11. It made me look at this incident not as a tragedy but a happening that strengthened our country. The images that were moving towards were the trade center and many other memorials. When this happened, I was at school. Due to this terrorist attack, airport security is really tight. The videographer views our nation as being full of freedom and a great place to live. We are very blessed to have been born here rather than other countries where we might be slaves instead.
The importance of remembering the events the happened on 9/11 is the heart of change. It opened some people's eyes to what was going on with how people from other parts of the world felt about us. From then on, we have started changing our country, to protect the innocent people and children from this kind of harm. To protect the country from this happening again. We worked hard training men and women to fight for our country and to represent our country. We have taught students how to prepare for the world ahead. And 9/11 is something to look back upon. It is important we remember the people who died in that horrible accident, and the men and women who stayed to help those who were trapped even though there was still a threat of more danger. It will always be important to remember the incident that changed America and her history altogether. All the pictures in this movie were moving to me. It showed the World Trade Center before the crash, during the crash, and after the crash. It showed the people who were affected by this and the horror in what had happened. I was in school when this happened and in the first grade. They played it on the TV. The whole school was silent and if not confused, was crying. These events made the United States try even harder to protect our borders and the people within them from terrorists like this coming back. They also wanted to protect our people from being hurt by this ever again. I believe the videographer fells strongly about this and is definitely proud to be an American. ~Stephanie Harris~~~4th Period~~
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is to rememder what happend and for the people who died.Its important to remember because it makes people more prepared for something like this.I was at school when this happend and we got out of school early but thats all i remember about that.9/11 changed the world because alot of people died and alot of people were scared to go on an airplane and people were more coutious of terrorist. I think the person who made this video maybe lost a friend or family member in this event and cares about America alot.
The importance of remembering 9/11 is that it changed a lot of the lives in the United States of America. It also changed our country as a whole. To me basically every image was moving, because when I see those pictures it makes me think about how many innocent people died on that day. This event changed the world in several ways. It changed mainly in the safty of the airports through out the United States. The videographer views the USA as a very beautiful place, i also thinks he sees it as his true home.Ali Sansalone4th period
The importance of remembering what happened on 9/11 is so we never forget the innocent people who lost their lives, and how tragic it was and still is. I dont think it's something that will be easily forgoten.It's important to remember no matter how strong a country is something can always happen.This video is really sad because all of these real images that were put in it.You can just see and imagine how terrible how it would have been to be there and in the middle of everything.I just cant believe how many people lost their lives being in the incident and trying to rescue the people in it.I think this has changed alot in America because airports security is supposedly better and people just tend to watch out for more.I think the videographer is very patriotic and very aware of what happens around him and his country.Cheyenne Shirkey 6-7th
the importance of remembering 911is to remember what happened and how to remember them in your prey.onewhere the guy is siting on the side walk and it looks like his face is crack. When people had to wear face masks,and this lady that has blood running down her face and she is really skinny. i was in 1st grade and are teacher was watching it on the news. They are now at the airport they check you and your bags to make sure it doesnt happened again. It was really bad and everything was really smokey.Bobbi Bowsman♥
The importance of remembering is that it shows that we are Americans and we have pride and respect for our country. The moving images of this moving is the people walking out of the smoke and the people are all bloody, cut up, and they are also crying because the world trade centers just got destroyed. When this happened I was in the 1st grade at Barns Elementary School, and we were reading a story and a teacher came in our classroom and told my teacher that world trade centers just got destroyed. The event that has changed my life by when that happened everybody in my class started to cry and every one was really sad. These views the videographer USA by everyone say the world trade centers go down to the ground on nine eleven. That shows any where, any time, and any place, a terriost attack can happen.
9/11 was a horrible event that changed our country forever. Thousands of people lost their lives. The importance of remembering 9/11 is to honor those who lost their lives. The image of the Bald Eagle with a tear on his cheek was moving. I was at school in Mrs. D’Amico’s class and stayed there all day. She did not have the TV on. Since 9/11 the world has increased it awareness and security, especially airplanes. I think the videographer has a very strong sense of pride for our county. The video told us that the country would never be the same and terrorist are our enemies. Matt Bartrug1st and 2nd period
The importance in remembering 9/11 is remembering all of the people that had died that day. The innocent people who had families at home died and now those people will NEVER see their mothers/fathers ever again. I honestly feel like crying every single time I watch something that has to do with 9/11. I say all of those images were moving and they are very sad. The one that moved me the most would be the picture that said “always remember freedom, freedom is not free”. I say it is the most moving because it is very true. When 9\11 happened I was at Barnes elementary school, my mom had came to pick me up and everyone was screaming and crying. I honestly didn’t know what was happening at the time. They have changed the world juristically, we now appreciate what we have to do, and that is sticking together as a nation. You never know what you have until it’s all gone. The videographer’s view on the USA is great. He\She loves the USA and doesn’t want anything more to go down here. He believes that the terrorists need to leave us alone!Destini Arbogast1st&2nd periods.
The importance of remembering is that it shows that we are Americans and we have pride and respect for our country. The moving images of this movie is the people walking out of the smoke and the people are all bloody, cut up, and they are also crying because the world trade centers just got destroyed.Babies, chidren got killed. When this happened I was in the 1st grade at Eammeul Christain School, and we were reading a story and a teacher came in our classroom and told my teacher that world trade centers just got destroyed. The event that has changed my life by when that happened everybody in my class started to cry and every one was really sad. These views the videographer USA by everyone say the world trade centers go down to the ground on nine eleven. That shows any where, any time, and any place, a terriost attack can happen.Not only did that happen but lots of people lost their lives all because of revenge.
This day, 9/11, will always be a historic date in our US history. We will always remember the dramatic affect it had on all the people of the United States. Our country realized that we are never truly safe from terrorist’s attacks. The events of that day were horrible. So many people were killed, all innocent individuals. Images of the injured people, people crying, the massive buildings falling down. No one really feels safe any more. Our schools are now locked during the day, airports have greater security checks before boarding the airplanes, more large companies are requiring the wearing of ID badges on their employees. No one really trusts any more. The USA is viewed as a proud country. Proud of our volunteers, service persons, all the firemen and policemen that worked so many long hours to help recover people in the damage. Viewed that the USA is strong and the people of this country will stand together and support each other in difficult times. Our flag is a symbol of freedom and that is what our people will continue to fight and strive for in our country.Grant Holbert 4th Period
I think it is so important to remember 9/11 and it seems like so many liberals have forgotten already.Have You Forgotten? has never been more true than it is today. Why do you think the liberals are screaming about the patriot act? They have already forgotten that if we had had that in place pre-9/11 the terror of that day may very well have been prevented. The main cause of 9/11 was lack of communication between agencies that weren't allowed to share information with each other. Which is exactly what the patriot act allows. The patriot act tears down that wall that kept the agencies from communicating with each other. It would be a tragedy if the liberals ever got their way and got rid of the patriot act. A man on the documentary said that FBI officials realized that not enough people died during the 93 bombing and so people wouldn't take terrorism seriously until more died. Now people are saying that we might need another 9/11 for people to realize how serious the threat is that we face. It saddens me that people don't understand the seriousness of the threat.The images that are moving in this video are the egales at the beginning and end of the video.I was in the 3rd grade in mrs.swigers class.The events have changed the world in such ways of that the police are more aware of whats happening.The videographer views the usa as a bad place and that we where in a trajade. cheyann hammonds mrs.constable 4th period
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 was to know that we were part of a historical event, and that we should know about this. There were alot of images but I think that all of them were important.I was at home in Germany.I was home becuase of the time differnece.My dad was on his way from traing in Texas.They had stopped his flight.They have changed peoples point of view on terroist's.He viewed the USA as a very patriotic country.
The impotent’s of remembering 9/11, is always to remember the horrible stuff horrible stuff that the terrorist did. They took control of two airplanes, and then they crashed them into the world trade center. The world trade center was one of the most important buildings to the USA and the terrorist bombed them. I am so mad that the terrorist wrecked those airplanes into those buildings. That makes so mad just to think about it.Brandon Plivelich pd.6-7
it can be a historical event later on to tell few years from now. the building that got hit. in school at fairview 1st grade. to not trust the communist. it showed how peacefull the usa was before the hit.
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is to always remember what happened so noone ever forgets what actually happened.It's important to remember 9/11.It's one the biggest attack that has ever happened to our country.It was kinda hard to pick out a picture in the video that didn't move me to tears.Just seeing how hurt those people was,and how many lives were destroyed,it's just sad.I was at Watson Elementary when this incident happened.I really didn't know what was happening until like I asked my mom.
It is important to remember 9/11 because it was a very tragic day and a lot of people innocent people killed in an unprovoked attack. The most moving pictures are the eagle crying , the comparison of the flag being raised over Iwo Jima and the fire fighters taking down the flag, and the picture of the collapsed World Trade Center. When the attack on the World Trade Center happened I was in the first grade I don’t remember what school I was at but are teacher pulled out the TV and turned it on and we watch it burn and collapse. The world was pushed into a long seven going on eight year war a lot of good men are over there losing there life’s in pretty much another Vietnam. The videographer views the USA as a mad super power.
The importance of remembering 9/11 is remembering the people on board the four planes that crashed and the people in the buildings that were targeted. The most moving picture is the opening picture of the first plane hitting the trade center, that gave me cold chills.I was in library when they announced that we were leaving but as soon as we got called my dad was outside ready to pick me up. The world is so much different, you cant bring the smallest sharp object on a plane and pilot’s always have a loaded gun in there pockets. He views the USA as a united, strong country, that will stand together through anything.Alec wadsworth 6 & 7th period
I think that remembering the 9/11 attack on the world trade center changed the world for ever. Things have never been the same ever since it happened. The image that really moved me was the image of the woman sitting down with tons of scratches on her. I just think it goes to show that it was a very tragic event that none will ever forget. When 9/11 happened I was in the second grade at Fairmont Catholic. All I can remember is getting out early that day and coming home and my parents were watching the news. This event has changed the way I think about safety for myself and others. I think that this videographer’s views the USA as a strong nation that can revive from something as tragic as this was. Logan Demyon4th period
the importance in rembering 9/11 were that we are a free country and nothing can take it away from us. The images that were moving in this video were that the towere were all smokey and it was sad.The day it happend myaunt picked me up from school and when I was at school we were waching the thing as it happened on the TV.How the world has changed today the airports are more secure and secerity is realy high.
The one thing that stood out in that video is the quote " Freedom is not free". I think that that is the most important thing I saw in that video, that and the picture of the fire fighters raiseing the flag next to the picture of soldiers raising the flag on Normandy Beach. Those are both very significant to 9/11 attacks. I was at school when the buildings fell and I remember when I got home we got in the car and went to St. Paul UMC. Now the security of the nation is much more secure than what it use to be. The videographer sees this nation as a verystrong nation and when there is something like that happening in our country, it is not to be taken lightly.
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is remembering how it changed our nation and also all the innocent people who died. The moving images that i noticed most was when the twin towers started to come down and also when people were talking. When all this happen i was at school and i remember them sending us home then I started watching the news about all of it with my grandparents. These events have changed theworld because now everydayon 9/11, the people of the usa are afraid that something bad is going to happen once again. The videographer views the usa as a nation where everyone is not safe no matter how many weapons we have.-Kayla Wyatt6-7th period.
the importance of remembering the 9/11 is that many of our families died and no one will be forgot that died in the 9/11.the most important picture to me is the eagle because the way the eagle has a tear running down his face it lets us know no one will be forgot by me or anyone else.briana 3rd period
The importance of remembering 9/11 is to remember all the innocent people that died that day. I found the picture of the firefighters holding up the American flag very moving. I was in 1st grade when it happened. I remember not really knowing what was going on at the time but I remember seeing it on the news and we got to go home early. 9/11 defiantly changed the way America is today. One of the changes they made was making it harder to get on a plain. The videographer views America as a really nice and beautiful place.Matt Wade6th and 7th
It is important to remeber 911 because it was tragic for our country but it also brought us together as Americans. I was in 1st grade at Rivesville when it happened. I don't remeber anything about that day at all. My favorite thing in the video was the eagle cryin, it represented that the whole USA was sad about 911. The video guy did a good job.Laura Tennant4th period
The importance of remembering 9/11 is to remember the horrific event that took many lives but America a stronger country. The eagle crying and the World Trade Center were moving images in the video. I was in the second grade at Whitehall Elementary school when 9/11 happened, so naturally I was very confused. But when I comprehended what happened I understood what awful thing had happened. Lots of changes have been made to our country security is becoming tighter everywhere, at airports they check everyone’s bag, and so many more different things. I believe the videographer views the USA with much patriotism and love. Jared Burns 4th Period
It is very important to remember the 9/11 because there were many of lives that where lots that day that shouldn't have. The image that moved me the most where all of them. Just remembering the 9/11 and watching it all over again it felt like war was starting over. But the whole video moved me. Well at the time when it all happened i was in first grade i think at Jayenne Elementary School. All of the events has changed the world today i think people have been more pretective of everythingnoe and etc. The videographer was showing the U.S how everyday it is falling apart little by little.Brittany Morgan 7th
becouse it is a very importand time in the world and a big problem happend on that day when the twin towers went down.It was moveing when it showd the citizins helpin and doing all they could to help. I was in school when it happend.It made the USA more observative and more protective.He/she thinks the USA is a great place and she/he is loyal to her/his country.
the inportance of remembering the envents that happend with the 9/11 murder.because it is one of the bigest thing ever happend and it was one of the biggest plane crase in the world and it got all most all of the school out or in lock down i was in 1st grade i thought it was nouthing untill my mom came to the school and pcked me up she said that my aunt and tree of my uncles dyed and i asked why and she said lots of peaple dyed and i didnt under stand untill i seen it on the new we went up there to go to a funerale i was scared there were lots of peaple there tere was 200 new graves there they mede them free because of the instadent the only thing we neede to pay forer was the tomb stone.
It is very important to remember 9/11. Its important because there were a lot of people killed when they hit the twin towers, and many people died, and so we don't forget the tragic tat changed america. I was in school, kindergarden at fairmont catholic. It changed us a lot, and now we are more aware, and prepared amd ready in case it happens again. He showed what happened and its very moving, and now i understand how bad this tragic moved us.kiley moore3rd period
The importance of remebering 9/11 is because alot of people died and it is horrible thing that happened to our country.The images that are moving in this video is all of them because each of them have a bad story behind them.When this happened I was at school and I remeber the techers wondering what happened and they where trying to not let the kids know and the teachers told us that we could not go outside that day and we where all upset also we kept a journal each day and I wrote in there "We could not play outside today" and drew a picture under neithe and I still have that notebook today in my room. These events have changed the world today by making people sad and maybe even making people kill themselves from depression from losing a loved one. The videographer veiws the USA very well. He is proud of the USA and made this movie to show people that.Cienna Wright 3rd period
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is to always remember what happened so that no one ever forgets the tragic day that changed America forever! It would be horrible if people didn't remember that so many innocent lives were lost. It is important to remember that as strong as a country as we are, we can be vulnerable if we let our guard down. No one would ever have believed that something like that could have happened, and everyone needs to remember it in hopes of preventing another tragedy such as 9/11. It is really hard to pick out an image in this video that did not move me to near tears. I can't imagine how those people felt, and seeing this video and all the news information on TV at the time made me understand the anguish that they were feeling. So many people lost loved ones in the World Trade Center and all of the rescue workers and others that lost their lives trying to help others. It is hard to watch this video without getting cold chills.I was at Watson Elementary when this happened. I really didn't realize what happened until I got home from school. I was in the second grade so I was pretty young, but I knew it was really awful when I watched the news. The events of 9/11 has really changed everything. I guess everyone is more suspicious now. Supposedly, there is a lot more security at airports. It takes a lot longer now and hopefully they are checking bags and passengers better. We also hear that there is better communication at the FBI and they have a "passenger watch list". I think that people are sterotyping more nowadays. I think the videographer views the USA very patriotically. He displays the symbols of the United States and the things we love here as well as songs that make us appreciate and love our country and the freedom we have here.Imani Washington6th&7th Period
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is to always remember what happened so that no one ever forgets the tragic day that changed America forever! It would be horrible if people didn't remember that so many innocent lives were lost. It is important to remember that as strong as a country as we are, we can be vulnerable if we let our guard down. No one would ever have believed that something like that could have happened, and everyone needs to remember it in hopes of preventing another tragedy such as 9/11. It is really hard to pick out an image in this video that did not move me to near tears. I can't imagine how those people felt, and seeing this video and all the news information on TV at the time made me understand the anguish that they were feeling. So many people lost loved ones in the World Trade Center and all of the rescue workers and others that lost their lives trying to help others. It is hard to watch this video without getting cold chills.I was at Watson Elementary when this happened. I really didn't realize what happened until I got home from school. I was in the second grade so I was pretty young, but I knew it was really awful when I watched the news. The events of 9/11 has really changed everything. I guess everyone is more suspicious now. Supposedly, there is a lot more security at airports. It takes a lot longer now and hopefully they are checking bags and passengers better. We also hear that there is better communication at the FBI and they have a "passenger watch list". I think that people are sterotyping more nowadays. I think the videographer views the USA very patriotically. He displays the symbols of the United States and the things we love here as well as songs that make us appreciate and love our country and the freedom we have here.Imani Washington6&7th Period
The importance of remembering 9/11 is to remember the towers falling and the innocent people that sacrificed their lives. I don’t know about you but the images I saw was images of sorrow for the lives that where lost. Where was I when this happened let me see….I was in 2nd grade at white hall elementary I remember that day because we got out of school early that day. Well our live have changed by us having to keep all locks off of our luggage when we fly in an airplane that is one example. cori cianfrocca6-7 periods
Remembering 9/11 is very important. It's a big part of American history now, and there were so many innocent people that died because of what happend. All of them were moving.When 9/11 happend, I was probably at school when the plains crashed. Since 9/11, there's a ton more of security for airlines, and many other things. I believe the videographer thinks that the U.S. is a very strong nation, and that it's a very patriotic country.Alex Swiger3rd Period
Remembering 9/11 is very important because, it has a very important meaning to it. It was a big change in life itself. I think personally when you hear about 9/11 it should remind people about the babies,young children,teenagers, and adults who died during this tragedy. There are alot of images that are very moving in this clip truthfully I think all of them are. The people on the road or against a car bleeding to deaf i think is very emotional but all of the pictures are moving. Im not for sure but I think I was in class when that happpend. It changed how people live today in that just because those people came and killed alot of our people dont mean that we our going to be weak for them. Them doing that made us alot stronger. I think the videographer veiws the USA as a place that was envaded but Still as strong if not stronger than before. This peice is very emotional but real and even though I wasnt there it still brought a tear to my eye.R.I.P for all the people that lost their life during this tragedy♥
Remember the events of 9/11 are very important. It was a huge terrorist attack on the United States and we should recognize all the families and friends that lost loved ones. All of the images were moving in this video. Some of them showed the suffering of people that were injured. Others showed the Twin Towers in flames with huge towering clouds of smoke surrounding them. I was in school when this happened. I remember that day we all went out to the flag and said The Pledge of Allegiance. These events have changed the world I live in today. For example now we have a very tight airline security system. The videographer views the USA as an attacked nation that is still strong and can get through any catastrophe. Sam Haines4th Period
It is important to know about 9/11 because it changed the way we live today and to remember all the innocent people who lost there lives. There are many pictures of the World Trade Center that day.I was in 1st grade when it happened.The world changed that day.It is important to remember all the pain and sorrow that happened that day. My family went to New York in the spring after 9/11. It was very sad. There wasn't anything left at ground zero, but it just made me feel sad. The world changed because we have to be more careful to not let terrorist attack the US again. There is definately more security that the US uses to protect us. I know that when we fly anywhere,it takes a lot longer to go through security. I think the videographers views the US as strong and we stick together and work hard for each other. By: Nicholas Sinclair 4th period
The importance of remembering 9/11 because it is a very sad day for all the families that lost some of their family members. I don't quite know which images are moving in the movie. I was at school. Our security in everything because now we cant trust anyone. The videographer views the USA as a big nation that is held together
The importance of remembering 9-11 is to remember a terrible tradjedy that happened to america and never forget how many lives were lost in this event. It is also important because it reminds people that the world isn't perfect and extremely well behaved. This event reminds people that there is bad and evil in the world. Some moving images were the planes that crashed into the twin towers. When this happened, I was in Morgantown having dinner with my parents and grandparents.Nathan Kolar3rd Period
The importance of remembering september eleven is a devistating memory but a memory that can never be forgotten. This movie was very sad. I'm not going to lie. I cried during this movie,and I cried when they did a documentary on it on discovery channel. To me it means a lot because it shows how strong our country can be. It shows that as americans and as one we can do anything. Nothing is impossible. I was in my first grade class when thishappened. The secretary made the mistake of announcing on the intercom, and soon as she did, evry teacher turned on the news. We were seating in our assigned seat, and as soon as I realized what happen i had a panick-attack and i was devistated. My dad was in Arizona when it happened, and he was on active duty for the army. I was thankful that he wasnt there, but I was concerned and terrified for the people who were there and the people who helped save. It is scary because it makes reality kick in, and I always try to think of what will happen next. You never know. The events o 9/11 did change the world. It made our country be more alert about almost all security inside the country and outside the country. Other countries also made changes to their security. The videographer viewed America as the land of the brave literally. You could tell that he/she respected the country with great discipline. Now, everyday at school, I stand up and say the pledge everyday.jenny bundy 3rd
It is important because it was a very tragic event and a lot of people died.the ones that shoe the planes crashing into the buildings. I was in first grade. yes it has. I think that the person likes it.
Remembering 9/11 is important because we have to remember the lives that were lost, saved, and changed forever. it was a horrible tragity that no one will forget. i was in first grade, at school when this happened, I was very scared because i didnt know what was going on. These events change the world because it made everyone realize what terrorists are willing to do. Jessica Harris 1/2
The importance of remembering 9/11 is it means so much to the people who lost somebody in their lives to 9/11. The images of the woman being hurt with her arms burned up and cut. I was in the first grade at school.Now airport saftey is so tight and strict that you cant get by with anything. They view USA as a wonderful place thats treats everyone like family and we are one giant family.Isabella Leon1&2 Period
The importance of remembering 9/11 is important for all the families who lost relatives when the planes hit. I dont really remember any of the pictures but I do remember this one with a guy crying, and I could feel his pain. When this happened I was at school. The videographer really loves America.
I think that the importance of remembering 9/ 11 was to learn from man kinds mistakes and to remember those who lost their lives. The images in this movie were pictures I recognize very quickly such as; The Twin Towers, The World Trade Center and some of the memorials. The movie showed how some of the families were affected by this event. I think that I was in first grade at Jayenne Elementary school. My brother was in the third grade and my dad had come to get us. My mom was at home. Of course since I was little and didn’t care what was going on so I don’t remember that much. My brother says that he remembers seeing something about it on television. I think that this event made the US try harder and protect the borders of the United States plus the people that were in it. The videographers view in this movie was to show the Americans of the united stated that he or she is very proud to be an American. Katie Nestor3rd period
9/11 is probably one of the worst days in American history. We want to remember all the people who risked their lives to save other people. This shows that Americans are willing to help people that they have never met before. Many of the firemen and policemen went into the debris and never came out. They could've known that they wouldn't survive this day, but they went in anyway. We want to remember all of the heros that were never thanked for this day.Every picture was phenomenal, and there are plenty more than that! When you see the picture of the plane, it scares you. You can't help but thinking, "What if I were in that building?" You see all of the people crying and running for their lives. It gives you the feeling of what this day was really like. I was in the first grade when this happened. I don't remember how I found out about it, maybe by an announcement? I didn't understand until I saw it on the news. I was scared of that place, and now I am afraid of heights. When I went to New York, we went to the top of the Empire State Building and I was scared that I would see an airplane coming straight for us. This day has definitely changed my life.Our nation has bumped up security so that nothing like this would ever happen again. I hope that it never does.The videographer view the USA as a wonderful place. He is very patriotic. He shows that nothing can break us apart.Brianna Woodburn3rd Period
I think it is important for everyone to remember 9/11 because it was a major day in the United States. When those two planes hit the World Trade Center buildings our lives were changed forever. At that time America came together. We were shocked that we were attacked here in the USA. Nobody since Pearl Harbor had ever tried to attack us. We are a powerful nation and we stick together when we have to. Some moving events were seeing the people hurt, the firemen, and all the people having the crisis. It was a very sad event. There was a former WVU football player, Chris Grey that worked in the Work Trade Center he was killed in this tragedy. They just honored him at Mountaineer Field during a game. It is very tragic that so many people lost their lives. When 9/11 happened, I was at Jayenne School, in Mrs. Domico’s first grade classroom. We didn’t really even understand what was going on. They didn’t let us know. 9/11 changed the world in an airport. We just flew to Florida, and you have to go to the airport 2 hours before you leave. You can’t take water or any drinks on the plane. They search everyone, you even have to take off your shoes and put them in a container to be checked! It’s crazy! I think the videographer likes and lives in America, because he tried to tell the story from a patriotic point of view.
I thinks it's important to remember 9/11 because it helps American people reflect on who they are and what they stand for. The images that moved me were the ones of the World Trade Center falling and the eagle crying. And at 0:24, you can see what looks like a face o.O. When 9/11 happened, I was in 1st grade, Mrs. Feltz's class. I remember watching the news in her class on a little TV, and getting sen t home early. Well, not many trades can be made anymore, because it was THE World Trade Center. And it came to the point to were the people in airports can't even trust their own kind. The videographer views the USA as a wonderful country and he or she wants to show how great of a country the United States of America can be.Madison Fitch 3rd Period
It is important to remember this day because it is a very sad day for all the families that lost some of their family members. I liked the picture with the eagle with a picture faded of the American flag. This happened when I was in school. I think it affected our security and it helped start the war too. I think the videographer thinks of the USA as a wonderful place
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is to always remember what happened and to make sure that something like 9/11 never happens again. It would be a horrible thing for this tragedy to happen, and then the US not prevent another terrorist attack like this from happening. What moved me most out of this video was the little boy with the sign that said "Terrorism is our common enemy". I beleive that this was moving to me because the sign is correct, Terrorism is a common enemy, and for that statement to be coming from a little boy is a very strange and moving thing. When this happened, I was in the first grade. I remember my first grade teacher at Jayenne having the news turned on and we were all watching it, all lesson plans forgotten. I remember as we watched that no one in the room spoke, it was a deadly quiet. Even as little kids we knew that something tragic has just happened. 9/11 has changed our world greatly. They have tightened Airline security, and they are trying to capture terrorists. The videographer views the USA as more than a country. He or she views the USA as a home that we must protect. Shannon Yost3rd Period
The importance of remembering 9/11 is remembering all the innocent people that died and the people who died trying to help others who were hurt. I think the most moving picture was the picture of the boy with the sign that said “Terror is our common enemy.” When the planes hit the twin towers I was in school. The videographer sees the USA as a very strong country. Nick Trefz4th period
The importance is so we don't let such a country changing moment get lost. Sure it will be in the text books, but the books will not create a personal or emotional connection. I think that the most moving pics are the ones showing all of the people in pain with their blood all over them and the pics with the candles and the signs saying that they will miss people. I was sitting in my 1st grade classroom in Fairmont Catholic. When it happened Sister Di came over the intercom and said that the first tower was hit, and i thought nothing of it. Then they put on the news and I then i knew it was real. It has change the world, because we are now more alert that just because we are a world super power doesn't mean that we are invinceble. It seems that the videographer loves the USA.Nathan Clouser 4th period
The people who lost their lives in the attack and the people who lost their lives trying to help those people are being forgotten. They have done their duty and it is ours to remember them and their efforts to keep our country free. My father has served our country for 22 years as an engineer in the National Guard and our family is not about to forget him and the rest of the men and women who enable us to be free. The firemen, policemen, rescue squads, and the military personnel came together and showed the terrorists that we are a strong country. The movie was all together moving and the narrations were really got me. Just hearing the people who were truly watching something so horrendous was scary enough. You could tell by their voices that some of them didn’t realize that a terrible disaster was unfolding before them and some of them were very, very scared. I remember being at Barnes in class and our principal came over the loud speaker. The teacher turned on the TV and we watched the news. Thinking back, I don’t think she should have done that, but I don’t think she knew what was happening and what pictures might come on the screen. We were on lock down and my mom came to pick me up. School safety rules are a lot stricter and my mom’s work (FBI) has tons of cameras and security guards. I think we have seen the most changes in our airports and we expect more out of our leaders. The videographer is very proud to be an American and takes pride in the USA.
I think the importance of rembering 9/11 is to not forget all the people who lost ther lives that day to try to save the people in the world trade senter. All of the pictures in the video were moving. When this happened I was in second grade at Watson. I think this event changed the world I live in today by not knowing what might happen next. The videographer views the USA by being toched by something that happened to one part of the country.
I think that thje improtance of remenbering 9/11 is because the building was pull of people who did nothing wrong and they did for no reason. the images that i think is moving is the picture of the fighers getting people out of all of the smoke. Another photo is when i saw the sky filled with all of the smoke and fire. i was at my house coming down the stair when it had happened because i was getting home schooled at the time. it was one of the most tragic day that the us has faced.the world we live in today i think is alot safer and people try to protect the world from tradedys like 9/11. the videographer views the world today as a beautifula nd wonderful palce.
brogan raddish^^^^^^^^
The importance of remembering 9/11 is so that everyone can be reminded of the horrible ting that happened in America. The image of the beat up woman sitting down with scars on her face really moved me. I was in school and they suddenly sent us all home, because of something unknown to our first grade minds. These events have changed the world I live in, in many ways. One reason being, the two buildings fell and were never rebuilt. The videographer is more than likely a U.S. citizen and he/she loves their country greatly.Andrew Strand 4th period
The importance of remembering 9/11 is to remember all of the lives that were taken on that horrible, tragic day. Also, to remember how that one day changed the way we live in America. Many innocent people busy working in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were killed by planes crashing into them. Smoke and fire filled the skies above Ney York City that day and it is not a sight many people will ever forget.
The importance of remembering the tragic events that horrific day. The image that was most disturbing was probably the 3rd one in which the airplane is coming down with the flaming tower. I think i was in school because i was sent home early. It has made america more aware of the awful things that terriorists are capable of, and that we need to be more cautious of this. I think this photoographer thinks this country is amazing.
the importance of remembering the 9/11 is to rember all the people who lost there life to due to this tragic day. i dont realy think i could pick out any that werent they were all very moving and almost brought me to tears. this event has changed the world that i lived in to because the airports are now more strong and people are more awear of what could happen. he view's it as beautiful and even though we had to go through this tragic it is still beautiful and we always have are freedom.
Remembering 9/11-is remembering how many people died for no reson..remembering how strong our country needs to be.thee most movieing pictur was probably all of them!i was probably in thee second grade or so):This tragidty proves that our country need to stay strong keep our gaurd fight back!
The importance of 9/11 is to remember the people who died I mean there were millions babies, children, adults, ever some elderly folks got seriously ingured and even killed. The images of there video were teriable and so sad especialy when you saw the burnes on tne people and how meny died. I was in elementery school when it happened and I remember my mom coming to me and told me what happened I almost cryed it was a very sad day. It hasa changed the world in so meny ways it is hard to say. The videographers view was just sadness and sorrow. Jason Fortner 1 2 period
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The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is to always remember what happened so that no one ever forgets the tragic day that changed America forever! It would be horrible if people didn't remember that so many innocent lives were lost. It is important to remember that as strong as a country as we are, we can be vulnerable if we let our guard down. No one would ever have believed that something like that could have happened, and everyone needs to remember it in hopes of preventing another tragedy such as 9/11. It is really hard to pick out an image in this video that did not move me to near tears. I can't imagine how those people felt, and seeing this video and all the news information on TV at the time made me understand the anguish that they were feeling. So many people lost loved ones in the World Trade Center and all of the rescue workers and others that lost their lives trying to help others. It is hard to watch this video without getting cold chills.
I was at Watson Elementary when this happened. I really didn't realize what happened until I got home from school. I was in the second grade so I was pretty young, but I knew it was really awful when I watched the news. The events of 9/11 has really changed everything. I guess everyone is more suspicious now. Supposedly, there is a lot more security at airports. It takes a lot longer now and hopefully they are checking bags and passengers better. We also hear that there is better communication at the FBI and they have a "passenger watch list". I think that people are sterotyping more nowadays. I think the videographer views the USA very patriotically. He displays the symbols of the United States and the things we love here as well as songs that make us appreciate and love our country and the freedom we have here.
Megan DeJong
4th Period
the importance of remembering 9/11
is to remember what to all the people that died and to remember so nobody ever forgets the tragic thing that happened because there was alot of people that died that didnt deserve to die at all. it is important to remember that we stay strong everytime that time comes around for the 9/11. i was in like first are second grade when this happened and when i found out what 9/11 really was i just didnt know what to do but cry i was so upset to hear about it what it really went. i just feult so bad for the familys that had to go through that to find out that a loved one has died. now that i know what it means i would really love to learn about it some more i mean i know somethings but i just want to know more about. because knowing what happened and knowing the things that went on when that happened i just would like to know more about somethings about it..olivia bolling 6/7pd
Remembering the people of lost their lives for our freedom. What I felt was most moving in this video was the firefighters standing up the flag that had been laying in the remains of the World Ttrade Center. Also the people who were effected by the tragedy. When this happened I was in school. I was in I think third grademaybe second. It was on the news right after lunch. We didnt do any thing after it came on besides listen to what they were saying on TV. That freedom speaks louder than words.
michael parker
Every American should remember what happened on 9/11, it was a horrific inncident but we grew stronger from it. My grandfather always said that '...When you get knocked down, no matter how badly you're hurt, you always stand with your head held high...' I think this describes America perfectly. I thought the eagle crying was the most moving. When this happened I was in New York visiting my grandfather actually. What happened on 9/11 has cost thousands of lives and even brought along a war. I think the videographer views the U.S.A. as a proud country that mourns the lost of those who were killed.
Amanda Luzader
The importance of remembering 9/11 is changes that were made in the U.S.A that day. I don't quite know which images are moving in the movie. I was in school when this happened. I don't know how those events have changed in the world that I live in. I don’t know how videographer views the U.S.A.
By: Mycah Wilson
1st/2nd period
The importance of remembering 9/11 is to remember all of the lives that were taken on that horrible, tragic day. Also, to remember how that one day changed the way we live in America. Many innocent people busy working in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were killed by planes crashing into them. Smoke and fire filled the skies above Ney York City that day and it is not a sight many people will ever forget.
There were many images that were in this video that I recognized. The World Trade Center, Pentagon, Twin Towers, nd some of the memorials were on this video. It also had pictures of the firefighters rescueing people from the buildings, people covering their faces from the debris and smoke, also a few of the peole that were injured from 9/11.
For about a year after that, people were afraid to leave their homes for the fear that this might happen again. Also, now people are questioning how free we really are. Also, airports and other transportations have increased their security to help insure this tragedy does not occur again.
Now, they have special people trained from the government and police that ride on the airplanes. I know a person that does this. I think they are allowed to carry a gun on the plane, but I am not sure. They dress like a normal person riding the plane and they are there incase something bad happens. Or someone else has a gun.
The videographer views the U.S.A. as something very important. You can tell he was probably changed after 9/11 a little bit. I think it is interesting that he put the quote, "Sometimes Freedom Isn't Free" at the end. That makes me wonder a little bit.
Gabby Tenney 3rd
I think the importance of remembering 9/11 is that happened is changes America a lot. I don`t know what that two building called, but i knew they are so tall. Is my mom told me that. I don't know which images are moving in the movie. I was in China, I think I was in school when this happened. I don't konw how it change my live in today, but I remember one thing,when I was in China, I have been looking forward to see such a high building, my mother told me that two buildings are more than 100 floors, I was really surprised to hear this. I think to design this two building's engineers must be very smart. I think that is so sad, and I think this videographer doesn't want to see any similar incidents.
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is to always remember that day. Where thousands of people died. We can't even think of how bad the people who's families feel on the 11th of Septber every year. How could any one ever forget that horrible day of death. the images that wanted to just make be cry is the pictures of the people that made is out of the world trade centers. They just looked so scared and they where all cut up and it is just horriable that they had to go though that. Also the images of the building when it was on fire and smoke was flying out of it. The question really is how has our world not chaged! The world does not think we are invinsable and people are scared. We are still at war, people fighting so we can live in peace and be free and then some thing like this happens and brings our hope down. This should not have happened this tragity this horriable, horriable, horrialbe day. At this day and time the world looks sad and grey. It looks like every thing is going to fall apart. The USA looked dead and diserted. We should all remember that day!
It is important to remember this day because it is a very sad day for all the families that lost some of their family members. I liked the picture with the eagle with a picture faded of the American flag. This happened when I was in school. I think it affected our security and it helped start the war too. I think the videographer thinks of the USA as a wonderful place.
Wow.........this video was really touching and sad for me to watch. The importance of remebering nine eleven is to always try to look at it not as such a tradjedy, but to look at it as and incident that made our country stronger and to be protected if such a horrible thing ever happened again! The two most moving photos are the one where they are putting up the american flags in two different time periods and the ones where people are on the ground bleeding and hallucenating. It makes me want to cry. It has changed the world I live in because we are more prepared and ready if it ever does happen again and it has helped us to stand together as a country and be grateful for the people that have survived or even lost someone in this incident. I think that the videographer veiws the U.S.A as a stronger and a more togethernessed country after this horrific incident.
-Katlyn Wilt-
4th period
It is important to remember the event that happen on 9/11/01 because it shaped the world into what it is today war, violence, and raging gas prices. This has mostly destroyed the USA, a lot of people wanted to go to war because they wanted to get revenge on all of the people who planned the attack. Now they want everyone out cause they realized it was doing anything besides killing innocent Americans. The picture that I thought was the most moving was the cop having his head on the car crying. It really showed that it was one of the most (if not the most tragic) day in USA history. When this happened I was in gym with Mr. Jordan, I was in 1st grade and they announced over our intercom for everyone to go to their classroom and get ready to go home. The videographer views the USA as basically one big family who is in a very heartbreaking state of mind for this day and rest of the week. My uncle worked for the FBI in Washington D.C. when this happened and they sent him up there to search for any bodies underneath the pile of debris that was left from the Twin Towers.
Aaron Worth
4th Period
the importance of remebering 9/11 is that it was a tragic time in the united states and we have overcome it and we are moving foward. the images in the video were of the world trade center. when this happened i was in my first grade class room and the teacher had the tv on watching it and the school was going crazy about what was happening. those events have changed the world in many ways. we now have tighter security in airports and other government buildings. the videographer views the USA as a big nation that is held together by the love and loss that happened on that day. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
marshall tucker 1st 2nd
The importance of remembering 9/11 is to remember all the people who died. Also, to remember we can never let our guard down. Personally, I think every image is as moving as all the others. I was at Watson Elementary in the 2nd grade, I think. All I remember is being in the classroom, the T.V. was on, the teacher crying, and getting to go home early. It changed the world in a big way. There is a conflict(Iraq is not a war) in Iraq. My dad had to go to Iraq. The videographer loves the U.S.A.
Alex Keefover
The importance of remembering the 9/11 because that was one of the most scariest moments and don't know when it could happen again. The images moving in this video is when smoke is coming out the building and the police man crying. It has started a war and more terrorist attacks. The videographer views the USA as freedom.
This video really meant a lot to me. I gave me a totally different view on the incidents that occurred on 9/11. It made me look at this incident not as a tragedy but a happening that strengthened our country. The images that were moving towards were the trade center and many other memorials. When this happened, I was at school. Due to this terrorist attack, airport security is really tight. The videographer views our nation as being full of freedom and a great place to live. We are very blessed to have been born here rather than other countries where we might be slaves instead.
The importance of remembering the events the happened on 9/11 is the heart of change. It opened some people's eyes to what was going on with how people from other parts of the world felt about us. From then on, we have started changing our country, to protect the innocent people and children from this kind of harm. To protect the country from this happening again. We worked hard training men and women to fight for our country and to represent our country. We have taught students how to prepare for the world ahead. And 9/11 is something to look back upon. It is important we remember the people who died in that horrible accident, and the men and women who stayed to help those who were trapped even though there was still a threat of more danger. It will always be important to remember the incident that changed America and her history altogether. All the pictures in this movie were moving to me. It showed the World Trade Center before the crash, during the crash, and after the crash. It showed the people who were affected by this and the horror in what had happened. I was in school when this happened and in the first grade. They played it on the TV. The whole school was silent and if not confused, was crying. These events made the United States try even harder to protect our borders and the people within them from terrorists like this coming back. They also wanted to protect our people from being hurt by this ever again. I believe the videographer fells strongly about this and is definitely proud to be an American.
~Stephanie Harris~
~~4th Period~~
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is to rememder what happend and for the people who died.Its important to remember because it makes people more prepared for something like this.
I was at school when this happend and we got out of school early but thats all i remember about that.
9/11 changed the world because alot of people died and alot of people were scared to go on an airplane and people were more coutious of terrorist. I think the person who made this video maybe lost a friend or family member in this event and cares about America alot.
The importance of remembering 9/11 is that it changed a lot of the lives in the United States of America. It also changed our country as a whole. To me basically every image was moving, because when I see those pictures it makes me think about how many innocent people died on that day. This event changed the world in several ways. It changed mainly in the safty of the airports through out the United States. The videographer views the USA as a very beautiful place, i also thinks he sees it as his true home.
Ali Sansalone
4th period
The importance of remembering what happened on 9/11 is so we never forget the innocent people who lost their lives, and how tragic it was and still is. I dont think it's something that will be easily forgoten.It's important to remember no matter how strong a country is something can always happen.This video is really sad because all of these real images that were put in it.You can just see and imagine how terrible how it would have been to be there and in the middle of everything.I just cant believe how many people lost their lives being in the incident and trying to rescue the people in it.I think this has changed alot in America because airports security is supposedly better and people just tend to watch out for more.I think the videographer is very patriotic and very aware of what happens around him and his country.
Cheyenne Shirkey 6-7th
the importance of remembering 911
is to remember what happened and how to remember them in your prey.
onewhere the guy is siting on the side walk and it looks like his face is crack. When people had to wear face masks,and this lady that has blood running down her face and she is really skinny. i was in 1st grade and are teacher was watching it on the news. They are now at the airport they check you and your bags to make sure it doesnt happened again. It was really bad and everything was really smokey.
Bobbi Bowsman♥
The importance of remembering is that it shows that we are Americans and we have pride and respect for our country. The moving images of this moving is the people walking out of the smoke and the people are all bloody, cut up, and they are also crying because the world trade centers just got destroyed. When this happened I was in the 1st grade at Barns Elementary School, and we were reading a story and a teacher came in our classroom and told my teacher that world trade centers just got destroyed. The event that has changed my life by when that happened everybody in my class started to cry and every one was really sad. These views the videographer USA by everyone say the world trade centers go down to the ground on nine eleven. That shows any where, any time, and any place, a terriost attack can happen.
9/11 was a horrible event that changed our country forever. Thousands of people lost their lives. The importance of remembering 9/11 is to honor those who lost their lives. The image of the Bald Eagle with a tear on his cheek was moving. I was at school in Mrs. D’Amico’s class and stayed there all day. She did not have the TV on. Since 9/11 the world has increased it awareness and security, especially airplanes. I think the videographer has a very strong sense of pride for our county. The video told us that the country would never be the same and terrorist are our enemies.
Matt Bartrug
1st and 2nd period
The importance in remembering 9/11 is remembering all of the people that had died that day. The innocent people who had families at home died and now those people will NEVER see their mothers/fathers ever again. I honestly feel like crying every single time I watch something that has to do with 9/11. I say all of those images were moving and they are very sad. The one that moved me the most would be the picture that said “always remember freedom, freedom is not free”. I say it is the most moving because it is very true. When 9\11 happened I was at Barnes elementary school, my mom had came to pick me up and everyone was screaming and crying. I honestly didn’t know what was happening at the time. They have changed the world juristically, we now appreciate what we have to do, and that is sticking together as a nation. You never know what you have until it’s all gone. The videographer’s view on the USA is great. He\She loves the USA and doesn’t want anything more to go down here. He believes that the terrorists need to leave us alone!
Destini Arbogast
1st&2nd periods.
The importance of remembering is that it shows that we are Americans and we have pride and respect for our country. The moving images of this movie is the people walking out of the smoke and the people are all bloody, cut up, and they are also crying because the world trade centers just got destroyed.Babies, chidren got killed. When this happened I was in the 1st grade at Eammeul Christain School, and we were reading a story and a teacher came in our classroom and told my teacher that world trade centers just got destroyed. The event that has changed my life by when that happened everybody in my class started to cry and every one was really sad. These views the videographer USA by everyone say the world trade centers go down to the ground on nine eleven. That shows any where, any time, and any place, a terriost attack can happen.Not only did that happen but lots of people lost their lives all because of revenge.
This day, 9/11, will always be a historic date in our US history. We will always remember the dramatic affect it had on all the people of the United States. Our country realized that we are never truly safe from terrorist’s attacks. The events of that day were horrible. So many people were killed, all innocent individuals. Images of the injured people, people crying, the massive buildings falling down. No one really feels safe any more. Our schools are now locked during the day, airports have greater security checks before boarding the airplanes, more large companies are requiring the wearing of ID badges on their employees. No one really trusts any more. The USA is viewed as a proud country. Proud of our volunteers, service persons, all the firemen and policemen that worked so many long hours to help recover people in the damage. Viewed that the USA is strong and the people of this country will stand together and support each other in difficult times. Our flag is a symbol of freedom and that is what our people will continue to fight and strive for in our country.
Grant Holbert 4th Period
I think it is so important to remember 9/11 and it seems like so many liberals have forgotten already.Have You Forgotten? has never been more true than it is today. Why do you think the liberals are screaming about the patriot act? They have already forgotten that if we had had that in place pre-9/11 the terror of that day may very well have been prevented. The main cause of 9/11 was lack of communication between agencies that weren't allowed to share information with each other. Which is exactly what the patriot act allows. The patriot act tears down that wall that kept the agencies from communicating with each other. It would be a tragedy if the liberals ever got their way and got rid of the patriot act. A man on the documentary said that FBI officials realized that not enough people died during the 93 bombing and so people wouldn't take terrorism seriously until more died. Now people are saying that we might need another 9/11 for people to realize how serious the threat is that we face. It saddens me that people don't understand the seriousness of the threat.The images that are moving in this video are the egales at the beginning and end of the video.I was in the 3rd grade in mrs.swigers class.The events have changed the world in such ways of that the police are more aware of whats happening.The videographer views the usa as a bad place and that we where in a trajade.
4th period
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 was to know that we were part of a historical event, and that we should know about this. There were alot of images but I think that all of them were important.I was at home in Germany.I was home becuase of the time differnece.My dad was on his way from traing in Texas.They had stopped his flight.They have changed peoples point of view on terroist's.He viewed the USA as a very patriotic country.
The impotent’s of remembering 9/11, is always to remember the horrible stuff horrible stuff that the terrorist did. They took control of two airplanes, and then they crashed them into the world trade center. The world trade center was one of the most important buildings to the USA and the terrorist bombed them. I am so mad that the terrorist wrecked those airplanes into those buildings. That makes so mad just to think about it.
Brandon Plivelich pd.6-7
it can be a historical event later on to tell few years from now. the building that got hit. in school at fairview 1st grade. to not trust the communist. it showed how peacefull the usa was before the hit.
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is to always remember what happened so noone ever forgets what actually happened.It's important to remember 9/11.It's one the biggest attack that has ever happened to our country.It was kinda hard to pick out a picture in the video that didn't move me to tears.Just seeing how hurt those people was,and how many lives were destroyed,it's just sad.I was at Watson Elementary when this incident happened.I really didn't know what was happening until like I asked my mom.
It is important to remember 9/11 because it was a very tragic day and a lot of people innocent people killed in an unprovoked attack. The most moving pictures are the eagle crying , the comparison of the flag being raised over Iwo Jima and the fire fighters taking down the flag, and the picture of the collapsed World Trade Center. When the attack on the World Trade Center happened I was in the first grade I don’t remember what school I was at but are teacher pulled out the TV and turned it on and we watch it burn and collapse. The world was pushed into a long seven going on eight year war a lot of good men are over there losing there life’s in pretty much another Vietnam.
The videographer views the USA as a mad super power.
The importance of remembering 9/11 is remembering the people on board the four planes that crashed and the people in the buildings that were targeted. The most moving picture is the opening picture of the first plane hitting the trade center, that gave me cold chills.
I was in library when they announced that we were leaving but as soon as we got called my dad was outside ready to pick me up. The world is so much different, you cant bring the smallest sharp object on a plane and pilot’s always have a loaded gun in there pockets. He views the USA as a united, strong country, that will stand together through anything.
Alec wadsworth 6 & 7th period
I think that remembering the 9/11 attack on the world trade center changed the world for ever. Things have never been the same ever since it happened. The image that really moved me was the image of the woman sitting down with tons of scratches on her. I just think it goes to show that it was a very tragic event that none will ever forget. When 9/11 happened I was in the second grade at Fairmont Catholic. All I can remember is getting out early that day and coming home and my parents were watching the news. This event has changed the way I think about safety for myself and others. I think that this videographer’s views the USA as a strong nation that can revive from something as tragic as this was.
Logan Demyon
4th period
the importance in rembering 9/11 were that we are a free country and nothing can take it away from us.
The images that were moving in this video were that the towere were all smokey and it was sad.
The day it happend myaunt picked me up from school and when I was at school we were waching the thing as it happened on the TV.
How the world has changed today the airports are more secure and secerity is realy high.
The one thing that stood out in that video is the quote " Freedom is not free". I think that that is the most important thing I saw in that video, that and the picture of the fire fighters raiseing the flag next to the picture of soldiers raising the flag on Normandy Beach. Those are both very significant to 9/11 attacks. I was at school when the buildings fell and I remember when I got home we got in the car and went to St. Paul UMC. Now the security of the nation is much more secure than what it use to be. The videographer sees this nation as a verystrong nation and when there is something like that happening in our country, it is not to be taken lightly.
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is remembering how it changed our nation and also all the innocent people who died. The moving images that i noticed most was when the twin towers started to come down and also when people were talking. When all this happen i was at school and i remember them sending us home then I started watching the news about all of it with my grandparents. These events have changed theworld because now everydayon 9/11, the people of the usa are afraid that something bad is going to happen once again. The videographer views the usa as a nation where everyone is not safe no matter how many weapons we have.
-Kayla Wyatt
6-7th period.
the importance of remembering the 9/11 is that many of our families died and no one will be forgot that died in the 9/11.the most important picture to me is the eagle because the way the eagle has a tear running down his face it lets us know no one will be forgot by me or anyone else.
3rd period
The importance of remembering 9/11 is to remember all the innocent people that died that day. I found the picture of the firefighters holding up the American flag very moving. I was in 1st grade when it happened. I remember not really knowing what was going on at the time but I remember seeing it on the news and we got to go home early. 9/11 defiantly changed the way America is today. One of the changes they made was making it harder to get on a plain. The videographer views America as a really nice and beautiful place.
Matt Wade
6th and 7th
It is important to remeber 911 because it was tragic for our country but it also brought us together as Americans. I was in 1st grade at Rivesville when it happened. I don't remeber anything about that day at all. My favorite thing in the video was the eagle cryin, it represented that the whole USA was sad about 911. The video guy did a good job.
Laura Tennant
4th period
The importance of remembering 9/11 is to remember the horrific event that took many lives but America a stronger country. The eagle crying and the World Trade Center were moving images in the video. I was in the second grade at Whitehall Elementary school when 9/11 happened, so naturally I was very confused. But when I comprehended what happened I understood what awful thing had happened. Lots of changes have been made to our country security is becoming tighter everywhere, at airports they check everyone’s bag, and so many more different things. I believe the videographer views the USA with much patriotism and love.
Jared Burns
4th Period
It is very important to remember the 9/11 because there were many of lives that where lots that day that shouldn't have. The image that moved me the most where all of them. Just remembering the 9/11 and watching it all over again it felt like war was starting over. But the whole video moved me. Well at the time when it all happened i was in first grade i think at Jayenne Elementary School. All of the events has changed the world today i think people have been more pretective of everythingnoe and etc. The videographer was showing the U.S how everyday it is falling apart little by little.
Brittany Morgan 7th
becouse it is a very importand time in the world and a big problem happend on that day when the twin towers went down.It was moveing when it showd the citizins helpin and doing all they could to help. I was in school when it happend.It made the USA more observative and more protective.He/she thinks the USA is a great place and she/he is loyal to her/his country.
the inportance of remembering the envents that happend with the 9/11 murder.because it is one of the bigest thing ever happend and it was one of the biggest plane crase in the world and it got all most all of the school out or in lock down i was in 1st grade i thought it was nouthing untill my mom came to the school and pcked me up she said that my aunt and tree of my uncles dyed and i asked why and she said lots of peaple dyed and i didnt under stand untill i seen it on the new we went up there to go to a funerale i was scared there were lots of peaple there tere was 200 new graves there they mede them free because of the instadent the only thing we neede to pay forer was the tomb stone.
It is very important to remember 9/11. Its important because there were a lot of people killed when they hit the twin towers, and many people died, and so we don't forget the tragic tat changed america. I was in school, kindergarden at fairmont catholic. It changed us a lot, and now we are more aware, and prepared amd ready in case it happens again. He showed what happened and its very moving, and now i understand how bad this tragic moved us.
kiley moore
3rd period
The importance of remebering 9/11 is because alot of people died and it is horrible thing that happened to our country.The images that are moving in this video is all of them because each of them have a bad story behind them.When this happened I was at school and I remeber the techers wondering what happened and they where trying to not let the kids know and the teachers told us that we could not go outside that day and we where all upset also we kept a journal each day and I wrote in there "We could not play outside today" and drew a picture under neithe and I still have that notebook today in my room. These events have changed the world today by making people sad and maybe even making people kill themselves from depression from losing a loved one. The videographer veiws the USA very well. He is proud of the USA and made this movie to show people that.
Cienna Wright
3rd period
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is to always remember what happened so that no one ever forgets the tragic day that changed America forever! It would be horrible if people didn't remember that so many innocent lives were lost. It is important to remember that as strong as a country as we are, we can be vulnerable if we let our guard down. No one would ever have believed that something like that could have happened, and everyone needs to remember it in hopes of preventing another tragedy such as 9/11. It is really hard to pick out an image in this video that did not move me to near tears. I can't imagine how those people felt, and seeing this video and all the news information on TV at the time made me understand the anguish that they were feeling. So many people lost loved ones in the World Trade Center and all of the rescue workers and others that lost their lives trying to help others. It is hard to watch this video without getting cold chills.
I was at Watson Elementary when this happened. I really didn't realize what happened until I got home from school. I was in the second grade so I was pretty young, but I knew it was really awful when I watched the news. The events of 9/11 has really changed everything. I guess everyone is more suspicious now. Supposedly, there is a lot more security at airports. It takes a lot longer now and hopefully they are checking bags and passengers better. We also hear that there is better communication at the FBI and they have a "passenger watch list". I think that people are sterotyping more nowadays. I think the videographer views the USA very patriotically. He displays the symbols of the United States and the things we love here as well as songs that make us appreciate and love our country and the freedom we have here.
Imani Washington
6th&7th Period
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is to always remember what happened so that no one ever forgets the tragic day that changed America forever! It would be horrible if people didn't remember that so many innocent lives were lost. It is important to remember that as strong as a country as we are, we can be vulnerable if we let our guard down. No one would ever have believed that something like that could have happened, and everyone needs to remember it in hopes of preventing another tragedy such as 9/11. It is really hard to pick out an image in this video that did not move me to near tears. I can't imagine how those people felt, and seeing this video and all the news information on TV at the time made me understand the anguish that they were feeling. So many people lost loved ones in the World Trade Center and all of the rescue workers and others that lost their lives trying to help others. It is hard to watch this video without getting cold chills.
I was at Watson Elementary when this happened. I really didn't realize what happened until I got home from school. I was in the second grade so I was pretty young, but I knew it was really awful when I watched the news. The events of 9/11 has really changed everything. I guess everyone is more suspicious now. Supposedly, there is a lot more security at airports. It takes a lot longer now and hopefully they are checking bags and passengers better. We also hear that there is better communication at the FBI and they have a "passenger watch list". I think that people are sterotyping more nowadays. I think the videographer views the USA very patriotically. He displays the symbols of the United States and the things we love here as well as songs that make us appreciate and love our country and the freedom we have here.
Imani Washington
6&7th Period
The importance of remembering 9/11 is to remember the towers falling and the innocent people that sacrificed their lives. I don’t know about you but the images I saw was images of sorrow for the lives that where lost. Where was I when this happened let me see….I was in 2nd grade at white hall elementary I remember that day because we got out of school early that day. Well our live have changed by us having to keep all locks off of our luggage when we fly in an airplane that is one example.
cori cianfrocca
6-7 periods
Remembering 9/11 is very important. It's a big part of American history now, and there were so many innocent people that died because of what happend. All of them were moving.
When 9/11 happend, I was probably at school when the plains crashed. Since 9/11, there's a ton more of security for airlines, and many other things. I believe the videographer thinks that the U.S. is a very strong nation, and that it's a very patriotic country.
Alex Swiger
3rd Period
Remembering 9/11 is very important because, it has a very important meaning to it. It was a big change in life itself. I think personally when you hear about 9/11 it should remind people about the babies,young children,teenagers, and adults who died during this tragedy. There are alot of images that are very moving in this clip truthfully I think all of them are. The people on the road or against a car bleeding to deaf i think is very emotional but all of the pictures are moving. Im not for sure but I think I was in class when that happpend. It changed how people live today in that just because those people came and killed alot of our people dont mean that we our going to be weak for them. Them doing that made us alot stronger. I think the videographer veiws the USA as a place that was envaded but Still as strong if not stronger than before. This peice is very emotional but real and even though I wasnt there it still brought a tear to my eye.
R.I.P for all the people that lost their life during this tragedy♥
Remember the events of 9/11 are very important. It was a huge terrorist attack on the United States and we should recognize all the families and friends that lost loved ones. All of the images were moving in this video. Some of them showed the suffering of people that were injured. Others showed the Twin Towers in flames with huge towering clouds of smoke surrounding them. I was in school when this happened. I remember that day we all went out to the flag and said The Pledge of Allegiance. These events have changed the world I live in today. For example now we have a very tight airline security system. The videographer views the USA as an attacked nation that is still strong and can get through any catastrophe.
Sam Haines
4th Period
It is important to know about 9/11 because it changed the way we live today and to remember all the innocent people who lost there lives. There are many pictures of the World Trade Center that day.I was in 1st grade when it happened.The world changed that day.It is important to remember all the pain and sorrow that happened that day. My family went to New York in the spring after 9/11. It was very sad. There wasn't anything left at ground zero, but it just made me feel sad. The world changed because we have to be more careful to not let terrorist attack the US again. There is definately more security that the US uses to protect us. I know that when we fly anywhere,it takes a lot longer to go through security. I think the videographers views the US as strong and we stick together and work hard for each other.
By: Nicholas Sinclair
4th period
The importance of remembering 9/11 because it is a very sad day for all the families that lost some of their family members. I don't quite know which images are moving in the movie. I was at school. Our security in everything because now we cant trust anyone. The videographer views the USA as a big nation that is held together
The importance of remembering 9-11 is to remember a terrible tradjedy that happened to america and never forget how many lives were lost in this event. It is also important because it reminds people that the world isn't perfect and extremely well behaved. This event reminds people that there is bad and evil in the world. Some moving images were the planes that crashed into the twin towers. When this happened, I was in Morgantown having dinner with my parents and grandparents.
Nathan Kolar
3rd Period
The importance of remembering 9-11 is to remember a terrible tradjedy that happened to america and never forget how many lives were lost in this event. It is also important because it reminds people that the world isn't perfect and extremely well behaved. This event reminds people that there is bad and evil in the world. Some moving images were the planes that crashed into the twin towers. When this happened, I was in Morgantown having dinner with my parents and grandparents.
Nathan Kolar
3rd Period
The importance of remembering september eleven is a devistating memory but a memory that can never be forgotten. This movie was very sad. I'm not going to lie. I cried during this movie,and I cried when they did a documentary on it on discovery channel. To me it means a lot because it shows how strong our country can be. It shows that as americans and as one we can do anything. Nothing is impossible. I was in my first grade class when thishappened. The secretary made the mistake of announcing on the intercom, and soon as she did, evry teacher turned on the news. We were seating in our assigned seat, and as soon as I realized what happen i had a panick-attack and i was devistated. My dad was in Arizona when it happened, and he was on active duty for the army. I was thankful that he wasnt there, but I was concerned and terrified for the people who were there and the people who helped save. It is scary because it makes reality kick in, and I always try to think of what will happen next. You never know. The events o 9/11 did change the world. It made our country be more alert about almost all security inside the country and outside the country. Other countries also made changes to their security. The videographer viewed America as the land of the brave literally. You could tell that he/she respected the country with great discipline. Now, everyday at school, I stand up and say the pledge everyday.
jenny bundy 3rd
It is important because it was a very tragic event and a lot of people died.the ones that shoe the planes crashing into the buildings. I was in first grade. yes it has. I think that the person likes it.
Remembering 9/11 is important because we have to remember the lives that were lost, saved, and changed forever. it was a horrible tragity that no one will forget. i was in first grade, at school when this happened, I was very scared because i didnt know what was going on. These events change the world because it made everyone realize what terrorists are willing to do.
Jessica Harris
The importance of remembering 9/11 is it means so much to the people who lost somebody in their lives to 9/11. The images of the woman being hurt with her arms burned up and cut. I was in the first grade at school.Now airport saftey is so tight and strict that you cant get by with anything. They view USA as a wonderful place thats treats everyone like family and we are one giant family.
Isabella Leon
1&2 Period
The importance of remembering 9/11 is important for all the families who lost relatives when the planes hit. I dont really remember any of the pictures but I do remember this one with a guy crying, and I could feel his pain. When this happened I was at school. The videographer really loves America.
I think that the importance of remembering 9/ 11 was to learn from man kinds mistakes and to remember those who lost their lives. The images in this movie were pictures I recognize very quickly such as; The Twin Towers, The World Trade Center and some of the memorials. The movie showed how some of the families were affected by this event. I think that I was in first grade at Jayenne Elementary school. My brother was in the third grade and my dad had come to get us. My mom was at home. Of course since I was little and didn’t care what was going on so I don’t remember that much. My brother says that he remembers seeing something about it on television. I think that this event made the US try harder and protect the borders of the United States plus the people that were in it. The videographers view in this movie was to show the Americans of the united stated that he or she is very proud to be an American.
Katie Nestor
3rd period
9/11 is probably one of the worst days in American history. We want to remember all the people who risked their lives to save other people. This shows that Americans are willing to help people that they have never met before. Many of the firemen and policemen went into the debris and never came out. They could've known that they wouldn't survive this day, but they went in anyway. We want to remember all of the heros that were never thanked for this day.
Every picture was phenomenal, and there are plenty more than that! When you see the picture of the plane, it scares you. You can't help but thinking, "What if I were in that building?" You see all of the people crying and running for their lives. It gives you the feeling of what this day was really like.
I was in the first grade when this happened. I don't remember how I found out about it, maybe by an announcement? I didn't understand until I saw it on the news. I was scared of that place, and now I am afraid of heights. When I went to New York, we went to the top of the Empire State Building and I was scared that I would see an airplane coming straight for us. This day has definitely changed my life.
Our nation has bumped up security so that nothing like this would ever happen again. I hope that it never does.
The videographer view the USA as a wonderful place. He is very patriotic. He shows that nothing can break us apart.
Brianna Woodburn
3rd Period
I think it is important for everyone to remember 9/11 because it was a major day in the United States. When those two planes hit the World Trade Center buildings our lives were changed forever. At that time America came together. We were shocked that we were attacked here in the USA. Nobody since Pearl Harbor had ever tried to attack us. We are a powerful nation and we stick together when we have to. Some moving events were seeing the people hurt, the firemen, and all the people having the crisis. It was a very sad event. There was a former WVU football player, Chris Grey that worked in the Work Trade Center he was killed in this tragedy. They just honored him at Mountaineer Field during a game. It is very tragic that so many people lost their lives. When 9/11 happened, I was at Jayenne School, in Mrs. Domico’s first grade classroom. We didn’t really even understand what was going on. They didn’t let us know.
9/11 changed the world in an airport. We just flew to Florida, and you have to go to the airport 2 hours before you leave. You can’t take water or any drinks on the plane. They search everyone, you even have to take off your shoes and put them in a container to be checked! It’s crazy! I think the videographer likes and lives in America, because he tried to tell the story from a patriotic point of view.
I thinks it's important to remember 9/11 because it helps American people reflect on who they are and what they stand for. The images that moved me were the ones of the World Trade Center falling and the eagle crying. And at 0:24, you can see what looks like a face o.O. When 9/11 happened, I was in 1st grade, Mrs. Feltz's class. I remember watching the news in her class on a little TV, and getting sen t home early. Well, not many trades can be made anymore, because it was THE World Trade Center. And it came to the point to were the people in airports can't even trust their own kind. The videographer views the USA as a wonderful country and he or she wants to show how great of a country the United States of America can be.
Madison Fitch
3rd Period
It is important to remember this day because it is a very sad day for all the families that lost some of their family members. I liked the picture with the eagle with a picture faded of the American flag. This happened when I was in school. I think it affected our security and it helped start the war too. I think the videographer thinks of the USA as a wonderful place
The importance of remembering the events of 9/11 is to always remember what happened and to make sure that something like 9/11 never happens again. It would be a horrible thing for this tragedy to happen, and then the US not prevent another terrorist attack like this from happening. What moved me most out of this video was the little boy with the sign that said "Terrorism is our common enemy". I beleive that this was moving to me because the sign is correct, Terrorism is a common enemy, and for that statement to be coming from a little boy is a very strange and moving thing. When this happened, I was in the first grade. I remember my first grade teacher at Jayenne having the news turned on and we were all watching it, all lesson plans forgotten. I remember as we watched that no one in the room spoke, it was a deadly quiet. Even as little kids we knew that something tragic has just happened. 9/11 has changed our world greatly. They have tightened Airline security, and they are trying to capture terrorists. The videographer views the USA as more than a country. He or she views the USA as a home that we must protect.
Shannon Yost
3rd Period
The importance of remembering 9/11 is remembering all the innocent people that died and the people who died trying to help others who were hurt. I think the most moving picture was the picture of the boy with the sign that said “Terror is our common enemy.” When the planes hit the twin towers I was in school. The videographer sees the USA as a very strong country.
Nick Trefz
4th period
The importance is so we don't let such a country changing moment get lost. Sure it will be in the text books, but the books will not create a personal or emotional connection. I think that the most moving pics are the ones showing all of the people in pain with their blood all over them and the pics with the candles and the signs saying that they will miss people. I was sitting in my 1st grade classroom in Fairmont Catholic. When it happened Sister Di came over the intercom and said that the first tower was hit, and i thought nothing of it. Then they put on the news and I then i knew it was real. It has change the world, because we are now more alert that just because we are a world super power doesn't mean that we are invinceble. It seems that the videographer loves the USA.
Nathan Clouser 4th period
The people who lost their lives in the attack and the people who lost their lives trying to help those people are being forgotten. They have done their duty and it is ours to remember them and their efforts to keep our country free. My father has served our country for 22 years as an engineer in the National Guard and our family is not about to forget him and the rest of the men and women who enable us to be free. The firemen, policemen, rescue squads, and the military personnel came together and showed the terrorists that we are a strong country. The movie was all together moving and the narrations were really got me. Just hearing the people who were truly watching something so horrendous was scary enough. You could tell by their voices that some of them didn’t realize that a terrible disaster was unfolding before them and some of them were very, very scared. I remember being at Barnes in class and our principal came over the loud speaker. The teacher turned on the TV and we watched the news. Thinking back, I don’t think she should have done that, but I don’t think she knew what was happening and what pictures might come on the screen. We were on lock down and my mom came to pick me up. School safety rules are a lot stricter and my mom’s work (FBI) has tons of cameras and security guards. I think we have seen the most changes in our airports and we expect more out of our leaders. The videographer is very proud to be an American and takes pride in the USA.
I think the importance of rembering 9/11 is to not forget all the people who lost ther lives that day to try to save the people in the world trade senter. All of the pictures in the video were moving. When this happened I was in second grade at Watson. I think this event changed the world I live in today by not knowing what might happen next. The videographer views the USA by being toched by something that happened to one part of the country.
I think the importance of rembering 9/11 is to not forget all the people who lost ther lives that day to try to save the people in the world trade senter. All of the pictures in the video were moving. When this happened I was in second grade at Watson. I think this event changed the world I live in today by not knowing what might happen next. The videographer views the USA by being toched by something that happened to one part of the country.
I think that thje improtance of remenbering 9/11 is because the building was pull of people who did nothing wrong and they did for no reason. the images that i think is moving is the picture of the fighers getting people out of all of the smoke. Another photo is when i saw the sky filled with all of the smoke and fire. i was at my house coming down the stair when it had happened because i was getting home schooled at the time. it was one of the most tragic day that the us has faced.the world we live in today i think is alot safer and people try to protect the world from tradedys like 9/11. the videographer views the world today as a beautifula nd wonderful palce.
brogan raddish^^^^^^^^
The importance of remembering 9/11 is so that everyone can be reminded of the horrible ting that happened in America. The image of the beat up woman sitting down with scars on her face really moved me. I was in school and they suddenly sent us all home, because of something unknown to our first grade minds. These events have changed the world I live in, in many ways. One reason being, the two buildings fell and were never rebuilt. The videographer is more than likely a U.S. citizen and he/she loves their country greatly.
Andrew Strand
4th period
The importance of remembering 9/11 is to remember all of the lives that were taken on that horrible, tragic day. Also, to remember how that one day changed the way we live in America. Many innocent people busy working in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were killed by planes crashing into them. Smoke and fire filled the skies above Ney York City that day and it is not a sight many people will ever forget.
The importance of remembering the tragic events that horrific day. The image that was most disturbing was probably the 3rd one in which the airplane is coming down with the flaming tower. I think i was in school because i was sent home early. It has made america more aware of the awful things that terriorists are capable of, and that we need to be more cautious of this. I think this photoographer thinks this country is amazing.
the importance of remembering the 9/11 is to rember all the people who lost there life to due to this tragic day. i dont realy think i could pick out any that werent they were all very moving and almost brought me to tears. this event has changed the world that i lived in to because the airports are now more strong and people are more awear of what could happen. he view's it as beautiful and even though we had to go through this tragic it is still beautiful and we always have are freedom.
Remembering 9/11-is remembering how many people died for no reson..remembering how strong our country needs to be.thee most movieing pictur was probably all of them!i was probably in thee second grade or so):This tragidty proves that our country need to stay strong keep our gaurd fight back!
The importance of 9/11 is to remember the people who died I mean there were millions babies, children, adults, ever some elderly folks got seriously ingured and even killed. The images of there video were teriable and so sad especialy when you saw the burnes on tne people and how meny died. I was in elementery school when it happened and I remember my mom coming to me and told me what happened I
almost cryed it was a very sad day. It hasa changed the world in so meny ways it is hard to say. The videographers view was just sadness and sorrow. Jason Fortner 1 2 period
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