Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Martin Luther King | "I Have A Dream" Speech


Unknown said...

The "I Have A DREAM" SPEECH was very important for black independence and to end segregation. The march on Washington was a great day for blacks on August 28,1963 there was 200,000 to 300,000 people there to listen to the speech of Martin Luther king Jr. All MLK wanted was for everyone to be equal and to not see color but see heart

Anonymous said...

Martin Luther King Jr. probably had the biggest impact on blacks being unfair than anybody. He's most famous for the "I Have a Dream" speech. He also won the Noble Peace prize. He organized the march on Washington and that's where he made the speech. He organized and cause many boycotts on whites treating blacks unfairly. He was a very important person in stoping segregation.

Unknown said...

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is best known for his "I Have a Dream" speech which he gave during a rally of over 200,000 supporters in Washington DC on Aug 28, 1963. He had grown up in the south and tried to work to get segregation and Jim Crow Laws overturned.

The biggest thing that he tried to push for was for the African Americans to help enact change using non-violent means. He was arrested many times during protests and also was threatened and attacked by not only white people, but also from other African-Americans that believed that the only way to get things changed required violence and fighting for what they believed in. While planning another march on Washington DC in 1968 he went to Memphis to support a local sanitation strike and was assassinated by James Earl Ray while on the balcony of his hotel.

King's movement was carried on by others and what he started did in fact help to end the segregation and unfair laws that targeted African Americans in America.

Jared Stern 4th and 5th period

Anonymous said...

The “I have a dream” speech by Martin Luther King is recognised as one of the best speeches ever given. More than 40 years ago, in August 1963, Martin Luther King electrified America with his momentous ‘I Have A Dream’ speech, dramatically delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The main message in the speech is that all people are created equal and, although not the case in America at the time, King felt it must be the case for the future. He argued passionately and powerfully.

Unknown said...

"I have a dream" was a speech written by an american civil rights activist martin Luther king Jr. On August 28, 1963. He calls for an end of racism in the speech. He delivered the speech to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of Lincoln memorial at the time of the march on washington. "We hold these truths to be self evidenet: that all men were created equal"

This shows that he wants everybody to realize that all men are actually created equally and that its not just some made up sentence that no one cares about. He had a very large influence on the outcome of The United States of America.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King jr. Was a civil rights activist, a humanitarian and a large supporter of equal rights. What he saw growing up was mostly hatred for African Americans such as himself and his family. Where others were to scared he stood up for justice and equality. There were some laws that protected African Americans but they were not enforced and there were many laws which hurt them. He argued that African Americans should have equal rights, and the same treatment that whites had. He also argued against individual racism and for everyone's rights as humans

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

"With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood." Martin Luther King Jr. gave this speech in 1963. This speech was one of the best speeches in history. He has organized many boycotts and many marches. He was a very powerful man he stood up for what he believed in and he changed what he thought was wrong. He is a huge part in black history. He made America what it is today,without him we probably would still be segregated today. I think he is a very influential person, and a great example

Jackie Constable said...

Please comment on the speech or on Mr. King's contributions to the world.

Connor saunders said...

The "I Have A Dream Speech" was a huge help in the fight for African American rights. It was also one of the most famous speeches ever. The man who gave the speech was Martin Luther King Jr. He was a big help in the fight for black rights. He created different was of bringing hope to people. He was determined to win the fight and be granted the rights he deserves. Martin Luther King Jr. Was killed on April 4 1968. He was assassinated by a white man. Everyone was very upset and angry.

Unknown said...

"I have a dream that one day my four children will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character". (Martin Luther King Jr.) Martin Luther King Jr. said this when he gave his famous "I have a dream" speech. The significance of this quote is he believed in a free America. He believed that one day African Americans won't be judged by their color.

Tamara Taylor 1/2nd period

Unknown said...

Martian Luther King was a leader of the African American civil rights movement, and also was a American baptist minister. King was also the leader of the Montgomery bus boycott, and he helped find the Southern Christian leadership conference. He also helped put together the March of Washington, where he gave his speech "I have a dream". After that he became one of the greatest orators in American history. After he was assassinated on April 4th there were U.S riots going on.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech was very influential to our modern day society. The intolerance of blacks was a major issue that occurred around the 1900s. With King's speech, people became emotionally connected, and realized how wrong it was for our country to be biased in this way. King was a very intelligent man, and if it wasn't for his death, he would've done so many more great and powerful things. He is definitely a man to remember, and changed the lives for all Americans, with the help from other extraordinary people. Racism is still going on in America, but will hopefully dissipate permanently.

Mackenzie Stanley 1/2

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr was a big help to our society. He helped African Americans a lot. Because of Martin Luther King Jr. it is no longer illegal in the United States to discriminate based on someone's color of their skin. He made it to where blacks and whites could sit together and assisociate together. He was the leader of he Civil Rights movement. He was then assassinated by a white man. He was a very great man.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King gave his famous speech "I had a Dream". The speech was giving at the Lincoln memorial in Washington D.C., on August 28, in 1963. as his first words in the speech have came true, this speech is forever part of history. his speech talks about how fair, really wasn't fair. This speech is really long, but the big idea was that justice was not met when slaves where made free. He wanted freedom for all, not just those of his color. He was truly an amazing person. He fought for what was right. Now today, we live by his words. Let freedom ring!

brailey Gouzd

Alex Morris said...

Martin Luther King had a huge impact on the civil rights with his "I Have a Dream" speech. On that August 1963 day blacks were set free. They finally had the rights they had dreamed of. The "I Have a Dream" speech is known to be one of the most powerful speeches anyone has ever given. He presented with such power and optimism. He was hopeful that this would work. He was correct. Martin Luther King was a very good man. He was also a powerful man. I am so glad he made that speech. I'm not sure what I would do if the world was still like that today. Alex Morris 4 and 5

malachiwest said...

Martin Luther king jr " I had a dream " speech was a huge part in the civil rights and that they should treat black fairly as they do white. He gave this speech in 1900s. After he had this speech it started a big fight about should they go with his speech or don't go with his speech and not treat black people the same as the white people. April 4th 1986 he died because he got assassinated. Now every since that speech black been treated fairly as the whites. No more different restrooms, no more different water fountains, and also no more different school to go to. So we should honor me for that black people can be treated equally.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr. was a man he believed in equality. He did not see skin color made a difference. All he wanted to do was to make this world a better place. He was successful in doing so. He made delivered his "I Have A Dream" speech in Washington D.C. He presented this speech in front of the whole United States. His speech made thousands of people think about this. He changed the world and accomplished his goal in making the color of someone's skin not matter.

Unknown said...
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Madi Balzer said...

Almost 40 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech that riled up the nation. His speech talks about one of the biggest divides our country has ever had, racism. He is quoted saying, "We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal." His speech has been, and always will be an enormous part of not only American history, but history for all African Americans who fought, and are still fighting for racial equality.

Unknown said...

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal" ( Martin Luther King Jr's famous speech was given on August 28th, 1963. This speech sparked the rebellion against segregation in the U.S. Martin Luther King was one of the only recognized activists against slavery. Alongside Rosa Parks, Malcom X, and many others, they peacefully protested against slavery in the streets of Montgomery. Martin Luther King was killed on April 4, 1929.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther king jr. Changed a nation. America, a segregated, enslaved, racist nation was almost completely transformed. America is now for most people a free, non racist and United nation. Though some racism still exists in modern day society Martin Luther king helped a nation.

Frazier said...

Martin Luther King jr. Changed the world with his I Have a Dream speech. The speech talks about racism and how it divides people. Here is a famous quote from his speech "We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal,"(king jr.). His speech was given on August 28,1963 in Washington, D.C. King was a believer of non violence. He led many nonviolent movements. He is one of the main reasons we are not segregated today. Martin was assassinated on April 4, 1929.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr., he and the biggest impacted on African American people ever, he is one of the most famous African American men ever in history. He made a mark on this world that no one no matter what kind of power that they have and erase. He has been an inspiration to ever generation since he has said the speech, " I Have a Dream", speech. He is a man who had a dream and who followed that dream and gave it life and that dream has been living on ever since.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King jr. Was a huge impact on the amount of rights that the blacks had. He is most famous for I have a dream speech. The speech talks about racism and the discrimination against blacks. In the speech it also talks about how everyone is created equal and that just because the color of there skin shouldn't mean that they should be treated any differently than anyone else. The speech was given on August 28, 1963 in Washington D.C. He was an amazing person he was standing up for what was right and what every citizen deserved...freedom.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther king jr. Changed the way people looked at blacks. His speech helped stop segregation . The speech talks about racism and how it divides people. His speech was givin on August 28'1963in Washington, D.C. King wanted no violence. He lead a movement he is the main reason we don't have segregation today

Unknown said...

The "I Have A Dream Speech" was a huge help in the fight for African American rights. It was also one of the most famous speeches ever. The man who gave the speech was Martin Luther King Jr. He was a big help in the fight for black rights. He was determined to win the fight and be granted the rights they deserved. Martin Luther King Jr. Was killed on April 4 1968 by a white who assassinated him. Everyone was very upset and angry and made them protest even more.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King's speech had an enormously impact on our world and economy. Without him, our world would still be as cruel as it was then.

Anonymous said...

The "I have a Dream Speech" is one of the best speeches of all time especially in that era. While segregation was a large conflict Martin Luther King spoke out and not caring who didn't like it or not knowing what would happen, is a very brave thing of him. He pretty much changed the world, by ending segregation and changed people's thoughts on racism.

Zoey Lewis said...

Martin Luther King Jr. was a big part in the world he helped the blacks be noticed. He just wanted everyone to be equal and treated right. He was the start of ending segregation along with Rosa Parks. MLK Jr give hope to blacks and their families he encouraged everyone to fight to be equal.

Brooke said...

The "I have a dream" speech is was was the kick off to the end of segregation. Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech in front of thousands of people. It was very influential and was very moving to people from every color. He fought for equal rights and he is well known today.

Unknown said...

The "I Have A Dream" speech is very important to our modern day lives. Martin Luther King Jr was very influential because he believed in the rights of African American s he believed that everyone should be equal. He got teenagers and younger kids to go out and march. " There's a party in the park" was the code to get everyone out to march. Martin Luther King Jr was a motivational speaker who believed in rights for everyone.

Unknown said...

Dr. King delivered the "I Have a Dream" Speech on Aug. 28, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial. The speech was given prior to the March on Washington, a peaceful protest against inequality. King began the "I Have a Dream" speech by referencing the Emancipation Proclamation that was issued by President Lincoln to officially free slaves in the United States during the Civil War. King used this reference to point out how African-Americans were, at that time, not yet free from racism.

Gabriellakoski22 said...

Martin Luther King was probably the most famous speeches for the civil rights movement. His most famous speech was the "I have a dream" speech. It talked about racism, equality and much more. kibg was also the leader of the Montgomery bus boycott and was a baptist minister in Alabama.

Unknown said...

On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech at the Lincoln memorial in Washington DC. To press the United States government for equality, the nation’s most prominent civil rights leaders, along with tens of thousands of marchers, marched through Washington. The culmination of this event was influential and most memorable speech of Martin Luther King Jr.’s career. Popularly known as the “I Have a Dream “speech, the words of his speech convinced the Federal government to take more thought into slavery. This is the main part to the ending of segregation. Even now, the evidences are located in our history book.

Lucy Chen Period 6/7

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr. was an inspiration to the black community. He was the first to do a successful peaceful protest. He had done a speech on the white house soil. People have remembered this speech as “I have a dream speech.” This was a worldwide known thing. People had come from all over just to see one man deliver a speech. I do not know if it is just me, but that seems like an important event to participate in. Most Caucasian people did not see this as an important event. Sadly Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on a balcony in a hotel.
Franklin Bush Jr. 4/5 period

Keyonna Hilson said...

Martin Luther King Jr. was a African American Civil rights leader and a baptist pastor. He led many movements in the fight for equal rights for African Americans. He was mostly remembered by his "I have a Dream" speech. He was assassinated by someone who didn't believe in what he was trying to reach across the people. This made some of his followers even more determined to make his dream come true.

Leigha Jordan said...

Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech on August 28th, 1963. He gave it at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. He was a preacher, and leader during the civil rights movement for black Americans. His "I Have a Dream" speech is arguably one of the most well known speeches of all time. Unfortunately, MLK JR. was assassinated April 6th, 1968 by a white man.
Leigha Jordan, 4th/5th period

Unknown said...

The "I have a dream" speech was delivered by american civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. It was delivered August 28 1963 in Washington D.C. . It really helped end segregation. Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated on his balcony at his hotel in August 1968. He was assassinated by James Earl Ray a racist.

Unknown said...

Conner Linger
Periods 4/5

Dr. Martin Luther King Junior was one of the main figures of the civil rights movements in the 50's and 60's. He was most well known for his organization of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, his founding of the SCLC, his staging of protests in Montgomery, his March on Washington, the march from Montgomery to Selma, and his opposition to the Vietnam War. He was a bastion of liberal thinking, and is remembered for his contributions to society as a whole.

Unknown said...

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was very important person in the equal rights movement. He lead many nonviolent protests to help the movement. He is most famous for "I Have a Dream Speech" and helping with the Montgomery bus boycott. His " I Have a Dream Speech "was delivered August 28, 1963 in the capital, Washington, DC. The crowd that showed up to the speech was enormous. Dr. King was later assassinated by a racist man named James Earl Ray in Memphis.

Unknown said...

. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on Jan 15, 1929 and was assassinated on Apr 04, 1968 at age 39 in Memphis, TN. He married Coretta Scott King and his children were Martin Luther King III, Dexter Scott King, Yolanda King, Bernice King. He won a Noble Peace Prize in 1964. He was an American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He gave his “I Have a Dream” speech on August 28, 1963 during the March on Washington. A quote that Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole stair case.”

Kaylee Elsey 6\7 Period

Nate shupp said...

Martin Luther King Jr was a man who believed that all races or colors should be equal.Martin was completely right and was a wonderful man.king was born in 1929 and lived 1968 I believe he only lived to 38.king died of a devastating gun shot wound on April 4th 1968.kings children are alive today and Coretta Scott king died on january 30,2006.If Martin Luther King wasn't born or didn't make that speech I may have not have some of the friends I do.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther king Jr. is one of the most well known people in the world. Martin and George Washington are the only two people in the world to have their birthday a national holiday. His "I have a dream" speech is the number one most recognized speech in America.

Unknown said...

I have a lot of respect for Martin Luther King Jr. Our country wouldn't be where it is without him.His speech I have a dream was one of best speeches of all time. The fact that he was that brave to stand up against white people.

Unknown said...

The "I Have a Dream Speech" was very important to ending segregation. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the main reasons why segregation stopped. He was a great Civil Rights leader and fought back in a non violent way, which was smart and worked. He was a very smart man. A lot of people don't thank MLKJ as much as they need to. Who knows what our world would be like if it wasn't for him. I believe that all people are equal, it doesn't matter if your black, white, orange, or yellow, we are all equal. Thank you Martin Luther King Jr for everything you did.

Unknown said...

Martian Luther King speech was very important to blacks because he embraced what should happen with blacks instead of segregating he had a dream to desegregate every where

Unknown said...

Martian Luther King is important because he changed America with his I Have A Dream speech which is one of the most famous speeches of all time. He was a brave man to stand up in front of whites that wanted to cause him harm.

Cindy Maina said...

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on Jan 15, 1929 and was assassinated on Apr 04, 1968 in Memphis, TN. He married Coretta Scott King and his children were Martin Luther King III, Dexter Scott King, Yolanda King, Bernice King. He won a Noble Peace Prize in 1964. He was an American Baptist minister and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement, including many more. He gave his “I Have a Dream” speech on August 28, 1963 during the March on Washington.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jrs. speech was one of yhe greatest known to this day. It has made a big impact on how people should be treated. Once he was assassinated people had an even more respect for him. I certainly respect Martin Luther King Jr a lot.

Unknown said...

I Have a dream speech was one of the big terms for civil rights . It showed that it's possible for all men and women and children can live together . No matter what your skin color is .

nataliemazelon said...

the i have a dream speech from Martin Luther KIng Jr was an amazing speech it was told on august 28 ,1963 this speech freed millions of slaves in 1863, Kingalso gave a ''dream'' speech in detroit in june 1963. this speech has many different versions and has no single draft.

Unknown said...

"I Have a Dream" is a public speech delivered by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963, in which he calls for an end to racism in the United States and called for civil and economic rights. Delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Unknown said...

The "I Have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King has a huge impact in society. Even in this day and age. It gave everyone their civil right, and I know for a fact if Martin Luther King never did what he did I wouldn't be here. Most of the race has an ethnicity that isn't just white.

Alexus Williams said...

Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He had a very big impact on lives not only the blacks but everybody. Because you go to from just an all whites thing to sharing. So if it wasn't for Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech I would of never got to meet my best friend and a lot of my friends.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King was an important man. he was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize. his "I had a dream speech" was a very popular and important speech of that time. he traveled over 6 million miles to give speeches to thousands of people. if he would have never gave his speech and wanted to make the change he did life as today may not be equal and civilized.

lakisha jones 4/5 period

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr.'s I have a dream speech was probably the most important influence on African American freedom. If it wasn't for him and his speech America might not be what it is today.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King is most well know for his i have a dream speech and its is also arguably one of the best speeches of all time. The main plot of his speech is that we are all the same our color has nothing to do with the way we should be treated.

Unknown said...

The "I Have a Dream Speech" was very important to ending segregation. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the main reasons why segregation stopped. He was a great Civil Rights leader and fought back in a non violent way, which was smart and worked. He was a very smart man. A lot of people don't thank MLKJ as much as they need to. Who knows what our world would be like if it wasn't for him. I believe that all people are equal, it doesn't matter if your black, white, orange, or yellow, we are all equal. Thank you Martin Luther King Jr for everything you did.

Shayla Pittman 6th and 7th

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The "I have a dream speech" had an huge impact on civil rights. It gave blacks hope. He was a civil right leader. He showed everyone you can make a chance with words and education not violence. His speech was about how color shouldn't determine your rights, your character.

Leah Chaney said...

Martian Luther king jr. Impacted a lot of blacks, he was a big part of ending segregation. He was a wonderful civil rights leader. He gave everyone a chance and helped the blacks have a voice.

Unknown said...

Martin Luther King Jr. Is most well known for his I have a dream speech. It was told on August 28 1963 he made a big impact on the end a segregation. Martin Luther King Jr. Was one of the most famous black people in the world MLK Jr. Believed that blacks and whites should be equall.