Thursday, August 4, 2016

Caine's Arcade

Why is creativity important? How have you ever been creative? Have you ever had an educational experience that fosters creativity? What is your favorite way to be creative?


Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it makes you different from everyone else. Creativity makes you original, I have been creative in many ways like, my school projects when we have to be creative and use our imagination. As a matter of fact, I was just assigned a project in West Virginia history where we have to make this welcome sign into West Virginia and have to use our imagination with what we put on the poster.Yes I have had an educational experiences that foster creativity. Like I mentioned before with school projects. My favorite way to be creative is with writing and crafting. For example, when I am writing whether it's in class or out of class I have to be creative and use my imagination. And with crafting I like to do DIY (Do it yourself) projects, like the one that I did with my mom. Where we got some boards and then chose fabric and then put postcards from all the places we have traveled too. Because we like to travel. So in conclusion creativity is very important and is used in every day life.

Avery Rohrbaugh 6-7th period

Unknown said...

Creativity is very important, because if we had no creativity there would not be a lot of variety in the world we know to date. I've been creative in many ways but one of the moments that stand out to me is when my mom had gotten new furniture or something decently big, but I can't quite remember what it was but it came in a big box. I used multiple smaller boxes to make accessories to the big box. Which I was making into a small but cozy house for my baby sister which she had a blast in. I had a history class in which I had to think creatively. I had to make a power point and in every slide I hid a teletubby in every slide to see if the class could catch them all, and they definitely caught them including the teacher but she was cool with it. My favorite way to be creative is to draw. I've always loved drawing even though I am not the best at it I still find it fun and entertaining. Creativity is the funniest part of drawing in my opinion.

Isaak Guentert 4th and 5th periods

Lauren C. said...

Lauren Chidester 4th/5th Period

Creativity is important because without it, the world would be completely different. Most of the inventions wouldn’t be here today because most people wouldn’t have thought of that and never made them. I’ve been most creative when I’m coloring. I usually think of what colors before hand, then picture what it’s going to look like, usually coloring flowers. Then it turns out pretty, I use the rules of shading. Yes, for education purposes, because when I’m read or listening to what the teacher is talking about, I try to image what it looks like. For example, when we are reading The Outsiders by: S. E. Hinton, I try to image what’s going on in the book, that’s when creativity comes in handy. If we had no creativity, books would be meaningless. My favorite way to be creative is when I read books because it gives me inspiration to see things different in the way the characters see it. Then you get creative and think of what they look and act like.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it makes us who we are. Creativity also lets us express ourselves in many different ways. Over the summer i went to the Governor's School for Math and Science. This year's theme was "STEAM", which was basically how art tied into math and science. Throughout the ten days we were there we were each assigned a project using math, science, and art. For example some people wrote music, or my group made a moving diorama. We had to use a lot of creativity to figure out how to make the objects move with the limited supplies. My favorite way to be creative is in my writing. Whether it be writing for class or it be the gibberish written in my notebooks at home. Sometimes its just the doodling of random words on paper that can inspire something. For example, last year i had wrote the words "Summer of '69" down, which inspired me to write a short story of all that had happened the year of 1969. Most of my writing is stretched beyond reality. I have a large imagination, which gives me a lot of room to be creative. As you can see, creativity is very important to me and should be to most other people.

Leah Shaw

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Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it harvests innovative ideas that will progress society. Although knowledge is a key factor to plan and create such conveniences as automobiles, the internet, telephones, modern medicine, and much more, without creativity, none would have been thought of in the first place. I have also been creative. For instance, i have devised a unique plan that will guarantee me a seat as a Supreme Court Justice or as Vice President, if not President. Not going in to my top-secret intention, school has been a place where I constantly need to be creative. Recently, in Ms. Constable’s English, Reading Class, I made a collage of pictures of myself that showed how I was a star. How I showed my imagination was, instead of using the entire photo, I would cut out photos only my body, so I looked more like an action figure. My favorite way to be creative is to think of ideas that will have of use and convenience for the world.

Ty Moran
4th and 5th Period

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Logan Zuchelli said...

Creativity is important because it makes you, you. If nobody was creative everyone would be very similar. We need creativity to do a lot of things and we might not even notice that we are being creative. It's in buildings, drawings, and even writings. I've been creative ever sense I got legos from my dad. To this day, what was once sets are now things I've built from without any directions. I have buildings, vehicles, and combinations of both that I started from scratch. Sometimes I'll play games and afterwards want to build it with legos or remake it in an animation maker called SFM (Source Film Maker). Times when I read novels, like many other people I'm able to make my own place in my mind where the characters are. After reading a novel, I made a short animation of it in SFM. My favorite ways to be creative is through writing made up stories, building things with legos, and making animations in SFM. I find creativity very important in people's lives because without it we would be living in a boring world.

Logan Zuchelli
1/2 pd.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it is one of the key factors who makes us who we are. Without creativity, the world would be much different. One way i like to express my creativity is through writing. When you write, it opens a whole new world of possibilities. You are able to make your own world of fascinating characters, different scenarios, and new stories. The endings are limitless. Last year in English class, we had many assignments that involved writing. One example is "The Young Writer's Contest", where you compete with many other kids in different schools at writing stories. Even though I didn't win, it was one of the most memorable things of last year. I enjoy writing in school, and it is my favorite educational thing to do. Writing is my favorite way to express my creativity. I like how you can customize your piece in anyway you choose. As you can see, creativity is one of the most important things in life. And without it, we would not know who we are.

Emilio Maset 6/7

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it makes us all different. If we weren't creative we wouldn't be ourselves it is how we express ourselves. I've been creative by choosing how I dress, style is an example of creativity making us all different. I also like to write which requires creativity and in school we write. Which leads to the next question I have had an educational experience that fosters creativity last year in Mrs. Zweiner's class. We did a lot of writing in that class from stories about monsters to essays about pythons in Florida. My favorite way to be creative is expressing it in my style the way I dress. Since obviously everyone is different in their own ways I show my differences in clothes.

Zyiah Bailey
6/7 period

Unknown said...

Creativity is very important because it makes us all different personalities, perspectives, and lives. Without the aspect of creativity we would all agree to the same thing and would not have an opinion. Creativity allows you to have an opinion and have different career paths. There are a lot ways you can be creative ,but with that being said i am creative every time I get up and get dressed. Now even though it is very simple I think the way you dress, act, and speak is a very important part of you, how other people see you, and how you see yourself if you can't look in the mirror and say I love what I'm wearing something that is a reflection of me than your doing an injustice to yourself. Moreover, an educational experience that fosters creativity is very momentous in one's educational career and I was lucky enough to have one but I will give you the most recent. I think this assignment fosters creativity. Now you have to watch the video from your own opinion then make sure your answer is creative and stands out from the rest so when you read it and say "That was unique" or say " That was a great answer". Additionally, my favorite way to show creativity is to play basketball. When you play basketball you always have to be creative and create new moves and new ways to score. I love the competition and the challenge . Altogether, creative shapes us and is very important because without it I think we would all be the same.

Unknown said...

Eden Williams 4-5th period.

Creativity is important because it makes you different if it didn’t make you different we would always come up with the same ideas. Would you want to live like that in that type of world? I have been creative in my own way by just being myself and having fun. One time I have been creative once was when I had a robotics practice I had just given a helpful idea and it helped me think about the projects differently. Also one class I have been creative I was Ms.Thomson’s class and I was creative with all of my projects. I was and still am proud of my work. My favorite way to be creative is not to be original but to be outstanding like give people information in a project in a fun way. I also like art and music for creativity.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Creativity is important because without it the world would be a very bland place. There would be no excitement or inspiration. I have been creative in many ways. One of those ways was the time that I was fishing and my net broke! To fix the problem all I needed was a roll of electrical tape and a Y-shaped stick. I crossed the tape back and forth between the two prongs of the stick. After about fifteen minutes my new fishing net was completed! I have also been creative in an educational environment, the art room. Our teacher, Mrs. Canady, gave us a project that involved using a square to make anything that we wanted. I used my creativity to make a picture of a robot and used the brightly red colored square as the robot's eye. Last but not least, my favorite way to be creative is to let my mind take control of the the task!

Angelo Manzo 4/5 period

Unknown said...

Creativity is very important because it makes us who we are. If no one had any creativity or imagination then everyone would be the same with no personality or opinionated thoughts what so ever. Now wouldn't that be a little boring having emotionless robots walking around with no purpose? Personally I have been creative with a lot of things like when I'm in class imagining Ms.Constable with a mustache. Also I love to doodle colorful pictures in my free time. In the past years I have done a lot of assignment that have taken a lot of creativity like making a pencil holder out of a Slim Jim box and a couple paper towel rolls. One of my favorite ways to be creative is making cool little crafts by using recycled objects. Some things that I can make at home are bird houses, sliding drawers, and Halloween masks.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it expresses your feelings and thoughts. Creativity shows the differences in all of us. I have shown creativity in many of my school projects. For example, in 6th grade, we had to build a contraption that would protect eggs when they hit the ground. Somepeople built small, simple contraptions while others built huge, elaborate contraptions. My favorite way to be creative is to play sports. In football, you have to create plays and formations that will allow you to make it into the end zone. I always show how I am different from everyone else whether how fast I run or how good I catch. I always show my creativity. In conclusion, creativity is what makes you different from everyone else. Jayden Richardson 1st&2nd period

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it is what defines and differentiates a person. Creativity is used throughout your day wether it is at work, school, or home. I've been creative during house projects such as decorating my room or cooking. I've used creativity for doing my chores or coloring with my younger sister. An educational experience that I've had that fosters creativity are assigned projects such as writing assignments or diaramas. I've also experienced this in art class which allows oneself to use creativity and imagination in a school environment. My favorite way to be creative would be thought writing and photography. I enjoy writing fiction short stories or passages that use my creativity to write something intriguing and entertaining. Concerning photography I use my creativity to choose scenery, lighting, color schemes, angles, and settings while taking pictures. Individuals use creativity at school while doing work or even goofing off with their friends. Creativity is used in everyday life sometimes without realization of it happening.

Unknown said...

Creativity encourages our imagination and makes us unique. In addition, it provides soulutions to everyday needs worldwide. Many students dread the assignment of projects, but once completed not only have we acquired knowledge about a new subject, we gain confidence. Throughout the years I've been assigned various educational projects, but being able to write in English class has been the most enjoyable and rewarding. From book reports to short stories, my imagination was tested and strengthened. One reason I enjoy others creativity is that it encourages my own. As I read other students papers or view their projects, my mind is stimulated and I am inspired to do good things. My creativity allows me to feel a sense of accomplishment. Over the summer I visited my Aunt Lori in New Jersey. It was an extended vacation so I accompanied her to her office many days. To my surprise they put me to work. I was asked to help Allison design some ads for the ModelBride website. I stumbled at first, but combining my love for electronics and fashion gave me an advantage at digital marketing. By the end of the day my ads looked as good as the person in charge of Internet sales. By being challenged and creating something new, I found a talent I didn't know I had. Over the years I have often heard people say that one should do what they love. Perhaps in finding my new found creativity, I also found my destiny. At the end of the day, my work not only added to the value of my life, but also to that of its viewers.
Sierra Flowers
6th and 7th period

Unknown said...

Creativity is a very important part to each individual's personality. It is a part of everyone's own special talents. Creativity is important because it shows what your personality is like, what you're interested in, and how your mind works. I have been creative in many different ways. For example, my brothers love building with legos. One of them will come down and show us this awesome creation that they've built with their own creativity. Often I will join them, and let me just make this clear... I am horrible with legos. However, when creativity sparks it doesn't matter if you're good at something or not. I have had many educational experiences that foster creativity. From finger painting on day one of kindergarten to assignments like these to this day, creativity is shown in my own way. My favorite way to be creative is with gifts. Around holidays, I love thinking of ideas and ways to create gifts that will mean a lot to the receiver. In conclusion, everyone's own way of being creative is important.
Ella Broadhurst
6/7 period

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it shows who you are and what you think. Creativity is used constantly and sometimes you might not even know it. I have been creative in many ways such as school projects and helping my mom decorate our house. I have had many educational experiences involving creativity. One example is in art when I made a guitar out of cardboard and strings. I have had many experiences like that. I use creativity constantly but my favorite way to use it is to create objects out of materials I find. To conclude, creativity is used all over the place and it shows who you are. Aaron Kovack 4th and 5th period.

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Elaina Roupe said...

Creativity is important. Without creativity the world would be all the same. Boring. Creativity makes you different if we weren't different we would all think,dress and act the same. I'm creative in my classes art is very fun when you are creative. I'm also creative I'm my personality it's mine and no one else's. In Mrs.Constables class we had a star project. Nobody could copy it would be pretty hard. Your str is about you not your friend or your neighbor it's about you and bring creative. Caine was very creative it was pretty cool how me made the box arcade. If people weren't creative we wouldn't have apple iPhones or watches any technology or modern medicines. The world would be bland if we were all the same. Creativity expresses your feelings or thoughts.

Elaina Roupe
1-2 period.

Nicky said...

Creativity is very important for without it we wouldn't have music, stories, and especially art. My favorite way to express my creativity is with my music. I play the alto saxophone and love to write out music for it. Usually I'll just write music for popular songs that i like but I'll occasionally write my own new song or tune. I have plenty of experiences of education fostering my creativity with art class, Instrumental music, and especially English Language Arts. In short creativity is in everything so without it we couldn't have anything and that is why creativity is important Nicky Keefover 4-5

ZaQuan George said...

Creativity is important because its what makes you,you and without creativity we wouldn't have as much stuff as we do today like art or music and many more. I like express my creativity through drawing. I like to draw various of things like animals practicing on drawing humans or draw my own character. Usually I do this when I get home and I get done with my homework and just draw what I like to draw or want to draw. My educational experiences is when we had to do the star project in this class Ms.Constables class because you had to use your creativity on the star and to show people and let them learn about you in a creative way. This is why creativity is important and is spread across the world.

emily pitman said...

Creativity is important because it’s what makes everyone unique in their own way. Without creativity people couldn’t express who they are and what their interests are. If no one had creativity, then the world wouldn’t be the same it would just be bland. I show creativity and imagination all the time doing educational projects for school. In fifth grade my art teacher Mrs. Canady had us make name tags but our name had to be written using a pattern. I had to use creativity and imagination to come up with a pattern. Creativity can be shown in many different way and most people show it differently than others.

Emily Pitman 6/7

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it gives us self expression and a way to be original. After watching Caine's story, it made me appreciate how creative my childhood had been. I still laugh at the memories of my Mom's in home daycare. We dressed up in costumes, created an imaginary store, restaurant, animal clinic, and even had our own indoor obstacle course. Throughout my young childhood , my mom always incoorporated music and we had to make up our own dances. Today, I use creativity by helping my family on my grandparents farm. Without creativity, the world would lack color and fun. Which I think is just downright boring.

Chloe Johnson said...

Creativity is important because it shows how you are different and what your personality is like. Creativity is used many ways in all kinds of places. Every year atduring the holiday I help my mom decorate the house. I have been creative in many ways such as class projects, robotics, and art projects. In West Virginia History I was just assigned a "Welcome to West Virginia sign" project that is based off of creativity. My favorite way to be creative is to take many random things around my house and create a useful objects out of them. I also like looking at the sky and trying to draw it. The drawings don't always turn out the best, but it doesn't matter if they look good. The only thing that matters is that you are being creative. If they don't turn out the way you planned that's okay, because nothing is perfect; and if it was than there wouldn't really be any creativity to make!
Chloe Johnson 6/7th period

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because without it we would not have any differences. Without creativity we would not have inventors; without inventors we would not have common everyday items like cell phones, vacuums, computers, or washing machines. I have been creative in many ways like playing with my three year old sister, she will always ask me to play hide and seek with her. I will have to be creative with where I hide, because she is younger and does not yet comprehend what hiding places are. In school I have had to use creativity for many recycling projects. In 5th grade I had to make a moving car out of just objects that are lying around the house or recycled materials. In 6th grade I made a birdhouse out of just an old book, a milk jug, and a wire coat hanger. My favorite way to be creative is to make patterns out of beads for bracelets. To conclude, creativity is a very important factor in our daily lives.
Sophia Jordan
4th/5th periods

Brenden McFarland said...

Creativity is important because if no one at all was creative then we would probably still be stuck at square one which is at the Stone Age. I've been creative in many different ways such as school projects like how I made a Grand Canyon out of a cake in elementary school. My favorite way to be creative is with like school skits and stuff like that. Another fun thing to be creative with is Halloween as that is my favorite holiday. Halloween will always be my favorite way to be creative with making costumes and stuff like that.

Brenden McFarland said...

4/5th period

Unknown said...

Creativity is important; it makes you unique. Everyone is creative in his/her own way. We learn to be creative from the time we are babies and toddlers learning to play with toys like building blocks. Once in preschool we learn to color and draw. As we continue in our education we take art classes to build on our creativity. Even as adults creativity grows with crafts and decorating homes. As a teen, I enjoy being creative with my clothes, makeup and accessories. In today’s society a person fits in by being different not like everyone else. Therefore being creative is a must!

Ariel Stern
4-5 period

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Aiyana Bellamy 4/5
Creativity is important because it lets people be unique in their own way. Creativity is a word that defines most of society today not only does creativity show character it also shows how people can show their true expression being creative can be in a variety of different ways, for example hairstyles,fashion, or even how some people write, but all of those are sign of creativity for example after I watched Caine's Arcade I realize that even when some people think that you cannot do something you should still be determined to follow your dreams and use your imagination. Which is also a sign of being creative. In conclusion I learned that being creative can mean different things to many other people in many ways.

-Aiyana Bellamy

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it’s a way to show that you are different from everyone else. For example, Caine is much different from everyone because he opened his own “arcade” that was made up of nothing but cardboard, tape, etc. I have been creative by giving my own thoughts about everything. I have a separate opinion than everyone else, so I’m being creative about the topic that my peers are talking about. Every single thing that you do can spawn some creativity in you, even If you don’t say it. My favorite way to be creative is to think of the dumbest, yet most logical thing about the event that I’m experiencing.

Isaac Yoneda 4/5

Unknown said...

Creativity sparks innovation and invention that might be nonexistent in other people with different ways of thinking. None of the technology we have today would be here if no one had enough courage and creativity to think up the mechanics of the things we now take for granted. The human species itself isn't the fastest, strongest, or best camouflaged animal in the kingdom, so without creativity, we might even be extinct! It was our smarts that kept us alive throughout the years, and that intelligence would go to waste if we didn't have any creativity to let it out. I have been creative when I write. For English class us students often have to write long essays or stories, starting off with a vague idea. That small, vague idea is like a seed. With the right amount of creativity and time, it can grow into a large tree of ideas and new "seeds." An educational experience that fostered creativity was the project I did just last week. It consisted of the students making a collage on a small foam star, but every star was different when they were turned in. "Why were they so different?" you might wonder. Well, it's because everyone has different ideas on how to arrange the star. Using their creativity, all of the students created the star their way. My favorite way to be creative is to solve problems. It might sound boring, but trust me. Finding unorthodox solutions to everyday problems challenges your mind in a way that applies to the real world. I believe that you can't make someone become creative. It just takes something to bring the creativity out of someone.
Aidan Green 6/7th period

Unknown said...

Creativity is a important part of each and every individuals lives. Each person is different in their own little ways. We all think differently which is why its so important that we all express it. Whether that's with art,music,sports,inventing, or even creating your very own arcade. Imagination is a part of human nature. We were meant to create things. Meant to discover, and evolve. If every single person was the same in every way, imagination wouldn't exist. Imagination is what makes us unique. It's what gives us character. I am fluent in art and I am told to be a prodigy in music and instrumental education. I know the kinds of results from simply letting your imagination breathe. If I'm angry, I listen to music or play it. When I'm anxious or nervous, I draw, I am constantly either humming or tapping drum beats. All I am really saying, is that imagination is a privilege. A virtue.
Kerrigan Greene 6/7th period

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it allows for the constant flow of ideas and creations that improve the world. For example, because of the creative minds of inventors such as Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the first practical telephone, and Martin Cooper, inventor of the first handheld mobile phone, we have the complex and useful smartphones that we use today. I've been creative in a variety of ways, from writing, sketching, and playing instruments to problem-solving and engineering. One particular experience I've had that fostered creativity was the engineering summer camp that I've gone to for the past two years; it encouraged out-of-the-box thinking to solve problems with limited resources. We did everything from building miniature bridges out of foam and covered wagons out of cardboard and skateboards to creating slime from nothing but corn starch, water, and some extra ingredients. My favorite way to be creative would be to write. Whether it be poetry or short stories, writing just gives me the creative freedom to express my feelings and tell a story that matters.
Taya Sullivan, 4th-5th Period said...

Creativity is something that sets us apart from each other. One example of my creativity is my star project in Mrs Constable's class which is a star project we had to do. I used creativity on that because i used pictures from my past and I put ribbons on it.I used pictures of what I loved in my star like my parents,football, and also my teachers. Last year's project in Mrs Thompson's class I did the Gods and I had Apollo. I used creativity on that because I had a flute,paint pallet,thermometer,symbols, and greek letters to represent apollo and what he did in his lifetime. I enjoyed this project because liked learning about him and also liked doing it with my mom. And doing a project really made me bring out my creativity and i also expressed myself doing it.

Alex Brophy 4~5 period

Unknown said...

Creativity is key because it helps in all ways it's a major part in everything that you do. Creativity makes u original it's makes you who u are in so many ways. Like for instance for me I have been creative all my life in school, projects, games, and even homework. Being creative is like being in ur own world because it's your own imagination. I've been creative other ways too.. Such as me having posters it's whatever u want it to be because it's your own imagination. Yes, I have had Educational Experiences that are like the fosters. As I stated before projects, homework, and school work. My favorite way to be creative is writing, crafting, and using my imagination. Being creative is probably one of the most important things you can do. It's just out of this world what people can do when they are being creative and using their imagination. The best part of being creative is that it won't be the same as anyone else it's your own creation. So no one will be able to say u cheated or if u were copying because it's from your brain and it's from you. For example, whether it's in school or out of school I'm creative. In school I may be creative on projects, homework and more. Now when I'm out of school I am creative on my homework, on the field for football, the basketball court for basketball and espically when being bored. So in conclusion, being creative is the most Important thing that you can use from ur brain. Not only is it important it is used each and every day by everyone in the world in some kind of way doesn't matter in which way.

Kieshawn Cottingham 6-7th period

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because without it nothing we have today would be here.Creativity helps us everyday like designing building or projects for school.Creativity makes you see the world in new ways.If you have ideas but don't act on them,you are imaginative but not creative.Caine had the idea of creating his own arcade and machines.Being creative for others may be easier but everyone has a creative side.Creativity is a great form of self expression.You can amaze yourself at what you find inside of you that comes out through creativity.I think that creativity is the best skill a human can have.

Drew Laird 1/2nd period

Khyree Morris said...
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Khyree Morris said...

Creativity is important because it makes me who I am. Every day I have to pick out my clothes and use my creativity to match my clothes. Creativity is important for school. I use creativity for projects. For example, I used creativity for my star project in English class by choosing the colors and picture pattern I used. In art class we are making emojis. I had to use creativity for the colors and emojis I used. Creativity helps a person use their imagination. I use my imagination when I build things on Minecraft. My favorite way to be creative is when I use my imagination in art class to draw.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important cause it makes people the way they are. I have always had a creative side. I like to draw and paint, but I'm not that great. I've also started enjoying decorating cakes. I find it fun because afterwards you get to eat your project. Cake decorating is really hard,but I'm getting better at it. I also found a passion for singing. I first learned I liked to sing in sixth grade choir. It was really fun so I decide I wanted to take voice lessons to get better at singing. Choir helped foster my creativity. My favorite way to be creative is singing because I think I'm really good at it!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it shows how people are different in life. I have been creative in sports. You can create the way you play in soccer or basketball by your play style. By an educational point I have been creative in my writing because you can choose what you do in your story. It is your chance to tell how you are creative in an educational way. You can make it as creative as you want in the story to. My favorite way to be creative is on my trampoline. I can do all kinds of flips and I can choose how I learn them and how I do them. I get to pick what kind of jumps and flips I do. Another way is in sports like basketball. Basketball, everyone has there own way they play. A couple of examples are your jump shot and your dribbling. That is how I am creative.

Abby Tomana said...

Creativity is very important because it is what makes us all individuals. Having creativity in different ways defines our personalities. Creativity is what makes us passionite about what we do. I've used creativity in many ways. One of them includes school projects. In 4th grade we were given a project on Matchu Pitchu. Our choices were powerpoint, sclulpture, and poem ect. I chose the sculpture and was filled with so many ideas. I used paper towel rolls to build mountains and taped them on a peice of poster board which was used as the base. Next my mom and I made some type of modge podge with glue, toilet paper, water, and mineral spirits then painted it. It looked spectacular and I still have that project to this day. Other ways i have been creative is through fashion, music,and extra curicular activities. I have indeed had educational experiences that fosters creativity. Last year in Mrs.Thompson's class we had box project based on greek Gods and Goddesses. In the box were Items that represented your God/Goddess. So that meant that you had to learn about that God/Godess before you put stuff in the box. Now I know a lot about the Goddess I had and additionaly a lot of other ones too. My favorite way to be creative is through music along side writing and being artistic.

Abby Tomana 6th-7th period

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Unknown said...

Creativity is very important to us. It lets us be ourselves and express who we are. Without creativity life would be extremely boring. Some ways that I've been creative is doing projects, writing stories, and drawing.I've had an educational experience with creative when learning to write. We learned how to express our thoughts and how to get the readers attention. Another way that I've learned from creativity is that in health class my group had to create a poster to go along with our topic. One way I like to be creative is writing narrative stories. I like this because it gives me a way to use my imagination and create a story. Another way that I like to be creative is when I read. When you read you create what the characters look like and what everything looks like. It might be an odd way to be creative but it shows how we interpret the characters. All in all, creativity is important. We use it in everyday life. Creativity is something we all use.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it lets people express themselves and helps shape our world in many ways. Many items we use today without a second thought, such as the lightbulb and the book, were made by creative people, such as Thomas Edison, who found ten thousand ways to not build the lightbulb. I express creativity through my writing. From an educational standpoint, I have fostered my creativity through robotics by coming up with ideas for projects and figuring out ways to complete missions. My favorite way to express creativity is with writing because I feel I can pour all of my emotions and being into my works.

Emma Hedrick, 4/5 period

Anonymous said...

Creativity is very important to everyone. If we didn't have creativity our world would be dull and boring. I've been creative in many different ways, like on projects, games, and writing. One of my favorite projects that fostered my creativity was in 5th grade. We had to decorate a rock, but I found one of the roundest rocks that I've ever seen. I made the flash with him, and everyone laughed at him. I still have in my room sitting on the shelf. One of my favorite ways to be creative is to build something. Like I've helped my dad build one of the coolest tree houses I've ever seen, I've built place to hang a hammock and hammock chair in my little room. All in all, creativity is important to the world, and makes you different from everyone.
Braydon Wells 4/5

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Creativity is important, because it is what makes you unique. Everyone expresses themselves in different ways. For instance I enjoy shopping or DIY (Do it yourself)projects. Some people express themselves in style. Lots of people also express their attitudes in writing, drawing, or even the way they talk. You use creativity because it comes from your imagination. I gained confidence in my uniqueness by doing a solo in choir for the first time and got lots of compliments. Lots of people get assignments that's have to do with being who you are. Its good to be you and be unique. Creativity is key, always.
Serenity Austin
6/7 p.

Unknown said...

Creativity makes you who you are. Creativity is a part of you. It makes you different from the people around you. What makes me creative is how I use my mind to do things, such as a project. You are using your creativity when making up stories or doing writing assignments for school. Even when you are doing a poster you are using your creativity because you have to design the poster and come up with want you want the poster to be about. My favorite way of being creative is just being yourself and doing what you want to do. Without creativity, the world would be a boring place with little to no excitement. So always remember to be creative and just be you.

Unknown said...

In my opinion creativity is very important because if no one was creative everyone would be the same. Everyone in the world is different in many ways and a big factor to it is creativity. Some ways that I have been creative is when I decide to draw something, I think in my own way and make something that's cool in my opinion. Another way I am creative is when I am writing an entertaining passage, I go with my first instinct and make the story fun to read for other people. One of the educational experiences I've had with creativity is when we had a project in social studys. We could put what ever we wanted to in the box to represent the lives of the person had, like putting in something about the importance they played in history. Also we could decorate the outside of the box how ever we wanted to. My favorite way to be creative is when I try to do trickshots, like shooting a basketball in the hoop in a different ways, like over a car or behind the back. Creativity is a very important thing in everyone's life and it makes us all different.
Zach Anderson 6/7

Unknown said...

Creativity serves a lot of different purposes in life. It is important because it helps you think outside of the box. It also helps you express yourself in many different way. Most people think that creativity only applies to music and art; however, it is actually an important aspect of everyday life. It can be used when doing your homework or when painting a picture. I use creativity every day by trying to find new ways to challenge myself. Creativity has also been fostered by the schools I have attended. During elementary school at Fairmont Catholic, I attended an arts festival every year. I was encouraged to express myself through dance, music, and art. I have taken piano lessons for seven (7) years. I am finally at a point where I can try to compose my own musical arrangements. My parents have always told me that I have a great imagination. I guess that is how I use creativity the most.

William Burns
English 1/2

Kierstyn Ensminger said...

Creativity is important, without it will make you like everyone else. The world would be boring and plain without creativity. All of the things we have today like computers and lights wouldn't even existed without creativity. Yearbook is a way to be creative, the page I created lets me express how I feel about my fellow students and WFMS. I like to be creative on projects and in my writing. As a member of the WFMS girls volleyball team, I created a box that resembled a volleyball court to display at the Veterans fair to raise contributions. I also like to be creative when it comes to making up Halloween costumes. So creativity is one thing that makes everyone different.

Kierstyn Ensminger
English 4th and 5th period

Unknown said...

Creativity is very important because it makes us who we are. It allows us to be unique in our own way. The world would not be too fun if we were not creative. I have used creativity in many different ways. Last school year, I was assigned a variety of writing assignments. Writing allows you to express your opinion about different topics. Another way I am creative is by painting. I enjoy painting because I can draw whatever is on my mind. I am creative when I clean my room, because it allows me to organize and rearranged my belongings in whichever manner I choose. Overall, if we did not have creativity, the world would be an extremely dull and boring place to live.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important to me in many ways. One of the ways I express my creativity is through my writing. I like to write in my spare time because it gives me a chance to expand my imagination through my characters thoughts and actions. I also like to read, because its very discriptive and imaginative. One of the ways I was creative in school is when I participated in the young writers story, which got submitted to the county but didn't get picked. Here's one of my writings I wrote in my spare time. Hope Robinson 4th and 5th period

Unknown said...

Creativity is one of the most important aspects of life. If everyone was the same life would be so dull. Could you imagine if everyone did the same thing,wore the same thing,and said the same thing? We don't realize how much we use our creative minds. I've used creativity in many school projects. One time I made a plateau out of cardboard and sticks. My favorite way to be creative is on the basketball court. Coming up with new plays and fancy passes are the best?!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Creativity is important because that is what makes us who we are. It allows us all to think and act differently for good or not for good. Ways I have been creative is when I play basketball. Basketball is one of my favorite games and it for sure takes creativity whether it is a play or a pass needed to win a game. Something creative I did in school would be simply coloring or doing something different from everyone else. One of my favorite ways to be creative is in this game I play. I love showing other people different things by surprise. One of my favorite reactions of creativity is when the other people are shocked or stunned in a good way and making them think in their head why they didn't think of that.

6-7 period

Unknown said...

Creativity is one of the most important aspects of life. If everyone was the same life would be so dull. Could you imagine if everyone did the same thing,wore the same thing,and said the same thing? We don't realize how much we use our creative minds. I've used creativity in many school projects. One time I made a plateau out of cardboard and sticks. My favorite way to be creative is on the basketball court. Coming up with new plays and fancy passes are the best?!

1-2 period
ELA said...

Creativity is very important because it makes each individual feel special. Caine's Arcade definitely shows creativity. It inspires kids to do anything that they set their mind to. Creativity makes someone reach for goals. I love to do DIY's and make up crafts. I do a craft everyday and sometimes 3 a day. You could say creativity plays a huge role in my life. If there was no creativity in the world we would not have new ideas. We might not have phones, electricity, or any other everyday items. Being creative is important everywhere and is used often in school. Let's make a better future for all by being as creative as Caine in Caine's Arcade.

1-2 period
September 2,2016 at 9:11 PM

Unknown said...

Creativity is importing because it is an amazing way or expressing yourself and your qualities. I have been creative in many different ways. Last year, I had a project in science where we had to make an egg head diagram on a scientist of our choice. So I decided to go over the top with creativity by using my recourses like the craft store. Yes, I have had an educational experience that fosters creativity. Like I was saying earlier, with the projects and all. My favorite way to be creative is with writing and presenting. Ever since I was little I've always loved writing, I even wrote a short story in elementary school. I've recently got into presenting and it has improved my grades and made me more confident and comfortable talking infront of large groups of people. I actually ran for student body president last year and I used creativity with writing my speech and presenting it. All in all, creativity is a wonderful thing to have and use in everyday life.

Ella Gregory

Elaina Whiteman said...

Creativity explains your personality and how creative you are. Caine's arcade shows how he uses his imagination. It shows how you can do whatever you set your mind to. Everyone is creative in their own ways. If no one was creative the world would be boring. Creativity makes you who you are. It shows how your unique in your own ways. My favorite way to be creative is on the soccer field. I like to also use my creativity in projects. If everyone was the same it would be boring. There are many ways you can be creative. Everyone is special in their own way.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it defines who a person is. Creativity is a large component of someone's personality. It defines your friendships and your career choices. What you do for a living is greatly based on your creativity. You can't be an artist, architect, writer, or even psychologist without creativity. Most careers need a certain level of creativity to be handled well. If you are a creative person in a group of less creative people, you cannot express your entire creative abilities. Everyone has a different level of ability and they need to learn how to express it for their own personal gain.

Carly Miller 4/5

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because you think different than others. In soccer I am creative with my decisions I make on the field. I am also creative in school, by the way I work. I am also creative on projects, my imagination is the way my mind works differently than others. Yes I have had an educational experience that fosters my creativity by when my 4th grade teacher told us how to do projects better. My favorite way to be creative is on the soccer field. I play much different than others. I would use different moves to play, then the ones my opponents use. I think I am very creative as a person. I am not like anybody else in school, and sports. I think my creativity will get me far in life.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Creativity is important because without it we wouldn't have art museums, theaters, etc. In my opinion, I think I'm pretty creative on a daily basis because I dance every day and sing everyday, and that's not even everything I do. I have had an educational experience that fostered creativity, but not that many people know about this and I'm not planning on showing it to people for a while. Last year, I realized I was pretty good writer, especially with poetry, and that I loved music. Since poetry is kind of like lyrics of a song, from then on I have been writing my own music by starting out with poetry and turning it into song lyrics . Probably my favorite way to be creative is when I do musical theater because it combines singing, acting, and dancing all while telling a story. All in all, I love to be creative and without it I wouldn't be the person I am today.

-Olivia O'Connor 4th/5th period

Gabe Jimmie said...

already typed this crap once but my gmail wasnt on here or somethin

Creativity is a very important aspect of life. It is something we use every day. We can catch ideas by watching tv, reading books, or plain out just anything. For instance, in basketball you are always creating plays or finding ways to score. There are many other ways we use creativity. Creativity can either help the world ir effect it in a way. It just depends on what the idea is. No matter what your idea is it is always a good thing to stand up and put it out to the world. Your thoughts could make a difference or even change the fabric of our existance. An example could be the phone. Without the phone we could not use internet. Without internet we could not be able to get access to data as easy as we could now. Also without internet we would not even be able to write this blog. This just shows how one simple thought can effect humanity. If we all stood up as one and shared are creativity this world could be a better place. Anyone could have an idea. Wealthy or poor anyone has the oppurtunity to step up and make a difference. Who knows, the next idea could even cure cancer or somethin else extremely vital. Whatever the idea may be it could help millions of people. By just paying attention to something you can make a huge difference or strike rich. Will you be next?

Unknown said...

Creativity is very important in determining how a person will live and grow. Creativity helps people to express themselves or not to which ever they choose. Then they can be a loud colorful person or be more quiet and plain. Neither is wrong or right. I use creativity when building and constructing things. My brother, Zach uses creativity when he cooks and comes up with new cookies or recipes. When we went to Pittsburgh this summer I saw lots of creativity in ways people dress, sell things, in crafts, music, and art! If everyone stopped using their imaginations and stopped trying to become creative this world would be a lot less colorful, fun and exciting!

-Brady Frazier 3rd&4th

kiara cosby said...

Creativity is what defines you as you.Creativity is what makes a person who they are, and lets you know that your unique in your own way.I do get creative in my own way like when i'm drawing, or writing i have to be creative, and make whatever i'm writing seem real or whatever i'm drawing creative.I'm educational creative when i'm sleeping, or doing something that needs to be creative.My favorite wayne being creative is when i play basketball because when i play basketball you have to be creative when you draw out plays make offenses, and defenses, and the mean thing for you to do in basketball is to have fun, and be you.

Unknown said...

Creativity is what makes a persons life fun for them and others. Caine's arcade was an example of him showing his creativity to the world. By making his own arcade with very few materials he loved to express how much fun he always had with himself and others. Cades acts of creativity show many others that anyone can be creative in their own way. Being me I would be creative and make my own mini basketball court for myself. People being creative is what makes them who they are and what they love to do. Creativity is all around you such as sculptures, buildings, and monuments. Writing what you want is what makes you creative in your own way. Caine's actions have shown many other people that being yourself and doing what you want is being creative.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because without any creativity we would not be alive because we had to be created. Most of the things we have today were made by someone being creative such as the light bulb. I have been creative before. I remember one time when I was creative. It was about two or three years ago and a few days after Christmas I was using a few gifts of mine which were from Christmas. These items were a mechanical pencil, that was tiny, also had Phineas and Ferb on it and I also had an easel that I took paper from. I looked off the little pencil and drew on my big piece of paper Phineas and Ferb. My parents hung it up and it is still hanging up for others to see. I have had a educational experience that has fostered creativity. In Science class when we talked about floods in the south, it made me want to create a recovery group to help them. My favorite way to be creative is to draw cartoons.

Unknown said...

Creativity is important because it's what makes you, you. Technology, and other everyday use in this world was created by people who were creative. There has been times where I've been very creative. Once in school, 4th grade actually, we were assigned to make brains and label the different parts of it. I created this unbelievablely incredible brain that looked very realistic; with a little help from my family of course. I painted it different colors to represent the different parts of the brain. Most people just used play doh to create their brain, but I went all out and made a real life version of one with clay. It was probably by far one of the most creative things I've ever done in my life. I stepped out of my comfort zone, and ignored what other people were doing, and did my own thing. People used paper, play Doh, pretty much anything that would be considered "simple" but I wanted to prove that for once I could actually use my creativity and make it better than using paper or play doh, etc. My favorite way to be creative is to just go with the flow. Don't focus on everything everyone else is doing, be different.

Tiarra sharp 4/5

Tyler Hinkle said...

Creativity is important, because it helps you pass the time of day. When you’re bored, you can keep yourself entertained by coming up with fun things to do. When I was little, I would play with cars and trucks in my grandma’s floor for hours. When I was older, I got to dress up like a construction man and help dig the footers for my house where we lived in Salem. I like to play with bb guns; I shoot at boxes, soda cans, anything I can find in the trash.

James Broyles said...

Creativity is important because it defines who you truly are. The world would be different without creativity. One way I'm creative is drawing. When you are drawing it's like you can create your own world. One educational experience I had with creativity is last year in art. We made a guitar out of cardboard. That was by far the most creative thing I've done. My favorite way to be creative is drawing.

Kiara Steele 4/18th