Sunday, December 18, 2016
The History of English in 10 Minutes - Sub ENG
What does your first name, middle name, and last name mean? When were the names first used in history? What is derivation of your name? What language does it come from? What is etymology? Look up three common words in the etymology dictionary on line and tell what language these words come from and how their meanings have changed.
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Emma means whole or universal. I have looked up my name before. The name is originally from Germany and was later introduced to England. It was introduced to England by Emma of Normandy, she was the wife of both King Ethered and King Cantue. It was a common name in England. There is also a poem called," Henry and Emma." This poem helped revive the name. The first word I chose was school, and I think that is very appropriate. School was at first a Latin word pronounced Schola. The second word i chose was book and this was from Germany. It was written bokiz. Finally I chose pencil as my third word. It is from old France and written as pencil.
1/2 period
Caden means "spirit of battle." The name Caden comes from the Irish last name McCaden, and was later used in Scotland and the US. My middle name, Paul, means "small" or "humble in latin. Paul was a early leader of the Christian church. My last name, Miller, means a person that works or owns a grain mill. This name comes from Ireland and Germany. Etymology is the study of the originol words and the way that there meaning has changed throughout history. My first word is ocean, which means water surrounding the disk of the earth. In Africa, it meant a flowing river that revolved around them. The word ocean comes from latin oceanus and greek okeanus. Now, ocean means a very large expanse of sea where each of the main areas are divided geographically.
Caden Miller
4-5 Period
The name Leah, in my case, comes from the Old Testament from the bible. The name was first used in the middle ages by Jews. It can also mean "weary" in Hebrew. My middle name, Nicole, means "victory for the people". It was first used in the middle of the 20th century as an English name. Shaw is a topographic name for someone who lived by a copse or thicket. It was first used in the 17th century in middle Europe. Etymology is the study of the origin of words.
supernatural-has medieval Latin roots, originally meant "given by god", now commonly referrers to ghosts
boat-has Old English roots and the same meaning now
nirvana-has Sanskrit roots, originally meant "of the individual soul into the universal", now commonly known as "inner peace or calming"
Leah Shaw 4/5
The name Sophia means wisdom in Greek and was first used in mythical times. My middle name, Marie, is a french name and has a couple of debated meanings some of which are: sea of bitterness, rebellion, and mistress or lady of the sea, and was first used in biblical times. Jordan is a Hebrew name meaning descend or flow down. The first word I have selected is insurgent, this word comes from the Latin word insurgentem. Insurgent means to rise above or revolt and the meaning has stayed the same. The second word I have chosen is chair coming from old french and meaning seat or throne. The last word I have chosen is select, this word comes from 1560s Latin and means, to single out.
Sophia Jordan 4/5 period
English has a deep, interesting, and important history. Eden, my first name, means "delight, fruitful, well- watered." The first recorded use is from ancient Israel in the book of II Chronicles. Eden is Hebrew, but the derivation is from the Akkadian edinnu derived from a Sumerian word meaning "plain" or "steppe." Marie, my middle name, means "sea of sorrow" or "sea of bitterness." Marie is Hebrew and the French cognate of the word Mary.My last name Williams means "determined protector." Williams is a patronymic form of the name William that originated in medieval England and Wales. Garden-is Middle English and referes to enclosures. Flower-is Old French and Latin and is considered a blooming plant.Plant-is Old English,Middle English, Old French, and Latin means a shoot, sprig.
Eden Williams
4th-5th period
Brenden originates from the name brendan which means prince. Patrick is an english baby name which means noble. McFarland means "son of Parlan". All of my names are either English or come from the Old Irish language. The common words that I will use are cabinet, baord, and grass. Cabinet means secret chamber. Board means plank but can also mean foot stool. Grass means herb or plant.
Brenden Mcfarland
6/7 period
My last name,Greene, derives from the Irish word "Grene", meaning green. My first name, Kerrigan, a surname of Irish origin, and is an Anglicized form of the Old Gaelic "O'Ciaragain", descendant of Ciarogan, a personal byname from a double diminutive of "ciar", black, dark.
Kerrigan Greene
period 6/7
The name Ariana means "Very Holy". The origin of it is Italian. It is also derived from the name Ariadne, which is the daughter of Minos, which is the King of Crete in Greek mythology. Ariadne is mostly associated with mazes and labyrinths, because of her involvement of the Minotaur and Theseus. My last name, Asbury, is habitational name from Astbury in Cheshire. It's origin is Old English.
1. Sky- In Greek, it relates to the god Zeus, who is the God of the Sky. It is middle English. It dates from the 19th Century.
2. Wolf- The Evolutionary history of the wolf is not totally clear, but many biologists believe that the wolf developed from primitive carnivores known as miacids. It can be German, Old English, and Dutch.
3. Freedom- The origin of "freedom" is Old English. This word means "the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint".
My first name Avery means wise in French. My middle name Morgan means sea chief. My last name means a person who lived in an area thickly overgrown with reeds. My last name is German and comes from the pre 1700s. My first name comes from France and my last name is from Germany. Etymologies are not definitions they're explanations of what our words meant and sounded years ago. Three common etymology words are Algebra, Cricket, and Plastic.
Avery Rohrbaugh 6-7
My first name Serenity means peace, my middle name is Nazeairah which came from Jesus of Nazereth, and my last name Austin means, dignity. Austin was first used in Latin, Serenity was first used in English and French and Nazeairah does not have one. The derivation of Serenity means "clearness". It is in honor of kings and queens. It comes from Old English and French. etomology is the meaning of names.The first word I chose was school, it comes from Latin. The second word I have chosen is chair coming from old french and meaning seat or throne. The last word I chose is flower-is Old French and Latin and is considered a blooming plant.
Serenity Austin
Savon means "soap" in French. Savon was first used in 1452 as word for soap. My middle name Salal is a North American plant of the Heath family. It was first introduced in the 19th century.Rogers means famous with a spear in Greek. It was first used in the 1650's. Etymology is the history of a word and its meaning. Booze was first used in the 14th century. It was first spelled "bouse". It first meant alcoholic drink then changed to drinking vessel. Book was first used in the 1580's and meant a teching vessel. Now it has different meanings like to be full. Love was first used in the 13th century and is from Germanic descent. It means to have an emotional attachment to a person.
The name Ella means "beautiful" or "fairy". It is an English name and was first used as Eleanor. My middle name, Grace, means "in God's favor" and it comes from Greece and Latin roots. My last name, Broadhurst, also comes from England. It means "wooden hill", "forest", or "wide". These names were used a long time ago and Ella and Grace are now known as "baby names". Etymology is the study of the origin of words. The word "fabulous" is an old Latin word that came from the early 15th century. It means "mythical" or "legendary". The word "table" is a french word that means "board", "slab", or "plate". It was used from the late 12th century until now. Finally, the word "apple" used to mean "any kind of fruit". It came from England in the late 17th century to mean what we know it as today.
Ella Broadhurst
6/7 Period
Tyler Hinkle
TYLER surname from the Old English, meaning "maker of tiles", or "brickmaker". Also from the British, meaning "a house builder". SCOTT surname by early 12c Old English Scottas (plural) "inhabitants of Ireland, Irishmen," Scottie from Late Latin Scotti (c. 400), of uncertain origin, perhaps from Celtic (but answering to no known tribal name; Irish Scots appears to be a Latin borrowing). The name followed the Irish tribe which invaded Scotland 6c. C.E. after the Romans withdrew from Britain, and after the time of Alfred the Great the Old English word described only the Irish who had settled in the northwest of Britain. HINKLE has a long Anglo-Saxon heritage. The name comes from when a family lived at Hinckley, in Leicestershire. The place-name Hinckley is derived from the Old English name Hynca, and leah, an Old English word that meant “forest clearing.”
Etymology is the study of the original words and the way that their meaning has changed throughout history. The first word I chose is truck-1530s act or practice of barter, trading by exchange, from French troque. 1620s-sense of dealings. American English, truck at first meant market-garden produce; then it came to mean stuff in general, including ‘doctor-stuff. 2) tractor 1856, something that pulls, Modern Latin, that which draws, agent noun from past participle stem trahere to pull, draw. 3) Suit-be agreeable or convenient, fall in with the views of, 1570s perhaps from the notion of join a retinue clad in like clothes. Earlier seek out (mid 15c) be becoming (mid-14c).
My name is Logan, and is a word that originated from the Scottish term "diminutive of lag". You would have pronounced it lagan which meant "hollow". My middle name is Michael., and it originates from from the Hebrew term "who is like God?". My last name is Zuchelli and I could not find an etymology for my last name (look it up trust me). My first word is human, which comes from Latin and old french. The second is school which originated from Greek Latin. My last word is sun which originated from early German.
Logan Zuchelli
pd. 1-2
My first name Ryan means a strong active person. My middle name Garrett means to watch; rules by the spear. My last name Bohn is a German surname. These names were known as baby names and were used long ago.
My name Ariel means “lion of God” in Hebrew. In the Old Testament it is used as another name for the city of Jerusalem. Shakespeare used it as the name of a spirit in his play “The Tempest”. In the late 1980’s it became more common for females after it was used for the title character in the Walt Disney film 'The Little Mermaid'. My middle name Rebecca means servant of God". Its origin is also Hebrew. This is the name of the wife of Isaac and the mother of Esau and Jacob in the Old Testament. My last name Stern can be of either German/Yiddish or English language origin. The English version of the surname was used as a nickname for someone who was strict, austere, harsh or stern in character. The German/Yiddish word Stern means "star". Etymology is the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. Three common words: Shoe: Old English scogan "to shoe," from the root of shoe (n.). Chocolate: c. 1600, from Nahuatl (Aztecan) xocolatl, possibly from xocolia "to make bitter”. Brought to Spain by 1520, from thence to the rest of Europe. Originally a drink; as a paste or cake made of ground, roasted, sweetened cacao seeds, 1640s. Bear: Old English bera "bear," from Proto-Germanic *beron, literally "the brown (one)".
Ariel Stern
4/5 period
When I looked it up my first name means someone who makes helmets. My middle name Charles means hero. And my last name Blackwood means black wood. All of these started to appear in the 11th century. My name comes from Scotland and became popular because of Wiliam the Conquerer when he took over a ton of land. Another person with my name was William Shakespeare. Three common words would be tomato which was first used in the early 16th century and was meant to describe the tomato plant. The second word would be fall this was a replacement of autumn. The last word I choose was jeep it first was used in the world was and was used to describe the big vehicles used to transport troops.
My name Alex comes from a greek god and it means defender or a protector. My first name is John and that is middle english and it means toilet. Brophy is my last name which that is irishand it is surname of the ancient origin. In all I learned that i have a good name and they mean a lot of creative things that i wouldn't know. All in all my name was back in the 16th century. The greeks had a god named alex so thats how i think that name is popular because the greek Alex got killed. Also Brophy which i think that is cool too. I like my name a lot because
My first name Jayden means "God Has Heard." It is perhaps a contemporary spelling variant of the Biblical, of Hebrew origin name Jadon, or form of the English name Jaden, maybe a variant of the English name Jade or even a compound name from Jacob and Aidan or from nickname Jay and Hayden. My middle name Bryce is derived from a Scottish surname which, in turn, originated as a given name (Brice) from the Middle Ages. The name is thought to come from a Gaulish (Celtic) origin meaning “speckled." My last name Richardson is a patronymic form of a very ancient personal name, and means "son of Richard". The derivation of Richard is from the Olde English "ric", power and "heard", meaning brave, hardy. It is originally Anglo-Saxon in origin, but was made very popular in England by the Normans after the Conquest of 1066. Etymology is the study of the original words and the way that their meaning has changed throughout history. The first word I chose is truck-1530s act or practice of barter, trading by exchange, from French troque. 1620s-sense of dealings. American English, truck at first meant market-garden produce; then it came to mean stuff in general, including ‘doctor-stuff. 2) tractor 1856, something that pulls, Modern Latin, that which draws, agent noun from past participle stem trahere to pull, draw. 3) Suit-be agreeable or convenient, fall in with the views of, 1570s perhaps from the notion of join a retinue clad in like clothes. Earlier seek out (mid 15c) be becoming (mid-14c).
The name Angelo means "messenger", Joseph means "give", and Manzo means"Cattle herder". Angelo was first used in Italy, Joseph was first used in the Bible, and Manzo was also first used in Italy. My name derived from Italy and is actually Italian for "angel". Etymology is the study of original words and how their meanings have changed. The first word I chose is "sun" which originated from Germany. My second word is "bear" which originated from Old English. My final Word is "school" which originated from Greek Latin.
Angelo Manzo 4/5
The name Aaron means high mountain or exalted. My middle name is Matthew and is means gift of Yahweh. My last name is Kovack and it means forger or smith. Aaron was first used in the Hebrew Bible. Matthew was first used in the Bible. Kovack was first used in Yugoslavia. My name derived from Hebrews. My name comes from an Egyptian language. Etymology is the study of original words and how they have changed. My first word is "algebra" which comes from Arabic and Italian roots. My second word is "bear" which comes from Germanic and Old English. Finally, my third word is "good" which comes from Germanic, German, Old English, and Dutch languages.
Aaron Kovack 4th-5th period
My full name is Sydney Panu King. My first name, Sydney, is defined as wide island presumably from Sydney, Australia. It comes from the old English language. My middle name comes from Indian descent and translates to admiration. It was first used in the Hindi, Marathi, and Sanskrit languages. My last name is King and means head or leader. It traveled from Germanic to Old English. An etymology is the origin of a word and the historical development of its meaning. The word supernatural has medieval Latin roots and originally meant "given by God", but now refers to ghosts.The word table is from French origin that means plate or slab. The word apple used to refer to any type of fruit and was first used in Old English.
Sydney King
My first name, "Emma", means "whole" or "universal". My middle name, "Nicole", means "victory for the people". My last name, "Hedrick", means "ruler". "Emma" and "Hedrick" are both of Germanic origin, while "Nicole" is English. Today, the name "Emma" is very popular. Etymology is the study of the origin of words. The word "table" is French and means "plate" or "slab". The word "panic" today means "mass terror", but, in ancient Greece, it meant "pertaining to Pan", "Pan" being the Greek god. The word "necklace" originally meant "a South African form of lynching".
Emma Hedrick
4/5 period
My first name is Kierstyn and it means really cool, laid back person who just loves to have fun and is an all around sweetheart. My middle name is Nicole and it means victory for the people. And my last name is Ensminger and it means a lost or unidentified place. My first and my last name above you in German and my middle name is from English. Kierstyn is a somewhat popular name in 2017 3315 people have the name Kierstyn. Etymology is the study of the origin of words. The word "table" is French and means "plate" or "slab".The word "necklace" originally meant "a South African form of lynching".
Kierstyn Ensminger
My first name, Taya, has Egyptian, Russian, and Japanese roots, and there's no date as to when it began use. The Japanese derivation means "valley field" or "young," while the Russian meaning is derived from the name Taisiya, which comes from the Greek Thais. The Egyptian meaning may have been derived from the names of various gods or rulers, and thus means "perfectly formed," "princess," or goddess." My middle name, Alisse, is an alternate spelling of the French Elise, which means "pledged/consecrated to God," and its use can be traced back to the late nineteenth century. My last name, Sullivan, originated in the third century as an Irish surname derived from Ó Súilleabháin, which means "descendant of Súilleabhán," with the name Súilleabhán meaning "little dark-eyed one" in Irish. According to The Oxford English Dictionary, etymology is "the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history." Three common words with rather interesting etymologies are clue (derived from the Northern English and Scottish clew, meaning "a ball of thread or yarn"), robot (derived from Old Czech rabota, meaning "servitude"), and noon (derived from the Latin phrase nona hora, meaning "ninth hour"; the ninth hour was actually 3:00 p.m.).
The name Alisha means noble in German. My name has multiple spellings, but the spelling of my name started in the 1980's. My name originates from the name Alice which was very popular in Germany in the past.My name was first used in the Germanic and French languages.Etymology is the study of the origin of words. The first word I chose is chair coming from the old french language and meaning throne or seat.The second word I chose is flower which comes from old french and Latin and is considered a blooming plant. The last word I have chosen is garden which is middle English and refers to enclosures.
Alisha Hayhurst 6/7th period
My full name is Abigail Rose Tillema. Abigail is Hebrew for "my father's joy" or "my father is rejoicing". Rose, my middle name, is a flower. Tillema is a Frisian name which means "in the north, by the bridge" or "in Groningen near the bridge". It was created in 1811 when Napoleon invaded the Netherlands and forced the Dutch to pick a surname. Frisian is a Germanic and Dutch ethnic group that hail from northern Holland. Some other words with Dutch origins are aardvark, pickle, and waffle. Aard means "earth" and vark means "pig". Therefore, aardvark means "earthpig". Pickle comes from pekel which means "brine", and waffle comes from wafel, which means "waffle".
Abby Tillema
4/5 period
The name Drew means wise in Welsh. The name Drew is used as both a boys and girls name. In 2015 1,182 kids were named drew 885 were boys. The English origin means "nickname for name's ending with -drew". The first word I chose is chair coming from an old French language and meaning thrown or seat. The second word I chose is flower which comes from old French and Latin and is considered a blooming plant. The last word I chose is garden which is middle English and refers to enclosures.
Drew 1/2 period
Carly is the female variant of the German name Carl, which means "man". My middle name, Jane, is Hebrew, meaning "gift from God". Miller means "one who worked in or owned a mill". Etymology is the history and meaning of a word or phrase. 1) Pencil: Pencil was originally from the Old French word "Pincel" meaning "artists paintbrush. 2) Coin: Coin is from the Old French word "coing" meaning "a wedge; stamp; piece of money" an dthe Latin word "cuneus" meaning "a wedge". 3) Card: from Old French "carde" meaning "to comb through".
My last name is “Moran”. It’s name is gender neutral; meaning it can be for both the masculine and feminine. It’s origin comes from Ireland. A Irish High King had the name when he was king from 88-93. A saint also had the name from unknown to 730. These two people were King Morán and Saint Moderan, although he is also known as Saint Moderan. Due to having such accomplished people associated with the name, it means “great”. It was used in Hebrew scripts and means “viburnum shrub”. Other than that, the usage of the name is extremely rare. In the 1910s, the usage of the name rocketed up to almost twenty babies one year. My first name, Tylan, has North American origins. My middle name is based of a demigod from the Hindu religion.
My full name is Sierra Alexis Flowers. It has many different spellings. My first name, Sierra, means dark, feminine of ciarian. My middle name means to help or defend. My last name means its first bearer, who was a beautiful person perhaps of someone with a flowery personality. The name, Sierra, was first used in Ireland. My middle name, Alexis, was first used in Greece. My last name, Flowers, was first used in The Middle Ages. The first word I selected is insurgent. Insurgent comes from the Latin word insurgentum. Insurgent means to rise above or revolt. The word freedom is the state of being free or at a liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. My last word is ocean. Ocean means a very large expanse of sea where each of the main areas are divided geographically.
Sierra Flowers
My first name, Hope, comes from the indian term "Hopian." The name is common in american females.
My first name Chloe means "green shoot". Marie means "sea of bitterness". Johnson means "son of John". Chloe was first used in the New Testament. Marie was first used in the Bible. Johnson has an unknown origin, but was first used in the mid-nineteenth century. Entomology is the study of original words and how their meanings have changed. The first word I chose is "word", it comes from the Germanic origin. The second word I chose is "name", it comes from the Germanic origin. My last word is "dog", it come from Old English.
Chloe Johnson 6/7
My full name is Sidney Rae Greene. My first name, Sidney, is of English origin, and means "wide island." My middle name, Rae, is of Hebrew origin. The meaning of Rae is "female sheep." My last name, Greene, is one of the most widespread of English, and sometimes Irish, surnames. It is usually of Olde English and Anglo-Saxon pre 7th century origins. The first word I selected is table. The word "table" is a french word that means "board", "slab", or "plate". It was used from the late 12th century until now. The word freedom is the state of being free or at a liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. My last word is apple. The word apple used to refer to any type of fruit and was first used in Old English.
The name Emilio means "achiever", Anthony means "Holy one", and Maset means"wine maker". Emilio was first used in Italy, Anthony was first used in the Bible, and Maset was also first used in Italy. My name derived from Italy and is actually Italian for "angel". Etymology is the study of original words and how their meanings have changed. The first word I chose is "sun" which originated from Germany. My second word is "bear" which originated from Old English. My final Word is "school" which originated from Greek Latin.
Emilio Maset 6/7
my first name is Hebrew and means he will laugh and my middle name, Maximus and alexander mean greatest and defender of mankind Guentert means army warrior. alexander was used in 356bc maximus-7th century Isaak first used 230bc Guentert was first used 450bc Isaak-jewish Guentert-german maxamus-roman alexander-roman etimology is how words and there meaning change over time. cube was roman and tesseract was greek
Isaak Guentert 4th - 5th
The name Zachery means "the lord has remembered and it is Hebrew. The name Thomas means "twin" with a Greek origin. The name Anderson means son of Andrew with a British. Etymology is the history and meaning of a word or phrase. 1) Pencil: Pencil was originally from the Old French word "Pincel" meaning "artists paintbrush. 2) Coin: Coin is from the Old French word "coing" meaning "a wedge; stamp; piece of money" an dthe Latin word "cuneus" meaning "a wedge". 3) Card: from Old French "carde" meaning "to comb through."
My first name is Kathleen. It is anglicized form of Irish Caitlin. It means "pure". My middle name is Grace. Greek mythology ties the name to beauty, blossom, and joy. My last name is McPherson. McPherson is a Scotish name. In Scotland it is spelled Macpherson. Etymology is the history of a word and its meaning. Pencil: Pencil was originally from the Old French word "Pincel" meaning "artists paintbrush. Coin: Coin is from the Old French word "coing" meaning "a wedge; stamp; piece of money" an dthe Latin word "cuneus" meaning "a wedge". Card: from Old French "carde" meaning "to comb through."
Kate McPherson
1/2 Period
Zyiah doesn't mean anything. My middle name is Nadine and it means hope. My last name is Bailey it means man in charge. Nadine was first used in Russia and Bailey was first used in England.My name has not changed through history. Etymology is the history and origin of wordThe first word I chose is "word", it comes from the Germanic origin. The second word I chose is "name", it comes from the Germanic origin. My last word is "dog", it come from Old English.
Zyiah Bailey
The name Brady is an Irish meaning for spirited and broad. Andrew is Greek for " manly" or it could be linked to warriors. In the Bible, Andrew means "the first of the twelve apostles to be chosen by Jesus and the brother of Peter. Frazier comes from a Scottish meaning " of the forest of men ". The name Brady dates back to the 7th century. The name Andrew dates back 1086 years ago. The name Frazier dates back to the 12th century. Brady is Irish, Andrew is Greek, Frazier is Scottish. Socks: diamond- shaped patter of two or more in fabric. Hat: head covering. Glasses: spectacles.
My first name Phillip as well as my middle name Nicholas both have origins in ancient Greece. Phillip meaning lover of horses, while Nicholas derived from the Greek god Nike, the god of victory, but my last name is a bit of a mystery. Keefover is the English spelling of the name Keifhaber, which is my true last name. Though I can't tell you what it means I can tell of one of my ancestors. Johann Phillipp Keifhaber was a immigrant to the Us who founded a pharmacy right here in Middletown,the name of the Fairmont area at the time, in the 1760s
Nicky Keefover 4-5
The name Elaina, however, came from the greek roots. The names meaning is a sun ray or brightness. The name is therefore associated with the sun. The name first came about in the 1950s. My name came from my grandmas middle name Elane. Which is also passed down from greek roots.
My full name is Nicholas Robert Matheny and the meaning of Nick is "victory of the people", the meaning of Robert is "bright fame", and Matheny had no specific meaning. Origin of Nick is Greek-Robert Germanic, and Matheny is French. Nick takes place in 431 to 404 BC, Robert existed before the Normn Conquest, and finally Matheny was in the per 1700s. My first word is dog the origin is out of Old English, the meaning is breed of canine. The second word is wing coming from the late 19th century meaning capacity to play a role. My final word is glasses meaning spectacles coming from Old English.
The word Jaxon means god has been gracious. The origin was from Europe but the name started out as Jack and Jaxon meant son of Jack at first. My middle name Tyler which means door keeper is a French word so it came from France. My last name Nuzum is Irish and its most common meaning is new men."Word" is the first thing I chose and it comes from Germany. "Dog" is the second word and it's from old English. My last word is "glasses" which comes from French
The name "Nicholas" means "Victory of the people". My middle name " Patrick" means patrician noble. My last name means a settlement on a cliff. I never did know what any of my names actually meant until I looked them up. So it's pretty cool how you can find out what your name is and how it refers to some things that you do.
Lauren Chidester
The name 'Lauren' was a feminine way of the name 'Laurence.' It was originally a masculine name; it was first popularized as a feminine name by actress Betty Jean Perske, who used Lauren Bacall as her stage name. The name 'Danielle' is the French female variant of the name 'Daniel.' The name 'Chidester' means one who came from Cichester. Etymology means: the study of the origin of words.
Baby- "to treat a baby," 1742, from baby(n.)
Oaken- "made of, or consisting of, oak," late 12c., from oak+-en
Za(n.)- U.S. student slang shortening of pizza, attested from 1968
The name "Foster" means the one who keeps the forest.The name Foster is a English baby name and has been around for a long last name "Robinson" means son of the robin an it originates from England.
The name Kirtis means victorious prince, royal victory the origin is unknown the history of this word started in 1961. My middle name Douglas means dark river, black water it's origin is "Scottish" and it's history started in 1912. The surname Drennen means kind, gift, given by God, gift of God and it's origin is "Irish" it,s history started in the 1800's. The word, word, is "Germanic". The word, mad, is "Old English" and "Germanic". The word, dog, is "Old English".
Kirtis Drennen 6/7th
Braydon wells 4/5th
My name Braydon originates from Ireland from a legend with a character named Bradden who guarded the valley. Which is what my name means "broad valley". My middle name is kurtmichael which r the names of my dads best friends and wells comes from Ireland too it means well. A word I selected was worm it was originally from germany and was called "woodworm". Another word is chair which was from Old French and was called chaiere. Then finally license which is Latin and is spelled like licere.
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