Sunday, August 4, 2019

S.E. Hinton On Location in Tulsa

After watching the S.E.Hinton interview, compare a scene from the movie to something that you have experienced or find an anecdote concerning the movie or the movie stars which has not been mentioned in the Youtube video.


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

I am comparing when Dally wanted to be out of the hospital to fight to my life. Though i wasn’t in the hospital or wanted to be out to fight i had an injury. I had broken my toe and i wanted nothing more than to be back in and cheer. I love cheer just like Dally loved fighting. Seeing my team do things without me killed me inside. Dally felt the same way when he heard he’d have to sit out of the rumble. I loved my team dearly and i didn’t wanna see them compete without me. I was so upset while not cheering, but in 6 weeks i was back in and way more happy. This is exactly how Dally felt. When he was in the hospital he was angry but when he got to fight he was way more contempt. I guess you could say me and Dally are somewhat similar.

Unknown said...

In the movie “The Outsiders” S.E Hinton makes many points I can relate to. Only one sticks out to me though. This point is when Johnny stabs Bob to save Ponyboy’s life. I relate to this because I would do anything to help my friends even kill someone. I know that sounds over the top ,but it’s just the person I am. Johnny then saves Ponyboy’s life again. When they are in the fire at the church he pushes Pony out the window instead of saving himself. Johnny eventually dies from it ,so he risked it all save his friend. This how I relate to “The Outsiders” and it’s characters.

Audrey Tobesman
1&2 period

Maddie Awbrey said...
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Maddie Awbrey said...

In the movie "The Outsiders" I relate the most to Ponyboy and the scene where Cherry tells Ponyboy the differences between the Greasers and the Socs at the Nightly Double Movie. Ponyboy doesn't really fit in with either group. He's not rough and likes fighting like the Greasers, but he's also not rich and privileged like a Soc. I'm like Ponyboy, I don't really fit in with any of the "groups"at our school such as the popular ones, the bad kids, the quiet ones, etc. I like to keep my good friends close to me like Johnny and Ponyboy. We fit into our own group like they do.

Maddie Awbrey
4&5th Period

noah c said...

I’m relating to Johnny going to the hospital for being a hero to me. I didn’t go tho the hospital for being a hero but i went for trying to win a game for my team. When i was in the second grade i was playing eraser tag and i was running so fast that i tripped fell hit my head and had to get stitches. Just like Johnny i wanted to do it for people. I loved my friends just like Johnny and wanted to win for them. I never became a hero but my friends were pretty proud of me just like Jhonny’s friends . Even tho i fell i still won it for my team!

Unknown said...

In the movie, The Outsiders, I would compare myself or my life to the separation to the Greasers and the Socs. I would compare myself to this because everyone is separated like they were in the movie still. If you do not have the fashionable clothes, or your hair is like everything else’s. It can feel like your an “outsider” and like nobody wants you around. It will happen to everyone a time or two. You may not always fit in. I know I surely do not always fit in, but that is totally okay. You should always be extrodinary like Ponyboy in the movie. He did not fit in but he still made the best of it, and stayed with his friends through everything. Just like me you just have to shake off the negativity, like the Socs give and keep going.

Ro Jones said...

In the book the outsiders S.E. Hinton does a very good job at showing us that not being the most rich and powerful person in the world is okay.Not everyone has to blend in and not everyone has to standout.Although their are a variety of scenes that relate to me and my life one that stuck out was Ponyboys descriptions of the Socs.Something that I thought was interesting was that he always described their clothing. Their Madras shirts and thier leather jackets.This showed their social status and well being as well his thier power in their community/society. I’ve seen so many times in my life where somebody wore the wrong thing or said the wrong thing. And their reputation is based of that mistake for the rest of thier lives. But S.E. Hinton does spectacular at saying your social rank doesn’t dipict your future. And you can do whatever you want to do just don’t base it off your rank.Dont base it off your egotistical sense of entitlement. Nothings entitled to you but , earning it is the most important and the authors shows that very well.

Brianna price said...

In the movie “The Outsiders” S.E Hinton makes many points but, I can relate to Dally the most because even though he’s not related to the other guys he acts like he’s a brother and he would do anything for them. I would do anything for my friends no matter what!! For example when Pony and Johnny were together and Johnny killed Bob Dally helped them out big time. He knew if he got caught he was going to get in big trouble but he did it anyways. Just like if one of my friends needed help on something or doing something I would help them out.

~brianna price

Unknown said...

I'd say that my own personal experiences can't match too well with those of the movie. except for a single part that I relate too on a SPIRITUAL level. I never want to cut my hair. Just like pony and johnny at the church I used to be DEVASTATED any time my hair was cut. So at that scene I believe I truly understood their pain for the loss of their hair.
P.s. I've been growing my hair for over 2 years now.

BellaWilliams said...

After watching the interview I would in my own life draw a line between myself and Ponyboy because like Ponyboy I may not have a lot but I have people that care about me and love me. So, like when Pony was at the movies with the guys my friend goof off at the movies and it’s funny up to a certain point.

Unknown said...

After watching the interview in class I can relate to the scene when Soda Pop runs out on his family. I have experienced my family arguing and fighting over the stupidest things but someone always ran out. One time I was the one to run out because it was testing my nerves and I got so mad. But Soda Pop ran and did not come back for a while. On the other hand I just took a breath of fresh air. If something really bad ends up happening I try to get away for a day or two and stay at a friends. I thought that Soda Pop didn't set a very good example because he cursed and ran away from what family he had left for a couple days. But he also helped to show me sometimes you need alone time. And that all family isn't perfect and they do argue. But Soda Pop does set a good example on how he handled the situation when Dally hit him by just walking away and not fighting back. The Outsiders drastically changed my point of view on how precious family really is.

Emma Patterson
4th and 5th period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In the movie The Outsiders i relate to Sodapop because he wouldn’t be able to sit still in a movie. Pony boy said that Soda could never enjoy a movie because he would always get bored. When i go to the movies i usauall don’t stop moving and don’t like sitting. Also because Soda is always waiting for the next thing and once he’s seen one thing for long enough it isn’t amusing and he loses interest just like i usaually do.

Unknown said...

I relate to the scene at the drive in movie theater. I relate to Dally falling out of the seat at the theater. I relate to this because I am very clumsy and that is something I would do. This scene where he fell out of the chair isn't even scripted it was an accidental fall. Dally is sitting talking to Cherry Valance and Cherry tells him to leave, but dally instead when he went to stand up he and the chair fell.

Unknown said...

After watching the interview I can relate t o the movie scene at the movie theater because one time when I was at a movie theater the people behind he where being loud and annoying. Eventually they stopped because everyone kept telling them to be quiet.

Gabby johnson said...

I am related to the scene when they were at the gas station and one of the greasers were roasting the socs. I am always somewhere saying stuff about things or people even though I shouldn’t I am. Always somewhere running my mouth. I have a big mouth and I like to use it just like the greaser who was just running his mouth talking about the socs clothes and stuff. It was one funny part in that whole movie. Then when I start talking my friends are always laughing telling me to stop. So I am most related to the greaser who was roasting the socs at the gas station.

Lili Taylor said...

I relate to Darry by being very over protective. Everyone that i have cared about has experienced this. When Ponyboy comes home from accidentally falling asleep in the lot and Darry is yelling at him its only because he loves him. Ponyboy reminds me of my little sister Dolly shes 8 but thinks shes 20. So i'm always keeping her out of trouble and it usually ends in a fight, but we still love each other in the end.
Lili Taylor 6-7 period

Dylan Handley said...

I relate to Ponyboy in the scene at the movies. I am often the one who people can trust and talk to such as Cherry did with Ponyboy. I always try to be polite and honest to whoever I'm talking to just like Poneyboy. I relate to him as he was a protector to Cherry as I try to be with girls. Although the characters may have different personalitys thry all care for each other.

Javi jav said...

I relate to pony boy the most. People can trust me just how cherry trusts pony boy I'm not always nice but most of the time I am. I have a friend that was just like Johnny. I am sometimes down to fight if I have to.

Unknown said...

After viewing this content im going to refer this to when Johnny saved the kids in the church, johnny put his life on the line for some kids because thats what hero's do and thats what johnny is a hero when he killed bob he had to in order to save his friend I probably would of did it to save my best friend and S.E hinton is a great aurthor as you see in the "Outsiders" this book was a success.

Anonymous said...

In the Outsiders how S.E Hinton has pointed out the social separation there is a lot of social separation in school. It’s either you have the kids that would be rude and disgusting to you or the ones that think there all that and then you have the children that are very melo. Another thing that i see is that children are always trying to put other kids down cause either you and more popular or your not as popular. The thing used is it’s not that persons fault that people like them but the thing is that’s just saying that person has a nice enough soul to thing that he or she isn’t better than anyone else.

Ethan Frisbie said...

It Shows how people could look all mean and bad but sometimes they had heart like johnny did he showed even if you are bad you can still do something great. Especially having friends on your side to help is also great.
Ethan Frisbie

Jaleel Law said...

In the scene of “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton the whole conclusion in the story of when Dally was mentally, physically, and emotionally depressed bc he didn’t know if Johnny was going to die or not, and as we know in the story Dally says Johnny is the only thing he cares for so if something was to happen to Johnny then Dally had nothing else to live for because as it states in the story, Dally a family didn’t care for him he didn’t care for them and there’s no one beside his side except for the gang which he could careless if they were their or not. So that’s why I think he robbed the grocery store and then pulled his firearm on the police to die with pride and dignity.

Abby Kelley said...

One thing that related to my life from the story is that everyone loved each other even though not all of them got along very well. I'm kind of like that if I mess with someone it means I like them. If I didn't mess with people I'm close to I don't know who I would be. Also I'm kind of like Dally, when he died he wanted it to be heroic like he didn't just give up. If I was to do something and there was two ways to do it, a way to give up, and a way to do it with seeming more out going. I'd always do the way to seem heroic and not like a failure.

Abby Kelley

Unknown said...

In "The Outsiders" it shows that there is a lot of gang relativity to school. And differences with the poor and rich kids in school. That even though a person may look bad and mean doesn't mean they don't have a heart. Like the saying don't judge a book by its cover. However, the there may be some sad parts in the book just look at the good one how people became friends. And your true friend will stay with you through it all.

Jaden Halterman

Dylan.A.Sturm said...

S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders is something I can relate to because my hockey team is like on of the social groups described in the book. We all protect one another and will fight for our team. When Johnny stands up for Ponyboy when he is being bullied by the socs, just because he is a greaser, reminds me of my hockey team. If someone goes after one of my teammates, I will protect him. And they do the same for me. This happened at my tournament when a really big kid pushed me down and tried to punch me, and my other defender pushed him back. It happens a lot, especially with teams we don't like and have played a lot of times. It gets pretty bad sometimes.

Unknown said...

One of the things in the movie that was similar to something that happened in my life. is the scene where there are separated groups in the schools, such as the Greasers and the Socs. It happens all the time. I see people hanging out with their popular groups and others just hanging out. I also see people messing around in the hallways and other stuff like that. Lunch isn’t so like it was in the movie, our lunch is simpler and calm. People sit at their tables and mostly they get along.
Raustyn Wade 1st 2nd period

Devin Deem period 1&2 said...

how i can compare the movie to what happened to me was the part when he got shot. i would of tried again and again. like when someone tells me no i like to do it over snd over. And how they went into the burning church to save all of the kids and worry about the punishment after.

Caden Musgrove said...

I can compare the movie scene when the greasers were at the gas station and the Socs come and Steve was roasting them. I am always somewhere saying stuff about things or people even though I shouldn’t I am always somewhere running my mouth. I have a big mouth and I like to use it just like Steve which was running his mouth about the Socs clothes and stuff. It was one funny part in the whole movie. Then when I start talking to my friends they they are always laughing and telling me to stop. So I am most related to Steve who was roasting the Socs at the gas station.
Caden Musgrove 6th/7th

Elizabeth Amos said...

In the movie and in the book, The Outsiders, they have groups like there are the Socs who are rich but have no feeling. The Socs are opposite to the Greasers who are not that wealthy, but they care about each other and have passion. The Greasers also stick up for each other. Now, this is what I have seen in our school. We have groups like the popular boy group who can be smart if they try, but they are unusually the class clown. There is the girl popular group, but they actually do their work. The popular girls might cheat off of each other, but they aren't trying to disturb the class. Finally, there is my group, the big group of best friends who aren't popular. We don't really care what other people think. We mind our own business and do our work. We help each other out and really care about each other. Like if someone has a problem then it is everyone's problem. Even though in the movie and in the book it is much worse than this, there are a lot of similarities at WFMS.

Elizabeth Amos 1/2 period

angelia cheriza said...

i can relate to the part where pony boy is trying to convince himself that johnny isn't dead because i have had times where try to convince myself of something for the simple fact that i didnt like the truth or the outcome or i was just upset with the decision i made so i would say i can realy relate to pony boy. angelia cheriza 1st period

Jessica Jenkins said...

I can relate to the scene where Ponyboy was thinking that johnny wasn't dead. In my life there have been idols, and family members that have died. I could feel the pain that pony was feeling. The hurting, pain, and sorrow. I've tried thinking like pony, pretend that it is not real. It helped a lot but i knew they were gone and i got over it. It may work for pony though cause he has a good imagination about things.

Jessica Jenkins
6/7 period

Sabrina McKinney 4/5 period ELA said...

I can relate to Sodapop because I'm really overprotective. Just like in the book and interview he cared about Ponyboy and just like him, I care about my brother. I may be the oldest sibling child that my parents had but I will make sure that nothing happened to my family. Sodapop was worried about his brother and I'm the same way with mine. Sodapop loves Ponyboy and Darry, but mainly I love my brother and my friends because they act like family to me. I think like Sodapop because I'm worried about my brother every day even though I shouldn't but I am. I love my brother just like Sodapop loves his siblings. 4/5 period

Josh Wilson said...

When Cherry told Ponyboy that if she didn't say hi to him in the halls it wasn't personal, and I understand how that is a lot. A lot of times you think you're friends with someone, but they never seem to acknowledge you unless you engage conversation first. This is usually because of social cliques. When a certain group of people that includes you- (chosen or not)- don't like somebody or think poorly of somebody, (or a group of people), they feel they have no choice but to exclude you as well. They exclude most likely because they're afraid to be different from the people they spend their time with. The outtake when Ponyboy looks at Cherry outside of the school shows what it feels like to feel unappreciated by someone who made you feel like a friend. This just goes to show, you should always treat people with kindness whether it's what everybody else does or not.

Angel Chen said...

In the movie and in the book, The Outsiders, I can relate to Ponyboy trying to convince himself that Johnny and Dally (Dallas) are not dead. The reason is because I sometime don’t want to know the truth or like the truth of something terrible. It's like if I know to truth of something terrible, I can’t stop think about it. Sometimes it hurt to know the truth. For example, some test I take I did horrible on it, and it affected my grade, I would convince myself that I can do it better next time. Also, sometimes I think I can relate to Darry, because I can protect or cared my siblings, but in a hard way. Sometimes it turns out they don’t understand my way to protect them, as if I just don’t want them to play. So, I think I can be related to Ponyboy and Darry.

Angel Chen 6/7 period

Allyson Sutton 1/2 period said...

In the book and in the movie “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton, a character called Johnny had died. Dallas Winston, one of Johnnys close friends felt lots of pain and sorrow when Johnny had passed and I can relate to that. I have had lots of idols that i looked up to, and multiple family members pass away, like my great grandmother and Cameron Boyce and Freddie Mercury. I felt the same as Dallas did when Johnny died. I also relate to the book and movie because in my friend group we are loyal. We stick together through the tough time and are always caring to each other, just like all of the Greasers were.
- Allyson Sutton 1/2nd period

Nathan Robinson said...

In the novel the Outsiders by S.E. Hinton Pony writes the whole book on his experience of life. I can relate because when it comes to writing I express what I love, and what I feel which allows you to relieve stress and think what you want with no standard of how you look or feel. An incident similar to this was last year in English, at the end of the end of the year we had to write a essay on how we did that year, and I was able to express what I got know, and how I felt about myself that year. I also relate to the book by being myself, for example the whole group of greasers is themselves not caring what soc's think, I do that by loving what I do.
Nathan Robinson 6/7th period

Caden Michalski said...

In the novel the Outsiders by S.E. Hinton Pony narrates the story from his life. I can relate to Pony trying to convince himself that Johnny is not dead. I would not want to know that one of my friends are dead. This would impact me tremendously on a day to day basis for a long time. I do not know if I could get over it. I have had people in my life that have died and it was very hard to accept that. I feel it would be harder if it was one of my friends.
Caden Michalski Period 6/7

Grant Broadhurst said...

In the amazing novel "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton, I can relate to how Pony felt after he lost Dally and Johnny. I have lost a few close friends to moving away, which is not at all close to what Ponyboy had lost. Although, I didn't know what to do like Pony i was confused and sad. Also like Pony when he read Johnny's letter, I found peace and understandings for what had happen. Unlike Pony I couldn't take all that within a night and it took a few days of thinking about it would be like without the same friends that I grew up with.
-Grant Broadhurst 6/7p

Matthew Tilley said...

In the book "The Outsiders" I can relate myself to Darry when he screamed at Ponyboy and hit him.Sometimes I get mad and yell at my freinds because there doing stupid stuff.One time I yelled at my friend Johnatan for throwing paper at people and it me in the face.This is kinda the same with Darry and Ponyboy.When Ponyboy came home at 2am that's real stupid to do,so Darry got mad and started yelling.That relates to my story because if something dumb happens then the yelling starts.But to add on about me yelling I like to rule and be a leader kinda of the alpha male of people.But if i try to sometimes then my friends get mad and all of us start yelling.Its pretty fun if you ask me.

Matthew Tilley 6/7 period ELA

Landon Rowan said...

In the book/movie "The Outsiders" I can relate to Pony at the movies when he keeps to himself and isn't mean. When Pony,Johnny,and Dallas go to the movies Pony sticks to himself and isn't rude to Cherry and Marcia. I am the same way usually and aren't rude and mean like Dallas.An example is when everyday at lunch someone is fighting with someone else and I just stick to myself and aren't rude and get into other peoples business like Dallas does. I am also like Pony in that instance by helping carry popcorn and drinks over. That is how I relate to Pony in that part of the book.

Landon Rowan 4/5 Ms.Constable's English

Maddox Sliger said...

In the movie “The Outsiders” one scene that stuck out to me is when Dally was grieving over Johnny’s death. Two people very close to me died on the same weekend. My grandma was on Saturday then my babysitter that sat me for 9 years died on Sunday. In those days I felt Dally’s anger and pain. Losing someone is hard, and since Johnny was the only thing he loved. My babysitter was more to me than just a babysitter. She holds a dear place in my heart to this day. Dally on the other hand couldn’t take the pain and killed himself. All in all, I feel Dally’s sadness in losing someone.

Hayden Jones 1/2 said...

In the novel ''The Outsiders'' by S.E. Hinton, the character I think I best relate to is Darry because he often gets mad or upset with Ponyboy. I say this because I yell at and get upset with my younger brother. The main reason Darry yells at Pony is because he cares about him and does not want to lose him like his mom and dad. Most of the time I yell at my brother because I care about him also. Sometimes when we are home alone he goes up to his friend's house or rides his bike around the neighborhood without telling me. I feel Darry's care, fear, and anger just like when he yelled at Pony for falling asleep in the lot and coming home at 2:00 a.m. My brother will always be loved by me just like Darry and Pony.

Masen Clemens said...

In the novel “The Outsiders” by S.E Hinton, a part that I can relate to is Ponyboy refusing to believe Johnnys death. If someone that close to me died than I would probably do the same thing and have the same thoughts. The way the author wrote about it was on such great detail that it almost seems like she has gone through that herself. Losing someone that close to you can be very hard, especially when you don’t have much else like Ponyboy. He didn’t want to believe it was real, so he convinced himself it wasn’t, when what he should’ve done was accept the fact that Johnny was dead and thing before making serious actions so that he doesn’t end up like Dally. Masen Clemens 6/7

Gamefreak said...

This comment was posted by Gamefreak or Jude.D.Conaway

I think this movie was a great idea. It was so original. I like that they used S.E Hinton's neighborhood because it shows what she was seeing when she wrote this book. Only thing I can relate to the movie is going to see movies at a drive in. I'v been there twice. It was fun to watch a movie from your car. I think the characters were prefect for the movie. The only thing I thought was off was Johnny. I imagined Johnny taller and with a deeper voice. Over all it was a great movie.

Abby Greene said...

In S.E. Hinton's "The Outsiders", I can relate the part in the story where Dally is stuck in the hospital and has to sit out in the rumble. I had to sit out in my last two soccer games of the season because I was sick. I wanted more than anything to play with with them and finish off the season. I couldn't even sit with them to support because I didn't want to get him sick. I really hated that because it was the last season until high school soccer for some of the girls on the team. This is like Dally because all he wanted to do was be a part of the rumble. He even escaped the hospital because he wanted to be in it so bad.
-Abby Greene 6/7 Period

Serenity said...

In the movie “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton, has many points that are relatable to my life. The one that sticks out to me the most is where Johnny stabs Bob to save Ponyboy from Drowning. I relate to this the most because I would do anything to help or save my friends. I think it important to stick up for people to prevent the other person getting hurt. I think even risking my life to save another's is important.

Serenity Battin 6-7th period

Riley Green said...

In the novel "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton, the scene that i think i relate the most to is when Dally is in the hospital and really really wanted to be in the rumble. I can relate to this because about 3 weeks ago i got a concussion playing football. I hated this and wanted nothing more than to play out on the field and help my team win. This is Just like Dally because he really wanted to be in the rumble to help the greasers beat the soc's. And Dallas also even escaped from the hospital because he wanted his team to win which, i wanted to also. I think that is why I relate to this scene the most in S.E. Hintons, "The Outsiders".

Emma Sine said...

During the interview with S.E. Hinton she talked about her book and movie, The Outsiders. Throughout the book and the movie I relate to the relationship between Sodapop and Ponyboy due to how my brother and I are. Just like how all of the members of the gang say that Pony does not use his head, sometimes my little brother does not. My brother is rotten and ornery. I have to keep him out of trouble the same way that Soda keeps Pony out of trouble. My brother and I understand each other than anyone else. We relate to each other on a different level. I would consider our relationship very similar to Soda and Pony's.

Emma Sine 4/5 period

Nirel said...

I relate to Darry and pony boy because me and my brother and me fight like that i care about him but we fight a lot and were nothing alike and we arguments over really nothing but we both still care about each other i would say tough love my brother always doesn't use his head so mostly the one telling him that Im telling him to use his head we relate on different levels so we see things differently so i think were more like Darry and Pony because of that

Nirel brown 4th/5th

Caroline Logue said...

In the novel 'The Outsiders' written by S.E.Hilton I related the most to when Dally was in the hospital and he couldn't do the rumble against the socs. I relate to that because I sprained my ankle two days ago at a cross country meet and I had a soccer game the next day and I was really disappointed I couldn't play and help my team win. Unlike Dally I didn't end up going to play in my soccer game because I was not allowed but I really wanted to. I can't wait till my ankle heals and I can play with my team again.

Caroline Logue 1/2 period

Lilly Dillon said...

In the movie The Outsiders I see myself relating most to the moment, when Ponyboy talks to Cherry and Marcia at the drive in theater and realizes that they aren’t that different. I relate to this moment the most in the movie because people often judge you based on how popular you are and make assumptions about you when they don’t know you. I’ve often thought that I won’t get along with a person because of the way they would present themselves. Then later on get to know them and realize they aren’t that bad and end up becoming friends.

Khadi Koanda said...

In The Outsiders, I can relate to Ponyboy when he realizes that the Greasers an the Socs are not that different. In life people tend to judge your personality based on how you look or the branding of clothes you wear. When I was a little bit younger, I was not very outgoing and I did not talk to a lot of people. Since the beginning of 7th grade I began to branch out and make new friends and not just assume that I won't get along with someone based on how they look. Now that I am more outgoing, I got the courage to go in front of the school and give a speech.

~ Khadi Koanda 1/2 period

Unknown said...

In the novel “The Outsiders” written by S.E.Hilton I can relate the most to Ponyboy and his brothers. When Darry yells at him or starts arguments I know how Ponyboy feels. I have two sisters of my own and sometimes they can be quite annoying. When they start yelling at you for no reason, sometimes you just want to walk out and go to a separate room. But you have to work out your problems with them and deal with it. Their family and sometimes family is the most important thing because it’s the only thing you have. You have bad and good times, but in the end of the day you’re stuck with them weather you like it or not.

Aliannah Noriega-Freeman 4/5 period

JaNiya Bartlett said...

In "The Outsiders" novel, comparing my life to the movie, I'd say that I relate to the Greaser brothers more. I have seven siblings and I know what it's like to argue with them then make-up with them either the next day, hour, minute... A scene I'd compare to is when Ponyboy and Cherry were chatting and she had told him that she will not be talking to him at school.-He was a greaser and she was a socs.- People get judged based on looks, clothing, disabilities, etc. and it doesn't make sense as to how people can get a laugh out of that. I used to be judged on my personality so often that I'd act differently at school then how I'd normally act at home. Starting fifth grade, I thought I'd try and make new friends to start over, and I'd made new friends plus all my teachers thought I was an excellent student.

-JaNiya Bartlett 4/5th pd.

Unknown said...

In "The Outsiders", comparing my life to the movie, I say I relate to the scene where Dally is in the hospital and cant help out in the rumble. I relate to that because in my sixth grade year I got hurt in softball so I couldn't play. I actually broke my ankle so I was in the hospital getting surgery on our first game. Dally couldn't fight In the rumble so he felt like I did in the stupid hospital room. But I fought back and I got back out there to win the last game of the season, so mine went good but Dally went bad. So that little part in your life can change your whole life in seconds. - Julienne Raines 1/2

Lola Snider said...

The scene where they get together for the rumble reminds me of the part from West Side Story where they also get into a rumble and someone brought a knife and stabbed the leader. Its one of my favorite scenes from both movies. I thought it was really sad when Johnny died and Dally practically killed himself because of Johnnys death.
Lola Snider 1st&2nd period

Unknown said...

The one thing from the novel The Outsiders that I can relate to is. The Curtis brothers because they remind me of Kole my brother, Cyrus my cousin but hes like my another brother and then me. Why I think that is, because we play football together like the Curtis brothers and yeah we get in fights sometimes but we will always have each others back when it comes to stuff. Even knowing we wouldn't be in certain social groups and do things like get in fights. Even knowing my brother has gotten in a few but that's what makes him like Darry and Cyrus is like Soda because he gets the girls and has the good hair. And how I feel like Pony is because well i'm the youngest and i would say the smartest of us three. That was what I relate to from the story hope you enjoyed it.

Jozef Richmond 4th period.

Aubrey Dawson said...

- [ ] One of the scenes from the movie that hits home to me is when Johnny dies and Dallas cant handle Johnny’s death. I don’t mean it to be weird it’s because I don’t really take death well. I’m a very emotional person so when my great grandparents died I cried for a long time. Especially when my great grandfather died even though I didn’t get to see him a whole bunch from the past few years because my family lives kind of far away he still meant a lot to me. It was last year when he passed away and that night before he died we went to visit him. The day before the doctor said that he was doing great ,and would be able to go home in a couple of days. He was eating good doing everything the doctor told him to do. Yet, he was way a worse the next day. He looked so bad I couldn’t even tell him goodbye. But I prayed to god to not make his death painful ,and God answered my prayer. The next day he was gone. I took it hard I cried when I found out after I came back from a sleepover. I cried when I found out he had past, before the funeral, during the funeral and after the funeral. I still cry when I think about it. That’s one of the scenes from the movie The Outsiders that means something to me.
- Aubrey Dawson 6/7 Period

Lilly Wharton said...

In the movie The Outsiders I relate the most to the movie scene when Dally is attempting to talk to Cherry Valance. I feel like I relate to this the most because Dally failed at trying to communicate with her and he fell out of his chair and I am really awkward and clumsy and often have mixed up communication skills. Dally also got a Coca Cola thrown in his face because he was being annoying, and I myself can be considered annoying and persistent. That’s how I relate to The Outsiders.

Lilly Wharton 1/2 period

Emily Decker said...

In the novel the Outsider by S.E. Hinton, I can relate to how Pony was feeling with his emotions and action when he lost Johnny and Dally. I experience Losing people in the past with family and friends. When Pony was reading the letter from Johnny I felt relax and understanding of what happen and so did Pony. Unlike Pony it took me more then a night to take everything in.

~Emily Decker 4/5 period

Kate eshenaur 6/7 period said...

In the movie “The Outsiders” they have many different important and not important points that relate to things I have done in life, but also, in the things I do every day. One thing that stuck out to me was the scene where Ponyboy and Johnny looked out at the sunset and took in its beauty that they had not noticed before. In my life and the things, I do every day I am so clouded by things around me that is happening that I don’t take a second to look around and see that there is so much more than my social life or my homework. Most people are so caught up in other people's lives that they don’t see what is actually happening. In the movie Johnny finally started to see what was really there, if it wasn’t for Ponyboy his life would be grey and ongoing and he wouldn’t notice colors or clouds. It only takes one person's opinion to change the whole way you look at life. I relate to Ponyboy a lot without books or imagination I would probably live in a world where the colors are dull and I no longer notice the little things. I was once at my aunt's farm and she took me to a spot right by the creek and as I sat in the tree, I started to notice things that I hadn't before. Like how the hay gently swayed in the wind or the different colors of the weeds growing along the fence. In that moment I realized that there more to life than education and the new hot celebrity couples. Life is not only about the big things; it is about the little things that you hold precious in your mind. Whether it is looking at a sunset thinking about your life or sitting in a tree looking at the hay dancing in the wind, life is about the little moments the ones you don’t really notice that you held on to. It is about looking at life through someone or something else eyes.

Kate Eshenaur 6/7 period

Unknown said...

Ainsley Lilly 4/5 period

I can relate to Two-Bit the most in the novel/movie, The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton. I think I relate to Two-Bit in general and not from a specific scene or chapter. I always have to get in the last remark. I am sarcastic and a big smart aleck. And, I always have an answer for everything. Now, 74.2763548% of the time I'm wrong, but I always have an answer. All of these traits describe Two-Bit. I can also relate to the part where Ponyboy gets why the Socs and Greasers are separated. Most people don't agree with how they are separated, but I do. I think it's completely right to hang out with people that share about the same feelings as you. I know it would drive me bonkers if i was best friends with some all serious dude that doesn't have the same beliefs as me.

Audrie Smith said...

In the novel and the movie “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton, I can relate to the Curtis brothers. I relate to them because they have such a strong bond and no matter what they argue about, they always come back together. I feel that my friends and I are like this. We’re like family and we always stick together. We both play rough but know we don’t really mean it. The Curtis brothers help and comfort each other through hard times, much like my friends and I do. They also spend so much time together that they begin to act similar to each other. I think my friends and I also spend so much time together that we do that too.
-Audrie Smith 6/7 period

Hunter Faulkner said...

The movie and book the outsiders is a good book and movie. And is also full of comedy. But the difference between the book and the movie varies. S.E Hinton is a good author/ movie maker. The fights between the characters are or seem like they would actually happen in real life instead of in a book. And also when Johnny died and Dally died to cops it almost happened to me in real life minuses the cop thing but with another family member. But at the one movie part seen there a lot of people who will go up to girls and do things like that I’ve seen it at a drive in a guy goin up to a girl but not how Dally was. By:Hunter Faulkner 1st-2nd period

riley moore said...

In the novel The Outsiders, I think I can relate to Ponyboy the most. For example, at the movies, he feels torn because he doesn’t want to be a bully like Dally, and he feels unworthy of talking to a Soc like Cherry. I can relate to this situation because I don’t always fit the mold to be in a typical clique at school. In the novel, Ponyboy will make up things in his head to block out the pain, and I’m guilty of doing things like this too. In addition, Ponyboy is a big dreamer and so am I. –Riley Moore 4/5 period

Mackenzie Balzer said...

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is the best book that I have ever read. I can relate to The Curtis brothers the most because they always end up being their for each other no matter what happens. For example when Darry hit Pony in the end they ended up acting like nothing happened. I am always so forgiving. I can forgive and forget. That's what Pony did threw out the whole book. My sisters and I always fight but we always make up for it. It just proves how strong the bond is.

Mackenzie Balzer 1-2 period

Mason said...

The outsiders is a good book/movie and sums up what life is like in cities like that where there are gangs and gang activity. I have seen stuff like this happen in places like Chicago, Boston, and New York, but nothing like the outsiders. I have had and still have a bond like that with my cousins, like if someone messes with one of us they get all of us, that is why i have scars on my hands.

Dominick Barone said...

The outsiders is a very informational book and exciting book. I relate too Darry the most because i always look out for my friends and my family.Like how he was always worried about him,and kept pony in shape.I kept my friends this one time from getting into a bad situation. By talking them through it and getting there mind in the right place it should be.

Dominick Barone said...

The outsiders is a very informational book and exciting book. I relate too Darry the most because i always look out for my friends and my family.Like how he was always worried about him,and kept pony in shape.I kept my friends this one time from getting into a bad situation. By talking them through it and getting there mind in the right place it should be. Dominick Barone 1/2 period.

Unknown said...

What i am comparing is how Pony on his way home from the hospital and was trying to convince himself about how Johnny died and tried to say that Johnny wasn't died . I compare it to when I don't believe what someone says something that I don't believe is true so I try to convince myself to not believe it if i don't have to. I also think i and kind of like Ponyboy because Darry always wants to keep him safe and that could be my dad and Darry pushes Ponyboy and Soda to get out of there and live somewhere with a good neighborhood witch is kind of like my dad who pushes to do my best in sports and stuff like that. Landen Barkley period 1/2

Unknown said...

Shanila little

I relate to jhoony the most because him and me r both easily spooked If I was in a gang I would be the jhoony of the group I feel like ponyboy and jhoony are like me and laney because they are both best friends and one is younger than the other me and laney both resemble jhoony and ponyboy because they r like to peas in a pod I also resemble to cherry because I hate fighting just like her I fell like cherry is honestly I older 60s me if I was in the 60s I would be a cherry valance

Shanila little 6/7 period

Trevor bigelow said...

In the book “the outsiders” I related to the part were Johnny was injured and couldn’t participate in the rumble because one year In football I got hurt and couldn’t play against our rivals. I often don’t get hurt and can’t play but for some reason I had to that week against the rivals we had that year in a football tournament. But in the long stretch I relate to pony the most because me and my sister get along most of the time just like pony and Darry but we fight sometimes too and plus we have our ups and down together

Kisean Clay said...

In the novel the Outsiders by S.E. Hinton Pony narrates the story from his life. I can relate to Pony trying to convince himself that Johnny is not dead. I would not want to know that one of my friends are dead. This would impact me tremendously on a day to day basis for a long time. I do not know if I could get over it. I have had people in my life that have died and it was very hard to accept that. I feel it would be harder if it was one of my friends.

Maddie Rogers said...

In the book “The Outsiders” by S.E.Hinton I feel I relate to the character Dally Winston. This is because in the movie, Dally is in the hospital because he is injured but there is a fight going on that he really wants to be in. Dally then leaves the hospital just to be in the fight because that is what he truly loves to do. I think I relate to Dally because last year I broke my ankle during lacrosse season and there was nothing I would have rather been doing than playing with my team. Even though Dally and I did not have the same injuries or scenarios I think we both wanted to do the same thing, be with our team. Overall, this is what I think I have in common with a scene from the movie, “The Outsiders”.

Brazz Evans IV 4/5 Period said...

In the book “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton, I feel the most like Ponyboy. He’s pretty chill, and nice to people unlike some of the others. When he has to cut his hair, he’s pretty depressed. I kinda don’t like haircuts just like him. He is the nicest of all of the boys. He does track which is the sport I might try out when it comes. I would probably be friends with Ponyboy, because he’s just a pretty nice person. We might not have a lot in common but that’s good enough for me. This is basically all.

Hayley Hoskinson said...

hayley hoskinson 1st/2nd
In the book the outsiders by se hinton i belive that i can relate most when phonyboy kept saying that johnny wasnt dead beacuse i have been in a situation where i have not wanted to belive the outcome of somthing or i didnt like it so i refused to belive it.

slayton jack said...

Slayton jack 1st/2nd

In the book the outsiders by S.E. Hinton i can relate when phonyboy didn't believe that johnny was dead because I didn't believe that i could do something in baseball or any other sport I just didn't believe in myself and my team.

Rhiannon said...

In the book outsiders by S.E Hinton I can relate to pony not believing Johnny is dead. I can’t believe some things happen like I just went through talas haunted house 2 times.

Sarah Bulatko said...

In the book the “Outsiders” i can relate to Jonny killing bob to protect pony boy. I relate to this part because i would do anything to help my friends and i couldn't let them die right in-front of me. If a gang was trying to drown my best friend i would have the reflex to do the same thing Jonny did because he did a good thing to help his friend and he couldn’t just watch then hurt him like the socs did to Jonny.

Sidney Taylor said...

I am most like Ponyboy. I am like him because when johnny died pony tried to convince himself that is was not real, and that it was all a bad dream and he wanted to wake up to everything being back to normal. But the cold harsh reality is that johnny is dead and ponyboy has to exept it. When one of my family member that i happened to be very close to passed on i did not want to exept the fact of her death, i tried to tell myself it was all a lie but it was not. it was my reality that i had to exept.
sidney taylor 6-7