I like this video. What is happening is the Diet Coke is exploding. The Diet Coke went crazy because the chemicals in the Mentos are having a reaction with the chemicals in the Diet Coke. I don't really have a favorite science experiment. I remember last year, we did an experiment on viruses, and we had to write/type a full page report, and make a model of the virus. Even MORE awesome than that was when we had to create a musical instrument, and play a song on it. I made drums. I DO like science, but language(s) are my favorite subject. I would REALLY like to do this experiment at home, and I would probably target my mom and my little brother. That's it! have a nice day!M A L I K__________K I N Z E R
The Coke is ASPLODING!!! Okay, there's carbon dioxide trapped in the water molecules of the diet coke, which is pumped into the bottles in a factory with a lot of pressure. Water molecules are tightly packed around the carbon dioxide so that bubbles cannot form and existing bubbles cannot expand. When you shake a bottle of coke, it helps some molecules of carbon dioxide escape, and takes some of the soda with it. But for you to get a better result, you would need to actually push the water molecules away from the carbon dioxide ones. That would be breaking the surface tension. When you drop in a Mento, it causes the carbon dioxide bubbles to have to do less work to expand. Pretty much all the soda blasts out of the bottle. This is my favorite science experiment. Once in school I made some bottles that made different music notes when i blew into them. Science is fun, but it's not my favorite subject. I have done this at home, it really is fun, and I would probably just shoot it into the air.Elliot Herberger Ü5th period
The Diet Coke is exsploding that is what is happening. It went crazy because the Diet Coke and the Mentos had a chemical reaction when meeting in the pop bottle.I do not have a faveorite experiment. I like this experiment i remember my brother and his friend doing this in my back yard. It was very interesting in person but very messy. Tori Harper1st period: )
What is happening is simply the diet coke is shooting everywhere because the mentos make it explode. The mentos and the diet coke have a chemical reaction with each other forcing them to explode. Theres one i made at my old school we had to make a catapolt that shooted apples and i lost. ILOVE SCIENCE!! yes i was thinking about making it soon as i got home but i didnt have any mentos. I would like to target sterling fitzwater because it would be funny hahah really funny.
What is happening is the diet coke is exploding. The mentos cause a chemical reaction and that causes the diet coke to go crazy. My favorite experiment is this one and the one where you mix corn startch and water together and it creates a liquid and a solid. It's weird because when you stab it with a pencil and apply force the pencil will not go threw it so it acts like a solid but when you dont aplly force and just gently put the pencil in it goes threw so it's also a liquid. I made the experiment i just explained in my elementry school and in 6th grade and once at home a made a volcano type thing. I have also done the diet coke and mentos before. I would make this experiment at home again it was a lot of fun. The person or people i should say i would spray would be my brothers and my friend Adriana S. Lexie Hillberry :) 3rd/4th period
What's happening ? The diet coke started having a chemical reaction when the scientists dropped the mentos in the bottle. This experiment would have to be my favorite out of every experiment i've ever done. I don't like science at all. I never really understood it, and sometimes i don't make the best grades in there. I did this experiment in 5th grade outside of Dunbar Middle School with Mrs. Murray. I would like to do this experiment at home, or atleast try. But knowing me, it most likely won't even work. So, i would do this experiment with any of my bestfriends, and most likely target them. (:Ali Cumberland. ♥1st period.
In the video, the diet coke is shooting out of the bottle because of the mentos. Mentos & diet coke just don't mix well & when put together, cause some serious trouble. (sorta like me & maddie, but in a chemical kinda way?)My favorite science experiment is anything that has to do with blowing up, or anything that is really messy ! (:If trying to see if Tressa Bonasso can fit into a cabinet without crying is an experiment, then yes. Otherwise, noo...To be honest, I really don't like science. I like my teachers, but not the subjecttt ! Yes, I would love to do this at home. But honestly, I'm just too lazy to get mentos or diet coke...so...yeahh?Who would I like to target with the coke? Probably Maddie (: Not becuase I have anything against her, just because it would be super-hilariouss ! (:-a n d d y y y y * (:-1 s t t t perioddd (:-still & will always love you, mrs. constable ! ♥-stay goldd, mrs. constable, stay golddd (:(sorry about deleting all those ^?my computer is messed uppp ! )
Two guys are putting mentos into bottles of diet coke to see what their result or reaction would. I guess you could say the chemicals in the mentos and the diet coke reacted and made fizzies (Wow, fizzies is that a word?) Hmm.... my favorite science experiments would probably have to be those including the ph strips the way they change colors fascinate me! Haha. Mariah and I used to make food and drink with all different kinds of stuff in it. Like one time Mariah tried to get me to eat hard uncooked ramen noodles with cheese on it. (It was the most disgusting thing ever) Our drinks had everything from syrup to salt in the! (I guess that was our "science experiment") Yeah I like science ecspecially all the labs. Yes, I haven't tried it so that would be fun. I would love to target my little brother.Amina Byers5th
The diet coke is going crazy beacause there is a chemical reaction in the bottle. I think this is my favorite experiment. Science is the coolest subject. I would probaly aim the bottle at my sister.
The blogg this week is about two guys that wanted to make a popular cool video and it is about diet coke going all over the place (WASTE OF COKE) and they made it do desings and stuff they made it were you would want to try it i want to try it and just walk into chances kitchen and spry him right in the face if i was to do that the people that made the video were pretty funny and the music had a weird beat but it was cool and the video it was eye catchin i mean who wouldnt like to see people sprayin coke all over the place i would even know its a waste they must of really wanted to do that if they want to sped all that money
The two guys sre experimenting with coke and mentos the mentos with the coke is causing a chemical reaction causing the coke to explode No we really havent did anything like that but we did do something with eggs we dropped them from the old dunbar school I think science is allright I would like to do this experiment at home I would have to target Ryder cuzz it would be really funnyJoey Shearer
I thought the video was funny,and cool. Cause they showing designs with the diet coke and the mentos. And its funny cause the diet coke looked like fountains. And a weird way it had to do with science. Cause whatever the mentos were made of caused a shooting reaction and caused the diet coke to shoot up in the air. And finally I would probably shoot my whole family when the get me mad and for the funny of it. Or maybe the whole student body on a sunny,nice day.BYE Tyler Preston 3/4 period
In the video the diet coke is exploding. Some chemicals in the mentos must cause the diet coke to explode. A long time ago i made a volcano, but it wasn't very interesting. No, i do not like science. It's hard for me to understand science sometimes. Yes, i think it would be fun to try at home sometime. I would target anyone with the coke, just to see what happens to them.Kimmy Woods3/4th period.
this project is very funny i might do it at home i wonder how mentoes can do that it must have some kind of chimical they put in the mentoes or wat they put in the diet coke it looks very fun i never tried it but they say its fun.daquan hilson
they are making the diet coke blow up. in this experiment they use mentos to make the pop go crazy by droping it down into the diet coke bottle.my favorite science experiment is probely this one becasue its fun and messy.yes, we all made potatoe shooting guns in 6th grade and had to shoot a bullseye with them . we had to make a chemical reaction to make the potatoe go farther. i really dont like science this year.yeah i would like to make this experiment at home , but i think we should do it in this class!(: the one person i would like to target with the coke jovaun howard!! kelsey morrone!(: 1st period(:
In this video the guys are mixing mentoes which is candy with diet coke.It is a chemical reaction that makes the coke go flying. My favorite sciene experimant is discecting stuff.Like frogs and stuff.The only thing i have done at home is a volcano thats about it, but i got an A.Yes science is my favorite subject in school.Ya this would be a fun home experement at home. You could do it at partys and maybe a prank. I would target my mom with the coke but than i would get in trouble.Or my little sister she would hate it becasuse she is really girly.
The coke is foaming out of the bottle because they put mentos in it. This is probably my favorite science experiment because it is fun to spray it around. I like science but this year it is getting complicated. I like studying rocks and crystals in science the most I guess but studying space is fun too. I would like to do this at home but my mom would probably kill me. I would target anyone who would spray it at me and if there is no one I'd probably get my friends with it.Frank Merrill 6th-7th period
What is happening is there is carbon dioxide in the coke with heavy pressure, when the mentos is dropped into the coke a chemical reaction happens and the coke goes BOOM!!! My favorite expeirement would probobally be the vineger and baking soda volcano. I have not recently done any expeirements at home or school. I have already done this expeirement at home at least once or twice. I would like to target my little brother ben.
What is happening is the diet coke and the mentos are exploding when they are put together. The thing that makes the diet coke go crazy in this experiment is the diet coke and the mentos are having a chemical reaction. I don't really have a favorite science experiment. An experment that I have done at home is kind of like this. You put mentos into diet coke and shut the lid really quick. Then you let the pressure build up and then slam it on the ground. The bottle will go flying through the air. I like science alot. I would like to do this experment at home. I would target the diet coke at my sisters. That would be very funny.Brent Pacoe6th & 7th period
The diet coke is exploding. The reason the diet coke is exploding is because there is a chemical reaction with the mentos and the diet coke. I only have one school experiment that I likes. The school experiment I like is the egg drop experiment. The only experiment I think I have done is theis one. I don't like science that much. I like it except I don't understand the periodic table. I already have done this experiment at home. I would probaly want to target my friends with this experiment.
In this video the mentos go into the diet coke and pretty much make it explode. The chemicals in the mentos when they mix with the chemicals in the diet coke they make a reaction to make the soda go crazy. My favorite science experiment would have to be pretty much anything that makes a mess. When I was in 3rd grade we had to make a hotdog cooker, it was difficult but fun, even though mine didn't work. :( We had a soccer talent show that we have every year and Adrianna and I made an experiment, we made fireworks in water. Science is fun, it is one of my favorite subjects! I have already done this experiment a few times at home. I think this would be a great thing to do at a party and just spray each other. I would love to target Adrianna, Austin, Andy and so many more. I personally believe it would be hiarious to spray anyone like this. :) MADDIE STEVENSKI 1ST PERIOD
The diet coke is getting bubbles on the coating on the sugar surface of the mentos ,I know this cause I watch the discovery channel.It is the bubbles building up and firing out.I don't really have a favorite science experiment. I made a magnet thhing once that made something spin I think in 5th or 6th grade. I like science alot. I would probalbly like to make this experiment at home. I would probalbly target anyone I know and some people I don't know.Neil Scherich3-4 period
The Diet Coke is exploding. What happens is the the chemicals from the surface of a mento react by setting off a lot of air pressure (carbon dioxide) which of course would result in "exploding Coke". I like this video a lot. It shows different patterns and sequences which catch my eye. I dont really have a favorite science experiment. Although, in about 3rd grade I bought a Pop Rocks experiment book at the book fair. Just like any other kid would do, I ate all of the candy first. But i did find the facts in the book interesting. At home my mom and I would always make "goo"? You know that stuff, mixture of cornstarch and water I believe, that could turn from a liquid to a solid. I love science, I have always liked it. It's interesting and inspirational to me. I have seen this experiment (Coke) a long time ago on G4 (a gamer's channel) and I have always wanted to try it. Knowing me, I'll never get around to it, or I'll get in trouble for it. Hmm.. who would i like to target with the coke? Well this answer is simple, it would have to be your daughter, Adrianna :) (I love messin' with her.) I think you'd help me too. hehe:PMariah Allen ♫ 5th Periiiodd.
What is happening is the diet coke is exploding. The diet Coke went crazy because the chemicals with the mentos and the chemicals with the Diet Coke are having a reaction toward each other.My favorite experiment would have to be making fireworks with Maddie ( NERDS). Haha. I have made several experiments in the past in Mrs. Murray's 5th grade class. I love science its one of my favorite classes. I would love to make this experiment at home. VERY FUNNY MARIAH! I would like to target a few different people such as: Mariah, my sister, and expecially my mommy (;your daughter, 1st period
Two men are making explosions with diet coke. The mentos cause the diet coke go crazy. My favorite science experiment is when we had to connect bones of oul food a.k.a dead mice. I have made many experiments at home. I kind of like science. I would love to make this experiment at home. This looks like a lot of fun so the person I would like to target with the coke is my little brother and My big brother.
Some guys are see what would happen if you put mentos in a bottle of diet coke.I really don't know what make the diet coke to go crazy.My favorite science experiment is a chlorine bomb. Yes i have made an interesting experiment at my house i made a chlorine bomb. No i don't really like science i don't know why, i just don't. Ya i would like to make this experiment at home to spray the coke on everyone. The person i would like to target with the coke is my little sister i think it would be really funny...... By:Ryan Bogo 6&7 period
What is happening is the scientist guys are dropping mentos in the bottles of diet coke, to conduct an experiment about how they react with each other. I love anything that has to do with explosions. For example, mixing wrong chemicals and blowing up the school. I made an experiment where I think I used baking powder and water. I think it was baking powder. I mixed it with water and it bubbles up like baking soda and vinegar. Yes, but Mrs. DeWitt is making me mad with all of her definition assignments. It took me about 3 hours to finish them. Yes, but I wouldn't be the one to clean it up. I would definitely target Mrs. Floyd, Mr. Sullivan, my mom, Jasia's whole family, Gary Reed (my annoying neighbor), Kirsten Scarff, and Angela Farley just for the heck of it.
The mentos and diet coke are mixing together and their chemicals mixed together makes them explode. My favorite science expiriment was probably when my fourth or third grade teacher showed us how to make a rainbow outside, though I don't remember how she explained it to us, but it was hard. I love science. I even want be a scientist when I grow up. That or an artist. I would totally do this experiment at home and make sure that my brother and/or sister did it with me just so I could squirt them.
The Coke is exploding.What is causing this to happen is the Diet Coke and the Mentos had a chemical reaction the mentos are building up pressure in the bottle beacuase of all the chemicals causing it to explode.I have acctually done this expierement before at my house.I like science because it deals with chemicals and cool stuff like space.Well i would target thi at Austin Norman because he would target this at me as you have read......!!Sterling Fitzwater First Period...
What is happening is the Diet Coke is exploding. The Diet Coke and Mentos have a chemical reaction, which causes the Diet Coke to shoot out everywhere. My favorite science experiments are any experiments that cause something to blow up. My friend and I tried the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment at his house before. It didn't work on the first try, but it worked pretty well on the second try. If I did it again, I would target my brother because he always makes me mad. I love Science. It is my favorite subject.Ryan Rosier :)Periods 6&7
Mentos are causing the diet coke to shoot out of the bottles. Chemicals in the mentos react with the diet coke and they try to seperate from each other causing it to shoot out of the bottle. This experiment with the mentos and diet coke is my favorite experiment even though i have never tried it. A science experiment I've done at home was fllling a bowl with water and putting pepper in it, then pour dish soap on the pepper and it moves away from the soap(not a school experiment). I like most things in scince; it's really interesting sometimes. I would do this at home and I would put some mentos in, twist the lid on, and throw it in the air to see what happens.Zack Linger5th Period
The coke is EXPLODING! IT is exploding because the chemicals in the diet coke don't agree with the chemicals in the mento's. My favorite science expeririment is the potato clock, i think it's cool that it actually works! When i was in the third grade i mad a little volcano. It didn't work too well but i was proud.:) Science isn't my favorite, i actually hate it! I think me & my friends should try this experiment some time. I would love to point the bottle of coke at... ANDY. Just to be mean. hah.Jessica Nichole Coffman.3/4 period ((:
The coke is making a chemical reaction with the mentos. The chemical reaction made the coke explode. Well, me & brent put vinegar & baking soda and mixed them and it actaully didnt mix well. It exploded all over my front porch. As we were doing this my mom and my dad were coming uo the drive way. When they saw the mess that we made they were very mad. I love science. It is very fun and interesting. This would be very fun to do at home. I would target the diet coke at ms. Constable. haha aKa Skarrrrrr(: <3.&Trade;Ms. Constablee is Bosss(: <36&7 Period
The two guys where droping mentos into diet coke and see how it explode. I dont now I guess since the mentos hits the diet coke it goes crazy. My favorite experiment is taking an axe spray can and turning it into a flame thrower. I have never made a fun science experiment. I like science because of Mrs. dewitt :). I make experiments all the time by blowing crap up. I would target anyone in my path with the diet coke.
What's happening in this video is the coke is exploding due to the chemical reaction with the mentos. The mentos cause the diet coke to fizz up! My favorite science experiment would either be this experiment or the experiment with batteries and steel wool! You take a 9 volt battery and put some steel wool on top of the terminals of the battery and the steel wool catches on fire! Yes, I have made interesting experiments both at home and at school in the past. I do like science, my favorite thing in science is working with chemicals and doing experiments. YES! This experiment would be very fun to do at home with a couple friends! I would target my brother, definitely!(; gabriella pearsee (; 6th/7th period.
They are making the Diet Coke explode. They put Mentos in the Diet coke and it interacts with the Diet Coke and makes it explode. My favorite science experiment is baking soda and vinegar. You pour the baking soda into a container and then you add vinegar and it starts to foam up, it will smell horrible. I love science its my favorite subject besides Ms. Constable of course! I would love to make the experiment at home because it looks awesome, but very messy. I would probably target the coke to anyone who's nearest to me!Crystal Rowe,;D6th and 7th * <3
What is happening? In my wise words, the Diet Coke is going wacko or loco. Then again, I’m usually pretty horrible at science. The real reason why the Coke is going crazy is because the Mento has many small holes on its surface. Many carbon dioxide bubbles form from the Mento’s surface. The carbon dioxide reacts with the carbination of the Coke, thus causing the eruption. I can’t recall a science experiment that I really liked doing. I don’t have that great of a memory. I did try this experiment at a party that I went to, but I flubbed it up by using a small bottle of Coke and only one Mento. I’m not too much of ascience fan, but I don’t really mind it. I obviously would like making this experiment at home, given the fact that I already have. I would either target my mom or Chessie with the Coke. I love my mom most of the time, but sometimes she can really drive me off the wall. As for Chessie, she’s one of my besties, and we always have a BLAST (pun) when we are together.Lots of Love!Rachel Martin5th Period
In this video, the diet coke is exploding and fizzing up because chemicals in the diet coke mixed with chemicals in the mentos cause a chemical reaction. My favorite science experiment is classic. I like the volcano experiment where you mix vinegar and baking soda. This experiment still amazes me every time. I haven't really done much hands-on science at home or at school. I do like science but I don't like learning about it so much, I like the experiments. I would definitely like to do this experiment at home. I would target my little brothger Joren because I know he would spray me right back.
The diet coke is fizzzing up and exploding out of the bottle. The reason you get the reaction is because soda is pretty much just sugar,the reason pop gets fizzy is because of the trapped carbon dioxide gas that is released when you pour it, and when you drop the mentos into the bottle it breaks the surface tension which causes less work for the carbon dioxide to do when it escapes, and the mentos has tons of little indents on its surface which is a good spot for carbon dioxide bubbles to form,and since the mentos sink to thebottle the carbon dioxide buubles that have formed on the mentos force all of the pop out of the bottle.-http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/00000109Yes, I have made some fun experiments int he past like the pH tests. I think it would be fun to make this experiment at home, and I'd rather not say who I'd target it at.
I really do not know what is happening. All I know is that diet coke and mentos has a chemical reaction. My favorite science experiment is I don't know, I haven't really done a whole lot of experiements. The closest thing I have made an experiment at home is a wagon with bent dirt bike handlebars.LOL. I made one experimaent for school and it was a volcano that had a pump to make some red substance come out. Yes, science is fun. Yes, I think it will be a lot of fun!!! I would like to get either Sterling, Gage, or Austin, because Austin got me with ketchup and Sterling and Gage would be funny.Johnny R. Kesling1st period10-1-09
Whats happening, well I'll tell whats happening. The diet coke and mentos are having a chemical reaction. I can't remember any science experiments from last year. The experiments we did so far this year are not very interesting yet. My favorite thing to do at home its winter. When its cold I go get the hairspray can and spray it in the fire, but not to close otherwise it will burst like the diet coke with mentos. I like science but my favorite class is math class. It is always fun to learn but it could be more exciting. I love to do this experiment alot because it fun and so cool how it squirts out on its own with the mentos (of course). Who I would like to target? My sister because she is so annoying like all brothers and sisters. It would probably hurt her feelings, so maybe I won't do it.
What is happening in this video is that the mentos are causing a chemical reaction. I don't think I have a favorite science experiment.I have put a flower in a vase of colorful water. I like science alot it is my best subject. I would love to do this at home, and i would love to target ,uum ,maybe Elliot or Rachel Masters or maybe Mariah. (lol) That would be funny.Maddison Bowen 5th period
In the video the mentos caused the diet coke to go crazy. I really don't have a favorite experiment, but i like to deal with acid, solid, and base experiments. The coke and mentos is cool too because I like experiments with chemical reactions. Usually when I do science projects there is always someone else with the same project. I like Science, I would just say it's one of least favorite subject. Yes I would like to try this at home it could be fun to make a copy of my homework and shoot the exploding coke at it. I could shoot it at a picture of anyone who makes me mad that day because if I shot them I know I would get in trouble. Then Iwould shoot my parents for yelling at me.
The diet coke is reacting crazy to the mentos.The chemicals in the mentos are causeing the coke to explode.I dont really have a favborite scien ce experiment.I remeber last year at my old school we did an experiment on cells.We got to make a model of a cell its was fun.Yes i would love to do this experiment at home.I Would target my brother.stevie thibodeaux 3/4 period
The scientist ran a test on the regular coke and mentos and the results werent so good.The they switched to diet coke and some how the results were more "explosive".I really dont have a favorite science exsperiment.Almost all science experiment are cool to me.Me and my friends experiment a little when we're bored nothing major just things to keep us interested.things like the coke and the mentos.Yea I plan on trying this epreriment real soon.Its Looks real fun.Everybody in the way is my target.So I advize people to stay out the way♫Jovaun Howard♫6th and 7th
this video is very interesting...i think it is awesome the way that the coke and mentos react!!!umm my favorite science experiment is probaly he vinegar and baking soda thing.. sometimes when i have done that in the past i have gotten it soooo high!!!!if i did the diet coke and mentos experiment id probaly want to do it the most at school !! there is soo many id love to do that to.. if i did tht at my house id prolly shoot it at my family!
What is happeninig is teh diet coke is shotting out of the bottle once the mentos hit it. The mentos had a chemical reaction with the diet coke to cause it to go crazy. I don't really have a favorite science experiment but I think they're all lots of fun. I remember in 5th grade we made some kind of mushy substance. If you kept it moving it stayed a solid but if you just held it it turned into a liquid. It really fascinated me.(: Yes, I love science! I actually did try it when I was at Chessie's house but we let Rachel Martin do it. (big mistake) She decided to only put in one mento and it just bubbled up a little bit and overflowed. It really wasn't too exciting. I would love to target my brothers. Although my older brohter might try to beat me up afterwards, it'll be worth it.:)Megan Branch♥5th period☺
The coke is exploding.The mentos and coke have a chemical reaction.I don't have a favorite science experiment.I don't think i have done any science experiments at my house. I like science sometimes.Yeah i would do this at home.I would target anyone and everyone. ((:Caroline Brophy1st ♥
The Diet Coke is exploding. The Diet Coke exploded because the chemicals reacted. I don't really have a favorite science project bcause i don't like science. I have done the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment at home. I would like to target it at my brother, just so i could make him mad.
In this video two men are mixing mentos and diet coke. The mentos that they are inserting make a chemical reaction with the pop which makes it explode. I really don't have a favorite experiment. We used to make little experiments in Mrs.Murray's room all the time. I would like to try this sometime at home. I would probably shoot it at Vinnie.Sophie Libonati 1st period
The diet coke is reacting to the mentos and the guys doing the experimentare putting the mentos into the bottles in a way that they will make the patterns and display that it did. The mentos are what causes the diet coke to go crazy in this experiment. My favorite science experience would ahve to be when, in mrs.dewitt's class, we added different food coloring to the water some celery sticks were in.The celery sticks were in different tubes, and they turned the color of the dye that we put in that particular tube. At the moment, I can't think of any wacky or crazy experiments except for when my brother took a muffin and let it sit in our garage for a month. When he showed it to us, it was twice its original size and it was blue and green.(DISGUSTING!!) Science is a good subject but it's not my favorite or my least favorite.. I think that my mom would kill me if I did that at home. I would target my best friends because they would get it and laugh with me, not kill me. I hope. =PSara Lindssey5th period
The diet coke is reacting to the mentos. The mentos are what is making the diet coke go crazy. My favorite science experiment is when you put celery in different tubes of water and put food coloring into them. Watch them change colors as they absorb the dyed water. One time, my brother David took a muffin and put it into our garage and left it there for a month. When he showed it to us, it was twice its original size and was green and blue.(DISGUSTING!!) Science isn't my favorite subject but it's not my least favorite either. I think that my mother would KILL me if I tried this at home. Even if I did do it in the yard. I think that I would target my best friends because they would probably target me and we would laugh about it together and they wouldn't kill me. I hope. =PSara Lindsey5th period
The scientist are putting mentoes and diet coke together and making it explode. The diet coke is exploding because the mentoes and the diet coke is having a chemical reaction. I like any experiment. I liked Mrs. Dewitt’s lab, which I did in school last year where we had to make a food slingshot. None of them worked very well but it was a lot of fun. I love science. It is my favorite subject. I would love to do this experiment at home. I would target my family, especially my brother, and anybody else near with the coke. I loved this video.Jared Bartrug5th period
Contrary to what everybody has posted on this blog the erouption is happening because of the surface of the mentos has millions of little holes in it which allows the coke to preform a special reaction but it is in no way related to any chelicals in the mentos. The answer to the fallowing Four questions is a giant screaming NOOOOO!!!!!!! And to the last I wouldent really like to do that to anyone
I like this video. :) What is happening is the chemicals in both the Diet Coke and Mentos create a chemical reaction, therefore the explosion! I don't have a favorite science experiment. I've never really done much experiments in my science classes that i remember.I've never really liked science in the past but this year it has grown on me! I wouldn't want to do this experiment at home but i would like to do it somewhere were i wouldn't have to clean up the mess!!!!! I would love to target this to a lot of people but probably should not say who! =PEden Richmond 5th pd.
I love this experiment because it is awesome and fun. It reminded me of this time when I put a firework in a bottle and it blew up. It was fun but a little scary. I wish i could say I will never do it again but I bet I will.By:THE POOCHAkA Lance G, Puccio
The diet coke is exploding cause the mentos are causing it to a chemical reaction. I think its crazy that they bought that meny mentos and diet coke just to do that. I dont have a favorite experiment but i would like to try that one!!!
The diet coke is exploding from the mentos. Not really sure why. Maybe a chemical reaction or something. I don't think I have a favorite and I don't think I've done any interesting ones. Im not into sciece at all. It's my least favorite and I hate it. I would love to make this experiments at home with my older brother and sister. We'd have a blast because we all like having a good time. I would probably like to target this at my sister Taylor when she's beingmean to me. Or Eden, Marian or megan cause we'd have fun. Maybe even my brother because he likes to good around. :)Rachel masters5th period :)
A chemical reaction is happening. When you put mentos into the diet coke it creates a chemical reaction. I don't have a favorite experiment. Yes i made glirch. Science is ok. Yes i would like to do this experiment at home. I would like to target my sister with the diet cokeKaitlyn Westfall5th period
wstoneThis video is awesome. I like how the cooke reacts and explodes straight up and it makes like a firework effect.The mentos have a strange chemical reaction and makes the cok go wild. I have actually tried this and it works. My project didnt work as well thou becaue i had less mentos. My favorite project ever was in the 5th grade we disected a frog.
What is happening? The memtos are interact with the acid in the diet coke. In this video it seems like they are kinda playing with the rhythm of the music and that makes it even neater.What causes the diet coke to explode is the mentos. No i haven't tried anything at home or school but it would be neat to do something like that. No i don't like science i try to but sometimes i don't understand it. Yes i would.Nobody because that seems awful to do to someone. Renee Matura5th period
The diet coke is exploding. The mentos and the chemicals from the diet coke are mixed and it causes an erupttion. My favorite experiment is number 13. Once, at my freinds house we took baking soda and vinger and put it in her valcano for a school project and it brusted out the valcano! It was really funny because she got scared and jumped. It wasnt even scary to me at least. I would really want to do these expirments at home, but my mom probably wouldnt let me.( : I would enjoy pointing the soda bottle at my cousins. That would be hallarious!( :-S y m o n e<3 _ !S t e w a r t( :: )1st period♥
In this video two men are putting mentos in coke, and it explodes! The mentos and the coke together make it go crazy. I really don't have a favorite science experiment. The ones i do i usually love. I make fun experiments all the time from a new recipe to slip n slides.(: Science is my favorite subject. When i grow up i want to be a csi investigator. I think it would be awesome to work in the lab and figure out stuff! Yes i make experiments all the time. I would try this one. Sounds fun and sticky. ha ha LOVEE Melia DeWitt6 & 7 period
in this video ther many cool experiments they have done.The Diet Coke went crazy because the chemicals in the Mentos are having a reaction with the chemicals in the Diet Coke.Theres one i made at my old school we had to make a catapolt that shooted apples and i lost.
The diet coke is erupting when it comes into contact with the mentos. A chemical reaction between the diet coke and mentos is the reason for the eruptions, but the reason the eruption is so violent is because of the surface of the mentos. The mentos have a rough surface with lots of small holes which helps release the carbonation faster. I have done the classic baking soda and vinegar volcanoe many times. I would like to try this expirement, but not at home. Knowing my luck, if I tried this at home, I would brake something, have to pay for it, and clean it all up. I would like to target the person who made tech steps manditory.
In this video what i saw were somme interesting things that happened and the things i liked in this video were when the mentos and the coke were combined they explode and the main reasin i really like this video was because i like entos and coke and if someone didnt like the video then they are crazy as i dont know what but there is another reasonn why it was my favorite was because it's mrs.constable's class:)Meekayla Taylor6th and 7th period
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I like this video. What is happening is the Diet Coke is exploding. The Diet Coke went crazy because the chemicals in the Mentos are having a reaction with the chemicals in the Diet Coke. I don't really have a favorite science experiment. I remember last year, we did an experiment on viruses, and we had to write/type a full page report, and make a model of the virus. Even MORE awesome than that was when we had to create a musical instrument, and play a song on it. I made drums. I DO like science, but language(s) are my favorite subject. I would REALLY like to do this experiment at home, and I would probably target my mom and my little brother. That's it! have a nice day!
M A L I K__________K I N Z E R
The Coke is ASPLODING!!! Okay, there's carbon dioxide trapped in the water molecules of the diet coke, which is pumped into the bottles in a factory with a lot of pressure. Water molecules are tightly packed around the carbon dioxide so that bubbles cannot form and existing bubbles cannot expand. When you shake a bottle of coke, it helps some molecules of carbon dioxide escape, and takes some of the soda with it. But for you to get a better result, you would need to actually push the water molecules away from the carbon dioxide ones. That would be breaking the surface tension. When you drop in a Mento, it causes the carbon dioxide bubbles to have to do less work to expand. Pretty much all the soda blasts out of the bottle. This is my favorite science experiment. Once in school I made some bottles that made different music notes when i blew into them. Science is fun, but it's not my favorite subject. I have done this at home, it really is fun, and I would probably just shoot it into the air.
Elliot Herberger Ü
5th period
The Diet Coke is exsploding that is what is happening. It went crazy because the Diet Coke and the Mentos had a chemical reaction when meeting in the pop bottle.I do not have a faveorite experiment. I like this experiment i remember my brother and his friend doing this in my back yard. It was very interesting in person but very messy.
Tori Harper
1st period: )
What is happening is simply the diet coke is shooting everywhere because the mentos make it explode. The mentos and the diet coke have a chemical reaction with each other forcing them to explode. Theres one i made at my old school we had to make a catapolt that shooted apples and i lost. ILOVE SCIENCE!! yes i was thinking about making it soon as i got home but i didnt have any mentos. I would like to target sterling fitzwater because it would be funny hahah really funny.
What is happening is the diet coke is exploding. The mentos cause a chemical reaction and that causes the diet coke to go crazy. My favorite experiment is this one and the one where you mix corn startch and water together and it creates a liquid and a solid. It's weird because when you stab it with a pencil and apply force the pencil will not go threw it so it acts like a solid but when you dont aplly force and just gently put the pencil in it goes threw so it's also a liquid. I made the experiment i just explained in my elementry school and in 6th grade and once at home a made a volcano type thing. I have also done the diet coke and mentos before. I would make this experiment at home again it was a lot of fun. The person or people i should say i would spray would be my brothers and my friend Adriana S.
Lexie Hillberry :)
3rd/4th period
What's happening ? The diet coke started having a chemical reaction when the scientists dropped the mentos in the bottle. This experiment would have to be my favorite out of every experiment i've ever done. I don't like science at all. I never really understood it, and sometimes i don't make the best grades in there. I did this experiment in 5th grade outside of Dunbar Middle School with Mrs. Murray. I would like to do this experiment at home, or atleast try. But knowing me, it most likely won't even work. So, i would do this experiment with any of my bestfriends, and most likely target them. (:
Ali Cumberland. ♥
1st period.
In the video, the diet coke is shooting out of the bottle because of the mentos. Mentos & diet coke just don't mix well & when put together, cause some serious trouble. (sorta like me & maddie, but in a chemical kinda way?)
My favorite science experiment is anything that has to do with blowing up, or anything that is really messy ! (:
If trying to see if Tressa Bonasso can fit into a cabinet without crying is an experiment, then yes. Otherwise, noo...
To be honest, I really don't like science. I like my teachers, but not the subjecttt !
Yes, I would love to do this at home. But honestly, I'm just too lazy to get mentos or diet coke...so...yeahh?
Who would I like to target with the coke? Probably Maddie (: Not becuase I have anything against her, just because it would be super-hilariouss ! (:
-a n d d y y y y * (:
-1 s t t t perioddd (:
-still & will always love you, mrs. constable ! ♥
-stay goldd, mrs. constable, stay golddd (:
(sorry about deleting all those ^?
my computer is messed uppp ! )
Two guys are putting mentos into bottles of diet coke to see what their result or reaction would. I guess you could say the chemicals in the mentos and the diet coke reacted and made fizzies (Wow, fizzies is that a word?) Hmm.... my favorite science experiments would probably have to be those including the ph strips the way they change colors fascinate me! Haha. Mariah and I used to make food and drink with all different kinds of stuff in it. Like one time Mariah tried to get me to eat hard uncooked ramen noodles with cheese on it. (It was the most disgusting thing ever) Our drinks had everything from syrup to salt in the! (I guess that was our "science experiment") Yeah I like science ecspecially all the labs. Yes, I haven't tried it so that would be fun. I would love to target my little brother.
Amina Byers
The diet coke is going crazy beacause there is a chemical reaction in the bottle. I think this is my favorite experiment. Science is the coolest subject. I would probaly aim the bottle at my sister.
The blogg this week is about two guys that wanted to make a popular cool video and it is about diet coke going all over the place (WASTE OF COKE) and they made it do desings and stuff they made it were you would want to try it i want to try it and just walk into chances kitchen and spry him right in the face if i was to do that the people that made the video were pretty funny and the music had a weird beat but it was cool and the video it was eye catchin i mean who wouldnt like to see people sprayin coke all over the place i would even know its a waste they must of really wanted to do that if they want to sped all that money
The two guys sre experimenting with coke and mentos the mentos with the coke is causing a chemical reaction causing the coke to explode No we really havent did anything like that but we did do something with eggs we dropped them from the old dunbar school I think science is allright I would like to do this experiment at home I would have to target Ryder cuzz it would be really funny
Joey Shearer
I thought the video was funny,and cool. Cause they showing designs with the diet coke and the mentos. And its funny cause the diet coke looked like fountains. And a weird way it had to do with science. Cause whatever the mentos were made of caused a shooting reaction and caused the diet coke to shoot up in the air. And finally I would probably shoot my whole family when the get me mad and for the funny of it. Or maybe the whole student body on a sunny,nice day.BYE
Tyler Preston 3/4 period
In the video the diet coke is exploding. Some chemicals in the mentos must cause the diet coke to explode. A long time ago i made a volcano, but it wasn't very interesting. No, i do not like science. It's hard for me to understand science sometimes. Yes, i think it would be fun to try at home sometime. I would target anyone with the coke, just to see what happens to them.
Kimmy Woods
3/4th period.
this project is very funny i might do it at home i wonder how mentoes can do that it must have some kind of chimical they put in the mentoes or wat they put in the diet coke it looks very fun i never tried it but they say its fun.daquan hilson
they are making the diet coke blow up. in this experiment they use mentos to make the pop go crazy by droping it down into the diet coke bottle.my favorite science experiment is probely this one becasue its fun and messy.yes, we all made potatoe shooting guns in 6th grade and had to shoot a bullseye with them . we had to make a chemical reaction to make the potatoe go farther. i really dont like science this year.yeah i would like to make this experiment at home , but i think we should do it in this class!(: the one person i would like to target with the coke jovaun howard!!
kelsey morrone!(:
1st period(:
In this video the guys are mixing mentoes which is candy with diet coke.It is a chemical reaction that makes the coke go flying. My favorite sciene experimant is discecting stuff.Like frogs and stuff.The only thing i have done at home is a volcano thats about it, but i got an A.Yes science is my favorite subject in school.Ya this would be a fun home experement at home. You could do it at partys and maybe a prank. I would target my mom with the coke but than i would get in trouble.Or my little sister she would hate it becasuse she is really girly.
The coke is foaming out of the bottle because they put mentos in it. This is probably my favorite science experiment because it is fun to spray it around. I like science but this year it is getting complicated. I like studying rocks and crystals in science the most I guess but studying space is fun too. I would like to do this at home but my mom would probably kill me. I would target anyone who would spray it at me and if there is no one I'd probably get my friends with it.
Frank Merrill
6th-7th period
What is happening is there is carbon dioxide in the coke with heavy pressure, when the mentos is dropped into the coke a chemical reaction happens and the coke goes BOOM!!! My favorite expeirement would probobally be the vineger and baking soda volcano. I have not recently done any expeirements at home or school. I have already done this expeirement at home at least once or twice. I would like to target my little brother ben.
What is happening is the diet coke and the mentos are exploding when they are put together. The thing that makes the diet coke go crazy in this experiment is the diet coke and the mentos are having a chemical reaction. I don't really have a favorite science experiment. An experment that I have done at home is kind of like this. You put mentos into diet coke and shut the lid really quick. Then you let the pressure build up and then slam it on the ground. The bottle will go flying through the air. I like science alot. I would like to do this experment at home. I would target the diet coke at my sisters. That would be very funny.
Brent Pacoe
6th & 7th period
The diet coke is exploding. The reason the diet coke is exploding is because there is a chemical reaction with the mentos and the diet coke. I only have one school experiment that I likes. The school experiment I like is the egg drop experiment. The only experiment I think I have done is theis one. I don't like science that much. I like it except I don't understand the periodic table. I already have done this experiment at home. I would probaly want to target my friends with this experiment.
In this video the mentos go into the diet coke and pretty much make it explode. The chemicals in the mentos when they mix with the chemicals in the diet coke they make a reaction to make the soda go crazy. My favorite science experiment would have to be pretty much anything that makes a mess. When I was in 3rd grade we had to make a hotdog cooker, it was difficult but fun, even though mine didn't work. :( We had a soccer talent show that we have every year and Adrianna and I made an experiment, we made fireworks in water. Science is fun, it is one of my favorite subjects! I have already done this experiment a few times at home. I think this would be a great thing to do at a party and just spray each other. I would love to target Adrianna, Austin, Andy and so many more. I personally believe it would be hiarious to spray anyone like this. :)
The diet coke is getting bubbles on the coating on the sugar surface of the mentos ,I know this cause I watch the discovery channel.It is the bubbles building up and firing out.I don't really have a favorite science experiment. I made a magnet thhing once that made something spin I think in 5th or 6th grade. I like science alot. I would probalbly like to make this experiment at home. I would probalbly target anyone I know and some people I don't know.
Neil Scherich
3-4 period
The Diet Coke is exploding. What happens is the the chemicals from the surface of a mento react by setting off a lot of air pressure (carbon dioxide) which of course would result in "exploding Coke". I like this video a lot. It shows different patterns and sequences which catch my eye. I dont really have a favorite science experiment. Although, in about 3rd grade I bought a Pop Rocks experiment book at the book fair. Just like any other kid would do, I ate all of the candy first. But i did find the facts in the book interesting. At home my mom and I would always make "goo"? You know that stuff, mixture of cornstarch and water I believe, that could turn from a liquid to a solid. I love science, I have always liked it. It's interesting and inspirational to me. I have seen this experiment (Coke) a long time ago on G4 (a gamer's channel) and I have always wanted to try it. Knowing me, I'll never get around to it, or I'll get in trouble for it. Hmm.. who would i like to target with the coke? Well this answer is simple, it would have to be your daughter, Adrianna :) (I love messin' with her.) I think you'd help me too. hehe:P
Mariah Allen ♫
5th Periiiodd.
What is happening is the diet coke is exploding. The diet Coke went crazy because the chemicals with the mentos and the chemicals with the Diet Coke are having a reaction toward each other.My favorite experiment would have to be making fireworks with Maddie ( NERDS). Haha. I have made several experiments in the past in Mrs. Murray's 5th grade class. I love science its one of my favorite classes. I would love to make this experiment at home. VERY FUNNY MARIAH! I would like to target a few different people such as: Mariah, my sister, and expecially my mommy (;
your daughter,
1st period
Two men are making explosions with diet coke. The mentos cause the diet coke go crazy. My favorite science experiment is when we had to connect bones of oul food a.k.a dead mice. I have made many experiments at home. I kind of like science. I would love to make this experiment at home. This looks like a lot of fun so the person I would like to target with the coke is my little brother and My big brother.
Some guys are see what would happen if you put mentos in a bottle of diet coke.I really don't know what make the diet coke to go crazy.My favorite science experiment is a chlorine bomb. Yes i have made an interesting experiment at my house i made a chlorine bomb. No i don't really like science i don't know why, i just don't. Ya i would like to make this experiment at home to spray the coke on everyone. The person i would like to target with the coke is my little sister i think it would be really funny......
By:Ryan Bogo 6&7 period
What is happening is the scientist guys are dropping mentos in the bottles of diet coke, to conduct an experiment about how they react with each other. I love anything that has to do with explosions. For example, mixing wrong chemicals and blowing up the school. I made an experiment where I think I used baking powder and water. I think it was baking powder. I mixed it with water and it bubbles up like baking soda and vinegar. Yes, but Mrs. DeWitt is making me mad with all of her definition assignments. It took me about 3 hours to finish them. Yes, but I wouldn't be the one to clean it up. I would definitely target Mrs. Floyd, Mr. Sullivan, my mom, Jasia's whole family, Gary Reed (my annoying neighbor), Kirsten Scarff, and Angela Farley just for the heck of it.
What is happening is the scientist guys are dropping mentos in the bottles of diet coke, to conduct an experiment about how they react with each other. I love anything that has to do with explosions. For example, mixing wrong chemicals and blowing up the school. I made an experiment where I think I used baking powder and water. I think it was baking powder. I mixed it with water and it bubbles up like baking soda and vinegar. Yes, but Mrs. DeWitt is making me mad with all of her definition assignments. It took me about 3 hours to finish them. Yes, but I wouldn't be the one to clean it up. I would definitely target Mrs. Floyd, Mr. Sullivan, my mom, Jasia's whole family, Gary Reed (my annoying neighbor), Kirsten Scarff, and Angela Farley just for the heck of it.
The mentos and diet coke are mixing together and their chemicals mixed together makes them explode. My favorite science expiriment was probably when my fourth or third grade teacher showed us how to make a rainbow outside, though I don't remember how she explained it to us, but it was hard. I love science. I even want be a scientist when I grow up. That or an artist. I would totally do this experiment at home and make sure that my brother and/or sister did it with me just so I could squirt them.
The Coke is exploding.What is causing this to happen is the Diet Coke and the Mentos had a chemical reaction the mentos are building up pressure in the bottle beacuase of all the chemicals causing it to explode.I have acctually done this expierement before at my house.I like science because it deals with chemicals and cool stuff like space.Well i would target thi at Austin Norman because he would target this at me as you have read......!!
Sterling Fitzwater
First Period...
What is happening is the Diet Coke is exploding. The Diet Coke and Mentos have a chemical reaction, which causes the Diet Coke to shoot out everywhere. My favorite science experiments are any experiments that cause something to blow up. My friend and I tried the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment at his house before. It didn't work on the first try, but it worked pretty well on the second try. If I did it again, I would target my brother because he always makes me mad. I love Science. It is my favorite subject.
Ryan Rosier :)
Periods 6&7
Mentos are causing the diet coke to shoot out of the bottles. Chemicals in the mentos react with the diet coke and they try to seperate from each other causing it to shoot out of the bottle. This experiment with the mentos and diet coke is my favorite experiment even though i have never tried it. A science experiment I've done at home was fllling a bowl with water and putting pepper in it, then pour dish soap on the pepper and it moves away from the soap(not a school experiment). I like most things in scince; it's really interesting sometimes. I would do this at home and I would put some mentos in, twist the lid on, and throw it in the air to see what happens.
Zack Linger
5th Period
The coke is EXPLODING! IT is exploding because the chemicals in the diet coke don't agree with the chemicals in the mento's. My favorite science expeririment is the potato clock, i think it's cool that it actually works! When i was in the third grade i mad a little volcano. It didn't work too well but i was proud.:) Science isn't my favorite, i actually hate it! I think me & my friends should try this experiment some time. I would love to point the bottle of coke at... ANDY. Just to be mean.
Jessica Nichole Coffman.
3/4 period ((:
The coke is making a chemical reaction with the mentos. The chemical reaction made the coke explode. Well, me & brent put vinegar & baking soda and mixed them and it actaully didnt mix well. It exploded all over my front porch. As we were doing this my mom and my dad were coming uo the drive way. When they saw the mess that we made they were very mad. I love science. It is very fun and interesting. This would be very fun to do at home. I would target the diet coke at ms. Constable. haha
aKa Skarrrrrr(: <3.&Trade;
Ms. Constablee is Bosss(: <3
6&7 Period
The two guys where droping mentos into diet coke and see how it explode. I dont now I guess since the mentos hits the diet coke it goes crazy. My favorite experiment is taking an axe spray can and turning it into a flame thrower. I have never made a fun science experiment. I like science because of Mrs. dewitt :). I make experiments all the time by blowing crap up. I would target anyone in my path with the diet coke.
What's happening in this video is the coke is exploding due to the chemical reaction with the mentos. The mentos cause the diet coke to fizz up! My favorite science experiment would either be this experiment or the experiment with batteries and steel wool! You take a 9 volt battery and put some steel wool on top of the terminals of the battery and the steel wool catches on fire! Yes, I have made interesting experiments both at home and at school in the past. I do like science, my favorite thing in science is working with chemicals and doing experiments. YES! This experiment would be very fun to do at home with a couple friends! I would target my brother, definitely!
(; gabriella pearsee (;
6th/7th period.
They are making the Diet Coke explode. They put Mentos in the Diet coke and it interacts with the Diet Coke and makes it explode. My favorite science experiment is baking soda and vinegar. You pour the baking soda into a container and then you add vinegar and it starts to foam up, it will smell horrible. I love science its my favorite subject besides Ms. Constable of course! I would love to make the experiment at home because it looks awesome, but very messy. I would probably target the coke to anyone who's nearest to me!
Crystal Rowe,;D
6th and 7th * <3
What is happening? In my wise words, the Diet Coke is going wacko or loco. Then again, I’m usually pretty horrible at science. The real reason why the Coke is going crazy is because the Mento has many small holes on its surface. Many carbon dioxide bubbles form from the Mento’s surface. The carbon dioxide reacts with the carbination of the Coke, thus causing the eruption. I can’t recall a science experiment that I really liked doing. I don’t have that great of a memory. I did try this experiment at a party that I went to, but I flubbed it up by using a small bottle of Coke and only one Mento. I’m not too much of ascience fan, but I don’t really mind it. I obviously would like making this experiment at home, given the fact that I already have. I would either target my mom or Chessie with the Coke. I love my mom most of the time, but sometimes she can really drive me off the wall. As for Chessie, she’s one of my besties, and we always have a BLAST (pun) when we are together.
Lots of Love!
Rachel Martin
5th Period
In this video, the diet coke is exploding and fizzing up because chemicals in the diet coke mixed with chemicals in the mentos cause a chemical reaction. My favorite science experiment is classic. I like the volcano experiment where you mix vinegar and baking soda. This experiment still amazes me every time. I haven't really done much hands-on science at home or at school. I do like science but I don't like learning about it so much, I like the experiments. I would definitely like to do this experiment at home. I would target my little brothger Joren because I know he would spray me right back.
The diet coke is fizzzing up and exploding out of the bottle. The reason you get the reaction is because soda is pretty much just sugar,the reason pop gets fizzy is because of the trapped carbon dioxide gas that is released when you pour it, and when you drop the mentos into the bottle it breaks the surface tension which causes less work for the carbon dioxide to do when it escapes, and the mentos has tons of little indents on its surface which is a good spot for carbon dioxide bubbles to form,and since the mentos sink to thebottle the carbon dioxide buubles that have formed on the mentos force all of the pop out of the bottle.
Yes, I have made some fun experiments int he past like the pH tests. I think it would be fun to make this experiment at home, and I'd rather not say who I'd target it at.
I really do not know what is happening. All I know is that diet coke and mentos has a chemical reaction. My favorite science experiment is I don't know, I haven't really done a whole lot of experiements. The closest thing I have made an experiment at home is a wagon with bent dirt bike handlebars.LOL. I made one experimaent for school and it was a volcano that had a pump to make some red substance come out. Yes, science is fun. Yes, I think it will be a lot of fun!!! I would like to get either Sterling, Gage, or Austin, because Austin got me with ketchup and Sterling and Gage would be funny.
Johnny R. Kesling
1st period
Whats happening, well I'll tell whats happening. The diet coke and mentos are having a chemical reaction. I can't remember any science experiments from last year. The experiments we did so far this year are not very interesting yet. My favorite thing to do at home its winter. When its cold I go get the hairspray can and spray it in the fire, but not to close otherwise it will burst like the diet coke with mentos. I like science but my favorite class is math class. It is always fun to learn but it could be more exciting. I love to do this experiment alot because it fun and so cool how it squirts out on its own with the mentos (of course). Who I would like to target? My sister because she is so annoying like all brothers and sisters. It would probably hurt her feelings, so maybe I won't do it.
What is happening in this video is that the mentos are causing a chemical reaction. I don't think I have a favorite science experiment.I have put a flower in a vase of colorful water. I like science alot it is my best subject. I would love to do this at home, and i would love to target ,uum ,maybe Elliot or Rachel Masters or maybe Mariah. (lol) That would be funny.
Maddison Bowen
5th period
In the video the mentos caused the diet coke to go crazy. I really don't have a favorite experiment, but i like to deal with acid, solid, and base experiments. The coke and mentos is cool too because I like experiments with chemical reactions. Usually when I do science projects there is always someone else with the same project. I like Science, I would just say it's one of least favorite subject. Yes I would like to try this at home it could be fun to make a copy of my homework and shoot the exploding coke at it. I could shoot it at a picture of anyone who makes me mad that day because if I shot them I know I would get in trouble. Then Iwould shoot my parents for yelling at me.
The diet coke is reacting crazy to the mentos.The chemicals in the mentos are causeing the coke to explode.I dont really have a favborite scien ce experiment.I remeber last year at my old school we did an experiment on cells.We got to make a model of a cell its was fun.Yes i would love to do this experiment at home.I Would target my brother.
stevie thibodeaux
3/4 period
The scientist ran a test on the regular coke and mentos and the results werent so good.The they switched to diet coke and some how the results were more "explosive".
I really dont have a favorite science exsperiment.Almost all science experiment are cool to me.Me and my friends experiment a little when we're bored nothing major just things to keep us interested.things like the coke and the mentos.Yea I plan on trying this epreriment real soon.Its Looks real fun.Everybody in the way is my target.So I advize people to stay out the way
♫Jovaun Howard♫
6th and 7th
this video is very interesting...i think it is awesome the way that the coke and mentos react!!!umm my favorite science experiment is probaly he vinegar and baking soda thing.. sometimes when i have done that in the past i have gotten it soooo high!!!!if i did the diet coke and mentos experiment id probaly want to do it the most at school !! there is soo many id love to do that to.. if i did tht at my house id prolly shoot it at my family!
What is happeninig is teh diet coke is shotting out of the bottle once the mentos hit it. The mentos had a chemical reaction with the diet coke to cause it to go crazy. I don't really have a favorite science experiment but I think they're all lots of fun. I remember in 5th grade we made some kind of mushy substance. If you kept it moving it stayed a solid but if you just held it it turned into a liquid. It really fascinated me.(: Yes, I love science! I actually did try it when I was at Chessie's house but we let Rachel Martin do it. (big mistake) She decided to only put in one mento and it just bubbled up a little bit and overflowed. It really wasn't too exciting. I would love to target my brothers. Although my older brohter might try to beat me up afterwards, it'll be worth it.:)
Megan Branch♥
5th period☺
The coke is exploding.The mentos and coke have a chemical reaction.I don't have a favorite science experiment.I don't think i have done any science experiments at my house. I like science sometimes.Yeah i would do this at home.I would target anyone and everyone. ((:
Caroline Brophy
1st ♥
The Diet Coke is exploding. The Diet Coke exploded because the chemicals reacted. I don't really have a favorite science project bcause i don't like science. I have done the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment at home. I would like to target it at my brother, just so i could make him mad.
In this video two men are mixing mentos and diet coke. The mentos that they are inserting make a chemical reaction with the pop which makes it explode. I really don't have a favorite experiment. We used to make little experiments in Mrs.Murray's room all the time. I would like to try this sometime at home. I would probably shoot it at Vinnie.
Sophie Libonati
1st period
The diet coke is reacting to the mentos and the guys doing the experimentare putting the
mentos into the bottles in a way that they will make the patterns and display that it did. The mentos are what causes the diet coke to go crazy in this experiment. My favorite science experience would ahve to be when, in mrs.dewitt's class, we added different food coloring to the water some celery sticks were in.The celery sticks were in different tubes, and they turned the color of the dye that we put in that particular tube. At the moment, I can't think of any wacky or crazy experiments except for when my brother took a muffin and let it sit in our garage for a month. When he showed it to us, it was twice its original size and it was blue and green.(DISGUSTING!!) Science is a good subject but it's not my favorite or my least favorite.. I think that my mom would kill me if I did that at home. I would target my best friends because they would get it and laugh with me, not kill me. I hope. =P
Sara Lindssey
5th period
The diet coke is reacting to the mentos and the guys doing the experimentare putting the
mentos into the bottles in a way that they will make the patterns and display that it did. The mentos are what causes the diet coke to go crazy in this experiment. My favorite science experience would ahve to be when, in mrs.dewitt's class, we added different food coloring to the water some celery sticks were in.The celery sticks were in different tubes, and they turned the color of the dye that we put in that particular tube. At the moment, I can't think of any wacky or crazy experiments except for when my brother took a muffin and let it sit in our garage for a month. When he showed it to us, it was twice its original size and it was blue and green.(DISGUSTING!!) Science is a good subject but it's not my favorite or my least favorite.. I think that my mom would kill me if I did that at home. I would target my best friends because they would get it and laugh with me, not kill me. I hope. =P
Sara Lindssey
5th period
The diet coke is reacting to the mentos. The mentos are what is making the diet coke go crazy. My favorite science experiment is when you put celery in different tubes of water and put food coloring into them. Watch them change colors as they absorb the dyed water. One time, my brother David took a muffin and put it into our garage and left it there for a month. When he showed it to us, it was twice its original size and was green and blue.(DISGUSTING!!) Science isn't my favorite subject but it's not my least favorite either. I think that my mother would KILL me if I tried this at home. Even if I did do it in the yard. I think that I would target my best friends because they would probably target me and we would laugh about it together and they wouldn't kill me. I hope. =P
Sara Lindsey
5th period
The diet coke is reacting to the mentos. The mentos are what is making the diet coke go crazy. My favorite science experiment is when you put celery in different tubes of water and put food coloring into them. Watch them change colors as they absorb the dyed water. One time, my brother David took a muffin and put it into our garage and left it there for a month. When he showed it to us, it was twice its original size and was green and blue.(DISGUSTING!!) Science isn't my favorite subject but it's not my least favorite either. I think that my mother would KILL me if I tried this at home. Even if I did do it in the yard. I think that I would target my best friends because they would probably target me and we would laugh about it together and they wouldn't kill me. I hope. =P
Sara Lindsey
5th period
The scientist are putting mentoes and diet coke together and making it explode. The diet coke is exploding because the mentoes and the diet coke is having a chemical reaction. I like any experiment. I liked Mrs. Dewitt’s lab, which I did in school last year where we had to make a food slingshot. None of them worked very well but it was a lot of fun. I love science. It is my favorite subject. I would love to do this experiment at home. I would target my family, especially my brother, and anybody else near with the coke. I loved this video.
Jared Bartrug
5th period
Contrary to what everybody has posted on this blog the erouption is happening because of the surface of the mentos has millions of little holes in it which allows the coke to preform a special reaction but it is in no way related to any chelicals in the mentos.
The answer to the fallowing Four questions is a giant screaming NOOOOO!!!!!!! And to the last I wouldent really like to do that to anyone
I like this video. :) What is happening is the chemicals in both the Diet Coke and Mentos create a chemical reaction, therefore the explosion! I don't have a favorite science experiment. I've never really done much experiments in my science classes that i remember.I've never really liked science in the past but this year it has grown on me! I wouldn't want to do this experiment at home but i would like to do it somewhere were i wouldn't have to clean up the mess!!!!! I would love to target this to a lot of people but probably should not say who! =P
Eden Richmond 5th pd.
I love this experiment because it is awesome and fun. It reminded me of this time when I put a firework in a bottle and it blew up. It was fun but a little scary. I wish i could say I will never do it again but I bet I will.
AkA Lance G, Puccio
The diet coke is exploding cause the mentos are causing it to a chemical reaction. I think its crazy that they bought that meny mentos and diet coke just to do that. I dont have a favorite experiment but i would like to try that one!!!
The diet coke is exploding from the mentos. Not really sure why. Maybe a chemical reaction or something. I don't think I have a favorite and I don't think I've done any interesting ones. Im not into sciece at all. It's my least favorite and I hate it. I would love to make this experiments at home with my older brother and sister. We'd have a blast because we all like having a good time. I would probably like to target this at my sister Taylor when she's beingmean to me. Or Eden, Marian or megan cause we'd have fun. Maybe even my brother because he likes to good around. :)
Rachel masters
5th period :)
A chemical reaction is happening. When you put mentos into the diet coke it creates a chemical reaction. I don't have a favorite experiment. Yes i made glirch. Science is ok. Yes i would like to do this experiment at home. I would like to target my sister with the diet coke
Kaitlyn Westfall
5th period
This video is awesome. I like how the cooke reacts and explodes straight up and it makes like a firework effect.The mentos have a strange chemical reaction and makes the cok go wild. I have actually tried this and it works. My project didnt work as well thou becaue i had less mentos. My favorite project ever was in the 5th grade we disected a frog.
What is happening? The memtos are interact with the acid in the diet coke. In this video it seems like they are kinda playing with the rhythm of the music and that makes it even neater.What causes the diet coke to explode is the mentos. No i haven't tried anything at home or school but it would be neat to do something like that. No i don't like science i try to but sometimes i don't understand it. Yes i would.Nobody because that seems awful to do to someone.
Renee Matura
5th period
The diet coke is exploding. The mentos and the chemicals from the diet coke are mixed and it causes an erupttion. My favorite experiment is number 13. Once, at my freinds house we took baking soda and vinger and put it in her valcano for a school project and it brusted out the valcano! It was really funny because she got scared and jumped. It wasnt even scary to me at least. I would really want to do these expirments at home, but my mom probably wouldnt let me.( : I would enjoy pointing the soda bottle at my cousins. That would be hallarious!( :
-S y m o n e<3 _ !S t e w a r t( :
: )1st period♥
In this video two men are putting mentos in coke, and it explodes! The mentos and the coke together make it go crazy. I really don't have a favorite science experiment. The ones i do i usually love. I make fun experiments all the time from a new recipe to slip n slides.(: Science is my favorite subject. When i grow up i want to be a csi investigator. I think it would be awesome to work in the lab and figure out stuff! Yes i make experiments all the time. I would try this one. Sounds fun and sticky. ha ha
LOVEE Melia DeWitt
6 & 7 period
in this video ther many cool experiments they have done.The Diet Coke went crazy because the chemicals in the Mentos are having a reaction with the chemicals in the Diet Coke.Theres one i made at my old school we had to make a catapolt that shooted apples and i lost.
The diet coke is erupting when it comes into contact with the mentos. A chemical reaction between the diet coke and mentos is the reason for the eruptions, but the reason the eruption is so violent is because of the surface of the mentos. The mentos have a rough surface with lots of small holes which helps release the carbonation faster. I have done the classic baking soda and vinegar volcanoe many times. I would like to try this expirement, but not at home. Knowing my luck, if I tried this at home, I would brake something, have to pay for it, and clean it all up. I would like to target the person who made tech steps manditory.
In this video what i saw were somme interesting things that happened and the things i liked in this video were when the mentos and the coke were combined they explode and the main reasin i really like this video was because i like entos and coke and if someone didnt like the video then they are crazy as i dont know what but there is another reasonn why it was my favorite was because it's mrs.constable's class:)
Meekayla Taylor
6th and 7th period
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