I want to incorporate being helped by others, and giving help to others into my daily life. I think wolves or wildcats have good habits for humans to follow. Because wildcats and wolves, they form a nice tight-knit pack, and the adults go out and hunt for the pack, while still taking care of the elders and young. They also don't care about danger when it comes to their kin. They would do ANYTHING to protect or heal one of their kin. The videographer's message is that we call these animals less intelligent beings than us, and yet they use their brains better than we do. They do what we should have done all along. We started out good, but then we messed up somewhere, and everyone started infighting, and then we all split up into our separate countries, and waging war. A story involving an animal and my family... there are a lot... Probably one of my favorites was when my Aunt Sue worked at an Ace Exterminators place, and she brought home a bat in a pringles can for me and my little brother. Then my mom woke up, and told me to give her some chips, so I said "No, mom, it is NOT a can of chips!". But she wouldn't listen, and took it before I could tell her what it really was, and when she reached down into the can, the bat was scared, and bit her. It was a fruit bat, thank goodness, so it didn't like, do any damage. She got REALLY mad, and threw it over a hill. I miss that bat. Just kidding. That's it! Have a nice day!M A L I K__________K I N Z E R
In my life I incorporate many lessons similar to the geese. I am on the Fairmont Aquatic Swim team. Without trust,loyalty, and encouraging one another our team would not achieve the success each year. Even though our team experienced a difficult time when our fellow team mate was ill, our friendship and encouraging words let her know that she could trust us and know we were there for her. Those were three of the geese lessons I observed during the video clip.Sydney Woody,1st (:
I want to incorporate i want to do being he;ped by somone and helping others well there is alot of good resons that you should fowlow what animals do they do alot of good things and they wont quit on each other and the animal i want to pick to fowlow is a black bear and her cub cause she always looks out for her cub she feeds it protects it shows were to go and mostly how to do things and the video is trying to say no matter what you have to try and help others no matter who falls. David Rowe
The life lesson i would like to point out the most and helps me in lifr is.Always encourage others.If someone can't do something or think they can't do it word of encourage ment can help more than you think.In the habbitat of a mother bear it won't let anything touch its cubs.That relates to humans as protect the ones you love and don't leave them out to dry.The videographers message is that geese have life lessons that people should follow.My family ownes land in the moutians we have a garden fenced in.This one time a deer had jumped in there and couldn't jump out.I felt bad for the deer.We opened the gate and the deer went running out
I want to incorprate by helping others and work together with freinds. a dog has a habbit that humans do that is scraching it shows how gees work together by getting ine place to anotherJoey shearer
I want to incorporate helping others. I think hepling others is really important because if u help others when u need help you can always get it and have someone to count on.I think a lion is a good animal to base that on beacause they always take care of there babies an help then.A lion will not let any body mess with there babies and there always keeping them warm.
I would like to incorporate helping others. helping others is very important. You should always help someone in need. I think almost all animals habitats have something that humans could learn off of. The videographer's message is that geese have habits that humans should follow and learn off of. Kimmy Woods 3/4 period :)
i want to incorporate being helped by others and animals like bears dogs cats wolves and wildcats animals and people are alot alike because we both need to eat and drink we both have to go to doctors and we both have to take care of our selvs.daquan hilson
I would like to incorporate helping others in need. We should all try to help the homeless, or maby the people who need someone to lean on in there life. I accually rember this one time walking back to the buses from pnc park. There was a homeless guy and would you think the meanest guy ever would give him money? He accually helped someone out besides his friends. The lesson is all people are diffrent but you cant judge people about whats on the outside it only matters on the inside. ♥Allie Wilson♥ 3/4
I think something we should incorperat is when someone is hurt everyone should help. I think if animals could help their friends we could do it to. That is what I observed from the video.
I want to be Incorporate being helped by others.I think that alot of animals have habits which would be good for humans to follow like monkeys like they take care of their young and old.They are always helping each other.The message is that you should always help when someone nedds help.stevie thibodeaux3rd/4th period
There are many lessons that can be kearned from animals ,but few of them are nessary. As human beings we are better than animals and therefore need not to learn anything from them.The traits that the video showed are noble and one may think that the geese are intelegent or evloved but the fact that they display these traits shows how unevolved they are. Thee traits are survivl based and yes the are more effechient than the way we act. We human beings are msters of all that we can see before us. And as such can do whatever we want whenever we want to do it if only we summend the will to do so. And if we chose to we can fight among ourselves and be selfish just because we can.Troy Shough
The lesson I would like to incorperate is that we should stand by each other when we do well and especially when we do bad.Bears, because they stay together they dont leave eachother behind. Ithink his message is that just by the small things that other animals do or other things we can learn great ideas and consipts. i dont think i have ever had a problems with animals, allthough one time my sister held an alligator.(gross)Maddison Bowen5th
I would very much like to incorperate the lesson of encouragement in my life. We all need a positive reinforcement, to keep us going forever. Almost any animal in the situation of offspring and mother would be an excellent example of what humans can try to follow. We should all stay close like malik stated, don't leave anyone behind like maddison stated, and protect one another in any problem we might face. The videographer is trying to make the point, that animals (geese) are very similar to us. But they're also trying to say that we need to kind of follow in their footsteps. They cheer on eachother, take lead once in a while, or looking out for everyone.So, when I was around the age of 5 my mom and I were walking around Cooper's Rock. A little dainty chipmunk runs across the orange and scarlet leaves. I was amazed by the little creature, so i made my mom run after him :) After that I wanted some ice cream. So I tried to drag her to the store. I had been drinking Gatorade, and "pulling" my mother. I thought, " Hey this drink is amazing if little ol' me can pull an adult!" Turns out, she had just been walking the whole time :Puǝ11ɐ ɥɐıɹɐɯ5th periiioddd <3
I want to incorporate that no matter what, people should always stay together and help each other throughout everything. I think most animals have the habit of staying together. I think the videographers message is that everyone should stay together never leave someone behind and always be there for each other. your daughter 1st period
The lesson from the geese that i want to incorporate in my life is "If we have as much sense as geese, we will stand by each other in difficult times, as well as when we are strong." This means you should always support and help people in the harder times, and the better times. Nobody should be ever left alone. All animals have ways of life in which they are either independent, or they look after each other and stay together at all times. The videographer's purpose in making this video was to show that humans could learn things from animals, that could help make the world a better place.♥Ali Cumberland (:1st perioddd.
The life lesson I would like to incorporate in my life would be about the encouragement, honking, one. Everyone may need a little push at some point and I love giving them that push because I know they can do it. Many animals have habits that humans can follow in a positive way. For example, a mother bear protecting her young from another hungry male bear all by herself. The videographer's message was to show the different ways geese stay together as group. The videographer was trying to tell us that even though they are animals they can teach us how we can help other people. We went to the pet store to buy a mouse for our pet snake and came home with a mouse and a new snake. Well, this new snake was very skinny and short, we thought it was to little to even snap at us. As soon as we get it home and we put in in the cage it starts flipping out snapping at everyone who walked by, the thing was insane. My brother took it back to St. Louis and he said it bite his little sisters and his mom. It was a crazy little thing. :)Not to long before that we bought a rat/chipmunk thing from the pet store and we thought okay this will be a cute pet. So as were driving home it gets loose in the car. It's running around under our feet and seats. My mom decides to grab it before it gets stuck some where. When she reaches for it the little thing bites her and her finger is bleeding really bad. We took it back the next day. It just seems odd that we didnt even get it home and it went all crazy.MADISON JO STEVENSKI <31ST PERIOD-best class of the day!-
What i would most likely incorporate in my own life from this video would have to be to try to help someone when in need of something they can't do on there own,to have the sense of feeling of knowing that i am doing something good for someone. I would have to say a Bear and her Cub the reason for this is that a bear is constantly watching her baby and making sure their is no hram in the cubs way. The videographer's message is to share a sense of communications and to show that if you can trust someone they might be able to guide you in the right path that you are on. Let's see i would have to say this one time me and my friends where in my swimming pool playing around, we were screming. Knowing that my dog is protective of me, she decides to jump in the pool and come swimming up to me to see if i'm okay. That would have to be one of the crazy stories involving me and my wonderful dog.Renee Matura5th period
In my life I want to incorporate helping others. It is very important to help others. It is respectful and friendly. A dog is a helpful animal. For example a dog that leads blind people, they are very helpful and trustworthy. The videographer's message is you should help others not only yourself and think of others. I can't think of any stories involving me and one of my animals.lauren hesse5th
I want to incorporate helping others into my life. There aren't many other animals that humans should follow, all other animals eat each other (: The videographer's mesage is to show caring and sharing. A video between me and an animal is from when i was about 3. I was 3 years old and about 2 3/4 foot tall. I had a bag of bread in my hand to feed the ducks and this huge 3-4 foot Swan comes out of the water. It takes off after me and it put his wings up and started hissing at me ! So i ran and threw the bread (:jessie coffman ♥third & fourth periodddd.
I want to incorporate being organized. I think wolves or dogs would be exemplary for humans to follow because they form a back and like geese they stick together. I think that the videographer's was that people need to stick together and it help alot with conflicts. So if everyone agreed then it would make life less conplicated. My brother and I get into fights all the time over the stupidest stuff ever. Sometimes I'll get on his nerves or he'll get on my nerves. My brother would say something to me and I'll just start flipping out and most of the time I'm joking around and then he'll take it literaly and he'll get mad and walk away then I'll go apoligize and he won't talk to me, so I get mad and it goes on and on.Crystal Rowe,6th and 7th prd. :)
To be helped by others.Wolves fallow in packs and alot of kids follow there friends.That we should Be like geese.I use to have a girl dog, it was a boxer and It was huge. My sister was really little and the dog jumped on her and bit the top of her head and we had to take my sister to the hospital she got 3 stapples in her head.She was bleeding really bad.
i want to incoporate that even if your not friends with someone or if you dont really know them then still help them out or stick by there side!!!!!!!!!!!!! we r all peaople and we are all diffrent!!,evereyone has something that is weird or we may think is extremly creepy about them but,o well!! thats called being diffrent or unique! dont make fun or talk smack! even though others may be! dont join in!what im trying to say is like the video we all need to stick together like the geese did and set a good example for the rest of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!emily uveges 6thand7th period!
I want to incorpirate by helping others. I think bears because they care about thier cubs like adults care about their children. The video wants to show you that we aren't a hole different than animals as you think. One time my mom stubbed her toe and said the ouch without the CH and my dog howled.
The life lesson I would like to incorporate would be to offer encouraging words to one other. I can tell that my dog, Joeyy, is always very thankful and happy after a take him a walk or give him a treat. I think humans need to be more thankful and appreciative of what they are given or of what they have. I think the videographer's message was to help others, such as: in words( like honking), in caring (like the geese did when another goose got weak), and to help those that are sick ( like when other geese helped a goose when is was sick or injured). My dog was having problems with involving fluids around his heart, and still is having some problems. The fluids built up in the sack around the heart. When my mom took to see what the Vets could do they said, " It fixed itself, it's like a miracle". It had seemed like a miracle! I love love love my dog joeyy. (: But the problem seems to coming back slowly. I hope it recovers such as the first.Gabriellaaa Pearsse (:i love you ms. constablee <36th/7th (:
The life lesson from the geese that I would most want to incorporate into my own life would be working as a team. You an get so much more done if you can work together with other people as a team. I think it would be a good thing if people could follow dogs habits in the way they are always happy to see you. Dogs never get in a bad mood or grumpy with their owners. Our dog, Dakota, is always happy to see us no matter what. The videographer's message is to show us how much easier it is to get stuff done if you do it together and how we can learn from the habits of animals. The story I would like to tell is about my dog Dakota again. Once I came home from school and was in a really bad mood. Dakota ran up to me and was wagging his tail and so happy to see me that it made me feel happy. It would be great if people would help make other people happy in that way too. Brent Pacoe 6th and 7th period
I would want to say that you should be helpful to your family, friends, and other people who you don't know or people who are not your friends because everybody needs help from someone. Wolves or ants all follow each other and help each other out, like the geese. i think that the videographer's message is that everybody should respect one another because we are all special and we should help each other out no matter who you are.taylor rowe1st period (:
The life lesson from the geese that I would like to incorporate into my own life would be working as a team. People when thier on a team focus about how good your diong people dont care how a team is diong because i catch myself diong that alot. People need to realize there is no "I" in team.Ateam is people working together to achieve one single goal. My coaches always say there is no i in team.The videographers purpose for creating this video is that everyone should stay together never leave someone behind and always be there for each other no matter if somone is feeling bad or not.
I think helping others would be a good way to incorporate daily life. I think Kangaroo's make a good habits, they always look after their kid. The kid never leaves the mom pouch. I think the viedographer's message in this story is that humans and animals have a lot in common even if you think we don't. A couple day's ago me mom came home from work and she left the garage door and she ran upstairs, when she came back downsyairs she foud a dog in out livingroom! Like what's the odds of that?! (:Sydney Izydoree1stt periodddd<3
A life lesson that I learned fro mthis video is to encourage and help others. I think the videographers point was that people should help and encourage others when they need it. A habit that I noticed about my little dog tubby is that when im upset he will come and sit by me i think to comfort me. I think that it's coo; how he does that!tori harper: ) constable 1st period
The thing i got the most out of this video was that you need help in life and if something is wrong people will come down and help you. The animals that travel in packs because you can't go through life on your own. I think the videographer was trying to get you to think not only about geese and how they function but also the lessons in this video. I can't think of a story but for some reason when i was younger i was terrifed of wolves but i couldn't say it correctly so i said woo-ves =PEden Richmond 5th pd. =P
i would pick protect others abilities as we would protect ours because everyone has something special and we all need to respect it. monkeys do they are just like humans. his message is that animals are just like people so respest them and they will respect you.uhm i rele dont have a story so yeah sorry.
Although it was not clearly stated in the video, the life lesson that I learned from geese is that even though it may be difficult, sometimes we all have to work together sometimes. I, for one, am a very independent girl. I like to work alone because I tend to be a control freak and I sometimes don’t give others a chance to lead. I feel horrible for saying that but it’s true. Possibly because I’m an only child. I have been raised to be on my own. It doesn’t pay off in the end because I’ll be the only one taking care of my parents when they turn old and gray (which I think happened a long time ago-JUST KIDDING!!!! =-]).If you ask me, penguins show a lot of caring. The father penguin has to waddle around balancing an egg on the top of his feet. He must be very caring because carrying an egg on the top of my feet doesn’t seem too appealing to me. I’d probably drop it. (I’m a klutz.)The videographer’s purpose of making this video is to show that everyone has a purpose in life. We may not think that birds are too smart. BIRDBRAIN!!!!!!!!!! In reality, birds have come up with a way of transportation, thus gives us the “V” formation. They also know how to make nests. Now try doing that. As you can see, everyone and everything has some sort of value.If you have been to my house, you more than likely have met my dog, Bingo. Well, there’s a story about him. When I was in preschool, a stray dog came up to my door to eat a McDonald’s hash brown that I dropped on my porch. “Mommy, can we keep him?” I asked.“No,” my mother replied without hesitation.I begged and I begged and I begged to keep the dog. My parents finally said yes! And that is how I got Bingo.I would write more but that would be much too time-consuming. I could even write a whole book on it if I wanted to. (My mom and I did that when I was Little Rachel.)I hope you enjoyed my blog for this week!Lots of Love!Rachel Martin5th Period
I would like to incorporate the geese's lesson of working together in my life more. I think the videographer's message of this video is telling you that if we would use our brains wisely like geese and help each other, then life's "road blocks" would be easier to work through. Hyenas are another animal that work together. They stay in a pack and hunt together, so if one hyena gets it's prey, everyone gets a little. I was deer hunting and right below my tree stand there was a herd of deer eating in the food patch. I stopped and watched them and when one became alarmed, it snorted and they all ran. It is like when a person is scared he shows his emotions through body language.Ryan RosierPds. 6&7
I would like to incorporate helping others when they are not as strong or when they are strong. I think people are like wolves in a way because they help eachother and people help eachother. I think that the vediographers message was that animals and humnas are very similar in different ways weather it be how they act or in this case how they fly and help eachother. Once me and my brothers were in the yard at my mammaws and there was a deer in the yard which wasnt unusual at all. So we went and got some carrotts and went out to feed them.While my little brother was feeding him it bit his hand and it didnt hurt him but he started freaking out and the deer went crazy and was running around the yard and he ran into a tree and then ran off. LOL Lexie Hillberry :) 3rd/4th period!!!!!!!!
The life lesson that the video were trying to say that the geese have alot of work to do to fly. I also think that that the geese are like wolves and human because they all stay together even if they don't like each other.You can do alot more if you are in groups.The message that the videographer was saying was that you can accomplish alot more than you could alone.My dog and I always accompany each other and we alway keep us entertained.Erika Edwards5th period
I would like to incorperate encoragement in my life, from the geese. Encouragement is good for everyone to have because it gives you surport when you need it. I think most animals encourage and stay together at all times, through almost everything. The videographer's message is to stay together and give moral surport to your friends and family. ( :-Symone<3!Stewart( :: )1st period.♥
It would be to help your friends, and family. Well, monkeys act like humans, there alot alike. They remind me of little kids running around. That animals can act just like older people.That relates to humans as protect the ones you love and don't leave them out. The persons message is the geese have lessons that people should follow also. I dont have a story about my animals but I have 3 dogs. Coco, LuLu, and Butler there all Yorkies, and there all "BOSS". I also have a Bluetick hound hunting dog named Daisy. I did have two Labrodores but they just pasted a month ago, there names were Gunner, and Albert. And I forgot i have 3 cats too Casper, Pancake, and Cali. Thee endd.SkaR™aKa Ms. Constable's Fav. student(:6&7th period
kings1I want to help people more than I do now. I think people should help other people out no matter what.If someone can't do something or think they can't do it people should help em out by words of encouregement or smething like that. I think the message was to help each other out.
The geese help each other by flying in a V shaped pattern so they get an extra uplift from the bird in front. The life lesson would be to help others with things they need help with. The videographers message is to show us how geese help each other and if we could help each other everything wouldn't be so bad.Frank Merrill6th-7th period
I would like to incorporate helping others no matter what. For example no more bullies and hurtful things. Personally, I don't like pain. I think wolves are something we should be like. They stick togehter in little families (packs). Today there is so much divorses that leaves a lot of children with one parent who remarries and has a fine life, or have no parents, goes to an orphanage, becomes really messed up in the head, and ends up doing crimes. The videographer's message was that humans aren't instinctively born with those caring and trustworthy characteristics. One time on the way to school in 4th grade, my mom pulled over to help some people. Their car had a deer lodged through the middle of their windshield. the deer guts went everywhere throughout their car. There was 2 parents and an infant. It was really nasty. That's what i told Mrs. Kosisk (Waston's secrentary at the time)when she asked why I was late.Zack Linger5th Period
I would want to incorperate the one about trust. I lack trust form my brothers. I think dogs have a lesson to tell. That lesson being to just go with the flow and not to worry about what is not good in your life. The videographer's message is to teach important life lessons. One day I was going outside to pass football when I see this dog that looks exactly like my golden retreiver jack but I looked down and jack was right beside me the dog came walking inside and just layed down. We finally found it's owner and gave him back. It was a pretty funny experience. JP
What I want to incorporate is all of the people sticking together and some not fall out of our group.I think that elephants have habits that are exemplary for humans to follow. The reason is that Elephants stay together and thats what we should do. THe message is to stick together no matter how big the problems may get. My family didn't stick together until that day. We were outside and having fun and a fight broke out between my rbother and a girl his age. I didn't know what to do so I jumped in to help him I didn't hit the girl as much as I wanted to and I wasn't as big and bad as I wanted to be by hitting her but I still helped my big brother. Our mom came out and boy was that messy. She had threatened to beat us if we didn't stop. we stopped and when we went inside I made a promise to him.I said "I got ya back and I kept that commitment to him.
I want to incorporate standing by each other in not only good times but especially in the bad. I think that how dogs are so loyal to their owners and those who show it love would be a great thing for humans to learn. Not that people aren't loyal, it's just that some people make sure that, before they doing anything, it has to have something in it for them. I think that the videographer's message is that nobody is perfect and that everyone still has things to learn. I think that he is trying to express that we all have something to give and that people shouldn't be judged by what they look like or how the dress, by material things.I can't really think of any cool story involving me or an animal or my family other than the time my little sister was climbing up a really steep hill and reached for a branch only to find that it had eyes!! She saw that it was a snake just in time to scream and run up the hill!! I thought, that when she had screamed, she was getting kid-napped or something like that.Sara Lindsey5th period
I want to incorporate helping others and being heled by others. I think almost every animal can be related to us somehow. Bears, for example, take care of their young and protect one other. We are animals as well so what they can do we can do just as well. People don't learn to stand up for one another, or help each other out, especially when we don't know teh person in trouble. We always seem to be afraid of each other, never willing to take a risk, just playing it safe, but guilty. The videographers message was to show that animals are not as smart as us, although I think they're equally smart, people never give animals enough credit, they do some many more things so much better than us. These geese for example learn to corporate with one another and offer to do the hardest parts, we hardly ever help one another just to be nice. Once I was dog-sitting my friend's dog and I was gettign ready to take him for a walk before bed. Well I was putting his leash on and he was staring out hte window. I reached for the door knob but the dog sat in front of the door so I couldn't get out. (It was a big dog.) I couldn't figure out what he was doing. He stood up but still wouldn't let me open the door. He looked out he window again and quietly growled then barked. He moved out of the way after a few seconds. I opened the door and saw some animal running away. I wasn't sure what it was but I didn't recognize it. I was thinking, this dog is smart enough to find his on way to tell me not to go outside. This is just another example of how animals don't get enough credit.☮M3g4n Br4nch☮5th period(:
The life lesson like to incorporate into my life is one the about encouraging each other to do better or to keep on the way they are. Dogs have great habits for human's to follow. They can be nice, loyal, and a great best friend. The videographer's message in this story is to tell us that geese have more sense than us humans do. That they always stick together and never fight. One time my family and I were asleep in our beds and our dog Eeyore came up to my Mom and whined to go out. My Mom was SO tired that she let him out there before she checked to make sure there weren't any deer around. You could hear him run into our neighbors yard because his tags were clanging into each other. MY Mom shouted REALLY loud EEYORE!!! Then all of us were awake. So as I went down the stairs I heard Mom say I just saw three things go across the street. Thank goodness it was 12 on a school night so nobody was driving at that time. Then My Mom went outside and searched for him in our backyard while Dad and Marissa drove in their cars across the street. Ben and I were supposed to be look-outs. This went on for about 20 min when at last everybody came in and said they couldn't find him. I was about to cry when all of the sudden I saw him out the back door looking at us with a smile in his face. As soon as he came in he got hugs and yelled at. We never did know for sure if he did go across the street.
If we have as much sense as geese, we stay in formation with those headed where we want to go. I really want to incorporate this lesson into my life because I think this is a good idea. You should be friends and follow the same path as people that have the same goals as you do. We should also follow the habits of monkeys because they take good care of each other. The videographer's message is that we can learn from the habits of geese because they care about one another and are supportive. Michaela, 1st period =)
The lesson I would most like to incorporate into my life would be to work together like the geese. I think a good animal for us to learn from would be the black bear. We should learn how they protect their young from any threat until they are able to survive by themselves. I think the videographer’s purpose in this video is to show us how we need to learn; to receive help, things are harder to do by yourself, take turns, and stand by people when they are weak and when they are strong. We were at the beach when I was about seven and we were building a sandcastle. When we got a bucket of water, we saw something in the sand we thought was a shell. We went to pick it up, and it moved. We all jumped and realized it was a fish. We then put it back into the water after taking pictures. Jared Bartrug5th period
I would like to incorporate helping others.A bear because no matter what they would protect thier cub. I think the videographers message is that humans should be a little more like geese. One time at christmas when we put up the tree wewent to eat and when my mom went back to finish it my cat addie popped her head out of the top of the tree.Neil Scherich 3-4
The life lesson I would like to incorporate most is always encourage others. That mean when someone is haveing a hard time you need to help them out and tell them they can do what they are haveing trouble with. I think all animals habitats have something that humans could learn off of. The videographers purpose in creating this vidio is to tell people that geese can teach many life lessons to us. One time my sister brought home a puppy and my mom didn't want to keep. But we told her a how a puppy could help our lives. So we got to keep it.
I would like to help other people and then get helped by other people when I need it most. I think people should be like wolves, because wolves stick together when things get tough. Wolves are very graceful and they go to do things together. They aren't afraid of very many things. The videographer's message, is to tell you to keep doing your best, even if things get hard. Always try, even if you don't know what to do. We have a cute little dog at our house named Rosie, and she always makes us laugh, because she is a total NUTJOB. She is the best dog ever...Marissa Cox5th period10-20-09
This video showed how the geese work together. I think it was showing how we need to work together and change the way we react with other people. I think we should act like the geese in life. In my opinion things would workout better. Probably have a happier world. This is a pretty funny story. One day me and gabriella were going for a walk. It was a nice pretty walk until, two crazy wild dogs came chasing after us! WE were screaming and running as fast as we could. They were really close so we went in the woods hoping to get away from them. We did and ran to my house and never seen them again (:love melia dewitt♥6 & 7 period
I want to incorporate helping others into my life. I really don't think there is habits that humans shoulf follow, except for the mother lion to care for her cubb.The videographer's message was to show how to work with others. As we walked into Creekside Kennels to board our dog for the week, we realized that it wasn't so bad. After we ensured that Linus, our dog, got the same special treatment as we gave him, we left. As we entered the car, my little brother started crying because he knew he was going to miss his dog.): Once we calmed him down, it just went to show how attached one can become to his dog (:ANDYYY (((:firstt perioddd.i love myy favorite teacherr (:
I want to incorporate helping each other out in a time of need. I think monkeys are most like humans, because they stay together and help each other out. The videographer's message was to let people know how much some animals are like humans.Sophie libonati1st period :)
Being a good helping person. Lions because they are fierce and like to protect there young.Helping and being incouraging. I don't have a story.Caroline Brophy 1st period
a life would like to incorperate being help by other people. a good example of an animal is the polar bear . thay stick together in there own little secluded groups . they all catch there own pray and share if that have to . the videographers point is to tell us that animals are the same as us and that we sort of need to follow there examples.i really dont have a story ):kelsey morrone!!(:~1st periodd!~
The life lesson I learned was that everyone should help each other reach their goals if they seek help themselves. I want incorporate that into my life. Ants also work together to accomplish a lot of goals. The videographer's message is to show us that if animals work so diligently to get where they're going together, humans can to. Story about an animal. Well, when I see deer around my house (I live next to some wooded area) I usually see groups of at least 2, because they stay together and try to protect each other.Elliot Herberger 5th period
I think that we should act like ants in a way. Every ant in the colony works to help the other ants and they always stay together, no matter what. The videographer's message is that the best way through life is with the company of others. I have a great dane named Harley. One night when my dad was walking Harley they were attacked by a pitbull. Harley was severely injured. It was a miricale that my dog survived. It was one of the longest nights I've had to live through. My dog is very old for a great dane. He is 10years old, but great danes only live about 7 or 8 years. I'm glad he is still with us, but when he dies, he will be misssed very much.
i will try my best to help others any way that i can do.And try to solve any problems that i can any way that i can as long as it's not anything that is harmful to others or myself.All i like to see is when others are getting treated well just like others and i just don't get why people make frone of others it's not cool because they should put thierselves in that situtation and just imagine if thats them.Meekayla Taylor6th and 7th period
The lesson from the geese video that i most incorporate in my life is "If we have as much sense as geese, we will stand by each other in difficult times, as well as when we are strong." The videographers purpose is to show how animals can be and usually are smarter than most humans. I had a dog that was super close with me. Her name was latee. she ran away and I was devastated. I never found her.
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I want to incorporate being helped by others, and giving help to others into my daily life. I think wolves or wildcats have good habits for humans to follow. Because wildcats and wolves, they form a nice tight-knit pack, and the adults go out and hunt for the pack, while still taking care of the elders and young. They also don't care about danger when it comes to their kin. They would do ANYTHING to protect or heal one of their kin. The videographer's message is that we call these animals less intelligent beings than us, and yet they use their brains better than we do. They do what we should have done all along. We started out good, but then we messed up somewhere, and everyone started infighting, and then we all split up into our separate countries, and waging war. A story involving an animal and my family... there are a lot... Probably one of my favorites was when my Aunt Sue worked at an Ace Exterminators place, and she brought home a bat in a pringles can for me and my little brother. Then my mom woke up, and told me to give her some chips, so I said "No, mom, it is NOT a can of chips!". But she wouldn't listen, and took it before I could tell her what it really was, and when she reached down into the can, the bat was scared, and bit her. It was a fruit bat, thank goodness, so it didn't like, do any damage. She got REALLY mad, and threw it over a hill. I miss that bat. Just kidding. That's it! Have a nice day!
M A L I K__________K I N Z E R
In my life I incorporate many lessons similar to the geese. I am on the Fairmont Aquatic Swim team. Without trust,loyalty, and encouraging one another our team would not achieve the success each year. Even though our team experienced a difficult time when our fellow team mate was ill, our friendship and encouraging words let her know that she could trust us and know we were there for her. Those were three of the geese lessons I observed during the video clip.
Sydney Woody,1st (:
I want to incorporate i want to do being he;ped by somone and helping others well there is alot of good resons that you should fowlow what animals do they do alot of good things and they wont quit on each other and the animal i want to pick to fowlow is a black bear and her cub cause she always looks out for her cub she feeds it protects it shows were to go and mostly how to do things and the video is trying to say no matter what you have to try and help others no matter who falls. David Rowe
The life lesson i would like to point out the most and helps me in lifr is.Always encourage others.If someone can't do something or think they can't do it word of encourage ment can help more than you think.In the habbitat of a mother bear it won't let anything touch its cubs.That relates to humans as protect the ones you love and don't leave them out to dry.The videographers message is that geese have life lessons that people should follow.My family ownes land in the moutians we have a garden fenced in.This one time a deer had jumped in there and couldn't jump out.I felt bad for the deer.We opened the gate and the deer went running out
I want to incorprate by helping others and work together with freinds. a dog has a habbit that humans do that is scraching it shows how gees work together by getting ine place to another
Joey shearer
I want to incorporate helping others. I think hepling others is really important because if u help others when u need help you can always get it and have someone to count on.I think a lion is a good animal to base that on beacause they always take care of there babies an help then.A lion will not let any body mess with there babies and there always keeping them warm.
I would like to incorporate helping others. helping others is very important. You should always help someone in need. I think almost all animals habitats have something that humans could learn off of. The videographer's message is that geese have habits that humans should follow and learn off of.
Kimmy Woods
3/4 period :)
i want to incorporate being helped by others and animals like bears dogs cats wolves and wildcats animals and people are alot alike because we both need to eat and drink we both have to go to doctors and we both have to take care of our selvs.
daquan hilson
I would like to incorporate helping others in need. We should all try to help the homeless, or maby the people who need someone to lean on in there life. I accually rember this one time walking back to the buses from pnc park. There was a homeless guy and would you think the meanest guy ever would give him money? He accually helped someone out besides his friends. The lesson is all people are diffrent but you cant judge people about whats on the outside it only matters on the inside.
♥Allie Wilson♥
I think something we should incorperat is when someone is hurt everyone should help. I think if animals could help their friends we could do it to. That is what I observed from the video.
I want to be Incorporate being helped by others.I think that alot of animals have habits which would be good for humans to follow like monkeys like they take care of their young and old.They are always helping each other.The message is that you should always help when someone nedds help.
stevie thibodeaux
3rd/4th period
I want to be Incorporate being helped by others.I think that alot of animals have habits which would be good for humans to follow like monkeys like they take care of their young and old.They are always helping each other.The message is that you should always help when someone nedds help.
stevie thibodeaux
3rd/4th period
There are many lessons that can be kearned from animals ,but few of them are nessary. As human beings we are better than animals and therefore need not to learn anything from them.The traits that the video showed are noble and one may think that the geese are intelegent or evloved but the fact that they display these traits shows how unevolved they are. Thee traits are survivl based and yes the are more effechient than the way we act. We human beings are msters of all that we can see before us. And as such can do whatever we want whenever we want to do it if only we summend the will to do so. And if we chose to we can fight among ourselves and be selfish just because we can.
Troy Shough
I want to be Incorporate being helped by others.I think that alot of animals have habits which would be good for humans to follow like monkeys like they take care of their young and old.They are always helping each other.The message is that you should always help when someone nedds help.
stevie thibodeaux
3rd/4th period
I want to be Incorporate being helped by others.I think that alot of animals have habits which would be good for humans to follow like monkeys like they take care of their young and old.They are always helping each other.The message is that you should always help when someone nedds help.
stevie thibodeaux
3rd/4th period
The lesson I would like to incorperate is that we should stand by each other when we do well and especially when we do bad.Bears, because they stay together they dont leave eachother behind. Ithink his message is that just by the small things that other animals do or other things we can learn great ideas and consipts. i dont think i have ever had a problems with animals, allthough one time my sister held an alligator.(gross)
Maddison Bowen
I would very much like to incorperate the lesson of encouragement in my life. We all need a positive reinforcement, to keep us going forever. Almost any animal in the situation of offspring and mother would be an excellent example of what humans can try to follow. We should all stay close like malik stated, don't leave anyone behind like maddison stated, and protect one another in any problem we might face. The videographer is trying to make the point, that animals (geese) are very similar to us. But they're also trying to say that we need to kind of follow in their footsteps. They cheer on eachother, take lead once in a while, or looking out for everyone.
So, when I was around the age of 5 my mom and I were walking around Cooper's Rock. A little dainty chipmunk runs across the orange and scarlet leaves. I was amazed by the little creature, so i made my mom run after him :) After that I wanted some ice cream. So I tried to drag her to the store. I had been drinking Gatorade, and "pulling" my mother. I thought, " Hey this drink is amazing if little ol' me can pull an adult!" Turns out, she had just been walking the whole time :P
uǝ11ɐ ɥɐıɹɐɯ
5th periiioddd <3
I want to incorporate that no matter what, people should always stay together and help each other throughout everything. I think most animals have the habit of staying together. I think the videographers message is that everyone should stay together never leave someone behind and always be there for each other.
your daughter 1st period
The lesson from the geese that i want to incorporate in my life is "If we have as much sense as geese, we will stand by each other in difficult times, as well as when we are strong." This means you should always support and help people in the harder times, and the better times. Nobody should be ever left alone. All animals have ways of life in which they are either independent, or they look after each other and stay together at all times. The videographer's purpose in making this video was to show that humans could learn things from animals, that could help make the world a better place.♥
Ali Cumberland (:
1st perioddd.
The life lesson I would like to incorporate in my life would be about the encouragement, honking, one. Everyone may need a little push at some point and I love giving them that push because I know they can do it. Many animals have habits that humans can follow in a positive way. For example, a mother bear protecting her young from another hungry male bear all by herself. The videographer's message was to show the different ways geese stay together as group. The videographer was trying to tell us that even though they are animals they can teach us how we can help other people. We went to the pet store to buy a mouse for our pet snake and came home with a mouse and a new snake. Well, this new snake was very skinny and short, we thought it was to little to even snap at us. As soon as we get it home and we put in in the cage it starts flipping out snapping at everyone who walked by, the thing was insane. My brother took it back to St. Louis and he said it bite his little sisters and his mom. It was a crazy little thing. :)
Not to long before that we bought a rat/chipmunk thing from the pet store and we thought okay this will be a cute pet. So as were driving home it gets loose in the car. It's running around under our feet and seats. My mom decides to grab it before it gets stuck some where. When she reaches for it the little thing bites her and her finger is bleeding really bad. We took it back the next day. It just seems odd that we didnt even get it home and it went all crazy.
1ST PERIOD-best class of the day!-
What i would most likely incorporate in my own life from this video would have to be to try to help someone when in need of something they can't do on there own,to have the sense of feeling of knowing that i am doing something good for someone. I would have to say a Bear and her Cub the reason for this is that a bear is constantly watching her baby and making sure their is no hram in the cubs way. The videographer's message is to share a sense of communications and to show that if you can trust someone they might be able to guide you in the right path that you are on. Let's see i would have to say this one time me and my friends where in my swimming pool playing around, we were screming. Knowing that my dog is protective of me, she decides to jump in the pool and come swimming up to me to see if i'm okay. That would have to be one of the crazy stories involving me and my wonderful dog.
Renee Matura
5th period
In my life I want to incorporate helping others. It is very important to help others. It is respectful and friendly. A dog is a helpful animal. For example a dog that leads blind people, they are very helpful and trustworthy. The videographer's message is you should help others not only yourself and think of others. I can't think of any stories involving me and one of my animals.
lauren hesse
I want to incorporate helping others into my life. There aren't many other animals that humans should follow, all other animals eat each other (: The videographer's mesage is to show caring and sharing.
A video between me and an animal is from when i was about 3. I was 3 years old and about 2 3/4 foot tall. I had a bag of bread in my hand to feed the ducks and this huge 3-4 foot Swan comes out of the water. It takes off after me and it put his wings up and started hissing at me ! So i ran and threw the bread (:
jessie coffman ♥
third & fourth periodddd.
I want to incorporate being organized. I think wolves or dogs would be exemplary for humans to follow because they form a back and like geese they stick together. I think that the videographer's was that people need to stick together and it help alot with conflicts. So if everyone agreed then it would make life less conplicated. My brother and I get into fights all the time over the stupidest stuff ever. Sometimes I'll get on his nerves or he'll get on my nerves. My brother would say something to me and I'll just start flipping out and most of the time I'm joking around and then he'll take it literaly and he'll get mad and walk away then I'll go apoligize and he won't talk to me, so I get mad and it goes on and on.
Crystal Rowe,
6th and 7th prd. :)
To be helped by others.Wolves fallow in packs and alot of kids follow there friends.That we should Be like geese.I use to have a girl dog, it was a boxer and It was huge. My sister was really little and the dog jumped on her and bit the top of her head and we had to take my sister to the hospital she got 3 stapples in her head.She was bleeding really bad.
i want to incoporate that even if your not friends with someone or if you dont really know them then still help them out or stick by there side!!!!!!!!!!!!! we r all peaople and we are all diffrent!!,evereyone has something that is weird or we may think is extremly creepy about them but,o well!! thats called being diffrent or unique! dont make fun or talk smack! even though others may be! dont join in!what im trying to say is like the video we all need to stick together like the geese did and set a good example for the rest of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
emily uveges
6thand7th period!
I want to incorpirate by helping others. I think bears because they care about thier cubs like adults care about their children. The video wants to show you that we aren't a hole different than animals as you think. One time my mom stubbed her toe and said the ouch without the CH and my dog howled.
The life lesson I would like to incorporate would be to offer encouraging words to one other. I can tell that my dog, Joeyy, is always very thankful and happy after a take him a walk or give him a treat. I think humans need to be more thankful and appreciative of what they are given or of what they have. I think the videographer's message was to help others, such as: in words( like honking), in caring (like the geese did when another goose got weak), and to help those that are sick ( like when other geese helped a goose when is was sick or injured). My dog was having problems with involving fluids around his heart, and still is having some problems. The fluids built up in the sack around the heart. When my mom took to see what the Vets could do they said, " It fixed itself, it's like a miracle". It had seemed like a miracle! I love love love my dog joeyy. (: But the problem seems to coming back slowly. I hope it recovers such as the first.
Gabriellaaa Pearsse (:
i love you ms. constablee <3
6th/7th (:
The life lesson from the geese that I would most want to incorporate into my own life would be working as a team. You an get so much more done if you can work together with other people as a team. I think it would be a good thing if people could follow dogs habits in the way they are always happy to see you. Dogs never get in a bad mood or grumpy with their owners. Our dog, Dakota, is always happy to see us no matter what. The videographer's message is to show us how much easier it is to get stuff done if you do it together and how we can learn from the habits of animals. The story I would like to tell is about my dog Dakota again. Once I came home from school and was in a really bad mood. Dakota ran up to me and was wagging his tail and so happy to see me that it made me feel happy. It would be great if people would help make other people happy in that way too.
Brent Pacoe
6th and 7th period
I would want to say that you should be helpful to your family, friends, and other people who you don't know or people who are not your friends because everybody needs help from someone. Wolves or ants all follow each other and help each other out, like the geese. i think that the videographer's message is that everybody should respect one another because we are all special and we should help each other out no matter who you are.
taylor rowe
1st period (:
The life lesson from the geese that I would like to incorporate into my own life would be working as a team. People when thier on a team focus about how good your diong people dont care how a team is diong because i catch myself diong that alot. People need to realize there is no "I" in team.Ateam is people working together to achieve one single goal. My coaches always say there is no i in team.The videographers purpose for creating this video is that everyone should stay together never leave someone behind and always be there for each other no matter if somone is feeling bad or not.
I think helping others would be a good way to incorporate daily life. I think Kangaroo's make a good habits, they always look after their kid. The kid never leaves the mom pouch. I think the viedographer's message in this story is that humans and animals have a lot in common even if you think we don't. A couple day's ago me mom came home from work and she left the garage door and she ran upstairs, when she came back downsyairs she foud a dog in out livingroom! Like what's the odds of that?! (:
Sydney Izydoree
1stt periodddd<3
A life lesson that I learned fro mthis video is to encourage and help others. I think the videographers point was that people should help and encourage others when they need it. A habit that I noticed about my little dog tubby is that when im upset he will come and sit by me i think to comfort me. I think that it's coo; how he does that!
tori harper: )
constable 1st period
The thing i got the most out of this video was that you need help in life and if something is wrong people will come down and help you. The animals that travel in packs because you can't go through life on your own. I think the videographer was trying to get you to think not only about geese and how they function but also the lessons in this video. I can't think of a story but for some reason when i was younger i was terrifed of wolves but i couldn't say it correctly so i said woo-ves =P
Eden Richmond 5th pd. =P
i would pick protect others abilities as we would protect ours because everyone has something special and we all need to respect it. monkeys do they are just like humans. his message is that animals are just like people so respest them and they will respect you.uhm i rele dont have a story so yeah sorry.
Although it was not clearly stated in the video, the life lesson that I learned from geese is that even though it may be difficult, sometimes we all have to work together sometimes. I, for one, am a very independent girl. I like to work alone because I tend to be a control freak and I sometimes don’t give others a chance to lead. I feel horrible for saying that but it’s true. Possibly because I’m an only child. I have been raised to be on my own. It doesn’t pay off in the end because I’ll be the only one taking care of my parents when they turn old and gray (which I think happened a long time ago-JUST KIDDING!!!! =-]).
If you ask me, penguins show a lot of caring. The father penguin has to waddle around balancing an egg on the top of his feet. He must be very caring because carrying an egg on the top of my feet doesn’t seem too appealing to me. I’d probably drop it. (I’m a klutz.)
The videographer’s purpose of making this video is to show that everyone has a purpose in life. We may not think that birds are too smart. BIRDBRAIN!!!!!!!!!! In reality, birds have come up with a way of transportation, thus gives us the “V” formation. They also know how to make nests. Now try doing that. As you can see, everyone and everything has some sort of value.
If you have been to my house, you more than likely have met my dog, Bingo. Well, there’s a story about him. When I was in preschool, a stray dog came up to my door to eat a McDonald’s hash brown that I dropped on my porch. “Mommy, can we keep him?” I asked.
“No,” my mother replied without hesitation.
I begged and I begged and I begged to keep the dog. My parents finally said yes! And that is how I got Bingo.
I would write more but that would be much too time-consuming. I could even write a whole book on it if I wanted to. (My mom and I did that when I was Little Rachel.)
I hope you enjoyed my blog for this week!
Lots of Love!
Rachel Martin
5th Period
I would like to incorporate the geese's lesson of working together in my life more. I think the videographer's message of this video is telling you that if we would use our brains wisely like geese and help each other, then life's "road blocks" would be easier to work through. Hyenas are another animal that work together. They stay in a pack and hunt together, so if one hyena gets it's prey, everyone gets a little. I was deer hunting and right below my tree stand there was a herd of deer eating in the food patch. I stopped and watched them and when one became alarmed, it snorted and they all ran. It is like when a person is scared he shows his emotions through body language.
Ryan Rosier
Pds. 6&7
I would like to incorporate helping others when they are not as strong or when they are strong. I think people are like wolves in a way because they help eachother and people help eachother. I think that the vediographers message was that animals and humnas are very similar in different ways weather it be how they act or in this case how they fly and help eachother. Once me and my brothers were in the yard at my mammaws and there was a deer in the yard which wasnt unusual at all. So we went and got some carrotts and went out to feed them.While my little brother was feeding him it bit his hand and it didnt hurt him but he started freaking out and the deer went crazy and was running around the yard and he ran into a tree and then ran off. LOL
Lexie Hillberry :)
3rd/4th period!!!!!!!!
The life lesson that the video were trying to say that the geese have alot of work to do to fly. I also think that that the geese are like wolves and human because they all stay together even if they don't like each other.You can do alot more if you are in groups.The message that the videographer was saying was that you can accomplish alot more than you could alone.My dog and I always accompany each other and we alway keep us entertained.
Erika Edwards
5th period
I would like to incorperate encoragement in my life, from the geese. Encouragement is good for everyone to have because it gives you surport when you need it. I think most animals encourage and stay together at all times, through almost everything. The videographer's message is to stay together and give moral surport to your friends and family. ( :
-Symone<3!Stewart( :
: )1st period.♥
It would be to help your friends, and family. Well, monkeys act like humans, there alot alike. They remind me of little kids running around. That animals can act just like older people.That relates to humans as protect the ones you love and don't leave them out. The persons message is the geese have lessons that people should follow also. I dont have a story about my animals but I have 3 dogs. Coco, LuLu, and Butler there all Yorkies, and there all "BOSS". I also have a Bluetick hound hunting dog named Daisy. I did have two Labrodores but they just pasted a month ago, there names were Gunner, and Albert. And I forgot i have 3 cats too Casper, Pancake, and Cali. Thee endd.
aKa Ms. Constable's Fav. student(:
6&7th period
It would be to help your friends, and family. Well, monkeys act like humans, there alot alike. They remind me of little kids running around. That animals can act just like older people.That relates to humans as protect the ones you love and don't leave them out. The persons message is the geese have lessons that people should follow also. I dont have a story about my animals but I have 3 dogs. Coco, LuLu, and Butler there all Yorkies, and there all "BOSS". I also have a Bluetick hound hunting dog named Daisy. I did have two Labrodores but they just pasted a month ago, there names were Gunner, and Albert. And I forgot i have 3 cats too Casper, Pancake, and Cali. Thee endd.
aKa Ms. Constable's Fav. student(:
6&7th period
kings1I want to help people more than I do now. I think people should help other people out no matter what.If someone can't do something or think they can't do it people should help em out by words of encouregement or smething like that. I think the message was to help each other out.
The geese help each other by flying in a V shaped pattern so they get an extra uplift from the bird in front. The life lesson would be to help others with things they need help with. The videographers message is to show us how geese help each other and if we could help each other everything wouldn't be so bad.
Frank Merrill
6th-7th period
I would like to incorporate helping others no matter what. For example no more bullies and hurtful things. Personally, I don't like pain. I think wolves are something we should be like. They stick togehter in little families (packs). Today there is so much divorses that leaves a lot of children with one parent who remarries and has a fine life, or have no parents, goes to an orphanage, becomes really messed up in the head, and ends up doing crimes. The videographer's message was that humans aren't instinctively born with those caring and trustworthy characteristics. One time on the way to school in 4th grade, my mom pulled over to help some people. Their car had a deer lodged through the middle of their windshield. the deer guts went everywhere throughout their car. There was 2 parents and an infant. It was really nasty. That's what i told Mrs. Kosisk (Waston's secrentary at the time)when she asked why I was late.
Zack Linger
5th Period
I would want to incorperate the one about trust. I lack trust form my brothers. I think dogs have a lesson to tell. That lesson being to just go with the flow and not to worry about what is not good in your life. The videographer's message is to teach important life lessons. One day I was going outside to pass football when I see this dog that looks exactly like my golden retreiver jack but I looked down and jack was right beside me the dog came walking inside and just layed down. We finally found it's owner and gave him back. It was a pretty funny experience. JP
What I want to incorporate is all of the people sticking together and some not fall out of our group.I think that elephants have habits that are exemplary for humans to follow. The reason is that Elephants stay together and thats what we should do. THe message is to stick together no matter how big the problems may get. My family didn't stick together until that day. We were outside and having fun and a fight broke out between my rbother and a girl his age. I didn't know what to do so I jumped in to help him I didn't hit the girl as much as I wanted to and I wasn't as big and bad as I wanted to be by hitting her but I still helped my big brother. Our mom came out and boy was that messy. She had threatened to beat us if we didn't stop. we stopped and when we went inside I made a promise to him.I said "I got ya back and I kept that commitment to him.
I want to incorporate standing by each other in not only good times but especially in the bad. I think that how dogs are so loyal to their owners and those who show it love would be a great thing for humans to learn. Not that people aren't loyal, it's just that some people make sure that, before they doing anything, it has to have something in it for them. I think that the videographer's message is that nobody is perfect and that everyone still has things to learn. I think that he is trying to express that we all have something to give and that people shouldn't be judged by what they look like or how the dress, by material things.I can't really think of any cool story involving me or an animal or my family other than the time my little sister was climbing up a really steep hill and reached for a branch only to find that it had eyes!! She saw that it was a snake just in time to scream and run up the hill!! I thought, that when she had screamed, she was getting kid-napped or something like that.
Sara Lindsey
5th period
I want to incorporate helping others and being heled by others. I think almost every animal can be related to us somehow. Bears, for example, take care of their young and protect one other. We are animals as well so what they can do we can do just as well. People don't learn to stand up for one another, or help each other out, especially when we don't know teh person in trouble. We always seem to be afraid of each other, never willing to take a risk, just playing it safe, but guilty. The videographers message was to show that animals are not as smart as us, although I think they're equally smart, people never give animals enough credit, they do some many more things so much better than us. These geese for example learn to corporate with one another and offer to do the hardest parts, we hardly ever help one another just to be nice.
Once I was dog-sitting my friend's dog and I was gettign ready to take him for a walk before bed. Well I was putting his leash on and he was staring out hte window. I reached for the door knob but the dog sat in front of the door so I couldn't get out. (It was a big dog.) I couldn't figure out what he was doing. He stood up but still wouldn't let me open the door. He looked out he window again and quietly growled then barked. He moved out of the way after a few seconds. I opened the door and saw some animal running away. I wasn't sure what it was but I didn't recognize it. I was thinking, this dog is smart enough to find his on way to tell me not to go outside. This is just another example of how animals don't get enough credit.
☮M3g4n Br4nch☮
5th period(:
The life lesson like to incorporate into my life is one the about encouraging each other to do better or to keep on the way they are. Dogs have great habits for human's to follow. They can be nice, loyal, and a great best friend. The videographer's message in this story is to tell us that geese have more sense than us humans do. That they always stick together and never fight. One time my family and I were asleep in our beds and our dog Eeyore came up to my Mom and whined to go out. My Mom was SO tired that she let him out there before she checked to make sure there weren't any deer around. You could hear him run into our neighbors yard because his tags were clanging into each other. MY Mom shouted REALLY loud EEYORE!!! Then all of us were awake. So as I went down the stairs I heard Mom say I just saw three things go across the street. Thank goodness it was 12 on a school night so nobody was driving at that time. Then My Mom went outside and searched for him in our backyard while Dad and Marissa drove in their cars across the street. Ben and I were supposed to be look-outs. This went on for about 20 min when at last everybody came in and said they couldn't find him. I was about to cry when all of the sudden I saw him out the back door looking at us with a smile in his face. As soon as he came in he got hugs and yelled at. We never did know for sure if he did go across the street.
If we have as much sense as geese, we stay in formation with those headed where we want to go. I really want to incorporate this lesson into my life because I think this is a good idea. You should be friends and follow the same path as people that have the same goals as you do. We should also follow the habits of monkeys because they take good care of each other. The videographer's message is that we can learn from the habits of geese because they care about one another and are supportive.
Michaela, 1st period =)
The lesson I would most like to incorporate into my life would be to work together like the geese. I think a good animal for us to learn from would be the black bear. We should learn how they protect their young from any threat until they are able to survive by themselves. I think the videographer’s purpose in this video is to show us how we need to learn; to receive help, things are harder to do by yourself, take turns, and stand by people when they are weak and when they are strong. We were at the beach when I was about seven and we were building a sandcastle. When we got a bucket of water, we saw something in the sand we thought was a shell. We went to pick it up, and it moved. We all jumped and realized it was a fish. We then put it back into the water after taking pictures.
Jared Bartrug
5th period
I would like to incorporate helping others.A bear because no matter what they would protect thier cub. I think the videographers message is that humans should be a little more like geese. One time at christmas when we put up the tree wewent to eat and when my mom went back to finish it my cat addie popped her head out of the top of the tree.
Neil Scherich 3-4
The life lesson I would like to incorporate most is always encourage others. That mean when someone is haveing a hard time you need to help them out and tell them they can do what they are haveing trouble with. I think all animals habitats have something that humans could learn off of. The videographers purpose in creating this vidio is to tell people that geese can teach many life lessons to us. One time my sister brought home a puppy and my mom didn't want to keep. But we told her a how a puppy could help our lives. So we got to keep it.
I would like to help other people and then get helped by other people when I need it most. I think people should be like wolves, because wolves stick together when things get tough. Wolves are very graceful and they go to do things together. They aren't afraid of very many things. The videographer's message, is to tell you to keep doing your best, even if things get hard. Always try, even if you don't know what to do. We have a cute little dog at our house named Rosie, and she always makes us laugh, because she is a total NUTJOB. She is the best dog ever...
Marissa Cox
5th period
This video showed how the geese work together. I think it was showing how we need to work together and change the way we react with other people. I think we should act like the geese in life. In my opinion things would workout better. Probably have a happier world. This is a pretty funny story. One day me and gabriella were going for a walk. It was a nice pretty walk until, two crazy wild dogs came chasing after us! WE were screaming and running as fast as we could. They were really close so we went in the woods hoping to get away from them. We did and ran to my house and never seen them again (:
love melia dewitt♥
6 & 7 period
I want to incorporate helping others into my life. I really don't think there is habits that humans shoulf follow, except for the mother lion to care for her cubb.
The videographer's message was to show how to work with others.
As we walked into Creekside Kennels to board our dog for the week, we realized that it wasn't so bad. After we ensured that Linus, our dog, got the same special treatment as we gave him, we left. As we entered the car, my little brother started crying because he knew he was going to miss his dog.): Once we calmed him down, it just went to show how attached one can become to his dog (:
firstt perioddd.
i love myy favorite teacherr (:
I want to incorporate helping each other out in a time of need. I think monkeys are most like humans, because they stay together and help each other out. The videographer's message was to let people know how much some animals are like humans.
Sophie libonati
1st period :)
I want to incorporate helping each other out in a time of need. I think monkeys are most like humans, because they stay together and help each other out. The videographer's message was to let people know how much some animals are like humans.
Sophie libonati
1st period :)
Being a good helping person. Lions because they are fierce and like to protect there young.Helping and being incouraging. I don't have a story.
Caroline Brophy
1st period
a life would like to incorperate being help by other people. a good example of an animal is the polar bear . thay stick together in there own little secluded groups . they all catch there own pray and share if that have to . the videographers point is to tell us that animals are the same as us and that we sort of need to follow there examples.i really dont have a story ):
kelsey morrone!!(:
~1st periodd!~
The life lesson I learned was that everyone should help each other reach their goals if they seek help themselves. I want incorporate that into my life. Ants also work together to accomplish a lot of goals. The videographer's message is to show us that if animals work so diligently to get where they're going together, humans can to. Story about an animal. Well, when I see deer around my house (I live next to some wooded area) I usually see groups of at least 2, because they stay together and try to protect each other.
Elliot Herberger 5th period
I think that we should act like ants in a way. Every ant in the colony works to help the other ants and they always stay together, no matter what. The videographer's message is that the best way through life is with the company of others. I have a great dane named Harley. One night when my dad was walking Harley they were attacked by a pitbull. Harley was severely injured. It was a miricale that my dog survived. It was one of the longest nights I've had to live through. My dog is very old for a great dane. He is 10years old, but great danes only live about 7 or 8 years. I'm glad he is still with us, but when he dies, he will be misssed very much.
i will try my best to help others any way that i can do.And try to solve any problems that i can any way that i can as long as it's not anything that is harmful to others or myself.All i like to see is when others are getting treated well just like others and i just don't get why people make frone of others it's not cool because they should put thierselves in that situtation and just imagine if thats them.
Meekayla Taylor
6th and 7th period
The lesson from the geese video that i most incorporate in my life is "If we have as much sense as geese, we will stand by each other in difficult times, as well as when we are strong." The videographers purpose is to show how animals can be and usually are smarter than most humans. I had a dog that was super close with me. Her name was latee. she ran away and I was devastated. I never found her.
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