Yes, I do like to be connected. I learn best when I am told something one day, and expected to remember for a test or quiz on it the next day, because I have a photographic memory, so when I take that test, the stuff sticks in my head. I learn from everything. I don't have an Ipod, I have an MP3. I learn from my computer in all types of ways. Technology is already used in most of my classes, so I'm good. That's it! Have a nice day!Signed,M A L I K__________K I N Z E R
Yes, i do like to be connected. I learn best when i am hearing something, so im an auditory learner.i have an ipod but i learn more on the computer. i use technolog in 4 of my classes so im good. ( :әႨqɐʇsuoɔ ɐuuɐ!ɹpɐpo!ɹәd ʇs1
Yes, I too like to stay connected. I prefer to learn using all three ways, but doing and hearing seem to make the subject stick in my mind better. Unless you have an IPod touch and actually put learning apps on it, then I don't really find IPods that useful to anyone. I would like us to work on newer programs, just to widen our experiences with technology. But the old fashioned way is also crucial so we need to balance and focus on both without losing knowledge of the other.Mariah Allen5th Periiod XD
Yes, I do like to be connected. I learn best when someone tells me a story about it or a hands on activity. Doing. I learn best by messing aroung with my ipod and computer and then i normally figure it out. I like using technology but when it does not work it is very frusterating!Eden Richmond 5th pd.
Yea,I like to be connected.Im more of a hands on learner.Seeing things done help me learn to.I dont see how an iPod would help you learn.I guess you could download edcucational apps to help you out a bit.A computer is a big help for learning.Thats why schools are so tense about getting there hands on them.PCs are really helpful when it comes to getting info.Computers can be nerve racking to when it freezes up or run slow.Technology is used pretty well in classes i think.Im suprised we use it as much as we do.JoVaun Howard6th&7th Period
yes, I like to be connected. I learn best by hands on activities. Seeing and doing. Listening to songs and playing games. Laptops for each student to use each day so we wouldn't have to share. Then take them with us for high school or turn them in when we leave eighth grade.
Yes, I do like to be connected. I learn best from hands on activities. I learn from seeing and doing. The best way to learn by using your ipod is you can download educational games to help you learn. The best way to learn by using your computer is by going to different websites and learn what they have to say about differentm topics. Well, I really don't know because we use technology a lot in other classes.Brent Pacoe 6th & 7th period
Yes, I do like to be connected. I learn best by seeing and doing. The best way to learn on your ipod is to buy an app, or get on the ipod's internet. The best way to learn on your computer is by searching whatever you want to know on google. We use technology in most classes, but I wish we would use technology in Spanish.Ryan RosierPd. 6&7
I think I learn best from all of those because things stick in my mind if i want to remember them. The way you learn on a computer is trying to find out how to do something on it so when you find out how you usually end up learning a lot more than you realize. Technology has been used in all of my classes atleast once this year, but I just hate the stuff I have to do at home.Frank Merrill6th-7th period
It's easy for me to do something especially when i am told to do something then i will do it.I just don't undrstand why people don't listen to their parents and obey their parents rules all i know is not to do anything that i know my parents won't want me to do and i know what i am suppose to do.Its very easy just to pay attention instead of being hard headed but i can still be sometimes.Meekayla Taylor6th and 7th period
Yes, I like to stay connected. I learn best when a teacher explains something, then does it. So then I see how it works and try it. The best way to learn how to use technology would be trying something, or asking someone who knows how already. It would be awesome to use computers for more things, but using something like an ipod touch to do class work would be the best thing about school. Zack Linger5th Period
Yes I am allmost allwys connected weather Im talking to my friends on Xbox Live or texting or reading football or hockey blogs I'm allways connected. I learn from allmost anything and its not that hard for me. I learn a lot from my Ipod because it has a connection to the internet and I cn read things on it. Troy Shough 3-4 Peroid
Yes,i do like to be connected i like to learn from a computer and i like when the teacher gives me info about the computer and new things i didnt know i love learning new things about the computer and when we do tech steps on the computer i like to do that cause i like the challenge and when we do book work i find it rather boring and would rather work on computers each student should get a lab top to use in this school for every class
yes,i do like to be connected.I learn the best when i am told something.I learn the best by just messing around with my ipod or computer.I use technology in many of my classes so im okay.
Sure I guess I liked to be connected. I learn good by being showed something before I do it. My sister tought me how to use my Ipod and computer well basicly everything technology wize. i would like to use a computer in every class.
Yes i like to be connected its fun. I learn best from hearing and doing but not seeing if i see something the next day i v=cant remeber what it look's like but i do have a good hearing and doing part of best way of learing my ipod is doing it when I got my ipod i messed with it for alittle bit and the i got use to doing it.By using my computer I did the same thing i didi with my ipod. I think using technolgy in other classes would probley be the same thing as any other clss.Ryan Bogo 6&7 period
yes,i do like to be coneccted.i learn more on computer mostly because i use them more. but i do use my ipod alot!!!!!!!! and i learn alot from texting because i always have my phone and im always texting.
Yes, I do like to be connected. I'm not sure, I do learn well with hands on activites, and just trying to remeber what they said how it is worded. I believe I learn from hearing, when I hear things I do learn. I learn by seeing as well, when I see what im learning I can think of it when I need to. When I'm doing a hands on activity I feel like I'm learning. I use my ipod to learn by playing games that are fun and really make you think. For my homewrok I mostly use my computer so I use my computer a lot more to learn. I like using computers in my classes. In most of my classes we use computers.MADDIE STEVENSKI <31ST PERIOD
yes, I like to stay connected I learn best when I am told a few times, just ask my mom. I use my Ipod everyday for games music and internet. I have not once done somthing educational on there execpt for google translator.i Like Ipods and computers. Technology has used been used in all my classes.
Yes, I do like to be connected. I learn best when i am told or tought a leson then i have to do practice work on it later. I think I do best when I have to study. I don't think I would be able to learn that much using my Ipod. I can learn alot from my computer though. I like to see technology used in my other like using the wiki in Mr. Patrick's class, and using blogspot in your class.Maddison Bowen5th period. :)
Yes I like to be connected. I learn best when I am in a silent room and being pressured. I also learn by going over something again and again or making a song out of it. Using my Ipod I could make up a song, put it on my Ipod, and play agian and again until it gets stuck in my head. For my computer I could look up what I'm trying to learn and memorize the stuff I need to know. I would like to see technology in my other classes, but I don't think I could play my clarinet on the computer.Delaney Pulice 5th period
I love to be connected because it fun and it also nice to be in to in touch with everything that is . now happening. How do I learn best? I learn from all of my senses. The best way to learn is to keep my left hand is doing something.It helps me tofocus. I can hear better but it is sometimes hard to do. I don't iPod but I do have a computer and a cell phone. How else am I going to do this at home. Computer keep me connected. Phone let me text, but being online is easier to get on the internet than phones. I would like to see more technology in all my classes but I wish they were easier to use. Technology is supposed to make things easier, but they are still really hard.ERIKA_EDWARDS5th PERIOD
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn best mostly from being tought visually. Sometimes I can learn by just hearing, it depends on what I am learning. Like I said I learn best by seeing and also by doing.I don't really learn as much on my ipod as I do on the computer. I learn things on the computer that I can't learn in school. I would like to have a virtual class because the only class that is virtual at our school is franch and only take spanish.lauren hesse5th per.
Blogging. Here we go again.Well, I enjoy being connected but it’s not my top priority. Sure, I text 24/7 but I rarely talk to my friends online. If I’m online, I’m more than likely downloading music for my ipod or watching stupid videos on youtube. Those videos are quite addictive, I might add.I learn best by doing it all myself. My math teacher can do as many problems as she wants with me but I won’t fully understand the concept until I do it all on my own. Like at gymnastics, I rarely ever ask for a spot because if I have a spot for too long, I’ll become dependent on the spotter by the time it comes for me to do the pass on my own.Learning from hearing: If someone tries to teach me something by just talking, I’ll either fall asleep or my mind will wander off. My mind wanders off in class all the time. It’s uncontrollable. I feel bad for zoning out people but it’s sometimes my instinct.Learning from seeing: I can learn from seeing if I want to but it helps if someone is talking and explaining the steps in addition to the visuals. I’ve learned a lot of stuff from reading so I guess I can learn by seeing.Learning from doing: It’s how I learn best! I’m the type of girl that likes to do it myself and get it over with.I don’t find ipods too effective with learning. The best way is to get an ipod touch and download educational apps. Most normal teens wouldn’t do that though. No effence to the select few that do. It’s amazing that they are so dedicated into wisdom.Computers are very effective with learning. You can use search engines. Sometimes when I’m hopelessly bored I’ll go on youtube and type in “random fun facts”. It’s good for a good laugh. For example, I didn’t know that some lions mate up to 20 times a day until I tried that search.I already use technology a lot in all of my classes. I would like to use calculators in Mrs. Luketic’s class though. I also wish that all of my teachers would have a wiki site like Mr. Patrick does. I would also like to type answers to assignments as opposed to writing them out. Other than that I would not wish to use technology anymore.I’ve been blogged out for this week! Thanks for reading!Lots of Love!♫Rachel Martin♫♥5th Period ♥P.S. Thank you very much for selecting me as you blue ribbon learner. You are my favorite teacher EVER!!!! :)
Yes, I do like to be connected. I can learn from seeing, doing, or hearing but hearing is the hardest because I don't have very much paitence. I learn best by seeing AND doing. if I don't do both I get confused. I don't have an Ipod, I have a zune so I'm really not sure. I learn best from my computer by reading constantly and always researching for school. I like technology and when we use it in class but sometimes it just isn't as efficent as paper and pencil. sometimes the computer will freeze or shut down.
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn best at hands on work. I learn from all, seeing, hearing, and doing! Well there are many ways to learn things from your Ipod. I have an Ipod touch and I can just download applications that can help me pretty much everything. Computers help me in everyday life. They help me from school work to deciding what to wear according to the weather. Well I have been seeing a lot of technology lately in our classes so I’m not sure if I want it used in anymore!Love,Gabriella Pearse6th/7thi <3 you ms. constable (:
Yeah, I like to be conneted. I learn best by listening and watching. I have an ipod but i do not really learn from it so i use the computer.I use alot of technology already but we could find more im sure to use.Tori Harper1st period
Of course I like to stay connected. I learn best from both seeing & doing. I'm not a very good audio learner. When I use my iPod, I make good use of all of its apps. Such as, the calculator, translator, thesaurus, and much more. On my computer I, like most, use the internet. You can find and do just about anything on the internet. I'd like to use more computers in other classes. Do technological projects, and papers. -Andy Shaw ((: -1stt Perioddd. -i lovee youu ms. c <3
I like being connected. It helps me with my problems sometimes. I think I learn the best when I have visuals and little tricks to remember things with. I learn from hearing, seeing, and doing. The best way to learn with an iPod is by listening to music. I think the best way to learn using a computer is to find information on the web, and make projects in PowerPoint, moviemaker, or word. I like the way technology is being used in all of my classes. I thought this blog made you think a lot about school and how it is changing.Jared Bartrug5th period
Yes, i do like to stay connected.(:I learn the best when I'm either seeing or hearing something. I absolutely can not learn by doing something for some reason. I do have an ipod, but i don't think i can really learn from playing music on it. I always learn from my computer, by myself. I think a computer is the easiest way to learn about technology. I use technology in almost every class in one way or another, so sometimes it can be confusing. Now days, it is really important to know how to do that stuff.Ali Cumberland ♥1st period.
I do like to be connected. I learn best from seeing, if I see something, it tend to sinkin a lot better than by just hearing it. The best way to learn using my ipod would be to use it for nformational purposes, the same as the computer. you can use it to acess internet tools that can help you learn a lot on many differnt subjects. I would like to see technology used in the same way it is used in english, for blogging or in other ways such as an alternative to textbooks. Michaela CloutierPeriod One
Yes I like to be connected. I learn best by hands in. I learn by doing. It's alot easyer to do then by hearing. I use my ipod to learn by playing games that are fun and really make you think.You can find and do just about anything on the internet. I would like to do more PowerPoints in classes.
I like to be connected. I don't know how I learn best. I am a bad learner. I learn from seeing other people doing stuff sometimes. I don't have an ipod. I like learning on the internet. Sometimes it can be fun. Maybe. I would like to get more computer free time in all of the classes, and let us do whatever we want on the computer.Marissa Cox5th period;)
I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. I like to be in the know and know what all is going on.I am a very visual person. It is best for me to have something I can look at and compare with.I learn from hearing, seeing, and most of all by doing.I don't have and ipod but I do have an MP3 player so I guess I'll use that :). I memorize something if I hear it over and over again so I guess that if you made a song for watever we r studying I would learn it faster. Kinda like wat mrs. Dewitt does :P!I would like to see use each have a laptop assigned to you from your first day of 5th grade to your last day of 8th grade. That way we could take notes on our computer and look up things that we aren't understanding.sara luvs u!!!!!
Yea, I do like to be connected i like to learn visual most of the time. i dont like to sit there i n listen i dont have a ipod and I like being on the computer
yes i like to be connected because its easier to learn.i like computers because theres not alot of stuff saying alot, of thigs at one time things you can learn at your own pace.i can learn frome hearing.
Yes i always like to be connected. I learn best when I hear what i need to know over and over again. I learn from hearing and doing. Online on your ipod is a good way to learn. You can look almost anything up on a computer and internet. I would love technology in other classes even though we already do.
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn best by trying then learning from my mistakes. When I first go tmy ipod, I learned by just going through it and seeing all it could do. On my computer, I learned by just opening it and going through the files and playing around. In my other classes, I would like to use computers more.
yes, i love to be connected.i learn the best when i am doing it. i learn by both. i learn differant cultures and music types by listening to my ipod, and i learn just about everything else by using the computer.most of my classes use some sort of technology . in some ways i think its a good thing and in some ways i think its a bad thing. 1st periodkelsey moron!(:
I like to be connected. I learn best when I hear and see stuff at the same time. Sometimes if I'm just reading a book and not being told any information I'll just zone out and read 3 or 4 paragraphs without comprehending any of it, which kind of stinks if I need the information because then I have to read stuff again. I don't learn anything on my ipod except for alphabetical ordering practice, which I should already know anyway, and do. I don't want to say the computer is my top source of learning but it is extremely useful at times. When I just need to find something out I look it up, but learning stuff over time, like a new concept in algebra, is easier for me to learn in class. I think we use a good amount of technology in our school, but somebody needs to do something about our little "Hey, I think I'll rip this key off" problem.Elliot Herberger5th period.I did this blog after "Think Before You Post" and yes, there is the red line under my name again =(
I do like to be connected. I learn the best when something is hands on. The best way I learn using my i-pod is i have a dicionary app on it. I would like it if we used the smart boards more.
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn by all of these- hearing, seeing, and doing. I learn about my Ipod by just playing with it. My computer I ask people and jusr play around with it. I would like to use technology in my other classes by using the remote things and making powerpoints.
I liked to be connected. I learn when I am toled. I dont learn anything on my ipod. I use technology in two classes.Braden Mick
Yess, i like to be connected. i learn best on the internet like internet classes cause im great with technology. But i learn better visauly other than just listening. I learn better doing. Well, I always listening to my ipod, and too music. I learn alot bye yu sing Microsoft Powerpoint, and Word. Yess, i love technology alot . R.Skaraka Ms. Constables Fav.(:6&7 Period
Yes,I learn many ways but I like to learn by hearing and bye seeing. I think we should get read of paper and pincels and use ipods and things
yes i like to be connected. I lean bes when i see things and do things hand on. The best way to learn on the computer is how to use the diffrent softwares that are on the computer. Im not sure what the best way is for an ipod. I would like to instead of making the vedios on paint and adding them to a slide show actully record and make the vedio with our friends
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn best by seeing someone or something to , I catch on to it quicker. I only listen to music on my ipod but I learn and use the computer more. The only class that I really use computers in is Ms. COnstable's class.( :Sydney Woody1st period. (:
Yes, i like to be connected because this allows me stay in touch with family and friends. I learn best when someone tells me. When hearing someone teach or so on allows me to understand the conversation better. I learn best from seeing it be done. The reason for this is that if i see it being done i can remember it. I don't have an Ipod. When it comes to my computer i learn all kinds of things off the internet, things that i never even knew. To me the internet is a good source of information. Technology is used in most of my classes so therefore i am happy with what we have. renee matura5th period
Yes, i feel connected. I learn from action. When i do somthing wrong. I never do the same bad thing again, because i learn from my mistakes. I have an ipod. I love listening to music and i feel that it helps you though life. I don't Know how i learn from it. When i use a computer for a project i seem to learn something new about technology. I love using computers in class. I feel that im pretty good with computers.Melia Dewitt6 & 7 period♥
Yes I enjoy being connected. I learn best from doing somthing and when I'm yelled at and under pressure. I learn really well with my uncle mark. He yells and screams at me, but it pushes it through my head. Most ipods have the internet and can do most things the computer and use them for defenitions and videos.Andrew Summers 3/4
Yes, i like to be connected. I learn best when I can see it being done. So that I can get the best concept of what the teacher is doing. The best way to learn by using my iPod is by getting online and searching new things. (: I learn on my computer by just being online, and seeing adds about things happening in the economy. I would like to use comouters alot more in all my classes. Technology is one of my stronger points. (: J. Coffman. ♥ 3-4th.
Yes I like to be connected, but not that much. I learn form hearing, seeing, and doing. I don'thave an Ipod so I don't know how itworks. There are many educational sites on the enternet and I think that peoplev could learn from that. In some classes they could have a kind of technology that helps us understand certain things that we don't get.
Yes i like to be connected. I'm not sure which way i learn best. All three ways work effiecently for me. I use my Ipod frequenty, but i learn much more, faster using the computer. I use technology alot at school. At one time or another, I have used technology in every class. I believe we use technology enough in school.Donovan Wilson5th period
My vision of a student today is different from back in the day. Because back in the day there was no computer and you had to write everything out by hand. So it was harder on the student. But some students still made it harder on the teachers cause how they acted. But its still harder on the students cause we have to deal with the teachers.
yes i like to be connected.i learn best by learning about it and then doing work on it.i have an ipod but i learn more from my computer.i would like to use it in all types of ways.sophie libonati1st
Yes I do like to be connected. I usually learn the best by just reading examples. I dont really learn using my ipod, i just listen to music. I usually google random things on my computer so i guess im learning.I like using computers in my other classes because I play with the new program and learn how to use it.Neil Scherich
yes, I like to be connected. I learn best by doing and not being by myself and with others. I do learn best by hearing, seeing, and doing. I dont think there is a way to learn on my ipod, but there is a way to learn on my computer because of the internet and websites are very helpful also. I think that all of our classes should have franklins and computer for everyone.1st period Taylor Rowe =)
I loike to be connected. I learn best using networking sites rather than books. You can find almost everything on the internet rather than how limited you are in the book. I learn better with hands on activities. I remember by seeing or hearing rather than reading it. they have tons of apps. on the ipod so i can learn from almost all of them. I thnk it would be awesome if we always had laptops. Rachel masters5th period
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn best by writing things down, taking notes, interacting, and making flashcards. I would consider that doing. It helps you remember words and lyrics. Your computer has internet which is a great research source. I think we should make videos. That would be fun.Amina Byers5th
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn the best by reading something myself or if someone shows me how to do something then I remember how to do it. I learn form seeing and doing. When I got my Ipod I had to go online to read on how to use my Ipod. haha. I've been around computers for a long time, so I automatically know how to use a computer, but if its a really high tech computer I get really confused. I would love to use computers in all of my classes, you don't have to carry around all my books. It would be nice to use cellphones or Ipods in my classes. If you use laptops in all your classes you could have online books instead of paper books that are a hassel to carry around.crystal rowe:)6th and 7th
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn by taking notes. I learn from seeing and hearing. I learn by mess around with my ipod and my computer then I figure it out. I use technology in some of my classes already.Kaitlyn Westfall5th period
yes i like to be connected because its easier to learn.i like computers because theres not alot of stuff saying alot, of thigs at one time things you can learn at your own pace.i can learn from hearing.JORDAN CRANE 3&4
Yess,I do too like to be connected.I learn best when I get to know a teacher instead of not knowing a teacher personally. I learn from hearing and see the best. I attend to learn more by looking in a book with my ipod connected to my ears. I honestly do not like useing computers. They are used in almost all of my classes. So I am stuck with it.Allie Wilson (:
yes i like to be connected i am a visual and doing my best way to learn how to use an ipod is to read the directions i dont knowJoey Shearer
Yes, Ilike to be connected. I learn best when somebody tells me to do something and that they will be picking it up the next day. if I am given time to waste I usually end up wasting it.I listen to my ipod a ton so adding a podcast would be good. Most of my classes already use technology, so I'm pretty well educated on the main stuff.
Yes, I like being connected. I learn the best be seeing, doing, and through coversation. ( : I don't have an i-pod anymore, it got stollen. ) : I love technology, it can be difficult sometimes but its great ( :Symone Stewart < 3 .1 st ( :
Nokomis yes, I like to be connected. I learn best by hands on activities. Seeing and doing. Spending time on my laptop. Doing. I learn best by messing aroung with my ipod and computer and then i normally figure it out.I use technology in many of my classes so im okay.6/7th p.Nokomis Evans(:
yea, i like to be connected. I learn best by working and practicing it. I learn by doing and hearing. I also learn by repeatedly saying it. I can learn lyrics to a song with my ipod...? The internet can teach you a lot of things. I use tech in a lot of my classes so im fine(:.m a t t i e k o c h
Yeah, I like to be connected. I learn best by learning it, then going over it untill I understand it very well. I learn from everything, and I learn something new everyday. You could learn how to use apple stuff from an ipod. I learn from my computer by going to Wikipedia. I would like to see technology used in my other classes for projects and stuff.Lucas Zepeda, 1st p.
I do like to be connected. The best way I learn is to seeing,and doing. Using my computer helps a lot with the internet, you can access just about anything you want. Technology should be worked in every class.Renee Matura5th period.[:
yes, i like to be connected i like being on the computer it is fun i listen to music and play games i have a laptop its fun to talk to freinds on it and it also is a good help to improve your education because you can look things up on google or wikipedia. dq
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn to do my best from my teachers and parents. I learn from hearing. My computer helps me alot. I would like to seethat we get on the computers alot more.Caroline Brophy1st period
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Yes, I do like to be connected. I learn best when I am told something one day, and expected to remember for a test or quiz on it the next day, because I have a photographic memory, so when I take that test, the stuff sticks in my head. I learn from everything. I don't have an Ipod, I have an MP3. I learn from my computer in all types of ways. Technology is already used in most of my classes, so I'm good. That's it! Have a nice day!
M A L I K__________K I N Z E R
Yes, i do like to be connected. I learn best when i am hearing something, so im an auditory learner.i have an ipod but i learn more on the computer. i use technolog in 4 of my classes so im good. ( :
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Yes, I too like to stay connected. I prefer to learn using all three ways, but doing and hearing seem to make the subject stick in my mind better. Unless you have an IPod touch and actually put learning apps on it, then I don't really find IPods that useful to anyone. I would like us to work on newer programs, just to widen our experiences with technology. But the old fashioned way is also crucial so we need to balance and focus on both without losing knowledge of the other.
Mariah Allen
5th Periiod XD
Yes, I do like to be connected. I learn best when someone tells me a story about it or a hands on activity. Doing. I learn best by messing aroung with my ipod and computer and then i normally figure it out. I like using technology but when it does not work it is very frusterating!
Eden Richmond 5th pd.
Yea,I like to be connected.Im more of a hands on learner.Seeing things done help me learn to.I dont see how an iPod would help you learn.I guess you could download edcucational apps to help you out a bit.A computer is a big help for learning.Thats why schools are so tense about getting there hands on them.PCs are really helpful when it comes to getting info.Computers can be nerve racking to when it freezes up or run slow.Technology is used pretty well in classes i think.Im suprised we use it as much as we do.
JoVaun Howard
6th&7th Period
yes, I like to be connected. I learn best by hands on activities. Seeing and doing. Listening to songs and playing games. Laptops for each student to use each day so we wouldn't have to share. Then take them with us for high school or turn them in when we leave eighth grade.
Yes, I do like to be connected. I learn best from hands on activities. I learn from seeing and doing. The best way to learn by using your ipod is you can download educational games to help you learn. The best way to learn by using your computer is by going to different websites and learn what they have to say about differentm topics. Well, I really don't know because we use technology a lot in other classes.
Brent Pacoe
6th & 7th period
Yes, I do like to be connected. I learn best by seeing and doing. The best way to learn on your ipod is to buy an app, or get on the ipod's internet. The best way to learn on your computer is by searching whatever you want to know on google. We use technology in most classes, but I wish we would use technology in Spanish.
Ryan Rosier
Pd. 6&7
I think I learn best from all of those because things stick in my mind if i want to remember them. The way you learn on a computer is trying to find out how to do something on it so when you find out how you usually end up learning a lot more than you realize. Technology has been used in all of my classes atleast once this year, but I just hate the stuff I have to do at home.
Frank Merrill
6th-7th period
It's easy for me to do something especially when i am told to do something then i will do it.I just don't undrstand why people don't listen to their parents and obey their parents rules all i know is not to do anything that i know my parents won't want me to do and i know what i am suppose to do.Its very easy just to pay attention instead of being hard headed but i can still be sometimes.
Meekayla Taylor
6th and 7th period
Yes, I like to stay connected. I learn best when a teacher explains something, then does it. So then I see how it works and try it. The best way to learn how to use technology would be trying something, or asking someone who knows how already. It would be awesome to use computers for more things, but using something like an ipod touch to do class work would be the best thing about school.
Zack Linger
5th Period
Yes I am allmost allwys connected weather Im talking to my friends on Xbox Live or texting or reading football or hockey blogs I'm allways connected. I learn from allmost anything and its not that hard for me. I learn a lot from my Ipod because it has a connection to the internet and I cn read things on it.
Troy Shough 3-4 Peroid
Yes,i do like to be connected i like to learn from a computer and i like when the teacher gives me info about the computer and new things i didnt know i love learning new things about the computer and when we do tech steps on the computer i like to do that cause i like the challenge and when we do book work i find it rather boring and would rather work on computers each student should get a lab top to use in this school for every class
yes,i do like to be connected.I learn the best when i am told something.I learn the best by just messing around with my ipod or computer.I use technology in many of my classes so im okay.
Sure I guess I liked to be connected. I learn good by being showed something before I do it. My sister tought me how to use my Ipod and computer well basicly everything technology wize. i would like to use a computer in every class.
Yes i like to be connected its fun. I learn best from hearing and doing but not seeing if i see something the next day i v=cant remeber what it look's like but i do have a good hearing and doing part of best way of learing my ipod is doing it when I got my ipod i messed with it for alittle bit and the i got use to doing it.By using my computer I did the same thing i didi with my ipod. I think using technolgy in other classes would probley be the same thing as any other clss.
Ryan Bogo 6&7 period
yes,i do like to be coneccted.i learn more on computer mostly because i use them more. but i do use my ipod alot!!!!!!!! and i learn alot from texting because i always have my phone and im always texting.
Yes, I do like to be connected. I'm not sure, I do learn well with hands on activites, and just trying to remeber what they said how it is worded. I believe I learn from hearing, when I hear things I do learn. I learn by seeing as well, when I see what im learning I can think of it when I need to. When I'm doing a hands on activity I feel like I'm learning. I use my ipod to learn by playing games that are fun and really make you think. For my homewrok I mostly use my computer so I use my computer a lot more to learn. I like using computers in my classes. In most of my classes we use computers.
yes, I like to stay connected I learn best when I am told a few times, just ask my mom. I use my Ipod everyday for games music and internet. I have not once done somthing educational on there execpt for google translator.i Like Ipods and computers. Technology has used been used in all my classes.
Yes, I do like to be connected. I learn best when i am told or tought a leson then i have to do practice work on it later. I think I do best when I have to study. I don't think I would be able to learn that much using my Ipod. I can learn alot from my computer though. I like to see technology used in my other like using the wiki in Mr. Patrick's class, and using blogspot in your class.
Maddison Bowen
5th period. :)
Yes I like to be connected. I learn best when I am in a silent room and being pressured. I also learn by going over something again and again or making a song out of it. Using my Ipod I could make up a song, put it on my Ipod, and play agian and again until it gets stuck in my head. For my computer I could look up what I'm trying to learn and memorize the stuff I need to know. I would like to see technology in my other classes, but I don't think I could play my clarinet on the computer.
Delaney Pulice 5th period
I love to be connected because it fun and it also nice to be in to in touch with everything that is . now happening. How do I learn best? I learn from all of my senses. The best way to learn is to keep my left hand is doing something.It helps me tofocus. I can hear better but it is sometimes hard to do. I don't iPod but I do have a computer and a cell phone. How else am I going to do this at home. Computer keep me connected. Phone let me text, but being online is easier to get on the internet than phones. I would like to see more technology in all my classes but I wish they were easier to use. Technology is supposed to make things easier, but they are still really hard.
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn best mostly from being tought visually. Sometimes I can learn by just hearing, it depends on what I am learning. Like I said I learn best by seeing and also by doing.I don't really learn as much on my ipod as I do on the computer. I learn things on the computer that I can't learn in school. I would like to have a virtual class because the only class that is virtual at our school is franch and only take spanish.
lauren hesse
5th per.
Blogging. Here we go again.
Well, I enjoy being connected but it’s not my top priority. Sure, I text 24/7 but I rarely talk to my friends online. If I’m online, I’m more than likely downloading music for my ipod or watching stupid videos on youtube. Those videos are quite addictive, I might add.
I learn best by doing it all myself. My math teacher can do as many problems as she wants with me but I won’t fully understand the concept until I do it all on my own. Like at gymnastics, I rarely ever ask for a spot because if I have a spot for too long, I’ll become dependent on the spotter by the time it comes for me to do the pass on my own.
Learning from hearing: If someone tries to teach me something by just talking, I’ll either fall asleep or my mind will wander off. My mind wanders off in class all the time. It’s uncontrollable. I feel bad for zoning out people but it’s sometimes my instinct.
Learning from seeing: I can learn from seeing if I want to but it helps if someone is talking and explaining the steps in addition to the visuals. I’ve learned a lot of stuff from reading so I guess I can learn by seeing.
Learning from doing: It’s how I learn best! I’m the type of girl that likes to do it myself and get it over with.
I don’t find ipods too effective with learning. The best way is to get an ipod touch and download educational apps. Most normal teens wouldn’t do that though. No effence to the select few that do. It’s amazing that they are so dedicated into wisdom.
Computers are very effective with learning. You can use search engines. Sometimes when I’m hopelessly bored I’ll go on youtube and type in “random fun facts”. It’s good for a good laugh. For example, I didn’t know that some lions mate up to 20 times a day until I tried that search.
I already use technology a lot in all of my classes. I would like to use calculators in Mrs. Luketic’s class though. I also wish that all of my teachers would have a wiki site like Mr. Patrick does. I would also like to type answers to assignments as opposed to writing them out. Other than that I would not wish to use technology anymore.
I’ve been blogged out for this week! Thanks for reading!
Lots of Love!
♫Rachel Martin♫
♥5th Period ♥
P.S. Thank you very much for selecting me as you blue ribbon learner. You are my favorite teacher EVER!!!! :)
Yes, I do like to be connected. I can learn from seeing, doing, or hearing but hearing is the hardest because I don't have very much paitence. I learn best by seeing AND doing. if I don't do both I get confused. I don't have an Ipod, I have a zune so I'm really not sure. I learn best from my computer by reading constantly and always researching for school. I like technology and when we use it in class but sometimes it just isn't as efficent as paper and pencil. sometimes the computer will freeze or shut down.
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn best at hands on work. I learn from all, seeing, hearing, and doing! Well there are many ways to learn things from your Ipod. I have an Ipod touch and I can just download applications that can help me pretty much everything. Computers help me in everyday life. They help me from school work to deciding what to wear according to the weather. Well I have been seeing a lot of technology lately in our classes so I’m not sure if I want it used in anymore!
Gabriella Pearse
i <3 you ms. constable (:
Yeah, I like to be conneted. I learn best by listening and watching. I have an ipod but i do not really learn from it so i use the computer.I use alot of technology already but we could find more im sure to use.
Tori Harper
1st period
Of course I like to stay connected. I learn best from both seeing & doing. I'm not a very good audio learner. When I use my iPod, I make good use of all of its apps. Such as, the calculator, translator, thesaurus, and much more. On my computer I, like most, use the internet. You can find and do just about anything on the internet. I'd like to use more computers in other classes. Do technological projects, and papers.
-Andy Shaw ((:
-1stt Perioddd.
-i lovee youu ms. c <3
I like being connected. It helps me with my problems sometimes. I think I learn the best when I have visuals and little tricks to remember things with. I learn from hearing, seeing, and doing. The best way to learn with an iPod is by listening to music. I think the best way to learn using a computer is to find information on the web, and make projects in PowerPoint, moviemaker, or word. I like the way technology is being used in all of my classes. I thought this blog made you think a lot about school and how it is changing.
Jared Bartrug
5th period
Yes, i do like to stay connected.(:
I learn the best when I'm either seeing or hearing something. I absolutely can not learn by doing something for some reason. I do have an ipod, but i don't think i can really learn from playing music on it. I always learn from my computer, by myself. I think a computer is the easiest way to learn about technology. I use technology in almost every class in one way or another, so sometimes it can be confusing. Now days, it is really important to know how to do that stuff.
Ali Cumberland ♥
1st period.
I do like to be connected. I learn best from seeing, if I see something, it tend to sinkin a lot better than by just hearing it. The best way to learn using my ipod would be to use it for nformational purposes, the same as the computer. you can use it to acess internet tools that can help you learn a lot on many differnt subjects. I would like to see technology used in the same way it is used in english, for blogging or in other ways such as an alternative to textbooks.
Michaela Cloutier
Period One
Yes I like to be connected. I learn best by hands in. I learn by doing. It's alot easyer to do then by hearing. I use my ipod to learn by playing games that are fun and really make you think.You can find and do just about anything on the internet. I would like to do more PowerPoints in classes.
I like to be connected. I don't know how I learn best. I am a bad learner. I learn from seeing other people doing stuff sometimes. I don't have an ipod. I like learning on the internet. Sometimes it can be fun. Maybe. I would like to get more computer free time in all of the classes, and let us do whatever we want on the computer.
Marissa Cox
5th period
I like to be connected. I don't know how I learn best. I am a bad learner. I learn from seeing other people doing stuff sometimes. I don't have an ipod. I like learning on the internet. Sometimes it can be fun. Maybe. I would like to get more computer free time in all of the classes, and let us do whatever we want on the computer.
Marissa Cox
5th period
I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. I like to be in the know and know what all is going on.
I am a very visual person. It is best for me to have something I can look at and compare with.
I learn from hearing, seeing, and most of all by doing.
I don't have and ipod but I do have an MP3 player so I guess I'll use that :). I memorize something if I hear it over and over again so I guess that if you made a song for watever we r studying I would learn it faster. Kinda like wat mrs. Dewitt does :P!
I would like to see use each have a laptop assigned to you from your first day of 5th grade to your last day of 8th grade. That way we could take notes on our computer and look up things that we aren't understanding.
sara luvs u!!!!!
Yea, I do like to be connected i like to learn visual most of the time. i dont like to sit there i n listen i dont have a ipod and I like being on the computer
yes i like to be connected because its easier to learn.i like computers because theres not alot of stuff saying alot, of thigs at one time things you can learn at your own pace.i can learn frome hearing.
Yes i always like to be connected. I learn best when I hear what i need to know over and over again. I learn from hearing and doing. Online on your ipod is a good way to learn. You can look almost anything up on a computer and internet. I would love technology in other classes even though we already do.
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn best by trying then learning from my mistakes. When I first go tmy ipod, I learned by just going through it and seeing all it could do. On my computer, I learned by just opening it and going through the files and playing around. In my other classes, I would like to use computers more.
yes, i love to be connected.i learn the best when i am doing it. i learn by both. i learn differant cultures and music types by listening to my ipod, and i learn just about everything else by using the computer.most of my classes use some sort of technology . in some ways i think its a good thing and in some ways i think its a bad thing.
1st period
kelsey moron!(:
I like to be connected. I learn best when I hear and see stuff at the same time. Sometimes if I'm just reading a book and not being told any information I'll just zone out and read 3 or 4 paragraphs without comprehending any of it, which kind of stinks if I need the information because then I have to read stuff again. I don't learn anything on my ipod except for alphabetical ordering practice, which I should already know anyway, and do. I don't want to say the computer is my top source of learning but it is extremely useful at times. When I just need to find something out I look it up, but learning stuff over time, like a new concept in algebra, is easier for me to learn in class. I think we use a good amount of technology in our school, but somebody needs to do something about our little "Hey, I think I'll rip this key off" problem.
Elliot Herberger
5th period.
I did this blog after "Think Before You Post" and yes, there is the red line under my name again =(
I do like to be connected. I learn the best when something is hands on. The best way I learn using my i-pod is i have a dicionary app on it. I would like it if we used the smart boards more.
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn by all of these- hearing, seeing, and doing. I learn about my Ipod by just playing with it. My computer I ask people and jusr play around with it. I would like to use technology in my other classes by using the remote things and making powerpoints.
I liked to be connected. I learn when I am toled. I dont learn anything on my ipod. I use technology in two classes.
Braden Mick
Yess, i like to be connected. i learn best on the internet like internet classes cause im great with technology. But i learn better visauly other than just listening. I learn better doing. Well, I always listening to my ipod, and too music. I learn alot bye yu sing Microsoft Powerpoint, and Word. Yess, i love technology alot .
aka Ms. Constables Fav.(:
6&7 Period
Yes,I learn many ways but I like to learn by hearing and bye seeing. I think we should get read of paper and pincels and use ipods and things
yes i like to be connected. I lean bes when i see things and do things hand on. The best way to learn on the computer is how to use the diffrent softwares that are on the computer. Im not sure what the best way is for an ipod. I would like to instead of making the vedios on paint and adding them to a slide show actully record and make the vedio with our friends
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn best by seeing someone or something to , I catch on to it quicker. I only listen to music on my ipod but I learn and use the computer more. The only class that I really use computers in is Ms. COnstable's class.( :
Sydney Woody
1st period. (:
Yes, i like to be connected because this allows me stay in touch with family and friends. I learn best when someone tells me. When hearing someone teach or so on allows me to understand the conversation better. I learn best from seeing it be done. The reason for this is that if i see it being done i can remember it. I don't have an Ipod. When it comes to my computer i learn all kinds of things off the internet, things that i never even knew. To me the internet is a good source of information. Technology is used in most of my classes so therefore i am happy with what we have.
renee matura
5th period
Yes, i feel connected. I learn from action. When i do somthing wrong. I never do the same bad thing again, because i learn from my mistakes. I have an ipod. I love listening to music and i feel that it helps you though life. I don't Know how i learn from it. When i use a computer for a project i seem to learn something new about technology. I love using computers in class. I feel that im pretty good with computers.
Melia Dewitt
6 & 7 period♥
Yes I enjoy being connected. I learn best from doing somthing and when I'm yelled at and under pressure. I learn really well with my uncle mark. He yells and screams at me, but it pushes it through my head. Most ipods have the internet and can do most things the computer and use them for defenitions and videos.
Andrew Summers 3/4
Yes, i like to be connected. I learn best when I can see it being done. So that I can get the best concept of what the teacher is doing. The best way to learn by using my iPod is by getting online and searching new things. (: I learn on my computer by just being online, and seeing adds about things happening in the economy. I would like to use comouters alot more in all my classes. Technology is one of my stronger points. (:
J. Coffman. ♥
Yes I like to be connected, but not that much. I learn form hearing, seeing, and doing. I don't
have an Ipod so I don't know how it
works. There are many educational sites on the enternet and I think that peoplev could learn from that. In some classes they could have a kind of technology that helps us understand certain things that we don't get.
Yes i like to be connected. I'm not sure which way i learn best. All three ways work effiecently for me. I use my Ipod frequenty, but i learn much more, faster using the computer. I use technology alot at school. At one time or another, I have used technology in every class. I believe we use technology enough in school.
Donovan Wilson
5th period
My vision of a student today is different from back in the day. Because back in the day there was no computer and you had to write everything out by hand. So it was harder on the student. But some students still made it harder on the teachers cause how they acted. But its still harder on the students cause we have to deal with the teachers.
yes i like to be connected.i learn best by learning about it and then doing work on it.i have an ipod but i learn more from my computer.i would like to use it in all types of ways.
sophie libonati
Yes I do like to be connected. I usually learn the best by just reading examples. I dont really learn using my ipod, i just listen to music. I usually google random things on my computer so i guess im learning.I like using computers in my other classes because I play with the new program and learn how to use it.
Neil Scherich
yes, I like to be connected. I learn best by doing and not being by myself and with others. I do learn best by hearing, seeing, and doing. I dont think there is a way to learn on my ipod, but there is a way to learn on my computer because of the internet and websites are very helpful also. I think that all of our classes should have franklins and computer for everyone.
1st period
Taylor Rowe =)
I loike to be connected. I learn best using networking sites rather than books. You can find almost everything on the internet rather than how limited you are in the book. I learn better with hands on activities. I remember by seeing or hearing rather than reading it. they have tons of apps. on the ipod so i can learn from almost all of them. I thnk it would be awesome if we always had laptops.
Rachel masters
5th period
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn best by writing things down, taking notes, interacting, and making flashcards. I would consider that doing. It helps you remember words and lyrics. Your computer has internet which is a great research source. I think we should make videos. That would be fun.
Amina Byers
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn the best by reading something myself or if someone shows me how to do something then I remember how to do it. I learn form seeing and doing. When I got my Ipod I had to go online to read on how to use my Ipod. haha. I've been around computers for a long time, so I automatically know how to use a computer, but if its a really high tech computer I get really confused. I would love to use computers in all of my classes, you don't have to carry around all my books. It would be nice to use cellphones or Ipods in my classes. If you use laptops in all your classes you could have online books instead of paper books that are a hassel to carry around.
crystal rowe:)
6th and 7th
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn by taking notes. I learn from seeing and hearing. I learn by mess around with my ipod and my computer then I figure it out. I use technology in some of my classes already.
Kaitlyn Westfall
5th period
yes i like to be connected because its easier to learn.i like computers because theres not alot of stuff saying alot, of thigs at one time things you can learn at your own pace.i can learn from hearing.
Yess,I do too like to be connected.
I learn best when I get to know a teacher instead of not knowing a teacher personally. I learn from hearing and see the best. I attend to learn more by looking in a book with my ipod connected to my ears. I honestly do not like useing computers. They are used in almost all of my classes. So I am stuck with it.
Allie Wilson (:
yes i like to be connected i am a visual and doing my best way to learn how to use an ipod is to read the directions i dont know
Joey Shearer
Yes, Ilike to be connected. I learn best when somebody tells me to do something and that they will be picking it up the next day. if I am given time to waste I usually end up wasting it.I listen to my ipod a ton so adding a podcast would be good. Most of my classes already use technology, so I'm pretty well educated on the main stuff.
Yes, I like being connected. I learn the best be seeing, doing, and through coversation. ( : I don't have an i-pod anymore, it got stollen. ) : I love technology, it can be difficult sometimes but its great ( :
Symone Stewart < 3 .
1 st ( :
yes, I like to be connected. I learn best by hands on activities. Seeing and doing. Spending time on my laptop. Doing. I learn best by messing aroung with my ipod and computer and then i normally figure it out.I use technology in many of my classes so im okay.
6/7th p.
Nokomis Evans(:
yea, i like to be connected. I learn best by working and practicing it. I learn by doing and hearing. I also learn by repeatedly saying it. I can learn lyrics to a song with my ipod...? The internet can teach you a lot of things. I use tech in a lot of my classes so im fine(:.
m a t t i e k o c h
Yeah, I like to be connected. I learn best by learning it, then going over it untill I understand it very well. I learn from everything, and I learn something new everyday. You could learn how to use apple stuff from an ipod. I learn from my computer by going to Wikipedia. I would like to see technology used in my other classes for projects and stuff.
Lucas Zepeda, 1st p.
I do like to be connected. The best way I learn is to seeing,and doing. Using my computer helps a lot with the internet, you can access just about anything you want. Technology should be worked in every class.
Renee Matura
5th period.[:
yes, i like to be connected i like being on the computer it is fun i listen to music and play games i have a laptop its fun to talk to freinds on it and it also is a good help to improve your education because you can look things up on google or wikipedia. dq
Yes, I like to be connected. I learn to do my best from my teachers and parents. I learn from hearing. My computer helps me alot. I would like to seethat we get on the computers alot more.
Caroline Brophy
1st period
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