I think that patriotism is an undying love for your country. This video makes me inraged that someone would destroy innocent lives for NO REASON. I do feel kind of safe, most of the time. I feel unsafe when I go out at night, because I live in a bad neighborhood, and I have been feeling unsafe since the shooting three houses down. Now every time I hear a loud bang, I hit the ground, and then I stay below the windows and go downstairs. Yes, I do remember, unfortunately. I was actually sitting at home and my mom had been wathing the news for local weather forecasting, and it said,"PLEASE EXCUSE THE SCHEDULED BROADCAST FOR AN EMERGENCY MESSAGE!", and then it launched into the story. I have thought about entering the military, but I came to the conclusion that it just wouldn't fit my lifestyle. I hate people telling me what to do, I am kind of independent, and I like to follow my own rules. That's it! Have a nice day!Signed,M A L I K__________K I N Z E R
I believe that patiotism is when you support your counry, you love it. I can not describe what I think should happen to people who take innocent lives. i feel safe nost of the time I don't think I feel safe when I here more and more horrable things happening with the war on terror.I do remember these events. i was in my classroom at the time I was in 2nd grade. I did not know what happened untill after I got home. when my brother graduated he went strait into the military. My brother and many more men and women risk their lives everyday, all the time. I think that more people should appreciate our troops.Maddison Bowen5th period :)
I believe patriotism is showing dedication to your country. Honestly I felt awful when I watched it, I feel so lucky to have a life now and so guilty for those who passed. Well it's not fair how they took a human life and destroyed a family member. I feel safe at home with my family! I feel unsafe at places I'm unfamiliar with or people I'm unfamiliar with too. Well this incident happened in 2000 when I was in kindergarten. All I really remember was that we watched it on the news that day and that I was scared and didn't really know what was going on. I was at school when this happened. Uh, I don't believe I would enter the military. But I am so thankful for the people who fight and risk their lives to keep our country free.Love,Gabriella Pearse6th/7thi <3 you ms. constable (:
patriotism is like your love for your country. this video make me feel sad because these terrists are mean and the had no right to do that. i think the terriosts should be killed for what they did. yes i feel safe i really do. i was in school when this happened and my mom and dad came and picked me up early i dont know why but they. anything to get me out of school is fine i guess.
Patriotism is when you love your country and everything that's in it. I don't know what should happen to the terrorists, but they should ba punished. I feel safe a lot when I'm around other people, but when I'm alone I never know what's going to happen and, well, that's enough to make me feel unsafe. In 2001 I was in kindergarten. The teachers had turned on the TVs to show us what was happening. I waited for my Mom to pick me up, but she never did. As I rode the bus home, I experienced the quietest moment of my life and it wasn't because of how little students were on there. When I got home my Mom explained that she thought it was safer for us to stay at school than to be picked up and then we watched as the World Trade Center went down with the people in it. :(. I don't think I could enter the military because I would get upset at the thought of the people around me dying for a silly war, losing their lives and their families and friends losing a special person to them. :(. 5th period
Patriotism is a love for your country and the beliefs that it represents. This video makes me feel sad because of all of the lives that were lost and also sad for their families, but it also makes me angry. It really upsets me that anyone could ever want to destroy inoccent lives like that. I do feel safe, most of the time. When I watch videos like this I feel a little unsafe because it makes me think that something like that could happen at any time and that is kind of scary. I feel unsafe when I'm home alone sometimes, especially at night. I was at school, in kindergarten when I found out about this attack. My teacher heard about it and said something briefly, but that was all. My mom came to school and picked me up, but that's all I remember. I don't think I personally would ever enter the military, although I do this it is a very brave and honorable thing to do. Michaela Cloutier 1st period
I think it mean the love of our country and the willingness to sacrifice for it. This vidoe makes me feel sad, sad for the family and friends of the ones that have died.Feeling safe is one that i am still working on. How can you feel safe after what had happen to the world.Sometimes i think to myself will this ever happen again, and i pray that it doesn't. When i'm in big buildings is when i fell scared.Yes i remember ever piece of it. I remember when waking up that morning on that day and my mother tell me something bad has happen in the world.I was at home with my parents. Entering the military has cross my mind but not actually sure if i'm ready for something like that.Renee Matura 5th Period
To me patriotism is supporting our soldiers fighting for our country. I feel terrorists should be killed because they should be taught a lesson and they should get a peice of what they did to us. I feel safe because I beleive in our soldiers and they won't let us down. I do feel unsafe when it is on the news that a terrorist was planning something or a soldier was killed. Yes I remember most of the incidents depicted. I was at home with my dad because he worked night shift. I went to afternoon kindergarden and my mom called my dad and told him not to send me to school because she could tell something was wrong when she heard the presidnets voice dropand crack in the middle of his speech. She was listening to him on the radio on her way to work. After she called my dad they announced what was happening. I would enter the military the more I think about it because all of these soldiers risk their lives for us and I am very grateful.Lauren Hesse5th
Patriotism is respecting your country and loving it. The video makes me realize what actually goes on around us and is sad. terrorists should be caught and punished and be killed. No, I never really feel safe unless im with a lot of people. I remember leaving school early and remember everyone being worried but I didn't know what was going on. No, I wouldn't enter the military.Kimmy Woods 3/4 period :)
Patriotism to me is having the upmost respect, and love for your country. It makes me feel really bad. It's horrible that people would do this. I don't find anything wrong with peace, except that it really does not exist in this world. I do feel somewhat safe, since we do live in an unkown, small city. No i do not remember anything that went on. We were all probably in class watching Noggin. There is no way that I would be any help whatsoever to them. :)Mariah Allen5th Periodd x33
Patriotism is your love for this country. This video makes me feel like the world is ganing up on the wrong people. Cause what did the people in the World Trade Center do,Maybe the company did something but not the workers because they have to listen to their bosses. Questioning why they did it,then after you get some answers,they should get killed for all the people they killed,cause thats just wrong Sincerely,Tyler Preston
patriotism is love devotion to one's country.This video kinda makes me sad.I think that every terrorists that fight should like get bombed.I kinda do feel safe cuase where i live.The only time i dont feel safe is probley after i watch the new movie about how the world going to end December 21 2012.Yes I remember when my dad picked me up that day on his street bike.I was in school at Watson.Acutely i am going to go to college an then after i go for 2 years im going to go to the military.Ryan Bogo 6&7 period
Patriotism is our phisical action and emosional security of being free. It is knowing that you are free and you representing your countey. It makes me feel sad that those inacent people died. At the same time it makes me feel pride that we live in a countrey where we can fight back. I tink the terroiists should go to a jail or facility made speacial for them. Away from the outside world.Yes i feel safe. I feel unsafe hearing about the bad economy. I kind of remember the when the world trade center was crashed into. I was at school and the teachers strted acting funny. My mom picked me up early. I got home and started watching tv with my mom trying to understand what was going on. I will enter the military if my countrey needs me to.
I think that patriotism means that you love your country, and your proud of it no matter what. This video makes me feel scared, mad, and sad. I'm scared, because you know that this could happen again, but to you. I'm mad, because they had absolutely no reason to do this, and I'm sad, because all of the people who died didn't deserve that. I think the terrorists should be caught, tortured, and killed. I don't really ever feel safe, unless i'm with my entire family. I don't clearly remember this day, and i didn't really understand what was going on. I think I was at school, and we all had to go home. I don't want to enter the military, i would be absolutely no help to them. I'm not really made for that.a;l;i c;u;m;b;e;r;l;a;n;d; (:1st period.
Patriotism is the love for your country and pride you have for it.This video makes me feel mad that there are people like this that would go and do these stupid thiings to harm people. I think that terrorists should be dead all of them. I feel pretty safe but sometimes you can be unsure seeing all this stuff on the news about these crazy things like the colombine massacre you never know when these things could happen. I don't really remember if i ever felt unsafe. I remember the day i just remember seeing all these people on the news fire everywhere people running and cring. I was in New York when we found out about the attack on the World Trade Center because i lived in New York. I would never enter the military because i hate guns they scare me and i'm not that brave.Caroline Brophy1st ((:
patriotism is when your patriotic and you love your country. It makes me feel sad, yet inspired. I don't really ever feel safe except for when I'm with my friends, family, or places i love. Yea, i remember seeing it on the news and mom kept me home from school. I was outside playing with my friends. I don't think i would ever join the military, but if i do, i would be in the navy. mattie koch (:
I think patriism is when you support your country and you love it. I feel safe most of the time. I was in secind grade when this happened and I went home early. I dont think I would join the military.
I think patriotism is doing something good for your country. It makes me feel kinda sad. I think we should keep the terrorists away so this doesn't happen again. I don't usually feel unsafe. I really don't remember any of this when I was young. I think I was at home and my mom and dad were watching it on tv. I might join the miliatary but I would have to have gone through a college and gotten an officer position.Neil Scherich 3-4
Patrionism is devoted love, support,and national loyalty. I fell safe when i know everone is safe that lives with me and when im doing something. I fell unsafe if im the only one in my house. I want to and possinle going to join the military because i want to make a difference and, stand up for my country. JORDAN CRANE 3&4th period
i think that patriotism is reliving the moment were somthing good/bad happened it shows the people that you care for them your just not gonna sit around and let the that special day pass thats, your gonna tribute the people we love and this video makes me feel like there is so much hate on this world we all need peace and i kinda feel safe cause theres soldiers out there teaching them that there has to be peace and somtimes i dont feel safe if i see a strange guy walk buy my car or if im in a store and a guy comes in acting all funny i get a little tense..David Rowe
Patriotism is an undying love for your country. This video makes me feel hate. I feel safe because i know "people" are wathing over us. i dont remember this day and i am glad of it. i was at school when it happened. I do plan to join the Navy and go to the naval academy because I want to fallow in my father and grandfather's footsteps and I want to be a good citizen.
I believe that patriotism is showing how much you love your country. Most of the time I feel safe. When I don't feel safe is when I think of all the terrorists in the U.S.A who have distroyed our innocent lives. Everyday someone is getting killed. I remember 9-11, but I was only in kindergarten, so I only remember little details. I was at school when 9-11 happened they locked down the schools to be safe, and to make sure nothing would happen to us. I can't see myself being in the military, but if I did join the military I would join the National Guard, U.S Army and be a Military Policewoman like my brother although he's a Military Policeman. haha. I appreciate every soldier in the U.S Military. I LOVE our COUNTRY!!!crystal, <3 : )
I think patriotism is showing support and spirit for your country. I was pretty depressing I thought, not really one I liked to watch. I think terrorists are terrible people adn I'dlove to be inside their head and know why they are so messed up. I think they should be isolated from people so they can't hurt anyone. I usually feel safe unless I'm at a friend's house that isn't really one of my good friends. I was in class with a lot of the people that have said their teacher turned on teh TV and watched it, however, I think the people that said that are insane. I don't rememeber anything about that except when I was home I sat on my parent's black bed,with floral sheers, with my Dad and watched it on TV. That day was the only day I ever really remembered from my childhood. I still have no idea why people in m class that year said the teacher turned on the TV. I would be very terrified to be in the military or any kind of army, so I would never enter.
According to dictionary.com, patriotism is devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty. According to the dictionary of Rachel Martin, patriotism is the strong love someone has for their country, its land, and its inhabitants. America is usually a great country to live in. We are superior compared to most countries. Back in the 1700’s, people would agree to serve about 7 years as slaves just to be in America. I don’t know about you but I don’t think I could ever do that. I was blessed enough to be born in America. I am proud to be an American, just live the song says. Some people take living in America for granted and they don’t realize how lucky they are to be citizens of such a great country. They could live in a Communist nation, such as China or Cuba. I, for one, would hate living in one of those countries. I can’t stand having people tell me what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. America is strong enough to let its citizens have freedom. That is why we are fortunate enough to live in this country. God bless the USA!This video made me feel depressed who died the tragic day of September 11, 2001. Those were very brave people who took their lives for our country when they didn’t even expect it. They are true Americans. The video also made me feel scared for myself because we live in such a great country and some people are jealous. Jealous enough to cause tragedies like this.I think that terrorist should be banned. But that is next to impossible so they should be hunted down and executed. It’s what they deserve. They should be ashamed to let their jealousy get the best of them. Sure, I can get jealous but I would never kill people because of it.Right now I feel safe because I’m alone and at home. I feel pretty safe when I’m alone at home. That is weird because most people would be afraid of kidnappers and other crazy people like them. I just know that no one that is with me can turn against me and try to kill me. I’m thankful for that.I feel unsafe when I am talking to my enemies. I have a few of them and some of them really scare me. I’m friends with most people but some people I really don’t click with. I also feel unsafe when I am with strangers. You can never trust strangers.I don’t remember any of the incidents happening in this video. When it happened, I was in kindergarten and oblivious to the world around me. I was a clueless little girl when this happened! I remember watching the news on TV and eating a snack at school and I guess I was more interested in my snack than the TV. My mom wanted to come and get me but she decided not to because they could’ve attacked the streets next. She was very terrified for me.Like I said in the previous paragraph, I was at school when I found out attack. I don’t know why Megan said that she thought we were crazy for finding out at school (we were in the same kindergarten class) because I remember watching it on the news during snack time.I would never join the military because I’d be no help what so ever. One of my main fears is being shot with a gun. If I were in the military, I’d have a surefire (HAHA! PUN!!!) chance of being shot.Another thing I want to add is that I found a video of creepy facts from September 11 on youtube. Did you know that pictures of Satan’s face were found in the smoke coming from the towers? Creepy! You should also type in Q33 NY (the flight number of the first plane to hit one of the towers) in a Word Document, highlight it, and change the font to Wingdings. IT’S SCARY!!!!I hope you enjoyed my incredibly long blog for this week!Lots of Love!♫♪Rachel Martin♪♫♪♫5th Period♫♪
I believe that patriotism is love for your country and the people who live there. This video makes me feel sad for all that died during the attack, and I feel thankful I wasn't there when it happened. I think the terrorists should be executed. I feel safe in a way, but I know terrorists could attack at any given time. I feel unsafe when I am home alone because it scares me just walking through my house alone. Yes I remember seeing pictures and video footage on TV and in magazines. I was in Kindergarden at the time and I remember all the teachers hurried up and turned their TVs on to watch the news and see what was happening. I have thought about entering the military, but I'd rather be a doctor. The summer after 9-11, my family visited the makeshift memorial at the site of the Flight 93 crash in Shanksville, PA. There were pictures, flags and various memorials set up in front of the crash site in the field. It was sad and people were crying.Ryan RozierPds. 6&7
I believe patriotism is when you support and love your country. This video makes me feel sad that humans killed so many people and those people that died were dads, brothers, sisters, friends, grandmas, and many others. In a way I don't feel safe because people are very dangerous these days. I do remember hearing all about this all on the TV. I was at school and our teacher turned on the news and we started watching it. I would NEVER enter the military even though I know how dangerous it would be and I would be doing something good for the country but I like life.maddie stevenski :)1st period
Patriotism is showing pride in your group, school, state, country, etc. The video makes me angry because I don't agree in what the terrorists did. I think the terrorists should be persecuted. I believe they deserve the death penalty. Of course I don't feel safe. They attacked us on one random day. Anyone could do the same on any given day. I feel unsafe every year on 9/11 because that is a day to target and that is the day that someone would do that in "memory" of the attack. Also, after seeing Rachel's Challenge, I feel unsafe on April 20th. That was Hitler's birthday and I always think something similar is going to occur. To be honest, I remember watching it in the lunch room at Fairmont Catholic. Then, I was picked up from school. I was in Kindergarden at the time. I remember sitting with my parents and watching my parents in awe. Again, I was in the FCS lunch room. I would NEVER join the military. I'm not that risky and I know I wouldn't like it AT ALL!-Andy Shaw-1st Period.-I ♥ MS. CONSTABLE ((:
This video make me feel unsafe and sad because of what they did to our country. I think that somthing should happen to the terrorists but i am not exactly sure what yet. I was in kindergarton when this happened and then i think my parents cam and got me like other's parents. i didnt know what to think i was small to so i wasnt sure what was happening anyway.tori harper1st period:)))))):))))
Patriotism is when you would do anything for your country. Tjis video makes me feel sad for those people that were hurt and thier families. I would love if terrorists were taken care of but that is almost impossible. Most of the time i feel safe but sometimes not so much. I remember being in school and they put the tv on and we watched some of it. I dont think i would ever join the miliatry but i think it is awesome when others do.Eden Richmond 5th
Patiotism is the respect and love of your county. This video makes me feel mad at the people who did and thought of doing this. The terrorists should be locked up because its no different if an american did it. No, I don't feel safe because anyone anywhere could attack you at anytime. I feel unsafe in situations where a friend or I could get hurt or die. No, I don't remember this when it happened. I was at home about four years ago when I found out about the attack. I would enter the military, but not as someone who kills.Zack Linger5th Period
I think patriotism is love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it. This video makes me feel upset. They should be punished. I kinda of feel safe. I ever feel unsafe. Some of the people jumped out the windows. I was in class when i heard about it. No i don't have a desire to join.Kaitlyn Westfall5th period
Patriotism is showing how much you love your country. This video makes me sad because their was a lot of people that got killed that did nothing at all. They were just at work like every day. I think that terrorists are very mean and they must not have lives that they care about. I feel safe becasue I know that the military is protecting us. Sometimes I do feel unsafe. I dont really remember 9-11. All that I remember is that there was two air planes that ran into the twin towers. When I found out about the planes crashing I was in school. They did not turn on the tvs at school but when I got home my parents had the tv on and were watching it. I think that I would enter the military someday because I think that would be very fun. Brent PacoePeriod 6th and 7th
I think patriotism is showing love, pride and support for your own country. Patriotism is not exclusive to America. This video makes me feel sad and angry that somebody would fly a plane into the World Trade Center. I think the terrorist should be held in solitary confinement till they die from disease or age but do not kill them on purpose. Yes, I feel safe. I sometimes feel unsafe but not usually. The only thing I remember is my mom watching the news when I got home from school. I was in school when I found out about nine eleven. I don’t know if I would ever enter the military or not it would depend on a lot of things.Jared Bartrug5th period
I think patriotism is the love for your country. It makes me feel sad for the ones who died and that even though it is 8 years old. I think terriost should be treated the way they treat they're own people. Yes I do feel safe becuse we have a strong army, navy, air force, marines and etc. Yes that is when my mom is mad at me. Yes, I was at home with my mom and we both watched it on the news. I have thought about the military because I have very little fear and I am grateful for my country and I love my country.Johnny Kesling1st peroid 11-12-09
Patriotism is pride and love for your country. This video makes me worried about family's all across the nation like no-one would know when another crazy sick minded person would try to harm us. I feel un-safe almost any where I go. I know at home I am safe though. All I can accually remeber is coming home and my parents where worried to death about me. I probly would not join the military.
I think patriotism is when you support and love your country. Anytime I watch or hear anything about 9/11 it makes me feel very sad and kind of mad. Terrorists should either be put in jail for the rest of their lifes and be miserable or they should go to the electric chair or anything that they do.I don't remember that day at all. I do remember that i was in school and i started hearing different things about an attack and airplanes crashing in to something but i was very confused and scared. I didn't really know what was going on until I got home and I saw it on the news and my mom had explained what had happened. I don't think I would join the military because that kind of stuff just scares me. My mom's good friend that she has known for ever had to go to Iraq. My uncle and him were best friends and he would come over a lot to hang out with him so a basically grew up with him around. So me and him are very close.He calls me his "girl friend" everytime I see him. But anyways he had to go to Iraq about three or four months ago. His family threw a going away party for him and my mom, Draven , and I went. It was very hard for me to tell him good bye. I cried like a baby almost the rest of the day. I haven't heard from him since then but I am hoping to get an e-mail account set up so i can talk to him while he is over there. I think that would make me feel better knowing that he is okayy and I am able to check on him as much as I want. I still get butterflies and a little teary eyed when I think or talk about him being over there.Sydney Woody1sy period.( :
I think patriotism is love and support for your country. This video makes me feel that people are crazy and it makes me feel unsafe. I sometimes do feel unsafe when I see people out walking at night. When i am outside on my porch and i see someone walking i just go inside but i don't really live around a mean or scary,uncomfortable place. I live on Mary Lou Retton. My dad went to California the day before the accident so it was very frightening. I would not want to join the military.1st periodTaylor Rowe =)
I believe patriotism is meaning of some one who respects and loves their country. It is someone who is proud to be a citizen of their country. This video makes me sad. It makes us think of all the people who died and their families sorrow of thinking of what gonna happen now? People may think that it is the end of the world but its not. I believe terrorists should have no peace or any right to be Americans for causing pain for many families. I never feel safe even though they say that you are well protected. Someone may trick you. I never feel safe at any time at all especially when I am on an international plane when some passengers look like terrorists. I mostly am scared of schools and planes because of the things that happen on the news. I can't remember much when I was little. When this has happening, I was in kindergaten. I couls see my teacher being sad and wondering why are they crying. When I got home my parents explained what happened, but I can't remember anything else. I never want to go to war and die but I do know one thing when your in combat seeing your friends dying in front of you it would be pretty sad.
Patrionisim is having great love and respect for your country. This video makes me feel hurt inside. Yes I feel safe. Yes i do feel unsafe at times. No i do not. I think i was at school. Heck no.
Patriotism is when you really love your country and show that by supporting it. this video makes me feel sad but fortunate.terrorrists should die!!!!! yes, i feel safe when i am at school and at home. yes, when it is night time and i am outside by my self.yes, i was in class and my teacher turned on the news and starting crying because her uncle was on that plane.no, because i am afraid of guns and other things like that.Kelsey Morrone!!!!!!!1st periodd!
I thik patrioism is really having a love your country. it kind of makes me feel sad because that was a huge disaster.terrorist should diee! Sometimes i feel safe. i feel unsafe when we go into a new place. i was sitting in class and then all of a sudden everyone turned on their t.v and we watched the news for the rest of the day. i was at school. i thought of it before, it would be sort of cool, but terrrifying.sophie libonati1st
I think patriotism is when you show pride in your country. This video makes me sad because that shouldn't have happened too us. I think terrorists should all be put in prison forever. I sometimes feel unsafe but sometimes i do. im just afraid it will happen again. When this was happeneing i was in class, and my teacher turned on the tv and made us watch it. I remember me sitting there and crying. My great uncle died in this attack. :( his name is on this plaque by the world trade center. I don't think i would ever join the military, i would't want my husband too either. I know it's for a good cause but i don't think i would want too risk it.Sydney Izydore (:1st perioddd.♥
The patriotism is when you care about your country. This video makes me feel like nobody should destroys others lives for no complete reason. in some ways. The terrorists should be hanged. I feel very unsafe just by watching this videeo. I feel unsafe when im home alone or somewhere dark. I was at school. HECKS NO! you crazy.Adrianna Constable1st
Patriotism is the love, respect and care you have for your country. This video makes me really sad. I hate thinking of all thos families that lost their loved ones that tradgic day. When that happened every one was in a frantic panic. I wish they would have never done that. They killed themselves and many americans for no reason. Now America is over there trying to help the country who tryed to kill us. We lose like three soldiers a week because there country is to crapy to take care of there own problems. I wish we could bring everyone back home, but if we did theyed attack here again. I would enter the military. I love the thought of fightung for my country. If some challenges this country Id love to help put them in there place.
this was a very sad day i remember being in kindergarden and the teachers sent everyone home and all the parents was crying it was a scary time they said that the terrist had crashed the plane into the world trade center it was the news people were running away from from the world trade center people came out bloody and broken bones
Patriotism is when you care and love your country. I i dont know if i i feel safe or not because these people are terrible and they will kill there selves just to take out one of us so that really scares me. I really think that army is good people cause not to many people wold risk thewre lives for are freedom
Patriotism is one of the major underlying causes of all death and destruction in the world. Whet is this video supposed to make me feal? Some patritoic sense of urgency no I do not feal that only the stupid would. We call them terrorists, But are they really to us the answer is yes, but do you know what they are called in Iraq or Isreal or Afhanifganistan. They are called freedom fighters or myters. So you decide but first tell me something are they uniformed soliders of an enemy nation? By international law it is illegal to hold them without trial as we do. To the next two questions the answer is no.The last question is hard to answer both my parents and my grandfather served in the U.S. army. I wouldent voulentear but if this country called uapon me I would sreve
Patriotism is one's devotion and lover for his/ her country. This video makes me wonder why some people just can't get along. Yes, most the time I feel safe. I never really felt in danger. Yes, surprisingly I remember that day pretty clearly considering how young I was. I was at my friend Logan's house getting ready to go to school. Don't get me wrong I love my country, but I would be so afraid to enter the military.Amina Byers5th
Patriotism is love and respect for your country. It makes me feel gratitude for the people who lost thier lives to ensure my freedom. I think terrorist should just go die. I do feel safe, most of the time. I feel unsafe when I am alone. I have no memory of the things on this video. I was at Whitehall Elementary when I found out. I would possibly enter the military, under certain circumstances. Chessie Crouch(:3rd period<3
Patriotism is a feeling of pride for your country. This video makes me feel that this is the kind of incident that really opens people's eyes, forces them out of their happy places, and makes them look at what's happening to our country. In the time being, I don't feel very safe. The only news coming from across the Atlantic is bad news. I remember when I saw this on TV, vaguely. I watched it with my parents at my house. I would not volunteer to enter the military, but I respect all who do.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Elliot Herberger5th period
Patriotism is when you love your country and you stick up for your country. Like patriotism for this country is wearing red, white, and blue, and saying the pledge of allegiance, and following the laws and the rules. This video makes me feel sad for the people who were in the building and died. Terrorists should be taken away to a deserted island far away and locked up and punished or something for trying to hurt innocent people. I don't really feel safe anywhere. I feel scared and unsafe when I am left somewhere like in the car by myself, because I think someone is going to kidnap me or shoot me or something. I always tell my grandma to lock the doors in the car when she leaves me in the car, but she thinks that I am crazy and she doesn't listen. I remember that the plane crashed into the building and there was an explosion and some fire, and a bunch of people died and were crushed by the falling building. I don't remember where I was. I think I was in 1st or 2nd grade. I don't remember. I didn't know what happened until maybe a couple years later when they made us have a moment of silence. I didn't understand anything they were talking about, because I was so little. I don't think I would ever join the military. It would be too scary to join. Marissa Cox5th period 10-13-09
Patriotism is the love and respect and LOYALTY that you SHOW for your country.This video makes me happy that i dont live in new york!! jk It makes me feel that many people make sacrifices for our country and they don't even notice it or feel like what they are doing is that impressive.I don't know what should be done to terrorists but I do know that they need to be stopped or at least explained to why our country is important and not terrible.I DO feel safe, mostly because I know that there are many people everywhere ensuring the protection that I need.I sometimes feel unsafe when I am t great heights.I think that the incidents that happened where terrible and that no one should have to go through that again.I was in my kindergarten class. I would never go into the military unless something drastic happened to make we feel the need to go.
Patriotism is when you're proud of where you are and when you support your country. This video is kind of sad because what happened on 9-11 is terrible. I feel safe but anything can happen so its important we watch out. I think i was in my kindergarten class watching elmos world. I ont really remember it that much. I dont think I will enter the military. It doeant seem likes its for me and I'm not that brave. I would get scared too easily.Rachel masters5th period
patriotism is loving and feeling very strong pride for your country.this video makes me feel sad and sorry. when that happened i was in kindergadon at whitehall elementry and i didnt really understand or care what was going on but now i understand what a big deal that was and i really understand how heartbreaking that had to be for the people who lost a loved one.uhmm i feel safe most times i feel really safe when im in my neighborhood or house because i have lived there for a long timed and i know evreyone and its just comfortable.at school... hmm not so much with all the things that have happened and the horrible attacks in the past,even with cameras and locked secure doors anything can happen.emily uveges(:6th&7th period
Patriotism is the the love you have for your country. This video really impacted me. It really has you see what a big difference it made on your country! I think that terrorists should die! I feel safe. I remember when i was in kindergarten and i had no clued what was going on, but now i realize what a big deference it made. I didn't really understand till a few years ago. I don't think i would ever join the military. Melia DeWitt♥6 & 7 period
I think patriotism is love and standing up for your coountry.This video make me feel kind of sad and twisted cause like who would do something liek that.?I still dont get the attack on the World Trade or the Pentagon.Its jus crazy to me.Yea,I feel safe dont see why I wouldnt.I lived in worse places than this.The only time I feel unsafe is when im around a strange enviroment or in a place I dont know about.Yea I remember the attack I dont think many people will forget about it.When I first heard about the attack I lived in ohio and my friends werent in school so when I got home I went to his house and him and his family was sad.So I asked my mom what was up and she told me about the attack and his father dying in it. Nah,I wouldnt join the military its just not my type of thing.
Patriotism is when you love your country. This video makes me feel sad about what happened and all the people and their families who suffered. The terrorists should change the way they act or die. I accualy feel safe because they haven't did anything in a thousand years and I don't think they will attack us again. Yes I remember that it happened. I think I was at school when I found out but I can't remember. No I would not join the military because I don't want to die like that or do anything complicated.
Frank Merrill 6th-7th period ^^^^^^
Patriotism is the love and suppotr someone has for their country. It makes me feel sad to remember what happened that day and all the people who died. I feel safe were I live because its not a big city and normally attacks are on big cities. Also we have a good army so ido feel safe. I feel unsafe when i see planes real low to the ground or a bunch or planes flying in one area. I dont really remember much because i was only in kintergarden. I basicaly remember haing to leave school early and going home and watching it on t.v. Plus my friend Shelby King came i to school everyday after that crying because her dad had to go help them claen up. In Mrs. Judy Evans kintergarden class i think it was snack time to and we went home after that. I dont think i would enter the military just because it doesnt seem like something i would do and i realy dont have the guts to do it.
I think patriotism is the pride you have in your country. This video makes me very sick to my stomach. I truly wish that our country did not have to go through that terrible attack. Terrorist's should go fall in a hole because nobody likes them anyway. In the real world.. they should be killed. What they do is not right ! I feel safe because they are mainlyy aiming for the east coast. I remember 9/11 like it was yesterday. My teachers we're freaking out & crying. I did not get to go home early, but i lived in Ohio at the time. I was at school when I found out what was happening. I would enter the military to show my compassion tword the people who died for our country. I have actually thought about it. I might join when i'm 18. Coffman. 3/4th ! ♥
Patriotism I think is the amount love for your country. This video makes me feel very sad. I think they should lock them up or kill them. I do feel safe sometimes but I can get scared easily. I do remember the incident barely. I just remeber coming home from school and seeing on the news what happened. I dont think i am ever going to join the millatary.
I think that pratriotism is the love for your country; like when you say the pledge, or buy something that states how much love you have for your country! I think that everyone who lives in America should show patriotism, becaues its the place you live and should love. America i supossed to be the happiest place on Earth! But one of the scary things that happend that brought out patriotism was the "World Trade Center" incedent! it was one of the sad times for people to have to go threw, I was only about 4 or 5 when it happend!"A_L_E_A_S_h_a,,W_A_L_K_e_r <3 ;]"6th-7th period.
Patriotism is a big thing to me because I care about how others feel.You know that is the reason that I like to treat other people nice because you never know what is going to happen the next day so i try to treat people nice at all times so what i would like to see is others trezting others nice now im done with the patriotism.Meekayla Taylor6th and 7th period
Patriotism is love to your country. This video kinda makes me sad and makes think back to 9/11. It also gives me a tragic feeling. I think something bad should happen to terrorist, because they are killing and doing terrible things to americans in our country. I sorta feel safe, I dunno' if i feel completely safe. When im close to big goverment places and building I feel unsafe. Yess, i remember some of the incidents from this video. I was sitting in spelling, and I think i was talking to vincent. Yeah, I probally would enter the military because I love guns, and most likely fighting for what I love and for the people I love.R.Skar6th & 7th Pr.
it is how loyal you are to your country this video makes me feel angry at the people that caused the plane to crash into the twin towers i feel really safe because i know we got great solders fighting for our country i allways feel safe i do remember when it happen i was in the 1st grade and walking past the office and saw it on tv yes i would go and fight for my country if i had toJoey Shearer
I think is crazy because it could happen at anytime and everyone would be diedLance PuccioThank You
I think patriotism means that you love your country and your honored by it. This video makes me feel sad. I think the terrorists should be sent to the electric chair for what they did to our country. I feel safe. I was in school when this happened and my mom came to pick me up. I was at my house when I found out about the attack on the USA. I might join the military.
To me patriotism is when no matter what you love your country and are happy to be there. This video makes me feel odd. America is one of the richest countries and one of the best and then things like this happen, so it makes you wonder, "Why?". I think tht if a terrorist were to be caught that they should face life in prison for what they did, even if there was a war going on that is no excuse. I never really feel unsafe. Yes I very distinctly remember the incident depicted in the video. I was at school lunch when I found out about the attack, they turned the Tv on and made everyone be quiet and listen. No, I do not think I would ever enter the military.
I think patriotism is when people put themselves in a situation that they shouldn't be in. this video makes me feel terrible and mad. I think that if there are terrorists than we should defend ourselves, but not in the wrong way. I do feel safe. there are sometimes that I do not feel safe. I did not even know about one of them until three years ago but the others ,no. I was at my Pasters house having a cookout when I frst heard about it three years ago. I will never enter the military!
I think patriotism is love for your country.I have no idea what should happen to terroisits.I feel safe most of the time but when i hear about terriosits and bombings it makes me feel uncomfortable.When i found out about the attack on the Usa I was at school .I have no idea if i would enter the military.Stevie Thibodeaux3/4 period
Patriotist to me is love for your Country. The video of the World Trade Center made me very angry, it's hard to believe that people that live in this world with us are so evil.I fell safe most of the time,but when you see things like the World Trade Center,it leaves you with some questions.I remember very little about 9-11,I was in school when I heard about the attack.I really hate war and hope to never have to be apart of it.Lance Puccio.
Nokomis I think it mean the love of our country and the willingness to sacrifice for it. This vidoe makes me feel sad, sad for the family and friends of the ones that have died.Feeling safe is one that i am still working on. How can you feel safe after what had happen to the world.Sometimes i think to myself will this ever happen again, and i pray that it doesn't. When i'm in big buildings is when i fell scared.Yes i remember ever piece of it. I remember when waking up that morning on that day and my mother tell me something bad has happen in the world.I was at home with my parents. Entering the military has cross my mind but not actually sure if i'm ready for something like that.6/7th p.Nokomis evans
patriotism is thedevoted love, support, and defense of one's country. This video makes me feel sad and depressed, but also lucky that nothing like this has happened to me or someone i love. I don't believe terrorists should any rights at all and they should be fatally punished for what they do. I don't remember this happening. I just remember the days after 9/11 when that was the only thing anyone was talking about. I'm not sure that I would join the millitary.Donovan Wilson5th period
Patriotism is loving your country, essentially. This vid makes me mad and sad. The terrorists should be imprisoned. I only feel unsafe when there are weirdo people near. I dont remember the incidents. No, I dont think i will enter the militartlz 1st
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I think that patriotism is an undying love for your country. This video makes me inraged that someone would destroy innocent lives for NO REASON. I do feel kind of safe, most of the time. I feel unsafe when I go out at night, because I live in a bad neighborhood, and I have been feeling unsafe since the shooting three houses down. Now every time I hear a loud bang, I hit the ground, and then I stay below the windows and go downstairs. Yes, I do remember, unfortunately. I was actually sitting at home and my mom had been wathing the news for local weather forecasting, and it said,"PLEASE EXCUSE THE SCHEDULED BROADCAST FOR AN EMERGENCY MESSAGE!", and then it launched into the story. I have thought about entering the military, but I came to the conclusion that it just wouldn't fit my lifestyle. I hate people telling me what to do, I am kind of independent, and I like to follow my own rules. That's it! Have a nice day!
M A L I K__________K I N Z E R
I believe that patiotism is when you support your counry, you love it. I can not describe what I think should happen to people who take innocent lives. i feel safe nost of the time I don't think I feel safe when I here more and more horrable things happening with the war on terror.I do remember these events. i was in my classroom at the time I was in 2nd grade. I did not know what happened untill after I got home. when my brother graduated he went strait into the military. My brother and many more men and women risk their lives everyday, all the time. I think that more people should appreciate our troops.
Maddison Bowen
5th period :)
I believe patriotism is showing dedication to your country. Honestly I felt awful when I watched it, I feel so lucky to have a life now and so guilty for those who passed. Well it's not fair how they took a human life and destroyed a family member. I feel safe at home with my family! I feel unsafe at places I'm unfamiliar with or people I'm unfamiliar with too. Well this incident happened in 2000 when I was in kindergarten. All I really remember was that we watched it on the news that day and that I was scared and didn't really know what was going on. I was at school when this happened.
Uh, I don't believe I would enter the military. But I am so thankful for the people who fight and risk their lives to keep our country free.
Gabriella Pearse
i <3 you ms. constable (:
patriotism is like your love for your country. this video make me feel sad because these terrists are mean and the had no right to do that. i think the terriosts should be killed for what they did. yes i feel safe i really do. i was in school when this happened and my mom and dad came and picked me up early i dont know why but they. anything to get me out of school is fine i guess.
Patriotism is when you love your country and everything that's in it. I don't know what should happen to the terrorists, but they should ba punished. I feel safe a lot when I'm around other people, but when I'm alone I never know what's going to happen and, well, that's enough to make me feel unsafe. In 2001 I was in kindergarten. The teachers had turned on the TVs to show us what was happening. I waited for my Mom to pick me up, but she never did. As I rode the bus home, I experienced the quietest moment of my life and it wasn't because of how little students were on there. When I got home my Mom explained that she thought it was safer for us to stay at school than to be picked up and then we watched as the World Trade Center went down with the people in it. :(. I don't think I could enter the military because I would get upset at the thought of the people around me dying for a silly war, losing their lives and their families and friends losing a special person to them. :(. 5th period
Patriotism is a love for your country and the beliefs that it represents. This video makes me feel sad because of all of the lives that were lost and also sad for their families, but it also makes me angry. It really upsets me that anyone could ever want to destroy inoccent lives like that. I do feel safe, most of the time. When I watch videos like this I feel a little unsafe because it makes me think that something like that could happen at any time and that is kind of scary. I feel unsafe when I'm home alone sometimes, especially at night. I was at school, in kindergarten when I found out about this attack. My teacher heard about it and said something briefly, but that was all. My mom came to school and picked me up, but that's all I remember. I don't think I personally would ever enter the military, although I do this it is a very brave and honorable thing to do.
Michaela Cloutier
1st period
I think it mean the love of our country and the willingness to sacrifice for it. This vidoe makes me feel sad, sad for the family and friends of the ones that have died.Feeling safe is one that i am still working on. How can you feel safe after what had happen to the world.Sometimes i think to myself will this ever happen again, and i pray that it doesn't. When i'm in big buildings is when i fell scared.Yes i remember ever piece of it. I remember when waking up that morning on that day and my mother tell me something bad has happen in the world.I was at home with my parents. Entering the military has cross my mind but not actually sure if i'm ready for something like that.
Renee Matura
5th Period
To me patriotism is supporting our soldiers fighting for our country. I feel terrorists should be killed because they should be taught a lesson and they should get a peice of what they did to us. I feel safe because I beleive in our soldiers and they won't let us down. I do feel unsafe when it is on the news that a terrorist was planning something or a soldier was killed. Yes I remember most of the incidents depicted. I was at home with my dad because he worked night shift. I went to afternoon kindergarden and my mom called my dad and told him not to send me to school because she could tell something was wrong when she heard the presidnets voice dropand crack in the middle of his speech. She was listening to him on the radio on her way to work. After she called my dad they announced what was happening. I would enter the military the more I think about it because all of these soldiers risk their lives for us and I am very grateful.
Lauren Hesse
Patriotism is respecting your country and loving it. The video makes me realize what actually goes on around us and is sad. terrorists should be caught and punished and be killed. No, I never really feel safe unless im with a lot of people. I remember leaving school early and remember everyone being worried but I didn't know what was going on. No, I wouldn't enter the military.
Kimmy Woods
3/4 period :)
Patriotism to me is having the upmost respect, and love for your country. It makes me feel really bad. It's horrible that people would do this. I don't find anything wrong with peace, except that it really does not exist in this world. I do feel somewhat safe, since we do live in an unkown, small city. No i do not remember anything that went on. We were all probably in class watching Noggin. There is no way that I would be any help whatsoever to them. :)
Mariah Allen
5th Periodd x33
Patriotism is your love for this country. This video makes me feel like the world is ganing up on the wrong people. Cause what did the people in the World Trade Center do,Maybe the company did something but not the workers because they have to listen to their bosses. Questioning why they did it,then after you get some answers,they should get killed for all the people they killed,cause thats just wrong
Sincerely,Tyler Preston
patriotism is love devotion to one's country.This video kinda makes me sad.I think that every terrorists that fight should like get bombed.I kinda do feel safe cuase where i live.The only time i dont feel safe is probley after i watch the new movie about how the world going to end December 21 2012.Yes I remember when my dad picked me up that day on his street bike.I was in school at Watson.Acutely i am going to go to college an then after i go for 2 years im going to go to the military.
Ryan Bogo 6&7 period
Patriotism is our phisical action and emosional security of being free. It is knowing that you are free and you representing your countey. It makes me feel sad that those inacent people died. At the same time it makes me feel pride that we live in a countrey where we can fight back. I tink the terroiists should go to a jail or facility made speacial for them. Away from the outside world.Yes i feel safe. I feel unsafe hearing about the bad economy. I kind of remember the when the world trade center was crashed into. I was at school and the teachers strted acting funny. My mom picked me up early. I got home and started watching tv with my mom trying to understand what was going on. I will enter the military if my countrey needs me to.
I think that patriotism means that you love your country, and your proud of it no matter what. This video makes me feel scared, mad, and sad. I'm scared, because you know that this could happen again, but to you. I'm mad, because they had absolutely no reason to do this, and I'm sad, because all of the people who died didn't deserve that. I think the terrorists should be caught, tortured, and killed. I don't really ever feel safe, unless i'm with my entire family. I don't clearly remember this day, and i didn't really understand what was going on. I think I was at school, and we all had to go home. I don't want to enter the military, i would be absolutely no help to them. I'm not really made for that.
a;l;i c;u;m;b;e;r;l;a;n;d; (:
1st period.
Patriotism is the love for your country and pride you have for it.This video makes me feel mad that there are people like this that would go and do these stupid thiings to harm people. I think that terrorists should be dead all of them. I feel pretty safe but sometimes you can be unsure seeing all this stuff on the news about these crazy things like the colombine massacre you never know when these things could happen. I don't really remember if i ever felt unsafe. I remember the day i just remember seeing all these people on the news fire everywhere people running and cring. I was in New York when we found out about the attack on the World Trade Center because i lived in New York. I would never enter the military because i hate guns they scare me and i'm not that brave.
Caroline Brophy
1st ((:
patriotism is when your patriotic and you love your country. It makes me feel sad, yet inspired. I don't really ever feel safe except for when I'm with my friends, family, or places i love. Yea, i remember seeing it on the news and mom kept me home from school. I was outside playing with my friends. I don't think i would ever join the military, but if i do, i would be in the navy.
mattie koch (:
I think patriism is when you support your country and you love it. I feel safe most of the time. I was in secind grade when this happened and I went home early. I dont think I would join the military.
I think patriotism is doing something good for your country. It makes me feel kinda sad. I think we should keep the terrorists away so this doesn't happen again. I don't usually feel unsafe. I really don't remember any of this when I was young. I think I was at home and my mom and dad were watching it on tv. I might join the miliatary but I would have to have gone through a college and gotten an officer position.
Neil Scherich 3-4
Patrionism is devoted love, support,and national loyalty. I fell safe when i know everone is safe that lives with me and when im doing something. I fell unsafe if im the only one in my house. I want to and possinle going to join the military because i want to make a difference and, stand up for my country.
JORDAN CRANE 3&4th period
i think that patriotism is reliving the moment were somthing good/bad happened it shows the people that you care for them your just not gonna sit around and let the that special day pass thats, your gonna tribute the people we love and this video makes me feel like there is so much hate on this world we all need peace and i kinda feel safe cause theres soldiers out there teaching them that there has to be peace and somtimes i dont feel safe if i see a strange guy walk buy my car or if im in a store and a guy comes in acting all funny i get a little tense..David Rowe
Patriotism is an undying love for your country. This video makes me feel hate. I feel safe because i know "people" are wathing over us. i dont remember this day and i am glad of it. i was at school when it happened. I do plan to join the Navy and go to the naval academy because I want to fallow in my father and grandfather's footsteps and I want to be a good citizen.
I believe that patriotism is showing how much you love your country. Most of the time I feel safe. When I don't feel safe is when I think of all the terrorists in the U.S.A who have distroyed our innocent lives. Everyday someone is getting killed. I remember 9-11, but I was only in kindergarten, so I only remember little details. I was at school when 9-11 happened they locked down the schools to be safe, and to make sure nothing would happen to us. I can't see myself being in the military, but if I did join the military I would join the National Guard, U.S Army and be a Military Policewoman like my brother although he's a Military Policeman. haha. I appreciate every soldier in the U.S Military. I LOVE our COUNTRY!!!
crystal, <3
: )
I think patriotism is showing support and spirit for your country. I was pretty depressing I thought, not really one I liked to watch. I think terrorists are terrible people adn I'dlove to be inside their head and know why they are so messed up. I think they should be isolated from people so they can't hurt anyone. I usually feel safe unless I'm at a friend's house that isn't really one of my good friends. I was in class with a lot of the people that have said their teacher turned on teh TV and watched it, however, I think the people that said that are insane. I don't rememeber anything about that except when I was home I sat on my parent's black bed,with floral sheers, with my Dad and watched it on TV. That day was the only day I ever really remembered from my childhood. I still have no idea why people in m class that year said the teacher turned on the TV. I would be very terrified to be in the military or any kind of army, so I would never enter.
According to dictionary.com, patriotism is devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty. According to the dictionary of Rachel Martin, patriotism is the strong love someone has for their country, its land, and its inhabitants. America is usually a great country to live in. We are superior compared to most countries. Back in the 1700’s, people would agree to serve about 7 years as slaves just to be in America. I don’t know about you but I don’t think I could ever do that. I was blessed enough to be born in America. I am proud to be an American, just live the song says. Some people take living in America for granted and they don’t realize how lucky they are to be citizens of such a great country. They could live in a Communist nation, such as China or Cuba. I, for one, would hate living in one of those countries. I can’t stand having people tell me what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. America is strong enough to let its citizens have freedom. That is why we are fortunate enough to live in this country. God bless the USA!
This video made me feel depressed who died the tragic day of September 11, 2001. Those were very brave people who took their lives for our country when they didn’t even expect it. They are true Americans. The video also made me feel scared for myself because we live in such a great country and some people are jealous. Jealous enough to cause tragedies like this.
I think that terrorist should be banned. But that is next to impossible so they should be hunted down and executed. It’s what they deserve. They should be ashamed to let their jealousy get the best of them. Sure, I can get jealous but I would never kill people because of it.
Right now I feel safe because I’m alone and at home. I feel pretty safe when I’m alone at home. That is weird because most people would be afraid of kidnappers and other crazy people like them. I just know that no one that is with me can turn against me and try to kill me. I’m thankful for that.
I feel unsafe when I am talking to my enemies. I have a few of them and some of them really scare me. I’m friends with most people but some people I really don’t click with. I also feel unsafe when I am with strangers. You can never trust strangers.
I don’t remember any of the incidents happening in this video. When it happened, I was in kindergarten and oblivious to the world around me. I was a clueless little girl when this happened! I remember watching the news on TV and eating a snack at school and I guess I was more interested in my snack than the TV. My mom wanted to come and get me but she decided not to because they could’ve attacked the streets next. She was very terrified for me.
Like I said in the previous paragraph, I was at school when I found out attack. I don’t know why Megan said that she thought we were crazy for finding out at school (we were in the same kindergarten class) because I remember watching it on the news during snack time.
I would never join the military because I’d be no help what so ever. One of my main fears is being shot with a gun. If I were in the military, I’d have a surefire (HAHA! PUN!!!) chance of being shot.
Another thing I want to add is that I found a video of creepy facts from September 11 on youtube. Did you know that pictures of Satan’s face were found in the smoke coming from the towers? Creepy! You should also type in Q33 NY (the flight number of the first plane to hit one of the towers) in a Word Document, highlight it, and change the font to Wingdings. IT’S SCARY!!!!
I hope you enjoyed my incredibly long blog for this week!
Lots of Love!
♫♪Rachel Martin♪♫
♪♫5th Period♫♪
I believe that patriotism is love for your country and the people who live there. This video makes me feel sad for all that died during the attack, and I feel thankful I wasn't there when it happened. I think the terrorists should be executed. I feel safe in a way, but I know terrorists could attack at any given time. I feel unsafe when I am home alone because it scares me just walking through my house alone. Yes I remember seeing pictures and video footage on TV and in magazines. I was in Kindergarden at the time and I remember all the teachers hurried up and turned their TVs on to watch the news and see what was happening. I have thought about entering the military, but I'd rather be a doctor.
The summer after 9-11, my family visited the makeshift memorial at the site of the Flight 93 crash in Shanksville, PA. There were pictures, flags and various memorials set up in front of the crash site in the field. It was sad and people were crying.
Ryan Rozier
Pds. 6&7
I believe patriotism is when you support and love your country. This video makes me feel sad that humans killed so many people and those people that died were dads, brothers, sisters, friends, grandmas, and many others. In a way I don't feel safe because people are very dangerous these days. I do remember hearing all about this all on the TV. I was at school and our teacher turned on the news and we started watching it. I would NEVER enter the military even though I know how dangerous it would be and I would be doing something good for the country but I like life.
maddie stevenski :)
1st period
Patriotism is showing pride in your group, school, state, country, etc. The video makes me angry because I don't agree in what the terrorists did. I think the terrorists should be persecuted. I believe they deserve the death penalty. Of course I don't feel safe. They attacked us on one random day. Anyone could do the same on any given day. I feel unsafe every year on 9/11 because that is a day to target and that is the day that someone would do that in "memory" of the attack. Also, after seeing Rachel's Challenge, I feel unsafe on April 20th. That was Hitler's birthday and I always think something similar is going to occur. To be honest, I remember watching it in the lunch room at Fairmont Catholic. Then, I was picked up from school. I was in Kindergarden at the time. I remember sitting with my parents and watching my parents in awe. Again, I was in the FCS lunch room. I would NEVER join the military. I'm not that risky and I know I wouldn't like it AT ALL!
-Andy Shaw
-1st Period.
This video make me feel unsafe and sad because of what they did to our country. I think that somthing should happen to the terrorists but i am not exactly sure what yet. I was in kindergarton when this happened and then i think my parents cam and got me like other's parents. i didnt know what to think i was small to so i wasnt sure what was happening anyway.
tori harper
1st period
Patriotism is when you would do anything for your country. Tjis video makes me feel sad for those people that were hurt and thier families. I would love if terrorists were taken care of but that is almost impossible. Most of the time i feel safe but sometimes not so much. I remember being in school and they put the tv on and we watched some of it. I dont think i would ever join the miliatry but i think it is awesome when others do.
Eden Richmond 5th
Patiotism is the respect and love of your county. This video makes me feel mad at the people who did and thought of doing this. The terrorists should be locked up because its no different if an american did it. No, I don't feel safe because anyone anywhere could attack you at anytime. I feel unsafe in situations where a friend or I could get hurt or die. No, I don't remember this when it happened. I was at home about four years ago when I found out about the attack. I would enter the military, but not as someone who kills.
Zack Linger
5th Period
I think patriotism is love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it. This video makes me feel upset. They should be punished. I kinda of feel safe. I ever feel unsafe. Some of the people jumped out the windows. I was in class when i heard about it. No i don't have a desire to join.
Kaitlyn Westfall
5th period
Patriotism is showing how much you love your country. This video makes me sad because their was a lot of people that got killed that did nothing at all. They were just at work like every day. I think that terrorists are very mean and they must not have lives that they care about. I feel safe becasue I know that the military is protecting us. Sometimes I do feel unsafe. I dont really remember 9-11. All that I remember is that there was two air planes that ran into the twin towers. When I found out about the planes crashing I was in school. They did not turn on the tvs at school but when I got home my parents had the tv on and were watching it. I think that I would enter the military someday because I think that would be very fun.
Brent Pacoe
Period 6th and 7th
I think patriotism is showing love, pride and support for your own country. Patriotism is not exclusive to America. This video makes me feel sad and angry that somebody would fly a plane into the World Trade Center. I think the terrorist should be held in solitary confinement till they die from disease or age but do not kill them on purpose. Yes, I feel safe. I sometimes feel unsafe but not usually. The only thing I remember is my mom watching the news when I got home from school. I was in school when I found out about nine eleven. I don’t know if I would ever enter the military or not it would depend on a lot of things.
Jared Bartrug
5th period
I think patriotism is the love for your country. It makes me feel sad for the ones who died and that even though it is 8 years old. I think terriost should be treated the way they treat they're own people. Yes I do feel safe becuse we have a strong army, navy, air force, marines and etc. Yes that is when my mom is mad at me. Yes, I was at home with my mom and we both watched it on the news. I have thought about the military because I have very little fear and I am grateful for my country and I love my country.
Johnny Kesling
1st peroid
Patriotism is pride and love for your country. This video makes me worried about family's all across the nation like no-one would know when another crazy sick minded person would try to harm us. I feel un-safe almost any where I go. I know at home I am safe though. All I can accually remeber is coming home and my parents where worried to death about me. I probly would not join the military.
I think patriotism is when you support and love your country. Anytime I watch or hear anything about 9/11 it makes me feel very sad and kind of mad. Terrorists should either be put in jail for the rest of their lifes and be miserable or they should go to the electric chair or anything that they do.I don't remember that day at all. I do remember that i was in school and i started hearing different things about an attack and airplanes crashing in to something but i was very confused and scared. I didn't really know what was going on until I got home and I saw it on the news and my mom had explained what had happened.
I don't think I would join the military because that kind of stuff just scares me. My mom's good friend that she has known for ever had to go to Iraq. My uncle and him were best friends and he would come over a lot to hang out with him so a basically grew up with him around. So me and him are very close.He calls me his "girl friend" everytime I see him. But anyways he had to go to Iraq about three or four months ago. His family threw a going away party for him and my mom, Draven , and I went. It was very hard for me to tell him good bye. I cried like a baby almost the rest of the day. I haven't heard from him since then but I am hoping to get an e-mail account set up so i can talk to him while he is over there. I think that would make me feel better knowing that he is okayy and I am able to check on him as much as I want. I still get butterflies and a little teary eyed when I think or talk about him being over there.
Sydney Woody
1sy period.( :
I think patriotism is love and support for your country. This video makes me feel that people are crazy and it makes me feel unsafe. I sometimes do feel unsafe when I see people out walking at night. When i am outside on my porch and i see someone walking i just go inside but i don't really live around a mean or scary,uncomfortable place. I live on Mary Lou Retton. My dad went to California the day before the accident so it was very frightening. I would not want to join the military.
1st period
Taylor Rowe =)
I believe patriotism is meaning of some one who respects and loves their country. It is someone who is proud to be a citizen of their country. This video makes me sad. It makes us think of all the people who died and their families sorrow of thinking of what gonna happen now? People may think that it is the end of the world but its not. I believe terrorists should have no peace or any right to be Americans for causing pain for many families. I never feel safe even though they say that you are well protected. Someone may trick you. I never feel safe at any time at all especially when I am on an international plane when some passengers look like terrorists. I mostly am scared of schools and planes because of the things that happen on the news. I can't remember much when I was little. When this has happening, I was in kindergaten. I couls see my teacher being sad and wondering why are they crying. When I got home my parents explained what happened, but I can't remember anything else. I never want to go to war and die but I do know one thing when your in combat seeing your friends dying in front of you it would be pretty sad.
Patrionisim is having great love and respect for your country. This video makes me feel hurt inside. Yes I feel safe. Yes i do feel unsafe at times. No i do not. I think i was at school. Heck no.
Patriotism is when you really love your country and show that by supporting it. this video makes me feel sad but fortunate.terrorrists should die!!!!! yes, i feel safe when i am at school and at home. yes, when it is night time and i am outside by my self.yes, i was in class and my teacher turned on the news and starting crying because her uncle was on that plane.no, because i am afraid of guns and other things like that.
Kelsey Morrone!!!!!!!
1st periodd!
I thik patrioism is really having a love your country. it kind of makes me feel sad because that was a huge disaster.terrorist should diee! Sometimes i feel safe. i feel unsafe when we go into a new place. i was sitting in class and then all of a sudden everyone turned on their t.v and we watched the news for the rest of the day. i was at school. i thought of it before, it would be sort of cool, but terrrifying.
sophie libonati
I think patriotism is when you show pride in your country. This video makes me sad because that shouldn't have happened too us. I think terrorists should all be put in prison forever. I sometimes feel unsafe but sometimes i do. im just afraid it will happen again. When this was happeneing i was in class, and my teacher turned on the tv and made us watch it. I remember me sitting there and crying. My great uncle died in this attack. :( his name is on this plaque by the world trade center. I don't think i would ever join the military, i would't want my husband too either. I know it's for a good cause but i don't think i would want too risk it.
Sydney Izydore (:
1st perioddd.♥
The patriotism is when you care about your country. This video makes me feel like nobody should destroys others lives for no complete reason. in some ways. The terrorists should be hanged. I feel very unsafe just by watching this videeo. I feel unsafe when im home alone or somewhere dark. I was at school. HECKS NO! you crazy.
Adrianna Constable
The patriotism is when you care about your country. This video makes me feel like nobody should destroys others lives for no complete reason. in some ways. The terrorists should be hanged. I feel very unsafe just by watching this videeo. I feel unsafe when im home alone or somewhere dark. I was at school. HECKS NO! you crazy.
Adrianna Constable
Patriotism is the love, respect and care you have for your country. This video makes me really sad. I hate thinking of all thos families that lost their loved ones that tradgic day. When that happened every one was in a frantic panic. I wish they would have never done that. They killed themselves and many americans for no reason. Now America is over there trying to help the country who tryed to kill us. We lose like three soldiers a week because there country is to crapy to take care of there own problems. I wish we could bring everyone back home, but if we did theyed attack here again. I would enter the military. I love the thought of fightung for my country. If some challenges this country Id love to help put them in there place.
this was a very sad day i remember being in kindergarden and the teachers sent everyone home and all the parents was crying it was a scary time they said that the terrist had crashed the plane into the world trade center it was the news people were running away from from the world trade center people came out bloody and broken bones
Patriotism is when you care and love your country. I i dont know if i i feel safe or not because these people are terrible and they will kill there selves just to take out one of us so that really scares me. I really think that army is good people cause not to many people wold risk thewre lives for are freedom
Patriotism is one of the major underlying causes of all death and destruction in the world. Whet is this video supposed to make me feal? Some patritoic sense of urgency no I do not feal that only the stupid would. We call them terrorists, But are they really to us the answer is yes, but do you know what they are called in Iraq or Isreal or Afhanifganistan. They are called freedom fighters or myters. So you decide but first tell me something are they uniformed soliders of an enemy nation? By international law it is illegal to hold them without trial as we do. To the next two questions the answer is no.The last question is hard to answer both my parents and my grandfather served in the U.S. army. I wouldent voulentear but if this country called uapon me I would sreve
Patriotism is one's devotion and lover for his/ her country. This video makes me wonder why some people just can't get along. Yes, most the time I feel safe. I never really felt in danger. Yes, surprisingly I remember that day pretty clearly considering how young I was. I was at my friend Logan's house getting ready to go to school. Don't get me wrong I love my country, but I would be so afraid to enter the military.
Amina Byers
Patriotism is love and respect for your country. It makes me feel gratitude for the people who lost thier lives to ensure my freedom. I think terrorist should just go die. I do feel safe, most of the time. I feel unsafe when I am alone. I have no memory of the things on this video. I was at Whitehall Elementary when I found out. I would possibly enter the military, under certain circumstances.
Chessie Crouch(:
3rd period<3
Patriotism is a feeling of pride for your country. This video makes me feel that this is the kind of incident that really opens people's eyes, forces them out of their happy places, and makes them look at what's happening to our country. In the time being, I don't feel very safe. The only news coming from across the Atlantic is bad news. I remember when I saw this on TV, vaguely. I watched it with my parents at my house. I would not volunteer to enter the military, but I respect all who do.
Elliot Herberger
5th period
Patriotism is when you love your country and you stick up for your country. Like patriotism for this country is wearing red, white, and blue, and saying the pledge of allegiance, and following the laws and the rules. This video makes me feel sad for the people who were in the building and died. Terrorists should be taken away to a deserted island far away and locked up and punished or something for trying to hurt innocent people. I don't really feel safe anywhere. I feel scared and unsafe when I am left somewhere like in the car by myself, because I think someone is going to kidnap me or shoot me or something. I always tell my grandma to lock the doors in the car when she leaves me in the car, but she thinks that I am crazy and she doesn't listen. I remember that the plane crashed into the building and there was an explosion and some fire, and a bunch of people died and were crushed by the falling building. I don't remember where I was. I think I was in 1st or 2nd grade. I don't remember. I didn't know what happened until maybe a couple years later when they made us have a moment of silence. I didn't understand anything they were talking about, because I was so little. I don't think I would ever join the military. It would be too scary to join.
Marissa Cox
5th period
Patriotism is the love and respect and LOYALTY that you SHOW for your country.
This video makes me happy that i dont live in new york!! jk It makes me feel that many people make sacrifices for our country and they don't even notice it or feel like what they are doing is that impressive.
I don't know what should be done to terrorists but I do know that they need to be stopped or at least explained to why our country is important and not terrible.
I DO feel safe, mostly because I know that there are many people everywhere ensuring the protection that I need.
I sometimes feel unsafe when I am t great heights.
I think that the incidents that happened where terrible and that no one should have to go through that again.
I was in my kindergarten class.
I would never go into the military unless something drastic happened to make we feel the need to go.
Patriotism is when you're proud of where you are and when you support your country. This video is kind of sad because what happened on 9-11 is terrible. I feel safe but anything can happen so its important we watch out. I think i was in my kindergarten class watching elmos world. I ont really remember it that much. I dont think I will enter the military. It doeant seem likes its for me and I'm not that brave. I would get scared too easily.
Rachel masters
5th period
patriotism is loving and feeling very strong pride for your country.this video makes me feel sad and sorry. when that happened i was in kindergadon at whitehall elementry and i didnt really understand or care what was going on but now i understand what a big deal that was and i really understand how heartbreaking that had to be for the people who lost a loved one.uhmm i feel safe most times i feel really safe when im in my neighborhood or house because i have lived there for a long timed and i know evreyone and its just comfortable.at school... hmm not so much with all the things that have happened and the horrible attacks in the past,even with cameras and locked secure doors anything can happen.
emily uveges(:
6th&7th period
Patriotism is the the love you have for your country. This video really impacted me. It really has you see what a big difference it made on your country! I think that terrorists should die! I feel safe. I remember when i was in kindergarten and i had no clued what was going on, but now i realize what a big deference it made. I didn't really understand till a few years ago. I don't think i would ever join the military.
Melia DeWitt♥
6 & 7 period
I think patriotism is love and standing up for your coountry.This video make me feel kind of sad and twisted cause like who would do something liek that.?I still dont get the attack on the World Trade or the Pentagon.Its jus crazy to me.Yea,I feel safe dont see why I wouldnt.I lived in worse places than this.The only time I feel unsafe is when im around a strange enviroment or in a place I dont know about.Yea I remember the attack I dont think many people will forget about it.When I first heard about the attack I lived in ohio and my friends werent in school so when I got home I went to his house and him and his family was sad.So I asked my mom what was up and she told me about the attack and his father dying in it.
Nah,I wouldnt join the military its just not my type of thing.
Patriotism is when you love your country. This video makes me feel sad about what happened and all the people and their families who suffered. The terrorists should change the way they act or die. I accualy feel safe because they haven't did anything in a thousand years and I don't think they will attack us again. Yes I remember that it happened. I think I was at school when I found out but I can't remember. No I would not join the military because I don't want to die like that or do anything complicated.
Frank Merrill 6th-7th period ^^^^^^
Patriotism is the love and suppotr someone has for their country. It makes me feel sad to remember what happened that day and all the people who died. I feel safe were I live because its not a big city and normally attacks are on big cities. Also we have a good army so ido feel safe. I feel unsafe when i see planes real low to the ground or a bunch or planes flying in one area. I dont really remember much because i was only in kintergarden. I basicaly remember haing to leave school early and going home and watching it on t.v. Plus my friend Shelby King came i to school everyday after that crying because her dad had to go help them claen up. In Mrs. Judy Evans kintergarden class i think it was snack time to and we went home after that. I dont think i would enter the military just because it doesnt seem like something i would do and i realy dont have the guts to do it.
I think patriotism is the pride you have in your country. This video makes me very sick to my stomach. I truly wish that our country did not have to go through that terrible attack. Terrorist's should go fall in a hole because nobody likes them anyway. In the real world.. they should be killed. What they do is not right ! I feel safe because they are mainlyy aiming for the east coast. I remember 9/11 like it was yesterday. My teachers we're freaking out & crying. I did not get to go home early, but i lived in Ohio at the time. I was at school when I found out what was happening. I would enter the military to show my compassion tword the people who died for our country. I have actually thought about it. I might join when i'm 18.
Coffman. 3/4th ! ♥
Patriotism I think is the amount love for your country. This video makes me feel very sad. I think they should lock them up or kill them. I do feel safe sometimes but I can get scared easily. I do remember the incident barely. I just remeber coming home from school and seeing on the news what happened. I dont think i am ever going to join the millatary.
I think that pratriotism is the love for your country; like when you say the pledge, or buy something that states how much love you have for your country! I think that everyone who lives in America should show patriotism, becaues its the place you live and should love. America i supossed to be the happiest place on Earth! But one of the scary things that happend that brought out patriotism was the "World Trade Center" incedent! it was one of the sad times for people to have to go threw, I was only about 4 or 5 when it happend!
<3 ;]"
6th-7th period.
Patriotism is a big thing to me because I care about how others feel.You know that is the reason that I like to treat other people nice because you never know what is going to happen the next day so i try to treat people nice at all times so what i would like to see is others trezting others nice now im done with the patriotism.
Meekayla Taylor
6th and 7th period
Patriotism is love to your country. This video kinda makes me sad and makes think back to 9/11. It also gives me a tragic feeling. I think something bad should happen to terrorist, because they are killing and doing terrible things to americans in our country. I sorta feel safe, I dunno' if i feel completely safe. When im close to big goverment places and building I feel unsafe. Yess, i remember some of the incidents from this video. I was sitting in spelling, and I think i was talking to vincent. Yeah, I probally would enter the military because I love guns, and most likely fighting for what I love and for the people I love.
6th & 7th Pr.
it is how loyal you are to your country this video makes me feel angry at the people that caused the plane to crash into the twin towers i feel really safe because i know we got great solders fighting for our country i allways feel safe i do remember when it happen i was in the 1st grade and walking past the office and saw it on tv yes i would go and fight for my country if i had to
Joey Shearer
I think is crazy because it could happen at anytime and everyone would be died
Lance Puccio
Thank You
I think patriotism means that you love your country and your honored by it. This video makes me feel sad. I think the terrorists should be sent to the electric chair for what they did to our country. I feel safe. I was in school when this happened and my mom came to pick me up. I was at my house when I found out about the attack on the USA. I might join the military.
To me patriotism is when no matter what you love your country and are happy to be there. This video makes me feel odd. America is one of the richest countries and one of the best and then things like this happen, so it makes you wonder, "Why?". I think tht if a terrorist were to be caught that they should face life in prison for what they did, even if there was a war going on that is no excuse. I never really feel unsafe. Yes I very distinctly remember the incident depicted in the video. I was at school lunch when I found out about the attack, they turned the Tv on and made everyone be quiet and listen. No, I do not think I would ever enter the military.
I think patriotism is when people put themselves in a situation that they shouldn't be in. this video makes me feel terrible and mad. I think that if there are terrorists than we should defend ourselves, but not in the wrong way. I do feel safe. there are sometimes that I do not feel safe. I did not even know about one of them until three years ago but the others ,no. I was at my Pasters house having a cookout when I frst heard about it three years ago. I will never enter the military!
I think patriotism is love for your country.I have no idea what should happen to terroisits.I feel safe most of the time but when i hear about terriosits and bombings it makes me feel uncomfortable.When i found out about the attack on the Usa I was at school .I have no idea if i would enter the military.
Stevie Thibodeaux
3/4 period
Patriotist to me is love for your Country. The video of the World Trade Center made me very angry, it's hard to believe that people that live in this world with us are so evil.I fell safe most of the time,but when you see things like the World Trade Center,it leaves you with some questions.I remember very little about 9-11,I was in school when I heard about the attack.I really hate war and hope to never have to be apart of it.
Lance Puccio.
I think it mean the love of our country and the willingness to sacrifice for it. This vidoe makes me feel sad, sad for the family and friends of the ones that have died.Feeling safe is one that i am still working on. How can you feel safe after what had happen to the world.Sometimes i think to myself will this ever happen again, and i pray that it doesn't. When i'm in big buildings is when i fell scared.Yes i remember ever piece of it. I remember when waking up that morning on that day and my mother tell me something bad has happen in the world.I was at home with my parents. Entering the military has cross my mind but not actually sure if i'm ready for something like that.
6/7th p.
Nokomis evans
patriotism is thedevoted love, support, and defense of one's country. This video makes me feel sad and depressed, but also lucky that nothing like this has happened to me or someone i love. I don't believe terrorists should any rights at all and they should be fatally punished for what they do. I don't remember this happening. I just remember the days after 9/11 when that was the only thing anyone was talking about. I'm not sure that I would join the millitary.
Donovan Wilson
5th period
Patriotism is loving your country, essentially. This vid makes me mad and sad. The terrorists should be imprisoned. I only feel unsafe when there are weirdo people near. I dont remember the incidents. No, I dont think i will enter the militart
lz 1st
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