A genocide is a murder. During WW2, the Holocaust came about, which is when Adolf Hitler became the German ruler. Some remainders are the huir shoes and crutches etc., of the jews. A movie I ahve seen is called The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. It's so sad, but a great movie that shows what it was like during that time. We can avoid this big mistake by accepting people for who they are and try to sustain world peace.McKenna Kelley4/5 (:
A genocide is murder. During World War 2 the Holocaust was introduced which is when Adolf Hitler became the chancellor of Germany. Some reminders of that time is in Aushwitz where the hair, shoes, and decayed bodies are still there. The movie Schindlers list is a great reminder of the events that happened in the Holocaust because the events in this book is true. Some movies I have seen that record these events are Schindlers list and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. We can avoid these kinds of situations by treating people how you would want to be treated.Izaiha John 4/5
Genocide is murder. There were many horrors that took place in World War Two. One is that Adolf Hitler took over Germany and became their ruler. Another horror is that this is when the Holocaust took place. Some of the reminders of this terrible time in history are the pieces of bones in the dirt, the human hair, the crutches, and many more. I haven't seen any movies of this time, but McKenna told our language class that "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" was a movie about this and it's really sad. We can avoid making these mistakes by not judging people by what race, religion, or disability they are and just being nice to everyone. Sarah Topardo 4/5 Period. :)
A genocide is a murder. During World War II, Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany and the Holocaust was introduced. Adolf Hitler became so powerful that he overruled a majority of the world. Some reminders of the history of that time is the Holocaust museum in Washington D.C. A movie that I have seen abut this period of time is called, "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas". This movie is a very sad one and tells a story of how a Jewish boy and the son of a German soldier that works for Hitler become friends. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by many ways. We can avoid judging people by their race or religion and treat others how we would want to be treated by them. We can also not let people have so much power as to where they can kill millions of people and nobody can stop them. All in all, we shouldn't look down on others just because of their differences. Martina Edgell4-5th
Genocide means murder. There was a huge impact on many people's lives that many still remember today, which is the Holocaust. There are many things that still bring the feeling of the Holocaust to the present. Such things include hair, shoes, cruthces, wooden legs, and full, dead, rotted bodies that they put in the furnace to murder them. A resemblance of the Holocaust today is a movie called The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. I just can't understand why a physco would do such things to people that were not the way he wanted them. A way that we can avoid many mistakes of the past is to accept everyone for who they are and never count anyone out because of certain reasons.Dalton Okel4th/5th Period
Genocide is murder. There were a couple horrors that happen during WW2. Like when Adolf Hitler took over Germany. When this happened the Holocaust started. Some reminds of the Holocaust is the 11 million people who died here the Jews, disable, Gypsies, and others. Some other reminder is those who got killed their personal belongings such as passports, shoes, clothes, diaries, and etc. I haven’t seen movies about the time but I have read a book called the Yellow Star. I think we could avoid make this mistake again by not judging people by what race, religion, and the way they look because they can’t really help that. Because that is the way they are born.
Genocide is a killing of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. The biggest horror that took place during World War II was the Holocaust. There are many reminders of the Holocaust such as all of the human hair, shoes, and gruesome photos from the camps. A book called the Night reminds us of this sad time. I have never seen any movies but I have heard of a movie called A Boy in the Striped Pajamas. We can never forget the mistakes of the Holocaust but we can avoid it by rethinking anyone we put in leadership.Kayla DeLorenzo4th and 5th period
A genocide is murder by chemicals. During WW2, Adolf Hitler became the German ruler and said he had some great plans. But his plans were to kill people and Jews. Some reminders are the hairs that they shaved off of the jews and their shoes. Plus when ever they had crutches or prostetic legs they would make a pile out of that too. A literature remind would be the movies called "The Boy in the StripedPajamas." "Stalin." "Shindlers List" We can accept people for who they are. But not fight and try to kill each other for fighting or arguing over their race, religion, disability or anything like that. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by overcoming the fears of people killing each other by talking to them about what had happened in the Holocaust and then they will realize that what they are doing all the time is stupid. So that would make them stop the fighting. If we could do that then it would become world peace which alot of people are looking for instead of fighting.
The term "genocide" means murder. During WWII the Holocaust took place. The Holocaust was started by a cruel, abusive, brutal, and murderous man named Aldolf Hitler who killed 6 million Jews. Some of the reminders of this brutal event are the Jews hair, shoes, prosthetics, crutches, and don't forget the horrid stench that you smell when you go near the burial sites of Hitler’s victims. Some of the literature reminders of the Holocaust would be the movies “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Devils Arithmetic, and Schindlers list". A way we can avoid these tragic mistakes we just appreciate the way people are.Triston Newbrough7-8 periods
Genocide is murder. Some reminders of what happened is hair and smells in the gas chambers. Cruches and passports etc. If you put your hand in the soil you can find white bones of decayed people that was killed because they were Jews or they were born with a birth affect ): The holocaust started during WW2 which Adolf Hitler became leader.(who decided for him to be leader????) I have watched the movie Freedom writers. (I cried during that movie): We can avoid this horrible tragedy from happening again if people will quite being so immature. I walk through the halls of wfms hearing people making fun of people because there fat or there dirty or they can’t afford "expensive stuff" Its like grow up. But no one cares how its hurting the person there making fun of. Okay thank about it if the person making fun of had to go to the concentration camp and be tourted I think they would straighten up and quite being immature babies. Lol.
Genocide is when lots of people are being killed. Hitler didn't like anyone but his perfect people, anyone with blond hair and blue eyes. Anyone that was not like that would be killed. He didn't like Jewish people and they would be killed to. Hair and shoes are still here that remind people of what had happened. Books and other records of people that were there. There should be no one killed over what they look like or what religion they belong to. Jayce Riley 4/5th period
Genocide is a mass murder. During World War three millions of american, german, asian, and jewish people were killed in a devistating war. There have been many movies and documentaries about the holocaust but the one I remember is "The Boy In Striped Pajamas.
Genocide is a mass murder.During WW2 there was a horrible thing called the Holocaust that had killed millions and millions of people. Some reminders of the history of that time is the stuff at the Holocaust Museum. Fiction reminds me of this time. I have not seen any movies related or about this time. We can avoid being cold-hearted.
A genocide is a murder of a group or person due to their race, religion, or beliefs. The Holocaust is the horror that took place during World War II. Some reminders of this history are muesums of what is left of some of the concentration camps or death camps. The literature that reminds us of this is the diary of Anne Frank. A love that keeps record of this time is the Boy in the Striped Pajamas. To avoid the same mistake that was made during World War II we can try and obtain a sense of peace and try to think back to what happened and say to ourselves do I really wanna be like that and try to just avoid it at all costs. Maddi Craig 2-3 Period
Genocide means murder. The holocaust took place during War World II. There are a lot of books and movies that remind us of that time. The Diary of Anne Frank and the skit in our literature books are two examples of literature that reminds us of this time. I have seen a movie called “Inglorious Basterds”. It wasn’t a serious movie, but it was a movie about Jews fighting back and killing the Nazis. People should never judge anyone without knowing them, and they especially shouldn’t kill them.
Genocide means murder. One of the horrors that occured during WW2 is the holocaust. Some others are D-day and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Some reminders for me are Veterans Day and December 7. One movie that I have seen is The Boy in the Stripeed Pajamas. Another movie is Pearl Harbor and two TV series called "Band of Brothers" which is based on the war over in Europe and "The Pacific" which is based on the war with the Japanese. We react faster to events like these rather than just sit back and watch for a little.
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, political, or cultural group. One of the horrors that took place during this time was the Holocaust and it was when Adolf Hilter killed six million people and sent them to camps for their fath. The diary of Anne Frank because she was a 13 year old girl that was jewish and hided but got killed 2 to 3 months before the war ended. I do not know any movies that reminded me of that time. We can aviod the mistake of this era because we can be more cautious of what other countrys do.
A genocide is murder.Durning War World II the holocaust occurred.Durning this Adolf Hitler became the ruler of Germany.Some of the reminders are the crutches,their hair,and bones from the peoples body.A part in literture that reminds me of this time is The Diary of Anne Frank.Well ,I've seen The Sound of Music and I'm pretty sure it is in that time period. We can avoid this era by respecting peoples religion and views.olivia wilson <34th & 5th
A genocide is a murder. during WW2, the tragedy the Holocaust happened where Adolf Hitler tried to take over the world.Some reminders of that time is the hair,bodies, shoes and mostly the things that belonged to the Jews that got killed. The literature that reminds us of that time is the Diary of Anne Frank. The movies Schindler List and The Boy In the Striped Pajama also has some things from the Holocaust. The mistakes we can avoid is judging people just because of their ethnicity or where they are from. The world should just realize that we need to treat people how we would want to be treated.JoMarie Bogard4/5
A genocide is murder. During World War II, Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany and the Holocaust was introduced. There are many things that still bring the feeling of the Holocaust to the present. Such things include hair, shoes, cruthces, wooden legs, and full, dead, rotted bodies that they put in the furnace to kill them. I have seen "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas". We can avoid judging people by their race or religion and treat others how we would want to be treated by them. We can also not let people have so much power as to where they can kill millions of people and nobody can stop them. All in all, we shouldn't look down on others just because of their differences. 4th 5th Sam Tonkovich
Genocide is more less a killing of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. The biggest horror that took place during World War II were the killing the Jews known in history as the Holocaust. Some of the reminders are some of the Jews who were killed are their shoes, hair, papers, and if they had anything else such as a crutch or anything also. These were horrific, gruesome, and sad times. I have seen some footage of World War II on the history channel but I have never seen a movie to remind I of these times. In my own opinion we cannot avoid the mistake made in that era because it happened in the past known as our history and there is nothing that can to change our history.Holly Bogdanich 4th 5th
Genocide is killing of a certain national, racial, political, or cultural group. When I think of World War II, the only horror that comes to mind is the Holocaust. The Holocaust is when a man named Adolf Hitler and his army of Nazis killed milions of people that they thought weren’t perfect like jews. The diary of Anne Frank reminds us how hard it was for jews to live in countries in europe during Word War II and the Holocaust. Some movies about this time is Anne Frank and the Boy in Striped Pajamas. The only way we can avoid this happening again is to keep the world in peace.Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
Genocide is a murder. There was a lot of horrors during the world war II. One of the horrors was the Holocaust. Another horror was the Auschwitz. They both were very cruel horrors. Reminders of this tragedy was hair, shoes, crutches, wheel chairs, and the gas room. I haven’t seen any movie that reminds me of this horror. We can stop this era by letting people be who they are and letting them do what they want. We also need to believe in world peace!!!
Genocide is a type of murder. Some horrors that took place during world war 2 was the holocaust, and auschwitz. Some reminders of this time are the crutches the legs, arm, and there belongings etc. Some movies that I have saw that record some of the events of this time period are the boy in the striped pajamas and the devils arithmetic. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by respecting others, and keeping world peach.
A genocide is a extermination of a race. During ww2 the holocaust happened. A major remineder is the Diary Of Anne Frank. Some of the reaminders of crutches shoes. One of the movies is the Boy in the striped Pajamas. We can have the ruler of each country have a huge meeting and say we all want world peace. That would be the best way to go.Logan Orton;)
Genocide is the killing or destruction of an entire racial or ethnic group. Anytime there is war, there is horror. Adolf Hitler became the ruler of Germany in January 1933 and invaded Poland in September 1939 which started World War 2. The Holocaust began during the war. Some of the reminders are pictures of piles of hair, piles of shoes, and piles of dead bodies. There are stories, sites, records and books with names of Jewish people that were there and killed. One story of that time is The Devil's Arithmetic. There is also Shindler's List. I have seen The Devil's Arithmetic and The Boy in Striped Pajamas. We can avoid these kinds of mistakes by not giving one person so much power and by not being prejudice.
A genocide is a murder. During World War two the holocaust , which Adolf Hitler became the german ruler. Some of the reminders from Auschwitz were that there shoes and there hair that the cut of are still there. I dont think that I have seen any movies from the history of this. We can avoid these mistakes by accepting different people how they look and just how they are. Abby Williams (: 7th & 8th
Genocide is murder. The Holocaust is a horror that took place in World War II. A reminder of World War II history is when I think about my grandpa. He is dead now but he fought in World War II, but he didn’t die in the war. Reminders of the Holocaust are the camps people still tour today. Also, there are many books about the Holocaust and everything that happened during that period. I don’t really recall seeing any movies about the Holocaust but I might have. If there is ever a ruler that wants to do something like this again we actually fight back.
It's a murder. The holocaust took place during world war II. Adolf Hitler killed or tried to kill all the jews. Anne Frank remembered. The boy in the striped pajamas. Treat everyone the same.
Genocide is a murder. During the war world 2 the Holocaust started and the one who who became the german ruler is Adolf Hitler. Some of the reminders are the ovens and the gas showers. The movie I have seen is the Boy in Striped Pajamas.We can avoid this by acepting people fo who they are.
Genocide is purposefully trying to get rid of or kill a specific race or group. During World War II, over six million people were killed, mostly Jews. Some of the reminders are the death camps and the concentration camps that are still remaining, the hair shaved off of the people, and the things that belonged to the people that were taken away from them. The Diary of Anne Frank was Anne Frank's diary and tells all about her life and her hiding during World War II. I haven't seen any movies or read any books about the Holocaust. We can avoid this by knowing about the tragedies and all of the things that happened to the people that were tortured and killed.
A genocide is a murder. Some of the horrors that took place in World War 2 was the Holocaust and many of the very gory bloody battles. Some of the reminders of the war are all the people that were killed in the war itself and all the Jews that died during the holocaust. Some of the movies of this time is the boy in the striped pajamas and defiance. Ways we can avoid this era is that we cant let one person dominate one hole race of people.
A genocide is a murder. During World War 2 the holocust happened. Some of the reminders are the jew's hair they shaved off, their shoes,and alot more. The movie The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas. It shows and tells alot, its very sad. We can avoid this by treating everyone exactly the same.-Megan McCullough
Genocide is murder. During World War II, the Holocaust became known because of Adolf Hitler. He was the leader of Germany and formed Nazis to kill Jewish people. Some of the reminders that still remain today are the hair shavings, the piles of crutches, and the decaying bones. Many people have talked about seeing the movie, “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”. This movies seems very sad, and so don’t other Holocaust movies. I would love to see this movie sometime. We can always avoid mistakes like this by not giving a leader too much power. Hitler was given the power to kill Jews; he wasn’t just born with it. Everyone seemed to believe him, and gave him the power to do whatever he wanted. It the future, we need to take things into consideration before following people like Hitler.--Baylee Abbott (: fourth&fifth pds.
a genocide is a murder of a city or country. the murder of jews and diif. races of people and he homosexual and millions of people deaths. the hair and shoes of people and also the smell is still pretty bad over there. i have seen WWR2 IN HD and it showed actual live video in battler and also vide of hitler. we can aviod this by droping seperation i all countries and bring world peace because we all live on the same planet
A genocide is murder. A well known horror that occurred during World War 2 is the Holocaust. This happened when Adolf Hitler became the German ruler. Some reminders of this are hair shoes, crutches, legs, and the dirt outside the museum with decaying bones. All of this belonged to the Jews. A movie that stretches back to this time frame is The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. This is a great movie to use that tells about the time of the Holocaust. We can avoid making this mistake by learning that people can not help what they look like. The people that were murdered in the Holocaust were killed for no reason other than being the way that they were. There was nothing wrong with them. We need to learn to accept people for who they are.Lauren Massacci
Genocide is basically somebody murdering another person because of their nationality or race. Some horrors of World War II were the Holocaust began, millions of Jews were murdered, and Adolf Hilter ruled the world. Some reminders of it are hair, shoes, and even bodies. Books such as Anne Frank’s Diary are some of the literature from this time. “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” is a great movie reminding us of what the Holocaust was like. It is a very sad and emotional movie, but it is a good example of what it was like to millions of Jews. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by not immediately being racist and treating people who are a certain race or color badly. Elizabeth Tennant 4th/5th
A genocide is a murder. During world world 2 the holocaust was started by Adolf Hitler. Some reminders are in Aushwitz were shoes, hair, cruches,and bones are remaining. Some of the camps that are still here today are also reminders. Books and movies have been published to remind us of the Holocaust. I have not seen any movies that record some of these events. We can try to stop racism, be kind to everyone, and accept eachother for who they are. :)Sarah Cox period 2/3
Genocide is another name for murder. The horrors that took place during world war 2, was when the Holocaust started. The literature that reminds us of the history of that time are the hair, shoes, and many more. The movies that I have seen that record some of the events of this time period is, The Devil's Arithmetic. We could avoid the mistakes of this era by accepting people for who they are, and not what you want them to be.-Samanthe Bolling 2nd & 3rd period (:
A genocide is murder. The holocaust was big and also Hilter and how he became very powerful very quickly as well as the bombing on Hiroshima and Pearl Harbor. There are many museums in the US such as the World War 2 museum in New Orleans that can help give a description of some of the events that had happened. My grandfather has some tapes that his dad personally taped and also I have the movie Pearl Harbor. We can notice sudden changes such as one person gaining to much power faster than back then.Taylor Campbell 4/5th
Genocide is the destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. The Holocaust, the war in Europe, the war at sea, the war in the desert, Asia and the Pacific, and the Americas were some of the horrors that took place in World War II! The Holocaust was a huge event during world war II so a reminder of that is Auschwitz, where gas chambers are still standing, where you an find the hair and other personal belongings of Jews who where worked and killed here. Anne Franks diary is one form of literature that reminds us of those dreadful times. Shindler's List is a movie that records some of the events of this time period. We could avoid the mistakes of this era by treating everyone equally and understanding we all have the same rights no matter how we look, speak, or think.
Genocide means murder. During World War II, A man by the name of Adolf Hitler became the ruler of Germany. He caused tragedy in European history. Some remainders are hair, pictures, crutches, shoes, suitcases, hair brushes, etc. There have been movies about the Holocaust. Anne Frank’s Diary is one piece of literature. One movie I have seen is “Anne Frank’s Diary.” It’s really sad and tragic, but a true movie. We can avoid these mistakes by learning to accept people for who they are, what they believe, what they look like, etc. Abby Cooper7/8 period
A genocide is a murder. During World War 2 when Hitler came to be leader the holocaust began. Some remiders of those times are at Aushwitz are like shoes, hair, bodies and if you picked up the dirt in the chambers you can see and feel the bone.
A genocide is a murder. During WW2, the Holocaust started, which is when Adolf Hitler became the chancellor. Some reminders are the shoes and crutches that they kept to show that they killed so many people. The movie Boy with the Striped Pajamas records some of the events of that time period. We can aviod another mistake like that just by accepting people for who they are and not what they look like or act like . brooklyn nuzum 2/3
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. The Battle of Cold harbor took place during the World WarII. Holidays like Vetrans Day reminds us of war. Different books like the Daries of Ann Frank. Different Movies like Devil's arithmantic.
Genocide is people killing a nunch of people from another race, which is what my father told me. Some horrors that were in World War II were the Nazis killing the Jews. (I don't know what you mean by reminders, but this is my best shot) Some reminders are when you read books like Anne Frank. Some other reminders are certain video games about WWII. The Diary of Anne Frank is a certain literature that reminds us of this. Some movies I have seen are ones on the history channel. We need to make sure all groups of people are respected.
A genocide is a murder. During World War II, the Holocaust happened. Some reminders of this time are the hair and crutches of the people who died, the Holocaust museum, and all the movies made about the Holocaust. The book "The Diary of Anne Frank" reminds us of this time. The movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" is a sad, but good movie that is based on the Holocaust. We could avoid this mistake in this era by not letting one country have more power than another.Carly Suplita7/8th period (:
Genocide is murder. During World War II many events took place including the Holocaust, the two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japenese.. There are clothes, crutches, and other things that the Nazis took from the Jews before killing them. I have seen a movie called The Boy in The Striped Pajamas, some of a movie called Schindler’s List, and read a book called The Devil’s Arithmetic. We can all avoid the mistakes of that era by not thinking we are better than other people no matter how they look or act.-Cody Brubaker
Genocide is when people feel that they are superior, so they get rid of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. Some of the many horrors of World War Two were they Jews were being killed in gas chambers, worked to death, starved to death, and put in furnaces to burn alive! Some of the reminders of this history are a museum, a gas chamber that is still standing, the Jew’s shoes; some had pictures, and their hair. I’ve actually never seen any movies that have any record of this time in them, or read any books with type of history in them.
a genocide is a murer. ww2 was when adolf hitler was killing jews and a buch of other people. im reminded of ww2 every day i go home and see what is on the news every day. we can stop this from happing again if we accept people fot who they are. on the history channle you can learn about what hppen or what it was like during ww2.
A genocide is a murder. During WWII, Adolf Hitler became the ruler of germany. Some reminders of this happining are the gas chambers and the cremators left at the camps.I have seen the movie The Boy In The Striped Pajamas. We can avoid The mistakes by excepting people and not prejudging them.
A genocide is a type of murder. During World War 2, Adolf Hitler, a German ruler, made a concentration camp and a death camp. This point in history was called the Holocaust. The shoes, the gas chambers, etc. that used to belong to the Jews. I haven’t seen any movies that record the events of the Holocaust. We can avoid the mistakes by not judging people and like them for who they are.
What is a genocide? A genocide is a murder. The horrors that took place during world war two were The nazis were gathering up all jewish people, and several others that they didnt approve of there beliefs. Every general history class goes over world war two. There is several holocaust museums all over europe and even some in the united states. There are several books two example are the diary of anne frank and the devils arithmatic. I have seen the movie the diary of anne frank. I dont think that it was possible to avoid what happened.
Genocide is murder. The Holocaust started and Adolf Hitler was the German leader. They had piles of shoes,hair,and dead bodies still there. The boy in the striped pajamas reminds me of events in that time period. We can avoid these mistakes by not being cruel to anyone and not letting this killing at camps happen ever again.
A genocide is a murder. During WW2, the holocaust took place. Some of the reminders are the shoes, the hair, gas chambers, the papers laying on the ground, prostetic legs, and even the gas chambers. The biggest peice of literature that I can think of that reminds us of this time is The diary of Anne Frank. I've never seen any movies that were about the holocaust. WE can avoid this major mistake by accepting people for who they are.
Genocide is a mass murder of a race or religion. Many horrors happened during WWII, such as the holocaust, many soldiers dying, and the bombing of peoples homes, and towns. There are very many things that remind us of WWII. Some are movies about them, books, remnants of the bombing of the cities, towns, etc. Books that remind me of the history are, and The Devil's Arithmetic. Some movies are Band of Brother, Saving Private Ryan, The Shindler's List, and The Boy In Striped Pajamas. We can avoid mistakes by not being stupid and killing a bunch of people because of there defecincies. Austin Ferguson 7/8th Period.
A genocide is a murder. Adolf Hitler became a German ruler. Some reminders are the hair and shoes. The boy in the Striped Pajamas. By judging people by there race.
A genocide is a murder. The Holocaust is the main horror that happened during WWll. The reminders are the shoes, prosthetic limbs, and crutches. 'The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas' was one of the movies that we watched in English class last year, when we were studying the holocaust. We also read and studied the book, "The Devil's Arithmetic". It was about a girl in a concentration camp. We can avoid the mistakes by not judging people.
It is a murdering of lots of poeple in a group. The killing of most of the Jewihs poulation in Europe. Diary of Anne Frank. The Boy in The Sriped Pajamas. Don't Lety poeple like Adouf hitler as Presadent.
A genocide is a murder. during world war 2 the holocaust happened witch then Adolf Hitler became the leader. Some reminders are shoes and prosthetic legs and crutches etc. It was a good movie but it was very sad. we can avoid mistakes by accepting people for who they are and trying to keep world peace.
A genocide is a murder during world WW2 then the Holocaust was introduced. Adolph Hitler became the German ruler. A movie I have seen is the boy in the striped pajamas. It was a great movie that shows what it was like in those days.
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. The Battle of Cold harbor took place during the World War II. Holidays like Veterans Day reminds us of war. Different books like the Diaries of Ann Frank. Different Movies like Devil's arithmetic. Maybe, to avoid the mistakes in this era, we need to not judge and differentiate people.(:-sammie(:
A genocide is a murder. There where many horrors that took place in World War 2, there was the holocust against the jews, all of the deaths of the soldiers, the consentration and death camps. Some reminders are the shoes the shoes are just a horid reminder of it. I don't know what liturature reminds me of this. The only movie about this i have seen is The Boy in Blue Striped Pajamas. Just by being friendly.
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A genocide is a murder. During WW2, the Holocaust came about, which is when Adolf Hitler became the German ruler. Some remainders are the huir shoes and crutches etc., of the jews. A movie I ahve seen is called The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. It's so sad, but a great movie that shows what it was like during that time. We can avoid this big mistake by accepting people for who they are and try to sustain world peace.
McKenna Kelley
4/5 (:
A genocide is murder. During World War 2 the Holocaust was introduced which is when Adolf Hitler became the chancellor of Germany. Some reminders of that time is in Aushwitz where the hair, shoes, and decayed bodies are still there. The movie Schindlers list is a great reminder of the events that happened in the Holocaust because the events in this book is true. Some movies I have seen that record these events are Schindlers list and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. We can avoid these kinds of situations by treating people how you would want to be treated.
Izaiha John 4/5
Genocide is murder. There were many horrors that took place in World War Two. One is that Adolf Hitler took over Germany and became their ruler. Another horror is that this is when the Holocaust took place. Some of the reminders of this terrible time in history are the pieces of bones in the dirt, the human hair, the crutches, and many more. I haven't seen any movies of this time, but McKenna told our language class that "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" was a movie about this and it's really sad. We can avoid making these mistakes by not judging people by what race, religion, or disability they are and just being nice to everyone.
Sarah Topardo 4/5 Period. :)
A genocide is a murder. During World War II, Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany and the Holocaust was introduced. Adolf Hitler became so powerful that he overruled a majority of the world. Some reminders of the history of that time is the Holocaust museum in Washington D.C. A movie that I have seen abut this period of time is called, "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas". This movie is a very sad one and tells a story of how a Jewish boy and the son of a German soldier that works for Hitler become friends. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by many ways. We can avoid judging people by their race or religion and treat others how we would want to be treated by them. We can also not let people have so much power as to where they can kill millions of people and nobody can stop them. All in all, we shouldn't look down on others just because of their differences.
Martina Edgell
Genocide means murder. There was a huge impact on many people's lives that many still remember today, which is the Holocaust. There are many things that still bring the feeling of the Holocaust to the present. Such things include hair, shoes, cruthces, wooden legs, and full, dead, rotted bodies that they put in the furnace to murder them. A resemblance of the Holocaust today is a movie called The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. I just can't understand why a physco would do such things to people that were not the way he wanted them. A way that we can avoid many mistakes of the past is to accept everyone for who they are and never count anyone out because of certain reasons.
Dalton Okel
4th/5th Period
Genocide is murder. There were a couple horrors that happen during WW2. Like when Adolf Hitler took over Germany. When this happened the Holocaust started. Some reminds of the Holocaust is the 11 million people who died here the Jews, disable, Gypsies, and others. Some other reminder is those who got killed their personal belongings such as passports, shoes, clothes, diaries, and etc. I haven’t seen movies about the time but I have read a book called the Yellow Star. I think we could avoid make this mistake again by not judging people by what race, religion, and the way they look because they can’t really help that. Because that is the way they are born.
Genocide is a killing of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. The biggest horror that took place during World War II was the Holocaust. There are many reminders of the Holocaust such as all of the human hair, shoes, and gruesome photos from the camps. A book called the Night reminds us of this sad time. I have never seen any movies but I have heard of a movie called A Boy in the Striped Pajamas. We can never forget the mistakes of the Holocaust but we can avoid it by rethinking anyone we put in leadership.
Kayla DeLorenzo
4th and 5th period
A genocide is murder by chemicals. During WW2, Adolf Hitler became the German ruler and said he had some great plans. But his plans were to kill people and Jews. Some reminders are the hairs that they shaved off of the jews and their shoes. Plus when ever they had crutches or prostetic legs they would make a pile out of that too. A literature remind would be the movies called "The Boy in the StripedPajamas." "Stalin." "Shindlers List" We can accept people for who they are. But not fight and try to kill each other for fighting or arguing over their race, religion, disability or anything like that. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by overcoming the fears of people killing each other by talking to them about what had happened in the Holocaust and then they will realize that what they are doing all the time is stupid. So that would make them stop the fighting. If we could do that then it would become world peace which alot of people are looking for instead of fighting.
The term "genocide" means murder. During WWII the Holocaust took place. The Holocaust was started by a cruel, abusive, brutal, and murderous man named Aldolf Hitler who killed 6 million Jews. Some of the reminders of this brutal event are the Jews hair, shoes, prosthetics, crutches, and don't forget the horrid stench that you smell when you go near the burial sites of Hitler’s victims. Some of the literature reminders of the Holocaust would be the movies “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Devils Arithmetic, and Schindlers list". A way we can avoid these tragic mistakes we just appreciate the way people are.
Triston Newbrough
7-8 periods
Genocide is murder. Some reminders of what happened is hair and smells in the gas chambers. Cruches and passports etc. If you put your hand in the soil you can find white bones of decayed people that was killed because they were Jews or they were born with a birth affect ): The holocaust started during WW2 which Adolf Hitler became leader.(who decided for him to be leader????) I have watched the movie Freedom writers. (I cried during that movie): We can avoid this horrible tragedy from happening again if people will quite being so immature. I walk through the halls of wfms hearing people making fun of people because there fat or there dirty or they can’t afford "expensive stuff" Its like grow up. But no one cares how its hurting the person there making fun of. Okay thank about it if the person making fun of had to go to the concentration camp and be tourted I think they would straighten up and quite being immature babies. Lol.
Genocide is when lots of people are being killed. Hitler didn't like anyone but his perfect people, anyone with blond hair and blue eyes. Anyone that was not like that would be killed. He didn't like Jewish people and they would be killed to. Hair and shoes are still here that remind people of what had happened. Books and other records of people that were there. There should be no one killed over what they look like or what religion they belong to.
Jayce Riley 4/5th period
Genocide is a mass murder. During World War three millions of american, german, asian, and jewish people were killed in a devistating war. There have been many movies and documentaries about the holocaust but the one I remember is "The Boy In Striped Pajamas.
Genocide is a mass murder.During WW2 there was a horrible thing called the Holocaust that had killed millions and millions of people. Some reminders of the history of that time is the stuff at the Holocaust Museum. Fiction reminds me of this time. I have not seen any movies related or about this time. We can avoid being cold-hearted.
A genocide is a murder of a group or person due to their race, religion, or beliefs. The Holocaust is the horror that took place during World War II. Some reminders of this history are muesums of what is left of some of the concentration camps or death camps. The literature that reminds us of this is the diary of Anne Frank. A love that keeps record of this time is the Boy in the Striped Pajamas. To avoid the same mistake that was made during World War II we can try and obtain a sense of peace and try to think back to what happened and say to ourselves do I really wanna be like that and try to just avoid it at all costs.
Maddi Craig 2-3 Period
Genocide means murder. The holocaust took place during War World II. There are a lot of books and movies that remind us of that time. The Diary of Anne Frank and the skit in our literature books are two examples of literature that reminds us of this time. I have seen a movie called “Inglorious Basterds”. It wasn’t a serious movie, but it was a movie about Jews fighting back and killing the Nazis. People should never judge anyone without knowing them, and they especially shouldn’t kill them.
Genocide means murder. One of the horrors that occured during WW2 is the holocaust. Some others are D-day and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Some reminders for me are Veterans Day and December 7. One movie that I have seen is The Boy in the Stripeed Pajamas. Another movie is Pearl Harbor and two TV series called "Band of Brothers" which is based on the war over in Europe and "The Pacific" which is based on the war with the Japanese. We react faster to events like these rather than just sit back and watch for a little.
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, political, or cultural group. One of the horrors that took place during this time was the Holocaust and it was when Adolf Hilter killed six million people and sent them to camps for their fath. The diary of Anne Frank because she was a 13 year old girl that was jewish and hided but got killed 2 to 3 months before the war ended. I do not know any movies that reminded me of that time. We can aviod the mistake of this era because we can be more cautious of what other countrys do.
A genocide is murder.Durning War World II the holocaust occurred.
Durning this Adolf Hitler became the ruler of Germany.Some of the reminders are the crutches,their hair,and bones from the peoples body.A part in literture that reminds me of this time is The Diary of Anne Frank.Well ,I've seen The Sound of Music and I'm pretty sure it is in that time period. We can avoid this era by respecting peoples religion and views.
olivia wilson <3
4th & 5th
A genocide is a murder. during WW2, the tragedy the Holocaust happened where Adolf Hitler tried to take over the world.Some reminders of that time is the hair,bodies, shoes and mostly the things that belonged to the Jews that got killed. The literature that reminds us of that time is the Diary of Anne Frank. The movies Schindler List and The Boy In the Striped Pajama also has some things from the Holocaust. The mistakes we can avoid is judging people just because of their ethnicity or where they are from. The world should just realize that we need to treat people how we would want to be treated.
JoMarie Bogard
A genocide is murder. During World War II, Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany and the Holocaust was introduced. There are many things that still bring the feeling of the Holocaust to the present. Such things include hair, shoes, cruthces, wooden legs, and full, dead, rotted bodies that they put in the furnace to kill them. I have seen "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas". We can avoid judging people by their race or religion and treat others how we would want to be treated by them. We can also not let people have so much power as to where they can kill millions of people and nobody can stop them. All in all, we shouldn't look down on others just because of their differences.
4th 5th
Sam Tonkovich
Genocide is more less a killing of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. The biggest horror that took place during World War II were the killing the Jews known in history as the Holocaust. Some of the reminders are some of the Jews who were killed are their shoes, hair, papers, and if they had anything else such as a crutch or anything also. These were horrific, gruesome, and sad times. I have seen some footage of World War II on the history channel but I have never seen a movie to remind I of these times. In my own opinion we cannot avoid the mistake made in that era because it happened in the past known as our history and there is nothing that can to change our history.
Holly Bogdanich 4th 5th
Genocide is killing of a certain national, racial, political, or cultural group. When I think of World War II, the only horror that comes to mind is the Holocaust. The Holocaust is when a man named Adolf Hitler and his army of Nazis killed milions of people that they thought weren’t perfect like jews. The diary of Anne Frank reminds us how hard it was for jews to live in countries in europe during Word War II and the Holocaust. Some movies about this time is Anne Frank and the Boy in Striped Pajamas. The only way we can avoid this happening again is to keep the world in peace.
Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
Genocide is a murder. There was a lot of horrors during the world war II. One of the horrors was the Holocaust. Another horror was the Auschwitz. They both were very cruel horrors. Reminders of this tragedy was hair, shoes, crutches, wheel chairs, and the gas room. I haven’t seen any movie that reminds me of this horror. We can stop this era by letting people be who they are and letting them do what they want. We also need to believe in world peace!!!
Genocide is a type of murder. Some horrors that took place during world war 2 was the holocaust, and auschwitz. Some reminders of this time are the crutches the legs, arm, and there belongings etc. Some movies that I have saw that record some of the events of this time period are the boy in the striped pajamas and the devils arithmetic. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by respecting others, and keeping world peach.
A genocide is a extermination of a race. During ww2 the holocaust happened. A major remineder is the Diary Of Anne Frank. Some of the reaminders of crutches shoes. One of the movies is the Boy in the striped Pajamas. We can have the ruler of each country have a huge meeting and say we all want world peace. That would be the best way to go.
Logan Orton;)
Genocide is the killing or destruction of an entire racial or ethnic group. Anytime there is war, there is horror. Adolf Hitler became the ruler of Germany in January 1933 and invaded Poland in September 1939 which started World War 2. The Holocaust began during the war. Some of the reminders are pictures of piles of hair, piles of shoes, and piles of dead bodies. There are stories, sites, records and books with names of Jewish people that were there and killed. One story of that time is The Devil's Arithmetic. There is also Shindler's List. I have seen The Devil's Arithmetic and The Boy in Striped Pajamas. We can avoid these kinds of mistakes by not giving one person so much power and by not being prejudice.
A genocide is a murder. During World War two the holocaust , which Adolf Hitler became the german ruler. Some of the reminders from Auschwitz were that there shoes and there hair that the cut of are still there. I dont think that I have seen any movies from the history of this. We can avoid these mistakes by accepting different people how they look and just how they are.
Abby Williams (:
7th & 8th
Genocide is murder. The Holocaust is a horror that took place in World War II. A reminder of World War II history is when I think about my grandpa. He is dead now but he fought in World War II, but he didn’t die in the war. Reminders of the Holocaust are the camps people still tour today. Also, there are many books about the Holocaust and everything that happened during that period. I don’t really recall seeing any movies about the Holocaust but I might have. If there is ever a ruler that wants to do something like this again we actually fight back.
It's a murder. The holocaust took place during world war II. Adolf Hitler killed or tried to kill all the jews. Anne Frank remembered. The boy in the striped pajamas. Treat everyone the same.
Genocide is a murder. During the war world 2 the Holocaust started and the one who who became the german ruler is Adolf Hitler. Some of the reminders are the ovens and the gas showers. The movie I have seen is the Boy in Striped Pajamas.We can avoid this by acepting people fo who they are.
Genocide is purposefully trying to get rid of or kill a specific race or group. During World War II, over six million people were killed, mostly Jews. Some of the reminders are the death camps and the concentration camps that are still remaining, the hair shaved off of the people, and the things that belonged to the people that were taken away from them. The Diary of Anne Frank was Anne Frank's diary and tells all about her life and her hiding during World War II. I haven't seen any movies or read any books about the Holocaust. We can avoid this by knowing about the tragedies and all of the things that happened to the people that were tortured and killed.
A genocide is a murder. Some of the horrors that took place in World War 2 was the Holocaust and many of the very gory bloody battles. Some of the reminders of the war are all the people that were killed in the war itself and all the Jews that died during the holocaust. Some of the movies of this time is the boy in the striped pajamas and defiance. Ways we can avoid this era is that we cant let one person dominate one hole race of people.
A genocide is a murder. During World War 2 the holocust happened. Some of the reminders are the jew's hair they shaved off, their shoes,and alot more. The movie The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas. It shows and tells alot, its very sad. We can avoid this by treating everyone exactly the same.
-Megan McCullough
Genocide is murder. During World War II, the Holocaust became known because of Adolf Hitler. He was the leader of Germany and formed Nazis to kill Jewish people. Some of the reminders that still remain today are the hair shavings, the piles of crutches, and the decaying bones. Many people have talked about seeing the movie, “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”. This movies seems very sad, and so don’t other Holocaust movies. I would love to see this movie sometime. We can always avoid mistakes like this by not giving a leader too much power. Hitler was given the power to kill Jews; he wasn’t just born with it. Everyone seemed to believe him, and gave him the power to do whatever he wanted. It the future, we need to take things into consideration before following people like Hitler.
--Baylee Abbott (: fourth&fifth pds.
a genocide is a murder of a city or country. the murder of jews and diif. races of people and he homosexual and millions of people deaths. the hair and shoes of people and also the smell is still pretty bad over there. i have seen WWR2 IN HD and it showed actual live video in battler and also vide of hitler. we can aviod this by droping seperation i all countries and bring world peace because we all live on the same planet
A genocide is murder. A well known horror that occurred during World War 2 is the Holocaust. This happened when Adolf Hitler became the German ruler. Some reminders of this are hair shoes, crutches, legs, and the dirt outside the museum with decaying bones. All of this belonged to the Jews. A movie that stretches back to this time frame is The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. This is a great movie to use that tells about the time of the Holocaust. We can avoid making this mistake by learning that people can not help what they look like. The people that were murdered in the Holocaust were killed for no reason other than being the way that they were. There was nothing wrong with them. We need to learn to accept people for who they are.
Lauren Massacci
Genocide is basically somebody murdering another person because of their nationality or race. Some horrors of World War II were the Holocaust began, millions of Jews were murdered, and Adolf Hilter ruled the world. Some reminders of it are hair, shoes, and even bodies. Books such as Anne Frank’s Diary are some of the literature from this time. “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” is a great movie reminding us of what the Holocaust was like. It is a very sad and emotional movie, but it is a good example of what it was like to millions of Jews. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by not immediately being racist and treating people who are a certain race or color badly.
Elizabeth Tennant 4th/5th
A genocide is a murder. During world world 2 the holocaust was started by Adolf Hitler. Some reminders are in Aushwitz were shoes, hair, cruches,and bones are remaining. Some of the camps that are still here today are also reminders. Books and movies have been published to remind us of the Holocaust. I have not seen any movies that record some of these events. We can try to stop racism, be kind to everyone, and accept eachother for who they are. :)
Sarah Cox period 2/3
Genocide is another name for murder. The horrors that took place during world war 2, was when the Holocaust started. The literature that reminds us of the history of that time are the hair, shoes, and many more. The movies that I have seen that record some of the events of this time period is, The Devil's Arithmetic. We could avoid the mistakes of this era by accepting people for who they are, and not what you want them to be.
-Samanthe Bolling 2nd & 3rd period (:
A genocide is murder. The holocaust was big and also Hilter and how he became very powerful very quickly as well as the bombing on Hiroshima and Pearl Harbor. There are many museums in the US such as the World War 2 museum in New Orleans that can help give a description of some of the events that had happened. My grandfather has some tapes that his dad personally taped and also I have the movie Pearl Harbor. We can notice sudden changes such as one person gaining to much power faster than back then.
Taylor Campbell 4/5th
Genocide is the destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. The Holocaust, the war in Europe, the war at sea, the war in the desert, Asia and the Pacific, and the Americas were some of the horrors that took place in World War II! The Holocaust was a huge event during world war II so a reminder of that is Auschwitz, where gas chambers are still standing, where you an find the hair and other personal belongings of Jews who where worked and killed here. Anne Franks diary is one form of literature that reminds us of those dreadful times. Shindler's List is a movie that records some of the events of this time period. We could avoid the mistakes of this era by treating everyone equally and understanding we all have the same rights no matter how we look, speak, or think.
Genocide means murder. During World War II, A man by the name of Adolf Hitler became the ruler of Germany. He caused tragedy in European history. Some remainders are hair, pictures, crutches, shoes, suitcases, hair brushes, etc. There have been movies about the Holocaust. Anne Frank’s Diary is one piece of literature. One movie I have seen is “Anne Frank’s Diary.” It’s really sad and tragic, but a true movie. We can avoid these mistakes by learning to accept people for who they are, what they believe, what they look like, etc.
Abby Cooper
7/8 period
A genocide is a murder. During World War 2 when Hitler came to be leader the holocaust began. Some remiders of those times are at Aushwitz are like shoes, hair, bodies and if you picked up the dirt in the chambers you can see and feel the bone.
A genocide is a murder. During WW2, the Holocaust started, which is when Adolf Hitler became the chancellor. Some reminders are the shoes and crutches that they kept to show that they killed so many people. The movie Boy with the Striped Pajamas records some of the events of that time period. We can aviod another mistake like that just by accepting people for who they are and not what they look like or act like .
brooklyn nuzum
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. The Battle of Cold harbor took place during the World WarII. Holidays like Vetrans Day reminds us of war. Different books like the Daries of Ann Frank. Different Movies like Devil's arithmantic.
Genocide is people killing a nunch of people from another race, which is what my father told me. Some horrors that were in World War II were the Nazis killing the Jews. (I don't know what you mean by reminders, but this is my best shot) Some reminders are when you read books like Anne Frank. Some other reminders are certain video games about WWII. The Diary of Anne Frank is a certain literature that reminds us of this. Some movies I have seen are ones on the history channel. We need to make sure all groups of people are respected.
A genocide is a murder. During World War II, the Holocaust happened. Some reminders of this time are the hair and crutches of the people who died, the Holocaust museum, and all the movies made about the Holocaust. The book "The Diary of Anne Frank" reminds us of this time. The movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" is a sad, but good movie that is based on the Holocaust. We could avoid this mistake in this era by not letting one country have more power than another.
Carly Suplita
7/8th period (:
Genocide is murder. During World War II many events took place including the Holocaust, the two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japenese.. There are clothes, crutches, and other things that the Nazis took from the Jews before killing them. I have seen a movie called The Boy in The Striped Pajamas, some of a movie called Schindler’s List, and read a book called The Devil’s Arithmetic. We can all avoid the mistakes of that era by not thinking we are better than other people no matter how they look or act.
-Cody Brubaker
Genocide is when people feel that they are superior, so they get rid of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. Some of the many horrors of World War Two were they Jews were being killed in gas chambers, worked to death, starved to death, and put in furnaces to burn alive! Some of the reminders of this history are a museum, a gas chamber that is still standing, the Jew’s shoes; some had pictures, and their hair. I’ve actually never seen any movies that have any record of this time in them, or read any books with type of history in them.
a genocide is a murer. ww2 was when adolf hitler was killing jews and a buch of other people. im reminded of ww2 every day i go home and see what is on the news every day. we can stop this from happing again if we accept people fot who they are. on the history channle you can learn about what hppen or what it was like during ww2.
A genocide is a murder. During WWII, Adolf Hitler became the ruler of germany. Some reminders of this happining are the gas chambers and the cremators left at the camps.I have seen the movie The Boy In The Striped Pajamas. We can avoid The mistakes by excepting people and not prejudging them.
A genocide is a type of murder. During World War 2, Adolf Hitler, a German ruler, made a concentration camp and a death camp. This point in history was called the Holocaust. The shoes, the gas chambers, etc. that used to belong to the Jews. I haven’t seen any movies that record the events of the Holocaust. We can avoid the mistakes by not judging people and like them for who they are.
What is a genocide? A genocide is a murder. The horrors that took place during world war two were The nazis were gathering up all jewish people, and several others that they didnt approve of there beliefs. Every general history class goes over world war two. There is several holocaust museums all over europe and even some in the united states. There are several books two example are the diary of anne frank and the devils arithmatic. I have seen the movie the diary of anne frank. I dont think that it was possible to avoid what happened.
Genocide is murder. The Holocaust started and Adolf Hitler was the German leader. They had piles of shoes,hair,and dead bodies still there. The boy in the striped pajamas reminds me of events in that time period. We can avoid these mistakes by not being cruel to anyone and not letting this killing at camps happen ever again.
A genocide is a murder. During WW2, the holocaust took place. Some of the reminders are the shoes, the hair, gas chambers, the papers laying on the ground, prostetic legs, and even the gas chambers. The biggest peice of literature that I can think of that reminds us of this time is The diary of Anne Frank. I've never seen any movies that were about the holocaust. WE can avoid this major mistake by accepting people for who they are.
Genocide is a mass murder of a race or religion. Many horrors happened during WWII, such as the holocaust, many soldiers dying, and the bombing of peoples homes, and towns. There are very many things that remind us of WWII. Some are movies about them, books, remnants of the bombing of the cities, towns, etc. Books that remind me of the history are, and The Devil's Arithmetic. Some movies are Band of Brother, Saving Private Ryan, The Shindler's List, and The Boy In Striped Pajamas. We can avoid mistakes by not being stupid and killing a bunch of people because of there defecincies.
Austin Ferguson
7/8th Period.
A genocide is a murder. Adolf Hitler became a German ruler. Some reminders are the hair and shoes. The boy in the Striped Pajamas. By judging people by there race.
A genocide is a murder. The Holocaust is the main horror that happened during WWll. The reminders are the shoes, prosthetic limbs, and crutches. 'The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas' was one of the movies that we watched in English class last year, when we were studying the holocaust. We also read and studied the book, "The Devil's Arithmetic". It was about a girl in a concentration camp. We can avoid the mistakes by not judging people.
It is a murdering of lots of poeple in a group. The killing of most of the Jewihs poulation in Europe. Diary of Anne Frank. The Boy in The Sriped Pajamas. Don't Lety poeple like Adouf hitler as Presadent.
A genocide is a murder. during world war 2 the holocaust happened witch then Adolf Hitler became the leader. Some reminders are shoes and prosthetic legs and crutches etc. It was a good movie but it was very sad. we can avoid mistakes by accepting people for who they are and trying to keep world peace.
A genocide is a murder during world WW2 then the Holocaust was introduced. Adolph Hitler became the German ruler. A movie I have seen is the boy in the striped pajamas. It was a great movie that shows what it was like in those days.
Genocide is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. The Battle of Cold harbor took place during the World War II. Holidays like Veterans Day reminds us of war. Different books like the Diaries of Ann Frank. Different Movies like Devil's arithmetic. Maybe, to avoid the mistakes in this era, we need to not judge and differentiate people.(:
A genocide is a murder. There where many horrors that took place in World War 2, there was the holocust against the jews, all of the deaths of the soldiers, the consentration and death camps. Some reminders are the shoes the shoes are just a horid reminder of it. I don't know what liturature reminds me of this. The only movie about this i have seen is The Boy in Blue Striped Pajamas. Just by being friendly.
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