A concentartion camp is where they toture you, a death camp is where they automatically torture and kill you. Adolf Hitler was the leader in what we call the Holocaust, which is the killing of six million jews and others with birth defects. Racism is where you only like a certain race and treat the others unfairly. The Russians eventually stopped the Nazi's. The jews tolerated their murder because they didn't believe the Nazi's would actually go through with that. McKenna Kelley4/5 (:
The concentration camps can be categorized as an extremely terrible time in history. The German people were safe, but all the other countries around Germany weren't. Adolf Hitler was the leader. The final solution was referred to as the German's plan to annihilate the Jewish people. We should learn that we shouldn't judge people by their race, religion, or anything else. To stereotype is to characterize. Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. The Jews probably tolerated this because they didn't believe that this was really going to happen. The Soviet Union, what is now Russia, stopped the Nazi's.Sarah Topardo 4/5
The camps would be categorized as torture or killing camps. The camps where there for mainly one purpose and it was to destroy the Jewish population. Only few were safe and some of them are the Jews that emptied the furnaces where the Jews were burned alive and the Jews who emptied the gas chambers were safe. The others who were safe were the soldiers. All Germans were safe but nobody else was. Adolf Hitler was the leader. The final solution was the annex being signed by countries such as Netherlands, Japan, and Holland. There are more. Or the final solution was destroying the Jewish race. We can learn that this type of thing should never happen again and that this is one of the worst disasters in history. Stereotype means to characterize. Racism is when you only like one race (most of the time its your race) And you hate all others. The Jews tolerated it because they couldnt fight back or they didnt try to fight back. Also they wouldnt accept that people were doing this to them. The Soviet Union or Russians stopped the Nazi's.Izaiha John 4/5
They had two kinds of camps, concentration camps and death camps. A concentration camp is where they basically tortured you and made you shovel out the dead bodies from the gas chambers or fire pits that they killed people in. A death camp is a place where they would just automatically kill you, no questions asked. The Germans were only ones that were safe. But if Hitler found out that any German was helping some one hide or survive, he would kill them in addition to the millions he had already killed. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Holocaust. He was the German leader and he gained so much power that he sort of ruled a majority of the world. The solution was the Russians finally stopping the Nazi's. The world can learn that they should not let one person have so much power. A stereotype is a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group. Racism is where somebody would treat others differently of unfairly because of their race. The only reason the Jews tolerated the killings of their own people, is that they did not believe that people would actually do such things to other human beings. The Soviet Union, which now is Russia, stopped the Nazi's.Martina Edgell4-5
The camps can be categorized into two different groups. The first group is the concentration camp where the Germans would torture you until you couldn't stand it anymore. The other one is a death camp where you stay for a few days and then they just kill you. The country of Germany was safe because Adolf Hitler was the leader od Germany. The other countries surrounding Germany weren't as lucky. The final result was that the Russians defeated the Nazis and set the remaining Jews free. Things that we should learn from the Holocaust is that we shouldn't separate others in different groups, just bring everyone together in harmony and peace. Stereotypes are characteristics. Racism is the separation between people because of race, religions, or any other ethnic ways. The Jews tolerated this genocide because they didn't think that all of the things in the future would occur. The former named Soviet Union, Russia stopped the Nazi's. Dalton Okel4th/5th Period
The concentration camps where were the people sleep and then forced to work. When death camps where were they killed you right then and there. The only people safe here the Germanys and Hitler. Adolf Hitler was there leader. The final solution was that the American step in and WW2 began. The world should learn that we should never judge people because this will lead to disaster. Stereotype is when you characterize someone which in other words means to judge them. Racism is when you judge someone by their race or religion and you think that you are better than them. The Jews tolerated them because then knew that if they fought back that they would be killed or hurt. But then the Soviet Union (Russians) stopped the Nazi’s and WW2 began.
There were 2 different camps. The first is the Concentration Camp. In the concentration camp they would take you in and make you starve and they would torture you. But it is better than the Death Camp. In the Death Camp they would automatically kill you, not torture you they would kill you. The people that were safe in the Nazi Germany was the Germans. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was the Holocaust, which he killed over 6,000,000 jews and other enthic groups and others with disabilities. The world should learn that you don't make fun of people from their race or religion because if you were in their place and they made fun of you, you would feel like what they are feeling when you make fun of them. Sterotypes are like racism. Racism is making fun of someone elses race and calling them names. It was tolerated because they didn't believe the Nazi's would actually go through with that. The Russians eventually stopped the Nazi's and freed the people that were alive when they got there.
The camps that were created by the Nazi regime are categorized in concentration and death. In the concentration camps, they tortured you and then they eventually killed them. In the death camps they killed you as soon as got there. The way most of them died were in gas chambers but they also killed them by putting them in a furnace. Not very many people were safe but a few of them were the Nazi and the German soldiers. Their leader was Adolph Hitler. The final solution was to stop the camps after they were invaded. The world should learn that even though everyone is not the same, we should all be treated the same. Stereotypes are what people think of something before they really get to know it. Racism is when a person or group of people are against something else and they do not treat it fairly. Yes the genocide of the Jews was tolerated at first because everyone was afraid of them and scared to fight back but they eventually the soldiers from other countries fought back and they camps were closed. Soldiers from other countries finally stopped the Nazi’s.Kayla DeLorenzo4th and 5th period
The camps that was created by the Nazi regime could have been categorized as they should have NOT been there. The leader of the camps was Aldolf Hitler who had killed 6 million Jews. Stereotypes are people with birth defects or people that are not capable of working in Hitler's case. Racism is when some likes another ra ce of people and doesn't like anyone else. The Jews tolerated all the murder because they had thought that the Nazi would not go through with thier plan. Eventually the Russians stopped the Nazi.Triston Newbrough7-8 periods
Adolf hitler was the leader in the holocaust. The holocaust is where they killed thousands and thousands of jews and people with birth effects. (That is really sad no one should be tourted and killed like that NO ONE) Rasicm is where your against a religion race sex and sometimes people will kill and make fun of people and hurt them badly because their rasict. They had concentration camp a concentration camp is wherew they take people and tourture them and kill them.I categorized the concentration camps as a bad, horrible time in history. The Russians stopped the Nazi's.
There were two kinds of camps that the Jews stayed in. The first camp was a labor camp. In the labor camps the Nazis would work and beat the Jews until they were in so bad shape that they would then send them to death camps. In the death camps they would work them and pick out large amounts of Jews and kill them. The only people that were really safe in Germany were the Nazis and the citizens of Germany. The leader of the Nazis and all of the concentartion camps was Adolf Hitler. He did one of the worst things in the history of the world and that was the Holocaust. He ended up killing 6 million Jews and other people that had defects or mentally challenged proplems. Everybody in the world should take from this is that everybody is diffirent and should be treated like people and because one person didint like a group of people 6 million of them were killed for no reason what so ever. The people who finaly stoped the Nazis were the American troops who came in and put a stop to all the Jews being killed.
A concentration camp is where you are forced to work. A death camp is where you are taken to be killed. Most of Europe was not safe from the Nazi's. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the nazi's. Tha Americans ended the WWII. Raceism is horrable. It is where you prejudge Some one or a race. The Americans Stopped the german's.Lucas Kinder 2-3
The camps can be catagorized terrible horrific places full of pain and death. The only people who were safe were the healty germans. The leader of this horrific event was Adolf Hitler. In summary the holocaust was a mass killing and enslaving that took the lives of over six million jewish citizens.
They catigorized them into death camo and slave camp where they work you till you almost die then they kill you cause after that you are not worth anything.No one was safe in Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler was the leader. To care for people more. Stereotypes are when people judge you by looks, actions, or anything like that. Racism is when you judge people by color or religion. Because Adolf Hitler was in control.The United States stopped them.
They had two different camps, concentration camps and death camps.people with blonde hair ad blue eyes were safe.the leader was adolf hitler.That you should not be mean to people because they are different or believe in different things.The soviot union stopped the nazis (russia).
In the concentration camps, groups were organized by gender, weight, and physical fitness. Anyone with blond hair and blue eyes were safe, because Hitler thought that they were almighty and powerful even though he did not have blond hair and blue eyes himself. The leader was Adolf Hitler a cruel man who was the leader of it all and started the concentration camps because he believe the Jews caused sickness and all the bad in the world. The solution was the after the bombing of Pearl Harbor the United States entered the war and formed an allie which led to Hitler's suicide and the Nazi's surrender and went into hiding. We should learn that no one should be singled out or judged because of what we look like or because of our beliefs. A stereotype is characterizing someone or something. Racism is like judging someone for what they look like or believe. No one is quite sure why the genocide of the Jews were tolerated, however we should have taken actions sooner, we could have saved the lives of many. The Allies eventually stopped the Nazi's after Hitler commited suicide, most Nazi's went into hiding in fear of invasion or more war. Maddi Craig2-3 Period
The camps would be categorized by torturing, killing and murdering also as a terrible time in history. The leader was Adolf Hitler.The final solution was the Russian's stopping the Nazi's. The world should learn that just because people are different doesn't mean they aren't human on the inside, also someone could try to do this again and we all need to be prepared all over. Stereotypes are people treated or classified, basically characterizing.Racism is judging someone by the way they look and only liking one type of race and treating them unfairly. The Jews probably tolerated this because they didn't believe that this was going to happen.the Soviet Union which is now the Russians stopped the Nazis.JoMarie Bogard4/5
The two camps that they sent people to were the concentration camp and the death camp. In the concentration camps they tortured you. In the death camps they tortured you to death or just basically killed you. The Germans and people that looked like what Adolf wanted people to look like were safe in Germany. The leader of the Nazis was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that the Soviet Union went into Berlin, Germany and safed all of the people that were alive in that camp.The Holocaust was a tragedy and the world should of learned that torturing people and killing them is a really bad thing.A sterotype means to characterize. Racism is when you make fun of or your are mean to other races and not yours.The Jews tolorated their muder and they had to pick up their dead brothers and sisters. The Soviet Union put a stop to the Nazis cruel actions.
The camps the Nazis created can be categorized by either a concentration camp or death camp. The concentration camp was more like a labor camp where they would work you to death. The death camps was either where they forced you into the gas chamber, you were burned or killed in some type of other way. The leader of Nazis Germany was a man named Adolf Hitler. The only solution for this to stop was to stop these camps after they were invaded by the other forging soldiers. The world should learn that everyone is different in their own way, not one person should be killed for not doing anything wrong, and everyone is created equal not one person is better than the other. Stereotype is when you think you know something until you know it. Racism is when people are against something. The Jews where at first genocide because everyone else in the world was scared of Germany and the Nazis. Then finally foreign soldiers came in and closed the camps for good. Holly Bogdanich 4th 5th
They can be categorized as a trajic time in our history.The only people that were safe at that time were the German's becaused they followed Adolf Hitler.The final solution is when the Russians finally stopped the Nazi.We should learn from the Holocaust that you can not gain power by killing people you can only gain power by helping them. A stereotype is categorize a person or a group of people. Racism intolerance of another race or other races.They tolerated it because they didn't know what was accually going to happen. The Soviet Union, stopped the Nazi's.
They can be categorized as a trajic time in our history.The only people that were safe at that time were the German's becaused they followed Adolf Hitler.The final solution is when the Russians finally stopped the Nazi.We should learn from the Holocaust that you can not gain power by killing people you can only gain power by helping them. A stereotype is categorize a person or a group of people. Racism intolerance of another race or other races.They tolerated it because they didn't know what was accually going to happen. The Soviet Union, stopped the Nazi's.-olivia wilson<3
These camps can be categorized in many ways. They can be categorized by color, religion, but mainly, by nationality. Also a concentration camp is where just throw you in and beat you and let you suffer. A death camp is where they will straight up kill you! The Germans in Germany were safe, but everyone around them were not. The leader in the Holocaust was Adolph Hitler. He hated the Jews and wanted to rule the world and he thought this would be a good way to start. Six million Jews were killed in this horrible tragedy. The final solution was the German's plan to annihilate the Jewish people. Something that we can learn from the holocaust is that one man tried to control the world and becasue of it, millions of people died. No one should have that much power. Stereotype is judging other people without knowing all the facts. Racism is when you only support one race and discriminate against all the rest. Eventually, the Soviet Union/Russia stopped the Nazi's from continuing this tragedy!Michael Shaw 4th/5th period:)
The two camps they sent the jews aand other people to were catagorized as either a concentration or a death camp. In the concentration camps they worked people to near death or death. In the death camps the jews would either be burned to death, gassed, or have to help clean up the dead bodies. The only people who were safe were the Nazis and Adolf Hitler. The leader pf the Nazis was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was the Nazis plan for the jews. This is when they would send the jews to the camps. Stereotype means to characterize. Racism is a judment of a group. It was tolerated because the jews were not strong enough to stand up. The Russians were the ones to stop the Nazis and the Holocaust.Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
The concentration camps can be categorized as a very bad time in history. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was referred to as the German’s plan to annihilate the Jewish people. We should have learned that a person’s race should not mean to kill them or judge them. We also should have learned that we should be nice to each other. Stereotype means to characterize. Racism is hatred or intolerance to a race. The Jews probly would tolerate it because they new they were going to die. The Soviet Union, what is now Russia, stopped the Nazis.
a concentration camp is where they torture you and spit on you, and a death camp is when they kill you in gas chambers. Adolf hitler was the head of the nazi and made sure that the jews were killed. raceism is when you only like a certain race and treat the others horribly. the soviet union stopped the nazis. they didn't actually think that they would go through with it said the jews.
It would be a criminal act. Anyone that wasnt jewish that had blonde hair and Blue eyes. The leader was Adolf Hitler.They were going to kill every single jew. We should learn that racism is very wrong. Sterotypes is when you include all people in a particualr race. Racism is when one group of people is against a different type of group. The jews tolerated their murder because they didn't believe the Nazi's would actually go through with all of it. The Americans stopped the Nazis.Logan Orton:)
The camps can be categorized as Labor Camps and Death Camps. The Germans were safe. Adolf Hitler was the leader. Hitler's final solution was to commit genocide. We should learn not to be prejudice, not to torture people, and never give one person so much power. Stereotypes are when you make judgements about people according to things like what a person wears or looks like or things that are said or done. Racism is when you dislike a specific racial group. The genocide was tolerated because people just couldn't believe it would really happen. The Russians stopped the Nazi's.
They categorized the people by if they believe they could be a help or not. If the Nazi didn’t think you could do any they would send you to the Death camps where Jews were killed. Many infants and handicapped people went to the Death Camp. If you were strong and they thought they could use you they sent you to the concentration camps. The Germans were safe in Germany. Adolf Hitler Was the leader. The Nazi’s sent people to the death or concentration camps. The world should learn that nobody should be treated like the Jews were for what they believe in. Stereotypes are people who thing something before they even know them. Racism is when you judge people for their race, religion, what they wear, and their appearance. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because if they tried to fight back they would be killed. The Soviet Union stopped the Nazi’s.Sarah Cox Period 2/3
A concentration camp is a place where the torture you and make you suffer. The German were the ones who were safe. The leader was Adolf Hilter. The final solution was the russians stopping the Nazis. Sterotype means to characterize. The term racism means one group being against another group. This is tolerated because they didn't believe that this was actually going to happen. The russians stopped the Nazi's. Abby Williams (: 7th & 8th
These camps are where torture and even killing took place. The people that were favored by Hitler were the non-Jewish blond hair, blue eyed people. The Germans and Nazis were safe unless they tried helping the Jews. The leader of all this was Adolf Hitler. The Russians finally stopped Hitler in the end and stopped all the camps. The world should learn not to be racist. Stereotypes are when someone looks at a group of people as if they are all the same based on just some of them such as blond jokes. Racism is when people from one race treat people from another race badly. It was tolerated because Hitler had so much power and the Jews couldn’t do anything about it. The Russians stopped the Nazis.
The concentration camps created by the Nazi regime were places that they tortured people that they didn't think should be alive. They would starve them, beat them, work them, and much more. The people that were safe were the people with blond hair and blue eyes most of the time. That's exactly what Adolf Hitler wanted, everyone to have blond hair and blue eyes. Eventually the Russian's stopped the Nazi army and all of the concentration camps and death camps were shut down, but many of them are still there today, along with the things that they used to torture the people. I think that we should all learn that it doesn't matter who you are or what you look like or what you've done, everyone deserves to live. Stereotyping is putting people in different categories by what they wear or how they act. Racism is when you don't like or are mean to people from a different race or that look different than everyone else. The Jews tolerated what was happening because they never thought that the Nazi's were going to do this to them. The Nazi's didn't say that they were going to hurt or kill them.
The camps created by the Nazi regime were either concentration camp or death camps. In Nazi Germany the only safe people we're were the Germans. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The solution was the after the bombing of Pearl Harbor the United States entered the war and formed an allie which led to Hitler's suicide and the Nazi's surrender and went into hiding. Stereotypes are to characterize. Racism a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. It was tolerated because the jews were not strong enough to stand up. The Russians were the ones to stop the Nazis and the Holocaust.4th and 5th Sam Tonkovich
The Jews were sent to 2 different camps. A concentration camp is where the Jews lived and worked till they weren’t needed anymore. A death camp is where the Jews would be killed. Anyone who wasn’t Jewish was safe, except those who helped the Jews. The leader of the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler. The final solution started when the Americans stepped in. After the bombing in Pearl Harbor, the US formed an ally and soon defeated the Nazis. Racism is treating a certain race unfairly. The world should learn that everyone needs to be treated fairly. People can’t help that they were born into a certain race, so why treat those people differently? --Baylee Abbott (: fourth&fifth pds.
The concentration camps could be categorized as a horiible, cruel time in history. German people were safe but no other countries were. Aldolf Hitler was the leader. The final solution was the Russians finally stopped the Nazi's. The world should learn from this tradegy to treat everyone equal. Sterotypes are characterize. Racism is when you like a certain race and no other. The jews tolerated their murder because they didn't reallt think it would happen. The Russians eventually stopped the Nazi's.-Megan McCullough
these camps our harrible,curle, and down right disrespectful.loyal people two the nazi. hilter that retard with the wierd mustash. the final solution was the when hitler called back and then killed himself because he got scared and wet his pants. we should learn that all people are equal. a sterostpe is whe u prejuge someone or thing. raciam is hatting a person by race, or relgion. they had no choice because they would kill them all. the russains got them and made gitler fall back witch made hitler kill himself.
The concentration camps can be classified as a terrible time in history. At the concentration camp the Nazi's of German soldiers would torture and starve you. While being there the Jews were forced to live in terrible conditions. At a death camp however, the Jews were automatically gased to death. The only people that were truly safe were those that were not Jews and did not have a disability. The leader was Adolf Hitler. Russians eventually stopped the Nazis. The world should learn that there is no need to kill a race because of the way that someone looks. Racism is when you only like a certain race and you treat the others unfairly. The Jews did not believe that the Nazis would go through doing something so absurd. Lauren Massacci
I think they can categorize by being at a concentration camp where you are worked to death or at death camps were you are immediately dead. The only people who were safe in Nazi, Germany were the soldiers and workers for Hitler. Adolf Hilter was the leader. The final solution was to kill everybody who was Jewish or had a Jewish relative. We should learn that if you think you have it hard right now, then look at those innocent people who did nothing to be separated from their families and killed. A stereotype is a person or something that is categorized as something they probably aren’t. Racism is where people or things get treated badly or treated differently for their skin color or race. It was tolerated because the Jews didn’t think they had a chance against Hitler and his army. And they were afraid of them. The Soviet Union or Russia eventually stopped them.Elizabeth Tennant 4th/5th
The concentration camps could be catergorized by an extremley bad time in history. German people were the only ones who were safe. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was referred to as the German's plan to annihilate the Jewish people. We should learn that we shouldn't judge people by their race, religion, or anything else. We should not judge people what skin color they are, what they look like, or any featuristics. The genocide of the Jews was because they probably didn't think anything was going to happen. The Soviet Union, which is now Russia, stopped the Nazi's..-Samanthe Bolling 2 & 3rd period (:
The camps can be catagorized by the killing camps and the death camps. the people who were safe from the nazis were the non-jews and the people with blond hair and blue eyes. there leader was Adolf Hitler was the aweful leader of the nazis. the final solution was to kill all the jews.to acept everyone for who they are. sterotype is were other people act like other people. Rasim is were the other person hates the other persons color or there religion. Because they did what ever hitler said.the amercains,french,and english.
Some of the things that the Nazis did to the people in the concentration camps were that they starved them, they worked them half to death, they shaved off their hair, and took their personal belongings. People who the Nazi's felt equal to were safe in Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany who killed all of the very sad people. In the end, Hitler killed himself and six million people were dead. I think the world should learn that everyone is equal and unique. Everybody is special in their own ways and shouldn't be judged or looked down upon. A stereotype is putting people in groups, for example, all popular people are mean. Racism is discriminated by the color of their skin. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because Hitler was very convincing of his point and because he was very well liked throughout Germany. The Nazis were eventually stopped by a combination of Russia, America, and other countries surrounding Germany.
First than can categorize them by size but by also what they did in the camp because there were 2 types of camps, concentration and death camps. Hitler and anyone that followed him were the only people almost 100% sure that they would not to have to go to one of his camps. Adolph Hitler. When Hitler killed himself that is when most countries started treaties and the war was begging to end. Dont let one person get to much power too quickly or it could be dangerous. People that are bias. Discrimination to another race. Because no one person was brave enough to stand up and tell them to stop. The Soviet Union.
There are two different types of camps they created. One was where they made you work and they other one is where they would kill you as soon as you got there. Really their was no one safe in Germany, but Hitler thought that only blond, blue eyed people. Hitler was the person that was in control of the Nazi's. The final solution is when Hitler was going to kill all of the Jews. No one should be treated different because of how they look or what they believe in. Stereotyping is when you think all people are alike because of something they have in common. Judging people by how they look or what they believe in. The Americans and Russians stopped Hitler and the Nazi's Jayce Riley, 4/5th period
There are two types of camps; a death camp and a concentration camp. The concentration camps can be categorized by age, weight, etc. A death camp was where some people who were too small to hard labor and also people who had birth defects. The German people were safe in Germany. Adolf Hitler was the leader. The final solution was to get rid the whole Jewish race. We should learn that we shouldn't judge people by their race, religion, or anything else. To stereotype is to characterize. Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. Jews tolerated the genocide because they couldn’t fight back and they didn’t think that people would be so cruel to others. The Soviet Union, what is now Russia, finally stopped the Nazi’s.Abby Cooper7/8th period
A concentration camp is where they torture you and starve you then take you to a death camp. death camp is where if you did not go to the concetration camp you just died either immediatly or slowly.
They were categorized by skin color, Religion, Everything hey could be they were. Blondes and blue eyed people were safe. Adolph Hitler was the leader. The war had ended. The world should learn to be nice and end all the war.stereotypes are board statement bout things grouping them like blondes are dumb. Racism is discriminatory or abusive behavior towards human of another race. Because they would hide.
Those concentration camps back in the day could be categorized as an extremely terrible time in history. The German's were safe, but all the other countries surrounding Germany weren't. Adolf Hitler was the leader of everything about the concentration camps. The final solution was referred as the German's plan to annihilate the Jewish people. We should have learned that we shouldn't judge people by their religion, skin color, or anything about them different. We are all human beings and we should be treated all the same. Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. The Jews probably tolerated it because they actually couldn't believe that this whas happening to them at this point in time. The Soviet Union stopped them. They are not Russia . Brooklyn Nuzum 2/3
The camps can be catagorized as Torture Camp, and a Killing Camp. Only the healthy German's were safe. The leader was Adolf Hitler, one of the most corrupted man in the world at that time. The final solution was when the Americans stepped in and helped them. We should learn that everyone should be treated the same, no matter what race. Stereotypes are someone who tells you to do one thing, and they do the opposite. Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. The reason this genocide was going on for so long was because Hitler was very powerful, and very convincing. America eventually stopped the Nazi's.
The types of camps were the concentration camps, which were where they make you work, and death camps are where they automatically kill you. The people who were safe were Germans. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to kill everyone who was not a German, because in his eyes, they were not perfect. The Holocaust can teach the world that it doesn't matter what you look like, all people are equal. Stereotypes are being prejudice against another group of people unlike your own. Racism is being prejudice against people people of their race. The Jews most likely tolerated this because they didn't believe it was going to happen. The Russians eventually stopeed the Nazis.Carly Suplita7/8th (:
In concentration camps they torture you, while in death camps they just straight up kill you. The Nazis did not kill the blonde haired, blue eyed people because Hitler wanted a “super race” of them. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazis. The Russians finally stopped the Nazis and set all the rest of the Jews free. We should learn to not be racist and separate people by color of skin, personality, or looks. Stereotypes are the way media, other people, and more or less Hollywood portrays people. Racism is separating people according to skin color. It was tolerated because nobody could do anything about it. Russians stopped the Nazis.-Cody Brubaker
The camps at the Nazi regime can be characterized as brutal, insane, wrong, and discrimitive. The only people, who were safe from the Nazis in Germany, or almost all parts of Europe, were the people who were of the Arian race. Adolf Hitler was their leader, the chansler of Germany. The final solution was to genocide the Jewish population, first they would shoot the Jews, but then they decided to kill them in consentration camps. The consentration camps had two main types of camps, they had death camp, and labor camp. Stereotypes are people who are considered to be in a group, even if they aren’t like that. Like blondes for example, everyone says their dumb, but not all of us are.
a concentartion camp is where they toture youa nd keep you alive. A death camp is where they just kill you. the leader of the nazies was Adolf Hitler. the holocaust was where he killed six million jews and other problems. racism is where you like some races and you dont like others just because of color or way of life.The russians where the ones to stop it but it took along to to stop hitler.
A concentration camp can be categorized as a horrible place where they kill innocent people. The only people that were safe were the Germans. Everyone else was not. Adalf Hitler was the leader of the holocaust. The final plan was for the Germans to kill anybody who wasnt the same as them. The worlrd should learn that there is still alot of racism going on today. Racism is when some people don't like the culture of someone else and they treat horribly. The soviet union stopped the nazi's.
They can be categpized as brutal and all the bad things they did to the poeple that were in it. the poeple who had bloond hair and blue eyes. Adof Hitler was the leader at the time.the final solution was to kill all the jews and other poeple. that some poeple are sick and need to be contrould. poeple who only like sertan poeple and hat others. When you only like a certan rase and treat others unkindly. poeple did not whant to get invalved with the Germans. The russens stoped the Nazi's after a long time.
A concentration camp can be categorized as the worst place to be at. Adolph Hitler was the leader of the Holocaust. In the Holocaust they killed six million jews. Racism is where people treat you differently because you are black, white, blue or any other color. The soviet Union stopped the Nazi's
The camps were catergorized basically by torture or death. The Germans were safe and so were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. Adolf Hitler ruled old germany. The final solution was the annex signed by Japan, Holland, and the Netherlands. STereotypes means to characterize. Racism is when you only like one race and dislike the others. You treat them with disrespect and sometimes murder them. This was tolerated because they didnt belive the nazi's would go through with it. The Russians stopped the Nazi's.
The camps can be categorized as crueland evil. Anyone except for jews, crippled people,old people, very young children, and blacks.The final solution was when the United States came over to help the jews. The world should learn from the holocaust that no one should be treated like the jews were treated especially because of race. Racism is descrimination against someone because of they're skin color or religion. It was tolerated because they could not do anything about it and they tricked the jews. The U.S. eventually stopped the horrific holocaust.T.J. Jones7th&8th periods
A concentration camp is a place where they torture people before killing them and a death camp is a camp where they killed the people right away. The only people that were safe were the Germans that were not Jews. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to make the Jews go "extinct." A stereotype is a person who a person who is characterized. Racism is judging people on who they are, what their skin color is, etc. They thought they would not go through with the plan. The Russians eventually stopped the Nazi’s.
the camps were catagorized by gender, age, fitness, and age. Nazi followers were safe during the holocaust. The leader of the nazis was adolf hitler. All nations had to band together to fight against the nazis. That If we could all band together then we should all be able to live in peace. Racism is when people judge people for there appearence. If you went against the nazis you would be killed. All nations stoped the nazis.
They can be categorized by death and concentration camps. No one was safe except the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. The would should learn that no one on this planet should kill. Killing is a very bad thing to do to someone. Racism is when you be mean to a person or peoples that have different skin color than you. The Jews tolerated it because they didn't think it was really going to happen. The Soviet Union(Russia now) stopped the Nazis.
A concentartion camp is where they toture you, a death camp is where they automatically torture and kill you.Adolf Hitler was the leader. The final solution was referred to as the German's plan to annihilate the Jewish people. We should learn that we shouldn't judge people by their race, religion, or anything else.Racism is when you only like one race (most of the time its your race) And you hate all others. The Jews tolerated it because they couldn't fight back or they didnt try to fight back.The Soviet Union or Russians stopped the Nazi's.
They can be categorized into two kinds of camps, concentration camps and death camps. Only the Germans were safe during the holocaust. Adolf Hitler was the Nazi leader. The world should learn that the Holocaust was very wrong and we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Racism is when you judge people by their skin color. Nobody knows why the Jews tolerated it. In the end, the Soviet Union ended the holocaust. Soviet Union, what is now Russia, stopped the Nazi's
There were two types of camps. Work camps and death camps. Only Germnas and Dutch people were safe. However, if a jew was able to escape to Switzerland, they would be safe as well. Adolf Hitler was the leader in the holocaust. The final solution were the concentracion camps. When something is stereotyped, it is characterized. Racsism is treating a certain race of people differently than you would others. It was tolerated because nobody thought that Hitler would go through with his plans. The Soviet Union eventually put a stop to the holocaust.
some are labor, some are concentration, and some were death. The only people safe in nazi germany were the nazis. the leader was adolf Hitler. The final solution was the killing of many people the nazi party didn't like. we should learn to help faster rather than wait for the war to even begin. stereotypes, are judging people before getting to know them, and racism is having predjidous against people. it was tolerated because Hitler brainwashed people. the allies eventually stopped the nazis.austin Ferguson7/8 period
They torture you, a death camp is where they torture you right away and kill you. Adolf Hitler was the leader of all of this. He killed six million jews and other with birth defects. Racism is where you only ike a certain race adn treat the others unfairly. They didn't think that the Nazi;s would go through with that. The Russians eventually stopped the Nazi's.
The camps created by the Nazis can be categorized by concentration and death camps. The people that were safe were the blonde haired, blue eyed persons. The leader of all of this was Adolf Hitler. We should learn we are all the same inside and to treat all the same. A stereotype is like saying people from West Virginia are rednecks. Racism is when you put down another race of people. They tolerated the torture because they did not think that the Nazis would do mass killings to the human race. The Russians stopped the Nazis.
A concentration camp was where they kept the Jews. Adolf Hitler was the leader and helped to kill six million Jews. Racism is where u only liked people of your own race. The Russians eventual stopped the Nazis.
The camps that were created by the Nazi regime could have been categorized as they should have NOT been there. The leader was Adolf Hitler who had killed 6 million Jews. The world should learn that we are not ones to speak of who is better, and who is not, and also, to not differentiate people. Stereotypes are people with birth defects or people that are not capable of working in Hitler's case. Racism is when some likes another race of people and doesn't like anyone else. The Jews tolerated all the murder because they had thought that the Nazi would not go through with their plan. Eventually, the Russians had stopped the Nazi.-sammie
You can catagorize them by consentration and death camps. Consentration camps torture you and kill you, and death camps just kill you. The only way you would be safe was if you were a Nazi German Soldier. The leader of the Natzi German Soldiers was Adolf Hitler. The world should learn that color, rase, or sickness everybody should be treated the same. a stereo type is to characterize. It was tolerated because it didn't concern us and if anyone steped in the wasy they would be killed. The U.S, Russia, and Canada.
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A concentartion camp is where they toture you, a death camp is where they automatically torture and kill you. Adolf Hitler was the leader in what we call the Holocaust, which is the killing of six million jews and others with birth defects. Racism is where you only like a certain race and treat the others unfairly. The Russians eventually stopped the Nazi's. The jews tolerated their murder because they didn't believe the Nazi's would actually go through with that.
McKenna Kelley
4/5 (:
The concentration camps can be categorized as an extremely terrible time in history. The German people were safe, but all the other countries around Germany weren't. Adolf Hitler was the leader. The final solution was referred to as the German's plan to annihilate the Jewish people. We should learn that we shouldn't judge people by their race, religion, or anything else. To stereotype is to characterize. Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. The Jews probably tolerated this because they didn't believe that this was really going to happen. The Soviet Union, what is now Russia, stopped the Nazi's.
Sarah Topardo 4/5
The camps would be categorized as torture or killing camps. The camps where there for mainly one purpose and it was to destroy the Jewish population. Only few were safe and some of them are the Jews that emptied the furnaces where the Jews were burned alive and the Jews who emptied the gas chambers were safe. The others who were safe were the soldiers. All Germans were safe but nobody else was. Adolf Hitler was the leader. The final solution was the annex being signed by countries such as Netherlands, Japan, and Holland. There are more. Or the final solution was destroying the Jewish race. We can learn that this type of thing should never happen again and that this is one of the worst disasters in history. Stereotype means to characterize. Racism is when you only like one race (most of the time its your race) And you hate all others. The Jews tolerated it because they couldnt fight back or they didnt try to fight back. Also they wouldnt accept that people were doing this to them. The Soviet Union or Russians stopped the Nazi's.
Izaiha John 4/5
They had two kinds of camps, concentration camps and death camps. A concentration camp is where they basically tortured you and made you shovel out the dead bodies from the gas chambers or fire pits that they killed people in. A death camp is a place where they would just automatically kill you, no questions asked. The Germans were only ones that were safe. But if Hitler found out that any German was helping some one hide or survive, he would kill them in addition to the millions he had already killed. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Holocaust. He was the German leader and he gained so much power that he sort of ruled a majority of the world. The solution was the Russians finally stopping the Nazi's. The world can learn that they should not let one person have so much power. A stereotype is a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group. Racism is where somebody would treat others differently of unfairly because of their race. The only reason the Jews tolerated the killings of their own people, is that they did not believe that people would actually do such things to other human beings. The Soviet Union, which now is Russia, stopped the Nazi's.
Martina Edgell
The camps can be categorized into two different groups. The first group is the concentration camp where the Germans would torture you until you couldn't stand it anymore. The other one is a death camp where you stay for a few days and then they just kill you. The country of Germany was safe because Adolf Hitler was the leader od Germany. The other countries surrounding Germany weren't as lucky. The final result was that the Russians defeated the Nazis and set the remaining Jews free. Things that we should learn from the Holocaust is that we shouldn't separate others in different groups, just bring everyone together in harmony and peace. Stereotypes are characteristics. Racism is the separation between people because of race, religions, or any other ethnic ways. The Jews tolerated this genocide because they didn't think that all of the things in the future would occur. The former named Soviet Union, Russia stopped the Nazi's.
Dalton Okel
4th/5th Period
The concentration camps where were the people sleep and then forced to work. When death camps where were they killed you right then and there. The only people safe here the Germanys and Hitler. Adolf Hitler was there leader. The final solution was that the American step in and WW2 began. The world should learn that we should never judge people because this will lead to disaster. Stereotype is when you characterize someone which in other words means to judge them. Racism is when you judge someone by their race or religion and you think that you are better than them. The Jews tolerated them because then knew that if they fought back that they would be killed or hurt. But then the Soviet Union (Russians) stopped the Nazi’s and WW2 began.
There were 2 different camps. The first is the Concentration Camp. In the concentration camp they would take you in and make you starve and they would torture you. But it is better than the Death Camp. In the Death Camp they would automatically kill you, not torture you they would kill you. The people that were safe in the Nazi Germany was the Germans. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was the Holocaust, which he killed over 6,000,000 jews and other enthic groups and others with disabilities. The world should learn that you don't make fun of people from their race or religion because if you were in their place and they made fun of you, you would feel like what they are feeling when you make fun of them. Sterotypes are like racism. Racism is making fun of someone elses race and calling them names. It was tolerated because they didn't believe the Nazi's would actually go through with that. The Russians eventually stopped the Nazi's and freed the people that were alive when they got there.
The camps that were created by the Nazi regime are categorized in concentration and death. In the concentration camps, they tortured you and then they eventually killed them. In the death camps they killed you as soon as got there. The way most of them died were in gas chambers but they also killed them by putting them in a furnace. Not very many people were safe but a few of them were the Nazi and the German soldiers. Their leader was Adolph Hitler. The final solution was to stop the camps after they were invaded. The world should learn that even though everyone is not the same, we should all be treated the same. Stereotypes are what people think of something before they really get to know it. Racism is when a person or group of people are against something else and they do not treat it fairly. Yes the genocide of the Jews was tolerated at first because everyone was afraid of them and scared to fight back but they eventually the soldiers from other countries fought back and they camps were closed. Soldiers from other countries finally stopped the Nazi’s.
Kayla DeLorenzo
4th and 5th period
The camps that was created by the Nazi regime could have been categorized as they should have NOT been there. The leader of the camps was Aldolf Hitler who had killed 6 million Jews. Stereotypes are people with birth defects or people that are not capable of working in Hitler's case. Racism is when some likes another ra ce of people and doesn't like anyone else. The Jews tolerated all the murder because they had thought that the Nazi would not go through with thier plan. Eventually the Russians stopped the Nazi.
Triston Newbrough
7-8 periods
Adolf hitler was the leader in the holocaust. The holocaust is where they killed thousands and thousands of jews and people with birth effects. (That is really sad no one should be tourted and killed like that NO ONE) Rasicm is where your against a religion race sex and sometimes people will kill and make fun of people and hurt them badly because their rasict. They had concentration camp a concentration camp is wherew they take people and tourture them and kill them.I categorized the concentration camps as a bad, horrible time in history. The Russians stopped the Nazi's.
There were two kinds of camps that the Jews stayed in. The first camp was a labor camp. In the labor camps the Nazis would work and beat the Jews until they were in so bad shape that they would then send them to death camps. In the death camps they would work them and pick out large amounts of Jews and kill them. The only people that were really safe in Germany were the Nazis and the citizens of Germany. The leader of the Nazis and all of the concentartion camps was Adolf Hitler. He did one of the worst things in the history of the world and that was the Holocaust. He ended up killing 6 million Jews and other people that had defects or mentally challenged proplems. Everybody in the world should take from this is that everybody is diffirent and should be treated like people and because one person didint like a group of people 6 million of them were killed for no reason what so ever. The people who finaly stoped the Nazis were the American troops who came in and put a stop to all the Jews being killed.
A concentration camp is where you are forced to work. A death camp is where you are taken to be killed. Most of Europe was not safe from the Nazi's. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the nazi's. Tha Americans ended the WWII. Raceism is horrable. It is where you prejudge Some one or a race. The Americans Stopped the german's.
Lucas Kinder 2-3
The camps can be catagorized terrible horrific places full of pain and death. The only people who were safe were the healty germans. The leader of this horrific event was Adolf Hitler. In summary the holocaust was a mass killing and enslaving that took the lives of over six million jewish citizens.
They catigorized them into death camo and slave camp where they work you till you almost die then they kill you cause after that you are not worth anything.No one was safe in Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler was the leader. To care for people more. Stereotypes are when people judge you by looks, actions, or anything like that. Racism is when you judge people by color or religion. Because Adolf Hitler was in control.The United States stopped them.
They had two different camps, concentration camps and death camps.people with blonde hair ad blue eyes were safe.the leader was adolf hitler.That you should not be mean to people because they are different or believe in different things.The soviot union stopped the nazis (russia).
In the concentration camps, groups were organized by gender, weight, and physical fitness. Anyone with blond hair and blue eyes were safe, because Hitler thought that they were almighty and powerful even though he did not have blond hair and blue eyes himself. The leader was Adolf Hitler a cruel man who was the leader of it all and started the concentration camps because he believe the Jews caused sickness and all the bad in the world. The solution was the after the bombing of Pearl Harbor the United States entered the war and formed an allie which led to Hitler's suicide and the Nazi's surrender and went into hiding. We should learn that no one should be singled out or judged because of what we look like or because of our beliefs. A stereotype is characterizing someone or something. Racism is like judging someone for what they look like or believe. No one is quite sure why the genocide of the Jews were tolerated, however we should have taken actions sooner, we could have saved the lives of many. The Allies eventually stopped the Nazi's after Hitler commited suicide, most Nazi's went into hiding in fear of invasion or more war.
Maddi Craig
2-3 Period
The camps would be categorized by torturing, killing and murdering also as a terrible time in history. The leader was Adolf Hitler.The final solution was the Russian's stopping the Nazi's. The world should learn that just because people are different doesn't mean they aren't human on the inside, also someone could try to do this again and we all need to be prepared all over. Stereotypes are people treated or classified, basically characterizing.Racism is judging someone by the way they look and only liking one type of race and treating them unfairly. The Jews probably tolerated this because they didn't believe that this was going to happen.the Soviet Union which is now the Russians stopped the Nazis.
JoMarie Bogard
The two camps that they sent people to were the concentration camp and the death camp. In the concentration camps they tortured you. In the death camps they tortured you to death or just basically killed you. The Germans and people that looked like what Adolf wanted people to look like were safe in Germany. The leader of the Nazis was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that the Soviet Union went into Berlin, Germany and safed all of the people that were alive in that camp.The Holocaust was a tragedy and the world should of learned that torturing people and killing them is a really bad thing.A sterotype means to characterize. Racism is when you make fun of or your are mean to other races and not yours.The Jews tolorated their muder and they had to pick up their dead brothers and sisters. The Soviet Union put a stop to the Nazis cruel actions.
The camps the Nazis created can be categorized by either a concentration camp or death camp. The concentration camp was more like a labor camp where they would work you to death. The death camps was either where they forced you into the gas chamber, you were burned or killed in some type of other way. The leader of Nazis Germany was a man named Adolf Hitler. The only solution for this to stop was to stop these camps after they were invaded by the other forging soldiers. The world should learn that everyone is different in their own way, not one person should be killed for not doing anything wrong, and everyone is created equal not one person is better than the other. Stereotype is when you think you know something until you know it. Racism is when people are against something. The Jews where at first genocide because everyone else in the world was scared of Germany and the Nazis. Then finally foreign soldiers came in and closed the camps for good.
Holly Bogdanich 4th 5th
They can be categorized as a trajic time in our history.The only people that were safe at that time were the German's becaused they followed Adolf Hitler.The final solution is when the Russians finally stopped the Nazi.We should learn from the Holocaust that you can not gain power by killing people you can only gain power by helping them. A stereotype is categorize a person or a group of people. Racism intolerance of another race or other races.They tolerated it because they didn't know what was accually going to happen. The Soviet Union, stopped the Nazi's.
They can be categorized as a trajic time in our history.The only people that were safe at that time were the German's becaused they followed Adolf Hitler.The final solution is when the Russians finally stopped the Nazi.We should learn from the Holocaust that you can not gain power by killing people you can only gain power by helping them. A stereotype is categorize a person or a group of people. Racism intolerance of another race or other races.They tolerated it because they didn't know what was accually going to happen. The Soviet Union, stopped the Nazi's.
-olivia wilson<3
These camps can be categorized in many ways. They can be categorized by color, religion, but mainly, by nationality. Also a concentration camp is where just throw you in and beat you and let you suffer. A death camp is where they will straight up kill you! The Germans in Germany were safe, but everyone around them were not. The leader in the Holocaust was Adolph Hitler. He hated the Jews and wanted to rule the world and he thought this would be a good way to start. Six million Jews were killed in this horrible tragedy. The final solution was the German's plan to annihilate the Jewish people. Something that we can learn from the holocaust is that one man tried to control the world and becasue of it, millions of people died. No one should have that much power. Stereotype is judging other people without knowing all the facts. Racism is when you only support one race and discriminate against all the rest. Eventually, the Soviet Union/Russia stopped the Nazi's from continuing this tragedy!
Michael Shaw
4th/5th period:)
The two camps they sent the jews aand other people to were catagorized as either a concentration or a death camp. In the concentration camps they worked people to near death or death. In the death camps the jews would either be burned to death, gassed, or have to help clean up the dead bodies. The only people who were safe were the Nazis and Adolf Hitler. The leader pf the Nazis was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was the Nazis plan for the jews. This is when they would send the jews to the camps. Stereotype means to characterize. Racism is a judment of a group. It was tolerated because the jews were not strong enough to stand up. The Russians were the ones to stop the Nazis and the Holocaust.
Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
The concentration camps can be categorized as a very bad time in history. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was referred to as the German’s plan to annihilate the Jewish people. We should have learned that a person’s race should not mean to kill them or judge them. We also should have learned that we should be nice to each other. Stereotype means to characterize. Racism is hatred or intolerance to a race. The Jews probly would tolerate it because they new they were going to die. The Soviet Union, what is now Russia, stopped the Nazis.
a concentration camp is where they torture you and spit on you, and a death camp is when they kill you in gas chambers. Adolf hitler was the head of the nazi and made sure that the jews were killed. raceism is when you only like a certain race and treat the others horribly. the soviet union stopped the nazis. they didn't actually think that they would go through with it said the jews.
It would be a criminal act. Anyone that wasnt jewish that had blonde hair and Blue eyes. The leader was Adolf Hitler.They were going to kill every single jew. We should learn that racism is very wrong. Sterotypes is when you include all people in a particualr race. Racism is when one group of people is against a different type of group. The jews tolerated their murder because they didn't believe the Nazi's would actually go through with all of it. The Americans stopped the Nazis.
Logan Orton:)
The camps can be categorized as Labor Camps and Death Camps. The Germans were safe. Adolf Hitler was the leader. Hitler's final solution was to commit genocide. We should learn not to be prejudice, not to torture people, and never give one person so much power. Stereotypes are when you make judgements about people according to things like what a person wears or looks like or things that are said or done. Racism is when you dislike a specific racial group. The genocide was tolerated because people just couldn't believe it would really happen. The Russians stopped the Nazi's.
They categorized the people by if they believe they could be a help or not. If the Nazi didn’t think you could do any they would send you to the Death camps where Jews were killed. Many infants and handicapped people went to the Death Camp. If you were strong and they thought they could use you they sent you to the concentration camps. The Germans were safe in Germany. Adolf Hitler Was the leader. The Nazi’s sent people to the death or concentration camps. The world should learn that nobody should be treated like the Jews were for what they believe in. Stereotypes are people who thing something before they even know them. Racism is when you judge people for their race, religion, what they wear, and their appearance. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because if they tried to fight back they would be killed. The Soviet Union stopped the Nazi’s.
Sarah Cox Period 2/3
A concentration camp is a place where the torture you and make you suffer. The German were the ones who were safe. The leader was Adolf Hilter. The final solution was the russians stopping the Nazis. Sterotype means to characterize. The term racism means one group being against another group. This is tolerated because they didn't believe that this was actually going to happen. The russians stopped the Nazi's.
Abby Williams (:
7th & 8th
These camps are where torture and even killing took place. The people that were favored by Hitler were the non-Jewish blond hair, blue eyed people. The Germans and Nazis were safe unless they tried helping the Jews. The leader of all this was Adolf Hitler. The Russians finally stopped Hitler in the end and stopped all the camps. The world should learn not to be racist. Stereotypes are when someone looks at a group of people as if they are all the same based on just some of them such as blond jokes. Racism is when people from one race treat people from another race badly. It was tolerated because Hitler had so much power and the Jews couldn’t do anything about it. The Russians stopped the Nazis.
The concentration camps created by the Nazi regime were places that they tortured people that they didn't think should be alive. They would starve them, beat them, work them, and much more. The people that were safe were the people with blond hair and blue eyes most of the time. That's exactly what Adolf Hitler wanted, everyone to have blond hair and blue eyes. Eventually the Russian's stopped the Nazi army and all of the concentration camps and death camps were shut down, but many of them are still there today, along with the things that they used to torture the people. I think that we should all learn that it doesn't matter who you are or what you look like or what you've done, everyone deserves to live. Stereotyping is putting people in different categories by what they wear or how they act. Racism is when you don't like or are mean to people from a different race or that look different than everyone else. The Jews tolerated what was happening because they never thought that the Nazi's were going to do this to them. The Nazi's didn't say that they were going to hurt or kill them.
The camps created by the Nazi regime were either concentration camp or death camps. In Nazi Germany the only safe people we're were the Germans. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The solution was the after the bombing of Pearl Harbor the United States entered the war and formed an allie which led to Hitler's suicide and the Nazi's surrender and went into hiding. Stereotypes are to characterize. Racism a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. It was tolerated because the jews were not strong enough to stand up. The Russians were the ones to stop the Nazis and the Holocaust.
4th and 5th
Sam Tonkovich
The Jews were sent to 2 different camps. A concentration camp is where the Jews lived and worked till they weren’t needed anymore. A death camp is where the Jews would be killed. Anyone who wasn’t Jewish was safe, except those who helped the Jews. The leader of the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler. The final solution started when the Americans stepped in. After the bombing in Pearl Harbor, the US formed an ally and soon defeated the Nazis. Racism is treating a certain race unfairly. The world should learn that everyone needs to be treated fairly. People can’t help that they were born into a certain race, so why treat those people differently?
--Baylee Abbott (: fourth&fifth pds.
The concentration camps could be categorized as a horiible, cruel time in history. German people were safe but no other countries were. Aldolf Hitler was the leader. The final solution was the Russians finally stopped the Nazi's. The world should learn from this tradegy to treat everyone equal. Sterotypes are characterize. Racism is when you like a certain race and no other. The jews tolerated their murder because they didn't reallt think it would happen. The Russians eventually stopped the Nazi's.
-Megan McCullough
these camps our harrible,curle, and down right disrespectful.loyal people two the nazi. hilter that retard with the wierd mustash. the final solution was the when hitler called back and then killed himself because he got scared and wet his pants. we should learn that all people are equal. a sterostpe is whe u prejuge someone or thing. raciam is hatting a person by race, or relgion. they had no choice because they would kill them all. the russains got them and made gitler fall back witch made hitler kill himself.
The concentration camps can be classified as a terrible time in history. At the concentration camp the Nazi's of German soldiers would torture and starve you. While being there the Jews were forced to live in terrible conditions. At a death camp however, the Jews were automatically gased to death. The only people that were truly safe were those that were not Jews and did not have a disability. The leader was Adolf Hitler. Russians eventually stopped the Nazis. The world should learn that there is no need to kill a race because of the way that someone looks. Racism is when you only like a certain race and you treat the others unfairly. The Jews did not believe that the Nazis would go through doing something so absurd.
Lauren Massacci
I think they can categorize by being at a concentration camp where you are worked to death or at death camps were you are immediately dead. The only people who were safe in Nazi, Germany were the soldiers and workers for Hitler. Adolf Hilter was the leader. The final solution was to kill everybody who was Jewish or had a Jewish relative. We should learn that if you think you have it hard right now, then look at those innocent people who did nothing to be separated from their families and killed. A stereotype is a person or something that is categorized as something they probably aren’t. Racism is where people or things get treated badly or treated differently for their skin color or race. It was tolerated because the Jews didn’t think they had a chance against Hitler and his army. And they were afraid of them. The Soviet Union or Russia eventually stopped them.
Elizabeth Tennant 4th/5th
The concentration camps could be catergorized by an extremley bad time in history. German people were the only ones who were safe. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was referred to as the German's plan to annihilate the Jewish people. We should learn that we shouldn't judge people by their race, religion, or anything else. We should not judge people what skin color they are, what they look like, or any featuristics. The genocide of the Jews was because they probably didn't think anything was going to happen. The Soviet Union, which is now Russia, stopped the Nazi's..
-Samanthe Bolling 2 & 3rd period (:
The camps can be catagorized by the killing camps and the death camps. the people who were safe from the nazis were the non-jews and the people with blond hair and blue eyes. there leader was Adolf Hitler was the aweful leader of the nazis. the final solution was to kill all the jews.to acept everyone for who they are. sterotype is were other people act like other people. Rasim is were the other person hates the other persons color or there religion. Because they did what ever hitler said.the amercains,french,and english.
Some of the things that the Nazis did to the people in the concentration camps were that they starved them, they worked them half to death, they shaved off their hair, and took their personal belongings. People who the Nazi's felt equal to were safe in Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany who killed all of the very sad people. In the end, Hitler killed himself and six million people were dead. I think the world should learn that everyone is equal and unique. Everybody is special in their own ways and shouldn't be judged or looked down upon. A stereotype is putting people in groups, for example, all popular people are mean. Racism is discriminated by the color of their skin. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because Hitler was very convincing of his point and because he was very well liked throughout Germany. The Nazis were eventually stopped by a combination of Russia, America, and other countries surrounding Germany.
First than can categorize them by size but by also what they did in the camp because there were 2 types of camps, concentration and death camps. Hitler and anyone that followed him were the only people almost 100% sure that they would not to have to go to one of his camps. Adolph Hitler. When Hitler killed himself that is when most countries started treaties and the war was begging to end. Dont let one person get to much power too quickly or it could be dangerous. People that are bias. Discrimination to another race. Because no one person was brave enough to stand up and tell them to stop. The Soviet Union.
There are two different types of camps they created. One was where they made you work and they other one is where they would kill you as soon as you got there. Really their was no one safe in Germany, but Hitler thought that only blond, blue eyed people. Hitler was the person that was in control of the Nazi's. The final solution is when Hitler was going to kill all of the Jews. No one should be treated different because of how they look or what they believe in. Stereotyping is when you think all people are alike because of something they have in common. Judging people by how they look or what they believe in. The Americans and Russians stopped Hitler and the Nazi's
Jayce Riley, 4/5th period
There are two types of camps; a death camp and a concentration camp. The concentration camps can be categorized by age, weight, etc. A death camp was where some people who were too small to hard labor and also people who had birth defects. The German people were safe in Germany. Adolf Hitler was the leader. The final solution was to get rid the whole Jewish race. We should learn that we shouldn't judge people by their race, religion, or anything else. To stereotype is to characterize. Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. Jews tolerated the genocide because they couldn’t fight back and they didn’t think that people would be so cruel to others. The Soviet Union, what is now Russia, finally stopped the Nazi’s.
Abby Cooper
7/8th period
A concentration camp is where they torture you and starve you then take you to a death camp. death camp is where if you did not go to the concetration camp you just died either immediatly or slowly.
They were categorized by skin color, Religion, Everything hey could be they were. Blondes and blue eyed people were safe. Adolph Hitler was the leader. The war had ended. The world should learn to be nice and end all the war.stereotypes are board statement bout things grouping them like blondes are dumb. Racism is discriminatory or abusive behavior towards human of another race. Because they would hide.
Those concentration camps back in the day could be categorized as an extremely terrible time in history. The German's were safe, but all the other countries surrounding Germany weren't. Adolf Hitler was the leader of everything about the concentration camps. The final solution was referred as the German's plan to annihilate the Jewish people. We should have learned that we shouldn't judge people by their religion, skin color, or anything about them different. We are all human beings and we should be treated all the same. Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. The Jews probably tolerated it because they actually couldn't believe that this whas happening to them at this point in time. The Soviet Union stopped them. They are not Russia .
Brooklyn Nuzum
The camps can be catagorized as Torture Camp, and a Killing Camp. Only the healthy German's were safe. The leader was Adolf Hitler, one of the most corrupted man in the world at that time. The final solution was when the Americans stepped in and helped them. We should learn that everyone should be treated the same, no matter what race. Stereotypes are someone who tells you to do one thing, and they do the opposite. Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race or other races. The reason this genocide was going on for so long was because Hitler was very powerful, and very convincing. America eventually stopped the Nazi's.
The types of camps were the concentration camps, which were where they make you work, and death camps are where they automatically kill you. The people who were safe were Germans. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to kill everyone who was not a German, because in his eyes, they were not perfect. The Holocaust can teach the world that it doesn't matter what you look like, all people are equal. Stereotypes are being prejudice against another group of people unlike your own. Racism is being prejudice against people people of their race. The Jews most likely tolerated this because they didn't believe it was going to happen. The Russians eventually stopeed the Nazis.
Carly Suplita
7/8th (:
In concentration camps they torture you, while in death camps they just straight up kill you. The Nazis did not kill the blonde haired, blue eyed people because Hitler wanted a “super race” of them. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazis. The Russians finally stopped the Nazis and set all the rest of the Jews free. We should learn to not be racist and separate people by color of skin, personality, or looks. Stereotypes are the way media, other people, and more or less Hollywood portrays people. Racism is separating people according to skin color. It was tolerated because nobody could do anything about it. Russians stopped the Nazis.
-Cody Brubaker
The camps at the Nazi regime can be characterized as brutal, insane, wrong, and discrimitive. The only people, who were safe from the Nazis in Germany, or almost all parts of Europe, were the people who were of the Arian race. Adolf Hitler was their leader, the chansler of Germany. The final solution was to genocide the Jewish population, first they would shoot the Jews, but then they decided to kill them in consentration camps. The consentration camps had two main types of camps, they had death camp, and labor camp. Stereotypes are people who are considered to be in a group, even if they aren’t like that. Like blondes for example, everyone says their dumb, but not all of us are.
a concentartion camp is where they toture youa nd keep you alive. A death camp is where they just kill you. the leader of the nazies was Adolf Hitler. the holocaust was where he killed six million jews and other problems. racism is where you like some races and you dont like others just because of color or way of life.The russians where the ones to stop it but it took along to to stop hitler.
A concentration camp can be categorized as a horrible place where they kill innocent people. The only people that were safe were the Germans. Everyone else was not. Adalf Hitler was the leader of the holocaust. The final plan was for the Germans to kill anybody who wasnt the same as them. The worlrd should learn that there is still alot of racism going on today. Racism is when some people don't like the culture of someone else and they treat horribly. The soviet union stopped the nazi's.
They can be categpized as brutal and all the bad things they did to the poeple that were in it. the poeple who had bloond hair and blue eyes. Adof Hitler was the leader at the time.the final solution was to kill all the jews and other poeple. that some poeple are sick and need to be contrould. poeple who only like sertan poeple and hat others. When you only like a certan rase and treat others unkindly. poeple did not whant to get invalved with the Germans. The russens stoped the Nazi's after a long time.
A concentration camp can be categorized as the worst place to be at. Adolph Hitler was the leader of the Holocaust. In the Holocaust they killed six million jews. Racism is where people treat you differently because you are black, white, blue or any other color. The soviet Union stopped the Nazi's
The camps were catergorized basically by torture or death. The Germans were safe and so were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. Adolf Hitler ruled old germany. The final solution was the annex signed by Japan, Holland, and the Netherlands. STereotypes means to characterize. Racism is when you only like one race and dislike the others. You treat them with disrespect and sometimes murder them. This was tolerated because they didnt belive the nazi's would go through with it. The Russians stopped the Nazi's.
The camps can be categorized as crueland evil. Anyone except for jews, crippled people,old people, very young children, and blacks.The final solution was when the United States came over to help the jews. The world should learn from the holocaust that no one should be treated like the jews were treated especially because of race. Racism is descrimination against someone because of they're skin color or religion. It was tolerated because they could not do anything about it and they tricked the jews. The U.S. eventually stopped the horrific holocaust.
T.J. Jones
7th&8th periods
A concentration camp is a place where they torture people before killing them and a death camp is a camp where they killed the people right away. The only people that were safe were the Germans that were not Jews. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to make the Jews go "extinct." A stereotype is a person who a person who is characterized. Racism is judging people on who they are, what their skin color is, etc. They thought they would not go through with the plan. The Russians eventually stopped the Nazi’s.
the camps were catagorized by gender, age, fitness, and age. Nazi followers were safe during the holocaust. The leader of the nazis was adolf hitler. All nations had to band together to fight against the nazis. That If we could all band together then we should all be able to live in peace. Racism is when people judge people for there appearence. If you went against the nazis you would be killed. All nations stoped the nazis.
They can be categorized by death and concentration camps. No one was safe except the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. The would should learn that no one on this planet should kill. Killing is a very bad thing to do to someone. Racism is when you be mean to a person or peoples that have different skin color than you. The Jews tolerated it because they didn't think it was really going to happen. The Soviet Union(Russia now) stopped the Nazis.
A concentartion camp is where they toture you, a death camp is where they automatically torture and kill you.Adolf Hitler was the leader. The final solution was referred to as the German's plan to annihilate the Jewish people. We should learn that we shouldn't judge people by their race, religion, or anything else.Racism is when you only like one race (most of the time its your race) And you hate all others. The Jews tolerated it because they couldn't fight back or they didnt try to fight back.The Soviet Union or Russians stopped the Nazi's.
They can be categorized into two kinds of camps, concentration camps and death camps. Only the Germans were safe during the holocaust. Adolf Hitler was the Nazi leader. The world should learn that the Holocaust was very wrong and we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Racism is when you judge people by their skin color. Nobody knows why the Jews tolerated it. In the end, the Soviet Union ended the holocaust. Soviet Union, what is now Russia, stopped the Nazi's
There were two types of camps. Work camps and death camps. Only Germnas and Dutch people were safe. However, if a jew was able to escape to Switzerland, they would be safe as well. Adolf Hitler was the leader in the holocaust. The final solution were the concentracion camps. When something is stereotyped, it is characterized. Racsism is treating a certain race of people differently than you would others. It was tolerated because nobody thought that Hitler would go through with his plans. The Soviet Union eventually put a stop to the holocaust.
some are labor, some are concentration, and some were death. The only people safe in nazi germany were the nazis. the leader was adolf Hitler. The final solution was the killing of many people the nazi party didn't like. we should learn to help faster rather than wait for the war to even begin. stereotypes, are judging people before getting to know them, and racism is having predjidous against people. it was tolerated because Hitler brainwashed people. the allies eventually stopped the nazis.
austin Ferguson
7/8 period
They torture you, a death camp is where they torture you right away and kill you. Adolf Hitler was the leader of all of this. He killed six million jews and other with birth defects. Racism is where you only ike a certain race adn treat the others unfairly. They didn't think that the Nazi;s would go through with that. The Russians eventually stopped the Nazi's.
The camps created by the Nazis can be categorized by concentration and death camps. The people that were safe were the blonde haired, blue eyed persons. The leader of all of this was Adolf Hitler. We should learn we are all the same inside and to treat all the same. A stereotype is like saying people from West Virginia are rednecks. Racism is when you put down another race of people. They tolerated the torture because they did not think that the Nazis would do mass killings to the human race. The Russians stopped the Nazis.
A concentration camp was where they kept the Jews. Adolf Hitler was the leader and helped to kill six million Jews. Racism is where u only liked people of your own race. The Russians eventual stopped the Nazis.
The camps that were created by the Nazi regime could have been categorized as they should have NOT been there. The leader was Adolf Hitler who had killed 6 million Jews. The world should learn that we are not ones to speak of who is better, and who is not, and also, to not differentiate people. Stereotypes are people with birth defects or people that are not capable of working in Hitler's case. Racism is when some likes another race of people and doesn't like anyone else. The Jews tolerated all the murder because they had thought that the Nazi would not go through with their plan. Eventually, the Russians had stopped the Nazi.
You can catagorize them by consentration and death camps. Consentration camps torture you and kill you, and death camps just kill you. The only way you would be safe was if you were a Nazi German Soldier. The leader of the Natzi German Soldiers was Adolf Hitler. The world should learn that color, rase, or sickness everybody should be treated the same. a stereo type is to characterize. It was tolerated because it didn't concern us and if anyone steped in the wasy they would be killed. The U.S, Russia, and Canada.
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