Friday, December 16, 2011

Geese (Yes Geese!!)

Which life lesson from the geese would you most want to incorporate into your own life? Are there any other animal's that have habits which would be exemplary for humans to follow? What is the videographer's message? Tell a story involving an animal and you or your family.

I Have A Dream

Why is this one of the most famous speeches ever delivered? Which parts of the speech do you find to be memorable? What is the overall meaning of this speech. What is Martin Luther King's purpose in making this speech. Please include one fact about Dr. King.

The Roaring Twenties

What do you think of the justice that was administered in the 20's? Do you think that the black community was intimidated by the lynchings? What was the primary location of the lynchings? Compare and contrast what was happening in the arts with what was happening in the world of justice.

Tsunami Disaster

What is the weather event that you most fear? Have you ever been caught in a bad storm of some sort? Where? When? How can the world be better prepared for a disaster like the tsunami that occurred in 2004? What kind of effect would a disaster of this magnitude have on the world?

Women In Art

This is a chronology of women as they are depicted in art. Do you know any of the artists represented in the video? Are you artistic? Have you been to a gallery or a museum? How is the depiction of women different through the ages?


What titles by William Shakespeare are you now familiar with? Have you ever watched a movie based upon Shakespeare's life or one of his plays? Have you discussed reading Shakespeare with your siblings or parents?