The life lesson that I could learn from the geese is to help everyone that needs help and encourage everyone to better. Other animals that I could learn off of is dogs because they are loyal and kind. The videographer's message is that we should all work together to solve our problems. A story that involves animals is when one time I went to the park to feed the ducks and we pulled up to the lake and the ducks knew we had bread before we even got out of the car so when we got out the started attacking us so we just opened up the bread left it on the ground and drove away.
From the geese in this video, I learned that everyone needs some positive reassurement once in awhile. My dog, Taco is always happy to see everyone and is constantly loving. I wish I could be that way all the time. The message of this video is that we should all work together to accomplish difficult tasks. I remember when I was little and my family was at the beach on vacation. I picked out a tiny red hermit crab and named it, Little Red.
I do not find geese helpful at all to everyday life. Geese are a waste of space and unwanted. I think that geese are just a horrendous animal species and need rid of. I think we should go by animals that eat their young because it'd take out the noobs of society. One experience with an animal is when I got in a cage fight with Kimbo Tyson.Ryrann Ricer 4/5
The video did not play and showed an error, so I cannot tell you a life lesson about the geese. I think that dogs would be exemplary for humans to follow because of their love and compassion. Im guessing that the message that the videographer was trying to show is that we could learn so much from the smallest of things. When I was a small child, my parents bought a cute puppy. We named him Cozmo, but Cozmo had a rare disease that endangered his life. The doctors said he had a 20% chance of living through it. He made it through surgery and is still alive right now. He is a kind dog.
The life lesson that I get from geese is that everyone has their turn at the front of the group. Everyone has their time to shine. It is the support of others that help you reach that position. You get there by teamwork. I think that humans could take a lesson from dogs on loyalty. The purpose of the video is to talk about team work and how working together gets you further. We have an English bulldog that likes to play soccer with us. We will pass the ball and she tries to take it from us. She’s actually a pretty good soccer player :)Meghan 4/5
It is not working. It will not show the video.bryce bittinger7-8
From the video, a life lesson that I would want to incorporate in my everyday life is that to encourage others to do their best. Yes my dog is happy and very loving all the time. I wish I could be that way. The videographer's message is that we all need to work together to solve difficult problems. An experience with an animal is when my family first bought my dog.
the life lesson from the geese i would want to incorporate into my life is help everybody and encouraging them. Whales there are super huge but still have families and work hard that mean no matter what your size is you can still do stuff. the message is teamwork is important. A story is when we saved my old dog princess from being put down and end up lost our house for it but we end up getting a better house and princess all way like to be carry like a baby but we end up having to give her away i hope she with a good family now i cant wait to see her again someday
I think that the video Geese is Incorporated into our lives by the geese all working together in a habitate. An animal that I learn off of is my dog. He shows me that there is more to life than just being lazy by the way he acts with so much energy. I think that the video maker is trying to show how the geese are so friendly and kind to each other and that is how our lives should be. I don't really have a wierd story about an animal or anything like that.
I was not able to get the video to open, but from watching geese as they fly south you can tell that they work together. They usually have a perfect V in the sky. I think the dog has habits that are exemplary for humans to follow, they are loyal and kind to their owners and they know how to trust and who to trust. Since I couldn't open the video I am not sure, but it probably has to do with working together to help each other. We have an Australian Blue heeler and a couple of years ago she ran away and we had to look for her. I left school early that day to look for her, we searched the woods until dark and then had to come in, the next day my dad looked for her all day and could not find her. When I came home from school we went back out and finally found her in the woods, she was really scared and dirty. We were just happy we found her.
I tried several times to watch the video but could not get it to work. I can only guess from my knowledge of geese that the lesson that I would most want to incorporate into my own life would be trust and teamwork. I know that every time that I have been paired up with someone for a project this year I end up doing most of the work. It sure would be nice to have someone take an interest and help out. I think if humans would follow the habits of birds there would be less divorce in our society. Birds pick a mate and stay with them forever. They will protect their mate at all cost. I am not sure what the videographer’s message is because I didn’t get to watch the video. I have a pet bird and it is very protective of me. It does not like anyone to touch me while I am holding it. It might be good for me but not so good for the rest of my family. Bryce Bittinger7th & 8th period
From the geese in this video, they show that some people just need a little push every once in awhile to get them going.. Another animal that I can learn this off of would be a dog, or a cat.. Even though cats aren't much of a good time, they still feel the same as dogs.. They can still sense that you aren't in the best mood or if you need something to get you going , just look in their eyes. No I'm not some crazy cat lady, I don't even own a cat. But I see the way my aunt is with her cat Oliver, they are like best friends. I truly believe he is her motivation to her every day life. Olivia hawkinberry 2&3 Pds.
I don't really think that I could get a life lesson from geese. Yes there is. Dogs for example. They are very loving and forgiving, and that's how people should be. I think the video was made to show how team work will get you further in life. An experience with an animal and my family is when we first went to look at our dog Yankee.
I think that the life lesson that I would like to incorporate is to be a team player. Sometimes in my life I try to do things on my own. This is mostly because I know that if I do things by myself, I usually really try a lot. I like working with others, but I find myself checking what other people do. They might be checking me too. It is known that two heads are better than one. Encouraging other people help them out a lot. Fish swim in schools, big large groups. This represents working together. Most large animals won’t hurt them because there are so many of them. I think that the videographer’s message is to basically work together, help and encourage each other. We have squirrels in our backyard. They are always fighting for the food and don’t like each other. We are always noticing that they want all the food for themselves. My family thinks it isn’t very nice. They should really share the food and be nice to each other, but they never do. My dad loves the squirrels! HAHA!Brooke Ashcraft 4th and 5th
I think that the life lesson that is told in this blog is to stay together, work with each other, and encourage each other. I would hope that animals as well as people would be nice to each other. Students would listen to each other and share their ideas. There are safety in numbers, so many animals herd together. I was thinking of wolves. Although, they seem mean, I think that they are pretty sneaky. They stick together and work together to get food and shelter. The videographer’s message is to say that life is easier when you are in a group and helping each other. We have deer in our backyard. They stick together. Their mother protects them. The momma dear will stand in the middle of her babies. I think that animals teach humans lessons.
The life lesson I learned was you will get a chance to lead, or prove yourself, I know how I learned this I just did. Dogs show lessons every day when its either to be loyal or kindness, there is always some lesson to learn. The message is their is always a lesson to learn from something that happens in your life. Once when my family and I went to the beach, a neighbors dog sniffed out crabs buried in the sand, so we could find them.
I do not find geese helpful at all to everyday life. Geese are a waste of space and unwanted. I think that geese are just a horrible animal species and need rid of.
A life lesson that I think that can be learned from these geese is that everyone needs help every once in a while. Wolves are animals that could also teach a life lesson. The lesson is that in all things in life, someone needs to step up and take charge of what is going on and be a leader like the wolves do when they are the alpha-male. The message is to show that with a little help, anything can be done.
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The life lesson that I could learn from the geese is to help everyone that needs help and encourage everyone to better. Other animals that I could learn off of is dogs because they are loyal and kind. The videographer's message is that we should all work together to solve our problems. A story that involves animals is when one time I went to the park to feed the ducks and we pulled up to the lake and the ducks knew we had bread before we even got out of the car so when we got out the started attacking us so we just opened up the bread left it on the ground and drove away.
From the geese in this video, I learned that everyone needs some positive reassurement once in awhile. My dog, Taco is always happy to see everyone and is constantly loving. I wish I could be that way all the time. The message of this video is that we should all work together to accomplish difficult tasks. I remember when I was little and my family was at the beach on vacation. I picked out a tiny red hermit crab and named it, Little Red.
I do not find geese helpful at all to everyday life. Geese are a waste of space and unwanted. I think that geese are just a horrendous animal species and need rid of. I think we should go by animals that eat their young because it'd take out the noobs of society. One experience with an animal is when I got in a cage fight with Kimbo Tyson.
Ryrann Ricer 4/5
The video did not play and showed an error, so I cannot tell you a life lesson about the geese. I think that dogs would be exemplary for humans to follow because of their love and compassion. Im guessing that the message that the videographer was trying to show is that we could learn so much from the smallest of things. When I was a small child, my parents bought a cute puppy. We named him Cozmo, but Cozmo had a rare disease that endangered his life. The doctors said he had a 20% chance of living through it. He made it through surgery and is still alive right now. He is a kind dog.
The life lesson that I get from geese is that everyone has their turn at the front of the group. Everyone has their time to shine. It is the support of others that help you reach that position. You get there by teamwork. I think that humans could take a lesson from dogs on loyalty. The purpose of the video is to talk about team work and how working together gets you further. We have an English bulldog that likes to play soccer with us. We will pass the ball and she tries to take it from us. She’s actually a pretty good soccer player :)
Meghan 4/5
It is not working. It will not show the video.
bryce bittinger
From the video, a life lesson that I would want to incorporate in my everyday life is that to encourage others to do their best. Yes my dog is happy and very loving all the time. I wish I could be that way. The videographer's message is that we all need to work together to solve difficult problems. An experience with an animal is when my family first bought my dog.
the life lesson from the geese i would want to incorporate into my life is help everybody and encouraging them. Whales there are super huge but still have families and work hard that mean no matter what your size is you can still do stuff. the message is teamwork is important. A story is when we saved my old dog princess from being put down and end up lost our house for it but we end up getting a better house and princess all way like to be carry like a baby but we end up having to give her away i hope she with a good family now i cant wait to see her again someday
I think that the video Geese is Incorporated into our lives by the geese all working together in a habitate. An animal that I learn off of is my dog. He shows me that there is more to life than just being lazy by the way he acts with so much energy. I think that the video maker is trying to show how the geese are so friendly and kind to each other and that is how our lives should be. I don't really have a wierd story about an animal or anything like that.
I was not able to get the video to open, but from watching geese as they fly south you can tell that they work together. They usually have a perfect V in the sky. I think the dog has habits that are exemplary for humans to follow, they are loyal and kind to their owners and they know how to trust and who to trust. Since I couldn't open the video I am not sure, but it probably has to do with working together to help each other. We have an Australian Blue heeler and a couple of years ago she ran away and we had to look for her. I left school early that day to look for her, we searched the woods until dark and then had to come in, the next day my dad looked for her all day and could not find her. When I came home from school we went back out and finally found her in the woods, she was really scared and dirty. We were just happy we found her.
I tried several times to watch the video but could not get it to work. I can only guess from my knowledge of geese that the lesson that I would most want to incorporate into my own life would be trust and teamwork. I know that every time that I have been paired up with someone for a project this year I end up doing most of the work. It sure would be nice to have someone take an interest and help out. I think if humans would follow the habits of birds there would be less divorce in our society. Birds pick a mate and stay with them forever. They will protect their mate at all cost. I am not sure what the videographer’s message is because I didn’t get to watch the video. I have a pet bird and it is very protective of me. It does not like anyone to touch me while I am holding it. It might be good for me but not so good for the rest of my family.
Bryce Bittinger
7th & 8th period
From the geese in this video, they show that some people just need a little push every once in awhile to get them going.. Another animal that I can learn this off of would be a dog, or a cat.. Even though cats aren't much of a good time, they still feel the same as dogs.. They can still sense that you aren't in the best mood or if you need something to get you going , just look in their eyes. No I'm not some crazy cat lady, I don't even own a cat. But I see the way my aunt is with her cat Oliver, they are like best friends. I truly believe he is her motivation to her every day life.
Olivia hawkinberry 2&3 Pds.
I don't really think that I could get a life lesson from geese. Yes there is. Dogs for example. They are very loving and forgiving, and that's how people should be. I think the video was made to show how team work will get you further in life. An experience with an animal and my family is when we first went to look at our dog Yankee.
I think that the life lesson that I would like to incorporate is to be a team player. Sometimes in my life I try to do things on my own. This is mostly because I know that if I do things by myself, I usually really try a lot. I like working with others, but I find myself checking what other people do. They might be checking me too. It is known that two heads are better than one. Encouraging other people help them out a lot.
Fish swim in schools, big large groups. This represents working together. Most large animals won’t hurt them because there are so many of them. I think that the videographer’s message is to basically work together, help and encourage each other.
We have squirrels in our backyard. They are always fighting for the food and don’t like each other. We are always noticing that they want all the food for themselves. My family thinks it isn’t very nice. They should really share the food and be nice to each other, but they never do. My dad loves the squirrels! HAHA!
Brooke Ashcraft 4th and 5th
I think that the life lesson that is told in this blog is to stay together, work with each other, and encourage each other. I would hope that animals as well as people would be nice to each other. Students would listen to each other and share their ideas.
There are safety in numbers, so many animals herd together. I was thinking of wolves. Although, they seem mean, I think that they are pretty sneaky. They stick together and work together to get food and shelter.
The videographer’s message is to say that life is easier when you are in a group and helping each other. We have deer in our backyard. They stick together. Their mother protects them. The momma dear will stand in the middle of her babies. I think that animals teach humans lessons.
The life lesson I learned was you will get a chance to lead, or prove yourself, I know how I learned this I just did. Dogs show lessons every day when its either to be loyal or kindness, there is always some lesson to learn. The message is their is always a lesson to learn from something that happens in your life. Once when my family and I went to the beach, a neighbors dog sniffed out crabs buried in the sand, so we could find them.
I do not find geese helpful at all to everyday life. Geese are a waste of space and unwanted. I think that geese are just a horrible animal species and need rid of.
A life lesson that I think that can be learned from these geese is that everyone needs help every once in a while. Wolves are animals that could also teach a life lesson. The lesson is that in all things in life, someone needs to step up and take charge of what is going on and be a leader like the wolves do when they are the alpha-male. The message is to show that with a little help, anything can be done.
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