I fear tornadoes the most because as a child, my family told me that they have devistated our families before.I have been caught in a minor tornadoe. It was at Ohio around 7:00pm and I was alone with my little sister. My family was out shopping.The world can be more prepared by getting device that can find disaster before they hit. It would create less havoc and save many lifesIt can destroy civilizations before we even know it!
The weather event I most is probably tornadoes, because they destroy homes and families. Yes, my family driving home once got caught in a bad hail storm. We have developed hyouse theat are hurricane proof, cellars for tornadoes. It can destroy cities, and many homes.
I fear tornados. yes i been caught in a bad storm it raining,hailing, and thundering and lighting. Fairmont,west virignia.? one year ago, Have better alarm system and be prepare faster. I causes a lot of death around the world which is sad.
the weather event that i most fear is hurricanes or tornados. I fear them because everytime I know of something that is going to happen I get really scared and want to get oiut of the place. I have been very close to , tis summer at the beach. Take there personal belongings and leae, or block windows and put sandbags down. It could end life as we know it. Megan Wilt<34th and 5th
I would have to say that the weather pattern I fear the most is a tropical storm. I have been fortunate enough to have never been caught up in one of these types of storms. The world could be better prepared by possibly buliding shelters that could endure these terrible conditions. It would most likely save more lives. -Ryan Ricer 4/5
My most feared weather event would be an earthquake. There is no way to escape that terror. I have been caught in many snowstorms and rainstorms. In the winter I have been snowed in many times. The summer has fierce rainstorms. The only way to be better prepared for a natural disaster is to evacuate the area it will hit. I disaster likes this sends the place it hits into devastion and also makes other places sad and they send people to help.Joseph Leon-4th/5th
I fear rain because it gets me wet and I don't like to be wet. No, I have never been in a terrible storm of some sort. We can be prepared by keeping a brief eye on the weather. We can also be prepared by not polluting. It would break houses and destroy every last piece of land.Michael Nuzum II 4th 5th
I fear big snow storms. Yes on the way back from a cheerleading competion several years ago in baltimore.We can be prepared by keeping a good eye on the weather. It could hurt our economy for many year and probably make alot of reasorse shut down
I most fear tornadoes or hurricanes because they are like life taking! No I haven't been in a server storm of any type. To be more prepared they can have a plan and have supplies incase something does happen. It can take so many lives and can destroy everything!
The weather event that I fear most is a tornado because they giant storms of wind that sucks up and destroys everything. The worst storm I was ever in was when I went to ST.Augustine and it started raining and we were getting flood warnings and it was a big deal since the house we were staying at was right next to a big river. The world could better be protected from these kinds of disasters by having a plan in case something like this happens. A disaster this big will have a massive effect on the world it will change the way we look at these disasters and makes us fear them even more.
The weather event that i most fear is aq tornado and a tsunami. The closest i've ever come to something like this is a mini flood and a terrible thunder storm. It was in pittsburgh about last year. They can save the cars by making them into boat cars like james bond and the buidings need to be sealed tighter an be more sturdy. Almost everyone would die, and we wouldn't really have much to rebuild from.
My most feared weather event would be an earthquake. I havn't ever been caught in a terrible storm, but while I was at Disney a few years ago, our family had to leave the lodge because of severe tornado and hurricane warnings. To be better prepared for a natural disaster you have to evacuate the area it will occur in. The effect of a disaster in this magnitude would effect people and demolish things that don't mean a lot and also things that are valuable to us.Justin Okel 4th/5th
The weather event I fear the most would have to be a blizzard. I've been caught in a few bad hail storms and floods. One time, my mom and I were driving home and the road ahead of us was flooded. The car in front of us tried to go through the water and their car sank. It happened about three years ago. The world can prepare by being aware of what is going on in the world. People can also prepare safety kits so whenever a disaster does occur, they willhave everything they need in order to survive. A disaster of this magnitude would have a horrible effect on the world. It would cause millions of deaths.
Where I am, I fear thunderstorms the most. I live on the top of a hill, and my house is surrounded by trees. I'm always afraid that I'll be hit by lightning. In general, though, I'm probably most scared of hurricanes.I've never really been caught in a bad storm. The worst has probably just been really bad snowy days where we can't drive up our hill.We can try to figure out a way to tell when they are coming a while before they do. If we could do that, people could evacuate, and lives would be saved.It can destroy huge areas quickly.
My biggest weather fear is probably lightning storms, because that is the only real weather disaster we have in my area. Yes, I have been caught in a bad storm before. It was a lightning storm. We were on the interstate and it was so bad my step mom couldn't even see to drive so we had to pull over and wait it out. It happened about two years ago. The world can better prepare for a disaster by providing fallout shelters for the people in danger, and giving a sufficient warning so people can evacuate the area if they want. A disaster like this would both tear apart and bring together the world. It would tear it apart because of the horrible loss of all the people it would cause. But, it would also bring us together because we would all cooperate to send aid to the victims.
I think i fear earthquakes and tornadoes the most. I have been caught in many snowstorms and rainstorms. The world can be more prepared for these type of disasters by evacuating the area where it will some hit. Many lives would be saved. -emily gettings 7&8<3
I most fear a tornado because i think it could do the most damage. I've been stuck in a flood once when I was in like 4th or 5th grade and I lived in a trailer. It was really really bad. It was in Taylor county. And stay away from the water if there is any kind of a tsunami or storm warning!! A disaster like this can effect the world is that there could be many important things destroyed.Jordyn Weaver7th and 8th period
The weather event I fear most is an earthquake as nowhere is safe if one is occurring. I have not been caught in any severe storm luckily. We could build buildings specifically designed for severe weather events like the ones were making in tornado valley. It would bring much crisis in every aspect whether it is economically, emotionally, and helping people. It would be horrible if something on this scale has ever happened again.
The weather that I do not like is when is hails, the hail can really hurt you when it hits you. I have never really been caught in a bad storm that I know of. You need to have a plan of escape, you also need to have emergency supplies put together in case you can not get away from the storm. Have a certain place for everyone to meet.It would devastate places that were not prepared for it, but other places that have disaster plans in place would be able to manage better in a situation like this.Ryan Valentine7th & 8th period
The weather event I most fear is tornadoes. I have only been caught in bad rainstorms or strong winds, but never anything severe. The world can be better prepared for natural disasters by realiaing they can happen at any moment. Having a plan and gathering necessary supplies are very important for being prepared. The world would be majorly effected, negativley, if something like the tsunami ever happened again.
sydnee shaffer4thand5th period<3:)The weather I fear most is a earthquake because of the damage it could do to our country. Yes I have many of thunderstorm in the summer time. And some hail storms. When I was at the mall it started hailing and the electric went of in the whole mall. You could start saving food. It would down the population in the world and kill all the power and techology.
I fear tornados , mostly. because just watching them on tv and how they destroy houses, cityscape, and even states frightens me greatly. Um yes when I was about 8 years old I was in the car picking my sister up from dance class and it start hailing and thundering and the wind was crazy and if that wasn't a tornado I don't n o what is! To come up of some sort of sometime to warn us in a months advance when and where a storm will hit to prepare for it! -Sarah esposito <3 7-8th!(:
I have always feared tornado’s ever since I have been little. I saw what looked like the beginnings of a tornado while I was in Nebraska at a Wendy’s restaurant in 2011. We saw a funnel cloud that was getting closer to the ground but we left before we saw if it turned into a tornado. It’s hard to be more prepared since nature is so unpredictable. Thousands of people died billions of dollars of damage occurred. People are left homeless if they are lucky. Bryce Bittinger7-8
The weather event that I fear the most would be a tsunami. I can’t imagine all of that water coming at you and not having anyplace to go to get away from it. I have never been in a bad storm before. The best way to be prepared for any storm would be to have a good plan ahead of time. Disasters like this have a huge magnitude on the world because the cost a lot to clean up and the also have a big impact on human lives. I hope that I never have to be in that kind of situation. Meghan 4/5
The weather event I most fear is a tornado or lighting storm. If a snow storm is considered here, then yes I have. It was snowin really bad a couple years ago on a night of a WVU game, and I was coming home from the Tanger Outlets. We could barely get up our road with out crashing and couldn't get our car up our development. We had to walk home and go back with shovels, salt and cinders with other neighbors help. The only way to really be prepared would be to evacuate as soon as you know about the hurricane, tornadoe, etc. It would be very upsetting, and would destroy so much.
I have many phobias and most of them include natural disasters. Tsunami is my most worst fear to tell the truth. I don't live by a local beach so my worry lessons. That is a relief also. My parents have asked me if I ever wanted to move to a beach. My reaction was of course "yes" but my fear of tsunamis get in the way every time. In my life, there has never been a tornado, hurricane, or tsunami in my path. I am blessed to have not been in great danger of a natural disaster. There are many percautions to take in case there is a big storm. Pack water, blankets, non parishable food items, flashlights, first ade kit, matches, and two weeks salary in case of loosing your home. Tsunamis destroy lives, buildings, businesses, livelyhood, and much much more.
The weather event I most is probably tornadoes, because they destroy homes and families. I haven't really been in a bad storm. People can prepare for these storms by watching the weather channel every once and a while. If they watch it they can see if there is going to be a bad storm. They can also be warned if a hurricane is spotted. I'm not really sure if they can prepare for a tsunami unless they are on the beach when the water moves back. That is a sign that they need to get the heck out of that place. It would have a bad effect on the world. Everyone in that area would lose there homes and they wouldn't have food to survive. They would need serious help to get them to a safer place that has medical help and food. They would also need a lot of help to rebuild their community.
The weather event that I most fear would have to be a hurricane. The only kind of storm I have ever seen was a bad rain storm. I was at my grandmas on east side. I think that the best way for someone to know when a bad storm is coming is to have then send it to ur cell phone. I think that a disaster of this magnitude would have a major disaster of it.
The weather event that i most fear is a tornadoe. No i dont think i have ever been caught in a storm. They can watch the news and gather some of their belongings and go somewhere else. It would be horrible if this would ever happen again on this scale. Ashley bright7/8period (:
I am moving to Irmo, South Carolina next fall. So, my biggest fear is hurricanes.I have never been caught in a weather disaster before, luckily.The world really cannot prepare for another disaster, It really isn't expected i don't think. Another natural disasterf would bring the word together to help the location that is struck i believe.
The weather I most fear is a tornado. No, I have never been caught in a really bad storm. We can have crews ready to equip our cities and homes with protective items. This event would be talked about a lot and help us to be more prepared in the future.-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
I most fear tornadoes because there so distructive and scary. I've never really been in a major storm thank god. I don't know what I would do if I was. I think if they knew about the tsunami was going to happen in 2004, they could've been better prepared for it. It could end life before we even knew it!
We live in West Virginia, which is a state that doesn’t usually have many natural disasters. I think that we are very lucky to live here because we have huge mountains that usually protect us. The event I fear most is a tornado. I know that they aren’t likely to happen, but I would be shocked to have my house there one minute and gone the next minute. I have only been in storms at my house. We all go to our basement which is very safe because it is made of solid blocks. They mostly happen in the summer time. I think the world can be more prepared because having more meteorologists that study that type of storm. I hadn’t even thought of a tsunami. Tsunamis, tornados, floods, and hurricanes are terrible and are terrible disasters. Brooke Ashcraft - 4th/5th
The weather I most fear are bad snow storms. No, I have not been caught in a bad storm. I have been drving in snow, but nothing major. I was on my way to Charleston, WV a few years ago to visit friends. To be more prepared, we could have more shelters and supplies ready.A disaster of this magnitude would have horrible effects on the world, and also would cause thousands of deaths.
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I fear tornadoes the most because as a child, my family told me that they have devistated our families before.
I have been caught in a minor tornadoe. It was at Ohio around 7:00pm and I was alone with my little sister. My family was out shopping.
The world can be more prepared by getting device that can find disaster before they hit. It would create less havoc and save many lifes
It can destroy civilizations before we even know it!
The weather event I most is probably tornadoes, because they destroy homes and families. Yes, my family driving home once got caught in a bad hail storm. We have developed hyouse theat are hurricane proof, cellars for tornadoes. It can destroy cities, and many homes.
I fear tornados. yes i been caught in a bad storm it raining,hailing, and thundering and lighting. Fairmont,west virignia.? one year ago, Have better alarm system and be prepare faster. I causes a lot of death around the world which is sad.
the weather event that i most fear is hurricanes or tornados. I fear them because everytime I know of something that is going to happen I get really scared and want to get oiut of the place. I have been very close to , tis summer at the beach. Take there personal belongings and leae, or block windows and put sandbags down. It could end life as we know it.
Megan Wilt<3
4th and 5th
I would have to say that the weather pattern I fear the most is a tropical storm. I have been fortunate enough to have never been caught up in one of these types of storms. The world could be better prepared by possibly buliding shelters that could endure these terrible conditions. It would most likely save more lives.
-Ryan Ricer 4/5
My most feared weather event would be an earthquake. There is no way to escape that terror. I have been caught in many snowstorms and rainstorms. In the winter I have been snowed in many times. The summer has fierce rainstorms. The only way to be better prepared for a natural disaster is to evacuate the area it will hit. I disaster likes this sends the place it hits into devastion and also makes other places sad and they send people to help.
Joseph Leon-4th/5th
I fear rain because it gets me wet and I don't like to be wet. No, I have never been in a terrible storm of some sort. We can be prepared by keeping a brief eye on the weather. We can also be prepared by not polluting. It would break houses and destroy every last piece of land.
Michael Nuzum II 4th 5th
I fear big snow storms. Yes on the way back from a cheerleading competion several years ago in baltimore.We can be prepared by keeping a good eye on the weather. It could hurt our economy for many year and probably make alot of reasorse shut down
I most fear tornadoes or hurricanes because they are like life taking! No I haven't been in a server storm of any type. To be more prepared they can have a plan and have supplies incase something does happen. It can take so many lives and can destroy everything!
The weather event that I fear most is a tornado because they giant storms of wind that sucks up and destroys everything. The worst storm I was ever in was when I went to ST.Augustine and it started raining and we were getting flood warnings and it was a big deal since the house we were staying at was right next to a big river. The world could better be protected from these kinds of disasters by having a plan in case something like this happens. A disaster this big will have a massive effect on the world it will change the way we look at these disasters and makes us fear them even more.
The weather event that i most fear is aq tornado and a tsunami. The closest i've ever come to something like this is a mini flood and a terrible thunder storm. It was in pittsburgh about last year. They can save the cars by making them into boat cars like james bond and the buidings need to be sealed tighter an be more sturdy. Almost everyone would die, and we wouldn't really have much to rebuild from.
My most feared weather event would be an earthquake. I havn't ever been caught in a terrible storm, but while I was at Disney a few years ago, our family had to leave the lodge because of severe tornado and hurricane warnings. To be better prepared for a natural disaster you have to evacuate the area it will occur in. The effect of a disaster in this magnitude would effect people and demolish things that don't mean a lot and also things that are valuable to us.
Justin Okel 4th/5th
The weather event I fear the most would have to be a blizzard. I've been caught in a few bad hail storms and floods. One time, my mom and I were driving home and the road ahead of us was flooded. The car in front of us tried to go through the water and their car sank. It happened about three years ago. The world can prepare by being aware of what is going on in the world. People can also prepare safety kits so whenever a disaster does occur, they willhave everything they need in order to survive. A disaster of this magnitude would have a horrible effect on the world. It would cause millions of deaths.
Where I am, I fear thunderstorms the most. I live on the top of a hill, and my house is surrounded by trees. I'm always afraid that I'll be hit by lightning. In general, though, I'm probably most scared of hurricanes.
I've never really been caught in a bad storm. The worst has probably just been really bad snowy days where we can't drive up our hill.
We can try to figure out a way to tell when they are coming a while before they do. If we could do that, people could evacuate, and lives would be saved.
It can destroy huge areas quickly.
My biggest weather fear is probably lightning storms, because that is the only real weather disaster we have in my area. Yes, I have been caught in a bad storm before. It was a lightning storm. We were on the interstate and it was so bad my step mom couldn't even see to drive so we had to pull over and wait it out. It happened about two years ago. The world can better prepare for a disaster by providing fallout shelters for the people in danger, and giving a sufficient warning so people can evacuate the area if they want. A disaster like this would both tear apart and bring together the world. It would tear it apart because of the horrible loss of all the people it would cause. But, it would also bring us together because we would all cooperate to send aid to the victims.
I think i fear earthquakes and tornadoes the most. I have been caught in many snowstorms and rainstorms. The world can be more prepared for these type of disasters by evacuating the area where it will some hit. Many lives would be saved. -emily gettings 7&8<3
I most fear a tornado because i think it could do the most damage. I've been stuck in a flood once when I was in like 4th or 5th grade and I lived in a trailer. It was really really bad. It was in Taylor county. And stay away from the water if there is any kind of a tsunami or storm warning!! A disaster like this can effect the world is that there could be many important things destroyed.
Jordyn Weaver
7th and 8th period
The weather event I fear most is an earthquake as nowhere is safe if one is occurring. I have not been caught in any severe storm luckily. We could build buildings specifically designed for severe weather events like the ones were making in tornado valley. It would bring much crisis in every aspect whether it is economically, emotionally, and helping people. It would be horrible if something on this scale has ever happened again.
The weather that I do not like is when is hails, the hail can really hurt you when it hits you. I have never really been caught in a bad storm that I know of. You need to have a plan of escape, you also need to have emergency supplies put together in case you can not get away from the storm. Have a certain place for everyone to meet.
It would devastate places that were not prepared for it, but other places that have disaster plans in place would be able to manage better in a situation like this.
Ryan Valentine
7th & 8th period
The weather event I most fear is tornadoes. I have only been caught in bad rainstorms or strong winds, but never anything severe. The world can be better prepared for natural disasters by realiaing they can happen at any moment. Having a plan and gathering necessary supplies are very important for being prepared. The world would be majorly effected, negativley, if something like the tsunami ever happened again.
sydnee shaffer
4thand5th period<3:)
The weather I fear most is a earthquake because of the damage it could do to our country. Yes I have many of thunderstorm in the summer time. And some hail storms. When I was at the mall it started hailing and the electric went of in the whole mall. You could start saving food. It would down the population in the world and kill all the power and techology.
I fear tornados , mostly. because just watching them on tv and how they destroy houses, cityscape, and even states frightens me greatly. Um yes when I was about 8 years old I was in the car picking my sister up from dance class and it start hailing and thundering and the wind was crazy and if that wasn't a tornado I don't n o what is! To come up of some sort of sometime to warn us in a months advance when and where a storm will hit to prepare for it! -Sarah esposito <3 7-8th!(:
I have always feared tornado’s ever since I have been little. I saw what looked like the beginnings of a tornado while I was in Nebraska at a Wendy’s restaurant in 2011. We saw a funnel cloud that was getting closer to the ground but we left before we saw if it turned into a tornado. It’s hard to be more prepared since nature is so unpredictable. Thousands of people died billions of dollars of damage occurred. People are left homeless if they are lucky.
Bryce Bittinger
The weather event that I fear the most would be a tsunami. I can’t imagine all of that water coming at you and not having anyplace to go to get away from it. I have never been in a bad storm before. The best way to be prepared for any storm would be to have a good plan ahead of time. Disasters like this have a huge magnitude on the world because the cost a lot to clean up and the also have a big impact on human lives. I hope that I never have to be in that kind of situation.
Meghan 4/5
The weather event I most fear is a tornado or lighting storm. If a snow storm is considered here, then yes I have. It was snowin really bad a couple years ago on a night of a WVU game, and I was coming home from the Tanger Outlets. We could barely get up our road with out crashing and couldn't get our car up our development. We had to walk home and go back with shovels, salt and cinders with other neighbors help. The only way to really be prepared would be to evacuate as soon as you know about the hurricane, tornadoe, etc. It would be very upsetting, and would destroy so much.
I have many phobias and most of them include natural disasters. Tsunami is my most worst fear to tell the truth. I don't live by a local beach so my worry lessons. That is a relief also. My parents have asked me if I ever wanted to move to a beach. My reaction was of course "yes" but my fear of tsunamis get in the way every time. In my life, there has never been a tornado, hurricane, or tsunami in my path. I am blessed to have not been in great danger of a natural disaster. There are many percautions to take in case there is a big storm. Pack water, blankets, non parishable food items, flashlights, first ade kit, matches, and two weeks salary in case of loosing your home. Tsunamis destroy lives, buildings, businesses, livelyhood, and much much more.
The weather event I most is probably tornadoes, because they destroy homes and families. I haven't really been in a bad storm. People can prepare for these storms by watching the weather channel every once and a while. If they watch it they can see if there is going to be a bad storm. They can also be warned if a hurricane is spotted. I'm not really sure if they can prepare for a tsunami unless they are on the beach when the water moves back. That is a sign that they need to get the heck out of that place. It would have a bad effect on the world. Everyone in that area would lose there homes and they wouldn't have food to survive. They would need serious help to get them to a safer place that has medical help and food. They would also need a lot of help to rebuild their community.
The weather event I most is probably tornadoes, because they destroy homes and families. I haven't really been in a bad storm. People can prepare for these storms by watching the weather channel every once and a while. If they watch it they can see if there is going to be a bad storm. They can also be warned if a hurricane is spotted. I'm not really sure if they can prepare for a tsunami unless they are on the beach when the water moves back. That is a sign that they need to get the heck out of that place. It would have a bad effect on the world. Everyone in that area would lose there homes and they wouldn't have food to survive. They would need serious help to get them to a safer place that has medical help and food. They would also need a lot of help to rebuild their community.
The weather event that I most fear would have to be a hurricane. The only kind of storm I have ever seen was a bad rain storm. I was at my grandmas on east side. I think that the best way for someone to know when a bad storm is coming is to have then send it to ur cell phone. I think that a disaster of this magnitude would have a major disaster of it.
The weather event that i most fear is a tornadoe. No i dont think i have ever been caught in a storm. They can watch the news and gather some of their belongings and go somewhere else. It would be horrible if this would ever happen again on this scale.
Ashley bright7/8period (:
I am moving to Irmo, South Carolina next fall. So, my biggest fear is hurricanes.I have never been caught in a weather disaster before, luckily.The world really cannot prepare for another disaster, It really isn't expected i don't think. Another natural disasterf would bring the word together to help the location that is struck i believe.
The weather I most fear is a tornado. No, I have never been caught in a really bad storm. We can have crews ready to equip our cities and homes with protective items. This event would be talked about a lot and help us to be more prepared in the future.
-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
I most fear tornadoes because there so distructive and scary. I've never really been in a major storm thank god. I don't know what I would do if I was. I think if they knew about the tsunami was going to happen in 2004, they could've been better prepared for it. It could end life before we even knew it!
We live in West Virginia, which is a state that doesn’t usually have many natural disasters. I think that we are very lucky to live here because we have huge mountains that usually protect us.
The event I fear most is a tornado. I know that they aren’t likely to happen, but I would be shocked to have my house there one minute and gone the next minute. I have only been in storms at my house. We all go to our basement which is very safe because it is made of solid blocks. They mostly happen in the summer time.
I think the world can be more prepared because having more meteorologists that study that type of storm. I hadn’t even thought of a tsunami. Tsunamis, tornados, floods, and hurricanes are terrible and are terrible disasters.
Brooke Ashcraft - 4th/5th
The weather I most fear are bad snow storms. No, I have not been caught in a bad storm. I have been drving in snow, but nothing major. I was on my way to Charleston, WV a few years ago to visit friends. To be more prepared, we could have more shelters and supplies ready.A disaster of this magnitude would have horrible effects on the world, and also would cause thousands of deaths.
The weather I most fear are bad snow storms. No, I have not been caught in a bad storm. I have been drving in snow, but nothing major. I was on my way to Charleston, WV a few years ago to visit friends. To be more prepared, we could have more shelters and supplies ready.A disaster of this magnitude would have horrible effects on the world, and also would cause thousands of deaths.
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