Tuesday, July 24, 2012

We Didn't Start the Fire

What is the purpose of this song? What is the fire in the song a metaphor for? Select a person portrayed in the video that you would want to know more about and write 2 facts about that person. What is your favorite song? Why?


Charli_Crandall♥ said...

I think the purpose of this song, "We Didn't Start the Fire" is because people need to relize change has been happening now for centuries. The metaphor for fire in this song is saying fire is the change we are seeing in today's society.

I chose Marilyn Monroe in this video. To many people she is a role model. A fact about Marilyn Monroe can be quite depressing. Marilyn married the twenty-one year old, James Doughtery at sixteen years of age. The reason was to avoid going to another foster home, which wouldn't be the first time for her. She ended up divorcing him at age twenty. Marilyn Monroe was also very famous for singing to President John F. Kennedy on his birthday. She entitled the song "Happy Birthday, Mr. President."

I have many favorite songs, but if I had to choose one it would have to be "Payphone." The song I have chosen is by: Maroon 5. The meaning is about an ending relationship, but he won't stop there. He keeps trying to call her as she has moved on with life, while the guy is still grieving! This is my favorite song, since he won't stop no matter what gets in front of him. I feel like I am willing to face whatever it takes to suceed, almost like when he won't quit until he knows he has done all he can do!

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of the song "We Didn't Start the Fire" is that the world is changing everyday and change is spreading like fire. The metaphor is that change is happening today in society and it's not something we can stop.

The group I chose was "The Beatles". They had millions of fans all over the world. The Beatles were and English rock band formed in 1960. The group only contained 4 members, but had massive success. Their most popular song is said to be "Let it Be". They are very well known for "Abbey Road".

My favorite song is probably "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. It shows that she takes every opportunity given to her and doesn't wait to meet the guy again to give him her number. She knows it's risky but she won't let her chance of happiness pass her by.

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of this song is that change has always happened and always will happen. It won't always be good. Some of it will be bad.

The thing I chose to select is Wood Stock. It was one of the worst rock and roll disasters in history. It was in 1969 when it happened. Lots of artists played through these 3 days. One of them was Santana. Anyway, there were lots of riots and figts. They were all very violent. It was supposed to be a calm and nice concert in New York, but things went horribly wrong.

My favorite song is Seasons in the Abyss. It was written in 1990 by a heavy metal artist known as Slayer. It has a good intro and continues with great lines of music through the whole song. That's why I like it.

tanner22 said...

The purpose of the song "We Didn't Start the Fire" was to say we didn't put all of the bad things in the world into motion but we did put the good things in the world. The word fire is a metaphor for trouble or the bad things that were put in this world. The person I chose from the video is Mickey Mantle. The facts about Mickey Mantle is that he had 536 career home runs and that he had 2,415 career hits. I like many types of music but my favorite song is probably "Birthday Song". "Birthday Song" is my favorite song because it has a good beat and I always listen to it before my games becuase it gets me pumped up to play a better game. Tanner Amos 8-20-12 1-2 period

Unknown said...

The purpose of "We Didn't Start The Fire" is to teach us that we can't fight change. Students can relate to learning about history in a song rather than sitting in a classroom. The fire represents change. A fire spreading could be compared to change spreading around society. When fire spreads it's hard to stop it but there's going to be affects afterwards.

Malcolm X was Muslim, but stood up for all cultures that were being segregated against. He fought for change in how people interacted in life with each other. His change is a spread of good influence.

My favorite song is "Heart Skips a Beat" by Olly Murs. I like it because it tells about being young and enjoying life and stop worrying about bad things and stress. Your only young once, so have fun and be happy!

Tre Lewis
6th/7th period

White Ink (DC) said...

The purpose of this song is we didn't start the problems, but we did do some good things during those problems. The fire in the song is a metaphor for all the problems in the world. I chose Harry Truman because I didn’t know much about him, but now I know he was the 33rd President of the United States. He also faced many difficult decisions. They include whether to drop the Atomic bomb on Japan to end WWII or to leave them alone. My favorite song is "Lights" by Ellie Goulding the bassnectar remix. I like it because it has a good beat to it. It is also a dubstep song and I am a fan of dubstep music.

White Ink (DC) said...

The purpose of this song is we didn't start the problems, but we did do some good things during those problems. The fire in the song is a metaphor for all the problems in the world. I chose Harry Truman because I didn’t know much about him, but now I know he was the 33rd President of the United States. He also faced many difficult decisions. They include whether to drop the Atomic bomb on Japan to end WWII or to leave them alone. My favorite song is Lights by Ellie Goulding. I like it because it has a good beat to it. It is also a dubstep song and I am a fan of dubstep music.

David Childers 4th-5th period

Jakob Lemuel Abbott. said...

I think Billy Joel wrote this song to say that no generation started all the hatred in the world. All of the conflicts started when the world started turning. The fire in the song is a metaphor for all the bad events that have happened in this world.

In this video I chose Ole miss. The conflict in 1962 is about the riot of the University of Mississippi. James Meredith was the first black student at the school at that time. May I remind you that this was during segregation. Many protesters started mini riots all over Oxford. All of a sudden they started to get bigger and bigger and the JFK had to send in the US Marshals to just help Meredith get to class. The roits started to get even worse between armed protestors and the Us Marshals. They thought it was going to turn into a mini civil war. There was two deaths during some of the violent riots and one person was sentenced to jail, but he was later released. Luckily Meredith graduated from Ole Miss in 1963 with a degree in political science.

I really don't know what my favorite song is because i have many. I would have to say the song In the Air Tonight. This song is sung by Phil Collins in 1981. some reasons why I like this song is because it tells a true story about a when Phil was at a summer camp when he was a boy. At his camp there was a boy swimming at night and he accidently drowned. Phil watched the counseler just stand there and not do anything. Its not that he/she killed the boy its just that they didnt try to save him. In the song he talks about the drowning boy and how the counseler wouldn't lend a hand to him. Phil invited the counseler to a concert and even gave him front row seats. Once he started singing he just lended over and stared at them through the entire song. He wanted to let him know that he knew what they did. Another reason why is because the Pittsburgh Steelers listen to this song in their pre-game.

Jake Abbott 8-20-12

Jakob Lemuel Abbott. said...
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Jakob Lemuel Abbott. said...
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Allie Maset said...

I think the purpose of the song "We Didn't Start the Fire" is to show how many problems the world has had over time but we can still overcome with good things too. The fire in my mind represents all the bad things that go on in our universe.
I picked Princess Grace. She was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,and her family had a history of royal people in it.
I have many favorite songs, but if I was to choose one I would pick "Give Your Heart a Break" by Demi Lovato. I chose this because to me it kinda means even if you feel like you really need to give up, keep trying and great things will happen because you held on.

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel is that we didn't cause all the historical issues in the world and that the issues we face will continually go on and on. The fire in the song is a metaphor for the problems in the world.

I chose Doris Day, an American singer, actress, and animal rights activst. Something intesting about Doris Day is that she co-founded "Actors and Others for Animals" in 1971 and recieved the Presidental Medal of Freedom from George W. Bush in 2004. Also, Doris Day had an entertainment career that lasted for almost 50 years and she is currently ranked 6th among 10 other box office performers, male and female.

I have so many favorite songs, and it is very hard to chose. My favorite is probably "Vegas Girl" by Connor Mynard, "Pound the Alarm" by Nicki Minaj, or "Could You Be Loved" by Bob Marley. I love "Vegas Girl" and "Pound the Alarm" because they have a fun beat to them and are easy to sing along to. I love "Could You Be Loved" because it's relaxing and reminds me of the beach.

Hunter said...

I think the purpose of this song is that although that our time now does bad things that does not mean that it is our fault. Many things before us have been bad for the world. The word "fire" is compared to all the bad things in the world such as global warming and pollution.

In this video I chose the vaccine. The vaccine was invented in 1952 by Edward Jenner. Maurice Hilleman's measles vaccine is estimated to prevent 1 million deaths every year.

My favorite song is "won't give up" by Jason Mraz because it as a purpose that he won't give up on him and whoever he loves because god made everybody for a reason and he made someone for everyone.
Hunter Corley 4-5 Period

Austin J(: said...

I think the purpose of "We Didn't start the Fire" was to show the history, and how all of the times have changed here in the united states. The metaphor for this song is for all the problems that happened and change that occurred.

In this video I chose Disney Land. It was open to public in 1954, and has been attracting the same crowd since then. It is not as popular as the main theme park Disney World, but still has many tourists. I would love to visit one day.

My favorite song would have to be "The A Team" by Ed Sheeran. It has a great melody, and also a very touching story line if you listen closely. It's a fun, relaxing song to sing along with.
Austin Joseph 1-2 period

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of the song "We Didn't Start the Fire" is to show how the world has changed for the good and bad over a 40 year time period. These are all important events that helped make history in the world.
I believe, "fire" in the song is a metaphor for not knowing all the things that were going to happen in the world but having a decision of either making it a good or bad thing.
The person I chose to research about was James Dean, who I thought was a singer. This American Icon, and award winning actor loved to play basketball and played guard on his high school basketball team. His acting career took him to meeting the famous Elizabeth Taylor, who gave him a cat which he named Marcus.
James Dean was a huge part of history who will always be remembered.
Because of the large amount of music I listen to everyday it was super hard to figure out my favorite song. But, I think one of my favorite songs is "Scared of Lonely" by Beyonce. The title is pretty much is self -explanatory but it's pretty much about not wanting to be alone. That's why I love my friends and family so much because I never want them to leave my side.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The purpose of this song, is to show all the different changes through out the years. Also the metaphor fire, is meaning change.

The person potrayed in the video that I wanted to know more about is Albert Einstein. The two facts about him is for starters, Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for developing the Theory of Relativity. Secondly his father's name was Hermann Einstein and he was in charge of an Electro Chemical factory. Finally my favorite song is obviously "A Country Boy Can Survive" because I'm from a very "country" climate of Pennsalvania so I generally grew up listening to country music.

Unknown said...

“We Didn’t Start the Fire” was written to show how the world has always been changing. Even dating back before humans, the world has always been evolving and molding itself into different shapes, not always necessarily for the better. The metaphor in the song is the fire which I see as the fire of change. The fire of change has always been burning. Animals, plants, technology, people, and even the land we walk on has and will forever be changing. For example, the seven continents, today, where once all connected together as a large landmass called Pangaea billions of years ago, but then the earth started changing. The plates underneath the surface shifted and glided amongst each other placing the seven glorious continents where they are today.
Toscanini, Arturo was a famous composer of the 20th Century. He was very famous for his intensity during his performances. He was the conductor of the NBC Symphony. Not only was he known for his great conducting skills, he was known for his photographic memory.
One of my favorite songs is “Want You Back” by Cher Lloyd. I like this song due to its great lyrics and rhythm. It is basically about a girl who broke up with her boyfriend, but she is very jealous because he got a new girlfriend. Now she really wants him back.

Reina Edwards 6-7th period

Anonymous said...

I believe that " the fire " is the changes that are happening around the world. Not all of them are good, but they are all changes, nontheless. Change wont stop happening,even things in space will change, new stars are made every day, for all we know, there are other dimensions out there that have been sustaining life longer than the galaxy we live in, maybe there are other solar systems with life on them. My point is, there is always a place for change to happen, and no matter what, and change will never stop. No one lit that fire, it lit itself. When it ignited, the universe was made and that was the first change to ever hapen, now, the one thing that wont change is change itself. It wont change because change is immortal, it will never stop happening.
I chose Peter Pan, for some unknown reason, maybe it is because when i was little i loved that movie or whatever, but anyway, a fact about him is that he can fly (you are probably thinking: well duh!). Another fact that i still fail to completely comprehend is that he lives on a star, or a giant ball of space dust. The part that i dont get is: how can there be land and sea and life on a star?
My favorite song is probably:Raise Your Glass, by Pink. What i think it means is: power to the freaks, the weird people are awesome, so now it is their turn to take over tha dance floor. It is a song about not careing what others think of you, and having some fun before you die. It is about having fun, even if the normal people think you look stupid. The song is about "to heck with normal, I can have fun with freaks like me, and not have to worry about them having a bad opinion of me! Also, I will enjoy partying with weirdos while i silently judge the normal people". I like the song because most people think i am completely mental, but i am not, i am just different and in my opinion, normal is boring, so dont judge me!

abby =) said...

The purpose of this song is to let people understand that we didn't start the chain of events that have happened in the world; they were bound to happen the way the world was with it's resources. The metaphor in this song is that the fire is the events that've happened.
I chose Peter Pan in the video. This is meaning the broadway show that came out in 1955. The show was very famous because the actor, Mary Martin, flew through the air as Peter Pan.
One of my favorite songs is probably "All Black Everything" by Lupe Fiasco. The songs really different and it sort of relates to this video because he's also talking about events that've happened.
Abby Wadsworth 1/2

Unknown said...

The purpose of this song is to show us people today that we weren’t the ones who created these tragedies. Even though, as time passes there will be more and more problems. The fire is all the bad situations that have been happening.

I chose Brigitte Bardot from this video. Brigitte Bardot was a famous fashion mode, actress, singer, and animal rights activist. Throughout her life she has been in 47 films and has recorded 80 songs.

My favorite song is "Wide Awake" by Katy Perry. I'm not really sure I like it. It's just really catchy and I like it.

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of "We Didnt Start the Fire" is that change is always happening, and it doesn't matter who started it, or who is held responsible. The thing that matters is that we, the population of the earth, need to decide how we're going to respond to it, whether it be for good or bad.

The "fire" in the song represents the change, which is raging and going on, just like a fire, or wildfire in this case. I think Billy Joel also meant to say that, just like with a wildfire, no one really started it, and that people are always trying to fight the harm it does. My third point is that, like a fire, change isn't always bad. For example, fire can can keep us warm, just as it can cause harm to people and objects.

The topic I chose was the Bay of Pigs invasion. When tension was rising between the U.S. and Cuba during the cold war, The C.I.A. carried out a plan approved by John F. Kennedy himself. It was an invasion on the Bay of Pigs in southern Cuba. this invasion was an immense failure, with 1189invaders captured and taken prisoner. It was a huge embarrasment for Kennedy at the United Nations, and he soon fired long-time C.I.A. director Allen W. Dulles. Cuba did exchange the prisoners with the U.S., however, for $53 million in a year's worth of food and medicine given to the prisoners.

The song I chose was "Civil War" by Guns N' Roses. The meaning of this song is that war is corrupt, and that officials in war use their soldiers as if it were a, and I quote, "human grocery store". It also brings up the point that war is cruel and indignifying, so why would it be called civil? In fact, one of the lyrics of the song is, "What's so civil about war anyway?" I do mostly agree with this song, but I dont think that I have the right to say how war officials feel about their soldiers.

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of "We Didn't Start the Fire" is to show all the changes that have happened over the years and that changes have been accuring since the beginning of time and that we didn't start it! The metaphor of "the fire" is the problems that these changes have brought about over the years!

The person I chose to learn about is John F Kennedy. I'd like to learn more about him because even though he was the youngest president the U.S. has ever had he was one of the favorite and most respected presidents we have ever had! The two facts about John F Kennedy are, he was assassinated on November 22, 1963 and the first president born in the 20th century.

There are many songs I like and is really hard to choose from, but the song I'd choose is "Till I Collapse" by eminem! The reason I like the song is that its a good song to listen to before games because it gets me pumped and focused about playing! You have to listen to the word to get really pumped! When I listen to it, it makes me feel like I can't be stopped!

-Talon Miller 7-8

Ashley :D said...

I think the purpose of the song "We Didn't Start the Fire" is that the world is changing. It always has and will never stop. Even before the existence of humans the world was forming into what it is today. And guess what? The world will have changed by tomorrow! The metaphor for fire in this song is change.

I chose Elvis Presley from this video. He had a twin brother, but sadly his twin was stillborn. Elvis was known as mainly a singer, but he also starred in 33 successful films. Globally,he has sold over one billion records, more than any other artist! Did you know that the infamous black hair was actually dyed.

I have a lot of favorite songs, but if I chose one it would probably be Runaround Sue by Dion. It's an oldie from the 60's and I love the doo-wop swing.

Leasor, Jodi said...

I think the purpose of "We Didn't Start The Fire" is because people need to know what has changed in the past couple centuries. The metaphor of the fire is that the fire means the war and they are saying "They Didn't Start The War" I'm guessing.

I choose Einstein in this video. He was born on March 14, 1879 in the German Empire, Germany and he died on April 18, 1955 in Princeton,New Jersey,United States. He died by internal bleeding and at the age of 76. He went to the United States in 1933, and never did go back to Germany.

I have many favorite songs, if I had I to pick just one I would be "Don't Laugh At Me" by Mark Wills, because it is very sad. It is about how kids make fun of other kids who have glasses or braces, or if they are fat, skinny, tall, or short. That is just mean and embarrassing. That is why "Don't Laugh At Me" is one of my favorite songs.

Jodi Leasor 4-5 period

Unknown said...

The purpose of this song is to show how the world has evolved. The fire in song represents all the bad things that happened in the world. I picked Peter Pan because I liked the movie. The cast at SLHS adapted Barrie’s original theatrical form of Peter Pan, written in 1904 and performed in London.In the Disney movie, the melody for The Second Star to the Right was originally written for "Alice in Wonderland." My favorite song is Right Above It because i like the beat. I usually workout to this song because I work harder.

Unknown said...

I believe the purpose of this song is to inform people that there are events happening everyday. Let me rephrase that, change is happening everyday. Sometimes it's good, positive change. Other days, it is negative change. Change is just something that has been happening for years and years now. What I think the metaphor means is, that we didn't start the changes, they've been going on for years.
I chose Princess Grace because she seemed like one of the most girly people in the video. She was born in Philadelphia, in 1929. She was a very famous actress, starring in various movies. She took on the title "Princess", when she married Prince Rainier III of Monaco.
My favorite song is "Back In Time" by Pitbull. The reason why is that, it doesn't have a lot of words, but it has a great rhythym and beat. It just makes you want to move.

Sarah Wilmoth said...

I think the purpose of this song,"We Didn't Start the Fire" is to inform people that change has always been here. Change has been here since the day the world was made. If someone has a problem with change they need to get over it because there is nothing anybody can do to stop it. The metaphore for fire is change. The video and lyrics are saying that we didnt start changs and there is nothing we can do to put it out.

I chose Wheel of Fortune in this video. Many people watch Wheel of Fortune and many people try to figure out the puzzles in their own home instead of actually being on the show. This week the prize is a golf getaway to Sandals Resort. Since 1983 Wheel of Furtune has awarded more than $190 million dollars in cash and prizes to contestants.

I like a lot of songs but my favorite song has to be "It's Your Life" by Francesca Battistelli. It is about the choise you have about your life. The song says that you decide what you do with your life. Yes there are some unexpected things that just pop up out of nowhere but you make the decisions on how your life goes. It alwo says that you need to make good choices about your life. the song title kinda gives away the song. "It's Your Life" and you get to choose what you do with it.

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of "We Didn't Start The Fire" is to show how drastically this world has changed since the beginning of this timeline. I believe the fire represents the changes.

I chose Joseph Stalin. I chose him because he is infamous for his rise to power in Russia. He was an evil force in the early 20th century. Also, he will go down in the history books as one of the most powerful dictators in history..

My favorite song would have to be "Tonight is the Night" by Outasight. I like this song because it tells the story of a person capitalizing on a moment to become a star.

Alex Billiris 6-7

Unknown said...

The purpose of "We Didn't Start the Fire" was to show all the change in the world for the past few centuries. It was the good changes, but also the bad. The metaphor for fire is all the different types of change we see today.

The person I chose was Sugar Ray. I love boxing. It let's out anger and I think it's fun. Sugar Ray was an American Professional Boxer. he was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1990. Boxing helped Sugar Ray Let out anger and he really enjoyed it. Until he spent over $4 million on his career inside and outside the ring....Sugar Ray retired from his boxing career on November 11, 1965. He then lived in poverty until his death in 1989.

My favorite song would have to be American Soldier by Toby Keith. It's all about being a true soldier and commiting to his or her job of fighting for this country. The reson I like this song so much is because My Great Grandfather and I were ery close. He was like my bestfriend. He was in World War 1 and 2. His favorite singer was Toby Keith and when Toby Keith came out with this song My grandpa was the happiest guy on the earth. I lost my Pap last year...I was devastated. But this song, brings back great memories and shows me what fighting for our country is all about.

Haley Evans Period: 6-7

Unknown said...

I believe that the song, We Didn’t Start the Fire, is about change. It’s not just about change in the United States alone, but all over the world. In fact,”Fire”, is a metaphor for change. The fact that the song lists events over several years tells you that change isn’t a new concept. Change has always been occurring.
I chose Richard Nixon as my person from the song. He was the thirty-seventh president of the U.S., and is the only president to ever resign from office.
One of my favorite songs is “Better Class of Losers” because it tells how I feel. It’s about a guy who leaves his girlfriend because he is tired of her attitude. She feels that having money is the same thing as having class, but it’s not.

Ryan_V said...

I think the purpose of the song "We Didn't Start the Fire" is to show all of the major events that occured in the nineteen-hundreds, good and bad. The fire is a metaphor for all of the terrible things that had happened at that time have spreaded into our generation.

The person that I chose who was portrayed in the video is Joe DiMaggio. Joe DiMaggio was a very famous New York Yankee. He had a stunning hitting streak record of 56 games which blew away all other records set before him. He also appeared in eleven All-Star games,had a .325 career batting average, and won nine career world championships.

My favorite song would have to be the "Mountaineer Fight Song". This would be my favorite song because I love the Moutaineers. I am a true die-hard WVU fan. I could listen to that song over and over again and never get tired of it. It gets me pumped for Mountaineer football!

Ryan Vilain 6/7 period

Unknown said...

I know for a fact the song "WE didn't Start the Fire" is about the changes taking place in the world through out history. Though many people and events were mentioned in the song those are only a few things that have happened throughout the course of history.

For my topic I chose the Mafia. The Mafia is by far the largest and most orginized gang in history, not to mention famous. There are books, games, and movies about the Mafia. In fact, the Mafia was so incredibly massive that it spread all the way to America, and is so famous that now the name Mafia is given to any orginised gang.

Zach Phillips said...

The purpose of the song is to show that there maybe change, but we can overcome it. The fire in the song is for the spark of change going on throught the years.

I chose Dwight D. Eisenhower. He led the invasion on D-Day which changed the tide of the war for th americans. Also he created the Interstate Highways System in 1956.

My favorite song is "I Want it all" by young pride. It means you got to work and you'll get rewarded.

aman2524 said...

The purpose of this song, to me, is that change is always happening and we can't stop it no matter what we do. The fire in this song is a metaphor to the bad changes in the world that are more than good. The lyric in the song, "... we did ignite it but we are trying to fight it..." stands for the human race starting the change but we can't immobilize it at all.

The person I chose to research on from the song was Albert Einstein. I chose him because he was very smart, but he was also outgoing. He also wasn't afraid to show his abnormality that everyone contains, he just liked to show it in his pictures. I found out that he helped with the creation of the formula for the atom bomb but didn't build it. He also came up with a theory of the universe that in that case disproved Isaac Newton's theory of the universe. His theory was that the planets were on a plane, also known as space. and when the were created they bent that plane by being formed in it thus banding light. Think of it as someone holding a piece of paper on their hand which is flat, then someone punching their hand without the paper or hand going any different direction but down and the paper crumpeling. The paper would represent space.

My all time favorite song would be "Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. It is my favorite because it is just a great song to me I like everything about it. I especially like the lyrics of it, but I also like the guitar and the vocals.

Alex Newman 8-23-12 6th/7th Period

M3g@n said...

I think the purpose of this song is to point out the things happening over time. Not only good things but many bad. It also shows how the topics are still effecting us today. The metaphor in this is that its still happening and we cant change or stop it.

I chose to write about Ayatollah Khomeini.
He was a terrorist in iran. He was a very powerful Muslim man. Until he dies he was the first Supreme Leader of Iran.

I have a couple favorite songs, but if i had to choose one id choose Did it on'em by Nicki Minaj. i like this song because when i listen to it it makes me feel like i can do whatever and no one can stop me.

M3g@n said...
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M3g@n said...

I think the purpose of this song is to point out the things happening over time. Not only good things but many bad. It also shows how the topics are still effecting us today. The metaphor in this is that its still happening and we cant change or stop it.

I chose to write about Ayatollah Khomeini.
He was a terrorist in iran. He was a very powerful Muslim man. Until he dies he was the first Supreme Leader of Iran.

I have a couple favorite songs, but if i had to choose one id choose Did it on'em by Nicki Minaj. i like this song because when i listen to it it makes me feel like i can do whatever and no one can stop me.

- Megan Stephenson

AllieShreves said...

I think the purpose of the song "We Didn't Start the Fire" is that change is always happening and will not stop. The song means that all of the problems and changes in the world were not our generation's fault.

I chose hula hoops in this video. The hula hoop was invented in 1959. They became popular very quickly and more than 25 million hoops were sold in less than four months. People all ages were using them and learning new tricks to do.

I have two favorite songs. The first one is called "Say You Like Me" by We The Kings. I recently just discovered this band and they really took my breath away. Their music sounds less mainstream than what you hear on the radio today. My second favorite song is "Take What You Want" by Maroon 5. Maroon 5 is my all-time favorite band. This song has awesome guitar riffs in it. Also the singer sounds amazing (As always) in it.

Allie Shreves 6-7th period

Anonymous said...

I think we didn't start the fire means we didn't start the change but we are noticing it. I chose presidant John F. Kennedy because he was the thirty fifth president of the Uninted States of America.
He was born 1917 so he was the president in some of these clips. He was involved in some of this stuff so he probably would know a lot about it. That is one of the main reasons why I chose him. I like this song. I think it goes well with the video but thats probably why they chose it. I think he was a good president.

Mackenzee Walker said...

The purpose of this song is that change has been occuring forever. Nobody really started it, change just started happening. The metaphor for fire is change.

The person I chose to write about was Charles Hardin Holley, also known as Buddy Holly. I chose Buddy because he is someone I have heard about but never really knew who he was. Buddy was an American singer-songwriter and was also a pioneer of rock and roll. Buddy's success only lasted for a year though because of a plane crash. It says that Buddy's band mate gave the seat to him while the bandmate took the bus. Buddy jokingly said, "I hope your bus breaks down." and the bandmate replied, "Well I hope your plane crashes. At the time the bandmate did not expect what would happen on that plane ride, but it probably haunted him forever.

If I had to pick a favorite song it would probably be "Give your Heart a Break" by Demi Lovato. I would pick that song because it pretty much says that when your going through a hard time just take it slow and everything will be fine. You just have to take a break.

Mackenzee Walker
6th/7th period

Alyssa Martin said...

I think the purpose of the song "We didn't start the fire" is to show everyone that the world is always changing. It also shows people that we didn't start all of the world's historical events. Everyone has had something to do with it. It shows that nobody can make the world different by thereselves. Everyone has to work together to make a change.

I chose Brigitte Bardot from the video. Bardot was born on September 28, 1934 in Paris, France. She is a former French, fashion model, and a singer. Brigitte started acting in 1952, but then she retired from the entertainment industry in 1973.

My favorite song is "Your Amazing". This song is by Bruno Mars. I really like the beat. In the song, Bruno repeatedly says that "Your amazing just the way you are". This song means that it doesn't matter what you look like or what you wear to school. We are all amazing just the way we are!

Alyssa Martin said...

I think the purpose of the song "We didn't start the fire" is to show everyone that the world is always changing. It also shows people that we didn't start all of the world's historical events. Everyone has had something to do with it. It shows that nobody can make the world different by thereselves. Everyone has to work together to make a change.

I chose Brigitte Bardot from the video. Bardot was born on September 28, 1934 in Paris, France. She is a former French, fashion model, and a singer. Brigitte started acting in 1952, but then she retired from the entertainment industry in 1973.

My favorite song is "Your Amazing". This song is by Bruno Mars. I really like the beat. In the song, Bruno repeatedly says that "Your amazing just the way you are". This song means that it doesn't matter what you look like or what you wear to school. We are all amazing just the way we are!

G said...

I think the purpose of this video is about the world and how it has been changing. The metaphor of "We Didn't Start The Fire" means that war and chaos has been around for a long time and we didn't start the fire.

The person I would want to know more about is John F. Kennedy. He was the 35th President of the United states. John was born on May 29, 1917. He was the second youngest president after Theodore Roosevelt. On November 22, 1963 President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

My favorite song is called "summer Breeze. I have always liked this son because it is soft rock. The song was first produced in 1971. The band is called Seals and Croft. The song also tells a story like what most song do. The reason I like this song is that it reminds me of my favorite movie called the "Omega Man".

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of this song was, the world has changed and it's still going to, because the human mind never stop thinking. The metaphor that the song is talking about is the change in the world all the way from Harry Truman to Rock n roller cola wars. I chose mafia because I thought it was interesting. It turns out that the mafia originated in Italy and spread out to America, Mexico, etc. The Mafia considered itself to be a family or clan and people hired them for protection. My favorite song is Remember the name by Fort Minor. I like it because it has a good sound.

Braden Wilfong

Alexis von Schmidt said...

I feel the song “We Didn’t Start the Fire” is about the way people have changed and molded our history and our future. The fire in the song is a metaphor for the inner strength that people have to strive for greatness and become legends. These icons and faces of change have made a huge difference within our history and hopefully within our future people will continue to use their imaginations, talents, strengths, and abilities to impact our world.

The movie Psycho caught my eye because she was screaming. Alfred Hitchcock directed the movie in 1960. He decided to film it in black and white because he felt it would be too gory in color. Janet Leigh’s scream in the shower has become one of the most famous screams in movie history.

Since I am changing my favorite song is changing, at the moment my favorite song is Payphone by Maroon5. I like this song because it is a summer feel good song.

Unknown said...

I think the song "We didnt start the fire" means how the US has changed over the years.The metaphor in the song is saying fire the change in the U.S. people aren't realizing the problems.

I chose John F. Kennedy in the video. The reason I chose him he was the 35th president of the United States.He also was the only catholic president.

My favorite "too close."The song that I chose is by Alex Clare the reason i chose this song is i heard it on a commercial.

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of this song is to make society aware of the ever changing problems. "The fire" is referring to the issues in the world. "We Didn't Start the Fire" means that this began years and years ago, and is still continuing today. It is mainly a historical timeline with music added to it.
I chose Marilyn Monroe from the video. She was born "Norma Jean Mortenson" on June 4, 1926 in Los Angeles County Hospital, California. Sadly, she died at the young age of 36 on August 5, 1962. Marilyn had a great interest in art. She was enrolled in an art appreciation class at UCLA in 1951.
My favorite song is "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. It's about a girl meeting a cute guy and giving him her phone number right away. It is a real upbeat song; I also love the video!

Unknown said...

I think We Didnt Start the fire is about the things that happened in the past wasn't our fault and we need to stop being guilty for those actions in the past. I chose Pete Pan because he was my favorite character when I was little I used to watch it all the time when I was little. My favorite song would probably have to be Good Time by Owl City and Ft.Carly Rae Jepsen because its a non-stop movement and action with the
Song. That's my favorite song.

Unknown said...

I have heard this song on the radio about 1000 times. And change has been happening for years. The change is the fire. So "We didn't start the fire" Is saying that change has been happing since the world has been turning.

I like the beatles. In my opinion, they were the best english rok band in the whole world. I am one of their billions of fans.

My favorite song is "World So cold" by Three Days Grece. (No they are not religious). They are saying that the world nowadays is getting way colder every single day. And how in this cold world, his personality and his soul is wasting away. They are my fovorite rock band and my favorite band ever. That is why I love this song.

Unknown said...

I think the song is about the problems in the world and the people who changed things. the way they used the word fire means the problems.I would like to learn more about the children of tholidimite.Why the doctors gave it to the moms.my favorite song is wiz khalifa-on my level

Jason Coffindaffer said...

I think the purpose of this song,"We Didn't Start the Fire" Is about the world is changing ever day.the song is letting you know what happened over the years. The person i chose peter pan.Peter Pan first appeared in a section of The Little White Bird.It was written in 1902 by Barrie for adults...

Unknown said...

I think this song "We didnt start the fire" was from the major things that were good and were bad, after World War 2. I chose James Dean because he was famous for his most celebrated film, Rebel Without A Case.

Dean was the first actor to receive a posthumous Academy Award nomination for Best Actor and is still the only actor to have had two acting nominations.

Dean was born on February 8, 1981,at the Seven Gables apartment house located at the corner of 4th Street and McClure Street in Marion, Indiana, to Winton Dean and Mildred Wilson.

Six years after his father had left farming to become a dental technician, James and his family moved to Santa Monica, California. The family spent several years there, and by all accounts young Dean was very close to his mother. According to Michael DeAngelis, she was "the only person capable of understanding him". He was enrolled at Brentwood Public School in the Brentwood neighborhood of Los Angeles until his mother died of cancer when Dean was nine years old.

Dean's first television appearance was in a Pepsi Cola television commercial. He quit college to act full time and was cast as John the Beloved Disciple in Hill Number One, an Easter television special, and three walk-on roles in movies, Fixed Bayonets!, Sailor Beware, and Has Anybody Seen My Gal? His only speaking part was in Sailor Beware, a Paramount comedy starring Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis; Dean played a boxing trainer. While struggling to get jobs in Hollywood, Dean also worked as a parking lot attendant at CBS Studios, during which time he met Rogers Brackett, a radio director for an advertising agency, who offered him professional help and guidance in his chosen career, as well as a place to stay.

On September 30, 1955, Dean had a terrible crash with one of his Porche 550 Spyder, and suffered a whorrible death.

Unknown said...

I think the song "We Didn't Start the Fire" is about all the good and bad things that have happened over the years. Some of the things in the video was good and some were bad.

I chose Marilyn Monroe. Her real name was Norma Jeane Mortenson.She was in foster homes when she was little. She was an acrtess,model,singer. She was born June 1, 1926. She died on August 5,1962 by Barbiturate overdose.

My favorite song is One Thing by One Direction. I like this song because it has a good beat and it's fun to dance to.