I would not like to participate in an adventure like this because it very dangerous, and can obviously lead to death when your runing from a large bull...No I have not acually been to bridge day in WV, but i have hear a lot about it. I acually would not like to go because I am very paranoied about heights and falling. No i would rather stay on my feet. :)
I would not like to participate in the Running of the Bulls adventure, because I think it's dangerous and I could get seriously injured. I have never been to bridge day in West Virginia.I would like to go to bridge day, because it would be interesting to see people jump and bungee off of the bridge. I would like to participate in an adventure surviving in a region with Bear Grylls,on "Man vs Wild" because it would be fun to learn new tactics for surviving in real life situations with a trained survivor. In the Running of the Bulls it's not really adventurous to get chased by bulls, just a way to get seriously hurt.
Would I like to participate in the Running of the Bulls? In a way I would, In a way I wouldn't because It's a way you can get seriously injured, and possibly die! I'd also like to try it because it would be an intense thing to do. I haven't been to the bridge in West Virginia but I'd like to because I'd like to see people jump off the bridge! An adventure I'd like to do someday is go out in wood with a couple of friends and see how long we could survive out there by ourselves!
Even though the running of the bulls is heard about all over the world I would not want to run with the bulls. Two reasons I would not want to participate are:I would be to nervous about losing a body part and I dont think it would be worth risking my own life. Also I've never been to bridge day WV. I have never been there because I have never been interested in that kind of adventure. Lastly, one adventure I am planning to do when I grow up is go study big cats and reptiles. When I graduate from college I want to be a herpatologist and a big cat expert.
I would not like to participate in an adventure like Running of the Bulls. It seems very dangerous and getting trampled by bulls isn't exactly on my bucket list. No, I have never been to Bridge Day in WV. I actually have never heard about it until class today. The only way I would go to Bridge Day is to watch. I would never jump off because my cord could break. The only reason I would consider it is because it is over water so it wouldn't hurt as much. There are many adventure's I would like to participate in, but I probably never will. I am pretty daring, but sometimes my brain takes over and I can't make myself do it.
I would never participate in an event like Running of the Bulls. It seems very dangerous, hurtful, and gory. It's one adventure that will not be done by me. No, I've never participated in the event of Bridge Day. I just read about it in the West Virginia Geography book today. I might try it, but it is really dangerous. You never know when the rope is gonna break. One adventure I would maybe participate in is sky diving because it seems like a lot of fun. The only dangerous part is ur parachute not opening. So I'm going to go with a very expensive company.
I would not like to participate in an adventure like this,and I would not want to get hurt by the bulls.No I have never been to bridge day in WV,and I do not plan on going at all.Actually there is no adventure I would like to participate in because i'm too chicken.
I would not like to participate in the running of the bulls because I would not like to get severly injured or killed. what I would like to participate in is sky diving Because I thnk it looks really fun. Heustan O'Dell
1st 2nd
I would like to participate in “Running with the Bulls”. It seems fun and dangerous. I also like dangerous activities, so that’s another reason I would want to run with the bulls. No I have never been to bridge day in WV. It looks fun though jumping off a bridge with only a bungee cord to stop you from falling to your death. I would like to go to this, but it also seems dangerous. I would like to climb cliffs sometime and try to survive out in the woods with my neighbors and brother. If we did try to survive out in the woods, I would gather the fuel for the fire, Isaac would make the fire and cook the food, Jimmy would make the shelter, and Logan would hunt for food.David Childers 4th-5th period
I would not like to participate in an adventure like this because it is very dangerous and someone could get really hurt. No, I have never been to bridge day in West Virginia. I would like to go, but I would not jump or parachute of the bridge. I have heard you have to sign something in order to jump off because if the rope breaks they are not responsible for you death. If I could go on an adventure I would go to a tropical rain forest. I would want to know how the weather is like and all the trees and animals.
Yes I would love to paricipate in this adventure. I have not benn to brdge day but I have been on the bridge and have looked over the edge. I would also like to go to bridge day because I think it would be really fun. I would love to go sky diving, rock climbing, and I have always wanted to climb Mt.Everest. But I have heard a lot of people died trying to climb Mt. Everest.
I would not like to participate in this activity because it is very dangerous and you could easily get hurt and die from the bull attacking you. I haven't been to bridge day Wv. But i heard that bridge day Wv was fun. I would not like to go to bridge day Wv because I am scared of heights and scared to jump off of it and I think I would just say no and pass. I would rather keep my feet on the ground an enjoy the scenic view.
The running of the bulls is a very dangerous event in my opinion. I definitely would not like to participate in this event for many obvious reasons. First, I don’t like getting run over by things especially bulls. Secondly, I don’t like putting myself in dangerous situations where I can harm my body. I bet some crazy group of people were sitting around one day and just thought, “ Let’s go get a group of people and run around the streets getting chased by bulls to see how many bones we can break!” Not the best idea in my opinion.Although I have never gone, I might participate at Bridge Day. I’ve always wanted to bungee jump or parachute off a bridge. It also does not involve being chased around by some bulls around the streets of Spain.I would like to adventure to the center of the earth. Although technically the earth is filled with boiling magma, I’d adventure through the one in the movie “Journey to the Center of the Earth.”That would be the ultimate adventure!Reina Edwards Period 6-7
I'm pretty solid on saying that I would never run with the bulls. It may make their adrenalin pump, but I'm more worried about my safety than a rush. Tons of injuries probably come out from this adventure, and i'd rather not spend my weekend at a hospital. People from Spain may enjoy that activity, but I dont think I'd take that risk.This is actually my first time of ever hearing of bridge day in West Virginia.Therefore, I've never been there. Would I like to visit bridge day? Probably not. I don't like putting my life at risk and it scares me that others would.I'm a pretty boring person and have no clue what adventure I would like to go on. I think visiting the jungle would be exciting, but that's the only adventure I would take. I like to know that I'm safe and sound anywhere I go. Maybe as I get older I'll get more adventorous, but not crazy.
I would not like to participate in the Running of the Bulls adventure, because in the video I saw a lot of people being hurt by the bulls. When you think about it, the bulls could even help you to death!I have lived in West Virginia for my whole life. I have heard about Bridge day many times before and it sounds like a lot of fun for certain people. I probably wouldn't go, because I am very scared of heights.I am not sure what type of adventure I would want to go on. I like to know that what I am doing is completely safe.
No, I would notlike to participate in the running of the bulls in Spain because the bulls are out of control and I watched many unlucky people get seriously injured. I've never been to bridge day in WV, however, I would love to go. An adventure I would like to participate is traveling the world to learn about others' cultures.
I would not like to participate in the running of the bulls. I would not want to get hurt or get that close to a bull. If I could watch this event, that would be perfectly fine. I would love to be able to see the hilarious things happening to the people, not to be mean or anything it’s just stupid they would put themselves through it. I have not been to bridge day but I would like to. It seems like a lot of fun. I would like to participate in the pumpkin drop in science honorary. My friend was in it and said it was a lot of fun, so I think would enjoy it as well.
If was close to death then I would definitaly with the bulls, mabye even jump up on one, and try to steer it. Inspite of the fact that I would not particapate in the running of the bulls, unless I was nearly dead, I would particapate in bridge day. It would be an amazing experience. I'd do lots of things if I knew I wasn't going to die. Pain I'm okay with, dying not so much. People do these things for fun, so even though some of the stuff is stupid I'm not going to judge them for doing it.
I would like to partipate in The Running of the Bulls, but only if I was in front. No, I haven't been to bridge day. Yes, i would like to go although I wouldn't jump off because you could get seriously injuried. I would like to go sky-diving becasue it looks exhilarating. Also, I have wanted to go snowboarding down the biggest mountain or hang glide over rocks.Zach Phillips 1st and 2nd
I would like very much to participate in any event like the running of the bulls and I would also like to participate in other events like rock climbing or other things of that nature. I myself like to get the rush from doing something like that it gives me a sort of natural high. I enjoy doing things like that and I am a licensed scuba diver, and have dove about one hundred seventy feet in one dive and a total of about one thousand six hundred feet total. It is very exhilarating and very fun. I would love to go to bridge day as well and sky dive or parachute off of it, which I might do at this year's bridge day. An adventure I would like to have which I might do sometime after high school is take a bunch of my friends and scale Mt. Everest and put down a little mark saying we were there. I really like doing these kinds of things and I hope to do more as life goes on.Alex Newman 6th/7th Period
I would not like to participate in an adventure like this. It is way too dangerous and does not appeal to me. I have not been to bridge day in WV. Though I wouldn't participate in bridge day, it would be fun to watch. I really don't like very adventurous things because I am always afraid of getting injured.
No I would not want to participate in the running of the bulls because I would end up getting trampled. No I have not been to bridge day in West Virginia and I probably never will. The adventure I would like to participate in would be parasailing becuase I heard it was not that scary. Also it would be cool to be looking over the ocean at everything. Tanner Amos 1-2
I would like to participate in running with the bulls because it looks like fun. I have not been to Bridge Day WV. One day I would like to go there because I hear it is very beautiful. One adventure I would like to go on is the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s atv trail because it is a very fun place to ride your atv.
In a way, I would like to go to running in the bulls because I'm a very adventerous person, but at the same time I wouldn't because it can obviously lead to death... I have never been to Bridge day but I know a few people that have. I would actually like to go parechuting off the bridge though. It may be fun. And I would like to participate in some things depending on what it was. Haley Evans. 6-7th period.
I would never participate in the running of the bulls. I think it's a really dumb thing to attempt. I've always wondered why Spain still does this because I'm pretty sure the majority of the hospitals would be filled up the next day. I've never been to bridge day before but I've crossed the gorge in my car. I would not like to go either because when I crossed it, the river didn't look like it'd be very fun to fall into if the rope snapped. An adventure I might consider is paragliding. It looks like a lot of fun and it'd be cool to do in Scotland with all the green hills and old castles. =)Abby Wadsworth 1/2
I would not like to do this adventure because most people either get killed or greatly injured. No, I have not been to Bridge Day. I don't think I would want to jump off a bridge because some people break their bones.An adventure that I would like to do is to go out in the wild with just two or three of my friends and see if we could last a week or two.
I would love to participate in the running of the bulls.I never have been to bridge day I think it would be fun to parachte off a bridge. Although it is dangerous because, you could get caught on the brdge or a bad parachute and hit the ground.I would like to participate in a survival adventure with les stroud. I think it would be fun to learn from a profesional survivalist. 0_0
I would hate to be in "the running of the bulls". It is dangerous and stupid. There is no reason but to get hurt and or killed. I have never been to Bridge day. I would like to go because I think it would be very interesting to learn about bridges and how they are made and what the process is in making them. I would like to go on an African Safari because I enjoy hunting. I would enjoy hunting exotic animals. I would like to hunt leopard and tiger.My dad would come with me because he enjoys hunting very much also.
I would like to participate in the running of the bulls. I think that this would be a great time and it would be a great thing to tell your friends about. That is if you survive. I have never been to bridge day. I would like to go. I do want to go bungie jumping and parachuting off the bridge. I think it would be fun. It is also another anecdote to tell your friends. There is an adventure that I would like to go on. I would like to go sky-diving from an airplane, but i would like for someone to do it with me so I don't get killed.
I dont think i would participate because i am only thirteeen so i dont think i would survive long enough to find out the waether for the next day.or even find out what color the ambulance that carried me away was. i dont want to die!I havent been to bridge day and i dont like the idea of that. Why you ask? the answer: i am scared of elevators for crying out loud!- mary kate gockley
Personally I would most definitely not enjoy participating in running with the bulls. However if I was paid I would attempt it. No, I have not been to Bridge Day. I have heard about it, and from what I’ve heard it sounds like something really enjoyable. I would like to attend Bridge Day. I would prefer to parachute off the bridge rather than bungee jumping off. Although I probably wouldn’t do either for fear that the parachute wouldn’t open or that the bungee cord would snap. For quite a while I thought that I was afraid of heights, but I’m actually afraid of falling from heights.
I would not like to run with bulls because I would not like to get trampled down. I think there has to be something mentally wrong with you if you really want to do that.I have always heard about Bridge Day, but never was interested in it. So, I guess that I would not do it because of the dangerous factor and the weightlessness factor. Also, the parachute could strangle and smother you when you land in the water. Last but not least, I would be scared to bungee jump off the bridge because the strap could snap and I could go flap into the water. Interesting factoid, the bridge was in one of the James Bond movies and was used to set a Guiness World Record.<3
CONTINUED...There is not really any adventure that I would like to go on. The most adventurous thing that I would, is go to a beach party in Brazil.
I would not want to participate in the running of the bulls, because im afraid I will get hurt and almost die. The running of the bulls is a very dangerous event. No I have never been to bridge day WV. I would not like to go to bridge day WV, because I would like to keep my feet on the ground. There is not an event I would like to participate in.
I would not like to participate in the "running of the bulls". I would not because it is very dangerous. It can cause serious life long injuries or even death. No, I have never attended Bridge Day. I would actually like to go to Bridge Day. I would not bungee jump off the bridge but I would consider parachuting. An adventure that I would like to try is to visit Arizona and see the Grand Canyon. I would like to hike down the canyon with my family. We could camp at the bottom. I think this would be very fun and a great adventure! Ryan Vilain 6/7th period
I would not like to be in the running of the bulls event because i think it is down right stupid and i could die or be seriously injured.No i have not been to the WV bridge day and i wouldnt like to go cuz im afraid something might go wrong. a adventure i would like to go on is to go sky diving because i want to see how it would feel
No I would not like to participate in the Running of the Bulls. I actually know someone who has done it a few times in Spain before. In a way I kinda think of it is like a death wish. Or at least a wish to get seriously injured. But if you aren't in the middle of the stree you might be fine because the person I know that did it is perfectly fine.I have never been to bridge day in West Virginia but I think it would be neat ot go and watch. It might also be a little scary being so far up in the air, on the bridge and just standing there. Especially since I have been to the visitors center and have seen the work outfits and the stories of a few people that died working on the bridge. I also am afraid of heights so that might be a contributing factor to me being scared.An adventure that I really want to participate in is surfing. I begged and begged and begged if I could go while were at the beach this summer but band camp was the same week so I ended up going to band camp instead of the beach. I won't stop trying to go though. It is something that I want to do more than anything else.
I for one would not participate in the running of the bulls, but I would find it interesting to go there and watch. I have never been to bridge day, but I would go and parachute off the bridge. I would have to make sure it was safe first, however. I cannot think of any adventures I would like to be in, but I think it would be nice to travel the world searching for one.
If I was asked to participate in this event I definatley would not say yes!! this seems extremely dangerous and scary. I have never been to bridge day but I would like to go and watch some day. If I could go on any adventure I would probobly see how far i could walk and where I'd end up. It would be neat to be able to say i have walked to Ohio or any other state. Megan Stephenson
I would like to see it in person before I tried it, but it looks kind of interesting. I have never been to bridge day, but i asked my mom if we could go next year, and she said maybe. I would like to go under water in a shark cage to see them up close and personal. Levi Haines 6th/7th period
I would not like to participate in the running of the bulls. I have not been to bridge day on the New river gorge. No i wouldnt like to go either I think it is dangerous and stupid. I would like to go sky diving sometime that is an adventure i would like to do.
I would definently not like to participate in an adventure like this. It is very dangerous and I think it is also stupid. I just dont't see why people would want to put their lives on the line like that. I have never been to bridge day before. The only way I would ever go is to watch people. I think it would be cool to watch people jump off, but I would not do it myself. If I would participate in any adventure it would be something like white water rafting because I would be close to the ground.
I don't think I would want to participate in an adventure like this, ever! In my opinion, this is a very dangerous idea. I have never been to the Bridge Day Festival in W.V. seems very interesting. I wouldn't mind to go to the Bridge Day Festival. I think it would be very fun, but I would actually be too scared to parachute off of the New River Gorge Bridge! As of right now, I don't know of any adventurous activities I would like to participate in. I am sure later on I will know, though! -Charli Crandall 6/7th period♥
No, I would not like to participate in the Running of The Bulls. It's a very dumb thing to do, but some people just like to do daring things. Even if they aren't smart nor reasonable. I have not been to Bridge Day before, but however I've been to the New River Gorge. Bridge Day sounds exhilarating, but i'm not sure if it's for me. One thing on my bucket list is to go paragliding. I would just be a bit scared of losing my grip and slipping off.
I'd hate to be in the running of the bulls. becausse it kills alot of people. Iv never been to bridge day WV, because i never knew there even was a bridge day. but if i would have heard about it i would probably not go. it doesnt sound fun, but it kinda does, so id ask to go. I love the heights and everything. I'c been on the highest point of WV and stood over the edge. Id prefer air than ground
I would participate in an event like this. No I haven't, but I would love to. I would like to participate in the Hunger Games.
I would definitely not want to participate in the Running of the Bulls. One reason why is that you could get seriously injured or even die! No I have not been to bridge day in WV, but I think it would would a rush to bungee jump off the bridge. An adventure I would like to do is travel the world and learn about all the cultures! I've already started this adventure by traveling to Italy, Croatia, the Bahamas, and Canada(Also across the U.S. all the way to Washington state). The next place I would like to go would be either Costa Rica or India.
I would like to participate in the Running of the Bulls,because it would be fun until I got injured.It is very dangerous because you could die or get Severely hurt.I have not been to bridge day and I would not jump of the bridge unless someone bet me.I would like to participate i sky diving because it would be fun to look at all the stuff and feel the wind.
it would be cool to go to the running of the bulls except for they might kill you!!!! no i havent been to bridge day. yeah i want to go because it sounds like fun and i want to go somewhere new. i want to parachute off the bridge>
I would not want to do that.I would not make it i would in up getting run over by a bull. The video was kind of cool but not that cool because people are getting hurt and some are dieing. At the part when they got in the tunnel it was bad the one bull was hitting one guy and it would almost kill him but he did not get killed. The people in the video are stupid for running with bulls. I would never do that. It would be hard to do that with all of the people that were running and I would trip and fall.
I would like to run with the bulls but it would be scary and painful. I might laugh at the people beside me. I think the video shows you how dangerous it is. I think it would be fun to go to a different country and participate in their traditions. I wonder why somebody would make something like that. I probably would try to stay away from the bulls if I participated. I hope I wouldn't get hurt or killed. It would be fun to watch her friends run to the side me as long as nobody got hurt or killed.
No, I don't think the running of the bulls would be a fun thing to do. I have never been to bridgeday in WV. But I have seen videos of people on YouTube of people jumping off the bridge.
I don't think that I would like to actually run with the bulls but I wouldn't mind witnessing it. Running with them could cause death and I would like to live a little longer. I have never been to bridge day in WV. I would like to go and see people bungee of the bridge and I always wanted to try myself. but I am afraid of heights so maybe not.
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I would not like to participate in an adventure like this because it very dangerous, and can obviously lead to death when your runing from a large bull...No I have not acually been to bridge day in WV, but i have hear a lot about it. I acually would not like to go because I am very paranoied about heights and falling. No i would rather stay on my feet. :)
I would not like to participate in the Running of the Bulls adventure, because I think it's dangerous and I could get seriously injured. I have never been to bridge day in West Virginia.I would like to go to bridge day, because it would be interesting to see people jump and bungee off of the bridge. I would like to participate in an adventure surviving in a region with Bear Grylls,on "Man vs Wild" because it would be fun to learn new tactics for surviving in real life situations with a trained survivor. In the Running of the Bulls it's not really adventurous to get chased by bulls, just a way to get seriously hurt.
Would I like to participate in the Running of the Bulls? In a way I would, In a way I wouldn't because It's a way you can get seriously injured, and possibly die! I'd also like to try it because it would be an intense thing to do. I haven't been to the bridge in West Virginia but I'd like to because I'd like to see people jump off the bridge! An adventure I'd like to do someday is go out in wood with a couple of friends and see how long we could survive out there by ourselves!
Even though the running of the bulls is heard about all over the world I would not want to run with the bulls. Two reasons I would not want to participate are:I would be to nervous about losing a body part and I dont think it would be worth risking my own life. Also I've never been to bridge day WV. I have never been there because I have never been interested in that kind of adventure. Lastly, one adventure I am planning to do when I grow up is go study big cats and reptiles. When I graduate from college I want to be a herpatologist and a big cat expert.
I would not like to participate in an adventure like Running of the Bulls. It seems very dangerous and getting trampled by bulls isn't exactly on my bucket list.
No, I have never been to Bridge Day in WV. I actually have never heard about it until class today. The only way I would go to Bridge Day is to watch. I would never jump off because my cord could break. The only reason I would consider it is because it is over water so it wouldn't hurt as much.
There are many adventure's I would like to participate in, but I probably never will. I am pretty daring, but sometimes my brain takes over and I can't make myself do it.
I would never participate in an event like Running of the Bulls. It seems very dangerous, hurtful, and gory. It's one adventure that will not be done by me.
No, I've never participated in the event of Bridge Day. I just read about it in the West Virginia Geography book today. I might try it, but it is really dangerous. You never know when the rope is gonna break.
One adventure I would maybe participate in is sky diving because it seems like a lot of fun. The only dangerous part is ur parachute not opening. So I'm going to go with a very expensive company.
I would not like to participate in an adventure like this,and I would not want to get hurt by the bulls.No I have never been to bridge day in WV,and I do not plan on going at all.Actually there is no adventure I would like to participate in because i'm too chicken.
I would not like to participate in the running of the bulls because I would not like to get severly injured or killed. what I would like to participate in is sky diving Because I thnk it looks really fun.
Heustan O'Dell
1st 2nd
I would like to participate in “Running with the Bulls”. It seems fun and dangerous. I also like dangerous activities, so that’s another reason I would want to run with the bulls. No I have never been to bridge day in WV. It looks fun though jumping off a bridge with only a bungee cord to stop you from falling to your death. I would like to go to this, but it also seems dangerous. I would like to climb cliffs sometime and try to survive out in the woods with my neighbors and brother. If we did try to survive out in the woods, I would gather the fuel for the fire, Isaac would make the fire and cook the food, Jimmy would make the shelter, and Logan would hunt for food.
David Childers 4th-5th period
I would not like to participate in an adventure like this because it is very dangerous and someone could get really hurt. No, I have never been to bridge day in West Virginia. I would like to go, but I would not jump or parachute of the bridge. I have heard you have to sign something in order to jump off because if the rope breaks they are not responsible for you death. If I could go on an adventure I would go to a tropical rain forest. I would want to know how the weather is like and all the trees and animals.
Yes I would love to paricipate in this adventure. I have not benn to brdge day but I have been on the bridge and have looked over the edge. I would also like to go to bridge day because I think it would be really fun. I would love to go sky diving, rock climbing, and I have always wanted to climb Mt.Everest. But I have heard a lot of people died trying to climb Mt. Everest.
I would not like to participate in this activity because it is very dangerous and you could easily get hurt and die from the bull attacking you. I haven't been to bridge day Wv. But i heard that bridge day Wv was fun. I would not like to go to bridge day Wv because I am scared of heights and scared to jump off of it and I think I would just say no and pass. I would rather keep my feet on the ground an enjoy the scenic view.
The running of the bulls is a very dangerous event in my opinion. I definitely would not like to participate in this event for many obvious reasons. First, I don’t like getting run over by things especially bulls. Secondly, I don’t like putting myself in dangerous situations where I can harm my body. I bet some crazy group of people were sitting around one day and just thought, “ Let’s go get a group of people and run around the streets getting chased by bulls to see how many bones we can break!” Not the best idea in my opinion.
Although I have never gone, I might participate at Bridge Day. I’ve always wanted to bungee jump or parachute off a bridge. It also does not involve being chased around by some bulls around the streets of Spain.
I would like to adventure to the center of the earth. Although technically the earth is filled with boiling magma, I’d adventure through the one in the movie “Journey to the Center of the Earth.”That would be the ultimate adventure!
Reina Edwards Period 6-7
I'm pretty solid on saying that I would never run with the bulls. It may make their adrenalin pump, but I'm more worried about my safety than a rush. Tons of injuries probably come out from this adventure, and i'd rather not spend my weekend at a hospital. People from Spain may enjoy that activity, but I dont think I'd take that risk.
This is actually my first time of ever hearing of bridge day in West Virginia.Therefore, I've never been there. Would I like to visit bridge day?
Probably not. I don't like putting my life at risk
and it scares me that others would.
I'm a pretty boring person and have no clue what adventure I would like to go on. I think visiting the jungle would be exciting, but that's the only adventure I would take. I like to know that I'm safe and sound anywhere I go. Maybe as I get older I'll get more adventorous, but not crazy.
I would not like to participate in the Running of the Bulls adventure, because in the video I saw a lot of people being hurt by the bulls. When you think about it, the bulls could even help you to death!
I have lived in West Virginia for my whole life. I have heard about Bridge day many times before and it sounds like a lot of fun for certain people. I probably wouldn't go, because I am very scared of heights.
I am not sure what type of adventure I would want to go on. I like to know that what I am doing is completely safe.
No, I would notlike to participate in the running of the bulls in Spain because the bulls are out of control and I watched many unlucky people get seriously injured. I've never been to bridge day in WV, however, I would love to go. An adventure I would like to participate is traveling the world to learn about others' cultures.
I would not like to participate in the running of the bulls. I would not want to get hurt or get that close to a bull. If I could watch this event, that would be perfectly fine. I would love to be able to see the hilarious things happening to the people, not to be mean or anything it’s just stupid they would put themselves through it. I have not been to bridge day but I would like to. It seems like a lot of fun. I would like to participate in the pumpkin drop in science honorary. My friend was in it and said it was a lot of fun, so I think would enjoy it as well.
If was close to death then I would definitaly with the bulls, mabye even jump up on one, and try to steer it. Inspite of the fact that I would not particapate in the running of the bulls, unless I was nearly dead, I would particapate in bridge day. It would be an amazing experience.
I'd do lots of things if I knew I wasn't going to die. Pain I'm okay with, dying not so much.
People do these things for fun, so even though some of the stuff is stupid I'm not going to judge them for doing it.
I would like to partipate in The Running of the Bulls, but only if I was in front. No, I haven't been to bridge day. Yes, i would like to go although I wouldn't jump off because you could get seriously injuried. I would like to go sky-diving becasue it looks exhilarating. Also, I have wanted to go snowboarding down the biggest mountain or hang glide over rocks.
Zach Phillips 1st and 2nd
I would like very much to participate in any event like the running of the bulls and I would also like to participate in other events like rock climbing or other things of that nature. I myself like to get the rush from doing something like that it gives me a sort of natural high. I enjoy doing things like that and I am a licensed scuba diver, and have dove about one hundred seventy feet in one dive and a total of about one thousand six hundred feet total. It is very exhilarating and very fun. I would love to go to bridge day as well and sky dive or parachute off of it, which I might do at this year's bridge day. An adventure I would like to have which I might do sometime after high school is take a bunch of my friends and scale Mt. Everest and put down a little mark saying we were there. I really like doing these kinds of things and I hope to do more as life goes on.
Alex Newman 6th/7th Period
I would not like to participate in an adventure like this. It is way too dangerous and does not appeal to me. I have not been to bridge day in WV. Though I wouldn't participate in bridge day, it would be fun to watch. I really don't like very adventurous things because I am always afraid of getting injured.
No I would not want to participate in the running of the bulls because I would end up getting trampled. No I have not been to bridge day in West Virginia and I probably never will. The adventure I would like to participate in would be parasailing becuase I heard it was not that scary. Also it would be cool to be looking over the ocean at everything.
Tanner Amos 1-2
I would like to participate in running with the bulls because it looks like fun. I have not been to Bridge Day WV. One day I would like to go there because I hear it is very beautiful. One adventure I would like to go on is the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s atv trail because it is a very fun place to ride your atv.
In a way, I would like to go to running in the bulls because I'm a very adventerous person, but at the same time I wouldn't because it can obviously lead to death...
I have never been to Bridge day but I know a few people that have. I would actually like to go parechuting off the bridge though. It may be fun. And I would like to participate in some things depending on what it was.
Haley Evans. 6-7th period.
I would never participate in the running of the bulls. I think it's a really dumb thing to attempt. I've always wondered why Spain still does this because I'm pretty sure the majority of the hospitals would be filled up the next day. I've never been to bridge day before but I've crossed the gorge in my car. I would not like to go either because when I crossed it, the river didn't look like it'd be very fun to fall into if the rope snapped. An adventure I might consider is paragliding. It looks like a lot of fun and it'd be cool to do in Scotland with all the green hills and old castles. =)
Abby Wadsworth 1/2
I would not like to do this adventure because most people either get killed or greatly injured. No, I have not been to Bridge Day. I don't think I would want to jump off a bridge because some people break their bones.An adventure that I would like to do is to go out in the wild with just two or three of my friends and see if we could last a week or two.
I would love to participate in the running of the bulls.I never have been to bridge day I think it would be fun to parachte off a bridge. Although it is dangerous because, you could get caught on the brdge or a bad parachute and hit the ground.
I would like to participate in a survival adventure with les stroud. I think it would be fun to learn from a profesional survivalist. 0_0
I would hate to be in "the running of the bulls". It is dangerous and stupid. There is no reason but to get hurt and or killed. I have never been to Bridge day. I would like to go because I think it would be very interesting to learn about bridges and how they are made and what the process is in making them.
I would like to go on an African Safari because I enjoy hunting. I would enjoy hunting exotic animals. I would like to hunt leopard and tiger.My dad would come with me because he enjoys hunting very much also.
I would like to participate in the running of the bulls. I think that this would be a great time and it would be a great thing to tell your friends about. That is if you survive. I have never been to bridge day. I would like to go. I do want to go bungie jumping and parachuting off the bridge. I think it would be fun. It is also another anecdote to tell your friends. There is an adventure that I would like to go on. I would like to go sky-diving from an airplane, but i would like for someone to do it with me so I don't get killed.
I dont think i would participate because i am only thirteeen so i dont think i would survive long enough to find out the waether for the next day.or even find out what color the ambulance that carried me away was. i dont want to die!
I havent been to bridge day and i dont like the idea of that. Why you ask? the answer: i am scared of elevators for crying out loud!
- mary kate gockley
Personally I would most definitely not enjoy participating in running with the bulls. However if I was paid I would attempt it. No, I have not been to Bridge Day. I have heard about it, and from what I’ve heard it sounds like something really enjoyable. I would like to attend Bridge Day. I would prefer to parachute off the bridge rather than bungee jumping off. Although I probably wouldn’t do either for fear that the parachute wouldn’t open or that the bungee cord would snap. For quite a while I thought that I was afraid of heights, but I’m actually afraid of falling from heights.
I would not like to run with bulls because I would not like to get trampled down. I think there has to be something mentally wrong with you if you really want to do that.I have always heard about Bridge Day, but never was interested in it. So, I guess that I would not do it because of the dangerous factor and the weightlessness factor. Also, the parachute could strangle and smother you when you land in the water. Last but not least, I would be scared to bungee jump off the bridge because the strap could snap and I could go flap into the water. Interesting factoid, the bridge was in one of the James Bond movies and was used to set a Guiness World Record.<3
CONTINUED...There is not really any adventure that I would like to go on. The most adventurous thing that I would, is go to a beach party in Brazil.
I would not want to participate in the running of the bulls, because im afraid I will get hurt and almost die. The running of the bulls is a very dangerous event. No I have never been to bridge day WV. I would not like to go to bridge day WV, because I would like to keep my feet on the ground. There is not an event I would like to participate in.
I would not like to participate in the "running of the bulls". I would not because it is very dangerous. It can cause serious life long injuries or even death. No, I have never attended Bridge Day. I would actually like to go to Bridge Day. I would not bungee jump off the bridge but I would consider parachuting. An adventure that I would like to try is to visit Arizona and see the Grand Canyon. I would like to hike down the canyon with my family. We could camp at the bottom. I think this would be very fun and a great adventure!
Ryan Vilain 6/7th period
I would not like to be in the running of the bulls event because i think it is down right stupid and i could die or be seriously injured.No i have not been to the WV bridge day and i wouldnt like to go cuz im afraid something might go wrong. a adventure i would like to go on is to go sky diving because i want to see how it would feel
I would not like to be in the running of the bulls event because i think it is down right stupid and i could die or be seriously injured.No i have not been to the WV bridge day and i wouldnt like to go cuz im afraid something might go wrong. a adventure i would like to go on is to go sky diving because i want to see how it would feel
No I would not like to participate in the Running of the Bulls. I actually know someone who has done it a few times in Spain before. In a way I kinda think of it is like a death wish. Or at least a wish to get seriously injured. But if you aren't in the middle of the stree you might be fine because the person I know that did it is perfectly fine.
I have never been to bridge day in West Virginia but I think it would be neat ot go and watch. It might also be a little scary being so far up in the air, on the bridge and just standing there. Especially since I have been to the visitors center and have seen the work outfits and the stories of a few people that died working on the bridge. I also am afraid of heights so that might be a contributing factor to me being scared.
An adventure that I really want to participate in is surfing. I begged and begged and begged if I could go while were at the beach this summer but band camp was the same week so I ended up going to band camp instead of the beach. I won't stop trying to go though. It is something that I want to do more than anything else.
I for one would not participate in the running of the bulls, but I would find it interesting to go there and watch. I have never been to bridge day, but I would go and parachute off the bridge. I would have to make sure it was safe first, however. I cannot think of any adventures I would like to be in, but I think it would be nice to travel the world searching for one.
If I was asked to participate in this event I definatley would not say yes!! this seems extremely dangerous and scary. I have never been to bridge day but I would like to go and watch some day. If I could go on any adventure I would probobly see how far i could walk and where I'd end up. It would be neat to be able to say i have walked to Ohio or any other state.
Megan Stephenson
If I was asked to participate in this event I definatley would not say yes!! this seems extremely dangerous and scary. I have never been to bridge day but I would like to go and watch some day. If I could go on any adventure I would probobly see how far i could walk and where I'd end up. It would be neat to be able to say i have walked to Ohio or any other state.
Megan Stephenson
I would like to see it in person before I tried it, but it looks kind of interesting. I have never been to bridge day, but i asked my mom if we could go next year, and she said maybe. I would like to go under water in a shark cage to see them up close and personal.
Levi Haines 6th/7th period
I would not like to participate in the running of the bulls. I have not been to bridge day on the New river gorge. No i wouldnt like to go either I think it is dangerous and stupid. I would like to go sky diving sometime that is an adventure i would like to do.
I would definently not like to participate in an adventure like this. It is very dangerous and I think it is also stupid. I just dont't see why people would want to put their lives on the line like that. I have never been to bridge day before. The only way I would ever go is to watch people. I think it would be cool to watch people jump off, but I would not do it myself. If I would participate in any adventure it would be something like white water rafting because I would be close to the ground.
I don't think I would want to participate in an adventure like this, ever! In my opinion, this is a very dangerous idea.
I have never been to the Bridge Day Festival in W.V. seems very interesting. I wouldn't mind to go to the Bridge Day Festival. I think it would be very fun, but I would actually be too scared to parachute off of the New River Gorge Bridge!
As of right now, I don't know of any adventurous activities I would like to participate in. I am sure later on I will know, though!
-Charli Crandall 6/7th period♥
No, I would not like to participate in the Running of The Bulls. It's a very dumb thing to do, but some people just like to do daring things. Even if they aren't smart nor reasonable. I have not been to Bridge Day before, but however I've been to the New River Gorge. Bridge Day sounds exhilarating, but i'm not sure if it's for me. One thing on my bucket list is to go paragliding. I would just be a bit scared of losing my grip and slipping off.
I'd hate to be in the running of the bulls. becausse it kills alot of people. Iv never been to bridge day WV, because i never knew there even was a bridge day. but if i would have heard about it i would probably not go. it doesnt sound fun, but it kinda does, so id ask to go. I love the heights and everything. I'c been on the highest point of WV and stood over the edge. Id prefer air than ground
I would participate in an event like this. No I haven't, but I would love to. I would like to participate in the Hunger Games.
I would definitely not want to participate in the Running of the Bulls. One reason why is that you could get seriously injured or even die! No I have not been to bridge day in WV, but I think it would would a rush to bungee jump off the bridge. An adventure I would like to do is travel the world and learn about all the cultures! I've already started this adventure by traveling to Italy, Croatia, the Bahamas, and Canada(Also across the U.S. all the way to Washington state). The next place I would like to go would be either Costa Rica or India.
I would like to participate in the Running of the Bulls,because it would be fun until I got injured.It is very dangerous because you could die or get Severely hurt.I have not been to bridge day and I would not jump of the bridge unless someone bet me.I would like to participate i sky diving because it would be fun to look at all the stuff and feel the wind.
it would be cool to go to the running of the bulls except for they might kill you!!!! no i havent been to bridge day. yeah i want to go because it sounds like fun and i want to go somewhere new. i want to parachute off the bridge>
I would not want to do that.I would not make it i would in up getting run over by a bull. The video was kind of cool but not that cool because people are getting hurt and some are dieing. At the part when they got in the tunnel it was bad the one bull was hitting one guy and it would almost kill him but he did not get killed. The people in the video are stupid for running with bulls. I would never do that. It would be hard to do that with all of the people that were running and I would trip and fall.
I would like to run with the bulls but it would be scary and painful. I might laugh at the people beside me. I think the video shows you how dangerous it is. I think it would be fun to go to a different country and participate in their traditions. I wonder why somebody would make something like that. I probably would try to stay away from the bulls if I participated. I hope I wouldn't get hurt or killed. It would be fun to watch her friends run to the side me as long as nobody got hurt or killed.
I would like to run with the bulls but it would be scary and painful. I might laugh at the people beside me. I think the video shows you how dangerous it is. I think it would be fun to go to a different country and participate in their traditions. I wonder why somebody would make something like that. I probably would try to stay away from the bulls if I participated. I hope I wouldn't get hurt or killed. It would be fun to watch her friends run to the side me as long as nobody got hurt or killed.
I would like to run with the bulls but it would be scary and painful. I might laugh at the people beside me. I think the video shows you how dangerous it is. I think it would be fun to go to a different country and participate in their traditions. I wonder why somebody would make something like that. I probably would try to stay away from the bulls if I participated. I hope I wouldn't get hurt or killed. It would be fun to watch her friends run to the side me as long as nobody got hurt or killed.
No, I don't think the running of the bulls would be a fun thing to do. I have never been to bridgeday in WV. But I have seen videos of people on YouTube of people jumping off the bridge.
I don't think that I would like to actually run with the bulls but I wouldn't mind witnessing it. Running with them could cause death and I would like to live a little longer. I have never been to bridge day in WV. I would like to go and see people bungee of the bridge and I always wanted to try myself. but I am afraid of heights so maybe not.
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