humor is something funny that can either make you laugh out loud, (LOL), or make you chuckle. I have laughed uncontrolabley mutliple times. I was laying on the couch and my friend said something really funny so I accidently rolled off the couch from laughing so hard and I hit my head off the coffee table and bustedmy head open. That part wasn't funny but whatever the reason why I was laughing was hilarious. There are so many other tims that I have laughed so hard that I fell and may have got a little bit hurt but nothing really major. I love to laugh <3(: The funniest famous person that I know would most likely have to be George Lopez. he is so funny!! He makes me laugh all the time with everything he says and all of his facial expressions. The funniest friend that I have would have to probably be Jake Abbott. He makes me laugh all the time!! Sometimes his jokes don't even make sense but it's just how he says them that make them funny(: haha and I am a great dancer!!
Humor is something funny that makes you laugh. Almost anything makes me laugh unless it is obnoxious or rude. I can think of a lot of times I have laughed uncontrolably. Like even the littlest likes will make me laugh uncomtrolably, for examble one time one of my friends said something that was kind of funny but I found it hilarious and was laughing for about three minutes. The funniest person I know is Austin Joseph because no matter what he says I find it really for some reason, just the way he says it makes me laugh. No I can not dance eventhough I try I can not dance.
Humor is someone or something that makes you laugh. Almost anything makes me laugh because I am easy to empress. I can think of a time when I laugh uncontrollable when my friends tell me jokes. The circumstances that make me laugh was my friends slipping. I think the funniest person is Jim Carry because he can make anyone laugh. No I can’t dance even if I tried I would not succeed.
I think humor is something that is funny to you. Jokes, funny tv shows, and the radio are always humorous. Yes, I have laughes uncontrolabley many of times. My friends always make me laugh wherever I am. Also, there was one time I watching a video on youtube. He made up the funniest thing. You just have to watch it to laugh. The funniest people are Colin Mocherie which the video was of and Larry the Cable Guy. No I cannot dance and I don't plan on getting any better anytime soon.
Humor is something that is funny. Usually jokes make me laugh. It was today in Wv Studies we were watching Shrek 2 and I was sitting by Alex Billaris and he started jumping in the chair. The funniest person I know are Hnter Corley, Alex Billaris, Brandyn Pavelko, and Carter Preister. I am terrible at dancing and don't plan on dancing. The last time I danced I was six and I pulled my hamstring.
Humor is something that makes you laugh such as friends, family, and even TV shows! Some things that makes me laugh are certain youtube videos, jokes, and some different songs. I can think of many times that I have laughed uncontrolabely but the most memorable time is when my friend started to say something really funny. I was laughing so hard that I got a headache! I have many funny friends, but it's hard to choose one. All of them have had me dying of laughter many times. I am not a great dancer. Usually, when I dance it is only around my family and maybe some of my friends.
Humor is anything said or done that is intended to be funny. Some things I find funny are: talking tom singing payphone, and a skittle man complaining about being mistaken for the red M&M dude, then informing you that when people shout at him "Hey M&M!" he shouts back at them "No, you idiot! Taste the rainbow!". One time I can remember laughing uncontrolably is when I got to hear Gregg Russel tell the story of the haunted lighthouse for the first time. i swear, I probably sounded like a hyena. The funniest famous person I can think of is Johnny Depp because well, what isnt funny about a crazy pirate eating a rock. One of my funniest friends is Kimmy Harris, she is always making crazy jokes, none of which I can remember at the moment. I am an awful dancer, oneway or another
Humor is something funny that makes you laugh. Somethings that makes me laugh are certain youtube videos, jokes, and some different songs. The circumstances that makes me laugh are my best friends being funny. The most funniest person I know would be Will Ferrell because he does the dumbest things and the craziest stuff. I am a awful dancer oneway or another.
In my opinion, I feel that humor is amusing and it is something very comic. I have laughed uncontrolablely many times before. Sometimes I have a hard time catching my breathe! I can't really think of a time. The circumstances were when I could barely catch by breathe.
One of the funniest people I know would have to be my brother and Breanna Shears! They make me laugh a lot. Sometimes Breanna doesn't even make sense, but I feel that is the funny part. Yes, I can dance. Actually when I was little I use to take dance lessons. Now I am a cheerleader, and I feel that helped me become better.
Humor is something that makes you laugh.what makes me laugh is some TV shows,videos and songs.there are only a few thing that can make me laugh to where I can't stop.The funniest person that can make me laugh is rob dyrdek. No I can not dance and I never will !
Humor is something that someone can do or you can do that is funny to others. Not many things make me laugh, but if you can do something random, but dumb and be serious at the same time, then it would probably make me laugh. One day in my fourth period class about a week ago, Antwann and I were walking into class. When we came in the door I bumped into him, but Evan was crawling around the floor so Antwann fell on him and they both had a dumb expression on their face wondering how that happened. I laughed for a good amount of time. If someone intentionally does something really annoying and it's not funny it is pretty much a waste of my time. The funniest person I know is my friend from Georgia named Darrien Brooks. He really makes me laugh, because he will do or say things that we have seen or heard and turn it into a random action or saying which eventually makes me burst out laughing. I thought I could dance until my Dad showed me a video of myself and saw that I looked like an idiot and embarrassed myself completely.
My opinion of humor is somthing that makes you laugh or smile. It's very important. Usaully media,my family, my friends, and myself make me laugh all the time. Breanna shears in 6th grade used to make me laugh all the time. That is when I probably laughed the hardest. The funniest person I know would probably be Jenna Marbles. All off her YouTube videos, tweets, and pictures on Instagram are usaully hilarious. I can dance ok, but no I don't like dancing. It's not my thing.
In my opinion of humor is anything that can make you laugh. One person that makes me laugh is Alex Bilaris. He cracks me up all the time.I laughed uncontrolably is when Brandyn was laughing uncontrolable he made me do the same thing. We were in his basement and he did somthing that was just so funny.I think that he is the funniest person I know just by the way he talks sometimes. And no I can not dance at all..
humor is something that makes you laugh. what makes me laugh is thing that are funny.yes, because something that happend in class.Tony stevenski is who makes me laugh alot.No , i can't
Humor is something that amuses you or is funny. What makes me laugh the most is probably when someone is really confident in what they're doing, and then epically fails. That may be mean, but that's my sense of humor. I cannot think of any time I laughed uncontrollably, but my sister did once, and we had to take her to the hospital, because she physically couldn't stop. My sister said something that she found funny, so she laughed, but she couldn't stop. The funniest person I know? I'd say it's a four way tie between Michael Wilson, Alex Newman, Ben Pulice, and Gage Clemens. I can dance to some songs, like the Cupid Shuffle, the YMCA, and the song that tells you what to do, but that's about it.
Humor is something that you think is funny and makes you laugh! There are many things that can make me laugh or I at least think is funny. I can think of times I laughed uncontrolabely before, but I can't remember what happen or what caused me to do that. There are many friends, and family members that I think are funny! Can I dance? In my opinion I don't think I can dance but some people have told me I can.
I believe that humor is something that causes you to laugh or gives you amusement. In my opinion, I think that I have a great sense of humor. Pretty much anything and everything can make me laugh. Sometimes I just laugh without reason, which can definitely get you weird looks. But one day, in Maryland at school, I laughed hysterically. And this time, I did have reason. Me and my friend Ashley were cracking up at a face my other friend, Erika, made. The circumstance definitely made my make- up run. I cried so hard that I had the whole cafeteria staring me. That was definitely one of the funniest moments of my life. Many people in my life make me chuckle, but one of the funniest people that I know has to be my dad. He has the greatest sense of humor of anyone in my family. We always wrestle and joke around when we have the chance. He might look like a scary man on the outside , but once you get to know him he's definitely a person you can warm up to. I also think Austin Joseph is super funny to though. I'm always afraid to sit by him in class because I'm scared he'll get me in trouble because of the funny things he says. Can I dance? I think I can, I mean, I have rhythm. So, I'm going to say yes to that question. Jada Bruce 1/2
Humor is something that someone says or does and makes you laugh. Lots of things can make me laugh. I think that the thing that always makes me laugh is a good joke. An example would be the Italian who went to Malta. Most of the time it is people, but sometimes it is their actions. I have laughed uncontrolabley. My friend and me were telling jokes to each other while waiting in a line. The circumstances were everybody talking and then my friend started making jokes about that and then we went on and on. I thik that the funniest person is Alex Newman. I cannot dance at all.
Humor is something funny that can make you laugh or just be fun. Things that make me laugh are when people fall (but do not get hurt) and just stupid little things. I used to laugh uncontrollably when I was little but not so much anymore. I would always get yelled at all the time when I did that because it was super annoying. The funniest person I know (I don't know them personally) is Chelsea Handler. She is a comedian for her t.v show. I honestly don't really know if I dance good or not. I can dance really good when I am trying to be silly but otherwise I don't know.
Humor is a joke or action, that is extremely funny. It is something someone does or says that makes you almost pee your pants. I think when someone makes a weird face, it is hilarious. I think, well I know, I can make some weird faces to make my friends laugh. There were and are, many times that I have laughed histerically. For example, one time Breanna's mom, Shona, she pulled her pants up like Urkle. Then she wobbled around and said,"Wanna be my friend, wanna be my friend?" She said it with a country accent. I about used the bathroom on myself because I didn't expect her to do that. Another instance was when my mom and I were walking into Wal-Mart, and these bum guys were driving past us. As they were right beside us, they rolled down the window and said "Oh God!" Then, they beeped the horn at my mom. Talk about elderly love.<3. After that, I was laughing my butt off the whole entire time that we were in Wal-Mart. People started to stare at me, but I didn't care because I couldn't help myself. Just to let you know, it wasn't the first time some did that. A lot of old guys, check out my mom. Gross. Guys, get a clue, your 90 ,and she is 40. It is never going to happen. She is married. My dad put a ring on it. Anyways, the funniest person I know, would have to be my dad and cousin Jeremy. My dad is so comical. You can ask any of my friends. Once, I was in a pageant, and my dad coached me on how to walk. Jeremy makes me laugh, when he tries to dance. I think I can dance. I don't really see myself, when I'm dancing, but I hope I'm okay. I can do all the dances like the Dougie, 2-step, Wobble, and the Jerk. The Wobble would have to be my favorite.
Humor is something that makes you laugh or smile and is usually caused by somebody saying something clever. A lot of things make me laugh. Usually it is the stupid stuff that my friends and I do that makes me laugh the most. A time I laughed uncontrolablely is when we were writing a poem in class and my rythmed and it was really stupid. I know a lot of funny people. My family can be funny at times, but I'm definitly the comedian of the family. I am an amazing dancer according to me, but if you ask anybody about my dance skills they will probably deny it.(There just jealous)
To me humor is something funny that can make you smile or laugh. Things that make me laugh are when people do things that are really stupid or when someone makes a funny face or joke. I laugh a lot and can probably get annoying sometimes, but I don't care I am just having a good time. I love laughing.<3 One time I laughed uncontrollably was when I was at Seneca's house and her dad, Ron, started playing music and rapping. It was really funny. He should start rapping professionally.(: The funniest people I know are probably Reina and Seneca. Even when I am not in a great mood they will find some way to make me laugh. I guess I can dance but I'm not a great dancer. I used to take dance classes, and I liked them but I quit due to other sprts. In my eyes I'm a pretty good but other people probably wouldn't agree.(:
Humor is something funny, and in return you laugh at it. Well, I laugh at a lot of things, so it is hard for me to think of what makes me laugh. I can actually think of a lot of times this this has happened. In choir we had to make these names for our choir and there were very stupid ones. That is only one of the times though. I could barely breath I was laughing so hard, in return Nicole had to calm me down. I don't know many funny people, just kidding, I think George Lopez is funny but I really don't know who to say is funny. I think I can dance I mean I've been taking lessons for over ten years, so I would say yes, I can dance.
homor is something thats makes you laugh.What makes me laugh is scarry movies, and comady movies. I will never dance for anyone because I cant dance at all. I tryed it onetime and I almost put a hole in my wall. That was funny. The one person that makes me laugh is Lary the Cable Guy. The show that he does is cool and funny. And my step dad makes me almost laugh as hard as Lary.
Humor is defined as a comic quality or something that makes you laugh or find funny. There isn’t really much that I find funny. Yes, I can think of a time when I couldn’t stop laughing. What was really funny is I wasn’t laughing about anything. Once I started though, I couldn’t stop. I don’t personally know anyone who is that funny. I absolutely cannot dance.
Humor to me is the process or the act of causing laughter which i like to do. One of the things that makes me laugh would be standup comedy or sometimes i laugh at myself just because of my mistakes. A few times when my laughter was uncontrollable was when I was watching a comedian and he just kept ranting on and on about his teacher and how horrible he was to that teacher. The comedian was so mean to that teacher, when the teacher wasn't at his house, the comedian threw a party at his house and completely wrecked it. The funniest person I know is honestly no one. I think everyone can be funny at times, they just have different moments. I have good rhythym, but not so much step. I am attrocious at dancing and honestly don't do it that often because of that dominant factor.
I think humor is something funny that can make someone laugh. A lot of things make me laugh. Things such as funny jokes and when people do imitations make me laugh. There was a time when I laughed uncontrollably. I was shown on the jumbo screen at a baseball game doing a crazy dance contest. I laughed really hard at myself. The funniest person I know is Alex Billiris because he says the funniest things. I don't think I can dance but I did win the crazy dance competition. I don't think I won because I was a great dancer, but because I was really funny.
I'll admit it was impresive that, that loser could do all of those dances, but it showed me that dance really has changed over the years. I used to classify dancing as just that. I didn't have different catagories listed in my head, and although I'm not going to learn all the different names of those dances I'll no longer say that all dancing is the same.
I have no dought that in twenty years our dances and trends will be out dated and will look stupid. Think about it we look back back at the 80s and laugh.
Humor is something that can make you laugh and feel joyful as soon as you see it. Anything that is remotely humorous can make me giggle. I laugh uncontrollably at least 6 times a week. My family or friends always say something that triggers a reaction with me and I will just bust up laughing. The funniest person I know would have to be Morgan Dupont, because we are the best of friends and she always makes up the funniest things when I'm with her. I am going to say yes I can dance, but many people could probably beg to differ.
When most people think of the word humor, they think of something hysterical that would make them laugh, but I think of humor in a totally different way. Humor is something that we can link to a past experience that we consider “funny.” The question is how do we decide when something is funny. I laugh at jokes, people, pictures, and in this case funny dance moves, but it varies among every individual. The one time I laughed uncontrollably was when I was about in the 5th or 6th grade. I was hanging out at my friend’s house, and we decided to make some funny videos. In the video I fell over and hit the ground with a loud thump! She just so happened to be able to play the video in slow motion. We watched that clip of me falling and hitting the ground so many times I think the computer died from so many repetitive reruns of the clip. By that time, we were rolling on the ground laughing uncontrollably. The funniest person that I know would probably be my friend Seneca. She always comes up with the funniest jokes, and the not so funny jokes, that always make me laugh. I can dance but not very well.
Humor is something that makes you laugh. There isn't a particular thing that makes me laugh but I would have to say that anything said in an unusual accent wold be funny. The one time I laughed uncontrollably was in 6th grade when we were singing a funny song in choir. The funniest person that I know is Carter Preister because he says funny things with just such a straight face and he just says things at random times. No I can't dance because I'm white so I think thats a good enough reason.
I think the word humor means a joke or something else that makes you laugh. I once laughed uncontrolablely when I was in sixth grade. I remember it was in library and don't really remember who said this but all I remember is that I couldn't stop laughing. The circumstances of laughing is it could end up in a headache or you can't control it. The funniest person I know would have to a neighbor that lives on the street. I uses to go over there all the time and she makes me laugh so much. I've tried dancing before, but I can't dance at all.
Humor is different to every person. I laugh at a whole lot of stuff, it's really easy to make me laugh. It can be basically anything funny. I have laughed uncontrollably more times than I could possibly count. The circumstances can be anything, a joke, or just something that happened. I can't really decide who my funniest friend is, all my friends are very funny. I can sort of dance, but not very well. I'm not sure how well I can dance. =) Abby Wadsworth 1/2nd period
I think the word humor means to be funny . You eithernhav ei to ryou do not. It is very easy to make me laugh. I laugh at mostly anything. The circumstances can be things like a joke or someone falling. My most humerous friend is probobly Jake. I can not dance at all. I am a horable dancer!!
What is humor? What makes you laugh? Can you think of a time that you laughed uncontrolablely? What were the circumstances? Who is the funniest person that you know? Oh yeah, can you dance?
Humor to me is something funny that mkes you laugh histaricaly. Today when we were messing around with Ms. Constable's bears I laughed pretty hard. I was laughing because Tanner and I put the bears in certain positions :). The funniest person I know is probably Austin Joseph. I just think he is super funny. If you made me try and dance, that would be a funny sight. I dance like a crow bar. i can't dance at all.
Humor is a way of communication that is found amusing to others. What makes me laugh? My friends definitely make me laugh all the time. One time two friends of mine were sitting on a bed with me and we heard this funny noise repetitively, we laughed so hard and for so long that my friend's mom came in laughing at us. The funniest person I know is a tie between Caitlin Ahrens,a friend, and my bro. Caitlin can make you laugh at any moment, but when Stephen makes you laugh, you can't stop! I don't think I'm a very good dancer, but I dance when my friends are around. I just learned how to salsa today!
The point of this video is to show how dancing has revolved throughout the years. And this guy shows the evolutio how it came to be. The funniest person I know is Alex Biliris cause he makes me laugh every day and he's really fun to be around!
The point of this video is to show how dancing has revolved throughout the years. And this guy shows the evolutio how it came to be. The funniest person I know is Alex Biliris cause he makes me laugh every day and he's really fun to be around!
Humor is something that makes people laugh. One of the times I laughed uncontrollabley many times.Sometimes when I stuff online like brainscratchcomms and other stuff I nearly die laughing. Some of my favorite comedians are Dane cook, Chris rock, Katt wiliams, and kevin hart.When I first saw each of them, I laughed so hard I couldn't stop for awhile. I like the rude/major cussing kind of acts.
This video shows evolution of dance overtime. This video is very funny. I would be embarrassed to dance like this. Some other things that make me laugh are stand up comedy, funny movies , and people messing up. Sometimes a lot of people get hurt as long as they are alright. One time my friend got mad and i laughed. I don't know why I laugh when people get hurt. Some people get mad When I laugh at them. They say it's not funny. If people get seriously hurt it's not funny. He had a lot of fun.
Humor is the quality of being amusing or comedic. Humor is also something funny that makes you laugh. Lots of things make me laugh, mainly dumb things that are so stupid that they're funny. Its kind of sad, but sometimes someone says something not funny at all and I just laugh and laugh until I can't breathe. The circumstances were me sitting there trying to catch my breathe. The funniest person I know is either Austin Joseph or Breanna Shears because they say things that can be so stupid that you have to laugh at them. Can I dance? Ummm, I think I can. I'm definitely not the best, but I can dance well.
Humor is something that makes someone laugh. What makes me laugh is seeing myself in a video. I laugh at how I act and what my actions are. For instance, on Friday Isaac and I played a game of ping pong and it hit the edge of the table, then bounced right back. I started laughing because how many times is that ever going to happen. We play it so much only we understand why we laugh. A few years ago there was a time I could not stop laughing. I had thrown a football at my neighbor and he missed the ball and it hit him. My neighbors and I had laughed for what seemed like forever and we still laugh about it whenever it’s brought up into one of our conversations. The funniest person I know would have to be Mason Milkovich. He is the weirdest and strangest guy I’ve ever met in my entire life, but he’s my best bud. He’ll say something that makes no sense and relates to nothing and I still laugh, so it’s very hard to take him seriously. I think I can dance because I can keep rhythm and keep a beat pretty well. I listen to dubstep music a lot and I think that helps me keep rhythm better.
Humor is anything that makes you laugh. My friends and family make me laugh all the time. I have laughed uncontrolabely a few times. My sister does it all the time though. She starts laughing and then you just have to say something really stupid and she keeps laughing. The funnies person I know would probably be my cousin Evan. He went to a private school when he was in elementary school and middle school. They did a lot of plays and he is really good at impressins. Three years ago at the beach a bunch of the cousins were eating dinner on the balcony that overlooked the street. Evan started doing an impression of Spongebob laughing as strangers walked by the beach house. I can not dance at all. I couldn't dance to save my life.
humor is what makes you laugh. Usually it is my friends that make me laugh. I think the funniest person I know is Ron White. I think he is really funny. No I could not dance ever.
Humor is something that makes you laugh the funniest people that I know are my cousins. They make me laugh all the time because the just do funny things all the time.
humor is something funny that can either make you laugh out loud, (LOL), or make you chuckle. I have laughed uncontrolabley mutliple times. I was laying on the couch and my friend said something really funny so I accidently rolled off the couch from laughing so hard and I hit my head off the coffee table and bustedmy head open. That part wasn't funny but whatever the reason why I was laughing was hilarious. There are so many other tims that I have laughed so hard that I fell and may have got a little bit hurt but nothing really major. I love to laugh <3(: The funniest famous person that I know would most likely have to be George Lopez. he is so funny!! He makes me laugh all the time with everything he says and all of his facial expressions. The funniest friend that I have would have to probably be Jake Abbott. He makes me laugh all the time!! Sometimes his jokes don't even make sense but it's just how he says them that make them funny(: haha and I am a great dancer!!
Humor is something funny that makes you laugh. Almost anything makes me laugh unless it is obnoxious or rude. I can think of a lot of times I have laughed uncontrolably. Like even the littlest likes will make me laugh uncomtrolably, for examble one time one of my friends said something that was kind of funny but I found it hilarious and was laughing for about three minutes. The funniest person I know is Austin Joseph because no matter what he says I find it really for some reason, just the way he says it makes me laugh. No I can not dance eventhough I try I can not dance.
Tanner Amos 1-2
Humor is someone or something that makes you laugh. Almost anything makes me laugh because I am easy to empress. I can think of a time when I laugh uncontrollable when my friends tell me jokes. The circumstances that make me laugh was my friends slipping. I think the funniest person is Jim Carry because he can make anyone laugh. No I can’t dance even if I tried I would not succeed.
I think humor is something that is funny to you. Jokes, funny tv shows, and the radio are always humorous. Yes, I have laughes uncontrolabley many of times. My friends always make me laugh wherever I am. Also, there was one time I watching a video on youtube. He made up the funniest thing. You just have to watch it to laugh. The funniest people are Colin Mocherie which the video was of and Larry the Cable Guy. No I cannot dance and I don't plan on getting any better anytime soon.
Humor is something that is funny. Usually jokes make me laugh. It was today in Wv Studies we were watching Shrek 2 and I was sitting by Alex Billaris and he started jumping in the chair. The funniest person I know are Hnter Corley, Alex Billaris, Brandyn Pavelko, and Carter Preister. I am terrible at dancing and don't plan on dancing. The last time I danced I was six and I pulled my hamstring.
Humor is something that makes you laugh such as friends, family, and even TV shows! Some things that makes me laugh are certain youtube videos, jokes, and some different songs.
I can think of many times that I have laughed uncontrolabely but the most memorable time is when my friend started to say something really funny. I was laughing so hard that I got a headache!
I have many funny friends, but it's hard to choose one. All of them have had me dying of laughter many times.
I am not a great dancer. Usually, when I dance it is only around my family and maybe some of my friends.
Humor is anything said or done that is intended to be funny. Some things I find funny are: talking tom singing payphone, and a skittle man complaining about being mistaken for the red M&M dude, then informing you that when people shout at him "Hey M&M!" he shouts back at them "No, you idiot! Taste the rainbow!". One time I can remember laughing uncontrolably is when I got to hear Gregg Russel tell the story of the haunted lighthouse for the first time. i swear, I probably sounded like a hyena. The funniest famous person I can think of is Johnny Depp because well, what isnt funny about a crazy pirate eating a rock. One of my funniest friends is Kimmy Harris, she is always making crazy jokes, none of which I can remember at the moment. I am an awful dancer, oneway or another
Humor is something funny that makes you laugh. Somethings that makes me laugh are certain youtube videos, jokes, and some different songs. The circumstances that makes me laugh are my best friends being funny. The most funniest person I know would be Will Ferrell because he does the dumbest things and the craziest stuff. I am a awful dancer oneway or another.
In my opinion, I feel that humor is amusing and it is something very comic. I have laughed uncontrolablely many times before. Sometimes I have a hard time catching my breathe! I can't really think of a time. The circumstances were when I could barely catch by breathe.
One of the funniest people I know would have to be my brother and Breanna Shears! They make me laugh a lot. Sometimes Breanna doesn't even make sense, but I feel that is the funny part. Yes, I can dance. Actually when I was little I use to take dance lessons. Now I am a cheerleader, and I feel that helped me become better.
Humor is something that makes you laugh.what makes me laugh is some TV shows,videos and songs.there are only a few thing that can make me laugh to where I can't stop.The funniest person that can make me laugh is rob dyrdek. No I can not dance and I never will !
Humor is something that someone can do or you can do that is funny to others. Not many things make me laugh, but if you can do something random, but dumb and be serious at the same time, then it would probably make me laugh. One day in my fourth period class about a week ago, Antwann and I were walking into class. When we came in the door I bumped into him, but Evan was crawling around the floor so Antwann fell on him and they both had a dumb expression on their face wondering how that happened. I laughed for a good amount of time. If someone intentionally does something really annoying and it's not funny it is pretty much a waste of my time. The funniest person I know is my friend from Georgia named Darrien Brooks. He really makes me laugh, because he will do or say things that we have seen or heard and turn it into a random action or saying which eventually makes me burst out laughing. I thought I could dance until my Dad showed me a video of myself and saw that I looked like an idiot and embarrassed myself completely.
Tre Lewis
6th-7th period
My opinion of humor is somthing that makes you laugh or smile. It's very important. Usaully media,my family, my friends, and myself make me laugh all the time. Breanna shears in 6th grade used to make me laugh all the time. That is when I probably laughed the hardest. The funniest person I know would probably be Jenna Marbles. All off her YouTube videos, tweets, and pictures on Instagram are usaully hilarious. I can dance ok, but no I don't like dancing. It's not my thing.
In my opinion of humor is anything that can make you laugh. One person that makes me laugh is Alex Bilaris. He cracks me up all the time.I laughed uncontrolably is when Brandyn was laughing uncontrolable he made me do the same thing. We were in his basement and he did somthing that was just so funny.I think that he is the funniest person I know just by the way he talks sometimes. And no I can not dance at all..
humor is something that makes you laugh. what makes me laugh is thing that are funny.yes, because something that happend in class.Tony stevenski is who makes me laugh alot.No , i can't
Humor is something that amuses you or is funny. What makes me laugh the most is probably when someone is really confident in what they're doing, and then epically fails. That may be mean, but that's my sense of humor. I cannot think of any time I laughed uncontrollably, but my sister did once, and we had to take her to the hospital, because she physically couldn't stop. My sister said something that she found funny, so she laughed, but she couldn't stop. The funniest person I know? I'd say it's a four way tie between Michael Wilson, Alex Newman, Ben Pulice, and Gage Clemens. I can dance to some songs, like the Cupid Shuffle, the YMCA, and the song that tells you what to do, but that's about it.
Humor is something that you think is funny and makes you laugh! There are many things that can make me laugh or I at least think is funny. I can think of times I laughed uncontrolabely before, but I can't remember what happen or what caused me to do that. There are many friends, and family members that I think are funny! Can I dance? In my opinion I don't think I can dance but some people have told me I can.
I believe that humor is something that causes you to laugh or gives you amusement. In my opinion, I think that I have a great sense of humor. Pretty much anything and everything can make me laugh. Sometimes I just laugh without reason, which can definitely get you weird looks. But one day, in Maryland at school, I laughed hysterically. And this time, I did have reason. Me and my friend Ashley were cracking up at a face my other friend, Erika, made. The circumstance definitely made my make- up run. I cried so hard that I had the whole cafeteria staring me. That was definitely one of the funniest moments of my life. Many people in my life make me chuckle, but one of the funniest people that I know has to be my dad. He has the greatest sense of humor of anyone in my family. We always wrestle and joke around when we have the chance. He might look like a scary man on the outside , but once you get to know him he's definitely a person you can warm up to. I also think Austin Joseph is super funny to though. I'm always afraid to sit by him in class because I'm scared he'll get me in trouble because of the funny things he says. Can I dance? I think I can, I mean, I have rhythm. So, I'm going to say yes to that question.
Jada Bruce 1/2
Humor is something that someone says or does and makes you laugh. Lots of things can make me laugh. I think that the thing that always makes me laugh is a good joke. An example would be the Italian who went to Malta. Most of the time it is people, but sometimes it is their actions. I have laughed uncontrolabley. My friend and me were telling jokes to each other while waiting in a line. The circumstances were everybody talking and then my friend started making jokes about that and then we went on and on. I thik that the funniest person is Alex Newman. I cannot dance at all.
Humor is something funny that can make you laugh or just be fun. Things that make me laugh are when people fall (but do not get hurt) and just stupid little things. I used to laugh uncontrollably when I was little but not so much anymore. I would always get yelled at all the time when I did that because it was super annoying. The funniest person I know (I don't know them personally) is Chelsea Handler. She is a comedian for her t.v show. I honestly don't really know if I dance good or not. I can dance really good when I am trying to be silly but otherwise I don't know.
Allie Shreves 6/7 period
Humor is a joke or action, that is extremely funny. It is something someone does or says that makes you almost pee your pants. I think when someone makes a weird face, it is hilarious. I think, well I know, I can make some weird faces to make my friends laugh. There were and are, many times that I have laughed histerically. For example, one time Breanna's mom, Shona, she pulled her pants up like Urkle. Then she wobbled around and said,"Wanna be my friend, wanna be my friend?" She said it with a country accent. I about used the bathroom on myself because I didn't expect her to do that. Another instance was when my mom and I were walking into Wal-Mart, and these bum guys were driving past us. As they were right beside us, they rolled down the window and said "Oh God!" Then, they beeped the horn at my mom. Talk about elderly love.<3. After that, I was laughing my butt off the whole entire time that we were in Wal-Mart. People started to stare at me, but I didn't care because I couldn't help myself. Just to let you know, it wasn't the first time some did that. A lot of old guys, check out my mom. Gross. Guys, get a clue, your 90 ,and she is 40. It is never going to happen. She is married. My dad put a ring on it. Anyways, the funniest person I know, would have to be my dad and cousin Jeremy. My dad is so comical. You can ask any of my friends. Once, I was in a pageant, and my dad coached me on how to walk. Jeremy makes me laugh, when he tries to dance. I think I can dance. I don't really see myself, when I'm dancing, but I hope I'm okay. I can do all the dances like the Dougie, 2-step, Wobble, and the Jerk. The Wobble would have to be my favorite.
Humor is something that makes you laugh or smile and is usually caused by somebody saying something clever.
A lot of things make me laugh. Usually it is the stupid stuff that my friends and I do that makes me laugh the most.
A time I laughed uncontrolablely is when we were writing a poem in class and my rythmed and it was really stupid.
I know a lot of funny people. My family can be funny at times, but I'm definitly the comedian of the family.
I am an amazing dancer according to me, but if you ask anybody about my dance skills they will probably deny it.(There just jealous)
To me humor is something funny that can make you smile or laugh. Things that make me laugh are when people do things that are really stupid or when someone makes a funny face or joke. I laugh a lot and can probably get annoying sometimes, but I don't care I am just having a good time. I love laughing.<3 One time I laughed uncontrollably was when I was at Seneca's house and her dad, Ron, started playing music and rapping. It was really funny. He should start rapping professionally.(: The funniest people I know are probably Reina and Seneca. Even when I am not in a great mood they will find some way to make me laugh. I guess I can dance but I'm not a great dancer. I used to take dance classes, and I liked them but I quit due to other sprts. In my eyes I'm a pretty good but other people probably wouldn't agree.(:
Humor is something funny, and in return you laugh at it. Well, I laugh at a lot of things, so it is hard for me to think of what makes me laugh. I can actually think of a lot of times this this has happened. In choir we had to make these names for our choir and there were very stupid ones. That is only one of the times though. I could barely breath I was laughing so hard, in return Nicole had to calm me down. I don't know many funny people, just kidding, I think George Lopez is funny but I really don't know who to say is funny. I think I can dance I mean I've been taking lessons for over ten years, so I would say yes, I can dance.
homor is something thats makes you laugh.What makes me laugh is scarry movies, and comady movies.
I will never dance for anyone because I cant dance at all. I tryed it onetime and I almost put a hole in my wall. That was funny. The one person that makes me laugh is Lary the Cable Guy. The show that he does is cool and funny. And my step dad makes me almost laugh as hard as Lary.
Humor is defined as a comic quality or something that makes you laugh or find funny. There isn’t really much that I find funny. Yes, I can think of a time when I couldn’t stop laughing. What was really funny is I wasn’t laughing about anything. Once I started though, I couldn’t stop. I don’t personally know anyone who is that funny. I absolutely cannot dance.
Humor to me is the process or the act of causing laughter which i like to do. One of the things that makes me laugh would be standup comedy or sometimes i laugh at myself just because of my mistakes. A few times when my laughter was uncontrollable was when I was watching a comedian and he just kept ranting on and on about his teacher and how horrible he was to that teacher. The comedian was so mean to that teacher, when the teacher wasn't at his house, the comedian threw a party at his house and completely wrecked it. The funniest person I know is honestly no one. I think everyone can be funny at times, they just have different moments. I have good rhythym, but not so much step. I am attrocious at dancing and honestly don't do it that often because of that dominant factor.
Alex Newman 6/7
I think humor is something funny that can make someone laugh. A lot of things make me laugh. Things such as funny jokes and when people do imitations make me laugh. There was a time when I laughed uncontrollably. I was shown on the jumbo screen at a baseball game doing a crazy dance contest. I laughed really hard at myself. The funniest person I know is Alex Billiris because he says the funniest things. I don't think I can dance but I did win the crazy dance competition. I don't think I won because I was a great dancer, but because I was really funny.
Ryan Vilain 6/7
I'll admit it was impresive that, that loser could do all of those dances, but it showed me that dance really has changed over the years. I used to classify dancing as just that. I didn't have different catagories listed in my head, and although I'm not going to learn all the different names of those dances I'll no longer say that all dancing is the same.
I have no dought that in twenty years our dances and trends will be out dated and will look stupid. Think about it we look back back at the 80s and laugh.
Humor is something that can make you laugh and feel joyful as soon as you see it. Anything that is remotely humorous can make me giggle. I laugh uncontrollably at least 6 times a week. My family or friends always say something that triggers a reaction with me and I will just bust up laughing. The funniest person I know would have to be Morgan Dupont, because we are the best of friends and she always makes up the funniest things when I'm with her. I am going to say yes I can dance, but many people could probably beg to differ.
When most people think of the word humor, they think of something hysterical that would make them laugh, but I think of humor in a totally different way. Humor is something that we can link to a past experience that we consider “funny.” The question is how do we decide when something is funny. I laugh at jokes, people, pictures, and in this case funny dance moves, but it varies among every individual. The one time I laughed uncontrollably was when I was about in the 5th or 6th grade. I was hanging out at my friend’s house, and we decided to make some funny videos. In the video I fell over and hit the ground with a loud thump! She just so happened to be able to play the video in slow motion. We watched that clip of me falling and hitting the ground so many times I think the computer died from so many repetitive reruns of the clip. By that time, we were rolling on the ground laughing uncontrollably.
The funniest person that I know would probably be my friend Seneca. She always comes up with the funniest jokes, and the not so funny jokes, that always make me laugh. I can dance but not very well.
Humor is something that makes you laugh. There isn't a particular thing that makes me laugh but I would have to say that anything said in an unusual accent wold be funny. The one time I laughed uncontrollably was in 6th grade when we were singing a funny song in choir. The funniest person that I know is Carter Preister because he says funny things with just such a straight face and he just says things at random times. No I can't dance because I'm white so I think thats a good enough reason.
Braden Wilfong
I think the word humor means a joke or something else that makes you laugh. I once laughed uncontrolablely when I was in sixth grade. I remember it was in library and don't really remember who said this but all I remember is that I couldn't stop laughing. The circumstances of laughing is it could end up in a headache or you can't control it. The funniest person I know would have to a neighbor that lives on the street. I uses to go over there all the time and she makes me laugh so much. I've tried dancing before, but I can't dance at all.
Humor is different to every person. I laugh at a whole lot of stuff, it's really easy to make me laugh. It can be basically anything funny. I have laughed uncontrollably more times than I could possibly count. The circumstances can be anything, a joke, or just something that happened. I can't really decide who my funniest friend is, all my friends are very funny. I can sort of dance, but not very well. I'm not sure how well I can dance. =)
Abby Wadsworth 1/2nd period
I think the word humor means to be funny . You eithernhav ei to ryou do not. It is very easy to make me laugh. I laugh at mostly anything. The circumstances can be things like a joke or someone falling. My most humerous friend is probobly Jake. I can not dance at all. I am a horable dancer!!
Megan stephenson
What is humor? What makes you laugh? Can you think of a time that you laughed uncontrolablely? What were the circumstances? Who is the funniest person that you know? Oh yeah, can you dance?
Humor to me is something funny that mkes you laugh histaricaly. Today when we were messing around with Ms. Constable's bears I laughed pretty hard. I was laughing because Tanner and I put the bears in certain positions :). The funniest person I know is probably Austin Joseph. I just think he is super funny. If you made me try and dance, that would be a funny sight. I dance like a crow bar. i can't dance at all.
Humor is a way of communication that is found amusing to others. What makes me laugh? My friends definitely make me laugh all the time. One time two friends of mine were sitting on a bed with me and we heard this funny noise repetitively, we laughed so hard and for so long that my friend's mom came in laughing at us. The funniest person I know is a tie between Caitlin Ahrens,a friend, and my bro. Caitlin can make you laugh at any moment, but when Stephen makes you laugh, you can't stop! I don't think I'm a very good dancer, but I dance when my friends are around. I just learned how to salsa today!
The point of this video is to show how dancing has revolved throughout the years. And this guy shows the evolutio how it came to be. The funniest person I know is Alex Biliris cause he makes me laugh every day and he's really fun to be around!
The point of this video is to show how dancing has revolved throughout the years. And this guy shows the evolutio how it came to be. The funniest person I know is Alex Biliris cause he makes me laugh every day and he's really fun to be around!
Humor is something that makes people laugh. One of the times I laughed uncontrollabley many times.Sometimes when I stuff online like brainscratchcomms and other stuff I nearly die laughing. Some of my favorite comedians are Dane cook, Chris rock, Katt wiliams, and kevin hart.When I first saw each of them, I laughed so hard I couldn't stop for awhile. I like the rude/major cussing kind of acts.
This video shows evolution of dance overtime. This video is very funny. I would be embarrassed to dance like this. Some other things that make me laugh are stand up comedy, funny movies , and people messing up. Sometimes a lot of people get hurt as long as they are alright. One time my friend got mad and i laughed. I don't know why I laugh when people get hurt. Some people get mad When I laugh at them. They say it's not funny. If people get seriously hurt it's not funny. He had a lot of fun.
Humor is the quality of being amusing or comedic. Humor is also something funny that makes you laugh. Lots of things make me laugh, mainly dumb things that are so stupid that they're funny. Its kind of sad, but sometimes someone says something not funny at all and I just laugh and laugh until I can't breathe. The circumstances were me sitting there trying to catch my breathe. The funniest person I know is either Austin Joseph or Breanna Shears because they say things that can be so stupid that you have to laugh at them. Can I dance? Ummm, I think I can. I'm definitely not the best, but I can dance well.
Humor is something that makes someone laugh. What makes me laugh is seeing myself in a video. I laugh at how I act and what my actions are. For instance, on Friday Isaac and I played a game of ping pong and it hit the edge of the table, then bounced right back. I started laughing because how many times is that ever going to happen. We play it so much only we understand why we laugh. A few years ago there was a time I could not stop laughing. I had thrown a football at my neighbor and he missed the ball and it hit him. My neighbors and I had laughed for what seemed like forever and we still laugh about it whenever it’s brought up into one of our conversations. The funniest person I know would have to be Mason Milkovich. He is the weirdest and strangest guy I’ve ever met in my entire life, but he’s my best bud. He’ll say something that makes no sense and relates to nothing and I still laugh, so it’s very hard to take him seriously. I think I can dance because I can keep rhythm and keep a beat pretty well. I listen to dubstep music a lot and I think that helps me keep rhythm better.
David Childers 4th-5th
Humor is anything that makes you laugh. My friends and family make me laugh all the time. I have laughed uncontrolabely a few times. My sister does it all the time though. She starts laughing and then you just have to say something really stupid and she keeps laughing. The funnies person I know would probably be my cousin Evan. He went to a private school when he was in elementary school and middle school. They did a lot of plays and he is really good at impressins. Three years ago at the beach a bunch of the cousins were eating dinner on the balcony that overlooked the street. Evan started doing an impression of Spongebob laughing as strangers walked by the beach house. I can not dance at all. I couldn't dance to save my life.
humor is what makes you laugh. Usually it is my friends that make me laugh. I think the funniest person I know is Ron White. I think he is really funny. No I could not dance ever.
Humor is something that makes you laugh the funniest people that I know are my cousins. They make me laugh all the time because the just do funny things all the time.
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