My perception of beauty is being true to who you are. Don't let people tell you what to look like or change you. There are many famous people I find beautiful, Kim Kardashian, Kate Upton, Alex Morgan, etc. I really can’t explain how I define inner beauty. To me it is really hard to explain. Everyone has inner beauty there is not one person that exemplifies it. Everyone has it. The videographer’s purpose of the video is to show beauty is not always what you see.
My perception of beauty is do not try to be someone you are not. I think that is what most people's perception of beauty is. There are some famous people that I find beatiful. I cannot name all of them on this page. I define inner beauty as being what your personality is. It does not matter what is on the outside, hence the term inner beauty. Most people in my opinion do not show inner beauty all the time, but they do it often. The videographer's purpose of making this video is that beauty can be on the inside and on the outside.
my perception of beauty is to be who you are and dont be anyone else, and heck to the status quo! the famous people i find beautiful are people like princess diane who is beautiful not only on the outside but on the inside as well beccause of how she tried to help the world as much as she could. my definition of inner beauty is to not be afraid of your personality and to be able to care for others and try to help the planet in every way you can. i am sure everyone has inner beauty, but some just havent found or are to scared to show it. i believe that the videographer was trying to state that beauty is how good you look only on the cover of a magazine.
My perception of beauty is to be yourself and not try to be someone else to impress someone. I find Kim Kardashian beautiful I don't really know how she represents beauty I just think she is very beautiful. I define inner beauty as what is on the inside, about how you really feel you should look. I don't think inner beauty is putting on a lot of make up and all that just to impress someone it's just being yourself. No I can not think of anyone who exemplifies inner beauty, there are just so many people who exemplifies it. The purpose of making this video is to show what people can do know a days to make people look pretty. Tanner 1-2
My perception of beauty is don't try to be someone you aren't and just be you! Don't let people tell you look bad or something. There are many beautiful people out there like Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, and there is more! To me I can't really define inner beauty but you can probably tell by the type of person someone is. The videographer's purpose to me is that you can make someone better by adding something to them. So don't always judge by what you see.
My perception of beauty is what comes from the inside not the outward apperance. The famous person I find beautiful is Salma Hayek. The actress that I feel represents beauty is Jessica Biel. Inner beauty is defined by what your morals are and how a person acts reveals those character morals. S.E. Hinton represents inner beauty by writing her emotions and what happens in her life through her books like 'THE OUTSIDERS'. What I think the videographers purpose is to explain, that outer beauty is not the only thing that counts but inner beauty is what really matters the most.
My perception of beauty is act like yourself so people like your personality and not your looks. I don't know what famous people I find beautiful. I do however think that a few are handsome. Those people would be Josh Hutcherson and Alexander Ludwig. I think the people that represent beauty are the one's that look like human beings while on stage. Whenever you are like Lady Gaga and you can't recognize what they really it isn't beautiful. I define inner beauty as how the person acts. I don't think it should matter that a girl is drop-dead gorgeous if she is a snob. I think the videographer's purpose in making the video is that we live in a world that judge's people by their appearance. Also to fell good about yourself because the people in those ads are fake and nobody really looks like that.
My perception of beauty is to act like yourself, all of the time. If you act like yourself, People will like you for who you really are, not for what you look like. Some famous people that I think are "Handsome" are Niall Horan and Josh Hutcherson. I feel that the people who represent beauty, aren't only the people that have good looks. They are the people that have a good personality. My definition of inner beauty is how a person acts or thinks. It doesn't matter if the person is pretty or not, it is how they act. The videographer's purpose in making this video is to show us that nobody should be judged by their appearance.
My perception of beauty is how someone acts rather than someone's looks. Looks aren't going to be the main interest we all need to look at. The one famous person I think is beautiful is Scarlet Johanson, because she accepts the way she looks and doesn't try to over do it, as in wear tons of makeup and have special treatments done to herself. She's a naturally good looking woman. My step-mother, Cheryl would be the person that represents beauty, because she doesn't worry about what everyone thinks, but she always tries to help other people before she worries about herself. Inner beauty to me is how a person treats other people rather than immediatley worrying about themselves. Someone who exemplifies inner beauty to me is Michele Obama, because she tries to help young people and the people of our Earth by teaching them to respect other's beauty and cultures and work together. There's no amount of makeup that can change someone's inner beauty.Tre Lewis--6th/7th period
My perception of beauty today is just be yourself. No matter how hard you try to change, you'll always be your true self underneath. The famous person I find "beautiful" is Niall Horan. I find One Direction to represent beauty, because they may be famous and have to change but they never forget who they truly are inside. There is a lot of ways I could define inner beauty, and it varies among people but I think you just have to show your true colors and if people don't except it , well that's their fault. I have a few people who I personally think represents inner beauty. The videographer's purpose is to show how much looks can influence you, but when it comes down to it looks don't really matter at all.
I know I'm not the only one, when I say that when you hear the word beautiful, you think of someone who's pretty, or breathtaking. I think that's everyones perspective when we hear that word. I know that's my first thought when hearing it, when I know the real definition is what's in the inside. The many celebrities that I find beautiful are, Nicki Reed, Beyonce, Sofia Vergara, Nina Dobrev, and prettiest of all Paul Wesley. Every celebrity is beautiful in their own way, but the one that I believe really represents beauty is, Demi Lovato. Not only is she pretty on the outside, she is also radiant on the inside. Demi Lovato has been through so much in her career and even more in her personal life. To have a journey like that and still stay strong and true to who she is, is pretty much the definition of beauty in my book. When I think of inner beauty, I think of someone who is confident in themselves, but not cocky. Someone, who is true to who they are and doesn't try to be something that their not. I don't see someone as being beautiful by just their appearance, they have to be kind hearted as well. Someone who I'd hope exemplifies beauty would be myself. Hopefully people see me as being true, and nice. But, a person that I know, who I think exemplifies beauty would have to be Abby Wadsworth. For being one of my best friends, she is kind and generous in the inside, but also very pretty on the outside. I think the videographers purpose of making this video was to show how easily we get the wrong perception of someone being beautiful. Our appearance can very easily be changed on the outside, but its the kind things in your heart that really define beauty. Jada Bruce 1/2
My Perception of beauty is what is in the inside and not the out. There are lots of people I find beautiful like Kim Kardashian, Diane Lane, Jennifer Lopez, etc. I define inner beauty people that are nice and good on the inside. Every one exemplifies inner beauty no matter what. The purpose of this video is to say that all people are beautiful.
My perception of beauty today is just be yourself. No matter how hard to try to change you will always be your true self underneath. I do however think is handsome. Those people would be Josh Hutcherson and Taylor lautner. I define Inner beauty as how the person acts. Everyone has inner beauty there is not one person that exemplies it. I think the videographers purpose of making this video is that beauty can be on the inside and on the outside.
My perception of beauty is, and I know this is a huge cliche, to just go out looking like who you are. I mean if someone thinks you look nice with all this makeup on, then you can never go around that person with makeup on, or they won't think you look nice. Now, some people aren't bothered by what other people think, and those are the people who don't wear makeup in the first place. I find actress Emma Watson beautiful. I don' really know how to define inner beauty. I guess I would just say the same for outer beauty, even though it's a huge cliche, and there's no one who really exemplifies it. I think the videographer's purpose is that not even makeup alone make these women look like they do, so you shouldnt spend your days trying to look like them.
My perception of beauty is just being yourself and not anyone else. I think Taylor Swift and BeyoncĂ© represent inner beauty because they don’t try too hard on changing their looks but just worry about their careers. I define inner as not putting on three pounds of makeup or maybe just a little or none at all. Every person has inner beauty but they don’t really know it. The video's purpose is to show that people in movies and bulletin boards aren't what they look like. But, when you see them you are real shock and realize their real face and looks.
The perception of beauty is it is in the inside. Pretty, however, means your outer apperance looks nice. I find ~Oprah Winfrey~ beautiful. Why you may ask, well she uses her power and influence to help the less fortunate. Oprah is golden on the inside, probably literally. I think Harry Styles is beautiful because he sings from his soul, and is passionate about his occupation. His outsides aren't horrible either. My defintion of beauty is how you put yourself out in the world. It is also, your character. If you are always mean, no one would think your amazing, and beautiful. Tyra Banks emplifies beautiful, because she helps other models enter into her profession. She takes a break on her career, to help those who admire her.The videographers purpose was, to inform people that the images you see on billboards, are edited drastically. What man thinks is beautiful, does not really exist. Want real beauty? Then you'll have to find what is on the inside of a person. Beauty is not just women, it is every good person.
Well I think that beauty is on the inside. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, my gradma used to tell me all the time. Kim Kardashian is a very beautiful women. So is Brooklyn Decker, she looked great in the movie "Just Got With It." I define inner beauty by anyone who thinks they are beautiful in there own way. Such as being smart nad or talented. When I think of inner beauty I think of Oprah Winfrey she is a very beautiful women because of her caring personality and how she helps everyone if they need help. I think this videographer's purpose in making this video is to show that just because other people don't think you are beautiful doesn't mean you aren't. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
My perception of beauty is being a kind person, who cares about people and is obviously pretty. Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, and Brooklyn Decker are people that I find beautiful.Inner beauty is the way people treat other people, how intelligent they are, and finally how they spend their time. The video's purpose is to show how people change their faces to make them think they are more beatiful.
My perception of beaty is my in side. No mader what you look like it is only about the in side. The video shows that you can change you out side but it will not change your in side. That is the main thing to werry about.
The perception of beauty is just being yourself. Don't try to be someone you aren't. I find Brooklyn Decker and Kate Upton are beautiful. Also, Carrie Underwood is one of the more beautiful singers in the world. I define inner beauty as what a person is on the inside whether or not they are beautiful on the ouside. I think Ellen is ans example of inner beauty. She is nice and funny, that defines inner beauty. The the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show that you don't have to change whats on the outside because you don't like it. You can be beautiful just by whats on the inside.Zach Phillips 1-2
My perception of beauty is just being yourself not someone your aren't.Be who you want to be not who others want you to be.One famous person i find beautiful is Kim Kardashian.I define inner beauty as being good a person and being kind to others.I Think everyone has inner beauty and nobody exemplifies.The videographer's purpose of making the video is to show that outer beauty isn't always real and that people have inner beauty too.
My perception of beauty is to be yourself and to not change for anyone. Be who you are and don't try to be something your not. A few famous people I find beautiful are kim kardashian, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Emma Stone, and Nial, Zayne, and Harry from one direction. I would say inner beauty comes from within and the hheart. you can't really show and wear inner beauty, but you can project it from yourself and let others know about it. it's what's inside that counys. I can't really think of anyone who exemlifies beauty. Beauty is just kind of this natural thing everyone has wiether it shows real will or it's hidden inside. Everyone's beautiful in there own way. The videographer's purpose in making this video is to pretty much say that the gorgeous. pretty, and flawless people we see on tv and in movies, aren't really all that grgeous and flawless in real life. Make-up covers up everything. That's what most girls now a days wear it. Because they think that it makes them look prettier but in same ways, it really doesn't. We don't need make-up to be beautiful. We already are when we just be ourselves. <3(:
My perception of beauty is not trying to be "fake." If you are trying to impress someone, in my opinion it is not worth it. Be yourself no one can do it better! I feel that Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez are very beautiful celebrities. Inner beauty is knowing that you are beautiful on the inside. It doesn't necessarily have to be the your look that counts. In my opinion, everyone is beautiful, but not everyone can exemplify it. I think that the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show you that "beauty is only skin deep!"~Charli Crandall 6/7th period
Beuaty is not computer edited faces. Beuaty is a personality that is honest and caring.If you are trying to be like that then think of this, your trying to copy something a computer did, and a computer is a hunk of plastic and medal with a screen what would it know about beuaty? So if a computer makes us beuatyful the how'd we know what was beuatyful before we had computers? I'll tell you we decided by peoples personality. What's the point of being beutiful if it makes you have a hideous personality? Beuaty is also knowing that what's important is your opinion
My perception of beauty is the beauty that a person has on the inside. If you look good on the outside I consider that pretty, but beauty is on the inside. There are not many famous people with true beauty beacuse most of them act like someone they aren't while on TV. Yea they have beauty. Everybody has beauty but I don't think to many famous people show it a whole lot. Inner beauty to me is being a good person. Not acting like a good person so people think you are a good person but just genuinly being a good person. I can think of many people who emplify inner beauty. I think that the videographers purpose of making this video is to show people that beauty has two different meanings. Most people jusdge someone on how pretty they are. Not by their beauty.
I’m not entirely sure what I would define as beauty. I’m also not sure who I would say is beautiful or who represents beauty. Inner beauty is how compassionate someone is. It’s what they think is right and what is wrong. This is simply my own opinion though. Others may think inner beauty is defined other ways. Off the top of my head I can’t think of anyone who exemplifies inner beauty. The purpose in this video is to show you that appearances can be altered. Someone you think is beautiful may not be without all the makeup they have on.
My perception of beauty is being yourself, not trying to fit in, and just being different in your own way makes you who you are, and I respect that you like to be who you are and classify that as beauty. I honestly don't find any famous people beautiful because of their trying to be beautiful makes them fake in so many ways, like some people get implants which is not the best thing to do just to look good. I define inner beauty as someone who isn't afraid to stick out and be themselves. This is the opposite of some of the popular kids at this school and I find it repulsing. Someone I find who exemplifies their inner beauty is Katie Copenhaver who goes to this school, but has Mrs. Fultz. The purpose of this video to the videographer is to show who you are in the inside and not on the outside. They are also trying to say that you should be comfortable with how beautiful you are and shouldn't have to, "dress yourself up" to feel comfortable with how beautiful you are.
My perception of beauty is to be yourself and not what other people want you to be like. There are too many people to name that I think are not only beautiful on the outside but on the inside as well. I define inner beauty as somebody who is caring and that puts other people before them self. I think lots of people have inner beauty. I can tell because I see it all of the time. I think the videographer's purpose is to show that sometimes people want to be what other people want to see. That real beauty is being yourself and being kind to others.Ryan Vilain 6/7
My perception of beauty is whats on the inside,in your soul and heart. You can't judge by looks. Take an apple for example at first all you see is that it is shiny, red, and has no imperfections then once you bite in you find that that flawless apple indeed does have an imperfection, it is home to a worm! I find Lucy Hale a very "beautiful" actress, she knows how to express who she is. A vocalist that I believe represents beauty is Adele because she believes in being yourself and that true beauty is not in your looks. She even once said "I don't have time to worry about something as petty as what I look like." I define inner beauty as what your morals and beliefs are. I believe that everyone has inner beauty, but some are quicker at finding theirs than others. The point of this video is that the world's view of "beauty" is distorted, be who you want to be not what others want you to be.
My perception of beauty is do not try to be someone you are not,and being true to you are.If you are truly beautiful you will just be yourself not caring what other people will think about you.I find Beyonce,Meagan Good,and Gabrielle Union.I feel Adele really has a good way of showing her beauty.Inner beauty is actually hard to explain for me,but inner beauty really is just refering to the person you are, rather than your physical characteristics. Your personality, love for others rather than your self, and acts of kindness show inner beauty to me.I feel the videographer's purpose was to make a point of how we really changed our perception of beauty and inner beauty.
My perception of beauty is who you are on the inside. It is how beautiful your personality is. I think Taylor Swift and Behati Prinsloo are beautiful. I feel that inner beauty is how your personality is. I think that everyone exemplifies inner beauty in there own way. The videographer's purpose of this video is to show that inner beauty is what counts. You see all these beautiful people that have a lot of makeup on but underneath all that makeup is just another ordinary person.
When most people think of something beautiful, they think of supermodels or famous actors and actresses, but that’s not what beauty is at all. Beauty is something that comes from within. When I say from within, I don’t mean like your internal organs or lungs. I’m talking about someone’s personality. Some people can look like the goddess Aphrodite but have the aggressive mind of Ares, if you know what I mean. I think Angelina Jolie is a beautiful person. She goes to different countries, and she sponsors starving children. I think that is true beauty. Inner beauty is the kindness in some ones heart, in my opinion. I think that everyone could have inner beauty if they learned to appreciate and be grateful for what they have. Not one specific person is beautiful. I think the videographers purpose is to show that everyone is beautiful in their own way. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.Reina Edwards 6-7
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I find beauty to be smarts and attitude. If someone is smart and has a good attitude, the I find them beautiful, and there is the occasional person that I just like to look at. I find Selena Gomez beautiful, because she is smart, and nice eye candy, but she's a little older than me. I feel that Whitney Houston represents beauty very well. Snookie and Brittany don't represent beauty at all. I define inner beauty as smart, kind, having a good attitude, and can control their feelings. I cannot think of anyone who represents inner beauty right now. The videographer's purpose is to show how the world thinks of beauty today compared to just a few years ago.
I think my perception of beauty is being true to to yourself. Be who you truly are and don't change for any reason. I don't know what famous people I find beautiful. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. There are some guys I find handsome like Josh Hutcherson, Niall Horan, and Zayn Malik. Inner beauty mostly means that you are real so you aren't being someone your not. You have a good heart and personality. I think someone like Taylor Swift exemplifies inner beauty because she stays true to herself, and doesn't change for other people. The videographer's purpose was to show that people look in magazines and see women that look perfect so they go out and try to be exactly like that. But really everyone is beautiful. But society tries to put a definition on beauty when there is no real definition.
My perception of beauty is to be yourself and to not fall into what others try to make us think is beautiful. I find Harry Styles beautiful. Some people say he's ugly, but I definitely don't think that. I think Sofia Vergara represents beauty. She's pretty and very smart. I define inner beauty as how someone treats others. Kindness is always beautiful. Anyone who makes a point to be kind to people exemplifies inner beauty. The videographer's purpose in making this video is to try to stop the distortion of beauty made by some companies that make "beauty" products.Abby Wadsworth 1/2nd period
My perception is whats on the inside.Its okay to have a little fat.Just don't waste your money on plastic surgery or stuff like that.The actress I find beautiful are Arianna grande,Miley cyrus,Victoria Justice and Jennete Mcurdy. Don't be afraid of your beauty,don't were 10,000 pounds of make up or that junk. The videographer's purpose is that not every thing is what it seems.
Can you think of anyone who exemplifies inner beauty? What is the videographer's purpose in making this video? I think beauty means someone is gorgeous or a good person on the inside. The famous people that I think are beautiful are Victoria Justice, Taylor Swift, and Zoey Dashanele. Taylor Swift portrays beauty because she has a good heart and she is very pretty. Inner beauty means someone who has a good heart and is kind to others. A person who exemplifies inner beauty is Jada Bruce. She is a good person on the inside by being nice to people. The videographers purpose in making this video is too show people that advertisements never show the persons natural beauty. The advertisers always make the face how they think the viewer should think as beautiful.
I think beauty means someone is gorgeous or a good person on the inside. The famous people that I think are beautiful are Victoria Justice, Taylor Swift, and Zoey Dashanele. Taylor Swift portrays beauty because she has a good heart and she is very pretty. Inner beauty means someone who has a good heart and is kind to others. A person who exemplifies inner beauty is Jada Bruce. She is a good person on the inside by being nice to people. The videographers purpose in making this video is too show people that advertisements never show the persons natural beauty. The advertisers always make the face how they think the viewer should think as beautiful.
David Childers 4-5
My perception of beauty is someone who is beatiful inside and out. I think that no one can be ugly on the outside, everyone's beautiful in their own way, but if you lack in character, than you are ugly on the inside. Famous people that I find beautiful are Jennifer Lawerence, Sarah Paxton, Carrie Underwood, Katy Perry, and Demi Lavato. Famous people I find handsome are Channing Tatum, Zayn Malik, and Niall Horan. I feel that Jennifer Lawernce represents true beauty because she's gorgeous, talented and bright. I define inner beauty as how someone acts and treats others. Also by being genuinly kind, not just being fake, and treating others as you would want to be treated you show inner beauty. I know many people who exemplify inner beauty, but someone who shows it more than others is my little sister, Alli. She's genuine and doesn't care what others think of her, although she may annoy me...all the time, life wouldn't be the same without her. The videographer's purpose in making this video is to show people that being beautiful isn't wearing so much makeup that you look nothing like yourself. Also, you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover because everyone is beautiful by being themselves.
My perception of beauty is to be true to yourself. I feel as if if you want to be truly beautiful, you must do what your heart desires. Some famous people that I find beautiful are Hayden Pannettiere, and Arianna Grande. I believe Arianna Grande represents inner beauty because she's gorgeous, talented, and bright. I define inner beauty by how someone treats others and how they respect themselves as well. I believe the videographers purpose as to making this video is to show that beauty isn't always defined by the way you appear to the general public. They dressed this girl in pounds of makeup, all for an image. If they wanted to show true beauty, they would show her true self. Alex Billiris 6-7
The perception of beauty to me is how you are without all the makeup and stuff. It is important you think you're beautiful no matter what. I really think Katy Perry is beautiful. She doean't always wear makeup and she still looks good. Inner beauty is the correct way you should feel about yourself. You're beautiful no matter what other people say abotu you. A lot of people at school show this. Not everyone wears makeup and worries about what they wear. That is how it should be. I think the videomaker's purpose is to show how people make people look pretty. But the truth is they make people feel made about themselves because they make them look completely different.
If you want true beauty, just be yourself. Don't pile on ten pounds of makeup and say that it is who you really are. There are a few famous people that I find beautiful like Victoria Justice, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood. When you watch this video, you notice that she is hiding her rea; self.
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My perception of beauty is being true to who you are. Don't let people tell you what to look like or change you. There are many famous people I find beautiful, Kim Kardashian, Kate Upton, Alex Morgan, etc. I really can’t explain how I define inner beauty. To me it is really hard to explain. Everyone has inner beauty there is not one person that exemplifies it. Everyone has it. The videographer’s purpose of the video is to show beauty is not always what you see.
My perception of beauty is do not try to be someone you are not. I think that is what most people's perception of beauty is. There are some famous people that I find beatiful. I cannot name all of them on this page. I define inner beauty as being what your personality is. It does not matter what is on the outside, hence the term inner beauty. Most people in my opinion do not show inner beauty all the time, but they do it often. The videographer's purpose of making this video is that beauty can be on the inside and on the outside.
my perception of beauty is to be who you are and dont be anyone else, and heck to the status quo! the famous people i find beautiful are people like princess diane who is beautiful not only on the outside but on the inside as well beccause of how she tried to help the world as much as she could. my definition of inner beauty is to not be afraid of your personality and to be able to care for others and try to help the planet in every way you can. i am sure everyone has inner beauty, but some just havent found or are to scared to show it. i believe that the videographer was trying to state that beauty is how good you look only on the cover of a magazine.
My perception of beauty is to be yourself and not try to be someone else to impress someone. I find Kim Kardashian beautiful I don't really know how she represents beauty I just think she is very beautiful. I define inner beauty as what is on the inside, about how you really feel you should look. I don't think inner beauty is putting on a lot of make up and all that just to impress someone it's just being yourself. No I can not think of anyone who exemplifies inner beauty, there are just so many people who exemplifies it. The purpose of making this video is to show what people can do know a days to make people look pretty.
Tanner 1-2
My perception of beauty is don't try to be someone you aren't and just be you! Don't let people tell you look bad or something. There are many beautiful people out there like Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, and there is more! To me I can't really define inner beauty but you can probably tell by the type of person someone is. The videographer's purpose to me is that you can make someone better by adding something to them. So don't always judge by what you see.
My perception of beauty is what comes from the inside not the outward apperance. The famous person I find beautiful is Salma Hayek. The actress that I feel represents beauty is Jessica Biel. Inner beauty is defined by what your morals are and how a person acts reveals those character morals. S.E. Hinton represents inner beauty by writing her emotions and what happens in her life through her books like 'THE OUTSIDERS'. What I think the videographers purpose is to explain, that outer beauty is not the only thing that counts but inner beauty is what really matters the most.
My perception of beauty is act like yourself so people like your personality and not your looks.
I don't know what famous people I find beautiful. I do however think that a few are handsome. Those people would be Josh Hutcherson and Alexander Ludwig.
I think the people that represent beauty are the one's that look like human beings while on stage. Whenever you are like Lady Gaga and you can't recognize what they really it isn't beautiful.
I define inner beauty as how the person acts. I don't think it should matter that a girl is drop-dead gorgeous if she is a snob.
I think the videographer's purpose in making the video is that we live in a world that judge's people by their appearance. Also to fell good about yourself because the people in those ads are fake and nobody really looks like that.
My perception of beauty is to act like yourself, all of the time. If you act like yourself, People will like you for who you really are, not for what you look like. Some famous people that I think are "Handsome" are Niall Horan and Josh Hutcherson.
I feel that the people who represent beauty, aren't only the people that have good looks. They are the people that have a good personality.
My definition of inner beauty is how a person acts or thinks. It doesn't matter if the person is pretty or not, it is how they act.
The videographer's purpose in making this video is to show us that nobody should be judged by their appearance.
My perception of beauty is how someone acts rather than someone's looks. Looks aren't going to be the main interest we all need to look at. The one famous person I think is beautiful is Scarlet Johanson, because she accepts the way she looks and doesn't try to over do it, as in wear tons of makeup and have special treatments done to herself. She's a naturally good looking woman. My step-mother, Cheryl would be the person that represents beauty, because she doesn't worry about what everyone thinks, but she always tries to help other people before she worries about herself. Inner beauty to me is how a person treats other people rather than immediatley worrying about themselves. Someone who exemplifies inner beauty to me is Michele Obama, because she tries to help young people and the people of our Earth by teaching them to respect other's beauty and cultures and work together. There's no amount of makeup that can change someone's inner beauty.
Tre Lewis--6th/7th period
My perception of beauty today is just be yourself. No matter how hard you try to change, you'll always be your true self underneath. The famous person I find "beautiful" is Niall Horan. I find One Direction to represent beauty, because they may be famous and have to change but they never forget who they truly are inside. There is a lot of ways I could define inner beauty, and it varies among people but I think you just have to show your true colors and if people don't except it , well that's their fault. I have a few people who I personally think represents inner beauty. The videographer's purpose is to show how much looks can influence you, but when it comes down to it looks don't really matter at all.
I know I'm not the only one, when I say that when you hear the word beautiful, you think of someone who's pretty, or breathtaking. I think that's everyones perspective when we hear that word. I know that's my first thought when hearing it, when I know the real definition is what's in the inside.
The many celebrities that I find beautiful are, Nicki Reed, Beyonce, Sofia Vergara, Nina Dobrev, and prettiest of all Paul Wesley. Every celebrity is beautiful in their own way, but the one that I believe really represents beauty is, Demi Lovato. Not only is she pretty on the outside, she is also radiant on the inside. Demi Lovato has been through so much in her career and even more in her personal life. To have a journey like that and still stay strong and true to who she is, is pretty much the definition of beauty in my book.
When I think of inner beauty, I think of someone who is confident in themselves, but not cocky. Someone, who is true to who they are and doesn't try to be something that their not. I don't see someone as being beautiful by just their appearance, they have to be kind hearted as well.
Someone who I'd hope exemplifies beauty would be myself. Hopefully people see me as being true, and nice. But, a person that I know, who I think exemplifies beauty would have to be Abby Wadsworth. For being one of my best friends, she is kind and generous in the inside, but also very pretty on the outside.
I think the videographers purpose of making this video was to show how easily we get the wrong perception of someone being beautiful. Our appearance can very easily be changed on the outside, but its the kind things in your heart that really define beauty.
Jada Bruce 1/2
My Perception of beauty is what is in the inside and not the out. There are lots of people I find beautiful like Kim Kardashian, Diane Lane, Jennifer Lopez, etc. I define inner beauty people that are nice and good on the inside. Every one exemplifies inner beauty no matter what. The purpose of this video is to say that all people are beautiful.
My Perception of beauty is what is in the inside and not the out. There are lots of people I find beautiful like Kim Kardashian, Diane Lane, Jennifer Lopez, etc. I define inner beauty people that are nice and good on the inside. Every one exemplifies inner beauty no matter what. The purpose of this video is to say that all people are beautiful.
My perception of beauty today is just be yourself. No matter how hard to try to change you will always be your true self underneath. I do however think is handsome. Those people would be Josh Hutcherson and Taylor lautner. I define Inner beauty as how the person acts. Everyone has inner beauty there is not one person that exemplies it. I think the videographers purpose of making this video is that beauty can be on the inside and on the outside.
My perception of beauty is, and I know this is a huge cliche, to just go out looking like who you are. I mean if someone thinks you look nice with all this makeup on, then you can never go around that person with makeup on, or they won't think you look nice. Now, some people aren't bothered by what other people think, and those are the people who don't wear makeup in the first place. I find actress Emma Watson beautiful. I don' really know how to define inner beauty. I guess I would just say the same for outer beauty, even though it's a huge cliche, and there's no one who really exemplifies it. I think the videographer's purpose is that not even makeup alone make these women look like they do, so you shouldnt spend your days trying to look like them.
My perception of beauty is just being yourself and not anyone else. I think Taylor Swift and BeyoncĂ© represent inner beauty because they don’t try too hard on changing their looks but just worry about their careers. I define inner as not putting on three pounds of makeup or maybe just a little or none at all. Every person has inner beauty but they don’t really know it. The video's purpose is to show that people in movies and bulletin boards aren't what they look like. But, when you see them you are real shock and realize their real face and looks.
The perception of beauty is it is in the inside. Pretty, however, means your outer apperance looks nice. I find ~Oprah Winfrey~ beautiful. Why you may ask, well she uses her power and influence to help the less fortunate. Oprah is golden on the inside, probably literally. I think Harry Styles is beautiful because he sings from his soul, and is passionate about his occupation. His outsides aren't horrible either. My defintion of beauty is how you put yourself out in the world. It is also, your character. If you are always mean, no one would think your amazing, and beautiful. Tyra Banks emplifies beautiful, because she helps other models enter into her profession. She takes a break on her career, to help those who admire her.The videographers purpose was, to inform people that the images you see on billboards, are edited drastically. What man thinks is beautiful, does not really exist. Want real beauty? Then you'll have to find what is on the inside of a person. Beauty is not just women, it is every good person.
Well I think that beauty is on the inside. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, my gradma used to tell me all the time. Kim Kardashian is a very beautiful women. So is Brooklyn Decker, she looked great in the movie "Just Got With It." I define inner beauty by anyone who thinks they are beautiful in there own way. Such as being smart nad or talented. When I think of inner beauty I think of Oprah Winfrey she is a very beautiful women because of her caring personality and how she helps everyone if they need help. I think this videographer's purpose in making this video is to show that just because other people don't think you are beautiful doesn't mean you aren't. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
My perception of beauty is being a kind person, who cares about people and is obviously pretty. Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, and Brooklyn Decker are people that I find beautiful.Inner beauty is the way people treat other people, how intelligent they are, and finally how they spend their time. The video's purpose is to show how people change their faces to make them think they are more beatiful.
My perception of beaty is my in side. No mader what you look like it is only about the in side. The video shows that you can change you out side but it will not change your in side. That is the main thing to werry about.
The perception of beauty is just being yourself. Don't try to be someone you aren't. I find Brooklyn Decker and Kate Upton are beautiful. Also, Carrie Underwood is one of the more beautiful singers in the world. I define inner beauty as what a person is on the inside whether or not they are beautiful on the ouside. I think Ellen is ans example of inner beauty. She is nice and funny, that defines inner beauty. The the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show that you don't have to change whats on the outside because you don't like it. You can be beautiful just by whats on the inside.
Zach Phillips 1-2
My perception of beauty is just being yourself not someone your aren't.Be who you want to be not who others want you to be.One famous person i find beautiful is Kim Kardashian.I define inner beauty as being good a person and being kind to others.I Think everyone has inner beauty and nobody exemplifies.The videographer's purpose of making the video is to show that outer beauty isn't always real and that people have inner beauty too.
My perception of beauty is to be yourself and to not change for anyone. Be who you are and don't try to be something your not. A few famous people I find beautiful are kim kardashian, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Emma Stone, and Nial, Zayne, and Harry from one direction. I would say inner beauty comes from within and the hheart. you can't really show and wear inner beauty, but you can project it from yourself and let others know about it. it's what's inside that counys. I can't really think of anyone who exemlifies beauty. Beauty is just kind of this natural thing everyone has wiether it shows real will or it's hidden inside. Everyone's beautiful in there own way. The videographer's purpose in making this video is to pretty much say that the gorgeous. pretty, and flawless people we see on tv and in movies, aren't really all that grgeous and flawless in real life. Make-up covers up everything. That's what most girls now a days wear it. Because they think that it makes them look prettier but in same ways, it really doesn't. We don't need make-up to be beautiful. We already are when we just be ourselves. <3(:
My perception of beauty is not trying to be "fake." If you are trying to impress someone, in my opinion it is not worth it. Be yourself no one can do it better! I feel that Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez are very beautiful celebrities. Inner beauty is knowing that you are beautiful on the inside. It doesn't necessarily have to be the your look that counts.
In my opinion, everyone is beautiful, but not everyone can exemplify it. I think that the videographer's purpose in making this video is to show you that "beauty is only skin deep!"
~Charli Crandall 6/7th period
Beuaty is not computer edited faces. Beuaty is a personality that is honest and caring.If you are trying to be like that then think of this, your trying to copy something a computer did, and a computer is a hunk of plastic and medal with a screen what would it know about beuaty?
So if a computer makes us beuatyful the how'd we know what was beuatyful before we had computers? I'll tell you we decided by peoples personality. What's the point of being beutiful if it makes you have a hideous personality? Beuaty is also knowing that what's important is your opinion
My perception of beauty is the beauty that a person has on the inside. If you look good on the outside I consider that pretty, but beauty is on the inside. There are not many famous people with true beauty beacuse most of them act like someone they aren't while on TV. Yea they have beauty. Everybody has beauty but I don't think to many famous people show it a whole lot. Inner beauty to me is being a good person. Not acting like a good person so people think you are a good person but just genuinly being a good person. I can think of many people who emplify inner beauty. I think that the videographers purpose of making this video is to show people that beauty has two different meanings. Most people jusdge someone on how pretty they are. Not by their beauty.
I’m not entirely sure what I would define as beauty. I’m also not sure who I would say is beautiful or who represents beauty. Inner beauty is how compassionate someone is. It’s what they think is right and what is wrong. This is simply my own opinion though. Others may think inner beauty is defined other ways. Off the top of my head I can’t think of anyone who exemplifies inner beauty. The purpose in this video is to show you that appearances can be altered. Someone you think is beautiful may not be without all the makeup they have on.
My perception of beauty is being yourself, not trying to fit in, and just being different in your own way makes you who you are, and I respect that you like to be who you are and classify that as beauty. I honestly don't find any famous people beautiful because of their trying to be beautiful makes them fake in so many ways, like some people get implants which is not the best thing to do just to look good. I define inner beauty as someone who isn't afraid to stick out and be themselves. This is the opposite of some of the popular kids at this school and I find it repulsing. Someone I find who exemplifies their inner beauty is Katie Copenhaver who goes to this school, but has Mrs. Fultz. The purpose of this video to the videographer is to show who you are in the inside and not on the outside. They are also trying to say that you should be comfortable with how beautiful you are and shouldn't have to, "dress yourself up" to feel comfortable with how beautiful you are.
My perception of beauty is to be yourself and not what other people want you to be like. There are too many people to name that I think are not only beautiful on the outside but on the inside as well. I define inner beauty as somebody who is caring and that puts other people before them self. I think lots of people have inner beauty. I can tell because I see it all of the time. I think the videographer's purpose is to show that sometimes people want to be what other people want to see. That real beauty is being yourself and being kind to others.
Ryan Vilain 6/7
My perception of beauty is whats on the inside,in your soul and heart. You can't judge by looks. Take an apple for example at first all you see is that it is shiny, red, and has no imperfections then once you bite in you find that that flawless apple indeed does have an imperfection, it is home to a worm! I find Lucy Hale a very "beautiful" actress, she knows how to express who she is. A vocalist that I believe represents beauty is Adele because she believes in being yourself and that true beauty is not in your looks. She even once said "I don't have time to worry about something as petty as what I look like." I define inner beauty as what your morals and beliefs are. I believe that everyone has inner beauty, but some are quicker at finding theirs than others. The point of this video is that the world's view of "beauty" is distorted, be who you want to be not what others want you to be.
My perception of beauty is do not try to be someone you are not,and being true to you are.If you are truly beautiful you will just be yourself not caring what other people will think about you.I find Beyonce,Meagan Good,and Gabrielle Union.I feel Adele really has a good way of showing her beauty.Inner beauty is actually hard to explain for me,but inner beauty really is just refering to the person you are, rather than your physical characteristics. Your personality, love for others rather than your self, and acts of kindness show inner beauty to me.I feel the videographer's purpose was to make a point of how we really changed our perception of beauty and inner beauty.
My perception of beauty is who you are on the inside. It is how beautiful your personality is. I think Taylor Swift and Behati Prinsloo are beautiful. I feel that inner beauty is how your personality is. I think that everyone exemplifies inner beauty in there own way. The videographer's purpose of this video is to show that inner beauty is what counts. You see all these beautiful people that have a lot of makeup on but underneath all that makeup is just another ordinary person.
When most people think of something beautiful, they think of supermodels or famous actors and actresses, but that’s not what beauty is at all. Beauty is something that comes from within. When I say from within, I don’t mean like your internal organs or lungs. I’m talking about someone’s personality. Some people can look like the goddess Aphrodite but have the aggressive mind of Ares, if you know what I mean. I think Angelina Jolie is a beautiful person. She goes to different countries, and she sponsors starving children. I think that is true beauty. Inner beauty is the kindness in some ones heart, in my opinion.
I think that everyone could have inner beauty if they learned to appreciate and be grateful for what they have. Not one specific person is beautiful. I think the videographers purpose is to show that everyone is beautiful in their own way. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.
Reina Edwards 6-7
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I find beauty to be smarts and attitude. If someone is smart and has a good attitude, the I find them beautiful, and there is the occasional person that I just like to look at. I find Selena Gomez beautiful, because she is smart, and nice eye candy, but she's a little older than me. I feel that Whitney Houston represents beauty very well. Snookie and Brittany don't represent beauty at all. I define inner beauty as smart, kind, having a good attitude, and can control their feelings. I cannot think of anyone who represents inner beauty right now. The videographer's purpose is to show how the world thinks of beauty today compared to just a few years ago.
I think my perception of beauty is being true to to yourself. Be who you truly are and don't change for any reason. I don't know what famous people I find beautiful. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. There are some guys I find handsome like Josh Hutcherson, Niall Horan, and Zayn Malik. Inner beauty mostly means that you are real so you aren't being someone your not. You have a good heart and personality. I think someone like Taylor Swift exemplifies inner beauty because she stays true to herself, and doesn't change for other people. The videographer's purpose was to show that people look in magazines and see women that look perfect so they go out and try to be exactly like that. But really everyone is beautiful. But society tries to put a definition on beauty when there is no real definition.
My perception of beauty is to be yourself and to not fall into what others try to make us think is beautiful. I find Harry Styles beautiful. Some people say he's ugly, but I definitely don't think that. I think Sofia Vergara represents beauty. She's pretty and very smart. I define inner beauty as how someone treats others. Kindness is always beautiful. Anyone who makes a point to be kind to people exemplifies inner beauty. The videographer's purpose in making this video is to try to stop the distortion of beauty made by some companies that make "beauty" products.
Abby Wadsworth 1/2nd period
My perception is whats on the inside.Its okay to have a little fat.Just don't waste your money on plastic surgery or stuff like that.The actress I find beautiful are Arianna grande,Miley cyrus,Victoria Justice and Jennete Mcurdy. Don't be afraid of your beauty,don't were 10,000 pounds of make up or that junk. The videographer's purpose is that not every thing is what it seems.
My perception is whats on the inside.Its okay to have a little fat.Just don't waste your money on plastic surgery or stuff like that.The actress I find beautiful are Arianna grande,Miley cyrus,Victoria Justice and Jennete Mcurdy. Don't be afraid of your beauty,don't were 10,000 pounds of make up or that junk. The videographer's purpose is that not every thing is what it seems.
Can you think of anyone who exemplifies inner beauty? What is the videographer's purpose in making this video?
I think beauty means someone is gorgeous or a good person on the inside. The famous people that I think are beautiful are Victoria Justice, Taylor Swift, and Zoey Dashanele. Taylor Swift portrays beauty because she has a good heart and she is very pretty. Inner beauty means someone who has a good heart and is kind to others. A person who exemplifies inner beauty is Jada Bruce. She is a good person on the inside by being nice to people. The videographers purpose in making this video is too show people that advertisements never show the persons natural beauty. The advertisers always make the face how they think the viewer should think as beautiful.
I think beauty means someone is gorgeous or a good person on the inside. The famous people that I think are beautiful are Victoria Justice, Taylor Swift, and Zoey Dashanele. Taylor Swift portrays beauty because she has a good heart and she is very pretty. Inner beauty means someone who has a good heart and is kind to others. A person who exemplifies inner beauty is Jada Bruce. She is a good person on the inside by being nice to people. The videographers purpose in making this video is too show people that advertisements never show the persons natural beauty. The advertisers always make the face how they think the viewer should think as beautiful.
David Childers 4-5
My perception of beauty is someone who is beatiful inside and out. I think that no one can be ugly on the outside, everyone's beautiful in their own way, but if you lack in character, than you are ugly on the inside.
Famous people that I find beautiful are Jennifer Lawerence, Sarah Paxton, Carrie Underwood, Katy Perry, and Demi Lavato. Famous people I find handsome are Channing Tatum, Zayn Malik, and Niall Horan. I feel that Jennifer Lawernce represents true beauty because she's gorgeous, talented and bright.
I define inner beauty as how someone acts and treats others. Also by being genuinly kind, not just being fake, and treating others as you would want to be treated you show inner beauty. I know many people who exemplify inner beauty, but someone who shows it more than others is my little sister, Alli. She's genuine and doesn't care what others think of her, although she may annoy me...all the time, life wouldn't be the same without her.
The videographer's purpose in making this video is to show people that being beautiful isn't wearing so much makeup that you look nothing like yourself. Also, you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover because everyone is beautiful by being themselves.
My perception of beauty is to be true to yourself. I feel as if if you want to be truly beautiful, you must do what your heart desires. Some famous people that I find beautiful are Hayden Pannettiere, and Arianna Grande. I believe Arianna Grande represents inner beauty because she's gorgeous, talented, and bright. I define inner beauty by how someone treats others and how they respect themselves as well. I believe the videographers purpose as to making this video is to show that beauty isn't always defined by the way you appear to the general public. They dressed this girl in pounds of makeup, all for an image. If they wanted to show true beauty, they would show her true self.
Alex Billiris 6-7
The perception of beauty to me is how you are without all the makeup and stuff. It is important you think you're beautiful no matter what. I really think Katy Perry is beautiful. She doean't always wear makeup and she still looks good. Inner beauty is the correct way you should feel about yourself. You're beautiful no matter what other people say abotu you. A lot of people at school show this. Not everyone wears makeup and worries about what they wear. That is how it should be. I think the videomaker's purpose is to show how people make people look pretty. But the truth is they make people feel made about themselves because they make them look completely different.
If you want true beauty, just be yourself. Don't pile on ten pounds of makeup and say that it is who you really are. There are a few famous people that I find beautiful like Victoria Justice, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood. When you watch this video, you notice that she is hiding her rea; self.
If you want true beauty, just be yourself. Don't pile on ten pounds of makeup and say that it is who you really are. There are a few famous people that I find beautiful like Victoria Justice, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood. When you watch this video, you notice that she is hiding her rea; self.
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