Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Diet Coke

What is happening? What causes the diet coke to go crazy in this experiment? What is your favorite science experiment? Have you made any interesting experiments at school or at home in the past? Do you like science? Would you like to make this experiment at home? Who would you like to target with the coke?


Charli_Crandall♥ said...

In this video they are taking Mentos and Diet Pepsi to design creations as it explodes. In my opinion, they are making designs that look like unique soda fountains! In this experiment the acid in the Diet Coke makes the reaction go crazy.

My favorite science experiment is when you take a rose, food coloring, and water to change the white rose to another color! By then, the rose looks really pretty. The water and food coloring enter throught the stem and travel to the petals.

Actually, the food coloring rose was an expriment we have done the past few years at school. I thought it was very interesting. That is the reason I chose that experiment.

Yes, I like science. It may not be my best subject, but I do love it. I have actually done this with my family in the past. It was a very fun experience! If I was to target anyone it would be my brother. The reason for that is, because we are always teasing each other. Although we do that a lot we always make up in the end!

~Charli Crandall 6th and 7th period

Yes, I do like

Mackenzee Walker said...

In the video the guys are dropping Mentos into Diet Coke and the two are reacting making the pop shoot out. When you put Mentos in the Coke the Mentos start dissolving and causing the pop to fizz until it starts exploding.

My favorite science experiment is when you put a burning piece of paper in a bottle and you lay an egg over the top. Then once the fire burns out the egg is pulled into the bottle. I have done this experiment before when I was in Mrs. Garcia's class.

I like science a lot. It is just not my strongest class. I have done this experiment at school but never at home. If I did do it at home I would shoot it at my cousin, Meghan, which is sort of like my little sister. We always joke around with eachother. I think it would be fun to have a Coke and Mentos fight with her.

tanner22 said...

In this video they repeatedly were putting mentos in diet coke until they could do something great,it took 137 times to get it rihgt. The diet coke goes crazy because the mentos dizzole and cause the coke to explode.

My favorite experiment is when you stand in a baby pool filled with bubble soap then the teached gets a giant bubble wand and pulls it over top of you. Then you are inside a bubble, intil it pops. We did this experiment in Mrs.Garcia's class

Yes we have done interesting experiments in school but I haven't done any at home. Yes I like science but it is not my best subject.

Yes I would love to do this experiment at home it would be very fun. If I were to target anyone it would be all of my cousins and we could have a giant coke fight.

- Tanner Amos 1-2nd

Unknown said...

In the video they are putting mentos in the Diet Pepsi to make different creations as it comes out. I think they are making creations like you see at like a fountain in front of a hotel, or like a sprinkler.

I really don't have a favorite science experiment, but they are all usually fun, and interesting!

I haven't made one before by myself or anything but I think it would be fun to sometime.

I honestly don't like science that much. It just doesn't interest me as much as the other subjects do. But some topics do get my attention better than others.

Unknown said...

The two guys are dropping mentos into the bottles of diet coke. The mentos combined with the acids and carbonation in the coke causes a chemical reaction resulting in the coke shooting out of the bottle due to pressure. This experiment is probably my favorite. I have done this experiment at school once. I don’t particularly care for science, but some aspects of it are fun. I really would rather not do this experiment at home because I would have to buy the coke just to create a ten second geyser, and that seems like a waste of money. Rather than ask who I would point the geyser of coke at, a better question to ask is who I wouldn’t point it at.

Unknown said...

I this video they are taking Diet Pepsi and Mentos to create a chemical reaction. In this experiment the acid and gas in the Diet Pepsi makes it go crazy.
My favorite experiment is when you put Ivory soap in the microwave and it gets really big because of the heating of the water inside the soap.
At home we do all kinds of experiments. My oldest brother is a very hands-on person and is always coming up with stuff to do. We did the soap in the microwave experiment last summer.
I LOVE science! It is one of my favorite subjects. I like it because it doesn't only explain how stuff works but why they work. I went to two educational camps this summer and both of them were math and science based.
If I could target anyone with the Diet Coke explosion it would probably be my brother, Michael. It would be him because he is a weakling and can't beat me up. Also he would never try to hurt me in front of my mom so I would just stay in a room with her until he cooled off.

Sarah Wilmoth said...

In this video two guys are dropping mentos into bottles of diet coke causing the coke to explode out of the bottle. A chemical reaction between the diet coke and the mentos causes it to explode. My favortie science experiment was in third grade. I made a volcano and it actually looked pretty real. My dad and I tested it out at my house in the kitchen. It made the kitchen stink for the next few days because of the baking soda and vinegar. Another one is one that my cousins and me did on vacation one year. We worked on making a protective case for a camera out of sirerfoam and tape the whole week. We sent the camera up on a timer and a helium balloon atached to a string so we could get cool pictures of Canaan Valley. We got some really pretty pictures.

Yes I like science. It is one of my favorite subjects. I think this experiment would be a cool thing to do at home with my family or on vacation with my cousins. We usually have an experiment that we work on all week long. I would probably hit my sister with the coke because she would be trying to hit me with the coke.

Sarah Wilmoth said...

In this video two guys are dropping mentos into bottles of diet coke causing the coke to explode out of the bottle. A chemical reaction between the diet coke and the mentos causes it to explode. My favortie science experiment was in third grade. I made a volcano and it actually looked pretty real. My dad and I tested it out at my house in the kitchen. It made the kitchen stink for the next few days because of the baking soda and vinegar. Another one is one that my cousins and me did on vacation one year. We worked on making a protective case for a camera out of sirerfoam and tape the whole week. We sent the camera up on a timer and a helium balloon atached to a string so we could get cool pictures of Canaan Valley. We got some really pretty pictures.

Yes I like science. It is one of my favorite subjects. I think this experiment would be a cool thing to do at home with my family or on vacation with my cousins. We usually have an experiment that we work on all week long. I would probably hit my sister with the coke because she would be trying to hit me with the coke.

Unknown said...

The people in this video are making art out of diet-coke and Mentos. What causes the chemical reaction in the diet-coke is the Mentos. My favorite science experiment is watching ants and seeing how they make their tunnels. One of my past science experiments that I have done in the past is catching twenty four spiders in the same environment and watching how they reacted together. If you were to ask me if I like science the answer would most definitely say yes. Also if you were to ask me if I would like to try that experiment at home I would say no because it would cost too much money to buy all the pop. I would probably target it at my step sister Abby because she would give the best reaction.

Unknown said...

Two guys are putting mentos in bottles of diet coke. It explodes because there is a chemical reaction in the pop between the acid and sugar coating of the mentos. My favorite science experiment would probably be putting mentos in the pop. I have made interesting experiments at home, but they were really simple. I do like science because it can be really fun at times. I have made this experiment at home. I only used one diet coke bottle. I would like to shoot the pop at joey craig just so i could get a laugh out of it.

Anonymous said...

The video is showing us two men puting Mentos in to Diet Pepsi to make big expolosion. I think what is making the soda go crazy is the acid in the soda does not combined right which makes the soda go "Boom" !

My favorite experiment is the egg in a bottle experiment when you throw a little paper which is set on fire them as soon as the burning paper hits the bottom of the bottle, you set the egg on the top of the bottle and the egg gets sucked in. Yes, when we use dye to make the flowers really pretty.

Yes, i accully really like science. :) I would love to make an experiment at home. My target would have to be at my brother because he gets on my nerves all the time, but i still love him <3.

Unknown said...

These two scientists are using diet Coke and Mentos to make a sort of firework show. this is because whenthe coke and mentos are combined, there is a chemical reaction which causes the coke to shoot up into the air. I would have to say that this is my favorite science experiment, mostly because I havent done many. I do really like science, and learning about new things that I never would have thought possible. I dont think I'd do this experiment at home, mostly because of how much coke we'd have to buy and the mess it'd make. I would like to target anybody really. I dont care who it is, as long as I get to spray them with coke.

Alyssa Martin said...

In the video, There are two men doing an experiment that includes Mentos and Diet Pepsi. They are doing this because as soon as you drop the Mentos into the bottle, a chemical reaction occurs and the pepsi will squirt into the air like a fountain.
I think that the reason the soda sprays, is because Pepsi and sugar coated candy don't match good!
My favorite science experiement was in 7th grade. We got to swab wherever we wanted in the school. Then we kept the germs in a petri dish, and watched them grow more and more.
I haven't really made any cool science experiments at home, but my little sister and I have tried to make a volcanoe, which didn't work to good! I really like science because I love to experiment with things.
I would also like to make this experiment at home because it would be really fun! If I could target anyone with the Pepsi, I would pick my sister. I would pick her so I could get her back for all of the tricks she has pulled on me.

Unknown said...

In this video two men are wasting diet coke. In my opinion this is a horrible idea, seeing that there is a huge percentage of people who are starving ,and can't aford anything to eat. The only people who benifited from this would be the coke a cola company and the mentos people

The reson the the soda sprays like that is because when you add mentos it creats an chemical reaction that forces all the soda out of the only avalible exit.

I love science it is a great subject but that, that was not science. That was to guys with to much free time on their hands, who don't like coke.

Unknown said...

There are two men combining Mentos and Diet Coke to create fountains. The Diet Coke goes crazy in this experiment, because the Mentos have a substance in them that make the acids in the Diet Coke expand.

In the 4th grade I made a rainbow liquid for my show and tell. I used an experiment I learned from my mythbusters kit. The class really enjoyed it!

Science would not be my favorite subject, but it teaches us about how substances react with one another. I think it is interesting and it teaches us about how to use these experiments in life.

I would like to make this experiment at home, but I would have to save up money for a lot of Diet Coke. I would wake up really early and get everything set-up in the hallway while everyone is sleeping. I would use an airhorn to wake everyone up and spray them with the Diet Coke.

Tre Lewis- 6th/7th period

Kayla McKenzie said...

Two men put mento's in diet coke and made it entertanting. I don't have an favorite science experiment. I do love science. If I have made any science experiments at home in the past I don't remember. Yes, I would love to make this experiment at home if I was aloud. The person I would probably target would be my best friends Aaliyah and Chelsea and we'd get into a coke war.:-)

Zach Phillips said...

They are putting mentos into diet coke. The mentos release carbon dioxide which causes the soda to spray out of the bottle. My favorite was putting vinegar and alka seltzer in a plastic film canister. The acid in the alka seltzer causes the vinegar to fizz. Yes, I like science. It is one of my more interesting subjects and i'm pretty good at it. Yes, I would like to make this experiment. I figure it would be something nice to try out. I wouldn't target anyone.
Zach Phillips 1st and 2nd

Allie Maset said...

The two men in this video are dropping Mentos into Diet Pepsi which causes a chemical reaction and makes the Pepsi explode. The Diet Pepsi exploded because when the Mentos mixed with the acidic stuff in the Pepsi it caused a chemical reaction. My favorite Science experiment is when you take an empty film container and put Baking Soda and Vinegar in it and it shoots up into the air. Yes, I have done fun experiments at my house and at school. Actually, Science is my favorite subject at school. I would like to try this at home, but I'm not sure if I could get all the Mentos in there on time. If I were to target somebody it would be my cousin,Emilia, because we always have the best times together and she is like my sister.

Anonymous said...

What is happening is some diet coke, mentos, and a whole lot of wet grass!The coke is going nuts becvause the men are repeatedly putting mentos in the bottle and are also waving it and stuff. My favorite science experiment is locking my brother in a cage and poking him with a stick to sede what he does, then writing it down.
yeah, i like science, i am best at rocks but drawing and writing stories are where my talents are.

Austin J(: said...

In this video, the two men are dropping mentos into diet coke bottles to watch it explode. The mentos are causing a chemical reaction in the coke. Once the mentos dissolve, the coke fizzes up till it explodes.

My favorite expirement is making gluep. It's watery, nasty, and fun to play with. It also doesn't stain. I've tried making ice cream at home before with scientific methods. It actually tasted very good. I kind of did it a lot more times than I needed too.

I like science a lot. It is usaully one of my favorite classes. I would most likely never try this at my own home. To messy and a waste of good diet coke. I probably would want to hit a random person walking down the street because I don't dislike anyone.

Unknown said...

The scientists in this video, are popping Mentos mints into a liter,or so, of diet Coke. What makes the diet Coke go all crazy is the chemical and physical reaction between the Mentos and the diet Coke. The Mentos breaks the surface tension in the diet Coke bottle,and the carbon dioxide fills the little microscopic holes in the mint. Therefore creating the reaction. My favorite experiment, well I would not call it an experiment, is bouncing pencils off of their erasers into cups. I have not really conducted an exteremely fun experiment in science class. I do not really fancy science. It is alright, but not my favorite subject in the world. Making an experiment at home would be kind of fun, because my family and I love to do fun activities together. If I got to shoot someone with a diet Coke explosion, it would have to be my cousin Jeremy. Sometimes, he is just so cocky and rude.

Unknown said...

In this video they are putting Mentos in Diet Coke to make it burst. In this experiment the mentos cause a chemical reaction to the Diet Coke. My favorite Science experiment is disecting animals like frogs because you get to use really cool tools like scalpels. I have done disections before in fifth grade.Yes, I like science. I would do this at home. If I had to target the Coke at someone it would be Hunter Corley.

Unknown said...

In this video, the two guys are dropping mentos into diet coke and timing each explosion so it looks like a fountain. The acid in the diet coke and the mentos cause the crazy explosion.

My favorite science experiments are adding food coloring to water and watching as a white carnation placed in the water changes into another color or dropping mentos into diet coke and making a soda fountain, like the one in this video. I have made a few interesting science experiments in school. They include my favorite science experiments; in 5th grade we made a soda fountain in Ms. Saunder's class and in 7th grade we made colored carnations in Mrs. Conley's class. Yes, I like science, aside from reading/ language arts, science is my favorite subject.

Yes, I think it would be fun to do this experiment at my house. I would probably like to target my cousin, Aubrey, because she'd be really entertaining to watch get drenched in diet coke.

Unknown said...

They are putting Mentos in Diet Coke bottles and watching them blow up. They strategically placed the Diet Coke bottles. The Mentos made the bottles explode. My favorite science experiment was in 5th grade when my class went out side and did the same thing as they did but ours wasn't as pretty. Yes I have I have also shot a rock into the air in 4th grade. I do not like science because it is my worst subject. I would very much like to do this at home. But I probably would brake something somehow. I would like to aim it at Hunter Corley has a prank to make him.

Ryan_V said...

In this video two scientist are precisely placing mentos in bottles of Diet Coke to make a fountain of crazy creations. There is a chemical reaction going on between the acid of the Coke and the mint. This causes the Coke to fizz and eventually explode. My favorite science experiment is to take a light weight ball such as a ping pong ball and use a hair dryer to make the ball float in mid-air. An experiment I have done in school is to see how many droplets of water will fit on a penny. I do like science because I like to do all of the fun experiments. I think that the experiments help me learn lots of new things. I would like to do this at home but my parents would not like this because of the mess I would make. I would like to target my sister because we are always messing with each other at home.

Ryan Vilain 6/7 period

Unknown said...

The Mentos is blowing up the Diet Coke and they are strategically placing the bottles. The Mentos made the bottles go crazy. My favorite science experiment was when we did the same thing in 5th grade but our's didnt look as good. I have made a rocket in 4th grade at school and shot it really high. I do not like science because science is my worst subject. I would really like to do this at home but I would probably brake something somehow. I would like to aim the Diet Coke aat Hunter Corley because it would be really funny. Or I would like to aim it and Brandyn Pavelko just for a laugh.

Unknown said...

The two men in this video are placing Mentos in Diet Pepsi. My favorite experiment was when you mix soap and water together in a pool, and then you use a wand and pull it over the person inside the pool. The person stays in there until the bubble pops. In fifth grade we did the exact same experiment, except we used Root beer. I like science because we do fun labs to help us learn. I would like to try this at home but I don't know if my parents would let me. My target would be my brother because he always mocks me.

Unknown said...

In this video they are taking mentos and diet pepsi to design creations as it explodes. In my opinion they are making designs that look like crazy soda fountains. In this experiment the acid is making the diet coke go crazy. MY favorite science experiment is where is get a liter of pepsi and get mentos and then shake it up and it explodes all over you. Yes i like science, we did this experiment at school outside and we had to make a big circle and we got to drop mentos in the pop and watch it explode. If i was to target anyone it would be my brother. because we always fight and wrestle and tease each other but we make up and be friends again.

Unknown said...
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Jakob Lemuel Abbott. said...

The scientsists are performing an experiment with coke and mentos. the reaction between the coke and mentos cause the reactions. My favorite experiment is this one. I once did the experiment with the ice and salt on your arm. it burned. i kinda like science Im just not very good at it. I wouldnt like to make this experiment at home because it is a waste of coke. the only experiment i would perform with coke is quinching my thirst.

abby =) said...

What's happening in this video is the scientists are putting mentos in a liter bottle of diet coke. What causes the diet coke to go crazy is that the mentos and coke cause a chemical reaction and the pop shoots through the top. My favorite science experiments is probably making volcanoes with vinegar, baking soda, and red food dye. I have made a volcano in the past with paper mache in elementary school. I like science a lot; I think it's a really cool subject. I probably wouldn't do this experiment at home because I'd get coke all over my house. I wouldn't want to target anybody because it'd get they're clothes all dirty and they might send me their dry-cleaning bill. =P
Abby Wadsworth 1/2nd period

M3g@n said...

The scientist are showing an experament where you put mentos ind diet coke, the reaction is crazy! I think it has to do with the bubbles in the soda and the shell on the candy. My favorite science expierament is when you have two bowls, a jug, a penny, and hot water. Once its set up the heat makes the penny move around. We did this in school, I hate science. It seems confusing to me. I have done this expeirament at home already. My target would be my dog. I think it would be funny to see it's reaction.

Unknown said...

the mentos is a chemical compound and the diet coke is mixing with the mentos and it explodes. My favorite expirement is works and wraping foil in a bottle and it explodes. I made carbanation frojm scratch, and no i didnt put coke in a tube and said I made it. I love science and I like the teachers.

I have done this all the time but I closed the lid and it exploded and it was amazing. I would target hunter but when i drench him I would get to running he would probley would kill me or slowly chase me down.
carter priester 4-5th

Hunter said...

In this experiment the mentos mixed with the diet coke and caused a chemical reaction that resulted in a release of CO2 gas therefore fizzes out the top. My favorite experiment was in 6th grade because we tried to suck an egg with a match and a bottle. During the experiment Mrs. Garcia almost caught the table on fire. I enjoy science very much because it is fascinating on how everything is made through science. I would love to do that experiment at home but it would be very sticky. I would target my sister because I already think that she hates me. It would be very funny to see her reaction.

tony stevenski said...

They were putting mentos into a 2 liter of diet coke. Diet coke is the type of soda with the most food coloring in it. Well it says it so on the back. But the readon they are using diet coke is it has the biggest explosion. One day in 5th grade Mike and I were at my house with like 4, 2 liters of diet coke and he and I had a box of at least 100 mentos. So we found a tub and poured all the mentos in it. To remind you the tub was atleast 3 ft tall. And I got to pour the soda. There is a youtube video of us doing the mentos and diet coke and it went everywhere. It was the funniest thing we ever saw.

Unknown said...

In this entertaining science experiment, scientists are dumping Mentos into Diet Coke making the Coke explode. Each drink is set off at a different time giving it an illusion of a fountain. The scientists are shaking and moving the bottles to make different designs in the air. I think the cause of the explosion is a physical reaction. The molecules in the Diet Coke expand when the Mentos are added in. This causes that enormous airburst.

My favorite science experiment has to be the flower, food coloring, and water experiment. It was always great coming back to school the next day to see my flower a different color from what it was originally. To make the flower change colors, the food coloring swims up the phloem of the stem making the petals the same color of the food coloring. I loved doing this lab in class.

All the experiments that I've done have been at school, mostly in Mrs. Garica's sixth grade class. One of the most memorable labs that we performed was when we put the chicken bone in the vinegar. Daily, the chicken bone would soften from the acids in the vinegar and after many weeks of soaking, the bone would have the ability to tie in a knot! I loved this lab and still think it's mind blowing.

Science isn't my best subject, but it's one that I do very well in. I do love doing the labs and experiments though. Many good jobs require you to be very well in science and math, so I will try my best in it.

I would love to do this experiment at home, but I wouldn't want to clean up the mess nor buy all the materials, so I think I change my mind about that idea. It would be fun to try it though. If I did try this experiment I would definitely point the Coke at my brother. Just like my mom says, were like vinegar and water, we don't mix. Because we don't get along as much, I would most likely point the drinks at him.

G said...

What is happening is the Diet Coke and Mentos are causing a reaction. It's a chemical reaction because of the Mentos being put into the Diet Coke.

My favorite experiment is wiring a complete circuit with a light and battery.

Science is my favorite subject because of the cool experiments that we do in the classroom. I would like to do this experiment because it looks so fun.

My target would be the little neighborhood boy because he always bugs me.

I think it would be cool to try this experiment with Diet Sprite, Mentos, and food coloring. It would be like a rainbow of different colors!

Unknown said...

The diet coke and mentos are causing a chemical reaction causing it to rise.If were to target anyone it would be my mom.I did a similar experiment called'Which has more fizz, coke or root beer? I put raisins in both bottles and coke won.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The diet coke and the mentos cause a chemical reaction. In 6th grade I did a similar experiment with coke and root beer. But instead of mentos, I used raisins.

aman2524 said...

In this particular experiment, the Mentos are dissolving in the Diet Coke at an extremely fast rate. The Diet Coke is an acid and the Mentos are neutral on the PH scale. Because of acidic chemicals combining with neutral ones in the Mentos, they are dissolving at unusually fast rate causing particles in the Diet Coke to accelerate in speed thus causing the explosion.

My favorite science experiments are any ones that involve circuitry. I understand circuitry very well and I also help around the house with electronics.

I love science especially when we do experiments. I would love to this experiment at home just for the visual effects. If I had to pick someone I would pick Gage Clemens.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In this video, they are taking Mentos and bottles of diet coke to cause the bottle of coke explode.
I don't really have any favorite science experiments. Even though this is really cool. And I have done it before.
I don't care for science. It's one of my weakest subjects in school and I don't find it fun.
Who would I like to target with the Diet Coke? Peyton Ozie. He may be like my best friend, but he gets on my nerves! (:

Haley Evans 6-7th period

Ashley :D said...

What's happening? Certain chemicals in the Mentos(gum arabic and gelatin) are creating a chemical reaction when coming in contact with chemicals in the Coke(caffeine, potassium benzoate, and aspartame).

My favorite science experiment would probably be putting ivory soap in the microwave and watching it expand really big. We did this experiment in Mrs.Conley's class last year.

Yes, I enjoy science. Science is one of my favorite subjects. I would definitely like to make this experiment at home. If I could target anyone it would be my best friend Kaitlyn.

Unknown said...

In this video they are putting mentos in the diet soda.So the soda comes out in a fontent of soda. The Mintos are making the soda come out.It has a cimical reaction to the pop. I went to Tonys house and tride that and it worked a little bit but not that much.It was fun though.The video is cool with all the pops exsploding every were. The was that they set that up was cool. But the muise was not that good to me.The way that they got all the pop to go off like they wanted to. I could not do that.

AllieShreves said...

In this video they are dropping Mentos into Diet Coke to make a chemical reaction. The chemicals in the Mentos react with the chemicals in the Diet Coke to make a cool reaction.

My favorite science experiment is the simple baking soda and vinegar reaction. Sometimes I just like to see if there is any substitutes instead of just vinegar and baking soda. I used to do this experiment a lot at home (when my parents weren't around).

I don't really like science. I may be good at it, but I just find it boring sometimes. The only time science is fun is when we do experiments(the fun ones).

I wouldn't do this experiment at home because I already know what is going to happen and it would make a huge mess. I would like to target this experiment at my best friend Kaitlyn Vilain. We are always looking for something to make us laugh and this would definitely do the trick. Of course she would get back on me but it would be worth it.

Unknown said...

You may not see it from afar, but there is a great chemical reaction taking place. It is basically the same effect you get when you put baking soda and vinegar together. The scientists first dropped a Mentos into a liter of Coke and that’s when all the chemical reactions start taking place.
My favorite science experiment is placing a match in a bottle and putting an egg on the top. Since the flame can’t get the oxygen it needs to sustain itself, it causes a suction effect to occur. Eventually the egg with be sucked in and usually it explodes or breaks apart. At home I sometimes I create a flame with a magnifying glass. The sunlight is greatly magnified, and it causes a leaf or piece of paper to heat up so much that it actually catches on fire. I love science, but it is not my favorite subject.
I would not like to perform this experiment at home because I’d rather drink the coke and eat the Mentos. If I did do the experiment, I would spray the coke at my sister. It’;s funny making her mad.
Reina Edwards Period 6-7

Unknown said...

In this video the guys are putting mementos in Diet Coke it explodes. They are making designs with the coke to look like fountains.

I don't really have one favorite science experiment, they are all fun to do.

I don't really like science that much. It's fun and interesting but it's not my best subject.

White Ink (DC) said...
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White Ink (DC) said...
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White Ink (DC) said...

During this video, the “scientists” perform an experiment with diet coke and mentos. The mentos fall into the diet coke bottles causing a chemical reaction, which makes the diet coke go everywhere. My favorite science experiment is "Mentos with Diet Coke" because my brother and I have done it outside our house. We used regular coke and it didn’t make as much of an explosion as these guys’ experiment. We have also done this at school in fifth grade. Mrs. Saunders took my class outside and I just remember that we were all mesmerized by the explosion. I like science and it’s my second favorite subject next to math. I would like to do this experiment at home again, but this time with diet coke. I would like to target my brother because he’s been mean to me and vice versa. I would also do it to him just because he’s my brother and that’s how we bond.

David Childers 4th-5th

Levi said...

The Diet Coke goes crazy, because of a chemical reaction between it and the Mentos. I don't have a favorite science experiment, but this one is really fun to do. I haven't done anything like this in school, but we almost did in fifth grade with a bunch of different sodas to see the difference of each reaction. I do like science, but it's not my favorite/best subject in school. I would like to make this experiment at home, and i may ask my mom if we can do it. I would probably target my cat just to see what he'd do, but if I had to pick a person, it would be my brother.

Unknown said...

I think this video is cool and funnny. it is kind of a waste of coke. What they make a coke do is very cool. I would like to do this to but I wouldn't like to clean up the coke. they were always been a lot of money. it would be fun to squirt people with coke as long as they didn't squirt you back. the coke would be sticky. I wonder how long it took to clean it all up. It would be cool if everybody did this experiment. Everybody would probably run out of coke and mentos.

Alexis von Schmidt said...

The coke explodes because of of what is in the mentos. I'm not exactly sure what causes the explosion but it is what ever is in the coke and the mentos that doesn't like eachother. They meet and beat eachother up causing this. I'm just joking.I havn't done many experiments in class so I don't have one.I have done this experiment here in school so that was pretty exciting.I love science, the only thing is I'm not good at it. I can't ever remember what anything means. If I were to make this experiment at home I would target my brother. I would do this because he is very annoying.

Unknown said...

The reason that the coke fizzed up like that is because when u mix mentos with coke it gets all contracted into the bottle and it can't hd all the pressure that's being applied. My favorite science experiment is disecting frogs even though its gross its still fun and exciting!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The thing that you are seeing in the video is th people are putting mentoes into diet coke. Something chemical happens whenever the mentoes combine with the diet coke, and the fizz gets contracted and trapped and it has no choise but explode. My favorite experament is probably disecting frogs. We did it last year in science class. I like science in general, but some chapters I do not like. It would be so fun to do this experament at home but my parents never buy mentoes and coke at the same time cause they know what i want to do. I wiuld target my best friend Alec Loss. :He goes to Bridgeport high school so youm probably don't know them. We have been best friends since the dat I was born, so he would not get mad most likly.

Heustan O'Dell said...

The reason the coke is exploding is because the mentos is makeing the bottle fiz up and putting lots of pressure in to the bottle which when opened it will shoot out. I have tried this experiment before, and it is fun the person that I would target Is my neighbor i still have to get revenge on him for when he through a ball at me and hit me in the face.