Yes, I have heard of William Shakesspeare. I have never seen a movie or play based on any of his work. Yes, I have been to plays at Sight and Sound theatre. My favorite author would be either Wendy Mass or Suzanne Collins. In the few signature that survived he spelled his name "Willm Shaksp" , "Wm Shakspe, "William Shakspere", "Willm Shakspeare", and "William Shakspear" , but never Willaim Shakespear.
Yes, I have heard of Shakespeare. No, I have never seen a play based on his work. Yes, I have seen a play and have been in a play. My favorite author is Mary Pope Osborne who wrote the Magic Treehouse books. There are no birth records for William Shakepeare except for some church records about where he was baptized.
Yes, I have heard of William Shakespeare. I have never seen a movie or play basen on his work. I have been to many plays. Our school always goes to plays at the Creative Arts Center in Morgantown, WV. My favorite author would have to be Margaret Peterson Haddix. She has written maby of my favorite books like "the Shadow Children Series" and "the Palace of Mirrors." William and Anne Hathaway had three children. Susanna was born in May 1583, and the twins, Judith and Hamnet, in February 1585.
Yes, I have heard of William Shakespeare. I have not seen any of his work, but I want to. I go to plays a lot more than a usual person. Normally I go to one one a year with my grandma and sometimes once more with the school. I have two favorite authors. They are Nicholas Sparks and Margaret Petterson Haddix. I think I like Nicholas Sparks a little bit more because his books are more mature. A fact about Shakespeare is that he invented the word assassination.
Yes, i have heard of William Shakespeare, but didn't know much about him. I have seen the movie 'Romeo and Juliete", and it was a sad movie. I have been to a play becaus eour school took us to one in the fifth grade. I like the authors Stephanie Meyers, and Suzanne Colins becuase I really enjoyed some of thier books. I know he wrote 34 different plays. That is it.
Yes, I have heard of the author William Shakespeare. No, I have not seen a play or film made by Shakespeare, but I have seen short previews of some movies about his work. Yes, I have been to a play when I was in the third grade. It was about a town being stalked by a werewolf but it's not about "Little Red Riding Hood." My favorite author would have to be J.R.R Tolkien who wrote "The Hobbit" and the trilogies of "The Lord of The Rings." A fact about William Shakespeare is that his reputation was not fully noticed until the ninetenth century.
Have I ever heard of William Shakespeare? Of course! He's notorious for his writing of Romeo and Juliet. Sadly, I have not attended a production based on his work. In my opinion, I would absolutely love to go. I think it would be tremendously interesting. I still haven't seen Romeo and Juliet, so I would love to see that as well.I feel like I'm the only person who has not been to see a play. Considering that I love and own all the High School Musical movies, I think its a little strange that I haven't attended one yet. I would love to see one in New York. It's my dream to go there and it would be great to see a play, to add onto the amazing experience. I have a ton of authors that I love, ranging from Suzanne Collins, to Stephanie Meyer, to Gabrielle Lord, and L.J Smith. But, my favorite author has to be Nicholas Sparks. His work is absolutely incredible. My favorite book of his, is the Last Song just because of how greatly it was written. As a result, Sparks will always be my favorite author.An interesting fact that I didn't know about Shakespeare was that he didn't go to college! I think it's pretty amazing to have that much talent in writing without going to college first. Even though, I love to write, I don't think I have that great of an ability, without going to college beforehand.
Yes, I've heard of William Shakespeare, but I've never been to and of his plays or read any books based upon work of Shakespeare. However, I have been to many plays at Fairmont State and the Creative Arts Center in Morgantown. My favorite author is Rick Riordan, but I also love books by Suzanne Collins and Sharon Creech. A fact about William Shakespeare is he is the second most quoted English writer after the writers of the bible.
If you were to ask me if I have ever heard of William Shakespeare I would gladly tell you that I have. Also if you were to ask me if I have ever seen a movie or a play based on his work I would tell you that I have. Another thing if you were to ask me who my favorite author is I would reply that Dr. Seus is my favorite author. Finally one of his famous quotes in ''Romeo & Juliet'' is ''to be or not to be that is the question'' and this is my blog and I hope you liked it.
I have heard of Shakesperare and I do like his work. I have seen a couple of movies about his work. They are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. I have been to a play and I have been in one also. The play I went to was very good. My favorite author is Anthony Horowitz. He writes stories about a young spy saving the world one mission at a time. A fact about the man is he was buried in the Holy Trinity Church. This is in Stratford-upon-Avon, Great Britain. He also put a curse on anyone daring to move his body from that final resting place.
Yes I've heard about William shakespeare, but I've never been to any of his plays or read any books based upon his work of Shakespeare. However I been to many plays at fairmont state and the creative art center up in Morgantown. My favorite author is Suzanne Collins because she writes all the hunger game books that I love to read. A fact about WIlliam Shakespeare is he is the second most quoted English writer after the writers about the bible.
Ive heard about William Shakespeare. I've never read any of his his things. I dont really know why he is so important in life. Most english teachers are always talking about William Shakspeare. My favorite author is Suzanne Collins, because she wrote my three favorite books, Mocking Jay, Hunger Games, and also Catching Fire. But there was another author I forget his name. He wrote a series, I think is calles the famouse five, or something else. I heard that william shakespeare wrote about the bible.
Yes I have heared about William Shakespere. Although I have heared of him, I have never read any of his books or seen any of his plays. I have been to a few plays in my time, most at Fairmont State, but I went to one at WVU. Susanne Collins because she wronte the Hunger Games, but I also like S.E Hinton. I have found that he is the third most descriptive writer for the last thirty years.
Yes, I have heard of Shakespear. I haven't seen one of his plays. I have accually seen a play, it was in fourth grade when I saw Peter Pan. My favorite author is Suzanne Collins because she wrote the Hunger Games. I have heard that shakespeare is the second most quoted writer next to the various writers of the Bible.
Yes, I have heard of William Shakespeare. No, I have not seen a play inspired by his work; but I wish to. Personally, my favorite author is S.E. Hinton; because she has written some of the best books I have ever read. A random fact that I could add is that Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, just three days before the Stratford parish register recorded an outbreak of a plague.
Yes I have heard of Shakespear. I have not seen a movie or play based upon his work. I have been to a few plays. I don't know who my favorite author is. Probably me. I don't really know anything else about Shakespear.
I am fairly familiar with some of Shakespeare's work. I could name some of the pieces that he created. For example, the classic"Romeo and Juliet,"Hamlet",and,"McBeth." I have seen multiple movies with the base line of "Romeo and Juliet." For instance, "Pocahontas." She was forbidden to court with the guy from England, even though she really did love him.I actually have never seen a whole play in person, but I've seen bits and pieces on television. Mainly on cartoons, so I wouldn't even count that as fine art, Shakespeare. To be honest, I do not really read a lot to truthfully answer that question. So if I had to chose, it would be Ann Brashares. She wrote,"The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants." It is a good book so far. I feel that it isn't written in a tone, and/or worded, in a way that real people don't speak in. So, I guess you could say that it is more of a relateable book. Interesting factoid, William Shakespeare had an expanded vocabulary. His plays and pieces, have over 30,000 different words!
Well I'll say that wasn't very flattering for Shakespear. Of coarse it was directed to get you to know that he wasn't some boring guy that satb at his desk writting all the time. They wanted you to be come interested in his sick little life so that you would want to learn more about him. I'm fimiliar to his work and appretiate him as the greatest authour of his time. I beleve though that there have been better authours since thee time he died I think he was a great author because of the varity, he cou\ld write traggities, comedies, and historical plays.
I am not a history person, and I don’t know much about the past. Yet, I do know about William Shakespeare. When I was younger, I watched a movie about one of his most famous pieces, Romeo and Juliet. It was an awful tragedy about a love that could never be. I have never been to a play of his, but I plan to in the future.My favorite author is Rick Riordan. I love the books he writes, and they are not nearly as tragic as William Shakespeare’s. An interesting fact about William Shakespeare is that his writings have been translated into more languages than any other author.
Yes I’ve heard of Shakespeare, but no, I’ve never seen a movie or play based upon one of his works. Yes I have been to a play. I saw Mary Poppins on Broadway. My favorite author would have to be Patrick Carman. An interesting fact that I managed to find has to do with Shakespeare’s recognition. According to The World Book Encyclopedia copy write 1980, in 1592 a pamphlet was published that suggested he had become both an actor and a play writer.
Of course I've heard of shakespeare! In fact, I feel bad for the isolated hermit who hasnt. I will admit I've never seen a movie or play based on his works nor have I read his works. I have been to a few plays. My favorite author is Michael Crichton because he writes amazing science fiction, as well as other types of novels, and not to mention he wrote the book that my favorite movie was based on,"Jurassic Park". One fact I know about shakespeare is that he supposedly invented these phrases:All that glitters is not gold All’s well that ends well Bated breath Dead as a doornail Fancy-free Fool’s paradise For goodness’ sake Good riddance Heart of gold In a pickle Knock knock! Who’s there? Laughing stock Love is blind Naked truth Neither rhyme nor reason One fell swoop Star-crossed lovers Pomp and circumstance Pound of flesh Primrose path Too much of a good thing Wear my heart upon my sleeve What’s in a name? Wild goose chase The world’s my oyster.
Yes I have heard of Shakespere. I have never seen a movie or play based by him. My favorite author is Avi because I have read a bunch of books by Avi and enjoyed them. A fact I have heard is that Shakespere is the second most quoted next to the bible.
Yes, I have heard of Shakespeare. I have not seen anything related to him , except for the video Ms. Constable showed us. I have been to a play , they are very boring in my opinion. My favorite author by far is Mary Downing Hahn. He lived until he was 52 years old.
Yes, I have heard of Shakespeare, but no I have not watched a movie or any sort of Shakespeare.I do not know anyone of Shakespeare. Yes, I have been to a play before. I saw Mary Poopins in Broadway.My favorite author is Patrick Carm. I have been in a play before in choir and when I was in fourth grade. When I was in choir I have done it twice in choir and once in fourth grade.
Yes, I've heard of Shakespeare. I have only seen one movie by him though. I've seen Romeo & Juliet. I HAVE been to a play, I have seen Horton Hears A Who, Peter Pan, and A Christmas Carol. My favorite author is Suzanne Collins, because she wrote The Hunger Games Series. Shakespeare's plays had over 3,00 words.
I have heard of Shakespere. I have seen parts of romeo and juliet, but that is all. My favorite author is S.E. Hinton because we have read two books by her and they both were great books. A fact I heard about Shakespere is that he was the one who invented the yo mama jokes and the word swagger.
I have heard of shakespere. And i have wached Romeo and juliet. My favorite author wouls be S.E. Hinton. Shakespere lived untill he was 52 years old
Yes I have heard shakes spear but iv never see a play or a movie of him other than this video that Ms Constable showed us. Iv seen the wizard of Oz play. His Name is William Shakespeare. Died in April/23/1616
i have heard of shakespere but i havent seen romeo & juliet i have heard some of the famous lines but thats all but my favorite author is Susan Collins because of the hunger gmes series
Yes I have heard of William Shakespeare, but all I really know is that he is a famous writer. I have never seen a movie or play based on any of Shakespeare's work. I have been to a few plays mostly when Whitehall School's field trip would take us to see them. Most plays, I think, are boring. Unless it is about something enjoying. My favorite author is Mary Downing Hahn. I have read most of her books and they are very great ghost stories and mysteries. An interesting fact that I found about Shakespeare is that almost four hundred years after his death there are 157 million pages referring to him on Google. There are 132 million for God, 2.7 million for Elvis Presley, and George W. Bush with 14.7 million.
Yes i have heard of Shakespeare but I don't think I ever watched a movie on him. Noboy know William Shakspeare's real birthdayThere are only two authentic portraits of William today; the widely used engraving of William Shakespeare by Martin Droeshout first published on the title page of the 1623 First Folio and the monument of the great playwright in Stratford's Holy Trinity Church in Stratford.William married a woman nearly twice his age. Anne Hathaway was 26 years old when William married her at age 18. They married at Temple Grafton, a village approximately five miles (8 km) from Stratford. Anne Hathaway was said to be from Shottery.Shakespeare and wife had eight children, including daughter Susanna, twins Hamnet, Judith, and Edmund. Susanna received most of the Bard's fortune when he died in 1616, age 52. Hamnet died at age 11, Judith at 77. Susanna dies in 1649, age 66.There were two Shakespeare families living in Stratford when William was born; the other family did not become famous.Shakespeare, one of literature’s greatest figures, never attended university..
Yes I've heard of Shakespear. The movie that I saw based on one of his plays is Gnomeo and Juliet. My favorite author is Jeff Smith.
Yes, I have heard of Shakespeare. He is one of the most well known writers in history. He has written several books and novels that can never be matched. I have not however seen a movie or play based on the work of Shakespeare. No, I have never been in a play and I do not think I ever will. My favorite author would have to be Richard Ungar because of his great work, Time Snatchers. One interesting fact about William Shakespear is that during his time candles were very expensive so it is most likely that he wrote during that day. Ryan Vilain 6/7
Yes, I ave heard of Shakespeare. I have never seen a play or anything by Shakespeare. The closest thing I have seen is the cartoon movie Gnomeo and Juliet, that and on other shows doing the Romeo and Juliet. Also I am not much of a reader so I don't know many authors. But my favorite would have to be Allie Condie, she wrote the Matched series. I am currantly reading book two, Crossed. An interesting fact about William is that he is the second most quoted writer in English language. He is only behind those who wrote the bible. That's all I have to say about William.
Yes I have heard about Shakespeare. No I have never seen a movie or play that I know of. I have been to a school play but not a Broadway Production. My favorite author would be Mary Pope Osborne. Shakespeare had seven siblings.Shakespeare lived to 52. It is known that he was born in April 1564 and that he died on 23rd April 1616. We know that he was baptised on 26th April 1564 and scholars now believe that he was born on April 23rd. He therefore died on his fifty-second birthday, coinciding with St George’s Day. How fitting that the great English writer is so closely identified with the patron saint of England!
I have heard of Shakespeare often. There usually in plays. I haven't seen many of Shakespeare's work, but I have seen Romeo and Juliet. I have been to five or more plays in my life. They were usually at my old school. Performers comes and perform for us. My favorite author would have to be Suzanne Collins because her books have lots of detail. A fact about Shakespeare is that he had seven siblings.
Yes I have heard of William Shakespeare. No I have never seen a movie or play based upon William’s work. Even though I have never seen a play based upon Shakespeare’s work, I have seen a couple of plays. I went to see “Peter Pan” in fourth grade. I am not sure of the other play I have seen. My favorite author is Suzanne Collins. I like her because she writes fantastic books. My favorite books that she has written are: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and The Mockingjay. An interesting fact that I found out about William Shakespeare is that his work was so great, even Abraham Lincoln liked it. Abraham Lincoln never lied so you know Shakespeare’s work is good.David Childers 4th-5th
Yes I have heard of Shakespeare and I have seen a few of his plays put into movies. I have been to a few plays on Broadway, one was the Phantom of The Opera and The Lion King. My favorite author is definitely Cassandra Clare for writing my favorite book series. William Shakespeare was known by almost everyone who lived in Europe during his time and was even known by the queen of England.
I have heard of Shakespeare, and want to see a play about his work, but alass, I haven't. I have been to a play, we went as as a third nine weeks reward in Elementary school, and once in fifth grade, because one of the students in my homeroom was in it. My faveorite author would be Suzanne Colins, because she wrote my favorite series, The Hunger Games.
Yes I have heard of Shaespeare before. No I have not seen any o his plays or movies but I have seen Knomeo an Juliet. It is base on Romeo and Juliet except with lawn knoms. I have been to a few plays. My favorite author is Frances Hodgson Burnett. He wrote The Secret Garden. Shakespeare’s original grave marker showed him holding a bag of grain. Citizens of Stratford replaced the bag with a quill in 1747.
Yes I have heard of Shakespeare, and I havent seen any plays or movies about him. I have seen a play befor but I forget whats it was called it was a pretty long time ago. I Dont know any facts about him.
I have heard of William Shakespeare, but I have never seen one of his works. In the future, I plan to read some of his sonnets, and I may see a few of his plays. Yes, I have been to a couple plays; many of the plays I have seen were written by Edgar Allen Poe. Even though I read a lot of books, I don't really have a favorite author. One fact about the renowned William Shakespeare is he placed throughout his plays thirteen suicides. Some of the most well-known, tragic suicides occurred during the play Romeo and Juliet.
Yes I have heard of William Shakesspeare. I have never seen a movie or a play based on hi work. I've seen a play before but not in his kind of work. this video is cool but not that cool . It looks like they are geting ready for a play or a movie. I don't know what they are doing in this video.
Yes I have heard of Shakespeare I think he was a poet. No I have not seen a movie or play about Shakespeare but I have heard of a lot of them. No I do not think I have been in a play but i have been in a couple of plays for choir. My favorite author is SE Hinton becuas eshe is so young but still writes amazying books. The fact I can add is the most heard Shakespeare quote I have heard is "TO be or not to be".
Yes I have heard of William Shakespeare he was a poet.No I have never seen performed by him but i would've loved to! I have Been in a couple choir plays. It nothing big. My favorite author is Susan Collins cause she made the Hunger Games. His famous quote "TO be or not to be"
Yes I have heard of William Shakespeare before. I've seen romeo and Juliet the play at FSU a while back. I have been to many of differnet plays before. I really enjoy going to watch them except sometimes they can get boring.I don't really have a favorite author but I do love to read a lot of different kinds of books. I don't really know any certain fact about Shakespeare except that he was very famous all over the world and that many of people looked up to him.
Yes I have heard of Shakespeare, he wrote some of the most famous plays. I have been to one play. My cousin was in a play of Finding Nemo a couple years ago at RCB. My favorite auther is Susan Collins. She wrote the best book in the world, the Hunger Games. I could not tell you a famous fact about William Shakesper
I have heard the name shakespear so many times I have heard it more than my name. I'm just kidding I have heard it alot. I haven't seen a play that shakespear has made. I really don't have a favorite author but5 if I was to say that I had a favorite author it would be C.S Lewis. Shakespear wrote ovr 37 plays.
Yes I have heard of Shakespere, and his great work. I have seen one play by this auther. Me and my family went to go see Gnomeo and Juleat. I have been to a play before. My favorite author is Robert Kirkman. Shakespere was a great play maker. One weekend me my mom and uncle went to the mountaineer theater and went to go see this play. We also went to go see it when I was in marland visting my uncle. It was the first theater movie I ever went to go see and I loved it.
Yes I've heard of him. Truthfully I've never seen a movie or anything like that about him. Yes I've been to a play. I don't have a favorite author I read anything that looks good. The fact that I could add is that he wrote really bad poetry and somehow is one of the best poets.
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Yes, I have heard of William Shakesspeare. I have never seen a movie or play based on any of his work. Yes, I have been to plays at Sight and Sound theatre. My favorite author would be either Wendy Mass or Suzanne Collins. In the few signature that survived he spelled his name "Willm Shaksp" , "Wm Shakspe, "William Shakspere", "Willm Shakspeare", and "William Shakspear" , but never Willaim Shakespear.
Yes, I have heard of Shakespeare. No, I have never seen a play based on his work. Yes, I have seen a play and have been in a play. My favorite author is Mary Pope Osborne who wrote the Magic Treehouse books. There are no birth records for William Shakepeare except for some church records about where he was baptized.
Yes, I have heard of William Shakespeare. I have never seen a movie or play basen on his work. I have been to many plays. Our school always goes to plays at the Creative Arts Center in Morgantown, WV.
My favorite author would have to be Margaret Peterson Haddix. She has written maby of my favorite books like "the Shadow Children Series" and "the Palace of Mirrors." William and Anne Hathaway had three children. Susanna was born in May 1583, and the twins, Judith and Hamnet, in February 1585.
Yes, I have heard of William Shakespeare. I have not seen any of his work, but I want to. I go to plays a lot more than a usual person. Normally I go to one one a year with my grandma and sometimes once more with the school. I have two favorite authors. They are Nicholas Sparks and Margaret Petterson Haddix. I think I like Nicholas Sparks a little bit more because his books are more mature. A fact about Shakespeare is that he invented the word assassination.
Yes, i have heard of William Shakespeare, but didn't know much about him. I have seen the movie 'Romeo and Juliete", and it was a sad movie. I have been to a play becaus eour school took us to one in the fifth grade. I like the authors Stephanie Meyers, and Suzanne Colins becuase I really enjoyed some of thier books. I know he wrote 34 different plays. That is it.
Yes, I have heard of the author William Shakespeare. No, I have not seen a play or film made by Shakespeare, but I have seen short previews of some movies about his work. Yes, I have been to a play when I was in the third grade. It was about a town being stalked by a werewolf but it's not about "Little Red Riding Hood." My favorite author would have to be J.R.R Tolkien who wrote "The Hobbit" and the trilogies of "The Lord of The Rings." A fact about William Shakespeare is that his reputation was not fully noticed until the ninetenth century.
Have I ever heard of William Shakespeare? Of course! He's notorious for his writing of Romeo and Juliet. Sadly, I have not attended a production based on his work. In my opinion, I would absolutely love to go. I think it would be tremendously interesting. I still haven't seen Romeo and Juliet, so I would love to see that as well.
I feel like I'm the only person who has not been to see a play. Considering that I love and own all the High School Musical movies, I think its a little strange that I haven't attended one yet. I would love to see one in New York. It's my dream to go there and it would be great to see a play, to add onto the amazing experience.
I have a ton of authors that I love, ranging from Suzanne Collins, to Stephanie Meyer, to Gabrielle Lord, and L.J Smith. But, my favorite author has to be Nicholas Sparks. His work is absolutely incredible. My favorite book of his, is the Last Song just because of how greatly it was written. As a result, Sparks will always be my favorite author.
An interesting fact that I didn't know about Shakespeare was that he didn't go to college! I think it's pretty amazing to have that much talent in writing without going to college first. Even though, I love to write, I don't think I have that great of an ability, without going to college beforehand.
Yes, I've heard of William Shakespeare, but I've never been to and of his plays or read any books based upon work of Shakespeare. However, I have been to many plays at Fairmont State and the Creative Arts Center in Morgantown. My favorite author is Rick Riordan, but I also love books by Suzanne Collins and Sharon Creech. A fact about William Shakespeare is he is the second most quoted English writer after the writers of the bible.
If you were to ask me if I have ever heard of William Shakespeare I would gladly tell you that I have. Also if you were to ask me if I have ever seen a movie or a play based on his work I would tell you that I have. Another thing if you were to ask me who my favorite author is I would reply that Dr. Seus is my favorite author. Finally one of his famous quotes in ''Romeo & Juliet'' is ''to be or not to be that is the question'' and this is my blog and I hope you liked it.
I have heard of Shakesperare and I do like his work. I have seen a couple of movies about his work. They are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. I have been to a play and I have been in one also. The play I went to was very good. My favorite author is Anthony Horowitz. He writes stories about a young spy saving the world one mission at a time. A fact about the man is he was buried in the Holy Trinity Church. This is in Stratford-upon-Avon, Great Britain. He also put a curse on anyone daring to move his body from that final resting place.
Yes I've heard about William shakespeare, but I've never been to any of his plays or read any books based upon his work of Shakespeare. However I been to many plays at fairmont state and the creative art center up in Morgantown. My favorite author is Suzanne Collins because she writes all the hunger game books that I love to read. A fact about WIlliam Shakespeare is he is the second most quoted English writer after the writers about the bible.
Ive heard about William Shakespeare. I've never read any of his his things. I dont really know why he is so important in life. Most english teachers are always talking about William Shakspeare. My favorite author is Suzanne Collins, because she wrote my three favorite books, Mocking Jay, Hunger Games, and also Catching Fire. But there was another author I forget his name. He wrote a series, I think is calles the famouse five, or something else. I heard that william shakespeare wrote about the bible.
Yes I have heared about William Shakespere. Although I have heared of him, I have never read any of his books or seen any of his plays. I have been to a few plays in my time, most at Fairmont State, but I went to one at WVU. Susanne Collins because she wronte the Hunger Games, but I also like S.E Hinton. I have found that he is the third most descriptive writer for the last thirty years.
Yes, I have heard of Shakespear. I haven't seen one of his plays. I have accually seen a play, it was in fourth grade when I saw Peter Pan. My favorite author is Suzanne Collins because she wrote the Hunger Games. I have heard that shakespeare is the second most quoted writer next to the various writers of the Bible.
Yes, I have heard of William Shakespeare. No, I have not seen a play inspired by his work; but I wish to. Personally, my favorite author is S.E. Hinton; because she has written some of the best books I have ever read. A random fact that I could add is that Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, just three days before the Stratford parish register recorded an outbreak of a plague.
Yes I have heard of Shakespear. I have not seen a movie or play based upon his work. I have been to a few plays. I don't know who my favorite author is. Probably me. I don't really know anything else about Shakespear.
I am fairly familiar with some of Shakespeare's work. I could name some of the pieces that he created. For example, the classic"Romeo and Juliet,"Hamlet",and,"McBeth." I have seen multiple movies with the base line of "Romeo and Juliet." For instance, "Pocahontas." She was forbidden to court with the guy from England, even though she really did love him.I actually have never seen a whole play in person, but I've seen bits and pieces on television. Mainly on cartoons, so I wouldn't even count that as fine art, Shakespeare. To be honest, I do not really read a lot to truthfully answer that question. So if I had to chose, it would be Ann Brashares. She wrote,"The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants." It is a good book so far. I feel that it isn't written in a tone, and/or worded, in a way that real people don't speak in. So, I guess you could say that it is more of a relateable book. Interesting factoid, William Shakespeare had an expanded vocabulary. His plays and pieces, have over 30,000 different words!
Well I'll say that wasn't very flattering for Shakespear. Of coarse it was directed to get you to know that he wasn't some boring guy that satb at his desk writting all the time. They wanted you to be come interested in his sick little life so that you would want to learn more about him. I'm fimiliar to his work and appretiate him as the greatest authour of his time. I beleve though that there have been better authours since thee time he died I think he was a great author because of the varity, he cou\ld write traggities, comedies, and historical plays.
I am not a history person, and I don’t know much about the past. Yet, I do know about William Shakespeare. When I was younger, I watched a movie about one of his most famous pieces, Romeo and Juliet. It was an awful tragedy about a love that could never be. I have never been to a play of his, but I plan to in the future.
My favorite author is Rick Riordan. I love the books he writes, and they are not nearly as tragic as William Shakespeare’s. An interesting fact about William Shakespeare is that his writings have been translated into more languages than any other author.
Yes I’ve heard of Shakespeare, but no, I’ve never seen a movie or play based upon one of his works. Yes I have been to a play. I saw Mary Poppins on Broadway. My favorite author would have to be Patrick Carman. An interesting fact that I managed to find has to do with Shakespeare’s recognition. According to The World Book Encyclopedia copy write 1980, in 1592 a pamphlet was published that suggested he had become both an actor and a play writer.
Of course I've heard of shakespeare! In fact, I feel bad for the isolated hermit who hasnt. I will admit I've never seen a movie or play based on his works nor have I read his works. I have been to a few plays. My favorite author is Michael Crichton because he writes amazing science fiction, as well as other types of novels, and not to mention he wrote the book that my favorite movie was based on,"Jurassic Park". One fact I know about shakespeare is that he supposedly invented these phrases:
All that glitters is not gold
All’s well that ends well
Bated breath
Dead as a doornail
Fool’s paradise
For goodness’ sake
Good riddance
Heart of gold
In a pickle
Knock knock! Who’s there?
Laughing stock
Love is blind
Naked truth
Neither rhyme nor reason
One fell swoop
Star-crossed lovers
Pomp and circumstance
Pound of flesh
Primrose path
Too much of a good thing
Wear my heart upon my sleeve
What’s in a name?
Wild goose chase
The world’s my oyster.
Yes I have heard of Shakespere. I have never seen a movie or play based by him. My favorite author is Avi because I have read a bunch of books by Avi and enjoyed them. A fact I have heard is that Shakespere is the second most quoted next to the bible.
Yes, I have heard of Shakespeare. I have not seen anything related to him , except for the video Ms. Constable showed us. I have been to a play , they are very boring in my opinion. My favorite author by far is Mary Downing Hahn. He lived until he was 52 years old.
Yes, I have heard of Shakespeare, but no I have not watched a movie or any sort of Shakespeare.I do not know anyone of Shakespeare. Yes, I have been to a play before. I saw Mary Poopins in Broadway.My favorite author is Patrick Carm. I have been in a play before in choir and when I was in fourth grade. When I was in choir I have done it twice in choir and once in fourth grade.
Yes, I've heard of Shakespeare. I have only seen one movie by him though. I've seen Romeo & Juliet. I HAVE been to a play, I have seen Horton Hears A Who, Peter Pan, and A Christmas Carol. My favorite author is Suzanne Collins, because she wrote The Hunger Games Series. Shakespeare's plays had over 3,00 words.
I have heard of Shakespere. I have seen parts of romeo and juliet, but that is all. My favorite author is S.E. Hinton because we have read two books by her and they both were great books. A fact I heard about Shakespere is that he was the one who invented the yo mama jokes and the word swagger.
I have heard of shakespere. And i have wached Romeo and juliet. My favorite author wouls be S.E. Hinton. Shakespere lived untill he was 52 years old
Yes I have heard shakes spear but iv never see a play or a movie of him other than this video that Ms Constable showed us. Iv seen the wizard of Oz play. His Name is William Shakespeare. Died in April/23/1616
i have heard of shakespere but i havent seen romeo & juliet i have heard some of the famous lines but thats all but my favorite author is Susan Collins because of the hunger gmes series
Yes I have heard of William Shakespeare, but all I really know is that he is a famous writer. I have never seen a movie or play based on any of Shakespeare's work. I have been to a few plays mostly when Whitehall School's field trip would take us to see them. Most plays, I think, are boring. Unless it is about something enjoying. My favorite author is Mary Downing Hahn. I have read most of her books and they are very great ghost stories and mysteries. An interesting fact that I found about Shakespeare is that almost four hundred years after his death there are 157 million pages referring to him on Google. There are 132 million for God, 2.7 million for Elvis Presley, and George W. Bush with 14.7 million.
Yes i have heard of Shakespeare but I don't think I ever watched a movie on him. Noboy know William Shakspeare's real birthdayThere are only two authentic portraits of William today; the widely used engraving of William Shakespeare by Martin Droeshout first published on the title page of the 1623 First Folio and the monument of the great playwright in Stratford's Holy Trinity Church in Stratford.
William married a woman nearly twice his age. Anne Hathaway was 26 years old when William married her at age 18. They married at Temple Grafton, a village approximately five miles (8 km) from Stratford. Anne Hathaway was said to be from Shottery.
Shakespeare and wife had eight children, including daughter Susanna, twins Hamnet, Judith, and Edmund. Susanna received most of the Bard's fortune when he died in 1616, age 52. Hamnet died at age 11, Judith at 77. Susanna dies in 1649, age 66.There were two Shakespeare families living in Stratford when William was born; the other family did not become famous.
Shakespeare, one of literature’s greatest figures, never attended university.
Yes I've heard of Shakespear. The movie that I saw based on one of his plays is Gnomeo and Juliet. My favorite author is Jeff Smith.
Yes, I have heard of Shakespeare. He is one of the most well known writers in history. He has written several books and novels that can never be matched. I have not however seen a movie or play based on the work of Shakespeare. No, I have never been in a play and I do not think I ever will. My favorite author would have to be Richard Ungar because of his great work, Time Snatchers. One interesting fact about William Shakespear is that during his time candles were very expensive so it is most likely that he wrote during that day.
Ryan Vilain 6/7
Yes, I ave heard of Shakespeare. I have never seen a play or anything by Shakespeare. The closest thing I have seen is the cartoon movie Gnomeo and Juliet, that and on other shows doing the Romeo and Juliet. Also I am not much of a reader so I don't know many authors. But my favorite would have to be Allie Condie, she wrote the Matched series. I am currantly reading book two, Crossed. An interesting fact about William is that he is the second most quoted writer in English language. He is only behind those who wrote the bible. That's all I have to say about William.
Yes I have heard about Shakespeare. No I have never seen a movie or play that I know of. I have been to a school play but not a Broadway Production. My favorite author would be Mary Pope Osborne. Shakespeare had seven siblings.Shakespeare lived to 52. It is known that he was born in April 1564 and that he died on 23rd April 1616. We know that he was baptised on 26th April 1564 and scholars now believe that he was born on April 23rd. He therefore died on his fifty-second birthday, coinciding with St George’s Day. How fitting that the great English writer is so closely identified with the patron saint of England!
I have heard of Shakespeare often. There usually in plays. I haven't seen many of Shakespeare's work, but I have seen Romeo and Juliet. I have been to five or more plays in my life. They were usually at my old school. Performers comes and perform for us. My favorite author would have to be Suzanne Collins because her books have lots of detail. A fact about Shakespeare is that he had seven siblings.
Yes I have heard of William Shakespeare. No I have never seen a movie or play based upon William’s work. Even though I have never seen a play based upon Shakespeare’s work, I have seen a couple of plays. I went to see “Peter Pan” in fourth grade. I am not sure of the other play I have seen. My favorite author is Suzanne Collins. I like her because she writes fantastic books. My favorite books that she has written are: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and The Mockingjay. An interesting fact that I found out about William Shakespeare is that his work was so great, even Abraham Lincoln liked it. Abraham Lincoln never lied so you know Shakespeare’s work is good.
David Childers 4th-5th
Yes I have heard of Shakespeare and I have seen a few of his plays put into movies. I have been to a few plays on Broadway, one was the Phantom of The Opera and The Lion King. My favorite author is definitely Cassandra Clare for writing my favorite book series. William Shakespeare was known by almost everyone who lived in Europe during his time and was even known by the queen of England.
I have heard of Shakespeare, and want to see a play about his work, but alass, I haven't. I have been to a play, we went as as a third nine weeks reward in Elementary school, and once in fifth grade, because one of the students in my homeroom was in it. My faveorite author would be Suzanne Colins, because she wrote my favorite series, The Hunger Games.
Yes I have heard of Shaespeare before. No I have not seen any o his plays or movies but I have seen Knomeo an Juliet. It is base on Romeo and Juliet except with lawn knoms. I have been to a few plays. My favorite author is Frances Hodgson Burnett. He wrote The Secret Garden. Shakespeare’s original grave marker showed him holding a bag of grain. Citizens of Stratford replaced the bag with a quill in 1747.
Yes I have heard of Shakespeare, and I havent seen any plays or movies about him. I have seen a play befor but I forget whats it was called it was a pretty long time ago. I Dont know any facts about him.
I have heard of William Shakespeare, but I have never seen one of his works. In the future, I plan to read some of his sonnets, and I may see a few of his plays. Yes, I have been to a couple plays; many of the plays I have seen were written by Edgar Allen Poe. Even though I read a lot of books, I don't really have a favorite author. One fact about the renowned William Shakespeare is he placed throughout his plays thirteen suicides. Some of the most well-known, tragic suicides occurred during the play Romeo and Juliet.
Yes I have heard of William Shakesspeare. I have never seen a movie or a play based on hi work. I've seen a play before but not in his kind of work. this video is cool but not that cool . It looks like they are geting ready for a play or a movie. I don't know what they are doing in this video.
Yes I have heard of Shakespeare I think he was a poet. No I have not seen a movie or play about Shakespeare but I have heard of a lot of them. No I do not think I have been in a play but i have been in a couple of plays for choir. My favorite author is SE Hinton becuas eshe is so young but still writes amazying books. The fact I can add is the most heard Shakespeare quote I have heard is "TO be or not to be".
Yes I have heard of William Shakespeare he was a poet.No I have never seen performed by him but i would've loved to! I have Been in a couple choir plays. It nothing big. My favorite author is Susan Collins cause she made the Hunger Games. His famous quote "TO be or not to be"
Yes I have heard of William Shakespeare before. I've seen romeo and Juliet the play at FSU a while back. I have been to many of differnet plays before. I really enjoy going to watch them except sometimes they can get boring.I don't really have a favorite author but I do love to read a lot of different kinds of books. I don't really know any certain fact about Shakespeare except that he was very famous all over the world and that many of people looked up to him.
Yes I have heard of Shakespeare, he wrote some of the most famous plays. I have been to one play. My cousin was in a play of Finding Nemo a couple years ago at RCB. My favorite auther is Susan Collins. She wrote the best book in the world, the Hunger Games. I could not tell you a famous fact about William Shakesper
I have heard the name shakespear so many times I have heard it more than my name. I'm just kidding I have heard it alot. I haven't seen a play that shakespear has made. I really don't have a favorite author but5 if I was to say that I had a favorite author it would be C.S Lewis. Shakespear wrote ovr 37 plays.
I have heard the name shakespear so many times I have heard it more than my name. I'm just kidding I have heard it alot. I haven't seen a play that shakespear has made. I really don't have a favorite author but5 if I was to say that I had a favorite author it would be C.S Lewis. Shakespear wrote ovr 37 plays.
Yes I have heard of Shakespere, and his great work. I have seen one play by this auther. Me and my family went to go see Gnomeo and Juleat. I have been to a play before. My favorite author is Robert Kirkman. Shakespere was a great play maker. One weekend me my mom and uncle went to the mountaineer theater and went to go see this play. We also went to go see it when I was in marland visting my uncle. It was the first theater movie I ever went to go see and I loved it.
Yes I've heard of him. Truthfully I've never seen a movie or anything like that about him. Yes I've been to a play. I don't have a favorite author I read anything that looks good. The fact that I could add is that he wrote really bad poetry and somehow is one of the best poets.
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