The picture I selected is the one of the baby in Africa. I chose this because people are starving all around the world.A lot of people really don't think about that, but it still happens. About 10,000,000 africans starve in Africa daily.
The picture that i have selected is the holocaust were they were in bed and the guy was standing there. This made me really sad because i belive a human should be treated like a human and not like a piece of trash that we throw i n the dump. When i think about this time of life i get so thankful for the life i live because we have our freedom and our rights and they didn't.
The holocaust, because they shouldn't have done what they did to those gews. Many people had died because of the holocasut and that makes me mad, what if that had happened to them they wouldn't liked it now would they.
The picture that I selected is the picture of people putting up the U.S. flag on the moon. This picture proves that people can walk on the moon. Many people thought that it was not possible to get to the moon and this picture proves them wrong.
The picture I selected was of the first step on the moon. This picture is very important because it was the first time someone ever stepped on the moon. It shows an advance in exploration for the people of the world. The picture is very important because it shows how technology and exploration has became more and more advanced over time. Many people worked to get that person on to the moon. It took years to plan and do. It was one of the greatest things in history.
The photograph that I chose was the one where two people were being hanged. It was really sad to see this because there were people surrounding them, who were not crying. How could someone be so desensitized? No matter what they did to deserve this, I would still cry and mourn for them. It informs people that there are cruel doings in the world. That not everythng is daisies and butterflies. The men obviously, were punished because they broke a rule/law. It is nobody's fault but theirs. The least the government can do is sentence them to jail for life.
I chose the picture of the Nagasaki atomic bomb exploding. This photo was obviously very hard to take, even without knowing how they took it. It is very impressive in the fact that the explosion actually reaches above the layer of clouds. The atomic bomb was the start of a new age. It put the United States over everyone else because we had a weapon of such power. This was very good and very bad at the same time. We ended WW2, but we also destroyed Japan.Abby Wadsworth 1/2
I chose the picture of the Beatles. It was super important to the music world because it opened up a new world to music. A lot of people were inpired and there lives were changed because of this music. The Beatles made great music even when the time they were around was not so great. Allie Shreves 6/7
The picture that i have selected is the picture of the foot print on the moon. The reason it is important is because i was the first time anyone has stepped on the moon. it was a great acomplishment when it had been done.
The photograph I chose in the video is about the Beatles. The Beatles were one of biggest name in history and had sold over one billion albums. But, they eventually split up. They walk on a certain street in a picture that I see all the time. They were together as a band for ten years and had sold the most albums in music history.
The Photograph i chose was the Atomic Bomb. the picture must have been very difficult to capture also how did the person survive that took it? This bomb was so power full it wiped out all of Japan. We ended WW2. But Korea has Atomic bombs so we have to be careful about that. This weapon that we have has so much power that we can destroy what ever we want!
The picture that I selected was the footprint on the moon. It is a very breath taking sight, and it is almost unrealistic. It shows the importance of man being on the moon. That is a huge step for mankind, and where technology has brought the world today. The world is amazing.
I liked all of the pictures because they represent something important that happened in our world. A picture that hasn't been choosen the I picked was the man getting his picture taken on 9/11. He was getting a picture taken as terrorist planes were flying into the twin towers on that awful day. The man has no idea that anything is going on and hopefully he didn't get hit by the plane. It is a scary thing that happened on 9/11 and hopefully it never happens again.
The photo I selected is the one of the workers sitting on the steel ledge. It shows that people don't care about how dangerous the job is, the will do anything to feed their family. It is very important because it looks as if the picture was taken during The Great Depression. There was a downfall in the economy, and many people lost a ton of money. This photo shows that the job doesn't matter. The money does.
There are many important photographs that have been taken of the world, and this video only shows a small portion of them. My favorite photo is of Albert Einstein. This man literally changed our world. He created the atomic bomb, and he changed science for the better. We now know so much more about the world since he made those discoveries. He was a very interesting man who was somewhat on the crazy side.Even though he did not believe in war, he did create the atomic bomb to launch on Japan. I believe that his actions were appropriate for the situation at hand, and that he made the right decision.
I selected the picture of the man falling from the twin towers. It is important because of what it shows had happened on that day and who people had died. I hope no one has to ever experience something like that of what happened on that day. Many people had to jump from the buildings and there are pictures of them to. This picture is one of the important pictures of that day because it explains what happened and what people did.
I chose to write about the picture of Albert Einstein. I believe this was very important, because he invented great things. For example, he invented the theory of relatively, effecting a revolution in physics. He was born on March 14th 18th 1879. However, he is very famous all over the world! Thanks to Albery Einstein we have many things we wouldn't have expected without him!Charli Crandall 6th and 7th period.
The picture I chose is the one of the boat. Boat's have been very important in the history of America.For example Christopher Columbus discovered America on a boat, the U.S.S Constitution was in the civil war, and the U.S.S. Missouri was the ship on which the World War 11 surrender documents were signed.Also the Boston Tea Party was a very famous event in U.s. history and none of this would have happened without boats.
I chose the photo of the first step on the moon. I have chosen this photo because it shows that we were the first people to step into the new world. Another reason is that my favorite president help get a man on the moon. The importance of the photo is to show you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.
I chose the photo of the woman standing against the shields of those armed guards near a beach. This woman must have been sick and tired of these gaurds going around pushing people around just because they think they are a part of the law and have extreme power. She thought enough running and showing them we are weak so she stood up against this whole sqaud of shielded guards. No one else stood with her, they just watched as she struggled to fight for what she believed in or just the people around them. It shows no matter who and no matter why people will fight for what they believe in .6th and 7th periodTre Lewis
The picture that I selected was the kids in africa that starve to death and are homeless and have no clothes to wear when it is cold outside. I think people should help the kids stay warm and bring them food so the kids will survive or else the kids aren't going to live. About 10,000,000 kids and parents starve in Africa daily.
I selected the picture of a man jumping out of one of the Twin towers. The circumstance of this photo is that the tower was falling, and jump was the fastest way to get out. I mean of course you died faster that way, but I know if that was me then I would have jumped to. At least 200 people fell or jumped to their deaths on 9/11/01.
I chose to do the picture of the Hindenburg. What it shows is one of Hitler’s many defeats. The blimp was made up of a very explosive gas. That is Hydrogen. While it was about to land in New Jersey it caught on to something and made a tear in its outer most shell. That made the Hydrogen leak out somehow caught on fire and began to decline in altitude seconds after it was punctured. There were 35 fatalities of the 97 people on board with one death on the ground. This was and still is one of the greatest disasters in airline history.
The photograph I chose was the one of the infant reaching it's hand out of the mother's womb. To me this symbolizes new life and what it brings to the world. Mothers have the most special moment with their child right after it's born and child birth keeps the world alive. Without babies being born everyday, the world population would die out. This also shows the special bond between a mother and her child.
The picture I selected was the African- American little boy who was lying on the dirty ground alone. It's heart- breaking to see how terrible the world has gotten. How people can just sit around and let little kids starve and feel pain in ways that we can't even describe. Starvation, racism, and partiality are happening every day and it’s sad that we still haven't done anything yet to help save it. This picture is important because it shows how unfair people treat one another and how we all just need to be grateful for the things we receive. It also portrays how people are struggling every day and how we need to help to ease the burden.
The picture I choose is the picture of the men in the Holocaust where they were in the bed with about 30 other men. That picture made me really sad because i have read what those men been through and it even look like they were going through everything just to stay alive and keep eachother together as one to stay safe. This is the time the Nazi . God Bless.<3
There are several pictures in this video that are very important to the world. The photo in which I picked was the one that consists of a young African American boy, who seems to be starving. This photo stuck out to me because starvation is a major problem in our world today. It reminds us of how lucy we are.
I chose the picture of the men standing up the american flag. That was a great moment in time for all of America. It proves that Americans are strong enough to stand together in times of trouble. They can stand together as one.
There were many pictures but one seemed to stick out to me when it comes to history. That is the airplane the Wright Brothers had built taking off. It is very important to the society today, people travel around the world in planes everyday. People would not be able to do half the things they do on a normal basis if it wasn't for airplanes. The plane picture shows a new begining in the life of human beings. It was really a great thing to have happened to us.
The picture that i have selected is the holocaust were they were in bed and the guy was standing there.It would feel weird to have someone stand there an watch you sleep. wouldnt u be creepd out.I feel bad for all those people who died because of that. I'm glad that i live because i want to live an hav freedom thats something those ppl never got. i wish alll those people didnt have to go throw that because every single person that was there couldv'e lived an not have died at a young age. Its terrible to see and here about those who was in the holocaust.
I have chosen the picture of the baby African child. The picture to me is depicting that there is world hunger out there somewhere, and in this case almost everywhere. All around the world whole countries are starving and homeless. There have been multiple incidents where the people just contract diseases and die because they cannot do anything. This is a serious issue that should be attended to and soon.Alex Newman 6/7
I chose the photo that was very blurry and indistinct. I know that this was the first photograph ever taken and that it was taken by either a frenchman or an italian. I think it was a frenchman. t was taken in the 1700's and was a huge milestone in the revolution of technology.
The photo I selected is the one of the woman pushing against the whatever-they-weres to hold back the police, SWAT team, whoever they were. It is important because the woman made a desicion to stand up for her beliefs, rights, or it might just be that she was trying to get rid of them so she could go home and enjoy some peace and quiet. Either way, you can easily tell that she will be the winner of this particular fight. Girls do rule, don't they?
I chose the picture of the little boy lying on the ground trying not to be seen by the bird. Its absolutely heartbreaking to see a young kid in these types of conditions. You can tell he didn't have clothes,& also didn't have food because he was so skinny. This picture shows us that we should be thankful for the things we have here, because some where out there, are people suffering who only wish to have some of the things we do. We take to many things for granite and it would mean the world to kids and even adults like him to even just have a meal.
I chose the picture of the men resting on a steel beam, who appear to be eating. This photo represents all of the hardships that these men had to go through during these times. Doing these types of tough jobs were very dangerous. Many people would die from the heavy equipment falling down on them. They were especially in danger while resting on these beams. Hanging hundreds of feet in the air, with out anything to prevent them from falling. Things like this were a key part in why there are so many safety concerns for the workers. Today's workers are more safer than ever before, since of the worries of others for them. Ryan Vilain 6/7
The picture I have selected is the photo of the American soldiers holding up the American flag. The reason I choose this is because its after a war, and shows that the Americans never gave up and kept fighting!It also shows how strong our country is!
The picture i selected was the first man on the moon. I chose it becasue it was a very important time and a huge acomplishment. The picture shows that we can do anything.
I'm picking the picture taken on 9-11 on top of one of the twin towers. It still kind of shocks me that a day like that could ever happen, and I don't think many people have completely coped with it yet. It also surprises me that the person taking the picture didn't notice the plane heading straight for the building they were on, and that neither of them heard it. Maybe they thought it was passing overhead or something. The importance of this specific picture to me is unknown other than the fact that it reminds us of that day over eleven years ago, and how its still so vivid in our mind and imaginations.
The photo that I’ve selected is that of probably the first x-ray ever taken. The x-ray is of a person’s left hand. The person was obviously wearing a ring which caused the dark bulge on the one finger. With the ability to take x-rays, doctors could now see what was going on inside a person’s body without having to guess or perform an unneeded operation. However, the first x-rays put out a lot of radiation so getting an x-ray was pretty much as dangerous not getting one could be.
The picture I selected is the picture of a man standing on top of one of the twin towers and a plane is flying right behind him. In a weird way, I think this is one of the coolest picture ever captured because, although the man in this picture is potentially about to die or face a near death experiance, he's living in the moment. Another reason I selected a this picture is because the 9/11 attack on the twin towers is the worst attack in United States history. Therefore, I feel that it is the most important and we definately needs to be remembered. However, I question if this photo is real, if so, it is [like I mentioned before] one of the coolest picture ever taken.
This video shows pictures of what barely any people in teh world have, eccept the wealthy and who can afford these kinds of pictures. and most of the people in these pictures are dead so these pics mean a lot to this world. I think the worst picture in here is the ones of the people getting hung outside with the big crowd around them and there were just only two people getting hung.
I chose the picture of the balssa wood airplane being flown. It was the first air plane ever created to have a successful flight with a man controlling it from inside. The creators of this plane were the Wright brothers. This was a big achievement them as well as man kind because this was the start of something that could help us win the war and something to be used as a source of transportation later on. David Childers 4th-5th
The picture I choose to talk about is the one of the foot print on the moon. It is avery important part of our world and hisatory because the foot print represents the first man on the moon which has changed our world as a whole and now different people from NASA send many different rovers and recording cameras and even people now a days to go up to the moon and explore the activity that goes on up there.
The picture that I chose was the one that has American soldiers holding up a flag. I chose this because it shows that americans never gave up. It also shows that our country is the strongest of all!
The photo I chose was the airplane. This was the first airplane flown. The inventors and pilots of this plane were Wilbur and Orville Wright. The first flight occured on December 17th, 1903, it was the first heavier-than-air human flight.
i chose the picture that shows the soilders pushing up the flag because it shows how the us army is strong and how well they work together
I chose the picture of "The pillars of life" because it is one of the things that are very important. The pillars are made of gas and every little while they come together and make a small planet. That is the reason I picked that picture.
I like the photo where the men are putting up the flag, because they won. It's not sad like most of them it's actually happy. I don't like sad stuff because it makes me sad. I like happy things not sad. The picture looks very old so it must have been a while ago. I think it's cool how after they won they put their flag back up. They must have tried and fought very hard, and they're probably very proud of themselves and each other. They're probably excited about seeing their families again. Their family is probably very proud and happy.
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The picture I selected is the one of the baby in Africa. I chose this because people are starving all around the world.A lot of people really don't think about that, but it still happens. About 10,000,000 africans starve in Africa daily.
The picture that i have selected is the holocaust were they were in bed and the guy was standing there. This made me really sad because i belive a human should be treated like a human and not like a piece of trash that we throw i n the dump. When i think about this time of life i get so thankful for the life i live because we have our freedom and our rights and they didn't.
The picture that i have selected is the holocaust were they were in bed and the guy was standing there. This made me really sad because i belive a human should be treated like a human and not like a piece of trash that we throw i n the dump. When i think about this time of life i get so thankful for the life i live because we have our freedom and our rights and they didn't.
The holocaust, because they shouldn't have done what they did to those gews. Many people had died because of the holocasut and that makes me mad, what if that had happened to them they wouldn't liked it now would they.
The picture that I selected is the picture of people putting up the U.S. flag on the moon. This picture proves that people can walk on the moon. Many people thought that it was not possible to get to the moon and this picture proves them wrong.
The picture I selected was of the first step on the moon. This picture is very important because it was the first time someone ever stepped on the moon. It shows an advance in exploration for the people of the world. The picture is very important because it shows how technology and exploration has became more and more advanced over time. Many people worked to get that person on to the moon. It took years to plan and do. It was one of the greatest things in history.
The photograph that I chose was the one where two people were being hanged. It was really sad to see this because there were people surrounding them, who were not crying. How could someone be so desensitized? No matter what they did to deserve this, I would still cry and mourn for them. It informs people that there are cruel doings in the world. That not everythng is daisies and butterflies. The men obviously, were punished because they broke a rule/law. It is nobody's fault but theirs. The least the government can do is sentence them to jail for life.
I chose the picture of the Nagasaki atomic bomb exploding. This photo was obviously very hard to take, even without knowing how they took it. It is very impressive in the fact that the explosion actually reaches above the layer of clouds. The atomic bomb was the start of a new age. It put the United States over everyone else because we had a weapon of such power. This was very good and very bad at the same time. We ended WW2, but we also destroyed Japan.
Abby Wadsworth 1/2
I chose the picture of the Beatles. It was super important to the music world because it opened up a new world to music. A lot of people were inpired and there lives were changed because of this music. The Beatles made great music even when the time they were around was not so great.
Allie Shreves 6/7
The picture that i have selected is the picture of the foot print on the moon. The reason it is important is because i was the first time anyone has stepped on the moon. it was a great acomplishment when it had been done.
The photograph I chose in the video is about the Beatles. The Beatles were one of biggest name in history and had sold over one billion albums. But, they eventually split up. They walk on a certain street in a picture that I see all the time. They were together as a band for ten years and had sold the most albums in music history.
The Photograph i chose was the Atomic Bomb. the picture must have been very difficult to capture also how did the person survive that took it? This bomb was so power full it wiped out all of Japan. We ended WW2. But Korea has Atomic bombs so we have to be careful about that. This weapon that we have has so much power that we can destroy what ever we want!
The picture that I selected was the footprint on the moon. It is a very breath taking sight, and it is almost unrealistic. It shows the importance of man being on the moon. That is a huge step for mankind, and where technology has brought the world today. The world is amazing.
I liked all of the pictures because they represent something important that happened in our world. A picture that hasn't been choosen the I picked was the man getting his picture taken on 9/11. He was getting a picture taken as terrorist planes were flying into the twin towers on that awful day. The man has no idea that anything is going on and hopefully he didn't get hit by the plane. It is a scary thing that happened on 9/11 and hopefully it never happens again.
The photo I selected is the one of the workers sitting on the steel ledge. It shows that people don't care about how dangerous the job is, the will do anything to feed their family. It is very important because it looks as if the picture was taken during The Great Depression. There was a downfall in the economy, and many people lost a ton of money. This photo shows that the job doesn't matter. The money does.
There are many important photographs that have been taken of the world, and this video only shows a small portion of them. My favorite photo is of Albert Einstein. This man literally changed our world. He created the atomic bomb, and he changed science for the better. We now know so much more about the world since he made those discoveries. He was a very interesting man who was somewhat on the crazy side.
Even though he did not believe in war, he did create the atomic bomb to launch on Japan. I believe that his actions were appropriate for the situation at hand, and that he made the right decision.
I selected the picture of the man falling from the twin towers. It is important because of what it shows had happened on that day and who people had died. I hope no one has to ever experience something like that of what happened on that day. Many people had to jump from the buildings and there are pictures of them to. This picture is one of the important pictures of that day because it explains what happened and what people did.
I chose to write about the picture of Albert Einstein. I believe this was very important, because he invented great things. For example, he invented the theory of relatively, effecting a revolution in physics. He was born on March 14th 18th 1879. However, he is very famous all over the world! Thanks to Albery Einstein we have many things we wouldn't have expected without him!
Charli Crandall 6th and 7th period.
The picture I chose is the one of the boat. Boat's have been very important in the history of America.
For example Christopher Columbus discovered America on a boat, the U.S.S Constitution was in the civil war, and the U.S.S. Missouri was the ship on which the World War 11 surrender documents were signed.
Also the Boston Tea Party was a very famous event in U.s. history and none of this would have happened without boats.
I chose the photo of the first step on the moon. I have chosen this photo because it shows that we were the first people to step into the new world. Another reason is that my favorite president help get a man on the moon. The importance of the photo is to show you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.
I chose the photo of the woman standing against the shields of those armed guards near a beach. This woman must have been sick and tired of these gaurds going around pushing people around just because they think they are a part of the law and have extreme power. She thought enough running and showing them we are weak so she stood up against this whole sqaud of shielded guards. No one else stood with her, they just watched as she struggled to fight for what she believed in or just the people around them. It shows no matter who and no matter why people will fight for what they believe in .
6th and 7th period
Tre Lewis
The picture that I selected was the kids in africa that starve to death and are homeless and have no clothes to wear when it is cold outside. I think people should help the kids stay warm and bring them food so the kids will survive or else the kids aren't going to live. About 10,000,000 kids and parents starve in Africa daily.
I selected the picture of a man jumping out of one of the Twin towers. The circumstance of this photo is that the tower was falling, and jump was the fastest way to get out. I mean of course you died faster that way, but I know if that was me then I would have jumped to. At least 200 people fell or jumped to their deaths on 9/11/01.
I chose to do the picture of the Hindenburg. What it shows is one of Hitler’s many defeats. The blimp was made up of a very explosive gas. That is Hydrogen. While it was about to land in New Jersey it caught on to something and made a tear in its outer most shell. That made the Hydrogen leak out somehow caught on fire and began to decline in altitude seconds after it was punctured. There were 35 fatalities of the 97 people on board with one death on the ground. This was and still is one of the greatest disasters in airline history.
The photograph I chose was the one of the infant reaching it's hand out of the mother's womb. To me this symbolizes new life and what it brings to the world. Mothers have the most special moment with their child right after it's born and child birth keeps the world alive. Without babies being born everyday, the world population would die out. This also shows the special bond between a mother and her child.
The picture I selected was the African- American little boy who was lying on the dirty ground alone. It's heart- breaking to see how terrible the world has gotten. How people can just sit around and let little kids starve and feel pain in ways that we can't even describe. Starvation, racism, and partiality are happening every day and it’s sad that we still haven't done anything yet to help save it. This picture is important because it shows how unfair people treat one another and how we all just need to be grateful for the things we receive. It also portrays how people are struggling every day and how we need to help to ease the burden.
The picture I choose is the picture of the men in the Holocaust where they were in the bed with about 30 other men. That picture made me really sad because i have read what those men been through and it even look like they were going through everything just to stay alive and keep eachother together as one to stay safe. This is the time the Nazi . God Bless.<3
I chose to do the picture of the Hindenburg. What it shows is one of Hitler’s many defeats. The blimp was made up of a very explosive gas. That is Hydrogen. While it was about to land in New Jersey it caught on to something and made a tear in its outer most shell. That made the Hydrogen leak out somehow caught on fire and began to decline in altitude seconds after it was punctured. There were 35 fatalities of the 97 people on board with one death on the ground. This was and still is one of the greatest disasters in airline history.
There are several pictures in this video that are very important to the world. The photo in which I picked was the one that consists of a young African American boy, who seems to be starving. This photo stuck out to me because starvation is a major problem in our world today. It reminds us of how lucy we are.
I chose the picture of the men standing up the american flag. That was a great moment in time for all of America. It proves that Americans are strong enough to stand together in times of trouble. They can stand together as one.
There were many pictures but one seemed to stick out to me when it comes to history. That is the airplane the Wright Brothers had built taking off. It is very important to the society today, people travel around the world in planes everyday. People would not be able to do half the things they do on a normal basis if it wasn't for airplanes. The plane picture shows a new begining in the life of human beings. It was really a great thing to have happened to us.
The picture that i have selected is the holocaust were they were in bed and the guy was standing there.It would feel weird to have someone stand there an watch you sleep. wouldnt u be creepd out.I feel bad for all those people who died because of that. I'm glad that i live because i want to live an hav freedom thats something those ppl never got. i wish alll those people didnt have to go throw that because every single person that was there couldv'e lived an not have died at a young age. Its terrible to see and here about those who was in the holocaust.
I have chosen the picture of the baby African child. The picture to me is depicting that there is world hunger out there somewhere, and in this case almost everywhere. All around the world whole countries are starving and homeless. There have been multiple incidents where the people just contract diseases and die because they cannot do anything. This is a serious issue that should be attended to and soon.
Alex Newman 6/7
I chose the photo that was very blurry and indistinct. I know that this was the first photograph ever taken and that it was taken by either a frenchman or an italian. I think it was a frenchman. t was taken in the 1700's and was a huge milestone in the revolution of technology.
The photo I selected is the one of the woman pushing against the whatever-they-weres to hold back the police, SWAT team, whoever they were. It is important because the woman made a desicion to stand up for her beliefs, rights, or it might just be that she was trying to get rid of them so she could go home and enjoy some peace and quiet. Either way, you can easily tell that she will be the winner of this particular fight. Girls do rule, don't they?
I chose the picture of the little boy lying on the ground trying not to be seen by the bird. Its absolutely heartbreaking to see a young kid in these types of conditions. You can tell he didn't have clothes,& also didn't have food because he was so skinny. This picture shows us that we should be thankful for the things we have here, because some where out there, are people suffering who only wish to have some of the things we do. We take to many things for granite and it would mean the world to kids and even adults like him to even just have a meal.
I chose the picture of the men resting on a steel beam, who appear to be eating. This photo represents all of the hardships that these men had to go through during these times. Doing these types of tough jobs were very dangerous. Many people would die from the heavy equipment falling down on them. They were especially in danger while resting on these beams. Hanging hundreds of feet in the air, with out anything to prevent them from falling. Things like this were a key part in why there are so many safety concerns for the workers. Today's workers are more safer than ever before, since of the worries of others for them.
Ryan Vilain 6/7
The picture I have selected is the photo of the American soldiers holding up the American flag. The reason I choose this is because its after a war, and shows that the Americans never gave up and kept fighting!It also shows how strong our country is!
The picture i selected was the first man on the moon. I chose it becasue it was a very important time and a huge acomplishment. The picture shows that we can do anything.
I'm picking the picture taken on 9-11 on top of one of the twin towers. It still kind of shocks me that a day like that could ever happen, and I don't think many people have completely coped with it yet. It also surprises me that the person taking the picture didn't notice the plane heading straight for the building they were on, and that neither of them heard it. Maybe they thought it was passing overhead or something. The importance of this specific picture to me is unknown other than the fact that it reminds us of that day over eleven years ago, and how its still so vivid in our mind and imaginations.
The photo that I’ve selected is that of probably the first x-ray ever taken. The x-ray is of a person’s left hand. The person was obviously wearing a ring which caused the dark bulge on the one finger. With the ability to take x-rays, doctors could now see what was going on inside a person’s body without having to guess or perform an unneeded operation. However, the first x-rays put out a lot of radiation so getting an x-ray was pretty much as dangerous not getting one could be.
The picture I selected is the picture of a man standing on top of one of the twin towers and a plane is flying right behind him. In a weird way, I think this is one of the coolest picture ever captured because, although the man in this picture is potentially about to die or face a near death experiance, he's living in the moment. Another reason I selected a this picture is because the 9/11 attack on the twin towers is the worst attack in United States history. Therefore, I feel that it is the most important and we definately needs to be remembered. However, I question if this photo is real, if so, it is [like I mentioned before] one of the coolest picture ever taken.
This video shows pictures of what barely any people in teh world have, eccept the wealthy and who can afford these kinds of pictures. and most of the people in these pictures are dead so these pics mean a lot to this world. I think the worst picture in here is the ones of the people getting hung outside with the big crowd around them and there were just only two people getting hung.
I chose the picture of the balssa wood airplane being flown. It was the first air plane ever created to have a successful flight with a man controlling it from inside. The creators of this plane were the Wright brothers. This was a big achievement them as well as man kind because this was the start of something that could help us win the war and something to be used as a source of transportation later on.
David Childers 4th-5th
The picture I choose to talk about is the one of the foot print on the moon. It is avery important part of our world and hisatory because the foot print represents the first man on the moon which has changed our world as a whole and now different people from NASA send many different rovers and recording cameras and even people now a days to go up to the moon and explore the activity that goes on up there.
The picture that I chose was the one that has American soldiers holding up a flag. I chose this because it shows that americans never gave up. It also shows that our country is the strongest of all!
The photo I chose was the airplane. This was the first airplane flown. The inventors and pilots of this plane were Wilbur and Orville Wright. The first flight occured on December 17th, 1903, it was the first heavier-than-air human flight.
i chose the picture that shows the soilders pushing up the flag because it shows how the us army is strong and how well they work together
The photograph that I chose was the one where two people were being hanged. It was really sad to see this because there were people surrounding them, who were not crying. How could someone be so desensitized? No matter what they did to deserve this, I would still cry and mourn for them. It informs people that there are cruel doings in the world. That not everythng is daisies and butterflies. The men obviously, were punished because they broke a rule/law. It is nobody's fault but theirs. The least the government can do is sentence them to jail for life.
I chose the picture of "The pillars of life" because it is one of the things that are very important. The pillars are made of gas and every little while they come together and make a small planet. That is the reason I picked that picture.
I chose the picture of "The pillars of life" because it is one of the things that are very important. The pillars are made of gas and every little while they come together and make a small planet. That is the reason I picked that picture.
I like the photo where the men are putting up the flag, because they won. It's not sad like most of them it's actually happy. I don't like sad stuff because it makes me sad. I like happy things not sad. The picture looks very old so it must have been a while ago. I think it's cool how after they won they put their flag back up. They must have tried and fought very hard, and they're probably very proud of themselves and each other. They're probably excited about seeing their families again. Their family is probably very proud and happy.
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