It's one of the most famous speeches because it have black people hope, and it showed that everyone black or white deserve to be treated equally. The "I have a dream the little white boys and girls and black boys and girl will be able to play together, go to school together, I have a dream."The over meaning of this speech is basically that everyone is the same and that everyone should have the same amount of rights. I think his purpose was just to let people know that this was going on in their world. Dr. King grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and was born on January 15, 1929. 6th-7th
The main reason that Dr. Martin Luther King's speech was so moving is that he was an inspiring man in general, but also because of what he proved to the world. He lived through a terrible time of segregation and never lost hope. I find the beginning of the speech to be memorable because it was said very powerfully. The overall meaning of this is that he wants everyone to live in peace. Martib Luther King's purpose in making it is to help people realize what they aren't seeing. A fact about Mr. King is that his father was pastor and he came from a nice family.Abby Wadsworth 4/5
This speech was and is very popular because it changed the future. His speech was powerful and heart-felt. The part that I found to be most memorable is the "I have a dream" part. The overall purpose of his speech was to convince people that there should no longer be segregration. He wished that all African Americans and Cacausiasian peole could get along. Thanks to the help of Dr.Martin Luther King, everyone can live together, play together, and work together no matter what color you are. There are still racist people out there, definately. Dr.Martin Luther King, as a little boy, liked to pull pranks. Once, he took a piece of fur, and tied it to a piece of string. He laid the fur piece on the sidewalk, and hid behinde some bushes. When pedestrians walked by, he would pull the string. The fur would move like a rodent. People would be frightened thinking that it was a live animal!
It is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered, because it changed lots of minds for blacks and whites at this time. It changed how segregated people viewed each other throughout their lives, but most importantly it won victory over segregation in this great crusade. To me, the most memorable part of the speech was, "Where my fathers died, pilgrims fried, and mountains cried." The overall meaning of the speech is to change how people will look at different races and cultures. It will change how they interact together in the future of America. His purpose was to change people's prospective on the life that all of these americans lived. One fact about Martin Luther King Jr. was that he took over as the pastor, later in his life when his father-in-law died in 1931.6th and 7th periodTre Lewis
This speech is famous because it helped break people out of the terrible trance of segregation they were in. I find the ending to be the most moving part of the whole speech. He sums everything up and really pushes his idea through. The overall idea of the speech is to show people that no humans should be judged or treated differently because of their race, beliefs, or religion. I believe he made this speech to empower people and show his side of segregation and how it made darker skinned people feel. One fact about Martin Luther King is that he was a Baptist minister and a Civil- Rights activist. He also had a huge positive impact on race relations in the United States during the mid 1950's.
This peech is extremly famous because, it gave the peole hope to fight for what was right, and it akso started a major revolution. It helped bring the United States out of the seregation that it was so deeply in. The most meorable part of the speech, is when he says the famous words, 'i have a dream." I feel these words are pretty much known by almosty every single citizen, in America. The overall meaning of the speech is basicly, that all people no matter what race, are equal to eachtoher in a every way possible. The purpose of this speech was to change peoples prospective on this childish behavior. He beleived every one was equal, and they really are. On fact abou Dr. Martin Luther King is he was born in Atlanta Goergia, in the year 1929.
It is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it was during The March On Washington. I find "I have a dream the little white boys and girls and black boys and girl will be able to play together, go to school together." that part the most memorable in the entire speech. The meaning of the speech was he wants everyone to be the same and have the same rights. The purpose of this speech was to persude and to expand his focus on equal rights. MLK was accused of being a communist by J. Edgar Hoover. These alligations were false.
It is the most important speech because of how powerful it was and how it affected the people. I find the parts where he talks about the people and how they should be treated. I think it was good he made a speech like this because of how it affected everyone and how they began to think. The meaning of the speech is that everyone should be treated the same no matter what race, how they act, or speak. His purpose is to tell people that no one should be treated different and they should make a difference. One fact about Martin Luther King is that he was the youngest at age thirty- five to win the Nobel Peace Prize. I think it was one of the most important speeches of the time.
It is one of the most famous speeches ever because it shows you can acheive what you believe in. However, one part of his speech was "I had a dream". His dream became a success. In my opinion, the overall meaning of this speech would have to be fight for what you believe in, and it may very well happen. Martin Luther King's purpose in making this video was to show with his confidence he acheieved freedom for many. One fact about Dr. Martin Luther King is that in 1955 he had recieved his doctorate from Boston University. ~Charli Crandall 6th&7th period.
This is the most famous speech because it made this world think about the racism in the whole world. How black and white people have to be sepperated. I feel bed for people back then. The most memorable part is when he said "He wants one day for black and white children to be able to walk down the street being able to just simply hold hands." yes the speech did a lot of good in this world because it makes people think of racism and how it affected a lot of people.
This is the most famous speech because it is about racism. I think this is a good speech because it tells people about how they treat blacks and whites differently. I like the part where he says "One day, he wants black children and white children to be able to walk down the street being able to hold hands". This speech did a lot of good because if this speech had never happened, racism would still be happening.
This was one of the most famous speech because it gave African Americans hope and faith that one day they will be treated just as equality. The best part would have to be "I have a Dream." The meaning of this speech is that one day everyone will be treated equaly and he knows that one day it will happen. The purpose of the speech is to movtivate African Americans to never give up and to give them hope and faith that they will be treated just as equaly. He was shot by a white man.
I think that thi one was the most important speech that he gave. "I have a Dream" was the best part speach. The meaning of this speech is that one day everyone will have equal rights and there will be no racisim.He also had the faith of everyone being treated with equality. He was born on January !5 1929.
There is many ways in which this speech is famous. The most important reason being that it shows that everyone should be treated equally. It doesn't matter what color your skin is. I find the part when Martin is talking about a black and white children walking down the street holding hands. It really sums his speech up. The overall meaning of this speech would be to stop racism. It also shows that you should never judge anyone by what they look like. One fact about Martin Luther King is that he was a pastor, and he grew up in Atlanta.
I think that his the most impotant person in the United states. He was one of the bravest person that I herd about so far. One time I had a dream about me meating him in his house and he told me what he was going to do so that colored people could be free. I was said that im not anything different than them. He said that, That is true. He new my name some how. he was born january , 5th 1929.
This is a famous speech because it gave people hope for a better tomarow where blacks were treated just like whites. I have always remembered the "I have a dream" part of the speech. I think the overall meaning of the speech is to show he cares for others and wants there to be a difference between people. He would have loved to see that better day. in 1954, Dr. Martin Luther became pator of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church.
It has been spoken by Martin Luther King Jr. and it wasw one of the biggest speeches ever. The part when he says "I have a dream, that one day we will rise up." That he will lift the barrier between slavery and racism.
It is a famous speach because it said that people are people no matter what race. If you were the other race you would be mad so why do that to other people? "I Have A Dream" is my favorite part of the speach because it tells about what everybody's dream should be. The overall meaning of this speach is that the only thing segregating people is something that is uncontrollable; skin color. Martin Luther King's purpose for making this speach is trying to stop discrimination. He is also saying that blacks can meet goals. He graduated high school at the age of 15 and entered Morehouse college shortly after. He met a big goal for blacks at that time.
This is one of the most memorable speeches because it greatly changed the future of the world. I think the most memorable part of the speech is where Martin Luther King explains his dream. The overall meaning of this dream is that everyone should be treated equally. Martin Luther King was one of the people that was not treated fairly, for that reason he gave this speech to fight for what he beleived in. It was a very brave thing to do and he payed for it with his life. Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech along with Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Adress and Franklin D. Roosevelt's Infamy Speech is one of the finest speeches in history.
It was one the most famous speeches ever because it shows that you can achieve what you believe in. His speech is mainly known for the phrase '' I have a dream''. This meant that he had strong hope that African Americans and Caucasians could get along. The meaning behind this speech was we are all equal. Everybody of different backgrounds are still the same and should be treated equally. He was born on January 15, 1929.
Martin Luther King's speech "I Have A Dream" is one of the most famous speeches, because it changed the way people look at the relationships between blacks and whites and that they all should be treated equally! A part of the speech I find memorable is when he quotes "I have a dream" because he wanted to change the view of the people around around the world and wanted to change things! The overall meaning of the speech is that people should always be treated equally, and get along! He gave this speech because he wanted there to be peace among everyone and for his people. Martin Luther King is the first black citizen to have a legal holiday!
This is one of the most famous speeches ever because Dr. Martin Luther King was trying to end segragation. He was telling the world that balcks should be trated the same as whites, it doesn't matter what color skin you have. I find the beginning of the speech most memorable because it talked about how blacks were not givin the same respect as whites and how they ignored it and just kept living their lives. The overall meaning of the speech is that it doesn't matter the color of your skin everyone should be treated the same! Martin Luther King made this speech because he wanted segregation to end and he wanted balcks to be treated the same as whites. Martin Luther King won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1964!
This is one of the most famous quotes ever to be said. Because Martin Luther King was one if the most famous people ever to live. He was trying to make people treat each other the same way. The beginning of the speech was the best because that's when he really talks about the problem and how it's affecting people. The true meaning of this Is treat other people how you want to be treated then you would get the same respect back! Martin Luther King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964!
The reason why this speech is the most famous because he talked about people being treated equally no matter what there race was. The purpose of his speech was that everyone should have the same rights. A fact about him was that his Birthday was January 15, 1929
Dr. Martin Luther King, one of the foremost leaders of the American Civil Rights Movement, gave a moving speech that changed the face of America. "I Have a Dream" was is one of the most famous speeches of all time because of how it gave the people the chance to change the future of segregation. The phrase,"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character," was the most memorable line to me because I believe that this was mostly what Dr. King wished for and was the overall meaning of the speech. The purpose of "I Have a Dream" was to bring people together without the hesitation of skin color.One thing that I find extremely interesting about Martin Luther King was that he was a vegetarian! I would have never guessed that.
This is one of the most famous speeches in history because it involves all people for equal rights. I think that one of the most memorable parts about this speech is at the very beginning. “I have a dream.” Everybody knows what speech that starts and that’s why it’s so famous. The overall meaning of this speech is to give all people equal rights regardless of what color or religion or anything in that category. One fact about Dr. King is that most of his work, while working for his doctorate degree in Boston University, was heavily plagiarized. His professors didn’t know that until he was dead. So revoking the title served no purpose.
This is one of the most famous speeches ever because we said what he believed in. The part I find memorable is when he says all men and women should be treated alike. The meaning of this speech is that everyone needs to be treated equal. We wants everyone to be treated even if you are a different color. Dr. king changed the world for a lot of people. Mr. king was born January 15, 1929. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
This is a very famous speech for it's powerful words. Martin Luther King was a very intelligent person. At least, he must have been, or else he wouldn't have been able to write a speech that is now in history books. Anybody can write a speech, but it takes true power of the mind to write such an inspiring and life changing one. The most memorable part is the opening line. "I have a dream..." when you hear those words together you automatically know that Martin Luther King is whom someone is speaking about. The overall meaning of this speech is that everyone has their own dream, that can be powerful enough to change the world. The reasoning behind his speech was to try his best to get everyone to understand how unfair slavery was, and that all rights should be equal. Martin Luther King Jr. was born January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia.
This is a very important speech and powerful speech because it sends a very powerful message.Martin Luther King made everyone realize that every person has thier own dream and they have to live it. Martin Luther King ws born January 15 1929. In Atlanta, Georgia. The reason behind his speech was to end slavery. He wanted everyone to see how unfair and hurtful that kind of thing was.
It was one of the most famous speeches given because it gave hope to all of the people during the time. The memorable part to me is "I had a dream" Because every time I hear it i just pops into my head that its Martin Luther King Jr. The overall meaning is that he had hope in the world and in himself. He wrote this to tell everybody that it doesnt matter what color you are your the same. He was born January 15, 1929.
The speech martin luther king said was ment to say that everyone should be treated the same no matter what color you are. He made this speech to say we should be treated equal. The name of his famous speech was "I had a dream" The dream was for everyine to be equal. He was born january 15 1929.
I think it was one of the most famous speeches because it was part of the civial rights movement.The most memorable part was i have a "I have a dream".
It was the speech that changed the future of african americans. The part I find memorable is the part where he said he wanted black and white children to be able to play and do stuff together. The meaning of the speech is "why should the color of someone's skin be important?" Martin Luther King's purpose in making the speech was to achieve equality among people, no matter their race. Dr. Martin Luther King was named after his father, who was a pastor. Martin was a pastor as well for awhile, I think.
thus speech was one of the most famous ones because it changed they way people think about blacks and whites also at helped people relize that everyone is the same i think the reason for this speech is is to show that everyone even if your white or black everyone should be treated the same Dr.king was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia and was born on January 15 1929
I think this speech is important because the world wouldnt be the saem now if it wernt for the speech. My favorite part is,"I have a dream the little white boys and girls and black boys and girl will be able to play together,go to school together,I have a dream." The point of the speech is to change slavery! A fact of Martin Luther King, he was a pastor!
I think this speech was one f the most famous speechs because it changed the wat that people think about blacks and whites also it helped relize tht everyone is the same. Honestly i have not clue what this speech means but all i know is that.. this speech made racism go away. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience.
His spech changed everyone's lives. Whites and blacks should be able to get along, and blacks has the same rights as whites. Blacks and whites should be equal. all should be equal, their was to much violence going on. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in.
This is one of the most famous, because it turned some of the tides in the efforts to abolish segregation of the blacks and whites. I find funny metaphors or idioms to be the most interesting, making them memorable for me. It states in very long terms that Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that someday blacks and whites could some day life in peace and equality. It is to empower his followers and encourage new members to his cause. He was a devoted and persistent man that, in my mind, died as a martyr for what he believed.
The main reason that Dr. Martin Luther King's speech was so moving is that he was an inspiring man in general, but also because of what he proved to the world.His speech was powerful and heart-felt. The part that I found to be most memorable is the "I have a dream" part. The overall purpose of his speech was to convince people that there should no longer be segregration. He was shot by a white man.
This speech is so famous because it changed the United States to the way it is today. Now everyone is treated fairly and we all have equal rights. I remember the parts when he refers back to the Declaration of Independence and it states,” All men are created equal.” In conclusion, his speech shows that everyone should be treated equally and not separately. His purpose or goal of this speech was to create the opportunity for all Africans Americans to be admitted into society as an equal. He yearned for the day where everyone was the same and not separate. A fact about Dr. King is that at the age of twelve his grandmother died. He was so upset about it; he attempted suicide by jumping out of his house’s window.
Martin Luther King's speech was and still is famous because it changed history. The most memorable part of the speech, to me, was "I had a dream." The overall purpose of Dr. King's speech was the need to end the discrimination of races, and to get equal rights for African-Americans. Even though the Emancipation Proclamation was signed there was still a separation between blacks and whites. He wanted us to all live in peace together and stop seeing each other as different. Martin was born on January 15th, 1929.
This speech by Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most famous because of the way it changed the United States even today. I find the part that is most memorable is when he explains how great our country can be if segregation did not occur amoung us. The overall meaning of this speech is that everyone in this country, no matter if you are a girl or boy, black or white, should be treated equally. King's purpose in making this speech was to express his feelings and what he thought should be done about segregation in the United States. In May of 1936 Martin Luther King Jr. was baptized at the age of seven. Ryan Vilain 6/7
This one of the most famous speeches ever because he gave the black people something to look forward too and to work towards. It gave them hope that one day all people of different races will be treated equally. I think the part of his speech when he says, "I have a dream today," and also when he explains his dream. The purpose of this speech is to give people hope that one day every white man and every black man will be treated equally. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. received his doctorate from Boston University in 1955David Childers 4th-5th
In my opinion, Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech was one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because he was one, if not the first, black person to speak out about segregation. Also, he changed history with his speech and inspired everyone, no matter what skin color. I find two parts very memorable. When Martin Luther King Jr. says multiple times "let freedom ring" and, of course "I have a dream" because I think it's the most recognized part of his speech. The overall meaning of the speech is that he wants everyone to live in peace and live together happily. Martin Luther King's speech titled "I Have a Dream" was once called "Normalcy, Never Again" and his first drafts never included the phrase "I have a dream."
This is one of the most memorable speeches because it really helped change segregation. The most memorable part of the speech was the end where he repeated the "I have a dream" part. The overall meaning of this speech is to stop segregation. He thought everyone was created equal, and that was how they should be treated. He wanted people to know that under the skin, there was no difference between people. Everyone has feelings and the way colored people were treated was extremely unfair, and it need to be stopped. HIs purpose in this speech was to try to stop all of the racism, especially against black people in the UNited States. He was killed on April 4th, 1968.
Martin Luther Kings speech is famous because it basically set things for the future. It changed how things were then and it changed how things are today. The most memorable part of the speech for me is when King said: "I Have A Dream". It really was a moving and touching part of the speech and it pretty much summed up everything just in those 4 words. This speech makes things possible. It gave hope to the colored and changed how others saw them, & also treated them. A fact about Dr. King, In 1954, Martin Luther King became pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama
I have a Dream by MLK. I found the whole speech to be memorabvle in its own unique way. To help bring together blacks and whites. To try and make America equal in every way. Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize after he was assassinated.Alex Newman 6/7
This speech is one of the most famous ever delivered because it is one of the first time's any important figure spoke out about the segergation in America. The part f the speech I fnd most memorable is when he say, "I have a dream little white boys and girls and little black boys and girls will be able to play and go to school together." The overall meaning of the speech is that a lot of people have this dream and it would be very simple to make this dream of reality so why not do it. The purpose MLK made this speech was to express his opinion about racism and that little kids don't care about this kind of stuff so why should we. He gave his famous "I Have A Dream" speech on January 21st, 1963.
This is one of the most famous speeches eveer becauuse this speech ended, on a government level, discrimination aggainst african americans. I find it memorable when Dr. King compares the segregation to a checking account in a bank. The overall meaning of this speech is that America proposed that all men are equal when the constitution was written, yet this statement was a bit ironic considering the fact that blacks were treated as inferior to whites. Dr. King's purpose was to let people know of the true wrongs of segregation. Dr. King has over 900 streets named after him
This speech is one of the most famous in history because it sparked the beginning of the end of unequal treatment to the black population in the United States. The most memorable part of that speech to me, as to many others, is the phrase for which the speech is named, “I have a dream…” The simple meaning of this speech is to start giving fair treatment to all people no matter the differences. Dr. King was once even accused of being a communist; however, these accusations were proven inaccurate.
It's one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because this is how slavery became abolished and there was no sepereation between black and whites. I don't really have a favorite part in this speech because all of it is very touching and enjoy every part of it. The overall meaning of this speech is for there not to be a seperation between whites and blacks and that all of us together can be treated as equals. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. won the noble piece prize for his wonderful and touching speech which also changed world history.
think that the speech is the best ever because it changed they way that people think about blacks and whites i dont really know wat the speech means but all i know is that it didnt really make rasism go away but calmed it down
It's one of the most famous speeches because it have black people hope, and it showed that everyone black or white deserve to be treated equally. The "I have a dream the little white boys and girls and black boys and girl will be able to play together, go to school together, I have a dream."The over meaning of this speech is basically that everyone is the same and that everyone should have the same amount of rights. I think his purpose was just to let people know that this was going on in their world. Dr. King grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and was born on January 15, 1929.
This is one of the most famous speeches, because it showed that black and white people deserve to be treated equally. the most memorable part of his speech is the "I have a dream" part. The overall meaning of his speech was to convince people that there should be no segregration. Martin Luther King's purpose in making this speech was wanted all African Americans and Cacausiasian people could get along. One fact about Martin Luther King is he was born on January 15, 1929 and died on April 4, 1968.
It is one of his most famous speec because he wants black and white people to be equal. He wanted us to be friends, go to the same schools, and drink from the same fountain. We are all humans and nobody likes to be descriminated. I liked his whole speech. The speech was really life changing and memorable. Martin Luther King was bor on January 15, 1929 and died on april 4, 1968. I liked his speech alot and I think it was really great. Today white and black people do go to the same schools, can be friends, and drink from the same water fountains.
Martain Luther King Jr. was probably the biggest event supporting africain americains next to the election of president oboma. He died fighting for good. His speech was amazing because of all the metaphors he used. He made his speech esay to follow by useing this technic.
The reason why this was one of the most famous speeches in history, was because he had a great, strong belief of no segregation. The parts of the speech that I find the most memorable was the part where he said"I have a dream". The meaning of this speach is that people are people. Blacks and whites are all people so they should be treated like people and not like there they are two different creatures. The purpose is to make the country of the U.S.A. be equal. No race or color should be treated different. Dr. Martin Luther king JR. was killed.
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It's one of the most famous speeches because it have black people hope, and it showed that everyone black or white deserve to be treated equally. The "I have a dream the little white boys and girls and black boys and girl will be able to play together, go to school together, I have a dream."
The over meaning of this speech is basically that everyone is the same and that everyone should have the same amount of rights. I think his purpose was just to let people know that this was going on in their world. Dr. King grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and was born on January 15, 1929.
The main reason that Dr. Martin Luther King's speech was so moving is that he was an inspiring man in general, but also because of what he proved to the world. He lived through a terrible time of segregation and never lost hope. I find the beginning of the speech to be memorable because it was said very powerfully. The overall meaning of this is that he wants everyone to live in peace. Martib Luther King's purpose in making it is to help people realize what they aren't seeing. A fact about Mr. King is that his father was pastor and he came from a nice family.
Abby Wadsworth 4/5
This speech was and is very popular because it changed the future. His speech was powerful and heart-felt. The part that I found to be most memorable is the "I have a dream" part. The overall purpose of his speech was to convince people that there should no longer be segregration. He wished that all African Americans and Cacausiasian peole could get along. Thanks to the help of Dr.Martin Luther King, everyone can live together, play together, and work together no matter what color you are. There are still racist people out there, definately. Dr.Martin Luther King, as a little boy, liked to pull pranks. Once, he took a piece of fur, and tied it to a piece of string. He laid the fur piece on the sidewalk, and hid behinde some bushes. When pedestrians walked by, he would pull the string. The fur would move like a rodent. People would be frightened thinking that it was a live animal!
It is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered, because it changed lots of minds for blacks and whites at this time. It changed how segregated people viewed each other throughout their lives, but most importantly it won victory over segregation in this great crusade. To me, the most memorable part of the speech was, "Where my fathers died, pilgrims fried, and mountains cried." The overall meaning of the speech is to change how people will look at different races and cultures. It will change how they interact together in the future of America. His purpose was to change people's prospective on the life that all of these americans lived. One fact about Martin Luther King Jr. was that he took over as the pastor, later in his life when his father-in-law died in 1931.
6th and 7th period
Tre Lewis
This speech is famous because it helped break people out of the terrible trance of segregation they were in. I find the ending to be the most moving part of the whole speech. He sums everything up and really pushes his idea through. The overall idea of the speech is to show people that no humans should be judged or treated differently because of their race, beliefs, or religion. I believe he made this speech to empower people and show his side of segregation and how it made darker skinned people feel. One fact about Martin Luther King is that he was a Baptist minister and a Civil- Rights activist. He also had a huge positive impact on race relations in the United States during the mid 1950's.
This peech is extremly famous because, it gave the peole hope to fight for what was right, and it akso started a major revolution. It helped bring the United States out of the seregation that it was so deeply in. The most meorable part of the speech, is when he says the famous words, 'i have a dream." I feel these words are pretty much known by almosty every single citizen, in America. The overall meaning of the speech is basicly, that all people no matter what race, are equal to eachtoher in a every way possible. The purpose of this speech was to change peoples prospective on this childish behavior. He beleived every one was equal, and they really are. On fact abou Dr. Martin Luther King is he was born in Atlanta Goergia, in the year 1929.
It is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it was during The March On Washington. I find "I have a dream the little white boys and girls and black boys and girl will be able to play together, go to school together." that part the most memorable in the entire speech. The meaning of the speech was he wants everyone to be the same and have the same rights. The purpose of this speech was to persude and to expand his focus on equal rights. MLK was accused of being a communist by J. Edgar Hoover. These alligations were false.
It is the most important speech because of how powerful it was and how it affected the people. I find the parts where he talks about the people and how they should be treated. I think it was good he made a speech like this because of how it affected everyone and how they began to think. The meaning of the speech is that everyone should be treated the same no matter what race, how they act, or speak. His purpose is to tell people that no one should be treated different and they should make a difference. One fact about Martin Luther King is that he was the youngest at age thirty- five to win the Nobel Peace Prize. I think it was one of the most important speeches of the time.
It is one of the most famous speeches ever because it shows you can acheive what you believe in. However, one part of his speech was "I had a dream". His dream became a success. In my opinion, the overall meaning of this speech would have to be fight for what you believe in, and it may very well happen. Martin Luther King's purpose in making this video was to show with his confidence he acheieved freedom for many. One fact about Dr. Martin Luther King is that in 1955 he had recieved his doctorate from Boston University.
~Charli Crandall 6th&7th period.
This is the most famous speech because it made this world think about the racism in the whole world. How black and white people have to be sepperated. I feel bed for people back then. The most memorable part is when he said "He wants one day for black and white children to be able to walk down the street being able to just simply hold hands." yes the speech did a lot of good in this world because it makes people think of racism and how it affected a lot of people.
This is the most famous speech because it made this world think about the racism in the whole world. How black and white people have to be sepperated. I feel bed for people back then. The most memorable part is when he said "He wants one day for black and white children to be able to walk down the street being able to just simply hold hands." yes the speech did a lot of good in this world because it makes people think of racism and how it affected a lot of people.
This is the most famous speech because it is about racism. I think this is a good speech because it tells people about how they treat blacks and whites differently. I like the part where he says "One day, he wants black children and white children to be able to walk down the street being able to hold hands". This speech did a lot of good because if this speech had never happened, racism would still be happening.
This was one of the most famous speech because it gave African Americans hope and faith that one day they will be treated just as equality. The best part would have to be "I have a Dream." The meaning of this speech is that one day everyone will be treated equaly and he knows that one day it will happen. The purpose of the speech is to movtivate African Americans to never give up and to give them hope and faith that they will be treated just as equaly. He was shot by a white man.
I think that thi one was the most important speech that he gave. "I have a Dream" was the best part speach. The meaning of this speech is that one day everyone will have equal rights and there will be no racisim.He also had the faith of everyone being treated with equality. He was born on January !5 1929.
There is many ways in which this speech is famous. The most important reason being that it shows that everyone should be treated equally. It doesn't matter what color your skin is. I find the part when Martin is talking about a black and white children walking down the street holding hands. It really sums his speech up. The overall meaning of this speech would be to stop racism. It also shows that you should never judge anyone by what they look like. One fact about Martin Luther King is that he was a pastor, and he grew up in Atlanta.
I think that his the most impotant person in the United states. He was one of the bravest person that I herd about so far. One time I had a dream about me meating him in his house and he told me what he was going to do so that colored people could be free. I was said that im not anything different than them. He said that, That is true. He new my name some how. he was born january , 5th 1929.
This is a famous speech because it gave people hope for a better tomarow where blacks were treated just like whites. I have always remembered the "I have a dream" part of the speech. I think the overall meaning of the speech is to show he cares for others and wants there to be a difference between people. He would have loved to see that better day. in 1954, Dr. Martin Luther became pator of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church.
It has been spoken by Martin Luther King Jr. and it wasw one of the biggest speeches ever. The part when he says "I have a dream, that one day we will rise up." That he will lift the barrier between slavery and racism.
It is a famous speach because it said that people are people no matter what race. If you were the other race you would be mad so why do that to other people? "I Have A Dream" is my favorite part of the speach because it tells about what everybody's dream should be. The overall meaning of this speach is that the only thing segregating people is something that is uncontrollable; skin color. Martin Luther King's purpose for making this speach is trying to stop discrimination. He is also saying that blacks can meet goals. He graduated high school at the age of 15 and entered Morehouse college shortly after. He met a big goal for blacks at that time.
This is one of the most memorable speeches because it greatly changed the future of the world. I think the most memorable part of the speech is where Martin Luther King explains his dream. The overall meaning of this dream is that everyone should be treated equally. Martin Luther King was one of the people that was not treated fairly, for that reason he gave this speech to fight for what he beleived in. It was a very brave thing to do and he payed for it with his life. Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech along with Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Adress and Franklin D. Roosevelt's Infamy Speech is one of the finest speeches in history.
It was one the most famous speeches ever because it shows that you can achieve what you believe in. His speech is mainly known for the phrase '' I have a dream''. This meant that he had strong hope that African Americans and Caucasians could get along. The meaning behind this speech was we are all equal. Everybody of different backgrounds are still the same and should be treated equally. He was born on January 15, 1929.
Martin Luther King's speech "I Have A Dream" is one of the most famous speeches, because it changed the way people look at the relationships between blacks and whites and that they all should be treated equally! A part of the speech I find memorable is when he quotes "I have a dream" because he wanted to change the view of the people around around the world and wanted to change things! The overall meaning of the speech is that people should always be treated equally, and get along! He gave this speech because he wanted there to be peace among everyone and for his people. Martin Luther King is the first black citizen to have a legal holiday!
This is one of the most famous speeches ever because Dr. Martin Luther King was trying to end segragation. He was telling the world that balcks should be trated the same as whites, it doesn't matter what color skin you have. I find the beginning of the speech most memorable because it talked about how blacks were not givin the same respect as whites and how they ignored it and just kept living their lives. The overall meaning of the speech is that it doesn't matter the color of your skin everyone should be treated the same! Martin Luther King made this speech because he wanted segregation to end and he wanted balcks to be treated the same as whites. Martin Luther King won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1964!
This is one of the most famous quotes ever to be said. Because Martin Luther King was one if the most famous people ever to live. He was trying to make people treat each other the same way. The beginning of the speech was the best because that's when he really talks about the problem and how it's affecting people. The true meaning of this Is treat other people how you want to be treated then you would get the same respect back! Martin Luther King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964!
The reason why this speech is the most famous because he talked about people being treated equally no matter what there race was. The purpose of his speech was that everyone should have the same rights. A fact about him was that his Birthday was January 15, 1929
Dr. Martin Luther King, one of the foremost leaders of the American Civil Rights Movement, gave a moving speech that changed the face of America. "I Have a Dream" was is one of the most famous speeches of all time because of how it gave the people the chance to change the future of segregation. The phrase,"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character," was the most memorable line to me because I believe that this was mostly what Dr. King wished for and was the overall meaning of the speech. The purpose of "I Have a Dream" was to bring people together without the hesitation of skin color.
One thing that I find extremely interesting about Martin Luther King was that he was a vegetarian! I would have never guessed that.
This is one of the most famous speeches in history because it involves all people for equal rights. I think that one of the most memorable parts about this speech is at the very beginning. “I have a dream.” Everybody knows what speech that starts and that’s why it’s so famous. The overall meaning of this speech is to give all people equal rights regardless of what color or religion or anything in that category. One fact about Dr. King is that most of his work, while working for his doctorate degree in Boston University, was heavily plagiarized. His professors didn’t know that until he was dead. So revoking the title served no purpose.
This is one of the most famous speeches ever because we said what he believed in. The part I find memorable is when he says all men and women should be treated alike. The meaning of this speech is that everyone needs to be treated equal. We wants everyone to be treated even if you are a different color. Dr. king changed the world for a lot of people. Mr. king was born January 15, 1929. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
This is a very famous speech for it's powerful words. Martin Luther King was a very intelligent person. At least, he must have been, or else he wouldn't have been able to write a speech that is now in history books. Anybody can write a speech, but it takes true power of the mind to write such an inspiring and life changing one. The most memorable part is the opening line. "I have a dream..." when you hear those words together you automatically know that Martin Luther King is whom someone is speaking about. The overall meaning of this speech is that everyone has their own dream, that can be powerful enough to change the world. The reasoning behind his speech was to try his best to get everyone to understand how unfair slavery was, and that all rights should be equal. Martin Luther King Jr. was born January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia.
This is a very important speech and powerful speech because it sends a very powerful message.Martin Luther King made everyone realize that every person has thier own dream and they have to live it. Martin Luther King ws born January 15 1929. In Atlanta, Georgia. The reason behind his speech was to end slavery. He wanted everyone to see how unfair and hurtful that kind of thing was.
It was one of the most famous speeches given because it gave hope to all of the people during the time. The memorable part to me is "I had a dream" Because every time I hear it i just pops into my head that its Martin Luther King Jr. The overall meaning is that he had hope in the world and in himself. He wrote this to tell everybody that it doesnt matter what color you are your the same. He was born January 15, 1929.
It was one of the most famous speeches given because it gave hope to all of the people during the time. The memorable part to me is "I had a dream" Because every time I hear it i just pops into my head that its Martin Luther King Jr. The overall meaning is that he had hope in the world and in himself. He wrote this to tell everybody that it doesnt matter what color you are your the same. He was born January 15, 1929.
The speech martin luther king said was ment to say that everyone should be treated the same no matter what color you are. He made this speech to say we should be treated equal. The name of his famous speech was "I had a dream" The dream was for everyine to be equal. He was born january 15 1929.
I think it was one of the most famous speeches because it was part of the civial rights movement.The most memorable part was i have a "I have a dream".
It was the speech that changed the future of african americans. The part I find memorable is the part where he said he wanted black and white children to be able to play and do stuff together. The meaning of the speech is "why should the color of someone's skin be important?" Martin Luther King's purpose in making the speech was to achieve equality among people, no matter their race. Dr. Martin Luther King was named after his father, who was a pastor. Martin was a pastor as well for awhile, I think.
thus speech was one of the most famous ones because it changed they way people think about blacks and whites also at helped people relize that everyone is the same i think the reason for this speech is is to show that everyone even if your white or black everyone should be treated the same Dr.king was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia and was born on January 15 1929
I think this speech is important because the world wouldnt be the saem now if it wernt for the speech. My favorite part is,"I have a dream the little white boys and girls and black boys and girl will be able to play together,go to school together,I have a dream." The point of the speech is to change slavery! A fact of Martin Luther King, he was a pastor!
I think this speech was one f the most famous speechs because it changed the wat that people think about blacks and whites also it helped relize tht everyone is the same. Honestly i have not clue what this speech means but all i know is that.. this speech made racism go away. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience.
I think this speech was one f the most famous speechs because it changed the wat that people think about blacks and whites also it helped relize tht everyone is the same. Honestly i have not clue what this speech means but all i know is that.. this speech made racism go away. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience.
His spech changed everyone's lives. Whites and blacks should be able to get along, and blacks has the same rights as whites. Blacks and whites should be equal. all should be equal, their was to much violence going on. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in.
This is one of the most famous, because it turned some of the tides in the efforts to abolish segregation of the blacks and whites. I find funny metaphors or idioms to be the most interesting, making them memorable for me. It states in very long terms that Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that someday blacks and whites could some day life in peace and equality. It is to empower his followers and encourage new members to his cause. He was a devoted and persistent man that, in my mind, died as a martyr for what he believed.
The main reason that Dr. Martin Luther King's speech was so moving is that he was an inspiring man in general, but also because of what he proved to the world.His speech was powerful and heart-felt. The part that I found to be most memorable is the "I have a dream" part. The overall purpose of his speech was to convince people that there should no longer be segregration. He was shot by a white man.
This speech is so famous because it changed the United States to the way it is today. Now everyone is treated fairly and we all have equal rights. I remember the parts when he refers back to the Declaration of Independence and it states,” All men are created equal.” In conclusion, his speech shows that everyone should be treated equally and not separately. His purpose or goal of this speech was to create the opportunity for all Africans Americans to be admitted into society as an equal. He yearned for the day where everyone was the same and not separate. A fact about Dr. King is that at the age of twelve his grandmother died. He was so upset about it; he attempted suicide by jumping out of his house’s window.
Martin Luther King's speech was and still is famous because it changed history. The most memorable part of the speech, to me, was "I had a dream." The overall purpose of Dr. King's speech was the need to end the discrimination of races, and to get equal rights for African-Americans. Even though the Emancipation Proclamation was signed there was still a separation between blacks and whites. He wanted us to all live in peace together and stop seeing each other as different. Martin was born on January 15th, 1929.
This speech by Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most famous because of the way it changed the United States even today. I find the part that is most memorable is when he explains how great our country can be if segregation did not occur amoung us. The overall meaning of this speech is that everyone in this country, no matter if you are a girl or boy, black or white, should be treated equally. King's purpose in making this speech was to express his feelings and what he thought should be done about segregation in the United States. In May of 1936 Martin Luther King Jr. was baptized at the age of seven.
Ryan Vilain 6/7
This one of the most famous speeches ever because he gave the black people something to look forward too and to work towards. It gave them hope that one day all people of different races will be treated equally. I think the part of his speech when he says, "I have a dream today," and also when he explains his dream. The purpose of this speech is to give people hope that one day every white man and every black man will be treated equally. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. received his doctorate from Boston University in 1955
David Childers 4th-5th
In my opinion, Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech was one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because he was one, if not the first, black person to speak out about segregation. Also, he changed history with his speech and inspired everyone, no matter what skin color. I find two parts very memorable. When Martin Luther King Jr. says multiple times "let freedom ring" and, of course "I have a dream" because I think it's the most recognized part of his speech. The overall meaning of the speech is that he wants everyone to live in peace and live together happily. Martin Luther King's speech titled "I Have a Dream" was once called "Normalcy, Never Again" and his first drafts never included the phrase "I have a dream."
This is one of the most memorable speeches because it really helped change segregation. The most memorable part of the speech was the end where he repeated the "I have a dream" part. The overall meaning of this speech is to stop segregation. He thought everyone was created equal, and that was how they should be treated. He wanted people to know that under the skin, there was no difference between people. Everyone has feelings and the way colored people were treated was extremely unfair, and it need to be stopped. HIs purpose in this speech was to try to stop all of the racism, especially against black people in the UNited States. He was killed on April 4th, 1968.
Martin Luther Kings speech is famous because it basically set things for the future. It changed how things were then and it changed how things are today. The most memorable part of the speech for me is when King said: "I Have A Dream". It really was a moving and touching part of the speech and it pretty much summed up everything just in those 4 words. This speech makes things possible. It gave hope to the colored and changed how others saw them, & also treated them. A fact about Dr. King, In 1954, Martin Luther King became pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama
I have a Dream by MLK. I found the whole speech to be memorabvle in its own unique way. To help bring together blacks and whites. To try and make America equal in every way. Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize after he was assassinated.
Alex Newman 6/7
This speech is one of the most famous ever delivered because it is one of the first time's any important figure spoke out about the segergation in America. The part f the speech I fnd most memorable is when he say, "I have a dream little white boys and girls and little black boys and girls will be able to play and go to school together." The overall meaning of the speech is that a lot of people have this dream and it would be very simple to make this dream of reality so why not do it. The purpose MLK made this speech was to express his opinion about racism and that little kids don't care about this kind of stuff so why should we.
He gave his famous "I Have A Dream" speech on January 21st, 1963.
This is one of the most famous speeches eveer becauuse this speech ended, on a government level, discrimination aggainst african americans. I find it memorable when Dr. King compares the segregation to a checking account in a bank. The overall meaning of this speech is that America proposed that all men are equal when the constitution was written, yet this statement was a bit ironic considering the fact that blacks were treated as inferior to whites. Dr. King's purpose was to let people know of the true wrongs of segregation. Dr. King has over 900 streets named after him
This speech is one of the most famous in history because it sparked the beginning of the end of unequal treatment to the black population in the United States. The most memorable part of that speech to me, as to many others, is the phrase for which the speech is named, “I have a dream…” The simple meaning of this speech is to start giving fair treatment to all people no matter the differences. Dr. King was once even accused of being a communist; however, these accusations were proven inaccurate.
It's one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because this is how slavery became abolished and there was no sepereation between black and whites. I don't really have a favorite part in this speech because all of it is very touching and enjoy every part of it. The overall meaning of this speech is for there not to be a seperation between whites and blacks and that all of us together can be treated as equals. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. won the noble piece prize for his wonderful and touching speech which also changed world history.
think that the speech is the best ever because it changed they way that people think about blacks and whites i dont really know wat the speech means but all i know is that it didnt really make rasism go away but calmed it down
It's one of the most famous speeches because it have black people hope, and it showed that everyone black or white deserve to be treated equally. The "I have a dream the little white boys and girls and black boys and girl will be able to play together, go to school together, I have a dream."
The over meaning of this speech is basically that everyone is the same and that everyone should have the same amount of rights. I think his purpose was just to let people know that this was going on in their world. Dr. King grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and was born on January 15, 1929.
This is one of the most famous speeches, because it showed that black and white people deserve to be treated equally. the most memorable part of his speech is the "I have a dream" part. The overall meaning of his speech was to convince people that there should be no segregration. Martin Luther King's purpose in making this speech was wanted all African Americans and Cacausiasian people could get along. One fact about Martin Luther King is he was born on January 15, 1929 and died on April 4, 1968.
It is one of his most famous speec because he wants black and white people to be equal. He wanted us to be friends, go to the same schools, and drink from the same fountain. We are all humans and nobody likes to be descriminated. I liked his whole speech. The speech was really life changing and memorable. Martin Luther King was bor on January 15, 1929 and died on april 4, 1968. I liked his speech alot and I think it was really great. Today white and black people do go to the same schools, can be friends, and drink from the same water fountains.
Martain Luther King Jr. was probably the biggest event supporting africain americains next to the election of president oboma. He died fighting for good. His speech was amazing because of all the metaphors he used. He made his speech esay to follow by useing this technic.
The reason why this was one of the most famous speeches in history, was because he had a great, strong belief of no segregation. The parts of the speech that I find the most memorable was the part where he said"I have a dream". The meaning of this speach is that people are people. Blacks and whites are all people so they should be treated like people and not like there they are two different creatures. The purpose is to make the country of the U.S.A. be equal. No race or color should be treated different. Dr. Martin Luther king JR. was killed.
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