Monday, October 14, 2013


How do you feel about math? Who is your all time favorite math teacher? Which concepts in math do you hate most? Are you good in math? Do you plan to select a career which uses math? Do you do your math homework? What is your favorite class in school this year?

72 comments: said...

To my opinion I enjoy math because it's very easy to learn and understand. My favorite teacher I had for math was Mrs.Sherry in sixth grade. My least favorite part of math was about how to live with a budget of $500. I'm an exallent math student. I usually get above mastery on my math part in the Westest. I will use math in career of working as a mechanic. I always do my math homework because it's an easy grade in school. My favorite class this year has to be Mr. Ruberenstin or Mrs. Constable.

Samuel Cox said...

Math is my all time favorite subject. It's my favorite though because it always makes sense.My favorite math teacher would have to be Mrs. Devaul because I feel like I learned a lot in that class. I most always do my math homework, but sometimes I forget I have it or I forget my book. I also most definitely plan on going into a career that uses math. Some examples would be engineering, science, and the medical areas. My favorite class this year is English because It's very fun and I feel like I learn a lot. Though, Math is a pretty close second because that class is fun too.

Angela DeLorenzo said...

Math is probably one of my favorite subjects, other than well of course gym. My favorite all time math teacher would have to Mrs. Devaul. She taught me a lot and on the Westest I got distinguished. The concepts in math that I hate the most would be real numbers. We just learned that in math class and I feel like all numbers are real. I would consider myself good in math because I always get A's. I think that all careers need math because you would have to count money. For example, I want to be a physical therapist, so I would have to know the angle I should stretch my patient . Usually I do my math homework, unless if it's not something to do at home. My favorite class in this school year would have to be all of them because they are all fun.
Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period

Anonymous said...

Chloe Wean 1st and 2nd period

I like math i guess. It's not my favorite subject. I do think that it is very nescessary to know math especially for any job because they all require math. A concept that I hate in math is anything that is too complicated. I'm okay in math. I currently have a B in it which is okay for me although for some people it might be devastating. I do not plan to select a career that involves much math because I want to be a psychologist. I always try to do my math homework. The problem is that end up not turning it in. I don't have a favorite math teacher because either they were to insignificant to be a favorite or they didnt really help me. My favorite class this year is RLA or science.

Keaton Linger said...

My honest opinion about math is that I like it. You need to know math in your life it is very important to know with money and every day life. My favorite math teacher ever was Ms. Jura she was awesome I learned so much from her and loved her class. My least favorite part of math is test I dont like them. I think I am an amazing student in math class and the teacher likes me. I alawys have my homework done because it is important on live grades. My favorite class in school would have to be Mr. Rubinsteins class becuase we have alot of fun in there.

Unknown said...

I absolutely love math more than any other subject!My favorite Math teacher was Mrs. DeLorenzo back in the 4th grade. She always made the class so much more fun and enjoyable. One concept I hate is interest over time. I know the formula but it never works!Yes, I am very good at math. I got a %100 on my report card!I plan to select a career that will use math. Almost every career uses math no matter what. I always do my math homework no matter what my situation is. Finally my favorite class this year is art or Mrs. Constables class. Mrs Constables class is long but it is so much fun!

Unknown said...

I absolutely love math more than any other subject!My favorite Math teacher was Mrs. DeLorenzo back in the 4th grade. She always made the class so much more fun and enjoyable. One concept I hate is interest over time. I know the formula but it never works!Yes, I am very good at math. I got a %100 on my report card!I plan to select a career that will use math. Almost every career uses math no matter what. I always do my math homework no matter what my situation is. Finally my favorite class this year is art or Mrs. Constables class. Mrs Comnstables class is long but it is so much fun!

Unknown said...

I absolutely positively think that math is the all time hardest subject ever! Especially this year! Its way harder than anything I've ever had to do in my life. The adding and subtracting and multiplying and dividing its easy when you separate them all, but when you put them all together its really complicated. I had a B on my report card from math, but that doesnt mean I'm good at it. Just means that I do my work.

-Kyzhay Cox 4/5

Unknown said...

In my opinion math is the hardest class this year. Math is my least favorite subject! My all time favorite math teacher is Mrs.Buckingham. Im good with ratios and multiplying and dividing is easy. Math is getting harder this year. I plan to be a nurse when I get older so ill need to know how to measure nd things but its easy. My favorite class this year is English because we do alot of fun activities!
Paige king
4th/5th period

Derrick Nulph said...

In my honest opinion I think math is very easy to me because i am good at it. My all time favorite math teacher would have to be MRS.Bonasso in the seventh grade. She was always calm and never gave alot of homework. My least favorite part of math would be scientific notation because its just something I do not under stand. I am very good at math no mater who the teacher is. In math i get mastery or above on the westtest. I will use math in my career as a military combat traneer. I sometimes do my homework when I dont forget about it. My favorite class this year has to be Reading with Ms. Constable.

Unknown said...

Math used to be a terible thing for me when I was younger. I could just never grasp it. My third grade teacher, Mrs. Blick, changed my point of view on math. She showed me new ways to study and comprehend the lessons. Algebra is one of the concepts I dislike most about math. I feel like I'm fairly good at math, and I always try to do my homework. My favorite class this year would have to be english because it's one of the few classes I've actually had a chance to learn in. One of the few without interuptions every five seconds.

~Tressa Floyd~ 6/7th

Unknown said...

I generally don't care for math. My all time favorite math teacher was Mrs. Jura. I hate algebra. I am good in math once I get the hang of it. Yes, I plan on being a veterinarian. I do do my math homework. My favorite class is either music, spanish, or reading.

Unknown said...

I really dont like math at all.My favorite math tecaher is mrs.sherry and mrs.Devaul felt like I really learned alot in both classes.I can be good in math but sometims I think I can do better.I do math homework but sometimes I will forget to do it or just don't feel like doing it but I do try my best to turn in it.I have to say wv.studies,science,and english are my favorites this year.

Unknown said...

I really dont like math at all.My favorite math tecaher is mrs.sherry and mrs.Devaul felt like I really learned alot in both classes.I can be good in math but sometims I think I can do better.I do math homework but sometimes I will forget to do it or just don't feel like doing it but I do try my best to turn in it.I have to say wv.studies,science,and english are my favorites this year.

Unknown said...

I love math. It is my favorite subject. It is the only subject that has a right and wrog answer. You can get it in so many ways too. My all time favorite math teacher was Mrs. Dotson from sixth grade. I don't like fractions or percents. It is all decimals to me. I am amazing in math. I get an A almost every year. My career I choose could have math, but I don't know what I want to be. I always do my math homework. I only don't do it when I forget to do it. My favorite class this year is Mrs. Constable's class.

Emma Copley said...

Math has always been one of those classes that you don't love but don't hate too. My favorite math teacher was Mrs. Dotson in 6th grade. In math class I'm probably the worst at distributive property. I have always got A's and B's in math class, so yes I'm not the worst in math. I am planning to be a doctor or nurse when I'm older, and they do a lot involving math and science. I always do my math homework even if it does involve asking my mom for some help. This year in 8th grade I have really enjoyed RLA. My teacher, Mrs. Constable has been very productive in writing skills, and I have learned a lot so far.

Unknown said...

I feel okay with math its not my favorite subject by all means! Oh my gosh my all time FAVORITE MATH teacher is Mrs. Jura she is the best math teacher I have ever had! I love her, she is amazing I actually understood math with her teaching! I freaking hate polynomials so much like with a passion! I would say I'm getting better at math! No my career doesn't need the math course its science. Yes I most defintley do my homework in math need the grade! My favorite class this year is math class the people in there is funny :)

Unknown said...

I am a total geek when it comes to math. I am the only one besides 3 other people that do my work, copy down notes, and participate in math. My favorite math teacher would have to be Mrs. Shipley, whom is my 5th grade math teacher. She would help me get organized and tell my mom if she sees me lacking in any way. As a matter of fact, she is the only teacher who I got straight A's in math that whole year. To this day Mrs.Shipleys name is Mrs.Bennett, but she still remembers me and I can talk to her about anything and everything. The thing I always hated about math is when they put letters in equations but dont tell you what the letter stands for like 4+a=b. It should be written 4+a=b, and a=98. B=102, I like those kinds of problems. Like I said I am a math genius. If the teacher asks the class what this multiplied by this equals, I can solve it and answer it without even thinking about it. Well, everything you do in life has to do with it. I plan on being a doctor so I wouldn't have to do too much math but a lot of science. I do my math homework most of the time but honestly I forget to turn it in most of the time. My favorite class is reading because my teacher lets us do about anything on the computers but only if our work is done and our blog is done. I love math and reading everything else I am not a big fan of. That is my story and thoughts on math.

Unknown said...

Personally, I like math and pick up most concepts really quickly with a little practice. Off the top of my head, I would say my overall favorite math teacher ever was Mrs. DeVaul last year in seventh grade. Although she was really strict and a lot of people didn't like her, I thought she was a great teacher. She really taught me a lot and explained topics I never understood. Some of the concepts I extremely dislike are estimation and long, difficult word problems. Estimation always gets to me because I prefer to have an exact answer, rather than an unsure guess. Also, drawn out, tough word problems can sometimes confuse me because of all the information. I can get it mixed up! On the contrary, I enjoy most concepts and they're usually pretty easy for me. I do extremely well in math and have almost always received distinguished on the Westest. In the future, I plan do go into the medical field and become something like a pediatrician or a pediatric nutritionist, for example. As a result, I would use tons of math dealing with patients and the numbers on their charts. Also, I would have to know appropriate numbers for things such as blood pressure. Being good in math will really come in handy! I always do my math homework and get it turned in on time, no questions asked. I enjoy all of my classes this year, but for different reasons. Some are very easy and I can easily pass, while others challenge me and I learn and absorb more.-Kylie Bushko 6th period

Unknown said...

Personally I am very comfortable in the math field. Nothing that my teachers throw at me I find too challenging. I would have to say my favorite math teacher of all time is Mrs. D. Swiger. I feel like I learned a good bit throughout the year in her class. Probably my least favorite concept in math is ratios. Most kids find them very easy, but for some reason I just don't pick up on them as fast. I would consider myself very good at math. I've made straight A's my entire life in math, and almost always get distinguished in the math section of the west test. I plan pursue a degree in the medical field, so I'm going to be doing a ton of math throughout my lifetime. I always do my math homework. I can't stand to not finish any of my homework in any subject. My favorite subjects in school this year are definitely science and language. I enjoy learning about science and feel like I'm learning a lot in English this year.
Isaac Swiger/October 29,2013 at 10:28 PM

Unknown said...

I personally love math it has been my favorite subject since 2nd grade to be honest. Me and math relationship is the best ralationship ever!My favorite math teacher of all time is Mrs.Scotchie, she has helped me with everything that has made me confused, she was always there for me even when some times I agitate her I'm her favorite student and she's my favorite math teacher.I'm so good at math right now I have the highest grade in my class, and I had the highest grade on the test.Yes I do my math, everyday I have it. So far my favorite classes is all of them

Unknown said...

I don't really like math but I still try to do good in class. My favorite math teacher had to be Mrs. Devaul. She was my seventh grade math teacher and I was part of one of her advanced classes. Concepts I hate in math would have to be ratios and the Pythagorean Therom. I guess I'm good at math but I'm not going brag about it. I'm not going to ever choose a career that uses math. Of course I do my math homework because if I didn't I probably wouldn't be in the eighth grade. My favorite class this year is reading because we get to read really good books like The Outsiders and A Child Called It.

By: Jacqson Munro

Unknown said...

Ugh when I think of math I want to cry. Its awful! And yes I'm only saying this because I'm not good at it. It stresses my out to the max. Everything I learn just goes one ear and out the other. It just doesn't click in my head as well as it does with others. It doesn't matter who the teacher is ether I'm just not good at it. My favorite math teacher was probably Mrs. Devaul because I learned the most from her. I like my math teacher this year as well though. My favorite subject is RLA.I like to read though.

-Jenna Petracca 1/2 period

Unknown said...

Unlike most people don't like math, but I'm an exception. I love math. My favorite math teacher is my sixth grade math teacher, Mrs. Buckingham. My least favorite concepts in math are all the properties like the distributive properties and so on. I am good in math, and if I could I would pick a career related to math. I do - do my math homework, and my favorite class is reading.

Madison Brotosky 6/7

Unknown said...

I really hate math. It is my all time least favorite subject. My all time favorite math teacher is Mrs.Devaul because I learned a lot that year. My least favorite concept in math would have to be fractions because they never make sense to me adding, subtracting, dividing, or multiplying them. Even though I hate math I am still good at it once I understand it. I don't want anything to do in math in a career except if I had to measure something. I do my homework most of the time but I forget it once and a while. My favorite class this year is Mr. Rubenstein's health class or Mrs. Constable's English class.

Anonymous said...

I actually do like math very much, unlike some other people I find it kind of fun to do. It is really interesting and I pick up on lessons quickly with some practice. I would have to say my favorite math teacher would be my sixth grade math teacher, Mrs. Buckingham. A concept that I don't like are very long and stressful word problems. I would say that I am really good in math since it comes relatively easy to me. Yes i actually do do my math homework whenever we have it and it is usually easy to do. I plan on taking a career in genetics or biology so it depends. I would have to say my favorite classes would either be science with Mrs. Conley or english/RLA with Mrs. Constable.

Unknown said...

I like math because its a challenge. I understand most other main subjects. I really dont have a favorite math teacher. I really dont like fractions. I get them I just dont like them. Im am normal at math. I know im a lot better then last year. I will play a very important role in what I want to do. I want to be a nuclear engineer. I always do my homework. I really like reading because its really funny.

Unknown said...

In my opinion I like math. It’s not my favorite subject but I still like it. My all-time favorite math teacher was Mrs. Buckingham in 6th grade. She always made it fun to learn. The one thing in math that I really don’t like is real numbers. I would say I’m pretty good in math since I went to math field day and I normally get A’s. I think that all careers involve math in some way. I can’t pick a favorite class this year because all of the teachers make it fun and enjoyable to come to school.

~Kayla Lough 1-2

Cole Weaver said...

I really hate math. This year it has been a lot easier on me. My favorite math teacher ever has to be Mrs.Scotchie. She is the only class I got a B in but it is the first time I’ve done well in math. I hate fractions the most. I don’t know why but I have just never understood them. I am very good at math. Like I said before it is the first time I have ever understood anything. I think almost every career uses math at some point. I always do my homework unlike I did last year. My favorite class this year has to be Mrs. Constable’s English class.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty good with math. I get it really quick. It kind of just clicks in my mind. My all time favorite math techer would probably be Mrs. Devaul. She always taught us good. I've learned a lot from her. The thing I deffently hate the most in math is integers. Out of everything that is the thing i hate the most. I dont really understand them. I'm very good in math. I have never gotten a B in math. I plant to be a nurse when I'm older, so that does involve some math. It willbe a big part of my life. My favorite class in school this year is Reading and Language Arts. I lke learning about that kind of stuff.

Unknown said...

Math is not one of my favorite classes. I mostly dislike it.

My all time favorite math teacher was Mrs. Jura, but I like my new math teacher, Mrs. Balzer, too.

I don't think I really plan on choosing a career that uses mostly math. Of course, most careers, no matter what they are, use some sort of math.

Even though it is really hard sometimes, I always do my math homework if we have it. Luckily, we don't have it most of the time.

I have two favorite classes in school this year. I can't just choose one of them. They are English and West Virginia Studies.

Unknown said...

Math is the easiest subject for me. Everything just comes easy except for fractions and decimals. My favorite teacher that teaches math now is Mrs. Scotchie. She is a good teacher and she helps people a lot. I'm very good at math and it might be my favorite subject in school. I want to be a builder or the person that instructs people to build stuff. That type of career uses math so I would have to use it in that type of career.

Unknown said...

I love math it's one of my favorite subjects in fact! My favorite teacher was Miss. Bonasso, until she left for Florida this summer.
The most frustrating math subject for me is Long division. If I don't have a calculator I won't do well at all! Yes, I'm good in math but sometimes my grade can go to a C if I don't do my homework. My career is to be a Vet. but I don't really like science so mostly a dentist, even though it deal with science sorta. I always do my math homework but than I either forget it at home, or I leave it in my locker. My favorite class in school is either English, or Math.

Zachary Ayers said...

I love math! My favorite teacher would have to be Miss Jura. I hate multiplication. I am very good in math. No my plans are to go in the Army. My favorite class in school is my math class.

Zachary Ayers said...

I love math! My favorite teacher would have to be Miss Jura. I hate multiplication. I am very good in math. No my plans are to go in the Army. My favorite class in school is my math class.

Unknown said...

I'm very fond of math. I have been since 1st grade and its always been my favorite subject. My favorite teacher was Mrs. DeVaul last year in 7th grade. I always do my math homework and have always been very good in it. With the career I plan on pursuing, I will absolutely use math in it. Math has always been a joy of mine. This year my favorite class is still math like every other year. I've learned a lot in math throughout the years. I've repeatedly made distinguished in math on the Westest. This year, I'm also a fan of social studies. I used to be terrible at it but I've progressed and I actually like it now.
~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd~

Gentry M said...

I like math more than most subjects, but it's not my favorite. My favorite math teachers are Mrs. Scotchie and Mrs. Shipley. I love them because they always make sure that you understand the lesson and if you need more help they would give it to you. I always do math homework. Even if I don't understand it I at least try a problem or two on it before I gave up on it. I think I do fairly well in math. I got an A on my report card in math, but I don't do good on my test. I honestly love all my classes and teachers this year. They are all really fun and I learn a lot.

Gentry Morrone
1st-2nd period

Allison Crites said...

I personally like math. I get frustrated at times when I don't understand something, other than that I don't have a problem with it. I'd have to say that my favorite math teacher is my current one, Mrs. Balzer. She teaches me a lot, and she makes class fun at the same time. I always look forward to going to her class. I don't really dislike anything in math, unless it's hard and I don't know what to do. For the most part, I am good in math. I have never gotten below an A. We hardly ever have homework in math, but I always get it done if we do. I hope to be a pharmacist when I am older, so that my require some math... good thing I'm good at it!

Unknown said...

I do like math a little and do good in math class. I don't have a favorite math teacher but I'm good at math for the mast part. I'm not thinking about getting a career in math.

Unknown said...

I don't really like math that much. I hate fractions the most. I'm okay at math but I'm the person that you don't want to ask for help though. I think you would have to use math in any career because you would have to know how much to pay for something. I do most of my homework but sometimes I will leave my book at school or I'll leave my homework at home. My favorite class this year is probably English.

November 1,2013 at 6:00PM

Anonymous said...

I really like math. It's one of my favorite subjects. My favorite math teacher I have ever had is Mrs. Dotson. I feel like she taught me the most in math. I like all of the things we do in math. There is not one thing that I don't like. I have always had a really good grade in math and I hope it always stays like that. I always do my homework for math class and for all my other classes. My favorite subject in school besides math is science. Science does have a lot of math in it also.
Haley Johnson 4/5

Unknown said...

I feel like I am very good in math and I really enjoy doing math. My all time favorite math teacher is a teacher I had in the fifth grade. Her name is Mrs. Connolly. She was an amazing teacher. I don't really hate anything in math because I love math. I am good in math, I usually get distinguished or where I came from it was called advanced. I'm not sure if I'll get a carrer in math. I want to be a teacher but I'm not sure if I'll be a math teacher or not. I have always done all of my math homework because I love it. I really don't have a favorite subject besides math.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I sometimes like math and sometimes don't. It depends if it is hard or easy! My favorite math teacher I have ever had is the current one which is mrs.scotchie. She explains thing very well so I can understand them. I don't really hate anything in math expect if it is hard and confusing I don't think I would get a career as a math teacher because it's not my best or favorite subject. Math isn't my favorite subject but I'm not that bad at it unless it is confusing and difficult to learn
Kaitlyn vilain 1-2mperiod

Unknown said...

What I feel about math you ask, I really don't like it that much. Well I really don't have a favorite math teacher but if I had to choose one I would probably choose Mrs. Scochie. The concept I hate the most would be having to work out fractions. I really don't like those because I have to remember how to add and subtract them.Well I am a good student in math class but I will really have to say that I am not good at math. I don't plan on getting a job that uses math. I always do my homework because I want to get a good grade on every thing I do. My favorite class in school would have to be a tie between reading and choir.

Unknown said...

Math is a subject most people struggle in. For me math is a subject you need to do well in to succeed. I have a pretty decent grade in there. My favorite math teacher of all time is Mrs Balzer. The reason I like her is because she explains everything out for me to understand. Also she likes to do a lot of activities to help explain things more. I always do my math homework because it helps me practice if I don’t understand something. I plan to be a vet. You have to have really good grades in math and science, so math is a huge part of my future career. My favorite class this year is Ms Constables reading/language arts class.

Elizabeth Williams 1/2 period

Quentin Davis said...

Math is kind of confusing for me, and I hate math. But this year math is fun, and I am learning a lot. I am not planning to go into a career that involves math. My favorite class is math this year.
Quentin Davis 6/7 period

Unknown said...

Math is one of my favorite subjects in school. My favorite teacher I've ever had for math would either be Mrs. Jura because of how fun she made the class, or Mrs. Devaul because she taught me a lot in the year I had her. I think I'm pretty good at most aspects of math, but some parts of it just leave me utterly confused. In the future I want to become a pharmacist, so at some points I know I will use math, but I hope my entire job does not revolve around math. Generally, I always do my math homework on time, but sometimes I need a teacher's help to finish homework if I don't understand. This year my favorite class would have to be Mrs. Constable's because I learn a lot from her class and I love the variety of books we've gotten to read so far in the year.

mariah said...

Math is my all time least favorite subject. No matter how hard I try to understand it, I always end up confusing myself. My favorite math teacher would probably be Mrs.Sherry. She would always do fun math activities with us. I pretty much hate all math concepts, but algebra is probably the worst. I am pretty good at math I just don't like it. The career I want to do sadly has to involve math. I want to be a vet and that involves math. I always do my math homework,because if I don't I feel sick to my stomach. My favorite class would have to be Mrs.Constable's and Mrs.Norman's because I have always loved RLA every year,and I understand everything in WV studies.

Mariah Thompson 1/2nd

Unknown said...

I feel that Math is a building block to Science. It is the backbone to almost every career. My all time favorite math teacher of all time is Mrs. Dotson. I had her in sixth grade at West Fairmont Middle School. I excel in Math. I do not plan to select a career in math. I plan to select a career that is in the social studies field. I do do my math homework. My favorite class this year is Ms. Constable's class.
Hayden Moran 1/2

Unknown said...

I feel that math is a good thing to do becuase it has to do with almost every thing you do in life. My favorite math teacher is mrs sherry. She was my six grade math teacher. What ever I chose for my career it will probably have to do with math. I do pretty good in math. it is probably my best subject but not my favorite. My favorite subject is probably science but not my best subject. My favorite teacher is mrs constable.

Unknown said...

Well math is really easy just really all you have to do is do home work. pay attion if you pay attion to when the teacher is writing notes get a piece of paper and write that easy.And if you have a low grad ask for extra credit now im pretty good at math it's really easy for me i try my best to pay attion it's very easy thats all you have to do
Gabe Robinson

Kaycee Cox said...

In my opinion math is not my favorite thing in the world. My favorite math teacher ever would probably be my 7th grade teacher Mrs. Devaul. I liked her because she actually taught us stuff instead of just using a calculator. I hate fractions more than anything in math. I am decent in math. Im not the best, but i do usually understand what we are doing. Honestly I will probably pick a job that includes math only because I would like to make good money. My favorite class this year is English. It has always been my favorite. Kaycee Cox 4/5

Sydnee Boyles said...

Personally, I love math class! To me it comes easily. My all time favorite math teacher would have to be Mrs.Sherry! She was the best, and always made sure everyone understanded the subject very well before she moved on to the next topic. My least favorite concept in math is ratios because for some reason I can not get the hang of them! In my future I see my career having math involved since I want to be a doctor. So far this year my favrite class would have to be reading because it just never gets boring!
Sydnee Boyles 6th

Unknown said...

I feel that math really simulates the brain. Math is my favorite subject because it comes easily to me. I like to learn new things about math everyday in class. I like my current math teacher the best because I have learned a lot this year. I am good at math and can usually understand it well. The career I would like to go into may use math but not as a need to know subject. I complete and turn in all of my math homework. My favorite class this year is English because I've learned a lot more this year.

Stephanie Allen period: 4/5

Unknown said...

My opinion on math is that it is boring. My favorite all time math teacher is my math teacher this year, Mrs. Scotchie. She the smartest math teacher ever. The concepts in math I hate the most are multiplication and division. I’m good at math. I have a B in her class right now. The career I plan on doing is being a paleontologist, but has more to do with science than math. I always do my homework, but I usually forget it at home or lose it. My favorite is band. It is my favorite, because the teacher is a teacher I had in elementary school.

Unknown said...

Personally, I hate math. It is the hardest subject for me! I do not understand anything that has to do with converting measurments, or I don't understand algebra. My favorite math teacher is Mrs. Scotchie! She alway knows how to tell me how to do something. Ussually I won't understand it but she explains it to the point that I understand it. My favorite subject and class this year is probably english. Mrs. Constahle is the best teacher! She makes class very funny but yet makes us do what we are supposed to do! I love english!

Unknown said...

I really hate math. It is my all time least favorite subject. My all time favorite math teacher is Mrs.Devaul because I learned a lot that year. My least favorite concept in math would have to be fractions because they never make sense to me adding, subtracting, dividing, or multiplying them. Even though I hate math I am still good at it once I understand it. I don't want anything to do in math in a career except if I had to measure something. I do my homework most of the time but I forget it once and a while. My favorite class this year is Mr. Rubenstein's health class or Mrs. Constable's English class.
Keyshawn Mcclung 1/2

Unknown said...

I absolutely despise math. Mt favorite math teacher I ever had was Mrs.Jura. I hate triangls and prothagrium therum the most because it's hard to understand.I am not going into a career in math because I hate it. I always do my math homework so that i can get a good grade. My favorite class so far this year would either have to be Mr.Rubenstein becuase it is fun or Mrs.Constable becuase we get to read interesting and good books.

Unknown said...

Math is my favorite subject and favorite time of the day of school. My favorite math teacher of all time would have to be Mrs.Buckingham in the sixth grade. The one thing i dont understand in math is converting i really cannot stand that topic. I do consider in taking a career that involes high math which is nursing but if that dont work out i think i might just be a lawyer
-Nakiyah Maddox 6th period

Unknown said...

I seriously stink at math therefore I hate it. My favorite math teacher would probably have to be mrs.jura The thing that gets me confused when I do math is algebra. I will probably not pick something that has to do with math my favorite class this year would have to be health class. I do my math homework usually I don't do to well on it.

By bobbi uphold
6/7th period

Unknown said...

Math is very confusing for me and I dont like it at all. My all time favorite math teacher would have to be my fifth grade teacher Mrs.Shipley. The worst concept in math that I hate the most has to be fractions. They are the worst. I am not good in math at all. I am not sure if a pediatric nurse involes math or not. I guess it kind of would considering that you have to know the wieght , height and all of that stuff. Most of the time I do my homework but there are also many of times that I haven't. My favorite class in school this year would have to be science being know that I mlove science and working with chemicals and things like that are pretty cool to me.

Unknown said...

Math is very confusing for me and I dont like it at all. My all time favorite math teacher would have to be my fifth grade teacher Mrs.Shipley. The worst concept in math that I hate the most has to be fractions. They are the worst. I am not good in math at all. I am not sure if a pediatric nurse involes math or not. I guess it kind of would considering that you have to know the wieght , height and all of that stuff. Most of the time I do my homework but there are also many of times that I haven't. My favorite class in school this year would have to be science being know that I mlove science and working with chemicals and things like that are pretty cool to me.

Unknown said...

I really like math. It has always been easy for me and it is fun. My favorite Math teacher would have to be Mrs.Scotchie. The concept in math I hate the most are fractions and I am really good at math I think. No, I don't plan on going into a career with math. I always do my math homework. I normally get it done in school though. My favorite class in school this year is Spanish.

Unknown said...

Math is ok, but i get confused. My favorite math teacher is Mrs. Scotchie. I hate when we do ratios. They are probably the worst math problems ever! Although I am actually pretty good in math considering I have a 99%. I try to stay away from any math carear posible. Math homework is sometimes confusing depending upon the topic. My favorite class is practically all of mine. I don't have a favorite all of the 8th grade teachers are so understanding!

Elijah Cunningham 4th 5th

Unknown said...

Math is ok, but i get confused. My favorite math teacher is Mrs. Scotchie. I hate when we do ratios. They are probably the worst math problems ever! Although I am actually pretty good in math considering I have a 99%. I try to stay away from any math carear posible. Math homework is sometimes confusing depending upon the topic. My favorite class is practically all of mine. I don't have a favorite all of the 8th grade teachers are so understanding!

Elijah Cunningham 4th 5th

Unknown said...

I am good in math. My favorite math teacher has to be Mrs. Whitley in liberty middle school in washington state. If i could she would stay with me after school and help me with my homework or a concept i didn't understand

Hayley Moss said...

I like math! Its one of my very favorite subjects! Mrs.Scotchie is actually my favorite math teacher ever. I just have doing similar figures, its kind of hard, i mean i know we just started ont that but im so confused! I hate that she goes from one subject to another and back to the one before! It confuses me so much! Im good on somethings in math but not everything. Yes! Yes i do my homework sometimes but not always. My favorite class in school this year is honestly realkly Ms.Constables class! I love her class! Shes my FAVORITE this year!

Unknown said...

I like math because it's fun. I do a lot of activities in math. I hate it sometimes cause I won't get a lesson. I plan to be a baseball player and not a math person. I like it just not like doing it.

Unknown said...

I'm okay in math. Its my favorite subject, its just really hard. I hate algebra though because I don't like dealing with expressions and word problems. My favorite math teacher is mrs. Scotchie because she explains everything

Unknown said...

My favorite all time math teacher is Mrs. Sherry. My sixth grade math and science teacher. She broke things down to where we could understand them. My favorite part of math I think would have to polynomials. I'm not very good math but I try my hardest to do good and get good grades in my math class.

-Hydia George 1/2 period

Unknown said...

I like math sonetimes only during money i love money or sports.My favorite teacher of all times is Ms.Devaul.Fractions is the one thing i hate most and yes i plan to use math for basketball