Monday, October 14, 2013


What was the videographer's purpose in creating this video? What statistics surprised you? How must we change if we are to compete in the world? How has the world of technology changed since you entered fifth grade.

70 comments: said...

The videographer's video tell that the 21st century is changing from the technology. In India, they a better education than we do. Great Britain also has a better life of living. Plus, 21 year olds have watched 20,000 hours of tv, played 10,000 hours of video games, talked 10,000 hours on the phone, and sent or retrieved 250,000 text messages or e-mails. We must change our world by having technology that will help use more in school or work than using it for social media. When I entered fifth grade it had a huge step of evolution from the IPhone 2 or 3 to now, IPhone 5 and IPad 2.

Zach Wolford 6-7th period

Angela DeLorenzo said...

In this video, I personally think that the videographer's purpose in creating this video was to show how much the world has changed. One statistic that surprised me was that every eight seconds, thirty-four babies are born. I've have been told that once a person dies, then a new baby is born, that's probably not true. If we were to compete in the world, we would be changed by well a lot of things. The world of technology has changed dramatically since I was in fifth grade. In fifth grade the phone that every had to have was a slide phone. Now I look around and see everyone with an iPhone,iPod,iPad, and a MacBook. In fifth grade the iPhone was the
3rd generation along with the iPod.
Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period

Angela DeLorenzo said...
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Unknown said...

the videographer's purpose in creating this video was to show how the world is changing. It shows how other countries are getting better than the US at things that we need to get better at. Even though the US is where English is the main language, it said that china while be the leading English society. It also shows that we better be ready for what is to come, because technology is getting better that the human race. What surprised me was the thing about the English language and China. I thing we need t stop making ore advanced technology, but we could also learn to know more about it. It has changed in the way that the rage then was silly bands, Pokemon cards, and DSI's, now it's all about phones, X-BOX, and IPADs.

Anonymous said...

The videographer's purpose in creating this video was to show how technology changes how we, as a species learn and function. I think that we should use technology as a more educational help instead of playing angry birds all the time I think that we all should take a day without any phones or computers to see how it affects us socially. If you ask anyone over sixty about it, they will tell you how attached the youth is to their phones. When I was in fifth grade, they had just come out with the Iphone four. My brother got one and my mom got an Iphone three. Now they have this touch screen watch phone thingy. I don’t think I would want a phone like that, even though it might be handy, I don’t really want to wear the same watch every day. I think little kids have become more dependent on technology. Every time I am visiting my six-year-old niece and three-year-old nephew, the first thing they say is "Can I play on your phone?" I think kids should grow up with less technology and different stuff or they will grow up completely dependent on it.

Unknown said...

The videographer's purpose ti create this video was to show how America is both poor and intellectually behind compared to other countries. I wasn't really surprised by many of the statistics since I already knew some of them. The one about China being smarter than America is everywhere. The only statistic I didn't know was the one about how many hours 21 year-old people have watched TV and played video games. If we are to compete in the world then we need to improve the education of children. Kids should be reading from actual books instead of tablets. Kids should also be focused on school and learning instead of cell phones. To me it seems like technology hasn't really changed since I was in fifth grade. The trends in cell phone and computer brands have changed though. Today everyone either has something Apple related or something Microsoft related and phones and computers are getting bigger but the computers (laptops) are getting thinner.

By: Jacqson Munro

Unknown said...

I feel that the videographer's reasons for creating the video were to prove a point about technology and to get people talking. I think they wanted to prove that technology may be getting too advanced and will soon even exceed the capabilities of we humans and our brains. I find that I kind of scary thought! Also, they may have wanted to get people talking about what students truly need to become successful. With so much technology, many skills don't need to be taught anymore. Some of the things people used to be taught and expected to do can now be accomplished with all the technology available. Some of the statistics that really surprised me were about how often we actually use technology. For example, I couldn't believe that the average 21 year old has watched 20,000 hours of television in their lifetime! It just seems like so many hours they could have been doing more productive activities. Also, I was astonished when it said China was predicted to be the number one English-speaking country in the world, when that isn't even their first language! Another fact I found surprising was about MySpace. Can you imagine that if MySpace was a country, it would be the eighth largest in the world? I certainly can't! It's amazing to me how many people use it! If we are to compete with the world, we need students with more to offer instead of having them rely on technology to do all the work. They need to be more productive, independent, and willing to try harder! Since I have entered fifth grade, technology has become much faster, stylish, and abundant. Apple is constantly coming up with all kinds of phones of different models, colors, and designs! Everything is speedy and quick, so that it satisfies the buyer. Overall, everything has improved and become much more advanced and desired by people everywhere.-Kylie Bushko 6th period

Unknown said...

I think the that videographers's purpose for creating this video was to show how the world of technology has changed many people in many ways. It seems like just yesterday we were playing with our MP3 players only listening to music. Now everyone is on their iPhone and able to reserve information. One statistic that completely blew my mind was that the average 21 year old has watched twenty thousand hours of T.V in their life. Also, that they have sent or received around 250,000 text messages or emails. We must change our technology to make it even more useful than it already is. It can turn into a bad thing after a while and that's why there are some "nerds" out there and all they do is use technology. Without technology, I wouldn't be posting this blog right now. Every one of us would have to get a piece of paper and a pencil and do it by hand. The world of technology had changed tremendously since I entered the 5th grade. It used to be just a couple people had phones including adults, and now almost every person has one that completely rely on. I know some people, including myself, that feel lost when they don't have their phone in their possession. Finally, without technology , I don't know what I would be doing today !

Josh Strand

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of the video he was trying to tell us is the world doesn't stop changing. The world has something new every single second. The texting and how fast it took us to start using computers amazed me. We must keep making new things to help us like stopping natural disasters or astroids. The world has changed a lot. You can now talk to your phone and it answers questions for you. The xbox kinect can pin point spots in your body so it can see your move. It reacts to voice commands. You could be playing madden and change the play call with you voice. This world is amazing. You tv's recommend shows to watch for you.

-Jacob Branch 4th

Unknown said...

In my opinion the videographer's purpose for making this video was to show how fast technology is advancing in our society.The newer generations of kids need to be prepared for their lives in the 21st century. He is also trying to say that the technology might get too advanced for the human brain to process. The last thing that I got from the video is that it's showing how much the world has changed. A couple of years ago we were all using flip phones, now our phones can carry on a conversation with someone. One statistic that fascinated me was that the average 21 year old has sent over 250,000 emails or instagram posts. Personally I think my generation must change by exposing themselves more and more to technology. Although we need our guardians and teachers to do so. The world of technology has changed drastically since I was in the fifth grade . I can remember the "big thing" back then was to listen to music on MP3 players, now almost everyone that I know owns an iPhone and an iPod that can track other devices with the push of a button.
Isaac Swiger-10-23-13

Unknown said...

In my opinion the videographer's purpose for making this video was to show how fast technology is advancing in our society.The newer generations of kids need to be prepared for their lives in the 21st century. He is also trying to say that the technology might get too advanced for the human brain to process. The last thing that I got from the video is that it's showing how much the world has changed. A couple of years ago we were all using flip phones, now our phones can carry on a conversation with someone. One statistic that fascinated me was that the average 21 year old has sent over 250,000 emails or instagram posts. Personally I think my generation must change by exposing themselves more and more to technology. Although we need our guardians and teachers to do so. The world of technology has changed drastically since I was in the fifth grade . I can remember the "big thing" back then was to listen to music on MP3 players, now almost everyone that I know owns an iPhone and an iPod that can track other devices with the push of a button.
Isaac Swiger-10-23-13

Unknown said...

I think the purpose was to show how everything has changed from the past. Everything is getting more advanced. Everyday some one is going to get confused on what to do on a tablet or computer. It will most likely be an older person that grew up living with no technology. I think if I grew up with no technology, I would be way more fit than I am now because I would be outside pretty much the whole time. I remember the big thing. It was a PlayStation 2. If you didn't have one, you were stupid.

-John Oliver

Unknown said...

I think that the videographers purpose in making this video was to show everyone how much the world has changed over the years. One statistic that surprised me was when they talked about how every 8 seconds, 34 babies are born. We all sin and we all need to change our ways if we want to make it in the world. I personally think that if everyone used their minds for good,we would actually have a good country.Imstead everyone uses them for bad by hacking into computer servers that they shouldn't be hacking. Technology has definitely changed since I started 5th grade. Since then, androids have became more popular, computers have gotten smarter, and the graphics on everything have become so much better and realistic.

Unknown said...

The world of technology has changed alot since I was in fifth grade. In fifth grade alot of kids had flip phones lol, but now we have androids and iphones. tracphones are now a thing of the past. My point is that now in 2013 everything is advanced and in 2007 we didnt know what the internet was. The graphics are more realistic on games and shows way better than 2000 but the cartoons were better.

-Kyzhay Cox 4/5th period

Unknown said...

There has been such a huge difference in technology. Some change are cell phones, computers, TV shows, and more. There will always be bigger and better things every year. Alot of people miss the old things better from the upgrades.
Paige King
4th/5th period

Unknown said...

Technology has become much more advanced sense I was in fifth grade. Now we have 3D handheld videogames. I think that the amount of hours an adult spends on technology is rediculous. I also think the truth was stretched because I know that I dont use my phone that much. To compete in the technology world edjucation has to become first and foremost the most important thing. Juliana Miller 6/7

Anonymous said...

I think the purpose of the video is to show us how technology has changed over the years. One thing that has changed are phones, video game graphics, TV shows and etc. When I was in fifth grade phones were nowhere and they were all flip phones. Now the are all touch screen and only have one part to them instead of two. Also graphics have changed a lot too. Video game and TV graphics are more detailed now then they have ever been. There are also Iphones and Ipads now. I remeber when people used to have game boys and game cubes. Now we have 3D video games and 3D TV's to go with them. That's how I think technology has changed over many years.
Haley Johnson 4/5

Unknown said...

I think that tje purpis of the video was to show how technology changed from year to has changed alote when are parents were little they didn't have all of this.Even in schools now they are replacing books with tablets and other things.

mariah said...

I think the purpose of this video is to show how much technology has changed over time. When my parents were kids there wasn't computers or cell phone that they could spend there day on, or search things on google. The thing that surprised me was how China is the number one English speaking country. It just shocked me because that is even their language. If we want to compete with the world we would need a lot of people who would agree we don't need all this technology just to do certain things. I mean they are even starting to use tablets and things in schools now instead of books. I personally think that technology has improved and changed a lot since I was in the fifth grade, and that was only three years ago. In fifth grade they were just coming out with the iPhone 3 and now we have the iPhone 5. Also with the iPods and iPads to.

Mariah Thompson 1/2

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I personaly think that the purpose of this video was to inform others about the way technology has changed over time. Tv ha changed from black and white to colored and flat screens. Having technology helps us with school and jobs. The way people spend their time doesn't mean that technology is bad. 21 year olds on adverage have watched over 20, 000 hours of tv. I admit that technology can be used in the wrong ways sometimes. If it weren't for technology I wouldn't be able to do this blog.

Stephanie Allen period:4/5

Unknown said...

The purpose of this video was not to state an opinion, or even persuade anybody of anything. It was strictly to show the facts. None of the statistics surprised me at all. Everyone knows that in China, the education system is "Better". Teachers are paid more, and kids grow up WANTING to become teachers, WANTING to give back and help our future. But the statistics aren't all bad.Because, another "Did you know" Is that America leads the worlds in almost all forms of sports, including e-sports. Since fifth grade, the iPhone has not changed at all, because that's just how Apple is. However, the ILLUSION of change is on Apples side. People say that technology is always getting better, but not as fast as you might think. In fact, today's "iphone 5" technology was used by Samsung nearly 3 years ago to create the Galaxy S2. But the illusion of change will never go away. This is not to say, however, that is no change in innovation because there truly is. Computers have improved immenslly in the last few years, as well have game consoles and the SIZE of technology. But none of this is bad, in any way. Better technolgy means a better tommorw.
-Joren Cloutier

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The videographer's purpose of making this video is to try any show us how much the world is changing around us. It really surprised me when it said that 34 babies are born every eight seconds. I never really thought that so many babies could be born in just eight seconds. Another statistic that really surprised me was how many hours 21 year olds how done things. Can you believe they have watched 20,000 hours of television? Technology has changed a lot since I was in 5th grade. Most of the kids had flip phones. Now when you look around, pretty much every kid has some sort of smart phone. For example, most of them have an iPhone or a galaxy s4. The world has changed so much.

~Kayla Lough

Unknown said...

In this video, I think the videographers purpose in creating this was to tell how much the world is changing. There have been so many changes from when I was a little kid too now, and there are probable lots more to come. On thing that surprised me was that thirty four babies are born every eight seconds. That is so amazing to me. One thing that has changes over my years are phone. When our parents were young they didn't have phones and now all kids basically have phones. Our world has changes a lot, and I think there are a lot more changes that still hasn't happened yet.
kaitlyn vilain 1-2 period

Unknown said...

I think the videographer’s purpose in this is to show how the world has changed and developed over the years. The statistic that surprised me was that in the next eight seconds thirty-four babies with be born. To compete with the rest of the world we should start developing better things to deal with education and not just entertainment. When I was in the fifth grade everyone had to have the Nintendo Ds or the Nintendo Dsi. Flip phones were popular along with iPods. Kids in elementary did not have the latest version of the Iphone or Ipad. Now when I look around almost every kid in the school has an Iphone or smartphone, including me.
~~Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of the video is to show us how technology has changed over the years. I think that we should use technology as a more educational help instead of playing angry birds all the time I think that we all should take a day without any phones or computers to see how it affects us socially.The last thing that I got from the video is that it's showing how much the world has changed. A couple of years ago we were all using flip phones, now our phones can carry on a conversation with someone. Technology has changed a lot since I was in 4th grade. Most of the kids had flip phones. Now when you look around, pretty much every kid has some sort of smart phone. For example, most of them have a smartphone . The world has changed so much.

Anonymous said...

I think the videographer's purpose in creating this video is to inform people how the use of technology has not only evolved over time, but how it has changed our way of life. The scary part of this is that we are becoming to dependent on technology. The fact that in a few years the advancing skills of technology will exceed that of the human mind and the human race frightens me. One thing that really surprised me was the statistics for the use of technology. Also that India's college graduates are 100% english speaking. Not to mention the facts about MySpace which apparently has the numbers to be the eighth largest country in the world! Since people are counting on technology to get through daily life, many things don't need to be taught to others since it can just simply be searched on Google or Bing. One way that we need to change is how advanced technology is now. The fact that it will basically be smarter than the human mind is a nightmare in itself. Technology has changed extremely from fifth grade. It has become even more advanced. It has increased in numbers and become faster with each upgrade. Sure it helps and no one will ever give up technology, but we can't rely on it. All in all, many things have become easier for people and it will probably become even more advanced in the coming years. -Spencer Dublin 6/7th

Unknown said...

I think the videographer's purpose for creating this video was to try to show us how much the world is changing and the impact it is having on the world. A couple statistic that surprised me were that every eight seconds thirty-four babies are born, which has probably increased by today, and the amount of college graduates there were in 2006 from the different countries. If we are to compete in the world, we must keep creating jobs and keeping the new generations of students up to date with the advancements we make in technology. Back when I was in fifth grade, I remember how computers still ran really slow, slide phones were the coolest things to have, and tablets didn't even exist. Now computers run much faster, everyone uses iPhones and Androids, and tons of people have iPads.

Quentin Davis said...

The video showed the shocking truth about our world today, something no one wanted to pay attention to. There wasn't really a part in wich it shocked me. I think those numbers have doubled maybe tripled since that video was made. In fifth grade I ddidn't even know what a phone was. Today, everyone is always talking about a new app, or a new phone.
Quentin Davis 6/7

Unknown said...

I think the videographers main idea on creating the video was to show us how much we really use technology. Also to tell us how expansible countries are in learning and education. I could have guessed United Kingdom would be the richest smartest and the country with the most military. I can't believe that most 21 year olds have watched 20,000 of tv played 10,000 hors of video games and all the other statistics. That's surprising. I don't really play video games a lot but I watch tv at night and a little other times. Some technology could be very useful like a super computer for security of USA but some other things like phones we could do without. Phones can help sometimes. Since I was in Fifth grade technology has changed and upgraded like the Iphone 2 but now it's the Iphone 5.

Unknown said...

The purpose the video was created to show the viewers how technology has changed and how all statistics have gone up on YouTube, MySpace and how many people have graduated from high school and college.

I was the most surprised by how many questions Google was asked in a month.

Young people need to be educated and graduate from high school and college. The more educated people we have, the more advanced our country can become. Then, we can keep up and hopefully pass others technologically.

Technology has changed since I was in fifth grade. More people have smart phones, tablets and laptops. They also have more access to the internet. Many places, like McDonald's and Burger King, have free wi-fi for people to access the internet.

Unknown said...

The videographer's video tell that the 21st century is changing from the technology. People need to change to compete in this world is to act civilized people and stop running around like yawl are chickens with your heads cut off if were going to compete with our technolgy today foreal. 50

Our technology is differrent from today than fifth because back then we didnt have all these online protecters, and didnt have all these new galaxy's 4 or the iphone 5c or the newest online thing so really without internet we would just be hillbilles with nothing to do like really what else is there to do!

Derrick Nulph said...

I think the main idea of this video was to inform us on how the technology has either messed up our life or helped us find work or places to be in for shelter. People need to change to compete in this world and change their behavior so they do not end up in jail or and alternative learning center so we can live in peace. Some people wish for world peace but we can not really have that with out having peace amongst our selves. Our technology is different from the 20th century's we have I pad I phone and other apple products back then they had nothing close to that maybe pagers but no cell phones that can stream the internet.
By Derrick Nulph

Unknown said...

The videographer's video tell that the 21st century is changing from the technology. I think that kids in kindergarden shouldn't have Iphones, Ipads, or Ipods. When I was in 3rd grade, my cousin was in kindergarden and he had an Iphone 3! And I just got an iphone 4 in 7th grade. Technology has changed alot! China and India are so far ahead of us in education. Their education is WAY better than ours! On thing that surprised me was that thirty four babies are born every eight seconds. One statistic that fascinated me was that the average 21 year old has sent over 250,000 emails or instagram posts. I thing we need to stop making our advanced technology, but we could also learn to know more about it.
~Desiree Williams 6th/7th period

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of the video he was trying to tell us is the world doesn't stop changing. The world has something new every single second. The texting and how fast it took us to start using computers amazed me. We must keep making new things to help us like stopping natural disasters or astroids. The world has changed a lot

Unknown said...

The videographer's purpose of making this video was to show how much the technology of the word changes, and how quickly. The wheel used to be the greatest thing ever! Now, they are so common they are often thrown away. The statistics aren't as shocking to me as they should be. I know it's true. I see children younger than 3 on cell phones and tablets anymore, the stats are just stating the obvious anymore. For us to compete with the world, we need to spend more time doing real world things, rather than sitting with your face pressed to a computer all day playing games. We could be doing so much more with our lives, but we choose to spend our short time on this earth playing games where we shoot pigs at birds.

~Tressa Floyd~ 6/7

Unknown said...

the 21st centuray has changed in the last 5 years and its gonna change to 22 centuray .

Allison Crites said...

I think that the person who created this video was trying to show us how much technology affects our lives. We may not realize it, but technology plays a HUGE part in our daily lives. Our whole world practically revolves around it. I mean we use computers, projectors, copy machines, etc. at school. Then we get home and watch TV or play on our phones. One fact in the video that shocked me was that the number of text messages sent and received in one day exceeds the population of the planet... that's a lot of texts! Now that I think about it, I text a lot in a day, and if nearly everyone in the world does the same, then that statement in absolutely true. Technology has actually changed a lot since I was in fifth grade. Then there were hardly, if any, touch screen phones. And now I can't even think of anybody that doesn't have one. Phones since then are bigger, faster, and are able to do a lot more things. The same thing goes for computers. Technology has definitely advanced since then, and I can only imagine what it will be like in the future.

-Alli Crites

Kaycee Cox said...

In the video the videographer's purpose in this video is to show how much the world has changed, and is continuing to change. Something that shocked me was that finding out how many hours twenty one year old people watch tv and play video games. I remember in 5th grade everyone having slide phones if they even had a phone. I also remember the little ipod shuffles, gameboys, and nintendo ds. Now 5th graders are carrying some of the most high tech phones and electronics. Kaycee Cox 4/5 period

Cole Weaver said...

I think the videographer’s purpose in creating the video was to show us that technology is not only making the world a better place but also making it worse. The statistic that surprised me is that more that 70% of U.S. 4-year-old have used a computer. When I was four I didn’t even know what a computer was. I don’t think there is any way we can change to compete in the world. We are already in too deep with all of the technology. Technology has changed a lot since fifth grade. Now on TV you see commercials for watch phones.

Gentry M said...

The videographer's reason for this video is to show how the future has changed throughout the years. The statistic that surprised me the most was that every eight seconds, thirty-four babies are born.It's not the people that have created the new technology that has changed it, it is the needy people in this world that made it change. All we want is the next greatest thing, and then once we get the new thing something new comes out and we think that what we have is horrible and what we need is the greatest thing out there. People should appreciate all the technology in this world that we have.

Gentry Morrone
1-2 period

Unknown said...

The videographers purpose of this video is to establish that were are so connected to all of our elections and sometimes for the wrong reasons. It shows us that more kids and young adults would look at there phones rather than study for a test. The Video shows that we aren't ready to be successful in a 21 century society. You can be the judge of that. Technology shows that we have evolved so much that apple has the touch id "8th grade" and FaceTime "5th grade".

Hayden Moran 1-2

Unknown said...

The world has changed so much. From when my grandma was a little child. Back then when she was little they didn't even have cell phones or any of this social internet stuff that we do now. We have went from Tracphone to iphones. Everything is starting to change there is becoming better house better cars from back then. just this year we have the iphone 4s now you look around and see alot of people with the iphone5s or iphonec.

Unknown said...

The main purpose of creating this video is to show how technology has changed the world. Many statistics in this video surprised me. The one that shocked me the most would have to be every eight seconds, thirty-four babies are born. This just amazes me. When I was in fifth grade, I was so excited to be in middle school I saw that everyone had a flip phone and I was dying to have one. For my tenth birthday my mother got me a track phone. No one today has a flip phone. Today the most popular phone is the iPhone. That is the phone everyone wants. Also they have came out with all sorts of new computers. The MacBook or the iPad are the main computers everyone seems to enjoy. Technology has changed the world dramatically and still is changing everyday.

Elizabeth Williams 1/2 period (:

Unknown said...

In my opinion the videographers point was to access the developing world! For example, all over the world new electronics are being made! like, cell phones, xboxes, play stations, computers, etc. Over the past twenty years our country alone has developed so much technology that we can barely go out in public with out noticing it. For example, most people now have cell phones instead of house phones. Why? Because we found out a way to make them portable and everyone wants it! Even since my fifth grade year we have developed more. We went from regular to no touch screen phones, to most of them being smart or android phones. Our world is developing fast, some more than others1 One thing that is suprising is that india has more graduates from college than the us. It's crazy how fast you can go from the top to the bottom!

Elijah cunningham 4th/5th

Unknown said...

I think that technology can be a good thing to the public, also it can be a bad thing to. In This video I think that it is showing how technology has changed all together. In fifth grade ipads and iphones where really popualar and still is. In technology there has been a battle aginst gallixy, Iphone, and windows phones. our nation is always growing every day. We are always getting stronger in a way. Technology has grown the most in our nation.

Samuel Cox said...

Pretty much this video is about the evolution of technology. It's amazing how much things have changed. There has been a big change in how the world works. Nowadays we learn more about technology and complex things when fifty years ago it was unnessicary. Since fifth grade everything has changed. instead of slide phones we have Iphones, Ipads, and smart phones. It also focuses on how bad America is compared to many other countries. Like seriously, we may act to be proud to be an American, but America isn't very good at all.

Unknown said...

The videographer’s purpose in creating this video was to show how the world has changed over the years and to show how the United States is so intelligently behind most other countries. I was not surprised by the information in the video. If we are going to compete in the world we need to get off the phones and just read. When I was in fifth grade the only technology I knew about was a computer and a TV. Since then I’ve had 2 phones, 2 iPods, and 1 iPod shuffle. So technology has grown a lot since I was in fifth grade.

Keaton Linger said...

The videographer is showing how much the world has changed from 22 century wth technology. ALso all the places that have better education and living. He is also saying that people that are 21 have watched 20,000 hours of television. Thats alot. I think that the world has changed so much with technology. When we were not born there was no such thing as an iphone or touchscreen phone or cordless phones. Technology has changed the world incredibaly. Just think how much technology you use in one day. ALso how long you watch tv or are on you phone.

Keaton Linger said...

The videographer is showing how much the world has changed from 22 century wth technology. ALso all the places that have better education and living. He is also saying that people that are 21 have watched 20,000 hours of television. Thats alot. I think that the world has changed so much with technology. When we were not born there was no such thing as an iphone or touchscreen phone or cordless phones. Technology has changed the world incredibaly. Just think how much technology you use in one day. ALso how long you watch tv or are on you phone.

Unknown said...

I think the purpose of the videographer was to show how much the world changed with newer technology. Most people that is 21 watch 20,ooo hours of tv everyday. Another thing that he said is places with better education and better education means better living. The world changed a lot since I was in fifth grade. I don't think there was iphone and if there was I didn't have a phone because my parents thought I was to young for one but my grandma bought me one.
Nakiyah Maddox 6/7 period

Unknown said...

I think this video is about how how much technology has changed in the world.Some poeple just seat there and watch tv all the time or just seat there there and play on there phones.The world has changed alot since fifth grade there is more upgrades for example the iphones they now have an iphone 5c and in samsung galaxy there is now the samsung galaxy maga.

4th/5th period

Unknown said...

I think this video is about how how much technology has changed in the world.Some poeple just seat there and watch tv all the time or just seat there there and play on there phones.The world has changed alot since fifth grade there is more upgrades for example the iphones they now have an iphone 5c and in samsung galaxy there is now the samsung galaxy maga.

4th/5th period

Unknown said...

this videographer's purpose was to show the difference between the 20th and 21st century. For example look at the windows 2000 series. If you look at windows 2000 and windows 8. That is a heck of a difference between them. in japan there miles ahead of us technology wise.

Emma Copley said...

I felt that the videographer's purpose was to show how much has changed in such a small amount of time. A lot of things in the video did surprise me, but the thing that really stuck with me was that by the time I reach the age of 21 I will have watched 20,000 hours of TV! That's a lot of just sitting around! I think we need to lay off of technology a little bit and start using our brains a little more. When I was in the fifth grade I remember seeing the iPod Nanos and iPhone 1.

Emma Copley said...

I felt that the videographer's purpose was to show how much has changed in such a small amount of time. A lot of things in the video did surprise me, but the thing that really stuck with me was that by the time I reach the age of 21 I will have watched 20,000 hours of TV! That's a lot of just sitting around! I think we need to lay off of technology a little bit and start using our brains a little more. When I was in the fifth grade I remember seeing the iPod Nanos and iPhone 1.

Unknown said...

His or her purpose was probably to persuade people to use less internet, watch TV, and play games. They want us to stop spending time with electronic devices so that we don't become enactive. The statistics that surprised me was how they told you that people that never held a book before it would feel like you were holding the world. We must change our ways like in stead of playing games we should help the environment or just play outside. It was changed because I have never used the computer this much time on the computer before.
I see why we have to because we have to do lots of reports, blogs, and PowerPoint's for class.

Sydnee Boyles said...

I personally think the videographer's purpose of this video was to show how much the world has changed over the years!The statistic that suprised me was that the amount of babies that born every eight seconds! That is crazy... We would have to change dramatically if technology didnt exist. I remember when I was in 5th grade when the Ipad came out! Now they have the Iphone 5c,MacBook's,and even 3D games and TV's.
Sydnee Boyles, 6th

Unknown said...

I feel the purpose of the video is to show how the world has changed over such a small amount of time. You have kids these days with iPads and iPhones in there hands. I remember when the Nintendo ds came out back when I was nine. They now have all these 3ds nintendos with 3D and it amazes me. TV shows and movies have so much more creativity and animation. It makes me question how fast time goes by. People should stop spending so much time sitting in front of a screen. Of course everybody does homework these days with help of the Internet. So much time has passed and now everybody is addicted to some kind of electronic
~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd~

Unknown said...

I feel the purpose of the video is to show how the world has changed over such a small amount of time. You have kids these days with iPads and iPhones in there hands. I remember when the Nintendo ds came out back when I was nine. They now have all these 3ds nintendos with 3D and it amazes me. TV shows and movies have so much more creativity and animation. It makes me question how fast time goes by. People should stop spending so much time sitting in front of a screen. Of course everybody does homework these days with help of the Internet. So much time has passed and now everybody is addicted to some kind of electronic
~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd~

Unknown said...

This video to me shows just how fast things change over time. All in positive ways as well. They say now that more people will have jobs after they graduate. Also they talk about Myspace. Time has even changed since then! First was Facebook after MySpace. But now theres Instagram and Twitter and the newest app, Vine. Every year they are coming up with an app that lets you do something different. Whether its pictures, tweets, or videos posted. Technology has changed so much of the past years. We all just get used to it too. This world is spinning so fast and it only feels normal to everyone.

- Jenna Petracca 1/2 period

Unknown said...

What i think about they should use the raise money at school for like technology for school work not media cause alot of states and countries have alot of technology they are smart like for example japan are really smart cause they use there raise more smart well as well they are smarter kids there acutully care more about school but there is kids that do care school is very important if you did not have it couldn't do work or anything cause you would't be smart enough to do work they should really think about what to use the raise for.

Gabe robinson

Unknown said...

I think if 2013 didn't have technology, our lives would be a mess. We would have a worse economy even worse than it is now! I have and iphone, xbox, computer, flat screen tv, and much more! I am very greatful for the stuff I have and I hope that I never become ungrateful! Technology also is important because science, math, and all subjects because it is a lot faster and better to look something up that way! If the world stop using technology we would start it all over. Technology is the foundation of our society today!

Nate Scott

Unknown said...

The video is about how technology has changed over the years. Today technology takes a big role in peoples lives everyday but to much can be a bad thing too. Technology has changed since I was in fifth grade because back then we did a couple things on the computer now we do go on the computers like every week.

By bobbi uphold
6/7th period

Unknown said...

The video is about how technology has changed over the years. Today technology takes a big role in peoples lives everyday but to much can be a bad thing too. Technology has changed since I was in fifth grade because back then we did a couple things on the computer now we do go on the computers like every week.

By bobbi uphold
6/7th period

Unknown said...

It is about how technology has changed over the years and will keep changing as long as we live. I have an iPod. I play on it a lot. Technology has a huge impact on everyone's life and will forever.

Unknown said...

In the video, I think he was creating this video to show much the world and generations have changed. Most people in other countries have better education and better living habbits. Most teenagers and adults now spend 14-18 hours a day on their phones and internet. I just look back to 5th grade year and the technology then to now and its so much different with all the apps and new software.

-Hydia George 1/2 period

Unknown said...

In the video, I think he was creating this video to show much the world and generations have changed. Most people in other countries have better education and better living habbits. Most teenagers and adults now spend 14-18 hours a day on their phones and internet. I just look back to 5th grade year and the technology then to now and its so much different with all the apps and new software.

-Hydia George 1/2 period

Unknown said...

The video shows how technology has changed over the years. It really has changed alot. My favorite technical thing is my phone. Phones have changed a whole bunch from flip phone to smart phones.