I do remember where I was at that time. We will have no more twin towers and a pentagon and more terrorists are going to attack us. I think the US can protect us by when their is terrorists in the planes then take a lie detector test on them who they think is terrorists. I was living in Tennessee when this event happened. I can only remember that the twin towers got blown up and the pentagon too. My mom said when this happened it was hard to believe, shocking, made her worry too much, sad, scared, wondering what would happen next, and made her want to go reenlist in the Navy, and made her very mad. My dad told me he really doesn't know, but I think he wanted to say the same things as my mom. I think the videographer's purpose in creating this video is to show people who don't know about this tradgic event can show them exactly what happened.
Yes, I do remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. I was at my grandparents house when they said on the news what had happened. Nothing could ever replace the twin towers, and the person who did it could never forgive themselves, or the people in the U.S. My grandparents started crying because, we knew people who were there, and we didn't know if they were still alive. But then we got a phone call, and they were safe, and unharmed. I think the video graphers purpose of creating this photo, was to show how the U.S. has had one horrible incident happen, and it could never be healed. I can remember somethings about it but not much. I could think of the way people surrounding me, were reacting, and I remember getting a phone call, and they were telling my grandparents, about my family member,who was there. They were all safe, and no one that was near him was harmed. This deffinatley has to be the most sad thing, that ever could happen in the last 10 years. There were so many people getting hurt, The saddest part on this video whas when, they said people were jumping out of building, and they said hundreds of people had gotten hurt already. Remember flight 93- Samanthe Bolling2&3 period
I actually don’t remember where I was when 9/11 occurred and I don’t even remember anyone talking to me about it either. It affected our country in many ways. It killed many innocent people and destroyed the twin towers which are our world trade centers. That affects our economy. Everyone was scared after this tragedy happened. We need to have a radar that detects all the objects in the sky and it would detect if they are unknown so we would be ready. I can’t remember anything that happened and have no idea where I was when it happened. On that day my dad was at work and someone told him what had happened and the rest of the day he was checking the news on the radio and listening about it. The purpose was to show how the tragedy of 9/11 happened and how it affected our country.
I don’t remember exactly where I was, but I do remember I was at school. It affected the future in many ways. One is that the economy dropped after 9/11. Two is the Taliban, the people who destroyed the towers, scared the whole U.S. There are many more ways that this affected our country. They can have military troops at every border. They can also have some machine that uses the magnetic spectrum to identify objects in the air. I do remember watching it on the news and hearing about all of the innocent people who were killed. My mom was watching the today show and she saw when the planes hit. She was horrified. The videographer’s purpose of making this video is to remind us, Americans, what happened on September 11, 2001. Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
I remember that I was at preschool watching the horrible incident on the small TV in the class room. This affected our futures economy and also we had to send a lot of people to war. We could inventing a machine that detect the type of plane, the country it’s from, and how fast it going. The United States have taken many different approaches one being better airport security. You aren’t allowed to take hardly anything onto an airplane anymore and you even have to take your shoes off when you go through the metal detectors. I was in preschool at Monogah Elementary. I remember all the teachers being really scared and parents coming trying to pick their kids up but all the schools were in lock down.
I remember I was five years old, and I was at my preschool, teachers pet. It effected America tempararily, it made us all forget material things and made us come together, it made us become close. But after it was over and everyone kind of forgot about it we went back to our old ways and we become selfish again. But then we reunite every year on the day of 9/11. Basically before 9/11 no one in America ever thought that anyone would ever try to attack us. However now that we have been attacked, you could say that we are in a way vulnerable. The US has already taken percauctions to try and prevent future attacks by launching the War on Terror, by invanding Afganistion to try and eliminate the Taliban. I clearly remember being at school that day and when my mom came to pick me up I asked her what had happened and she just hugged me. Other than that I don't really remember anything. My interpritation as to why this video was created is to help us remember what had happened that day, when the terriost attacked us and to help us remember all the people who died. I interviewed my mom, and she said, "I can remember the day as if it was yesterday. I came to pick you up and your teacher looked at me and said you will never believe what happened. And I said what? And she said there was a terriost attack, the world trade centers burned to the ground, the pentagon was hit, and there was an attempt to hit the white house. I was breath taken. But I knew everything would be alright." In conclusion 9/11 was a sad day for America but we must stay strong to defend our country, so that a tragidy like this will never happen again. Maddi Craig 2-3 Period
I can't remember where I was at the time because I was 5. Now we are in war and are being extra cautious about people arriving on the planes that might look suspicious or anything like that. We can just be more careful and stay out of other countries' wars. I think I was at school but I can't really remember what had happened that day and I didn't understand what had happened until I was 7 or 8 years old. My Aunt that lives in New York said that it was the only thing on television and when the buildings had collapsed her and everyone else had to close their windows and doors because there was a ton of dust coming. They made this video to educate kids that may not know what had happened and let them know that this was a important part to our history. -Taylor Campbell
Actually ..... I don't remember was I was when 9/11 happened . The tragedy effected the future by not having the pentagon or the twin towers ever again. The US has already taken acts by having the war in Afghanistan and trying to get rid of the tourists .I think when this happened I was in preschool with all my friends , and didn't even know what was going on . I can remember a lot of things about it , but not from when it happened . I have learned the things that I know now from all of the years we have came together on 9/11 to remember all of the people who died on that awful day . I interviewed my dad , and he said , " That what happened that day was horrific and sad to all the families that lost somebody special to them , because of something that somebody else just wanted to do . " In conclusion , the videographer's purpose in creating the video is to show everybody that what happened that day was sad to everyone , and what happened that day also changed the future forever .brooklyn nuzum 2 & 3 period . (:
When 9/11 occured, I remember being at pre-shool and my mom picked me up early. This event affected our country in many ways. We will never have the original twin towers again but it made us more cautious, epecially in security at airports. The US could have military troops on each flight so that they coud over power the terorists. I am not exactly sure where I was but I know I was at school. I do not remember anything about it other than my parents attempting to explain what had happened to me, a pre-schooler. I interviewed my mom and she sad that she remembers the morning that it happened. She was on her way to a relative's funeral. When she turned on the radio in the car an she heard the news, she did not believe it. So on top of going to the funeral, she was sad about this too. I think that the videographer's purpose in making this video is to remind us of what happned on 9/11 and to keep the families of those who lost their lives on this day, in our thoughts.
I was living at my grandparents when 9/11 happened. I don't really remember much though. It had tried let us know that they are more dangerous than they think we know. It can protect us by having army stations posted every 10 or more miles with radar dishes to scan the 10 or more miles. I was at my grandparents watching it with my grandma(although I don't remember, I asked my dad). No, I can't remember anything about it. I interviewed my dad about this. He said that he thought it was an accident but when he heard it was a terrorist attack, he felt devastated. The videographer's purpose was to show how dangerous the terrorists really are.
I do remeber where I was.I was four years old and I was at a school in Marion County. I didn`t know how to feel because I didn`t know what was happening. I think the reason the videographer`s purpose of making this video is to keep the information for future generations.
I remember when 9/11 happened. I know that this effected our country badly. Now there are a lot of thing that have to happen that wouldn’t have. I think the US could portect itself from future attacks by having better air port and border security. I was at home when 9/11 happened because I had moring preschool classes. It was like any other day and then when my brother came home early from school I knew that something happened. Then when my mom came home I remember her upset because at that time my cousin Sarah lived in New York. So then as I got older and went through school I have wrote many essay about the attack. I know that this day 9/11/2001 will never be forgotten. My parent said “That they where scarded about what could happen because they didn’t know where the attacters where.”But I was talking to my friend and she said that her dad was suppose to work their that day but he took that day off. But he knew some of the people that where killed. So my friend is happy just to have her dad and that he took that day off. To show what had happened during that day and that it was very upsetting and that all of those people died.
I don't remember 9/11 . I mostly know about it from what my parents and others have told me. I was with my mom that day . We were taking my grandpa Frank to the doctor. Everyone was in the office area around a radio listening to the news cast.At first, it wasn't clear that it was a act of terrorism just that there had be a terrible accident . Then more planes began to crash into other government sites. I don't think we will ever be the same after that day. It seems security has been raised to a higher level no matter what you go to do. My dad works for the government and he was sent home and his work closed that day. My mom said that really scared her. She said she and my dad sat and watched the news the rest of the day. Since then our country has been in a war to fight for our freedom and protect the land we live in. I think we should all have a special place in our hearts for the families and loved ones of the innocent people killed that day.The video was probably created to remind us of the tragedy of that day and how we all need to stand together as one.Olivia Wilson(:
I do remember when 9/11 happened. We don’t have the twin towers anymore, it killed so many people. The US should not let anyone who is a Arab or people who are from any country we are at a war with in a plane. I was at my Grandmas house that day. All of a sudden I remember watching TV and I see the twin towers falling down and then the other plane flew into the other tower. My moms impression was she was very sad and she thought armies from those countries were going to come and attack are cities. The purpose of this video is to show how sad this day was. Logan Orton
I was too young to remember this day, but my mom says I was at preschool at the time it happened. I think our future has been changed in every way. Our government has stricter guidelines at our borders and airports. More people are afraid to fly now. More people have become prejudice against middle east countries, the Muslim religion, and people of the arabic race. In spite of all the negatives, there are positives as well. I think more people have turned to their faith and have started to pray. The world learned just how stong and united we are even with our differences. People learned just how caring and giving we are as a whole society. I don't know exactly what can be done to protect ourselves aside from the governments, at every level, to continue keeping security as tight as possible. I suppose we could completely close our borders, but I'm not sure that would accomplish anything. We are known as a 'free' country. I don't remember anything about that day, but I have seen stories on tv and have heard others talk about it. My parents say that they were left speechless as they watched everything happen on tv. My mom still cries when she watches things on tv about that day. She remembers feeling like it was a horrible movie on tv, only it was real and she felt numb and devastated at the same time. She couldn't believe that there were people who hated us so much that they would do something like this. In the days that followed, there was so much fingerpointing in our federal government when it didn't really matter anymore. She said, "What's done is done! Fingerpointing will split the people of this country at a time that we need to come together." I think the purpose of this video is to remind us of this trajedy, but to show us that we can overcome anything.
Yes, I remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. We have been at war ever since 9/11. I don’t think they can protect them self from future attacks. First, my dad and I were going out to a friends house, then we were going out to our farm to put up hay. All I remember on 9/11 was all the sadness on the news. The news took over TV it seemed like to tell everyone what was going on. My dad said he was sad, and scared of what was going to happen next. To remind everyone of what tragic attack happened that day so people won’t forget.
I don't exactly remember where I was when it happened, but I'm pretty sure I was at home. The terrorist attack has made air travel much harder with the fear of liquid bombs, and attacks. I also know that if the planes had never crashed, the twin towers or the world trade center would still be up and running to this day and that it would never be a historical area. I think that the US could prevent more attacks by banning people from other countries on planes unless they are offical U.S. citizens, but that's just an idea. I talked to my mom and she said that terrorists flew into the twin towers and that she was sad for all of the people who lost their lives that day, and that she wished the tragic event had never occered in the first place. I think the video grapher's purpose was to show everyone what a sad and tragic day this was for America and that we should nevr forget the attack of 9/11.
Yes. I was at pre school in clarksburg when 9/11 occurred. This tragedy effected our country by challenging our efforts to keep this nation safe from terrorists. We can increase the number of military men and police officers. I remember seeing the news on this tragedy and hearing my parents talk about it. My mother said " My level of security was greatly shaken. I will always be fearful of another attack; However, I am optimistic that this tragedy will create more awerness to our need as a country to stand united together." The videographer's purpose of creating this video is to create awerness and educate people about what happened on 9/11,2001.
Yes I do remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. Our country was forever changed. From now on we will be alert and waiting for another attack. The process of boarding a plane became stricter. It became a harder process to cross the boarder. Also, the homeland security was developed. The United States can use its changed processes, and intelligence to fend off the terrorists. When 9/11 occurred I was at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I can not remember anything from that day. I chose my parents to interview. My mom says that 9/11 was one of the saddest days she can remember. From that day on she knew that the United States would never be the same. It made her feel like we had lost a lot of our freedom. The videographer's purpose of making this video was to show how 9/11 has affected our country. Lauren Massacci
I can't really remember the day, where I was, and what was happening. But my mom told me that I was at preschool when this tragedy happened. This tragedy affected the future of our country because it caused us to have war against terrorist countries. It also affected our travel because there is more security for travelers. Another thing is it’s heightened the countries aware of terrorism. The US can protect itself from future attacks by being more secure and aware of terrorists. My mom's impression is that she was absolutely in shock. She wanted all of her loved ones around her. She talked to her friend Rachel whose husband was in a plane at this time. Her friend was a mess. Then, she talked to her sister about her husband Gary who was just in the twin towers a week ago. My mom said that she was leery to go anywhere because of what happened. She said it was an absolute tragedy. I think that the videographer's purpose of this video was to inform us about this tragedy that happened in our country. -Sarah Topardo
a terrible thingOn 9/11 I didn't really know what was happening but I do remember that I was at my preschool, teacher's pet. I remember my mom coming to pick me up and take me home. Now, that I have learned more about the tragedy I know how much it affected our country. It affected our country by killing millions of people.The U.S. can protect from future attacks by watching closely for terrorist attacks. I didn't remember anything that day. My mom said it was a tragedy and that did great damage to our country. The videographers purpose was to show that day and how it affected our country.
I don't really remember where I was when this tragedy happened. But i'm pretty sure I was in pre-school. This affected our country because it made it harder to even cross different borders in other countries. Well we could be more prepared by other attacks by staying alert and taking advantage of the homeland security department. I think I was in pre-school. All I really remember is my parents taking about it. My mom said that it was one of the saddest days in her life. She felt bad for all the innocent US citizens who lost their lives on that day. She feels like we lost some freedom on that day. The videographer's was to show how 9/11 changed life as we new it. -Megan McCullough (:
Actually, no, I don't remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. This tragedy effects our economy and our protection. I don't think this war will end soon. The US can protect itself by paying more attention to our country than Iraq, Afganistan, and other countries in the middle east. There are terrorist everywhere evn hear. The US trys to be the world police, always trying to fix everyone else, trying to change everyone when we need fixing and change ourselves. "It was devistating and tragic for America", says a nieghbor of mine. I think the videographer was trying to memorialize this tragic event.Aubrie Moss4th&5th period
I really don't remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. I know that I was in Preschool, but I just don't remember getting out early or watching anything on the tv. It effected our county by knowing that alot of people cant be trusted so our secruity had to go up. Especially the airports security. Also it made a statement that we are a country wanting to be destroyed and taken over so we have to watch everything we do and say over the news because some of the things that we might say could give the bad people an idea or a way to get past our security or something of that nature. The US can protect us from future attacks by always watching things they put and say on the news. The news is a big part because everyone watches it and if we say we think something is happening then its really not ..that is giving other evil people ideas to work on. But mainly they just need to deffinatly watch the airports and other big places in our country. When this happened I was in preschool. To be honest I really can't remember anything about that day..everything is a blur. My mom said that it was a real tragic day for everyone and that everyone was real upset about it because alot of people got killed and nobody could help was went on. The videographers purpose in creating this video was to show that this is a memory that will never be forgotten and that it shouldn't happen again. Also to let all the kids know about the past and what made what today we call the future.JoMarie Bogard 4/5 Period
No I don’t know where I was when 9/11 happened, but my mom said I was home getting ready for school at the time. The horrible tragedy affected our country in many ways but the one I can think of is that we don’t know what tragedy will happen next. The U.S. can protect from future attacks by having more people guard the boarders. My mom said she was in shock, like it had to be a dream because our country was supposed to be one of the strongest nations. The videographer’s purpose in creating the video is to let people know that we are not a bulletproof country.Triston Newbrough 7th-8th periods
No, I don't remember where I was. I think that 9/11 made us stronger as a nation; I think that the terrorists expected the attack to make us weaker but it didn’t work. We should be a lot more careful about whom we let in our country and should keep our guard up being careful to not let just anybody come into the U. S. A. My mom said that I was at day care and she was a West Virginia University, but I don’t really remember anything. I interviewed my mom and she said she thought it made us stronger as a nation she also thinks that it made us less doubtful of what could happen. She said that she thought the U. S. A. never even considered thinking that something like that would happen, and then when it did, it really hit us hard as a country. The videographer’s purpose in making this video was to explain and make us full aware of this tragedy and how it affected the country.Cody BrubakerPd. 2/3
Actually I do remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. I was at preschool in the morning and then my grandmother picked me up. The tragedy effected our country in many ways. First, before 9/11 you could bring anything onto an airplane but now they are very strict about what you take with you. Also, they are very strict on getting in to things. They check many people for dangerous things now. Another thing is that when you need help you dial 911 on the phone to get your help. The US really can’t do anything to stop future attacks besides make “country friends” or become alleys with other countries. As I said, I was at preschool and my grandma picked me up and we went to her house. The news was on and it was talking about the twin towers being attacked. My grandmother said that there were terrorists that flew planes into the Twin Towers. The videographer’s purpose in creating this video is to inform people about the tragedy that had happened to our country.Kayla DeLorenzo4th and 5th period
I do remember when 9/11 occurred. This affected our country’s future forever by knowing what happen on that day can happen again and it is a part of history now. The U.S can protect itself from future attacks by have background checks on people who are running our airplanes and also on other people who are doing important jobs in our country also. I was home with my dad and my mom was at work. My dad’s friend had called him saying the twin towers are falling so he rushed over to the TV and turned it on and there we saw what was happening in New York. My dad then hanged up with his friend and started calling our family. I can remember somewhat of people running and a lot of smoke. My mom says “It was a very sad day and at work she got scared.” She also says “What happen September 9, 2001 I will never forget it. It has scared America forever.” The videographers purpose was to show what happen on that day and how sad it was . Holly Bogdanich 4th and 5th
I didn't remember where I was, but my mom does. This tragedy effects the future by causing many people in New York and Washington D.C. to lose their jobs and even lives. The US can protect itself from future terrorist attacks by putting more protection in our airports and increasing the government that controls people coming in and out of the country. I was at preschool when the planes crashed. I don't remember much about it, just that it was a scary time for our country. My mom said that the time was heartbreaking and terrifying. The videographer's purpose in creating this video was to help people realize what a hard time it was for everyone. I think that 9/11 was so terrible and I hope that something like that never happens again :)
Yes, I remember where I was when this tragedy happened. We lost the World Trade Center and a little bit of the Pentagon. All three buildings were important. The U.S. needs to be stricter with its airports and really check people. My family was at the Chevy car dealership in Elkins. Someone turned on the TV and we all saw the twin towers get hit. They made us evacuate the building because one of the high jacked airplanes was heading our direction. It was very scary. Both my parents said it was a very sad and scary day. I think the videographer’s purpose of creating this video was to remind us how realistic terrorist are. I also think they’re showing us that a little mistake in airport security can have a big impact on the U.S. Lucas Kinder 1-2 p.
Yes, I remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. This tragedy affected our country in so many ways. For one, the 9/11 tragedy killed thousands of people in New York and Pennsylvania. Also it scared so many people for so long. People were always nervous after it happened because they didn't know if or when it would happen again. Where was I? I was in Pre-school at White Hall Nursery School in Apple Valley. I remember having recess when my mom came through the door and explained to the teacher everything that was going on and why she wanted to take me home. I also remember my mom rushing home so fast because she wanted to be with family. But, the Twin Towers weren't the only thing that got blown up. The Pentagon was also attacked and shot down by terrorists. Also the terrorists aimed for Capital Hill but thanks to the brave citizens that were on the plane at the time, they took the wheel and crashed down the plane, knowing they were all going to die. That plane went down in Pennsylvania and they saved all the people on Capitol Hill. The attacks made people nervous and a lot changed. Today, the security at airports has changed and it's stricter. Some family members of people in our classes were there at the time or just got home from New York, so we should be thankful that were all safe. Michael Shaw period 4th-5th
i rember where i was i was at home sick i can remember watching the news and see all the smoke and flames.this tragety effect us sadly but are americans stood stronge and fought on and siad we may be hurt but we stay strong.we can protect our selves bybetter security and also lots of hard work from our goverment.
I do remember where i was when 9/11 happened. I was at preschool It effected the way we travel, our relationship between other counties, we also entered a war. Better screening in airports occurred. I remember my grandma had picked me up from pre-school, and watching it on t.v at her house. I interviewed my step dad. He was in Phoenix on business to meet with military people from other countries. When he woke up in his hotel room he saw on TV that the first plane was hit at that point he thought that it was an accident, but then he saw the second plane hit the other tower and knew something was going on. His meeting was cancelled. He was stuck in Phoenix for 6 days because all the flights back home were cancelled. When he was on the first flight out he said he was really nervous. Because no one knew what might happen. The videographers purpose in this video is to show what happened and how it impacted people lives. - Abby Williams 7th & 8th
Yes, I do remember 9/11 and where I was at the time. This tradedgy will effect this country forever because if that was only one terrorist attack; then who knows what will happen in the future? I think it also changed our country because we have gotton a lot more security at airports all around the United States. The US can protect itself from other attacks by being more careful in security at airports and make sure the pilot is not foreign. I was at preschool when this happened. I can just remember being picked up early and coming home. And I also remember my parents watching the news all of that day. My mom's impression of that day was that it was the worst day our country had seen since she had been alive. And it was a horribly sad day. Life as we had known it would never be the same. It was also unthinkable that we could be attacked on our own ground. The videographer's purpose in making this video is to show people how horrifying it was on 9/11. Elizabeth Tennant4th and 5th period
I don’t remember 9/11 I was in preschool at the time. The tragedy affected our strength and our safety to walk outside every day without having a feeling something may happen. They need to keep a close eye on the terrorists and make sure they know what they’re planning in the future. I was at Teachers Pet preschool when this happened. I don’t remember anything. My dad said he felt sick to his stomach, he felt that our country is violated. The purpose is telling us our loss in this video. Sam Tonkovich4th & 5th
Honestly, I think 9/11 is the most devastating tragdey America has ever had. So many people's lives were lost. I really don't remember anything about it, but only because I was very young. My mom said I was in school, and she immeadiatley came and picked me up.I was living in Texas at the time, and my mom was driving on the freeway and she said she had heard it on tak radio show. She said she remembers that they thought the first plane was an accident, but then the second one came down and they knew it wasn't. I'm so blessed that none of my family was in the diaster or lived/lives in New York. God really blessed my family:) I think we could be more prepared in the furture by having our military either closer to important monuments/buildings/base camps s we could maybe fight them off. I'm praying for the families wo had to go through so much suffering. God Bless :)-McKenna Kelley 4/5 period
I actually do not remember where I was when this happened. My parents tell me that I was at home because I stayed home that day. This showed us that we are still strong as a group and we will build from this. We can step up security in the airports.( I know it makes it more of a hassel but...) I do not remember anything about 9/11. My mom says that it was tradegy that should not have happened and she was scared at the time. The videographer's purpose in creating this video was to remind people that this was a tragic event and we still need to stay strong and stay together.
I was only 5 years old at the time of this National tragedy. Therefore, the details are very vague. We had just flown into West Virginia only two days before the attack on the US took place. We had been in Florida on vacation with my grandparents. The 9/11 attacks have made a profound difference in America. The air travel industry was immediately impacted not only because of the decline in flights, but airline security has become a National priority. There has been many new restrictions placed on passengers and cargo since 9/11 occurred. The borders to our country have been monitored much more closely and will continue to be for many years to come. The “War on Terror” took affect after this tragedy and continues today. We have lost thousands of lives while trying to protect our country. I was at pre-school on the day this happened although my mom said she was at home watching the Today show. When I interviewed her, she could remember exactly where she was and the emotions she felt that terrible day. She said as she was watching the Today show, my grandma had called to ask her if she had seen the plane crash into the World Trade Center. As they were talking to each other, she said the live footage showed the second plane hitting the second tower. She said she was speechless. She said it was hard to turn the TV off and do anything else. She said she cried a lot and said a lot of prayers. The devastation was overwhelming and she said she was scared for our country. The videographer uses images that are very graphic but remind us all of the terrible terror that our country faced on 9/11/01. The music is very suitable for the piece shown. I think a lot of people know that the towers were both hit and eventually both collapsed, but the other photos the videographer used show a more detailed description of what some of the people had to endure that day. For example…breathing dust, jumping from windows, and being rushed to hospitals due to severe injuries. Although there were many people who lost their lives on that day, there were many heroes as well.Dalton Okel 4th/5th Period
I do not remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. When the tragedy occurred our country became more cautious and protected which effected our future. We can protect our country by being more prepared and know earlier that there are terrorist in our country so we can respond and defend faster.I was In Iuka, Mississippi at the board of education office with my mom running errands.I can not remember any thing about it. I interviewed my dad. My dads first impression was fear. At the time my dad was working at ATK. ATK was a prime target for attack because it was working on defense type contracts that aloud you to launch satellites in to space. The vidiographer's purpose in creating this video was to educate and help people get a better understanding of this tragic part of our history, 9/11. The most scary part that stood out to me was that people were jumping out of the windows!-Sarah Cox
I do remember where I was during 9/11. This tragedy effected us by we will never have twin towers again and the person who did it could never forgive themselves. I don't think we will be able to protect our selves from future attacks. When this happened I was in school and i remember they sent us out of school early. I really can;t remember anything about it but i remember the teacher turned on the t.v and we watched it and then she hurried up and turned it off and people were crying. My da said that it was a horrible thing because people died whn the planes crashed. I think the videographer's purpose of making this video is to show people and kids today how close it was to us and to show and honor the people who died in the 9/11. I also think his/her purpose was to teach kids about what happened and what people went through.
When 9/11 occurred I have no clue what happened because I was so young, but I think I was at the babysitters. How did 9/11 effect the future of the U.S? This tragedy effected the future of the the U.S.A because it prepared us for any other terrorist attacks and the war in Iraq. How can the U.S protect itself from future attacks? I think the U.S. can protect itself by making airlines safer and being more careful because now we know that it could happen at any time. I can't remember a thing about that day because I was 4 and didn't go to preschool so i didn't have to go home. My mom remembers being at school (Miller Junior High) and a teacher came in and said a plane had hit one of the twin towers. She turned on her TV just as they were reporting about the plane that hit the Pentagon. She was actually watching tv when the second plane hit the second tower. Everyone was talking about what happened and no one could believe it. They were told not to watch the news during class. Parents were calling the school to check on kids and some parents picked their kids up and took them home. I think the purpose of the video was to remind everyone what happened that day and to remember what a terrible tragedy it was.
I do remember where I was at the time. Now when we look at the New York Sky line, their are no twin towers. Make sure that anyone cant get one a plane with a bomb or a gun. I was at school when it happened. When I got home my parents showed me the news and told me what had happened. I just remember watching the news and seeing the plane crash into the towers and getting very sad about it. My mom thinks that It was a very bad day in U.S. history and many people died that didn’t have to. The videographer's made this video to show that 9/11 was a horrible day for the U.S. Jayce Riley 4/5th period
Honestly, I don't remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. I don’t even remember all the emotion that people say they remember. This Tragedy brought a lot of pain and sorrow to people many was killed and many were injured. It was a historic but I believe that we can overcome this tragedy I think that it will just make us stronger. And we have stronger security now. But I also think that 9/11 started a negative stereo type because many think that most aerobics are bad. It also started a negative stereo type for the Muslim religion. When really the religion is peaceful.
I was in preschool at teacher's pet. I was with some people that would be my close friends today, honestly. This effected the future of our country by bringing us close together during that time. We can stop future terrorist attempts by not letting any unauthorized planes or boats come into our territory. I remember going home early from preschool, and my parents seemed upset. The videographer created this video to show their respects to everyone who was injured or found dead from 9/11.
I really do not remember when 9/11 happened and I don't remember my parents really talking to me about it either. I do know that the planes crashed into the Twin Towers. It was a sad moment in the USA. The planes destroyed the World Trade Center. It killed many innocent people and families in New York City.
When 9/11 happened I don’t remember where I was or what I was doing. All I know is that I was in preschool. It affected our country in a lot of ways. It killed many innocent people and destroyed the twin towers. Everyone was very scared during/after this tragedy happened. The United States could prevent and protect itself from more attacks if we put US troops or some type of people who check everybody to make sure they aren’t terriosts. Also they could overpower terriosts. I interviewed my dad, he said that he had just dropped me off at preschool and heard on the radio that one plane had crashed into one tower. But it wasn’t until he got home and turned on the TV that he heard about the second plane hitting the other tower and also the about one hitting the pentagon and Flight 93 that crashed near Pittsburgh. He also said the he was very surprised and speechless. The videographer’s purpose in creating this video is to show what happened that day that changed the future of America forever and to remind us about what happened on Sept. 11, 2001.Abby Cooper7/8 period
Yes, I remember when the attack happened. The tragedy affected the future of our country by what we have done already, which is the war in Afganestan and terrorism. The United States of America can protect itself from future attacks by stepping up security in not just airports, but around the nation. I was at school when this happened and I remember I had to be picked up early because the attacks were getting closer to home. My dad said, "We were just watching tv. A program alert was issued and they were showing some videos of the two New York plane crashes into Tower Two." The videographer's purpose is to show what happened and how it changed the future of America.
Yes, I remember being at my house because my mom didn’t send me to school that day. I also remember my mom going to get my cousin and brother from school, and leaving Josh and I with my aunt. When my mom came back they just sat on the couch while my brother, Andrew, cousin, David, and I played. We didn’t really know what was going on, and didn’t really care at the time because were too young. The videographers reason for creating this video is to inform, the videographer wanted people to know about the tragedy we know as nine eleven.Matt Strand
Yes, i do remember when 9/11 occured. My mom came and picked me up from preschool early that day. It effected us because it was a horrible tragedy and it killed thousands of people. Our country will never forget that. We have made our rules and safety guidlines a lot more strict. I honestly don't remember too much about it. I interviewed Mr. Orton. He says he remembers turning on the tv that day and seeing planes crashing into the twin towers. The videographer's purpose in making this is to show what a horrible and unforgivable tragedy this was.
I do not remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. It effected the country in many different ways. Many people didn't even think about terrorists until 9/11. It also effected the way that we think about people in other countries. We could send spies over to the other countries to see if they are going to attack us and if they are we will make a plan to prevent it from happening. I don't remember anything about it but I watched a video on 9/11 on History Channel. It seemed like people didn't just die from being in the buildings that were crashed into, they also died from when all of the dust spread across New York when the buildings collapsed. There was so much dust that no one could see, and I'm sure that some people got trampled from trying to run away from the dust. Everyone was in disbelief. Everyone was scared. My mom said that she would always hear about things like that that would happen in different countries but never in America. The videographer's purpose was to remind people of the terrible tragedy of 9/11.Bethany McPherson
Yes I do remember where I was when 9/11 occured. This tradegy effected our future because now there are no more twin towers or a pentagon for the military. I think the U.S can protect ourselves by checking everyone very well at airports and put some sort of lock on cockpits so only pilots can get in to it. I was in Pre school when it happened. Our school had a lockdown because of the plane that went down in pennslyvania. Yes I remember our school being on lockdown. My mom rushed home after the attacks so she could be with me and my dad. We wathed it on the tv for a very long time. The videographer's purpose for this video is to teach us more and more about the attachs on that awful day in our history!Izaiha John 4/5
I don’t really remember when 9/11 happened. I just know that I was in preschool at White Hall Nursery School. This tragedy affected our country by devastating everyone. People eventually got over it. The US should have better security. It would help protect this country. My mom said that she was at work, in a meeting, on 9/11. During her meeting, they heard the radio’s emergency announcement. She and the people she worked with went to watch it on the TV. My mom got to watch the second plane hit and see the people jumping from the buildings. I think the videographer’s purpose was to remember the tragedy that happened and the people who died.-Baylee Abbott (:
I do remember when the airplane hit the twintowers.I think that the U.S. can protect us by searching people on airplanes better.I was in West Virginia when this happened I think noow that that has happened terrorists will think it's easier to attack us.My grandmother said she was worried at the time because she had a friend i New York at the time but luckly she wasn't close to the twin towers.I think the video photographers purpose of this video was to remind people and tell people exactly what happened.T.J. Jones7th & 8th periods
9/11 was such a horrible event that has happened in the past to us Americans.People from another country decided to attack the Twin Towers in New York City with a plane that had nine passengers.Two of the passengers decided to jump the people that were flying the planes so they could control the planes to lead them away from the towers but by the time they had control it was to late and they crashed.People were so desperate to get out they decided to jump from windows out of the towers 20-30 stories high when there wasn't any net but they didn't want to got hrough the suffering.So to this day on 9/11 we don't celebrate but we take time for those who died on that day.
I dont remember where i was when it happened all i remember is that i was watching television and all of a sudden it cut off and then a blue screen came up that said tragety ocuring in the u.s. And the u.s will not be the same becausewe will never know when it will happeen agian. i interviwed my step mom and she said she as at work and saw picks on the tv and it looked horridable.
i do remember 9/11. It was the worst day ever. We will definently not have anymore twin towers. But we just repaired one section of the pentagon and it is as good as new. The U.S. can deal with any situation dealing with terrorists. We can deal with this by strip searching anyone who they think as terrorists. I was at my house in west virginia when this happened. I remember the twin towers blowing up and watching the planes going into he towers and falling down. It was the worst day of my life.
No, i dont remember where i was when 9/11 happened.it Affected us by compramizing our national security. honestly i dont know how we can prevent future attacks, the countrys already doing as much as they can. i was probobly at school but i cant really remember.i cant remember anything about it.i interviewed my mom and she said "yes i remember that day, i as helping nana with patients and saw it on the news. I tried to go to your school to pick you up, but it was on lockdown and i wasnt allowed in." i think his purpose was just to show what a tragedy 9/ll was.
When 9/11 occured i'm pretty sure that i was in day care. This tragedy effected us beacause now we will no longer have any twin towers. I think the U.S can protect us by having a terrorist radar everywhere. I think I just remember it being on the news. My mom and dad were very shocked and sad. It was a very sad for them. The videographer's purpose in creating this video is just to remind people how sad unfair that day was. It killed several innocient people who had families that they loved.
No i don't remember when the 9/11 happened because i was at my baby sisters and she did't tell me a thing. It affected it alot we cant go on airplanes like we used to, and the security got tighter. By makeing sure that no one has bombs or anthing that can hurt anybody. My sister was at school and my mom came and got my sister from school.
I remember exactly were I was when 9/11 occurred, I was in pre-school with my cousin, we were not sure what was happening but we knew something was wrong. We were sent home early from school our whole family was very scared and was not sure what was going to happen but we got through it alive, we are now here 2010. This was a day we all will remember, it was a sad and harsh time to live through. We were affected by this day very much so. Every time we call 911 is reminds us of 9/11. My step mom was at work when 9/11 occurred and does not remember that much about it. The videographer’s purpose of creating this video was to show and inform us that we were effected and that this was a day we will never forget.
I do remember where i was at when the tragedy happened i was in kindergarten and my dad came in to my school and got me out of school early and when I got home he wouldn’t let me go outside): I think the photographers purpose to making this video was to let the people know what happened and let the people know that wasn’t born at the time to let them know what the dumb terrorist did
I rember very little from when it happened. My grandpa was leaving when it happened he said that he couldnt leave for hours. It will change our county for the rest of time. We can stop stuff like this because we stepped up in checking people. We will rember this event for the rest of our lives. I think it should be talked about in school so as we get older we dont forget about it.
When 9/11 occured I was at my house eating chicken noodle soup. The tragedy made our countrie`s social security safer. The US can start paying more attention to stuff. I remember that everyone around where I lived put American flags in their windows. his purpose is to show what happened on that day.
I dont remember when 9/11 happened because I was too little to understand. The US was effected by this attack by showing that if we are not careful then anyone can hijack a plane and cause a catastraphy and shake the very foundation of America
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I do remember where I was at that time. We will have no more twin towers and a pentagon and more terrorists are going to attack us. I think the US can protect us by when their is terrorists in the planes then take a lie detector test on them who they think is terrorists. I was living in Tennessee when this event happened. I can only remember that the twin towers got blown up and the pentagon too. My mom said when this happened it was hard to believe, shocking, made her worry too much, sad, scared, wondering what would happen next, and made her want to go reenlist in the Navy, and made her very mad. My dad told me he really doesn't know, but I think he wanted to say the same things as my mom. I think the videographer's purpose in creating this video is to show people who don't know about this tradgic event can show them exactly what happened.
Yes, I do remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. I was at my grandparents house when they said on the news what had happened. Nothing could ever replace the twin towers, and the person who did it could never forgive themselves, or the people in the U.S. My grandparents started crying because, we knew people who were there, and we didn't know if they were still alive. But then we got a phone call, and they were safe, and unharmed. I think the video graphers purpose of creating this photo, was to show how the U.S. has had one horrible incident happen, and it could never be healed. I can remember somethings about it but not much. I could think of the way people surrounding me, were reacting, and I remember getting a phone call, and they were telling my grandparents, about my family member,who was there. They were all safe, and no one that was near him was harmed. This deffinatley has to be the most sad thing, that ever could happen in the last 10 years. There were so many people getting hurt, The saddest part on this video whas when, they said people were jumping out of building, and they said hundreds of people had gotten hurt already. Remember flight 93
- Samanthe Bolling
2&3 period
I actually don’t remember where I was when 9/11 occurred and I don’t even remember anyone talking to me about it either. It affected our country in many ways. It killed many innocent people and destroyed the twin towers which are our world trade centers. That affects our economy. Everyone was scared after this tragedy happened. We need to have a radar that detects all the objects in the sky and it would detect if they are unknown so we would be ready. I can’t remember anything that happened and have no idea where I was when it happened. On that day my dad was at work and someone told him what had happened and the rest of the day he was checking the news on the radio and listening about it. The purpose was to show how the tragedy of 9/11 happened and how it affected our country.
I don’t remember exactly where I was, but I do remember I was at school. It affected the future in many ways. One is that the economy dropped after 9/11. Two is the Taliban, the people who destroyed the towers, scared the whole U.S. There are many more ways that this affected our country. They can have military troops at every border. They can also have some machine that uses the magnetic spectrum to identify objects in the air. I do remember watching it on the news and hearing about all of the innocent people who were killed. My mom was watching the today show and she saw when the planes hit. She was horrified. The videographer’s purpose of making this video is to remind us, Americans, what happened on September 11, 2001.
Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
I remember that I was at preschool watching the horrible incident on the small TV in the class room. This affected our futures economy and also we had to send a lot of people to war. We could inventing a machine that detect the type of plane, the country it’s from, and how fast it going. The United States have taken many different approaches one being better airport security. You aren’t allowed to take hardly anything onto an airplane anymore and you even have to take your shoes off when you go through the metal detectors. I was in preschool at Monogah Elementary. I remember all the teachers being really scared and parents coming trying to pick their kids up but all the schools were in lock down.
I remember I was five years old, and I was at my preschool, teachers pet. It effected America tempararily, it made us all forget material things and made us come together, it made us become close. But after it was over and everyone kind of forgot about it we went back to our old ways and we become selfish again. But then we reunite every year on the day of 9/11. Basically before 9/11 no one in America ever thought that anyone would ever try to attack us. However now that we have been attacked, you could say that we are in a way vulnerable. The US has already taken percauctions to try and prevent future attacks by launching the War on Terror, by invanding Afganistion to try and eliminate the Taliban. I clearly remember being at school that day and when my mom came to pick me up I asked her what had happened and she just hugged me. Other than that I don't really remember anything. My interpritation as to why this video was created is to help us remember what had happened that day, when the terriost attacked us and to help us remember all the people who died. I interviewed my mom, and she said, "I can remember the day as if it was yesterday. I came to pick you up and your teacher looked at me and said you will never believe what happened. And I said what? And she said there was a terriost attack, the world trade centers burned to the ground, the pentagon was hit, and there was an attempt to hit the white house. I was breath taken. But I knew everything would be alright." In conclusion 9/11 was a sad day for America but we must stay strong to defend our country, so that a tragidy like this will never happen again.
Maddi Craig 2-3 Period
I can't remember where I was at the time because I was 5. Now we are in war and are being extra cautious about people arriving on the planes that might look suspicious or anything like that. We can just be more careful and stay out of other countries' wars. I think I was at school but I can't really remember what had happened that day and I didn't understand what had happened until I was 7 or 8 years old. My Aunt that lives in New York said that it was the only thing on television and when the buildings had collapsed her and everyone else had to close their windows and doors because there was a ton of dust coming. They made this video to educate kids that may not know what had happened and let them know that this was a important part to our history.
-Taylor Campbell
Actually ..... I don't remember was I was when 9/11 happened . The tragedy effected the future by not having the pentagon or the twin towers ever again. The US has already taken acts by having the war in Afghanistan and trying to get rid of the tourists .I think when this happened I was in preschool with all my friends , and didn't even know what was going on . I can remember a lot of things about it , but not from when it happened . I have learned the things that I know now from all of the years we have came together on 9/11 to remember all of the people who died on that awful day . I interviewed my dad , and he said , " That what happened that day was horrific and sad to all the families that lost somebody special to them , because of something that somebody else just wanted to do . " In conclusion , the videographer's purpose in creating the video is to show everybody that what happened that day was sad to everyone , and what happened that day also changed the future forever .
brooklyn nuzum 2 & 3 period . (:
When 9/11 occured, I remember being at pre-shool and my mom picked me up early. This event affected our country in many ways. We will never have the original twin towers again but it made us more cautious, epecially in security at airports. The US could have military troops on each flight so that they coud over power the terorists. I am not exactly sure where I was but I know I was at school. I do not remember anything about it other than my parents attempting to explain what had happened to me, a pre-schooler. I interviewed my mom and she sad that she remembers the morning that it happened. She was on her way to a relative's funeral. When she turned on the radio in the car an she heard the news, she did not believe it. So on top of going to the funeral, she was sad about this too. I think that the videographer's purpose in making this video is to remind us of what happned on 9/11 and to keep the families of those who lost their lives on this day, in our thoughts.
I was living at my grandparents when 9/11 happened. I don't really remember much though. It had tried let us know that they are more dangerous than they think we know. It can protect us by having army stations posted every 10 or more miles with radar dishes to scan the 10 or more miles. I was at my grandparents watching it with my grandma(although I don't remember, I asked my dad). No, I can't remember anything about it. I interviewed my dad about this. He said that he thought it was an accident but when he heard it was a terrorist attack, he felt devastated. The videographer's purpose was to show how dangerous the terrorists really are.
I do remeber where I was.I was four years old and I was at a school in Marion County. I didn`t know how to feel because I didn`t know what was happening. I think the reason the videographer`s purpose of making this video is to keep the information for future generations.
I remember when 9/11 happened. I know that this effected our country badly. Now there are a lot of thing that have to happen that wouldn’t have. I think the US could portect itself from future attacks by having better air port and border security. I was at home when 9/11 happened because I had moring preschool classes. It was like any other day and then when my brother came home early from school I knew that something happened. Then when my mom came home I remember her upset because at that time my cousin Sarah lived in New York. So then as I got older and went through school I have wrote many essay about the attack. I know that this day 9/11/2001 will never be forgotten. My parent said “That they where scarded about what could happen because they didn’t know where the attacters where.”But I was talking to my friend and she said that her dad was suppose to work their that day but he took that day off. But he knew some of the people that where killed. So my friend is happy just to have her dad and that he took that day off. To show what had happened during that day and that it was very upsetting and that all of those people died.
I don't remember 9/11 . I mostly know about it from what my parents and others have told me. I was with my mom that day . We were taking my grandpa Frank to the doctor. Everyone was in the office area around a radio listening to the news cast.At first, it wasn't clear that it was a act of terrorism just that there had be a terrible accident . Then more planes began to crash into other government sites. I don't think we will ever be the same after that day. It seems security has been raised to a higher level no matter what you go to do. My dad works for the government and he was sent home and his work closed that day. My mom said that really scared her. She said she and my dad sat and watched the news the rest of the day. Since then our country has been in a war to fight for our freedom and protect the land we live in. I think we should all have a special place in our hearts for the families and loved ones of the innocent people killed that day.The video was probably created to remind us of the tragedy of that day and how we all need to stand together as one.
Olivia Wilson(:
I do remember when 9/11 happened. We don’t have the twin towers anymore, it killed so many people. The US should not let anyone who is a Arab or people who are from any country we are at a war with in a plane. I was at my Grandmas house that day. All of a sudden I remember watching TV and I see the twin towers falling down and then the other plane flew into the other tower. My moms impression was she was very sad and she thought armies from those countries were going to come and attack are cities. The purpose of this video is to show how sad this day was.
Logan Orton
I was too young to remember this day, but my mom says I was at preschool at the time it happened. I think our future has been changed in every way. Our government has stricter guidelines at our borders and airports. More people are afraid to fly now. More people have become prejudice against middle east countries, the Muslim religion, and people of the arabic race. In spite of all the negatives, there are positives as well. I think more people have turned to their faith and have started to pray. The world learned just how stong and united we are even with our differences. People learned just how caring and giving we are as a whole society. I don't know exactly what can be done to protect ourselves aside from the governments, at every level, to continue keeping security as tight as possible. I suppose we could completely close our borders, but I'm not sure that would accomplish anything. We are known as a 'free' country. I don't remember anything about that day, but I have seen stories on tv and have heard others talk about it. My parents say that they were left speechless as they watched everything happen on tv. My mom still cries when she watches things on tv about that day. She remembers feeling like it was a horrible movie on tv, only it was real and she felt numb and devastated at the same time. She couldn't believe that there were people who hated us so much that they would do something like this. In the days that followed, there was so much fingerpointing in our federal government when it didn't really matter anymore. She said, "What's done is done! Fingerpointing will split the people of this country at a time that we need to come together." I think the purpose of this video is to remind us of this trajedy, but to show us that we can overcome anything.
Yes, I remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. We have been at war ever since 9/11. I don’t think they can protect them self from future attacks. First, my dad and I were going out to a friends house, then we were going out to our farm to put up hay. All I remember on 9/11 was all the sadness on the news. The news took over TV it seemed like to tell everyone what was going on. My dad said he was sad, and scared of what was going to happen next. To remind everyone of what tragic attack happened that day so people won’t forget.
I don't exactly remember where I was when it happened, but I'm pretty sure I was at home. The terrorist attack has made air travel much harder with the fear of liquid bombs, and attacks. I also know that if the planes had never crashed, the twin towers or the world trade center would still be up and running to this day and that it would never be a historical area. I think that the US could prevent more attacks by banning people from other countries on planes unless they are offical U.S. citizens, but that's just an idea. I talked to my mom and she said that terrorists flew into the twin towers and that she was sad for all of the people who lost their lives that day, and that she wished the tragic event had never occered in the first place. I think the video grapher's purpose was to show everyone what a sad and tragic day this was for America and that we should nevr forget the attack of 9/11.
Yes. I was at pre school in clarksburg when 9/11 occurred. This tragedy effected our country by challenging our efforts to keep this nation safe from terrorists. We can increase the number of military men and police officers. I remember seeing the news on this tragedy and hearing my parents talk about it. My mother said " My level of security was greatly shaken. I will always be fearful of another attack; However, I am optimistic that this tragedy will create more awerness to our need as a country to stand united together." The videographer's purpose of creating this video is to create awerness and educate people about what happened on 9/11,2001.
Yes I do remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. Our country was forever changed. From now on we will be alert and waiting for another attack. The process of boarding a plane became stricter. It became a harder process to cross the boarder. Also, the homeland security was developed. The United States can use its changed processes, and intelligence to fend off the terrorists. When 9/11 occurred I was at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I can not remember anything from that day. I chose my parents to interview. My mom says that 9/11 was one of the saddest days she can remember. From that day on she knew that the United States would never be the same. It made her feel like we had lost a lot of our freedom. The videographer's purpose of making this video was to show how 9/11 has affected our country.
Lauren Massacci
I can't really remember the day, where I was, and what was happening. But my mom told me that I was at preschool when this tragedy happened. This tragedy affected the future of our country because it caused us to have war against terrorist countries. It also affected our travel because there is more security for travelers. Another thing is it’s heightened the countries aware of terrorism. The US can protect itself from future attacks by being more secure and aware of terrorists. My mom's impression is that she was absolutely in shock. She wanted all of her loved ones around her. She talked to her friend Rachel whose husband was in a plane at this time. Her friend was a mess. Then, she talked to her sister about her husband Gary who was just in the twin towers a week ago. My mom said that she was leery to go anywhere because of what happened. She said it was an absolute tragedy. I think that the videographer's purpose of this video was to inform us about this tragedy that happened in our country.
-Sarah Topardo
a terrible thingOn 9/11 I didn't really know what was happening but I do remember that I was at my preschool, teacher's pet. I remember my mom coming to pick me up and take me home. Now, that I have learned more about the tragedy I know how much it affected our country. It affected our country by killing millions of people.The U.S. can protect from future attacks by watching closely for terrorist attacks. I didn't remember anything that day. My mom said it was a tragedy and that did great damage to our country. The videographers purpose was to show that day and how it affected our country.
I don't really remember where I was when this tragedy happened. But i'm pretty sure I was in pre-school. This affected our country because it made it harder to even cross different borders in other countries. Well we could be more prepared by other attacks by staying alert and taking advantage of the homeland security department. I think I was in pre-school. All I really remember is my parents taking about it. My mom said that it was one of the saddest days in her life. She felt bad for all the innocent US citizens who lost their lives on that day. She feels like we lost some freedom on that day. The videographer's was to show how 9/11 changed life as we new it.
-Megan McCullough (:
Actually, no, I don't remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. This tragedy effects our economy and our protection. I don't think this war will end soon. The US can protect itself by paying more attention to our country than Iraq, Afganistan, and other countries in the middle east. There are terrorist everywhere evn hear. The US trys to be the world police, always trying to fix everyone else, trying to change everyone when we need fixing and change ourselves. "It was devistating and tragic for America", says a nieghbor of mine. I think the videographer was trying to memorialize this tragic event.
Aubrie Moss
4th&5th period
I really don't remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. I know that I was in Preschool, but I just don't remember getting out early or watching anything on the tv. It effected our county by knowing that alot of people cant be trusted so our secruity had to go up. Especially the airports security. Also it made a statement that we are a country wanting to be destroyed and taken over so we have to watch everything we do and say over the news because some of the things that we might say could give the bad people an idea or a way to get past our security or something of that nature. The US can protect us from future attacks by always watching things they put and say on the news. The news is a big part because everyone watches it and if we say we think something is happening then its really not ..that is giving other evil people ideas to work on. But mainly they just need to deffinatly watch the airports and other big places in our country. When this happened I was in preschool. To be honest I really can't remember anything about that day..everything is a blur. My mom said that it was a real tragic day for everyone and that everyone was real upset about it because alot of people got killed and nobody could help was went on. The videographers purpose in creating this video was to show that this is a memory that will never be forgotten and that it shouldn't happen again. Also to let all the kids know about the past and what made what today we call the future.
JoMarie Bogard
4/5 Period
No I don’t know where I was when 9/11 happened, but my mom said I was home getting ready for school at the time. The horrible tragedy affected our country in many ways but the one I can think of is that we don’t know what tragedy will happen next. The U.S. can protect from future attacks by having more people guard the boarders. My mom said she was in shock, like it had to be a dream because our country was supposed to be one of the strongest nations. The videographer’s purpose in creating the video is to let people know that we are not a bulletproof country.
Triston Newbrough
7th-8th periods
No, I don't remember where I was. I think that 9/11 made us stronger as a nation; I think that the terrorists expected the attack to make us weaker but it didn’t work. We should be a lot more careful about whom we let in our country and should keep our guard up being careful to not let just anybody come into the U. S. A. My mom said that I was at day care and she was a West Virginia University, but I don’t really remember anything. I interviewed my mom and she said she thought it made us stronger as a nation she also thinks that it made us less doubtful of what could happen. She said that she thought the U. S. A. never even considered thinking that something like that would happen, and then when it did, it really hit us hard as a country. The videographer’s purpose in making this video was to explain and make us full aware of this tragedy and how it affected the country.
Cody Brubaker
Pd. 2/3
Actually I do remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. I was at preschool in the morning and then my grandmother picked me up. The tragedy effected our country in many ways. First, before 9/11 you could bring anything onto an airplane but now they are very strict about what you take with you. Also, they are very strict on getting in to things. They check many people for dangerous things now. Another thing is that when you need help you dial 911 on the phone to get your help. The US really can’t do anything to stop future attacks besides make “country friends” or become alleys with other countries. As I said, I was at preschool and my grandma picked me up and we went to her house. The news was on and it was talking about the twin towers being attacked. My grandmother said that there were terrorists that flew planes into the Twin Towers. The videographer’s purpose in creating this video is to inform people about the tragedy that had happened to our country.
Kayla DeLorenzo
4th and 5th period
I do remember when 9/11 occurred. This affected our country’s future forever by knowing what happen on that day can happen again and it is a part of history now. The U.S can protect itself from future attacks by have background checks on people who are running our airplanes and also on other people who are doing important jobs in our country also. I was home with my dad and my mom was at work. My dad’s friend had called him saying the twin towers are falling so he rushed over to the TV and turned it on and there we saw what was happening in New York. My dad then hanged up with his friend and started calling our family. I can remember somewhat of people running and a lot of smoke. My mom says “It was a very sad day and at work she got scared.” She also says “What happen September 9, 2001 I will never forget it. It has scared America forever.” The videographers purpose was to show what happen on that day and how sad it was .
Holly Bogdanich 4th and 5th
I didn't remember where I was, but my mom does. This tragedy effects the future by causing many people in New York and Washington D.C. to lose their jobs and even lives. The US can protect itself from future terrorist attacks by putting more protection in our airports and increasing the government that controls people coming in and out of the country. I was at preschool when the planes crashed. I don't remember much about it, just that it was a scary time for our country. My mom said that the time was heartbreaking and terrifying. The videographer's purpose in creating this video was to help people realize what a hard time it was for everyone. I think that 9/11 was so terrible and I hope that something like that never happens again :)
Yes, I remember where I was when this tragedy happened. We lost the World Trade Center and a little bit of the Pentagon. All three buildings were important. The U.S. needs to be stricter with its airports and really check people. My family was at the Chevy car dealership in Elkins. Someone turned on the TV and we all saw the twin towers get hit. They made us evacuate the building because one of the high jacked airplanes was heading our direction. It was very scary. Both my parents said it was a very sad and scary day. I think the videographer’s purpose of creating this video was to remind us how realistic terrorist are. I also think they’re showing us that a little mistake in airport security can have a big impact on the U.S. Lucas Kinder 1-2 p.
Yes, I remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. This tragedy affected our country in so many ways. For one, the 9/11 tragedy killed thousands of people in New York and Pennsylvania. Also it scared so many people for so long. People were always nervous after it happened because they didn't know if or when it would happen again. Where was I? I was in Pre-school at White Hall Nursery School in Apple Valley. I remember having recess when my mom came through the door and explained to the teacher everything that was going on and why she wanted to take me home. I also remember my mom rushing home so fast because she wanted to be with family. But, the Twin Towers weren't the only thing that got blown up. The Pentagon was also attacked and shot down by terrorists. Also the terrorists aimed for Capital Hill but thanks to the brave citizens that were on the plane at the time, they took the wheel and crashed down the plane, knowing they were all going to die. That plane went down in Pennsylvania and they saved all the people on Capitol Hill. The attacks made people nervous and a lot changed. Today, the security at airports has changed and it's stricter. Some family members of people in our classes were there at the time or just got home from New York, so we should be thankful that were all safe.
Michael Shaw
period 4th-5th
i rember where i was i was at home sick i can remember watching the news and see all the smoke and flames.this tragety effect us sadly but are americans stood stronge and fought on and siad we may be hurt but we stay strong.we can protect our selves bybetter security and also lots of hard work from our goverment.
I do remember where i was when 9/11 happened. I was at preschool It effected the way we travel, our relationship between other counties, we also entered a war. Better screening in airports occurred. I remember my grandma had picked me up from pre-school, and watching it on t.v at her house. I interviewed my step dad. He was in Phoenix on business to meet with military people from other countries. When he woke up in his hotel room he saw on TV that the first plane was hit at that point he thought that it was an accident, but then he saw the second plane hit the other tower and knew something was going on. His meeting was cancelled. He was stuck in Phoenix for 6 days because all the flights back home were cancelled. When he was on the first flight out he said he was really nervous. Because no one knew what might happen. The videographers purpose in this video is to show what happened and how it impacted people lives.
- Abby Williams
7th & 8th
Yes, I do remember 9/11 and where I was at the time. This tradedgy will effect this country forever because if that was only one terrorist attack; then who knows what will happen in the future? I think it also changed our country because we have gotton a lot more security at airports all around the United States. The US can protect itself from other attacks by being more careful in security at airports and make sure the pilot is not foreign. I was at preschool when this happened. I can just remember being picked up early and coming home. And I also remember my parents watching the news all of that day. My mom's impression of that day was that it was the worst day our country had seen since she had been alive. And it was a horribly sad day. Life as we had known it would never be the same. It was also unthinkable that we could be attacked on our own ground. The videographer's purpose in making this video is to show people how horrifying it was on 9/11.
Elizabeth Tennant
4th and 5th period
I don’t remember 9/11 I was in preschool at the time. The tragedy affected our strength and our safety to walk outside every day without having a feeling something may happen. They need to keep a close eye on the terrorists and make sure they know what they’re planning in the future. I was at Teachers Pet preschool when this happened. I don’t remember anything. My dad said he felt sick to his stomach, he felt that our country is violated. The purpose is telling us our loss in this video.
Sam Tonkovich
4th & 5th
Honestly, I think 9/11 is the most devastating tragdey America has ever had. So many people's lives were lost. I really don't remember anything about it, but only because I was very young. My mom said I was in school, and she immeadiatley came and picked me up.I was living in Texas at the time, and my mom was driving on the freeway and she said she had heard it on tak radio show. She said she remembers that they thought the first plane was an accident, but then the second one came down and they knew it wasn't. I'm so blessed that none of my family was in the diaster or lived/lives in New York. God really blessed my family:) I think we could be more prepared in the furture by having our military either closer to important monuments/buildings/base camps s we could maybe fight them off. I'm praying for the families wo had to go through so much suffering. God Bless :)
-McKenna Kelley
4/5 period
I actually do not remember where I was when this happened. My parents tell me that I was at home because I stayed home that day. This showed us that we are still strong as a group and we will build from this. We can step up security in the airports.( I know it makes it more of a hassel but...) I do not remember anything about 9/11. My mom says that it was tradegy that should not have happened and she was scared at the time. The videographer's purpose in creating this video was to remind people that this was a tragic event and we still need to stay strong and stay together.
I was only 5 years old at the time of this National tragedy. Therefore, the details are very vague. We had just flown into West Virginia only two days before the attack on the US took place. We had been in Florida on vacation with my grandparents. The 9/11 attacks have made a profound difference in America. The air travel industry was immediately impacted not only because of the decline in flights, but airline security has become a National priority. There has been many new restrictions placed on passengers and cargo since 9/11 occurred. The borders to our country have been monitored much more closely and will continue to be for many years to come. The “War on Terror” took affect after this tragedy and continues today. We have lost thousands of lives while trying to protect our country. I was at pre-school on the day this happened although my mom said she was at home watching the Today show. When I interviewed her, she could remember exactly where she was and the emotions she felt that terrible day. She said as she was watching the Today show, my grandma had called to ask her if she had seen the plane crash into the World Trade Center. As they were talking to each other, she said the live footage showed the second plane hitting the second tower. She said she was speechless. She said it was hard to turn the TV off and do anything else. She said she cried a lot and said a lot of prayers. The devastation was overwhelming and she said she was scared for our country. The videographer uses images that are very graphic but remind us all of the terrible terror that our country faced on 9/11/01. The music is very suitable for the piece shown. I think a lot of people know that the towers were both hit and eventually both collapsed, but the other photos the videographer used show a more detailed description of what some of the people had to endure that day. For example…breathing dust, jumping from windows, and being rushed to hospitals due to severe injuries. Although there were many people who lost their lives on that day, there were many heroes as well.
Dalton Okel 4th/5th Period
I do not remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. When the tragedy occurred our country became more cautious and protected which effected our future. We can protect our country by being more prepared and know earlier that there are terrorist in our country so we can respond and defend faster.I was In Iuka, Mississippi at the board of education office with my mom running errands.
I can not remember any thing about it. I interviewed my dad. My dads first impression was fear. At the time my dad was working at ATK. ATK was a prime target for attack because it was working on defense type contracts that aloud you to launch satellites in to space. The vidiographer's purpose in creating this video was to educate and help people get a better understanding of this tragic part of our history, 9/11. The most scary part that stood out to me was that people were jumping out of the windows!
-Sarah Cox
I do remember where I was during 9/11. This tragedy effected us by we will never have twin towers again and the person who did it could never forgive themselves. I don't think we will be able to protect our selves from future attacks. When this happened I was in school and i remember they sent us out of school early. I really can;t remember anything about it but i remember the teacher turned on the t.v and we watched it and then she hurried up and turned it off and people were crying. My da said that it was a horrible thing because people died whn the planes crashed. I think the videographer's purpose of making this video is to show people and kids today how close it was to us and to show and honor the people who died in the 9/11. I also think his/her purpose was to teach kids about what happened and what people went through.
When 9/11 occurred I have no clue what happened because I was so young, but I think I was at the babysitters. How did 9/11 effect the future of the U.S? This tragedy effected the future of the the U.S.A because it prepared us for any other terrorist attacks and the war in Iraq. How can the U.S protect itself from future attacks? I think the U.S. can protect itself by making airlines safer and being more careful because now we know that it could happen at any time. I can't remember a thing about that day because I was 4 and didn't go to preschool so i didn't have to go home. My mom remembers being at school (Miller Junior High) and a teacher came in and said a plane had hit one of the twin towers. She turned on her TV just as they were reporting about the plane that hit the Pentagon. She was actually watching tv when the second plane hit the second tower. Everyone was talking about what happened and no one could believe it. They were told not to watch the news during class. Parents were calling the school to check on kids and some parents picked their kids up and took them home. I think the purpose of the video was to remind everyone what happened that day and to remember what a terrible tragedy it was.
I do remember where I was at the time. Now when we look at the New York Sky line, their are no twin towers. Make sure that anyone cant get one a plane with a bomb or a gun. I was at school when it happened. When I got home my parents showed me the news and told me what had happened. I just remember watching the news and seeing the plane crash into the towers and getting very sad about it. My mom thinks that It was a very bad day in U.S. history and many people died that didn’t have to. The videographer's made this video to show that 9/11 was a horrible day for the U.S.
Jayce Riley 4/5th period
Honestly, I don't remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. I don’t even remember all the emotion that people say they remember. This Tragedy brought a lot of pain and sorrow to people many was killed and many were injured. It was a historic but I believe that we can overcome this tragedy I think that it will just make us stronger. And we have stronger security now. But I also think that 9/11 started a negative stereo type because many think that most aerobics are bad. It also started a negative stereo type for the Muslim religion. When really the religion is peaceful.
I was in preschool at teacher's pet. I was with some people that would be my close friends today, honestly. This effected the future of our country by bringing us close together during that time. We can stop future terrorist attempts by not letting any unauthorized planes or boats come into our territory. I remember going home early from preschool, and my parents seemed upset. The videographer created this video to show their respects to everyone who was injured or found dead from 9/11.
I really do not remember when 9/11 happened and I don't remember my parents really talking to me about it either. I do know that the planes crashed into the Twin Towers. It was a sad moment in the USA. The planes destroyed the World Trade Center. It killed many innocent people and families in New York City.
When 9/11 happened I don’t remember where I was or what I was doing. All I know is that I was in preschool. It affected our country in a lot of ways. It killed many innocent people and destroyed the twin towers. Everyone was very scared during/after this tragedy happened. The United States could prevent and protect itself from more attacks if we put US troops or some type of people who check everybody to make sure they aren’t terriosts. Also they could overpower terriosts. I interviewed my dad, he said that he had just dropped me off at preschool and heard on the radio that one plane had crashed into one tower. But it wasn’t until he got home and turned on the TV that he heard about the second plane hitting the other tower and also the about one hitting the pentagon and Flight 93 that crashed near Pittsburgh. He also said the he was very surprised and speechless. The videographer’s purpose in creating this video is to show what happened that day that changed the future of America forever and to remind us about what happened on Sept. 11, 2001.
Abby Cooper
7/8 period
Yes, I remember when the attack happened. The tragedy affected the future of our country by what we have done already, which is the war in Afganestan and terrorism. The United States of America can protect itself from future attacks by stepping up security in not just airports, but around the nation. I was at school when this happened and I remember I had to be picked up early because the attacks were getting closer to home. My dad said, "We were just watching tv. A program alert was issued and they were showing some videos of the two New York plane crashes into Tower Two." The videographer's purpose is to show what happened and how it changed the future of America.
Yes, I remember being at my house because my mom didn’t send me to school that day. I also remember my mom going to get my cousin and brother from school, and leaving Josh and I with my aunt. When my mom came back they just sat on the couch while my brother, Andrew, cousin, David, and I played. We didn’t really know what was going on, and didn’t really care at the time because were too young. The videographers reason for creating this video is to inform, the videographer wanted people to know about the tragedy we know as nine eleven.
Matt Strand
Yes, i do remember when 9/11 occured. My mom came and picked me up from preschool early that day. It effected us because it was a horrible tragedy and it killed thousands of people. Our country will never forget that. We have made our rules and safety guidlines a lot more strict. I honestly don't remember too much about it. I interviewed Mr. Orton. He says he remembers turning on the tv that day and seeing planes crashing into the twin towers. The videographer's purpose in making this is to show what a horrible and unforgivable tragedy this was.
I do not remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. It effected the country in many different ways. Many people didn't even think about terrorists until 9/11. It also effected the way that we think about people in other countries. We could send spies over to the other countries to see if they are going to attack us and if they are we will make a plan to prevent it from happening. I don't remember anything about it but I watched a video on 9/11 on History Channel. It seemed like people didn't just die from being in the buildings that were crashed into, they also died from when all of the dust spread across New York when the buildings collapsed. There was so much dust that no one could see, and I'm sure that some people got trampled from trying to run away from the dust. Everyone was in disbelief. Everyone was scared. My mom said that she would always hear about things like that that would happen in different countries but never in America. The videographer's purpose was to remind people of the terrible tragedy of 9/11.
Bethany McPherson
Yes I do remember where I was when 9/11 occured. This tradegy effected our future because now there are no more twin towers or a pentagon for the military. I think the U.S can protect ourselves by checking everyone very well at airports and put some sort of lock on cockpits so only pilots can get in to it. I was in Pre school when it happened. Our school had a lockdown because of the plane that went down in pennslyvania. Yes I remember our school being on lockdown. My mom rushed home after the attacks so she could be with me and my dad. We wathed it on the tv for a very long time. The videographer's purpose for this video is to teach us more and more about the attachs on that awful day in our history!
Izaiha John 4/5
I don’t really remember when 9/11 happened. I just know that I was in preschool at White Hall Nursery School. This tragedy affected our country by devastating everyone. People eventually got over it. The US should have better security. It would help protect this country. My mom said that she was at work, in a meeting, on 9/11. During her meeting, they heard the radio’s emergency announcement. She and the people she worked with went to watch it on the TV. My mom got to watch the second plane hit and see the people jumping from the buildings. I think the videographer’s purpose was to remember the tragedy that happened and the people who died.
-Baylee Abbott (:
I do remember when the airplane hit the twintowers.I think that the U.S. can protect us by searching people on airplanes better.I was in West Virginia when this happened I think noow that that has happened terrorists will think it's easier to attack us.My grandmother said she was worried at the time because she had a friend i New York at the time but luckly she wasn't close to the twin towers.I think the video photographers purpose of this video was to remind people and tell people exactly what happened.
T.J. Jones
7th & 8th periods
9/11 was such a horrible event that has happened in the past to us Americans.People from another country decided to attack the Twin Towers in New York City with a plane that had nine passengers.Two of the passengers decided to jump the people that were flying the planes so they could control the planes to lead them away from the towers but by the time they had control it was to late and they crashed.People were so desperate to get out they decided to jump from windows out of the towers 20-30 stories high when there wasn't any net but they didn't want to got hrough the suffering.So to this day on 9/11 we don't celebrate but we take time for those who died on that day.
9/11 was such a horrible event that has happened in the past to us Americans.People from another country decided to attack the Twin Towers in New York City with a plane that had nine passengers.Two of the passengers decided to jump the people that were flying the planes so they could control the planes to lead them away from the towers but by the time they had control it was to late and they crashed.People were so desperate to get out they decided to jump from windows out of the towers 20-30 stories high when there wasn't any net but they didn't want to got hrough the suffering.So to this day on 9/11 we don't celebrate but we take time for those who died on that day.
I dont remember where i was when it happened all i remember is that i was watching television and all of a sudden it cut off and then a blue screen came up that said tragety ocuring in the u.s. And the u.s will not be the same becausewe will never know when it will happeen agian. i interviwed my step mom and she said she as at work and saw picks on the tv and it looked horridable.
i do remember 9/11. It was the worst day ever. We will definently not have anymore twin towers. But we just repaired one section of the pentagon and it is as good as new. The U.S. can deal with any situation dealing with terrorists. We can deal with this by strip searching anyone who they think as terrorists. I was at my house in west virginia when this happened. I remember the twin towers blowing up and watching the planes going into he towers and falling down. It was the worst day of my life.
No, i dont remember where i was when 9/11 happened.it Affected us by compramizing our national security. honestly i dont know how we can prevent future attacks, the countrys already doing as much as they can. i was probobly at school but i cant really remember.i cant remember anything about it.i interviewed my mom and she said "yes i remember that day, i as helping nana with patients and saw it on the news. I tried to go to your school to pick you up, but it was on lockdown and i wasnt allowed in." i think his purpose was just to show what a tragedy 9/ll was.
When 9/11 occured i'm pretty sure that i was in day care. This tragedy effected us beacause now we will no longer have any twin towers. I think the U.S can protect us by having a terrorist radar everywhere. I think I just remember it being on the news. My mom and dad were very shocked and sad. It was a very sad for them. The videographer's purpose in creating this video is just to remind people how sad unfair that day was. It killed several innocient people who had families that they loved.
No i don't remember when the 9/11 happened because i was at my baby sisters and she did't tell me a thing. It affected it alot we cant go on airplanes like we used to, and the security got tighter. By makeing sure that no one has bombs or anthing that can hurt anybody. My sister was at school and my mom came and got my sister from school.
I remember exactly were I was when 9/11 occurred, I was in pre-school with my cousin, we were not sure what was happening but we knew something was wrong. We were sent home early from school our whole family was very scared and was not sure what was going to happen but we got through it alive, we are now here 2010. This was a day we all will remember, it was a sad and harsh time to live through. We were affected by this day very much so. Every time we call 911 is reminds us of 9/11. My step mom was at work when 9/11 occurred and does not remember that much about it. The videographer’s purpose of creating this video was to show and inform us that we were effected and that this was a day we will never forget.
I do remember where i was at when the tragedy happened i was in kindergarten and my dad came in to my school and got me out of school early and when I got home he wouldn’t let me go outside): I think the photographers purpose to making this video was to let the people know what happened and let the people know that wasn’t born at the time to let them know what the dumb terrorist did
I rember very little from when it happened. My grandpa was leaving when it happened he said that he couldnt leave for hours. It will change our county for the rest of time. We can stop stuff like this because we stepped up in checking people. We will rember this event for the rest of our lives. I think it should be talked about in school so as we get older we dont forget about it.
When 9/11 occured I was at my house eating chicken noodle soup. The tragedy made our countrie`s social security safer. The US can start paying more attention to stuff. I remember that everyone around where I lived put American flags in their windows. his purpose is to show what happened on that day.
When 9/11 occured I was at my house eating chicken noodle soup. The tragedy made our countrie`s social security safer. The US can start paying more attention to stuff. I remember that everyone around where I lived put American flags in their windows. his purpose is to show what happened on that day.
I dont remember when 9/11 happened because I was too little to understand. The US was effected by this attack by showing that if we are not careful then anyone can hijack a plane and cause a catastraphy and shake the very foundation of America
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