The title of the video means how beauty came to be. I think the author showed this video is because the people that don't think they are beautiful they can become beautiful with makeup and their hair. True beauty is what you look like on the inside. Like feelings, and personality. I do have a favorite movie star. John Cena. John Cena is really naturally cute. Yes I do think that society has a healthy view of beauty. Mostly personality, money, how nice they are, and their feelings.
How the act of making something beautiful came to be. To show that what a girl really looks like is not what you will see on a billboard. Also it shows that girls don’t like how the really look, so they add makeup to make them look better. True beauty is not what you look like on the out side with makeup on or anything like that. True beauty is if you are a nice person or feeling that you have. I don't really have a favorite movie star or model. I don't think society has a healthy view on beauty because, that is all people look at. They don’t look for the inner beauty that people have, just how they look on they look on the outside. If you are smart, and respectful, and kind to others. That what counts more than the beauty on the outside of you. Jayce Riley 4/5th period
The title means way people change to be what they think is beauty. showing people that the modles are average people they dont actually look that way. true beauty is inner beuty. yes my favorite modle is Heidi clum. Heidi clum is thin but not so thin that she looks anorexic. and she is so pretty. no modle cause many people to have eating disorders because people think if your not a size zero then your obese.the way you treat people and the way you treat yourself.
the title of this video means that people change to be what other people think is beauty. i think th author showed this video to prove that the models on the bilboard are just average people. there is no such thing as true beauty noones perfect.yes i have a favorite movie star,its Rachel McAdams.her, because beauty is all that the directors, and photographers look at wich is wrong.if theyre nice and funny there feelings and the beauty inside you.
The title of this video means all the changes they put the woman through before she actually gets pretty. The author’s purpose is to show that the “perfect” women in magazines and stuff are actually just made up. The other purpose is to show that everyone is pretty in their own way. My favorite is Megan Fox. I don’t know what makes her beautiful but she just is. I don’t think society has a healthy view of beauty because many of the “beautiful” models are just basically fake and they just use tons of make-up. Characteristics that are better than beauty are your personality and the way you act toward other people.
The title of this video means how magazines and companies go through a lot of steps to make the perfect woman. His purpose is to show the viewers how they can edit a woman to make her look beautiful. No, I do not have a favorite movie star or actor. Society doesn’t have a healthy view of beauty because all of the woman in magazines and etc. are edited. The attributes that are more important than beauty are how smart you are. Also, your personality speaks louder than beauty, and how a person makes you feel. This is why magazines and companies make you have an unhealthy view of beauty. “Beauty comes from inside.”Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
The title of this video means that they go through a lot of steps to make a beautiful woman. The author’s purpose of making this video is to show everyone how they could put themselves into some steps that could make them beautiful. True beauty is the beauty inside you. I don’t have a favorite movie star or actor. No I don’t think that society has a healthy view of beauty because the magazines and photo shoot are edited by computers and other devices. The attributes that is more important than beauty is your behavior because that is one thing that would help you in life.
The title of the video means how a computer can make a pretty woman become a beautiful woman. The author's purpose in making this video was to show all the people that the perfect woman you see on a bulletin board , if just a woman with a whole bunch of make-up and computer organized. Yes , I have a favorite model. Her name is Tyra Banks . (: She doesn't even have to do anything to make herself beautful , she is already pretty without any make-up. No , the society doesn't have a good view of beauty , because the woman that they see on boards and tv are woman with a lot of make up . Not their natural beauty with no make-up and their hair pulled up in a ponytail. If you are kind , helpful , and respectful , that counts more than any beauty that anyone sees on the outside. brooklyn nuzum (: 2 & 3 periods
The title of this video means that there is a lot of work to being beautiful these days.The authors purpose in writing this video is to inform you about how much this world labels women,how women should be dressing and looking.True beauty is knowing that your body is beautiful just the way you are.It doesn't take anything to make a girl beautiful there days.Yes, i do have a favorite movie star.My favorite movie star is Cameron Diaz. She is beautiful because she's natural and open with her body.No,I don't think that society has a good view on healthy beauty.Society feels as if beauty is something that not many women have and actually true, healthy beauty is all around us. It is in everyone.Brains make a huge impact in a person and can make that persons life 10 times better. Also compassion, this can make a person very compatible to many people. Being sensitive to others thoughts,feelings,and emotions shows lots about how beautiful a person is in and out.Olivia Wilson4th-5th period
The title "Evolution of Beauty" means the development or process of growth of beauty. The author's purpose of creating this video is to show women that they don't need to have that high of expectations of their beauty because even models don't look like that. Also, another purpose is that everyone should be happy with the way they look. One of my favorite movie stars is Amanda Seyfried. She is beautiful because she doesn't wear a lot of make-up and she is just naturally pretty. Also, she is a sweet, kind girl which also makes her pretty. No, I don't think that society has a healthy view of beauty. They think that women need to be super skinny and wear tons of make-up. Many things are more important that being pretty. I think that being a kind-hearted, trusting, and honest person makes you beautiful. Like they say, "Beauty catches the eye, but personality captures the heart."-sarah topardo 4&5
The title of the this video means where beauty came from, how it all started. The authors purpose in this video is to show us that natural beauty is real beauty. True beauty comes in different forms. True beauty comes from the heart, it is being a good person inside. True beauty is also not wearing a lot of makeup and just looking naturally pretty. My favorite movie star is Sandra Bullock. Sandra is a good person and she isn't stuck up and snobby, thats what makes her beautiful. I don't think that society has a good perseption of beauty I believe that they think beauty is what they see in magazines and on tv. However that's not beauty, thats a good makeup artist. An example something that is more important than beauty is brains. Brains are a huge impact on life, and personally I would much rather be not as pretty and have brains, than vice versa. However all of us have beauty in us rather it be a pretty smile, nice hair, a pretty personality, or even just being a nice person. You will always find beauty in someone.
It means the growth of beauty.. The author’s point in making this video is to tell people how much someone can change with makeup. It also means that make up can change a person’s look. True beauty is not on the outside. True beauty is what is on the inside. No, I do not have a favorite actor or model. Yes, I think the environment has a healthy view on beauty. Some people are nice. Some people keep themselves up nice. Something that might be more important than beauty is size. Another thing that is more important than beauty is what is on the inside, not the outside.
The title of the video means things do not actually is what it seems. I think the author was trying to warn us to become alert and awear of tricks and what could be false. True prettiness is what you look for in the inside not the outside.
The video title means how beauty is now days. I think that the author’s purpose to make this video is to show you that beauty isn’t what it used to be. I think that true beauty is when you look like you just stepped out of a magazine but they are not wearing makeup and worrying about their hair and makeup. Yes I have a favorite movie star. Brittany Snow. I think what makes her really pretty is that when she acts she looks like that actually is happening to her and she never wears a lot of makeup she fools with her hair more than makeup. I don’t think society has a true view of beauty. I think that if you respect yourself and other that counts more than putting a bunch of makeup and hair stuff to make you turn into a model.
The title of the video means how beaty can be made.I believe that everyone should be able to feel beautiful, not just on the outside but on the inside too.True beauty is not on the outside but on the inside even though it doesn't hurt to be beautiful on the outside.I do have a favorite movie star.Megan Fox because she's beatiful a great actor beautiful on the inside.I have a good view of beauty because what people look on the outside it's how they behave and treat others.T.J. Jones7th&8th periods
This title of this means how poeple tack a person and chang there physical aperents.The author's purpose in makeing this piece is to inform people that they are fine the way thay are and they don't need macup to be them. true beauty is not how you look on the outside but your personality and how you feal about yourself.I don't realy have a favrite movestar. But most movestars look prfect but they probably just have on way to much makeup and probably C.G.I.. No!!! Becuse It all is just one big scame for the buteiy bisness to get more money.
The title “Evolution of Beauty” means how the making of the outlook of women came to be. The author’s purpose in creating this video is to explain how many graphic designers can take a side street woman/man and use all kinds of “touch ups” to make them look like a so called “hot model”. In my opinion, true beauty isn’t really explained completely on the outside; it is mostly shown and shared on the inside of a person. I actually think Carrie Underwood is the “hot” type of singer. The thing(s) that make her beautiful is using all kinds of makeup that could fill a dumpster all the way to the top. I don’t think that society has a healthy view of beauty these days. For example, you can look right inside our own middle school. Now days, the boys are looking at the “tip top” hotties for their girlfriend. Then when they make the hookup, everything just flips like pancakes. The girl is rude to the guy and bad things happen between them often and things never turn out what a relationship should be like. I think that if everyone took an extra step into knowing someone, I think that everyone would actually find what people are “beautiful” for. When you think of beauty, there are a lot more things to think about a person to see who they really are. Things that you can look for are feelings for others, putting another before him/her, or just being polite to others no matter who it is. When you think of true beauty, get to know the person more before making your move.Dalton Okel 4th/5th Period
The title of this video means how the model changed from a normal, average looking woman to a super model with makeup, hair, and computer editing. I think the author's purpose in creating this video was to show that it's impossible to be as beautiful as the people on television and in magazines because the models and actors/actresses are made up to be fake. I have a favorite actor, Matt Passmore. He is beautiful because well, just look at him, he's gorgeous (: But he's also very smart and he's Australian! I absolutely do not think that society had a healthy view of beauty. You always see girls going on diets and starving themselves so they can be as skinny as the actresses on TV. I think to be truly beautiful, you have to be genuinely good on the inside and care for others. Outer beauty is just a plus, but it's not needed to be beautiful. Carly Suplita, 7/8th period <3.
The title of this video means how beauty came to be. The author's purpose in creating this piece is to show that girls with makeup looks different from their regular apperence. True beauty is when someone shows them selves without having makeup covering their face. I have a favorite movie star and his name is Adam Sandler. Its a guy and hes not beautiful. No because everyone has makeup on and no one shows their true beauty. Good eyebrows, nice smile and good hair.
The title of this video is how our perception on beauty came to be. I think the author's purpose in creating this video is to show that even hired, professional models don't look that perfect. Beauty is what some would say, "on the inside", meaning that true beauty is just being yourself and caring for others and showing your true beauty through acts of kindness. My favorite movie star is Sandra Bullock. In my opinion, Sandra is beautiful because even though she is a big time movie star, she stays humble and is still the same as she was when she was not famous. I do not think our society has a healthy view on beauty because what they think is beautiful is not real. The characteristics in a person that are more important than beauty are their personality, their respect for others, and the beauty on the inside. Martina Edgell 4-5th period
The title of this video means everyone's different beauties that they have. The author's purpose for this video is to teach younger and older girls that you don't hav eto wear a whole bunch of makeup and other stuff to be beautiful. And that all the girls in the magazines really don't look like that because they have been air-brushed. True beauty is your natural self on the inside and out. Yes. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. I think she is beautiful because she is generous and she cares about people, and she's also pretty on the outside. No because I think most people think that you have to have the cool clothes and wear all the makeup to be beautiful. I think being beautiful on the inside is what mostly makes you beautiful.
The title of the video means how much a person has to do in order to look beautiful on the outside. Outside beauty doesn't come when you wake up; you have to make yourself beautiful. But, true beauty is what lies beyond all the make-up; it’s what’s inside of you. I like Tyra Banks, but I really don’t have a favorite model. You can tell she definitely has professional help with her make-up and hair so people don't ever see her without that. So, I don't know if her beauty is real. My favorite movie star is Sandra Bullock, because she is an amazing actress, and is so funny. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside because she is so giving of herself and her wealth. There is a saying that goes, "Beauty is only skin deep." And I feel that is true because it means that it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside; what matters is what's on the inside and how you act and treat other people.Michael Shaw4th-5th Period
The video means that what you might think something is beautiful on the inside it might not be so beautiful. To show how much someone you might think looks perfect might actually be ugly in real life. True beauty is how someone is one the inside and how they act around people. Yes, Steve Carrel, his humor and jokes. I think it depends on how look at society and what you think beauty is. Humor, how they treat people, and also how someone looks at life. -Taylor Campbell 4/5th
Ithink the title of the video means like how beauty changes over the years with all the technology or how it started and became what it is now in the news. The authors pupose for creating this is to show people that you shouldn't have to be edited and all this other stuff to feel pretty or to know pretty. Pretty comes in all sorts of different looks when it comes to humans and that nobody is perfect and everyone should feel pretty. True beauty is feeling great in your own skin and feeling confident no matter what you look like. It is also your naturalness with a little make up. Not being edited by computers to look a certain way. Also I dont really have a favorite model or anything because beauty can't be always based on outside. Looks shouldn't always count because you have to look on the inside too to see what is real and what isn't. Also I think society doesnt have a healthy look on beauty because everybody has a different look to them on what they think is beauty. Most of the time they edit things just to show you what fake beauty is and most people dont see that and they really need to. Also they think beauty on the outside when again, they need to think about beauty on the inside the most. Mostly personality, kindness and funny because everyone loves a sense of humor also feelings count a good bit too.JoMarie Bogard4/5 Period
The title of the video means if you want to change what you look likethen you can do it wieth a computer. The author's purpose creating this video is to say that no matter what you look like if you don't like the way you look then you can change it with a computer. My favorite movie star is Megan Fox because she is awesome. Yes I think society has a healthy view of beauty. If they are respectful, has a chance of going somewere in life, a good education, caring, and kind to others.
This title means that it takes steps to beocme beautiful. I think the author's purpose was to show that there's no reason to be jealous of how pretty a model is because they're not really pretty. True beauty is where a girl can be beautiful without makeup or or anything done to adjust her. True beauty is also when you're not only beautiful outside but also inside. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. She's so beautiful in and outside. Shes a great model too. Her personaltiy makes her pretty. I don't think the society has a healthy veiw of beauty because we're so judgemental on everything. Personality is so much more important than beauty on the outside.
I think that the title of thew video means how beauty has changed over time. The author's purpose is to show us all the crazy things women do to make themselves look pretty. I think true beauty is you on the inside. A person with no true beauty may be gorgeous on the outsdie, but mean and cruel on the inside. However, A girl with true beauty could be extremely ugly, but as sweet as could be on the inside and that's what matters. I don't have a favorite model or movie star. I don't watch enough tv to know who is who. Personnaly, I think society doesn't have a good veiw of beauty. Only a few special people are able to see past someone's beauty or ugliness to see what they are like on the inside. I think your personnality and feelings are more important than beauty.
It means people have their own beauty in a different way. It shows you that make up makes you look different. True beauty is what you look like originally. Yes I do have a favorite model and it is Megan Fox. Everything about her is really beautiful especially her eyes and her smile. Yes because they make all the models look beautiful by using tons of makeup and do their hair and stuff. The way you act around people is way more important than beauty. You want people to like you for who you are not the way you look. Logan Orton 2nd 3rd
the title of this video means that she goes from one thing and turns into something else. Not saying tha she turned into a monster but she does not look as good without makeup. the author want to show that the people we look up to are not what they look like. I dont look up to those kinds of people i like the way I look with nothing like that. The only thing that you should do if you want to change your look is to die your hair. thats what I think.
This title means how beauty has changed from natural to lots of make-up and computer changes. The author's purpose in making this video is to show everyone that these faces and people that are on the billboards, it is not natural beauty. The beauty is made to look like natural but it is not. True beauty is yourself without make-up. I dont really pay attention to that stuff but I suppose megan fox. She is naturaly beautiful. I do not think society has a healthy view of beauty because there are billboards, such as the one in the video, like that all over the country. Your personality is way more important than your beauty because they could be really pretty but be very rude.
The title of this video means how much work it takes to make someone look beautiful. The purpose of the author is to show people that even if actors and actresses look beautiful on TV and other places, they really aren't. Don't get upset about not looking like them because they don't really look the way that they seem. They look just like you, but in their own way. True beauty is being nice to people and being pure and true. My favorite actress is Selena Gomez. She is beautiful because she isn't stuck up like most of the other actors and actresses in the world. She is nice to her fans and true to the world. Society does not have a healthy view of beauty. Everyone tries to make themselves look better by putting on way to much makeup and acting like people that they really aren't. I think that the most important characteristic in a person is if they are nice to people and have a big heart, not by how they look.Bethany McPherson - Pd. 4 and 5
The title means how beauty became. What really is the true definition of beauty? The author’s purpose in this video is to show that what we see on the outside might not be true beauty. The model you see at the beginning of this video looks nothing like the same girl at the end. My favorite movie star is Reese Witherspoon. She is naturally pretty and she could go without make-up. I think she is beautiful because she has a nice personality and she doesn’t glob make-up on her face. I don’t think society has a healthy view of beauty. People expect women to look like these models in magazines and on television, but is it really physically possible? I think that your personality makes you beautiful. It’s not always about the looks.-Baylee Abbott 4/5th periods
The title of the video means that beauty sometimes isn’t real and that people don’t really look like what you think they look like. The author’s purpose of creating the video is to inform readers that sometimes people don’t really look like what you want them to look like. To me here is no true beauty. No I don’t have a favorite model because I hardly know any. Yes I do think the society has a healthy view of beauty. Mostly others, feelings, food shelter and a lot of other things are more important than beauty.Triston Newbrough7th & 8th periods
Thhe title of this video is beuty came to be. The auter made this video because there are people that dont think that they are you beautiful so the were make-up and edit there pictures on te computer. I do have a favorite movie star. Her name is Jessica Alba. She is beautiful because she dosent ware much make-up. Money, personality, feelings and how nice they are.
The author made this video to show the things they do to people to make them “beautiful”. True beauty is a person’s personality and what they look like without makeup. My favorite actors are Jessica Alba, and Megan Fox. They are both beautiful because they don’t wear much makeup, and they have good personalities. No, not at all, women nowadays think they need to be super skinny and wear lots of makeup. I think the things that really show beauty are, someone’s personality, and how they look without makeup. Lucas Kinder 2-3 P.
The title of this video “Evolution of Beauty “means how what we think true beauty is. I s really not. The author’s purpose for creating this video is to show that some icons are not really as pretty as we think they are and to show how the cameras have a lot to do with making someone look beautiful also. In my opinion true beauty is your natural self with no make –up. My favorite actress is Sandra Bullock. What makes her pretty is the same thing what made the model beautiful. I don’t think society has a healthy look on beauty because of computers and cameras. The characteristics are for me are nice , and there feelings . Holly Bogdanich 4th and 5th
First I think the title of this video means the difference in beauty how computer animation can change the looks. In my eyes the authors purpose of making the video is that looks can be deceiving on TV and pictures that might not be what they look like in person. In other words true beauty is in the eye of the beholder so I think that it can change from person to person. Also I don't have a favorite model or movie star because you never know what is behind the camera. Also I don't think that society has a good view of beauty because to a lot of people it's all about the money or looks never who the person really is. Finally the attributes and characteristics that I think are important are attitude and if you can see yourself with that person.
The title of this video explains how a normal woman can go from looking like one person to another. The author's purpose is to show you how people change looks and look totally different in a short amount of time. True beauty is what's on the inside, not the outside. My favorite famous actor is definitly Ryan Renyolds<3. What makes Ryan Renyolds beautiful is his personality and his looks. No, in my opinion society does not have a healthy view of beauty because people are also jugded by their looks at first, instead of what's on the inside. What your're basically saying is what else matters than looks. So I think personality, background, feelings, and attitude matter the most in a person. Elizabeth Tennant 4th/5th periods
The title of this video means that beauty has evolved in our present world. Women are misjudged because of how people see them on the outside. The author’s purpose was to show everyone how people are changed to make them look “beautiful”. True beauty is only skin deep meaning that what is on the outside doesn’t matter, it is what is on the inside that counts. No, I don’t have a favorite movie star because I agree with Trevor; you really don’t know what is behind the camera. Society definitely does not have a healthy view of beauty because they misjudge EVERYONE because they are not “perfect”. There are many things more important than beauty, such as your personality, honesty, intelligence, compassion, and many more things are WAY more important than beauty. Kayla DeLorenzo4th and 5th period
The title of this video means how beauty has made itself what it is today. The authors purpose is showing how hard girls work to look like models. When in reality they don't even look like that. This video is a perfect example of how high the standards are set for girls to be beautiful. True beauty is just being your natural self. Yes, My favorite movie star is Kyle Gallner. He plays in Haunting in Connecticut and many other movies. His beauty lies in his personality. He isn't very cute, but he knows it and doesn't act like he is! I think that the society’s view of beauty is terrible. Women work so hard to try and make them selves look like the other women they see in magazines. In reality though it is impossible because know one really looks like that, and know one is perfect. Women shouldn't feel that they have to be either. I think that we should all try to look past looks and focus more on personality. The best looking person might have the worst personality. Believe it or not your personality can make you ugly.Lauren Massacci 4th and 5th pd
I think the title of this video means what we think is beauty, what WE see and think. The authors purpose of creating this piece is to show that who we think is the most hansome guy or prettiest girl aren't what they seem. Peopkle are "edited" so companies will look good, but they don't think of how computer edits and hours of endless make-up and hair efect a person. It hurts people and there self esteems.I think Meghan Foxx is the prettist actress. She has beautiful hair and her face structure is beautiful. Society has a horrible view of what beauty really is, the tables need turned, models need to see pure beauty in stead of the mascara on there eyelashes. Intellegants, good-heartedness, and love are all more important than beauty.
I think the people made this video to show people that people dont look like they do in real life when theey are on magazines and billboards.I think that they should not edit people on the computer and stuff and let them express their own beauty.Even though they look better when people do that they still shouldn't do what they do. Because when they do that and when a little kid looks at it they think that is how they look when they are not.
The title of this video means like the process of being beautuful. I think the author made this piece to show people that models or celeberties might not be who you think they are. They might just be all made up in make up. True beauty is when you can just roll out of bed and don't have to out on any makeup, you just already look gorgeous.I don't have a favorite model but I do have a favorite movie star. My favorite movie star is Miley Cyrus because I think she is a wonderful actress and I love her hair. I think what makes her beautiful is her hair, and smile. She is very pretty but she goes threw the same process as the girl did in the video. No I don't think the society has a good view of beauty because alomst every movie star/model has gotten plastic surgery and has so much stuff done to them. Like, hair extensions, fake tans, fake nails, plastic surgery, and makeup. I think peoples personalities, sense of humor, and education is all more important than just being pretty on the outside. -Megan McCullough
It means that beauty and what girls do to make themselves feel beautiful has completely changed over the years. It has, in one word, evolved. The author made this video to show people that our perspective of beauty is completely different then what it should be. True beauty is what’s on the inside and not the outside. My favorite movie star is Megan Fox because she is beautiful and doesn’t let that get to her head. Society does not have a healthy view of beauty because they think that beauty is just on the outside and this video shows that. Your feelings, characteristics, talents and everything like that really show true beauty.Cody BrubakerPd. 2/3
It means that this was the start if beauty. The author made this to show how make up and computers can make people look more beautiful. True beauty is being yourself and being beautiful by your self without computers, makeup is good to use because everyone uses it. My favorite movie star is Taylor Lautner, he is cute. I think his personality makes him beautiful. Yes I think that society has a healthy view of beauty. These following things are important: personality,caringness,and niceness.
this video show that hollywood makes you fake for some because god made you the way you look so just except it. the author wrote this to show that the magizens are fake and theat young teen girls are killing there selves because thay do not look like theses girls. true beauty is what you think of you self. megan fox is naturle becasue she is pretty and she look good with out makeup and also kim socity does no have a healty view on beauty.smarts,kindness,love.
There deceiving the public and that is fake. And there trying to make young girls like this thats why there so many eating disorders.To show that if you have the right people you can look just like them. Taylor Lautner is my favorite movie star. The only thing that makes him handsome is his abs.
I think "Evolution of Beauty" is about how facial beauty can be changed with makeup and computer technology called airbrushing. I think the author's purpose for this video is to show people that facial beauty isn't always real. Anybody can be made up to look like a model. True beauty is what is inside a person's heart and soul. That is real. I really like Sandra Bullock. She is a famous actress. She is very pretty, but what makes her truly beautiful is that she really seems to keep her feet on the ground. She doesn't let her fame and money rule her life. She uses it to help others. She's very funny, smart, and does charity work to help children. I think society has a very bad view of what beauty is. Too many people focus too much on how people look. Do they have the right clothes, the right hair style, the right makeup? What's really important is what a person is like on the inside, like if they are honest, trusting, kind, caring, funny, smart, and loving.
The title of the video means that beauty is not always what you think it is. The authors purpose in creating this video is to show girls that they should not compare themselves to others because what they see could not be natural. True beauty is beauty that is in someone without make up or something else to make them more beautiful. I do not have a favorite model or movie star but I do think that Taylor Swift is pretty. I think her hair makes her beautiful. No, I do not think society has a healthy view of beauty because beauty to them is people that have tons of make up on and are skinny. Being smart, caring, honest, trustworthy, and truthful are better than being beautiful. -Sarah Cox, period 2/3
The title of the video Is to show you how beauty came to be, and how computers and magazines can change how you look. I think that the authors purpose of making this video was to show you that It does not matter what you look like with makeup or no makeup on. I think that true beauty is the beauty inside you. Yes, my favorite actress is amanda seyfried. I think that she has natural beauty. Personality, the way how you treat people, and money. Abby Williams7th & 8th
The title of this video means how beauty came to be almost fake. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show that without makeup and your hair fixed to perfection you people don't think your beautiful. true Beauty is beauty without makeup and your hair fixed, its what on the inside. No, I don't have a favorite movie star or model. What really makes movie stars and models beautiful is makeup, props, and there hair being perfect. No, the society doesn't have a healthy view of beauty, they don't see whats on the inside beautiful just on the outside, never read a book by its cover. Attributes and characteristics are more important then looks.
The title explains the history of beauty and how it came to be now. The author’s purpose in creating this video is to show everybody can be pretty even if they don’t think they are. True beauty is how pretty you are when you don’t have any makeup on and your hair isn’t done. Sandra Bullock, she is funny and pretty. No, because some people put way to much make up on and they look really ugly. Characteristics that are more important than beauty include personality, smart, manners, etc.Abby Cooper7/8 period English
The title "Evolution of Beauty" means how you go from one place to another to transform to improve your features. The author's purpose of this video is to show how one individual can go from being just a normal person to being on a billboard. True beauty to me is what is inside the individual. By this I mean how they act and speak and also how they dress. Two of my favorite movie stars are Will Smith and Eddie Murphy. I dont find them attractive but I do think they are very funny. I think that society does not have a healthy view of beauty because everybody has to be perfect 24/7. I think the video is a good teaching tool for not only girls, but for everybody.
beauty these days... It's just crazy what girls would do if they didnt have makeup on they would start balling their eyes out. the author showed this video because he wanted to see how long it takes to make someone that pretty. it also shows how she looked before the make up and after.
The title of this video means what people have done to what we call "beauty". The author's purpose in creating this piece is to show that all the things people do to this regular woman to make her look amazing up on that billboard. True beauty is what people are on the inside, not the out. I do not have a favorite model or movie star, but if i had to pick one, it would be Dane Cook. He is a very funny actor/comedian, and he reminds me of my brother. I do not think society has a good view on beauty because of some things such as PhotoShop have distorted the beauty. Some characteristics better than beauty are kindness, sweet, loving, and caring.
I believe that this video shows how women are expected to look, but very few women actually can, because they put so much time into it. Another thing is that its not true beauty it’s just what the make artist can do to make someone beautiful. My favorite movie star would have to be, Megan Fox, I like Megan Fox, because she stars in a great movie, Transformers, and she is also an amazing actress. No, society believes that everyone should look that good, even though it’s not possible. Finally, this concludes my blog of what true beauty, and what society thinks beauty should be.
The title of this video means how beauty changes. I think the author showed this video, because the people that said they aren't beautiful, actually are, and they wantd to prove that too you. True beauty is what you look like on the inside and out without all of the makeup. Like someones feeling's. I don't have a favorite model or movie star. What makes them beautiful are what they are like on the inside. Yes I do think the society has a healthy view of beauty. Mostlty of how much money, how nice they are, and their feelings, inside and out. - Samanthe Bolling 2&3 period.
The title means how beauty became to be! I think the author showed this video because people think beauty is everything (: if your not pretty then no one likes you ):
The title of the video means exactly what it means. The video is about the evolution of what we call beauty. The author’s purpose in making this is to show you how what we call beauty has changed over time. True beauty is not on the inside. It is beauty without being messed with. My favorite model/movie star is Megan Fox. She is beautiful because she is beautiful and nice. No , society does not have a good view of beauty. The inside is more important than the inside.
The title means that beauty can be made without the person being naturaly beautiful. I think the authhor`s purpose was to show that beauty can be made. True beauty is when a person is as beautiful on the inside as on the outside. My favorite movie star is Kim Kardashian, she is beautiful because she is very hot. I don`t think society has a healthy view of beauty, because we look at whats on the outside rather than the inside. One is personality.
This video was made to show how beauty has evolved in the past years. The author showed this to show how greatfull we should be to have came this far. Beauty is how we look to others.
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The title of the video means how beauty came to be. I think the author showed this video is because the people that don't think they are beautiful they can become beautiful with makeup and their hair. True beauty is what you look like on the inside. Like feelings, and personality. I do have a favorite movie star. John Cena. John Cena is really naturally cute. Yes I do think that society has a healthy view of beauty. Mostly personality, money, how nice they are, and their feelings.
How the act of making something beautiful came to be. To show that what a girl really looks like is not what you will see on a billboard. Also it shows that girls don’t like how the really look, so they add makeup to make them look better. True beauty is not what you look like on the out side with makeup on or anything like that. True beauty is if you are a nice person or feeling that you have. I don't really have a favorite movie star or model. I don't think society has a healthy view on beauty because, that is all people look at. They don’t look for the inner beauty that people have, just how they look on they look on the outside. If you are smart, and respectful, and kind to others. That what counts more than the beauty on the outside of you.
Jayce Riley 4/5th period
The title means way people change to be what they think is beauty. showing people that the modles are average people they dont actually look that way. true beauty is inner beuty. yes my favorite modle is Heidi clum. Heidi clum is thin but not so thin that she looks anorexic. and she is so pretty. no modle cause many people to have eating disorders because people think if your not a size zero then your obese.the way you treat people and the way you treat yourself.
the title of this video means that people change to be what other people think is beauty. i think th author showed this video to prove that the models on the bilboard are just average people. there is no such thing as true beauty noones perfect.yes i have a favorite movie star,its Rachel McAdams.her, because beauty is all that the directors, and photographers look at wich is wrong.if theyre nice and funny there feelings and the beauty inside you.
The title of this video means all the changes they put the woman through before she actually gets pretty. The author’s purpose is to show that the “perfect” women in magazines and stuff are actually just made up. The other purpose is to show that everyone is pretty in their own way. My favorite is Megan Fox. I don’t know what makes her beautiful but she just is. I don’t think society has a healthy view of beauty because many of the “beautiful” models are just basically fake and they just use tons of make-up. Characteristics that are better than beauty are your personality and the way you act toward other people.
The title of this video means how magazines and companies go through a lot of steps to make the perfect woman. His purpose is to show the viewers how they can edit a woman to make her look beautiful. No, I do not have a favorite movie star or actor. Society doesn’t have a healthy view of beauty because all of the woman in magazines and etc. are edited. The attributes that are more important than beauty are how smart you are. Also, your personality speaks louder than beauty, and how a person makes you feel. This is why magazines and companies make you have an unhealthy view of beauty. “Beauty comes from inside.”
Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
The title of this video means that they go through a lot of steps to make a beautiful woman. The author’s purpose of making this video is to show everyone how they could put themselves into some steps that could make them beautiful. True beauty is the beauty inside you. I don’t have a favorite movie star or actor. No I don’t think that society has a healthy view of beauty because the magazines and photo shoot are edited by computers and other devices. The attributes that is more important than beauty is your behavior because that is one thing that would help you in life.
The title of the video means how a computer can make a pretty woman become a beautiful woman. The author's purpose in making this video was to show all the people that the perfect woman you see on a bulletin board , if just a woman with a whole bunch of make-up and computer organized. Yes , I have a favorite model. Her name is Tyra Banks . (: She doesn't even have to do anything to make herself beautful , she is already pretty without any make-up. No , the society doesn't have a good view of beauty , because the woman that they see on boards and tv are woman with a lot of make up . Not their natural beauty with no make-up and their hair pulled up in a ponytail. If you are kind , helpful , and respectful , that counts more than any beauty that anyone sees on the outside.
brooklyn nuzum (:
2 & 3 periods
The title of this video means that there is a lot of work to being beautiful these days.The authors purpose in writing this video is to inform you about how much this world labels women,how women should be dressing and looking.True beauty is knowing that your body is beautiful just the way you are.It doesn't take anything to make a girl beautiful there days.Yes, i do have a favorite movie star.My favorite movie star is Cameron Diaz. She is beautiful because she's natural and open with her body.No,I don't think that society has a good view on healthy beauty.Society feels as if beauty is something that not many women have and actually true, healthy beauty is all around us. It is in everyone.Brains make a huge impact in a person and can make that persons life 10 times better. Also compassion, this can make a person very compatible to many people. Being sensitive to others thoughts,feelings,and emotions shows lots about how beautiful a person is in and out.
Olivia Wilson
4th-5th period
The title "Evolution of Beauty" means the development or process of growth of beauty. The author's purpose of creating this video is to show women that they don't need to have that high of expectations of their beauty because even models don't look like that. Also, another purpose is that everyone should be happy with the way they look. One of my favorite movie stars is Amanda Seyfried. She is beautiful because she doesn't wear a lot of make-up and she is just naturally pretty. Also, she is a sweet, kind girl which also makes her pretty. No, I don't think that society has a healthy view of beauty. They think that women need to be super skinny and wear tons of make-up. Many things are more important that being pretty. I think that being a kind-hearted, trusting, and honest person makes you beautiful. Like they say, "Beauty catches the eye, but personality captures the heart."
-sarah topardo 4&5
The title of the this video means where beauty came from, how it all started. The authors purpose in this video is to show us that natural beauty is real beauty. True beauty comes in different forms. True beauty comes from the heart, it is being a good person inside. True beauty is also not wearing a lot of makeup and just looking naturally pretty. My favorite movie star is Sandra Bullock. Sandra is a good person and she isn't stuck up and snobby, thats what makes her beautiful. I don't think that society has a good perseption of beauty I believe that they think beauty is what they see in magazines and on tv. However that's not beauty, thats a good makeup artist. An example something that is more important than beauty is brains. Brains are a huge impact on life, and personally I would much rather be not as pretty and have brains, than vice versa. However all of us have beauty in us rather it be a pretty smile, nice hair, a pretty personality, or even just being a nice person. You will always find beauty in someone.
It means the growth of beauty.. The author’s point in making this video is to tell people how much someone can change with makeup. It also means that make up can change a person’s look. True beauty is not on the outside. True beauty is what is on the inside. No, I do not have a favorite actor or model. Yes, I think the environment has a healthy view on beauty. Some people are nice. Some people keep themselves up nice. Something that might be more important than beauty is size. Another thing that is more important than beauty is what is on the inside, not the outside.
The title of the video means things do not actually is what it seems. I think the author was trying to warn us to become alert and awear of tricks and what could be false. True prettiness is what you look for in the inside not the outside.
The video title means how beauty is now days. I think that the author’s purpose to make this video is to show you that beauty isn’t what it used to be. I think that true beauty is when you look like you just stepped out of a magazine but they are not wearing makeup and worrying about their hair and makeup. Yes I have a favorite movie star. Brittany Snow. I think what makes her really pretty is that when she acts she looks like that actually is happening to her and she never wears a lot of makeup she fools with her hair more than makeup. I don’t think society has a true view of beauty. I think that if you respect yourself and other that counts more than putting a bunch of makeup and hair stuff to make you turn into a model.
The title of the video means how beaty can be made.I believe that everyone should be able to feel beautiful, not just on the outside but on the inside too.True beauty is not on the outside but on the inside even though it doesn't hurt to be beautiful on the outside.I do have a favorite movie star.Megan Fox because she's beatiful a great actor beautiful on the inside.I have a good view of beauty because what people look on the outside it's how they behave and treat others.
T.J. Jones
7th&8th periods
This title of this means how poeple tack a person and chang there physical aperents.The author's purpose in makeing this piece is to inform people that they are fine the way thay are and they don't need macup to be them. true beauty is not how you look on the outside but your personality and how you feal about yourself.
I don't realy have a favrite movestar. But most movestars look prfect but they probably just have on way to much makeup and probably C.G.I.. No!!! Becuse It all is just one big scame for the buteiy bisness to get more money.
The title “Evolution of Beauty” means how the making of the outlook of women came to be. The author’s purpose in creating this video is to explain how many graphic designers can take a side street woman/man and use all kinds of “touch ups” to make them look like a so called “hot model”. In my opinion, true beauty isn’t really explained completely on the outside; it is mostly shown and shared on the inside of a person. I actually think Carrie Underwood is the “hot” type of singer. The thing(s) that make her beautiful is using all kinds of makeup that could fill a dumpster all the way to the top. I don’t think that society has a healthy view of beauty these days. For example, you can look right inside our own middle school. Now days, the boys are looking at the “tip top” hotties for their girlfriend. Then when they make the hookup, everything just flips like pancakes. The girl is rude to the guy and bad things happen between them often and things never turn out what a relationship should be like. I think that if everyone took an extra step into knowing someone, I think that everyone would actually find what people are “beautiful” for. When you think of beauty, there are a lot more things to think about a person to see who they really are. Things that you can look for are feelings for others, putting another before him/her, or just being polite to others no matter who it is. When you think of true beauty, get to know the person more before making your move.
Dalton Okel
4th/5th Period
The title of this video means how the model changed from a normal, average looking woman to a super model with makeup, hair, and computer editing. I think the author's purpose in creating this video was to show that it's impossible to be as beautiful as the people on television and in magazines because the models and actors/actresses are made up to be fake. I have a favorite actor, Matt Passmore. He is beautiful because well, just look at him, he's gorgeous (: But he's also very smart and he's Australian! I absolutely do not think that society had a healthy view of beauty. You always see girls going on diets and starving themselves so they can be as skinny as the actresses on TV. I think to be truly beautiful, you have to be genuinely good on the inside and care for others. Outer beauty is just a plus, but it's not needed to be beautiful.
Carly Suplita, 7/8th period <3.
The title of this video means how the model changed from a normal, average looking woman to a super model with makeup, hair, and computer editing. I think the author's purpose in creating this video was to show that it's impossible to be as beautiful as the people on television and in magazines because the models and actors/actresses are made up to be fake. I have a favorite actor, Matt Passmore. He is beautiful because well, just look at him, he's gorgeous (: But he's also very smart and he's Australian! I absolutely do not think that society had a healthy view of beauty. You always see girls going on diets and starving themselves so they can be as skinny as the actresses on TV. I think to be truly beautiful, you have to be genuinely good on the inside and care for others. Outer beauty is just a plus, but it's not needed to be beautiful.
Carly Suplita, 7/8th period <3.
The title of this video means how beauty came to be. The author's purpose in creating this piece is to show that girls with makeup looks different from their regular apperence. True beauty is when someone shows them selves without having makeup covering their face. I have a favorite movie star and his name is Adam Sandler. Its a guy and hes not beautiful. No because everyone has makeup on and no one shows their true beauty. Good eyebrows, nice smile and good hair.
The title of this video is how our perception on beauty came to be. I think the author's purpose in creating this video is to show that even hired, professional models don't look that perfect. Beauty is what some would say, "on the inside", meaning that true beauty is just being yourself and caring for others and showing your true beauty through acts of kindness. My favorite movie star is Sandra Bullock. In my opinion, Sandra is beautiful because even though she is a big time movie star, she stays humble and is still the same as she was when she was not famous. I do not think our society has a healthy view on beauty because what they think is beautiful is not real. The characteristics in a person that are more important than beauty are their personality, their respect for others, and the beauty on the inside.
Martina Edgell 4-5th period
The title of this video means everyone's different beauties that they have. The author's purpose for this video is to teach younger and older girls that you don't hav eto wear a whole bunch of makeup and other stuff to be beautiful. And that all the girls in the magazines really don't look like that because they have been air-brushed. True beauty is your natural self on the inside and out. Yes. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. I think she is beautiful because she is generous and she cares about people, and she's also pretty on the outside. No because I think most people think that you have to have the cool clothes and wear all the makeup to be beautiful. I think being beautiful on the inside is what mostly makes you beautiful.
The title of the video means how much a person has to do in order to look beautiful on the outside. Outside beauty doesn't come when you wake up; you have to make yourself beautiful. But, true beauty is what lies beyond all the make-up; it’s what’s inside of you. I like Tyra Banks, but I really don’t have a favorite model. You can tell she definitely has professional help with her make-up and hair so people don't ever see her without that. So, I don't know if her beauty is real. My favorite movie star is Sandra Bullock, because she is an amazing actress, and is so funny. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside because she is so giving of herself and her wealth. There is a saying that goes, "Beauty is only skin deep." And I feel that is true because it means that it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside; what matters is what's on the inside and how you act and treat other people.
Michael Shaw
4th-5th Period
The video means that what you might think something is beautiful on the inside it might not be so beautiful. To show how much someone you might think looks perfect might actually be ugly in real life. True beauty is how someone is one the inside and how they act around people. Yes, Steve Carrel, his humor and jokes. I think it depends on how look at society and what you think beauty is. Humor, how they treat people, and also how someone looks at life.
-Taylor Campbell 4/5th
Ithink the title of the video means like how beauty changes over the years with all the technology or how it started and became what it is now in the news. The authors pupose for creating this is to show people that you shouldn't have to be edited and all this other stuff to feel pretty or to know pretty. Pretty comes in all sorts of different looks when it comes to humans and that nobody is perfect and everyone should feel pretty. True beauty is feeling great in your own skin and feeling confident no matter what you look like. It is also your naturalness with a little make up. Not being edited by computers to look a certain way. Also I dont really have a favorite model or anything because beauty can't be always based on outside. Looks shouldn't always count because you have to look on the inside too to see what is real and what isn't. Also I think society doesnt have a healthy look on beauty because everybody has a different look to them on what they think is beauty. Most of the time they edit things just to show you what fake beauty is and most people dont see that and they really need to. Also they think beauty on the outside when again, they need to think about beauty on the inside the most. Mostly personality, kindness and funny because everyone loves a sense of humor also feelings count a good bit too.
JoMarie Bogard
4/5 Period
The title of the video means if you want to change what you look likethen you can do it wieth a computer. The author's purpose creating this video is to say that no matter what you look like if you don't like the way you look then you can change it with a computer. My favorite movie star is Megan Fox because she is awesome. Yes I think society has a healthy view of beauty. If they are respectful, has a chance of going somewere in life, a good education, caring, and kind to others.
This title means that it takes steps to beocme beautiful. I think the author's purpose was to show that there's no reason to be jealous of how pretty a model is because they're not really pretty. True beauty is where a girl can be beautiful without makeup or or anything done to adjust her. True beauty is also when you're not only beautiful outside but also inside. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. She's so beautiful in and outside. Shes a great model too. Her personaltiy makes her pretty. I don't think the society has a healthy veiw of beauty because we're so judgemental on everything. Personality is so much more important than beauty on the outside.
I think that the title of thew video means how beauty has changed over time. The author's purpose is to show us all the crazy things women do to make themselves look pretty. I think true beauty is you on the inside. A person with no true beauty may be gorgeous on the outsdie, but mean and cruel on the inside. However, A girl with true beauty could be extremely ugly, but as sweet as could be on the inside and that's what matters. I don't have a favorite model or movie star. I don't watch enough tv to know who is who. Personnaly, I think society doesn't have a good veiw of beauty. Only a few special people are able to see past someone's beauty or ugliness to see what they are like on the inside. I think your personnality and feelings are more important than beauty.
It means people have their own beauty in a different way. It shows you that make up makes you look different. True beauty is what you look like originally. Yes I do have a favorite model and it is Megan Fox. Everything about her is really beautiful especially her eyes and her smile. Yes because they make all the models look beautiful by using tons of makeup and do their hair and stuff. The way you act around people is way more important than beauty. You want people to like you for who you are not the way you look.
Logan Orton 2nd 3rd
the title of this video means that she goes from one thing and turns into something else. Not saying tha she turned into a monster but she does not look as good without makeup. the author want to show that the people we look up to are not what they look like. I dont look up to those kinds of people i like the way I look with nothing like that. The only thing that you should do if you want to change your look is to die your hair. thats what I think.
This title means how beauty has changed from natural to lots of make-up and computer changes. The author's purpose in making this video is to show everyone that these faces and people that are on the billboards, it is not natural beauty. The beauty is made to look like natural but it is not. True beauty is yourself without make-up. I dont really pay attention to that stuff but I suppose megan fox. She is naturaly beautiful. I do not think society has a healthy view of beauty because there are billboards, such as the one in the video, like that all over the country. Your personality is way more important than your beauty because they could be really pretty but be very rude.
The title of this video means how much work it takes to make someone look beautiful. The purpose of the author is to show people that even if actors and actresses look beautiful on TV and other places, they really aren't. Don't get upset about not looking like them because they don't really look the way that they seem. They look just like you, but in their own way. True beauty is being nice to people and being pure and true. My favorite actress is Selena Gomez. She is beautiful because she isn't stuck up like most of the other actors and actresses in the world. She is nice to her fans and true to the world. Society does not have a healthy view of beauty. Everyone tries to make themselves look better by putting on way to much makeup and acting like people that they really aren't. I think that the most important characteristic in a person is if they are nice to people and have a big heart, not by how they look.
Bethany McPherson - Pd. 4 and 5
The title means how beauty became. What really is the true definition of beauty? The author’s purpose in this video is to show that what we see on the outside might not be true beauty. The model you see at the beginning of this video looks nothing like the same girl at the end. My favorite movie star is Reese Witherspoon. She is naturally pretty and she could go without make-up. I think she is beautiful because she has a nice personality and she doesn’t glob make-up on her face. I don’t think society has a healthy view of beauty. People expect women to look like these models in magazines and on television, but is it really physically possible? I think that your personality makes you beautiful. It’s not always about the looks.
-Baylee Abbott 4/5th periods
The title means how beauty became. What really is the true definition of beauty? The author’s purpose in this video is to show that what we see on the outside might not be true beauty. The model you see at the beginning of this video looks nothing like the same girl at the end. My favorite movie star is Reese Witherspoon. She is naturally pretty and she could go without make-up. I think she is beautiful because she has a nice personality and she doesn’t glob make-up on her face. I don’t think society has a healthy view of beauty. People expect women to look like these models in magazines and on television, but is it really physically possible? I think that your personality makes you beautiful. It’s not always about the looks.
-Baylee Abbott 4/5th periods
The title of the video means that beauty sometimes isn’t real and that people don’t really look like what you think they look like. The author’s purpose of creating the video is to inform readers that sometimes people don’t really look like what you want them to look like. To me here is no true beauty. No I don’t have a favorite model because I hardly know any. Yes I do think the society has a healthy view of beauty. Mostly others, feelings, food shelter and a lot of other things are more important than beauty.
Triston Newbrough
7th & 8th periods
Thhe title of this video is beuty came to be. The auter made this video because there are people that dont think that they are you beautiful so the were make-up and edit there pictures on te computer. I do have a favorite movie star. Her name is Jessica Alba. She is beautiful because she dosent ware much make-up. Money, personality, feelings and how nice they are.
The author made this video to show the things they do to people to make them “beautiful”. True beauty is a person’s personality and what they look like without makeup. My favorite actors are Jessica Alba, and Megan Fox. They are both beautiful because they don’t wear much makeup, and they have good personalities. No, not at all, women nowadays think they need to be super skinny and wear lots of makeup. I think the things that really show beauty are, someone’s personality, and how they look without makeup. Lucas Kinder 2-3 P.
The title of this video “Evolution of Beauty “means how what we think true beauty is. I s really not. The author’s purpose for creating this video is to show that some icons are not really as pretty as we think they are and to show how the cameras have a lot to do with making someone look beautiful also. In my opinion true beauty is your natural self with no make –up. My favorite actress is Sandra Bullock. What makes her pretty is the same thing what made the model beautiful. I don’t think society has a healthy look on beauty because of computers and cameras. The characteristics are for me are nice , and there feelings .
Holly Bogdanich 4th and 5th
First I think the title of this video means the difference in beauty how computer animation can change the looks. In my eyes the authors purpose of making the video is that looks can be deceiving on TV and pictures that might not be what they look like in person. In other words true beauty is in the eye of the beholder so I think that it can change from person to person. Also I don't have a favorite model or movie star because you never know what is behind the camera. Also I don't think that society has a good view of beauty because to a lot of people it's all about the money or looks never who the person really is. Finally the attributes and characteristics that I think are important are attitude and if you can see yourself with that person.
The title of this video explains how a normal woman can go from looking like one person to another. The author's purpose is to show you how people change looks and look totally different in a short amount of time. True beauty is what's on the inside, not the outside. My favorite famous actor is definitly Ryan Renyolds<3. What makes Ryan Renyolds beautiful is his personality and his looks. No, in my opinion society does not have a healthy view of beauty because people are also jugded by their looks at first, instead of what's on the inside. What your're basically saying is what else matters than looks. So I think personality, background, feelings, and attitude matter the most in a person.
Elizabeth Tennant 4th/5th periods
The title of this video means that beauty has evolved in our present world. Women are misjudged because of how people see them on the outside. The author’s purpose was to show everyone how people are changed to make them look “beautiful”. True beauty is only skin deep meaning that what is on the outside doesn’t matter, it is what is on the inside that counts. No, I don’t have a favorite movie star because I agree with Trevor; you really don’t know what is behind the camera. Society definitely does not have a healthy view of beauty because they misjudge EVERYONE because they are not “perfect”. There are many things more important than beauty, such as your personality, honesty, intelligence, compassion, and many more things are WAY more important than beauty.
Kayla DeLorenzo
4th and 5th period
The title of this video means how beauty has made itself what it is today. The authors purpose is showing how hard girls work to look like models. When in reality they don't even look like that. This video is a perfect example of how high the standards are set for girls to be beautiful. True beauty is just being your natural self. Yes, My favorite movie star is Kyle Gallner. He plays in Haunting in Connecticut and many other movies. His beauty lies in his personality. He isn't very cute, but he knows it and doesn't act like he is! I think that the society’s view of beauty is terrible. Women work so hard to try and make them selves look like the other women they see in magazines. In reality though it is impossible because know one really looks like that, and know one is perfect. Women shouldn't feel that they have to be either. I think that we should all try to look past looks and focus more on personality. The best looking person might have the worst personality. Believe it or not your personality can make you ugly.
Lauren Massacci 4th and 5th pd
I think the title of this video means what we think is beauty, what WE see and think. The authors purpose of creating this piece is to show that who we think is the most hansome guy or prettiest girl aren't what they seem. Peopkle are "edited" so companies will look good, but they don't think of how computer edits and hours of endless make-up and hair efect a person. It hurts people and there self esteems.I think Meghan Foxx is the prettist actress. She has beautiful hair and her face structure is beautiful. Society has a horrible view of what beauty really is, the tables need turned, models need to see pure beauty in stead of the mascara on there eyelashes. Intellegants, good-heartedness, and love are all more important than beauty.
I think the people made this video to show people that people dont look like they do in real life when theey are on magazines and billboards.I think that they should not edit people on the computer and stuff and let them express their own beauty.Even though they look better when people do that they still shouldn't do what they do. Because when they do that and when a little kid looks at it they think that is how they look when they are not.
The title of this video means like the process of being beautuful. I think the author made this piece to show people that models or celeberties might not be who you think they are. They might just be all made up in make up. True beauty is when you can just roll out of bed and don't have to out on any makeup, you just already look gorgeous.I don't have a favorite model but I do have a favorite movie star. My favorite movie star is Miley Cyrus because I think she is a wonderful actress and I love her hair. I think what makes her beautiful is her hair, and smile. She is very pretty but she goes threw the same process as the girl did in the video. No I don't think the society has a good view of beauty because alomst every movie star/model has gotten plastic surgery and has so much stuff done to them. Like, hair extensions, fake tans, fake nails, plastic surgery, and makeup. I think peoples personalities, sense of humor, and education is all more important than just being pretty on the outside. -Megan McCullough
It means that beauty and what girls do to make themselves feel beautiful has completely changed over the years. It has, in one word, evolved. The author made this video to show people that our perspective of beauty is completely different then what it should be. True beauty is what’s on the inside and not the outside. My favorite movie star is Megan Fox because she is beautiful and doesn’t let that get to her head. Society does not have a healthy view of beauty because they think that beauty is just on the outside and this video shows that. Your feelings, characteristics, talents and everything like that really show true beauty.
Cody Brubaker
Pd. 2/3
It means that this was the start if beauty. The author made this to show how make up and computers can make people look more beautiful. True beauty is being yourself and being beautiful by your self without computers, makeup is good to use because everyone uses it. My favorite movie star is Taylor Lautner, he is cute. I think his personality makes him beautiful. Yes I think that society has a healthy view of beauty. These following things are important: personality,caringness,and niceness.
this video show that hollywood makes you fake for some because god made you the way you look so just except it. the author wrote this to show that the magizens are fake and theat young teen girls are killing there selves because thay do not look like theses girls. true beauty is what you think of you self. megan fox is naturle becasue she is pretty and she look good with out makeup and also kim socity does no have a healty view on beauty.smarts,kindness,love.
There deceiving the public and that is fake. And there trying to make young girls like this thats why there so many eating disorders.To show that if you have the right people you can look just like them. Taylor Lautner is my favorite movie star. The only thing that makes him handsome is his abs.
I think "Evolution of Beauty" is about how facial beauty can be changed with makeup and computer technology called airbrushing. I think the author's purpose for this video is to show people that facial beauty isn't always real. Anybody can be made up to look like a model. True beauty is what is inside a person's heart and soul. That is real. I really like Sandra Bullock. She is a famous actress. She is very pretty, but what makes her truly beautiful is that she really seems to keep her feet on the ground. She doesn't let her fame and money rule her life. She uses it to help others. She's very funny, smart, and does charity work to help children. I think society has a very bad view of what beauty is. Too many people focus too much on how people look. Do they have the right clothes, the right hair style, the right makeup? What's really important is what a person is like on the inside, like if they are honest, trusting, kind, caring, funny, smart, and loving.
The title of the video means that beauty is not always what you think it is. The authors purpose in creating this video is to show girls that they should not compare themselves to others because what they see could not be natural. True beauty is beauty that is in someone without make up or something else to make them more beautiful. I do not have a favorite model or movie star but I do think that Taylor Swift is pretty. I think her hair makes her beautiful. No, I do not think society has a healthy view of beauty because beauty to them is people that have tons of make up on and are skinny. Being smart, caring, honest, trustworthy, and truthful are better than being beautiful.
-Sarah Cox, period 2/3
The title of the video Is to show you how beauty came to be, and how computers and magazines can change how you look. I think that the authors purpose of making this video was to show you that It does not matter what you look like with makeup or no makeup on. I think that true beauty is the beauty inside you. Yes, my favorite actress is amanda seyfried. I think that she has natural beauty. Personality, the way how you treat people, and money.
Abby Williams
7th & 8th
The title of this video means how beauty came to be almost fake. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show that without makeup and your hair fixed to perfection you people don't think your beautiful. true Beauty is beauty without makeup and your hair fixed, its what on the inside. No, I don't have a favorite movie star or model. What really makes movie stars and models beautiful is makeup, props, and there hair being perfect. No, the society doesn't have a healthy view of beauty, they don't see whats on the inside beautiful just on the outside, never read a book by its cover. Attributes and characteristics are more important then looks.
The title explains the history of beauty and how it came to be now. The author’s purpose in creating this video is to show everybody can be pretty even if they don’t think they are. True beauty is how pretty you are when you don’t have any makeup on and your hair isn’t done. Sandra Bullock, she is funny and pretty. No, because some people put way to much make up on and they look really ugly. Characteristics that are more important than beauty include personality, smart, manners, etc.
Abby Cooper
7/8 period English
The title "Evolution of Beauty" means how you go from one place to another to transform to improve your features. The author's purpose of this video is to show how one individual can go from being just a normal person to being on a billboard. True beauty to me is what is inside the individual. By this I mean how they act and speak and also how they dress. Two of my favorite movie stars are Will Smith and Eddie Murphy. I dont find them attractive but I do think they are very funny. I think that society does not have a healthy view of beauty because everybody has to be perfect 24/7. I think the video is a good teaching tool for not only girls, but for everybody.
beauty these days... It's just crazy what girls would do if they didnt have makeup on they would start balling their eyes out. the author showed this video because he wanted to see how long it takes to make someone that pretty. it also shows how she looked before the make up and after.
The title of this video means what people have done to what we call "beauty". The author's purpose in creating this piece is to show that all the things people do to this regular woman to make her look amazing up on that billboard. True beauty is what people are on the inside, not the out. I do not have a favorite model or movie star, but if i had to pick one, it would be Dane Cook. He is a very funny actor/comedian, and he reminds me of my brother. I do not think society has a good view on beauty because of some things such as PhotoShop have distorted the beauty. Some characteristics better than beauty are kindness, sweet, loving, and caring.
I believe that this video shows how women are expected to look, but very few women actually can, because they put so much time into it. Another thing is that its not true beauty it’s just what the make artist can do to make someone beautiful. My favorite movie star would have to be, Megan Fox, I like Megan Fox, because she stars in a great movie, Transformers, and she is also an amazing actress. No, society believes that everyone should look that good, even though it’s not possible. Finally, this concludes my blog of what true beauty, and what society thinks beauty should be.
The title of this video means how beauty changes. I think the author showed this video, because the people that said they aren't beautiful, actually are, and they wantd to prove that too you. True beauty is what you look like on the inside and out without all of the makeup. Like someones feeling's. I don't have a favorite model or movie star. What makes them beautiful are what they are like on the inside. Yes I do think the society has a healthy view of beauty. Mostlty of how much money, how nice they are, and their feelings, inside and out.
- Samanthe Bolling 2&3 period.
The title means how beauty became to be! I think the author showed this video because people think beauty is everything (: if your not pretty then no one likes you ):
The title of the video means exactly what it means. The video is about the evolution of what we call beauty. The author’s purpose in making this is to show you how what we call beauty has changed over time. True beauty is not on the inside. It is beauty without being messed with. My favorite model/movie star is Megan Fox. She is beautiful because she is beautiful and nice. No , society does not have a good view of beauty. The inside is more important than the inside.
The title of the video means exactly what it means. The video is about the evolution of what we call beauty. The author’s purpose in making this is to show you how what we call beauty has changed over time. True beauty is not on the inside. It is beauty without being messed with. My favorite model/movie star is Megan Fox. She is beautiful because she is beautiful and nice. No , society does not have a good view of beauty. The inside is more important than the inside.
The title means that beauty can be made without the person being naturaly beautiful. I think the authhor`s purpose was to show that beauty can be made. True beauty is when a person is as beautiful on the inside as on the outside. My favorite movie star is Kim Kardashian, she is beautiful because she is very hot. I don`t think society has a healthy view of beauty, because we look at whats on the outside rather than the inside. One is personality.
This video was made to show how beauty has evolved in the past years. The author showed this to show how greatfull we should be to have came this far. Beauty is how we look to others.
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