My favorite sport is Volleyball. I have never played in sports. I really don't have a story concerning me and a sport or a game that I have played in. My favorite football team is the Colts. The best football game ever was the pre-season football game the Giants and the Jets. Yes and they are Peyton Manning and Elie Manning and also I kind of like the Steelers but I am not from here or PA so I don't like them. I also like the Tennessee Volunteers.
My favorite sport is baseball. I have played baseball, basketball, and football. Last year in a baseball game I was up to bat. All of a sudden the wind started to blow really hard to straight center field. The pitch came in and I swung but the ball hit the handle of my bat and hurt my hands. I looked up and saw the ball being carried by the wind and went over the fence for a homerun. I don’t really like football but I guess my favorite football team is the Bangles. The first W.V.U. game I went too, W.V.U won 33-0. I don’t have a favorite player, because I don’t watch football too much. Jayce Riley 4/5th period
My favorite sport is baseball i'm a big barry bonds fan. The sports that i have played in the past are basketball, swimming, track, crosscountry, and t-ball.My favorite football is the new york giants. I watch football but i dont realy pay attention I feel lie i have more impportant stuff to focus on like texting and bein online and talking to people or watching something else on tv.yes my favorite football plyer is eli manning.
my favorite sport is cheerleading. i played cheerleading in the past and gymnastics.i dont really have a story concerning me in a sport or game. my favorite football team are the dallas cowboys.well i dont really watch the games im normally only concerned about the scores at the end, like who won.yes, tony romo hes the quarter back of the dallas cowboys.
My favorite sport is soccer. I have always loved the game soccer because I've been playing since I was five years old, and loved it from the start. I have two memorable moments in my soccer career. The first one is one that will haunt me for the rest of my life, and that is when I scored my first goal. At five years old, it’s very exciting when you score your first goal, but in my case, I scored it for the OTHER team. I saw the ball and kicked it into the closest net and unfortunately it was the other teams net. I was humiliated and felt stupid, but of course everyone was so nice about it, especially my coach; my dad! The other memory is when I was 12 and my soccer team won the Kohl’s Cup, which is the final statewide championship match. We started like the Bad News Bears, but our team really came together and we won. It was something I will never forget. Going from scoring your very first goal for the OTHER team to winning the Kohl’s Cup was a victory for me! I have also played baseball and swam for a couple of years, but nothing compared to soccer. My favorite soccer team is the Italian Soccer Team. In Europe, soccer is referred to as football, so sometimes when you read about the World Cup Soccer games, they call it football. It can be confusing, but after a while, you get used to it. Italy’s national soccer/football teams have won four World Cups. Michael Shaw 4th-5th period
My favorite sport is soccer. Sports that I have played in the past are soccer, basketball, I swam, and I have run XC and track. One time during a soccer tournament I was running down the side line, and just as I started to head toward the middle I got slide tackled from behind and broke my arm. My favorite football team is the Mountaineers. The best football game I have ever seen was last year, when I went to the Cinccinati vs. WVU game, we were down by almost 21 in the 3rd quarter and came back and went into overtime. My favorite football player is probably either Tom Brady, Noel Devine, or Pat Macafee. Maddi Craig, 2-3 Pd.
My favorite sport is football. I have played football, basketball, baseball, and rugbuy. I was olayin football once and fell on a rock and cut a huge gash in my leg. The Indianapolis Colts. The best game i have ever seen was when i was in the 6th grade an went to see the colts play the ravens in baltamore. And my favorite player is Peyton Manning
My favorite sport is cheerleading. I have played soccer, ran track, basketball, swam, and baseball when i was little. I really don't know a sport where it was concerning me in a sport or a game. My favorite football team is the mountaineers. I cant remember a time that i've been to a football game, but i have been to many. My favorite football player is Noel Devine. Abby Williams 7th & 8th
My favorite sport is lacrosse. I have played many sports including basketball, baseball, and soccer. One time in fifth grade my basketball team was just starting the game. I was surprised when I made the first basket. Then, I got the ball again and made another basket. That is the time I made the first points in a game. My favorite football team is Pittsburgh Steelers. The best football game I watched was when W.V. won 42-12. I do have a favorite football player. He is Hines Ward from the Pittsburgh Steelers. He is a very talented and energetic football player. Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
My favorite sport is basketball. I have played basketball, baseball, soccer, and I will be playing lacrosse in February. When I was in fifth grade when I was playing in a basketball game and I got a technical foul for fighting for the ball but I wasn’t doing anything wrong. My favorite football team is West Virginia Mountaineers. Honestly I’m not a huge football fan I would rather watch basketball any day over football but if I have to choose it would be the Pitt game every year. The West Virginia and Pitt game is the most fun to watch because of the rivalry between the two schools. My favorite football player would have had to have been Pat White.
My favorite sport is basketball. Some sports I have played include basketball, baseball, soccer, swimming, wrestling, track, cross country, and football. One incident that happened over the summer in an AAU basketball game was when I was going up for a dunk and a kid throw me down from the air and I had a minor concussion and was out for the rest of the tournament. My favorite football teams include the USC Trojans and the Pittsburgh Steelers. The best game I have ever seen is the 2007 Fiesta Bowl with Boise State and Oklahoma. My favorite football player is Kellen Moore the quarterback for Boise State. -Taylor Campbell
My favorite sport is football. I used to play volleyball at my old school, and I did soccer when I was younger. One time when, my little cousin Kaitlyn and my 3 other cousins, Alec, Gabe and Lauren, and I, we all played football. It was Lauren and I vs. Gabe, Kaitlyn and Alec. Well, Lauren and I let them win for a little and then we changed to tackle football. Gabe came running after me and he tried to tackle me but when he had his hands around my waist I picked him up and threw him on the ground, and I scored a touch down. At the end of the game it was 29-2, as you can tell Lauren and I won. I dont have a favorite football team, because I dont watch football that much. I dont have a favorite game or football player, because like I said I dont watch it that often.-Sammie(:
My favorite sport is soccer. Soccer is my favorite sport because it requires skill and aggressiveness. Sports that I have played in the past is dance, gymnastics, swimming, and soccer. I don't really have an interesting story concerning me and a sport or a game that I have played in. My favorite football team is the Mountaineers! I don't watch football that often and have I never been to a W.V.U football game before so I cannot remember what the best football game that I have ever seen is. My favorite football player would probably be Noel Devine.
My favorite sport is basketball. Well I use to play baseball and I played golf and tennis in the spring. One basketball game my team was losing 71-73. The team gave me the ball with three seconds left I shot a three, of course made it, and we won 74-73. My favorite football team is The Baltimore Ravens. The best football game I have ever seen is when the mountaineers beat Louisville In triple over-time. My favorite football player is Ed Reed because he is one of the fastest safety’s in the NFL. He can also hit someone pretty hard if he gets enough speed.Logan orton
My favorite sport is soccer. Some sports that I have played in the past is soccer, karate, and basketball. A game that I have played was three years ago. It was a soccer game. My team hadn’t been good the whole year. Then this Spanish travel team comes to play us and they didn’t look very good. So, the coach told all the team members there positions. Then we go to our position and the whistle blows. At half time the other team was beating us very bad, 28-0. That team was very good at soccer. The coach just told us to go on the field and run around wherever and try to get the ball. The entire team ran after the guy who had the ball. We lost terribly that game. I don’t have a favorite football team. The best game that I have watched was Cardinals and the Steelers super bowl. No I don’t have a favorite football player.
I have four favorite sports: swimming, karate, football, and soccer. A couple years ago, I played for F.A.C. - Fairmont Aquatic Club. Once I was playing tackle football with my friends and in one play the ball was passed to me and one of my friends, Robbie, tackled me by picking me up and spun me around 180 degrees. It didn't hurt. My favorite football teams are the mountaineers and the Steelers. The best football game I had ever seen was a couple years ago, at the super bowl, Harrison (on the Steelers,) caught the ball on the 0 yard line and ran and got a touchdown. I thought that was amazing. My two favorite football players are Ben Roethlisberger and Troy Polemolu. Both play for the Steelers.
My favorite sport is soccer. I've played soccer ever since I was five and I still love it. The sports that I have played are soccer, track, cheering, and gymnastics. One time, in cheerleading, we placed first in a competition at Fairmont State. We were against about 10 other teams. It felt amazing getting first place because we had worked so hard and all of our hard work paid off. My favorite football team is West Virginia mountaineers. I can't really think of the best football game that I've seen. My favorite player is Tom Brady, the quarter back for the Patriots. -Sarah Topardo 4&5
My favorite sport is football. I have played sports for a few years. But that was a whlie ago. The last time I played was at least 6 years ago. So I do not have a story to tell. But I like to watch the Pittsburg Steelers play.
My favorite sport is football. I play football and baseball. Two years ago I played for the 612 Mac Bulldogs and we were in the championship against Bridgeport there was 5:00 left in the game and we were down by a touchdown everyone was tired and exhausted Bridgeport wanted to hold onto the lead and we wanted to take it from them at last it was the last play of the game and Butters threw me a 35 yard pass and I scored, it was a tied game and it went into over time at the end we lost. My favorite NFL team is the Pittsburgh Steelers and my favorite college team is the West Virginia Mountaineers. Last my favorite player would have to be the mountaineers wide reciever Jock Sanders.T.J. Jones7th & 8th period
My favorite sport is basketball. The sports I have played in the past are baseball, basketball, cross country, track, football, and hunting. Last year at a cross country meet, I started the race and half-way through the race I started to throw up. That was the start of my swine flu. My favorite football team is the steelers. My dad took me too a steelers football game. My favorite football player is noel devine.
My favorite sport is basketball because it’s very fun. Sports that I have played in the past are basketball, baseball, soccer, track, cross country, and swimming. I remember when I first started running cross country three years ago. I would get a cramp every practice and I couldn’t keep up with anyone. Then later that season I improved a little bit. The next year I just kept improving and this year I’m one of the best on the team. I have also had to run with a broken arm this year. My favorite football team is the Dallas Cowboys. I actually don’t remember the best football game I’ve seen. I don’t think I have a favorite player either.
Actually my favorite player is Noel Divine.
My favorite sport that I have participated in is Cross Country. I have been in cross country since my seventh grade year at WFMS and have enjoyed it ever since. Although that running may not be considered a sport, to me it is the best sport in the world. Other sports that I have been a part of are soccer, basketball, cross country, and lacrosse. When I played soccer, I considered myself “the best”. I guess that doesn’t show now when I look at the age group that plays soccer. After 7 years of soccer, I looked a little into basketball. I began when I was only in 3rd grade. I played for the “little league” Pacers. My coach was Mike Mazellan. I played basketball until my sixth grade year. When I went out for the team, it turned out that there was more competition out there. When I moved to cross country, it started to seem like pure torture. Running everyday, 5 days a week, for 1 ½ hours. When I ran for a while, it got easier for me and I made a lot of friends. I put lacrosse down as a sport that I have played, but I actually “haven’t” played yet. I am waiting until early February of 2011 to play. Our lacrosse team is known as Fairmont Freeze. It is actually my first year of playing lacrosse, but I am still excited to play lacrosse. An exciting event for me and my basketball team was when we were playing in the 4th quarter. I was defending the point guard and he was about to make a shot to take the lead and I ran up and “packed” him. We won the game by 6 points that game. Although I don’t play football, I still have the Pittsburgh Steelers as my favorite football team. The best football game that I have ever seen is the 43rd Super Bowl. The Steelers were down by a field goal. The ball was hiked and Santonio Holmes ran toward the end zone. Ben Roethlisberger threw the ball to Santonio Holmes did the unthinkable. He put his “tip toes” on the out-of-bounds line and caught the football. The play was reviewed many times and was ruled a touchdown. The Steelers won the Super Bowl and made it their 6th Super Bowl win. My favorite football player is Hines Ward because when the things go bad during a football game, he always has the smile all four quarters. Dalton Okel 4th/5th Period
My favorite sport is swimming. Some sports I have done in the past was cheerleading ,basketball, and I use to play football with my brother and cousin when I was 8 years old but I have been swimming since I was 3 years old. Once in a swim meet it was time for the relays. On my relay team it was Katie, Maddi, Cassie and I. But it was an IM relay so the order was back-Katie, beast-Cassie, butterfly- me, and free- Maddi. When it was our turn to go up Katie got in the pool and got us a head start from the other teams. Then when Cassie got in and swam she lapped the other girl. Then it was my turn. I swam as fast as I could and then when I finished then Maddi swam. We got first place. Then when I went to talk to my coach about my butterfly he was said, “What was that.” And I said “what are you talking about?” and he said, “You swam that in less time than when you swam it individually.” So that meant I swim faster in the relay then I swam it regularly. So I had a hard butterfly practice the next 3 days. My favorite football team is WVU. The best football game I have ever seen is when I went to my first WVU game I think they won like 28-6 but I can’t remember who they played. No I don’t have a favorite football player.
My favorite sport is soccer. The sports that I have played in the past is basketball,and track. One time I was at a soccer game and a girl kicked me in the leg and I started lemping, and I thought it would be okay but when I got in the car my leg was balck and blue and it really hurt, so we went to the emergency room and put a wrap on it and got crutches.My favorite football team is WVU. The best football team that i ever seen is WVU.My favorite football player is Pat White.
My Favorit sport is swimming.In the past I have played baseball, soccer, and football.The best I have ever done in swimming is geting 3rd in the 50m fly. When I steped up to the bloock The only thing on my mind was beting the boy next to me. Te boy next to me quolifid 3rd so if I beat him I would ether be in 3rd our 4th. We steped on to the bloock consintrated herd the bep and I was off. I was behind him for the first 25m then The turn came. I know the turn was a big advantag for me because I have stroung legs and my kick was realy stroungand when we came out I was infrunt and it stayed that way. My favorite Football team is BYU. The WVU and Marshall game. I don't realy have a favorite football player.
My favorite sports are gymnastics and track. Ive played a alot of sports in the past, but these are my two favorites. Last year at the level 9 state championships, I was competing against my biggest competeior. She did very well, but I ended up winning. My favote footabll team is Texas Longhorns. I dont watch that much football, but when I do, I watch Texas. The best football game Ive ever seen was when Colt McCoy hurt his shoulder and the freshman, Gilbert (I cant rmemeber his fist name)played. Even though we lost, he did a great job for a freshman. My favorite football player is Colt McCoy, Vince Young and Peyton Manning.McKenna Kelley- 4/5 (:
My favorite sport is cheerleading. I've cheered and ran track. my facvorite sports team is the Colts because I am from Indiana. The best football game I've ever seen is the 2nd WVU game this season. It was the best game I've ever seen because I went to it. My favorite football player is Peyton Manning because he is the colts quaterback.
My favorite sport is either football or golf. I love both of them. I have played football, track, basket ball, swim team, tee ball, and soccer. Today at football practice I hit a kid and my head was too far down. I smashed him, but I really hurt my neck. My favorite team is Duke or WVU. I’m not sure what the best game I have ever seen was. I don’t have a favorite player. Lucas Kinder 2-3
My favorite sport is baseball. I love playing it because I get to pitch and bat. I like pitching because I like getting people out. one time I was at first base and a baseball came straight towards me and I went to go pick it up but it hit a bump and busted my lip open. It hurt like crazy!!! My favorite football team is the patriots. I have never watched a good football game in person. But I harldy see football games on tv too.
My favorite sport is soccer.I have a love for soccer that is strong.In the past I've played soccer, track, cheerleading, and gymnastics.One time I was in a soccer game & I was on offencame so i went down the field to score and I got slide tackled.Which caused me to get a fractured ankle.I had to wear a ankle brace for 6 weeks.My football team is the Steelers.The best football game i have ever seen is when i went with Kimmy Woods last year to a mountaineer game.Yes ,I do have a favorite play it happens to be Polamalu.By: Olivia Wilson(:4th & 5th period
My favorite sport is Football. The sports I have played in the past are, cheerleading, softball, baseball, tennis, and soccer. My favorite football team is The Pittsburg Steelers. The best football team I have ever saw, was the Super bowl 43, because I thought it was really fun to watch, with my family. I don’t really know if I have a favorite football player, but I really like them all.
My favorite sport is basketball. I have played softball,t ball, and basketball before. My favorite football team is Pittsburgh Steelers. the best football game I have ever seen is is East vs. West.My favorite football player is Tony Romo.
My favorite sport is soccer because it is very fast paced and it gets me excited. Also I like soccer because I am good at it. I have played soccer for nine years and I cheered for one. I remember one game when I dove for the first time on a penalty kick and my coach, Mandi, started jumping up and down in excitement. I block more goals then you can count. My favorite football team is the West Virginia Mountaineers. The best football game I have ever seen is the WVU vs. Pitt game last year or two years ago I do not really remember because of course West Virginia won. My favorite football player is either Pat MacAfee or Reed Williams from West Virginia.Kayla DeLorenzo4th and 5th period
My favorite sport is soccer. I'm not very good at it but I like ot play. I've played soccer on a real team, we were the blue thunder and I've played baseball with my friends. Even though most of the people quit in the middle and I became the only person on my team in the end, we all considered it a real game. I don't really have a story about a soccer game I've played in, uness you count the time I almost scored a goal. I don't like football because I don't understand it what so ever. Since I don't like foot ball I've never been to a game. But I have been to a Kentucky basketball game. I was five and in the middle of it I fell sleep on my dad's lap. I don't have a favorite foot ball player, because I don't watch football. Maybe some day I'll understand it or get better at soccer.
My favorite sport is baseball. I have played baseball, football, and basketball. One time, in a practice, I was playing 1st base and there was a ball hit foul. I ran over to get it and didn’t see the fence. Then, I hit the fence, flipped over it, and landed on my butt on the other side. My favorite football team is the New Orleans Saints. Although I have never been to a Saints game, I have been to a couple of West Virginia games. I guess the second one was the best because Isaac Childers was with us. My favorite football player is either Drew Brees, the quarterback for the Saints, or LaDainian Tomlinson, the running back for the New York Jets.Cody BrubakerPd. 2/3
My favorite spert is swimming and volleyball. I have played soccer, ballet, basketball, cheerleading, karate, swimming, hip-hop dancing, and t-ball. Once I was in 2nd grade and it was my first t-ball game so I hit the ball off the bat and it was out. So since it was my first game I took off running anyway and ran until I was back to first base and made a fool of myself. My favorite football team is WVU of course. The best football game I have ever seen was when WFMS played Westland and WFMS beat them, 62-12. No, I don't have a specific favorite football player; Ilike a lot of them. :)Elizabeth Tennant 4th/5th period
My Favorite sport is basketball. I have played soccer, basketball, and track. One time when i first started playing basketball i got the ball and dribbled down the court with it and scored and it took a few moments till i realized i scored for the other team! My favorite football team is the steelers. Well, to be honest I don't have a best football game, my answer would have to be being in the stands, instead of watching them on t.v. No, I do not have a favorite football player.
Personally, my favorite sport to play is a tie between cross country, track, and baseball. I have played in many sports in the past, such as: baseball, basketball, soccer, recreational wake boarding, knee boarding, and skiing, both water and snow. I was in the fifth grade, and I had a baseball game. The game was full of injuries. I broke Jonathon Leeper’s collar bone, he had been hit earlier when Ryder hit ball on a line, and luckily he was okay from the ball hitting him. Later that game I was playing third base, and Johnny Kelang was catching. Colton Toothman went to steal third, and the ball was low and took a bounce, which hit me in the mouth. I chipped my front tooth. Just last year with all the snow I tried to do a back flip with a snowboard, but it was plastic. I should’ve at least used my real board, but when I went off the ramp I hit a tree branch and hit my head, and rechipped my tooth, along with a tiny piece of the tooth next to it.
My favorite sport is cheerleading. The only two sports I've played in the past are basketball and cheerleading.The accident I've had in the past was during cheerleading last year we were stunting and I was a base. It was my first time basing someone and when she came down twisting out of her cradle she kicked me in my braces after I just had them changed and it hurt so bad! My favorite football team is the Dallas Cowboys! For the favorite football game I always enjoy watching the superbowl because its exciting to see the teams compete like crazy! I don't really have a favorite football player though. JoMarie Bogard4/5 Period
my fav. sport is basketball. i have played football, basketball in the past .our wfms white team whent unbeaten in the regular seanson and we lost to east because there PG made a game winning lay up withch he walkes and also butters was fav. team is wvu. my best game i seen was when wvu won the festia bowl vs oklohoma witch every state thought we would lose but wv and we killed them . my fav. football player is pat white who know plays baseball but is one of the best wvu qb ever.
My favorite sport is cheerleading. I haven't really played that many sports except cheerleading, tumbling and tumbling. Once when I was at tumbling when I couldn' do my backhand spring when I was 8, I tried to do my backhand spring and when I went back to put my hands down, my middle finger went all the way back to my wrist. I told my instuctor I hurt it but he obviously didn't think I hurt it bad enough to quit tumbling for the night so I had to keep doing them which made it even worse. I went to the hospital and found out I had broken my finger. I don't really watch football that much but when I do its the Mountaineers so their my favorite. But like I said, I don't watch football that much so I've never really seen a really good game. And I also don't have a favorite football player. -Megan Mccullough (:
My favorite sport is cheerleading. The only other sport I have played is basketball. That defiantly was not a good sport for me. I didn't even understand how to play. The worst thing that has ever happened to me while cheerleading is when the flyer sat back to far and elbowed me. Directly after the cradle the flyer jumped out from her twist, and leaned back way too far. So her elbows hit me in the face then again in the legs. After that her feet started to fly back over my head. In all of the excitement I barely slipped my hands under her, but I somehow managed to catch her. I don't watch very much football. If I were to watch it though I would be watching the Mountaineer, I guess that makes them my favorite team then! Being as I don't watch very much football I have never actually seen a good game to write about. I honestly don’t know because I don't watch very much football so I really don't know enough about it to pick a favorite football player.Lauren Massacci period 4 & 5
My favorite sport is basketball. I have played football, basketball, and softball. When I was in 6th grade. I broke my finger in a softball game. I was playing catcher at the time and when Kimmy Woods pitched the ball I put my hand in front of the ball and it broke my finger as the ball hit it.My favorite football team it the Tennesse Titans. I have seen a lot of football games played, so I really don't know what id the best game I have ever seen played. Yes, I do have a favorite football player. His name is Terrell Owens. He is my favorite football player , because he is a really good football player, and plus...... he is really cuteeee . (: brooklyn nuzum 2 & 3 period
My favorite sport to play is softball, but my favorite sport to watch is hockey. I have played softball, basketball, soccer, and I danced. One time at softball practice, we were scrimmaging against these four boys. I was on second base and I was running to third as fast as I could. Both of my knees locked and I fell flat on my face. It was SO embarrassing. I don't really have a favorite football team. I don't like football, mostly because I don't understand it. I've only been to one college football game in my life, and it was WVU versus Louisville, so I guess that would have to be the best I've ever seen... I don't have a favorite football player, since I don't like football.
My favorite sport is basketball! I have played baskeball, track, and softball. I don't really have a story concerning me and a sport. My favorite football team is the Baltimore Ravens. I don't know why i like them, i just like them for their colors. I really don't watch football, so i wouldn't know. I don't watch football enough to have a faorite player.
My favorite sport is football because I like to run, and tackle people. In the past I have played basketball three times in a row, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. Once I was playing football with my friends and brothers when my friend decides to put my brother on his shoulders with my brother holding the ball. When they said hut I ran knocked them over and they fumbled the ball. After they fumbled the ball I picked it up and ran for the touchdown. My favorite football team is the Pittsburg Steelers. Me personally, I don’t have a favorite football player. Triston Newbrough7-8 periods
My favorite sport is football. The only sports I have ever played are football and basketball. My favoritefootball team is the steelers. The best football game I have ever watched was the superbowl game between the Pittsburgh steelers and the Arizona cardinals when Ben roethlisburger threw the game winning touchdown to santonio Holmes for the game. I don't really hwve a favorite football player but if I had to choose one it would be between Troy Polamalu and James Harrison. Jahlil Howard
My favorite sport is tumbling. I have played soccer, tumbling, cross-country, and cheerleading. I played basketball when I was in like first grade too. One time I was in a soccer game and the ball came near me and I stuck my hand out and stopped the ball. I got a hand ball. I remember that my coach was asking me why I did that and I didn’t know. I do not really like football so I don’t have a favorite team or player. I don’t watch football either and if I do I don’t know what is going on.-Sarah Cox, period 2-3
My favorite sport would have to be baseball or football? In the past I have played baseball, football, and basketball. I once was in an All star game playing in Westover and I hit my first homerun over a pavilion. My favorite football team is the Pittsburgh Steelers. The best football game I have ever seen was the Steelers against another team and the final score was 3-0 because each team was playing a great defensive game. My favorite football player is Troy Polamulu and Hinez Ward.Izaiha John 4/5 period.
My favorite sport of all time is soccer. In the past, I have played rec soccer, travel soccer, basketball, gymnastics, and cheerleading. Last year, my cheerleading squad came in first place at our competition. We worked extremely hard all season and it finally paid off in the end. In our performance, we hit every stunt and had the best routine there, thanks to our chorographer. I would give anything to have that squad back again this year. My favorite football team is the Fairmont Senior Polar Bears. My dad used to be the head coach there. The best football game I’ve ever seen was when I watched Fairmont Senior play Nitro in the 2006 play-offs. We were ranked 8th and Nitro was ranked 2nd. My favorite football player is Bret Favre. I admire him for being so old and still working so hard.-Baylee Abbott 4/5th periods
I really don't have a favorite sport. I'm just not into sports that much. I do like to swim, though. The only activities I have done is cheerleading, dancing, ice skating, and swimming. I tried to do track one time, but hurt my heel and had to quit track because I couldn't run anymore. I have never watched football so I don't have a favorite team or a favorite player. Football is actually my least favorite sport.
My favorite sport is baseball I just love it, I like watching and playing it. I have played many sports baseball, basketball, soccer, track/field, and cross country. I remember one baseball game it had just rained and everything was wet. When I got on base someone drove me in. Then when I stepped on home plate my heel slipped and I possibly fractured it. My favorite football team is the New Orleans Saints and not because they won the superbowl because my favorite player is on there team. The best football game I have ever seen was were a player jumped on a diving tackler then catapolted off of him and started running again. My favorite football player is Reggi Bush from the New Orleans Saints.
My favorite sport would have to be football. I have never played on a sports team. However, riding horse is like a sport to me. I have had a bad experience with a horse this summer I was bucked off and dislocated my kneecap and is still dislocated. My favorite football team is the Steelers. My favorite football game I seen was Magnolia High School against River City High School. My favorite football player would have to be Owen Schmitt; he used to play for West Virginia Mountaineers, now he plays for Seattle Seahawks. He is an awesome football player.
My favorite sport is swimming! I have taken part in cheerleading, swimming, basketball. When I was in third grade at Whitehall Elementary we went out for recess. We started playing soccer and somebody, not sure who, kicked the soccer ball so hard that it broke the window to Mrs. Wolfe’s classroom (her class was taking a test at the time). We all were humored, because it was funny and scared because we thought that all of us would be in big trouble. But in the end the window was fixed and we didn’t get in trouble. I have two favorite football teams: the West Virginia Mountaineers and Fairmont Senior Polar Bears. I don’t know what the best football game is that I have ever seen. My favorite football player is probably Pat White.Abby Cooper7/8 period
My favorite sport is football. I like it because of the contact. The sports I have played in the past are football, basketball, track, baseball, soccer, and raced BMX. Last year during the football season, our football team went undefeated. My favorite football team is the Miami Dolphins. I like them because they run the wild cat. It is an offensive formation that they run that helps them move the ball up the field. The best football game I have ever seen is when Boise State beat Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. I liked it because it went down to the last seconds of the game. I do have a favorite football player, his name is Mark Sanchez. He plays for the New York Jets. His position is quarterback. When I was 8 I qualified to race in the President's Cup in Orlando, Florida. It is a BMX race where you compete against other state champions. I was 1st in my age for West Virginia. I got 5th place nationally.
My favorite sport is soccer. I used to play baseball but I wanted to focus on soccer. Last year, I was in a game. We were tied 2-2. I was playing defender and the other team's defense booted the ball right to me. I performed a move on a kid going for the ball and booted it back to them. My freind Levi took the ball and scored. We one the game and it was a great feeling. My favorite football team is the Giants. I was watching the Giants in the superbowl. That was the best I have ever seen. My favorite football player is Eli Manning.Isaac Childers 2-3 period
My favorite sport is dance, specifically acrobatics. In the past, I have done swim team, soccer, and dance. When I was in third grade, I played soccer. It was one of our game days and it was really rainy and muddy. I had the soccer ball and I was running toward the goal. While I was running, though, I slipped on some mud and lost the ball. Luckily, it still went into the goal! I was really happy!I don't really have a favorite football team, but I do go to WVU games with my dad and sometimes a friend. The best football game that I have ever seen was the first WVU game I went to. I had a lot of fun at it! I don't have a favorite football player either, but I still love watching the games!Bethany McPherson-Pd. 4 and 5
I dont have a favorite sport. I never played in a real team. I dont have a story to tellabout me and a sport or team. If I had to chose a favorite sport. It would be baseball. My favorite baseball team is the new york yankees.
My favorite sport is volleyball! I love that sport to death! I was on a cheerleading team in 1st grade! And in high school im going to play volleyball!! Thiers no story containing me in sports! My favorite football team is wvu and the Steelers!
My favorite sport is baseball. Basketball is also one of my favorites, and I love watching sccer. I have played baseball, basketball, football, soccer, and I've even been in a bowling league. My 5th and 6th grade basketball team lost the championship both years, to a different East Side team both times. My favorite football is the Jets. The best football game i have ever seen is when the Steelers beat the Colts to go to the Super Bowl in 2005. My favorite football player of all-time is AJ Hawk, for the Green Bay Packers.
My favorite sport is football. Sport I have played in the past include soccer , crosscountry , basketball , and track. One time Trey and I were playing basketball and he threw the ball at me and broke my thumb. My favorite football team is WVU. In 2007 , the Fiesta Bowl. My favorite player is Divine.
My favorite sport is cheerleading. In the past I have I have ran track and cheerleading.One time at a track meet one of my team mates were suppost to hand the baton to me so I could win the race.When she handed it to me it slipped out of my hands and I had to pick it up. It was so embarrasing because that caused us to lose the race, but we still came in second place. I guess thats still good!!! My favorite football team are the steelers. I don't like to watch football so i don't have a favorite football game. My favorite football player is Troy Polamalu.
My favorite sport is football.I know it sounds wierd but I do.Believe it or not there is such thing as a prfessional girls football team. One sport that I have played in the past is track.My favorite football team is the Steelers because first of all they were my grandfather's favorite football team.So I decided that they were going to be my favorite.I do not have a favorite football player either I just think they are all good players.
My favorite sport is football. The sports I have played in the past are Football, Basketball, and Baseball. The secondweek of football practice Tj Jones broke his arm. The best football game I have ever seen was the New York Giants against the New England Patriots. My favorite offensive player is Peyton Manning, because he is a great player on and off the field. My favorite defensive player is Darrelle Revis, because he is a shut down corner and a great player
My favorite sport (as small as it is) is table tennis or ping-pong. I dont have a story about a sport I have played. My favorite football team is the Pitsburg Steelers.
My favorite sport would have to be softball! The sports I have played in the past are soccer, softball, and competitive cheerleading. The Steelers have been my favorite for a very long time. Even though they aren’t having a very good season so far… The best football game I have been to was when the W.V.U team won 33-0! My favorite football player is Elie Manning. Sydnee Boyles, 6th
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My favorite sport is Volleyball. I have never played in sports. I really don't have a story concerning me and a sport or a game that I have played in. My favorite football team is the Colts. The best football game ever was the pre-season football game the Giants and the Jets. Yes and they are Peyton Manning and Elie Manning and also I kind of like the Steelers but I am not from here or PA so I don't like them. I also like the Tennessee Volunteers.
My favorite sport is baseball. I have played baseball, basketball, and football. Last year in a baseball game I was up to bat. All of a sudden the wind started to blow really hard to straight center field. The pitch came in and I swung but the ball hit the handle of my bat and hurt my hands. I looked up and saw the ball being carried by the wind and went over the fence for a homerun. I don’t really like football but I guess my favorite football team is the Bangles. The first W.V.U. game I went too, W.V.U won 33-0. I don’t have a favorite player, because I don’t watch football too much.
Jayce Riley 4/5th period
My favorite sport is baseball i'm a big barry bonds fan. The sports that i have played in the past are basketball, swimming, track, crosscountry, and t-ball.My favorite football is the new york giants. I watch football but i dont realy pay attention I feel lie i have more impportant stuff to focus on like texting and bein online and talking to people or watching something else on tv.yes my favorite football plyer is eli manning.
my favorite sport is cheerleading. i played cheerleading in the past and gymnastics.i dont really have a story concerning me in a sport or game. my favorite football team are the dallas cowboys.well i dont really watch the games im normally only concerned about the scores at the end, like who won.yes, tony romo hes the quarter back of the dallas cowboys.
My favorite sport is soccer. I have always loved the game soccer because I've been playing since I was five years old, and loved it from the start. I have two memorable moments in my soccer career. The first one is one that will haunt me for the rest of my life, and that is when I scored my first goal. At five years old, it’s very exciting when you score your first goal, but in my case, I scored it for the OTHER team. I saw the ball and kicked it into the closest net and unfortunately it was the other teams net. I was humiliated and felt stupid, but of course everyone was so nice about it, especially my coach; my dad! The other memory is when I was 12 and my soccer team won the Kohl’s Cup, which is the final statewide championship match. We started like the Bad News Bears, but our team really came together and we won. It was something I will never forget. Going from scoring your very first goal for the OTHER team to winning the Kohl’s Cup was a victory for me!
I have also played baseball and swam for a couple of years, but nothing compared to soccer. My favorite soccer team is the Italian Soccer Team. In Europe, soccer is referred to as football, so sometimes when you read about the World Cup Soccer games, they call it football. It can be confusing, but after a while, you get used to it. Italy’s national soccer/football teams have won four World Cups.
Michael Shaw
4th-5th period
My favorite sport is soccer. Sports that I have played in the past are soccer, basketball, I swam, and I have run XC and track. One time during a soccer tournament I was running down the side line, and just as I started to head toward the middle I got slide tackled from behind and broke my arm. My favorite football team is the Mountaineers. The best football game I have ever seen was last year, when I went to the Cinccinati vs. WVU game, we were down by almost 21 in the 3rd quarter and came back and went into overtime. My favorite football player is probably either Tom Brady, Noel Devine, or Pat Macafee.
Maddi Craig, 2-3 Pd.
My favorite sport is football. I have played football, basketball, baseball, and rugbuy. I was olayin football once and fell on a rock and cut a huge gash in my leg. The Indianapolis Colts. The best game i have ever seen was when i was in the 6th grade an went to see the colts play the ravens in baltamore. And my favorite player is Peyton Manning
My favorite sport is cheerleading. I have played soccer, ran track, basketball, swam, and baseball when i was little. I really don't know a sport where it was concerning me in a sport or a game. My favorite football team is the mountaineers. I cant remember a time that i've been to a football game, but i have been to many. My favorite football player is Noel Devine.
Abby Williams
7th & 8th
My favorite sport is lacrosse. I have played many sports including basketball, baseball, and soccer. One time in fifth grade my basketball team was just starting the game. I was surprised when I made the first basket. Then, I got the ball again and made another basket. That is the time I made the first points in a game. My favorite football team is Pittsburgh Steelers. The best football game I watched was when W.V. won 42-12. I do have a favorite football player. He is Hines Ward from the Pittsburgh Steelers. He is a very talented and energetic football player.
Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
My favorite sport is basketball. I have played basketball, baseball, soccer, and I will be playing lacrosse in February. When I was in fifth grade when I was playing in a basketball game and I got a technical foul for fighting for the ball but I wasn’t doing anything wrong. My favorite football team is West Virginia Mountaineers. Honestly I’m not a huge football fan I would rather watch basketball any day over football but if I have to choose it would be the Pitt game every year. The West Virginia and Pitt game is the most fun to watch because of the rivalry between the two schools. My favorite football player would have had to have been Pat White.
My favorite sport is basketball. Some sports I have played include basketball, baseball, soccer, swimming, wrestling, track, cross country, and football. One incident that happened over the summer in an AAU basketball game was when I was going up for a dunk and a kid throw me down from the air and I had a minor concussion and was out for the rest of the tournament. My favorite football teams include the USC Trojans and the Pittsburgh Steelers. The best game I have ever seen is the 2007 Fiesta Bowl with Boise State and Oklahoma. My favorite football player is Kellen Moore the quarterback for Boise State.
-Taylor Campbell
My favorite sport is football. I used to play volleyball at my old school, and I did soccer when I was younger. One time when, my little cousin Kaitlyn and my 3 other cousins, Alec, Gabe and Lauren, and I, we all played football. It was Lauren and I vs. Gabe, Kaitlyn and Alec. Well, Lauren and I let them win for a little and then we changed to tackle football. Gabe came running after me and he tried to tackle me but when he had his hands around my waist I picked him up and threw him on the ground, and I scored a touch down. At the end of the game it was 29-2, as you can tell Lauren and I won. I dont have a favorite football team, because I dont watch football that much. I dont have a favorite game or football player, because like I said I dont watch it that often.
My favorite sport is soccer. Soccer is my favorite sport because it requires skill and aggressiveness. Sports that I have played in the past is dance, gymnastics, swimming, and soccer. I don't really have an interesting story concerning me and a sport or a game that I have played in. My favorite football team is the Mountaineers! I don't watch football that often and have I never been to a W.V.U football game before so I cannot remember what the best football game that I have ever seen is. My favorite football player would probably be Noel Devine.
My favorite sport is basketball. Well I use to play baseball and I played golf and tennis in the spring. One basketball game my team was losing 71-73. The team gave me the ball with three seconds left I shot a three, of course made it, and we won 74-73. My favorite football team is The Baltimore Ravens. The best football game I have ever seen is when the mountaineers beat Louisville In triple over-time. My favorite football player is Ed Reed because he is one of the fastest safety’s in the NFL. He can also hit someone pretty hard if he gets enough speed.
Logan orton
My favorite sport is soccer. Some sports that I have played in the past is soccer, karate, and basketball. A game that I have played was three years ago. It was a soccer game. My team hadn’t been good the whole year. Then this Spanish travel team comes to play us and they didn’t look very good. So, the coach told all the team members there positions. Then we go to our position and the whistle blows. At half time the other team was beating us very bad, 28-0. That team was very good at soccer. The coach just told us to go on the field and run around wherever and try to get the ball. The entire team ran after the guy who had the ball. We lost terribly that game. I don’t have a favorite football team. The best game that I have watched was Cardinals and the Steelers super bowl. No I don’t have a favorite football player.
I have four favorite sports: swimming, karate, football, and soccer. A couple years ago, I played for F.A.C. - Fairmont Aquatic Club. Once I was playing tackle football with my friends and in one play the ball was passed to me and one of my friends, Robbie, tackled me by picking me up and spun me around 180 degrees. It didn't hurt. My favorite football teams are the mountaineers and the Steelers. The best football game I had ever seen was a couple years ago, at the super bowl, Harrison (on the Steelers,) caught the ball on the 0 yard line and ran and got a touchdown. I thought that was amazing. My two favorite football players are Ben Roethlisberger and Troy Polemolu. Both play for the Steelers.
My favorite sport is soccer. I've played soccer ever since I was five and I still love it. The sports that I have played are soccer, track, cheering, and gymnastics. One time, in cheerleading, we placed first in a competition at Fairmont State. We were against about 10 other teams. It felt amazing getting first place because we had worked so hard and all of our hard work paid off. My favorite football team is West Virginia mountaineers. I can't really think of the best football game that I've seen. My favorite player is Tom Brady, the quarter back for the Patriots.
-Sarah Topardo 4&5
My favorite sport is football. I have played sports for a few years. But that was a whlie ago. The last time I played was at least 6 years ago. So I do not have a story to tell. But I like to watch the Pittsburg Steelers play.
My favorite sport is football. I play football and baseball. Two years ago I played for the 612 Mac Bulldogs and we were in the championship against Bridgeport there was 5:00 left in the game and we were down by a touchdown everyone was tired and exhausted Bridgeport wanted to hold onto the lead and we wanted to take it from them at last it was the last play of the game and Butters threw me a 35 yard pass and I scored, it was a tied game and it went into over time at the end we lost. My favorite NFL team is the Pittsburgh Steelers and my favorite college team is the West Virginia Mountaineers. Last my favorite player would have to be the mountaineers wide reciever Jock Sanders.
T.J. Jones
7th & 8th period
My favorite sport is basketball. The sports I have played in the past are baseball, basketball, cross country, track, football, and hunting. Last year at a cross country meet, I started the race and half-way through the race I started to throw up. That was the start of my swine flu. My favorite football team is the steelers. My dad took me too a steelers football game. My favorite football player is noel devine.
My favorite sport is basketball because it’s very fun. Sports that I have played in the past are basketball, baseball, soccer, track, cross country, and swimming. I remember when I first started running cross country three years ago. I would get a cramp every practice and I couldn’t keep up with anyone. Then later that season I improved a little bit. The next year I just kept improving and this year I’m one of the best on the team. I have also had to run with a broken arm this year. My favorite football team is the Dallas Cowboys. I actually don’t remember the best football game I’ve seen. I don’t think I have a favorite player either.
Actually my favorite player is Noel Divine.
My favorite sport that I have participated in is Cross Country. I have been in cross country since my seventh grade year at WFMS and have enjoyed it ever since. Although that running may not be considered a sport, to me it is the best sport in the world. Other sports that I have been a part of are soccer, basketball, cross country, and lacrosse. When I played soccer, I considered myself “the best”. I guess that doesn’t show now when I look at the age group that plays soccer. After 7 years of soccer, I looked a little into basketball. I began when I was only in 3rd grade. I played for the “little league” Pacers. My coach was Mike Mazellan. I played basketball until my sixth grade year. When I went out for the team, it turned out that there was more competition out there. When I moved to cross country, it started to seem like pure torture. Running everyday, 5 days a week, for 1 ½ hours. When I ran for a while, it got easier for me and I made a lot of friends. I put lacrosse down as a sport that I have played, but I actually “haven’t” played yet. I am waiting until early February of 2011 to play. Our lacrosse team is known as Fairmont Freeze. It is actually my first year of playing lacrosse, but I am still excited to play lacrosse. An exciting event for me and my basketball team was when we were playing in the 4th quarter. I was defending the point guard and he was about to make a shot to take the lead and I ran up and “packed” him. We won the game by 6 points that game. Although I don’t play football, I still have the Pittsburgh Steelers as my favorite football team. The best football game that I have ever seen is the 43rd Super Bowl. The Steelers were down by a field goal. The ball was hiked and Santonio Holmes ran toward the end zone. Ben Roethlisberger threw the ball to Santonio Holmes did the unthinkable. He put his “tip toes” on the out-of-bounds line and caught the football. The play was reviewed many times and was ruled a touchdown. The Steelers won the Super Bowl and made it their 6th Super Bowl win. My favorite football player is Hines Ward because when the things go bad during a football game, he always has the smile all four quarters.
Dalton Okel 4th/5th Period
My favorite sport is swimming. Some sports I have done in the past was cheerleading ,basketball, and I use to play football with my brother and cousin when I was 8 years old but I have been swimming since I was 3 years old. Once in a swim meet it was time for the relays. On my relay team it was Katie, Maddi, Cassie and I. But it was an IM relay so the order was back-Katie, beast-Cassie, butterfly- me, and free- Maddi. When it was our turn to go up Katie got in the pool and got us a head start from the other teams. Then when Cassie got in and swam she lapped the other girl. Then it was my turn. I swam as fast as I could and then when I finished then Maddi swam. We got first place. Then when I went to talk to my coach about my butterfly he was said, “What was that.” And I said “what are you talking about?” and he said, “You swam that in less time than when you swam it individually.” So that meant I swim faster in the relay then I swam it regularly. So I had a hard butterfly practice the next 3 days. My favorite football team is WVU. The best football game I have ever seen is when I went to my first WVU game I think they won like 28-6 but I can’t remember who they played. No I don’t have a favorite football player.
My favorite sport is soccer. The sports that I have played in the past is basketball,and track. One time I was at a soccer game and a girl kicked me in the leg and I started lemping, and I thought it would be okay but when I got in the car my leg was balck and blue and it really hurt, so we went to the emergency room and put a wrap on it and got crutches.My favorite football team is WVU. The best football team that i ever seen is WVU.My favorite football player is Pat White.
My Favorit sport is swimming.In the past I have played baseball, soccer, and football.The best I have ever done in swimming is geting 3rd in the 50m fly. When I steped up to the bloock The only thing on my mind was beting the boy next to me. Te boy next to me quolifid 3rd so if I beat him I would ether be in 3rd our 4th. We steped on to the bloock consintrated herd the bep and I was off. I was behind him for the first 25m then The turn came. I know the turn was a big advantag for me because I have stroung legs and my kick was realy stroungand when we came out I was infrunt and it stayed that way. My favorite Football team is BYU. The WVU and Marshall game. I don't realy have a favorite football player.
My favorite sports are gymnastics and track. Ive played a alot of sports in the past, but these are my two favorites. Last year at the level 9 state championships, I was competing against my biggest competeior. She did very well, but I ended up winning. My favote footabll team is Texas Longhorns. I dont watch that much football, but when I do, I watch Texas. The best football game Ive ever seen was when Colt McCoy hurt his shoulder and the freshman, Gilbert
(I cant rmemeber his fist name)played. Even though we lost, he did a great job for a freshman. My favorite football player is Colt McCoy, Vince Young and Peyton Manning.
McKenna Kelley- 4/5 (:
My favorite sports are gymnastics and track. Ive played a alot of sports in the past, but these are my two favorites. Last year at the level 9 state championships, I was competing against my biggest competeior. She did very well, but I ended up winning. My favote footabll team is Texas Longhorns. I dont watch that much football, but when I do, I watch Texas. The best football game Ive ever seen was when Colt McCoy hurt his shoulder and the freshman, Gilbert
(I cant rmemeber his fist name)played. Even though we lost, he did a great job for a freshman. My favorite football player is Colt McCoy, Vince Young and Peyton Manning.
McKenna Kelley- 4/5 (:
My favorite sport is cheerleading. I've cheered and ran track. my facvorite sports team is the Colts because I am from Indiana. The best football game I've ever seen is the 2nd WVU game this season. It was the best game I've ever seen because I went to it. My favorite football player is Peyton Manning because he is the colts quaterback.
My favorite sport is either football or golf. I love both of them. I have played football, track, basket ball, swim team, tee ball, and soccer. Today at football practice I hit a kid and my head was too far down. I smashed him, but I really hurt my neck. My favorite team is Duke or WVU. I’m not sure what the best game I have ever seen was. I don’t have a favorite player. Lucas Kinder 2-3
My favorite sport is baseball. I love playing it because I get to pitch and bat. I like pitching because I like getting people out. one time I was at first base and a baseball came straight towards me and I went to go pick it up but it hit a bump and busted my lip open. It hurt like crazy!!! My favorite football team is the patriots. I have never watched a good football game in person. But I harldy see football games on tv too.
My favorite sport is soccer.I have a love for soccer that is strong.In the past I've played soccer, track, cheerleading, and gymnastics.One time I was in a soccer game & I was on offencame so i went down the field to score and I got slide tackled.Which caused me to get a fractured ankle.I had to wear a ankle brace for 6 weeks.My football team is the Steelers.The best football game i have ever seen is when i went with Kimmy Woods last year to a mountaineer game.Yes ,I do have a favorite play it happens to be Polamalu.
By: Olivia Wilson(:
4th & 5th period
My favorite sport is Football. The sports I have played in the past are, cheerleading, softball, baseball, tennis, and soccer. My favorite football team is The Pittsburg Steelers. The best football team I have ever saw, was the Super bowl 43, because I thought it was really fun to watch, with my family. I don’t really know if I have a favorite football player, but I really like them all.
My favorite sport is basketball. I have played softball,t ball, and basketball before. My favorite football team is Pittsburgh Steelers. the best football game I have ever seen is is East vs. West.
My favorite football player is Tony Romo.
My favorite sport is soccer because it is very fast paced and it gets me excited. Also I like soccer because I am good at it. I have played soccer for nine years and I cheered for one. I remember one game when I dove for the first time on a penalty kick and my coach, Mandi, started jumping up and down in excitement. I block more goals then you can count. My favorite football team is the West Virginia Mountaineers. The best football game I have ever seen is the WVU vs. Pitt game last year or two years ago I do not really remember because of course West Virginia won. My favorite football player is either Pat MacAfee or Reed Williams from West Virginia.
Kayla DeLorenzo
4th and 5th period
My favorite sport is soccer. I'm not very good at it but I like ot play. I've played soccer on a real team, we were the blue thunder and I've played baseball with my friends. Even though most of the people quit in the middle and I became the only person on my team in the end, we all considered it a real game. I don't really have a story about a soccer game I've played in, uness you count the time I almost scored a goal. I don't like football because I don't understand it what so ever. Since I don't like foot ball I've never been to a game. But I have been to a Kentucky basketball game. I was five and in the middle of it I fell sleep on my dad's lap. I don't have a favorite foot ball player, because I don't watch football. Maybe some day I'll understand it or get better at soccer.
My favorite sport is baseball. I have played baseball, football, and basketball. One time, in a practice, I was playing 1st base and there was a ball hit foul. I ran over to get it and didn’t see the fence. Then, I hit the fence, flipped over it, and landed on my butt on the other side. My favorite football team is the New Orleans Saints. Although I have never been to a Saints game, I have been to a couple of West Virginia games. I guess the second one was the best because Isaac Childers was with us. My favorite football player is either Drew Brees, the quarterback for the Saints, or LaDainian Tomlinson, the running back for the New York Jets.
Cody Brubaker
Pd. 2/3
My favorite spert is swimming and volleyball. I have played soccer, ballet, basketball, cheerleading, karate, swimming, hip-hop dancing, and t-ball. Once I was in 2nd grade and it was my first t-ball game so I hit the ball off the bat and it was out. So since it was my first game I took off running anyway and ran until I was back to first base and made a fool of myself. My favorite football team is WVU of course. The best football game I have ever seen was when WFMS played Westland and WFMS beat them, 62-12. No, I don't have a specific favorite football player; Ilike a lot of them. :)
Elizabeth Tennant 4th/5th period
My Favorite sport is basketball. I have played soccer, basketball, and track. One time when i first started playing basketball i got the ball and dribbled down the court with it and scored and it took a few moments till i realized i scored for the other team! My favorite football team is the steelers. Well, to be honest I don't have a best football game, my answer would have to be being in the stands, instead of watching them on t.v. No, I do not have a favorite football player.
Personally, my favorite sport to play is a tie between cross country, track, and baseball. I have played in many sports in the past, such as: baseball, basketball, soccer, recreational wake boarding, knee boarding, and skiing, both water and snow. I was in the fifth grade, and I had a baseball game. The game was full of injuries. I broke Jonathon Leeper’s collar bone, he had been hit earlier when Ryder hit ball on a line, and luckily he was okay from the ball hitting him. Later that game I was playing third base, and Johnny Kelang was catching. Colton Toothman went to steal third, and the ball was low and took a bounce, which hit me in the mouth. I chipped my front tooth. Just last year with all the snow I tried to do a back flip with a snowboard, but it was plastic. I should’ve at least used my real board, but when I went off the ramp I hit a tree branch and hit my head, and rechipped my tooth, along with a tiny piece of the tooth next to it.
My favorite sport is cheerleading. The only two sports I've played in the past are basketball and cheerleading.The accident I've had in the past was during cheerleading last year we were stunting and I was a base. It was my first time basing someone and when she came down twisting out of her cradle she kicked me in my braces after I just had them changed and it hurt so bad! My favorite football team is the Dallas Cowboys! For the favorite football game I always enjoy watching the superbowl because its exciting to see the teams compete like crazy! I don't really have a favorite football player though.
JoMarie Bogard
4/5 Period
my fav. sport is basketball. i have played football, basketball in the past .our wfms white team whent unbeaten in the regular seanson and we lost to east because there PG made a game winning lay up withch he walkes and also butters was fav. team is wvu. my best game i seen was when wvu won the festia bowl vs oklohoma witch every state thought we would lose but wv and we killed them . my fav. football player is pat white who know plays baseball but is one of the best wvu qb ever.
My favorite sport is cheerleading. I haven't really played that many sports except cheerleading, tumbling and tumbling. Once when I was at tumbling when I couldn' do my backhand spring when I was 8, I tried to do my backhand spring and when I went back to put my hands down, my middle finger went all the way back to my wrist. I told my instuctor I hurt it but he obviously didn't think I hurt it bad enough to quit tumbling for the night so I had to keep doing them which made it even worse. I went to the hospital and found out I had broken my finger. I don't really watch football that much but when I do its the Mountaineers so their my favorite. But like I said, I don't watch football that much so I've never really seen a really good game. And I also don't have a favorite football player. -Megan Mccullough (:
My favorite sport is cheerleading. The only other sport I have played is basketball. That defiantly was not a good sport for me. I didn't even understand how to play. The worst thing that has ever happened to me while cheerleading is when the flyer sat back to far and elbowed me. Directly after the cradle the flyer jumped out from her twist, and leaned back way too far. So her elbows hit me in the face then again in the legs. After that her feet started to fly back over my head. In all of the excitement I barely slipped my hands under her, but I somehow managed to catch her. I don't watch very much football. If I were to watch it though I would be watching the Mountaineer, I guess that makes them my favorite team then! Being as I don't watch very much football I have never actually seen a good game to write about. I honestly don’t know because I don't watch very much football so I really don't know enough about it to pick a favorite football player.
Lauren Massacci period 4 & 5
My favorite sport is basketball. I have played football, basketball, and softball. When I was in 6th grade. I broke my finger in a softball game. I was playing catcher at the time and when Kimmy Woods pitched the ball I put my hand in front of the ball and it broke my finger as the ball hit it.My favorite football team it the Tennesse Titans. I have seen a lot of football games played, so I really don't know what id the best game I have ever seen played. Yes, I do have a favorite football player. His name is Terrell Owens. He is my favorite football player , because he is a really good football player, and plus...... he is really cuteeee . (:
brooklyn nuzum
2 & 3 period
My favorite sport to play is softball, but my favorite sport to watch is hockey. I have played softball, basketball, soccer, and I danced. One time at softball practice, we were scrimmaging against these four boys. I was on second base and I was running to third as fast as I could. Both of my knees locked and I fell flat on my face. It was SO embarrassing. I don't really have a favorite football team. I don't like football, mostly because I don't understand it. I've only been to one college football game in my life, and it was WVU versus Louisville, so I guess that would have to be the best I've ever seen... I don't have a favorite football player, since I don't like football.
My favorite sport is basketball! I have played baskeball, track, and softball. I don't really have a story concerning me and a sport. My favorite football team is the Baltimore Ravens. I don't know why i like them, i just like them for their colors. I really don't watch football, so i wouldn't know. I don't watch football enough to have a faorite player.
My favorite sport is football because I like to run, and tackle people. In the past I have played basketball three times in a row, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. Once I was playing football with my friends and brothers when my friend decides to put my brother on his shoulders with my brother holding the ball. When they said hut I ran knocked them over and they fumbled the ball. After they fumbled the ball I picked it up and ran for the touchdown. My favorite football team is the Pittsburg Steelers. Me personally, I don’t have a favorite football player.
Triston Newbrough
7-8 periods
My favorite sport is football. The only sports I have ever played are football and basketball. My favoritefootball team is the steelers. The best football game I have ever watched was the superbowl game between the Pittsburgh steelers and the Arizona cardinals when Ben roethlisburger threw the game winning touchdown to santonio Holmes for the game. I don't really hwve a favorite football player but if I had to choose one it would be between Troy Polamalu and James Harrison. Jahlil Howard
My favorite sport is tumbling. I have played soccer, tumbling, cross-country, and cheerleading. I played basketball when I was in like first grade too. One time I was in a soccer game and the ball came near me and I stuck my hand out and stopped the ball. I got a hand ball. I remember that my coach was asking me why I did that and I didn’t know. I do not really like football so I don’t have a favorite team or player. I don’t watch football either and if I do I don’t know what is going on.
-Sarah Cox, period 2-3
My favorite sport would have to be baseball or football? In the past I have played baseball, football, and basketball. I once was in an All star game playing in Westover and I hit my first homerun over a pavilion. My favorite football team is the Pittsburgh Steelers. The best football game I have ever seen was the Steelers against another team and the final score was 3-0 because each team was playing a great defensive game. My favorite football player is Troy Polamulu and Hinez Ward.
Izaiha John 4/5 period.
My favorite sport of all time is soccer. In the past, I have played rec soccer, travel soccer, basketball, gymnastics, and cheerleading. Last year, my cheerleading squad came in first place at our competition. We worked extremely hard all season and it finally paid off in the end. In our performance, we hit every stunt and had the best routine there, thanks to our chorographer. I would give anything to have that squad back again this year. My favorite football team is the Fairmont Senior Polar Bears. My dad used to be the head coach there. The best football game I’ve ever seen was when I watched Fairmont Senior play Nitro in the 2006 play-offs. We were ranked 8th and Nitro was ranked 2nd. My favorite football player is Bret Favre. I admire him for being so old and still working so hard.
-Baylee Abbott 4/5th periods
My favorite sport of all time is soccer. In the past, I have played rec soccer, travel soccer, basketball, gymnastics, and cheerleading. Last year, my cheerleading squad came in first place at our competition. We worked extremely hard all season and it finally paid off in the end. In our performance, we hit every stunt and had the best routine there, thanks to our chorographer. I would give anything to have that squad back again this year. My favorite football team is the Fairmont Senior Polar Bears. My dad used to be the head coach there. The best football game I’ve ever seen was when I watched Fairmont Senior play Nitro in the 2006 play-offs. We were ranked 8th and Nitro was ranked 2nd. My favorite football player is Bret Favre. I admire him for being so old and still working so hard.
-Baylee Abbott 4/5th periods
I really don't have a favorite sport. I'm just not into sports that much. I do like to swim, though. The only activities I have done is cheerleading, dancing, ice skating, and swimming. I tried to do track one time, but hurt my heel and had to quit track because I couldn't run anymore. I have never watched football so I don't have a favorite team or a favorite player. Football is actually my least favorite sport.
My favorite sport is baseball I just love it, I like watching and playing it. I have played many sports baseball, basketball, soccer, track/field, and cross country. I remember one baseball game it had just rained and everything was wet. When I got on base someone drove me in. Then when I stepped on home plate my heel slipped and I possibly fractured it. My favorite football team is the New Orleans Saints and not because they won the superbowl because my favorite player is on there team. The best football game I have ever seen was were a player jumped on a diving tackler then catapolted off of him and started running again. My favorite football player is Reggi Bush from the New Orleans Saints.
My favorite sport would have to be football. I have never played on a sports team. However, riding horse is like a sport to me. I have had a bad experience with a horse this summer I was bucked off and dislocated my kneecap and is still dislocated. My favorite football team is the Steelers. My favorite football game I seen was Magnolia High School against River City High School. My favorite football player would have to be Owen Schmitt; he used to play for West Virginia Mountaineers, now he plays for Seattle Seahawks. He is an awesome football player.
My favorite sport is swimming! I have taken part in cheerleading, swimming, basketball. When I was in third grade at Whitehall Elementary we went out for recess. We started playing soccer and somebody, not sure who, kicked the soccer ball so hard that it broke the window to Mrs. Wolfe’s classroom (her class was taking a test at the time). We all were humored, because it was funny and scared because we thought that all of us would be in big trouble. But in the end the window was fixed and we didn’t get in trouble. I have two favorite football teams: the West Virginia Mountaineers and Fairmont Senior Polar Bears. I don’t know what the best football game is that I have ever seen. My favorite football player is probably Pat White.
Abby Cooper
7/8 period
My favorite sport is football. I like it because of the contact. The sports I have played in the past are football, basketball, track, baseball, soccer, and raced BMX. Last year during the football season, our football team went undefeated. My favorite football team is the Miami Dolphins. I like them because they run the wild cat. It is an offensive formation that they run that helps them move the ball up the field. The best football game I have ever seen is when Boise State beat Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. I liked it because it went down to the last seconds of the game. I do have a favorite football player, his name is Mark Sanchez. He plays for the New York Jets. His position is quarterback. When I was 8 I qualified to race in the President's Cup in Orlando, Florida. It is a BMX race where you compete against other state champions. I was 1st in my age for West Virginia. I got 5th place nationally.
My favorite sport is soccer. I used to play baseball but I wanted to focus on soccer. Last year, I was in a game. We were tied 2-2. I was playing defender and the other team's defense booted the ball right to me. I performed a move on a kid going for the ball and booted it back to them. My freind Levi took the ball and scored. We one the game and it was a great feeling. My favorite football team is the Giants. I was watching the Giants in the superbowl. That was the best I have ever seen. My favorite football player is Eli Manning.
Isaac Childers 2-3 period
My favorite sport is dance, specifically acrobatics. In the past, I have done swim team, soccer, and dance. When I was in third grade, I played soccer. It was one of our game days and it was really rainy and muddy. I had the soccer ball and I was running toward the goal. While I was running, though, I slipped on some mud and lost the ball. Luckily, it still went into the goal! I was really happy!I don't really have a favorite football team, but I do go to WVU games with my dad and sometimes a friend. The best football game that I have ever seen was the first WVU game I went to. I had a lot of fun at it! I don't have a favorite football player either, but I still love watching the games!
Bethany McPherson-Pd. 4 and 5
I dont have a favorite sport. I never played in a real team. I dont have a story to tellabout me and a sport or team. If I had to chose a favorite sport. It would be baseball. My favorite baseball team is the new york yankees.
My favorite sport is volleyball! I love that sport to death! I was on a cheerleading team in 1st grade! And in high school im going to play volleyball!! Thiers no story containing me in sports! My favorite football team is wvu and the Steelers!
My favorite sport is baseball. Basketball is also one of my favorites, and I love watching sccer. I have played baseball, basketball, football, soccer, and I've even been in a bowling league. My 5th and 6th grade basketball team lost the championship both years, to a different East Side team both times. My favorite football is the Jets. The best football game i have ever seen is when the Steelers beat the Colts to go to the Super Bowl in 2005. My favorite football player of all-time is AJ Hawk, for the Green Bay Packers.
My favorite sport is football. Sport I have played in the past include soccer , crosscountry , basketball , and track. One time Trey and I were playing basketball and he threw the ball at me and broke my thumb. My favorite football team is WVU. In 2007 , the Fiesta Bowl. My favorite player is Divine.
My favorite sport is cheerleading. In the past I have I have ran track and cheerleading.One time at a track meet one of my team mates were suppost to hand the baton to me so I could win the race.When she handed it to me it slipped out of my hands and I had to pick it up. It was so embarrasing because that caused us to lose the race, but we still came in second place. I guess thats still good!!! My favorite football team are the steelers. I don't like to watch football so i don't have a favorite football game. My favorite football player is Troy Polamalu.
My favorite sport is football.I know it sounds wierd but I do.Believe it or not there is such thing as a prfessional girls football team. One sport that I have played in the past is track.My favorite football team is the Steelers because first of all they were my grandfather's favorite football team.So I decided that they were going to be my favorite.I do not have a favorite football player either I just think they are all good players.
My favorite sport is football. The sports I have played in the past are Football, Basketball, and Baseball. The secondweek of football practice Tj Jones broke his arm. The best football game I have ever seen was the New York Giants against the New England Patriots. My favorite offensive player is Peyton Manning, because he is a great player on and off the field. My favorite defensive player is Darrelle Revis, because he is a shut down corner and a great player
My favorite sport (as small as it is) is table tennis or ping-pong. I dont have a story about a sport I have played. My favorite football team is the Pitsburg Steelers.
My favorite sport would have to be softball! The sports I have played in the past are soccer, softball, and competitive cheerleading. The Steelers have been my favorite for a very long time. Even though they aren’t having a very good season so far… The best football game I have been to was when the W.V.U team won 33-0! My favorite football player is Elie Manning.
Sydnee Boyles, 6th
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