I would never say something to someone on line if I wouldn’t say it to them in person. A lot of people usual text each other and say stuff about them. I have seen people say to each other they hate each other through text. We can try to make those people start being friends in school and hopefully they will be friends even when they text or chat online. Yes I have a Facebook and a MySpace account. I use those websites to communicate with my friends. I also use that to put on pictures of me and play fantasy basketball.Logan Orton
No, I would not say that to someone ever. I do know of example of cyberbullying that occur at WFMS. You can help stop cyberbullying by telling people not to, puting up signs at school. I have a facebook. I can use it in a positive way by just talking to friends and not saying anything rude or anything to put people down. Maddi Craig 2-3 Period
No, I never say something to anyone online, that I wouldn’t say in person. I wouldn’t even think about it. Kids are being called names they shouldn’t, and misjudged and ignored. Even if you’re not the one being bullied, you can still go to a teacher, and say what’s going on. That would be the right thing to do. I have a facebook account, but I'm very careful and safe on it, and I always watch what I say. If I saw something on facebook that was cyber bullying, I would tell my parents. Michael Shaw 4th-5th period
I would never say something online that wouldn't say in person. I've never actually seen anybody cyber bullying in our school, but I have seen regular bullying. We can help stop cyberbullying by trying to get those people to get along and like maddi said put posters up in the school. I dop have a face book but I never use it. I'm too forgetfuyl to get on every night. But I cna and will use it in a positive way by saying nice things to people and watching what I say.
I dont think it is ok to say stuff that hurts people. People like to say stuff over text or though stuff on facebook. I have a facebook and myspace and i use them to talk to friend and reltives. I think facebook should watch for cyberbulling and kick people off when they say stuff like that. People need to report it too or it will never stop.
I would never say something stupid to a person online that I wouldn’t say to them in person. What most people do is text each other or on facebook and myspace call each other names and act like little kid. I think on way to stop cyberbulling is if you have a problem with someone you should tell them to there face not online or behind there back. Yes I have both a Facebook and a Myspace. I think you can use them in a positive way by doing the right things on them and use them to communicate with your friends and family.
No, i would never say something online. Yes i know many examples of cyberbulling at west fairmont middle school. People usually say stuff during a text or online. You can help cyberbulling by telling them to stop or telling a parent, gardian, or a teacher.Yes i do have a facebook account and iam very careful of who my friends. I can use these to tslk to my friends, upload pictures. Abby Williams (: 7th & 8th
No I would never even say anything mean to anyone unless they said something to me first. But i deffinatly wouldn't say anything on onle even if they would say anything to me first. I know a couple of examples of cyberbullying at WFMS. Like people calling people names or being mean to someone just because there not smart or something. I think I could stop cyberbullying by sticking up for people when others talk about people. I have a facebook account. I use my facebook to talk to my friends and to make new ones.-Megan McCullough
I wouldn't say anything online that I wouldn't say to someone's face because I'm not afraid to speak my mind, whether it's mean or not. I know that people start rumors through texting and Facebook at WFMS. I can stop cyberbullying by telling people it's not cool. I have a Facebook and a Myspace, but I only use my Facebook. I can use it in a positive way by just using it for sharing pictures and talking to friends instead of talking behind people's back on the internet.
no i would say nonthing about know one and if i did i would say it 2 there face.no because most kids get along.on social website block people and aslo if u dont know them than dont talk 2 them.i have both accounts.by not hurting anyone
There is one thing I don't do ios not say something online that I would not say in person.I have heard of some kids talk about how they have gotten mail online that is mean but I haven't heard of someone cyberbullying at WFMS.Probably because we don't have communicating things like facebook and myspace that we can get onto at school.One way is when you get a mean message online tell an adult or just do fight back and get yourself in trouble.Yes I do have a facebook account just not a myspace because it is not secure like facebook.On facebook you can lock info but on myspace everyone can see it.You can use those in a positive like just chatting with someone that is your friend and don'tpost anything that you wouldn't say in person.
No I would not be mean to some one online! Its just really mean and i wouldn't say it to them in person either!!! and alot of people say mean things to each other through text and pictures): I have a myspace but not a facebook (: (I think facebook is lame):) I use this website to talk and meet new people! but i be carefull to who i am friends with!!!
I would never say something, knowing it could take someone's life, and just to be rude like that. I don't see how people can do that without feeling guilty. Thye don't know what goes on at home for that kid. They could be just making their day even worse. I do have a facebook. I use my facebook to catch up with my long-distance friends. I don't use it to hurt anyone. I haven't seen anything at WFMS, but if I do, I will do my best in trying to stop that. That is so wrong and evil. I try my best to be friendly and nice. Of course I can get nasty, but I would never be that mean.
I would probably say something online that I would usually not say in person, but nothing mean. At West Fairmont Middle, kids text each other hurtful things and the are usually said on facebook and myspace as well. People can stop cyberbullying by not saying things that could hurt someone else. The could also report bad things that are being said to them. I do have a facebook and a myspace. You can use them in a positive way by just having fun and talking to your friends. Don’t say anything that might hurt someone else, even if you didn’t intend to.- Baylee Abbott4th-5th periods
No, I would not say anything online that I would not say to a person face to face. I do know one way and it is through email. Some ways to stop cyberbullying is to tell adults, block that person, and to report them. No, I do not have a facebook or a myspace account, but I do have a playstation network account and it is kid of the same thing. You can talk to friends, play with friends, and have fun and talk with people around the world. It is fun to use the translator to understand what they are saying.Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
I would not say something online that I would not say in person. I have not seen cyber bullying occur in WFMS. I can help stop cyber bullying by standing up for someone I know was being cyber bullied. I could also encourage someone who was being cyber bullied to go to a councilor, teacher, or another adult. I could be a friend to someone being cyber bullied as well. I do have a facebook account. I can and will be careful what I post online. I will try to be friendly to everyone.Sarah Cox period 2-3
I would never say something to someone that wouldn't say in person. I do not know of eany examples of cyberbullyling at WFMS. I don't realy know how to stop cyberbullyling but the only reson I think somone would do that is thay don't have a good home. No I do not have a facebook or a myspace account. I don't know how to use that in a positive way but to use it for the reson it was made to be used for, to talk to your frinds.
I would never say something online that I wouldn't say to them in person. People at WFMS usually send mean and hateful messages through texting. We can at least try to get people to start being friendly in school. No I don't have a facebook or Myspace but if I did I would use those websites to communicate with friends put pictures of me and I would probaly play games.
No, I would never say something online that I would never say in person. I do know a couple of cyberbullying have occured at WFMS. I think that you can help stop cyberbullying by telling people not to, and maybe putting posters all around your school to show that it is wrong. People all around the world have committed suicide, because they have been cyberbullied or have been bullied in school. Yes, I have both a facebook and a myspace account. I don't use my myspace anymore. But i can use my facebook in a positive way by just comunicating with my friends in good ways , and not being mean to anybody. brooklyn nuzum 2 and 3 period . (:
No, I wouldn't say anything to anybody online, if I wouldn’t say it any person. I do know an example of cyber bullying at WFMS. We could stop cyber bulling by, all becoming friends with each other, and treating everyone the same. Yes I do have both, a Facebook, and MySpace account. I can use those in a positive way by not being mean to each other.
No, I wouldn’t say something about someone behind their back online or in a text. I would be completely honest and tell them to their face. I don’t like people who backstab and try to hurt other people’s feelings just to make them feel better. No, I have never heard of any cyber bullying that has gone on in our school. I would tell my parents if I did know of someone being picked on over the internet because almost daily you turn the T.V. on and someone has killed themselves because of bullying. No, I don’t have facebook our parents don’t like the idea of us having an account. Since I don’t have one I can’t but I think there should be more done at school.
No I would not say something like that online that I wouldn’t say to someone in person. I would not even cyber bully. Yes I know ways that people cyber bully at West Fairmont Middle School. One way is texting. Another way is on the computers. Don’t keep it in to yourself if you are cyber bullied, speak up to a truthful adult. If you know if someone is cyber bullied or know someone that is cyber bullying tell an adult. Speak up to a teacher. Yes I have a face book account and my space account. You can talk to your friends nicely and don’t talk to other people you know or don’t know mean. Don’t cyber bully!
I would never say anything online that I would not say in person. At West Fairmont Middle School, there are many different ways people cyberbully such as texting, facebook or MySpace, e-mails, and many more. I can stop cyberbullying by reporting it to a teacher or an adult, talking to the victim or bully, and even suggest them to attend mediation. I do have a facebook account and I can use my facebook account by only talking positively about others, put respectful pictures, and use appropriate language. I would never do any of those things in the first place but I know several people that would.Kayla DeLorenzo4th-5th period
I might say something online that I wouldn't say in person but it wouldn't be anything mean just personal things. No I do not know of cyber bullying at WFMS. One way to stop cyber bullying is to not talk to someone if you don't haveanything nice to say. I do have a Facebook and a myspace page. One way to use them in a positive way is to tell someone about something they did that was good or not speaking to people that would usually encourage you to cyber bully.
It is not nice to sat bad stuff to people on line. You never know what mental shape they are in. If you would not say it in person you should not say it on the internet. You do not know who you are hurting and it could be a friend or a family member. If you treat people like trash you will be treated like trash to. So if you do not like that then do not treat others like that.
I would not say anything online that I wouldn't say to a person face. I don't think there is any type of cyber bulling that goes on. I don't know for sure if there is or not but if it is then it needs to be stopped. I know people that get made at each other and say stuff mean. I do not think that anyone will kill them self over it though. I do have a facebook. I use it to talk to other people and not to say mean stuff on there. I use it to play games and other fun stuff on facebook.
No, I wouldn't ever say something online if I wouldn't say in person. At West Fairmont Middle, people usually text or say mean things to people on Facebook or Myspace. That's how WFMS cyber bullies. I think that we can stop cyber bullying by if you’re mad at someone or something like that, talk to them about in person nicely. But, people cyber bully kids just to be mean. A way we can stop this is by trying to be nice and keep our comments to ourselves because cyber bullying can really hurt people. Yes, I have a Facebook and a Myspace. I way that everyone can use Myspace and Facebook in a good way is to maybe post something nice on somebody's wall or put a sweet comment on a picture. It should always make people feel better to say something nice to someone online, rather than say something mean. Sarah Topardo-4&5
No, I would never say anything negative to a person online at any time, nor even in person. That would be twice as bad to tell a person something hurtful to them right to their face. They would probably cry, get very frustrated, or get a thought of cyber-bullying you to get revenge. Although I have attended West Fairmont Middle School, I have never heard any rumors or seen anything that is a result of cyber-bullying. The worst example that I could think of at our school might be a threatening text or e-mail. There are many wasy that I could stop cyber-bullying if I were the one being cyber-bullied. If you have a cell phone, you should delete the text as soon as you get it or show an adult immediately. If you have an e-mail account, do the same exact thing that you would do if you got a text. Either delete it or report it. I have my own Facebook account, but would never have a MySpace account. I hear bad things go on in the cyber world on that site. I could use my Facebook account to help warn people that someone that they know may be cyber bullying them or could block them if they tried to cyber bully me.Dalton Okel4th/5th Period
No, I wouldn't say something online that i wouldn't say in person. No, there isn't much cyberbullyling at WFMS, but a lot of people text mean things to each other and start rumors when they hit the send button. I can stop cyberbullyling by not getting involved by not joining in, or if i see someone getting bullied, stop them. Yes, I have a facebook and a myspace. You can you them in a positive way by not saying bad things that again you wouldn't say in person, and being polite and think before you type, or talk.4th & 5th Sam Tonkovich
I personally would not say something online that I wouldn’t say in person. If I don’t have anything to say in person I wouldn’t say it at all to that person. I do not know any examples of cyber bulling occurring at this time at our school WFMS. The first thing I can do to stop cyber bulling is to not do it. Second if I hear or see anything about cyber bulling happening to and person I can report it to a parent or teacher. I do not have a Facebook or a MySpace. You can use them in a positive way by not cyber bulling.
No, I wouldn't say something online that I wouldn't say in person. Yes, I do know examples of cyberbulling at wfms, Facebook, MySpace, texting, twitter, and online chatrooms. I can stop cyberbulling by telling on them, alert teachers of what is going on. No, I do not have a facebook or myspace account. I can use those in positive ways by sharing positive stories, and get in contact with family and friends that I have not spoken to for a while.
I would definitely not say anything online that I wouldn’t say in person because if I were in that person’s shoes I would hate to be alive and I have a lot of sympathy for them. Yes, I do know a few people in WFMS that have gotten bullied and I helped the person by supporting them.There are many ways to stop or prevent cyber bullying. One, you can always print out the messages or tell an adult. Yes, I do have both a facebook and a MySpace. You can use both of them to communicate with friends about school and religion.Also, it is a great way to keep in touch with friends from other schools and family members that I don't see as frequent as I wish I could. -Olivia Wilson(:
No, I would definitly never say something online that I would not say in person. If I have to say something I'm not afraid to say it to their face. Yes I know of cyberbullying at WFMS. I know of people texting o reven calling people and making fun of them. We can help stop cyberbullying by counciling or talking to them and making them stop. Yes I have a facebook and myspace account. You can use those in a positive way by getting the word out to stop cyberbullying and the risks of it to the victim. Elizabeth Tennant4th/5th :)
No, I would not do that ever... I would not do it now, I didn't do it before, and I will not do it now. I am too nice of a person to cyber bully. I haven't seen any occurrences of cyber Bullying, but I might see some later... Try to make more friends with each other and influence younger kids not to do it. No, I don't have a facebook nor myspace accounts yet. When I get an account, I will use them to chat with friends and play games and use them for non violence purposes. Cyber Bullying should be stopped.
No, I would not say something to someone online if I wouldn't say it to them in person. Yes, some examples are people just calling them names just to judge someone and they really dont know them. Also people gossip alot and that creates a good bit of it.You can help stop cyberbullying by talking to people about it and how it affects the other person and basically try to get it to people's heads that cyberbullying is hurtful. Yes actually I have both a Facebook & Myspace account. I can use both of them in a positive way to meet new people, talk to my friends,and talk to my long distance family members and friends. JoMarie Bogard4/5 Period
I might sometimes say something online that I wouldn’t in person, but usually I would just text it. One type of cyber bulling that I can think of is hacking somebody’s account and changing their status to something stupid and changing to password. I can’t think of any examples at WFMS. Try to get everybody to be friends and not be choosy about the people at school who you want be friends with or not. I do have a Facebook account. I hardly ever get on it on my computer, I usually just get on the app that I have on my IPhone. I always use it responsible, and try to watch what I say for my statuses.Abby Cooper7/8th period
If I had something to say to someone I would rather say it in person. People who try to mess with people online are just scared to say the stuff in person. Cyberbullying could happen at West Fairmont Middle by kids saying mean stuff on Myspace or Facebook to other kids. The way to stop cyberbullying is to tell an adult that you are being bullied. Yes I have a facebook account. You can use them in a positive way by just not posting mean stuff or bullying other people online.
I would not say something that I wouldn't say in person because if I wouldn't want want say it in person, then it is probably something I shouldn't say. A lot of people say things about each other over texting. I could help stop cyberbullyling by maybe by telling other kids to stop cyberbullying. I do have a facebook account and I use it often. You can use your facebook or myspace account in a positive way by just communicating with friends an family and encouraging them. Cyberbullying is aserious thing that can effect people deeply. I have learned that you should think the words that you about to type through and ask yourself if you would want someone else to say that to you. Martina Edgell
I know this blog is about cyberbullying, but I think bullying is bullying. It shouldn't matter if it's done through technology or not. I wouldn't say anything mean to anyone with technology or any other way. It is just wrong. I can't really think of any examples of cyberbullying at WFMS that I have seen, but I'm sure it happens. I have been bullied and I have seen other people get bullied, just not cyberbullied. Some of the people who have bullied are some of the people who wrote they would never do that. My parents have always taught me "God's Golden Rule". Treat others the way you would want to be treated. My parents have also taught that bullying or cyberbullying starts with the parents. If the parents don't teach their kids from the time they are very little, how can you expect the kids to know any better. That doesn't excuse the kids' behavior. It just helps to explain why things like this happen. One way to stop this kind of stuff is to be a good example of right from wrong. Stand up for people when you see it happening.I do not have a facebook or myspace account, but if I did, they could be used in a positive way by being nice to everybody.
If I could not say something to someone in person, I would not dare to say it to them in online! No, Right off the top I do not know of any examples of Cyberbulling that occur at West Fairmont Middle School. You can stop Cyberbullying by telling an adult or reporting it to the school Princble or Guidence Counsler. Yes, I have a Facebook. Using Facebook in a positive way can mean anything. Here are some examples, Mr. Patric just posted an assessment on Facebook from his school website, contacting friends, scheduling events, and just having fun on the internet with your friends.
No, I would never post something like that online if i really felt the need to say something I would just say it to there face because obviously if you can't say it to ther face then your to scared to say it. Another reason i would never say something like that on the internet is because, once somethings on the internet it can never be completely removed. To be honest i havent heard anything about cyberbullying occuring at West Fairmont Middle School but I'm not saying it doesnt happen im just saying i havent heard anyhting about though. No, i do not have a facebook or myspace my paents do not allow me to.
I would never say anything online that I wouldn't say in person. I don't even like saying things in real life that hurt people. I don't know of any examples of cyberbullying at West Fairmont Middle School. You could help stop cyber bullying by reporting anything mean that is said online. You could also just be nice to everyone! Then there would be no reason to bully people online! I do have a facebook account. You could use them in a positive way by only saying nice things online and keeping in touch with the people you love that live far away.Bethany McPherson - Pd. 4 and 5
No I would never say anything bad about something online. Because if I didn't like them that much to put it online then I would never even say anything. No. I really don't know. No I had to delete mine. Well there are alot of people in Alabama that went to my church that had a facebook and they used it to find other people that are into God.
No, I would never say anything online that I wouldn’t say in person. If I wouldn’t say it in person, saying it online would be even worse. I never have heard about any cyber bullying at west Fairmont. One way to stop cyber bullying, r attempt to is to talk to the people that you know are bullying people. I have a facebook account and I think that its safer than myspace, because you can block people you can control who gets on your page, and what they can see. I can use my facebok to promote cyber bullying awareness.
I would never say somthing inappropariate to anyone online on through texting. I have witnessed it on a few occasions. We can fix this by adding little things to the school to lower the tension between students.
No I would never say something mean to someone through cyberbullying. I think if you got something to say go say it person. Most of the time people who cyberbully are just afraid to go say whatever to whoever's face. No I don't know of any inncodents of cyberbullying that occurs at WFMS, but I'm sure there is. No I don't have a Facebook or Myspace.Triston Newbrough7-8 periods
I would not tell anything offensive that I know for a fact that they would not take as just a little joke and I would also never say anything such as go kill yourself or something along those lines. Sometimes I see on Facebook that people do not always have nicest things to say to each other and it is usually because of a he said she said kind of situation. You can just be nice to people offline so that you have nothing bad to say to them online. Yes, you can talk to your friends about up coming event such as a football game and see if they want to go. -Taylor Campbell
I would not say something to a person that I would not say to them in person. I have actually not seen any cyberbullying happen at the school. I have heard rumors though. I think the best way to help stop cyberbullying is to enforce parents to look at their child's social network accounts every now and then. A lot of cyberbullying will end because some parents dont know that their child is cyberbullying other kids. Sadly, i do not have a facebook or myspace but hope to get one before Christmas. If you see cyberbullying happening, you can try to stop it by talking to a parent or adviser.Isaac Childers 2nd/3rd period
I would not say anything online that I wouldn’t say in person. What kind of person would say you should die? I wouldn’t say something like that to anybody. I have seen people being bullied in person and through texts. It annoys me that people are mean to each other for no apparent reason. I could stand up for people and help the kids that are being bullied. I have a Facebook and I could use it in a positive way by posting stuff about stopping cyber bullying and not cyber bully other kids. Cyber bullying is mean and wrong to do.
I wouldn't do that kind of stuff because it can get you into alot of trouble. A lot of people usual text each other and say stuff about them. I have seen people say to each other they hate each other through text.You can help stop cyberbullying by telling people not to, puting up signs at school.
No, because I think thats rood and that puts people down and then they would eventully kill them selves! No I don't know any cyber bulling at our school. I can help to stop cyber bulling by telling people not to go and talk about a person if the didn;t do anything to them.Yeas I do have a facebook, and I can use mine in a positve way by justtalking nice to people and not to be mean, and to teach people that they should stop the cyber bulling on facebbok and myspace because they could make someone actully kill them selves
Yes, I think I would say something online that I wouldn't say in person, but it wouldn't be to hurt someones feeligs. Cyberbullying occurs at our school when kids gang up on other kids and make fun of them. I can be a leader and stand up to the kids to make them stop. No I do not have a facebook ot myspace. My mom won't let me. You can go on there and say positive things about different people instead of hurtful things.
No, I would not say something online that I wouldn't say in person. I think that if your going to say something to someone you need to have the guts to do it in person, or you shouldn't at all. It is not right to threaten someone especially from behind a screen. If you really met what you were saying you would show them up and do it in person. I honestly have not heard anything about cyber bulling going on in our school. I'm sure it does happen though. Yes, I do have a Facebook account I am constantly on it. I can use my Facebook to stop any kind of cyber bulling I see.Lauren :)
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I would never say something to someone on line if I wouldn’t say it to them in person. A lot of people usual text each other and say stuff about them. I have seen people say to each other they hate each other through text. We can try to make those people start being friends in school and hopefully they will be friends even when they text or chat online. Yes I have a Facebook and a MySpace account. I use those websites to communicate with my friends. I also use that to put on pictures of me and play fantasy basketball.
Logan Orton
No, I would not say that to someone ever. I do know of example of cyberbullying that occur at WFMS. You can help stop cyberbullying by telling people not to, puting up signs at school. I have a facebook. I can use it in a positive way by just talking to friends and not saying anything rude or anything to put people down.
Maddi Craig 2-3 Period
No, I never say something to anyone online, that I wouldn’t say in person. I wouldn’t even think about it. Kids are being called names they shouldn’t, and misjudged and ignored. Even if you’re not the one being bullied, you can still go to a teacher, and say what’s going on. That would be the right thing to do. I have a facebook account, but I'm very careful and safe on it, and I always watch what I say. If I saw something on facebook that was cyber bullying, I would tell my parents.
Michael Shaw
4th-5th period
I would never say something online that wouldn't say in person. I've never actually seen anybody cyber bullying in our school, but I have seen regular bullying. We can help stop cyberbullying by trying to get those people to get along and like maddi said put posters up in the school. I dop have a face book but I never use it. I'm too forgetfuyl to get on every night. But I cna and will use it in a positive way by saying nice things to people and watching what I say.
I dont think it is ok to say stuff that hurts people. People like to say stuff over text or though stuff on facebook. I have a facebook and myspace and i use them to talk to friend and reltives. I think facebook should watch for cyberbulling and kick people off when they say stuff like that. People need to report it too or it will never stop.
I would never say something stupid to a person online that I wouldn’t say to them in person. What most people do is text each other or on facebook and myspace call each other names and act like little kid. I think on way to stop cyberbulling is if you have a problem with someone you should tell them to there face not online or behind there back. Yes I have both a Facebook and a Myspace. I think you can use them in a positive way by doing the right things on them and use them to communicate with your friends and family.
No, i would never say something online. Yes i know many examples of cyberbulling at west fairmont middle school. People usually say stuff during a text or online. You can help cyberbulling by telling them to stop or telling a parent, gardian, or a teacher.Yes i do have a facebook account and iam very careful of who my friends. I can use these to tslk to my friends, upload pictures.
Abby Williams (:
7th & 8th
No I would never even say anything mean to anyone unless they said something to me first. But i deffinatly wouldn't say anything on onle even if they would say anything to me first. I know a couple of examples of cyberbullying at WFMS. Like people calling people names or being mean to someone just because there not smart or something. I think I could stop cyberbullying by sticking up for people when others talk about people. I have a facebook account. I use my facebook to talk to my friends and to make new ones.
-Megan McCullough
I wouldn't say anything online that I wouldn't say to someone's face because I'm not afraid to speak my mind, whether it's mean or not. I know that people start rumors through texting and Facebook at WFMS. I can stop cyberbullying by telling people it's not cool. I have a Facebook and a Myspace, but I only use my Facebook. I can use it in a positive way by just using it for sharing pictures and talking to friends instead of talking behind people's back on the internet.
no i would say nonthing about know one and if i did i would say it 2 there face.no because most kids get along.on social website block people and aslo if u dont know them than dont talk 2 them.i have both accounts.by not hurting anyone
There is one thing I don't do ios not say something online that I would not say in person.I have heard of some kids talk about how they have gotten mail online that is mean but I haven't heard of someone cyberbullying at WFMS.Probably because we don't have communicating things like facebook and myspace that we can get onto at school.One way is when you get a mean message online tell an adult or just do fight back and get yourself in trouble.Yes I do have a facebook account just not a myspace because it is not secure like facebook.On facebook you can lock info but on myspace everyone can see it.You can use those in a positive like just chatting with someone that is your friend and don'tpost anything that you wouldn't say in person.
No I would not be mean to some one online! Its just really mean and i wouldn't say it to them in person either!!! and alot of people say mean things to each other through text and pictures): I have a myspace but not a facebook (: (I think facebook is lame):) I use this website to talk and meet new people! but i be carefull to who i am friends with!!!
I would never say something, knowing it could take someone's life, and just to be rude like that. I don't see how people can do that without feeling guilty. Thye don't know what goes on at home for that kid. They could be just making their day even worse. I do have a facebook. I use my facebook to catch up with my long-distance friends. I don't use it to hurt anyone. I haven't seen anything at WFMS, but if I do, I will do my best in trying to stop that. That is so wrong and evil. I try my best to be friendly and nice. Of course I can get nasty, but I would never be that mean.
I would probably say something online that I would usually not say in person, but nothing mean. At West Fairmont Middle, kids text each other hurtful things and the are usually said on facebook and myspace as well. People can stop cyberbullying by not saying things that could hurt someone else. The could also report bad things that are being said to them. I do have a facebook and a myspace. You can use them in a positive way by just having fun and talking to your friends. Don’t say anything that might hurt someone else, even if you didn’t intend to.
- Baylee Abbott
4th-5th periods
No, I would not say anything online that I would not say to a person face to face. I do know one way and it is through email. Some ways to stop cyberbullying is to tell adults, block that person, and to report them. No, I do not have a facebook or a myspace account, but I do have a playstation network account and it is kid of the same thing. You can talk to friends, play with friends, and have fun and talk with people around the world. It is fun to use the translator to understand what they are saying.
Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
I would not say something online that I would not say in person. I have not seen cyber bullying occur in WFMS. I can help stop cyber bullying by standing up for someone I know was being cyber bullied. I could also encourage someone who was being cyber bullied to go to a councilor, teacher, or another adult. I could be a friend to someone being cyber bullied as well. I do have a facebook account. I can and will be careful what I post online. I will try to be friendly to everyone.
Sarah Cox period 2-3
I would never say something to someone that wouldn't say in person. I do not know of eany examples of cyberbullyling at WFMS. I don't realy know how to stop cyberbullyling but the only reson I think somone would do that is thay don't have a good home. No I do not have a facebook or a myspace account. I don't know how to use that in a positive way but to use it for the reson it was made to be used for, to talk to your frinds.
I would never say something online that I wouldn't say to them in person. People at WFMS usually send mean and hateful messages through texting. We can at least try to get people to start being friendly in school. No I don't have a facebook or Myspace but if I did I would use those websites to communicate with friends put pictures of me and I would probaly play games.
No, I would never say something online that I would never say in person. I do know a couple of cyberbullying have occured at WFMS. I think that you can help stop cyberbullying by telling people not to, and maybe putting posters all around your school to show that it is wrong. People all around the world have committed suicide, because they have been cyberbullied or have been bullied in school. Yes, I have both a facebook and a myspace account. I don't use my myspace anymore. But i can use my facebook in a positive way by just comunicating with my friends in good ways , and not being mean to anybody.
brooklyn nuzum
2 and 3 period . (:
No, I wouldn't say anything to anybody online, if I wouldn’t say it any person. I do know an example of cyber bullying at WFMS. We could stop cyber bulling by, all becoming friends with each other, and treating everyone the same. Yes I do have both, a Facebook, and MySpace account. I can use those in a positive way by not being mean to each other.
No, I wouldn’t say something about someone behind their back online or in a text. I would be completely honest and tell them to their face. I don’t like people who backstab and try to hurt other people’s feelings just to make them feel better. No, I have never heard of any cyber bullying that has gone on in our school. I would tell my parents if I did know of someone being picked on over the internet because almost daily you turn the T.V. on and someone has killed themselves because of bullying. No, I don’t have facebook our parents don’t like the idea of us having an account. Since I don’t have one I can’t but I think there should be more done at school.
No I would not say something like that online that I wouldn’t say to someone in person. I would not even cyber bully. Yes I know ways that people cyber bully at West Fairmont Middle School. One way is texting. Another way is on the computers. Don’t keep it in to yourself if you are cyber bullied, speak up to a truthful adult. If you know if someone is cyber bullied or know someone that is cyber bullying tell an adult. Speak up to a teacher. Yes I have a face book account and my space account. You can talk to your friends nicely and don’t talk to other people you know or don’t know mean. Don’t cyber bully!
I would never say anything online that I would not say in person. At West Fairmont Middle School, there are many different ways people cyberbully such as texting, facebook or MySpace, e-mails, and many more. I can stop cyberbullying by reporting it to a teacher or an adult, talking to the victim or bully, and even suggest them to attend mediation. I do have a facebook account and I can use my facebook account by only talking positively about others, put respectful pictures, and use appropriate language. I would never do any of those things in the first place but I know several people that would.
Kayla DeLorenzo
4th-5th period
I might say something online that I wouldn't say in person but it wouldn't be anything mean just personal things. No I do not know of cyber bullying at WFMS. One way to stop cyber bullying is to not talk to someone if you don't haveanything nice to say. I do have a Facebook and a myspace page. One way to use them in a positive way is to tell someone about something they did that was good or not speaking to people that would usually encourage you to cyber bully.
It is not nice to sat bad stuff to people on line. You never know what mental shape they are in. If you would not say it in person you should not say it on the internet. You do not know who you are hurting and it could be a friend or a family member. If you treat people like trash you will be treated like trash to. So if you do not like that then do not treat others like that.
I would not say anything online that I wouldn't say to a person face. I don't think there is any type of cyber bulling that goes on. I don't know for sure if there is or not but if it is then it needs to be stopped. I know people that get made at each other and say stuff mean. I do not think that anyone will kill them self over it though. I do have a facebook. I use it to talk to other people and not to say mean stuff on there. I use it to play games and other fun stuff on facebook.
No, I wouldn't ever say something online if I wouldn't say in person. At West Fairmont Middle, people usually text or say mean things to people on Facebook or Myspace. That's how WFMS cyber bullies. I think that we can stop cyber bullying by if you’re mad at someone or something like that, talk to them about in person nicely. But, people cyber bully kids just to be mean. A way we can stop this is by trying to be nice and keep our comments to ourselves because cyber bullying can really hurt people. Yes, I have a Facebook and a Myspace. I way that everyone can use Myspace and Facebook in a good way is to maybe post something nice on somebody's wall or put a sweet comment on a picture. It should always make people feel better to say something nice to someone online, rather than say something mean.
Sarah Topardo-4&5
No, I would never say anything negative to a person online at any time, nor even in person. That would be twice as bad to tell a person something hurtful to them right to their face. They would probably cry, get very frustrated, or get a thought of cyber-bullying you to get revenge. Although I have attended West Fairmont Middle School, I have never heard any rumors or seen anything that is a result of cyber-bullying. The worst example that I could think of at our school might be a threatening text or e-mail. There are many wasy that I could stop cyber-bullying if I were the one being cyber-bullied. If you have a cell phone, you should delete the text as soon as you get it or show an adult immediately. If you have an e-mail account, do the same exact thing that you would do if you got a text. Either delete it or report it. I have my own Facebook account, but would never have a MySpace account. I hear bad things go on in the cyber world on that site. I could use my Facebook account to help warn people that someone that they know may be cyber bullying them or could block them if they tried to cyber bully me.
Dalton Okel
4th/5th Period
No, I wouldn't say something online that i wouldn't say in person. No, there isn't much cyberbullyling at WFMS, but a lot of people text mean things to each other and start rumors when they hit the send button. I can stop cyberbullyling by not getting involved by not joining in, or if i see someone getting bullied, stop them. Yes, I have a facebook and a myspace. You can you them in a positive way by not saying bad things that again you wouldn't say in person, and being polite and think before you type, or talk.
4th & 5th
Sam Tonkovich
I personally would not say something online that I wouldn’t say in person. If I don’t have anything to say in person I wouldn’t say it at all to that person. I do not know any examples of cyber bulling occurring at this time at our school WFMS. The first thing I can do to stop cyber bulling is to not do it. Second if I hear or see anything about cyber bulling happening to and person I can report it to a parent or teacher. I do not have a Facebook or a MySpace. You can use them in a positive way by not cyber bulling.
No, I wouldn't say something online that I wouldn't say in person. Yes, I do know examples of cyberbulling at wfms, Facebook, MySpace, texting, twitter, and online chatrooms. I can stop cyberbulling by telling on them, alert teachers of what is going on. No, I do not have a facebook or myspace account. I can use those in positive ways by sharing positive stories, and get in contact with family and friends that I have not spoken to for a while.
I would definitely not say anything online that I wouldn’t say in person because if I were in that person’s shoes I would hate to be alive and I have a lot of sympathy for them. Yes, I do know a few people in WFMS that have gotten bullied and I helped the person by supporting them.There are many ways to stop or prevent cyber bullying. One, you can always print out the messages or tell an adult. Yes, I do have both a facebook and a MySpace. You can use both of them to communicate with friends about school and religion.Also, it is a great way to keep in touch with friends from other schools and family members that I don't see as frequent as I wish I could.
-Olivia Wilson(:
No, I would definitly never say something online that I would not say in person. If I have to say something I'm not afraid to say it to their face. Yes I know of cyberbullying at WFMS. I know of people texting o reven calling people and making fun of them. We can help stop cyberbullying by counciling or talking to them and making them stop. Yes I have a facebook and myspace account. You can use those in a positive way by getting the word out to stop cyberbullying and the risks of it to the victim.
Elizabeth Tennant
4th/5th :)
No, I would not do that ever... I would not do it now, I didn't do it before, and I will not do it now. I am too nice of a person to cyber bully. I haven't seen any occurrences of cyber Bullying, but I might see some later... Try to make more friends with each other and influence younger kids not to do it. No, I don't have a facebook nor myspace accounts yet. When I get an account, I will use them to chat with friends and play games and use them for non violence purposes. Cyber Bullying should be stopped.
No, I would not say something to someone online if I wouldn't say it to them in person. Yes, some examples are people just calling them names just to judge someone and they really dont know them. Also people gossip alot and that creates a good bit of it.You can help stop cyberbullying by talking to people about it and how it affects the other person and basically try to get it to people's heads that cyberbullying is hurtful. Yes actually I have both a Facebook & Myspace account. I can use both of them in a positive way to meet new people, talk to my friends,and talk to my long distance family members and friends.
JoMarie Bogard
4/5 Period
I might sometimes say something online that I wouldn’t in person, but usually I would just text it. One type of cyber bulling that I can think of is hacking somebody’s account and changing their status to something stupid and changing to password. I can’t think of any examples at WFMS. Try to get everybody to be friends and not be choosy about the people at school who you want be friends with or not. I do have a Facebook account. I hardly ever get on it on my computer, I usually just get on the app that I have on my IPhone. I always use it responsible, and try to watch what I say for my statuses.
Abby Cooper
7/8th period
If I had something to say to someone I would rather say it in person. People who try to mess with people online are just scared to say the stuff in person. Cyberbullying could happen at West Fairmont Middle by kids saying mean stuff on Myspace or Facebook to other kids. The way to stop cyberbullying is to tell an adult that you are being bullied. Yes I have a facebook account. You can use them in a positive way by just not posting mean stuff or bullying other people online.
I would not say something that I wouldn't say in person because if I wouldn't want want say it in person, then it is probably something I shouldn't say. A lot of people say things about each other over texting. I could help stop cyberbullyling by maybe by telling other kids to stop cyberbullying. I do have a facebook account and I use it often. You can use your facebook or myspace account in a positive way by just communicating with friends an family and encouraging them. Cyberbullying is aserious thing that can effect people deeply. I have learned that you should think the words that you about to type through and ask yourself if you would want someone else to say that to you.
Martina Edgell
I know this blog is about cyberbullying, but I think bullying is bullying. It shouldn't matter if it's done through technology or not. I wouldn't say anything mean to anyone with technology or any other way. It is just wrong. I can't really think of any examples of cyberbullying at WFMS that I have seen, but I'm sure it happens. I have been bullied and I have seen other people get bullied, just not cyberbullied. Some of the people who have bullied are some of the people who wrote they would never do that. My parents have always taught me "God's Golden Rule". Treat others the way you would want to be treated. My parents have also taught that bullying or cyberbullying starts with the parents. If the parents don't teach their kids from the time they are very little, how can you expect the kids to know any better. That doesn't excuse the kids' behavior. It just helps to explain why things like this happen. One way to stop this kind of stuff is to be a good example of right from wrong. Stand up for people when you see it happening.I do not have a facebook or myspace account, but if I did, they could be used in a positive way by being nice to everybody.
If I could not say something to someone in person, I would not dare to say it to them in online! No, Right off the top I do not know of any examples of Cyberbulling that occur at West Fairmont Middle School. You can stop Cyberbullying by telling an adult or reporting it to the school Princble or Guidence Counsler. Yes, I have a Facebook. Using Facebook in a positive way can mean anything. Here are some examples, Mr. Patric just posted an assessment on Facebook from his school website, contacting friends, scheduling events, and just having fun on the internet with your friends.
No, I would never post something like that online if i really felt the need to say something I would just say it to there face because obviously if you can't say it to ther face then your to scared to say it. Another reason i would never say something like that on the internet is because, once somethings on the internet it can never be completely removed. To be honest i havent heard anything about cyberbullying occuring at West Fairmont Middle School but I'm not saying it doesnt happen im just saying i havent heard anyhting about though. No, i do not have a facebook or myspace my paents do not allow me to.
I would never say anything online that I wouldn't say in person. I don't even like saying things in real life that hurt people. I don't know of any examples of cyberbullying at West Fairmont Middle School. You could help stop cyber bullying by reporting anything mean that is said online. You could also just be nice to everyone! Then there would be no reason to bully people online! I do have a facebook account. You could use them in a positive way by only saying nice things online and keeping in touch with the people you love that live far away.
Bethany McPherson - Pd. 4 and 5
No I would never say anything bad about something online. Because if I didn't like them that much to put it online then I would never even say anything. No. I really don't know. No I had to delete mine. Well there are alot of people in Alabama that went to my church that had a facebook and they used it to find other people that are into God.
No, I would never say anything online that I wouldn’t say in person. If I wouldn’t say it in person, saying it online would be even worse. I never have heard about any cyber bullying at west Fairmont. One way to stop cyber bullying, r attempt to is to talk to the people that you know are bullying people. I have a facebook account and I think that its safer than myspace, because you can block people you can control who gets on your page, and what they can see. I can use my facebok to promote cyber bullying awareness.
I would never say somthing inappropariate to anyone online on through texting. I have witnessed it on a few occasions. We can fix this by adding little things to the school to lower the tension between students.
No I would never say something mean to someone through cyberbullying. I think if you got something to say go say it person. Most of the time people who cyberbully are just afraid to go say whatever to whoever's face. No I don't know of any inncodents of cyberbullying that occurs at WFMS, but I'm sure there is. No I don't have a Facebook or Myspace.
Triston Newbrough
7-8 periods
I would not tell anything offensive that I know for a fact that they would not take as just a little joke and I would also never say anything such as go kill yourself or something along those lines. Sometimes I see on Facebook that people do not always have nicest things to say to each other and it is usually because of a he said she said kind of situation. You can just be nice to people offline so that you have nothing bad to say to them online. Yes, you can talk to your friends about up coming event such as a football game and see if they want to go.
-Taylor Campbell
I would not say something to a person that I would not say to them in person. I have actually not seen any cyberbullying happen at the school. I have heard rumors though. I think the best way to help stop cyberbullying is to enforce parents to look at their child's social network accounts every now and then. A lot of cyberbullying will end because some parents dont know that their child is cyberbullying other kids. Sadly, i do not have a facebook or myspace but hope to get one before Christmas. If you see cyberbullying happening, you can try to stop it by talking to a parent or adviser.
Isaac Childers 2nd/3rd period
I would not say anything online that I wouldn’t say in person. What kind of person would say you should die? I wouldn’t say something like that to anybody. I have seen people being bullied in person and through texts. It annoys me that people are mean to each other for no apparent reason. I could stand up for people and help the kids that are being bullied. I have a Facebook and I could use it in a positive way by posting stuff about stopping cyber bullying and not cyber bully other kids. Cyber bullying is mean and wrong to do.
I wouldn't do that kind of stuff because it can get you into alot of trouble. A lot of people usual text each other and say stuff about them. I have seen people say to each other they hate each other through text.You can help stop cyberbullying by telling people not to, puting up signs at school.
No, because I think thats rood and that puts people down and then they would eventully kill them selves! No I don't know any cyber bulling at our school. I can help to stop cyber bulling by telling people not to go and talk about a person if the didn;t do anything to them.Yeas I do have a facebook, and I can use mine in a positve way by justtalking nice to people and not to be mean, and to teach people that they should stop the cyber bulling on facebbok and myspace because they could make someone actully kill them selves
Yes, I think I would say something online that I wouldn't say in person, but it wouldn't be to hurt someones feeligs. Cyberbullying occurs at our school when kids gang up on other kids and make fun of them. I can be a leader and stand up to the kids to make them stop. No I do not have a facebook ot myspace. My mom won't let me. You can go on there and say positive things about different people instead of hurtful things.
No, I would not say something online that I wouldn't say in person. I think that if your going to say something to someone you need to have the guts to do it in person, or you shouldn't at all. It is not right to threaten someone especially from behind a screen. If you really met what you were saying you would show them up and do it in person. I honestly have not heard anything about cyber bulling going on in our school. I'm sure it does happen though. Yes, I do have a Facebook account I am constantly on it. I can use my Facebook to stop any kind of cyber bulling I see.
Lauren :)
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