What's happening is a chemical reaction is created when the mentos are dropped into the diet coke. The mentos cause the diet coke to go crazy. My favorite science expirement is the vinegar and baking soda expirement. Yes I have at home. Yes I like science. Yes I would make this expirement at home. I would target my little brother Clark with the coke.
The mentos make the coke go crazy!! My favorite science experiment is where you find out whether the substance is an acid or base and use the limnis paper. I have not made any experiments at home.): I love science but I don’t do my work in that class.): I would love to do this experiment at home (:
The diet coke creates a chemical reaction with the mentos. The mentos cause the diest coke to go really crazy. My favorite science expieriment would have to be when i make a volcano out a baking soda and vinegar. No , we really havent made any fun expieriments at school. Yes, i would like to try this at home. I would like to target my little sister with the coke. Abby Williams (: 7th & 8th
the mentos make the coke nuts. the chemicals react some how and explode.I like the experinment is the baking soda and vinegar. If i did this at home i would shot mky brothers with the coke. I have done simaler things at home but not the coke.
What is happening is that the mentos are dropped into the diet coke it is a chemical reaction so that make it so crazy. My favorite science lab would have to be when you have room temperature water in a bowel and put some in a pop can then if u heat up the water in the can then put it in the bowel it shrinks. Yes, I have at home. I like science experiment but I don’t like anything else about science. Yes, I would love to do this experiment at home. I would like to target my brother Glenn with the coke.
The chemical reaction is created when the mentos go into the diet coke and makes it explode. The mentos cause the diet coke to go crazy. Yes i have done this exact expeirment at school. Y esi do like science. i already have done this expeirment at home. Yes i would like to target the coke. Logan Orton<3
Its a chemical reaction with the mentos and coke and it makes the coke fizz and burst out of the bottle. My favorite science expierment would have to be in the 4th grade when I made a volcano. No I have not. No I don't like science. Yes, I would like to try this at home. I would target the coke at Abby Williams.Alex Pavelko(:
In the video, a chemical reaction is occurring. The mentos cause the diet coke to go crazy. This is my favorite experiment because; it seems so messy and fun to do. I’ve seen people on youtube do this many times. I don’t usually do experiments at my house. I kind of like science. It isn’t my favorite. I enjoy watching stuff blow up, so I think experiments are fun. I would love to do this experiment at home. I think it would be fun it make a mess. If I could, I would target the coke at McKenna Kelley. - Baylee Abbott4th-5th periods
What is happening is their putting mentos in the diet coke bottle and a there is a chemical reaction. My favorite science expiriment is pretty much anything where something explodes or makes a mess.Yes I have made some interesting expiriments in the past and putting mentos in diet coke was included in one of them. Science is fun and I kind of like it but i'm pretty good at messing expiriments up so science isn't my best subject. No I would not like to do this expiriment at home because I would not want to clean up the mess. I would like to target my mom with the coke bottle because she is really annoying.
What's happening is just a chemical reaction between the Diet Coke and the mentos. The mentos make the diet coke go crazy! My favorite science experience is when you put the vinegar and the baking soda together, and it causes a chemical reaction like the diet coke and the mentos. Yes, I have made a couple of interesting experiments at home in the past. Yes, I actually like science. Yes, I would love to do this experiment at home, and make a mess everywhere!!!!!! I would like to target my annoying little brother, and squirt the Coke all over him. brooklyn nuzum 2 & 3 period
It is about two guys that are doing experiments with diet coke and mentos. Mentos are what makes the diet coke go crazy in the experiments. My favorite science experiment was when my class did chemical stuff . Yes I would like to do that experiment at home. I would like to target my brother with the diet coke and mentos. I think my brother deserves to be targeted with the diet coke.
What is happening is that the guys are dropping Mentos into Diet Coke. The chemical reaction makes the Diet Coke shoot up. My favorite science experiment is the Diet Coke and Mentos in a volcano. Yes, the volcano is the experiment. Yes, I like science because of all the chemicals and dangerous stuff involved. Yes, I would like to make an experiment at home. I would like to target m dog max with the Diet Coke and Mentos.
What's happening in this video, is the Mentos are causing the Diet Coke to have a chemical reaction. My favorite science experiment is when I was in the 6th grade, and we made volcanoes erupt. I used Diet Coke, and Mentos, while other people used vinegar, and baking soda. No, I haven’t made any excited exprimnts at hom, but I hav made them at school. No, I think my 2nd worse class is science. Yes, I would like to make this at home again. I would like to target this at my sister, Keyaunna . -Samanthe Bolling 2nd&3rd period (:
When the mentos are dropped into the diet coke the carbonation is released, along with energy from a chemical reaction. This experiment would have to be my favorite, because when you’re done you get to drink the pop, and eat the mentos. One fun experiment we’ve done was with Mrs. Murray in the fifth grade, we put baking soda in toilet paper and dropped it into a film canister and added vinegar to pop the cap off. I enjoy science, but particularly social studies is my favorite and best subject. Yes the experiment would be fun to conduct at home, other than the fact that my parents would make me clean it up, and rinse off the yard. There are many people I would love aim the coke at, but I won’t be specific(both of my brothers)
matt strand4/5
A chemical reaction is happening. The mentos are what is causing the coke to go crazy. Right know I can't think of any experiments that I've done in science class No I don't like science. Yes I would like to make this experiment at my house, and I would targetyounger siblings.Triston Newbrough7-8 periods
What's happening is a chemical reaction is created when the mentos are dropped into the Diet Coke. The mentos cause the Diet Coke to go crazy. My favorite science experiment is the vinegar and baking soda experiment. Yes I have at home. I made a volcano once for school and my brother put a whole bunch of baking soda and like half a bottle of vinegar in it. It started exploding and wouldn’t stop for a long time. No, I don’t care for science because it confuses me when people start talking about molecules and cells. Yes I would do this experiment at home. I would target my older brother.Abby Cooper7/8th period
What is happening in this experiment is a chemical reaction between the diet coke and the mentos. The mentos make the diet coke go crazy. My favorite experiment is when you mix baking soda and vinegar and see how the combination of the two react. Yes, I have made experiments in the past at both my home and school. Yes, I do like science. Yes, I would like to make this experiment at home. I would like to target the diet coke at my older brother Todd.
The diet coke is mixing with the mentos and makes it explode. The mentos are the cause of it. I like when i was in fourth grade and we made volcanoes with baking soda and vinegar. yes I have made a few of them. I would like to try this at home sometime. I would have to say that I would hit Carly Suplita in the face. Jayce Riley 4/5th period
They are making the coke explode with the mintos. The mintos sets off the coke and makes it squirt everywhere. The coke and mintos one. Yes, I have made an experiment at school and at home. Yes, I do like science. Yes, I would like to make this experiment at home. I would target my brother jordyn with the coke.
What is happening is when you put mentos is pop in this experiment diet coke it creates a chemical reaction that causes the pop to explode. My favorite science experiment is the baking soda volcano. I like this experiment because we had a contest in third grade with volcanoes. Who’s ever looked the coolest one? So, I put fake grass at the bottom to see what would happen. It ended up actually creating a chemical reaction in the grass and as a result the grass was burnt. Yes, this one. I love science because you get to do labs. No, because my mom would yell at me if I sprayed pop all over our house. I would target the coke at Steven.Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
What is happening is when the scientist put the mentos in the diet coke it is creating a chemical reaction that will make the pop explode. Mentos candy was the thing that made the chemical reaction happen that made the pop explode. My favorite science experiment was when I had to make a bacteria or virus stuffed animal in seventh grade. Then my teacher choose which one was the best and who ever had the best projects went to White Hall Elementary school to present them to their fourth grade class, and I went. Yes, I like science. I like science because it was the only class that you get to do labs and fun projects in. Yes, I would like to do this experiment at home but my mom would yell at me if I would do it. I would like to target the coke at Sean for pay back.
When they put the mentos in the diet coke, it makes some kind of huge chemical reaction and explodes. The diet coke goes crazy because when the mentos start to dissolve it makes the reaction. My favorite science experiment is probably this one on the video. Yes I have made a lot of experiments at home and at school. Yes, I do like science. I would like to do this experiment at home but I think I already have in school once. I would invite Chase over and shoot him with the coke and have some kind of coke war.
The mentos fizz up and cuases a chemical reaction when put in diet coke. My favorite experiment was with a baking soda volcano. Yes I made it at home.
Two guys are putting mentos into pop and making the pop explode out of the bottles. The mentos have a special ingredient in it that reacts with the sodium in the pop and explodes. Have done an experiment like the mentos and soda only instead of the soda in the bottle it was in my volcano I made in 6th grade for a project. I only like science because I have an A in it but English is my favorite class. Have made this experiment before at Chase’s house before but once we put the mento in it we put the cap on it and threw them in the air and then they would explode. I would like to target Mrs. Constable with coke only because I love her. -Taylor Campbell 4/5th period
What is occurring is a chemical reaction between the Mentos and the Diet Coke. The diet Coke then bursts and goes crazy. My favorite science experiment to do is vinegar and baking soda. Yes I have at home and in school in science class. I do like science and find it interesting. I would like to make this experiment at home. I think it would be a lot of fun to do this experiment at home. If I could target someone I probably target my dog. Holly Bogdanich 4th/5th
When the scientists release the four mentos into the Diet Coke it causes a chemical reaction. The mentos cause the Diet Coke to go crazy. I really do not have a favorite science experiment because I love science and everything that goes with it. Yes I have made interesting experiments at school or at home. Yes I love science. Yes I would definitely like to make an experiment like this one because it would be a total mess. I would like to target the Coke at many different people but I think it would be funny to point it at myself. Kayla DeLorenzo4th and 5th period
Mentos are dropped iinto the diet coke. The mentos cause the coke to go crazy. I don't really have a favorite science experiment. Yes at school. I hate science it is my worst subject. I would love to make this experiment at home. I would love to target my dad with the coke !
What is happening in this video is a chemical reaction between the diet coke and the mentos. This happens when the mentos are dropped into the diet coke which makes the diet coke go crazy. This is probably my favorite science experiment because it's a lot of fun. Yes, I have done this experiment at home, but I only did it with one bottle and I didn't look as cool as theirs did. I've done some other experiments at home too, but I don't really do experiments at home that much. Yes, I like science; it's one of my favorite subjects. However, I don’t like some parts of science. Next time I do this experiment at home, I'll target it at my little brother, Joseph. Sarah Topardo 4/5
When the Mentos are released into the Diet Coke, the carbon dioxide rushes to the Mentos and causes a chemical reaction between them. The reason why the Diet Coke is going crazy in the experiment is because of the Mentos. If I were to think way back, I would say that my favorite experiment was when we did the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment in 5th Grade. The cool part that we got to disguise the Coke bottle as a volcano to demonstrate what a volcano does when it erupts. This experiment is an experiment that I made at home. To tell the truth, I LOVE SCIENCE!!! Science is one of my favorite subjects.... but math is at the top in my book. I would like to create the experiment again at home to mess around with the neighbors.... but I would probably be out the rest of the day cleaning their houses. Oh are you serious, I get to shoot it at someone!!! Let's see... Matt Strand, Kayla Delorenzo, Sean Riggleman, Trevor DeVaul, Taylor Campbell, Justin Okel... oh and by the way, if you are reading this... watch out in the future... Okay continuing... Connor Shaw, Jonah Freeland, Isaac Childers, David Childers, Sydney Stalnaker, Micheal Shaw... and MANY MANY MORE!!!!Dalton Okel4th/5th Period
What is happening is a chemical reaction. This is created by the mentos. Mentos are the thing that is making the diet coke go crazy! My favorite science experiment os disecting things. Yes, I have mad lots of experiments at school. Yes I do like science. Yes I would make this experiment at home as a matter of fact I have plenty of times. I would target my evil little brother. Under his hair are little devil horns!!!!!!Izaiha John 4/5
The mentos are droped into the coke, A cemical reaction with the mentos and coke. My favorite experiment is this one. Yes I have. not realy .yes I would. I wolud throw it in the air and wach.
the coke and mentos are a chemical reaction. carbon dioxide cause such chemical reaction. my favorite science experiment is disecting frogs. no the only experiment i remeber is disecting frogs. i would llike science if it werent for mr tennet. no if i made that expieriment at home i would have to clean. and i wqould target my parents
What is happening is a chemical reaction. This is created when the mentos are dropped into the diet coke. The mentos are what cause the diet coke to go crazy. My favorite science experiment is when you make a volcano then put vinegar and baking soda inside, and then watch it erupt. I have made a few experiments at school. Most of them were volcanoes and I made most of them at home for science class. Yes, I do like science, I find it interesting. Yes, I would like to make this experiment. I would like to target my annoying little brother Andrew, and my mom with the coke.Lauren Massacci 4/5 pd
In this video, a chemical reaction is going on between the diet coke and the mentos.When the mentos gets dropped into the diet coke it makes it explode everywhere.My favorite science experience is the volcano experiment when you put vinegar and baking soda.I love to watch it explode.Um, no I don't make experiments at home.The only experiments I do is at school.No, I do not have any interest in science what so ever.Yes, I would like to do this experiment at home.If I could target this at a person it would have to be Sam Tonkovich.
In this video the Mentos are dropped in the diet coke to make a chemical reaction and cause it to explode. The Mentos cause it to go crazy. My favorite science experiment would have to be the pumpkin drop at Fairmont Catholic. No, I haven’t done any science experiments in the past at home. But I do like science. Yes, I would like to try this experiment at home. I would pick Olivia Wilson to target with the coke. 4th & 5th Sam Tonkovich
What is happening is that the when the mentors are dropped into the diet coke, the diet coke is creating a chemical reaction, which makes it explode. The mentors cause the diet coke to go crazy. My favorite science experiment is dropping certain substances into water, or vinegar, or baking soda, and watching it turn colors. Yes, I have made experiments at school and home. I love science. At first I used to hate science, but now it is actually my favorite class. OH Yes, I would love to do this experiment at home. I would target my mom and brother Andy.Michael Shaw4th-5th period.
This was kinda cool to watch. What's happening is a chemical reaction. The diet coke has a lot of fizz to it by itself, but something in the mentos caused it to blow. It was the combination of the two products. There are too many experiments to really choose a favorite, but my favorite that I have done was when I made a volcano and made it erupt. I like science a lot and would like to do this at home, outside. I would target it at my sister and my dad.
What is happening is that there is a chemical reaction between the coke and mentos. The mentos cause the coke to go crazy and shoot out. My favorite science experiment is an experiment where you put water in a can and boil it then turn the can over into the cold water. The can contracts and squeezes together. Yes I have made experiments in the past. It was weird, crazy, and fun. Yes I like science because it is fun. Sure, I will do it at home and I will target my little brother Kyle so he will get all wet.-Cody Brubaker
What's happening is in the diet coke, there is some type ofchemical contrast between the coke and mentos. The mentos fizz up and somehow cause the diet coke to explode. my favorite science experiment is the baking soda and vinegar. You put baking soda in a napkin and in a ziploc bag, then pour vinegar into it and at the right time, you throw it into the air and it busts. It's pretty cool. Yes, I have tried this experiment at home. No, I actually hate science(: Yeah! i think this experiment would be really cool. I would target Shayla my older sister.McKenna Kelley4/5 (:
The people are putting mentos in the diet coke and making it explode.The ingrediants in the mentos is making the diet coke explode. My favorite science experiment is making a volcano and putting baking soda and menots in and watching it explode. I made a volcano in 6th grade and made "lava" come out of it. Yes I do like science because of all of the wonders you wonder are all in the lessons. Yes I would like to make a diet coke explode at home. I would like to target my sisters.
In the video, there is a chemical reaction between the mentos and the diet coke. The diet coke goes crazy. This is myfavorite science experiment because it is so fun to watch pop explose everywhere. I usually do not make experiments at home, but I do in school all the time. Science is not really my favorite subject, but it is not my least favorite either. I have already made this experiment at home. I would like to target Jayce with the coke because it would be SO funny :)Carly Suplita7/8th period
The coke is exploding when you put a mento into it. It is happening because there is a chemical reaction when the mentos touch the diet coke. My favorite science experiment is when you put vinegar in a little bottle and shake it up, then the cap on the bottle explodes. Its pretty funny. The only science experiment I have done at my house is the diet coke and the mentos one. I hate science!! It is my second worst subject in school. Yes i think doing this experiment at home is fun and i would love to do it at my house again. I would live to targrt my little sister with the coke because she gets on my last nerve everyday!!
The coke is exploding and fizzing every where because of a chemical reaction caused by the mentos. My faivrot science expeirement was the heated coke can in water. Yes i would do this project at home. This is how i would wake every body up on christmas morning.
The coke is exploding out of the bottle.the mentos that theyre sticking into the coke bottles are making it explode.My favorite science experiment is, well actually i dont have one because i dont really do very many science experiments.No i dont do experiments at school normally unless disecting a frog is counted.I love science.NO i would not like to make this experiment at home because my mom would make me clean up the house!
Two scientists are using an experiment to make a chemical reaction. When the scientist drop mentos into the diet coke the diet coke explodes and shoots everywhere. The mentos is what causes the diet coke to go crazy. In Mrs. Murray’s class in fifth grade we did many experiments. Two I particularly remember are the fake snot and the fake drink spill. I do not really like science. Yes, I would like to make these experiments although I do not remember how to do them. I would like to target my dad with the coke because I know he would not hurt me if I did this.-Sarah Cox period 2/3
The mentos is creating a reaction with the diet coke inside the bottle, causing the coke to release CO2. I like throwing a piece on pure potassium into a river and watch the explotion. Yes, all the time. I love science. Yes, i want to try this experiment. I would shoot it at my little brother.Lucas Kinder 2-3
What's happening is the diet coke and mentos are creating a chemical reaction.The mentos are what is making the coke go crazy. My favorite sceince experiment is the vinger and baking soda one.Yes, I have made science experiemnts at home in the past, many of them actually. Yes, I like science it is my favorite subject.Yes, I would like to make this experiment at home and I already have an it was a blast. I would probably target my little brother Joey with the coke. JoMarie Bogard4/5 Period
the metos cause the pop to explode.the mentoes cause the pop to go crazy. imy fav. science experment is making volcanoes explode.i have made valcones a lot in school.yes i like science because it is a expermient type class. yes i would love to do his expermit at home because it looks so fun. i would like to target tj jones because he calls me benner kee kee and also katy perry.
They put the mentos in the Diet Coke which makes it explode. The mentos they have something in them that makes things explode when you put it in it. I like this experiment alot. I have never made an experiment at school or at home in the past. I really don't like Science. Yes I would love to make this experiment at home. I would like to target it at my brothers and my parnts.
The diet coke is fizzing up and shooting out of the bottle when the mentos is dropped into it. Something in the mentos causes a chemical reaction when it touches the coke. I've never done a lot of science experiments, but I always enjoyed watching people pour baking soda and vinegar togeter. I've never done it becuse my momn thinks that it would be too messy. I like science a lot, and I love watching things blow up. I don't care much for it when we have tp deal with physics and the laws of motion, but I like chemestry. I would like to do this experiment at home because it looks easy and from the video, I'd like to have a "coke show" in my backyard. I'd like to target my mom with the coke.
what is happening is a chemcal reaction and it is created by mentos being dropped into diet coke. My fvorite epirement is the baking soda and vinegar trick. Yes I have.Yes i do like science I love it. Yes i think it would be really cool. My best friend.
In the video "Diet Coke," the diet coke is exploding out of the bottles kind of like a geyser. The diet coke goes crazy because of the mentos that they drop into the bottles. My favorite science experiment that I ever did was when we tested rocks and minerals with chemicals in fifth grade. We also had to use our senses to descirbe what the rocks and minerals looked like, sounded like, and smelled like. One day, me and my friend decided to make an eco-friendly cleaner when we were in fourth grade. We used lemon juice, water, and a few other things. We then decided to clean her car with it, but it just ended up chipping the paint. I do not like science. I would love to do this experiment at home because it seems really fun to do. I would like to aim the coke at my brother. Bethany McPherson - pd. 4 and 5
The mentos with the coke make a chemical reaction. The mentos make the coke go crazy. My favorite science experiment is probably when my science teacher heated up the bottom of a coke can and then put it in water and it crushed up. I have done science experiments at my house. I also like science, i find it very ineteresting. Yes I would make this experiment at home. I would target my mom with the coke.-Megan McCullough
The chemical reaction was when they stuck the mentos into the diet coke and then it expolded. The mentos cause the the explosion. My favorite science expirment was when you make a volcano and put bakeing soda and vinger. Yes, but i didnt like them. Yes because it would be fun to. I would like to taget at my sisters boy friend because he gets on my nevers.
The mentos being dropped into the Diet Coke is a chemical reaction. The diet coke goes crazy because it is a reaction. My favorite science experiment is baking soda and vinegar in a camera roll tube. A science experiment I have done at home was the Diet Coke and Mentos that I did with my brother, except it was Diet Pepsi. I don't like science, it is my worst subject. Yes, the only time I have done it was with a half drank 16 ounce bottle, it would be better with a two liter. I would target the Coke at Trevor.
A chemical reaction is happening. By add the mentos to the diet coke is what makes the coke go crazy. This is my favorite science experiment. yes we have down htis at school and at home in the past. no i do not like science its my worst subject. i have already done this experiment at home. My brother would make a really nice target.
The mentos reacted with the diet coke. My favorite science experiment is one Taylor and I did. We filled a bottle with vinegar and baking soda and capped it. We shook it up and threw it at stuff and it would make a REALLY loud noise. In sixth grade we made a volcano with baking soda, vinegar , and red food coloring. Science is fun when we do experiments. Sure I would like to do this at home. I would target one of my friends.
The thing that's happening is a chemical reaction. Mentos are making the diet coke go crazy. I am not sure... It is probably dissecting a frog in Ms.Murray's class in the 5th grade. Yes I did some in her class. I like science a little bit. With all my heart, yes. I would like to target my next door neighbor, Bryson.Alex Harris2/3 period
What is happening in this experiment is the mentos are causing the coke to go crazy. My favorite science experiment is the volcanoe project when you have to make your volcanoe erupt. I do not like science. I would like to target my little cousin with coke.
In this experiment , they are putting mentos inside of the diet coke containers and making it go crazy when you open the bottle. The mentos get fizzy and make the pop explode out of the bottle and shoot into the air. No, I haven't done any "interesting" experiments at home, or school. I really do enjoy science though. I would like to try this experiment at home and shoot it at my mom or dog, cause that would be really really funny!(:-sammie(:
What is happening is, the mentos is causing a reaction with the diet coke. My favorite science experiment is when we made biomes using anything we wanted in 6th grade. I haven't made any interesting experiments at home or school lately. I like science, because I li.ke to learn about stuff that allows us to live everyday. Yes I would like to make this experiment at home. I would target my little sister Haylee, because she is very annoying Austin Ferguson7/8
IN this experiment what is happening is a chemical reaction between the mentos and diet coke. My favorite science expeiment is when you take a empty coke can heat up the put a drop of cold water and it sord of blows up. Yes I have made interesting expeirement at my house in the past. I sometimes like science. Yes i would like to do this experiment at home because i think it would be very fun. If i would target anyone with the coke it would be my older brother Fletcher.
What is going on here is when the mentos are dropped in the diet coke a cemical reaction occurrs and it go crazy. I think my favorite science expierement is when you take toilet bowl and put it in a bottle with aluminum foil and in it goes crazy and explodes. Yes I do like science. Iwould target the coke at my little brother Carter.
The diet coke is going crazy because of the mentos that are dropped in it. My favorite experiment is baking soda and vinigear are put together and they fiz and bubble. Its really cool and fun to do. I like science a lot. Its fun and very interesting.Yes I would like to do this experiment at home because my Dad wouldn't like it but then he would laugh a lot. I would like to target my little sister Hayley.
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What's happening is a chemical reaction is created when the mentos are dropped into the diet coke. The mentos cause the diet coke to go crazy. My favorite science expirement is the vinegar and baking soda expirement. Yes I have at home. Yes I like science. Yes I would make this expirement at home. I would target my little brother Clark with the coke.
The mentos make the coke go crazy!! My favorite science experiment is where you find out whether the substance is an acid or base and use the limnis paper. I have not made any experiments at home.): I love science but I don’t do my work in that class.): I would love to do this experiment at home (:
The diet coke creates a chemical reaction with the mentos. The mentos cause the diest coke to go really crazy. My favorite science expieriment would have to be when i make a volcano out a baking soda and vinegar. No , we really havent made any fun expieriments at school. Yes, i would like to try this at home. I would like to target my little sister with the coke.
Abby Williams (:
7th & 8th
the mentos make the coke nuts. the chemicals react some how and explode.I like the experinment is the baking soda and vinegar. If i did this at home i would shot mky brothers with the coke. I have done simaler things at home but not the coke.
What is happening is that the mentos are dropped into the diet coke it is a chemical reaction so that make it so crazy. My favorite science lab would have to be when you have room temperature water in a bowel and put some in a pop can then if u heat up the water in the can then put it in the bowel it shrinks. Yes, I have at home. I like science experiment but I don’t like anything else about science. Yes, I would love to do this experiment at home. I would like to target my brother Glenn with the coke.
The chemical reaction is created when the mentos go into the diet coke and makes it explode. The mentos cause the diet coke to go crazy. Yes i have done this exact expeirment at school. Y esi do like science. i already have done this expeirment at home. Yes i would like to target the coke.
Logan Orton<3
Its a chemical reaction with the mentos and coke and it makes the coke fizz and burst out of the bottle. My favorite science expierment would have to be in the 4th grade when I made a volcano. No I have not. No I don't like science. Yes, I would like to try this at home. I would target the coke at Abby Williams.
Alex Pavelko(:
In the video, a chemical reaction is occurring. The mentos cause the diet coke to go crazy. This is my favorite experiment because; it seems so messy and fun to do. I’ve seen people on youtube do this many times. I don’t usually do experiments at my house. I kind of like science. It isn’t my favorite. I enjoy watching stuff blow up, so I think experiments are fun. I would love to do this experiment at home. I think it would be fun it make a mess. If I could, I would target the coke at McKenna Kelley.
- Baylee Abbott
4th-5th periods
What is happening is their putting mentos in the diet coke bottle and a there is a chemical reaction. My favorite science expiriment is pretty much anything where something explodes or makes a mess.Yes I have made some interesting expiriments in the past and putting mentos in diet coke was included in one of them. Science is fun and I kind of like it but i'm pretty good at messing expiriments up so science isn't my best subject. No I would not like to do this expiriment at home because I would not want to clean up the mess. I would like to target my mom with the coke bottle because she is really annoying.
What's happening is just a chemical reaction between the Diet Coke and the mentos. The mentos make the diet coke go crazy! My favorite science experience is when you put the vinegar and the baking soda together, and it causes a chemical reaction like the diet coke and the mentos. Yes, I have made a couple of interesting experiments at home in the past. Yes, I actually like science. Yes, I would love to do this experiment at home, and make a mess everywhere!!!!!! I would like to target my annoying little brother, and squirt the Coke all over him.
brooklyn nuzum
2 & 3 period
It is about two guys that are doing experiments with diet coke and mentos. Mentos are what makes the diet coke go crazy in the experiments. My favorite science experiment was when my class did chemical stuff . Yes I would like to do that experiment at home. I would like to target my brother with the diet coke and mentos. I think my brother deserves to be targeted with the diet coke.
What is happening is that the guys are dropping Mentos into Diet Coke. The chemical reaction makes the Diet Coke shoot up. My favorite science experiment is the Diet Coke and Mentos in a volcano. Yes, the volcano is the experiment. Yes, I like science because of all the chemicals and dangerous stuff involved. Yes, I would like to make an experiment at home. I would like to target m dog max with the Diet Coke and Mentos.
What's happening in this video, is the Mentos are causing the Diet Coke to have a chemical reaction. My favorite science experiment is when I was in the 6th grade, and we made volcanoes erupt. I used Diet Coke, and Mentos, while other people used vinegar, and baking soda. No, I haven’t made any excited exprimnts at hom, but I hav made them at school. No, I think my 2nd worse class is science. Yes, I would like to make this at home again. I would like to target this at my sister, Keyaunna .
-Samanthe Bolling 2nd&3rd period (:
When the mentos are dropped into the diet coke the carbonation is released, along with energy from a chemical reaction. This experiment would have to be my favorite, because when you’re done you get to drink the pop, and eat the mentos. One fun experiment we’ve done was with Mrs. Murray in the fifth grade, we put baking soda in toilet paper and dropped it into a film canister and added vinegar to pop the cap off. I enjoy science, but particularly social studies is my favorite and best subject. Yes the experiment would be fun to conduct at home, other than the fact that my parents would make me clean it up, and rinse off the yard. There are many people I would love aim the coke at, but I won’t be specific(both of my brothers)
matt strand
A chemical reaction is happening. The mentos are what is causing the coke to go crazy. Right know I can't think of any experiments that I've done in science class
No I don't like science. Yes I would like to make this experiment at my house, and I would targetyounger siblings.
Triston Newbrough
7-8 periods
What's happening is a chemical reaction is created when the mentos are dropped into the Diet Coke. The mentos cause the Diet Coke to go crazy. My favorite science experiment is the vinegar and baking soda experiment. Yes I have at home. I made a volcano once for school and my brother put a whole bunch of baking soda and like half a bottle of vinegar in it. It started exploding and wouldn’t stop for a long time. No, I don’t care for science because it confuses me when people start talking about molecules and cells. Yes I would do this experiment at home. I would target my older brother.
Abby Cooper
7/8th period
What is happening in this experiment is a chemical reaction between the diet coke and the mentos. The mentos make the diet coke go crazy. My favorite experiment is when you mix baking soda and vinegar and see how the combination of the two react. Yes, I have made experiments in the past at both my home and school. Yes, I do like science. Yes, I would like to make this experiment at home. I would like to target the diet coke at my older brother Todd.
The diet coke is mixing with the mentos and makes it explode. The mentos are the cause of it. I like when i was in fourth grade and we made volcanoes with baking soda and vinegar. yes I have made a few of them. I would like to try this at home sometime. I would have to say that I would hit Carly Suplita in the face.
Jayce Riley 4/5th period
They are making the coke explode with the mintos. The mintos sets off the coke and makes it squirt everywhere. The coke and mintos one. Yes, I have made an experiment at school and at home. Yes, I do like science. Yes, I would like to make this experiment at home. I would target my brother jordyn with the coke.
What is happening is when you put mentos is pop in this experiment diet coke it creates a chemical reaction that causes the pop to explode. My favorite science experiment is the baking soda volcano. I like this experiment because we had a contest in third grade with volcanoes. Who’s ever looked the coolest one? So, I put fake grass at the bottom to see what would happen. It ended up actually creating a chemical reaction in the grass and as a result the grass was burnt. Yes, this one. I love science because you get to do labs. No, because my mom would yell at me if I sprayed pop all over our house. I would target the coke at Steven.
Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
What is happening is when the scientist put the mentos in the diet coke it is creating a chemical reaction that will make the pop explode. Mentos candy was the thing that made the chemical reaction happen that made the pop explode. My favorite science experiment was when I had to make a bacteria or virus stuffed animal in seventh grade. Then my teacher choose which one was the best and who ever had the best projects went to White Hall Elementary school to present them to their fourth grade class, and I went. Yes, I like science. I like science because it was the only class that you get to do labs and fun projects in. Yes, I would like to do this experiment at home but my mom would yell at me if I would do it. I would like to target the coke at Sean for pay back.
When they put the mentos in the diet coke, it makes some kind of huge chemical reaction and explodes. The diet coke goes crazy because when the mentos start to dissolve it makes the reaction. My favorite science experiment is probably this one on the video. Yes I have made a lot of experiments at home and at school. Yes, I do like science. I would like to do this experiment at home but I think I already have in school once. I would invite Chase over and shoot him with the coke and have some kind of coke war.
The mentos fizz up and cuases a chemical reaction when put in diet coke. My favorite experiment was with a baking soda volcano. Yes I made it at home.
Two guys are putting mentos into pop and making the pop explode out of the bottles. The mentos have a special ingredient in it that reacts with the sodium in the pop and explodes. Have done an experiment like the mentos and soda only instead of the soda in the bottle it was in my volcano I made in 6th grade for a project. I only like science because I have an A in it but English is my favorite class. Have made this experiment before at Chase’s house before but once we put the mento in it we put the cap on it and threw them in the air and then they would explode. I would like to target Mrs. Constable with coke only because I love her.
-Taylor Campbell 4/5th period
What is occurring is a chemical reaction between the Mentos and the Diet Coke. The diet Coke then bursts and goes crazy. My favorite science experiment to do is vinegar and baking soda. Yes I have at home and in school in science class. I do like science and find it interesting. I would like to make this experiment at home. I think it would be a lot of fun to do this experiment at home. If I could target someone I probably target my dog.
Holly Bogdanich 4th/5th
When the scientists release the four mentos into the Diet Coke it causes a chemical reaction. The mentos cause the Diet Coke to go crazy. I really do not have a favorite science experiment because I love science and everything that goes with it. Yes I have made interesting experiments at school or at home. Yes I love science. Yes I would definitely like to make an experiment like this one because it would be a total mess. I would like to target the Coke at many different people but I think it would be funny to point it at myself.
Kayla DeLorenzo
4th and 5th period
Mentos are dropped iinto the diet coke. The mentos cause the coke to go crazy. I don't really have a favorite science experiment. Yes at school. I hate science it is my worst subject. I would love to make this experiment at home. I would love to target my dad with the coke !
What is happening in this video is a chemical reaction between the diet coke and the mentos. This happens when the mentos are dropped into the diet coke which makes the diet coke go crazy. This is probably my favorite science experiment because it's a lot of fun. Yes, I have done this experiment at home, but I only did it with one bottle and I didn't look as cool as theirs did. I've done some other experiments at home too, but I don't really do experiments at home that much. Yes, I like science; it's one of my favorite subjects. However, I don’t like some parts of science. Next time I do this experiment at home, I'll target it at my little brother, Joseph.
Sarah Topardo 4/5
When the Mentos are released into the Diet Coke, the carbon dioxide rushes to the Mentos and causes a chemical reaction between them. The reason why the Diet Coke is going crazy in the experiment is because of the Mentos. If I were to think way back, I would say that my favorite experiment was when we did the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment in 5th Grade. The cool part that we got to disguise the Coke bottle as a volcano to demonstrate what a volcano does when it erupts. This experiment is an experiment that I made at home. To tell the truth, I LOVE SCIENCE!!! Science is one of my favorite subjects.... but math is at the top in my book. I would like to create the experiment again at home to mess around with the neighbors.... but I would probably be out the rest of the day cleaning their houses. Oh are you serious, I get to shoot it at someone!!! Let's see... Matt Strand, Kayla Delorenzo, Sean Riggleman, Trevor DeVaul, Taylor Campbell, Justin Okel... oh and by the way, if you are reading this... watch out in the future... Okay continuing... Connor Shaw, Jonah Freeland, Isaac Childers, David Childers, Sydney Stalnaker, Micheal Shaw... and MANY MANY MORE!!!!
Dalton Okel
4th/5th Period
What is happening is a chemical reaction. This is created by the mentos. Mentos are the thing that is making the diet coke go crazy! My favorite science experiment os disecting things. Yes, I have mad lots of experiments at school. Yes I do like science. Yes I would make this experiment at home as a matter of fact I have plenty of times. I would target my evil little brother. Under his hair are little devil horns!!!!!!
Izaiha John 4/5
The mentos are droped into the coke, A cemical reaction with the mentos and coke. My favorite experiment is this one. Yes I have. not realy .yes I would. I wolud throw it in the air and wach.
the coke and mentos are a chemical reaction. carbon dioxide cause such chemical reaction. my favorite science experiment is disecting frogs. no the only experiment i remeber is disecting frogs. i would llike science if it werent for mr tennet. no if i made that expieriment at home i would have to clean. and i wqould target my parents
What is happening is a chemical reaction. This is created when the mentos are dropped into the diet coke. The mentos are what cause the diet coke to go crazy. My favorite science experiment is when you make a volcano then put vinegar and baking soda inside, and then watch it erupt. I have made a few experiments at school. Most of them were volcanoes and I made most of them at home for science class. Yes, I do like science, I find it interesting. Yes, I would like to make this experiment. I would like to target my annoying little brother Andrew, and my mom with the coke.
Lauren Massacci 4/5 pd
In this video, a chemical reaction is going on between the diet coke and the mentos.When the mentos gets dropped into the diet coke it makes it explode everywhere.My favorite science experience is the volcano experiment when you put vinegar and baking soda.I love to watch it explode.Um, no I don't make experiments at home.The only experiments I do is at school.No, I do not have any interest in science what so ever.Yes, I would like to do this experiment at home.If I could target this at a person it would have to be Sam Tonkovich.
In this video the Mentos are dropped in the diet coke to make a chemical reaction and cause it to explode. The Mentos cause it to go crazy. My favorite science experiment would have to be the pumpkin drop at Fairmont Catholic. No, I haven’t done any science experiments in the past at home. But I do like science. Yes, I would like to try this experiment at home. I would pick Olivia Wilson to target with the coke.
4th & 5th
Sam Tonkovich
What is happening is that the when the mentors are dropped into the diet coke, the diet coke is creating a chemical reaction, which makes it explode. The mentors cause the diet coke to go crazy. My favorite science experiment is dropping certain substances into water, or vinegar, or baking soda, and watching it turn colors. Yes, I have made experiments at school and home. I love science. At first I used to hate science, but now it is actually my favorite class. OH Yes, I would love to do this experiment at home. I would target my mom and brother Andy.
Michael Shaw
4th-5th period.
This was kinda cool to watch. What's happening is a chemical reaction. The diet coke has a lot of fizz to it by itself, but something in the mentos caused it to blow. It was the combination of the two products. There are too many experiments to really choose a favorite, but my favorite that I have done was when I made a volcano and made it erupt. I like science a lot and would like to do this at home, outside. I would target it at my sister and my dad.
What is happening is that there is a chemical reaction between the coke and mentos. The mentos cause the coke to go crazy and shoot out. My favorite science experiment is an experiment where you put water in a can and boil it then turn the can over into the cold water. The can contracts and squeezes together. Yes I have made experiments in the past. It was weird, crazy, and fun. Yes I like science because it is fun. Sure, I will do it at home and I will target my little brother Kyle so he will get all wet.
-Cody Brubaker
What's happening is in the diet coke, there is some type ofchemical contrast between the coke and mentos. The mentos fizz up and somehow cause the diet coke to explode. my favorite science experiment is the baking soda and vinegar. You put baking soda in a napkin and in a ziploc bag, then pour vinegar into it and at the right time, you throw it into the air and it busts. It's pretty cool. Yes, I have tried this experiment at home. No, I actually hate science(: Yeah! i think this experiment would be really cool. I would target Shayla my older sister.
McKenna Kelley
4/5 (:
The people are putting mentos in the diet coke and making it explode.The ingrediants in the mentos is making the diet coke explode. My favorite science experiment is making a volcano and putting baking soda and menots in and watching it explode. I made a volcano in 6th grade and made "lava" come out of it. Yes I do like science because of all of the wonders you wonder are all in the lessons. Yes I would like to make a diet coke explode at home. I would like to target my sisters.
In the video, there is a chemical reaction between the mentos and the diet coke. The diet coke goes crazy. This is myfavorite science experiment because it is so fun to watch pop explose everywhere. I usually do not make experiments at home, but I do in school all the time. Science is not really my favorite subject, but it is not my least favorite either. I have already made this experiment at home. I would like to target Jayce with the coke because it would be SO funny :)
Carly Suplita
7/8th period
The coke is exploding when you put a mento into it. It is happening because there is a chemical reaction when the mentos touch the diet coke. My favorite science experiment is when you put vinegar in a little bottle and shake it up, then the cap on the bottle explodes. Its pretty funny. The only science experiment I have done at my house is the diet coke and the mentos one. I hate science!! It is my second worst subject in school. Yes i think doing this experiment at home is fun and i would love to do it at my house again. I would live to targrt my little sister with the coke because she gets on my last nerve everyday!!
The coke is exploding and fizzing every where because of a chemical reaction caused by the mentos. My faivrot science expeirement was the heated coke can in water. Yes i would do this project at home. This is how i would wake every body up on christmas morning.
The coke is exploding out of the bottle.the mentos that theyre sticking into the coke bottles are making it explode.My favorite science experiment is, well actually i dont have one because i dont really do very many science experiments.No i dont do experiments at school normally unless disecting a frog is counted.I love science.NO i would not like to make this experiment at home because my mom would make me clean up the house!
Two scientists are using an experiment to make a chemical reaction. When the scientist drop mentos into the diet coke the diet coke explodes and shoots everywhere. The mentos is what causes the diet coke to go crazy. In Mrs. Murray’s class in fifth grade we did many experiments. Two I particularly remember are the fake snot and the fake drink spill. I do not really like science. Yes, I would like to make these experiments although I do not remember how to do them. I would like to target my dad with the coke because I know he would not hurt me if I did this.
-Sarah Cox period 2/3
The mentos is creating a reaction with the diet coke inside the bottle, causing the coke to release CO2. I like throwing a piece on pure potassium into a river and watch the explotion. Yes, all the time. I love science. Yes, i want to try this experiment. I would shoot it at my little brother.
Lucas Kinder 2-3
What's happening is the diet coke and mentos are creating a chemical reaction.The mentos are what is making the coke go crazy. My favorite sceince experiment is the vinger and baking soda one.Yes, I have made science experiemnts at home in the past, many of them actually. Yes, I like science it is my favorite subject.Yes, I would like to make this experiment at home and I already have an it was a blast. I would probably target my little brother Joey with the coke.
JoMarie Bogard
4/5 Period
the metos cause the pop to explode.the mentoes cause the pop to go crazy. imy fav. science experment is making volcanoes explode.i have made valcones a lot in school.yes i like science because it is a expermient type class. yes i would love to do his expermit at home because it looks so fun. i would like to target tj jones because he calls me benner kee kee and also katy perry.
They put the mentos in the Diet Coke which makes it explode. The mentos they have something in them that makes things explode when you put it in it. I like this experiment alot. I have never made an experiment at school or at home in the past. I really don't like Science. Yes I would love to make this experiment at home. I would like to target it at my brothers and my parnts.
The diet coke is fizzing up and shooting out of the bottle when the mentos is dropped into it. Something in the mentos causes a chemical reaction when it touches the coke. I've never done a lot of science experiments, but I always enjoyed watching people pour baking soda and vinegar togeter. I've never done it becuse my momn thinks that it would be too messy. I like science a lot, and I love watching things blow up. I don't care much for it when we have tp deal with physics and the laws of motion, but I like chemestry. I would like to do this experiment at home because it looks easy and from the video, I'd like to have a "coke show" in my backyard. I'd like to target my mom with the coke.
what is happening is a chemcal reaction and it is created by mentos being dropped into diet coke. My fvorite epirement is the baking soda and vinegar trick. Yes I have.Yes i do like science I love it. Yes i think it would be really cool. My best friend.
In the video "Diet Coke," the diet coke is exploding out of the bottles kind of like a geyser. The diet coke goes crazy because of the mentos that they drop into the bottles. My favorite science experiment that I ever did was when we tested rocks and minerals with chemicals in fifth grade. We also had to use our senses to descirbe what the rocks and minerals looked like, sounded like, and smelled like. One day, me and my friend decided to make an eco-friendly cleaner when we were in fourth grade. We used lemon juice, water, and a few other things. We then decided to clean her car with it, but it just ended up chipping the paint. I do not like science. I would love to do this experiment at home because it seems really fun to do. I would like to aim the coke at my brother.
Bethany McPherson - pd. 4 and 5
The mentos with the coke make a chemical reaction. The mentos make the coke go crazy. My favorite science experiment is probably when my science teacher heated up the bottom of a coke can and then put it in water and it crushed up. I have done science experiments at my house. I also like science, i find it very ineteresting. Yes I would make this experiment at home. I would target my mom with the coke.
-Megan McCullough
The chemical reaction was when they stuck the mentos into the diet coke and then it expolded. The mentos cause the the explosion. My favorite science expirment was when you make a volcano and put bakeing soda and vinger. Yes, but i didnt like them. Yes because it would be fun to. I would like to taget at my sisters boy friend because he gets on my nevers.
The mentos being dropped into the Diet Coke is a chemical reaction. The diet coke goes crazy because it is a reaction. My favorite science experiment is baking soda and vinegar in a camera roll tube. A science experiment I have done at home was the Diet Coke and Mentos that I did with my brother, except it was Diet Pepsi. I don't like science, it is my worst subject. Yes, the only time I have done it was with a half drank 16 ounce bottle, it would be better with a two liter. I would target the Coke at Trevor.
A chemical reaction is happening. By add the mentos to the diet coke is what makes the coke go crazy. This is my favorite science experiment. yes we have down htis at school and at home in the past. no i do not like science its my worst subject. i have already done this experiment at home. My brother would make a really nice target.
The mentos reacted with the diet coke. My favorite science experiment is one Taylor and I did. We filled a bottle with vinegar and baking soda and capped it. We shook it up and threw it at stuff and it would make a REALLY loud noise. In sixth grade we made a volcano with baking soda, vinegar , and red food coloring. Science is fun when we do experiments. Sure I would like to do this at home. I would target one of my friends.
The thing that's happening is a chemical reaction. Mentos are making the diet coke go crazy. I am not sure... It is probably dissecting a frog in Ms.Murray's class in the 5th grade. Yes I did some in her class. I like science a little bit. With all my heart, yes. I would like to target my next door neighbor, Bryson.
Alex Harris
2/3 period
What is happening in this experiment is the mentos are causing the coke to go crazy. My favorite science experiment is the volcanoe project when you have to make your volcanoe erupt. I do not like science. I would like to target my little cousin with coke.
In this experiment , they are putting mentos inside of the diet coke containers and making it go crazy when you open the bottle. The mentos get fizzy and make the pop explode out of the bottle and shoot into the air. No, I haven't done any "interesting" experiments at home, or school. I really do enjoy science though. I would like to try this experiment at home and shoot it at my mom or dog, cause that would be really really funny!(:
What is happening is, the mentos is causing a reaction with the diet coke. My favorite science experiment is when we made biomes using anything we wanted in 6th grade. I haven't made any interesting experiments at home or school lately. I like science, because I li.ke to learn about stuff that allows us to live everyday. Yes I would like to make this experiment at home. I would target my little sister Haylee, because she is very annoying
Austin Ferguson
IN this experiment what is happening is a chemical reaction between the mentos and diet coke. My favorite science expeiment is when you take a empty coke can heat up the put a drop of cold water and it sord of blows up. Yes I have made interesting expeirement at my house in the past. I sometimes like science. Yes i would like to do this experiment at home because i think it would be very fun. If i would target anyone with the coke it would be my older brother Fletcher.
What is going on here is when the mentos are dropped in the diet coke a cemical reaction occurrs and it go crazy. I think my favorite science expierement is when you take toilet bowl and put it in a bottle with aluminum foil and in it goes crazy and explodes. Yes I do like science. Iwould target the coke at my little brother Carter.
What is going on here is when the mentos are dropped in the diet coke a cemical reaction occurrs and it go crazy. I think my favorite science expierement is when you take toilet bowl and put it in a bottle with aluminum foil and in it goes crazy and explodes. Yes I do like science. Iwould target the coke at my little brother Carter.
The diet coke is going crazy because of the mentos that are dropped in it. My favorite experiment is baking soda and vinigear are put together and they fiz and bubble. Its really cool and fun to do. I like science a lot. Its fun and very interesting.Yes I would like to do this experiment at home because my Dad wouldn't like it but then he would laugh a lot. I would like to target my little sister Hayley.
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