Yes, I would lkie to participate in an adventure like this, I think it would be fun and exciting. No, I have never been to bridge day in WV. Yes, I would like to go. Yes, there is adventure I would like to participate in. I'd like to participate in Bridge Day in WV.
No, I would not like to participate in an adventure like this. I think that this would be really scary and not fun. No, I have never been to bridge day in West Virginai. Yes , I would love to go to bridge day I think that this event would be really fun. I would like to participate in bridge day in West Virginia.Abby Williams (: 7th & 8th
Yes I would like to paticipate in something like this I think it would be very fun.No I have not been to a bridge day in WV.One adventure I would very much like to participate in is the miss West Virginia pagent.I think it would be so fun.Or I would to go on a plane to somewhere because I have never been on a plane before.Like maybe to a famous museum or something
No i Wouldnt like to do something like that. NO i havent been to the bridge say in wv. I think it would be fun to go to it. No im not much of a out going person so I dont think i would like to do any thing like that
Yes i would love to partisipate in an activity like that. It would be amazing fun and exciting. I ahve never been to bridge day but i asked my mom n dad to take me because I want to jump of a bridge!
No I wouldn’t like to participate in an adventure like this because I think it wouldn’t be very fun. But I think it would be fun to watch it. No, I have never been to bridge day in WV. Yes, I would like to go. Yes there is an adventure I would like to go on. I would want to go to Spain to see the running of the bulls. Because I think it would be very exciting to see this.
Yes I would love to be in this event, that would be so fun. I have never been to Bridge Day. I would like to go to Bridge Day to see people jump off the bridge. A adventure I would like to be in is go hunt for Bigfoot.Logan Orton:)
No, I would not like to participate in this event. No, I have never been to bridge day in WV. No i wouldn't like to go. I would want to go climb a mountain.Alex Pavelko(:
No, I would not like to participate in the Running of the Bulls. I think it would be scary. No, I have never been to bridge day. I would love to go, though. I think it would be a fun, exciting rush. I would love to go on fun adventures. I have a list of things to do before I die. Some of them are: white water rafting, skydiving, bridge jumping, parasailing, and zip-lining. They just sound so fun and adventurous. I would also love to ride the Sky Coaster at Kenneywood!- Baylee Abbott4th-5th periods
I wouldn’t participate in this specific adventure, but I would like to participate in an adventure like this. No, I have not been to a bridge day in West Virginia. Yes, I would like to go to Bridge Day. I think going to a bridge day would be a great experience for me. I don’t know if I would actually like to jump off the bridge, but I would like to watch. One day I would like to finish a marathon. I would like to participate in it, because I think it would be really fun, and if I do finish, I would know that I worked hard enough to do it!Michael Shaw4th-5th period.
I love adventures and excitement, so I would love to participate in an adventure like this! I've never been to bridge day, but I'd really like to go. I'd like to participate in any adventure as long as it's safe. There isn't a particular adventure I'd like to go on, though. I haven't really been on a huge adventure. The biggest adventure I've been on is probably when my friend Emma and I went up into the forest behind her house and got lost. I was very scared, but it turned out to be a fun experience in the end.Carly Suplita7/8th period :)
I'm not even going to lie I would be scared as freak to be a part of running of the bulls. I have never been to a bridge day in WV, I think it would be really fun to go to a bridge day in WV
Yes, I would like to participate in this, but I think that I am to slow and I would get trampeled by one of the HUGE bulls. No, I have never been to bridge day in West Virginia. Yes, I would like to go to one. There are tons of adventures I would like to participate in, but the one that I would most like to participate in is swimming with dolphins.brooklyn nuzum2 and 3 period . (:
Yes, I would like to partcipiate in something like this, because I think it will be fun and exciting. Yes, I have been to bridge day in WV. I went with my neighbors last year, and we are going on Sunday October 16, also. I have participated in some of the activities though. For example the White water activities they have. I would like to participate in the Bridge Day again, because I love the activities they have there. I also love to spend time with my family and friends.- Samanthe Bolling 2&3rd period (:
No I would not want to participate in an event like that. No I have never went to bridge day in West Virginia. I would like to participate in bridge day. Yes there is a event that I would like to participate in. I would like to participate in bridge day. I would like to jump off the bridge. I think that it would be fun.
Yes,I would like to participate in the running of the bulls. I think that it would be fun to do something fun like that. No I have never been to bridge day.There are many adventures I would like to particpate in, one of them being the Moth Man Festival.
Yes, I would like to participate in the running of the bulls. I think it would be fun, but it would hurt if you get ran over or hit. No, I have never been to Bridge Day in West Virginia. I think it would be fun to watch, and yes I would like to go. I would like to go to an adventure, or participate in an adventure like this. All of this stuff is exciting to me. The people in this video are funny because it is just pure chaos. Running with the Bulls would be an excellent experience.Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
Yes, I would want to participate in the running of the bulls because I think that it would be really fun running from really mad bulls that want to run you over. I haven’t ever been to a bridge day in West Virginia but I think that it would be really cool to go watch them jump of the bridge. This adventure would probably be the best to participate in because you would have to run really fast not to get run over and it is really chaotic.
Yes, I would like to participate in the "Running of the bulls." No, I have never been to "bridge day," but I have been to the New River Gorge. My family and I took a jet boat tour on the river, that takes you up to the bridge. Yes, I would like to go to bridge day to watch people bungie jump and parachutes off of the New River Gorge. Yes, I want to go on a safari to Africa. To see the "5 Beast of the Land," they are the Rhino, Elephant, Lions, Cheetah, and the Buffalo.
I think I might want to try this out one day when I get older because even though I could get really hurt it looks like a lot of fun because it seems like chaos with everyone running around and bull running after them. I haven’t been to a bridge day yet but I want to go to one because it seems fun jumping off a 800 ft. tall bridge doing a bunch of flips and things like that and also some of my cousins that have gone have told me that it is really fun to watch the people jumping off. I would like to participate in a skydiving adventure because my dad has he said it was really cool looking over everything as your falling to the ground at 70 miles per hour. -Taylor Campbell
Like this, maybe. Running of the Bulls, no. No, I haven't been to bridge day. I would like to go to that. It seems fun. I heard that on Bridge day, all of the participants walk across the new river gorge. Some people even parachute off of it. I'm not sure if there is an adventure, other that bridge day, that I would like to go to...
The running of the bulls is very famous in Spain! No I would not like to participate in the running with the bulls, because you can die and i don't want to die like that. No I have never been to the bridge day in wv. And i don't have plans on going either because you have a very high chnce of dieing! The place I would like to go is sweden because there is a place were you can go sled skiing!!!!! :D
No, I would not like to participate in an adventure like that bacause you might get injured or even killed. No, I have not been to brige day in west virginia. Yes, I would like to go because it would be fun and some what scary. Yes I would like to go to brige day in west virginia to jump off the bridge.
No, I would never participate in running of the bulls. I like living. I would not participate in something so dangerous. I value my life to much. Ive been to bridge day but i never participate im deffinately not an adriniline junky but I would love to go Parachuting I is just something i want to do before i die.
No, I would not like to participate in "The Running of the Bulls" in Spain because I think it looks scary and I wouldn't want to get trampled by the bulls and possibly die. However, I would like to go watch it, but I would definitely not like to participate in it. No, I haven't been to bridge day in WV. But yes, I would like to go. I don't know if I would jump off of the bridge, but I would like to go and watch people jump off. There's not really any adventure in particular that I would like to participate in. -Sarah Topardo 4&5
Yes I would like to participate in the running with the bulls because it sounds like fun.No I have never been to a bridge day in WV but I would like to go to one. I can't think of any adventure that I would want to go on either.Triston Newbrough7-8 periods
No way. I would never do something that stupid. You could die so easily and painfully. I would love to participate in an adventure, but not one like this. I have not been to bridge day. Maybe I would like to go and wathc, but I don't think I'd participate. An adevnture I'd like to be in is parasailing. (:-McKenna Kelley4/5 (:
No, I would not participate in an adventure like this. I think it would be very scary and dangerous. No, I have never been to bridge day in WV. Yes, I would like to go to bridge day. I think it would be very fun to watch people jump off this towering bridge. I would like to participate in bridge day in West Virginia.
No I would not wount to participat in this event, the poeple who do are crazy. No I have never been to brige day but I would love to. the adventure I would like to go on is back backing to the highest pick in the Rockys.
I wouldn't really like to run with the bulls. I would be afraid that one of the bull's horns would stab me or they would pick me up and throw me. Although I wouldn't like to run with the bulls, I would like to go and watch it. I think it would be fun to see the people falling down and getting hurt. I have never been to bridge day but I have seen pictures of it. I would like to go and see all the crazy people jump off the bridge. I would be afraid when I would be watching them that one of the lines would snap. That would not be so cool if that happened. Jayce Riley 4/5th period
I think the running of the bulls looks awesome and I would like to go as long as I had a gun just in case. I wouldn’t want to end up like the last guy who kept getting slammed against the wall by the bull’s horns. I don’t believe I’ve ever been to bridge day but I have been to New River Gorge. I would like to go on Bridge Day though. I think it would be fun to go bungee jumping off of New River Gorge, but not parachuting.
Yes I would like to participate in an event like this. No, I haven't lived here that long and I don't know where it is. Yes, but I wouldn't like to jump off of it. Yes.
I would never participate in an adventure like Running With the Bulls because it is very dangerous. In the video, all the participants were male because females are so much smarter and would not risk their life in that way. No I have never been to bridge day in West Virginia but I would definitely like to go. I would like to go either bungee jumping or sky diving because they look daring and exciting. I would also like to fly a plane because I would like to know what is like to be in the place of a pilot.Kayla DeLorenzo4th and 5th period
No, I wouldn't ever join in on the running with the bulls.No, I have never been to bridge day in WV. I would like to go. I would like to join in on bridge day in the future
No, I would not participate in running with the bulls. No, I have not been to bridge day in WV. I would like to in the future though.
NO, I wouldn't want to participate in something like this. I think it's stupid and I feel sorry for the bulls. I think it is some kind of animal abuse. I don't feel sorry for the people because they know the risks and they still choose to do it. Have you noticed there are no women who participate in it? I think that shows how stupid guys can be. I have never been to bridge day, but would like to go one day. I think I would like to try bungee jumping.
No,I wouldn't participate in this adventure.No,I have been to bridge day and I think that in would be a very exciting to watch people do it but that is one thing that I would never do that because I am way to scared.I hope to one day get the chance to go to bridge day.I would probably not do many adventures but I will always love to watch.
If I were to trust my "DANGER" gut, I would probably go ahead at participate in running with the bulls. I wouldn't know what it is like to be in running with the bulls, but I can run, so I'm covered for that part. Now about that bulls part, I can't put my finger on it why I would run away from bulls. I think those bulls just want to knock someone down and laugh like "Haha I knocked you down man!!!" Which I wouldn't really care because I don't speak bull. Bridge day, bridge day, doesn't really ring a bell. I would like to go, but when I go off the bridge, I would definitely jump off with a bungee cord. If i jumped off with a parachute and the string didn't pull, man would I be nature's next greatest thing. An adventure that I would like to participate in would be on the TV show, Man vs. Wild. I would like to take on nature's problems and see what it has to throw at me. I always like to be in nature and survive in places, except in a retirement home.Dalton Okel4th/5th Period
I would not participate in an event like this. I would not because I cannot run very fast and I would be scared the I would get run over. No I have not been to West Virginia’s bridge day. I have heard that it is neat to watch and very fun. I would do it if I could. There are to adventure I would like to participate in. First, I would like to go bungee jumping. I think it would be a lot of fun and would give you butterflies in your stomach. Second, I would like to Para shoot out of an airplane. I think that would be fun also and give you that same feeling as bungee jumping.Holly Bogdanich 4th/5th
Yes, actually I would like to participate in an adventure like this because it would probably be a one in a lifetime chance, and really exciting! I actually went past the bridge on Bridge Day in WV last weekend like the night before it was suppose to start, but I never got to stay and see it. Yes I would like to go because it would be interesting to talk to people about how they got started in this and what its like to participate in the event.The event I'd like to participate in is Bridge Day here in WV. JoMarie Bogard4/5 Period
No, I would not participate in an adventure like this. No, I have never been to bridge day in WV. Yes, I would like to go watch. I would like to participate Bridge Day in WV, and I'm not really for sure what else.4th & 5thSam Tonkovich
Yes, I would love to be in the running of the bulls, I probably would be out very quickly, but it would be fun to be just for a little while. At least until I got trampled. No, I have never been to Bridge Day, but I would love to attend, and participate in it. A few of the most amazing adventures that I would love to participate in are; base jumping, sky diving, bungee jumping, hang gliding, and one of my personal favorites to try would have to be to go scuba diving, but not just in the ocean, in a cave.
matt strand4/5
I would not like to participate in the running of the bulls. It looks scary and very dangerous. I have not participated in bridge day in WV but I would like to go an watch. I would like to participate in a shopping spree in Paris. Sarah Cox period 2/3
No, I would not want to participate in the running of bulls. Because its looks really scary. No, I have never been to Bridge Day at New River Gorge. Yes, I think I would like to go. But I would not want to jump because I’m afraid of heights. Yes there are a lot of things that I want to do in my lifetime. I definitely want to go on an airplane again. I think it would also be fun to zip-line. I love riding big roller coasters and want to go back to ride The Mystery Mine at DollyWood. Abby Cooper7/8th period
I wouldn't like to participate in an adventure like this because it looks too dangerous. I've never been to Bridge day and in fact, I've never evn heard of it untill just recently. I'd like to go because it looks like a lot of fun just to watch. I'd like to participate in Bridge day because it looks like fun, and I'd like to go on a plane trip somewhere, because I've never been on a plane before.
Yes, I would like to run with bulls. The only bad thing that can happen is a broken leg, arm, ankle, or all of the above. I mean geez, I don't know why people are so scared of it. I was just kidding about all of those things I had just said accept for the first statement. I have never been to bridgeday. I would like to go because I have heard so many cool things that have happened there. Example, this year, a guy jumped off in a wheelchair. Yes, I would like to participate in Bridgeday.
I would not want to attend anything like this because I could get hurt or possibly die for no reason. I have no idea why people do something like this. I have never attended bridge day, but it sounds fun. I would like to go to bridge day. I would jump off the bridge with a parachute or bungee jump because it sounds like a lot of great fun. There is not really anything that I can think of that is like bridge day. I have never heard of anybody else base jumping off of a bridge. It sounds like a great thing to do though.
I would not like to participate in an event like this. I don't like violent things or bloody things or things that can hurt people. I have never been to bridge day, but I would like to watch people jump off of the bridges. I think it would be so cool! An adventure that I would like to have is traveling around the word (but not to see the running of the bulls). My Aunt Andrea traveled around the world to many different places such as Paris, Germany, and Scotland. I think that it would be really cool to see how the people from different countries live. I would also like to see the different famous landmarks. My favorite is the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. I would also like to go to Switzerland because my friend Sarah was born there and so were her parents. Her grandparents still live there. They do things different in Switzerland like making their food from scratch all the time. They taught me a few words like sugar is zucker and bell is glocken! I would really love to travel the world!Bethany McPherson Pd. 4 and 5
No i would never participate in a adventure like that, but I would like to watch it. No I have never been to bridge day in WV and i don't plan on going either. There really isn't any adventure I would like to participate in.
No, I would not like to participate in an adventure like this. I think that this would be really scary and not fun.yes i have been to bridge day in WV and it was a lot of fun.
Yes I would like to be in the running of the bulls because it looks fun and dangerous. I have been to bridge day and it was also fun.
Yes I would like to to praticipate in an adventure like this it looks really fun. No I have never been to bridge day in WV. Yes I would really like to go. Yes there is an adventure I would like to participate in and its bridge day by far! Izaiha John 4/5
Yes, I would really like to participate in the Running of the Bulls and some similar to this one. I have never been to a Bridge Day in West Virginia but I driven by a few days before and they were setting up for it. Bridge day sounds like so much fun. I would like to go because it sounds like fun. There are few more adventure I would like to participate in such as deep sea diving, spear fishing, and rock climbing. All of these adventures sound so much fun and exiting and that is why I would like to participate in them.
I would never participate in The Running of the Bulls. I am actually kind of scared of bulls. I have been to bridge day. It was really cool and interesting. I would love to do it again. An adventure that I have always wanted to do is sky diving. I think that sky diving would be amazing. I love the feeling of weightlessness you get when you are falling.
rNo, I would never participate in the Running of the Bulls.You couldn't pay me 1,000,000,000 to participate in it. No I havent been to Bridge Day yet. But I would like to some day. I wont be one of the people watching everybody jump off the bridge. I would be the one jumping off the bridge. Yes, there are alot of adventures I would like to participate in. I am a very outgoing and adventurous person. I would like to ride the craziest rollocoaster in the world. I also think it would be fun and adventurous to swim with sharks.Elizabeth Tennant4th 5th:)
No, I would never participate in an adventure like this. It would be insane. I assume this would be fun and have a lot of energy. I love the feeling of adrenaline. I have never been to Bridge day. Yes, I would love to go though. I think it would be awesome to say that I have jumped off of a bridge. I probably would be very scared though. There really are not any other adventures I think I would be interested in participating in. As long as it was something adventurous then I most likely would. I have a very daring attitude towards these kinds of things.Lauren Massacci
Yes I would like to participate in this adventure. No I`ve never been to bridge day. Yes I would like to go. Also an adventure I`d like to participate in is chariot racing.Austin Ferguson
Yes, I would like to participate in the running of the bulls, I think it would be really fun and exciting. No I have never been to bridge day in WV. No i would not like to go, Yes there is an adventure id like to participate in and that would be The X games.
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Yes, I would lkie to participate in an adventure like this, I think it would be fun and exciting. No, I have never been to bridge day in WV. Yes, I would like to go. Yes, there is adventure I would like to participate in. I'd like to participate in Bridge Day in WV.
No, I would not like to participate in an adventure like this. I think that this would be really scary and not fun. No, I have never been to bridge day in West Virginai. Yes , I would love to go to bridge day I think that this event would be really fun. I would like to participate in bridge day in West Virginia.
Abby Williams (:
7th & 8th
Yes I would like to paticipate in something like this I think it would be very fun.No I have not been to a bridge day in WV.One adventure I would very much like to participate in is the miss West Virginia pagent.I think it would be so fun.Or I would to go on a plane to somewhere because I have never been on a plane before.Like maybe to a famous museum or something
No i Wouldnt like to do something like that. NO i havent been to the bridge say in wv. I think it would be fun to go to it. No im not much of a out going person so I dont think i would like to do any thing like that
Yes i would love to partisipate in an activity like that. It would be amazing fun and exciting. I ahve never been to bridge day but i asked my mom n dad to take me because I want to jump of a bridge!
No I wouldn’t like to participate in an adventure like this because I think it wouldn’t be very fun. But I think it would be fun to watch it. No, I have never been to bridge day in WV. Yes, I would like to go. Yes there is an adventure I would like to go on. I would want to go to Spain to see the running of the bulls. Because I think it would be very exciting to see this.
Yes I would love to be in this event, that would be so fun. I have never been to Bridge Day. I would like to go to Bridge Day to see people jump off the bridge. A adventure I would like to be in is go hunt for Bigfoot.
Logan Orton:)
No, I would not like to participate in this event. No, I have never been to bridge day in WV. No i wouldn't like to go. I would want to go climb a mountain.
Alex Pavelko(:
No, I would not like to participate in the Running of the Bulls. I think it would be scary. No, I have never been to bridge day. I would love to go, though. I think it would be a fun, exciting rush. I would love to go on fun adventures. I have a list of things to do before I die. Some of them are: white water rafting, skydiving, bridge jumping, parasailing, and zip-lining. They just sound so fun and adventurous. I would also love to ride the Sky Coaster at Kenneywood!
- Baylee Abbott
4th-5th periods
I wouldn’t participate in this specific adventure, but I would like to participate in an adventure like this. No, I have not been to a bridge day in West Virginia. Yes, I would like to go to Bridge Day. I think going to a bridge day would be a great experience for me. I don’t know if I would actually like to jump off the bridge, but I would like to watch. One day I would like to finish a marathon. I would like to participate in it, because I think it would be really fun, and if I do finish, I would know that I worked hard enough to do it!
Michael Shaw
4th-5th period.
I love adventures and excitement, so I would love to participate in an adventure like this! I've never been to bridge day, but I'd really like to go. I'd like to participate in any adventure as long as it's safe. There isn't a particular adventure I'd like to go on, though. I haven't really been on a huge adventure. The biggest adventure I've been on is probably when my friend Emma and I went up into the forest behind her house and got lost. I was very scared, but it turned out to be a fun experience in the end.
Carly Suplita
7/8th period :)
I'm not even going to lie I would be scared as freak to be a part of running of the bulls. I have never been to a bridge day in WV, I think it would be really fun to go to a bridge day in WV
Yes, I would like to participate in this, but I think that I am to slow and I would get trampeled by one of the HUGE bulls. No, I have never been to bridge day in West Virginia. Yes, I would like to go to one. There are tons of adventures I would like to participate in, but the one that I would most like to participate in is swimming with dolphins.
brooklyn nuzum
2 and 3 period . (:
Yes, I would like to partcipiate in something like this, because I think it will be fun and exciting. Yes, I have been to bridge day in WV. I went with my neighbors last year, and we are going on Sunday October 16, also. I have participated in some of the activities though. For example the White water activities they have. I would like to participate in the Bridge Day again, because I love the activities they have there. I also love to spend time with my family and friends.
- Samanthe Bolling 2&3rd period (:
Yes, I would like to partcipiate in something like this, because I think it will be fun and exciting. Yes, I have been to bridge day in WV. I went with my neighbors last year, and we are going on Sunday October 16, also. I have participated in some of the activities though. For example the White water activities they have. I would like to participate in the Bridge Day again, because I love the activities they have there. I also love to spend time with my family and friends.
- Samanthe Bolling 2&3rd period (:
No I would not want to participate in an event like that. No I have never went to bridge day in West Virginia. I would like to participate in bridge day. Yes there is a event that I would like to participate in. I would like to participate in bridge day. I would like to jump off the bridge. I think that it would be fun.
Yes,I would like to participate in the running of the bulls. I think that it would be fun to do something fun like that. No I have never been to bridge day.There are many adventures I would like to particpate in, one of them being the Moth Man Festival.
Yes, I would like to participate in the running of the bulls. I think it would be fun, but it would hurt if you get ran over or hit. No, I have never been to Bridge Day in West Virginia. I think it would be fun to watch, and yes I would like to go. I would like to go to an adventure, or participate in an adventure like this. All of this stuff is exciting to me. The people in this video are funny because it is just pure chaos. Running with the Bulls would be an excellent experience.
Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
Yes, I would want to participate in the running of the bulls because I think that it would be really fun running from really mad bulls that want to run you over. I haven’t ever been to a bridge day in West Virginia but I think that it would be really cool to go watch them jump of the bridge. This adventure would probably be the best to participate in because you would have to run really fast not to get run over and it is really chaotic.
Yes, I would like to participate in the "Running of the bulls." No, I have never been to "bridge day," but I have been to the New River Gorge. My family and I took a jet boat tour on the river, that takes you up to the bridge. Yes, I would like to go to bridge day to watch people bungie jump and parachutes off of the New River Gorge. Yes, I want to go on a safari to Africa. To see the "5 Beast of the Land," they are the Rhino, Elephant, Lions, Cheetah, and the Buffalo.
I think I might want to try this out one day when I get older because even though I could get really hurt it looks like a lot of fun because it seems like chaos with everyone running around and bull running after them. I haven’t been to a bridge day yet but I want to go to one because it seems fun jumping off a 800 ft. tall bridge doing a bunch of flips and things like that and also some of my cousins that have gone have told me that it is really fun to watch the people jumping off. I would like to participate in a skydiving adventure because my dad has he said it was really cool looking over everything as your falling to the ground at 70 miles per hour. -Taylor Campbell
Like this, maybe. Running of the Bulls, no. No, I haven't been to bridge day. I would like to go to that. It seems fun. I heard that on Bridge day, all of the participants walk across the new river gorge. Some people even parachute off of it. I'm not sure if there is an adventure, other that bridge day, that I would like to go to...
The running of the bulls is very famous in Spain! No I would not like to participate in the running with the bulls, because you can die and i don't want to die like that. No I have never been to the bridge day in wv. And i don't have plans on going either because you have a very high chnce of dieing! The place I would like to go is sweden because there is a place were you can go sled skiing!!!!! :D
No, I would not like to participate in an adventure like that bacause you might get injured or even killed. No, I have not been to brige day in west virginia. Yes, I would like to go because it would be fun and some what scary. Yes I would like to go to brige day in west virginia to jump off the bridge.
No, I would never participate in running of the bulls. I like living. I would not participate in something so dangerous. I value my life to much. Ive been to bridge day but i never participate im deffinately not an adriniline junky but I would love to go Parachuting I is just something i want to do before i die.
No, I would not like to participate in "The Running of the Bulls" in Spain because I think it looks scary and I wouldn't want to get trampled by the bulls and possibly die. However, I would like to go watch it, but I would definitely not like to participate in it. No, I haven't been to bridge day in WV. But yes, I would like to go. I don't know if I would jump off of the bridge, but I would like to go and watch people jump off. There's not really any adventure in particular that I would like to participate in.
-Sarah Topardo 4&5
Yes I would like to participate in the running with the bulls because it sounds like fun.No I have never been to a bridge day in WV but I would like to go to one. I can't think of any adventure that I would want to go on either.
Triston Newbrough
7-8 periods
No way. I would never do something that stupid. You could die so easily and painfully. I would love to participate in an adventure, but not one like this. I have not been to bridge day. Maybe I would like to go and wathc, but I don't think I'd participate. An adevnture I'd like to be in is parasailing. (:
-McKenna Kelley
4/5 (:
No, I would not participate in an adventure like this. I think it would be very scary and dangerous. No, I have never been to bridge day in WV. Yes, I would like to go to bridge day. I think it would be very fun to watch people jump off this towering bridge. I would like to participate in bridge day in West Virginia.
No I would not wount to participat in this event, the poeple who do are crazy. No I have never been to brige day but I would love to. the adventure I would like to go on is back backing to the highest pick in the Rockys.
I wouldn't really like to run with the bulls. I would be afraid that one of the bull's horns would stab me or they would pick me up and throw me. Although I wouldn't like to run with the bulls, I would like to go and watch it. I think it would be fun to see the people falling down and getting hurt. I have never been to bridge day but I have seen pictures of it. I would like to go and see all the crazy people jump off the bridge. I would be afraid when I would be watching them that one of the lines would snap. That would not be so cool if that happened.
Jayce Riley 4/5th period
I think the running of the bulls looks awesome and I would like to go as long as I had a gun just in case. I wouldn’t want to end up like the last guy who kept getting slammed against the wall by the bull’s horns. I don’t believe I’ve ever been to bridge day but I have been to New River Gorge. I would like to go on Bridge Day though. I think it would be fun to go bungee jumping off of New River Gorge, but not parachuting.
Yes I would like to participate in an event like this. No, I haven't lived here that long and I don't know where it is. Yes, but I wouldn't like to jump off of it. Yes.
I would never participate in an adventure like Running With the Bulls because it is very dangerous. In the video, all the participants were male because females are so much smarter and would not risk their life in that way. No I have never been to bridge day in West Virginia but I would definitely like to go. I would like to go either bungee jumping or sky diving because they look daring and exciting. I would also like to fly a plane because I would like to know what is like to be in the place of a pilot.
Kayla DeLorenzo
4th and 5th period
No, I wouldn't ever join in on the running with the bulls.No, I have never been to bridge day in WV. I would like to go. I would like to join in on bridge day in the future
No, I would not participate in running with the bulls. No, I have not been to bridge day in WV. I would like to in the future though.
NO, I wouldn't want to participate in something like this. I think it's stupid and I feel sorry for the bulls. I think it is some kind of animal abuse. I don't feel sorry for the people because they know the risks and they still choose to do it. Have you noticed there are no women who participate in it? I think that shows how stupid guys can be. I have never been to bridge day, but would like to go one day. I think I would like to try bungee jumping.
No,I wouldn't participate in this adventure.No,I have been to bridge day and I think that in would be a very exciting to watch people do it but that is one thing that I would never do that because I am way to scared.I hope to one day get the chance to go to bridge day.I would probably not do many adventures but I will always love to watch.
If I were to trust my "DANGER" gut, I would probably go ahead at participate in running with the bulls. I wouldn't know what it is like to be in running with the bulls, but I can run, so I'm covered for that part. Now about that bulls part, I can't put my finger on it why I would run away from bulls. I think those bulls just want to knock someone down and laugh like "Haha I knocked you down man!!!" Which I wouldn't really care because I don't speak bull. Bridge day, bridge day, doesn't really ring a bell. I would like to go, but when I go off the bridge, I would definitely jump off with a bungee cord. If i jumped off with a parachute and the string didn't pull, man would I be nature's next greatest thing. An adventure that I would like to participate in would be on the TV show, Man vs. Wild. I would like to take on nature's problems and see what it has to throw at me. I always like to be in nature and survive in places, except in a retirement home.
Dalton Okel
4th/5th Period
I would not participate in an event like this. I would not because I cannot run very fast and I would be scared the I would get run over. No I have not been to West Virginia’s bridge day. I have heard that it is neat to watch and very fun. I would do it if I could. There are to adventure I would like to participate in. First, I would like to go bungee jumping. I think it would be a lot of fun and would give you butterflies in your stomach. Second, I would like to Para shoot out of an airplane. I think that would be fun also and give you that same feeling as bungee jumping.
Holly Bogdanich 4th/5th
Yes, actually I would like to participate in an adventure like this because it would probably be a one in a lifetime chance, and really exciting! I actually went past the bridge on Bridge Day in WV last weekend like the night before it was suppose to start, but I never got to stay and see it. Yes I would like to go because it would be interesting to talk to people about how they got started in this and what its like to participate in the event.The event I'd like to participate in is Bridge Day here in WV.
JoMarie Bogard
4/5 Period
No, I would not participate in an adventure like this. No, I have never been to bridge day in WV. Yes, I would like to go watch. I would like to participate Bridge Day in WV, and I'm not really for sure what else.
4th & 5th
Sam Tonkovich
Yes, I would love to be in the running of the bulls, I probably would be out very quickly, but it would be fun to be just for a little while. At least until I got trampled. No, I have never been to Bridge Day, but I would love to attend, and participate in it. A few of the most amazing adventures that I would love to participate in are; base jumping, sky diving, bungee jumping, hang gliding, and one of my personal favorites to try would have to be to go scuba diving, but not just in the ocean, in a cave.
matt strand
I would not like to participate in the running of the bulls. It looks scary and very dangerous. I have not participated in bridge day in WV but I would like to go an watch. I would like to participate in a shopping spree in Paris.
Sarah Cox period 2/3
No, I would not want to participate in the running of bulls. Because its looks really scary. No, I have never been to Bridge Day at New River Gorge. Yes, I think I would like to go. But I would not want to jump because I’m afraid of heights. Yes there are a lot of things that I want to do in my lifetime. I definitely want to go on an airplane again. I think it would also be fun to zip-line. I love riding big roller coasters and want to go back to ride The Mystery Mine at DollyWood.
Abby Cooper
7/8th period
I wouldn't like to participate in an adventure like this because it looks too dangerous. I've never been to Bridge day and in fact, I've never evn heard of it untill just recently. I'd like to go because it looks like a lot of fun just to watch. I'd like to participate in Bridge day because it looks like fun, and I'd like to go on a plane trip somewhere, because I've never been on a plane before.
Yes, I would like to run with bulls. The only bad thing that can happen is a broken leg, arm, ankle, or all of the above. I mean geez, I don't know why people are so scared of it. I was just kidding about all of those things I had just said accept for the first statement. I have never been to bridgeday. I would like to go because I have heard so many cool things that have happened there. Example, this year, a guy jumped off in a wheelchair. Yes, I would like to participate in Bridgeday.
I would not want to attend anything like this because I could get hurt or possibly die for no reason. I have no idea why people do something like this. I have never attended bridge day, but it sounds fun. I would like to go to bridge day. I would jump off the bridge with a parachute or bungee jump because it sounds like a lot of great fun. There is not really anything that I can think of that is like bridge day. I have never heard of anybody else base jumping off of a bridge. It sounds like a great thing to do though.
I would not like to participate in an event like this. I don't like violent things or bloody things or things that can hurt people. I have never been to bridge day, but I would like to watch people jump off of the bridges. I think it would be so cool! An adventure that I would like to have is traveling around the word (but not to see the running of the bulls). My Aunt Andrea traveled around the world to many different places such as Paris, Germany, and Scotland. I think that it would be really cool to see how the people from different countries live. I would also like to see the different famous landmarks. My favorite is the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. I would also like to go to Switzerland because my friend Sarah was born there and so were her parents. Her grandparents still live there. They do things different in Switzerland like making their food from scratch all the time. They taught me a few words like sugar is zucker and bell is glocken! I would really love to travel the world!
Bethany McPherson Pd. 4 and 5
No i would never participate in a adventure like that, but I would like to watch it. No I have never been to bridge day in WV and i don't plan on going either. There really isn't any adventure I would like to participate in.
No, I would not like to participate in an adventure like this. I think that this would be really scary and not fun.yes i have been to bridge day in WV and it was a lot of fun.
Yes I would like to be in the running of the bulls because it looks fun and dangerous. I have been to bridge day and it was also fun.
Yes I would like to to praticipate in an adventure like this it looks really fun. No I have never been to bridge day in WV. Yes I would really like to go. Yes there is an adventure I would like to participate in and its bridge day by far!
Izaiha John 4/5
Yes, I would really like to participate in the Running of the Bulls and some similar to this one. I have never been to a Bridge Day in West Virginia but I driven by a few days before and they were setting up for it. Bridge day sounds like so much fun. I would like to go because it sounds like fun. There are few more adventure I would like to participate in such as deep sea diving, spear fishing, and rock climbing. All of these adventures sound so much fun and exiting and that is why I would like to participate in them.
I would never participate in The Running of the Bulls. I am actually kind of scared of bulls. I have been to bridge day. It was really cool and interesting. I would love to do it again. An adventure that I have always wanted to do is sky diving. I think that sky diving would be amazing. I love the feeling of weightlessness you get when you are falling.
rNo, I would never participate in the Running of the Bulls.You couldn't pay me 1,000,000,000 to participate in it. No I havent been to Bridge Day yet. But I would like to some day. I wont be one of the people watching everybody jump off the bridge. I would be the one jumping off the bridge. Yes, there are alot of adventures I would like to participate in. I am a very outgoing and adventurous person. I would like to ride the craziest rollocoaster in the world. I also think it would be fun and adventurous to swim with sharks.
Elizabeth Tennant
4th 5th:)
No, I would never participate in an adventure like this. It would be insane. I assume this would be fun and have a lot of energy. I love the feeling of adrenaline. I have never been to Bridge day. Yes, I would love to go though. I think it would be awesome to say that I have jumped off of a bridge. I probably would be very scared though. There really are not any other adventures I think I would be interested in participating in. As long as it was something adventurous then I most likely would. I have a very daring attitude towards these kinds of things.
Lauren Massacci
Yes I would like to participate in this adventure. No I`ve never been to bridge day. Yes I would like to go. Also an adventure I`d like to participate in is chariot racing.
Austin Ferguson
Yes, I would like to participate in the running of the bulls, I think it would be really fun and exciting. No I have never been to bridge day in WV. No i would not like to go, Yes there is an adventure id like to participate in and that would be The X games.
Yes, I would like to participate in the running of the bulls, I think it would be really fun and exciting. No I have never been to bridge day in WV. No i would not like to go, Yes there is an adventure id like to participate in and that would be The X games.
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