They were both cemetaries for Jews who died in the Holocaust.the one in Philadelphia is niser the the one in Poland.They showed alot of monuments in oner of all the people died.The author's purpose in creating this video is to show and informus who died in the shows how many poeple died and they did not whant to beone of them so they hide.
The one that is shown in the video looks really bad. They are all smashed up against each other and no room to move to see loved one that have died. The in Philly looks like it is really great. It is really nice looking and has really nice head stones. They show headstones of everyone whop has died. The author wants to show how bad things used to be. He also wanted to show how many people have died. It goes with how they die at the end and will be buried. Jayce riley 4/5th period
The cemetary shown in this video look looks like it is in very bad condition. The cemetary in Philadelphia looks much nicer and in much better condition. Both of these cemetaries are for Jews that passed away during the Holocaust. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show how the cemetaries and respect for Jews have changed. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank, because this has to do with the Holocaust and the play, Anne Frank takes place during the Holocaust also.
Well, the Polish cemetaries for the Jews are all torn up and on top of each other. However, the one in Philadelphia is very nice everything is in order and its respect for those who died during the holocaust. The Polish people show distain by putting headstones with writing and how they were killed in the concentration camps. The author's purpose is to show us that we live in a whole different world than the people in Poland. Also it is to show us how different Nazi Germany was from the rest of the world. This correlates to Anne Frank because a lot of people were in hiding and had to keep so still a lot of times. Also this takes place in the holocaust.Izaiha John 4/5
Both of the cementeries were for the Jews who had died in the holocaust. The author's purpose in this video is to show how the cementeries have changed for the Jews. The cementeries were dealing with the holocaust and in the book were reading the holocaust takes place. It also shows how many people died and the didnt want to die so they tryed to hide. Abby Williams (: 7th & 8th
The one in Poland is is horrible condition. The one in Philedelphia is in amazing condition. Boht cemitaries are for all the jews that died in the holocaust. The authors purpose of making this video is to show people now how it was for the jews when the Holocaust happened. Well Anne Frank was a jew and she was alive when all these people died and she and her family were hiding from everyone.Logan Orton the beast
They are both cementeries for the Jews that did die during that period. The one in Philidelphia has statues that tell about the Jews that did die and the one in Poland were crooked and they used the headstones to pave a road. They showed all of the monuments of the Jews that died. The author's purpose of making this video was to show people how it looked like before and how people respect it now. It has to deal with the Holocaust and how they had to hide from the Green Police so they wouldn't end up dead like the ones in the video.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland and the one in Philadelphia are both cemeteries for Jews. The Polish cemetery had graves really close together and it wasn't very nice looking. The one in Philadelphia was nicer and the graves were more spread out. The author's purpose in creating this video is to inform us about the cemeteries in Philadelphia and in Poland that are dedicated to the Jews. Also, she wanted to show us how many Jews had died in the Holocaust. In addition, she also probably wanted to compare both of the cemeteries in Philadelphia and in Poland. This video correlates with the play, Anna Frank, because the Frank family and the Van Dan family went into hidding because they knew they were going to die if they didn't.Sarah Marie Topardo 4/5 (:
Both the cemetery in Philadelphia as well as the one in Poland were both cemeteries built for Jews who died during the Holocaust. However the one in Philadelphia is nicer than the one in Poland. The purpose of this video is to make us aware of these cemeteries and the conditions they are in, and just to give us an idea about what they look like. This correlates with the play because Anne Frank was a victim of the Holocaust. Maddi Craig2-3 Period
The thing that makes the cemeteries the same is that they were both used as burial places for the Jewish people. The thing that makes them different is that the cemetery in Philidelphia is in better shape than the cemetery in Poland. The way that the Polish people show their disdain to the Jewish people is by putting their names on the headstones of the people who went through the Holocaust. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show all children around the world about the tragedy that occured which affected the lives of many Jews around the world. This video correlates with the play Anne Frank because the Frank and Van Dann family go into hiding to make sure they don't get caught.Dalton Okel4th/5th Period
The Jewish cemetary and the Philadelphia cemetary are both places for remembering the tragedy that happened. In my opinion, the cemetary in Philadelphia looks like a happier place to be than the Poland cemetary. The author's purpose in creating this video was to show how the cemetaries are different although they are based on the same thing. This relates to the play Anne Frank because they are both about the tradgedy of the Holocaust.
The way the cemeteries are the same by that they have all Jewish people buried there. The cemetery in Poland is much unorganized unlike the one in Philadelphia. The cemetery in Philadelphia is very organized and neat. The Polish show their distain to the Jewish by how they keep the Jewish cemetery. I feel the author’s purpose for creating this video is to show how two countries feel about a tragedy that had happened to a population of people. This correlates with the play in two ways in my opinion. The first way would be to show how many Jewish people were killed. Also another way would show how Anne, her family and friends are hiding to not end up dead.Holly Bogdanich 4th and 5th
Both cemeteries are Jewish cemeteries. Both have headstones in rememberance of loved ones who died. The cemetery in Poland looks like the headstones were dropped from the sky or something. They're random and sloppy, like no one cared. It would impossible to place 100,000 headstones in such a small area. The cemetery in Philadelphia is much nicer. The headstones are a lot nicer and placed more evenly. I noticed the headstones in Philadelphia had both Jewish language and English language. The Polish people showed their disdain by using headstones to pave their streets. I think the purpose of this video is to show us how Jews were disrespected years ago by certain people in other countries and how things are very different in this country. This video has a lot in common with the play. The play also showed how Jews were hated and disrespected. Many were forced to hide.
The jewish cemetary is more distoryed than the cemetary in Philaedelphia. The polish are not the same people they both have a completely different personalities. To inform us of how bad shape these cementary really are.
For on to compare is they are both filled with large numbers of Jews that got their lives taken away. But to contrast they one in Poland the headstone are stacked up on each other but the one in Philadelphia has nice headstone and there not all together and look nice. The Polish people show their disdain by showing the grave and headstones of those who died. The author’s purpose in creating this viedo is tho show how this people respect the Jews that died. This video correlates with Anne Frank because it was about the holocaust and a lot of people hide and so they didn’t die.
They were both cemetaries filled with jews that had died. I think the cemetary in Poland had more bodies.I believe that the authors main purpose in creating this video is that. Because in both there were many jews killed.
Well, the one in Poland was just destroyed and looked so old and and sad. I realize that it is over 100 years old, but there was no respect given to these people who died. To see all the tomb stones just smashed up against each other, and cracked is awful. The one in Philly is the complete opposite. You can tell it is taken care of, and that it is a place where they are remembered and respected. Both of these cemeteries are for Jews that died in the Holocaust. The main purpose in this video was to explain how devestating the Holocaust was and all the people that died. And it also showed how two different countries remembered and cared about the people who died in the Holocaustl.This goes along with the play Anne Frank, because it took place during this time and told the story of how a family had to go into hiding to avoid getting killed because they were Jewish.Michael Shaw4th-5th period:)Constable <3
Both of the cementeries were made for the rememberence of all the Jews that died during the Holocaust. The one in Philadelphia is very nice looking, and the one in Poland , the graves are all close together, and it isnt very clean. The author's purpose in creating this video was to show us how the cemetaries in those places have changed and also how they have things to remember all of the people who died. This video correlates with the play , Anne Frank, by how the Frank's and the Van Daan's have to go into a hiding place to stay safe for two years. brooklyn nuzum . (: 2/3
They were both for the jews who had died during the war. The cementary in Philadelphia is nicer than the one in Poland. The purpose of the video is to show and inform us who died during the holocaust
They are both cemetaries for the jewish people. They are both diffent the one in poland doesnt look as nice as the one in philadelphia. The reason the preson made this is to show who died and how they died.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland was really bad looking because the Nazis came and moved the cemetery all over the country. The cemetery in Philadelphia was nice looking because they really took care of theirs and the Nazis didn’t come and mess it up. They show their disdain because they put the Jewish graves in the middle of the street so that ever one could see. The author’s purpose in creating this video is because he wanted to tell you more detail of what the Nazis have did to the Jewish’s land. It tides in with Anne Frank is because the Nazis moved their graves during the Holocaust and it shows why they had to leave the people in those big piles.
The cemetery in Philadelphia has been preserved even to this day to show respect for the Jewish that were killed by the Nazis. The Poland cemetery is torn up, headstones are broken, and the place is just falling apart. They even used some of the headstones to pave the street. The Poland cemetery doesn’t show respect for the millions of Jews who were killed. The author’s purpose is to show people how much respect some people and places have towards the Holocaust and all of the Jews who were killed. This correlates to the play Anne Frank because they both are about Jewish people and what happened, the Holocaust.Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
In the Jewish cemetery in Poland they headstones are not nicely placed into the ground and are just thrown there. There are also more bodies buried there than headstones. In the cemetery in Philadelphia the headstones are nicely placed and organized. Each headstone is paired with one body. They are alike in only one way, they are both cemeteries. The Polish people pretty much say that they did not care about the Jewish because they just scattered the headstones and they also used the headstones to pave their roads. The author’s purpose was to inform everyone about the aftermath of the Holocaust. It shows what was happening while Anne Frank, her family, and friends were in hiding.Kayla DeLorenzo4th and 5th period
The ones in the video and the ones in philadelpha are both cemiteries for jews that died in the holocaust. :/ They showed alot of monuments that were all messed up and ones that were nice. These monuments were shown to honor the jews that died during the holocaust.The authers purpose was to inform us of all the terrible things happened during the holocaust.:/
Both of the cemeteries were for the Jews that had died in the Holocaust. They had monuments to show their disdain to the Jewish.The author's purpose to make this video was to show how people suffered. It correlates with the play because it showed how many people died and that they went into hiding.
Both of the cemetaries were built for the Jewish. The Cemetery in Poland was unorganized and the headstones were cramped together. The one in Philadelphia was a lot more organized and the headstones were in better condition. The Polish people showed there distain to the Jewish by puting their names on headstones. The authors purpose was to inform and remind us of the horible tragety and to show us how many people died from the Holocaust. The video correlates with the play because Anne frank and her family were in the same position as the other Jews. They were all sent to consentration/death camps and died because of being Jewish.Sarah Cox period 2/3
Both of the camps were for Jewish people. The one in Poland was unorganized and all the headstones were cramped together. The one in Philadelphia was more organized and the headstones were neat and kept clean. The Polish people showed their disdain to the Jewish by putting their names on headstones. The author’s purpose was to inform us about the Holocaust and to show us how many people died. This video correlates with the play because the Franks and their friends were in the same condition as all the other Jews. They were all eventually put in concentration or death camps. Sarah Cox Period 2/3
The Philly cemetery looked in outstanding shape. It was clean, no weeds, and was very well spaced out. On the other hand, the cemetery in Poland had more about an 8 to 1 ratio. 8 being the bodies and 1 being the number of headstones. They were all crammed on top of each other and it was sad. There is no room to walk either. They showed their disdain by putting headstones with writing and how they were killed in the concentration camps. The author's purpose is to show people how horrific the war was and how many Jews were killed. It correlates with the book because Anne Frank was hidding while the people in cemeteries were dying.
They both seem to have a lot of head stones but the one in Poland seems to have all of their headstones compact into one small area while in Philly their headstones are spaced out. They use some of the head stones to pave the roads instead of leaving them alone like they should have. To show what the cemeteries looked like and how many Jews were killed. In the diary of anne frank the families were Jews and they were killed by the Gestapo who the thief told that they were there hiding-Taylor Campbell 4/5th
This video is very somber and sad . The music makes the video mournful and hollow. I feel that it was made to bring awareness to the cemeteries for Jews and how their graves are taken care of by the people in Poland compared to the Philadelphia. The cemetery in Philadelphia is much cleaner and spaced apart. I feel like this shows respect for the Jews and the tragedy of the Holocaust. The one in Poland is not kept clean almost an act of disrespect for the Jews.The story of Anne Frank took place during the Holocaust and this video helps put a picture with the book.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland look very old and many all jammed together. The one in Philadelphia is nice and expansive looking, also very neat in clean. The polish showed their disdain with the tomb stone all broken. I understand its 100 years and older but they didn't treat them with respect at all. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show how the Polish treated the Jewish people, they were very mean to them. It correlates with the play, Anne Frank because she was alive then and she died like this and was probably buried all jumbled up like that. It shows how the Jews were hated also. The whole group of people living with Anne in the hiding place up stairs died like that.4th and 5thSam Tonkovich
The Jewish cemetaries in Poland are differnt from the cemetaries in Philidalphia because the ones in Poland are over-flowing with headstones, but the cemetaries in Philidalphia are organized and spaced out where every person has there own grave. The gravestones in Poland were taken and halped pave the streets. I believe the authors purpose of creating this video is to show the diffence of how people are treated in diffent places with different political views. It shows how all of the Jews of the Holocaust were treated and she was pretty lucky to have survived as long as she did.aubrie moss4-5th period
They both were for the Jews. And the one in Philadelphia looks nice and the one in Poland is pretty tore up. They showed respect to the Jews by building them a cemetary. The author's purpose is to show how the cemetaries for the Jews have changed and that it was terrible for the Jews in the Holocaust.It goes with the play because they died and they will probably be put in a cemetary since they were Jews who died.JoMarie Bogard4/5th Period
The Poland cemetery is all smashed up and crunched together. The one in Philadelphia is nice and clean. In Poland the head stones were used to pave the road. The author wanted to show how many people died in this video and show how much the jews were hated. It happened during the holocaust just like the Anne Frank Play. It Also shows what happened to people that died. Lucas Kinder 2-3
They are both cemetaries for the jews that died in the Holocaust. The Philadelphia one is was nicer than the one in jewish. The Philadelphia one has statues to mark that they were jews. The on In Jewish were headstones and they were all crucked and they were so close you couldnt walk between them. They showed all the monuments of the jews that died. The authers purpose in the video was to show us how the burried them in Jewish and in Philadelphia, and what they did with all the shoes. It correlate with anne because its the holocaust and she gets taken to go to the Holocaust.
Both cemitaries were for Jews who died in the Holocaust. The cemitary in Philadelphia is a lot nicer looking than the cemitary in Poland. The one in Philadelphia, looks like they cared more. The author’s purpose in making this video was to show how the Jews were treated even after their death. The author wanted to should how terriblely the Jews were treated. This video is like the play because they both show how bad Jews were treated. The only difference is that the play shows their life and the cemitary shows after death.-Baylee Abbott (: fourth&fifth pds.
They both were very bad looking. They didn’t look like a normal cemetery. They both are the place were all the Jews were buried that died. The one in Philadelphia is nicer than the one in Poland. The authors purpose in creating this video is to show people how bad the cemeteries really were and how the people were buried. It has to do with the Holocaust. They had to hide for two years in an attic of an old warehouse so they wouldn’t get caught and die.
The Cemetery in Philadelphia is a lot more taken care of and respected. It is a lot nicer than the on e in Poland. The cemetery in Poland is a bunch of headstones that are lined up like dominos. That cemetery isn’t taken care of either. They both at least represent the Jewish people who died in the Holocaust. The author’s purpose in creating this video was to how cemeteries and respect for Jews has changed. And to show how bad the Polish cemetery is. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank because both explain something about the Holocaust. The play takes place during the Holocaust and the cemetery shows of the Jews who died in the Holocaust.Abby Cooper7/8th period
The Jewish cemetery in Poland looks like they just threw the gravestones onto the ground and it looked like it was all crowded together. The Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia looks like it had more space and more meaning for the people who died. The Polish people are disrespecting the Jewish people by taking out their gravestones and throwing them where ever they please as if they have no meaning. I think that the author's purpose in creating this video was to show how rude and disrespectful people can be to other people. The Polish had no concern and didn't care about the people that they were killing, and along with murdering them, they wanted to ruin their "graves". It correlates with the play because Anne was Jewish and she is probably in one of those large graves, she was one of the people that was greatly disrespected. Bethany McPherson - pd. 4 and 5
They were both Jewish cemitries for people who had died in the holocaust. The Polish show their disdain for the jews by smashing the headstones together, some of the people not even having headstones. They let vines and grass grow over everything that was readable. In Philidelphia, everything is well kept. The head stones are in straight lines and everything is readable. The authors purpose of creating this video was to remind us of the holocaust, it tells us about all the people who have died. It correlates with the Anne Frank Play because Anne died in a concentration camp, and her grave was the smae as the many other people's shown in this video.
Both the cemeteries in Poland and Philadelphia both look very crowded with tomb stones, and they also remind me of the many various losses that families had to endure during World War Two. The author’s purpose for creating this video is to inform people about the many losses in the holocaust. Not only that, but to also show a few of the cemeteries, that the Jewish people were given head stones. The author also wanted to show that not only adults died, but children died too. This video correlates with the play, when all of the tomb stones are shown, everyone was killed, except for Mr. Frank.
The cemetary in Poland and the one in Philidelphia both are overcrowded with tombstones. They show their disdain by paving the roads with the tombstones. The author's purpose to making this video is to inform you about the terror in what happened. deals with the same things that happend to the things there where they were going.
The one that is shown in the video looks really bad. They are all smashed up against each other and no room to move to see loved one that have died. The in Philly looks like it is really great. It is really nice looking and has really nice head stones. They show headstones of everyone whop has died. The author wants to show how bad things used to be. He also wanted to show how many people have died. It goes with how they die at the end and will be buried.
the jewish ones look all out of shape and look like they where disrespectedby the nazis. the one in philly look nice and in order. they have big statues. the author wants to show how much the nazi disrespected the bariel grounds of the jewish people. it correlates with the play by showing how bad the nazi where to the jew
Compare The cemetery in the video appears to be in a very bad condition. Everything is all crammed together. On the other hand the one in Philadelphia seems much nicer. They show headstones of all of those people that died. The author’s purpose is to show how the respect for the Jews has grown. It also shows how many innocent people died. This relates to the holocaust because they have to hide, because they don't want to end up dead and in a cemetery. In the end though they do and that is another way that the two relate.
Compare The cemetery in the video appears to be in a very bad condition. Everything is all crammed together. On the other hand the one in Philadelphia seems much nicer. They show headstones of all of those people that died. The author’s purpose is to show how the respect for the Jews has grown. It also shows how many innocent people died. This relates to the holocaust because they have to hide, because they don't want to end up dead and in a cemetery. In the end though they do and that is another way that the two relate.Lauren Massacci 4/5
They are both cemeteries for some of the people who died in the holocaust. The one one in Poland has coffins above the ground and the one in Philadelphia has tons of tombstones scrunched up together. The tombstones are connected to the coffins which are above the ground. The authors purpose is to show some of the many people that died in the holocaust. It shows that the people in the play were some Jews and they are some of the many people that died. Alex Harris 2/3 period
One of the main differences between the cemetery in Poland and the one in Philadelphia is that the one in Poland is less organized. The tombstones are just real close together and not spaced out. The similarity I saw between the two is that there are a lot of people that died and were buried at both places. The Polish just threw the bodies wherever they wanted when they buried them. The author created this video to show and inform us about all of the people that died during the Holocaust. It makes the play more surreal to me because all those people died and Anne was watching this happen when she was at the camps. -Cody Brubaker
The cemetery that is in this video looks like it is really bad condition. Both of these cemeteries are for the Jews that had passed away during the holocaust. The author showed this video to show us how the for Jews had changed. This has to do with the play, Anne Frank, because it has to deal with the holocaust, and other stuff.- Samanthe Bolling 2&3rd period :)
Polish cemetaries are all torn up and the Philadelphia cemetaries are all nice and organized. They showed alot of monuments were they honor all of the people that died. To show how the world was like back in the day. They both hide for their lives.
The philidelphia one is more nice and organized and the poland one is all over crowded and mest up. they showed a lot of monuments in the way the people died. To show how the holocaust occured and to show the way the people were meanly treated. they are all involved with the holocaust.
The one in Poland looks like it’s in a very bad condition and the one in Philadelphia actually looks new and clean. They both look very sad, dark, and gloomy though. The Polish seem to not care about the people because they used the headstones to pave the streets. Also they don’t keep the cemeteries clean or anything. The author’s purpose in creating this video is to show the countless numbers of Jews killed and to inform about the cemeteries. Anne Frank and this Video are both about the Holocaust and Jews dying.
The cemetery in Poland is in terrible condition and the one in Philadelphia is in great condition. Both of the cemeteries are for those Jews that died in the Holocaust. The author’s purpose of this video is to show how it was for the Jews. It correlates with Anne Frank because she was a victim of the Holocaust.
They where cemitaries where they burred the six million Jews that were killed the one in Philly is called niser and there is one in Poland. the authors purpose in creating this video is to inform you on what happened during the holocaust. It showed how many people died.
The cemetary in Poland is a lot older and the one in Philadelphia is neater and newer. It looks like they showed a lot of monuments in honor for the people that have died.The purpose in the author to make this video is to inform us of all the people that have died. It showed how many people had died and the Franks didn't want to be one of them.Triston Newbrough 7-8 periods
The cemetery in this video looks like it is in very bad shape.The cemetary in Philadelphia looks much nicer and in much better condition. Both of these cemetaries are for Jews that passed away during the Holocaust. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show how the cemetaries and respect for Jews have changed. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank, because this has to do with the Holocaust and the play, Anne Frank takes place during the Holocaust also.
They were both cemetaries for Jews who died in the Holocaust.They are all smashed up against each other and no room to move to see loved one that have died. The in Philly looks like it is really great. It is really nice looking and has really nice head stones.
Both of the cemetaries were for the Jews who died in the Holocaust. The cemetary in Philadelphia is alot nicer and neater then the one in Poland. The authors purpose in creating this video was to show the differnces in both cemetaries. This correlates with the play because Anne Frank took place during the Holocaust.Megan McCullough (: 7/8 period
The cemetary in Poland is very crowded, and looks horrible, while the one in Philadelphia is very nice and spacious. The Polish one shows disdain by having all the graves crowded up very close together. I think the author's purpose in having this video is to show the difference in the respect for the Jewish. It correlates, by showing how they were treatedAustin Ferguson7/8 period
the cemetaries are both in Philadelphia. The one in Poland were both cemeteries built for Jews who died during the Holocaust. The one in Philadelphia is nicer than the one in Poland though. The meaning of this video is to make us aware of these cemeteries and the lifestyle they are in, and just to give us an idea about what they look like. This is similar with the play because Anne Frank was a victim of the Holocaust.
The cemetaries in in Philidelphia and in Poland are both a memorial for the Jews who were killed in the Holocaust. The one in Philidelphia is more modern and up-to-date and nicer looking, than the one in Poland. The author's purpose in creating this video was to show and honor the cemetaries. It correlates with the play because they both have to do with the Holocaust, and Anne Frank and her family were both in this horrible tradegy. McKenna Kelley(: 4/5
They are both so alike but yet so different. In Philadelpia is in much better condition than the one in Poland. Both of the cemataries are for the Jews that died during the Holocaust. The author's purpose in creating this video is to inform you about the cemataries and the Holocaust. The author showed how the Philedelpia and Poland cemataries are similarand different.Elizabeth Tennant 4th/5th
Both of the cemetaries are for the jews who died during the holocost, but the one in Philidelphia is way nicer than the one in Poland. They showd many many monuments for the ones who died during the holocust. The auther's porpuse of making this video is to inform us about the holocust. It corresponds with the ending, death.
When you compare the cemetary in poland compared to the cemetery in philadelphia it show that even win other countries haad no respect for the jewish people we still had alot of respect in philadelphia. in philadelphia the headstone were spaced nicely and kept in good shape. were as in poland not everyone had a gravestone. the gravestone were just kind of thrown on there with no respect at all. in poland they showed that they had no respect for the jewish people otherwise they would have kept up with the jewish cemetary. I think the author created this video to show the varied beliefs of our country compared to poland and how the jewish people were noot respected. Anne frank was killed in poland and she was buried in that cemetary she just didnt have a grave stone.
Its is not right that he was doing that to all of the people. The gravestones in the video is scary to me because they are all together and not speaded out like they would normaly be. He killed all of those people that did not do anything to him but, I gess he did not like people that was not like him. That was not right to do all of that mess.
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They were both cemetaries for Jews who died in the Holocaust.the one in Philadelphia is niser the the one in Poland.They showed alot of monuments in oner of all the people died.The author's purpose in creating this video is to show and informus who died in the shows how many poeple died and they did not whant to beone of them so they hide.
The one that is shown in the video looks really bad. They are all smashed up against each other and no room to move to see loved one that have died. The in Philly looks like it is really great. It is really nice looking and has really nice head stones. They show headstones of everyone whop has died. The author wants to show how bad things used to be. He also wanted to show how many people have died. It goes with how they die at the end and will be buried.
Jayce riley 4/5th period
The cemetary shown in this video look looks like it is in very bad condition. The cemetary in Philadelphia looks much nicer and in much better condition. Both of these cemetaries are for Jews that passed away during the Holocaust. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show how the cemetaries and respect for Jews have changed. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank, because this has to do with the Holocaust and the play, Anne Frank takes place during the Holocaust also.
Well, the Polish cemetaries for the Jews are all torn up and on top of each other. However, the one in Philadelphia is very nice everything is in order and its respect for those who died during the holocaust. The Polish people show distain by putting headstones with writing and how they were killed in the concentration camps. The author's purpose is to show us that we live in a whole different world than the people in Poland. Also it is to show us how different Nazi Germany was from the rest of the world. This correlates to Anne Frank because a lot of people were in hiding and had to keep so still a lot of times. Also this takes place in the holocaust.
Izaiha John 4/5
Both of the cementeries were for the Jews who had died in the holocaust. The author's purpose in this video is to show how the cementeries have changed for the Jews. The cementeries were dealing with the holocaust and in the book were reading the holocaust takes place. It also shows how many people died and the didnt want to die so they tryed to hide.
Abby Williams (:
7th & 8th
The one in Poland is is horrible condition. The one in Philedelphia is in amazing condition. Boht cemitaries are for all the jews that died in the holocaust. The authors purpose of making this video is to show people now how it was for the jews when the Holocaust happened. Well Anne Frank was a jew and she was alive when all these people died and she and her family were hiding from everyone.
Logan Orton the beast
They are both cementeries for the Jews that did die during that period. The one in Philidelphia has statues that tell about the Jews that did die and the one in Poland were crooked and they used the headstones to pave a road. They showed all of the monuments of the Jews that died. The author's purpose of making this video was to show people how it looked like before and how people respect it now. It has to deal with the Holocaust and how they had to hide from the Green Police so they wouldn't end up dead like the ones in the video.
They are both cementeries for the Jews that did die during that period. The one in Philidelphia has statues that tell about the Jews that did die and the one in Poland were crooked and they used the headstones to pave a road. They showed all of the monuments of the Jews that died. The author's purpose of making this video was to show people how it looked like before and how people respect it now. It has to deal with the Holocaust and how they had to hide from the Green Police so they wouldn't end up dead like the ones in the video.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland and the one in Philadelphia are both cemeteries for Jews. The Polish cemetery had graves really close together and it wasn't very nice looking. The one in Philadelphia was nicer and the graves were more spread out. The author's purpose in creating this video is to inform us about the cemeteries in Philadelphia and in Poland that are dedicated to the Jews. Also, she wanted to show us how many Jews had died in the Holocaust. In addition, she also probably wanted to compare both of the cemeteries in Philadelphia and in Poland. This video correlates with the play, Anna Frank, because the Frank family and the Van Dan family went into hidding because they knew they were going to die if they didn't.
Sarah Marie Topardo 4/5 (:
Both the cemetery in Philadelphia as well as the one in Poland were both cemeteries built for Jews who died during the Holocaust. However the one in Philadelphia is nicer than the one in Poland. The purpose of this video is to make us aware of these cemeteries and the conditions they are in, and just to give us an idea about what they look like. This correlates with the play because Anne Frank was a victim of the Holocaust.
Maddi Craig
2-3 Period
The thing that makes the cemeteries the same is that they were both used as burial places for the Jewish people. The thing that makes them different is that the cemetery in Philidelphia is in better shape than the cemetery in Poland. The way that the Polish people show their disdain to the Jewish people is by putting their names on the headstones of the people who went through the Holocaust. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show all children around the world about the tragedy that occured which affected the lives of many Jews around the world. This video correlates with the play Anne Frank because the Frank and Van Dann family go into hiding to make sure they don't get caught.
Dalton Okel
4th/5th Period
The Jewish cemetary and the Philadelphia cemetary are both places for remembering the tragedy that happened. In my opinion, the cemetary in Philadelphia looks like a happier place to be than the Poland cemetary. The author's purpose in creating this video was to show how the cemetaries are different although they are based on the same thing. This relates to the play Anne Frank because they are both about the tradgedy of the Holocaust.
The way the cemeteries are the same by that they have all Jewish people buried there. The cemetery in Poland is much unorganized unlike the one in Philadelphia. The cemetery in Philadelphia is very organized and neat. The Polish show their distain to the Jewish by how they keep the Jewish cemetery. I feel the author’s purpose for creating this video is to show how two countries feel about a tragedy that had happened to a population of people. This correlates with the play in two ways in my opinion. The first way would be to show how many Jewish people were killed. Also another way would show how Anne, her family and friends are hiding to not end up dead.
Holly Bogdanich 4th and 5th
Both cemeteries are Jewish cemeteries. Both have headstones in rememberance of loved ones who died. The cemetery in Poland looks like the headstones were dropped from the sky or something. They're random and sloppy, like no one cared. It would impossible to place 100,000 headstones in such a small area. The cemetery in Philadelphia is much nicer. The headstones are a lot nicer and placed more evenly. I noticed the headstones in Philadelphia had both Jewish language and English language. The Polish people showed their disdain by using headstones to pave their streets. I think the purpose of this video is to show us how Jews were disrespected years ago by certain people in other countries and how things are very different in this country. This video has a lot in common with the play. The play also showed how Jews were hated and disrespected. Many were forced to hide.
The jewish cemetary is more distoryed than the cemetary in Philaedelphia. The polish are not the same people they both have a completely different personalities. To inform us of how bad shape these cementary really are.
For on to compare is they are both filled with large numbers of Jews that got their lives taken away. But to contrast they one in Poland the headstone are stacked up on each other but the one in Philadelphia has nice headstone and there not all together and look nice. The Polish people show their disdain by showing the grave and headstones of those who died. The author’s purpose in creating this viedo is tho show how this people respect the Jews that died. This video correlates with Anne Frank because it was about the holocaust and a lot of people hide and so they didn’t die.
They were both cemetaries filled with jews that had died. I think the cemetary in Poland had more bodies.I believe that the authors main purpose in creating this video is that. Because in both there were many jews killed.
Well, the one in Poland was just destroyed and looked so old and and sad. I realize that it is over 100 years old, but there was no respect given to these people who died. To see all the tomb stones just smashed up against each other, and cracked is awful. The one in Philly is the complete opposite. You can tell it is taken care of, and that it is a place where they are remembered and respected. Both of these cemeteries are for Jews that died in the Holocaust. The main purpose in this video was to explain how devestating the Holocaust was and all the people that died. And it also showed how two different countries remembered and cared about the people who died in the Holocaustl.This goes along with the play Anne Frank, because it took place during this time and told the story of how a family had to go into hiding to avoid getting killed because they were Jewish.
Michael Shaw
4th-5th period:)
Constable <3
Both of the cementeries were made for the rememberence of all the Jews that died during the Holocaust. The one in Philadelphia is very nice looking, and the one in Poland , the graves are all close together, and it isnt very clean. The author's purpose in creating this video was to show us how the cemetaries in those places have changed and also how they have things to remember all of the people who died. This video correlates with the play , Anne Frank, by how the Frank's and the Van Daan's have to go into a hiding place to stay safe for two years.
brooklyn nuzum . (:
They were both for the jews who had died during the war. The cementary in Philadelphia is nicer than the one in Poland. The purpose of the video is to show and inform us who died during the holocaust
They are both cemetaries for the jewish people. They are both diffent the one in poland doesnt look as nice as the one in philadelphia. The reason the preson made this is to show who died and how they died.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland was really bad looking because the Nazis came and moved the cemetery all over the country. The cemetery in Philadelphia was nice looking because they really took care of theirs and the Nazis didn’t come and mess it up. They show their disdain because they put the Jewish graves in the middle of the street so that ever one could see. The author’s purpose in creating this video is because he wanted to tell you more detail of what the Nazis have did to the Jewish’s land. It tides in with Anne Frank is because the Nazis moved their graves during the Holocaust and it shows why they had to leave the people in those big piles.
The cemetery in Philadelphia has been preserved even to this day to show respect for the Jewish that were killed by the Nazis. The Poland cemetery is torn up, headstones are broken, and the place is just falling apart. They even used some of the headstones to pave the street. The Poland cemetery doesn’t show respect for the millions of Jews who were killed. The author’s purpose is to show people how much respect some people and places have towards the Holocaust and all of the Jews who were killed. This correlates to the play Anne Frank because they both are about Jewish people and what happened, the Holocaust.
Sean Riggleman Pd. 4-5
In the Jewish cemetery in Poland they headstones are not nicely placed into the ground and are just thrown there. There are also more bodies buried there than headstones. In the cemetery in Philadelphia the headstones are nicely placed and organized. Each headstone is paired with one body. They are alike in only one way, they are both cemeteries. The Polish people pretty much say that they did not care about the Jewish because they just scattered the headstones and they also used the headstones to pave their roads. The author’s purpose was to inform everyone about the aftermath of the Holocaust. It shows what was happening while Anne Frank, her family, and friends were in hiding.
Kayla DeLorenzo
4th and 5th period
The ones in the video and the ones in philadelpha are both cemiteries for jews that died in the holocaust. :/ They showed alot of monuments that were all messed up and ones that were nice. These monuments were shown to honor the jews that died during the holocaust.The authers purpose was to inform us of all the terrible things happened during the holocaust.:/
Both of the cemeteries were for the Jews that had died in the Holocaust. They had monuments to show their disdain to the Jewish.The author's purpose to make this video was to show how people suffered. It correlates with the play because it showed how many people died and that they went into hiding.
Both of the cemetaries were built for the Jewish. The Cemetery in Poland was unorganized and the headstones were cramped together. The one in Philadelphia was a lot more organized and the headstones were in better condition. The Polish people showed there distain to the Jewish by puting their names on headstones. The authors purpose was to inform and remind us of the horible tragety and to show us how many people died from the Holocaust. The video correlates with the play because Anne frank and her family were in the same position as the other Jews. They were all sent to consentration/death camps and died because of being Jewish.
Sarah Cox period 2/3
Both of the camps were for Jewish people. The one in Poland was unorganized and all the headstones were cramped together. The one in Philadelphia was more organized and the headstones were neat and kept clean. The Polish people showed their disdain to the Jewish by putting their names on headstones. The author’s purpose was to inform us about the Holocaust and to show us how many people died. This video correlates with the play because the Franks and their friends were in the same condition as all the other Jews. They were all eventually put in concentration or death camps.
Sarah Cox Period 2/3
The Philly cemetery looked in outstanding shape. It was clean, no weeds, and was very well spaced out. On the other hand, the cemetery in Poland had more about an 8 to 1 ratio. 8 being the bodies and 1 being the number of headstones. They were all crammed on top of each other and it was sad. There is no room to walk either. They showed their disdain by putting headstones with writing and how they were killed in the concentration camps. The author's purpose is to show people how horrific the war was and how many Jews were killed. It correlates with the book because Anne Frank was hidding while the people in cemeteries were dying.
They both seem to have a lot of head stones but the one in Poland seems to have all of their headstones compact into one small area while in Philly their headstones are spaced out. They use some of the head stones to pave the roads instead of leaving them alone like they should have. To show what the cemeteries looked like and how many Jews were killed. In the diary of anne frank the families were Jews and they were killed by the Gestapo who the thief told that they were there hiding
-Taylor Campbell 4/5th
This video is very somber and sad . The music makes the video mournful and hollow. I feel that it was made to bring awareness to the cemeteries for Jews and how their graves are taken care of by the people in Poland compared to the Philadelphia. The cemetery in Philadelphia is much cleaner and spaced apart. I feel like this shows respect for the Jews and the tragedy of the Holocaust. The one in Poland is not kept clean almost an act of disrespect for the Jews.The story of Anne Frank took place during the Holocaust and this video helps put a picture with the book.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland look very old and many all jammed together. The one in Philadelphia is nice and expansive looking, also very neat in clean. The polish showed their disdain with the tomb stone all broken. I understand its 100 years and older but they didn't treat them with respect at all. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show how the Polish treated the Jewish people, they were very mean to them. It correlates with the play, Anne Frank because she was alive then and she died like this and was probably buried all jumbled up like that. It shows how the Jews were hated also. The whole group of people living with Anne in the hiding place up stairs died like that.
4th and 5th
Sam Tonkovich
The Jewish cemetaries in Poland are differnt from the cemetaries in Philidalphia because the ones in Poland are over-flowing with headstones, but the cemetaries in Philidalphia are organized and spaced out where every person has there own grave. The gravestones in Poland were taken and halped pave the streets. I believe the authors purpose of creating this video is to show the diffence of how people are treated in diffent places with different political views. It shows how all of the Jews of the Holocaust were treated and she was pretty lucky to have survived as long as she did.
aubrie moss
4-5th period
They both were for the Jews. And the one in Philadelphia looks nice and the one in Poland is pretty tore up. They showed respect to the Jews by building them a cemetary. The author's purpose is to show how the cemetaries for the Jews have changed and that it was terrible for the Jews in the Holocaust.It goes with the play because they died and they will probably be put in a cemetary since they were Jews who died.
JoMarie Bogard
4/5th Period
The Poland cemetery is all smashed up and crunched together. The one in Philadelphia is nice and clean. In Poland the head stones were used to pave the road. The author wanted to show how many people died in this video and show how much the jews were hated. It happened during the holocaust just like the Anne Frank Play. It Also shows what happened to people that died. Lucas Kinder 2-3
They are both cemetaries for the jews that died in the Holocaust. The Philadelphia one is was nicer than the one in jewish. The Philadelphia one has statues to mark that they were jews. The on In Jewish were headstones and they were all crucked and they were so close you couldnt walk between them. They showed all the monuments of the jews that died. The authers purpose in the video was to show us how the burried them in Jewish and in Philadelphia, and what they did with all the shoes. It correlate with anne because its the holocaust and she gets taken to go to the Holocaust.
Both cemitaries were for Jews who died in the Holocaust. The cemitary in Philadelphia is a lot nicer looking than the cemitary in Poland. The one in Philadelphia, looks like they cared more. The author’s purpose in making this video was to show how the Jews were treated even after their death. The author wanted to should how terriblely the Jews were treated. This video is like the play because they both show how bad Jews were treated. The only difference is that the play shows their life and the cemitary shows after death.
-Baylee Abbott (: fourth&fifth pds.
They both were very bad looking. They didn’t look like a normal cemetery. They both are the place were all the Jews were buried that died. The one in Philadelphia is nicer than the one in Poland. The authors purpose in creating this video is to show people how bad the cemeteries really were and how the people were buried. It has to do with the Holocaust. They had to hide for two years in an attic of an old warehouse so they wouldn’t get caught and die.
The Cemetery in Philadelphia is a lot more taken care of and respected. It is a lot nicer than the on e in Poland. The cemetery in Poland is a bunch of headstones that are lined up like dominos. That cemetery isn’t taken care of either. They both at least represent the Jewish people who died in the Holocaust. The author’s purpose in creating this video was to how cemeteries and respect for Jews has changed. And to show how bad the Polish cemetery is. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank because both explain something about the Holocaust. The play takes place during the Holocaust and the cemetery shows of the Jews who died in the Holocaust.
Abby Cooper
7/8th period
The Jewish cemetery in Poland looks like they just threw the gravestones onto the ground and it looked like it was all crowded together. The Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia looks like it had more space and more meaning for the people who died. The Polish people are disrespecting the Jewish people by taking out their gravestones and throwing them where ever they please as if they have no meaning. I think that the author's purpose in creating this video was to show how rude and disrespectful people can be to other people. The Polish had no concern and didn't care about the people that they were killing, and along with murdering them, they wanted to ruin their "graves". It correlates with the play because Anne was Jewish and she is probably in one of those large graves, she was one of the people that was greatly disrespected.
Bethany McPherson - pd. 4 and 5
They were both Jewish cemitries for people who had died in the holocaust. The Polish show their disdain for the jews by smashing the headstones together, some of the people not even having headstones. They let vines and grass grow over everything that was readable. In Philidelphia, everything is well kept. The head stones are in straight lines and everything is readable. The authors purpose of creating this video was to remind us of the holocaust, it tells us about all the people who have died. It correlates with the Anne Frank Play because Anne died in a concentration camp, and her grave was the smae as the many other people's shown in this video.
Both the cemeteries in Poland and Philadelphia both look very crowded with tomb stones, and they also remind me of the many various losses that families had to endure during World War Two. The author’s purpose for creating this video is to inform people about the many losses in the holocaust. Not only that, but to also show a few of the cemeteries, that the Jewish people were given head stones. The author also wanted to show that not only adults died, but children died too. This video correlates with the play, when all of the tomb stones are shown, everyone was killed, except for Mr. Frank.
The cemetary in Poland and the one in Philidelphia both are overcrowded with tombstones. They show their disdain by paving the roads with the tombstones. The author's purpose to making this video is to inform you about the terror in what happened. deals with the same things that happend to the things there where they were going.
The one that is shown in the video looks really bad. They are all smashed up against each other and no room to move to see loved one that have died. The in Philly looks like it is really great. It is really nice looking and has really nice head stones. They show headstones of everyone whop has died. The author wants to show how bad things used to be. He also wanted to show how many people have died. It goes with how they die at the end and will be buried.
the jewish ones look all out of shape and look like they where disrespectedby the nazis. the one in philly look nice and in order. they have big statues. the author wants to show how much the nazi disrespected the bariel grounds of the jewish people. it correlates with the play by showing how bad the nazi where to the jew
Compare The cemetery in the video appears to be in a very bad condition. Everything is all crammed together. On the other hand the one in Philadelphia seems much nicer. They show headstones of all of those people that died. The author’s purpose is to show how the respect for the Jews has grown. It also shows how many innocent people died. This relates to the holocaust because they have to hide, because they don't want to end up dead and in a cemetery. In the end though they do and that is another way that the two relate.
Compare The cemetery in the video appears to be in a very bad condition. Everything is all crammed together. On the other hand the one in Philadelphia seems much nicer. They show headstones of all of those people that died. The author’s purpose is to show how the respect for the Jews has grown. It also shows how many innocent people died. This relates to the holocaust because they have to hide, because they don't want to end up dead and in a cemetery. In the end though they do and that is another way that the two relate.
Lauren Massacci 4/5
They are both cemeteries for some of the people who died in the holocaust. The one one in Poland has coffins above the ground and the one in Philadelphia has tons of tombstones scrunched up together. The tombstones are connected to the coffins which are above the ground. The authors purpose is to show some of the many people that died in the holocaust. It shows that the people in the play were some Jews and they are some of the many people that died.
Alex Harris
2/3 period
One of the main differences between the cemetery in Poland and the one in Philadelphia is that the one in Poland is less organized. The tombstones are just real close together and not spaced out. The similarity I saw between the two is that there are a lot of people that died and were buried at both places. The Polish just threw the bodies wherever they wanted when they buried them. The author created this video to show and inform us about all of the people that died during the Holocaust. It makes the play more surreal to me because all those people died and Anne was watching this happen when she was at the camps.
-Cody Brubaker
The cemetery that is in this video looks like it is really bad condition. Both of these cemeteries are for the Jews that had passed away during the holocaust. The author showed this video to show us how the for Jews had changed. This has to do with the play, Anne Frank, because it has to deal with the holocaust, and other stuff.
- Samanthe Bolling 2&3rd period :)
Polish cemetaries are all torn up and the Philadelphia cemetaries are all nice and organized. They showed alot of monuments were they honor all of the people that died. To show how the world was like back in the day. They both hide for their lives.
The philidelphia one is more nice and organized and the poland one is all over crowded and mest up. they showed a lot of monuments in the way the people died. To show how the holocaust occured and to show the way the people were meanly treated. they are all involved with the holocaust.
The one in Poland looks like it’s in a very bad condition and the one in Philadelphia actually looks new and clean. They both look very sad, dark, and gloomy though. The Polish seem to not care about the people because they used the headstones to pave the streets. Also they don’t keep the cemeteries clean or anything. The author’s purpose in creating this video is to show the countless numbers of Jews killed and to inform about the cemeteries. Anne Frank and this Video are both about the Holocaust and Jews dying.
The cemetery in Poland is in terrible condition and the one in Philadelphia is in great condition. Both of the cemeteries are for those Jews that died in the Holocaust. The author’s purpose of this video is to show how it was for the Jews. It correlates with Anne Frank because she was a victim of the Holocaust.
They where cemitaries where they burred the six million Jews that were killed the one in Philly is called niser and there is one in Poland. the authors purpose in creating this video is to inform you on what happened during the holocaust. It showed how many people died.
The cemetary in Poland is a lot older and the one in Philadelphia is neater and newer. It looks like they showed a lot of monuments in honor for the people that have died.The purpose in the author to make this video is to inform us of all the people that have died. It showed how many people had died and the Franks didn't want to be one of them.
Triston Newbrough
7-8 periods
The cemetery in this video looks like it is in very bad shape.The cemetary in Philadelphia looks much nicer and in much better condition. Both of these cemetaries are for Jews that passed away during the Holocaust. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show how the cemetaries and respect for Jews have changed. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank, because this has to do with the Holocaust and the play, Anne Frank takes place during the Holocaust also.
They were both cemetaries for Jews who died in the Holocaust.They are all smashed up against each other and no room to move to see loved one that have died. The in Philly looks like it is really great. It is really nice looking and has really nice head stones.
Both of the cemetaries were for the Jews who died in the Holocaust. The cemetary in Philadelphia is alot nicer and neater then the one in Poland. The authors purpose in creating this video was to show the differnces in both cemetaries. This correlates with the play because Anne Frank took place during the Holocaust.
Megan McCullough (:
7/8 period
The cemetary in Poland is very crowded, and looks horrible, while the one in Philadelphia is very nice and spacious. The Polish one shows disdain by having all the graves crowded up very close together. I think the author's purpose in having this video is to show the difference in the respect for the Jewish. It correlates, by showing how they were treated
Austin Ferguson
7/8 period
the cemetaries are both in Philadelphia. The one in Poland were both cemeteries built for Jews who died during the Holocaust. The one in Philadelphia is nicer than the one in Poland though. The meaning of this video is to make us aware of these cemeteries and the lifestyle they are in, and just to give us an idea about what they look like. This is similar with the play because Anne Frank was a victim of the Holocaust.
The cemetaries in in Philidelphia and in Poland are both a memorial for the Jews who were killed in the Holocaust. The one in Philidelphia is more modern and up-to-date and nicer looking, than the one in Poland. The author's purpose in creating this video was to show and honor the cemetaries. It correlates with the play because they both have to do with the Holocaust, and Anne Frank and her family were both in this horrible tradegy.
McKenna Kelley(: 4/5
They are both so alike but yet so different. In Philadelpia is in much better condition than the one in Poland. Both of the cemataries are for the Jews that died during the Holocaust. The author's purpose in creating this video is to inform you about the cemataries and the Holocaust. The author showed how the Philedelpia and Poland cemataries are similarand different.
Elizabeth Tennant 4th/5th
Both of the cemetaries are for the jews who died during the holocost, but the one in Philidelphia is way nicer than the one in Poland. They showd many many monuments for the ones who died during the holocust. The auther's porpuse of making this video is to inform us about the holocust. It corresponds with the ending, death.
When you compare the cemetary in poland compared to the cemetery in philadelphia it show that even win other countries haad no respect for the jewish people we still had alot of respect in philadelphia. in philadelphia the headstone were spaced nicely and kept in good shape. were as in poland not everyone had a gravestone. the gravestone were just kind of thrown on there with no respect at all. in poland they showed that they had no respect for the jewish people otherwise they would have kept up with the jewish cemetary. I think the author created this video to show the varied beliefs of our country compared to poland and how the jewish people were noot respected. Anne frank was killed in poland and she was buried in that cemetary she just didnt have a grave stone.
Its is not right that he was doing that to all of the people. The gravestones in the video is scary to me because they are all together and not speaded out like they would normaly be. He killed all of those people that did not do anything to him but, I gess he did not like people that was not like him. That was not right to do all of that mess.
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