This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is basically what made the blacks and the whites become one. I think the part of the speech that is most memorable to me is when Martin Luther King says, "When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!". I think the overall meaning of this speech is that whites and blacks aren't all the different that were all children of God. And that one day the blacks and whites would become friends and nothing can stop that. FACT: Martin Luther King was assasinated at 6:01 PM in Mephis, Tennessee on a balcony while making a speech. Maddi Craig2-3 Period
Martin luther king speech is most important famous speech becuae he was talking about that balcks and whites should not be seperated becuase we are all equal. I dont have a favorite part of the speech i think its all true and he makes good points in that speech.
This is one of the greatest speeches ever delivered because this is the speech which changed people’s lives forever! I think the most memorable part of the speech is when he talks about how the black citizens of the world, not just Washington will not be satisfied until... The overall meaning of this speech is basically to let all the citizens of the United States know that know matter what color you are, we are citizens, and we are all one. FACT: King was accepted to more house University after skipping two grades in high school. Within four years, he graduated from the College with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology before moving to a theology seminary in Pennsylvania. Michael Shaw4th-5th period
Because it's true and made a big impacked on the world. Be nice is the theme of the speech. To make awae of whats going on in this wicked world.he wanted freedom.
This is one of the most famous speeches ever stated because it was important and Martin Luther King wanted blacks and whites to be able to live together. I believe that the most memorable part of that speech was when he said " I have a dream." I believe that the overall meaning of this speech was that all people can live together in peace. Dr Martin Luther King was assasinated while stating a speech.
The is one of the one of the most famous speeches because it was when the whites and blacks came together as one. The most memorable part is when he says" When we allow freedom to ring,we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from ever state and city." I think the overall meaning of this speech is not everyone is different because we are all children of God. The purpose of his speech is to bring whites and blacks together and we are tired of being two different groups. FACT: martin luther king was assasinated in Memphis, Tennessee.
The “I Have A Dream” speech is one of the most important speeches in our countries history, because Martin Luther King Jr. was speaking to move people to do something about segregation.I found that his speaking of the unfairness and that they needed to do something about segration the most memorable. The overall meaning of the speech is that nothing is beingdone succesfuly about the segregation and everyone needs to help change that.Martin Luther Kings reason for making this speech was to move people to do something about segregation and slaveruy. Dr. Martin Luther king, graduated college.
This is a famous speech because it was to free blacks from slavery and many other black people problems such as having to sit in the back of the bus.The most memorable part i think is the part where he said"all men are created equally".To let the blacks have the advantages that whites do.He felt that blacks should have more respect.Dr.King went home one day saw that his family had been killed in fire.
This speech is so important because this is when the blacks and whites stopped all of the prejudice fighting between the two. I think it's most memorable when he said I have a dream. prejudice meaning was to end all of the prejudiceness and all become one , no matter what color your skin was. Dr. King was shot and killed in Tennessee.
This speech is because this was the main one that brought the blacks and whites together and made them one. I think that the part that is most memorable is when Martin Luther King Jr. said “I have a Dream.” This speeches meaning is it doesn’t matter what color you are or what you look like, we are all equal. His purpose was to bring blacks and whites together and to stop being two different groups of people. Fact- Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated at 6:01 p.m. on April 4, 1968 at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, TN.
This speech is a great part of american history. Martin Luther King Jr. was very passionate about civil rights for all. I think the most memorable part is the title "I Have a Dream ". He repeats this quote several times throughout the speech . The phrase stays in your mind. To this day people will talk about MLK and say "I have a dream ". The overall meaning is that all people should be treated equal and have the same rights. A fact about MLK is that he was the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
It is the most famous speech because it brought the blacks and wites togetther. The part I remember the best is when he said I Have A Dream, I think that is the most famous part of the whole speech. The meaning of this speech is to free the blacks and whites together and let them do things together again and be free. The blacks and whites can become friends again and not get in rtouble for it. Marthur Luther was assasinated at 6:01 pm in Memphis, Tennesse on a balcony while making his speech.
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it shows how African Americans were treated so badly, and how it needed to be changed. The most memorable part of the speech is when he says "I have a Dream." The overall meaning of this speech is that blacks and whites should be treated equally. Martin Luther King's purpose in making this speech was to create equals rights for the African Americans. One fact about Martin Luther King is that when he was a senior at Crozer he was elected class president and also won an award as most outstanding student. 4th and 5th Sam Tonkovich
Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech, "I Have a Dream," is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it is one of the reasons why blacks and whites are treated equally now. The most memorable part of his speech is when he repeats saying "I have a dream." It let's the audience know how serious about his speech he is and it sounds inspiring in the speech. The overall meaning of the speech is that white people and black people are all the same even though we have different colors and we are all humans on this earth. Martin Luther King's purpose in making this speech is to tell everyone how "he has a dream" when black people are treated equally with whites. A fact about Martin Luther King is that he was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Sarah Topardo 4/5 period
Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it united the people of the United States of America. The most memorable parts of Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech are the parts where he talked about racism and the parts when he said, “I have a Dream.” The overall meaning of this speech is that at some time of the U.S. history there was a division in the country. This was the division of whites and blacks. His purpose was to stop racism. One fact about Dr. King is that he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. Sean Riggleman Eng. 4-5
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is basically what made the blacks and the whites become cool with each other. The most memorable part of the speech to me was when he said I have a dream. I think the true meaning of this speech is to get all people no matter what race you are to be able to be friends without the hatred. Dr.Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis,Tennessee.
This speech is so famous because it is what brought the blacks and whites to peace. The beginning of the speech is the most memorable part. The meaning of the speech is that skin color doesn't matter, we're ALL human beings. Martin Luther King believed in equality, so that is why he made this speech. Dr. King was assassinated in Tennessee while giving a speech.
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever because it was basically how the blacks and whites came together at the end. I think that the part of the speech that is memorable to me is when he says When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" His purpose in making this speech was so that segregation would cme to an end. Martin Luther King waswas assasinated at 6:01 PM in Mephis, Tennessee on a balcony while making a speech.
It helped the African Amercians get of of slavery to make them be able to be free. He gave this speech and he was really the biggest person fighting free rights. I have a dream, that is probably that most famous part of the speech. He wants everyone to have the same rights as everyone else. Trying to make sure that African Americans will have the same rights as everyone else. He was killed by a gun man after a speech. Jayce Riley 4/5th period
This is one of the most famous speeches ever, because he is the one that helped blacks and white’s come together as one. I think the part of the speech that is most memorable to me is when Martin Luther King says, "When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!” I think the meaning of this speech is too let we the Americans know that it doesn’t matter if you’re white, black, male, or female, we are all the same. Fact: Martin Luther King was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee at 6:01 p.m. in 1968. -Samanthe Bolling 2nd&3rd period(:
This is one of the greatest speeches ever delivered because this is the speech which changed people’s lives forever. I believe that the most memorable part of that speech was when he said " I have a dream." I believe that the overall meaning of this speech was that all people can live together in peace. The purpose of his speech is to bring whites and blacks together and we are tired of being two different groups. He was one of the most famous black people on earth.
This speech is one of the most famous delivered because it's what made the whites and blacks become one. I think the when Martin Luther king say's "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed we hold these trues that all men are created equal." is the most memorable meaning. I think the overall meaning of his speech was blacks and whites arent different they are all of Gods children. Martin Luther king was assinated while making his speech at 6:01 in Mephis, Tennesse. Abby Williams (: 7th & 8th
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it definitely changed what our future is today. I think the part of the speech that is most memorable to me is when Martin Luther King says, "When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village ad every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all god's children black men and white men, jews and gentiles protestant and catholics will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, 'free at last!" The overall meaning of this speech is to tell you everyone is equal so you should treat everyone the same. Martin Luther King's purpose of this speech I think is to tell you to treat everyone alike. Fact Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee while making a speech.Megan McCullough7&8th period
This is one of the most famous speeches because it was a huge part of our history. It also brought the blacks and whites together. The most memorable part to me is when he states, "I have a Dream." The meaning of this speech is to get the point across that we all should be treated equally and have the same rights. Martin Luther King was born on January 15,1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. Sarah E. Cox
I think it is one of the most famous speeches because Dr. King's words in the speech are very powerful words and the speech helped unite a lot of blacks and whites. The part I think is most memorable is the part where he says, "I have a dream...". The overall meaning is that blacks and whites should be treated the same. There should be no prejudice. The purpose for making the speech is to get more freedom for black people. Dr. King was assasinated on April 4, 1968.
This is one of the most famous speeches because it in essence abolished slavery. I think that the part where he says all men will one day be equal is the most memorable part. In this speech, Martin Luther King is trying to get the point across that all men and women are created equal and we are all God’s children. He made this speech in order to try and abolish slavery. FACT: When he was five years old his mother persuaded the first grade teacher, Miss Dickerson, to make room for him in her class. Even though he started several weeks after the other children, he soon caught up with them academically and even surpassed them before the year was over.
It freed blacks from discrimination. My most memorable part of the speech is when he says “I have a dream” because that’s what it is called and that’s what he says the most. The overall meaning of the speech is that King wants blacks and whites to be equal without segregation or anything. He was a minister.
This speech is one of the most famous because it changed people’s lives forever and it blended black and whites together. I don’t have a favorite or most memorable part of this speech. I think the overall meaning of this speech is that we are children of God and that we are all equal. MLK’s purpose in making this speech is to say that blacks and whites would all be friends one day no matter what. One fact about Martin Luther King Jr. is that he was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia.Abby Cooper7/8th period
This is one of the most famous speeches ever because it brought people together. It stated that the color of your skin didn't matter; everyone should be treated equal. I don't find any particular part more memorable than than the rest. I think the entire speech is something everyone should remember. The overall meaning is that blacks and whites should be treated equal. His purpose is to stand up for blacks.Dr. Martin Luther King was assasinated while making a speech.-baylee abbott4th/5th periods
This speech is famous because he talked about freedom in this speech. I think that the most memorable speech is:” When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, 'Free at last! free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!'" The overall meaning of this speech is that blacks should be treated equally with whites. He wanted Freedom in the USA. A fact is that He was expelled from school when his 1st grade teacher found out that he was only five years old.Alex Harris2/3 Period
This is one of the most speeches ever made because this speech help demolish segregation. Some of the part of the speech that I found most memorable was when he said “Now is the time.” Another part of the speech that I found to be most memorable also is when Dr.King also said “I have a dream that one day my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judge by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.” I feel that the overall meaning of this speech is that we all need to come together as one for the freedom and justice for all. Dr.King’s meaning for making this speech was to show and tell we are all equal in God eyes and to tell about his dream for the future for America. A fact about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be he only lived to be the age 39. Holly Bogdanich 4th/5th
I think this is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it helped bring blacks and whites together. I find it is most memorable when he says "I Have A Dream." I think the meaning of this speech is to prove that everyone is equal, and everyone is a child of God whether they are black or white. A fact about Martin Luther King is that he became the youngest person to receive the nobel piece prize in 1964.-Daisha Velez5-6 period
This is one of the most famous speeches every because it brought whites and blacks together to change the world for good. My favorite part of his speech is when he talks about the black citizens of America. The overall meaning of his speech is that id you are black, white, red, or green we should all be treated the same. The purpose of this speech is to brings white and blacks together. Fact MLK was youngest person to win Nobel Peace Prize.
It was one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it was the greatest speech of freedom ever given. I think that the most memorable part of this speech is when Martin Luther King Jr. is saying that soon everyone will be free and soon everyone will be able to do the things that they once could not. The overall meaning of this speech is that everyone deserves freedom and that the Constitution says that everyone would be free. Didn't they leave to build America so they could have freedom and more rights? Martin Luther King Jr.'s purpose in creating this speech is to tell everyone that they need freedom. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4th, 1968 by gunshot.Bethany McPherson - Pd. 4 and 5
This is a famous speech because it combined mankind. From two sperate races to equal one. I find it most memorable when he just says," I Have a Dream". It just shows that he really cares and that he just desires for them to be united as one. His purpose is to prove that no race is better than the other. A fact about him is that he was shot and killed on April 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tenssee.McKenna Kelley 4-5
i have a dream is one of the most famous speeches because the message that MLK was trying to send is a very important messsage and was a huge epidemic back when his message was deleivered. The part I find is most memorable is were he is repeatedly saying I have a dream. The overall meaning is that god created us all equal. He made this speech to send a message that no matter what race or gender you are everyone should be treated with equal manner. One fact about MLK is that he was killed in Memphis before he was bout to give a speech.
This is one of Martin Luther King Junior’s most famous speeches because it was the speech that made him well known and because he was stating that slavery was wrong and he wanted to abolish it. The part of the speech that was most memorable was when he said, “'I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." and when he said, “I have a dream today.” The overall meaning is ‘I have a dream that the world will be a better place’. His purpose was to inform the world that slavery is wrong and he wants to do something about it. One fact about Martin Luther King Junior is his father was a Baptist minister and he followed in his footsteps. Kayla DeLorenzo4th and 5th period
This speech is the most famous speech ever delivered because he showed the world a new way of live that teached all people are equal and your should love them for they quallitys. My favorite part in his speech is when he says "I have a dream that my 4 little childern will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character".His purpose is to show the work that the color of your skin doesnt difine you.Everything beneath it does.He is introducing a new way of life to all and showing that blacks and whites can & should be together in all that we do.He was born into a family of pastors and also became a pastor for many years.
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is basically what made the blacks and the whites to become as one. I think the part of the speech that is most memorable to me is when Martin Luther King says, "When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last!" free at last! that God almighty, we are free at last!" I think the overall meaning of this speech is that whites and blacks aren't all that different that were all children of God. And that one day the blacks and whites would become friends and nothing can stop that. FACT: Martin Luther King was assasinated at 6:01 PM in Mephis, Tennessee on a balcony while making a speech. Kasey CurtisPeriod:4/5th
This is one of the most famous speeches ever because he states that "black and whites are all equal" For the most part the most memorable part would be "Great god almighty we are free at last." This speech means that blacks and whites are equal and the same there not just different because of skin color. He wanted all blacks treated the same as whites. FACT: He graduated from Morehead college. Izaiha John 4/5
"I have a dream" is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is the speech that he was leading a battle for equal rights for blacks and this was the speech that demonstrated his dream. I personally, do not have a favorite part of the speech because all of it is equally important and all adds up to making history! The overall meaning of this speech is that all people should treated equally no matter what ethnicity they are. I believe that Martin Luther King's purpose in making this speech is to make his dream livable. He wants everyone to see that blacks should not be judged because of their skin color. Martin Luther King In 1957 he was elected president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.Martina Edgell4-5th pd.
This speech became important is because it aloud Negros to become free and Independent people like the white man at this time. I find his speech memorable mostly because it had used his vocabulary excellently and quoting the historically great people and the emancipation proclamation in just the correct way to get his point acrossed. Although I remember his speech for these reasons I disliked that he used "I have a dream" and "let freedom ring" a little too excessively. The overall purpose and reason for his speech is to declare blacks new found rights and independences. It was also to represent the voice of each and every individual black man and women in the country, him and his words representing the country. seems like a lot of pressure to me. Fun fact: Martin Luther King skipped two years of high School and Graduated college within 4 years with Bachelors degree.
The speech delivered by martin luther king jr is the most famous one is because it freed all slaves from all of what they had to go through. I found that the part that he said I have a dream was my most merorable. To frre black people from slavery. To make is point on that slavery reqally had no point, because all people should be treated farly and not spat on or called names. Dr Martin Luther king skipped 2 years of high school and went to college for 4 years and got his bachleors degree.jacob work 2nd and 3rd period2-17-11
This is one of the most important speeches ever made because it was what gave the blacks there freedom for slavery. The part I remember most was when he always said I have a dream before he said what he felt. That we should not treat other the way they treated blacks. So that the black will all ways have their freedom and that no other races turn against each other. On December 5, King became the president of the Montgomery Improvement Association and the bus boycott began.
This speech is maybe one of the most famous speech in history. It help stop segregation. And it made people think what the world would be like if we were one people instead of being divided. It also, made people think of their dreams and what could be accomplished if we try to make our dreams come true. We should like someone for who they are not their race. Whether they are chinese, or Indian, and so. We should also, like someone for who they are instead of their religon. Whether they are chathlic, christian and so on.
The reason this is the most remebered speech because a black man said it. The part that I like the best. Is the first time he said I gave a dream. The reason he said the speech was beacuse he wanted everybody to get along. For people to understand each other. The point f it all was for white and blacks to get along. White and black kids to go to the same school.
This is one of the most famous speeches because it was when the whites and african americans came together as one. it was one of the most worst time they were beat and neglated by the officers
This speech is one of the mose famous speeches ever because it is the speech that helped black and white people come together. The part that stood out most to me in the speech is that when Martin Luther King said that blacks were not free for one hundred years and after another one hundred years they still were not free. The overall meaning of this speech is to tell white people and black people that there are no differences between the people in the world and that we all should get along. The purpose of this speech being made is so that everybody in the world would be equal.Dalton Okel 4th/5th
This is one of the most famous speeches ever because MLKJ wanted to make people believe that everyone is eqaul. Mainly I realy think that the whole speach is memorable. The overall meaning was to get people to like each other. MLKJ made this speech to let everyone know that every person in the world are equal. He was assasinated in Tennessee
This is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is what combined the blacks and whites. I don't necessarily have a favorite part, but I like the way that he repeats "I have a dream." This stays in your head and really makes you think. I think the overall meaning of this speech is that we are all created equal and viewed the same in the eyes of god. FACT: Martin Luther King is the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.Lauren Massacci 4/5pd
I think that this is one of the most famous speeches ever because it basicly united blacks and whites and took most of the segrigation out of the picture. Also I think that the mosy memorable parts of this speech is when Marten Luther King Jr. said "I have a drean." I beleive that the dtotal meaning of this speech was to creat less tention between blacks and whites so that we can live peicful equal lives right beside each other. Also I beleive that he made this speech was to show that over all surcomstances him andothers will stand and fight for what they believe is right. Marten Luther King was assassinated on a hotel balcony after making this speech.
This speech is so powerful because it made blacks and whites become a whole. The most memorable part in my eyes is when he says this speech will go down in history. The meaning is about how we are all the same, and none are different, so we shouldn't act as so. The purpose is so that we would all become a group, and segregation would be abolished. A fact is he graduated from Morehead college.
This speech is one of the ost famous speeches delivered because it was what brought the blacks and whites together without violence. I found the famous quote, "I have a dream," to be the most memorable part of the speech. The meaning of the speech was that Marting Luther King Jr. had a dream of seeing the blacks and whites together without fighting. His purpose in this speech was to have his dream to be fulfilled. Martin Luther King was assasinated in Tennessee.
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is basically what made the blacks and the whites become one. When he stated I have a Dream. to get black and white to become equal. He got shot.
Because it asked why can't blacks and white get along and that and to fight for freedom. When he said that he has a dream that blacks and whites would go to school and play together. To not judge a person for the color of their skin. He started to realize segregation at a young age.
This is one of the most famous speeches ever because it was the start of the end to segrigation. I can't remember any of the parts beside's 'I have a Dream". To intergrat blacks and whites. From an early age he thout it was unfair to blaks that they should be segragated from whites.
It is the most famous speech because it brought the blacks and wites togetther. The part I remember the best is when he said I Have A Dream, I think that is the most famous part of the whole speech. The meaning of this speech is to free the blacks and whites together and let them do things together again and be free. The blacks and whites can become friends again and not get in rtouble for it. Marthur Luther was assasinated in Memphis, Tennesse on a balcony while making his speech.
one of the of the best speeches ever delivered was the getties burg address by linclon.thepart i find memorable was all of it because he showed the love for our country and this brought are nation back together. the meaning of this sppech is to show tha dr.king wanted to stop the segration so that we can all live in a peaceful place where we all help one another. Dr.king was killed in memphis,tennesse.
I think it is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered, because it caused alot of the major Civil Rights issues, become way smaller. Also it made both sides of the Civil Rights Movement understand eachother. The part I find most memprable is when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said the most famous words of the speech "I Have A Dream" The overall meaning in this speech is that everyone should be equal, and no race or religon should be inferior to any other. His purpose was too try to make everone equal. One fact about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is he was one of the most famous Civil Rights people.Austin Ferguson7/8
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is basically what made people stop and think. Then brought black and whites together. The main mart that I remember is when he starts out and says "I have a dream." I think that the overall meaning is that people shouldn't be treated differently just because of lookds or skin color. We all are humans no matter what and are the same on the inside. The main purpose was trying to get people to understand we aren't different because of skin color and that we all should be treated equally. One fact about MLK is he was born on ..Jan, 15 1929JoMarie Bogard4/5th period
his is one of the most famous speeches of time because this was a big part of stopping segregation. I will always find it memorable that Martin Luther King Jr honors abraham lincolhn in his " I Have A Dream ' Speech. The overall meaning of this speech was to say that they stopped slavery for all to be treated equal but all are not treated equal when segregation is in the mix segegation means the practice or policy of creating separate facilities within the same society for the use of a minority group in other words the caucasion people had better treatment in society thn the african americans
This is one of the most famous speeches delivered because it told the black and whites that we need to treat each other equally. The most memorable part was when he said "All men are created equally!" The main meaning of this part is we were all created by the same god. We need to treat others like we want to be treated. He wanted everyone to become friends and not fight all the time. FACT: Dr. King was assisinated on a balcony while making a speech.
This is one of the most famous speeches ever wrote because it was important,and Martin Luther King wanted blacks and whites to be able to be together. I think that the best part of that speech was when he said " I have a dream." I think that the meaning of this speech was that all people can live together in peace. Martin Luther King was assasinated while stating a speech. Even though he died, he is still famous.
This is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it is what made the blacks and whites become one. The part of the speech i find most memorable is when he said " I have a dream " I think thats the most memorable part because its the name of the speech. A fact about Martin Luther King was assasinated in Memphis, Tennesse while making a speech.
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is basically what made the blacks and the whites become one. When Martin Luther King said I have a dream. He is saying that he has a dream that all whites and blacks would get along.
It is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it has drastically changed our world today. Without that speech, our world would probably still be segregated.I think the most memorable part of the speech is: "When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!". The overall meaning of the speech is to be free and have blacks and whites become friends. His purpose in saying this speech was to stop segregation and have more freedom than they did. MLK was assassinated at 6:01 pm in Memphis Tennesse on a balcony while making a speech.Elizabeth Tennant (:4th/5th period
The reason why this is one of the most famous speeches is that it brought black people and white people together to live in harmoney. I think it is the I have a dream part of the speech. To bring evrybody together and dont worry about the color of each others skin. To tell everybody that they need to get along with each other no matter what the color of there skin is because he wanted to live in a country that everybody lived together in peace and that is why he had hi speech.
This speech is one of the most famous because it was about how someone had a dream and actually took the time to get it into peoples heads. and it made us all realize that everyone is the same we just look different. I found that parts where he talks about how he has a dream that both black and whites will be able to go to school together and live in unity. The overall meaning is that we all are different but the same on the inside. that we shouldn't b against our own humanity just because of a different face. FACT. Dr. King was assassinated while during one of his speeches.
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This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is basically what made the blacks and the whites become one. I think the part of the speech that is most memorable to me is when Martin Luther King says, "When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!". I think the overall meaning of this speech is that whites and blacks aren't all the different that were all children of God. And that one day the blacks and whites would become friends and nothing can stop that. FACT: Martin Luther King was assasinated at 6:01 PM in Mephis, Tennessee on a balcony while making a speech.
Maddi Craig
2-3 Period
Martin luther king speech is most important famous speech becuae he was talking about that balcks and whites should not be seperated becuase we are all equal. I dont have a favorite part of the speech i think its all true and he makes good points in that speech.
This is one of the greatest speeches ever delivered because this is the speech which changed people’s lives forever! I think the most memorable part of the speech is when he talks about how the black citizens of the world, not just Washington will not be satisfied until... The overall meaning of this speech is basically to let all the citizens of the United States know that know matter what color you are, we are citizens, and we are all one. FACT: King was accepted to more house University after skipping two grades in high school. Within four years, he graduated from the College with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology before moving to a theology seminary in Pennsylvania.
Michael Shaw
4th-5th period
Because it's true and made a big impacked on the world. Be nice is the theme of the speech. To make awae of whats going on in this wicked world.he wanted freedom.
This is one of the most famous speeches ever stated because it was important and Martin Luther King wanted blacks and whites to be able to live together. I believe that the most memorable part of that speech was when he said " I have a dream." I believe that the overall meaning of this speech was that all people can live together in peace. Dr Martin Luther King was assasinated while stating a speech.
The is one of the one of the most famous speeches because it was when the whites and blacks came together as one. The most memorable part is when he says" When we allow freedom to ring,we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from ever state and city." I think the overall meaning of this speech is not everyone is different because we are all children of God. The purpose of his speech is to bring whites and blacks together and we are tired of being two different groups. FACT: martin luther king was assasinated in Memphis, Tennessee.
The “I Have A Dream” speech is one of the most important speeches in our countries history, because Martin Luther King Jr. was speaking to move people to do something about segregation.I found that his speaking of the unfairness and that they needed to do something about segration the most memorable. The overall meaning of the speech is that nothing is beingdone succesfuly about the segregation and everyone needs to help change that.Martin Luther Kings reason for making this speech was to move people to do something about segregation and slaveruy. Dr. Martin Luther king, graduated college.
This is a famous speech because it was to free blacks from slavery and many other black people problems such as having to sit in the back of the bus.The most memorable part i think is the part where he said"all men are created equally".To let the blacks have the advantages that whites do.He felt that blacks should have more respect.Dr.King went home one day saw that his family had been killed in fire.
This speech is so important because this is when the blacks and whites stopped all of the prejudice fighting between the two. I think it's most memorable when he said I have a dream. prejudice meaning was to end all of the prejudiceness and all become one , no matter what color your skin was. Dr. King was shot and killed in Tennessee.
This speech is because this was the main one that brought the blacks and whites together and made them one. I think that the part that is most memorable is when Martin Luther King Jr. said “I have a Dream.” This speeches meaning is it doesn’t matter what color you are or what you look like, we are all equal. His purpose was to bring blacks and whites together and to stop being two different groups of people. Fact- Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated at 6:01 p.m. on April 4, 1968 at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, TN.
This speech is a great part of american history. Martin Luther King Jr. was very passionate about civil rights for all. I think the most memorable part is the title "I Have a Dream ". He repeats this quote several times throughout the speech . The phrase stays in your mind. To this day people will talk about MLK and say "I have a dream ". The overall meaning is that all people should be treated equal and have the same rights. A fact about MLK is that he was the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
It is the most famous speech because it brought the blacks and wites togetther. The part I remember the best is when he said I Have A Dream, I think that is the most famous part of the whole speech. The meaning of this speech is to free the blacks and whites together and let them do things together again and be free. The blacks and whites can become friends again and not get in rtouble for it. Marthur Luther was assasinated at 6:01 pm in Memphis, Tennesse on a balcony while making his speech.
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it shows how African Americans were treated so badly, and how it needed to be changed. The most memorable part of the speech is when he says "I have a Dream." The overall meaning of this speech is that blacks and whites should be treated equally. Martin Luther King's purpose in making this speech was to create equals rights for the African Americans. One fact about Martin Luther King is that when he was a senior at Crozer he was elected class president and also won an award as most outstanding student.
4th and 5th
Sam Tonkovich
Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech, "I Have a Dream," is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it is one of the reasons why blacks and whites are treated equally now. The most memorable part of his speech is when he repeats saying "I have a dream." It let's the audience know how serious about his speech he is and it sounds inspiring in the speech. The overall meaning of the speech is that white people and black people are all the same even though we have different colors and we are all humans on this earth. Martin Luther King's purpose in making this speech is to tell everyone how "he has a dream" when black people are treated equally with whites. A fact about Martin Luther King is that he was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Sarah Topardo
4/5 period
Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it united the people of the United States of America. The most memorable parts of Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech are the parts where he talked about racism and the parts when he said, “I have a Dream.” The overall meaning of this speech is that at some time of the U.S. history there was a division in the country. This was the division of whites and blacks. His purpose was to stop racism. One fact about Dr. King is that he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.
Sean Riggleman Eng. 4-5
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is basically what made the blacks and the whites become cool with each other. The most memorable part of the speech to me was when he said I have a dream. I think the true meaning of this speech is to get all people no matter what race you are to be able to be friends without the hatred. Dr.Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis,Tennessee.
This speech is so famous because it is what brought the blacks and whites to peace. The beginning of the speech is the most memorable part. The meaning of the speech is that skin color doesn't matter, we're ALL human beings. Martin Luther King believed in equality, so that is why he made this speech. Dr. King was assassinated in Tennessee while giving a speech.
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever because it was basically how the blacks and whites came together at the end. I think that the part of the speech that is memorable to me is when he says When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" His purpose in making this speech was so that segregation would cme to an end. Martin Luther King waswas assasinated at 6:01 PM in Mephis, Tennessee on a balcony while making a speech.
It helped the African Amercians get of of slavery to make them be able to be free. He gave this speech and he was really the biggest person fighting free rights. I have a dream, that is probably that most famous part of the speech. He wants everyone to have the same rights as everyone else. Trying to make sure that African Americans will have the same rights as everyone else. He was killed by a gun man after a speech.
Jayce Riley 4/5th period
This is one of the most famous speeches ever, because he is the one that helped blacks and white’s come together as one. I think the part of the speech that is most memorable to me is when Martin Luther King says, "When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!” I think the meaning of this speech is too let we the Americans know that it doesn’t matter if you’re white, black, male, or female, we are all the same. Fact: Martin Luther King was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee at 6:01 p.m. in 1968.
-Samanthe Bolling 2nd&3rd period(:
This is one of the greatest speeches ever delivered because this is the speech which changed people’s lives forever. I believe that the most memorable part of that speech was when he said " I have a dream." I believe that the overall meaning of this speech was that all people can live together in peace. The purpose of his speech is to bring whites and blacks together and we are tired of being two different groups. He was one of the most famous black people on earth.
This speech is one of the most famous delivered because it's what made the whites and blacks become one. I think the when Martin Luther king say's "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed we hold these trues that all men are created equal." is the most memorable meaning. I think the overall meaning of his speech was blacks and whites arent different they are all of Gods children. Martin Luther king was assinated while making his speech at 6:01 in Mephis, Tennesse.
Abby Williams (:
7th & 8th
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it definitely changed what our future is today. I think the part of the speech that is most memorable to me is when Martin Luther King says, "When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village ad every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all god's children black men and white men, jews and gentiles protestant and catholics will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, 'free at last!" The overall meaning of this speech is to tell you everyone is equal so you should treat everyone the same. Martin Luther King's purpose of this speech I think is to tell you to treat everyone alike. Fact Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee while making a speech.
Megan McCullough
7&8th period
This is one of the most famous speeches because it was a huge part of our history. It also brought the blacks and whites together. The most memorable part to me is when he states, "I have a Dream." The meaning of this speech is to get the point across that we all should be treated equally and have the same rights. Martin Luther King was born on January 15,1929 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Sarah E. Cox
I think it is one of the most famous speeches because Dr. King's words in the speech are very powerful words and the speech helped unite a lot of blacks and whites. The part I think is most memorable is the part where he says, "I have a dream...". The overall meaning is that blacks and whites should be treated the same. There should be no prejudice. The purpose for making the speech is to get more freedom for black people. Dr. King was assasinated on April 4, 1968.
This is one of the most famous speeches because it in essence abolished slavery. I think that the part where he says all men will one day be equal is the most memorable part. In this speech, Martin Luther King is trying to get the point across that all men and women are created equal and we are all God’s children. He made this speech in order to try and abolish slavery. FACT: When he was five years old his mother persuaded the first grade teacher, Miss Dickerson, to make room for him in her class. Even though he started several weeks after the other children, he soon caught up with them academically and even surpassed them before the year was over.
It freed blacks from discrimination. My most memorable part of the speech is when he says “I have a dream” because that’s what it is called and that’s what he says the most. The overall meaning of the speech is that King wants blacks and whites to be equal without segregation or anything. He was a minister.
This speech is one of the most famous because it changed people’s lives forever and it blended black and whites together. I don’t have a favorite or most memorable part of this speech. I think the overall meaning of this speech is that we are children of God and that we are all equal. MLK’s purpose in making this speech is to say that blacks and whites would all be friends one day no matter what. One fact about Martin Luther King Jr. is that he was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Abby Cooper
7/8th period
This is one of the most famous speeches ever because it brought people together. It stated that the color of your skin didn't matter; everyone should be treated equal. I don't find any particular part more memorable than than the rest. I think the entire speech is something everyone should remember. The overall meaning is that blacks and whites should be treated equal. His purpose is to stand up for blacks.
Dr. Martin Luther King was assasinated while making a speech.
-baylee abbott
4th/5th periods
This speech is famous because he talked about freedom in this speech. I think that the most memorable speech is:” When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, 'Free at last! free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!'" The overall meaning of this speech is that blacks should be treated equally with whites. He wanted Freedom in the USA. A fact is that He was expelled from school when his 1st grade teacher found out that he was only five years old.
Alex Harris
2/3 Period
This is one of the most speeches ever made because this speech help demolish segregation. Some of the part of the speech that I found most memorable was when he said “Now is the time.” Another part of the speech that I found to be most memorable also is when Dr.King also said “I have a dream that one day my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judge by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.” I feel that the overall meaning of this speech is that we all need to come together as one for the freedom and justice for all. Dr.King’s meaning for making this speech was to show and tell we are all equal in God eyes and to tell about his dream for the future for America. A fact about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be he only lived to be the age 39.
Holly Bogdanich 4th/5th
I think this is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it helped bring blacks and whites together. I find it is most memorable when he says "I Have A Dream." I think the meaning of this speech is to prove that everyone is equal, and everyone is a child of God whether they are black or white. A fact about Martin Luther King is that he became the youngest person to receive the nobel piece prize in 1964.
-Daisha Velez
5-6 period
This is one of the most famous speeches every because it brought whites and blacks together to change the world for good. My favorite part of his speech is when he talks about the black citizens of America. The overall meaning of his speech is that id you are black, white, red, or green we should all be treated the same. The purpose of this speech is to brings white and blacks together. Fact MLK was youngest person to win Nobel Peace Prize.
It was one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it was the greatest speech of freedom ever given. I think that the most memorable part of this speech is when Martin Luther King Jr. is saying that soon everyone will be free and soon everyone will be able to do the things that they once could not. The overall meaning of this speech is that everyone deserves freedom and that the Constitution says that everyone would be free. Didn't they leave to build America so they could have freedom and more rights? Martin Luther King Jr.'s purpose in creating this speech is to tell everyone that they need freedom. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4th, 1968 by gunshot.
Bethany McPherson - Pd. 4 and 5
This is a famous speech because it combined mankind. From two sperate races to equal one. I find it most memorable when he just says," I Have a Dream". It just shows that he really cares and that he just desires for them to be united as one. His purpose is to prove that no race is better than the other. A fact about him is that he was shot and killed on April 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tenssee.
McKenna Kelley 4-5
i have a dream is one of the most famous speeches because the message that MLK was trying to send is a very important messsage and was a huge epidemic back when his message was deleivered. The part I find is most memorable is were he is repeatedly saying I have a dream. The overall meaning is that god created us all equal. He made this speech to send a message that no matter what race or gender you are everyone should be treated with equal manner. One fact about MLK is that he was killed in Memphis before he was bout to give a speech.
This is one of Martin Luther King Junior’s most famous speeches because it was the speech that made him well known and because he was stating that slavery was wrong and he wanted to abolish it. The part of the speech that was most memorable was when he said, “'I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." and when he said, “I have a dream today.”
The overall meaning is ‘I have a dream that the world will be a better place’. His purpose was to inform the world that slavery is wrong and he wants to do something about it. One fact about Martin Luther King Junior is his father was a Baptist minister and he followed in his footsteps.
Kayla DeLorenzo
4th and 5th period
This speech is the most famous speech ever delivered because he showed the world a new way of live that teached all people are equal and your should love them for they quallitys. My favorite part in his speech is when he says "I have a dream that my 4 little childern will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character".His purpose is to show the work that the color of your skin doesnt difine you.Everything beneath it does.He is introducing a new way of life to all and showing that blacks and whites can & should be together in all that we do.He was born into a family of pastors and also became a pastor for many years.
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is basically what made the blacks and the whites to become as one. I think the part of the speech that is most memorable to me is when Martin Luther King says, "When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last!" free at last! that God almighty, we are free at last!" I think the overall meaning of this speech is that whites and blacks aren't all that different that were all children of God. And that one day the blacks and whites would become friends and nothing can stop that. FACT: Martin Luther King was assasinated at 6:01 PM in Mephis, Tennessee on a balcony while making a speech.
Kasey Curtis
This is one of the most famous speeches ever because he states that "black and whites are all equal" For the most part the most memorable part would be "Great god almighty we are free at last." This speech means that blacks and whites are equal and the same there not just different because of skin color. He wanted all blacks treated the same as whites. FACT: He graduated from Morehead college.
Izaiha John 4/5
"I have a dream" is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is the speech that he was leading a battle for equal rights for blacks and this was the speech that demonstrated his dream. I personally, do not have a favorite part of the speech because all of it is equally important and all adds up to making history! The overall meaning of this speech is that all people should treated equally no matter what ethnicity they are. I believe that Martin Luther King's purpose in making this speech is to make his dream livable. He wants everyone to see that blacks should not be judged because of their skin color. Martin Luther King In 1957 he was elected president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
Martina Edgell
4-5th pd.
This speech became important is because it aloud Negros to become free and Independent people like the white man at this time. I find his speech memorable mostly because it had used his vocabulary excellently and quoting the historically great people and the emancipation proclamation in just the correct way to get his point acrossed. Although I remember his speech for these reasons I disliked that he used "I have a dream" and "let freedom ring" a little too excessively. The overall purpose and reason for his speech is to declare blacks new found rights and independences. It was also to represent the voice of each and every individual black man and women in the country, him and his words representing the country. seems like a lot of pressure to me. Fun fact: Martin Luther King skipped two years of high School and Graduated college within 4 years with Bachelors degree.
The speech delivered by martin luther king jr is the most famous one is because it freed all slaves from all of what they had to go through. I found that the part that he said I have a dream was my most merorable. To frre black people from slavery. To make is point on that slavery reqally had no point, because all people should be treated farly and not spat on or called names. Dr Martin Luther king skipped 2 years of high school and went to college for 4 years and got his bachleors degree.
jacob work
2nd and 3rd period
This is one of the most important speeches ever made because it was what gave the blacks there freedom for slavery. The part I remember most was when he always said I have a dream before he said what he felt. That we should not treat other the way they treated blacks. So that the black will all ways have their freedom and that no other races turn against each other. On December 5, King became the president of the Montgomery Improvement Association and the bus boycott began.
This is one of the most famous speeches ever stated because it was important and Martin Luther King wanted blacks and whites to be able to live together. I believe that the most memorable part of that speech was when he said " I have a dream." I believe that the overall meaning of this speech was that all people can live together in peace. Dr Martin Luther King was assasinated while stating a speech.
This speech is maybe one of the most famous speech in history. It help stop segregation. And it made people think what the world would be like if we were one people instead of being divided. It also, made people think of their dreams and what could be accomplished if we try to make our dreams come true. We should like someone for who they are not their race. Whether they are chinese, or Indian, and so. We should also, like someone for who they are instead of their religon. Whether they are chathlic, christian and so on.
The reason this is the most remebered speech because a black man said it. The part that I like the best. Is the first time he said I gave a dream. The reason he said the speech was beacuse he wanted everybody to get along. For people to understand each other. The point f it all was for white and blacks to get along. White and black kids to go to the same school.
The reason this is the most remebered speech because a black man said it. The part that I like the best. Is the first time he said I gave a dream. The reason he said the speech was beacuse he wanted everybody to get along. For people to understand each other. The point f it all was for white and blacks to get along. White and black kids to go to the same school.
This is one of the most famous speeches because it was when the whites and african americans came together as one. it was one of the most worst time they were beat and neglated by the officers
This speech is one of the mose famous speeches ever because it is the speech that helped black and white people come together. The part that stood out most to me in the speech is that when Martin Luther King said that blacks were not free for one hundred years and after another one hundred years they still were not free. The overall meaning of this speech is to tell white people and black people that there are no differences between the people in the world and that we all should get along. The purpose of this speech being made is so that everybody in the world would be equal.
Dalton Okel 4th/5th
This is one of the most famous speeches ever because MLKJ wanted to make people believe that everyone is eqaul. Mainly I realy think that the whole speach is memorable. The overall meaning was to get people to like each other. MLKJ made this speech to let everyone know that every person in the world are equal. He was assasinated in Tennessee
This is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is what combined the blacks and whites. I don't necessarily have a favorite part, but I like the way that he repeats "I have a dream." This stays in your head and really makes you think. I think the overall meaning of this speech is that we are all created equal and viewed the same in the eyes of god. FACT: Martin Luther King is the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
Lauren Massacci 4/5pd
I think that this is one of the most famous speeches ever because it basicly united blacks and whites and took most of the segrigation out of the picture. Also I think that the mosy memorable parts of this speech is when Marten Luther King Jr. said "I have a drean." I beleive that the dtotal meaning of this speech was to creat less tention between blacks and whites so that we can live peicful equal lives right beside each other. Also I beleive that he made this speech was to show that over all surcomstances him andothers will stand and fight for what they believe is right. Marten Luther King was assassinated on a hotel balcony after making this speech.
This speech is so powerful because it made blacks and whites become a whole. The most memorable part in my eyes is when he says this speech will go down in history. The meaning is about how we are all the same, and none are different, so we shouldn't act as so. The purpose is so that we would all become a group, and segregation would be abolished. A fact is he graduated from Morehead college.
This speech is one of the ost famous speeches delivered because it was what brought the blacks and whites together without violence. I found the famous quote, "I have a dream," to be the most memorable part of the speech. The meaning of the speech was that Marting Luther King Jr. had a dream of seeing the blacks and whites together without fighting. His purpose in this speech was to have his dream to be fulfilled. Martin Luther King was assasinated in Tennessee.
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is basically what made the blacks and the whites become one. When he stated I have a Dream. to get black and white to become equal. He got shot.
Because it asked why can't blacks and white get along and that and to fight for freedom. When he said that he has a dream that blacks and whites would go to school and play together. To not judge a person for the color of their skin. He started to realize segregation at a young age.
This is one of the most famous speeches ever because it was the start of the end to segrigation. I can't remember any of the parts beside's 'I have a Dream". To intergrat blacks and whites. From an early age he thout it was unfair to blaks that they should be segragated from whites.
It is the most famous speech because it brought the blacks and wites togetther. The part I remember the best is when he said I Have A Dream, I think that is the most famous part of the whole speech. The meaning of this speech is to free the blacks and whites together and let them do things together again and be free. The blacks and whites can become friends again and not get in rtouble for it. Marthur Luther was assasinated in Memphis, Tennesse on a balcony while making his speech.
one of the of the best speeches ever delivered was the getties burg address by linclon.thepart i find memorable was all of it because he showed the love for our country and this brought are nation back together. the meaning of this sppech is to show tha dr.king wanted to stop the segration so that we can all live in a peaceful place where we all help one another. Dr.king was killed in memphis,tennesse.
I think it is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered, because it caused alot of the major Civil Rights issues, become way smaller. Also it made both sides of the Civil Rights Movement understand eachother. The part I find most memprable is when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said the most famous words of the speech "I Have A Dream" The overall meaning in this speech is that everyone should be equal, and no race or religon should be inferior to any other. His purpose was too try to make everone equal. One fact about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is he was one of the most famous Civil Rights people.
Austin Ferguson
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is basically what made people stop and think. Then brought black and whites together. The main mart that I remember is when he starts out and says "I have a dream." I think that the overall meaning is that people shouldn't be treated differently just because of lookds or skin color. We all are humans no matter what and are the same on the inside. The main purpose was trying to get people to understand we aren't different because of skin color and that we all should be treated equally. One fact about MLK is he was born on ..Jan, 15 1929
JoMarie Bogard
4/5th period
his is one of the most famous speeches of time because this was a big part of stopping segregation. I will always find it memorable that Martin Luther King Jr honors abraham lincolhn in his " I Have A Dream ' Speech. The overall meaning of this speech was to say that they stopped slavery for all to be treated equal but all are not treated equal when segregation is in the mix segegation means the practice or policy of creating separate facilities within the same society for the use of a minority group in other words the caucasion people had better treatment in society thn the african americans
This is one of the most famous speeches delivered because it told the black and whites that we need to treat each other equally. The most memorable part was when he said "All men are created equally!" The main meaning of this part is we were all created by the same god. We need to treat others like we want to be treated. He wanted everyone to become friends and not fight all the time. FACT: Dr. King was assisinated on a balcony while making a speech.
This is one of the most famous speeches ever wrote because it was important,and Martin Luther King wanted blacks and whites to be able to be together. I think that the best part of that speech was when he said " I have a dream." I think that the meaning of this speech was that all people can live together in peace. Martin Luther King was assasinated while stating a speech. Even though he died, he is still famous.
This is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it is what made the blacks and whites become one. The part of the speech i find most memorable is when he said " I have a dream " I think thats the most memorable part because its the name of the speech. A fact about Martin Luther King was assasinated in Memphis, Tennesse while making a speech.
This speech is one of the most famous speeches ever because it is basically what made the blacks and the whites become one. When Martin Luther King said I have a dream. He is saying that he has a dream that all whites and blacks would get along.
It is one of the most famous speeches ever delivered because it has drastically changed our world today. Without that speech, our world would probably still be segregated.I think the most memorable part of the speech is: "When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!". The overall meaning of the speech is to be free and have blacks and whites become friends. His purpose in saying this speech was to stop segregation and have more freedom than they did. MLK was assassinated at 6:01 pm in Memphis Tennesse on a balcony while making a speech.
Elizabeth Tennant (:
4th/5th period
The reason why this is one of the most famous speeches is that it brought black people and white people together to live in harmoney. I think it is the I have a dream part of the speech. To bring evrybody together and dont worry about the color of each others skin. To tell everybody that they need to get along with each other no matter what the color of there skin is because he wanted to live in a country that everybody lived together in peace and that is why he had hi speech.
This speech is one of the most famous because it was about how someone had a dream and actually took the time to get it into peoples heads. and it made us all realize that everyone is the same we just look different. I found that parts where he talks about how he has a dream that both black and whites will be able to go to school together and live in unity. The overall meaning is that we all are different but the same on the inside. that we shouldn't b against our own humanity just because of a different face. FACT. Dr. King was assassinated while during one of his speeches.
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