I make my home a better place by cleaning up so that my family has more time to spend together. I make my family a better family by trying to organize game nights. I contribute to WMFS by being in science honorary and student council so that we can help clean up around the school. I honestly don't do much for the community but I could try to work at the soup opera to help feed the needy and cloth them. Helping the world starts at home, donating to a needy cause is something that I could do for the world. It's the small things that count. I would consider myself both a taker and a giver. To be honest I think I probably take more than I give and that needs to change. Maddi Craig2-3 Period
I make my home a better place by doing dishes, washing clothes, and cleaning our room so that not only us can enjoy a clean house but also the guest that we have. I make my family a better family by trying to get everyone to go to a movie or go bowling. I contribute to WFMS by use to being in Choir. Also I try to show my pride.I make teh community a better place by helping clean up. A contribution to making the world a better place is by trying to get a group or a club to help clean up the beaches.I am both.Kasey CurtisPeriod:4/5
I try to make my home a better place all of the time. I do this by helping my mom when she needs me and cleaning the house. I try to make my family a better family by having my family watch a movie together or play a game together. I try to make WFMS a better place by helping people out and trying to cheer people up if they are upset. I could just be kind to everyone in the world to make it a better place. Sometimes I am a taker, but I try to be a giver. Sarah Topardo4/5 period
I make my home a better place by helping my mom clean up around the house when she asks me to help her. I try to make my family better by watching a movie, or playing a board game. I try to make WFMS better by cheering someone up when there sad or just need somebody to talk to. I could try to be nice to everyone. Sometimes Im probably a taker, but I try my harderst to be a giver.Abby Williams (: 7th & 8th
I make my home a better place by, helping clean up the house, so we can have more family time. I make my family a better family, by helping everyone out as much as I can, and also by telling everyone to be nice to each other, and more respectful. I make WFMS a better school by, going to all of the after school activities, and also making the honor roll. I honestly don't do much for the community, but I would really like to start helping, though. To make a better contribution to the world, I would try to start, some type of group, or club, and go around helping local businesses, and other organizations. Honestly, I’m a taker, but I would like to be a giver. -Samanthe Bolling(: 2nd & 3rd period.
I try to make my home a better place by help claning up the house with my parents. I make my family a better family by telling my parents and brother to get along when they arrugue. I contribute to WFMS by playing on the 8th grade basketball team.I make the community A better place by helping older people. I am going to start recycling. Im more of a taker.
I make my home a better place in so many ways, for example I clean and help my mom and dad do things around the house. I talk to my mom and dad about things and we do alot of things together like sled ride and watch tv and play wii. I dont do much for school, or the the communtity. But you could help old ladys cross the street, or help out at a soup kitchen.
I always try to keep the house clean so my parents are happy. I always try to keep my parents happy, so when they come home, we can all have a good conversation. I am in student council, so I suggest ways to earn money so we can have dances, or just fun things. I always am friendly to everyone, which puts people in a good mood. I can always donate cloths to good will to help little kids, or even adults. I am about the same of a taker, or giver. But I might take more than I give, but my hearts still in the right place! Michael Shaw4th-5th period
By having love in the house makes home a better place. By having love in the family makes a family better and stronger. My being good conttributes to WFMS. by not litteriong make a community better. I'm a giver.
I make my house a better place by helping clean and take care of it. I make my family a better family by spending more time with them and trying to help them with everything. I contribute to WFMS by being in student council and science honorary. These clubs help our school and help keep it looking its best. To make my community a better place I could help clean along the sides of the roads and many other things. I could make a contribution to the world by doing little things here and there to help my family, friends, community, and school. I’m both but I should be more of a giver than a taker.Sean Riggleman Eng. Pd. 4-5
I make my house a better place by helping my family clean it up and not leave anything on the floor. I make family a better family by spending a lot of time with them. I contribute West Fairmont Middle School by being in Science Honorary. These clubs help are school look like a better place. I make my community by cleaning it up and not littering. I would contribution to the world by doing little things in my town like cleaning the community and keeping our schools clean. I am both a taker and a giver.
I make my home a better place by helping around the house and cleaning. I make my family better by putting humor into it. To make WFMS a better place I contribute by being nice, polite, and help others if they need help. Also, to be a good roll model being an eighth grader. I make the community a better place by not littering. To make a greater contribution to the world I could help others more. I would say i'm a taker and a giver, I feel if someone were to help you out, you should go help someone else. 4th and 5th Sam Tonkovich
I make my home a better place for me and my family by cleaning up every day. I try to make my family better by sitting down all together and eating dinner every night. I contribute to WFMS by being in science homorary to help other people. I dont do much for the community. I put flags on the graves for the veterans at veterans day. I should try to do more for my community. Helping the world starts at my house. Then it goes to the community. It is the small things that count. I would consider myself as both a taker and a giver. I probly give more then I take.
I make my house a better place by doing the dishes. I take the dog out. I clean the house everynow and then. Some times i do the lundry. I make my family better by helping them do what they have to do every day. I dont do anything here at school but be a student. comunitty i dont litter i guess that helps out.
My home is a better place when I clean what I do so that my mother does have to go back and do it this helps us spend more time together. I help make my family be better by doing what I am told and do extra thing to help out. I help make WFMS better by have school spirit and not making a mess. I really can think of what I do to make the community better. I think what I could do to be a better contribution to the world is help by donating my old clothes or food the Union mission. I think I am more of a taker than a giver and that should be.
I make my home a better place by doing chores, and helping my family around the house. I make my family a better family by not causing fights and spending time with them. I contribute to WFMS by being in science honarary and trying to be friends with everyone so we all get along. To help the community I try to not litter. To make a greater contribute to the world I could try to keep world peace and try to get all peopleto recycle so it'd last longer. I'm also a little bit of both a taker and giver, usually I'm the giver though. JoMarie Bogard4/5th Period
I make my home a better place by keeping it clean and try to stay away from arguments and drama. At WFMS, I get the best grades i can get and I stay being a positive person overall. I recycle to make the community a better place. I am a giver.
I make my home a better place by cleaning up after myself, clean my room, sometimes I unload the dishwasher. I give box tops to nake wfms a better place. I help people when they need help. I could recycle, be a better person, and help out more in the house. Im a giver.jacob work 2nd and 3rd
I make my home a better place by keeping my room clean and taking out the recycling. I try to help my family become a better one by trying to schedule things to where we can have a family gathering. I try to make WFMS a better school by doing things in this school that would not really be recognized, but gets done. I try to make the community a better place by not littering. I could go and adopt a highway. I consider myself a taker AND a giver, because i sometimes take things without doing anything, but i also give to the community sometimes.
I make my home a better place by keeping my room cleaned and turning off my t.v and lights off when im not there. I make my family a better family by trying to organize all my events so there is no havak. I make WFMS a better school by picking up trash and pencils in the hallway. I make my community better by cleaning up garbage from in peoples yard's. I could put recycling bins at all schools and on every block. I am a giver. Izaiha John 4/5
I make my home a better place in very many various ways such as doing laundry when my parents are sick, folding laundry and putting it away, washing dishes, cleaning my room, and a few other things without being told. I also make my family a better family by having movie nights and when we have a problem or quarrel with another family member, I have a family meeting to get everything off our chests. I try to make WFMS a better place by tutoring other students with their assignments, being polite to everyone, and being a good friend to everyone. I make the community a better place by volunteers at various charities and different organizations. I really do not know exactly how to make a contribution to the world but I just want to make a difference. I am a giver not a taker but I will take what I am given.Kayla DeLorenzo4th and 5th period
I help make my home a better place by; shoveling snow, and occasionally rinsing my dishes. I make my family a better family, by keeping my dad happy, he loves it when I clean up the dishes, instead of him. The contribution I make to WFMS is, I’ve cleaned up garbage around the school, and I’ve also weeded all the flower beds, with student council. I make the community a better place, by helping my school and not littering. I could make an amazing contribution to helping this earth by not littering, reusing, recycling, giving money to foundations, and clean our beaches.
I make my home a better place by helping my mom, dad, or sister whenever they need help. I make my family a better family by spending time together and making them laugh. I help make WFMS a better school by being obedient, doing my work, and being respectful. I make my community a better place by volunteering from time to time and by picking up litter. I could take more time to recycle more. I think I'm both a taker and giver.
I make my home a better place by reducing, reusing, and recycling. I recycle every can, container, or paper that could be recycled. I make my family a better family by encouraging them and reminding them to do simple thing like turn off the wtaer while brushing your teeth or take shorter showers. I contribute to WFMS by being in Science Honorary and having cleanups for our school. I make the community a better place by volunteering last summer at the Boys and Girls Club where we did group projects to help the environment and community. I could do a lot of different things to make the world a better place like volunteering to do something good for our community. Honestly I can say that I am more of a taker than a giver.Elizabeth Tennant- 4th/5th
dersI make my home a better place by washing dishes, taking out the trash, fedding my dogs and cleaning my room daily. I make my family a better family getting yelled at so my brother doesn't. I do not really make wfms a better school. I could make my community a better place by cleaning up trash. I am both a taker and a giver because if someone came up to me and asked for 2 dollars i would give it to them and if someone gave me 100$ for no reason i would take i.
I make my home a better place by doing chores,obeying my mother,and helping my mom after school.I treat the teachers with respect.I recycle.I am a giver definitly.
I try to make my home a better place by helping my parents and being nice. I try making my family a better family by trying to get us to send as much time as we can together. My contribution to WFMS is being in science honorary so that I can help our school in any way I can. I really do not do that much for our community .To help making our world a better place I could help give to needy causes. I am both a taker and a giver. In my opinion I am mostly a giver. Holly Bogdanich 4th/5th
i make my home a better place by cleaning up after myself. i make my family a better fmaily by getting along with them. i try to be nice to everyone and make everyones day better by just saying hi, or complementing them. i try to make the community better by throwing my trash away in trash cans so i dont junk up the state. i could make the world better by setting example and maybe people will catch on and continue this action. i am both. i LOVE to give on Christmas becasue i love to see the reaction and how happy they are. i love to make people feel good about themselves. but i also like to get stuff for myself (;mckenna kelley 4-5
My home is a great place but to make it even better I help around the house witthe dishes,the laundry and sometimes the garbage.This not only keeps my house tidy but also keeps our lives in order.I spend ALOT of time with my family and we communicate very well.If I every have any issues with my peers , I know I always have someone to talk to!To make WFMS a better school, I'm always helping with student council evens and I also am aleays helping new students find there way around.I have also been helping 5th graders in the halls.My community is very important to me & I am in 4-H which does alot for the comunity.We do alot of communtiy clean ups and we help alot of the needy!I'm not sure what i could to to help the world but one day I hope to make a change!I am a taker alot of the time but when I'm given something I try to be greatful.At the same cost I am also a HUGE giver!(:-olivia Wilson4th&5th period
I can make my house a better place by cleaning up around the place. My family can't be any better than it is now. To make WFMS a better place is to get rid of all the trouble makers in the school and clean up the school every month. To make the community a better place you can clean around the highways and get rid of landfills. Recycling would be a good contribution to the world.I'm sort of both a taker and giver, but I need to be a giver.T. Nebrough7-8 periods
To make my home a better place I try to keep it clean. To make my family a better family I try to love every one even when thy are getting on my nerves, and help my siblings with homework. I also try to support my siblings with their sports and activities. I contribute to WFMS by being in Science Honorary,playing sports, and geting good grades. I have went to the soup kitchen before and I have given to good will. I could contribute to the world by recycling, just being a good example to others, and helping others with their problems. I think I am a taker and a giver but I think I am mostly a taker.
I clean my room. We spend a lot of time together. I play sports and act like a good student. I don't litter or anything like that to my community. I could stop all of the fighting in the world. I am both a taker and a giver.
I make my home a better place by being nice and helping clean up. I make my family a better family by being a good kid and not disrespecting them. I am in science honorary and I help teachers sometimes and that contributes to the school. I don’t really do anything to help the community. I will invent something that will help the world in the long run. I am more of a taker then a giver. I shouldn’t be this way but I think mostly everyone is the same in that category. Maybe I am wrong but I am not real sure.
I make my home a better place because I clean up around the house and unload the dishwasher. I don’t know how I make my family better. I make a contribution to WFMS by being in Science Honorary. I can’t think of anything I do for the community. There are many different things that I could do for the world, I guess. I am both a taker and a giver, but I mostly take more than I give.Abby Cooper7/8th period
To make my home a better place I try to help out around the house such as cleaning and doing the dishes. To make my family a better family they all get to catch up with each other when they come to my basketball games or tennis matches. The things I do to make WFMS a better school I try to really help out kids that are having trouble as well as I try to be someone anybody and everybody can talk to. I shovel they snow for the elderly people in my neighborhood for free. I would really like to be an NBA player and if I am I would do my best to be a very good role model for all the kids. I would say am more of taker than a giver.
I do a lor of things to make my house a better place such as, picking up, dusting, vaccuuming, and doing dishes. I make my family a better family by making sure that we spend time together doing activites like watching movies. I contribute to WFMS by being in Science Honorary and Chior. I don't really do to much for the cominuity, but I could pick up trash off the ground, recycle, and maybe vounteer at the Soup Opera. Honestly I think I am more of a taker than a giver, but I am going to do everything I can to change this.
I make my home better by doing my chores. I do the dishes, clean the house take care of the dog, and other things.
There are many things that I do to make my home a better home. I always help my parents by taking care of the dog, doing laundry, and keeping my room tidy. I make my family a better family by caring for my brother and giving respect to my parents all of the time. I am the Student Council president of WFMS so I always love to make contributions to my school. I help plant a new garden for open house, I help decorate a float for the Chrsitmas parade and do all the things I can to make our school a great place to be. A way that I make the community a better place is to help clean up the streets and volunteer at the Soup Opera very often. Something that I could do to make a contribution to the world is to help find a cure for cancer so that more people can live their lives longer. I would say that I am in between a giver and a taker.Dalton Okel 4th/5th Period
I make my home a better place by cleaning my room and sometimes the bathroom. I make my family a better family by convincing everybody that it’s okay to go out and eat sometimes, or to go watch a movie. I don't do much for my school unless you count having good grades and turning my work in on time. I don't do much for my community either, but I could do something by donating food to the soup opera, or recycling. To make the world a better place, I could recycle, or plant a garden in the backyard. I'm more of a taker because I take a lot, and sometimes give very little in return.
I make my home a better place by helping my family clean up around the house. I contribute to my family by getting along with my brother. I participate in science honorary to help my school, plus I'm in Golden Horseshoe which means I could possibly win an award for the school. For the community, I recycle. To make the world a better place, I could start volunteering where I'm needed. I'm honestly a taker, but in the future, I will start to give more.
I make my home a better place by cleaning up my messes. I make my family a better family by just me being there for them. I contribute to WMFS by being in student council. I really don't do a lot for the community, but I could try to do more things in the future. I think that helping the world starts with halping at home. You could do this by giving things to the needy, and going to the soup opera to help prepare the food or the people who are less fortunate. I think I would consider myself both a taker and a giver. But really, I think that I take to much and don't give enough back.brooklyn nuzum.2 & 3 period.
I make my home a better place by cleaning up around the house and keeping my dogs off of the couch and chairs. I make my family a better family by resolving issues and problems in my family. I make WFMS a better school by being in extra curricular activities in school. I really don't do much for the community but I would like to help out. I could help the homeless and do a whole bunch of other things too. I am basically a give and a taker because I do both a lot.
I make my home a better place by keeping everything in line. Since my mom doesn't live with me I am pretty much the mother of the house, being the oldest. I ignore my sister when she tries to start an arguement and I try to agree withh everyones opinions. I make the school a better place by playing sports and being in clubs. To help the community I use environment-friendly products, and I recycle. A contribution to make this world a better place would be carpooling or riding my bike to kore places. I think I am a giver because I try to help the people who need if I can.
I help my parents with wharever thay tell me to do. I clean my room to make it nice. I always help my familt in anyway they need help. I help out at the school by being in the science honary and bring in things to help in fund rasiers. I could help make the world a better place by helping clean up trash a long the roads. I am both a taker and giver and I like them both the same amount. Jayce Riley 4/5th period
I sometimes make my home a beter place by helpin my mom clean up or just helping my sistrs with theirhomework so my parents wil have more time to theirselves. I make my family a better family by making sure that we all gather around the dinner table when it is time for dinner. I contribute to WFMS by beng kind and caring to people when I see them in the hallways. Just a simple flash of a smile to some one could easily brighten their day. I make the community a better place by sometimes being in community theatre. I could mak e a great contribution to the world by maybe taking a trip to somewhere that is going through poverty and deliver food to them. I think that I am for the most part a giver. I love helping people and brightening their days.
To make your home a better place you have to keep it clean. If you want to make your family better you have to be nice to each other and not yell all the time. You could donate money to contribute to WFMS. To make the community a better place you must do things such as recycling. Also to make the world better you can still recycle. You could try to make peace with everyone, too. I’m both.
You could make your home a better place by helping the environment, the people in your environment, and bringing peace to the world. You could make your family a better place by spending more time with them. I try to make West Fairmont Middle School a better school by picking up any trash that I see on the floor and avoiding gossip and drama. I make the community a better place by helping everyone I see, shoveling my neighbor's driveways, and doing things in the community. You could make a greater contribution to the world by helping the environment. I am a giver.Bethany McPherson pd. 4 and 5
I try to make my home a better place all of the time. I do this by helping my mom when she needs me and i can help her with the cleaning or cooking.
I make my home a better place by bringing joy to my mother and to the family making the house less glomy.I don't really to anything to help the school because I'm new and don't know much on what to do but I guess I help friends. I do not know the community therefore im not able to help.I could help by making a entertaining and highly educational video game. I am a giver.
I make my home a better place by helping my parents with my brother and keeping the house clean.I make my family a better family by having game and movie nights. I contribute to WFMS by being positive. I honestly don't do anything to make the community a better place, but I should start. To make a greater contribution to the world I would like to donate clothes and other needs to the homeless and less fortunate. I am both a taker and a giver. I probably take a lot more than I give, but I would like to change that.Daisha velez5-6 period
I make my home a better place by always picking up around the house and helping my mom cook. I make my family better by always asking everyone if they want to watch movies. I contribute o WFMS by being nice and polite to everyone I know. I don't really do much for the community. A way I could make the world a better place is by helping out around my community. I guess i'm kind of a taker but sometimes I am a giver.Megan McCullough7&8th period
You make a home a better place by showing love to evryone in the house and bring God into the home. I show WFMS pride in my action and in my school work. You can make a communtiy better by expreesing a helpful hand and love. I could stop polluting the world and bring people together. I am a giver not a taker because i love to give.
I make my home a better place by doing my chores. I always help with the dishes and put away my laundry. My family and I are usually really good about spending time together; we always watch movies and play games. I contribute to WFMS by helping clean out the flower beds at the begining of the year. I also keep my grades up to represent my school. I usually don't do much for my community, but I guess I could voulenteer. To make a better contribution to the world, I could recycle and donate things that I don't need. I wouldn't consider myslef a taker or a giver. I believe what comes around goes around, so I consider myself balanced.
I can make my home a better place by doing my chores. I can make my family a better family by trying to get along with each other. We can make WFMS a better school by doing more outdoor activities. We can make a better community a better place by recycling. We can make a contribution to the world by planting trees in the places of destroyed ones. I am a giver. especially to those in need. Alex Harris2/3 Period
I make my home a better place by cleaning up the house so that parents have more free time after work. I make my family a better family by trying to have movie nights. I play on the football and played on the basketball team as well. I do not litter. Turn off the lights and t.v. when I am not in my room. I am more of a taker.
I make my home a better place by completing my chores doing what im told. I make my family better by not talking back do that m parents dont get upset with me. I have not done much to contribute to WFMS. I contribut by recycling in my community.I could recycle more than I already do. I am a taker
I make my home a better place by cleaning up the house. I make my family a better family by helping them with there problems. I make my school a better place by not bullling anyone. I make the community a better place by cleaning the garbage on the streets. I ccan make the world a better place by going green. I am a giver.
You can try to get alog with the rest of your family. you can speend more time together like at the end of the day. I try to help other people and be a good student. I clean up the mess when we have a windy day and clean up the trash that is blown around. I dount realy know. I don't mind if poeple give me stuff, but I always give stuff bake.
I make my home a better place by cleaning it. I try to get them not to argue alot. Try to get rid of bullying. Don't litter. Try to not make mistakes. I'm sort of both.
I make my home a better place by helping my mom clean the house and doning the dishes so my mom can get a break once and awhile.but when i help my mom see will take me and my family to eat out when we wont to.iam lucky to have food because people in other countries have no home or little to know food on there table if i could i would help. i would give them new clothes and a new house they do not go hungry or die because over 20000 kids die a day do to no food.
I try to make my home a better place all of the time. I do this by helping my mom when she needs me and cleaning the house. I try to make my family a better family by having my family watch a movie together or play a game together. I try to make wfms a better place by helping people out and trying to cheer people up if they are upset. I could just be kind to everyone in the world to make it a better place.
I make my home a better place by trying not to fight with my little sister. I also make my family a better family by helping my parents out. I contribute to WFMS by being a good student. I make my community a better place by being nice to my neighbors. I could be a better student and citizen to make the world a better place. I am probobly a taker.Austin Ferguson7/8
My Family makes our home better by having a housekeeper so we dont have to clean up and we get to spend more time to gether we also eat out everynight there for we ahve to eat dinner together. The contributions i make to wfms are by student council every year the officer and executive board members clean up the flower beds and remulch. I make contridutions to the communityby donating clotheing and canned food. I think that i could probably get bettr in all areas eaning family school and the community
I clean to make my house better. I don't argue to make my family better. I contribute to my school by doing the best that i can. I don't reslly do aything for the community.
I make my home a better place by helping around the house and doing as much as i can. I make my family a better family by always being myself and nothin different. I make WFMS a better place by listenig to the teachers and following the rules. I make the community a better place by helping keep it clean. Like one day me and my neighbors just took one day and cleaned up my neighborhood and whoever help got to go get ice cream with everybody. I had fun that day. I wouldn't litter or do anything that could harm the earth. I think i am a giver. I always try to help people if they need it and i ask for nothin in return.
I make my home a better place by doing my chores so my parents dont get mad at me. i make my family a better family by planning a movie night or something like that. I normally dont make the community a better place but once at school i helped plant the trees out side and flowers in Mrs. Angelos class. I normally am a taker but i would like to be more of a giver.
By helping my grandma, dad, and mom around there houses. By spending all the time I can posably spend with them. Be as respectful as I can to all teachers and staff. I could plant more trees and take more responsiblity for my actions that could affect the earth in a negative way. And I think that I am alittle of both and try to be more of a giver than a taker.
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I make my home a better place by cleaning up so that my family has more time to spend together. I make my family a better family by trying to organize game nights. I contribute to WMFS by being in science honorary and student council so that we can help clean up around the school. I honestly don't do much for the community but I could try to work at the soup opera to help feed the needy and cloth them. Helping the world starts at home, donating to a needy cause is something that I could do for the world. It's the small things that count. I would consider myself both a taker and a giver. To be honest I think I probably take more than I give and that needs to change.
Maddi Craig
2-3 Period
I make my home a better place by doing dishes, washing clothes, and cleaning our room so that not only us can enjoy a clean house but also the guest that we have. I make my family a better family by trying to get everyone to go to a movie or go bowling. I contribute to WFMS by use to being in Choir. Also I try to show my pride.I make teh community a better place by helping clean up. A contribution to making the world a better place is by trying to get a group or a club to help clean up the beaches.I am both.
Kasey Curtis
I try to make my home a better place all of the time. I do this by helping my mom when she needs me and cleaning the house. I try to make my family a better family by having my family watch a movie together or play a game together. I try to make WFMS a better place by helping people out and trying to cheer people up if they are upset. I could just be kind to everyone in the world to make it a better place. Sometimes I am a taker, but I try to be a giver.
Sarah Topardo
4/5 period
I make my home a better place by helping my mom clean up around the house when she asks me to help her. I try to make my family better by watching a movie, or playing a board game. I try to make WFMS better by cheering someone up when there sad or just need somebody to talk to. I could try to be nice to everyone. Sometimes Im probably a taker, but I try my harderst to be a giver.
Abby Williams (:
7th & 8th
I make my home a better place by, helping clean up the house, so we can have more family time. I make my family a better family, by helping everyone out as much as I can, and also by telling everyone to be nice to each other, and more respectful. I make WFMS a better school by, going to all of the after school activities, and also making the honor roll. I honestly don't do much for the community, but I would really like to start helping, though. To make a better contribution to the world, I would try to start, some type of group, or club, and go around helping local businesses, and other organizations. Honestly, I’m a taker, but I would like to be a giver.
-Samanthe Bolling(:
2nd & 3rd period.
I try to make my home a better place by help claning up the house with my parents. I make my family a better family by telling my parents and brother to get along when they arrugue. I contribute to WFMS by playing on the 8th grade basketball team.I make the community A better place by helping older people. I am going to start recycling. Im more of a taker.
I make my home a better place in so many ways, for example I clean and help my mom and dad do things around the house. I talk to my mom and dad about things and we do alot of things together like sled ride and watch tv and play wii. I dont do much for school, or the the communtity. But you could help old ladys cross the street, or help out at a soup kitchen.
I always try to keep the house clean so my parents are happy. I always try to keep my parents happy, so when they come home, we can all have a good conversation. I am in student council, so I suggest ways to earn money so we can have dances, or just fun things. I always am friendly to everyone, which puts people in a good mood. I can always donate cloths to good will to help little kids, or even adults. I am about the same of a taker, or giver. But I might take more than I give, but my hearts still in the right place!
Michael Shaw
4th-5th period
By having love in the house makes home a better place. By having love in the family makes a family better and stronger. My being good conttributes to WFMS. by not litteriong make a community better. I'm a giver.
I make my house a better place by helping clean and take care of it. I make my family a better family by spending more time with them and trying to help them with everything. I contribute to WFMS by being in student council and science honorary. These clubs help our school and help keep it looking its best. To make my community a better place I could help clean along the sides of the roads and many other things. I could make a contribution to the world by doing little things here and there to help my family, friends, community, and school. I’m both but I should be more of a giver than a taker.
Sean Riggleman Eng. Pd. 4-5
I make my house a better place by helping my family clean it up and not leave anything on the floor. I make family a better family by spending a lot of time with them. I contribute West Fairmont Middle School by being in Science Honorary. These clubs help are school look like a better place. I make my community by cleaning it up and not littering. I would contribution to the world by doing little things in my town like cleaning the community and keeping our schools clean. I am both a taker and a giver.
I make my home a better place by helping around the house and cleaning. I make my family better by putting humor into it. To make WFMS a better place I contribute by being nice, polite, and help others if they need help. Also, to be a good roll model being an eighth grader. I make the community a better place by not littering. To make a greater contribution to the world I could help others more. I would say i'm a taker and a giver, I feel if someone were to help you out, you should go help someone else.
4th and 5th
Sam Tonkovich
I make my home a better place for me and my family by cleaning up every day. I try to make my family better by sitting down all together and eating dinner every night. I contribute to WFMS by being in science homorary to help other people. I dont do much for the community. I put flags on the graves for the veterans at veterans day. I should try to do more for my community. Helping the world starts at my house. Then it goes to the community. It is the small things that count. I would consider myself as both a taker and a giver. I probly give more then I take.
I make my house a better place by doing the dishes. I take the dog out. I clean the house everynow and then. Some times i do the lundry. I make my family better by helping them do what they have to do every day. I dont do anything here at school but be a student. comunitty i dont litter i guess that helps out.
My home is a better place when I clean what I do so that my mother does have to go back and do it this helps us spend more time together. I help make my family be better by doing what I am told and do extra thing to help out. I help make WFMS better by have school spirit and not making a mess. I really can think of what I do to make the community better. I think what I could do to be a better contribution to the world is help by donating my old clothes or food the Union mission. I think I am more of a taker than a giver and that should be.
I make my home a better place by doing chores, and helping my family around the house. I make my family a better family by not causing fights and spending time with them. I contribute to WFMS by being in science honarary and trying to be friends with everyone so we all get along. To help the community I try to not litter. To make a greater contribute to the world I could try to keep world peace and try to get all peopleto recycle so it'd last longer. I'm also a little bit of both a taker and giver, usually I'm the giver though.
JoMarie Bogard
4/5th Period
I make my home a better place by keeping it clean and try to stay away from arguments and drama. At WFMS, I get the best grades i can get and I stay being a positive person overall. I recycle to make the community a better place. I am a giver.
I make my home a better place by cleaning up after myself, clean my room, sometimes I unload the dishwasher. I give box tops to nake wfms a better place. I help people when they need help. I could recycle, be a better person, and help out more in the house. Im a giver.
jacob work 2nd and 3rd
I make my home a better place by keeping my room clean and taking out the recycling. I try to help my family become a better one by trying to schedule things to where we can have a family gathering. I try to make WFMS a better school by doing things in this school that would not really be recognized, but gets done. I try to make the community a better place by not littering. I could go and adopt a highway. I consider myself a taker AND a giver, because i sometimes take things without doing anything, but i also give to the community sometimes.
I make my home a better place by keeping my room cleaned and turning off my t.v and lights off when im not there. I make my family a better family by trying to organize all my events so there is no havak. I make WFMS a better school by picking up trash and pencils in the hallway. I make my community better by cleaning up garbage from in peoples yard's. I could put recycling bins at all schools and on every block. I am a giver.
Izaiha John 4/5
I make my home a better place in very many various ways such as doing laundry when my parents are sick, folding laundry and putting it away, washing dishes, cleaning my room, and a few other things without being told. I also make my family a better family by having movie nights and when we have a problem or quarrel with another family member, I have a family meeting to get everything off our chests. I try to make WFMS a better place by tutoring other students with their assignments, being polite to everyone, and being a good friend to everyone. I make the community a better place by volunteers at various charities and different organizations. I really do not know exactly how to make a contribution to the world but I just want to make a difference. I am a giver not a taker but I will take what I am given.
Kayla DeLorenzo
4th and 5th period
I help make my home a better place by; shoveling snow, and occasionally rinsing my dishes. I make my family a better family, by keeping my dad happy, he loves it when I clean up the dishes, instead of him. The contribution I make to WFMS is, I’ve cleaned up garbage around the school, and I’ve also weeded all the flower beds, with student council. I make the community a better place, by helping my school and not littering. I could make an amazing contribution to helping this earth by not littering, reusing, recycling, giving money to foundations, and clean our beaches.
I make my home a better place by helping my mom, dad, or sister whenever they need help. I make my family a better family by spending time together and making them laugh. I help make WFMS a better school by being obedient, doing my work, and being respectful. I make my community a better place by volunteering from time to time and by picking up litter. I could take more time to recycle more. I think I'm both a taker and giver.
I make my home a better place by reducing, reusing, and recycling. I recycle every can, container, or paper that could be recycled. I make my family a better family by encouraging them and reminding them to do simple thing like turn off the wtaer while brushing your teeth or take shorter showers. I contribute to WFMS by being in Science Honorary and having cleanups for our school. I make the community a better place by volunteering last summer at the Boys and Girls Club where we did group projects to help the environment and community. I could do a lot of different things to make the world a better place like volunteering to do something good for our community. Honestly I can say that I am more of a taker than a giver.
Elizabeth Tennant- 4th/5th
dersI make my home a better place by washing dishes, taking out the trash, fedding my dogs and cleaning my room daily. I make my family a better family getting yelled at so my brother doesn't. I do not really make wfms a better school. I could make my community a better place by cleaning up trash. I am both a taker and a giver because if someone came up to me and asked for 2 dollars i would give it to them and if someone gave me 100$ for no reason i would take i.
I make my home a better place by doing chores,obeying my mother,and helping my mom after school.I treat the teachers with respect.I recycle.I am a giver definitly.
I try to make my home a better place by helping my parents and being nice. I try making my family a better family by trying to get us to send as much time as we can together. My contribution to WFMS is being in science honorary so that I can help our school in any way I can. I really do not do that much for our community .To help making our world a better place I could help give to needy causes. I am both a taker and a giver. In my opinion I am mostly a giver.
Holly Bogdanich 4th/5th
i make my home a better place by cleaning up after myself. i make my family a better fmaily by getting along with them. i try to be nice to everyone and make everyones day better by just saying hi, or complementing them. i try to make the community better by throwing my trash away in trash cans so i dont junk up the state. i could make the world better by setting example and maybe people will catch on and continue this action. i am both. i LOVE to give on Christmas becasue i love to see the reaction and how happy they are. i love to make people feel good about themselves. but i also like to get stuff for myself (;
mckenna kelley 4-5
My home is a great place but to make it even better I help around the house witthe dishes,the laundry and sometimes the garbage.This not only keeps my house tidy but also keeps our lives in order.I spend ALOT of time with my family and we communicate very well.If I every have any issues with my peers , I know I always have someone to talk to!To make WFMS a better school, I'm always helping with student council evens and I also am aleays helping new students find there way around.I have also been helping 5th graders in the halls.My community is very important to me & I am in 4-H which does alot for the comunity.We do alot of communtiy clean ups and we help alot of the needy!I'm not sure what i could to to help the world but one day I hope to make a change!I am a taker alot of the time but when I'm given something I try to be greatful.At the same cost I am also a HUGE giver!(:
-olivia Wilson
4th&5th period
I can make my house a better place by cleaning up around the place. My family can't be any better than it is now. To make WFMS a better place is to get rid of all the trouble makers in the school and clean up the school every month. To make the community a better place you can clean around the highways and get rid of landfills. Recycling would be a good contribution to the world.I'm sort of both a taker and giver, but I need to be a giver.
T. Nebrough
7-8 periods
To make my home a better place I try to keep it clean. To make my family a better family I try to love every one even when thy are getting on my nerves, and help my siblings with homework. I also try to support my siblings with their sports and activities. I contribute to WFMS by being in Science Honorary,playing sports, and geting good grades. I have went to the soup kitchen before and I have given to good will. I could contribute to the world by recycling, just being a good example to others, and helping others with their problems. I think I am a taker and a giver but I think I am mostly a taker.
I clean my room. We spend a lot of time together. I play sports and act like a good student. I don't litter or anything like that to my community. I could stop all of the fighting in the world. I am both a taker and a giver.
I make my home a better place by being nice and helping clean up. I make my family a better family by being a good kid and not disrespecting them. I am in science honorary and I help teachers sometimes and that contributes to the school. I don’t really do anything to help the community. I will invent something that will help the world in the long run. I am more of a taker then a giver. I shouldn’t be this way but I think mostly everyone is the same in that category. Maybe I am wrong but I am not real sure.
I make my home a better place because I clean up around the house and unload the dishwasher. I don’t know how I make my family better. I make a contribution to WFMS by being in Science Honorary. I can’t think of anything I do for the community. There are many different things that I could do for the world, I guess. I am both a taker and a giver, but I mostly take more than I give.
Abby Cooper
7/8th period
To make my home a better place I try to help out around the house such as cleaning and doing the dishes. To make my family a better family they all get to catch up with each other when they come to my basketball games or tennis matches. The things I do to make WFMS a better school I try to really help out kids that are having trouble as well as I try to be someone anybody and everybody can talk to. I shovel they snow for the elderly people in my neighborhood for free. I would really like to be an NBA player and if I am I would do my best to be a very good role model for all the kids. I would say am more of taker than a giver.
I do a lor of things to make my house a better place such as, picking up, dusting, vaccuuming, and doing dishes. I make my family a better family by making sure that we spend time together doing activites like watching movies. I contribute to WFMS by being in Science Honorary and Chior. I don't really do to much for the cominuity, but I could pick up trash off the ground, recycle, and maybe vounteer at the Soup Opera. Honestly I think I am more of a taker than a giver, but I am going to do everything I can to change this.
I make my home better by doing my chores. I do the dishes, clean the house take care of the dog, and other things.
There are many things that I do to make my home a better home. I always help my parents by taking care of the dog, doing laundry, and keeping my room tidy. I make my family a better family by caring for my brother and giving respect to my parents all of the time. I am the Student Council president of WFMS so I always love to make contributions to my school. I help plant a new garden for open house, I help decorate a float for the Chrsitmas parade and do all the things I can to make our school a great place to be. A way that I make the community a better place is to help clean up the streets and volunteer at the Soup Opera very often. Something that I could do to make a contribution to the world is to help find a cure for cancer so that more people can live their lives longer. I would say that I am in between a giver and a taker.
Dalton Okel 4th/5th Period
I make my home a better place by cleaning my room and sometimes the bathroom. I make my family a better family by convincing everybody that it’s okay to go out and eat sometimes, or to go watch a movie. I don't do much for my school unless you count having good grades and turning my work in on time. I don't do much for my community either, but I could do something by donating food to the soup opera, or recycling. To make the world a better place, I could recycle, or plant a garden in the backyard. I'm more of a taker because I take a lot, and sometimes give very little in return.
I make my home a better place by helping my family clean up around the house. I contribute to my family by getting along with my brother. I participate in science honorary to help my school, plus I'm in Golden Horseshoe which means I could possibly win an award for the school. For the community, I recycle. To make the world a better place, I could start volunteering where I'm needed. I'm honestly a taker, but in the future, I will start to give more.
I make my home a better place by cleaning up my messes. I make my family a better family by just me being there for them. I contribute to WMFS by being in student council. I really don't do a lot for the community, but I could try to do more things in the future. I think that helping the world starts with halping at home. You could do this by giving things to the needy, and going to the soup opera to help prepare the food or the people who are less fortunate. I think I would consider myself both a taker and a giver. But really, I think that I take to much and don't give enough back.
brooklyn nuzum.
2 & 3 period.
I make my home a better place by cleaning up around the house and keeping my dogs off of the couch and chairs. I make my family a better family by resolving issues and problems in my family. I make WFMS a better school by being in extra curricular activities in school. I really don't do much for the community but I would like to help out. I could help the homeless and do a whole bunch of other things too. I am basically a give and a taker because I do both a lot.
I make my home a better place by keeping everything in line. Since my mom doesn't live with me I am pretty much the mother of the house, being the oldest. I ignore my sister when she tries to start an arguement and I try to agree withh everyones opinions. I make the school a better place by playing sports and being in clubs. To help the community I use environment-friendly products, and I recycle. A contribution to make this world a better place would be carpooling or riding my bike to kore places. I think I am a giver because I try to help the people who need if I can.
I help my parents with wharever thay tell me to do. I clean my room to make it nice. I always help my familt in anyway they need help. I help out at the school by being in the science honary and bring in things to help in fund rasiers. I could help make the world a better place by helping clean up trash a long the roads. I am both a taker and giver and I like them both the same amount.
Jayce Riley 4/5th period
I sometimes make my home a beter place by helpin my mom clean up or just helping my sistrs with theirhomework so my parents wil have more time to theirselves. I make my family a better family by making sure that we all gather around the dinner table when it is time for dinner. I contribute to WFMS by beng kind and caring to people when I see them in the hallways. Just a simple flash of a smile to some one could easily brighten their day. I make the community a better place by sometimes being in community theatre. I could mak e a great contribution to the world by maybe taking a trip to somewhere that is going through poverty and deliver food to them. I think that I am for the most part a giver. I love helping people and brightening their days.
To make your home a better place you have to keep it clean. If you want to make your family better you have to be nice to each other and not yell all the time. You could donate money to contribute to WFMS. To make the community a better place you must do things such as recycling. Also to make the world better you can still recycle. You could try to make peace with everyone, too. I’m both.
You could make your home a better place by helping the environment, the people in your environment, and bringing peace to the world. You could make your family a better place by spending more time with them. I try to make West Fairmont Middle School a better school by picking up any trash that I see on the floor and avoiding gossip and drama. I make the community a better place by helping everyone I see, shoveling my neighbor's driveways, and doing things in the community. You could make a greater contribution to the world by helping the environment. I am a giver.
Bethany McPherson pd. 4 and 5
I try to make my home a better place all of the time. I do this by helping my mom when she needs me and i can help her with the cleaning or cooking.
I make my home a better place by bringing joy to my mother and to the family making the house less glomy.I don't really to anything to help the school because I'm new and don't know much on what to do but I guess I help friends. I do not know the community therefore im not able to help.I could help by making a entertaining and highly educational video game. I am a giver.
I make my home a better place by helping my parents with my brother and keeping the house clean.I make my family a better family by having game and movie nights. I contribute to WFMS by being positive. I honestly don't do anything to make the community a better place, but I should start. To make a greater contribution to the world I would like to donate clothes and other needs to the homeless and less fortunate. I am both a taker and a giver. I probably take a lot more than I give, but I would like to change that.
Daisha velez
5-6 period
I make my home a better place by always picking up around the house and helping my mom cook. I make my family better by always asking everyone if they want to watch movies. I contribute o WFMS by being nice and polite to everyone I know. I don't really do much for the community. A way I could make the world a better place is by helping out around my community. I guess i'm kind of a taker but sometimes I am a giver.
Megan McCullough
7&8th period
You make a home a better place by showing love to evryone in the house and bring God into the home. I show WFMS pride in my action and in my school work. You can make a communtiy better by expreesing a helpful hand and love. I could stop polluting the world and bring people together. I am a giver not a taker because i love to give.
I make my home a better place by doing my chores. I always help with the dishes and put away my laundry. My family and I are usually really good about spending time together; we always watch movies and play games. I contribute to WFMS by helping clean out the flower beds at the begining of the year. I also keep my grades up to represent my school. I usually don't do much for my community, but I guess I could voulenteer. To make a better contribution to the world, I could recycle and donate things that I don't need. I wouldn't consider myslef a taker or a giver. I believe what comes around goes around, so I consider myself balanced.
I can make my home a better place by doing my chores. I can make my family a better family by trying to get along with each other. We can make WFMS a better school by doing more outdoor activities. We can make a better community a better place by recycling. We can make a contribution to the world by planting trees in the places of destroyed ones. I am a giver. especially to those in need.
Alex Harris
2/3 Period
I make my home a better place by cleaning up the house so that parents have more free time after work. I make my family a better family by trying to have movie nights. I play on the football and played on the basketball team as well. I do not litter. Turn off the lights and t.v. when I am not in my room. I am more of a taker.
I make my home a better place by completing my chores doing what im told. I make my family better by not talking back do that m parents dont get upset with me. I have not done much to contribute to WFMS. I contribut by recycling in my community.I could recycle more than I already do. I am a taker
I make my home a better place by cleaning up the house. I make my family a better family by helping them with there problems. I make my school a better place by not bullling anyone. I make the community a better place by cleaning the garbage on the streets. I ccan make the world a better place by going green. I am a giver.
You can try to get alog with the rest of your family. you can speend more time together like at the end of the day. I try to help other people and be a good student. I clean up the mess when we have a windy day and clean up the trash that is blown around. I dount realy know. I don't mind if poeple give me stuff, but I always give stuff bake.
I make my home a better place by cleaning it. I try to get them not to argue alot. Try to get rid of bullying. Don't litter. Try to not make mistakes. I'm sort of both.
I make my home a better place by helping my mom clean the house and doning the dishes so my mom can get a break once and awhile.but when i help my mom see will take me and my family to eat out when we wont to.iam lucky to have food because people in other countries have no home or little to know food on there table if i could i would help. i would give them new clothes and a new house they do not go hungry or die because over 20000 kids die a day do to no food.
I try to make my home a better place all of the time. I do this by helping my mom when she needs me and cleaning the house. I try to make my family a better family by having my family watch a movie together or play a game together. I try to make wfms a better place by helping people out and trying to cheer people up if they are upset. I could just be kind to everyone in the world to make it a better place.
I make my home a better place by trying not to fight with my little sister. I also make my family a better family by helping my parents out. I contribute to WFMS by being a good student. I make my community a better place by being nice to my neighbors. I could be a better student and citizen to make the world a better place. I am probobly a taker.
Austin Ferguson
My Family makes our home better by having a housekeeper so we dont have to clean up and we get to spend more time to gether we also eat out everynight there for we ahve to eat dinner together. The contributions i make to wfms are by student council every year the officer and executive board members clean up the flower beds and remulch. I make contridutions to the communityby donating clotheing and canned food. I think that i could probably get bettr in all areas eaning family school and the community
I clean to make my house better. I don't argue to make my family better. I contribute to my school by doing the best that i can. I don't reslly do aything for the community.
I make my home a better place by helping around the house and doing as much as i can. I make my family a better family by always being myself and nothin different. I make WFMS a better place by listenig to the teachers and following the rules. I make the community a better place by helping keep it clean. Like one day me and my neighbors just took one day and cleaned up my neighborhood and whoever help got to go get ice cream with everybody. I had fun that day. I wouldn't litter or do anything that could harm the earth. I think i am a giver. I always try to help people if they need it and i ask for nothin in return.
I make my home a better place by doing my chores so my parents dont get mad at me. i make my family a better family by planning a movie night or something like that. I normally dont make the community a better place but once at school i helped plant the trees out side and flowers in Mrs. Angelos class. I normally am a taker but i would like to be more of a giver.
By helping my grandma, dad, and mom around there houses. By spending all the time I can posably spend with them. Be as respectful as I can to all teachers and staff. I could plant more trees and take more responsiblity for my actions that could affect the earth in a negative way. And I think that I am alittle of both and try to be more of a giver than a taker.
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