I chose the photo of the Nazis taking a Jewish family to one of the concentration camps. In the photo the family has baggage and losts of clothes also there is a little boy aproximantly 5-6 years old and he is holding his hands up, most likely he is surrendering to the Nazis. It is an important picture in history because it shows what the Germans did to the Jews.Maddi Craig 2-3 Period
I chose the photo of the soliders putting of the flag. That photo shows all of the people that fought for our country. They show that they fought the war and won.
I chose the photo of the foot print on the moon. This is one of the most important and greatest pictures of all time, because this is the very first footprint that man set, when he walked on the moon. That footprint is so important, because this day was one of the biggest days ever! I couldn’t imagine what it would have been like to be that person, but it should have been pretty exciting!Michael Shaw4th-5th period.
The photos are very graphic and are very mean. People didn't want to live through these hard times. They tried ever thing to get out of living.
I chose the photo of Mike Tyson because he is one of the greatest boxers of all time. I believe that it is important because it shows power and it shows that he is a great fighter.
i chose the one of the nazis taking the jewish people out of their home.
I chose the photo of the footprint on the moon. This picture represents how the first man walked on the moon and it was a new topic or thing for our country to be proud and to talk about. That is what picture I chose.
I chose the photo of Mike Tyson because I like boxing and he is a really good fighter. I think it is a famous picture because Mike Tyson was a really good fighter, and in this photo he is standing over the guy with a look on his face saying "I'm the champion and you're not".T. Newbrough7-8 periods
I chose the photo of the footprint on the moon. This is one important picture, because this is the very first footprint that a man put there, when he walked on the moon. That footprint was also important because that shows that actual people have went into outer space , and went onto the. I wish that I could go up there one day and make my own footprint!brooklyn nuzum . (;2 & 3 period.
I chose the picture of the troops and fire fighters putting the American flag up. I chose that picture becayse it represents freedom. Also, if it weren't for thsat day we would not be free. Those troops and fire fighters sacreficed their life and put their life on the edge for us. We wouldn't be free if it weren't for the men and women that die and sacrefice their lives for us. Everything would be very different . This picture really is a great picture. we need to thank all the people that dedicate their lives for us.
I chose the picture of the small child and the vulture. The photo shows how devastating poverty and starvation is. The child is very skinny and probably very weak even close to death with the vulture standing nearby watching. Maybe the vulture was waiting for the child to die so it could eat.
I chose the photo of The Beatles. That picture is one of the most famous pictures that has ever been taken. The Beatles were the greatest band ever formed as most people think. Everybody loved to listen to all of the the music they played. Everyone in the world knew who they were loved them. The Beatles were very popular in the 1900's. There are still millions of people that listen to all of their music today. I know mr. Patrick still listens to their band a lot. This picture was over all a famous picture and history because The Beatles are the greatest band there will ever be.
The picture that I chose was of the Hindenburg disaster. This picture describes the tragedy that took place that day. Many people’s lives were taken when they didn’t need to be. It was very sad, and I can’t imagine how the families felt of the people who died. I wonder if there were any precautions that the crew could have possibly taken to prevent happening what happened. Of all the people who were on it including the 36 passengers and 61 crew members only 62 survived. The 36 people who died included 13 passengers, 22 crew members, and 1 ground crew member.Abby Cooper7/8th period
I chose the photo with the Russian soldier standing the flag up in Berlin and ending World War 2. In the photo there are 2 guys standing on the building next to the guy standing the flag. Also there are a lot of troops on the ground. Then the buildings next to them all have been destroyed. Last, this flag is different from all of the other flags because it has a star on top of it.
The picture from the video that I chose was the picture of the people jumping out of the twin towers on 9/11/2001. This picture is very big in America’s history because 9/11/2001 is the day when the Talibans hijacked four airplanes and attempted to crash them into America’s most important buildings. They only crashed planes into the twin towers and the pentagon. They tried to hit the White House. The importance of this photo is to remind us that even though we are a good country there are people that want to hurt us. Sean Riggleman Eng. 4-5
Dear Ms. Constable You were one of the greatest teachers I have ever had. Sincerely, Nathan Clouser
I chose the picture of Albert Einstein. He is a very important part of our history. He was a genius that discovered many scientific theories. He studied in school to become a teacher, but could not find a teaching job. His friend found him a job at the Federal Office for Intellectual Property. He has done many great things, one being the discovery of the photoelectric effect. He died in 1955.Bethany McPherson - Pd. 4 and 5
I chose the picture of Albert Einstein. He is a very important part of our history. He was a genius that discovered many scientific theories. He studied in school to become a teacher, but could not find a teaching job. His friend found him a job at the Federal Office for Intellectual Property. He has done many great things, one being the discovery of the photoelectric effect. He died in 1955. There are many famous things about Albert Einstein, but the list is too long too list.
I chose the photo of the foot print on the moon. This is one of the most important and greatest pictures of all time, because this is the very first footprint that man set, when he walked on the moon. That footprint is so important, because this day was one of the biggest days ever! I couldn’t imagine what it would have been like to be that person, but it should have been pretty exciting!
I chose the beatles . The beatles are greatest band the world has ever produced. They formed in Liverpool in 1960. From 1962, the group consisted of John Lennon,Paul McCartne,George Harrison,and Ringo Starr. The Beatles first single in 1962 was "Love Me Do". The band had broken up in 1970 they all found other musical careers. Abby Williams (: 7th & 8th
The picture I am writing about has a great story behind it. It is the sailor kissing the nurse in Times Square in New York City. It was taken by a photographer on August 14, 1945 . The sailor was celebrating the end of World War II .He, George Mendonsa grabbed the woman and kissed her. They did not know each other and they never spoke again. Their picture was on the cover of "Time " magazine a week later. The woman did not reveal her identity for 30 years but, many women over the years tried to claim to be her.Her name was Edith Shain.-olivia wilson
I am using the photograph at 5:05, and it is a gut-wrenching human emotion. Its circumstances are terrible, because he is a boy underwater and holding onto a poll. The reason i chose this picture is because it scared me when i looked at it, and I would like to learn about why it is like that.
I chose to use the photo of the Nazis taking a Jewish family to one of the concentration camps. In the photo the family has baggage and losts of clothes also there is a little boy aproximantly 5-6 years old and he is holding his hands up, most likely he is surrendering to the Nazis. It is an important picture in history because it shows what the Germans did to the Jews.
I chose the image of the Korean woman holding a young child on her back. This image shows a young Korean woman holding a young child on her back of what could be her bother or son. Their facial expressions show great grief. This image also show of what is seems to be an army tank in the background close behind them. Therefore this image was most likely taken during the Korean War in 1950-1953. As a result this photograph shows some of the grief Korean citizens had faced during this part in their history. Holly Bogdanich 4th / 5th
I chose the picture of the man taking a picture before the second plane crashed into the twin towers. 9/11 was a very tragic time in America's history. On September 11, 2001, two hi-jacked planes crashed into the twin towers and a third plane crashed into the pentagon. There was around 3,000 people killed in this event, including all of the hijackers. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North tower and American Airlines flight 175 hit the south tower. American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. So many innocent people died in this event. This was a terrible happening in our past.
I chose the picture of the man taking a picture before the second plane crashed into the twin towers. 9/11 was a very tragic time in America's history. On September 11, 2001, two hi-jacked planes crashed into the twin towers and a third plane crashed into the pentagon. There was around 3,000 people killed in this event, including all of the hijackers. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North tower and American Airlines flight 175 hit the south tower. American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. So many innocent people died in this event. This was a terrible happening in our past.Sarah Topardo4/5 Period
The photo that I chose is the one when the guy stepped first on the moon. It would of been a dream to have seen this in person. The guy proably is a millionaire when he did this stunt. Jacob Work2nd and 3rd
A picture that has not been put in the video is one of a flag being put on the moon. When this happened it showed everyone around the world that the U.S. is a strong nation. In the U.S. it brought people together showing them that there country is strong.Jayce riley 4/5th period
I chose the picture of the footprint on the moon. It is important because it shows how much advance we have done to get on the moon.
I think the men putting the flag up is most important. It symbolizes the freedom we have and the respect of the americian flag. This makes you proud to be a americian.
I chose the photo of the Nazis taking a Jewish family to one of the concentration camps. In the photo the family has baggage and losts of clothes also there is a little boy aproximantly 5-6 years old and he is holding his hands up, most likely he is surrendering to the Nazis. It is an important picture in history because it shows what the Germans did to the Jews.
I chose the picture of the Korean children running from the soldiers. This photograph is absolutely heartbreaking and terrifying to look at. One of the children is running without their clothing. It is absurd what these people did to the Kids in this photo. It amazes me how much hate must have been in those people for them to do that. This photo just shows what they did and how it was wrong. The picture shows a great amount of motion through the children's faces. Just by looking at them you can tell how scared and worried they are.Martina Edgell4-5 pd.
I choose the picture of the eleven boys sitting over the city. This picture is gut wrenching. The boys were very brave to sit there. If they were to fall off they would have died. Another picture I thought was interesting was the one where the man was sitting in a fire dying. This was a depressing picture because it showed that he wanted to die and did not enjoy his life. It is horrible and sad to see these kinds of people who are less fortunate than we are. Sarah Cox Period 2/3
I chose the picture of the Beatles Band. This photo recognizes what a great band they were. They were a very popular band. I don't know much about them but I do know a couple of there songs. I wish they were still a band because they did have some good music. Megan McCullough 7&8th period
I chose the picture of the music artists "The Beatles". The Beatles shot this picture for their last album of their music career. Their last album was called Abbery Road which was recorded in St. John's Road, London, England. They have not recorded any other albums since Abbey Road.Dalton Okel4th/5th Period
I choose the picture of the soldier kissing the nurse in Times Square after World War II. This picture is so significant because it takes place after a major war in history. Many people died in World War II and the soldier is ecstatic about reuniting with his love. Who knows if she is even has soul mate. She could be a complete stranger. This picture means so much to me because my grandfather was in World War II and he survived. My grandfather actually kissed my grandmother when she was first reunited with her after the war. World War II was a triumphant war and being reunited with your love is a lovely thing. Kayla DeLorenzo4th and 5th period
I picked the picture of the Nazis taking a Jewish family to one of the concentration camps. In the picture the family has baggage and losts of clothes, also there is a little boy about 5-6 years old and he is holding his hands up. It is an important picture in history because it shows what the Germans did to the Jews.
The picture I pick is the foot step on the moon. This was very important because this was the first time America was on the moon. It was the first time a man had set foot on the moon. This was very important to the USA because we had accomplice something before anyone else did. Btu this was a very happy day for all of us in America. It would have been awesome to be one of the people to walked on the moon. Just to be able to say that would be amazing!
I chose the picture of the troops and fire fighters putting the American flag up. I chose that picture becayse it represents freedom. Also, if it weren't for thsat day we would not be free. Those troops and fire fighters sacreficed their life and put their life on the edge for us.Everything would be very different.
I chose the photo of the three people hanged on the tree. This photo was terrifying because people were just standing around staring at them; they were just smiling for the picture. I wonder why those threee were hanged anyways. I guess this photo symbolizes the hard times in American history, like a depression.
I chose the picture of god and the people eating with him because he is the greatist person who ever lived I wish that i could have met him because I would of told him that he is the one who gave us all of the stuff we have now if it was not for him we would have nothing thats why I say that he is the greatist
I have chosen the importance of the Wright brother’s airplane. Without their attempts to create a flying machine, where would we be today? Well, we most likely wouldn’t be dropping military personnel into our bases in other countries, or flying. We would have to cross the ocean by ship! Flight has cut down the time needed to cross an ocean. By using airplanes, our society was able to evolve into one that travels further distances more often. A bad part of traveling is the spread of diseases. Without flight, I believe more people would stay in a country, and keep diseases within their homeland, and not spreading them into other countries.
I chose the foot print on the moon. Its importance is that the foot print was the first foot print on the moon. It shows that we were able to reach the moon and back. If we keep making better shuttles, we can go farther than the moon. Alex Harris2/3 period
I chose the picture of the small child and the vulture. This shows the hardships we face everyday. Poverty is very sad and it is happening everyday. It also shows that there are many more things that we can do to help those that are less fortunate.Lauren Massacci
I chose to write about the photo from the top of the World Trade Center on 09-11-01. In this photo the man is smiling with New York City in the background and in the bottom left hand corner it shows the plane flying into the building. It is the last picture ever taken of that man. He died because of the terrorist attack on 9-11, he did nothing wrong. He was probably going about his day along with many of the innocent people that died on September 9, 2001.4th and 5th Sam Tonkovich
i choose the photo of the returning sailer from ww2. In the photo it show the strees that was built up. It show that everybody was scared that they wouldnt get to see there loved ones again. They show what it takes to leave and know that you may die and never come back. The time that this was happening they had know way to know if that person was alive but all they had was hope. This picture shopws that you need to keep hope.
I choose Neil Armstrong stepping on the moon. The footprint shows how America's technology was able to succeed and we were the first on the moon. This was definitely a very important time in history. McKenna Kelley(: 4-5
I chose the photo of the solders putting up the flag. I like this picture because one of my family members was in that war. And the fact that they won the war was the best part because it shows the sacrifice and the honor they have to hang that flag.
I chose the picture of the African child and the vulture. It shows how terrible and devastating child hunger in Africa is. It's disgusting that this sight is so common in Africa that the vultures are used to getting their food from the bodies of the dying children. It's also really terrible that someone would stand by and take a picture of a child dying of hunger about to be eaten by a vulture and not do anything about it. Over six million children die every day of hunger related causes. If people would take some of the money they spend on unnecessary things in their everyday lives and donate them to charities like UNICEF or Feeding America, we could reduce the amount of children that die of hunger.
i chose the footprint on the moon because its a great picture. and because its a great on that the first person to step on the moon in th U N I V E R S E. was from the U.S.A. my dad thought this was the best picture of all -Trae Hall 7&8 <3
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I chose the photo of the Nazis taking a Jewish family to one of the concentration camps. In the photo the family has baggage and losts of clothes also there is a little boy aproximantly 5-6 years old and he is holding his hands up, most likely he is surrendering to the Nazis. It is an important picture in history because it shows what the Germans did to the Jews.
Maddi Craig
2-3 Period
I chose the photo of the soliders putting of the flag. That photo shows all of the people that fought for our country. They show that they fought the war and won.
I chose the photo of the foot print on the moon. This is one of the most important and greatest pictures of all time, because this is the very first footprint that man set, when he walked on the moon. That footprint is so important, because this day was one of the biggest days ever! I couldn’t imagine what it would have been like to be that person, but it should have been pretty exciting!
Michael Shaw
4th-5th period.
The photos are very graphic and are very mean. People didn't want to live through these hard times. They tried ever thing to get out of living.
I chose the photo of Mike Tyson because he is one of the greatest boxers of all time. I believe that it is important because it shows power and it shows that he is a great fighter.
i chose the one of the nazis taking the jewish people out of their home.
I chose the photo of the footprint on the moon. This picture represents how the first man walked on the moon and it was a new topic or thing for our country to be proud and to talk about. That is what picture I chose.
I chose the photo of Mike Tyson because I like boxing and he is a really good fighter. I think it is a famous picture because Mike Tyson was a really good fighter, and in this photo he is standing over the guy with a look on his face saying "I'm the champion and you're not".
T. Newbrough
7-8 periods
I chose the photo of the footprint on the moon. This is one important picture, because this is the very first footprint that a man put there, when he walked on the moon. That footprint was also important because that shows that actual people have went into outer space , and went onto the. I wish that I could go up there one day and make my own footprint!
brooklyn nuzum . (;
2 & 3 period.
I chose the photo of the footprint on the moon. This is one important picture, because this is the very first footprint that a man put there, when he walked on the moon. That footprint was also important because that shows that actual people have went into outer space , and went onto the. I wish that I could go up there one day and make my own footprint!
brooklyn nuzum . (;
2 & 3 period.
I chose the picture of the troops and fire fighters putting the American flag up. I chose that picture becayse it represents freedom. Also, if it weren't for thsat day we would not be free. Those troops and fire fighters sacreficed their life and put their life on the edge for us. We wouldn't be free if it weren't for the men and women that die and sacrefice their lives for us. Everything would be very different . This picture really is a great picture. we need to thank all the people that dedicate their lives for us.
I chose the picture of the small child and the vulture. The photo shows how devastating poverty and starvation is. The child is very skinny and probably very weak even close to death with the vulture standing nearby watching. Maybe the vulture was waiting for the child to die so it could eat.
I chose the photo of The Beatles. That picture is one of the most famous pictures that has ever been taken. The Beatles were the greatest band ever formed as most people think. Everybody loved to listen to all of the the music they played. Everyone in the world knew who they were loved them. The Beatles were very popular in the 1900's. There are still millions of people that listen to all of their music today. I know mr. Patrick still listens to their band a lot. This picture was over all a famous picture and history because The Beatles are the greatest band there will ever be.
The picture that I chose was of the Hindenburg disaster. This picture describes the tragedy that took place that day. Many people’s lives were taken when they didn’t need to be. It was very sad, and I can’t imagine how the families felt of the people who died. I wonder if there were any precautions that the crew could have possibly taken to prevent happening what happened. Of all the people who were on it including the 36 passengers and 61 crew members only 62 survived. The 36 people who died included 13 passengers, 22 crew members, and 1 ground crew member.
Abby Cooper
7/8th period
I chose the photo with the Russian soldier standing the flag up in Berlin and ending World War 2. In the photo there are 2 guys standing on the building next to the guy standing the flag. Also there are a lot of troops on the ground. Then the buildings next to them all have been destroyed. Last, this flag is different from all of the other flags because it has a star on top of it.
The picture from the video that I chose was the picture of the people jumping out of the twin towers on 9/11/2001. This picture is very big in America’s history because 9/11/2001 is the day when the Talibans hijacked four airplanes and attempted to crash them into America’s most important buildings. They only crashed planes into the twin towers and the pentagon. They tried to hit the White House. The importance of this photo is to remind us that even though we are a good country there are people that want to hurt us.
Sean Riggleman Eng. 4-5
Dear Ms. Constable
You were one of the greatest teachers I have ever had.
Sincerely, Nathan Clouser
I chose the picture of Albert Einstein. He is a very important part of our history. He was a genius that discovered many scientific theories. He studied in school to become a teacher, but could not find a teaching job. His friend found him a job at the Federal Office for Intellectual Property. He has done many great things, one being the discovery of the photoelectric effect. He died in 1955.
Bethany McPherson - Pd. 4 and 5
I chose the picture of Albert Einstein. He is a very important part of our history. He was a genius that discovered many scientific theories. He studied in school to become a teacher, but could not find a teaching job. His friend found him a job at the Federal Office for Intellectual Property. He has done many great things, one being the discovery of the photoelectric effect. He died in 1955. There are many famous things about Albert Einstein, but the list is too long too list.
I chose the photo of the foot print on the moon. This is one of the most important and greatest pictures of all time, because this is the very first footprint that man set, when he walked on the moon. That footprint is so important, because this day was one of the biggest days ever! I couldn’t imagine what it would have been like to be that person, but it should have been pretty exciting!
I chose the beatles . The beatles are greatest band the world has ever produced. They formed in Liverpool in 1960. From 1962, the group consisted of John Lennon,Paul McCartne,George Harrison,and Ringo Starr. The Beatles first single in 1962 was "Love Me Do". The band had broken up in 1970 they all found other musical careers.
Abby Williams (:
7th & 8th
The picture I am writing about has a great story behind it. It is the sailor kissing the nurse in Times Square in New York City. It was taken by a photographer on August 14, 1945 . The sailor was celebrating the end of World War II .He, George Mendonsa grabbed the woman and kissed her. They did not know each other and they never spoke again. Their picture was on the cover of "Time " magazine a week later. The woman did not reveal her identity for 30 years but, many women over the years tried to claim to be her.Her name was Edith Shain.
-olivia wilson
I am using the photograph at 5:05, and it is a gut-wrenching human emotion. Its circumstances are terrible, because he is a boy underwater and holding onto a poll. The reason i chose this picture is because it scared me when i looked at it, and I would like to learn about why it is like that.
I chose to use the photo of the Nazis taking a Jewish family to one of the concentration camps. In the photo the family has baggage and losts of clothes also there is a little boy aproximantly 5-6 years old and he is holding his hands up, most likely he is surrendering to the Nazis. It is an important picture in history because it shows what the Germans did to the Jews.
I chose the image of the Korean woman holding a young child on her back. This image shows a young Korean woman holding a young child on her back of what could be her bother or son. Their facial expressions show great grief. This image also show of what is seems to be an army tank in the background close behind them. Therefore this image was most likely taken during the Korean War in 1950-1953. As a result this photograph shows some of the grief Korean citizens had faced during this part in their history.
Holly Bogdanich 4th / 5th
I chose the picture of the man taking a picture before the second plane crashed into the twin towers. 9/11 was a very tragic time in America's history. On September 11, 2001, two hi-jacked planes crashed into the twin towers and a third plane crashed into the pentagon. There was around 3,000 people killed in this event, including all of the hijackers. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North tower and American Airlines flight 175 hit the south tower. American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. So many innocent people died in this event. This was a terrible happening in our past.
I chose the picture of the man taking a picture before the second plane crashed into the twin towers. 9/11 was a very tragic time in America's history. On September 11, 2001, two hi-jacked planes crashed into the twin towers and a third plane crashed into the pentagon. There was around 3,000 people killed in this event, including all of the hijackers. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North tower and American Airlines flight 175 hit the south tower. American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. So many innocent people died in this event. This was a terrible happening in our past.
Sarah Topardo
4/5 Period
I chose the photo of the foot print on the moon. This is one of the most important and greatest pictures of all time, because this is the very first footprint that man set, when he walked on the moon. That footprint is so important, because this day was one of the biggest days ever! I couldn’t imagine what it would have been like to be that person, but it should have been pretty exciting!
The photo that I chose is the one when the guy stepped first on the moon. It would of been a dream to have seen this in person. The guy proably is a millionaire when he did this stunt.
Jacob Work
2nd and 3rd
A picture that has not been put in the video is one of a flag being put on the moon. When this happened it showed everyone around the world that the U.S. is a strong nation. In the U.S. it brought people together showing them that there country is strong.
Jayce riley 4/5th period
I chose the picture of the footprint on the moon. It is important because it shows how much advance we have done to get on the moon.
I think the men putting the flag up is most important. It symbolizes the freedom we have and the respect of the americian flag. This makes you proud to be a americian.
I chose the photo of the Nazis taking a Jewish family to one of the concentration camps. In the photo the family has baggage and losts of clothes also there is a little boy aproximantly 5-6 years old and he is holding his hands up, most likely he is surrendering to the Nazis. It is an important picture in history because it shows what the Germans did to the Jews.
I chose the picture of the Korean children running from the soldiers. This photograph is absolutely heartbreaking and terrifying to look at. One of the children is running without their clothing. It is absurd what these people did to the Kids in this photo. It amazes me how much hate must have been in those people for them to do that. This photo just shows what they did and how it was wrong. The picture shows a great amount of motion through the children's faces. Just by looking at them you can tell how scared and worried they are.
Martina Edgell
4-5 pd.
I choose the picture of the eleven boys sitting over the city. This picture is gut wrenching. The boys were very brave to sit there. If they were to fall off they would have died. Another picture I thought was interesting was the one where the man was sitting in a fire dying. This was a depressing picture because it showed that he wanted to die and did not enjoy his life. It is horrible and sad to see these kinds of people who are less fortunate than we are.
Sarah Cox Period 2/3
I chose the picture of the Beatles Band. This photo recognizes what a great band they were. They were a very popular band. I don't know much about them but I do know a couple of there songs. I wish they were still a band because they did have some good music.
Megan McCullough 7&8th period
I chose the picture of the music artists "The Beatles". The Beatles shot this picture for their last album of their music career. Their last album was called Abbery Road which was recorded in St. John's Road, London, England. They have not recorded any other albums since Abbey Road.
Dalton Okel
4th/5th Period
I choose the picture of the soldier kissing the nurse in Times Square after World War II. This picture is so significant because it takes place after a major war in history. Many people died in World War II and the soldier is ecstatic about reuniting with his love. Who knows if she is even has soul mate. She could be a complete stranger. This picture means so much to me because my grandfather was in World War II and he survived. My grandfather actually kissed my grandmother when she was first reunited with her after the war. World War II was a triumphant war and being reunited with your love is a lovely thing.
Kayla DeLorenzo
4th and 5th period
I picked the picture of the Nazis taking a Jewish family to one of the concentration camps. In the picture the family has baggage and losts of clothes, also there is a little boy about 5-6 years old and he is holding his hands up. It is an important picture in history because it shows what the Germans did to the Jews.
The picture I pick is the foot step on the moon. This was very important because this was the first time America was on the moon. It was the first time a man had set foot on the moon. This was very important to the USA because we had accomplice something before anyone else did. Btu this was a very happy day for all of us in America. It would have been awesome to be one of the people to walked on the moon. Just to be able to say that would be amazing!
I chose the picture of the troops and fire fighters putting the American flag up. I chose that picture becayse it represents freedom. Also, if it weren't for thsat day we would not be free. Those troops and fire fighters sacreficed their life and put their life on the edge for us.Everything would be very different.
I chose the photo of the three people hanged on the tree. This photo was terrifying because people were just standing around staring at them; they were just smiling for the picture. I wonder why those threee were hanged anyways. I guess this photo symbolizes the hard times in American history, like a depression.
I chose the picture of god and the people eating with him because he is the greatist person who ever lived I wish that i could have met him because I would of told him that he is the one who gave us all of the stuff we have now if it was not for him we would have nothing thats why I say that he is the greatist
I have chosen the importance of the Wright brother’s airplane. Without their attempts to create a flying machine, where would we be today? Well, we most likely wouldn’t be dropping military personnel into our bases in other countries, or flying. We would have to cross the ocean by ship! Flight has cut down the time needed to cross an ocean. By using airplanes, our society was able to evolve into one that travels further distances more often. A bad part of traveling is the spread of diseases. Without flight, I believe more people would stay in a country, and keep diseases within their homeland, and not spreading them into other countries.
I chose the foot print on the moon. Its importance is that the foot print was the first foot print on the moon. It shows that we were able to reach the moon and back. If we keep making better shuttles, we can go farther than the moon.
Alex Harris
2/3 period
I chose the picture of the small child and the vulture. This shows the hardships we face everyday. Poverty is very sad and it is happening everyday. It also shows that there are many more things that we can do to help those that are less fortunate.
Lauren Massacci
I chose the picture of the small child and the vulture. This shows the hardships we face everyday. Poverty is very sad and it is happening everyday. It also shows that there are many more things that we can do to help those that are less fortunate.
Lauren Massacci
I chose to write about the photo from the top of the World Trade Center on 09-11-01. In this photo the man is smiling with New York City in the background and in the bottom left hand corner it shows the plane flying into the building. It is the last picture ever taken of that man. He died because of the terrorist attack on 9-11, he did nothing wrong. He was probably going about his day along with many of the innocent people that died on September 9, 2001.
4th and 5th
Sam Tonkovich
i choose the photo of the returning sailer from ww2. In the photo it show the strees that was built up. It show that everybody was scared that they wouldnt get to see there loved ones again. They show what it takes to leave and know that you may die and never come back. The time that this was happening they had know way to know if that person was alive but all they had was hope. This picture shopws that you need to keep hope.
I choose Neil Armstrong stepping on the moon. The footprint shows how America's technology was able to succeed and we were the first on the moon. This was definitely a very important time in history.
McKenna Kelley(: 4-5
I chose the photo of the solders putting up the flag. I like this picture because one of my family members was in that war. And the fact that they won the war was the best part because it shows the sacrifice and the honor they have to hang that flag.
I chose the picture of the African child and the vulture. It shows how terrible and devastating child hunger in Africa is. It's disgusting that this sight is so common in Africa that the vultures are used to getting their food from the bodies of the dying children. It's also really terrible that someone would stand by and take a picture of a child dying of hunger about to be eaten by a vulture and not do anything about it. Over six million children die every day of hunger related causes. If people would take some of the money they spend on unnecessary things in their everyday lives and donate them to charities like UNICEF or Feeding America, we could reduce the amount of children that die of hunger.
i chose the footprint on the moon because its a great picture. and because its a great on that the first person to step on the moon in th U N I V E R S E. was from the U.S.A. my dad thought this was the best picture of all
-Trae Hall 7&8 <3
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