Thursday, August 4, 2011

We Didn't Start The Fire

What is the purpose of this song? What is the fire in the song a metaphor for? Select a person portrayed in the video that you would want to know more about and write 2 facts about that person. What is your favorite song? Why?


akeefover said...

This is a pretty awesome video! Only if history was this easy. You were always able to find the most interesting videos and this was actually an assignment I liked. You still remain one of my favorite teachers (even through you made us cry almost every book we read).

jocelynn.k. said...

The purpose of this song is to explain that we didnt cause the war. Fire is a metaphor for war. I'd like to know more about Marilyn Monroe. She was a great singer back in the day and my mom really likes her. She was an american actress, singer, and model. She was born on June 1st, 1926, in Los Angeles, California. Its hard to tell if I have a forite song because I like all songs. If I had to pick a favorite it would probably have to be Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5. I like it because I think its a good, catchy song.

by~ jocelynn kilgore
2nd/3rd period

Anonymous said...

The purpose of the song was to tell that we didnt start the war! Fire is a meaphor to war!
Brigitte Bardot!
Brigitte was a former french fashion model, actress, singer, and activist!She was one of the best-known sex-symbols of the 1960s. She started acting in 1952. After appearing in 16 films became, world-famous due to her then husbands roger Vadims film! Bardot reitred from the entertainment industry in 1973. During the 1990s she became controversial by criticising Islamizaton and Islam in France, she was fined five times for "inciting racial hatred"!
I couldn't really choose a favorite song, i like alot of music and listen to all types of different music! If i had to pick a favorite song it would probably either be any song by Lil Wayne, or best thing i never had by beyonce!Why? Lil waynes music is really fun to listen to, and beyonce's song flows together very well, and the lyrics are amazing!
Nikita Martin, 7&8th period (:

Sarah Summers 4th and 5th period said...

I think the purpose of this song is to show how people weren't the cause of wars happening. In this song fire is equal to people, we didn't start what the human race did, all the bad things. It sounds strange,but I'd like to know more about Peter Pan. I don't know where the idea of him came from or why they made him up? I only know that they made a movie about him and it's enjoyed by people everywhere. I'd have to say that my favorite song is Halfway There by Big Time Rush. I like it beacuse it's inspiring and makes you feel good! :)
Sarah Summers 4th and 5th Period:)

ciaraahornberger(: said...
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ciaraahornberger(: said...

The purpose of this song was to state that we didnt cause the war. The metaphor for fire, is the fire meaning war. I chose Disneyland. Disneyland is a theme park in Aneniem, California. It's owned and operated by the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. It opened on July 18, 1955. Walt Disney came up with the idea to start an amusement park that families could go to and have fun together, after he had gone to various amusement parks with his daughters. Disneyland is now one of the most well know amusement parks in the United States. My favorite song changes very frequently. I like so many different types of music such as Lil Wayne, Drake, Wiz Khalifia, Nicki Minaj, and many other artist. But at the moment, I would have to say my favorite song is Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson. I think the song is very inspirational. It's all about even though it's hard to let go and move on, you have to try and reach for your goals no matter how hard it will be to leave behind the ones you love.

Sydney MIchalski-4th period said...

This song is a brief history of a lot of memorable things that happened in the United States. The fire is a metaphor for the human race. I want to know more about the Beatles. They came to America from Britain in 1964 and became a world-wide phenomenon. But, sadly they broke up in 1970. I don't really have a favorite song. I just have a bunch of different artists that i like. One of the songs that I really like right now though is If I Die Young by The Band Perry. I like it because it's a very pretty song and has a good message.

khadijalam said...

the song was saying that the people in the vidio that all the people in it did not start the the fire and the fire is the war everone in ity had nothing to do to with this fire .the person that i protrey in this vidio is JFK he was a good hard working man and he wasd fgood to every one but he was assanted when he was at a prorade and was shot right in the head by this guy just did not want FK being pesident but in opinun that was not right at all and my favroit song is how to love by lil whyen i like this song because it could mean so meant thing and you have here it to have your ouw opinuon

Sami Stevenski said...

This amazing song is stating back to the history of this country we live in.The Title, "We Didn't Start The Fire," is a metaphor for fire meaning war. We were not responsable for the human race. I chose Princess Grace because I don't know much about her but would love to. What I do know is that she was an American actress. Her maiden name was Grace Kelly until April, 1956 when she married Rainier III, Prince of Manoco.
I have many artists that i like such as, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Diggy Simmons, and much much more. My favorite song is "Ms. Right" by Mindless Behavior. Its about no matter what culture, everyone is beautiful and unique in there own way. Its a mixture of romance and pop. It has the setting of being in history class talking about different cultures. Which fits right in this blog.

mia manzo 4th/5th period said...

“We Didn’t Start the Fire” is a song that tells about the major events in history from 1949 to 1989. Billy Joel’s purpose in writing this song was to inform the public that his generation wasn’t to blame for the problems going on in the world. He pointed out the fact that turmoil in the world had been going on since his generation and will continue to go on. I chose to write about television. The very first television networking program didn’t even begin in the United States until around 1950. Back then most American homes didn’t even have a TV. If they did, it was in black and white and it did not have a remote, so you had to change the channels manually. There weren’t very many channels to choose from though. Now, every home has a television in just about every room! The TVs that we have now are in color and have more than a thousand channels! I don’t really have a favorite song. I like most kinds of music, but I can’t stand country music.

-Mia Manzo 4/5thh period(:

MNuzum said...
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MNuzum said...

The purpose for this video was to give a summary of history in the past. When the say "We didn't start the fire" , fire stands for the human race. What they're trying to say is that they didn't start the human race. The person I would like to know more about is Elvis Presley. I already know a ton about Elvis but their is always more i could know. Elvis was born on January 8, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi. His twin brother Jesse Garon was stillborn and Elvis was born about 30 minutes later. My favorite song is Jail House Rock by Elvis Presley because that is the song that my grandparents showed me and that's when I became an Elvis fan. He is my idol.

megnwilt said...

The purpose of this song is to show the conflict betwenn people in history. Also important people in our history. "We Didnt start the Fire" is a metaphore for saying we didnt start the conflict the human race did! Id like to know more about Rosa Parks. SHe was an inspiration to people out there for not giving up her seat on the bus! Not most people would do that. My favorite song is U Smile By Justin Bieber<3 he is such an inspiration to alot of people ad me! I lov ehim! Everytime I have a bad day I listen to his songs and it makes me feel better(: Megan Wilt 4/5 period(:

Ben Taylor said...

The purpose of this song is to explain that we didn't cause or start the war. The "fire" in this song is a metaphor for the human race. They're trying to say that we didn't start the human race. I would like to know more about Joe DiMaggio. He made his first appearance on May 3, 1936 against the St. Louis Browns. The young and talented Joe DiMaggio had a 56-game hitting streak that demolished everyone's previous record. That record is still held today. No one has even came close. He will go down as one of the greatest players ever in Yankee Nation. My favorite song is The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars because I am sort of lazy and it has an awesome tune to it. It cheers me up.

Ben Taylor 4th/5th Period

SnydeeWrayyy said...
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SnydeeWrayyy said...

The purpose of this song is to telling you that not everyone started war or other bad things in the world. The metaphor to fire is that we didn't start with nothing. Something had to happen to start media, newspapers,and TV.
The person I would pick is JFK. JFK was the 35th peresident of the United States. He was shot on the day of November 22, 1963. He was also a catholic peresident. At that time that was like being Obama as our peresident. My favorite song is How to Love by Lil Wayne. This is my favorite song because he is my favorite artist and he is also a good singer. This song is very slow and is not rap which Lil Wayne usualy does not have songs like that. This song is very calm and cool and makes me feel warm.

~By Sydnee Shaffer
4th/5th period

Keely Stiles said...

The purpose of this song is to show that people have been disagreeing for as long as there have been people on this earth. The fire is a metaphor for the entire world’s troubles; it represents war, fighting, illness, death, etc. I choose to talk about Albert Einstein, because he was one of the smartest men in the world. Einstein invented the theory of relativity, and he urged the U.S. to build the Atom bomb. My favorite song is Super Bass by Nicki Minaj. I like this song because I think it’s catchy, and fun to listen too.

Keely Stiles said...
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OfficialRyrann said...

In my opinion this song is about American icons and pop culture. Also this song is about how we didn't start wars they were going to happen anyway. I chose the New York Yankees because they are the most prestigious franchise in all of American pro sports and my favorite team. They lead pro sports in championships and revenue what else would you need. They can buy any player they want which keeps on producing championships from a general managers point of view. Thats why think the Yankees are American pop culture.

Ryan Ricer 4th and 5th period

Anonymous said...

The purpose of this song was to show that we didnt start all of those wars. Fire was a metaphor for war.
I would like to know more about the mafia and their part to this song. I know they were bad people. They were like a community filled with smaller groups of people like famillies, and they were a very secret group of people to the point of almost no knowledge.
My favourite song right now would be "Stand in The Rain" because it reminds me of myself, and it shows that i can do so much better at my life.

sarah esposito said...

I think the purpose this whole video issued video is basically saying that they didn’t cause the war action of today’s society. The metaphor of the words using we didn’t start the fire is telling us that what I think fire is symbolic to all wars as one whole. The person or reaction I would like to list too facts about is JFK my two facts on John F. Kennedy is that He was the youngest elected to the office, at the age of 43 and also Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald.
Well I would Have to say my favorite song ever right now is Oh darling by plug in the Stereo it is my favorite because it is a very uncommon song but if u listen to the words it’s a very sweet love song that is very up to date and I absolutely love listening to it when I am cooling off after a soccer game  <3

Sarah Esposito ! :) <33 7-8 :)

Olivia Moroose- 4/5 said...

The purpose for writing this song was to provide a summary of memorable people and events in United States history. The fire is a metaphor for the human race. I would like to know more about Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn Monroe has been one of the most recognized faces in the world! On June 1st, 1926, a little girl named Norma Jean was born. She spent most of her life in foster homes and had a bad childhood. She married a man named, James Dougherty in 1942. She started modeling and her face was on numerous magazine covers. She got divorced in 1946, and changed her name to Marilyn Monroe to set herself on a path to a new career. She had a successful career in acting. On the night of August 4th, 1962, Marilyn died of a sleeping pill overdose. I don’t really have a favorite song. I like all types of music, especially country, but I really like the song, I love you this big, by Scotty McCreery.

Angelo Trae Hall said...

The purpose of the video is to show that we did not start the fire. Fire is a metaphor for war...i think. For my topic i chose Roy "Campy" Campanella. He was a catcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers. He is considered to be one of the best Catchers in MLB history. Sadly his carrer was cut short because of the color barrier. Today my favorite song is Next 2 you by Justin bieber and Chris Brown. I like the song cause for one Justin Bieber is the man! and two because it calms me down alot when im angry or upset.
Angelo Hall
7&8 pd. <3

Rainy said...

The purpose was to show that the world has a long history and many things have happened.
The fire is a metaphor for war and fights and how they've always been here and in the world
i chose to talk about a Studebaker i would like to know more about how one fact is Studebaker entered the automotive business in 1902 with electric vehicles and in 1904 with gasoline vehicles,anthor fact is that In 1911, it was decided to refinance and incorporate as the Studebaker Corporation. The company discontinued making electric vehicles that same year.
i would have to say my favorite song is firework by Katy Perry because its really good and inspiring.

Rainy Heston :) 4/5 period

jordynweaver said...

The purpose of this song was to obviously explain that wwe didn't start the fire. Fire is a metaphor fo war and that we aren't responsible for the human race and what they do.
I would like to learn more about James Dean.
His full name was James Byron Dean and he was an American film actor.
He died in a car accident and his last words before he hit the other car were rumored to be,"That guy's gotta stop....he'll see us."
I love all kinds of music but if I had to choose, my favorite song would probably be No One by Alicia Keys or Remind Me by Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood because they're both really pretty songs.

Jordyn Weaver
7th & 8th period (:

nathaniel romino 2nd said...
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meganhermancee♥ said...

The purpose of "We Didn't Start the Fire" was about historical events, tragedies and people. Fire is a metaphor for conflicts in the world. A person i would want to know more about would be Castro, because he seems interesting. Two facts about Fidel Castro would be that he was the third longest serving leader in the world, along with the fact that he had a love for baseball which he played. My favorite song would have to be shadows by Red, mainly because it is just the type of song you can listen to over and over without getting tired of it.

megan hermance 7&&8th periodd <33

nathaniel romino 2nd said...

The purpose of this song is meaning we didn’t start the war. Yes fire is another word for war. The thing/person I choose to write about is Pope Paul. I would like to know how he rolls and how he lives. He was the most visited pope. He is the first non Italian pope. My favorite song is Tonight is going to be a good night. That is sung by Black eyed peas. The black eyed peas are my favorite. Also my new favorite is We didn’t start the fire. The video taught me some cool new facts about the past.

gage payton said...

The purpose of the song is about the wars and we didn't star them. The fire is the wars and fights that have happen over time. My person is Sugar Ray and he started boxing at the Palmer Park recreation center in 1969. He fought Wilfred Benitez for the WBC Welterweight Championship on November 30, 1979 at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. This is how we do it because it is on a funny Pepsi commercial.

braden tennant said...

I think the song is about the wars that happened in the us.I chose the babies that were born without arms or legs.They were born like that because of the drug thalidomide. The drug caused the babies to be born without arms or legs. My favorite song is don't fear the reaper because it is a calming song.

Micheal H. said...

In my oppinion this song is to show all of the signifigant events in US history. Things that have shaped the United States and brought change and heart ache to our society. The word that I chose is CRACK. I feel that this is very important to todays world and econmics. Crack was definately not started by the people, well the ordinary people. We the people don't know where is came from but it has definately created a war in the American home. Effecting all classes of people; rich, poor, any and all races and religions. It's a war that is still fought today. Our generation has to decide that we didn't start the war but we definately must end it.-

Kathryn Scarbro(: said...

The purpose for the song was to show some major events from 1949 to 1989. Also to show that we werent responsable for war, and constant conflict in the country. The metaphor of the song is, that the generations after and the United States weren’t tonally responsible for the conflict and war. I choose Ronald Regan. He was one of the greatest presidents of all time! He helped send the cold war, and he contributed to the downfall of communism and the Berlin wall. MY favorite song is "Hold My Hand" By Michael Jackson and Akon. I think it's a pretty song, and it has a sweet message!

Kathryn Scarbro
4th-5th period<3

bryce bittinger said...
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bryce bittinger said...
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bryce bittinger said...

I think the purpose of the song was to point out some of the most important people and events in our history that turned out in a negative way. The fire is a metaphor for destruction and despair. The person I choose to find out more about was Albert Einstein. He was born in Germany and later came to the United States. He has been known as a genius throughout history and famous for physics. However in 1919 he divorced his wife and then married his cousin Elsa Lowenthal the same year. Does this sound like a genius to you? The next time someone says the expression “you’re a real Einstein” I will say “at least I would never marry my cousin, I just might be smarter”. My favorite song is Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue by Toby Keith. I like this song because it’s a memorial to the people who died for our country and it has a good tune to it. You just have to sing along. Period 7th & 8th.

Kenny renner said...

Their purpose of the song we did'nt start the fire was meaning that we've never started the war. Fire is the metaphor for war because they simply just go together. The person I selected was Mickey Mantle because he was one of the best MLB players to ever play fact 1; He played 18 years total in the MLB and all of them was for the New York Yankees yea boy. Fact 2; He also has won 3 american league tropies in his 18 year MLB seasons. My favorite song is called The Recipe by E-40 he's a very good rapper in my mind from all of the albums he has came out with in the last couple of years. The other song I like is called Don't Let Me Fall by B.o.B he's also a pretty good singer just like E-40 but just in 2 different types of styles of music dude.

Meghan said...

I feel that the purpose of this song is to tell about important events and discoveries that have happened over time. The metaphor in the song is fire and I think it stands for how there are always going to be problems and new things that come our way. The topic that I would want to know more about is Ole Miss. In 1962 Ole Miss was a segregated school. James Meredith was in the Air Force and then decided he wanted to go to school at Ole Miss. He had to go to court to be allowed to register for classes. He stayed there one year and then left to do more civil rights stuff. I don’t have a favorite song. The music I listen to depends on my mood at the time.
Meghan 4/5

Madison Urse said...

I think that the purpose of the song it to explain that we didn't star the war while telling you some cool facts about history. Fire is a metaphor for war. The person I would like to know more about is Princess Grace. She was an actress and Princess of Monaco. She was known more for her beauty and acting skills rather than being the Princess of Monaco. Her name is Grace Kelly she was born in Philidelphida, Pennsylvaina. I don't really have a favorite song, but if I had to pick one it would probably be "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry. It's a very sad song and the music video almost makes you cry. However it's an awesome song.

-Madison Urse 4th & 5th period

TheReal"KirkMoore" said...

I thought it was a nice video the reason for it was to say that they didnt start a war or anything and fire means war in this video it is used as a metaphor.
Sugar Ray Leonard was a boxer was a great boxer was one of the best ever.His bith name is Ray Charles Leonard. He was born May seventeenth in nineteen fifty-six. He was 5'10 and boxed in the welter weight division.

He was born in Wilmington, North Carolina. He boxed 305 rounds. He won 36 matches lost 3 and had one draw so all together he boxed 40 matches. Also had a 62.5% (KO) rate or knockout rate.
My favorite song is heart of a champion by nelly. It is my favorite song because it gets me pumped up for sports or to workout.

brian curry said...

The purpose of the song means we didnt start the fire. The metaphor we didnt start the fire means we didnt start the war. 911 happened 9/11/2005. many people died that day. my favorite song is 6'7 by lil wayne because i like the beat and the way he rapped to the beat.

Brooke Ashcraft said...

I think the purpose of composing this song was to, of course explain that we did not start the war and at the same time tell about many substantial events in the United States. In this song, fire is used as a metaphor for war. I would like to learn more about Dwight Eisenhower. Eisenhower was the 34th president of the United States. He was in office January 20, 1953-January 20, 1961. He was also a five star general and served as a Supreme Commander of all allied forces during World War II. With this he not only planned, but also supervised the invasion of France and Germany successfully. I don’t really have a favorite song, I have a variety of different song that I like, but one of my favorite music artists is T-Swift. My favorite song on Taylor Swift’s new album, Speak Now, is long live. I like almost all types of music, just not screamo or anything like that.

Brooke Ashcraft 4th/5th period

stephanie chapdelaine 7/8th period said...

I think the purpose of writing the song was to explain we didn't start wars and fights. The fire is the song is wars.I pick North Korea,the official language of North Korea is Korean. And North Korea has an estimated 22.7 million people as of 2009. My favorite song is moves like jagger because it is a really cool up beat song.

Makayla Perrine said...

The purpose of writing the song is to explain that we didn't start all the bad things in the world. And South Korea, their population is 48,508,972. Their capitol is Seoul.
My favorite song is How To Love by Lil Wayne and why is because it is a chachy song I like the lyrics.

Makayla Perrine 7/8th

Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period said...

The purpose of this song it to entertain the listener with a song containing humor. The fire is a metaphor for the human race. The person I choose is Mickey Mantle. Mantle played eighteen seasons with the New York Yankees. These eighteen seasons included three American League MVP titles and seven World Series clubs. Mantle won the Gold Glove in 1962 and the American League Triple Crown in 1956. He was said to be one of the greatest baseball players, to ever live. My favorite song is Chase That(Ambition) by Lecrae. It is my favorite because it talks about how we is going to chase after God and be more like him everyday. Also, I really like the beat and the lyrics. -Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period

Anonymous said...

The purpose of this song is to say that we didn't start the bad things that happen in the world. The fire is everything bad that has happened. Malcolm X was an African American Muslim Priest. He fought for African American rights. I don't really have a favorite song because I like so many different types of music, all the way from Jack Johnson to Linkin Park. But one of my favorite songs is If Everyone Cared by Nickelback because it has a good meaning to it and it sounds really cool.

Rtotheandy said...

The purpose of the song is to show people that we didn't start the war. Fire is a word that means war. I would like to learn more about the Mafia. The Mafia was a mob that would do bank robberies and have turf wars.
My favorite song will have to be
Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day. The other name for the song is I Walk Alone. The reason why i picked this song is because i like the beat, and sometimes i feel like I'am alone. Pretty much i guess the song matches me that is why i picked it.
By:Randy L. Stewart II
2nd,3rd Period

ashley bright said...

The purpose of this song is to explain that the U.S. Didn't start the war . As so it tells some major events that has happened in the United States during the past years. The fire is a matorphor for the human race. The person I have choose was Marilyn Monroe I would like know a lot of stuff about her than I already do. Mairlyn Monroe was an American actress , a model , a film producer and an singer. She received two awards for her performances the BAFTA and the Golden Globe Award. My favorite song is "All Day" by Cody Simpson , because I'm in love with his songs and the way he sings.
-Ashley Bright
7/8th period <3 (-:

tanner holbert said...

I think the perpose of this song was to say that we didnt start the war it was already there. In this song fire is a metaphor for war. I choose castro because he sounds like an interesting person. He was a prime minister over cuba and then became presidnet. I have alot of favorite song i cant just choose one.

Dupont,Kaitlin said...

The purpose of the song is that we didnt cause the war or the fire. Fire is a metaphor. I'd like to know more about Liberace because, he was a popular pianist and entertainer, who had his own TV show in the 1950s.He is credited with advising singer Elvis Presley to also wear "fancy clothes" during his performances. My favorite song is But I love you and its by LeAnn Rimes. I used to listen to this song when I was very young and I dont know how but I found it and couldnt stop listening. Its a great song to listen to.

Teddy Brooks said...

The purpose of this song is to say that we didn’t cause the war and that it was everybody. The word fire in the song is a metaphor for things leading to war. Harry Truman is a person would want to know more about and write Harry Truman was the 33rd president of the United States of America. During World War I, Truman served in combat in France as an artillery officer in his National Guard unit. My favorite song is group of songs. But out of that group my favorite song is monster by Paramore. I like that song because she is singing about it is not to blame her for everything that happens.

madisonmorrone said...

The purpose of this song was to state that we didnt start the war. Fire is a metaphor for the human race. I picked hula hoops. Hula hoops were invented in 1959. They were invented by a man named Authur K Meli, who was also know as "Stud". Hula hoops are thin, round, plastic hoops that are moved around the body for play or exercise, by movement of the hips. I chose this topic because I used to love hula hoops when I was younger. I once won a hula hooping contest! My favorite song is "I Love You This Big" by Scotty McCreery <3
- Madison Morrone 4/5th period <3

Emily said...

The purpose of the song "We Didnt Start The Fire" is to state the fact that we didnt start the war. Fire is a metaphor for human race. I picked James Dean because, I would like to know more about him. His full name is James Byron Dean . He was born February 8, 1931 – September 30, 1955. James was an American film actor. I dont realy have a favorite song, i like many different songs. Such as Lil Wayne, Drake, Jason Aldean, and Billy Currington. But, at the moment i would have to say my favorite song is I Love You This Big by Scotty McCreery. Its really touching and sweet.
-Emily Gettings 7/8pd. <3

Cody said...

The purpose of this song is to tell of all the major people who influenced America and our culture. Most of the song is about war communism pop icons and scandals.It also discuses other countries problems and political leaders. The fire is all of the bad things that has happened that America had done. Also it means all of the problems can not be blamed by one particular thing but many things have caused all of our problems. I want to do my 2 facts on Fidel Castro. Castro was a dictator in Cuba and started the Cuban Missle Crises. Castro was upset about the Bay of Pigs invastion in 1961. He rose to power and became prime minister. Castro once escaped police by jumping off a steam liner and swiming to shore in the dark of night. Castro tripped at a ralley and broke a kneecap and fractured an arm but was fully recovered 4 weeks later.
My favorite song is The Diary of Jane by Breaking Bejamin. I like it because it is a song about a guy that loved a girl that did not love him back. I feel that a lot of teenagers feel this way throughout their life.

Aaliyah moton said...
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Aaliyah moton said...

The purpose of this song is to explain that we didnt cause the struggle or war. Fire is a metaphor for struggle or war. I would like to know more about peterpan. He is the character in a widely popular story, written by J.M. Barrie, it has been represented by many art forms including movies, cartoons, television, ballet, musical theater and fine art. In 1904, Barrie staged a children's play that was hugely successful. My favorite song would have to be marvins room or trust issues by drake just because hes an amazing artist and those song make me happy.

Ben Stewart said...

The purpose of this song is to inform you about major events in United States history. The 'fire' the song is talking about is the history of the world. The lyrics "We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning" is a metaphor stating that we didnt start history, but that we live it everyday and will continue to live it everyday the world spins. A topic I would like to know more about from the song is the Bay Of Pigs Invasion. This was a failed attempt to invade Southern Cuba by Cuban Rebels with US suppots. The attemp was foiled by Cuban armed forces less than 3 days after the invasion had begun. My favorite song is "Headlines" by Drake. This is my favorite song because it has a good beat, and lyrics I can relate to.

Savannah said...
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Hunter Sims said...

The purpose of this video is to show us things are happening, have been happening and will continue to happen in the world. The song discusses movies, books, people, war, and ideas, to show us that culture builds upon itself and previous generations. “We didn’t start the fire” is a metaphor for describing that events have been happening since the beginning of time and that we keep building, growing, changing and working. The person I’d like to learn more about from the song is Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon is the only president to resign in U.S. history. He was involved in Watergate, which involved illegal activities performed by the president and the Nixon administration. My favorite song has to be Diary of Jane, by Breaking Benjamin. I’ve listened to it for years and still like it to this day.

Hunter Sims said...

The purpose of this video is to show us things are happening, have been happening and will continue to happen in the world. The song discusses movies, books, people, war, and ideas, to show us that culture builds upon itself and previous generations. “We didn’t start the fire” is a metaphor for describing that events have been happening since the beginning of time and that we keep building, growing, changing and working. The person I’d like to learn more about from the song is Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon is the only president to resign in U.S. history. He was involved in Watergate, which involved illegal activities performed by the president and the Nixon administration. My favorite song has to be Diary of Jane, by Breaking Benjamin. I’ve listened to it for years and still like it to this day.

tyairahorton(: said...

tyaira horton<3
the author's purpose is trying to inform us that we didn't star the war! Fire is also a metaphor for the word war. I would really like to know more important about Marilyn Monroe she was a really great singer and I like one of her songs but i don't know the name. My favorite song is best that I never had by bey once because its fun to listen too !(:
7th and 8th period , English constable

Donnie Freeman said...

The purpose of this song is to explain that not everyone started the war. Fire is a metaphore for war. (Makes sense) I listen to a lot of trance songs. But I have to say my favorite song has to be Break My Fall by Tiesto ft. BT.

fairmont runs said...

The purpose of this song is to give different plots that happened between the years 1949 and 1989. In the saying "We Didn't Start the Fire", the saying does not mean what it says, and it means we didn't start the human race. I would like to learn more about Jimi Hendrix. He was a guitarist, singer, and songwriter. He was born on November 27, 1942, in Seattle, Washington. He learned to play guitar as a teenager, and grew up to become a rock guitar legend. My favorite song is How to Love by Lil Wayne because it's easy to learn the lyrics to something that says the same words over and over again.

NoahHaberland said...

The purpose of the video is to show the progression of history and war. The word "fire" in the video is referring to war throughout history. I choose Fidel Castro was the Prime Minister of Cuba from 1965 to 1976, then he won presidency of Cuba in 1976 to 2008. In 1950 to 1952 Fidel Castro became profession lawyer. One of my favorite songs is probably Thoughts of a dying Atheist by Muse because, its not only a slow song but it picks up from time to time. Also another one of my favorite songs is I bet you look good on the dance floor by the Arctic Monkeys, it's catchy and it's a fast song with an amazing guitar entro and solo.

selenna.(: said...

The purpose of this song is to entertain and inform. The fire is a metophor for the wars and human race.I would like to know more about the Studebaker because it looks really cool.Studebaker Corporation was a United States wagon and automobile manufacturer based in South Bend, Indiana. Founded in 1852 and incorporated in 1868 under the name of the Studebaker Brothers Manufacturing Company, the company was originally a producer of wagons for farmers, miners, and the military. 6 At first, Studebaker opted for electric over gasoline propulsion. I don't really have a favorite song at the moment but if i had to pick one i'd pick don't matter by akon. This is my favorite song because, it's inpirational to show that if you love someone you won't care what people say or think about it.

Anonymous said...

The songs purpose is that their telling us that we did not start the war.Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) was the 37th President of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974. The only president to resign the office, Nixon had previously served as a representative and senator from California, and as the 36th Vice President of the United States from 1953 to 1961 under Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Anonymous said...

the songs purpose means that we did not start the war. Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) was the 37th President of the United States, serving from 1969 to 1974. The only president to resign the office, Nixon had previously served as a representative and senator from California, and as the 36th Vice President of the United States from 1953 to 1961 under Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Tyler Plivelich-7th-8th said...
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Tyler Plivelich-7th-8th said...

The purpose of this song is to explain that we didn’t start the war. Fire is a metaphor for war. I’d like to know more about John F. Kennedy. He was the thirty fifth president of the United States. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts on May 29, 1917. He was assassinated on Friday, November 22, 1963 in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. It’s hard to pick a favorite song because I like a lot of songs but if I had to pick one it would probably be Indestructible by Disturbed. I think it is a really good song and I listen to it a lot.

Gatsby Rider said...

I feel the song is a good representation of the world and its human history. It explains all the ups and downs thoughout the past like ten or more years. The fire in the song represents the ever growing chaos of the world. I use the word chaos becuase this is about more than war,it has to do with the day to day happenings of the human race which can only be described as chaos. which isn't all bad mind you. I want to know more about Bridge Over River Quai. It was a classic film based on a real life event of solders who were captured during WWII. The were forced to build a bridge to get supplies to an enemy encampment. The brave soldiers kept trying to sabutage the bridge when they were building it. The film was made in 1957. I really hope to read the book. I would have to say my favorite song is I am yours by Jason Mraz. It is a good song with amazing lyrics and it makes my happy everytime I here it.

Anonymous said...

The purpose of this song is to show major events that have happened in history.
The fire is a metaphor for everything bad that the human race has done. People often say that the world wasn't this way back in their day and such. The world was still bad back then, though. A huge reason we see it more now is because technology is much more advanced and we can see it sooner. By saying that we didn't start the fire, we are saying that we did not start all the bad things that we do.
I chose to research H-Bomb. This stands for Hydrogen Bomb. It is a type of nuclear weapon. An H-Bomb works by producing a large amount of energy through nuclear fusion reactions. Only six countries have conducted thermonuclear weapon tests.
My favorite song is probably "Turn Around" by They Might Be Giants. I love it because it is funny. I love how they sing something that sounds so depressed in such a happy voice. The song cheers me up.

-Deborah Wright, 4th-5th Period

joseph leon said...

I think the purpose for the video was to tell that "we didn't start the fire," fire meaning war. Some of us were born into it, and some of us helped, but none of us started it. I chose to write about Harry S. Truman. He was Franklin Roosevelt's vice president and took over presidency on April 12, 1945 when president Roosevelt died less than three months after beginning his historic fourth term. Before becoming a president, Truman participated in World War 1.
I really don't have a favorite song. I have favorite artists and albums, but no songs.

joseph leon 4th/5th

cclinear said...

The purpose of this song was to explain that we didn't start the fire. The fire is the war, so we didnt start the war someone else did. I would like to know more about children of the thalidomide. Their mom's tooke a pill that was supposed to be birth control, but had very bad side effects on their children. Their children were born without arms and legs. Thats very sad. My favorite song of my child hood would be rock the boat by hues corporation, because it was my favorite song when i was a baby so it still is, because it has a catchy rythme to it.

ozie said...
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ozie said...

This song is about important things that happened in history. It was about contriversial people and things in history. The person or thing I would like to know more about is Elvis Presley. he was born in 1935 and died in 1977. Another fact is that his home state was Mississippi. Party Up In Here by DMX ,because it is a good warm up song. I listen to it all the time as well.
Peyton Ozie 7/8th period

fairmont runs said...

This is justin okel.

Andrew Bundy said...

this blog is about all the historic events that have occurred in the recent past. The blog covered everything from cars to war. The song We Didn't Start the Fire was stuck in my head the rest of the day after I watched this blog. The thing that stood out to me the most was the Studebaker. The reason it stood out to me is because my grandpa drove one to his prom way back when. The song had a good beat and lyrics were just as good.

Anonymous said...

I really dont know why they chose that song. The saying we didnt start the fire was a metaphor for war. We didn't start the war. I don't remember any of the characters from the blog. My favorite song is yeah 3 times by Chris Brown. That is my favorite song because it is exiting and it makes me want to jump and party.

KelsieStingo2nd/3rd period said...

I think the purpose of this song is to say, "we didn't start the war." 'fire' is a metaphor for war. I would like to learn more about the Beatles. My friend and My mom always listens to the beatles. I've listened to many of there songs. They are an English Rock Band. they built their reputation playing in clubs. The Beatles are the best-selling band in history! even after they broke up. there music is still in demand! What's my favorite song? I don't really have a favorite song I like all usic and it's hard to choice my favorite.

mike beal said...

it is an awesome video it tells the history of the U.S and other coutries and there accomplishments and tragedys. there are a bunch of cool stuff i did'nt know about till saw some of the clips. I think its really cool and interesting