The photo i've selected is the one of Muhammad Ali. The importance of this photo is showing that you should never be afraid of glory or winning always give it what ever you've got in which what you do. It's also showing how you should never be afraid of your opponent because he's a regular person just how you are so never be afraid of your opponents or of your own talent. The circumference surronding it is showing how big of a deal or how big of a person and boxer Muhammad Ali was it's also showing pride and glory in which he had each and every match that he had. So as you can see Muhammad Ali was a very prideful man in what he did and was not afraid of showing his wonderful talent in boxing.
The photo i selected is the one of Albert Einsein. i choose him because he is very popular for devloment the theories of general and special relativitys of life. The picture in now of days is in Popular Culture. The picture of hime with his toung sticking out is a very popular picture. It is also on the video. i think that picture is very inspiring on our wourld and the science rooms we go into. I think he changed the way we learn today. The picture is also very imporant on the science theory. I beleive that i would like to know more about him and how he changed the world a long time ago.
I selected the photo of a man jumping out of a window during the 9/11 attack. It's important, because it shows the history behind the day. People were frantic and scared to get out. It happened so quickly that people inside had to act fast. No one knew it was coming. They either would burn to death or jump and hope they survived. A lot of people lost their lives and a lot of people lost their loved ones. It was a sad, emotional day that has changed our nation forever. Never forget the lives lost and brave firefighters and policeman that go along with this day.
The photo i select is the one of Hitler. He was a very bad man and it this picture is important because he did something that changed the course of humanity.So many jews were killed during the holocost because of him. People tried to kill him 15 times -one of them called valkire was very a famous attempt- but only when he was about to rule over the world, other coutries came in and surrounded him. he then killed himself before they had reached him. Almost everyone knows who he is nowadays.
The picture I chose was the picture of the starving child in Africa and the large vulture next to him. This photograph is important because it shows just how severe things are in Africa. More and more people are starving to death each day and we need to do something to prevent it. We all need to be thankful for what we have. Some people, like the child in this picture, can’t even afford a decent meal or a house to protect them. Some people don’t know where their next meal is going to come from or if there even will be one. -mia manzo<3
The photo i have selected is the one of the baby's arm sticking out of the mothers uterus.This shows how special each and every living breathing organism really is... Think of 9 months in that tiny thing, growing. We all came from another person. We were once that small. We were all in the baby's position in the begining of our lives. We are all special. Each and everyone of us.-Olivia Paige Hawkinberry <32nd&3rd period.
The photo I've selected is the one of the giant footprint on the moon. This was the very first moon landing. it occurred on July 20, 1969 on the Apollo 11 mission. The footprint is Neil Armstrong's footprint. Neil may have been the first man on the moon, but minutes after Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon, Buzz Aldrin stepped on the moon. Buzz Aldrin was the second man to step on the moon. Maybe someone was before them but this is actual proof of mankind on the surface of the moon. These words will never be forgotten by Neil Armstrong, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Neil said this because he was the first person to step on the moon. This was a very important moment for our country to remember.Michael Nuzum II 4th/5th Period
The photo i choosed was the little girl stuck in the water behind the bar. They have tried to help her out but just couldnt. She was starving and no one was even doing anything about it. There are so many people without food or water. Every bit of food or water you waste could be a meal for starving children. It is horrible looking at all the kids homeless and without families or food. People dont care now days about the less fortunate. Even tho we have food , a home, and family dosnt mean wwe shouldnt be concerned about other people.
I choose the photo of the African Americans being hung. I would say that the circumstances of being hung back in the day would be, because you were just an African American and they didn't like them, so they hung them, even for really idiotic things. People back then would have slaves, and beat them, because they were tired. I really didn't enjoy seening that photo even though it was a [art of history. :/ Ciara Linear 2nd/3rd
I have chosen the photo of the Wright brothers with their handmade aircraft. The importance of this photo is that the Wright brothers were the first people to fly. They were the First in Flight. On December 17, 1903, the Wright brother's aircraft, the "Flyer" flew for 12 seconds and traveled a distance of 120 feet. Neither of the brothers went to college but they were very successful. This was a very important time in American History. This took place in North Carolina. A flip of o coin decided who would fly first. Wilbur took the honor of taking the first flight.Ben Taylor 4th-5th Period
The photo that I chose was the starving boy in Africa. The picture was heart breaking in so many unexplainable ways. He looked as if he hadn't eaten in months. That just shows that even though some people have it pretty bad in life, there is always someone with worse. Be thankful for what you have because I know that many children in the world would be extatic if they could only have a meal to eat. Many organizations out there try to regroup and mend the brocken. For an example, Haiti was a victum of an monstrous earthquake. They were soon sent money and supplies to rebuild their lives. That is what I mean when I said, help not pity.Sami Stevenski :)
The photo I picked was the picture of the little girl the that was in the water. whats was so important about this video was that the little was getting recused. The video was showing how there are many of floods .
I picked the picture of marines and a naval soldier raising the American flag after capturing the island of Iwo Jima. It is located off the coast of Japan. One this island, there were three main airfields that the United States intended to capture. Obviously, they succeeded and raised the American flag in one of the most popular pictures ever taken. The United States greatly out numbered Japan from the start. U.S.A. also had air control and since it was an island Japan couldn't retreat. This all happened February 19th - March 26th 1945. The flag was raised on Mount Suribachi. This was an important victory for the United States in the war against Japan.-Joseph Leon 4th and 5th
i picked the picture of the man jumping out of the twin towers . i think the importance of this picture is to show that people risked theyre life by jumping out of many and many storys just to know that they could have a b etter chance of living by jumping out of the twin towers then waiting for people to come and save then it just shows that it was a tradgety
The photo I choosed was The Wright Brothers. They invented the first airplane. But if they didn't invent the airplane the 9/11 attack wouldn't of happened. The first airplane was invented on December 17,1903. The Wright brothers made no flights at all in 1906 and 1907 while they pursued fitful negotiations with the U.S. and European governments. While grounded they experimented with a pontoon and engine setup on the Miami River in hopes of flying their airplane from the water. These experiments proved unsuccessful. In May 1906 they were finally granted a patent for their flying machine. In 1907 the brothers journeyed to Europe for the first time for face-to-face talks with government bureaucrats and businessmen. Orville joined his brother two months after Wilbur's departure, but first packed a new Model A Flyer in a crate which was shipped to France and left in storage at Le Havre in anticipation of demonstration flights. In early 1908 the Wrights finally signed contracts with a French company and the U.S. Army. In May they went back to Kitty Hawk with their 1905 Flyer to practice for their all-important demonstration flights. They had not been to the camp in four and a half years and had to rebuild their two sheds, which had been badly damaged by weather and scavengers; the 1902 glider was in a hopeless state of disrepair. -Sabrina Coe
The picture I choose is the atomic bomb. I choose this picture because it is extreamly important in american history. This picture reminds me of Japan and of all the lives that were lost that day. This picture says that the scientist in America are capible of amazing things. We were in the middle of world war two and Japan was fighting against the united states. The atomic bomb stopped the japanese in their fight. The atomic bomb was devasted to the Japanese and the war costed many lives but sometimes violent acts are necessary to end world wars. The picture was an amazing site to see the bomb explode. When the bomb exploded normally it would go outwards, this bomb is in the shape of a mushroom. It was deadly but interesting to watch.cody satterfield 2nd and 3rd
The photo I selected was the Navy soldier kissing the girl in New York. He had just served in WWII and came back to his girl and it is important to show how war effects people and we should not have to worry if our loved ones are going to come back alive or wounded, because there should not be war.Makayla Perrine7th & 8th Period
The photo I have chosen is the Beetles. This picture is from the album cover Abby Road. The Beetles were a very important part on our music history and influenced a new generation and future generations of musicians. The Beetles were very famous. They inspired movies such as across the universe or their own such as hard days night. My parents have listened to the Beatles all my life so i am sort of familiar with their music. I do like the song strawberry fields forever. They created a riot when they first appeared on the ed sullivan show which was a show that showed various musicians of that time. My grandma said they went crazy for them at the time. My grandma's favorite was Paul, he was known as the cute one. Without the Beatles who knew how our music would turn out today.-Megan hermance, 7&8 period !(:
The picture I chose was of the footprint on the moon. Can you imagine how it would feel to be the first man to walk on the moon. Neil Armstrong did this on July 20 1969 on the Apollo 11 mission. He had to be excited but nervous at the same time when he first stepped out of the spaceship onto the moon, knowing that the entire world was watching. Some of his first words were "Houston, Tranquilty base here, The eagle has landed." Another statement he will be remembered for is: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Neil Armstrong was a hero to the world.Ryan Valentine7th & 8th Period
The photo I chose was the plane crashing into the twin towers. The importance of the photo is that 9/11 changed U.S. history. Two planes crashed into both towers. About 3,000 people died that day. About 10:28 A.M the towers clasped and many people died when they did. Thats why I chose the plane crashing into the twin towers.
The picture I chose was the picture of the children building the Rockefeller Center. The reason I picked this picture is that it’s an important piece of history showing how our country was built. The Rockefeller Center stands massively in New York City as it shows us even after the great stock market crash; the building would be completed and stands tall still today. The picture shows how it was built and how individuals were willing to work hard to make a living and even children worked hard risking their lives just make enough money to live and help their families survive. On misguided step, or lack of concentration could make them go off balance and could cause them to fall to their death. Now you can see why, I decided to pick this picture out of all the other memorable ones because, it shows how the country we live in now was build off of the hard work and bravery of people who helped build the country.
I've chosen the picture of D-day. It's important to history because, it shows that as long as we give it our all, we will overcome any obstacle. It also shows how we defeated one of our hardest problems in history. It was the one the last battles of WWII. The picture shows us raising the flag after we won the battle. It shows our pride in our country and the hardships we faced. We The picture shows the challenge it took to plant the flag into the ground. We will always remember this picture because what it meant to raise the flag, it means pride, honor and most of all victory.
The photo I chose to write about is the footprint that Neil Armstrong left on the moon when he took the very first step. The day he stepped on the moon was on July 20, 1969 and the first record of it too. Right after he stepped on the moon, his friend Buzz Aldrin followed along. We will probably never know if there were any other life-forms that had stepped on to the moon before us. I think this is a major event in history to remember, especially knowing we had beaten Russia to the moon. Today, we are inventing new rockets to go up to the moon quicker, which will probably become a major day to remember when they launch the first one.Justin Okel 4th/5th period
The picture I've selected is where the suy is kissing that girl on time square after world war 2. I chose it because it was really sweet becaue the guy just came back and got to see her. It is important because we just won the war and everyone was celebrating and that picture shows just how happy and excited everyone was. That's why I chose that picture. :)Jordyn Weaver7th & 8th period :)
I have chosen the picture of little boy staving and the vulture watching him. Thus picture is very emotional and a little depressing. The vulture is just sitting there basically waiting for the little boy to die of starvation. This picture no matter how sad is very important. It shows more foraminate people how some people in the world are living. They are starving and dyeing. Some people don’t even have a shelter to sleep in. Parts of the world are crowed, dirty, and loveless. I believe this picture does a good job on showing that.Kathryn Scarbro(:4th and 5th period<3
I chose the picture of the baby's arm and hand sticking out of its mother's uterus. I chose this picture because it shows the miracle of life. It shows how great the moment is when the child is born. A child is born every 4.2 seconds in the world. Moments like the one captured in the picture happen all the time. It's an amazing thing. This picture captures how great the event is. While this happens all the time, it is still an amazing picture. The photo shows another human being coming into the world. That's an amazing miracle. It is a beautiful picture.-Deborah Wright, 4th-5th Period
I chose the picture of the man jumping out of the towers on 9/11. When I look at this picture, it brings about many emotions. It makes me feel very sad for the man. I am sad because I think about how scared he must have been, and if he even knew what was happening. Looking at the picture I also feel very angry. It makes me angry to think about the horrible people in the world that would actually do this to another human being. It also makes me feel hopeful because although the city did a good job of handling the situation I am sure that improvements have been made for the safety in the future.
The picture I've chosen is the one of Hitler. Hitler was a very terrible dictator that changed the course of history and impacted the world. During the Holocaust, which lasted from 1941-1945, Nazi Germany, lead by Hitler killed around 17 million civilians and an estimated amount of 6 million Jews. Approximately one million Jewish children were killed, two million women, and three million men. In 1945, in the final days of war during the Berlin Battle, Hitler married his mistress Eva Braun. To avoid being captured by the Red Army, Hitler and Eva committed suicide on April 30, 1945. Both of their bodies were burned. Even though Hitler was dead, so many families died and were affected by his actions. He scared tons of people in Europe. Hitler impacted the history of Europe forever. Hopefully, nothing like the Holocaust will occur again.-ciara hornberger, 4th&5th period (:
I choose the picture of the men sitting on a beam eating their lunch while taking a break from building the Empire State Building in New York City. The picture was taken in 1931. The thing that is so impressive about this picture is that this building remains to be one of the largest buildings in the world. These men are sitting there eating and talking like it’s no big deal to be so high up. I doubt you would find men working so high up with little safety precautions today. I bet the men in the photo never dreamed that the building that they worked on would be the tallest in the United States or that their picture would be part of the most impressive photos for a school assignment. Bryce Bittinger7th & 8th period
I chose the picture of the hollacost and where the guys where laying on the beds. The importance of this picture is dont be afraid of what comes turns you, always be brave and deal with it. They people in the hollacost were afraid and scared to death but they HAD to deal with. In life you have to deal with stuff you dont want to deal with. Alot of people got sick and died. People still had to do theres jobs they were put on. The hollocost was long time ago and thats when Hitler was alive and killing the jews and I think because of the legin. But Hitler killed him self and everything went back to normol.
The photo I chose was the one of the men in the concentration camp. This picture makes me feel so sad and sick to my stomach. I can’t imagine what those people must have been feeling. How could someone commit such a crime to people? I read that about eleven million people died during the Holocaust from 1933-1945. It wasn’t just Jews that Hitler didn’t like, but several other groups of people, including Soviet POW’s, homosexuals, and the disabled. Large numbers of families were separated and never got to see each other again. It was a very sad time in history.Meghan 4/5
I selected the photo of the giant star in the galaxy. This is a very important photo because it shows us that there are many thing out in the world. It also proves for as much as we've discovered there is alot more to find. From looking at this picture it really makes you think about whats really out there. This picture is magical and inspiring. It makes mnany americans want find more and more of whats out there and surrounding us. It also is important cause it shows how far along we have come in the world of technology. This is a great photo and is very inpiring ~ Rainy Heston ~ ~ 4/5 period~
My favorite picture of them all was all the iron workers sitting on the beam way up in the sky eating lunch like nothing was out of the usual. To work that job you would have to have guts. That jobs not for me because I cant walk across the beams so high up and not get nervous. I would be scared of falling. I have respect for those guys because without them we could not build tall building like we have in the world today.
The picture that I found interesting was the hand x-ray with the growth. It is showing a gut wrenching reaction of "shock and awe." This x-ray shows how diseases effect the human body, especially the bones in this case.X-rays help tell Doctor's what is going on inside of the body so they can treat you better.Peyton Ozie 7-8th period
The photo i've selected is the photo of the Hindenburg crashing. This photo is important because it shows a huge disaster that happened in history. It's also showing how one of man's great creations ended horribley. The Hindenburg. The Hindenburg was a large commercial German zepplin. The airship flew people around the world from March 1936, until 14 months later on May 6, 1937 it exploded and was destroyed by fire. Thirty-six people died in the accident, which accured while landing. So the Hindenburg was a great invention at first, but it had a fatal ending.
The picture I have chosen is the little boy that has obviously has been starving. And also the vulture behind it getting ready to attack this poor boy. This little boy has been starving for at least two months. I ask why this camera man would not help this harmless boy. And I thought to myself some people don’t even care anymore. We need to change our way and help more people that are starving or homeless. If I was taking this picture I would take it and then help this little boy. Just remember in life you can help a lot of people but at the same time you are helping your self become a better person. When I am older I would like to go help these people and care for them.Sydnee Shaffer<34th/ 5th period
I selected the photo of the man jumping out of a window of the twin towers during 9/11. I choce this pisture because it show what people had to do to try to save their lives during this time. 9/11 was a great tradgedy in the U.S. This was a terrible time in history and that is another reason I choose this picture. I can imagine how terrified this man was jumping out of this building.
I picked the Afghan girl because when i first saw the picture the first thing that went through my head was that this particular girl has went through a lot of pain. Her eyes touched me and I wanted to know more about her so I researched on her. She was a refugee in Afghanistan who lost her parents in a war at the age of six. The man who took this picture went back to find her because this picture touched all Americans hearts and became famous. He later found her as a adult. The amazing part is she still has the same look of pain behind her eyes. -Micheal Holloway<3;)
The photo I have selected was the Wright Brothers and their aircraft. They invented the first successful airplane. They flew this plane on December 17, 1903. This took place in North Carolina. It took many years for the brothers to get it correct. They tried many different things and failed many times. In the end, they solved "the flying problem". I visited Washington D.C. over the summer, and saw the aircraft at the National Air and Space Museum. They also have the original propellers from the aircraft. Without this invention, travel would take longer and be mainly by vehicles. This invention opened the era of aviation.
I chose the photo of Muhammad Ali. In this photo Ali is showing his dominance after knocking out one o his opponents. Muhammad Ali was probably not just the best boxer in history, but possibly the best overall athlete of all time. No one has ever been as dominant as Muhammad was in his prime. He was the best and his goal was to show everyone that ever watched him that he was. He had more self-confidence and pride than anyone else did so that also played into his dominance. In my opinion this picture shows dominance and pride. -Ryan Ricer 4/5
The picture that I have chosen is the picture of the men starving in the concentration camp. I honestly have no idea how someone could be so sick minded that they could injure and kill other people for their personal enjoyment. The Holocaust was and will always be a very important part of the world’s history. The Holocaust’s leader was of course Adolf Hitler. He was accompanied by the Nazi army. During the Holocaust nearly 1 million Jewish children were murdered, nearly 2million women, and nearly 3 million men. Other groups of people were killed including homosexuals, people with disabilities, and people with different religious views. The total number of casualties in the whole process of the Holocaust is between eleven and seventeen million.Brooke Ashcraft4th and 5th period
I have selected the photo of the U.S. soilders putting the american flag up. I chose this picture, because I think it reresents that americans can perservere,are tough,and willing to fight for their country. This photo means a lot to me. Our soilders are very brave people and I don't think that they get reconized enough for putting their lives on the line every day!Since they put the flay up it ment that America had won :). This picture shows brave men risking their lives so we can go to school, or vote, or play sports. All of our privledges are because of them!love,madison english 4th-5th period <3
Photo I picked to do my blog on is the photo was the guy was standing on the world trade center getting his picture taken while the plane was about to crash into the twin towers. The importance to this photo here is that it shows that this insistent guy just died because of the stupid terrorists in the country and tells that we need to have a better eye on the terrorism in this country.Sarah Esposito <3 :D 8th
The picture I choose is the one on the mooon with the boot print. It may have been the first person who stepped on the moon and took a picture to show everyone that he was the first person on the moon and so no body would think he was lieing. That is all I can think about this photo. -Ashley bright 7/8th
The picture that I picked is the picture of the men starving in the concentration camp. I dont understand how somebody could kill someone else. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Holocaust. The Holocaust will always be a very important and scary part of history. Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany and ended in 1945 when the Nazis were defeated by the Allied powers. 1,000 people per day were loaded up in trains and sent to either a concentration camp or a death camp. -Emily Gettings 7&8th <3
The photo I have selected is the picture of the two people hanging in a public square while all the people are just walking past the dead bodies. It is increadabley morbid and creepy that not one person in the whole crowd looked at them with sympathey or compasion. This is obviosly a society in which they have been desensitized to this sort of spectical and have been taught to not feel bad for criminals no matter how little they deserved their fate. I personaly am appoaled by this and honestly hope this does not happen very often anymore.
The photo i picked was the one with picture of the Album Abbey Road. I think this is very important in the music world because it brought a new genre to the world. The Beatles took the world by storm and everybody loved them. I asked my grandpa why he thought Abbey Road was important and he said it was the only Album to have a synthesizer. He said that he got to see them in concert and he loved the new addition. He didn't remember which Beatle it was though.
The photo I selected was the photo of the soldier holding the Russian Flag after conquering the Nazi. The Russians overcame huge deficits while in war with the Nazi. The Russians charged into Berlin, forced the Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler, to kill himself, and then overtook Berlin from Germany. The batallion that took the Reichstag raised this flag to show that they had finally conquered Berlin and defeated Htler and the Nazis o the Third Reich.Ben Stewart 4th / 5th Period
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The photo i've selected is the one of Muhammad Ali. The importance of this photo is showing that you should never be afraid of glory or winning always give it what ever you've got in which what you do. It's also showing how you should never be afraid of your opponent because he's a regular person just how you are so never be afraid of your opponents or of your own talent. The circumference surronding it is showing how big of a deal or how big of a person and boxer Muhammad Ali was it's also showing pride and glory in which he had each and every match that he had. So as you can see Muhammad Ali was a very prideful man in what he did and was not afraid of showing his wonderful talent in boxing.
The photo i selected is the one of Albert Einsein. i choose him because he is very popular for devloment the theories of general and special relativitys of life. The picture in now of days is in Popular Culture. The picture of hime with his toung sticking out is a very popular picture. It is also on the video. i think that picture is very inspiring on our wourld and the science rooms we go into. I think he changed the way we learn today. The picture is also very imporant on the science theory. I beleive that i would like to know more about him and how he changed the world a long time ago.
I selected the photo of a man jumping out of a window during the 9/11 attack. It's important, because it shows the history behind the day. People were frantic and scared to get out. It happened so quickly that people inside had to act fast. No one knew it was coming. They either would burn to death or jump and hope they survived. A lot of people lost their lives and a lot of people lost their loved ones. It was a sad, emotional day that has changed our nation forever. Never forget the lives lost and brave firefighters and policeman that go along with this day.
The photo i select is the one of Hitler. He was a very bad man and it this picture is important because he did something that changed the course of humanity.So many jews were killed during the holocost because of him. People tried to kill him 15 times -one of them called valkire was very a famous attempt- but only when he was about to rule over the world, other coutries came in and surrounded him. he then killed himself before they had reached him. Almost everyone knows who he is nowadays.
The picture I chose was the picture of the starving child in Africa and the large vulture next to him. This photograph is important because it shows just how severe things are in Africa. More and more people are starving to death each day and we need to do something to prevent it. We all need to be thankful for what we have. Some people, like the child in this picture, can’t even afford a decent meal or a house to protect them. Some people don’t know where their next meal is going to come from or if there even will be one.
-mia manzo<3
The photo i have selected is the one of the baby's arm sticking out of the mothers uterus.
This shows how special each and every living breathing organism really is... Think of 9 months in that tiny thing, growing. We all came from another person. We were once that small. We were all in the baby's position in the begining of our lives. We are all special. Each and everyone of us.
-Olivia Paige Hawkinberry <3
2nd&3rd period.
The photo I've selected is the one of the giant footprint on the moon. This was the very first moon landing. it occurred on July 20, 1969 on the Apollo 11 mission. The footprint is Neil Armstrong's footprint. Neil may have been the first man on the moon, but minutes after Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon, Buzz Aldrin stepped on the moon. Buzz Aldrin was the second man to step on the moon. Maybe someone was before them but this is actual proof of mankind on the surface of the moon. These words will never be forgotten by Neil Armstrong, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Neil said this because he was the first person to step on the moon. This was a very important moment for our country to remember.
Michael Nuzum II
4th/5th Period
The photo i choosed was the little girl stuck in the water behind the bar. They have tried to help her out but just couldnt. She was starving and no one was even doing anything about it. There are so many people without food or water. Every bit of food or water you waste could be a meal for starving children. It is horrible looking at all the kids homeless and without families or food. People dont care now days about the less fortunate. Even tho we have food , a home, and family dosnt mean wwe shouldnt be concerned about other people.
I choose the photo of the African Americans being hung. I would say that the circumstances of being hung back in the day would be, because you were just an African American and they didn't like them, so they hung them, even for really idiotic things. People back then would have slaves, and beat them, because they were tired. I really didn't enjoy seening that photo even though it was a [art of history. :/ Ciara Linear 2nd/3rd
I have chosen the photo of the Wright brothers with their handmade aircraft. The importance of this photo is that the Wright brothers were the first people to fly. They were the First in Flight. On December 17, 1903, the Wright brother's aircraft, the "Flyer" flew for 12 seconds and traveled a distance of 120 feet. Neither of the brothers went to college but they were very successful. This was a very important time in American History. This took place in North Carolina. A flip of o coin decided who would fly first. Wilbur took the honor of taking the first flight.
Ben Taylor 4th-5th Period
The photo that I chose was the starving boy in Africa. The picture was heart breaking in so many unexplainable ways. He looked as if he hadn't eaten in months. That just shows that even though some people have it pretty bad in life, there is always someone with worse. Be thankful for what you have because I know that many children in the world would be extatic if they could only have a meal to eat. Many organizations out there try to regroup and mend the brocken. For an example, Haiti was a victum of an monstrous earthquake. They were soon sent money and supplies to rebuild their lives. That is what I mean when I said, help not pity.
Sami Stevenski :)
The photo I picked was the picture of the little girl the that was in the water. whats was so important about this video was that the little was getting recused. The video was showing how there are many of floods .
I picked the picture of marines and a naval soldier raising the American flag after capturing the island of Iwo Jima. It is located off the coast of Japan. One this island, there were three main airfields that the United States intended to capture. Obviously, they succeeded and raised the American flag in one of the most popular pictures ever taken. The United States greatly out numbered Japan from the start. U.S.A. also had air control and since it was an island Japan couldn't retreat. This all happened February 19th - March 26th 1945. The flag was raised on Mount Suribachi. This was an important victory for the United States in the war against Japan.
-Joseph Leon 4th and 5th
i picked the picture of the man jumping out of the twin towers . i think the importance of this picture is to show that people risked theyre life by jumping out of many and many storys just to know that they could have a b etter chance of living by jumping out of the twin towers then waiting for people to come and save then it just shows that it was a tradgety
The photo I choosed was The Wright Brothers. They invented the first airplane. But if they didn't invent the airplane the 9/11 attack wouldn't of happened. The first airplane was invented on December 17,1903. The Wright brothers made no flights at all in 1906 and 1907 while they pursued fitful negotiations with the U.S. and European governments. While grounded they experimented with a pontoon and engine setup on the Miami River in hopes of flying their airplane from the water. These experiments proved unsuccessful. In May 1906 they were finally granted a patent for their flying machine. In 1907 the brothers journeyed to Europe for the first time for face-to-face talks with government bureaucrats and businessmen. Orville joined his brother two months after Wilbur's departure, but first packed a new Model A Flyer in a crate which was shipped to France and left in storage at Le Havre in anticipation of demonstration flights. In early 1908 the Wrights finally signed contracts with a French company and the U.S. Army. In May they went back to Kitty Hawk with their 1905 Flyer to practice for their all-important demonstration flights. They had not been to the camp in four and a half years and had to rebuild their two sheds, which had been badly damaged by weather and scavengers; the 1902 glider was in a hopeless state of disrepair.
-Sabrina Coe
The picture I choose is the atomic bomb. I choose this picture because it is extreamly important in american history. This picture reminds me of Japan and of all the lives that were lost that day. This picture says that the scientist in America are capible of amazing things. We were in the middle of world war two and Japan was fighting against the united states. The atomic bomb stopped the japanese in their fight. The atomic bomb was devasted to the Japanese and the war costed many lives but sometimes violent acts are necessary to end world wars. The picture was an amazing site to see the bomb explode. When the bomb exploded normally it would go outwards, this bomb is in the shape of a mushroom. It was deadly but interesting to watch.
cody satterfield 2nd and 3rd
The photo I selected was the Navy soldier kissing the girl in New York. He had just served in WWII and came back to his girl and it is important to show how war effects people and we should not have to worry if our loved ones are going to come back alive or wounded, because there should not be war.
Makayla Perrine
7th & 8th Period
The photo I have chosen is the Beetles. This picture is from the album cover Abby Road. The Beetles were a very important part on our music history and influenced a new generation and future generations of musicians. The Beetles were very famous. They inspired movies such as across the universe or their own such as hard days night. My parents have listened to the Beatles all my life so i am sort of familiar with their music. I do like the song strawberry fields forever. They created a riot when they first appeared on the ed sullivan show which was a show that showed various musicians of that time. My grandma said they went crazy for them at the time. My grandma's favorite was Paul, he was known as the cute one. Without the Beatles who knew how our music would turn out today.
-Megan hermance, 7&8 period !(:
The picture I chose was of the footprint on the moon. Can you imagine how it would feel to be the first man to walk on the moon. Neil Armstrong did this on July 20 1969 on the Apollo 11 mission. He had to be excited but nervous at the same time when he first stepped out of the spaceship onto the moon, knowing that the entire world was watching. Some of his first words were "Houston, Tranquilty base here, The eagle has landed." Another statement he will be remembered for is: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Neil Armstrong was a hero to the world.
Ryan Valentine
7th & 8th Period
The photo I chose was the plane crashing into the twin towers. The importance of the photo is that 9/11 changed U.S. history. Two planes crashed into both towers. About 3,000 people died that day. About 10:28 A.M the towers clasped and many people died when they did. Thats why I chose the plane crashing into the twin towers.
The picture I chose was the picture of the children building the Rockefeller Center. The reason I picked this picture is that it’s an important piece of history showing how our country was built. The Rockefeller Center stands massively in New York City as it shows us even after the great stock market crash; the building would be completed and stands tall still today. The picture shows how it was built and how individuals were willing to work hard to make a living and even children worked hard risking their lives just make enough money to live and help their families survive. On misguided step, or lack of concentration could make them go off balance and could cause them to fall to their death.
Now you can see why, I decided to pick this picture out of all the other memorable ones because, it shows how the country we live in now was build off of the hard work and bravery of people who helped build the country.
I've chosen the picture of D-day. It's important to history because, it shows that as long as we give it our all, we will overcome any obstacle. It also shows how we defeated one of our hardest problems in history. It was the one the last battles of WWII. The picture shows us raising the flag after we won the battle. It shows our pride in our country and the hardships we faced. We The picture shows the challenge it took to plant the flag into the ground. We will always remember this picture because what it meant to raise the flag, it means pride, honor and most of all victory.
The photo I chose to write about is the footprint that Neil Armstrong left on the moon when he took the very first step. The day he stepped on the moon was on July 20, 1969 and the first record of it too. Right after he stepped on the moon, his friend Buzz Aldrin followed along. We will probably never know if there were any other life-forms that had stepped on to the moon before us. I think this is a major event in history to remember, especially knowing we had beaten Russia to the moon. Today, we are inventing new rockets to go up to the moon quicker, which will probably become a major day to remember when they launch the first one.
Justin Okel 4th/5th period
The picture I've selected is where the suy is kissing that girl on time square after world war 2. I chose it because it was really sweet becaue the guy just came back and got to see her. It is important because we just won the war and everyone was celebrating and that picture shows just how happy and excited everyone was. That's why I chose that picture. :)
Jordyn Weaver
7th & 8th period :)
I have chosen the picture of little boy staving and the vulture watching him. Thus picture is very emotional and a little depressing. The vulture is just sitting there basically waiting for the little boy to die of starvation. This picture no matter how sad is very important. It shows more foraminate people how some people in the world are living. They are starving and dyeing. Some people don’t even have a shelter to sleep in. Parts of the world are crowed, dirty, and loveless. I believe this picture does a good job on showing that.
Kathryn Scarbro(:
4th and 5th period<3
I chose the picture of the baby's arm and hand sticking out of its mother's uterus. I chose this picture because it shows the miracle of life. It shows how great the moment is when the child is born. A child is born every 4.2 seconds in the world. Moments like the one captured in the picture happen all the time. It's an amazing thing. This picture captures how great the event is. While this happens all the time, it is still an amazing picture. The photo shows another human being coming into the world. That's an amazing miracle. It is a beautiful picture.
-Deborah Wright, 4th-5th Period
I chose the picture of the man jumping out of the towers on 9/11. When I look at this picture, it brings about many emotions. It makes me feel very sad for the man. I am sad because I think about how scared he must have been, and if he even knew what was happening. Looking at the picture I also feel very angry. It makes me angry to think about the horrible people in the world that would actually do this to another human being. It also makes me feel hopeful because although the city did a good job of handling the situation I am sure that improvements have been made for the safety in the future.
The picture I've chosen is the one of Hitler. Hitler was a very terrible dictator that changed the course of history and impacted the world. During the Holocaust, which lasted from 1941-1945, Nazi Germany, lead by Hitler killed around 17 million civilians and an estimated amount of 6 million Jews. Approximately one million Jewish children were killed, two million women, and three million men. In 1945, in the final days of war during the Berlin Battle, Hitler married his mistress Eva Braun. To avoid being captured by the Red Army, Hitler and Eva committed suicide on April 30, 1945. Both of their bodies were burned. Even though Hitler was dead, so many families died and were affected by his actions. He scared tons of people in Europe. Hitler impacted the history of Europe forever. Hopefully, nothing like the Holocaust will occur again.
-ciara hornberger, 4th&5th period (:
I choose the picture of the men sitting on a beam eating their lunch while taking a break from building the Empire State Building in New York City. The picture was taken in 1931. The thing that is so impressive about this picture is that this building remains to be one of the largest buildings in the world. These men are sitting there eating and talking like it’s no big deal to be so high up. I doubt you would find men working so high up with little safety precautions today. I bet the men in the photo never dreamed that the building that they worked on would be the tallest in the United States or that their picture would be part of the most impressive photos for a school assignment.
Bryce Bittinger
7th & 8th period
I chose the picture of the hollacost and where the guys where laying on the beds. The importance of this picture is dont be afraid of what comes turns you, always be brave and deal with it. They people in the hollacost were afraid and scared to death but they HAD to deal with. In life you have to deal with stuff you dont want to deal with. Alot of people got sick and died. People still had to do theres jobs they were put on. The hollocost was long time ago and thats when Hitler was alive and killing the jews and I think because of the legin. But Hitler killed him self and everything went back to normol.
The photo I chose was the one of the men in the concentration camp. This picture makes me feel so sad and sick to my stomach. I can’t imagine what those people must have been feeling. How could someone commit such a crime to people? I read that about eleven million people died during the Holocaust from 1933-1945. It wasn’t just Jews that Hitler didn’t like, but several other groups of people, including Soviet POW’s, homosexuals, and the disabled. Large numbers of families were separated and never got to see each other again. It was a very sad time in history.
Meghan 4/5
I selected the photo of the giant star in the galaxy. This is a very important photo because it shows us that there are many thing out in the world. It also proves for as much as we've discovered there is alot more to find. From looking at this picture it really makes you think about whats really out there. This picture is magical and inspiring. It makes mnany americans want find more and more of whats out there and surrounding us. It also is important cause it shows how far along we have come in the world of technology. This is a great photo and is very inpiring
~ Rainy Heston ~
~ 4/5 period~
My favorite picture of them all was all the iron workers sitting on the beam way up in the sky eating lunch like nothing was out of the usual. To work that job you would have to have guts. That jobs not for me because I cant walk across the beams so high up and not get nervous. I would be scared of falling. I have respect for those guys because without them we could not build tall building like we have in the world today.
The picture that I found interesting was the hand x-ray with the growth. It is showing a gut wrenching reaction of "shock and awe." This x-ray shows how diseases effect the human body, especially the bones in this case.
X-rays help tell Doctor's what is going on inside of the body so they can treat you better.
Peyton Ozie 7-8th period
The photo i've selected is the photo of the Hindenburg crashing. This photo is important because it shows a huge disaster that happened in history. It's also showing how one of man's great creations ended horribley. The Hindenburg. The Hindenburg was a large commercial German zepplin. The airship flew people around the world from March 1936, until 14 months later on May 6, 1937 it exploded and was destroyed by fire. Thirty-six people died in the accident, which accured while landing. So the Hindenburg was a great invention at first, but it had a fatal ending.
The picture I have chosen is the little boy that has obviously has been starving. And also the vulture behind it getting ready to attack this poor boy. This little boy has been starving for at least two months. I ask why this camera man would not help this harmless boy. And I thought to myself some people don’t even care anymore. We need to change our way and help more people that are starving or homeless. If I was taking this picture I would take it and then help this little boy. Just remember in life you can help a lot of people but at the same time you are helping your self become a better person. When I am older I would like to go help these people and care for them.
Sydnee Shaffer<3
4th/ 5th period
I selected the photo of the man jumping out of a window of the twin towers during 9/11. I choce this pisture because it show what people had to do to try to save their lives during this time. 9/11 was a great tradgedy in the U.S. This was a terrible time in history and that is another reason I choose this picture. I can imagine how terrified this man was jumping out of this building.
I picked the Afghan girl because when i first saw the picture the first thing that went through my head was that this particular girl has went through a lot of pain. Her eyes touched me and I wanted to know more about her so I researched on her. She was a refugee in Afghanistan who lost her parents in a war at the age of six. The man who took this picture went back to find her because this picture touched all Americans hearts and became famous. He later found her as a adult. The amazing part is she still has the same look of pain behind her eyes.
-Micheal Holloway<3;)
The photo I have selected was the Wright Brothers and their aircraft. They invented the first successful airplane. They flew this plane on December 17, 1903. This took place in North Carolina. It took many years for the brothers to get it correct. They tried many different things and failed many times. In the end, they solved "the flying problem". I visited Washington D.C. over the summer, and saw the aircraft at the National Air and Space Museum. They also have the original propellers from the aircraft. Without this invention, travel would take longer and be mainly by vehicles. This invention opened the era of aviation.
I chose the photo of Muhammad Ali. In this photo Ali is showing his dominance after knocking out one o his opponents. Muhammad Ali was probably not just the best boxer in history, but possibly the best overall athlete of all time. No one has ever been as dominant as Muhammad was in his prime. He was the best and his goal was to show everyone that ever watched him that he was. He had more self-confidence and pride than anyone else did so that also played into his dominance. In my opinion this picture shows dominance and pride.
-Ryan Ricer 4/5
The picture that I have chosen is the picture of the men starving in the concentration camp. I honestly have no idea how someone could be so sick minded that they could injure and kill other people for their personal enjoyment. The Holocaust was and will always be a very important part of the world’s history. The Holocaust’s leader was of course Adolf Hitler. He was accompanied by the Nazi army. During the Holocaust nearly 1 million Jewish children were murdered, nearly 2million women, and nearly 3 million men. Other groups of people were killed including homosexuals, people with disabilities, and people with different religious views. The total number of casualties in the whole process of the Holocaust is between eleven and seventeen million.
Brooke Ashcraft
4th and 5th period
I have selected the photo of the U.S. soilders putting the american flag up. I chose this picture, because I think it reresents that americans can perservere,are tough,and willing to fight for their country. This photo means a lot to me. Our soilders are very brave people and I don't think that they get reconized enough for putting their lives on the line every day!
Since they put the flay up it ment that America had won :). This picture shows brave men risking their lives so we can go to school, or vote, or play sports. All of our privledges are because of them!
madison english 4th-5th period <3
Photo I picked to do my blog on is the photo was the guy was standing on the world trade center getting his picture taken while the plane was about to crash into the twin towers. The importance to this photo here is that it shows that this insistent guy just died because of the stupid terrorists in the country and tells that we need to have a better eye on the terrorism in this country.
Sarah Esposito <3 :D 8th
The picture I choose is the one on the mooon with the boot print. It may have been the first person who stepped on the moon and took a picture to show everyone that he was the first person on the moon and so no body would think he was lieing. That is all I can think about this photo.
-Ashley bright 7/8th
The picture that I picked is the picture of the men starving in the concentration camp. I dont understand how somebody could kill someone else. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Holocaust. The Holocaust will always be a very important and scary part of history. Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany and ended in 1945 when the Nazis were defeated by the Allied powers. 1,000 people per day were loaded up in trains and sent to either a concentration camp or a death camp.
-Emily Gettings 7&8th <3
The picture that I picked is the picture of the men starving in the concentration camp. I dont understand how somebody could kill someone else. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Holocaust. The Holocaust will always be a very important and scary part of history. Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany and ended in 1945 when the Nazis were defeated by the Allied powers. 1,000 people per day were loaded up in trains and sent to either a concentration camp or a death camp.
-Emily Gettings 7&8th <3
The photo I have selected is the picture of the two people hanging in a public square while all the people are just walking past the dead bodies. It is increadabley morbid and creepy that not one person in the whole crowd looked at them with sympathey or compasion. This is obviosly a society in which they have been desensitized to this sort of spectical and have been taught to not feel bad for criminals no matter how little they deserved their fate. I personaly am appoaled by this and honestly hope this does not happen very often anymore.
The photo i picked was the one with picture of the Album Abbey Road. I think this is very important in the music world because it brought a new genre to the world. The Beatles took the world by storm and everybody loved them. I asked my grandpa why he thought Abbey Road was important and he said it was the only Album to have a synthesizer. He said that he got to see them in concert and he loved the new addition. He didn't remember which Beatle it was though.
The photo I selected was the photo of the soldier holding the Russian Flag after conquering the Nazi. The Russians overcame huge deficits while in war with the Nazi. The Russians charged into Berlin, forced the Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler, to kill himself, and then overtook Berlin from Germany. The batallion that took the Reichstag raised this flag to show that they had finally conquered Berlin and defeated Htler and the Nazis o the Third Reich.
Ben Stewart 4th / 5th Period
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