Well I remember I was five i do believe. It was a horrible day but i was at my house and it was on all most every channel on TV. I thing the USA can defend are monuments more by shooting down the unknown aircraft, or what ever it is. I remember all of the smoke when the buildings fell the place was covered with a huge dark colored smoke for the building. A hole fire department died in the building when they fell. They is a monument for the dead fire fighters in New York. It is a metal helmet with the number of their fight house on it. My mom remembers two planes hit the towers early one morning and the towers lasted a long time before falling. They lasted about six hours after before counlapsing. Randy L. Stewart II2nd,3 Period
When ever 9/11 occured I was five as if I can remeber. I do believe I was at my house but it was a really horrible day for the U.S. It was exploading all over the news channel. This tradegy effected our future by us not seeming like a safe place to be or live at because of the horrible damage that 9/11 has caused and by all of the lives it just swept away. The US can protect it self from future attacks by having more security guards in buildings protecting them not only that but like people watching sooner and see what might or might be soon to come so that they can protect more people from being in a dangerous spot risking there life. When 9/11 occured I was at home I believe but I was so little I was to busy being bad. The only thing I remeber about 9/11 is that it was all over the news. My mother says that she remebers that it was a horrible day and it was all over the news and she would not stop hearing about it. Their purpose of the video was to advise about what happened that day of 9/11 and showing how devastating it was. 7th-8th period
No, I don't remember where I was when it happened. It has made us much more careful about security in our country as far as terrorist threats. We can make sure to have tight security at airports and places where we come into the country. We also need to have thorough security at events where a lot of people are going to be together at once. I don't have any memory at all of the day that 9/11 happened or any news report having to do with it.My mom said that, "It was a tragic and frightening event. The first thing I did was call everybody that I knew to make sure they were safe. It makes you afraid of things that could happen in the future, but you can't live in fear of what could happen."I think the videographer's purpose was to inform people of what happened on 9/11 and remind people of the terrible losses that the country suffered on that day.
I cannot remember the day of 9/11 because i was too small, but i was probably unaware that it had been bombed in the first place.That tragedy that happened will scar america for a very very long time. It has made many people sad and uneasy, and goverment is making it harder on travel by air.America can hep protect us from attacks by making seurity better or by becoming alies with more countries. I might have been at home when this happened, or maybe out to eat. I didnt even know it happened till ssome year later.i interviewed my grand mother:she was watching the news and then they started talking about the attack. she thought it was impossible, but then they showed a video and all she could think was "thats impossible? how many people died?!"the videographers purpose was to show how devistating it is when these things happen and you lose families and govorment work.2nd/3rd period
I think that i was in school when 9/11 occurred, i'm not entirely sure. It effected the future of our country by the airport security being tightend up an you have to go through all these changes just to go somewhere now. It can protect itself by checking everyones records and backgrounds and tightening up the security around places you wouldn't think terrorists would go. I beleive that i was in school and my mom told me when i got home. Well back in those days i can't remember anything from when i was four or five. My mom says that she was shocked whenever the attack of 9/11 happened. the videoghaper's purpose of this video was to tell us more about somethings that had happened when the attack happened. an
well i do not remember were i was but mt mom does she said that she remember that day exsactly bc we and my oldest broth were going on vavtion to disney world so we were go to rtake a plane at frist but we deside to take a car bc wer missed are flitye and so while we were driving my grand mother called my mom and you need to get off the road find a hotel and sday there for a while so we foould a place in virgina and stped at the nerst haotel and we get there and we get a room and then my mom cuts on the tv and see the news and what a trady it was.9/11 really made the us really get on the whole tarest thing because they said that they never wanted this happen to the usa ever againwell the need check everyone and make shere tyhat now one comin in or going out of the contry as any thing on them mt mom said i was with her an the roadso show the trady of that day.khadija lam7/8 period
When 911 occurred I was at my school. The tragedy effected our country it took so much away from us and made our country stronger.I can't remember anything about 911 all I know is it killed a lot of people.My mom said when it happened , she was worried about her cousin's husband.The videographer's purpose was to show you much serious it was . Also how important i was for everyone to know about .
No, I do not remember about the 9/11 tragedy. Now days people in our country protect us from terrorist and other things that can harm us. During the 9/11 attack there where many famillys hurt and many family members dead. Alot of people where interviewed about it. The voulenteer firefighters tried their hardest to save as many people as they could. People even where jumping out of the windows. I dont remeber anything. All i have saw was videos and articals in the newspaper. The videographers purpose was probably to show us what happend and he did this because it is the 9/11 10th anniversary.
I was 3 at my grandma's house when it occured. I think that this tragedy has made the people of the United States frightened that it would happen again. The United States should have anti-plane launchers to take out incoming planes. All I remember was my family talking about it. My dad said that one of his buisness friends wife was part of the pentogon when it happened ,but she didn't go to work because she was sick on that very day. I think the videographer's idea in this is to inform us about what had happend on the day 9/11.Peyton Ozie 7/8 period.
No, I do not remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. This tragedy has greatly affected the future of our country. It has had negative effects on the economy, it has affected people’s health from all of the smoke, and it has also made our security stricter. The US can protect itself by having tight security at airports, and event where there are a lot of people. No, I do not remember anything about 9/11 or any news about it. I interviewed my dad about 9/11. He said that when it happened he was getting ready to leave for work, and he turned on the TV and saw it. He said that at the time he didn’t realize it was active terrorism. The videographer’s purpose for creating the video was to inform you about 9/11. -Olivia Moroose 4th and 5th period
No, I do not remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. Because of this tragedy, the United States is a lot more careful in the security field. All the USA can do to prevent future terrorist attacks like this one is to constantly keep up on airport security and keep an eye on places with a large population of people. I don’t remember anything about 9/11. My dad said he was asleep on that awful day after working midnight shift the night before. He was awakened by my mom explaining what all had happened. After she told him about it, he turned on the TV to see for himself. He said he felt very angry that they would do this to us and he felt helpless. I think the videographer’s purpose in making this video was to inform everyone on what a horrible tragedy occurred on September 11, 2001. -mia manzo 4th and 5th period (:
No, I don't remember 9/11. I only remember hearng about something bad happening. The tradgey made everything a lot stricter. The black smoke also caused everyone's health harm. We can protect the US from attacks by making he sercurity of travel stricter. I was probably at pre-school when this happened, but I don't remember. I can not remember anything about it. My dad said that he remembered seeing it on TV one morning. He said that it was a every depressing day and he didn't understand what was really happening until someone told him. The purpose of him making this was to inform about this tradgedy. Madison Morrone 4/5th <3
No, I do not remember the day when 9/11 occurred. I can hardly remember anything. I was 3 at the time. When the plane crashed into the Twin Towers it greatly affected everyone on the planet. They can protect it from future attacks by having airplane security at all times. I don't know where I was or anything that happened on 9/11. 9/11 was probably the number one tragedy in the whole universe. Almost 3,000 people died on the tragic day. 9/11 won’t be forgotten by anybody especially the ones who experienced it. The author’s purpose for creating this video is to inform people who may not remember much of what happened that day.-Michael Nuzum 4th/5th Period
No, I do not remember when 9/11 happened. I know that is was a major tragedy in the United States. Everyone that was alive and experienced 9/11 will never forget it until the day they die. I think I was four when this happened. It affected our country in a huge way. New York is probably the top toured place in the United States. The Twin Towers brought in many tourists from around the world. When the Twin Towers crashed many people died. About 3,000 people died that day. It was horrible. The videographer’s purpose for creating this video is to remind us of how tragic it was but how our country is still strong and is getting stronger every day.Ben Taylor 4th/5th Period
I do not remember 9/11 at the time because I was only three years old at the time. 9/11 has affected our country more than any other deadly event. The only other major event to throw us into military action was Pearl Harbor, which caused the U.S. to enter World War II. Airport security was tightened and improved and the Department of Homeland Security was created to help protect our country from other terrorist attacks. I apparently was at Noah’s Arc pre-school during 9/11. I can’t remember many details from during that time. My father’s first impression of that day was, “Who would want to do that to the United States?” He was concerned for all those who were harmed by the attack and impressed by the heroic actions of so many people who helped others on that day. The video we were assigned to watch helps those who do not remember 9/11 to understand what happened that day and to help everyone remember the loss our country suffered that day.
I do not remember where i was when 9/11 happened but it made our country really scared of another attack like 9/11 but i think it helped us to. because now our security is better when you get on planes so that made it harder for terrorist to do something like that a second time.the us can protect its self from future attacks by people knowing whats going on in planes when they are up in the air.i was at daycare when 9/11 happened. i can not r ember what happened on 9/11.my mom said she felt sad when 9/11 happened and scared because at first she did not know what was going on.the person who made this videos purpose is to tell people what 9/11 is and how it affected our country.
I was sitting in my living room eating a poptart. My mom was babysitting and my cousin was there. This was a horrible tragedy. It was very harm full to our country. It just made a huge impact on how we travel on airliners. It was also a bad tragedy on the Pentagon. The U.S. will have to be very protective and very strict on how the citizens move around the world. I remember fire engines and news reporters. The author purpose was to inform people about 9/11. I think this will be never forget situation on our world and how we live.
9/11. I remember that day. It was a brisk summer day. I was 3 when this happened.My mom came to my day care to come pick me up. I didn't know why. When we got home, I saw these buildings on fire. I thought it was some movie. Later on. my mom and dad were in tears and I didn't know why. But when I was a lttle bit older my mom told me everything about 9/11. 9/11 was a sad time for everyone. What had happened at the Twin Towers.The Pentagon. And that field out in Pennsylvania. Which was planned to hit the White House. That moment in modern history will never be forgotten...
I do not remember much when 9/11 occurred. This tragedy effected the future greatly because people felt this country wasn't as safe as we thought. The US can protect itself from future attacks by becoming more aware of who's coming into the country, becoming much more protective with security, and attempting to become at peace with other countries. When 9/11 occurred I was in upstate New York. What I remember is that I was just dropped off at my grandma's house while my father was at work in an office near New York City. I interviewed my mother about 9/11 and her impression was that she was shocked, that is was like a movie. The videographer's purpose in this video is to show the remembrance in people who were lost, and to show this was a tragic event that hopefully won't happen again- Megan hermance, 7&8 period ♥
When 9/11 occurred I was four, and I remember watching the TV and seeing a building burning and seeing cops all over the place. It made us increase our airport security, made us more up-tight during flights. I think we'll probably stop more airplane attacks, and other suspicious activity. My mom stated she was horrified and shocked. She couldn't believe it happened in the United States, we were all numb and scared of what to come next. Why they would do such an atrocious act of uncontrollable violence. The purpose of the video is to show one of the worst days in history, and how it shocked our country.
I really don't remember anything about this disaster, I was only 3 years old when it happened. I was at my grandmother's house when it happened. My mom remembers she was at work and a equipment supply person came to the Health Department and told them that the Twin Towers had been hit by a aircraft. She went to her computer and watched what was going on in New York at the time, then she heard about the Pentagon being hit by a airplane and a airplane being hijacked in PA. This was a day that changed America forever. The purpose of the video is for us to remember all the lives lost and how things can change in a instant.Ryan Valentine7th & 8th Period
I don't remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. I know that the future of our country has been forever affected because of our safety. The US can protect itself by continuing with the security we have now, especially at the airports. All I know is what my mom told me. I was with her and my aunt shopping and we rushed home because they heard something tragic happened. I was very little when it happened so I wouldn’t remember at all if it weren’t for them telling me. The videographer's purpose was probably to inform people of what happened on that day and how it will always be a tragic event in history.
well i dont really remeber anything about 9/11 i just remeber hearing everyone talking about it , i asked my mother what she remeber and she said she was working the day it happened and she saw it comming up on tv and she cyed and everyone was upset she said it was a devestating moment for everyone at the time . i think this was also a tradgty because theyre is little children that at the time were not born yet , but theyre father was in the twin towers and were killed and they never got to meet theyre fathers and some kids are ten and eleven now its very sad . i dont really remeber where i was when this occured but i just know it was a very big tradgety and i thik the authors purpose for this video is that the world in not invisable anything can happen , and also too show how important ground zero was . merissa ladd 2&3 period
I don’t really remember where I was because I was only three at the time. It made our country more cautious and strict with airlines. It put everyone on guard. As a country we can be on guard and continue to have safe guards at airports and other places where there are a lot of people at one time. I was at home when it happened. I can’t really remember anything except talking about it later on in school. My mom was at home when it happened and watching it on T.V. She said it was like watching something you would see in a movie. She said it didn’t seem real and she just remembers feeling numb and in shock. I think the videographer’s purpose in creating this video was to inform us of the tragedy that happened that day and to pay tribute to those who died during 9/11 and honor those who helped rescue Washington D.C. 7th & 8th period
It was my second day in Preschool. It effected out country in many ways. The security is and will be much tighter, and our country is much more aware of what could go on. We can take security on airline, and everywhere more serious. I was at Baptist Temple Preschool when it occurred. I can’t remember anything at all. I think I was just too young to even notice anything out of the ordinary! My mom remembers the day very well, she was at CJIS FBI building. Everyone who was there that day was informed that the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was coming to the FBI building. Most of the workers were aloud to leave but my mom had to say. Because she had one of the higher ranked jobs. They basically told them to get ready to die, but luckily she knew were the bomb shelter was. Before she was going to go down there, she decided to call my grandmother to tell her how much she loved her. She then tried to call my father to tell him the same but the lines were down by then so she could still email him. But quickly after she had emailed my dad the building got word that the plane had changed its corse and that they were safe. The videographer’s purpose was too informing people about the great tragedy, 9/11. However he made it into a entertain video.Kathryn Scarbro(:4th and 5th period<3
I dont remember much from that day. I was about 3-4 years old. All i can remember is sitting on the couch watching my mom call everybody crying, and asking if they see what was going on. I didnt understand what was going on. My dad said that he was scared that my mom's dad was in the middle of all the reckage. He worked around there. The smoke was terrible, people couldnt see or breath because it was so thick.Olivia Hawkinberry2nd & 3rd period.
When 9/11 occured I was 3 years old and at home watching tv. I was little and the news was on but I thought I was just watching a movie that my grandma turned on. 9/11 effected our country in good and bad ways. One of the good ways is that the security is way better which lowers the risk of something like that ever happening again. One of the bad things is that I think some people in the US are still a little worried about another attack. I think you could prevent that though if they triple checked everybody in the security airlines, especially the ones that look suspicous. When 9/11 occured I was at home playing around and watching tv. I do remember seeing the whole thing still. The plane crashing into the twin towers, it crashing down, reporter and policemen and firemen were running around everywhere! I asked my mom what she thought about it and she said it the saddest thing she's ever seen. Whoever made this video, I think their purpose was to remind and inform us on the tragedy of 9/11. (:Jorydn Weaver 7th and 8th period
I was three years old on September 11 2011 and I can remember what happened. This tragedy affected our country by having more security to stop something like that from happening again. The US can protect itself from future attacks by have security on airplanes not just at airports and keep tracking of everybody who enters the country that are not born here. I was in the living room with my mom when 9/11 occurred. I can remember that I thought that it was a movie or something not real life when I was watching it with my mother. I interview my mother and her impression of what happened on that day was sadness and devastation from seeing the towers falling to the ground and Hearing about all the people that were killed. The videographer's purpose in creating this video was to show how much of tragedy 9/11 was on the whole United States of America.
I do remember this terrible day, I was five I recall, and I was sitting on my mom’s bench eating a peanut butter sandwich and my mom and grandma and my dad was off to work. All I basically remember is my mom on the Phone, Crying because my uncle’s business was right across the street from the twin towers in fact the engine of the plane that hit the south tower landed on the roof of his building, mom was crying because my other uncle called her telling her that Kent (the one that lives in NY) was ok and was running home and my mom said that after the 2nd week to quite crying. This horrible tragedy effected that the U.S. Government is going to take a better watch in our airport and our security in this country and find the people who caused this.Make sure the airport has stricter security in the country and have a better watch of the terrorists that tries to hurt us again.I was at my house with my mommy and my grandma.I’m interviewing my mom and She says that it was a terrible week no more like month for her … Especially of what my uncle told her what he saw … people jumping off the building and dying right in front of him and he couldn’t do anything to help them my hole family was a wreck for that first month Basically in shock.To inform about that horrible thing that happened on 9-11-01Sarah Esposito <3 :D <3 :D 7-8 period
I do not remember the day of 9/11. I can understand how sad of a day it was for our country. I believe that 9/11 pulled our country a lot closer together. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to be in New York city that day. Ever since 9/11 happened our country is so much secure. The security in airports now is so advanced.This September will the the ten year aniversery of 9/11 but i know for many that it seemed like yesterday. This video was to inform you about the terrable day of 9/11 and how we never want it to occure again
I don't really remember 9/11, but I've asked my mom many times about that day. I was 4 years old. I was at day care while my parents were both at work. When this all started happening, their work became worried about the plane that was heading for Washington DC. They work for the FBI and numerous people were affriad of them trying to attack the FBI building. They started to not let anyone leave the building but my mom managed to leave work to come home and be with me. My dad was still at work, but my mom told him to try to get home. I can somewhat remember my mom watching the news. It was a terrible thing to see. All the smoke, the buildings falling, people dying. I can remember how upset, traumatized, and emotional everyone was. It affected our country in so many ways. So many families lost there loved ones when the towers were hit. So many people's lives were taken that had no reason to die. I couldn't imagine what it would have been like to lose my mom or dad. Last year, the gifted students were given the opportunity to go to New York for 3 days and visit many places. One day when we were there, we went on a tour to see the Statue of Liberty. On the boat ride there, we drove by the rebuilding of the Twin Towers. That was probably the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Seeing the World Trade Center being rebuilt, it made me think of all the families who were effected by 9/11. I'll never forget seeing that and would love to see it when it's completed. The U.S. has been working to protect itself. They've made adjustments to the planning for the World Trade Center to make it have more support and if it happened again, hopefully less damage would occur. The videographer's purpose was to remember back to that day and to think about what happened. It's been 10 years. They wanted to show how much it affected our country, but how our country is improving since 9/11-Ciara Hornberger(: 4th&5th period<3(:
When 9/11 occurred I was at my aunt’s house and she was babysitting me before I went preschool. The tragedy affect our future by not know if they re going to attack. It also has affected the way we travel and our security. Have good security on the boarders of the country. Do I remember anything about the day of 9/11? No, I think I was too young to understand what was going on at that time. I interviewed my dad and he said, “I was very scared, and didn’t know what was going to happen in the next minute or day.” The videographer’s purpose of making this video was to show you that this is a tragedy that happen just ten years ago. And it was a very scary point in time! By~ Sydnee Shaffer4th/5th period
I remeber I was 4, thats it. It was on ever T.V Channel and in the news papaer like everday. They could try to keep the planes out of the air and try to keep everyone save. I was with my grandpa and grandmas house when this happened. I cant remember anything. My aunt said she was sad when all the people died on the plane and she was running when this occurred. So, everyone that didnt know what happened on that day saw it and to show people that they should never do that.
No I don't know where I was, and it's hard for me to remember since I was only five at the time. It did make us have more security on airlines, goverment buildings, and other places aswell. The U.S can prevent this from happening again if they take better care of security at airports, events, and goverment buildings. I don't have any memory of that day, but I know it must've been horrifying for thousands of people. My mom said "It was scary, I was getting ready to go to a college class, and you didn't know what to do because you were in shock", "I just couldn't believe it was happening here in America!" The videographer's purpose in making this video was to inform people of how a great tragedy like this effected our country.
I do not remember 9/11 happening at all. This tragedy got our country's attention, and we realized we needed to protect ourselves at all times and track down these terrorists. In my opinion the USA has really improved its security. We always need to keep our eyes out in the sky, water, and land. I do not remember anything or where I was, I was only 3 or 4. My dad said, "At first, he felt unbelief until he realized that it was really had happened." "It was very sickening, he said." The videographers purpose is to inform you on the tragedy that happened in our country on 9/11. It reminds you of what truly happened on that day, and how sad it was. It makes you feel broken for the families, that lost love ones it this tragedy. This day had a huge effect on our country's past and future.-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
I do not remember where I was on September11, 2001. I was three years old when it happened. Our country was effected by having to get greater security at airports and other highly populated locations. The United States can protect itself from future attacks by being sure all emergency agencies communicate with each other and by working on prevention measures. My mom said that when this tragedy happened that I with her picking out house colors with Brooke Ashcraft’s grandma. I do not remember anything about that day. My mom and dad said that they can remember driving through town and every thing seemed still. Everyone had a blank look on their face. My aunt Erin was on a plane from Washington DC to California. Her flight had to make an emergency landing. They people on the flight did not tell her what was happening. She wouldn’t fly for months after that. The purpose of this video is to make you remember the terrible things and to make you stay thankful for the things you have. Meghan 4/5
I don't remember anything from 9/11 because I was 3 years old. I was probably at day care and didn't know what happened. It made Americans scared and It made security at the airport much more strigent. You now have to take off your shoes and can't have soap or liquid or medicine. You have to go throught metal detectors. When I watched the video I felt bad for the people that died that day. It made me angry that someone could have done this in America. I felt relieved that one of the planes crashed in Pennsylvania instead of the white house. Many people did loose their loved ones and their own lives trying to save others. I am now looking looking forward to seeing the memorial building. The purpose of the video was to make you feel empathy for the people which died and those who lost loved ones. I talked to my parents about 9/11 my mom remembers being at work and watching the first plane go into the building. Minutes later on the news she watched the building explode. There was so much confusion about what was happening in her workplace. Everyone was terrified. No one knew what had happenned. It was very scary. cody satterfield 2 and 3 period
I don’t remember a great extent from that day, but I do remember some of it. I was four years old and was at preschool at Teacher’s Pet. I recall that my Daddy came and picked me up from preschool early that day after he had picked Wesley up for Jayenne. That’s pretty much all I remember though. We were such a powerful and unharmed country, at least that’s what people thought, that 9/11 was extremely unanticipated. Not in our wildest dreams had anyone thought that there would be a terrorist attack on the U.S., at least not an attack to that extent. Now everything is much more cautioned including airlines. I’m not sure how the country could prepare for farther attacks, but I hope that we don’t have to worry about any attacks on the U.S. in the future. My mom was in her classroom at Arnettsville School where she taught 5th grade. Tonight she had explained to me that her co teacher had come across the hall into her class and said that someone was attacking New York. After that she turned on the TV and saw the plane fly into the south tower. Shortly after she and her class saw the tower collapse. She said, “The country has never been the same since that day.” I think that the author’s purpose is to inform us of a tragic event that occurred within the history of America and the many lives lost on this memorialized day.Brooke Ashcraft_ 4th/5th Period <3
I do remember 9/11, I was in Tal. Fl visiting my dad and my mom just got there to get me the night before. It has made our country very cautious of terrorists. Our country now has many more security checks and is always on alert. I just remember seeing the buildings falling and knowing a airplane had just crashed into them. My mom said that day was one of the saddest days in her life, because, from that day on she lost a since of security in this world. She also states it was scary and sad to see such a loss and disregard for human life. I believe this author just wanted us all to remember and be aware!!!! By- Micheal Holloway
I was about just turned four when it happened but I don’t remember anything that happened. It has impacted our country a lot though. Some things the US has done to help prevent another attack is strengthen airport security, and we found the leader of the attacks so that might stop them or make them really mad and attack us again. I have never flown so I really don’t know what they do at airports now that they didn’t do before 9/11. My dad said that he left work early and came home early. He said lots of people died and it was just horrible to watch on TV. My Uncle said he was supposed to go to New York on September 11th but he decided not to go. The videographers purpose for the video is to inform people about 9/11. 9/11 has really changed our country.
When it happened I was 3 I remembered seeing it all over the tv. At that age I had no idea what had happened. My mom and dad were just sitting there watching the news as it was happening. i also remembered how it said that more than 1,000 people or more had already died. Then the screen changed and and it showed the pentagon (i had no idea what it was then). So i went outside to play. When i got back mom, and dad were still sitting there watching the tv. I took another look and another plane had crashed my mom told me. That day was the worst day in 10 years since i had saw it. well that is all I wanted to say.
I don't really remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. Now we have to be stricter on airlines and about how people travel our country and world. They can be stricter on security and travel. I think I was in Kindergarten when this happened. I can't remember anything about it. My neighbor said that it was a tragic time for everybody, more for the people who lost others in the tragedy, but hard for everyone. I think the videographers purpose in making this video was to inform people about 9/11. 9/11 was very tragic and harmed our country for a long period of time. It still does to this day.-KelsieStingo. 2nd3rd
I do not remember whrn 9/11 accured. I was only 4 so i couldnt remember it at all. It was like it never happened. It effect the future of this country because we learned a valuable lesson and know that we have to protect are selves better. I think the U.S. can protect itself better by having more sattelites and more defense plans. I think that would help alot. Also if we got allies they could help us.I can not remember anything about it. My mom said it was very creepy because thet killed all those people and they were close to us. I think the videographers purpose was to show people about that tragic day and to show kids that dont remember.
9\11 was a terrable event that scared the US and made us tighten our security. It has created a less trusting relationship between us and other countries that already had tensions with us. It created a chain reaction that sent our troops all around the world seaching for Osama and other terrorist members. There is no real way to prevent futar attacks as long as we try to stop they they will find new ways to blow us up. the only thing we can really do is keep doing what we are doing and hope that we can find the terrorists befor they can harm innocent lives. I don't have any idea where I was or what I was doing whenm it happened all I knew at the time was something happened I really didn't even know what it was at the time. It was tyrying to raise awarness of 9/11. I asked around as to what people thought of the incedent and the main shared opinions are it was a shoking terrable time for the country and they are glad that the county is doing every thing they can to prevent future attacks of this magnitude.
I do not remember where I was because I don't have a very good memory of when i was three. Our country became more protective of flights and tightened security around the U.S. border. We also watched flights more tightly and heavily populated areas were secured better. I can't remember anything about it. Senora Summers says she was shocked when it happened. She could not believe what she was seeing. The videographer's purpose was to show what a terrible tragedy had happened that day. It was a devasting loss for the families involved in the fire and the crashes. Not only did planes crash into the twin towers, but other planes crashed into the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. The plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was taken over by terrorists, then the hostages took the plane back over. A few terrorists were remaining so the pilot terrorist crashed the plane so they would all die. It was very brave of the hostages in my opinion. Overall, 9/11 was a terrible tragedy and something like that should never happen again.
The only thing I remember is watching the twin towers blow-up on tv . Everyone was devistated,my parents were in shock. This tragedy effected the future, because it really made everyone relize what terriost are caple of and what loss really is. The U.S. can protect itself by being more cautios, or trying to be friends with other countries instead of attacking them. I was home when this terrible tragedy happened. The only thing I remember is looking at the tv and seewing it. My grandma said that it was a terrible terroist attack, and that she hopes nothing like that will ever happen again. I think the videographer's purpose was to tell people about this and show them that it was a big loss and shock to the entire country.-madison urse 4/5 period
i don,t remember much of it at all, my mom claims i was 4 years old, but i don't remember. I believe that Osoma still isn't dead, and when they build the new world trade center he is going to destroy it again. the U.S. can have the U.S. Airforce do a daily fly by to see if there is anything suspicious. my mom said we were at disney world when this happened but, i dunno. The purpose of this video is to inform people about this tragidy...Angelo Hall 7&8 pd.
When 9/11 happened i remember where I was. I was at pre-school and I remember our teachers crowded around the television watching the news on the tragedy happen. In my opinion 9/11 united us as a country shortly after the tragedy happened people were united and filled with patriotism. The government was not divided into two parties just one whole. Everybody got along and in someway it affected them. Whether it was the way they acted or if they lost someone. This event changed everyone. After that there was a period when your race, beliefs, or heritage didn't matter all that mattered is that we were united as Americans.Ryan Ricer 4/5
I do remember a bit. I was at my house in Northern Virginia on Gut-man Court. My mom didn't have the TV on. My dad called her in a panic. He let her know what happened, and she was crying on her knees. I don't remember exactly what I was doing. The US created a federal agency called, Home Land Security. It was put in place to focus, on terrorism combat, to keep our country safe. My memory is a little blurry here and there because its hard to remember stuff when I was three years old. I interviewed my dad because i did remember that he worked down the street from the Pentagon hit.He was about two miles away, and that's probably why my mom was crying so hard. She was really ecstatic when he was safe. We moved a couple months after because my parents decided they wanted us to grow up in a more simplistic, yet down to earth atmosphere. The videographer's purpose of showing this video was a remembrance to the point in history that we should take a moment and think about all the people who died. What a tragedy it was and he/she wanted to state that the world can be a dangerous place and to be vigilant through life. Always be cautious with your surroundings.
When 9/11 occured i really dont remember a thing i just know i was on my way to preshool and it was on the radio.The tragedy really made our nation on edge it also had the United States get alot more sicurity.I was in the car on my way to preschool when it happened.No, i dont remember much.My Mom said once it came over the radio she turned it off so it didnt scare me but once she got home she remembered seeing it on the televison and being so scared for the country.I think the videographer made this video to show us the true meaning of 9/11. They wanted to show that the nation became united and worked together to show people how it made a tragety.They also probly wanted to show the honor we have for our nation.
I do remember when 9/11 occur. I was four years old and I was in day care. The tragedy affected the U.S. by being very cautious about everything and put us on the edge. Everyone will never forget this day . I think the U.S.should be more cautious by having more security and lock down more whenever they come into the U.S. I was in Day Care in fairmont. All i remember is that my mom told me that the planewas close to us and it crashed in P.A. and that it was the worst tragedy in U.S. history. My mom said it is one of the most horrific events in history. The oictures of the towers falling will forever be enblazed on my mind. The question for many decades will be..."where were you on 911?", as is the case with JKS's assassination. The videographers purpose of this video is to tell and explain all the horrible things that had happened. -Ashley Bright 7/8th (:
I think was in my bedroom watching blue's clues and then the new came on and the plain hit the twin towers and then the towers went down. whit it did was we can never can replace that time and we can never take it back. I think they build smaller towers and maybe not have a problem again. at my grand parents house. what I can remember is watching blue's clues and then the news came on and the reporters said a plain was coming and was on a crash coarse to the twin towers and they both went down
No, I was only 3 years old when 9/11 occurred. We could get attacked again in the future. We could be more aware of who we let into our country. I lived in Georgia when 9/11 happened. No, I was only 3 so I do not remember anything.Yes, I remember it well. I was sleeping on the sofa after a long nights work. My neighbor called and said GREG!!! Are you watching the TV? After I turned the TV on, then was the shock and horror realized. Through this our country has become stronger, closer, and more aware. We could close our borders, stop the war machine, and take care of our own. I lived in Georgia when 9/11 occurred. The videographer’s point in making this video was to inform us that 9/11 was a horrible tragedy.
I think i was at my house. It infected the country because a lot of people died in it. The U.S. can help from preventing them by making smaller buildings. I remember watching it on tv and a plane crashed into the twin towers. My grandparents were sad because a lot of people died. To help people remember what in september9, 2001.
I don't really remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. I'm pretty sure that I was in my living room, though.This tragedy made security around airports a lot stronger.The US can protect itself by making sure that no harmful substances can get on planes or other things.I don't really remember much about where I was and what I was doing when the tragedy occurred. I just remember being at my house.SeƱora Summers said she was shocked when it happened.The videographer's purpose in creating this video was to show what happened on 9/11 and how it has affected our country.
No, I don't really remember the day that 9/11 had taken place. I was three at the time it happened. When the first plane hit the twin towers, it affected many people across the U.S. For us and any other countries to prevent future attacks, they need to check everything a person owns at airports so everyone is safe. I was in my house in the kitchen with my mom while she was washing dishes. That's all I remember about it. I don't know anything that happened while I was there. My mom told me that her impression on what had occurred during the day 9/11 was like she was watching a movie. She said it was so unbelievable that she told herself it wasn't happening. I think the videographer's purpose in creating the video was to inform people that what 9/11 was one of the most destructive, tragic days in history.Justin Okel 4th/5th period
No, I do not remember 9/11. Because of this tragedy, the United States is a lot more protective in security, expecually at airports. My dad said he was at work that day. He remembers everything perfectly, just like it was yesterday. He was angry and upset, he didnt understand why somebody would do such a horrible thing. I think the videographers purpose is to inform people what a sad and horrible day 9/11 was. -Emily Gettings , 7&8th <3
I do not remember where I was when 9/11 occured. I didnt even know it had happened until kindergarten when my teacher was telling the class about it. After 9/11 happened, the US became alot stricter when it came to airport security. The US can protect itself by training pilots to handle attacks, and have more security in buildings, airports, and many other places. I do not know where I was and I can't remember anything about it. My mom, Jann Stewart, says "I remember it being a beautiful day, such a beautiful day for such a tragic event to happen. I remember watching on television as the story unfolded. I couldn't believe the horrible scenes I was seeing. I was scared of what other attacks might take place. I was saddened by all the distruction and loss of lives. It was just horrible." The videographer's purpose for making the film was to inform you of the tragedy that took place on 9/11. Also, to show the discord the attacks threw America into.
I remember when 911 accured I was at day care and everyone was talking about it then my mom came and picked me up. This tragedy effected the awarness of the USA by protecting airlines and coust guards. The US can Protect its selfby having more sucuritey. I was at daycare. People were very scared. My dad sed that he was at work at ruby and the biulding went on maxuim security. To show the desaster that happened on that day.
no i dont remember because i was only 3 years old. this tragedy affected our country badly because our economy went down. they can protect us in future attacks by being more aware and cautious. i was probably at home. no i cant remember. i asked my mother and she said it was a tragedy and many people died that day. we have come a long way since 9/11
I dont remember where i was when 9/11 happened i was young!it made us unite as one. be prepared at all times. i dont remember where i was when it occured. All i remember is everyone running around on tv when it happened. my mother said she was shocked, that somthing like that happened.The purpose of this video was to inform us of what happend on 9/11
I don't remember 9/11. Now we are getting stricter on the air port rules. Also a lot of people lost their loved ones. I think they should check the people from head to toe when they go to the air port. Then no one would be in dangered by others. My mother said "Three air planes went down that day. One in the tower, one in the pentagon, and the last one in a field. It was so honestly sad." Also she said, that some people are just crazy if they want to kill other inosent people."
i remember that my brother was being born while it happened because my mom and my aunt were watching it happen but i dont know were i was when it happend and my mom told us when she came home from the hospital but i was to young to know exactly what was going on and i also talk about it every time its my brothers birth day.
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Well I remember I was five i do believe. It was a horrible day but i was at my house and it was on all most every channel on TV. I thing the USA can defend are monuments more by shooting down the unknown aircraft, or what ever it is. I remember all of the smoke when the buildings fell the place was covered with a huge dark colored smoke for the building. A hole fire department died in the building when they fell. They is a monument for the dead fire fighters in New York. It is a metal helmet with the number of their fight house on it. My mom remembers two planes hit the towers early one morning and the towers lasted a long time before falling. They lasted about six hours after before counlapsing.
Randy L. Stewart II
2nd,3 Period
When ever 9/11 occured I was five as if I can remeber. I do believe I was at my house but it was a really horrible day for the U.S. It was exploading all over the news channel. This tradegy effected our future by us not seeming like a safe place to be or live at because of the horrible damage that 9/11 has caused and by all of the lives it just swept away. The US can protect it self from future attacks by having more security guards in buildings protecting them not only that but like people watching sooner and see what might or might be soon to come so that they can protect more people from being in a dangerous spot risking there life. When 9/11 occured I was at home I believe but I was so little I was to busy being bad. The only thing I remeber about 9/11 is that it was all over the news. My mother says that she remebers that it was a horrible day and it was all over the news and she would not stop hearing about it. Their purpose of the video was to advise about what happened that day of 9/11 and showing how devastating it was. 7th-8th period
No, I don't remember where I was when it happened. It has made us much more careful about security in our country as far as terrorist threats. We can make sure to have tight security at airports and places where we come into the country. We also need to have thorough security at events where a lot of people are going to be together at once. I don't have any memory at all of the day that 9/11 happened or any news report having to do with it.
My mom said that, "It was a tragic and frightening event. The first thing I did was call everybody that I knew to make sure they were safe. It makes you afraid of things that could happen in the future, but you can't live in fear of what could happen."
I think the videographer's purpose was to inform people of what happened on 9/11 and remind people of the terrible losses that the country suffered on that day.
I cannot remember the day of 9/11 because i was too small, but i was probably unaware that it had been bombed in the first place.
That tragedy that happened will scar america for a very very long time. It has made many people sad and uneasy, and goverment is making it harder on travel by air.
America can hep protect us from attacks by making seurity better or by becoming alies with more countries.
I might have been at home when this happened, or maybe out to eat. I didnt even know it happened till ssome year later.
i interviewed my grand mother:
she was watching the news and then they started talking about the attack. she thought it was impossible, but then they showed a video and all she could think was "thats impossible? how many people died?!"
the videographers purpose was to show how devistating it is when these things happen and you lose families and govorment work.
2nd/3rd period
I think that i was in school when 9/11 occurred, i'm not entirely sure. It effected the future of our country by the airport security being tightend up an you have to go through all these changes just to go somewhere now. It can protect itself by checking everyones records and backgrounds and tightening up the security around places you wouldn't think terrorists would go. I beleive that i was in school and my mom told me when i got home. Well back in those days i can't remember anything from when i was four or five. My mom says that she was shocked whenever the attack of 9/11 happened. the videoghaper's purpose of this video was to tell us more about somethings that had happened when the attack happened. an
well i do not remember were i was but mt mom does she said that she remember that day exsactly bc we and my oldest broth were going on vavtion to disney world so we were go to rtake a plane at frist but we deside to take a car bc wer missed are flitye and so while we were driving my grand mother called my mom and you need to get off the road find a hotel and sday there for a while so we foould a place in virgina and stped at the nerst haotel and we get
there and we get a room and then my mom cuts on the tv and see the news and what a trady it was.9/11 really made the us really get on the whole tarest thing because they said that they never wanted this happen to the usa ever again
well the need check everyone and make shere tyhat now one comin in or going out of the contry as any thing on them
mt mom said i was with her an the road
so show the trady of that day.
khadija lam
7/8 period
When 911 occurred I was at my school. The tragedy effected our country it took so much away from us and made our country stronger.I can't remember anything about 911 all I know is it killed a lot of people.My mom said when it happened , she was worried about her cousin's husband.The videographer's purpose was to show you much serious it was . Also how important i was for everyone to know about .
No, I do not remember about the 9/11 tragedy. Now days people in our country protect us from terrorist and other things that can harm us. During the 9/11 attack there where many famillys hurt and many family members dead. Alot of people where interviewed about it. The voulenteer firefighters tried their hardest to save as many people as they could. People even where jumping out of the windows. I dont remeber anything. All i have saw was videos and articals in the newspaper. The videographers purpose was probably to show us what happend and he did this because it is the 9/11 10th anniversary.
I was 3 at my grandma's house when it occured. I think that this tragedy has made the people of the United States frightened that it would happen again. The United States should have anti-plane launchers to take out incoming planes. All I remember was my family talking about it. My dad said that one of his buisness friends wife was part of the pentogon when it happened ,but she didn't go to work because she was sick on that very day. I think the videographer's idea in this is to inform us about what had happend on the day 9/11.
Peyton Ozie 7/8 period.
No, I do not remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. This tragedy has greatly affected the future of our country. It has had negative effects on the economy, it has affected people’s health from all of the smoke, and it has also made our security stricter. The US can protect itself by having tight security at airports, and event where there are a lot of people. No, I do not remember anything about 9/11 or any news about it. I interviewed my dad about 9/11. He said that when it happened he was getting ready to leave for work, and he turned on the TV and saw it. He said that at the time he didn’t realize it was active terrorism. The videographer’s purpose for creating the video was to inform you about 9/11.
-Olivia Moroose 4th and 5th period
No, I do not remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. Because of this tragedy, the United States is a lot more careful in the security field. All the USA can do to prevent future terrorist attacks like this one is to constantly keep up on airport security and keep an eye on places with a large population of people. I don’t remember anything about 9/11. My dad said he was asleep on that awful day after working midnight shift the night before. He was awakened by my mom explaining what all had happened. After she told him about it, he turned on the TV to see for himself. He said he felt very angry that they would do this to us and he felt helpless. I think the videographer’s purpose in making this video was to inform everyone on what a horrible tragedy occurred on September 11, 2001.
-mia manzo 4th and 5th period (:
No, I don't remember 9/11. I only remember hearng about something bad happening. The tradgey made everything a lot stricter. The black smoke also caused everyone's health harm. We can protect the US from attacks by making he sercurity of travel stricter. I was probably at pre-school when this happened, but I don't remember. I can not remember anything about it. My dad said that he remembered seeing it on TV one morning. He said that it was a every depressing day and he didn't understand what was really happening until someone told him. The purpose of him making this was to inform about this tradgedy.
Madison Morrone 4/5th <3
No, I do not remember the day when 9/11 occurred. I can hardly remember anything. I was 3 at the time. When the plane crashed into the Twin Towers it greatly affected everyone on the planet. They can protect it from future attacks by having airplane security at all times. I don't know where I was or anything that happened on 9/11. 9/11 was probably the number one tragedy in the whole universe. Almost 3,000 people died on the tragic day. 9/11 won’t be forgotten by anybody especially the ones who experienced it. The author’s purpose for creating this video is to inform people who may not remember much of what happened that day.
-Michael Nuzum 4th/5th Period
No, I do not remember when 9/11 happened. I know that is was a major tragedy in the United States. Everyone that was alive and experienced 9/11 will never forget it until the day they die. I think I was four when this happened. It affected our country in a huge way. New York is probably the top toured place in the United States. The Twin Towers brought in many tourists from around the world. When the Twin Towers crashed many people died. About 3,000 people died that day. It was horrible. The videographer’s purpose for creating this video is to remind us of how tragic it was but how our country is still strong and is getting stronger every day.
Ben Taylor 4th/5th Period
I do not remember 9/11 at the time because I was only three years old at the time. 9/11 has affected our country more than any other deadly event. The only other major event to throw us into military action was Pearl Harbor, which caused the U.S. to enter World War II. Airport security was tightened and improved and the Department of Homeland Security was created to help protect our country from other terrorist attacks. I apparently was at Noah’s Arc pre-school during 9/11. I can’t remember many details from during that time.
My father’s first impression of that day was, “Who would want to do that to the United States?” He was concerned for all those who were harmed by the attack and impressed by the heroic actions of so many people who helped others on that day.
The video we were assigned to watch helps those who do not remember 9/11 to understand what happened that day and to help everyone remember the loss our country suffered that day.
I do not remember where i was when 9/11 happened but it made our country really scared of another attack like 9/11 but i think it helped us to. because now our security is better when you get on planes so that made it harder for terrorist to do something like that a second time.the us can protect its self from future attacks by people knowing whats going on in planes when they are up in the air.i was at daycare when 9/11 happened. i can not r ember what happened on 9/11.my mom said she felt sad when 9/11 happened and scared because at first she did not know what was going on.the person who made this videos purpose is to tell people what 9/11 is and how it affected our country.
I was sitting in my living room eating a poptart. My mom was babysitting and my cousin was there. This was a horrible tragedy. It was very harm full to our country. It just made a huge impact on how we travel on airliners. It was also a bad tragedy on the Pentagon. The U.S. will have to be very protective and very strict on how the citizens move around the world. I remember fire engines and news reporters. The author purpose was to inform people about 9/11. I think this will be never forget situation on our world and how we live.
9/11. I remember that day. It was a brisk summer day. I was 3 when this happened.My mom came to my day care to come pick me up. I didn't know why. When we got home, I saw these buildings on fire. I thought it was some movie. Later on. my mom and dad were in tears and I didn't know why. But when I was a lttle bit older my mom told me everything about 9/11. 9/11 was a sad time for everyone. What had happened at the Twin Towers.The Pentagon. And that field out in Pennsylvania. Which was planned to hit the White House. That moment in modern history will never be forgotten...
I do not remember much when 9/11 occurred. This tragedy effected the future greatly because people felt this country wasn't as safe as we thought. The US can protect itself from future attacks by becoming more aware of who's coming into the country, becoming much more protective with security, and attempting to become at peace with other countries. When 9/11 occurred I was in upstate New York. What I remember is that I was just dropped off at my grandma's house while my father was at work in an office near New York City. I interviewed my mother about 9/11 and her impression was that she was shocked, that is was like a movie. The videographer's purpose in this video is to show the remembrance in people who were lost, and to show this was a tragic event that hopefully won't happen again
- Megan hermance, 7&8 period ♥
When 9/11 occurred I was four, and I remember watching the TV and seeing a building burning and seeing cops all over the place. It made us increase our airport security, made us more up-tight during flights. I think we'll probably stop more airplane attacks, and other suspicious activity. My mom stated she was horrified and shocked. She couldn't believe it happened in the United States, we were all numb and scared of what to come next. Why they would do such an atrocious act of uncontrollable violence. The purpose of the video is to show one of the worst days in history, and how it shocked our country.
I really don't remember anything about this disaster, I was only 3 years old when it happened. I was at my grandmother's house when it happened. My mom remembers she was at work and a equipment supply person came to the Health Department and told them that the Twin Towers had been hit by a aircraft. She went to her computer and watched what was going on in New York at the time, then she heard about the Pentagon being hit by a airplane and a airplane being hijacked in PA. This was a day that changed America forever. The purpose of the video is for us to remember all the lives lost and how things can change in a instant.
Ryan Valentine
7th & 8th Period
I don't remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. I know that the future of our country has been forever affected because of our safety. The US can protect itself by continuing with the security we have now, especially at the airports. All I know is what my mom told me. I was with her and my aunt shopping and we rushed home because they heard something tragic happened. I was very little when it happened so I wouldn’t remember at all if it weren’t for them telling me. The videographer's purpose was probably to inform people of what happened on that day and how it will always be a tragic event in history.
well i dont really remeber anything about 9/11 i just remeber hearing everyone talking about it , i asked my mother what she remeber and she said she was working the day it happened and she saw it comming up on tv and she cyed and everyone was upset she said it was a devestating moment for everyone at the time . i think this was also a tradgty because theyre is little children that at the time were not born yet , but theyre father was in the twin towers and were killed and they never got to meet theyre fathers and some kids are ten and eleven now its very sad . i dont really remeber where i was when this occured but i just know it was a very big tradgety and i thik the authors purpose for this video is that the world in not invisable anything can happen , and also too show how important ground zero was .
merissa ladd 2&3 period
I don’t really remember where I was because I was only three at the time. It made our country more cautious and strict with airlines. It put everyone on guard. As a country we can be on guard and continue to have safe guards at airports and other places where there are a lot of people at one time. I was at home when it happened. I can’t really remember anything except talking about it later on in school. My mom was at home when it happened and watching it on T.V. She said it was like watching something you would see in a movie. She said it didn’t seem real and she just remembers feeling numb and in shock. I think the videographer’s purpose in creating this video was to inform us of the tragedy that happened that day and to pay tribute to those who died during 9/11 and honor those who helped rescue Washington D.C.
7th & 8th period
It was my second day in Preschool. It effected out country in many ways. The security is and will be much tighter, and our country is much more aware of what could go on. We can take security on airline, and everywhere more serious. I was at Baptist Temple Preschool when it occurred. I can’t remember anything at all. I think I was just too young to even notice anything out of the ordinary! My mom remembers the day very well, she was at CJIS FBI building. Everyone who was there that day was informed that the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was coming to the FBI building. Most of the workers were aloud to leave but my mom had to say. Because she had one of the higher ranked jobs. They basically told them to get ready to die, but luckily she knew were the bomb shelter was. Before she was going to go down there, she decided to call my grandmother to tell her how much she loved her. She then tried to call my father to tell him the same but the lines were down by then so she could still email him. But quickly after she had emailed my dad the building got word that the plane had changed its corse and that they were safe. The videographer’s purpose was too informing people about the great tragedy, 9/11. However he made it into a entertain video.
Kathryn Scarbro(:
4th and 5th period<3
I dont remember much from that day. I was about 3-4 years old. All i can remember is sitting on the couch watching my mom call everybody crying, and asking if they see what was going on. I didnt understand what was going on. My dad said that he was scared that my mom's dad was in the middle of all the reckage. He worked around there. The smoke was terrible, people couldnt see or breath because it was so thick.
Olivia Hawkinberry
2nd & 3rd period.
When 9/11 occured I was 3 years old and at home watching tv. I was little and the news was on but I thought I was just watching a movie that my grandma turned on. 9/11 effected our country in good and bad ways. One of the good ways is that the security is way better which lowers the risk of something like that ever happening again. One of the bad things is that I think some people in the US are still a little worried about another attack. I think you could prevent that though if they triple checked everybody in the security airlines, especially the ones that look suspicous. When 9/11 occured I was at home playing around and watching tv. I do remember seeing the whole thing still. The plane crashing into the twin towers, it crashing down, reporter and policemen and firemen were running around everywhere! I asked my mom what she thought about it and she said it the saddest thing she's ever seen. Whoever made this video, I think their purpose was to remind and inform us on the tragedy of 9/11. (:
Jorydn Weaver
7th and 8th period
I was three years old on September 11 2011 and I can remember what happened. This tragedy affected our country by having more security to stop something like that from happening again. The US can protect itself from future attacks by have security on airplanes not just at airports and keep tracking of everybody who enters the country that are not born here. I was in the living room with my mom when 9/11 occurred. I can remember that I thought that it was a movie or something not real life when I was watching it with my mother. I interview my mother and her impression of what happened on that day was sadness and devastation from seeing the towers falling to the ground and Hearing about all the people that were killed. The videographer's purpose in creating this video was to show how much of tragedy 9/11 was on the whole United States of America.
I do remember this terrible day, I was five I recall, and I was sitting on my mom’s bench eating a peanut butter sandwich and my mom and grandma and my dad was off to work. All I basically remember is my mom on the Phone, Crying because my uncle’s business was right across the street from the twin towers in fact the engine of the plane that hit the south tower landed on the roof of his building, mom was crying because my other uncle called her telling her that Kent (the one that lives in NY) was ok and was running home and my mom said that after the 2nd week to quite crying.
This horrible tragedy effected that the U.S. Government is going to take a better watch in our airport and our security in this country and find the people who caused this.
Make sure the airport has stricter security in the country and have a better watch of the terrorists that tries to hurt us again.
I was at my house with my mommy and my grandma.
I’m interviewing my mom and She says that it was a terrible week no more like month for her … Especially of what my uncle told her what he saw … people jumping off the building and dying right in front of him and he couldn’t do anything to help them my hole family was a wreck for that first month Basically in shock.
To inform about that horrible thing that happened on 9-11-01
Sarah Esposito <3 :D <3 :D 7-8 period
I do not remember the day of 9/11. I can understand how sad of a day it was for our country. I believe that 9/11 pulled our country a lot closer together. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to be in New York city that day. Ever since 9/11 happened our country is so much secure. The security in airports now is so advanced.This September will the the ten year aniversery of 9/11 but i know for many that it seemed like yesterday. This video was to inform you about the terrable day of 9/11 and how we never want it to occure again
I don't really remember 9/11, but I've asked my mom many times about that day. I was 4 years old. I was at day care while my parents were both at work. When this all started happening, their work became worried about the plane that was heading for Washington DC. They work for the FBI and numerous people were affriad of them trying to attack the FBI building. They started to not let anyone leave the building but my mom managed to leave work to come home and be with me. My dad was still at work, but my mom told him to try to get home.
I can somewhat remember my mom watching the news. It was a terrible thing to see. All the smoke, the buildings falling, people dying. I can remember how upset, traumatized, and emotional everyone was. It affected our country in so many ways. So many families lost there loved ones when the towers were hit. So many people's lives were taken that had no reason to die. I couldn't imagine what it would have been like to lose my mom or dad.
Last year, the gifted students were given the opportunity to go to New York for 3 days and visit many places. One day when we were there, we went on a tour to see the Statue of Liberty. On the boat ride there, we drove by the rebuilding of the Twin Towers. That was probably the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Seeing the World Trade Center being rebuilt, it made me think of all the families who were effected by 9/11. I'll never forget seeing that and would love to see it when it's completed.
The U.S. has been working to protect itself. They've made adjustments to the planning for the World Trade Center to make it have more support and if it happened again, hopefully less damage would occur. The videographer's purpose was to remember back to that day and to think about what happened. It's been 10 years. They wanted to show how much it affected our country, but how our country is improving since 9/11
-Ciara Hornberger(: 4th&5th period<3(:
When 9/11 occurred I was at my aunt’s house and she was babysitting me before I went preschool. The tragedy affect our future by not know if they re going to attack. It also has affected the way we travel and our security. Have good security on the boarders of the country. Do I remember anything about the day of 9/11? No, I think I was too young to understand what was going on at that time. I interviewed my dad and he said, “I was very scared, and didn’t know what was going to happen in the next minute or day.” The videographer’s purpose of making this video was to show you that this is a tragedy that happen just ten years ago. And it was a very scary point in time!
By~ Sydnee Shaffer
4th/5th period
I remeber I was 4, thats it. It was on ever T.V Channel and in the news papaer like everday. They could try to keep the planes out of the air and try to keep everyone save. I was with my grandpa and grandmas house when this happened. I cant remember anything. My aunt said she was sad when all the people died on the plane and she was running when this occurred. So, everyone that didnt know what happened on that day saw it and to show people that they should never do that.
No I don't know where I was, and it's hard for me to remember since I was only five at the time. It did make us have more security on airlines, goverment buildings, and other places aswell. The U.S can prevent this from happening again if they take better care of security at airports, events, and goverment buildings. I don't have any memory of that day, but I know it must've been horrifying for thousands of people. My mom said "It was scary, I was getting ready to go to a college class, and you didn't know what to do because you were in shock", "I just couldn't believe it was happening here in America!" The videographer's purpose in making this video was to inform people of how a great tragedy like this effected our country.
I do not remember 9/11 happening at all. This tragedy got our country's attention, and we realized we needed to protect ourselves at all times and track down these terrorists. In my opinion the USA has really improved its security. We always need to keep our eyes out in the sky, water, and land. I do not remember anything or where I was, I was only 3 or 4. My dad said, "At first, he felt unbelief until he realized that it was really had happened." "It was very sickening, he said." The videographers purpose is to inform you on the tragedy that happened in our country on 9/11. It reminds you of what truly happened on that day, and how sad it was. It makes you feel broken for the families, that lost love ones it this tragedy. This day had a huge effect on our country's past and future.
-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
I do not remember where I was on September11, 2001. I was three years old when it happened. Our country was effected by having to get greater security at airports and other highly populated locations. The United States can protect itself from future attacks by being sure all emergency agencies communicate with each other and by working on prevention measures. My mom said that when this tragedy happened that I with her picking out house colors with Brooke Ashcraft’s grandma. I do not remember anything about that day. My mom and dad said that they can remember driving through town and every thing seemed still. Everyone had a blank look on their face. My aunt Erin was on a plane from Washington DC to California. Her flight had to make an emergency landing. They people on the flight did not tell her what was happening. She wouldn’t fly for months after that. The purpose of this video is to make you remember the terrible things and to make you stay thankful for the things you have.
Meghan 4/5
I don't remember anything from 9/11 because I was 3 years old. I was probably at day care and didn't know what happened. It made Americans scared and It made security at the airport much more strigent. You now have to take off your shoes and can't have soap or liquid or medicine. You have to go throught metal detectors. When I watched the video I felt bad for the people that died that day. It made me angry that someone could have done this in America. I felt relieved that one of the planes crashed in Pennsylvania instead of the white house. Many people did loose their loved ones and their own lives trying to save others. I am now looking looking forward to seeing the memorial building. The purpose of the video was to make you feel empathy for the people which died and those who lost loved ones.
I talked to my parents about 9/11 my mom remembers being at work and watching the first plane go into the building. Minutes later on the news she watched the building explode. There was so much confusion about what was happening in her workplace. Everyone was terrified. No one knew what had happenned. It was very scary.
cody satterfield 2 and 3 period
I don’t remember a great extent from that day, but I do remember some of it. I was four years old and was at preschool at Teacher’s Pet. I recall that my Daddy came and picked me up from preschool early that day after he had picked Wesley up for Jayenne. That’s pretty much all I remember though. We were such a powerful and unharmed country, at least that’s what people thought, that 9/11 was extremely unanticipated. Not in our wildest dreams had anyone thought that there would be a terrorist attack on the U.S., at least not an attack to that extent. Now everything is much more cautioned including airlines. I’m not sure how the country could prepare for farther attacks, but I hope that we don’t have to worry about any attacks on the U.S. in the future. My mom was in her classroom at Arnettsville School where she taught 5th grade. Tonight she had explained to me that her co teacher had come across the hall into her class and said that someone was attacking New York. After that she turned on the TV and saw the plane fly into the south tower. Shortly after she and her class saw the tower collapse. She said, “The country has never been the same since that day.” I think that the author’s purpose is to inform us of a tragic event that occurred within the history of America and the many lives lost on this memorialized day.
Brooke Ashcraft_ 4th/5th Period <3
I do remember 9/11, I was in Tal. Fl visiting my dad and my mom just got there to get me the night before. It has made our country very cautious of terrorists. Our country now has many more security checks and is always on alert. I just remember seeing the buildings falling and knowing a airplane had just crashed into them. My mom said that day was one of the saddest days in her life, because, from that day on she lost a since of security in this world. She also states it was scary and sad to see such a loss and disregard for human life. I believe this author just wanted us all to remember and be aware!!!! By- Micheal Holloway
I was about just turned four when it happened but I don’t remember anything that happened. It has impacted our country a lot though. Some things the US has done to help prevent another attack is strengthen airport security, and we found the leader of the attacks so that might stop them or make them really mad and attack us again. I have never flown so I really don’t know what they do at airports now that they didn’t do before 9/11. My dad said that he left work early and came home early. He said lots of people died and it was just horrible to watch on TV. My Uncle said he was supposed to go to New York on September 11th but he decided not to go. The videographers purpose for the video is to inform people about 9/11. 9/11 has really changed our country.
When it happened I was 3 I remembered seeing it all over the tv. At that age I had no idea what had happened. My mom and dad were just sitting there watching the news as it was happening. i also remembered how it said that more than 1,000 people or more had already died. Then the screen changed and and it showed the pentagon (i had no idea what it was then). So i went outside to play. When i got back mom, and dad were still sitting there watching the tv. I took another look and another plane had crashed my mom told me. That day was the worst day in 10 years since i had saw it. well that is all I wanted to say.
I don't really remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. Now we have to be stricter on airlines and about how people travel our country and world. They can be stricter on security and travel.
I think I was in Kindergarten when this happened. I can't remember anything about it. My neighbor said that it was a tragic time for everybody, more for the people who lost others in the tragedy, but hard for everyone. I think the videographers purpose in making this video was to inform people about 9/11. 9/11 was very tragic and harmed our country for a long period of time. It still does to this day.
-KelsieStingo. 2nd3rd
I do not remember whrn 9/11 accured. I was only 4 so i couldnt remember it at all. It was like it never happened.
It effect the future of this country because we learned a valuable lesson and know that we have to protect are selves better.
I think the U.S. can protect itself better by having more sattelites and more defense plans. I think that would help alot. Also if we got allies they could help us.
I can not remember anything about it. My mom said it was very creepy because thet killed all those people and they were close to us. I think the videographers purpose was to show people about that tragic day and to show kids that dont remember.
9\11 was a terrable event that scared the US and made us tighten our security. It has created a less trusting relationship between us and other countries that already had tensions with us. It created a chain reaction that sent our troops all around the world seaching for Osama and other terrorist members. There is no real way to prevent futar attacks as long as we try to stop they they will find new ways to blow us up. the only thing we can really do is keep doing what we are doing and hope that we can find the terrorists befor they can harm innocent lives. I don't have any idea where I was or what I was doing whenm it happened all I knew at the time was something happened I really didn't even know what it was at the time. It was tyrying to raise awarness of 9/11. I asked around as to what people thought of the incedent and the main shared opinions are it was a shoking terrable time for the country and they are glad that the county is doing every thing they can to prevent future attacks of this magnitude.
I do not remember where I was because I don't have a very good memory of when i was three. Our country became more protective of flights and tightened security around the U.S. border. We also watched flights more tightly and heavily populated areas were secured better. I can't remember anything about it. Senora Summers says she was shocked when it happened. She could not believe what she was seeing.
The videographer's purpose was to show what a terrible tragedy had happened that day. It was a devasting loss for the families involved in the fire and the crashes. Not only did planes crash into the twin towers, but other planes crashed into the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. The plane that crashed in Pennsylvania was taken over by terrorists, then the hostages took the plane back over. A few terrorists were remaining so the pilot terrorist crashed the plane so they would all die. It was very brave of the hostages in my opinion. Overall, 9/11 was a terrible tragedy and something like that should never happen again.
The only thing I remember is watching the twin towers blow-up on tv . Everyone was devistated,my parents were in shock. This tragedy effected the future, because it really made everyone relize what terriost are caple of and what loss really is. The U.S. can protect itself by being more cautios, or trying to be friends with other countries instead of attacking them. I was home when this terrible tragedy happened. The only thing I remember is looking at the tv and seewing it. My grandma said that it was a terrible terroist attack, and that she hopes nothing like that will ever happen again. I think the videographer's purpose was to tell people about this and show them that it was a big loss and shock to the entire country.
-madison urse 4/5 period
i don,t remember much of it at all, my mom claims i was 4 years old, but i don't remember. I believe that Osoma still isn't dead, and when they build the new world trade center he is going to destroy it again. the U.S. can have the U.S. Airforce do a daily fly by to see if there is anything suspicious. my mom said we were at disney world when this happened but, i dunno. The purpose of this video is to inform people about this tragidy...
Angelo Hall 7&8 pd.
When 9/11 happened i remember where I was. I was at pre-school and I remember our teachers crowded around the television watching the news on the tragedy happen. In my opinion 9/11 united us as a country shortly after the tragedy happened people were united and filled with patriotism. The government was not divided into two parties just one whole. Everybody got along and in someway it affected them. Whether it was the way they acted or if they lost someone. This event changed everyone. After that there was a period when your race, beliefs, or heritage didn't matter all that mattered is that we were united as Americans.
Ryan Ricer 4/5
I do remember a bit. I was at my house in Northern Virginia on Gut-man Court. My mom didn't have the TV on. My dad called her in a panic. He let her know what happened, and she was crying on her knees. I don't remember exactly what I was doing. The US created a federal agency called, Home Land Security. It was put in place to focus, on terrorism combat, to keep our country safe. My memory is a little blurry here and there because its hard to remember stuff when I was three years old. I interviewed my dad because i did remember that he worked down the street from the Pentagon hit.He was about two miles away, and that's probably why my mom was crying so hard. She was really ecstatic when he was safe. We moved a couple months after because my parents decided they wanted us to grow up in a more simplistic, yet down to earth atmosphere. The videographer's purpose of showing this video was a remembrance to the point in history that we should take a moment and think about all the people who died. What a tragedy it was and he/she wanted to state that the world can be a dangerous place and to be vigilant through life. Always be cautious with your surroundings.
When 9/11 occured i really dont remember a thing i just know i was on my way to preshool and it was on the radio.
The tragedy really made our nation on edge it also had the United States get alot more sicurity.
I was in the car on my way to preschool when it happened.
No, i dont remember much.
My Mom said once it came over the radio she turned it off so it didnt scare me but once she got home she remembered seeing it on the televison and being so scared for the country.
I think the videographer made this video to show us the true meaning of 9/11. They wanted to show that the nation became united and worked together to show people how it made a tragety.They also probly wanted to show the honor we have for our nation.
I do remember when 9/11 occur. I was four years old and I was in day care. The tragedy affected the U.S. by being very cautious about everything and put us on the edge. Everyone will never forget this day . I think the U.S.should be more cautious by having more security and lock down more whenever they come into the U.S. I was in Day Care in fairmont. All i remember is that my mom told me that the planewas close to us and it crashed in P.A. and that it was the worst tragedy in U.S. history. My mom said it is one of the most horrific events in history. The oictures of the towers falling will forever be enblazed on my mind. The question for many decades will be..."where were you on 911?", as is the case with JKS's assassination. The videographers purpose of this video is to tell and explain all the horrible things that had happened.
-Ashley Bright 7/8th (:
I think was in my bedroom watching blue's clues and then the new came on and the plain hit the twin towers and then the towers went down. whit it did was we can never can replace that time and we can never take it back. I think they build smaller towers and maybe not have a problem again. at my grand parents house. what I can remember is watching blue's clues and then the news came on and the reporters said a plain was coming and was on a crash coarse to the twin towers and they both went down
No, I was only 3 years old when 9/11 occurred. We could get attacked again in the future. We could be more aware of who we let into our country. I lived in Georgia when 9/11 happened. No, I was only 3 so I do not remember anything.
Yes, I remember it well. I was sleeping on the sofa after a long nights work. My neighbor called and said GREG!!! Are you watching the TV? After I turned the TV on, then was the shock and horror realized. Through this our country has become stronger, closer, and more aware. We could close our borders, stop the war machine, and take care of our own. I lived in Georgia when 9/11 occurred.
The videographer’s point in making this video was to inform us that 9/11 was a horrible tragedy.
No, I was only 3 years old when 9/11 occurred. We could get attacked again in the future. We could be more aware of who we let into our country. I lived in Georgia when 9/11 happened. No, I was only 3 so I do not remember anything.
Yes, I remember it well. I was sleeping on the sofa after a long nights work. My neighbor called and said GREG!!! Are you watching the TV? After I turned the TV on, then was the shock and horror realized. Through this our country has become stronger, closer, and more aware. We could close our borders, stop the war machine, and take care of our own. I lived in Georgia when 9/11 occurred.
The videographer’s point in making this video was to inform us that 9/11 was a horrible tragedy.
I think i was at my house. It infected the country because a lot of people died in it. The U.S. can help from preventing them by making smaller buildings. I remember watching it on tv and a plane crashed into the twin towers. My grandparents were sad because a lot of people died. To help people remember what in september9, 2001.
I don't really remember where I was when 9/11 occurred. I'm pretty sure that I was in my living room, though.
This tragedy made security around airports a lot stronger.
The US can protect itself by making sure that no harmful substances can get on planes or other things.
I don't really remember much about where I was and what I was doing when the tragedy occurred. I just remember being at my house.
SeƱora Summers said she was shocked when it happened.
The videographer's purpose in creating this video was to show what happened on 9/11 and how it has affected our country.
No, I don't really remember the day that 9/11 had taken place. I was three at the time it happened. When the first plane hit the twin towers, it affected many people across the U.S. For us and any other countries to prevent future attacks, they need to check everything a person owns at airports so everyone is safe. I was in my house in the kitchen with my mom while she was washing dishes. That's all I remember about it. I don't know anything that happened while I was there. My mom told me that her impression on what had occurred during the day 9/11 was like she was watching a movie. She said it was so unbelievable that she told herself it wasn't happening. I think the videographer's purpose in creating the video was to inform people that what 9/11 was one of the most destructive, tragic days in history.
Justin Okel 4th/5th period
No, I do not remember 9/11. Because of this tragedy, the United States is a lot more protective in security, expecually at airports. My dad said he was at work that day. He remembers everything perfectly, just like it was yesterday. He was angry and upset, he didnt understand why somebody would do such a horrible thing. I think the videographers purpose is to inform people what a sad and horrible day 9/11 was. -Emily Gettings , 7&8th <3
I do not remember where I was when 9/11 occured. I didnt even know it had happened until kindergarten when my teacher was telling the class about it. After 9/11 happened, the US became alot stricter when it came to airport security. The US can protect itself by training pilots to handle attacks, and have more security in buildings, airports, and many other places. I do not know where I was and I can't remember anything about it. My mom, Jann Stewart, says "I remember it being a beautiful day, such a beautiful day for such a tragic event to happen. I remember watching on television as the story unfolded. I couldn't believe the horrible scenes I was seeing. I was scared of what other attacks might take place. I was saddened by all the distruction and loss of lives. It was just horrible."
The videographer's purpose for making the film was to inform you of the tragedy that took place on 9/11. Also, to show the discord the attacks threw America into.
I remember when 911 accured I was at day care and everyone was talking about it then my mom came and picked me up. This tragedy effected the awarness of the USA by protecting airlines and coust guards. The US can Protect its selfby having more sucuritey. I was at daycare. People were very scared. My dad sed that he was at work at ruby and the biulding went on maxuim security. To show the desaster that happened on that day.
no i dont remember because i was only 3 years old. this tragedy affected our country badly because our economy went down. they can protect us in future attacks by being more aware and cautious. i was probably at home. no i cant remember. i asked my mother and she said it was a tragedy and many people died that day. we have come a long way since 9/11
I dont remember where i was when 9/11 happened i was young!it made us unite as one. be prepared at all times. i dont remember where i was when it occured. All i remember is everyone running around on tv when it happened. my mother said she was shocked, that somthing like that happened.The purpose of this video was to inform us of what happend on 9/11
I don't remember 9/11. Now we are getting stricter on the air port rules. Also a lot of people lost their loved ones. I think they should check the people from head to toe when they go to the air port. Then no one would be in dangered by others. My mother said "Three air planes went down that day. One in the tower, one in the pentagon, and the last one in a field. It was so honestly sad." Also she said, that some people are just crazy if they want to kill other inosent people."
i remember that my brother was being born while it happened because my mom and my aunt were watching it happen but i dont know were i was when it happend and my mom told us when she came home from the hospital but i was to young to know exactly what was going on and i also talk about it every time its my brothers birth day.
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