The title of this video means that the power of one can make and have beauty. The authors purpose in creating this piece is that he wants to show that it doesn't take a miracle to be beautiful. It just takes you do make yourself beautiful. True beauty is what is on the inside, not the outside. Most people believe that beauty comes from what is on the outside, like most celebrities do. They cover themselves in make-up, trying to improve their looks. None of that matters. What they don't know is that true si what is inside you. No, I don't mean your insides. I mean your heart. True beauty is a kind heart, a kind spirit, and a loving soul. You can obtain 'beauty' by looks, but true beauty comes within. I don't have a favorite model. But, I do have a favorite movie star. My favorite movie star is Johnny Depp. What makes Johnny Depp so beautiful is is heart and all the beauty that is within his soul. I do think society has a healthy view of beauty because it starts with their heart and soul. The attributes and characteristics are more important than beauty is your intelligence because it helps with your desicions later in life.
The author made this to tell you you don't have to be beautiful for everyone to except you. Just have to have a great personality and be kind to them and they'll be kind to you. I don't have a favorite model or movie star. First comment!!
The title of this video, "Power of One" tells how one person can have a lot of impact in the world. I think the purpose is showing the processes coming together for how most magazine covers are made. True beauty is how a person acts towards others. If a person has a good heart and treats others how they want to be treated, they are beautiful. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. She is a very talented model and when you watch her talk show, it shows how she makes all girls feel beautiful. She's a very good role model to ladies everywhere. Just remember to take care of yourself,be happy with who you are, and be kind to others, because that's what beauty is :)<3
The title of this blog means that the power of one can make and have beauty. The authors purpose of making this video was to show that it isn't that hard to be pretty and that it doesn't depend on the outside of that person. Beauty mostly means that it is what you show on the outside and not on the inside in my way of putting it. I've heard of famous models but I really don't have one believe it or not. My favorite movie star is Wesley Snipes because he's a cool actor he's always usually a hero in most of his action movies such as his Blade series. I do think that the society has a healthy view of beauty because everyone is unique and pretty in their on way but sometimes I don't think in my way of saying it. The attributes and characteristics are very important than beauty sometimes I say that because it may sometimes be your intelligence or thoughts not just on how pretty you look.
The title of this video means that the power of one person can completely change the appearance of a person.The author's purpose is to show that girls think they need to look like models and such, but in reality, models don't always looks as beautiful as they may appear.My favorite movie star is Emma Watson.Emma Watson is just beautiful in her own way. She's not perfect, but she doesn't change to try and look like she is.I don't think society has a healthy view of beauty. Some things are much more important, but almost everybody just goes with looks. There are a bunch of relationships where they just get together because they look nice. For all they know, the other person could be a horrible person, but they don't care. Society often leans towards looks being most important, but it's not. The only beauty that matters is beauty on the inside.
The title of this video means the power of on can have and create beauty. The authors purpose is to show hw many things are used in this world today and that not all modles look like themselves in real life. True beauty is what everybody is. Yes I do It is Tyalor Lautner. Hes just hott that is what makes him beautliful. Yes society does , because it is what people think about you.
The title means that one person can influences thousands of people's lives, maybe not in a positive way. The purpose of creating the video is to show that the beauty portrayed in magazines and on billboards isn't real. It's photo shopped and edited to make them look more beautiful than they really are. True beauty is being a good person on the inside. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. She is a beautiful caring person on the inside and the outside is beautiful, too. No, society doesn't have a healthy view of beauty. We focus on making unattainable examples of beauty for every to try to live up to and buy products to do it. We need to focus on living up to the beauty of people on the inside and making yourself a better person. Being caring, empathetic, charitable, and kind are more important than beauty.
The title means that it takes only one person to infulence thousands. He made this to show the secrets behing models and their lies. I don't know any visual actors or models or any of their names, but i like the voice actor Patrick Warburton. I don't know what he looks like. I don't think we have a healthy view of beauty, because true beauty comes from the heart and soul, not plastic surgery and photoshop. Your view of the world is important, and so is you attitude to the people around you.
the tittle power of one means that only you can tell your self you are beautiful it does not matter how many people tell you you beautiful only you can really find your self pretty and really accept your appearance. the authors purpose is to tell you that you are beautiful. and looks can be deceiving. true beauty is what is on the inside not the outside. i do not have a favorite model or movie star. no society does not have a healthy view on beauty because most people like someone just because of how they look on the outside not the inside. some things that are better than beauty is characteristics.
This video that all model's faces are not their really faces in pictures. The author's purpose is to say is in model picture they add a lot of touch ups to their faces. Ture beauty is charisma in a person which give an individual a sense of pleasure. My favorite model is Tyra Banks what make her beautiful is shes her own person.
The title means that one person can influences thousands of people's lives, maybe not in a positive way. The purpose of creating this video is to show that the beauty portrayed in magazines and on billboards is fake. It's been photo-shopped and edited to make them look more beautiful than they really are. True beauty is being a good person on the inside. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. She is a beautiful caring person on the inside and the outside is beautiful, too. No, society doesn't have a healthy view of beauty. We focus on making unattainable examples of beauty for every to try to live up to and buy products to do it. We need to focus on living up to the beauty of people on the inside and making yourself a better person. Being caring, charitable, and kind are more important than beauty.- Ryan Ricer 4/5
“The Power of One” means that one person can change the world, one person can make a difference. The author made this video, to show people that models really aren’t as perfect as we think they are. True beauty is what is on the inside; you could have the prettiest face in the world and still not truly be beautiful. I don’t idolize a famous person. Society has a terrible view of beauty. They just look at what is on the outside, not what is on the inside. Beauty is on the inside that is what really counts. If your caring, loving, compassionate, and helpful you are beautiful on the inside and out. You can’t be truly beautiful until you are beautiful on both the inside and outside. -Madison Urse 4th & 5th <3
the title power of one means that one person can hvae beauty but can also design beauty . the authors purpose of this video was too show everyone in magazines that looks so pretty they really arent that pretty they clampered with alot . beauty is only skin deep and your the only one that can make your self beautiful . i thinks beauty is also how you act around your friends and you accqantices . you need to be open hearted to be pretty you cant be mean . merissa ladd 2&3 period (:
It means toi show the power of something . in my opinion I think the author created this piece to show us what people do to pictures of models. True beauty to me is what you think of yourself. I do not have a favorite model but, I do have a favorite movie star. His name is Adam sandler. I do not think that society has a healthy view of beauty. I think that better characteristics than beauty is what is on the inside.
The title means that one person can be powerful and change the world or how people see things. The authors purpose is to show that nobody's perfect, and that even famous people and models ect. need editing too. True beauty is who you are, like your personality, the things you do. Yes i have a favorite model. My favorite model is Trya Banks. She's beautiful because she's real and knows that she's not perfect and embraces her flaws. No, society has a horrible view of beauty they think it's all looks but in all reality what do looks get you. Being nice and willing to lend a hand when needed is way more important than beauty.
The title means that it only takes one person to change everything. The author purpose is to say that it is only take one person to change a person or the world. Also the message is dont be like other. I do not have a favorite model or actor. The beautiful is the computer that makes people the model that thy are. i think the society doesnt have a good look at beauty because people want to look like that model. But they cant because the computer makes them so nice looking. It is more imporant because beauty doesnt matter.
The title means that the power is in how you feel not how you look, however a person feels powerful when they look flawless. The author’s purpose is to show that a person can look completely flawless with the distortion of makeup and camera tricks. Everyone has their own opinion on true beauty but mine is how a person acts or treats other people that make them beautiful. There is no doubt that people are attractive to others by looks but if they are not very kind then they are not as beautiful as they think they are. My dad always says that beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes clean to the core. I don’t really have a favorite model or movie star. I don’t think that society has a healthy view of beauty. The attributes that I feel are more important than physical beauty are being kind and caring to others. Bryce Bittinger7th & 8th period
This vidio is showing that anyone can be anything the want to be and deserves to have a chance at it. To show anyone can be anything. I do not have a favorite modle. I do not think we have a healthy buety place because there are people making fun of other people by the way they look. I think that brains smarts are way more importantthan any thing because it effects your career and if people dont like you the way you are than thats there problem not yours.
The title of the video means that one person can make anyone look perfect. The author's purpose of the video is to show what our misconception of advertising beauty. Yes, I do Rosie Huntington Whiteley.I believe she actually looks like that but I can't be for sure. Yes, i do because now all we see in magazines, tv, and billboards are models that look perfect, but this video proves what actually happens behind the scenes. Maybe intelligence, and wisdom those are the only two I can actually think of.
The title in the video means that one person, can have a huge effect on the rest of us, the author's purpose in this video is to show us how society creates it's own version of "beauty" even though beauty is already there. My favorite movie star is Johnny Depp, I just love his acting! I don't really like Johnny Depp just for his looks, I mostly like him because his acting is great! I think the way a person treats others and carries themselves is the most important characteristic, because it doesn't matter how pretty a person is, if they're cruel that makes them a whole lot uglier.
I think the title of this video means that it only takes one person to change someone's life. To show that anyone can be changed into a beautiful person with a lot of help with makeup and different hairstyles. I feel that true beauty is how a person is inside and how they treat others. You can be beautiful but not really be a nice person. No, I do not have a favorite model or movie star. I don't feel that society has a good view on beauty, beauty is only skin deep and anyone can be made to look beautiful. Being a good person and caring about others is true beauty.Ryan Valentine7th & 8th Period
The title of this video means that you can take someone from being very ugly to being beatufil in a matter of 2 minuites. The authors purpose was to show that beuty comes from the inside and not the outside. People often judge others by their looks and how they smell and if their shor, fat,skinny, or tall. Everything you see on tv, is edited or covered up with makeup. People shouldnt care aabout that. 4th&5th period , Megan wilt<3
The title of this video means that one person can change the way we look at beauty. The author’s purpose in creating this video is to show you how a picture can be changed to make someone look flawless even though they weren’t to begin with. I don’t really have a favorite model or movie star. I don’t get wrapped up in the way someone looks. What makes a person truly beautiful is what kind of person they are on the inside. I do not think that society has a healthy view of beauty. All of the images out there are of perfect people. Personality and character are the two most important traits that really make a person beautiful. Meghan Muller 4/5
The title means that models dont look the same as they do. The author made this video to tell people not to look like other people. No I don't have a favorite movie star or model. No because people try to look like they do and end up harming theirselves. Don't look like other models because it's not who they really are.
The "Power of One" simply means that each and every person has the choice to care about their appearance. The author intended this video to inform the viewers that perfection is on the inside. True beauty is what you think of yourself not the material items that make you something that your not. I have always idled Tyra Banks. She is America's favorite model. The reason that she is my favorite model/movie star is because she is really pretty. After thinking about it though, she is just outside beauty. Her make-up artists are the ones who make who she is. Personality can sometimes ruin you true appearance of ones’ self. Society is always looking for the prettiest or most appealing when really it could be the ugliest person but could have the warmest heart. Like I said the personality of someone is what really counts.
The title means that the power of one person can make you have beauty. The author made this video to show how we advertise beauty. The girl was already beautiful in the picture, but the edited her to make her something that everyone wants to look like but will never be able to achieve. They made her eyes bigger, her eye brows higher, her neck longer, and so much more. True beauty is every one. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. No, i don't have a favorite. No i don't think thay the society has a healthy view of beauty. They think you have to look like the edited version, when really, you just need to be yourself. No one is quite like someone else, so be your self and not what people expect you to be. Being smart, and intelligent and being your self is so much more important.ciara hornberger4 and 5th period (:
The title of the video means that with the power of one they can change it.I think the authors purpose of making this piece was to show how the make models and celebs look so pretty. True beauty means wat is on the inside. yes, my favorite star is beyonce. Her character makes her beatiful.NO they only like wat is on the outside.don't know DEJANAE EDWARDSDEJANAE EDWARDS
power of one means that anyone can be pretty just from one person. the authors perpose is to inform people aren't as pretty as they seem. my favorite movie star is Megan Fox...Prettiest girl on the planet! she has to be natural,if not i will cry. looks aren't just everything you can be pretty but have a horrible personality and it will make you look horrible...-Trae Hall 7&8th period.
The title of this video means that it only takes the power of one to do something like that. I think the purpose of this video was to show that models don't always look the same in person as they do in real life. True beauty is when you're naturally beautiful inside and out. I don't have a favorite movie star or model. I don't think society has a healthy view of beauty because they are always making up their faces and editing stuff. I think you have to have pretty eyes and hair (all natural) and a nice personality. :)Jordyn Weaver7th & 8th period :)
The title of this video is "Power Of One" which means the power and ability that one can have in the world. She creates beauty. The purpose of the story is to tell people that the beauty of people is not always real or is photoshoped to make it look real and better. This person may not look like this is person. I think the message is to be yourself and not something your not. I think that beauty is not always on the outside, it counts on whats in the inside. You could be the prettiest person in the world, but your personality could make you ugly. -Emily Gettings
The title of the video “the power of one” means that what a human can do as one being to turn a pretty girl into some one that is completely unrealistic. What the author’s purpose is that to show that the beauty and grace that is shown on TV magazines and bill boards is not even real what we say is “beauty” it is just fake and so UN real. What is real beauty? Well real beauty is every one every one is beautiful in there own way. Beauty is defiantly not the fake people. My favorite movie is? I really don’t have one but if I have to say it be Wreath Witherspoon because she is very strong hearted woman. No, because the world is being convinced that society is so fake.
The title of The Power of One is how one person can be a big part of this world. Just one person can have a huge impact on anybody or anything. The authors purpose for creating this video is to show that people are not as beautiful as what they seem. My favorite movie star is Justin Beiber. He is so hot. But now that I have watched this video I don't know if his true apperance is what I have seen. The most important attribute is his abbs.
The title of the video means that one person can have their own beauty without all the editing. The authors purpose is to show us whats going on , and what people are doing to make themselves look pretty.True beauty is when you can wake up in the morning and go out without make up, and wear sweats and still fill beautifull. I don't have a favorite movie star or model. No i dont. Everyone is always editing their pictures to an extreme, and going completely overboard. Attitude, and how you act towards others is very important.
It means that people have evoled into making other people beautiful. To tell people that people in magazines and posters are fake. True beauty is the original features of people. Angeline jolie is my favorite actor. What makes her beautiful is her natural beauty,i think that it's her natural beauty. No, because i know people that wear five pounds of makeup, and still don't look pretty. I think that a person's personality is the most important part about someone.
The title means that one person can influence thousands of people's lives, maybe not in a positive way. The purpose of creating this video is to show that the beauty shown in magazines and advertized on billboards is fake. They photo-shop and edit decent people to make them look more beautiful than they really are. I do have a favorite movie star, Tom Hanks. I don’t think that our society today has a healthy view of beauty. We focus on making fake, overdone examples of beauty for everyone to try to be them and buy products. We need to focus on the beauty of ourselves on the inside instead of who we are on the outside. Being caring, helpful, and kind will show how beautiful you really are.Justin Okel 4/5
I think that the title of this story means that the "Power of One" can change anyone and anything. The authors' purpose in making this video was to show us that you don’t need to waste all of your money getting all of this stuff done to your body to look beautiful. Yes I do have a favorite movie star. My favorite movie star would have to be Will Smith from Hancock. I don’t think he is beautiful because he is a guy but I think he is very funny and probably really cool. No, I do not think that society has a healthy view of beauty because, everyone gets eye lifts and they just waste their money. I don't think you need to waste your money on a lot of makeup. The best beauty is natural beauty. There are a lot of things that are more important than beauty. These things are: having a good healthy relationship, having a nice caring family, and having a job that you like.
The title of this meens that things aren't always what it looks like. The autors purpose is to tell people not to be embarressed of your own looks.No I don't. N/A. N/A. No society thinks that we have to look like those whom we see on bilboards. Some attributes and characteristics that are more important are, athletic abilities or smartness.Peyton Ozie 7/8th period
The power of one” means one person can change the appearance of themselves or someone entirely with make-up and hair changes. The author’s purpose of this video is to tell us that beauty these days can be achieved easily with enough make-up or Photoshop, to make someone “pretty”. True beauty is based on someone’s personality and inner self, not their outside appearance. Yes, my favorite movie star would have to be Will Ferrell. What makes Will Ferrell beautiful would the comedic personality. I do not think society at this time has a healthy point of view of beauty. The attributes and characteristics that make someone pretty would be being trustworthy, honest, friendly, funny, and determined.
The title of this video is “The Power of One” it means that one person can change the world, one person can make a difference. The author made this video, to show people that models really aren’t as perfect as we think they are. True beauty is what is on the inside; you could have the prettiest face in the world and still not truly be beautiful. I don’t idolize a famous person. Society has a terrible view of beauty. They just look at what is on the outside, not what is on the inside. Beauty is on the inside that is what really counts. If your caring, loving, compassionate, and helpful you are beautiful on the inside and out. You can’t be truly beautiful until you are beautiful on both the inside and outside.Madsion Morrone 4/5th period <3
The title of this video is "The Power of One." This means that the power of one person has the power of changing someone or something. The author's purpose for creating this piece is to show that what you see on TV, bilboards, and in magazines, is not real. True beauty is what you are on the inside. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. She is beautiful on the inside and out. She is very caring and also confident. Society does not have a healthy view on beauty. A lot of people in the world are always thinking and worrying about how they look on the outside instead of worrying about the important things. A characteristic or attribute that is more important then beauty would be personality.-Olivia Moroose(:
The title of this video means that one person can have a huge effect of anything. This video shows an example of beauty. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show that true beauty is the most attractive. True beauty is just being yourself and the person who God created. My favorite movie star is Megan Fox and Cameron Diaz. They are both beautiful women because they show their character through acting. Society has a horrible picture of beauty. If a girl is not perfect she is not beautiful in the eyes of society. A person's personality, attitude, and heart are more important than beauty.-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
The title shows, that just by making one person look "beautiful", you can change everyone's opinion of beauty. The authors purpose in creating this piece is to show that just because someone looks beautiful on a billboard or poster, does not mean that they are. Their image can be construed by the work of a computer. My favorite actress is Megan Fox. She may have a lot of make up on in her movies, but she is beautiful on the inside. No, society has a very unhealthy view on beauty. When society thinks of beauty, they think models that you see on TV. That is wrong because TV companies can use computers to make them look like that. There are many attributes and characteristics more important than beauty. A few of them are how much someone cares about you, how well they treat people, and most importantly, how down to Earth the person is.
The title means that one person can influences thousands of people's lives, maybe not in a positive way. The purpose of creating the video is to show that the beauty portrayed in magazines and on billboards isn't real. It's photo shopped and edited to make them look more beautiful than they really are. True beauty is being a good person on the inside. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. She is a beautiful caring person on the inside and the outside is beautiful, too. No, society doesn't have a healthy view of beauty. We focus on making unattainable examples of beauty for every to try to live up to and buy products to do it. We need to focus on living up to the beauty of people on the inside and making yourself a better person. Being caring, empathetic, charitable, and kind are more important than beauty.Michael Nuzum 4th 5th period
The title means that one person can influences thousands of people's lives, maybe not in a positive way. The purpose of creating this video is to show that the beauty portrayed in magazines and on billboards is fake. It's been photo-shopped and edited to make them look more beautiful than they really are. True beauty is being a good person on the inside. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. She is a beautiful caring person on the inside and the outside is beautiful, too. No, society doesn't have a healthy view of beauty. We focus on making unattainable examples of beauty for every to try to live up to and buy products to do it. We need to focus on living up to the beauty of people on the inside and making yourself a better person. Being caring, charitable, and kind are more important than beauty.Ben Taylro 4/5 period
Beauty is not always true. For instance they took the picture and edited it to make it look like a completely different person. Be thankful for what you look like because looking like a model is impossible models themselves don't even look like models because they are edited pictures
I think the power of one means that one person can change how lots of other people think about themselves. The authors purpose in creating this is, to show people that those models arent real and that girls shouldnt want to look like them because thats really not them. Kim Kardashian is my favorite model. She is very beautiful because of her face and things. No society does not have a healthy view of beuty because all that is fake. Like being nice to other people and being a loving person and also being smart.
The title in the video means that just one person, can have a huge effect on the rest of us, the author's purpose in this video is to show us how the world can create it's own version of "beauty" even though beauty isnt just looks. My favorite movie star is probly Adam Sandlar, I just love his acting! I love comedy and that is what he mostly plays, I mostly like him because his acting is great! I think the way a person treats others and and there attidude is an important characteristic, because you are gonna be liked more if you have a positive aditude and are nice to peopleRainy Heston <34/5 period
The title means that one single person can have an influence on millions of people. That influence my be a positive one or even a negative one. The author's purpose was to show you that the "beauty" that is shown on magazines and billboards all across the world is fake. No one is perfect, but everyone is special in their own unique way. True beauty is not on the outside, it's what is on the inside. It doesn't matter if you're beautiful on the outside. Even the most gorgeous person can be ugly when their heart is mean and cruel. A personality can either make or break the way you see a person. My favorite movie star is Dominic Cooper. His personality in the movie Mama Mia makes him beautiful. Society definitely does NOT have a healthy view of beauty. Because of this, girls think that thay have to be extremely skinny. It has caused many women to kill themselves or become annorexic because they feel they are ugly. Some characteristics of being beautfil are not worrying about what the world thinks of you and loving who you are. Not being cocky, but being confident in yourself. (:mia manzo 4th & 5th periodddd<3
Sydnee Shaffer <3 :)4th/5th period The title Power of one means that the power of one person is great and we can almost do anything in the world if we tried hard enough. The author's purpose of this video is to show you that when we look at things in magazines or billboards. We aren't seeing the same exact thing that the took a picture of. Ture Beauty. Ture beauty is the beauty that is not photo shopped or has makeup covering your face. Yes, Tyra BAnks is my favorite model. She is one of my rollmodels and is also very beautiful.No, I think the society has a unhealthy view of beauty. Because almost every picture we see in magazines or billboard has been photoshoped or had something done to it to look better. An attributes and characteristic that is more important is your personality or your intellegence. People shouldnt judge you by the way you look. You should get to know the person and see what their like. And you don't have to be best friends once you talk to them but a least you feel like the better person.
The title of this video is about how people define beauty. The authers purpose for creating the video is to show every one what models and movie stars have to do to look the way they do on set. True beauty is what people can't see someones pearsonitly. I don't particulaly have a favorite movie star. Society as a whole has a terrible perception of beauty because people only look at someone and pay no attetion to what they are like. Some characteristics that are more important than physical beauty are kindness, obediance, and helpfulness.
The title of this video means the power of on can have and create beauty. The purpose of this video is that it most models aren't very pretty in person as on a poster. I like mike epps. he's a comedian and he's a movie star and he's beautiful because he wares;)Yes society does , because it is what people think about you.
The title means that one person can influences millions of people's lives. The author's purpose is to show that girls think they need to look like models, but really they don't. Everybody is beautiful in their own way. My favorite movie star is Sandra Bullock. I don't know what makes her beautiful. Yes, society has a completely distorted view of beauty. Personality, kindness, knowledge and the way you treat people are way more important then beauty.
Beauty is a very controversal thing. It can be thought of as phisically being pretty or it can be the personality of the person and how they act. Although I dont agree that the media has the right idea I also dont think acording to definitions anyhow that your personality and heart can count as beuty. It is of course much more important however. I would much rather know a good person then a pretty person. I dont have a favorite model but I really like the actor Adam Sandler. He seems fairly comferable in his own skin and his comedies are hilarious. True beauty is whatever you think is tru beauty. Choose wisely.
The title of this video, "Power of One" tells how one person can have a lot of impact in the world.The author's purpose is to show that girls think they need to look like models and such, but in reality, models don't always looks as beautiful as they may appear.True beauty is what is on the inside.My fasvorite star is beyonce shes beatiful beacaus she has such an impact and the way she acts and the meaning to soke of her lyrics are beatiful to society potrays beaty as make up and hills and clothes but thats not whjat it is.The attributes and characteristics are more important than beauty is your intelligence because its the onbly ythiugn that matters at the end of the day..
The Title Of This Video Basically Means The Power Of One Has Greater Power Than We Think . The Author Is Showing That Not Everybody Is Perfect. The Models You See On Billboards Do NOT Really Look Like That , They Look Like Every Other Person In This World . People Just Dont Realize That . I Don't Have A Favorite Model , I Do However Have A Favorite Person & That Person Is Taylor Laugner(If Thats How You Spell It.) He's The Kind Of Guy That You Could Look At And Think He's Perfect . But In Reality ...He's Far From It . Beauty Isn't Everything .
People will get chage so they can look good, the author's purpose is that if you want to look good don't have people change it, if you think you have beauty not some one else, no, yes because if you go past a billbord you will want to look like that person, If you just like your self.
The video means that with the power of one computer can totally change what someone looks like easily. To show that what you see in magizines and billboards aren't really. I think true beauty is inter beauty. NO I don't actually, but I love Justin Beiber. His Hair and eyes make him beautiful. No because of all the editing on picture of stars and modles. Maybe your mind and your heart are more important.Kathryn(:$th and 5th period<3
The title means that one person can influences thousands of people's lives, maybe not in a positive way. The purpose of creating this video is to show that the beauty portrayed in magazines and on billboards is fake.this video is to show us how society creates it's own version of "beauty" even though beauty is already there. my favorite movie is were the hart is its the movue about this girl having her baby in walmart it is soo good.khadija lam 7/8khadija lam 7/8
the tittle of this video means that the power of one can make and have beauty. the aurthor's purpose of this video is that beauty doesn't have to be a miricle. true beauty is not what you see on the outside but its whats on the inside. ya i do have a favorite movie star it is talor latner. what makes him beautful is the way he acts when he's not making a movie.
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The title of this video means that the power of one can make and have beauty. The authors purpose in creating this piece is that he wants to show that it doesn't take a miracle to be beautiful. It just takes you do make yourself beautiful. True beauty is what is on the inside, not the outside. Most people believe that beauty comes from what is on the outside, like most celebrities do. They cover themselves in make-up, trying to improve their looks. None of that matters. What they don't know is that true si what is inside you. No, I don't mean your insides. I mean your heart. True beauty is a kind heart, a kind spirit, and a loving soul. You can obtain 'beauty' by looks, but true beauty comes within. I don't have a favorite model. But, I do have a favorite movie star. My favorite movie star is Johnny Depp. What makes Johnny Depp so beautiful is is heart and all the beauty that is within his soul. I do think society has a healthy view of beauty because it starts with their heart and soul. The attributes and characteristics are more important than beauty is your intelligence because it helps with your desicions later in life.
The author made this to tell you you don't have to be beautiful for everyone to except you. Just have to have a great personality and be kind to them and they'll be kind to you. I don't have a favorite model or movie star.
First comment!!
The title of this video, "Power of One" tells how one person can have a lot of impact in the world. I think the purpose is showing the processes coming together for how most magazine covers are made. True beauty is how a person acts towards others. If a person has a good heart and treats others how they want to be treated, they are beautiful. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. She is a very talented model and when you watch her talk show, it shows how she makes all girls feel beautiful. She's a very good role model to ladies everywhere. Just remember to take care of yourself,be happy with who you are, and be kind to others, because that's what beauty is :)<3
The title of this blog means that the power of one can make and have beauty. The authors purpose of making this video was to show that it isn't that hard to be pretty and that it doesn't depend on the outside of that person. Beauty mostly means that it is what you show on the outside and not on the inside in my way of putting it. I've heard of famous models but I really don't have one believe it or not. My favorite movie star is Wesley Snipes because he's a cool actor he's always usually a hero in most of his action movies such as his Blade series. I do think that the society has a healthy view of beauty because everyone is unique and pretty in their on way but sometimes I don't think in my way of saying it. The attributes and characteristics are very important than beauty sometimes I say that because it may sometimes be your intelligence or thoughts not just on how pretty you look.
The title of this video means that the power of one person can completely change the appearance of a person.
The author's purpose is to show that girls think they need to look like models and such, but in reality, models don't always looks as beautiful as they may appear.
My favorite movie star is Emma Watson.
Emma Watson is just beautiful in her own way. She's not perfect, but she doesn't change to try and look like she is.
I don't think society has a healthy view of beauty. Some things are much more important, but almost everybody just goes with looks. There are a bunch of relationships where they just get together because they look nice. For all they know, the other person could be a horrible person, but they don't care. Society often leans towards looks being most important, but it's not. The only beauty that matters is beauty on the inside.
The title of this video means the power of on can have and create beauty. The authors purpose is to show hw many things are used in this world today and that not all modles look like themselves in real life. True beauty is what everybody is. Yes I do It is Tyalor Lautner. Hes just hott that is what makes him beautliful. Yes society does , because it is what people think about you.
The title means that one person can influences thousands of people's lives, maybe not in a positive way. The purpose of creating the video is to show that the beauty portrayed in magazines and on billboards isn't real. It's photo shopped and edited to make them look more beautiful than they really are. True beauty is being a good person on the inside. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. She is a beautiful caring person on the inside and the outside is beautiful, too. No, society doesn't have a healthy view of beauty. We focus on making unattainable examples of beauty for every to try to live up to and buy products to do it. We need to focus on living up to the beauty of people on the inside and making yourself a better person. Being caring, empathetic, charitable, and kind are more important than beauty.
The title means that it takes only one person to infulence thousands. He made this to show the secrets behing models and their lies. I don't know any visual actors or models or any of their names, but i like the voice actor Patrick Warburton. I don't know what he looks like. I don't think we have a healthy view of beauty, because true beauty comes from the heart and soul, not plastic surgery and photoshop. Your view of the world is important, and so is you attitude to the people around you.
the tittle power of one means that only you can tell your self you are beautiful it does not matter how many people tell you you beautiful only you can really find your self pretty and really accept your appearance. the authors purpose is to tell you that you are beautiful. and looks can be deceiving. true beauty is what is on the inside not the outside. i do not have a favorite model or movie star. no society does not have a healthy view on beauty because most people like someone just because of how they look on the outside not the inside. some things that are better than beauty is characteristics.
This video that all model's faces are not their really faces in pictures. The author's purpose is to say is in model picture they add a lot of touch ups to their faces. Ture beauty is charisma in a person which give an individual a sense of pleasure. My favorite model is Tyra Banks what make her beautiful is shes her own person.
The title means that one person can influences thousands of people's lives, maybe not in a positive way. The purpose of creating this video is to show that the beauty portrayed in magazines and on billboards is fake. It's been photo-shopped and edited to make them look more beautiful than they really are. True beauty is being a good person on the inside. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. She is a beautiful caring person on the inside and the outside is beautiful, too. No, society doesn't have a healthy view of beauty. We focus on making unattainable examples of beauty for every to try to live up to and buy products to do it. We need to focus on living up to the beauty of people on the inside and making yourself a better person. Being caring, charitable, and kind are more important than beauty.
- Ryan Ricer 4/5
“The Power of One” means that one person can change the world, one person can make a difference. The author made this video, to show people that models really aren’t as perfect as we think they are. True beauty is what is on the inside; you could have the prettiest face in the world and still not truly be beautiful. I don’t idolize a famous person. Society has a terrible view of beauty. They just look at what is on the outside, not what is on the inside. Beauty is on the inside that is what really counts. If your caring, loving, compassionate, and helpful you are beautiful on the inside and out. You can’t be truly beautiful until you are beautiful on both the inside and outside.
-Madison Urse 4th & 5th <3
the title power of one means that one person can hvae beauty but can also design beauty . the authors purpose of this video was too show everyone in magazines that looks so pretty they really arent that pretty they clampered with alot . beauty is only skin deep and your the only one that can make your self beautiful . i thinks beauty is also how you act around your friends and you accqantices . you need to be open hearted to be pretty you cant be mean . merissa ladd 2&3 period (:
It means toi show the power of something . in my opinion I think the author created this piece to show us what people do to pictures of models. True beauty to me is what you think of yourself. I do not have a favorite model but, I do have a favorite movie star. His name is Adam sandler. I do not think that society has a healthy view of beauty. I think that better characteristics than beauty is what is on the inside.
The title means that one person can be powerful and change the world or how people see things. The authors purpose is to show that nobody's perfect, and that even famous people and models ect. need editing too. True beauty is who you are, like your personality, the things you do.
Yes i have a favorite model. My favorite model is Trya Banks. She's beautiful because she's real and knows that she's not perfect and embraces her flaws. No, society has a horrible view of beauty they think it's all looks but in all reality what do looks get you. Being nice and willing to lend a hand when needed is way more important than beauty.
The title means that it only takes one person to change everything. The author purpose is to say that it is only take one person to change a person or the world. Also the message is dont be like other. I do not have a favorite model or actor. The beautiful is the computer that makes people the model that thy are. i think the society doesnt have a good look at beauty because people want to look like that model. But they cant because the computer makes them so nice looking. It is more imporant because beauty doesnt matter.
The title means that the power is in how you feel not how you look, however a person feels powerful when they look flawless. The author’s purpose is to show that a person can look completely flawless with the distortion of makeup and camera tricks. Everyone has their own opinion on true beauty but mine is how a person acts or treats other people that make them beautiful. There is no doubt that people are attractive to others by looks but if they are not very kind then they are not as beautiful as they think they are. My dad always says that beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes clean to the core. I don’t really have a favorite model or movie star. I don’t think that society has a healthy view of beauty. The attributes that I feel are more important than physical beauty are being kind and caring to others.
Bryce Bittinger
7th & 8th period
This vidio is showing that anyone can be anything the want to be and deserves to have a chance at it. To show anyone can be anything. I do not have a favorite modle. I do not think we have a healthy buety place because there are people making fun of other people by the way they look. I think that brains smarts are way more importantthan any thing because it effects your career and if people dont like you the way you are than thats there problem not yours.
The title of the video means that one person can make anyone look perfect. The author's purpose of the video is to show what our misconception of advertising beauty. Yes, I do Rosie Huntington Whiteley.
I believe she actually looks like that but I can't be for sure. Yes, i do because now all we see in magazines, tv, and billboards are models that look perfect, but this video proves what actually happens behind the scenes. Maybe intelligence, and wisdom those are the only two I can actually think of.
The title in the video means that one person, can have a huge effect on the rest of us, the author's purpose in this video is to show us how society creates it's own version of "beauty" even though beauty is already there. My favorite movie star is Johnny Depp, I just love his acting! I don't really like Johnny Depp just for his looks, I mostly like him because his acting is great! I think the way a person treats others and carries themselves is the most important characteristic, because it doesn't matter how pretty a person is, if they're cruel that makes them a whole lot uglier.
I think the title of this video means that it only takes one person to change someone's life. To show that anyone can be changed into a beautiful person with a lot of help with makeup and different hairstyles. I feel that true beauty is how a person is inside and how they treat others. You can be beautiful but not really be a nice person. No, I do not have a favorite model or movie star. I don't feel that society has a good view on beauty, beauty is only skin deep and anyone can be made to look beautiful. Being a good person and caring about others is true beauty.
Ryan Valentine
7th & 8th Period
The title of this video means that you can take someone from being very ugly to being beatufil in a matter of 2 minuites. The authors purpose was to show that beuty comes from the inside and not the outside. People often judge others by their looks and how they smell and if their shor, fat,skinny, or tall. Everything you see on tv, is edited or covered up with makeup. People shouldnt care aabout that.
4th&5th period , Megan wilt<3
The title of this video means that one person can change the way we look at beauty. The author’s purpose in creating this video is to show you how a picture can be changed to make someone look flawless even though they weren’t to begin with. I don’t really have a favorite model or movie star. I don’t get wrapped up in the way someone looks. What makes a person truly beautiful is what kind of person they are on the inside. I do not think that society has a healthy view of beauty. All of the images out there are of perfect people. Personality and character are the two most important traits that really make a person beautiful.
Meghan Muller 4/5
The title means that models dont look the same as they do. The author made this video to tell people not to look like other people. No I don't have a favorite movie star or model. No because people try to look like they do and end up harming theirselves. Don't look like other models because it's not who they really are.
The "Power of One" simply means that each and every person has the choice to care about their appearance. The author intended this video to inform the viewers that perfection is on the inside. True beauty is what you think of yourself not the material items that make you something that your not. I have always idled Tyra Banks. She is America's favorite model. The reason that she is my favorite model/movie star is because she is really pretty. After thinking about it though, she is just outside beauty. Her make-up artists are the ones who make who she is. Personality can sometimes ruin you true appearance of ones’ self. Society is always looking for the prettiest or most appealing when really it could be the ugliest person but could have the warmest heart. Like I said the personality of someone is what really counts.
The title means that the power of one person can make you have beauty. The author made this video to show how we advertise beauty. The girl was already beautiful in the picture, but the edited her to make her something that everyone wants to look like but will never be able to achieve. They made her eyes bigger, her eye brows higher, her neck longer, and so much more. True beauty is every one. Every
one is beautiful in their own way. No, i don't have a favorite. No i don't think thay the society has a healthy view of beauty. They think you have to look like the edited version, when really, you just need to be yourself. No one is quite like someone else, so be your self and not what people expect you to be. Being smart, and intelligent and being your self is so much more important.
ciara hornberger
4 and 5th period (:
The title of the video means that with the power of one they can change it.I think the authors purpose of making this piece was to show how the make models and celebs look so pretty. True beauty means wat is on the inside. yes, my favorite star is beyonce. Her character makes her beatiful.NO they only like wat is on the outside.don't know DEJANAE EDWARDS
power of one means that anyone can be pretty just from one person. the authors perpose is to inform people aren't as pretty as they seem. my favorite movie star is Megan Fox...Prettiest girl on the planet! she has to be natural,if not i will cry. looks aren't just everything you can be pretty but have a horrible personality and it will make you look horrible...
-Trae Hall 7&8th period.
The title of this video means that it only takes the power of one to do something like that. I think the purpose of this video was to show that models don't always look the same in person as they do in real life. True beauty is when you're naturally beautiful inside and out. I don't have a favorite movie star or model. I don't think society has a healthy view of beauty because they are always making up their faces and editing stuff. I think you have to have pretty eyes and hair (all natural) and a nice personality. :)
Jordyn Weaver
7th & 8th period :)
The title of this video is "Power Of One" which means the power and ability that one can have in the world. She creates beauty. The purpose of the story is to tell people that the beauty of people is not always real or is photoshoped to make it look real and better. This person may not look like this is person. I think the message is to be yourself and not something your not. I think that beauty is not always on the outside, it counts on whats in the inside. You could be the prettiest person in the world, but your personality could make you ugly.
-Emily Gettings
The title of the video “the power of one” means that what a human can do as one being to turn a pretty girl into some one that is completely unrealistic. What the author’s purpose is that to show that the beauty and grace that is shown on TV magazines and bill boards is not even real what we say is “beauty” it is just fake and so UN real. What is real beauty? Well real beauty is every one every one is beautiful in there own way. Beauty is defiantly not the fake people. My favorite movie is? I really don’t have one but if I have to say it be Wreath Witherspoon because she is very strong hearted woman. No, because the world is being convinced that society is so fake.
The title of The Power of One is how one person can be a big part of this world. Just one person can have a huge impact on anybody or anything. The authors purpose for creating this video is to show that people are not as beautiful as what they seem. My favorite movie star is Justin Beiber. He is so hot. But now that I have watched this video I don't know if his true apperance is what I have seen. The most important attribute is his abbs.
The title of the video means that one person can have their own beauty without all the editing. The authors purpose is to show us whats going on , and what people are doing to make themselves look pretty.True beauty is when you can wake up in the morning and go out without make up, and wear sweats and still fill beautifull. I don't have a favorite movie star or model. No i dont. Everyone is always editing their pictures to an extreme, and going completely overboard. Attitude, and how you act towards others is very important.
It means that people have evoled into making other people beautiful. To tell people that people in magazines and posters are fake. True beauty is the original features of people. Angeline jolie is my favorite actor. What makes her beautiful is her natural beauty,i think that it's her natural beauty. No, because i know people that wear five pounds of makeup, and still don't look pretty. I think that a person's personality is the most important part about someone.
The title means that one person can influence thousands of people's lives, maybe not in a positive way. The purpose of creating this video is to show that the beauty shown in magazines and advertized on billboards is fake. They photo-shop and edit decent people to make them look more beautiful than they really are. I do have a favorite movie star, Tom Hanks. I don’t think that our society today has a healthy view of beauty. We focus on making fake, overdone examples of beauty for everyone to try to be them and buy products. We need to focus on the beauty of ourselves on the inside instead of who we are on the outside. Being caring, helpful, and kind will show how beautiful you really are.
Justin Okel 4/5
I think that the title of this story means that the "Power of One" can change anyone and anything. The authors' purpose in making this video was to show us that you don’t need to waste all of your money getting all of this stuff done to your body to look beautiful. Yes I do have a favorite movie star. My favorite movie star would have to be Will Smith from Hancock. I don’t think he is beautiful because he is a guy but I think he is very funny and probably really cool. No, I do not think that society has a healthy view of beauty because, everyone gets eye lifts and they just waste their money. I don't think you need to waste your money on a lot of makeup. The best beauty is natural beauty. There are a lot of things that are more important than beauty. These things are: having a good healthy relationship, having a nice caring family, and having a job that you like.
The title of this meens that things aren't always what it looks like. The autors purpose is to tell people not to be embarressed of your own looks.No I don't. N/A. N/A. No society thinks that we have to look like those whom we see on bilboards. Some attributes and characteristics that are more important are, athletic abilities or smartness.
Peyton Ozie 7/8th period
The power of one” means one person can change the appearance of themselves or someone entirely with make-up and hair changes. The author’s purpose of this video is to tell us that beauty these days can be achieved easily with enough make-up or Photoshop, to make someone “pretty”. True beauty is based on someone’s personality and inner self, not their outside appearance. Yes, my favorite movie star would have to be Will Ferrell. What makes Will Ferrell beautiful would the comedic personality. I do not think society at this time has a healthy point of view of beauty. The attributes and characteristics that make someone pretty would be being trustworthy, honest, friendly, funny, and determined.
The title of this video is “The Power of One” it means that one person can change the world, one person can make a difference. The author made this video, to show people that models really aren’t as perfect as we think they are. True beauty is what is on the inside; you could have the prettiest face in the world and still not truly be beautiful. I don’t idolize a famous person. Society has a terrible view of beauty. They just look at what is on the outside, not what is on the inside. Beauty is on the inside that is what really counts. If your caring, loving, compassionate, and helpful you are beautiful on the inside and out. You can’t be truly beautiful until you are beautiful on both the inside and outside.
Madsion Morrone 4/5th period <3
The title of this video is "The Power of One." This means that the power of one person has the power of changing someone or something. The author's purpose for creating this piece is to show that what you see on TV, bilboards, and in magazines, is not real. True beauty is what you are on the inside. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. She is beautiful on the inside and out. She is very caring and also confident. Society does not have a healthy view on beauty. A lot of people in the world are always thinking and worrying about how they look on the outside instead of worrying about the important things. A characteristic or attribute that is more important then beauty would be personality.
-Olivia Moroose(:
The title of this video means that one person can have a huge effect of anything. This video shows an example of beauty. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show that true beauty is the most attractive. True beauty is just being yourself and the person who God created. My favorite movie star is Megan Fox and Cameron Diaz. They are both beautiful women because they show their character through acting. Society has a horrible picture of beauty. If a girl is not perfect she is not beautiful in the eyes of society. A person's personality, attitude, and heart are more important than beauty.
-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
The title shows, that just by making one person look "beautiful", you can change everyone's opinion of beauty. The authors purpose in creating this piece is to show that just because someone looks beautiful on a billboard or poster, does not mean that they are. Their image can be construed by the work of a computer. My favorite actress is Megan Fox. She may have a lot of make up on in her movies, but she is beautiful on the inside. No, society has a very unhealthy view on beauty. When society thinks of beauty, they think models that you see on TV. That is wrong because TV companies can use computers to make them look like that. There are many attributes and characteristics more important than beauty. A few of them are how much someone cares about you, how well they treat people, and most importantly, how down to Earth the person is.
The title means that one person can influences thousands of people's lives, maybe not in a positive way. The purpose of creating the video is to show that the beauty portrayed in magazines and on billboards isn't real. It's photo shopped and edited to make them look more beautiful than they really are. True beauty is being a good person on the inside. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. She is a beautiful caring person on the inside and the outside is beautiful, too. No, society doesn't have a healthy view of beauty. We focus on making unattainable examples of beauty for every to try to live up to and buy products to do it. We need to focus on living up to the beauty of people on the inside and making yourself a better person. Being caring, empathetic, charitable, and kind are more important than beauty.
Michael Nuzum 4th 5th period
The title means that one person can influences thousands of people's lives, maybe not in a positive way. The purpose of creating this video is to show that the beauty portrayed in magazines and on billboards is fake. It's been photo-shopped and edited to make them look more beautiful than they really are. True beauty is being a good person on the inside. My favorite model is Tyra Banks. She is a beautiful caring person on the inside and the outside is beautiful, too. No, society doesn't have a healthy view of beauty. We focus on making unattainable examples of beauty for every to try to live up to and buy products to do it. We need to focus on living up to the beauty of people on the inside and making yourself a better person. Being caring, charitable, and kind are more important than beauty.
Ben Taylro 4/5 period
Beauty is not always true. For instance they took the picture and edited it to make it look like a completely different person. Be thankful for what you look like because looking like a model is impossible models themselves don't even look like models because they are edited pictures
I think the power of one means that one person can change how lots of other people think about themselves. The authors purpose in creating this is, to show people that those models arent real and that girls shouldnt want to look like them because thats really not them. Kim Kardashian is my favorite model. She is very beautiful because of her face and things. No society does not have a healthy view of beuty because all that is fake. Like being nice to other people and being a loving person and also being smart.
The title in the video means that just one person, can have a huge effect on the rest of us, the author's purpose in this video is to show us how the world can create it's own version of "beauty" even though beauty isnt just looks. My favorite movie star is probly Adam Sandlar, I just love his acting! I love comedy and that is what he mostly plays, I mostly like him because his acting is great! I think the way a person treats others and and there attidude is an important characteristic, because you are gonna be liked more if you have a positive aditude and are nice to people
Rainy Heston <3
4/5 period
The title means that one single person can have an influence on millions of people. That influence my be a positive one or even a negative one. The author's purpose was to show you that the "beauty" that is shown on magazines and billboards all across the world is fake. No one is perfect, but everyone is special in their own unique way. True beauty is not on the outside, it's what is on the inside. It doesn't matter if you're beautiful on the outside. Even the most gorgeous person can be ugly when their heart is mean and cruel. A personality can either make or break the way you see a person. My favorite movie star is Dominic Cooper. His personality in the movie Mama Mia makes him beautiful. Society definitely does NOT have a healthy view of beauty. Because of this, girls think that thay have to be extremely skinny. It has caused many women to kill themselves or become annorexic because they feel they are ugly. Some characteristics of being beautfil are not worrying about what the world thinks of you and loving who you are. Not being cocky, but being confident in yourself. (:
mia manzo 4th & 5th periodddd<3
Sydnee Shaffer <3 :)
4th/5th period
The title Power of one means that the power of one person is great and we can almost do anything in the world if we tried hard enough. The author's purpose of this video is to show you that when we look at things in magazines or billboards. We aren't seeing the same exact thing that the took a picture of. Ture Beauty. Ture beauty is the beauty that is not photo shopped or has makeup covering your face. Yes, Tyra BAnks is my favorite model. She is one of my rollmodels and is also very beautiful.No, I think the society has a unhealthy view of beauty. Because almost every picture we see in magazines or billboard has been photoshoped or had something done to it to look better. An attributes and characteristic that is more important is your personality or your intellegence. People shouldnt judge you by the way you look. You should get to know the person and see what their like. And you don't have to be best friends once you talk to them but a least you feel like the better person.
The title of this video is about how people define beauty. The authers purpose for creating the video is to show every one what models and movie stars have to do to look the way they do on set. True beauty is what people can't see someones pearsonitly. I don't particulaly have a favorite movie star. Society as a whole has a terrible perception of beauty because people only look at someone and pay no attetion to what they are like. Some characteristics that are more important than physical beauty are kindness, obediance, and helpfulness.
The title of this video means the power of on can have and create beauty. The purpose of this video is that it most models aren't very pretty in person as on a poster. I like mike epps. he's a comedian and he's a movie star and he's beautiful because he wares;)Yes society does , because it is what people think about you.
The title means that one person can influences millions of people's lives. The author's purpose is to show that girls think they need to look like models, but really they don't. Everybody is beautiful in their own way. My favorite movie star is Sandra Bullock. I don't know what makes her beautiful. Yes, society has a completely distorted view of beauty. Personality, kindness, knowledge and the way you treat people are way more important then beauty.
Beauty is a very controversal thing. It can be thought of as phisically being pretty or it can be the personality of the person and how they act. Although I dont agree that the media has the right idea I also dont think acording to definitions anyhow that your personality and heart can count as beuty. It is of course much more important however. I would much rather know a good person then a pretty person. I dont have a favorite model but I really like the actor Adam Sandler. He seems fairly comferable in his own skin and his comedies are hilarious. True beauty is whatever you think is tru beauty. Choose wisely.
The title of this video, "Power of One" tells how one person can have a lot of impact in the world.The author's purpose is to show that girls think they need to look like models and such, but in reality, models don't always looks as beautiful as they may appear.
True beauty is what is on the inside.My fasvorite star is beyonce shes beatiful beacaus she has such an impact and the way she acts and the meaning to soke of her lyrics are beatiful to society potrays beaty as make up and hills and clothes but thats not whjat it is.The attributes and characteristics are more important than beauty is your intelligence because its the onbly ythiugn that matters at the end of the day.
The Title Of This Video Basically Means The Power Of One Has Greater Power Than We Think . The Author Is Showing That Not Everybody Is Perfect. The Models You See On Billboards Do NOT Really Look Like That , They Look Like Every Other Person In This World . People Just Dont Realize That . I Don't Have A Favorite Model , I Do However Have A Favorite Person & That Person Is Taylor Laugner(If Thats How You Spell It.) He's The Kind Of Guy That You Could Look At And Think He's Perfect . But In Reality ...He's Far From It . Beauty Isn't Everything .
People will get chage so they can look good, the author's purpose is that if you want to look good don't have people change it, if you think you have beauty not some one else, no, yes because if you go past a billbord you will want to look like that person, If you just like your self.
The video means that with the power of one computer can totally change what someone looks like easily. To show that what you see in magizines and billboards aren't really. I think true beauty is inter beauty. NO I don't actually, but I love Justin Beiber. His Hair and eyes make him beautiful. No because of all the editing on picture of stars and modles. Maybe your mind and your heart are more important.
$th and 5th period<3
The title means that one person can influences thousands of people's lives, maybe not in a positive way. The purpose of creating this video is to show that the beauty portrayed in magazines and on billboards is fake.this video is to show us how society creates it's own version of "beauty" even though beauty is already there. my favorite movie is were the hart is its the movue about this girl having her baby in walmart it is soo good.
khadija lam 7/8
khadija lam 7/8
the tittle of this video means that the power of one can make and have beauty. the aurthor's purpose of this video is that beauty doesn't have to be a miricle. true beauty is not what you see on the outside but its whats on the inside. ya i do have a favorite movie star it is talor latner. what makes him beautful is the way he acts when he's not making a movie.
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