Sunday, September 25, 2011


What makes Hemingway unique? Have you ever read anything by Hemingway? What kinds of writing is he famous for? Who is your favorite author? How do you define talent? What talents do you have? Do you have any talented friends


MNuzum said...

Hemingway was a famous author. Hemingway is unique in his own way. Instead of pursuing college, he started working at a magazine place; there is the place where he learned his way of writing. I have never heard of Hemingway up until now. I have never read one of his books either. He is famous for American Literature. My favorite author is Christopher Paul Curtis. He is a very intelligent African-American man who wrote my favorite book called Bud, Not Buddy. I define talent as being athletic. There are many other talents too like being smart. I am talented at sports and at school. Education always comes first. Many of my friends are talented. In fact, they are each talented in their own way.

Michael Nuzum II 4th/5th Period

Olivia Moroose- 4/5 said...

Hemingway was a unique author. His writing made him unique because he said he could tell a story in six words. Hemingway is famous for American Literature. He also was a journalist and wrote short stories. My favorite author is S.E. Hinton. She wrote my favorite book, The Outsiders. I would define talent as a unique characteristic one has. Some of my talents include singing and being smart. Yes, I do have talented friends. They are all talented in their own way!

mia manzo 4th/5th period said...

Hemingway was an incredibly unique author. His writing is unique in its own way. He was able to tell a story in only six words! He is famous for American Literature. Hemingway was also a journalist. My favorite author is Susan Collins because she wrote The Hunger Games which is my favorite book. I think Dr. Seuss is a very creative writer as well. I would define talent as a natural born ability that someone was given at birth. I am talented at getting hurt. I am better than anyone when it comes to that. I have a lot of talented friends. Each one of them has their own special talent that makes them unique.

-mia manzo 4th & 5th perioddd(:

megnwilt said...

Hemingway was deffinatly a unique author in my opinion. He was able to tell a story in six words. He didnt go to collage so he stated working at a magizine factory. I have never read any books of him and had no clue who he was till now. He is famous for American Literacure. My favorite author is Shakespere. He wrote my poems and boos and is very famous for them.

Anonymous said...

Hemingway was an American author and journalist. His distinctive writing style, characterized by economy and understatement, strongly influenced 20th-century fiction, as did his life of adventure and his public image. Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, winning the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels, six short story collections, and two non-fiction works during his lifetime; a further three novels, four collections of short stories, and three non-fiction works were published posthumously. Many of his works are classics of American literature. Hemingway is unique by being himself. I have not read anything from Hemingway. During his time there, he met and was influenced by modernist writers and artists of the 1920s expatriate community known as the "Lost Generation". His first novel, The Sun Also Rises, was published in 1926. he also wrote and published,The Old Man and the Sea. He also wrote and published his third novel is For Whom the Bell Tolls. My favorite author is Lois Lowry. I define talent unique and a natural born ability. I have two talents. One, is that I can cross my eyes and the second one is disguisting but I'll say it anyway. I can pull my belly button out. I heard people tell me its disguisting but its how my grandma cut my umbilical cord when I was born. I have one talented friend. My friend from Ohio can take both legs and put them behind her head at once. My dad, my uncle, my aunts, and my grandma can cross their eyes also.

Cody said...

Hemmingway is unique because instead of going to college like every one else he decided to do something different. He wrote an important story in six words something I know I couldn't do. I myself have never read anything by Hemmingway but I would if I found any of his books. He is famous for books like The man and the sea, The Great Gatsby, and Fairwell to Arms. He is famous for writing about war, fishing,and things that happenned in his life. My favorite Aurther is Suzanne Collins who wrote the Hunger games books. I define talent as physical things that you can do. I have the talent of bikes I love bikes and I can ride almost any kind of bike and do tricks. I have many talented friends my friend Rylee plays the guitar, my friend Hunter draws well. This is the history of Ernest Hemmingway.
2nd and 3rd

NoahHaberland said...

Hemingway was a famous author, he started out as a journalist then, went on to writing. He was also said to have the one of the most distinctive. I've never read anything by Hemingway. I believe he writes American Literature, his stories are probably fiction, but are based on real events. My favorite author is Rick Roirdan he wrote the Percy Jackson series. I define talent as something like musical, athletic, or academic wise. My talent is playing hockey, and guitar. All of my friends have some kind of talent.

Anonymous said...

Hemingway was unique because he was one of the most famouse writers of all time and was so without going to college. He is famous for hie books like "The garden of eden" and "To have and have not". My favorite author is Erin Hunter. Talent- having a knack for something that most people are not good at. I'm good at drawing, singing, poetry, and modeling (with clay). All of my friends have their own talents like Lilly who knows how to write songs (even if her ego gets on everyones nerves) or Deborah who is talented in writing stories.

fairmont runs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fairmont runs said...

Hemmingway is unique because he had a tough guy image. He loved fishing, safaris, bull fights, and drinking. He also was unique in the way that he died: suicide. I haven’t read anything by Hemmingway but I would like to read one of his books. He is famous for short and to the point writing. I have a lot of authors I like, but my favorite would be Gary Paulsen. I think talent is any special or unique skill you have. I am pretty good at math and I do pretty well in cross country. I know several people who have talents like singing.

Justin Okel 4/5th

Sarah Summers 4th and 5th period said...

Hemmingway is unique because he makes the reader remember what he said. He does this by using positive and short sentences to tell what he has to say. I've never read anything by Hemmingway, but I know hes famous for his simple and plain style.He uses exact description when writing about something. My favorite author is Suzanne Collins who wrote "The Hunger Games" series. I define talent as someone being good at and doing something they love! I have a talent of writing as well. I think I'm good at it, I've won two young writers awards, and it's something I love doing! I have many talented friends,they each are good at something special.

Gatsby Rider said...

I unfortunatly have never read anything by Hemingway which goes on to me not knowing anything about him. I can only assume he was a famouse american author and was loved by many. My favorite auther is a man named Christopher Paolini. He is the author of the inheritance cycle and it is truly ingenius. I define talant as somthing you are good at. Followinf that description everyone has talant including all of my friends.

TheReal"KirkMoore" said...

Hemingway is very unique and a great author and very unique he won the Nobel Prize in literature. In his life he had published seven novels. No, I have never read a book of his I would like to though.

I define talent as a natural God given gift that you do better than the average person. So what takes them a long time to get to it could take you a day or you may already have it. I think I am talented at jumping because I won the high jump in track and it was only my first year at it with no one to teach me how to at all. Yes I have talented friends lots of my friends can do lots of various and sometimes weird things.

Kathryn Scarbro(: said...

He was a unique writer. He was able to tell a story in just six words. No, I have never read any of this work. He was famous of his articles. He was also famous for his American Literature! My favorite author is Justina Chen Headley her writing is very unique itself. I define talent as a unique gift or characteristic someone has. I guess im talented. But I couldn’t tell you how. Yes, I do have a lot of talented friends!

Kathryn Scarbro(:
4th &5th period<3

Donnie Freeman said...

Hemingway decided to work writing instead of going to college. I have never read anything by Hemingway, but Old Man and the Sea sounds interesting. Hemingway wrote Farewell to Arms and many others. He won a Pulitzer Prize, which is a very important prize for any author to win. My favorite author is Jeff Kinney he is the author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Talent is different things, school, sports, and gaming. My talent is playing video games well. I have friends that are talented at video games and friends that are talented in sports.

Kenny renner said...

Hemingway was a very famous author. Hemingway is famous for his writing so this is meaning that he got his publicity in his own unique of form. I have never read one of Hemingway's book before as a matter of fact I've never heard of him until writing this blog. Hemingway was always very famous for his American Literature. My favorite author would probably be S.E Hinton because she makes her books very comical and interesting in her own way. I really don't know any of his books because I've never heard of him or read or have seen any of his books. Talent to me describes as being unique in your own way of putting it. I'm talented at sports such as, basketball, basketball is my favorite sport. But I always need to remember that my grades and education always needs to be first before any other type of fun activities.

bryce bittinger said...

Hemingway is unique because he is so well known. Most people know he was a famous writer. I have never read anything by Hemingway. Hemingway was famous for his fiction short stories and novels. My favorite author is James Patterson. I define talent of being able to do something unique that most people can’t do. I have no talents to speak of. I have one talented friend who knows computers really well.

Bryce Bittinger
7th & 8th period

cclinear said...

He rote books an won a prize for each of them. I probably have i just can't remember. He was famous for writing all kinds of books that could get a prize everytime they were published. I have a lot of favorite authors. Talent is something that a certain person is only good at an noone else can do. I think one of my talents is beeing able to run forever, an another is being able to write poems out of the simplest things in life. Yes i have talented friends, one is very fast at doing difficult things, and another is great at being a best friend.

tanner holbert said...

Hemingway is unique by he started by a magizine place. He was famous for for his american literature. By doing it every day. My define talent is shooting a gun. Yes i have alot of talented friends.

ozie said...

Hemingway is unique because he didn't go to college instead he worked as a article writer. I do not belief I have read anything by Hemingway. he is famous for literature writing. I define talent as sommething someone is good at that most cannnot do. My talents are wakeboarding, fishing, swimming, kyaking, and bailing hay. Yes I have talented friends.

Peyton Ozie 7/8Period

Dupont,Kaitlin said...

Hemingway is unique in his own special way. He work at magazine place and he learn how to wrtie. he is famous infor American Literature. My favorite auther is Richelle mead. Talent is something you can do in your special way. Your the only one who can do that but, there might be a few more people out there that can do it though. My talents are climbing a tree, thats it. Yes, i got a friend that can sing and i got a friend that can make her eys in deffernt ways.

SnydeeWrayyy said...

Sydnee Shaffer
4th and 5th period <3 :)

Hemingway was a famous writer. He was a unique by him not going to college and going to the newspaper to writer. He told a story with just six words. He was famous for short storys. MY favorite author is Suzanne Collins whom wrote the series of The Hunger Games. I difine talent as a subject, sport, or other physical or mental thing that you are better than other. I dont have many talents but One is cheerleading and another is water skiing. Do i have any friend who are talented? Yes, I have many of friend which are all different. Which in that case they have different talents!:) <3

jordynweaver said...

Hemingway was a very unique author. He had amazing writing talent. I've never read anything by him but I had a friend who's sister read something by him when she was in highschool. She said he was an amazing writer. I'm pretty sure he's famous for American Literature. I would define talent as a special gift that you are born with. My talents are singing, piano, guitar, writing, and not listening to my mom. I'm a natural :) Anyway all of my friends are talented they're all just too self concious to realize it.

Jordyn Weaver
7th & 8th period :) <3

nathaniel romino 2nd said...

What makes Hemingway unquie is he pushed college off and went to work for magazine company. This is my first time hearing about him. I have never read any of his books and I really dont like to reading. My favorite aurthor is Suzanne Collins. I would define the word talnet as your speical abilitly or something you can do really well. My talents that im good at is listing to a song and then being able to remember it. Yes i have many talented friends they can do alot of things. Mostly the simply things.

Angelo Trae Hall said...

Hemmingway is unique because he had a tough guy image. He loved fishing, safaris, bull fights, and drinking. He also was unique in the way that he died...suicide. i've never heard of hemingway before up untill like 3 minutes ago. My favorite author is Dr,Suesse. Talent is something unique that your good at..mine is baseball. i Have plenty of talented friends that are unique in all ways

-Trae Hall (:

madisonmorrone said...

Hemingway is unique in his own way. He was a very famous author. I have never read a book written by Hemingway, but probably because I don't read a lot. He wrote American literature. HE was known for his writing. My favorite author is S.E. Hinton. I think talent has a lot of dffernet meanings, but mostly I think it is anything that you are good at. I am a very good tumbler and I would say that is a talent of mine. I do have talent friends, my best friend is an amazing singer.
-Madson Morrone 4/5th <3

OfficialRyrann said...

Ernest Hemingway was a famous American author and journalist. Hemingway was a very unique person in his own way. Instead of pursuing college, he started working at a magazine place; there is the place where he learned his way of writing. I have never heard of Hemingway up until now. I have never read one of his books either. He is famous for American Literature. My favorite author is Christopher Paul Curtis. He is a very intelligent African-American man who wrote my favorite book called Bud, Not Buddy. I define talent as being athletic. There are many other talents too like being smart. I am talented at sports and at school. Education always comes first. Many of my friends are talented. In fact, they are each talented in their own way.
-Ryan Ricer 4/5

RyanV said...

I feel that Hemingway is unique in the way he taught himself to write. He did not go to college but began working for a magazine company and became a journalist. In this time he wrote many books which includes Farewell to Arms, In our Time and The old Man and the Sea. No, I have never read any of his books but would like to someday. He is famous for writing American Literature. My favorite author is Dr. Suess. He is the all time best author for children books. I feel that talent is an ability to do something without any lessons or help, such as being able to sing. I think my talent is that I am right-handed, but when I play baseball I throw and hit left-handed and also shoot a gun left-handed, everything else is right-handed. I am not sure what kind of talents my friends have, but I am sure they have some.

Ryan Valentine

7th & 8th Period

Hunter Sims 4-5 period said...

Hemingway was unique because of his writing style. He called the way he wrote the “Ice berg theory”. The Ice Berg Theory was being able to right with structure and symbolism operating out of sight. No, I have not read any books written by Hemingway, but I have heard of them. He is famous in literature for his short stories and novels. My favorite author is Rick Riordan who wrote a good series of books I enjoyed called The Percy Jackson Series. I define talent as a skill or unusual skills that makes a person unique. My talents are playing guitar, making people laugh, and academics. Yes, I have a variety of friends with a variety of different talents.

Ben Taylor said...

Ernest Hemingway was a very unique, clever, and famous author as I've heard. A unique fact about Hemingway is that he did not go to college. He started working at a magazine place. At that place is where he learned his way of writing. No, I have never heard of Hemingway until this blog. He must have been famous back in the day though. Never in my lifetime have I read a book by Hemingway. Like I said I have never heard of him before. My favorite author is Suzanne Collins because she wrote my favorite book, Catching Fire. The way I define talent is if you are good at sports. There are also many ways of talent. Another talent could be being smart. I am very talented at sports. That's all I ever do is sports. It keeps me active and occupied most of the time. Most of my good friends are talented. But everyone is talented in their own way.

Benny T 4th/5th

Emily said...

Hemingway was a very famous author. Hes very unique. I think its amazing how he can tell a story in only 6 words. He is famous for American litature. My favorite author is Todd Burpo. He wrote the book "Heaven Is For Real" which is also my favorite book. I would define talent as a blessed thing someone can do. I can't really tell you what im talented at. Yes, i have friends that are talented. -Emily Gettings <3

ashley bright said...

Hemingway was a very unique author.He was unique because he won the nobel prize and just did many different things than other authors did. My favorite author is S.E. Hinton because in her books she can really explain them and I never get lost in them. I define talent as in having skills or being god at something. I dont really know what kind of talents i have. Yes I have many friends with talents.

ciaraahornberger(: said...

Hemingway was a famous author. Hemingway is a unique author. Instead of going to college, Hemingway started working at a magazine place. He learned how to write while working there. I have never heard of Hemingway until this blog and I've never read, seen, or heard of one of his books. My favorite author is Suzane Collins. She wrote my favorite book and book series, The Hunger Games. They are very interesting, entertaining, and dramatic books that are actually fun to read. I define talent as being able to do something in the arts. Being able to sing, play music, or paint and draw, I consider things like that to be talent. Like all the kids in choir, and band, we all are talented. There are other talents such as athletic or being intelligent, but I thunk true talent is when you can pain beautiful pictures, or sing a 3 part harmony song, or be able to read notes and turn them into music. Yes, many of my friends are talented.

-Ciara Hornberger
4 & 5the period(:

Andrew Bundy said...

hemingway was a very famous author. Instead of pursuing college, he started working at a magazine place; there is the place where he learned his way of writing. He is a very intelligent African-American man who wrote my favorite book called Bud, Not Buddy.Hemmingway is unique because he was a tough guy.

Anonymous said...

Hemingway is very unique. Instead of going to college he went to work for a newspaper. Then he went on to write. He also is unique because he wrote a story in 6 words. He is famous for the books he wrote, but I have never heard of him until now. My favorite author is Roland Smith. I define talent by something that you can do well that you like. I have a talent of running. I have many talented friends like Ben Stewart. He has swag.

Madison Urse said...

Hemingway was a famous author, once he created the most compelling story with just six words! I have never read anything by Hemingway. He was famous for American Literature. My favorite author is eithier Suzanne Collins or Stephanie Myers. I define talent by something that is unique that you can do, or something that you can do better than everyone else. I do, however I am not very talented myself.
-madison urse 4th & 5th prd. <3

Tyler Plivelich-7th-8th said...

Hemingway was a famous author. Hemingway is unique in his own way. Instead of pursuing college, he started working at a magazine place; there is the place where he learned his way of writing. I have never heard of Hemingway up until now. I have not read any of his books either. He is famous for American Literature. I'm not sure who my favorite author is because I like a lot of authors, but if I had to pick one it would probably be S.E. Hinton. I define talent as being good at something that you are passionate about and that you love. I have a few talents such as: riding bikes, riding dirt bikes, video games, and basketball. Yes, many of my friends are talented but in their own different way.

sarah esposito said...

Hemingway was a famous author. Hemingway is unique in his own way. Instead of pursuing college, he started working at a magazine place; there is the place where he learned his way of writing. I have never heard of Hemingway up until now. I have never read one of his books either. He is famous for American Literature. My favorite author is S.E. Hinton. I define talent as something your good at. I have a few talents such as: I'm good at soccer. Yes, I have many talented friends.

Sydney MIchalski-4th period said...

Hemingway was a very famous and especially unique author. His is unique because he can tell a vivid story in very little words. No, I've never read anything by Hemingway. He wrote American literature. He wrote short stories and was also a journalist. My favorite author is Suzanne Collins. She has a style of writing that always makes you want to read more. Talent is when you can do something special or unique naturally, and without much practice or training. I've always been very good at taking care of small children. I have some very artistically talented friends. I also have a few friends that are very good at writing and dancing.

Jarrod said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jarrod said...

Hemingway is a unique, famous author. He has a special way with words. I have never read a book written by Hemingway. He is famous for writing American Literature. My favorite author is Mike Lupica. Talent can be defined in several different ways, but I define it as an ability to do something sucessfully without a lot of practice. I have two main talents, which are sports and music. My best and favorite sport is lacrosse. In music, lyrics are always popping in my head. I could be sitting in class and a couple of lines come into my head. I have wrote a couple different raps. I have many talented friends. Some of talented in athletics, while some are talented in academics.

-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period

Sami Stevenski said...

Hemingway is a very unique author. I have never read anything by Hemingway but the books sound interesting. He is very famous for his type of writing. Such as American Literature. My favorite author is Suzanne Collins because of her writing. Her published novels are so descriptive and interesting. She is very successful and wrote the Hunger Games Trilogy. I have read 2 out of her 3 books. I define talent in many ways. Such as being able to accomlish anything if you set your mind to it. People have many talents but I am not one of them. Some can sing, dance etc. There isn't one talent that comes to mind. No my friends are abnormal and haven't seen them with many talents.

-Sami stevenski <33

Meghan said...

I think that Earnest Hemmingway is unique because he was such a talented author but never went to college. He learned about writing from working at printing companies. I have never read any of Hemmingway’s books but I might sometime. I had really never heard anything about him until now. He is famous for writing short stories of American literature. I don’t really have a favorite author. I think talent is when you are above average at doing something that you love. I think my talent is soccer. I love to play and have been playing since I was little. I have lots of talented friends.
meghan 4/5

joseph leon said...

Hemingway was a very famous author. He was unique because he could tell a story in such little words. He is famous for american literature. I have never read anything by Hemingway. My favorite author is Mike Lupica because he writes sports books that i can relate to. Everyone has some unique talent, so I feel it can't be defined. I'm talented in Math and sports. Most of my friends are talented in sports. Jacoby Van Horn is very talented mainly because he is from Suncrest.

Brooke Ashcraft said...

Ernest Hemingway was an extremly unique and a very well known author. He did not attend college, but learned his incredible genre of writing from working at a magazine shop. No, I have not read any of Hemingway's work and up until this point, suprisingly, I haven't heard of this author either. He is famous for American Literature. My favorite authors are Nicholas Sparks and Suzanne Collins, they have written my favorite books. Dear John was written by Nicholas Sparks and the Hunger Games Series was writen by Collins. I define talent as something that something that someone is good at and presuing there dreams for. I'm not exatly sure what my talents are other than playing piano. Yes, I believe that all of my friends have a talent. It just depends on what they are interested in, is that answer to what they are talented at.

Brooke Ashcraft_ 4th-5th

Anonymous said...

Hemingway could write a story in just six words.
I have never read anything by Hemingway.
He is famous for American Literature.
My favorite author is J.K. Rowling. I absolutely love the Harry Potter series. They are really well written, and the plots are great. I wish there were more books, because I would read them the day they came out. Even if there is never a Harry Potter book by her again, I will read anything she writes if I get the chance to.
I define talent as being really skilled at something. Talent is something everybody has. Some talents are more obvious than others.
I am talented at writing, singing, playing trumpet, and school.
All of my friends are talented in some way.

mceo green said...

the thing that makes Hemingway unique is that he could write a good story in just six words. i have never read anything by HEMINGWAY but i would like to sometime. HEMINGWAY is famous for writing a story about him running with the bulls and how much of a rush it was. my favorite author is Suzanne Collins. talent is something you are good at or something you just know how to do. I'm not really talented yet. i really don't know if my friends are tenanted.

tyairahorton(: said...

Hemingway is unique because, he didn't go to collage he pursed magazine.He was famous for several of writings like tightly written prose, colons , and writing books.My favorite author is S.E Hinton.She is a very good writer. I define talent as begin very athletic.the talents I have is basketball,flipping,and swimming(: Most of my friends are very talented<3
-Tyaira Horton<3(;

meerissaerin (: said...

hemingway is very unique because he wrote many famous books , poems , and colons and he didnt even go to college to do this . i have never read one of his books . i define talent as somthing unique that not everyone can do like sing , dance , write , be athletic . i have alot of talented friends and i enjoy being around them . merissa ladd 2&3 period

lucasmartin2nd/3rdperiods said...

He was one of the top five american writers. No I have not read anything by hemingway. He is famouse for writing fact stories? My favorite author is Gary Paulsen.
I define talent as being able to do it and not mess up repeatedly. I have a talent for being able to beat video games. I do have talented friends two play a musical instrument Daniel yost, and james Brotosky.

gage payton said...

He was a great writer and he had a lot of book about himslef,no I don't think I have, his books he has written over the years,j.k rolling because I like h\how she writes I can understand it better, how I define telant is if I see people doing something they are good at, I can play soccer and baseball,Ciara can run cross country

selenna.(: said...

Hemingway is unique because he can wright a story with six words. No, i've never read anything by Hemingway, i've never even heard of him until this blog. My favorite author is Dr. Seuss. I define talent by anything you can do and are good at that not all people are capable of doing. My talent is being Selenna, because nobody like me. Yes, all of my friends are talented in there own special ways and that's why i love them.♥

Anonymous said...

Hemingway was a really intelligent person because he wrote i think 4 books all very good to no-bell price winners it somewhat awkward him and his dad killed themselves 7 years apart he killed himself with a door string wife and shotgun overall i think he was in OK guy

Keely Stiles said...

Hemingway was a very different author. He could tell an important story using only 6 words. I've never read anything by him, but I know Hemingway is famous for writing American Literature. My favorite author is Richelle Mead, and talent to me is someone who can do something not many people can. My friends are all talented in some way, whether it's making someone laugh, being really smart, or just being good at sports.

OliviaPaige (: said...

Hemingway was a famous author . Mostly for American Literature . He could tell just one story , in 6 words . That is truley amazing . Iv never read any of his books . But I imagine they'd be pretty good . All of my friends are talented . Each in their own way , Thats what i love about them .
-Olivia Hawkinberry
2nd & 3rd

brian curry said...

Hemingway is unique because he can write a story in six words. No, i have never read anything by him. He is famous for american literature. My favorite author is S.E. Hinton. I define talent as being good at what you do. I am talented at sports. Yes, i have many talented friends.

taya ford said...

he is a famous author.when he started doing what he dose he started by magazine writing.he is famous for writing about people and who they favoite author is s.e. henton.talent is when someone can do something that no one else can talent id freind victoria have a talent of being very flexabul to me i guess.

Nikita Martin said...

Hemingway is unique because he can tell a story in just six words. I have never heard of someone doing that! That is amazing.I have never heard anything of his, infact i have never heard of him. He is famous for American Literature. My favorite author is probably Suzanne Colins. i really liked reading her books.Im not really that talented, but my friends are all talented in their own way.

Nikita Martin said...

Hemingway is unique because he can tell a story in just six words. I have never heard of someone doing that! That is amazing.I have never heard anything of his, infact i have never heard of him. He is famous for American Literature. My favorite author is probably Suzanne Colins. i really liked reading her books.Im not really that talented, but my friends are all talented in their own way.

Ben Stewart said...

Hemingway was a very famous author. He never went to college, but started his writing career on his own by getting a job at a magazine company. I had heard of Hemingway before, but never really had any interest to find out who he was. I have never read anything written by Hemingway. He was famous for writing American Literature. My favorite author is Mike Lupica. I define talent as the ability to do something skillfully or greatly no matter what it may be. I am smart, good at sports, and am good at making friends. I have many talented friends, they are all good at there own individual thing. This things makes them all special in their own way.

Rainy said...

Hemingway was a very famous and really unique author. His is unique because he can tell a creative story in very little words. No, I've never read anything by Hemingway. He wrote American literature. He wrote short stories and was also a journalist. My favorite author is Sara Shepard. The stories she writes makes you want to read more. Talent is when you can do something special or unique naturally, and without much practice or training. I've always been drawing and many say I'm very creative. I have some friends that are also artistically talented. Ihave many more tanleted friends

Rainy Heston 4/5 period

Aaliyah moton said...
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Aaliyah moton said...

Hemingway was unique because instead of going to college he followed his dream of writing. Yes Ive read that he liked to portray soldiers, hunters, bullfighters - tough, at times primitive people whose courage and honesty are set against the ways of modern society, and those who lose hope and faith. My favorite author is s.e Hinton. My talent is music, poetry, and any way of expressing my feelings through words. I have a lot friends with talents such as sports, drawing, and music.

Micheal H. said...

Hemingway was a famous author. I have never read anything about Hemingway. He is famous for American Literature. My favorite author is Dr.Suess. I define the word talent by being athletic. I can play football and basketball , and all of my friends are talented.

khadijalam said...

Hemingway was a famous author. he wrote about things that other athers The man and the sea, The Great Gatsby, and Fairwell to Arms. He is famous for writing about war, fishing,and things that happenned in his life.yes chynna cork she is a really good dancer and she danes for scholorships and she is in compotions ,.

KelsieStingo2nd/3rd period said...

Hemingway was a famous aurthor who could write a paper in six words and get out his message to people. This is what Made him unique. I have never read anything by Hemingway. I have never even learned anything about him until now. He was famous for his American Literature. I don't really have a favorite author. I don't really read that much so I haven't really chosen one. I define talent as something someones good at. All my friends are talented and they have there own little talents that make them unique just like Hemingway.

braden tennant said...

Hemingway is a famous author. I haven't read anything by hemingway. He is famous for literatre. Dave Peltzer is mine because he writes about his childhood. Talent is something unique that everyone has. I play guitar, saxophone, piano, and violine. Yes most of my friends are very talented.

dejanae edwards said...

Hemingway was an American author and journalist. no! He is famous for American Literature. My favorite author is shakespear.I define talent as somehting your good at or something that is unique from others. uhmm...most likely yes but then again no. yes, but really wierd.

de said...

he was unique because he told a story by only useing sixs words. i never red anything by heminway he is famous for writting short stories. my favorite author has to be dr. suses. i define talent as something you can do your best as. well all my friend s at my home town all say i have a talent of singing,tag football, and being a wonder freind that they ever had and ever will have in their life. well most of freinds have a tanlent of football basketball and girl freinds are good singers.