Genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose.During World War II, around six million Jews were killed, and around five million other people were killed, bring the total to 11 million.The concentration camps are still around. People can go to them on tours and see where the people were killed and buried.One piece of literature that reminds us of this time is the diary of Anne Frank.I can't remember any movies that I have seen that have to do with this time period.If something like this happens again, we can send troops to stop people from killing millions of other people.
The word genocide means killing people in an individual group. During World War II millions of Jews were killed in the holocaust. Concentration camps are still set up and available for viewing. The stories written during that time, including the diary of Anne Frank remind us of this tragic event. I've seen "The Diary of Anne Frank" movie and "The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas" which helped my understanding of that time. We can avoid this happening to us by soldiers going to war and fighting for our freedom. Thats a very important thing for us in this time period.
A Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, those of a particular ethnic group or nation. There were very many horrors that took place during World War 2, It was spoken to be described as the Asian Holocaust. Also there were over 5 million Jews that were killed, but there was a total amount of 11 million Jews that had died during that time period. Reminders of that history is all of the people who had to go through that tragedy and the people who had been killed during that time period of devastating tragedy. The Literature that reminds me of this time is the Diary of Anne Frank. Anne Frank was a little girl who was living through this time period and had survived from hiding in her upstairs attic with family members and people that she didn't know very well this is how I describe Anne Frank. We can avoid mistakes from that time period because that was many years ago and the time has changed so that people can be aware of when something like this could possibly ever happen again.
Genocide is the mass killing of a group of people. There were many horrors that took place during World War II. There were mass killing of Jewish peole for no good reason. There were people starving because all of the food went to the Nazi soldiers. And some Jews were sent to concentration camps to work until they were killed. Some reminders are the remnants of the Berlin Wall, the remnants of Auchwitz, and the graves of the diseased from the war. Literature that reminds us of that time is The Diary of Anne Frank. The movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" reminds me of that time. To avoid this again we can all accept that we have to share the earth and that all people are equal. There is no one race that is superior to all the others.
Genocide is killing of a group on purpose. Alot of people died jews, and other people died for no reason at all. The concentration camps are still up and people are letting us tour through them to, how these people live in the camp. The dairy of a young girl Anna Frank. Its a book and a movie. We have like alot of troops and we can tell them to go and stop the killing if something like that happens.
Genocide is a massive murder of people of a large population. Holocaust was the worst. Japan was the runner-up.
Genocide is the mass killing of a specific group of people. There were many horrible things that occurred during World War II. There were mass executions of Jewish people for no reason other than that they were not arian . There were people starving because all of the food was sent off to the Nazi soldiers fighting for Germany. And some Jews were sent to concentration camps to work until they were killed. Some reminders are the remains of the Berlin Wall, the remains of Auschwitz, and the graves of the diseased from the war.One story that reminds us of these hard times is The Diary of Anne Frank. To avoid this again we can all accept that we have to share the earth and that all people are equal. There is no one race that is superior to all the others we are all one whole.-Ryan Ricer 4/5
a place that killes millions of people. when the guys was wanting to kill all the jews. when they were telling us about the big room that they killed all the people in.i have never seen a movie that is kind of like this type of history. buy not letting people think that they are better than everyone else because if they start to think that then they will try to take over everyone and everthing as well so this is everything that i think.
The genocide is the killing of many people. The horrors were that the Nazi's were going and capturing all of the Jews and taking them to consentration camps. Some of those reminders are that Hitler killed eleven million jews , and he didnt feel bad for doing it at all until he decided it was wrong and compited suciced. The other reminders are the tragedy these people had to go through. The boy and the strip pajamas I have watched that is based on this event. We could treat everyone the same and treat them no differently than we do everyone else even if they have a certain religion. AShley Bright 7/8th period :)
A genocide is a mass killing of a certain kind of people. In the time of World War II, 11 million people were killed. Many things that remind us of this are the concentration camps, The dairy of Anne Frank, history books, and even movies have been made about this horrible thing. I haven't seen any of the movies about it, but I do know that some have been made. If this would happen again we could send our soldiers to help stop it.
Genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. During World War II, around 11 million people were killed. The concentration camps are still open for tours. One piece of literature that reminds us of this time is the diary of Anne Frank.I haven't seen any movies that have to do with this time period.If something like this happens again, we can send troops to stop people from killing millions of other people. Sydnee Shaffer 4/5th <3
Genocide is the mass killing of a certain group of people. During World War ll, millions of Jews were killed, just because of their race. Concentration camps are still set up, for people to take tours of. A piece of literature that reminds me of this time is “The Diary of Anne Frank”, “The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas.” It helped me understand what when it was like from different angles during the Holocaust. We can avoid this mistake by not judging or hating people by their outside appearance.Kathryn Scarbro (:4th & 5th period<3
Genocide is the killing of a specific group of people. Some of the horrors that took place were the Holocaust, the attack on Pearl Harbor, 50-70 million people died, and it was the largest land theatre of war in history. Some of the reminders were of the way the Jewish people were tortured and died during that time and the first nuclear weapons were used. The literature that reminds us of that time is The Diaries of Anne Frank. I remember watching a movie about two little kids one was a Jewish and one was a German who became friends. I think it was called The Boy in Stripes. A way to keep this from happening again would be to vote for a President who feels it is important to maintain peace. Bryce BittingerPeriod 7th & 8th
Genocide means to kill people in groups. Durring World War II many Jews were killed. There were many camps set up called conteration camps. Those were for killing the people and burning then too. Some literature that comes to mine mind is Ann Frank. I have never seen any movies that I recall i realy dont remember any. We have Military and Troops and Army. They will protect us. These situations will propley never happen.
Genocide is the mass killing of a certain group of people on purpose. About 11 million people were killed during the time of world war II. Almost half of them were Jews and the rest were other races. The ruins of the concentration camps are still standing as a reminder of the torture. The Diary of Anne Frank is a great piece of literature that reminds us of the same. A movie I have seen about this is called The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. It was really sad but it was a great movie. I've also seen the movie of The Diary of Anne Frank. Same concept. We can avoid the mistakes of this ever happening again by getting along better and accepting each other for who they are. :)Jordyn Weaver7th & 8th period :)
Genocide is when there is a killing of alot of people on purpoose like bombers or something. Almost everyone died especially the jews,because of hitler. When ever we read stories in class an holiddays that celebrate the people that died in war. The story of Anne Frank, because she wrote a diary based upon what had happened during the war an after it. The kid in blue pajamas I think thats what the name of the movie is iI don't recall. To just except everyone no matter what their color, gender, or orrentation is, ansd maybe we can prevent this ever from happening again.
genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people,those of a particular ethnic group or nation. There were mass killing of Jewish people for no good reason. There were people starving And some Jews were sent to concentration camps to work until they were killed. The concentration camps remind people of the holocaust. I only remember the movie The Diary of Anne frank. To avoid this we can accept people for who they are no matter what they look like.
Genocide is the killing of many people. The horrors took place in World War II is they forced Jews to go to concentration camps , and they also made them work! The stories written during that was Anne Frank.i haven't any movies that have to do with this. How to avoid is the soldiers going to war and frighting for our freedom! <3 (:
genocide is killing a group of people for no reason at all. some horrors that took place during world war 2 where that the Jews,homosexuals,and baby's,or crippled people. some of the reminders of that point of history are the death camps you can go to and see where they put all the Jews to death. some books that reminds us of this history is a book called the diary of Anne frank. i have not seen a movie that has filmed some of those times in history. the way we can avoid the mistake of that era is by everybody just getting along.
genocide is a killing of a certain kindduh group and it would have been on purpose . Many jews were killed thats why this was so devestating , and it was during world war ll . concentration camps are still around today , and people can take tours and find out what they really looked like . i dont think i have ever seen ovies that have to do with times like these . we could avoid mistakes like this by not starting stuff and letting everyone do there own religion . merissa ladd 2 &3 period . :)
Genocide was killing people. During world war II , 3 million jews were killed because they " Weren't good enough" to live . They were to different . People still go to museaums to see all the things they have . They have alot of memorials and things set up there. & The only thing iv read was The Diary Of Anne Frank . and iv never watched any movies about it . It was a terrible time in the world .
genocide is when you kill your own peole. the holocast was the biggest thing war war 11 becase 11 millo peole were killed during this event.some of the history from that is the story anna frank she tell a story how when she was lokked up and how she had to hide frome the natzies. the boy in the stried sutie. khadija lam 7/8
Genocide means killing your own people. They were killing Jews. One reminder of history is the diary of Anne Frank. I haven't seen or remember any movies that happened around that time. If something like this happened again the U.S should send troops over to stop the killings.
A genoside is where you kiil people in a certian group on purpose. Hitler killed all the jews during World War II. David's star. I don' think iv'e seen any. We can have the army kill them.
a genocide is where someone thats kills there own kind a auchwitz is a war that happend during war world 2 where the amaricans came from one side and tyhe russions came from the other side to let people out of constraetion camps and to stop the war and take hilter out of power so no more jews would be killed daniel yost
Genocide is the killing of your type of people. During WWII, there was a total of 11 million who died. There were 6 million Jews and 5 million other people. There are still concentration camps around. People can can go on tours to these camps. One peice of literature is the diary of Anne Frank. I can't name any movies. We can send a lot of troops to stop people from killing millions of other people.
A genocide is when people kill a mass amount of other people because they are not part of their group. The Aryans killed many people in WW2. They killed lots of people because they were not Aryans. They put them in ovens, had them work really hard, and even gassed them in "showers". A book that reminds us of this time is The Diary of Anne Frank. A movie is The Boy in The Striped Pajamas. I watched that last year. It was really sad. Something that we can do so this won't happen again is to treat people good for who they are.
A genocide is a mass killing of people. A horror in world war 2 that took place was the Holocaust and it should never happen again. Back then countries didnt really care to help each other out like they should and like they do today. The movie the Holocaust and the book Anne Frank that we read is an example of what happened back then. We can avoid those mistakes by having love for one another first and also to help one another out and to care for other people and we will avoid these things.
Genocide is the mass killing of a generation of people. Nazis took millions of jews and killed almost all of them. Some reminders of the time are the buildings, journals, diaries, and clothing of the jews. There are many history books about the holocaust and novels about specific people. I have seen the movies "Valkire" and "The boy in striped pajamas" and thats all i have seen. We can fight off the people sooner if this happens again and not wait until they are able to rule the world with their army.
Genocide is the killing of a certain group or race of people. 11 million people were killed, six million jewish people, and five million blacks, homosexuals, poles and other groups of people. There are tons of museums, games, and you can even visit concentration camps. One book I read was blood red snow which was story where the writer brought in an actual Wehrmact soldier (german soldier fighting for his country not a nazi) and told about his time in the war. I've seen saving private ryan which took place during D-Day and went through the years of the war. I aslo saw a show called Band of Brothers which where actual war stories, and were actual events. Try not to have WWIII and if we do try to arrive and stop it before it gets out of hand
Genocide is a mass killing of people, usually of the same race. The most horrific event was the Holocaust. This is where the Nazis killed jews and people not of the arien race, which was blonde hair and blue eyes. I've watched the boy in the striped pajamas which was a great movie and showed a perfect description of what life was like in that time. We can avoid mistakes like this by not letting one leader or one country get too much power or control. -Joseph Leon 4th and 5th period
The word genocide means killing people in an individual group. During World War 2, 11 million jews died from the holocaust. You can still go to the consentration camps and see them. Some Jews sere sent there untill they died. The reminder of this event is the story Anne Frank. It helped me understand more about this event.
A genocide is killing people in a small group. One thing that happened in ww2 about 6 million jews were killed. The anne frank diary is a reminder of the war and what it was like. The patriot remimds me of this time. By living free and working hard.
Genocide is the mass killing of groups of people, especially Jews. Around 11 million people were killed during World War II, most of them children, women with children, the elderly and anyone else who were ill. The people were also used to test experiments on. The Auschwitz museum was built with one orginal gas chamber left for visitors to see. Diary of Anne Frank and The boy in the striped pajamas. I haven't seen any movies about this time period. We can avoid this from happening again by not letting anyone have that kind of power over anyone, it's just like Osama Bin Laden, Gadhafi and other leaders who always killed people in their country because they were allowed too.Ryan Valentine7th & 8th period
A genocide is where you kill the people around you. During world war II Nazis began killing millions of people by sending them to a death camp. Some reminders are how many people were killed during the war and the places where they were killed at. Anne's diary reminds me of what happened during the war. I haven't seen any movies that have actual scenes from holocaust. We could avoid this era by find the people before they try to do the crime.
Genocide is a mass homicide of a certain group of people. The biggest horror of World War two was the killing of Jews and some other groups of people. The reminders that are of that time are the remaining gas chambers and concentration camps. It is sad to think of the terrible things that happened in those places. The Diary of Ann Frank is a book that reminds me of this time. A movie that is about this terrible time is The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. In that movie Hilter’s son dies in the concentration camp because he goes into help someone. It was a very sad movie. The mistakes that were made during that time can be avoided by not giving one person too much power. Meghan 4/5
A genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. There were many horrors in World War II. In World War II, about 11 million people were killed, about half being Jewish. Many people starved to death, and also worked in concentration camps until they died. The Diary of Anne Frank reminds us of this time. I can't remember any movies that I have seen that have to do with this period. We can avoid mistakes by having our soldiers going to war and fighting to save people and also for our freedom.
The holacost was a terrable even that took place in Germany. Hitler just killed mostly all the Jews just because he didn't think they where as good as him . Everyone is created equal and should be treated the same. Hitler was a terrable man.
A genocide is the killing of a pacific group of people. During Worl War1 around six million gews got killed, by a gew. They still have camps, and there is stories written about it. I remember seeing "the boy in the striped pajama pants" i think thats what its called! If it happened to occur again, I think we should all go into hiding!
The word genocide means killing people of a certain group. During World War 2, around 6 million Jewish people were killed along with about 5 million other types of people. So there was a total of nearly 11 million innocent people killed. Some reminders are the Jewish concentration camps that are still around. The Diary of Anne Frank os one piece of literature that reminds us of then. I really can't think of any movies that remind me of this. To avoid this, we all just need to accept that people are different and that is what makes this world great.mia manzo (:
A genocide is the mass killing of your own race. Some horrors of world war 2 is people ignored the situation for such a period of time,and a total of eleven millon people were killed under Hitlers hands. Some reminders of what happend are Halocaust museum, documentaries. Literature that reminds us of the Halocaust are the Diary of Ann Frank. It is really the only book I know of that is about the Halocaust other than the book The Halocaust. I have not watched any movies on the Halocaust. A few ways we can avoid having something like this happing again is to pay more attention to what peoplke are doing in other parts of the world.We can be more tolerant to different religions and how we view them.cody satterfield 2nd and 3re
Genocide is when people believed that cleansing society was done by ridding out the people that are not of a certain ethnicity. Millions of Jews were brutally murdered during the Holocaust. People were locked up in concentration camps knowing what was to come. There are museums, history books, movies, and tours, which remind us of that era. "The Diary of Anne Frank" has many copies arond the world to let us learn about what happened. "One of the sadest movies I have ever watched about the Holocaust was "The Bot In The Stripped Pajamas." We can avoid this happening by our soldiers being brave enough to go to war and fighting to keeps us free.
Genocide is the mass killing of a group of people based upon their race or religion. During WWII, Hitler and the Nazis took control over most of Europe. While he was in power, he forced the Jews into ghettos. An example of one of these ghettos was Bukenwold. After he had rounded up the Jews in the ghettos, he sent them to concentration and death camps. There the Jews were forced to work =. Many starved to death while the others were either shot when they arrived, killed in the gas chambers, or killed at later times by soldiers. Some reminders are the museum at Auschwits, the Anne Frank museum, and holocaust cemeteries. Books like "The Diary of Anne Frank' and history books on the holocaust remind us of this time. The only movie i have seen on the events that happened during the holocaust was "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas". We can avoid these mistakes by accepting that people are different in many ways and not separating them because of their race or opinion.
A genocide is a mass killing of a certain group of people. There were many horrors during this time period, but the main was known as the Holocaust. This was when the Nazis killed an enourmus amount of Jewish people. Anything to do with Adolf Hitler or Jews is a reminder of this time. The Diary of Anne Frank is an example of literature for this event. There are a couple different films, however I have seen The Boy in The Stripped Pajamas. To avoid this we need to be reminded that God made all humans equal. It doesn't matter what race or religion, we are all truly the same. -Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
Genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. The horrors that took place during the WW2 was that six million Jews were killed, five million other people were killed also. That makes it a total of 11 million people were killed. The some reminders of the history of that time is the concentration camps that are still around today. People go around the concentration camps and tour them. They see were the millions of people were kept, killed, and buried. The "Diary of Anne Frank" is one of the literature that reminds us of this time. I have not seen any movies that record some events of this time period. We can avoid these mistakes of this era is that we can send alot of military people to stop them from killing thousands, even millions of people.
The definition of genocide would be a large killing of a certain group of people on purpose. The horror that took place during World War 2 was the massive killing of Jews and other groups that Hitler thought were “undesirable” to be alive. The death tolls of these groups of people were over ten million which is horrible. Food was a problem for everyone that lived in Germany as food was sent to the Nazi soldiers on the front line. The most horrible thing about this war would have to be the concentration camps that were spread out across Europe under German control. Concentration camps are the places where they would send the groups of people that were not the “master race” to work and die painfully. They would make people of all ages work and performed experiments on them. Then each day they would get rid of people in the worst possible way. The Nazis working in the camp would get masses of people and put them in a small room, tell them to take a shower and then a gas was emitted into the room killing all the people inside. Millions of innocent people were killed by this method. Some reminders of this time are the concentration camps still out in Europe. An example of a piece of literature would be The Diary of Anne Frank. I saw the boy in Striped Pajamas in a class in 6th grade. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by accepting and respecting other people.
A genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. During World War II, Hitler an the Natzi's killed around 6 million Jews. They killed others and the total amount of people killed was around 11 million. Some reminders of the Holocaust are concentration camps. People can still visit then and see the gas chambers, piles of shoes in the barracks, and much more. The diary of Anne Frank is Ike thing that reminds us of this time. I don't think I've seen any movies having to deal with this. If something like this was to happen again, we would get troops and soldiers over there sooner to stop them from killing so many people.Ciara Hornberger4+5th period(:
a genocide is a willful killimg of a whole race or nation. some horrors that took place during the world war 2 is that hitler took six million jews and killed them a total of eleven million were killed.Anne Frank is one ppiece of liteture thats reminds of that more killing.
WWII was when the germens lead by Adolf Hitler tried taking total control of the world. Throughout the many crimes and evil acts Hitler and his notzies comitted the attempted genocide on the Jewish faith is definitly the worst. Genocide is the mass murder of an entire race or religion. There are many peices of literature that remind os of this horrable repressing time including the real event made into stories such as The Brige Over River Que and the Diaries of Anne Frank. Hitler and his followers comitted unexcusable acts of hate and evil leaving nothing but destruction in there wake. If only the US and USSR would have joined from the beguinning things would have been different. If eople had followed thier morals and do what is right no matter what the world would not have suffured that evil.
Genocide is killing groups of people on purpose. In World War 2 about 6 million jews were killed. Some reminders could be their shoes, hats, and clothes. I think that the diary of Anne Frank and the consentration camps. I havent or dont remember what movies. Don't listen to people like hitlerJocelynn Kilgore2nd/3rd period
Genocide is killing of a certain group of people. During world war 2, around six million jews were killed, and another five million people of differant races were killed. The concentration camps are still around for tourist to go look at. I have not seen any movies that relate to that era, but There is the Diary of Anne Frank. If this happens again we can just send troops to stop it.
Genocide was the killing of a certin group of people on purpose. There were 6 million jews killed during the World War ||. The constraston camps are still were there were during the war. and people can go and see the inside of the camps. Thre dairy of anne frank is a peice of literature that reminds us that time. I never saw a movie about this war but i did see one of the 9-11, it was really harsh. Some of things we mstakes we con avoid are don't be a hitler.
Genocide means killing a large group of people. A horror that took place was that 11 million people were killed, 6 million jews and another 5 million people. Some of the reminders were the Berlin wall, auchwitz, and the graves of the people that were killed. the boy in the stripped pajamas. we can avoid it by having more security, being more cautious, and aware.
Genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. During WW II, Adolf Hitler was doing away with all Jews. He killed about six million Jews and about 5 million other people. The only people he didn't kill were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. These people were known as Aryans. All of the camps are still around. Now, people can tour the death camps and the concentration camps. The Diary of Anne Frank reminds us of this period of time. I've never watched any movies that date back to this time period. We could send our troops to stop it if something like that ever happened again.Michael Nuzum
Genocide is the ultimate killing of a group of people. There were many horrors that took place during World War II. There was a mass killing of Jewish peole for no good reason. There were people starving because all of the food went to the Nazi soldiers. Most Jews were sent to concentration camps or death camps to work until they were killed. Some reminders are the remnants of the Berlin Wall, the remnants of Auchwitz, the graves of the diseased from the war, and the Diary of Anne Frank. Literature that reminds us of that time is The Diary of Anne Frank. The movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" reminds me of that time. To avoid this again we can all accept that we have to share the earth and that all people are equal. There is no one race that is superior to all the others.
What the word Genocide means is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. Around six million Jews were killed, and around five million other people were killed. Some of the concentration camps still are up for people to tour. Oh wow, I’ve seen quite a few like the boy in the stripped pajamas, valkyarie, and Shinlers’s list only because I’ve always been interested in this subject so my mother rented them for me to watch. We can keep peace with other countries. -sarah esposito 7-8 <3<3:)
Genocide is killing a certian group of people on purpose. A grand total of 11 million people were killed, because of Hitlers vicious rein. Something that reminds me of this horrid time, are the concentration camps that still exist, and are unbelievably capble to run again. A great piece of liturature that brings this time almost back to life, is Anne Franks Diary. I saw the movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" this movie was so sad I nearly cried the whole time. The end was absolutly terrible! We can prevent murdering like this, by trying harder to keep the peace between countries, and by realizing that we are all equals! -Madison Urse 4th & 5th period :)
A genocide is when people kill a mass amount of other people because they are not part of their group. The Aryans killed many people in WW2. They killed lots of people because they were not Aryans. They burnt them in ovens, worked them to the max, or even gassed them in "shower rooms". A book that reminds me of this time is The Diary of Anne Frank. A movie is The Boy in The Striped Pajamas. I watched the movie in the 6th grade when our social studies group's main theme was the Holocaust. It was a great movie, but tragic. Something that we can do so this won't happen again is to treat people right for who they are. We need to except people and not exclude them from the "crowd".Justin Okel 4/5
Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, esp. those of a particular ethnic group or nation. The “undesirable” people by Hitler’s definition were killed in massive groups. Millions of people lost their lives during Hitler’s. He was a very sick man that held a lot of power! I think that the concentration camps would have been the most horrific part during Hitler’s rule. He would torture innocent people and then most of them would die.Some of the reminders are the buildings and concentration camps that are still in Germany. There are buildings and places that still are there. Some of the literature that reminds us of World War II is, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas- which I have seen, Saving Private Ryan, and Patton. One thing we can do to avoid the mistakes made in World War II is to not close our eyes to tragic events. Other people around the world should have acted sooner. Brooke Ashcraft 4/5
Genocide is the mass killing of a race of people. The holocaust took place during WWII. Some of the reminders of that time were tours. you could take tours in the camps. I have seen The boy in striped pajamas, and saving private ryan. well saving private ryan shows the invasion of normandy. By not letting that happen again.
Genocide is the mass murder of a group of people. The Holocaust was probabyly the worst thing happening during WWII. DONNIE FREEMAN
Genocide is the killing of a certain race for no apparent reson. In WWII there were millions of jews killed for being jewish and others were killed fighting for their freedom. Some reminders are the concentration camps and the millions of belongings to people as well as their bodies. A piece of literature that reminds us is the DIARY OF ANNE FRANK. A movie that I have seen about the hollocast is THE BOY IN STRIPED PAJAMAS. We see that others we all get along without discration.
A genocyde is a mass murder of people. The horrors that took place in WW2 was the mass murder of millions of Jews and undisierables. Some of the reminders are the hundreds of cocentration camps and labor camps.The diary of anne frank is one of the booksfrom that time.Alot of movies have been taken like the movies that were seen for this blog. We all need to be nice to each other.Hunter Hill
Genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. During WWII about 10 million people were killed. Things were different back in the 1930's and 40's. If someone were to try that today, one of the elite country's would just easily kill them. Sadly, I have not seen any movies about the Holocaust, but i plan on seeing some. To avoid the mistakes of this era i just need to stay focused at the task on hand.Trea Hall- 7&8 pd.
Genocide is bacially killing people for their color of their skin, to even killing them for their reliogus belives.11 million Jews were killed during World War II. Anne Frank, is the literature book that reminds me of all of this. I actually haven't seen any movies about any of this,yet. We can just not judge people for what they belive in, skin color, eyes, hair ect..Makayla Perrine
Genocide is when a whole generation of people are killed. In WW2 a massive amountof jews was killed after Adolph Hitler became head of the military. People were shot, starved, and gassed to death.Some of the reminders of the holocoast are the Diary of Anne Frank, and the consontration camps that are still standing. I don't think I have saw any movies accept the Diary of Anne Frank.We can avoid ging back to those days by loving all races of people.
genocide is killing a large amount of people at ounce 11,000,000 jewish deaths
Genocide means, the killing of a large group. During the World War 11, The Nazi's would take all the Jews and put them in concentration camps and separate them from there family's. More than six million Jews were killed. The concentration camps are still here. Just not used. They use them to show people what had happened and tell them about that horrible time. Anne Frank is one piece of literature that reminds us of this time. I don't know any movies that have to do with this. If anything like this ever happened again. We would have to send our troops out and stop the killing so no more people have to live like that ever again.
Genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose.During World War II millions of Jews were killed in the holocaust.Many things that remind us of the holocaust for example the concentration camps, The dairy of Anne Frank, history books, and even movies have been made about this horrible event. I have seen the movie "Boy in The Striped Pagamas". If this would happen again we could send our soldiers to help stop it and not stand aside waiting.
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Genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose.
During World War II, around six million Jews were killed, and around five million other people were killed, bring the total to 11 million.
The concentration camps are still around. People can go to them on tours and see where the people were killed and buried.
One piece of literature that reminds us of this time is the diary of Anne Frank.
I can't remember any movies that I have seen that have to do with this time period.
If something like this happens again, we can send troops to stop people from killing millions of other people.
The word genocide means killing people in an individual group. During World War II millions of Jews were killed in the holocaust. Concentration camps are still set up and available for viewing. The stories written during that time, including the diary of Anne Frank remind us of this tragic event. I've seen "The Diary of Anne Frank" movie and "The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas" which helped my understanding of that time. We can avoid this happening to us by soldiers going to war and fighting for our freedom. Thats a very important thing for us in this time period.
A Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, those of a particular ethnic group or nation. There were very many horrors that took place during World War 2, It was spoken to be described as the Asian Holocaust. Also there were over 5 million Jews that were killed, but there was a total amount of 11 million Jews that had died during that time period. Reminders of that history is all of the people who had to go through that tragedy and the people who had been killed during that time period of devastating tragedy. The Literature that reminds me of this time is the Diary of Anne Frank. Anne Frank was a little girl who was living through this time period and had survived from hiding in her upstairs attic with family members and people that she didn't know very well this is how I describe Anne Frank. We can avoid mistakes from that time period because that was many years ago and the time has changed so that people can be aware of when something like this could possibly ever happen again.
Genocide is the mass killing of a group of people. There were many horrors that took place during World War II. There were mass killing of Jewish peole for no good reason. There were people starving because all of the food went to the Nazi soldiers. And some Jews were sent to concentration camps to work until they were killed. Some reminders are the remnants of the Berlin Wall, the remnants of Auchwitz, and the graves of the diseased from the war. Literature that reminds us of that time is The Diary of Anne Frank. The movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" reminds me of that time. To avoid this again we can all accept that we have to share the earth and that all people are equal. There is no one race that is superior to all the others.
Genocide is killing of a group on purpose. Alot of people died jews, and other people died for no reason at all. The concentration camps are still up and people are letting us tour through them to, how these people live in the camp. The dairy of a young girl Anna Frank. Its a book and a movie. We have like alot of troops and we can tell them to go and stop the killing if something like that happens.
Genocide is a massive murder of people of a large population. Holocaust was the worst. Japan was the runner-up.
Genocide is the mass killing of a specific group of people. There were many horrible things that occurred during World War II. There were mass executions of Jewish people for no reason other than that they were not arian . There were people starving because all of the food was sent off to the Nazi soldiers fighting for Germany. And some Jews were sent to concentration camps to work until they were killed. Some reminders are the remains of the Berlin Wall, the remains of Auschwitz, and the graves of the diseased from the war.One story that reminds us of these hard times is The Diary of Anne Frank. To avoid this again we can all accept that we have to share the earth and that all people are equal. There is no one race that is superior to all the others we are all one whole.
-Ryan Ricer 4/5
a place that killes millions of people. when the guys was wanting to kill all the jews. when they were telling us about the big room that they killed all the people in.i have never seen a movie that is kind of like this type of history. buy not letting people think that they are better than everyone else because if they start to think that then they will try to take over everyone and everthing as well so this is everything that i think.
The genocide is the killing of many people. The horrors were that the Nazi's were going and capturing all of the Jews and taking them to consentration camps. Some of those reminders are that Hitler killed eleven million jews , and he didnt feel bad for doing it at all until he decided it was wrong and compited suciced. The other reminders are the tragedy these people had to go through. The boy and the strip pajamas I have watched that is based on this event. We could treat everyone the same and treat them no differently than we do everyone else even if they have a certain religion.
AShley Bright 7/8th period :)
A genocide is a mass killing of a certain kind of people. In the time of World War II, 11 million people were killed. Many things that remind us of this are the concentration camps, The dairy of Anne Frank, history books, and even movies have been made about this horrible thing. I haven't seen any of the movies about it, but I do know that some have been made. If this would happen again we could send our soldiers to help stop it.
Genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. During World War II, around 11 million people were killed. The concentration camps are still open for tours. One piece of literature that reminds us of this time is the diary of Anne Frank.
I haven't seen any movies that have to do with this time period.If something like this happens again, we can send troops to stop people from killing millions of other people.
Sydnee Shaffer 4/5th <3
Genocide is the mass killing of a certain group of people. During World War ll, millions of Jews were killed, just because of their race. Concentration camps are still set up, for people to take tours of. A piece of literature that reminds me of this time is “The Diary of Anne Frank”, “The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas.” It helped me understand what when it was like from different angles during the Holocaust. We can avoid this mistake by not judging or hating people by their outside appearance.
Kathryn Scarbro (:
4th & 5th period<3
Genocide is the killing of a specific group of people. Some of the horrors that took place were the Holocaust, the attack on Pearl Harbor, 50-70 million people died, and it was the largest land theatre of war in history. Some of the reminders were of the way the Jewish people were tortured and died during that time and the first nuclear weapons were used. The literature that reminds us of that time is The Diaries of Anne Frank. I remember watching a movie about two little kids one was a Jewish and one was a German who became friends. I think it was called The Boy in Stripes. A way to keep this from happening again would be to vote for a President who feels it is important to maintain peace.
Bryce Bittinger
Period 7th & 8th
Genocide means to kill people in groups. Durring World War II many Jews were killed. There were many camps set up called conteration camps. Those were for killing the people and burning then too. Some literature that comes to mine mind is Ann Frank. I have never seen any movies that I recall i realy dont remember any. We have Military and Troops and Army. They will protect us. These situations will propley never happen.
Genocide is the mass killing of a certain group of people on purpose. About 11 million people were killed during the time of world war II. Almost half of them were Jews and the rest were other races. The ruins of the concentration camps are still standing as a reminder of the torture. The Diary of Anne Frank is a great piece of literature that reminds us of the same. A movie I have seen about this is called The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. It was really sad but it was a great movie. I've also seen the movie of The Diary of Anne Frank. Same concept. We can avoid the mistakes of this ever happening again by getting along better and accepting each other for who they are. :)
Jordyn Weaver
7th & 8th period :)
Genocide is when there is a killing of alot of people on purpoose like bombers or something. Almost everyone died especially the jews,because of hitler. When ever we read stories in class an holiddays that celebrate the people that died in war. The story of Anne Frank, because she wrote a diary based upon what had happened during the war an after it. The kid in blue pajamas I think thats what the name of the movie is iI don't recall. To just except everyone no matter what their color, gender, or orrentation is, ansd maybe we can prevent this ever from happening again.
genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people,those of a particular ethnic group or nation. There were mass killing of Jewish people for no good reason. There were people starving And some Jews were sent to concentration camps to work until they were killed. The concentration camps remind people of the holocaust. I only remember the movie The Diary of Anne frank. To avoid this we can accept people for who they are no matter what they look like.
Genocide is the killing of many people. The horrors took place in World War II is they forced Jews to go to concentration camps , and they also made them work! The stories written during that was Anne Frank.i haven't any movies that have to do with this. How to avoid is the soldiers going to war and frighting for our freedom! <3 (:
genocide is killing a group of people for no reason at all. some horrors that took place during world war 2 where that the Jews,homosexuals,and baby's,or crippled people. some of the reminders of that point of history are the death camps you can go to and see where they put all the Jews to death. some books that reminds us of this history is a book called the diary of Anne frank. i have not seen a movie that has filmed some of those times in history. the way we can avoid the mistake of that era is by everybody just getting along.
genocide is a killing of a certain kindduh group and it would have been on purpose . Many jews were killed thats why this was so devestating , and it was during world war ll . concentration camps are still around today , and people can take tours and find out what they really looked like . i dont think i have ever seen ovies that have to do with times like these . we could avoid mistakes like this by not starting stuff and letting everyone do there own religion . merissa ladd 2 &3 period . :)
Genocide was killing people. During world war II , 3 million jews were killed because they " Weren't good enough" to live . They were to different . People still go to museaums to see all the things they have . They have alot of memorials and things set up there. & The only thing iv read was The Diary Of Anne Frank . and iv never watched any movies about it . It was a terrible time in the world .
genocide is when you kill your own peole. the holocast was the biggest thing war war 11 becase 11 millo peole were killed during this event.some of the history from that is the story anna frank she tell a story how when she was lokked up and how she had to hide frome the natzies. the boy in the stried sutie. khadija lam 7/8
Genocide means killing your own people. They were killing Jews. One reminder of history is the diary of Anne Frank. I haven't seen or remember any movies that happened around that time. If something like this happened again the U.S should send troops over to stop the killings.
A genoside is where you kiil people in a certian group on purpose. Hitler killed all the jews during World War II. David's star. I don' think iv'e seen any. We can have the army kill them.
a genocide is where someone thats kills there own kind a auchwitz is a war that happend during war world 2 where the amaricans came from one side and tyhe russions came from the other side to let people out of constraetion camps and to stop the war and take hilter out of power so no more jews would be killed daniel yost
Genocide is the killing of your type of people. During WWII, there was a total of 11 million who died. There were 6 million Jews and 5 million other people. There are still concentration camps around. People can can go on tours to these camps. One peice of literature is the diary of Anne Frank. I can't name any movies. We can send a lot of troops to stop people from killing millions of other people.
A genocide is when people kill a mass amount of other people because they are not part of their group. The Aryans killed many people in WW2. They killed lots of people because they were not Aryans. They put them in ovens, had them work really hard, and even gassed them in "showers". A book that reminds us of this time is The Diary of Anne Frank. A movie is The Boy in The Striped Pajamas. I watched that last year. It was really sad. Something that we can do so this won't happen again is to treat people good for who they are.
A genocide is a mass killing of people. A horror in world war 2 that took place was the Holocaust and it should never happen again. Back then countries didnt really care to help each other out like they should and like they do today. The movie the Holocaust and the book Anne Frank that we read is an example of what happened back then. We can avoid those mistakes by having love for one another first and also to help one another out and to care for other people and we will avoid these things.
Genocide is the mass killing of a generation of people. Nazis took millions of jews and killed almost all of them. Some reminders of the time are the buildings, journals, diaries, and clothing of the jews. There are many history books about the holocaust and novels about specific people. I have seen the movies "Valkire" and "The boy in striped pajamas" and thats all i have seen. We can fight off the people sooner if this happens again and not wait until they are able to rule the world with their army.
Genocide is the killing of a certain group or race of people. 11 million people were killed, six million jewish people, and five million blacks, homosexuals, poles and other groups of people. There are tons of museums, games, and you can even visit concentration camps. One book I read was blood red snow which was story where the writer brought in an actual Wehrmact soldier (german soldier fighting for his country not a nazi) and told about his time in the war. I've seen saving private ryan which took place during D-Day and went through the years of the war. I aslo saw a show called Band of Brothers which where actual war stories, and were actual events. Try not to have WWIII and if we do try to arrive and stop it before it gets out of hand
Genocide is a mass killing of people, usually of the same race. The most horrific event was the Holocaust. This is where the Nazis killed jews and people not of the arien race, which was blonde hair and blue eyes. I've watched the boy in the striped pajamas which was a great movie and showed a perfect description of what life was like in that time. We can avoid mistakes like this by not letting one leader or one country get too much power or control.
-Joseph Leon 4th and 5th period
The word genocide means killing people in an individual group. During World War 2, 11 million jews died from the holocaust. You can still go to the consentration camps and see them. Some Jews sere sent there untill they died. The reminder of this event is the story Anne Frank. It helped me understand more about this event.
A genocide is killing people in a small group. One thing that happened in ww2 about 6 million jews were killed. The anne frank diary is a reminder of the war and what it was like. The patriot remimds me of this time. By living free and working hard.
Genocide is the mass killing of groups of people, especially Jews. Around 11 million people were killed during World War II, most of them children, women with children, the elderly and anyone else who were ill. The people were also used to test experiments on. The Auschwitz museum was built with one orginal gas chamber left for visitors to see. Diary of Anne Frank and The boy in the striped pajamas. I haven't seen any movies about this time period. We can avoid this from happening again by not letting anyone have that kind of power over anyone, it's just like Osama Bin Laden, Gadhafi and other leaders who always killed people in their country because they were allowed too.
Ryan Valentine
7th & 8th period
A genocide is where you kill the people around you. During world war II Nazis began killing millions of people by sending them to a death camp. Some reminders are how many people were killed during the war and the places where they were killed at. Anne's diary reminds me of what happened during the war. I haven't seen any movies that have actual scenes from holocaust. We could avoid this era by find the people before they try to do the crime.
Genocide is a mass homicide of a certain group of people. The biggest horror of World War two was the killing of Jews and some other groups of people. The reminders that are of that time are the remaining gas chambers and concentration camps. It is sad to think of the terrible things that happened in those places. The Diary of Ann Frank is a book that reminds me of this time. A movie that is about this terrible time is The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. In that movie Hilter’s son dies in the concentration camp because he goes into help someone. It was a very sad movie. The mistakes that were made during that time can be avoided by not giving one person too much power.
Meghan 4/5
A genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. There were many horrors in World War II. In World War II, about 11 million people were killed, about half being Jewish. Many people starved to death, and also worked in concentration camps until they died. The Diary of Anne Frank reminds us of this time. I can't remember any movies that I have seen that have to do with this period. We can avoid mistakes by having our soldiers going to war and fighting to save people and also for our freedom.
The holacost was a terrable even that took place in Germany. Hitler just killed mostly all the Jews just because he didn't think they where as good as him . Everyone is created equal and should be treated the same. Hitler was a terrable man.
A genocide is the killing of a pacific group of people. During Worl War1 around six million gews got killed, by a gew. They still have camps, and there is stories written about it. I remember seeing "the boy in the striped pajama pants" i think thats what its called! If it happened to occur again, I think we should all go into hiding!
The word genocide means killing people of a certain group. During World War 2, around 6 million Jewish people were killed along with about 5 million other types of people. So there was a total of nearly 11 million innocent people killed. Some reminders are the Jewish concentration camps that are still around. The Diary of Anne Frank os one piece of literature that reminds us of then. I really can't think of any movies that remind me of this. To avoid this, we all just need to accept that people are different and that is what makes this world great.
mia manzo (:
A genocide is the mass killing of your own race. Some horrors of world war 2 is people ignored the situation for such a period of time,and a total of eleven millon people were killed under Hitlers hands. Some reminders of what happend are Halocaust museum, documentaries. Literature that reminds us of the Halocaust are the Diary of Ann Frank. It is really the only book I know of that is about the Halocaust other than the book The Halocaust. I have not watched any movies on the Halocaust. A few ways we can avoid having something like this happing again is to pay more attention to what peoplke are doing in other parts of the world.We can be more tolerant to different religions and how we view them.
cody satterfield 2nd and 3re
A genocide is the mass killing of your own race. Some horrors of world war 2 is people ignored the situation for such a period of time,and a total of eleven millon people were killed under Hitlers hands. Some reminders of what happend are Halocaust museum, documentaries. Literature that reminds us of the Halocaust are the Diary of Ann Frank. It is really the only book I know of that is about the Halocaust other than the book The Halocaust. I have not watched any movies on the Halocaust. A few ways we can avoid having something like this happing again is to pay more attention to what peoplke are doing in other parts of the world.We can be more tolerant to different religions and how we view them.
cody satterfield 2nd and 3re
Genocide is when people believed that cleansing society was done by ridding out the people that are not of a certain ethnicity. Millions of Jews were brutally murdered during the Holocaust. People were locked up in concentration camps knowing what was to come. There are museums, history books, movies, and tours, which remind us of that era. "The Diary of Anne Frank" has many copies arond the world to let us learn about what happened. "One of the sadest movies I have ever watched about the Holocaust was "The Bot In The Stripped Pajamas." We can avoid this happening by our soldiers being brave enough to go to war and fighting to keeps us free.
Genocide is the mass killing of a group of people based upon their race or religion. During WWII, Hitler and the Nazis took control over most of Europe. While he was in power, he forced the Jews into ghettos. An example of one of these ghettos was Bukenwold. After he had rounded up the Jews in the ghettos, he sent them to concentration and death camps. There the Jews were forced to work =. Many starved to death while the others were either shot when they arrived, killed in the gas chambers, or killed at later times by soldiers. Some reminders are the museum at Auschwits, the Anne Frank museum, and holocaust cemeteries. Books like "The Diary of Anne Frank' and history books on the holocaust remind us of this time. The only movie i have seen on the events that happened during the holocaust was "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas". We can avoid these mistakes by accepting that people are different in many ways and not separating them because of their race or opinion.
A genocide is a mass killing of a certain group of people. There were many horrors during this time period, but the main was known as the Holocaust. This was when the Nazis killed an enourmus amount of Jewish people. Anything to do with Adolf Hitler or Jews is a reminder of this time. The Diary of Anne Frank is an example of literature for this event. There are a couple different films, however I have seen The Boy in The Stripped Pajamas. To avoid this we need to be reminded that God made all humans equal. It doesn't matter what race or religion, we are all truly the same.
-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
Genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. The horrors that took place during the WW2 was that six million Jews were killed, five million other people were killed also. That makes it a total of 11 million people were killed. The some reminders of the history of that time is the concentration camps that are still around today. People go around the concentration camps and tour them. They see were the millions of people were kept, killed, and buried. The "Diary of Anne Frank" is one of the literature that reminds us of this time. I have not seen any movies that record some events of this time period. We can avoid these mistakes of this era is that we can send alot of military people to stop them from killing thousands, even millions of people.
The definition of genocide would be a large killing of a certain group of people on purpose. The horror that took place during World War 2 was the massive killing of Jews and other groups that Hitler thought were “undesirable” to be alive. The death tolls of these groups of people were over ten million which is horrible. Food was a problem for everyone that lived in Germany as food was sent to the Nazi soldiers on the front line. The most horrible thing about this war would have to be the concentration camps that were spread out across Europe under German control. Concentration camps are the places where they would send the groups of people that were not the “master race” to work and die painfully. They would make people of all ages work and performed experiments on them. Then each day they would get rid of people in the worst possible way. The Nazis working in the camp would get masses of people and put them in a small room, tell them to take a shower and then a gas was emitted into the room killing all the people inside. Millions of innocent people were killed by this method. Some reminders of this time are the concentration camps still out in Europe. An example of a piece of literature would be The Diary of Anne Frank. I saw the boy in Striped Pajamas in a class in 6th grade. We can avoid the mistakes of this era by accepting and respecting other people.
A genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. During World War II, Hitler an the Natzi's killed around 6 million Jews. They killed others and the total amount of people killed was around 11 million. Some reminders of the Holocaust are concentration camps. People can still visit then and see the gas chambers, piles of shoes in the barracks, and much more. The diary of Anne Frank is Ike thing that reminds us of this time. I don't think I've seen any movies having to deal with this. If something like this was to happen again, we would get troops and soldiers over there sooner to stop them from killing so many people.
Ciara Hornberger
4+5th period(:
a genocide is a willful killimg of a whole race or nation. some horrors that took place during the world war 2 is that hitler took six million jews and killed them a total of eleven million were killed.Anne Frank is one ppiece of liteture thats reminds of that more killing.
WWII was when the germens lead by Adolf Hitler tried taking total control of the world. Throughout the many crimes and evil acts Hitler and his notzies comitted the attempted genocide on the Jewish faith is definitly the worst. Genocide is the mass murder of an entire race or religion. There are many peices of literature that remind os of this horrable repressing time including the real event made into stories such as The Brige Over River Que and the Diaries of Anne Frank. Hitler and his followers comitted unexcusable acts of hate and evil leaving nothing but destruction in there wake. If only the US and USSR would have joined from the beguinning things would have been different. If eople had followed thier morals and do what is right no matter what the world would not have suffured that evil.
Genocide is killing groups of people on purpose. In World War 2 about 6 million jews were killed. Some reminders could be their shoes, hats, and clothes. I think that the diary of Anne Frank and the consentration camps. I havent or dont remember what movies. Don't listen to people like hitler
Jocelynn Kilgore
2nd/3rd period
Genocide is killing of a certain group of people. During world war 2, around six million jews were killed, and another five million people of differant races were killed. The concentration camps are still around for tourist to go look at. I have not seen any movies that relate to that era, but There is the Diary of Anne Frank. If this happens again we can just send troops to stop it.
Genocide was the killing of a certin group of people on purpose. There were 6 million jews killed during the World War ||. The constraston camps are still were there were during the war. and people can go and see the inside of the camps. Thre dairy of anne frank is a peice of literature that reminds us that time. I never saw a movie about this war but i did see one of the 9-11, it was really harsh. Some of things we mstakes we con avoid are don't be a hitler.
Genocide means killing a large group of people. A horror that took place was that 11 million people were killed, 6 million jews and another 5 million people. Some of the reminders were the Berlin wall, auchwitz, and the graves of the people that were killed. the boy in the stripped pajamas. we can avoid it by having more security, being more cautious, and aware.
Genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. During WW II, Adolf Hitler was doing away with all Jews. He killed about six million Jews and about 5 million other people. The only people he didn't kill were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. These people were known as Aryans. All of the camps are still around. Now, people can tour the death camps and the concentration camps. The Diary of Anne Frank reminds us of this period of time. I've never watched any movies that date back to this time period. We could send our troops to stop it if something like that ever happened again.
Michael Nuzum
Genocide is the ultimate killing of a group of people. There were many horrors that took place during World War II. There was a mass killing of Jewish peole for no good reason. There were people starving because all of the food went to the Nazi soldiers. Most Jews were sent to concentration camps or death camps to work until they were killed. Some reminders are the remnants of the Berlin Wall, the remnants of Auchwitz, the graves of the diseased from the war, and the Diary of Anne Frank. Literature that reminds us of that time is The Diary of Anne Frank. The movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" reminds me of that time. To avoid this again we can all accept that we have to share the earth and that all people are equal. There is no one race that is superior to all the others.
What the word Genocide means is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. Around six million Jews were killed, and around five million other people were killed. Some of the concentration camps still are up for people to tour. Oh wow, I’ve seen quite a few like the boy in the stripped pajamas, valkyarie, and Shinlers’s list only because I’ve always been interested in this subject so my mother rented them for me to watch. We can keep peace with other countries.
-sarah esposito 7-8 <3<3:)
What the word Genocide means is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. Around six million Jews were killed, and around five million other people were killed. Some of the concentration camps still are up for people to tour. Oh wow, I’ve seen quite a few like the boy in the stripped pajamas, valkyarie, and Shinlers’s list only because I’ve always been interested in this subject so my mother rented them for me to watch. We can keep peace with other countries.
-sarah esposito 7-8 <3<3:)
Genocide is killing a certian group of people on purpose. A grand total of 11 million people were killed, because of Hitlers vicious rein. Something that reminds me of this horrid time, are the concentration camps that still exist, and are unbelievably capble to run again. A great piece of liturature that brings this time almost back to life, is Anne Franks Diary. I saw the movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" this movie was so sad I nearly cried the whole time. The end was absolutly terrible! We can prevent murdering like this, by trying harder to keep the peace between countries, and by realizing that we are all equals!
-Madison Urse 4th & 5th period :)
A genocide is when people kill a mass amount of other people because they are not part of their group. The Aryans killed many people in WW2. They killed lots of people because they were not Aryans. They burnt them in ovens, worked them to the max, or even gassed them in "shower rooms". A book that reminds me of this time is The Diary of Anne Frank. A movie is The Boy in The Striped Pajamas. I watched the movie in the 6th grade when our social studies group's main theme was the Holocaust. It was a great movie, but tragic. Something that we can do so this won't happen again is to treat people right for who they are. We need to except people and not exclude them from the "crowd".
Justin Okel 4/5
Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, esp. those of a particular ethnic group or nation. The “undesirable” people by Hitler’s definition were killed in massive groups. Millions of people lost their lives during Hitler’s. He was a very sick man that held a lot of power!
I think that the concentration camps would have been the most horrific part during Hitler’s rule. He would torture innocent people and then most of them would die.
Some of the reminders are the buildings and concentration camps that are still in Germany. There are buildings and places that still are there. Some of the literature that reminds us of World War II is, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas- which I have seen, Saving Private Ryan, and Patton.
One thing we can do to avoid the mistakes made in World War II is to not close our eyes to tragic events. Other people around the world should have acted sooner.
Brooke Ashcraft 4/5
Genocide is the mass killing of a race of people. The holocaust took place during WWII. Some of the reminders of that time were tours. you could take tours in the camps. I have seen The boy in striped pajamas, and saving private ryan. well saving private ryan shows the invasion of normandy. By not letting that happen again.
Genocide is the mass murder of a group of people. The Holocaust was probabyly the worst thing happening during WWII.
Genocide is the killing of a certain race for no apparent reson. In WWII there were millions of jews killed for being jewish and others were killed fighting for their freedom. Some reminders are the concentration camps and the millions of belongings to people as well as their bodies. A piece of literature that reminds us is the DIARY OF ANNE FRANK. A movie that I have seen about the hollocast is THE BOY IN STRIPED PAJAMAS. We see that others we all get along without discration.
A genocyde is a mass murder of people. The horrors that took place in WW2 was the mass murder of millions of Jews and undisierables. Some of the reminders are the hundreds of cocentration camps and labor camps.
The diary of anne frank is one of the booksfrom that time.
Alot of movies have been taken like the movies that were seen for this blog. We all need to be nice to each other.
Hunter Hill
Genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose. During WWII about 10 million people were killed. Things were different back in the 1930's and 40's. If someone were to try that today, one of the elite country's would just easily kill them. Sadly, I have not seen any movies about the Holocaust, but i plan on seeing some. To avoid the mistakes of this era i just need to stay focused at the task on hand.
Trea Hall- 7&8 pd.
Genocide is bacially killing people for their color of their skin, to even killing them for their reliogus belives.
11 million Jews were killed during World War II. Anne Frank, is the literature book that reminds me of all of this. I actually haven't seen any movies about any of this,yet. We can just not judge people for what they belive in, skin color, eyes, hair ect..
Makayla Perrine
Genocide is when a whole generation of people are killed. In WW2 a massive amountof jews was killed after Adolph Hitler became head of the military. People were shot, starved, and gassed to death.Some of the reminders of the holocoast are the Diary of Anne Frank, and the consontration camps that are still standing. I don't think I have saw any movies accept the Diary of Anne Frank.We can avoid ging back to those days by loving all races of people.
genocide is killing a large amount of people at ounce 11,000,000 jewish deaths
Genocide means, the killing of a large group. During the World War 11, The Nazi's would take all the Jews and put them in concentration camps and separate them from there family's. More than six million Jews were killed. The concentration camps are still here. Just not used. They use them to show people what had happened and tell them about that horrible time. Anne Frank is one piece of literature that reminds us of this time. I don't know any movies that have to do with this. If anything like this ever happened again. We would have to send our troops out and stop the killing so no more people have to live like that ever again.
Genocide is a killing of a certain group of people on purpose.During World War II millions of Jews were killed in the holocaust.Many things that remind us of the holocaust for example the concentration camps, The dairy of Anne Frank, history books, and even movies have been made about this horrible event. I have seen the movie "Boy in The Striped Pagamas". If this would happen again we could send our soldiers to help stop it and not stand aside waiting.
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