Sydnee Shaffer<3:D 4th and 5th period<3 the quote I would choose is, "Never point a finger if you never have lended a hand." What does this quote mean? Well first you should never point a finger to someone that has never done anything to you. This really means that if you have not helped them in any kind of way then you should not point your finger to them and say they did something to you or they have never helped you. My coaches always say practice makes perfect. They are right as well. Practice does make perfect. And everyone should try their hardest either if their on a team or at school even. I really don't know any song that would have a great quote in them. Muhammad Ali has a famous quote that has inspired me. THis quote is, " Fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee." This quotes meaning is to BE as nice or try to fit in and then we you need to step up for something or someone you need to sting it like a bee.
The quote I have choose was ''A man my die and citys rise and fall but an idea lives on''. The most commonly used quote in the video is do onto others as you want them do to you. I don't have any grandparents that say a partucular quote. I know a few phrases that could easly become famous quotes like never eat before going on a roller coaster. I don't really find any thing that athletes say inspiring because I never listen to what they say when they are not playing.
The quote I chose in this video is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. This quote means to treat others as you want to be treated. What it is saying is that if you treat someone mean, would you want them to treat you the same? It originates from the bible, other religious books, and cultures. The most common quotes are the ones about breaking the silence to see what is best. My lacrosse coach often says, “You have to practice to get better”. I am not really familiar with any quotes within songs. I like the quote, “Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly” - Shaquille O’ Neal. I like this quote because it means someone isn’t excellent because they do something right once, but because they do it again.
The quote that i picked was "If you accept who you are then you can start working to become better than you are." I t means that you have to accept who you are an try to make yourself an even better person.Well im not sure what the mist common quote was that was used but all i got was that you need to better yourself as a person an workhard at something to get there. My mother always said "A hard head makes a soft butt." I'm sure I know some but I just can't remember any right now. I don't remember any quotes from athletes and I am not really into sports.
The quote that I would have to pick would probably be Never Point a Finger if you never lended a hand. Well this quote really means that it's wrong to point your finger at someone because it is just rude. The reason doing this is rude is because if you are pointing at someone they probably think that you are talking about about them and you don't want them thinking that. It's even worse if you point a finger at your best friend because that could make them stop liking you because they think you are a bad person and you talk behind their back alot that is very wrong you should never do that behind a friends back. My favorite quote that inspired me was Vince Lombardi "Winning isn't everything but having the mindset to win is everything" he was a former coach of the Green Bay Packers that is now in the Hall of Fame he pased away on the year of 1970 but he was one of the best coaches to ever step foot on a football field.This is my reasoning on selecting this quote and why the Vince Lombardi quote was the best one I have ever read in my life. 7th-8th Period.
my favorite quotes from this video was "dont judege a book by its cover" the reason I like this quotes is because its say you don't have to judge a person just by their looks your their way! Yes , my coaches always using a qoutes everyday at pratice it is "When you pratice , pratice how you would play in a game!" There is a quote that I love that I heard in a song and its "Im not lucky im blessed!" Yes there are many quotes from my favorite basketball player lebron james.
The quote i choose to use was, "Do unto others as you would want unto you.. this means treat others how you would like to be treated. Always being kind to someone because you no their ame nt their story. Some people might come from poor familes , abuses familys and so much more. A common quote in the video would most likeley be, don't point a finger if your not willing to lend a helping hand. This means, dont point fingers , its very rude and can hurt some pople's feelings. my granparents always tell me this qoute, 'if the idea is worth having once, its worth having twice". I have manyfavorite qoutes, the one that is most inspiring would be "Never Say Never" by Justin Bieber, I dont like the qoute just because its from him, but it has alot of meaning, it means dont give up on something you cant go a day without.. <3 i choose a qoute from David Beckham, “It’s my responsibility to walk around the hotel with a big smile on my face and not worry about what’s happened in the last game,” Hes very inspiring , even after a loss , he keeps his head up and trys even harder the next time. 4th and 5th ,(: Megan Wilt<33
The quote I chose in this video is "Those on top of the mountain didn't just fall there. The meaning of this quote is that things don't come easy in life, you have to work hard to accomplish your goals. Most of the time my parents use the phrase "Do unto others as you want others to do unto you." One quote I have heard in a song is "Why am I dying to live, if I'm just living to die?" An athletes quote I find inspiring is ""The only one who can tell you 'you can't' is you. And you don't have to listen."Justin Okel 4/5th
One of my favorite quotes in this video would probably be "If you accept who you are, then you can start working to become better than you are." This quote simply means that you just have to accept who you are and deal with it. One youve done that, you can work on making yourself a better person in everything you do. A quote that my mom always uses is "never give up." In cheering, a great quote that we always used was "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore is not an act, but a habbit." That is definitely the best quote that I've heard. I can't really think of any song quotes or athlete quotes right now. -mia manzo 4thh & 5thh periodd (:
I picked the quote " Our success is only as big as our dreams." This means that you have to dream big to succeed big. If you dream it and believe it you WILL achieve it. I believe that " Do unto others as theu do unto you." Yes in cheerleading our coach would always say " Excellent is not an act but a habit." I think that the phase " Love's too tough, it won't give up no not on us, baby love don't run." I think that the saying quoted " there is no challenge too big if you believe" is an inspirational quote. Madison Morrone 4/5th <3
The quote I chose was, "if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours." This basically means that if you see someone down or upset, give them a smile or say hello and it can change everything. The most common quote in the video was, "Do unto others as they do unto you." My past cheerleading coaches have quoted, "practice makes perfect." A phrase from a song that could be a quote could be," nobody's perfect," by Hannah Montana. An inspiring quote by Muhammed Ali is, "It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself." This quote greatly inspires me.
I chose "If you know who you are then you can start working to be better than you are"I chose this because it is very true. I have acctulyy never heard this quote vbefore but, I'm going to start using it.I Think the song "Never Say Never" is a perfect insperational song. No, not really i dont know any athlete's quotes.
My favorite quote on there was " Its not just that you rise, but that u rise everytime you fall. This quote is saying that you shouldnt stay down but get up in life once you have been knocked down because it is destined to happen to everyone. So thats why I like this quote so much because it is very motivational to all people and it sounds very cool. I have heard this quote on tv before and thats why I liked it because I had already heard it before.
Never point a finger if you never lend a hand, it means that you should not point at anyone if you don't lend a hand. What does this mean? If you can't say nothing nicce if you can't say nothing nice at all. I'M not lucky i'm blessed. yesssss!!!!!!!!!!!
the quote that i chose was do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It means treat people the way you would want to be treated. The most common quote is do unto to others as you would have them do unto you. My coaches have always told me practice makes perfect. A phrase from a song that i know is in one of drakes songs and he says everybody dies but not everybody lives. I find a quote from Michael jordan inspiring, he said obstacles dont have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.
The quote I choose is "The trouble with most of us is, that we would rather be ruined by praise then saved by criticism. It means most of us want praise for things we need to practice for, or things that aren't quite perfect yet. When we need criticism to help us achieve perfection. My parents or grandparents do really have said any inspirational quotes. There was one quote from a song, "Maybe you're the runner-up but the first one to lose the race". It means don't brag about being second, you were the first one to come last. There are no real quotes I found inspiring from athletes.
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on forever. This quote means that an idea can be passed on from generations to generation and can go on forever. I think the most common quote is the one referring to a man should not fear death he should fear not living. My dad says ALL THE TIME! “There is no sense in being stupid unless you can show it”. I can’t really recall any phrase from songs but I am sure there are a lot. “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail” Wayne Gretzky, a famous hockey player said. I find this inspiring because it is true. Bryce Bittinger7th & 8th period
The quote I chose was "Those who reach the top didn't fall there." I liked this because it means that you have to work instead of it being handed to you. My family and coaches have worked to their fullest to make me work harder and be the best of my potential. A quote I chose is from Snoop Dogg's song "Its D Only Thang" and it is " Winning isn't everything it's the only thing." I chose this because no one plays to lose but to win, and to win you must work hard. An inspiring quote from an athlete is what the great Muhammad Ali once used as his main saying "Float like a butterfly,sting like a bee." this means be calm and nonchalant then deliver the knockout blow to finish them off. Ryan Ricer 4/5
The quote I chose,was "Get a good idea and stay with it, dog it till its done and done right."-Walt Disney. This quote means, if you're passionate about something then don't give up, no matter what. The most common quote is, "Do unto others, as you would have them do to you." My family has a few signs hanging around the house with inspiring quotes. The lyrics "Don't worry your pretty little mind people throw rocks at things that shine" from the song "Ours" by Taylor Swift is a great quote that can be used.
The quote I picked is "Never pont a finger if you have never lended a hand" It mean that you should never point at nobody its not polite and if they didnt do anything wwrong. My family says "There are more fish in the sea". "If you dont get kill it will make you strnger" I dont have a athlete that inspires me.
My quote is, "No day is over if it makes a memory". This means that memory's never fade. There always with you So if you have a memory you can never forget it, it sticks with you forever. I don't really remember any quotes that my grandma use to say to me. I don't know any quotes from a song but I have a favorite quote that I hear all the time it is, "A friend sticks by you no matter what the cause" Meaning no matter what happens, your true friend will always be there by your side.
The quote i choose to use was, "Do unto others as you would want unto you" It means you would want to treat others the way you would want to be treated.yes they do all the time. "never give up". Yes there are alot of quotes that athletes you to inspire me. -Ashley Bright 7/8th (:
The quote I like is "Sunflowers follow the sun,even on rainy days." It means that you should always do the right thing that is best for you, even when it's hard to. The most common quote in this video is "Do unto other as you want done unto you." Yes, my coach has a quote that he uses a lot. It is "Practice makes perfect." A quote from a song is "You're amazing just the way you are." A quote from an athlete is "Desire is the most important factor in the success of any athlete."
The quote that I chose was, "It takes courage to stand up and speak. It also takes time to sit down and listen. This means that even though it is hard to talk in front of people, sometimes it is even hard to sit down and let them talk. It is like when somebody takes their time to teach somebody and all they want to do is talk to their friends. The most common quotes in the video are ones about being silent. My grandparents always tell me that I can do what ever I want. I do not know any quotes from famous people that inspire me.
The quote I picked is "A flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudly days." To me this quote means even when life goes wrong always look to the bright side. The glass can only be half empty if it is half full too. You should always look for the good in life no matter how bad your day is, how terrible the person your dealing with is, always. There will always be light in the darkness you just have to find it, it's always there.-madison urse 4th & 5th period
The quote I picked is "A flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." To me this quote means even when life goes wrong always look to the bright side. The glass can only be half empty if it is half full too. You should always look for the good in life no matter how bad your day is, how terrible the person you’re dealing with is, always. There will always be light in the darkness you just have to find it, it's always there.-madison urse 4th & 5th period
My favorite quote in the video is "To lead a symphony, you must occasionally turn your back on the crowd." To me this quote means a lot. It means, that to be great or do things the way you want to, somtimes you have to do it on your own. People won't always be there for you so sometimes you just have to do it on your own. The most common quote in the video is probably "Do on to others, that you want done on to you." They don't really have a quote they say a lot. Yes, I like to listen to a lot of Alternative and some rock music, and all the songs i have a lot of meaning to them that I use as great advice. Not really.Ciara Hornbegrer<34th and 5th period (:
stay gold ponyboy stay gold meaning to never give up on life. its like when someone hurt or my parents dont use any qoutes on me. a song that i think would have a great qoute in it is breath because in that song you can use it as taking a breath an think about whats wrong. yes all you do is have to look them up on google.
Those who are on top of the mountain did not fall there its saying you have to work for what you want. Idk I was in a rush and could not finish the video. Yes my father does that's why I picked it.
i chose the quote "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This basically means the golden rule: treat others how you would like to be treated. My parents say this a lot. Why be mean to somebody if they are nice to you? My favorite quote from an athlete is "It is not true that nice guys finish last. Nice guys are winners before the game even starts."- Addison Walker. Also, a song phrase that could be used as a quote could be "No I'm not lucky I'm blessed, yes."
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This quote means that if you want someone to be nice to you, you will have to be nice to get it in return. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Yes one that I hear repettively is "Get you head out of your butt." "We are going to win, win, win no matter what." "Go hard or go home."
my favorite quotes from this video was "dont judege a book by its cover" dont judge people by the way they look or smell. just because they look different doesnt mean they are bad people. you should talk to them and get to know them. you never know you just might like them. dont judge people at all.
The quote I chose in this video is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. This quote means to treat others as you want to be treated. What it is saying is that if you treat someone mean, would you want them to treat you the same? It originates from the bible, other religious books, and cultures. The most common quotes are the ones about breaking the silence to see what is best. My lacrosse coach often says, “You have to practice to get better”.
The quote I chose is from Walt Disney. Walt Disney once said "Get a good idea and stay with it. Dog it, and work it until it's done, and done right." This means that you should set a goal and work you're hardest to achieve it. Don't ever give up on a dream. Don't ever quit until you've achieved that goal. The most common quote is probably "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This pretty much states the golden rule "Treat others as you wish to be treated." My coaches would always tell me "Practice makes perfect." A quote from a singer would be "No I'm not lucky, I'm Blessed. Yes." My most favorite quote is the one by Michael Jordan that states this "I realize that I'm black, but I like to be viewed as a person, and this is everybody's wish." This shows that he cares about all kinds of races out there in the world and it doesn't matter who you are just be yourself.Michael Nuzum
I chose the quote that states "It takes courage to stand up and speak. But it also takes courage to sit down and listen." I know this because I ran for Vice President last year. It took a lot of courage and strength to convince myself to go up there and speak. But it also took courage to listen to all of the other candidates wonderful speeches. My coaches always so "Practice makes Perfect." A quote from a song could be "Winning isn't anything, it's everything." A quote from Michael Jordan inspires me so much. The quote is this "I've never been afraid to fail." I have never been afraid to fail because when I was running for VP, I knew I had a chance to lose. In matter of fact, I did lose but I kept my head up.Benny T 4th/5th
The quote I chose is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". This quote means that you need to treat others like you want to be treated. You can't expect someone to treat you good if you are mean to them. I think the most common quote is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". My grandparents and parents always told me to treat others like I wanted to be treated and God's got your back when you give him your heart. "The future is no place to place your better days" Dave Matthews - Cry Freedom. "If you build it, he will come" Kevin Costner - Field of Dreams.Ryan Valentine7th & 8th period
The quote I would choose is, "Never point a finger if you have never lent a hand." What does this quote mean? Well first you should never point a finger to someone that hasn't done anything to you. No, none of my relatives have any quotes that they repeatedly say. No, I don't know any phrases from songs that can be used as great quotes. I really don't pay attention to any of them.
In this video I love the quote "If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours." I think that means if you see someone that might be having a bad day or isn't very happy that day make an effort to make them smile, or laugh.The most common quote in this video is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This is saying, treat people the way you would want to be treated. The quote that my family uses ALL THE TIME IS… “IF YOU’RE GONNA BE DUMB…YOU GOTTA BE TOUGH.” This means that when you do a dumb thing, just be ready for the consequences. A quote that I really admire is "There's always going to be another mountain.I'm always going to want to make it move.Always going to be an uphill battle,Sometimes I'm going to have to lose,Ain't about how fast I get there, Ain't about what's waiting on the other side.It's the climb."-Miley CyrusThis quote is demonstrating that even though we have struggles in our daily lives whatever your mountain is you can get to the top, it may not be simple, but it's not impossible.I quote from Michael Jordan is “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying. I really like this quote because I don’t like to fail, but no one if perfect. I think people should always TRY to do their best.
The quote that I like is that it is better to be alone than to be in bad company. What this quote is saying is that you are better off to hang out by yourself than with someone who may negatively influence you. You should always stick to your own morals and values regardless of the company you are in. The most common quote in the video is about working hard to get what you want or to where you want to be. My mom always says that “life isn’t fair” and that “if your crying you’re not trying”. There is a song by Taylor Swift called “Ours”. In that song there is a line that says “ don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people thought rocks at things that shine.” I really like that line. I don’t follow any professional athletes so I don’t know any quotes from any of them. Meghan 4/5
The quote I chose was "Those who reach the top of the mountain did not fall there". This quote means that peopl ewho are at the top of what they do didnt just start there. They had to work hard to get there. The most commonly used quote is probably "do unto as as you would have them do unto you". THis means, dont treat people badly if you do not want them to treat you badly. My coaches and family alwasy tell me that nothing in life will be handed to me so I will always have to work hard to get to where I want to be in life. One quote from a song is "Go hard or go home" from the song Go hard by Lecrae.
My favorite quote and the one i picked was "Never point a finger if you never have lended a had." I tihkn this means, dont judge someone if you have never been in there place nor have helped them. Everyone should try there best at everything they do and nothing less. I cant think of any songs that have good quotes in them, but im sure Rascal Flats have great songs that are inspirational. A quote that inspires me is "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if youll die tomorrow." This mean dream big, and live your life like your last. -Emily Gettings 7&8
There is one specific quote that stuck when I was watching the video. It includes the inspiring words like, "Those on top of the mountain didn't fall there." In my opinion it means, to be able to reach your goal you must first work hard and with effort. If you don't try you shall not succeed. a qoute my mom always uses is, "Without goals and plans to reach them, you are like a ship thats has set sail but with no destination" -Fitzhugh Dodson. It is very motivational in which I think that its saying you must set goals at least, and it makes a more clear path. I love the song "Never Say Never" by Justin Bieber and the title just shows the content of the song. Simply stating that if you set your mind to something you shall not give up because anything is possible.“People react to criticism in different ways, and my way is definitely to come out fighting.” is a qoute in which David Beckham said. He is telling us that even if at times people doubt him he willjust try harder to show them that they were wrong.
My favorite quote from this video is "Those on the top of the mountain didn't just fall there". This means that acheiving your goals doesn't justb happen, you have to work hard for it. This quote can really relate to a lot of people, but I believe mainly athletes. Every athlete's dream is to be a professional in their sport. But this takes hard work and practice. My dad always says "Practice makes perfect", which is very true. One of my favorite songs is called Chase That by Lecrae. The whole song talks about how he figured out his goals and he is going to chase them, until he is successful.-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
The quote I chose from this video is, "To lead a symphony, you must occasionally turn your back on the crowd." This quote means that to be a leader, you can't be a follower. Following what everybody else is doing is following the crowd. To turn your back on the crowd is to ignore that. To lead a symphony is to be an excellent leader. Therefore, the quote I chose means that you can't follow if you are going to lead.The most common quote in this video is, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."My parents and grandparents often tell me, "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."A phrase from a song that I really like is from the song "All Will Be Well" by The Gabe Dixon Band. My favorite quote from that song is, "All will be well, even after all the promises you've broken to yourself. All will be well, you can ask me how but only time will tell." I love that line because it states that things may go wrong, but they will be okay in the end, and also you have to live your own life to learn why things will be okay.
My favorite quote is defiantly this one “If you accept who you are, then you can start working to become better than you are." And the meaning of this quote is that find who you really are and stick to it and try harder and harder every day to express it. don't point a finger if your not willing to lend a helping hand. This means, don’t judge people, its very rude and can hurt some people’s feelings. My parents or grandparents don’t really say quotes? If they did I never understood that it was a quote. The quote from a song? “Never say never” by Justin Bieber mostly means that don’t ever give up on your self. No I don’t have any quotes from a famous athlete. –Sarah Esposito <3:D 7-8 :)
The quote that I have selected is "The person who is pulling the oars doesnt have time to rock the boat". I believe that the quote means that their choosing hard work to get done, or past the river, rather than playing around. I think the most commonly used quote in this would be "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. My reason being that You should treat people how you want to be treated. My grandparents have always used that quote, but in different wording. My parents just have used simple quote. Such as, "Don't give up". I don't remember any songs that feature lots of quotes, but I believe nickleback haves some songs like that.-Megan Hermance, 7&8th period
The quote I would choose is "If you accept who you are, then you can start working to become better than you are." meaning be happy with who you are, and if you dont like somthing about yourself to change it. " dont judge a book by its cover" My mom always tells me that because you never know what others are going through. I cant think of any quotes from the top of my head. " Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation" by Micheal jordan.
The quote I chose was A man may die and cities rise and fall but an idea is forever. It means That no matter what happens if you get a thought or an ideal of there it can never be destroyed. Take america for example. It has always standed for freedom equality and the right to be involved in your government. When we first formed people thought we wouldnt last the year, and now look at us the world super power. The most common quote in here is the golden rule do unto others as you would have them do to you. You hear it a lot. My grandparents never seem to use quotes but the like to hear them. I know a perfect quote out of a song " you cant always get what you want , but if you try somtimes you get what you need. I dont even know the names of athlets let alon what they say.
I choose the quote "a flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." because it means that you should be happy about what is going on at that moment, even if it's not what you want. The most common quotes used are those showing that you should treat others the way they should be treated. My mother usually quotes "Do unto others as they would do unto you" and " Use what talents you posses, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except the best". I do know a few quotes from songs but they are very long. I don't like athletes so I don't know any quotes from them.
My favorite quote is do into other as what others unto you. This means treat others as you want to be treated. I don't know the most common quate in this Visio. My coaches always tell me that practice makes perfect. Yes you will miss 100% of the shots you never take.
my favortie quote is " Do unto other how you would have others do unto you " . My mother and father tell me this all time , because they also belive if you treat others with respect most of them will trat you with respect . most athletes say you will never when if you do not try your best , which i also belive is true . i dont really know any great quotes from a song . but i know that theyre is many great quotes in the world that is used on a daily bases . merissa laddd 2&3 period . !
The quote I choosed was "No day is over if it makes a memory." This quote means that special day you had never ends because you make a memory of that day because that memory stays with you forever. The quote that is used the most is ones that wants to break the silence to see what particular thing is the best. My parents have a quote that they use and it is "Be the best that you can be." I don't know any songs that could be used as great quotes. No, I don't find any quotes from athletes that I find inspiring.-Sabrina Coe 2nd & 3rd Period
My mom uses the quote if you nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. Its a great quote to use because it will stop name calling and people being mean to each other. Practice makes perfect is what me dad uses because i have to work he works me and i think this quote is stupid because there should always be room for imprufment.
"If you accept who you are, then you can start working to become better than you are," this means that you got to appected who you are and belive in yourself To make yourself better. What is the most common quote used in the video My Mother said that You got to love yourself before you can love any one else. "There's nothing wrong with loving who you are"She said, "'Cause he made you perfect, babe""So hold your head up girl and you'll go far." From lady gaga Born this way. Are there any quotes from athletes that you find inspiring?
The quote I would pick would probably be "Never judge a book by its cover". It means don't just look on the outside but also look on the inside. My dad always says practice makes perfect. And it does because when he says that is when I play my guitar and when I first started playing I sucked but now I am pretty good at it. No I really don't know any of these quotes from any songs or anything.No.
The quote is chose was, "There must be millions of girls dreaming the same dream I am, but im not worried about them, because im dreaming the hardest."- marland MInroe. It means to never give up on your dream. THe most common quote was treaat others the way you want to be treated one. No, not that im aware of. Yes most song do have insperat5ional quotes. I've never really looked for a quote by an athleyte but im sure there are some out there.Kathryn Scarbro (:4th & 5th<3
the quote i choose is we all rather be destroyed by praise rather than saved by criticism. this means that people rather be praised for the big the things they do and not be criticis to help them get better at the things thy did wrong. the most commen quote is do not speak about others. the way you want others to treat you. my mom always says treat others the way you want to be treated. i cant think of the top of my head i quote from a song that could be used in this video. one quote that i know from a athlete is by tom brady never give up on your dreams.
The quote I chose is "Those who wish to sing always find a song." That is my favorite quote from this video. It means that if you were really meant to sing the you should know what to sing. The most common quote is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." My parents and coaches always say the sky is the limit which means you can achieve anything. There is this song called Heaven by 3 Doors Down which is one of my favorite songs. In it they use the lyrics,"I didn't have to die to go to heaven, I just had to go home." I believe that's really sweet and inspiring. Its pretty much like saying there's no place like home. :)Jordyn Weaver7th and 8th period <3 :)
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Sydnee Shaffer<3:D
4th and 5th period<3
the quote I would choose is, "Never point a finger if you never have lended a hand." What does this quote mean? Well first you should never point a finger to someone that has never done anything to you. This really means that if you have not helped them in any kind of way then you should not point your finger to them and say they did something to you or they have never helped you. My coaches always say practice makes perfect. They are right as well. Practice does make perfect. And everyone should try their hardest either if their on a team or at school even. I really don't know any song that would have a great quote in them. Muhammad Ali has a famous quote that has inspired me. THis quote is, " Fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee." This quotes meaning is to BE as nice or try to fit in and then we you need to step up for something or someone you need to sting it like a bee.
The quote I have choose was ''A man my die and citys rise and fall but an idea lives on''. The most commonly used quote in the video is do onto others as you want them do to you. I don't have any grandparents that say a partucular quote. I know a few phrases that could easly become famous quotes like never eat before going on a roller coaster. I don't really find any thing that athletes say inspiring because I never listen to what they say when they are not playing.
The quote I chose in this video is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. This quote means to treat others as you want to be treated. What it is saying is that if you treat someone mean, would you want them to treat you the same? It originates from the bible, other religious books, and cultures. The most common quotes are the ones about breaking the silence to see what is best. My lacrosse coach often says, “You have to practice to get better”. I am not really familiar with any quotes within songs. I like the quote, “Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly” - Shaquille O’ Neal. I like this quote because it means someone isn’t excellent because they do something right once, but because they do it again.
The quote that i picked was "If you accept who you are then you can start working to become better than you are." I t means that you have to accept who you are an try to make yourself an even better person.Well im not sure what the mist common quote was that was used but all i got was that you need to better yourself as a person an workhard at something to get there. My mother always said "A hard head makes a soft butt." I'm sure I know some but I just can't remember any right now. I don't remember any quotes from athletes and I am not really into sports.
The quote that I would have to pick would probably be Never Point a Finger if you never lended a hand. Well this quote really means that it's wrong to point your finger at someone because it is just rude. The reason doing this is rude is because if you are pointing at someone they probably think that you are talking about about them and you don't want them thinking that. It's even worse if you point a finger at your best friend because that could make them stop liking you because they think you are a bad person and you talk behind their back alot that is very wrong you should never do that behind a friends back. My favorite quote that inspired me was Vince Lombardi "Winning isn't everything but having the mindset to win is everything" he was a former coach of the Green Bay Packers that is now in the Hall of Fame he pased away on the year of 1970 but he was one of the best coaches to ever step foot on a football field.This is my reasoning on selecting this quote and why the Vince Lombardi quote was the best one I have ever read in my life. 7th-8th Period.
my favorite quotes from this video was "dont judege a book by its cover" the reason I like this quotes is because its say you don't have to judge a person just by their looks your their way! Yes , my coaches always using a qoutes everyday at pratice it is "When you pratice , pratice how you would play in a game!" There is a quote that I love that I heard in a song and its "Im not lucky im blessed!" Yes there are many quotes from my favorite basketball player lebron james.
The quote i choose to use was, "Do unto others as you would want unto you.. this means treat others how you would like to be treated. Always being kind to someone because you no their ame nt their story. Some people might come from poor familes , abuses familys and so much more. A common quote in the video would most likeley be, don't point a finger if your not willing to lend a helping hand. This means, dont point fingers , its very rude and can hurt some pople's feelings. my granparents always tell me this qoute, 'if the idea is worth having once, its worth having twice". I have manyfavorite qoutes, the one that is most inspiring would be "Never Say Never" by Justin Bieber, I dont like the qoute just because its from him, but it has alot of meaning, it means dont give up on something you cant go a day without.. <3 i choose a qoute from David Beckham, “It’s my responsibility to walk around the hotel with a big smile on my face and not worry about what’s happened in the last game,” Hes very inspiring , even after a loss , he keeps his head up and trys even harder the next time.
4th and 5th ,(:
Megan Wilt<33
The quote I chose in this video is "Those on top of the mountain didn't just fall there. The meaning of this quote is that things don't come easy in life, you have to work hard to accomplish your goals. Most of the time my parents use the phrase "Do unto others as you want others to do unto you." One quote I have heard in a song is "Why am I dying to live, if I'm just living to die?" An athletes quote I find inspiring is ""The only one who can tell you 'you can't' is you. And you don't have to listen."
Justin Okel 4/5th
One of my favorite quotes in this video would probably be "If you accept who you are, then you can start working to become better than you are." This quote simply means that you just have to accept who you are and deal with it. One youve done that, you can work on making yourself a better person in everything you do. A quote that my mom always uses is "never give up." In cheering, a great quote that we always used was "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore is not an act, but a habbit." That is definitely the best quote that I've heard. I can't really think of any song quotes or athlete quotes right now.
-mia manzo 4thh & 5thh periodd (:
I picked the quote " Our success is only as big as our dreams." This means that you have to dream big to succeed big. If you dream it and believe it you WILL achieve it. I believe that " Do unto others as theu do unto you." Yes in cheerleading our coach would always say " Excellent is not an act but a habit." I think that the phase " Love's too tough, it won't give up no not on us, baby love don't run." I think that the saying quoted " there is no challenge too big if you believe" is an inspirational quote.
Madison Morrone 4/5th <3
The quote I chose was, "if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours." This basically means that if you see someone down or upset, give them a smile or say hello and it can change everything. The most common quote in the video was, "Do unto others as they do unto you." My past cheerleading coaches have quoted, "practice makes perfect." A phrase from a song that could be a quote could be," nobody's perfect," by Hannah Montana. An inspiring quote by Muhammed Ali is, "It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself." This quote greatly inspires me.
I chose "If you know who you are then you can start working to be better than you are"
I chose this because it is very true. I have acctulyy never heard this quote vbefore but, I'm going to start using it.I Think the song "Never Say Never" is a perfect insperational song. No, not really i dont know any athlete's quotes.
My favorite quote on there was " Its not just that you rise, but that u rise everytime you fall. This quote is saying that you shouldnt stay down but get up in life once you have been knocked down because it is destined to happen to everyone. So thats why I like this quote so much because it is very motivational to all people and it sounds very cool.
I have heard this quote on tv before and thats why I liked it because I had already heard it before.
Never point a finger if you never lend a hand, it means that you should not point at anyone if you don't lend a hand. What does this mean? If you can't say nothing nicce if you can't say nothing nice at all. I'M not lucky i'm blessed. yesssss!!!!!!!!!!!
the quote that i chose was do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It means treat people the way you would want to be treated. The most common quote is do unto to others as you would have them do unto you. My coaches have always told me practice makes perfect. A phrase from a song that i know is in one of drakes songs and he says everybody dies but not everybody lives. I find a quote from Michael jordan inspiring, he said obstacles dont have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.
The quote I choose is "The trouble with most of us is, that we would rather be ruined by praise then saved by criticism. It means most of us want praise for things we need to practice for, or things that aren't quite perfect yet. When we need criticism to help us achieve perfection. My parents or grandparents do really have said any inspirational quotes. There was one quote from a song, "Maybe you're the runner-up but the first one to lose the race". It means don't brag about being second, you were the first one to come last. There are no real quotes I found inspiring from athletes.
A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on forever. This quote means that an idea can be passed on from generations to generation and can go on forever. I think the most common quote is the one referring to a man should not fear death he should fear not living. My dad says ALL THE TIME! “There is no sense in being stupid unless you can show it”. I can’t really recall any phrase from songs but I am sure there are a lot. “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail” Wayne Gretzky, a famous hockey player said. I find this inspiring because it is true.
Bryce Bittinger
7th & 8th period
The quote I chose was "Those who reach the top didn't fall there." I liked this because it means that you have to work instead of it being handed to you. My family and coaches have worked to their fullest to make me work harder and be the best of my potential. A quote I chose is from Snoop Dogg's song "Its D Only Thang" and it is " Winning isn't everything it's the only thing." I chose this because no one plays to lose but to win, and to win you must work hard. An inspiring quote from an athlete is what the great Muhammad Ali once used as his main saying "Float like a butterfly,sting like a bee." this means be calm and nonchalant then deliver the knockout blow to finish them off.
Ryan Ricer 4/5
The quote I chose,was "Get a good idea and stay with it, dog it till its done and done right."-Walt Disney. This quote means, if you're passionate about something then don't give up, no matter what. The most common quote is, "Do unto others, as you would have them do to you." My family has a few signs hanging around the house with inspiring quotes. The lyrics "Don't worry your pretty little mind people throw rocks at things that shine" from the song "Ours" by Taylor Swift is a great quote that can be used.
The quote I picked is "Never pont a finger if you have never lended a hand" It mean that you should never point at nobody its not polite and if they didnt do anything wwrong. My family says "There are more fish in the sea". "If you dont get kill it will make you strnger" I dont have a athlete that inspires me.
My quote is, "No day is over if it makes a memory". This means that memory's never fade. There always with you So if you have a memory you can never forget it, it sticks with you forever. I don't really remember any quotes that my grandma use to say to me. I don't know any quotes from a song but I have a favorite quote that I hear all the time it is, "A friend sticks by you no matter what the cause" Meaning no matter what happens, your true friend will always be there by your side.
The quote i choose to use was, "Do unto others as you would want unto you" It means you would want to treat others the way you would want to be treated.yes they do all the time. "never give up". Yes there are alot of quotes that athletes you to inspire me.
-Ashley Bright 7/8th (:
The quote I like is "Sunflowers follow the sun,even on rainy days." It means that you should always do the right thing that is best for you, even when it's hard to. The most common quote in this video is "Do unto other as you want done unto you." Yes, my coach has a quote that he uses a lot. It is "Practice makes perfect." A quote from a song is "You're amazing just the way you are." A quote from an athlete is "Desire is the most important factor in the success of any athlete."
The quote that I chose was, "It takes courage to stand up and speak. It also takes time to sit down and listen. This means that even though it is hard to talk in front of people, sometimes it is even hard to sit down and let them talk. It is like when somebody takes their time to teach somebody and all they want to do is talk to their friends. The most common quotes in the video are ones about being silent. My grandparents always tell me that I can do what ever I want. I do not know any quotes from famous people that inspire me.
The quote I picked is "A flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudly days." To me this quote means even when life goes wrong always look to the bright side. The glass can only be half empty if it is half full too. You should always look for the good in life no matter how bad your day is, how terrible the person your dealing with is, always. There will always be light in the darkness you just have to find it, it's always there.
-madison urse 4th & 5th period
The quote I picked is "A flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." To me this quote means even when life goes wrong always look to the bright side. The glass can only be half empty if it is half full too. You should always look for the good in life no matter how bad your day is, how terrible the person you’re dealing with is, always. There will always be light in the darkness you just have to find it, it's always there.
-madison urse 4th & 5th period
My favorite quote in the video is "To lead a symphony, you must occasionally turn your back on the crowd." To me this quote means a lot. It means, that to be great or do things the way you want to, somtimes you have to do it on your own. People won't always be there for you so sometimes you just have to do it on your own. The most common quote in the video is probably "Do on to others, that you want done on to you." They don't really have a quote they say a lot. Yes, I like to listen to a lot of Alternative and some rock music, and all the songs i have a lot of meaning to them that I use as great advice. Not really.
Ciara Hornbegrer<3
4th and 5th period (:
stay gold ponyboy stay gold meaning to never give up on life. its like when someone hurt or my parents dont use any qoutes on me. a song that i think would have a great qoute in it is breath because in that song you can use it as taking a breath an think about whats wrong. yes all you do is have to look them up on google.
Those who are on top of the mountain did not fall there its saying you have to work for what you want. Idk I was in a rush and could not finish the video. Yes my father does that's why I picked it.
i chose the quote "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This basically means the golden rule: treat others how you would like to be treated. My parents say this a lot. Why be mean to somebody if they are nice to you? My favorite quote from an athlete is "It is not true that nice guys finish last. Nice guys are winners before the game even starts."- Addison Walker. Also, a song phrase that could be used as a quote could be "No I'm not lucky I'm blessed, yes."
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This quote means that if you want someone to be nice to you, you will have to be nice to get it in return. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Yes one that I hear repettively is "Get you head out of your butt." "We are going to win, win, win no matter what." "Go hard or go home."
my favorite quotes from this video was "dont judege a book by its cover" dont judge people by the way they look or smell. just because they look different doesnt mean they are bad people. you should talk to them and get to know them. you never know you just might like them. dont judge people at all.
The quote I chose in this video is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. This quote means to treat others as you want to be treated. What it is saying is that if you treat someone mean, would you want them to treat you the same? It originates from the bible, other religious books, and cultures. The most common quotes are the ones about breaking the silence to see what is best. My lacrosse coach often says, “You have to practice to get better”.
The quote I chose is from Walt Disney. Walt Disney once said "Get a good idea and stay with it. Dog it, and work it until it's done, and done right." This means that you should set a goal and work you're hardest to achieve it. Don't ever give up on a dream. Don't ever quit until you've achieved that goal. The most common quote is probably "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This pretty much states the golden rule "Treat others as you wish to be treated." My coaches would always tell me "Practice makes perfect." A quote from a singer would be "No I'm not lucky, I'm Blessed. Yes." My most favorite quote is the one by Michael Jordan that states this "I realize that I'm black, but I like to be viewed as a person, and this is everybody's wish." This shows that he cares about all kinds of races out there in the world and it doesn't matter who you are just be yourself.
Michael Nuzum
I chose the quote that states "It takes courage to stand up and speak. But it also takes courage to sit down and listen." I know this because I ran for Vice President last year. It took a lot of courage and strength to convince myself to go up there and speak. But it also took courage to listen to all of the other candidates wonderful speeches. My coaches always so "Practice makes Perfect." A quote from a song could be "Winning isn't anything, it's everything." A quote from Michael Jordan inspires me so much. The quote is this "I've never been afraid to fail." I have never been afraid to fail because when I was running for VP, I knew I had a chance to lose. In matter of fact, I did lose but I kept my head up.
Benny T 4th/5th
The quote I chose is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". This quote means that you need to treat others like you want to be treated. You can't expect someone to treat you good if you are mean to them. I think the most common quote is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". My grandparents and parents always told me to treat others like I wanted to be treated and God's got your back when you give him your heart. "The future is no place to place your better days" Dave Matthews - Cry Freedom. "If you build it, he will come" Kevin Costner - Field of Dreams.
Ryan Valentine
7th & 8th period
The quote I would choose is, "Never point a finger if you have never lent a hand." What does this quote mean? Well first you should never point a finger to someone that hasn't done anything to you. No, none of my relatives have any quotes that they repeatedly say. No, I don't know any phrases from songs that can be used as great quotes. I really don't pay attention to any of them.
In this video I love the quote "If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours." I think that means if you see someone that might be having a bad day or isn't very happy that day make an effort to make them smile, or laugh.
The most common quote in this video is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This is saying, treat people the way you would want to be treated.
The quote that my family uses ALL THE TIME IS… “IF YOU’RE GONNA BE DUMB…YOU GOTTA BE TOUGH.” This means that when you do a dumb thing, just be ready for the consequences.
A quote that I really admire is
"There's always going to be another mountain.
I'm always going to want to make it move.
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side.
It's the climb."
-Miley Cyrus
This quote is demonstrating that even though we have struggles in our daily lives whatever your mountain is you can get to the top, it may not be simple, but it's not impossible.
I quote from Michael Jordan is “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying. I really like this quote because I don’t like to fail, but no one if perfect. I think people should always TRY to do their best.
The quote that I like is that it is better to be alone than to be in bad company. What this quote is saying is that you are better off to hang out by yourself than with someone who may negatively influence you. You should always stick to your own morals and values regardless of the company you are in. The most common quote in the video is about working hard to get what you want or to where you want to be. My mom always says that “life isn’t fair” and that “if your crying you’re not trying”. There is a song by Taylor Swift called “Ours”. In that song there is a line that says “ don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people thought rocks at things that shine.” I really like that line. I don’t follow any professional athletes so I don’t know any quotes from any of them.
Meghan 4/5
The quote I chose was "Those who reach the top of the mountain did not fall there". This quote means that peopl ewho are at the top of what they do didnt just start there. They had to work hard to get there. The most commonly used quote is probably "do unto as as you would have them do unto you". THis means, dont treat people badly if you do not want them to treat you badly. My coaches and family alwasy tell me that nothing in life will be handed to me so I will always have to work hard to get to where I want to be in life. One quote from a song is "Go hard or go home" from the song Go hard by Lecrae.
My favorite quote and the one i picked was "Never point a finger if you never have lended a had." I tihkn this means, dont judge someone if you have never been in there place nor have helped them. Everyone should try there best at everything they do and nothing less. I cant think of any songs that have good quotes in them, but im sure Rascal Flats have great songs that are inspirational. A quote that inspires me is "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if youll die tomorrow." This mean dream big, and live your life like your last.
-Emily Gettings 7&8
There is one specific quote that stuck when I was watching the video. It includes the inspiring words like, "Those on top of the mountain didn't fall there." In my opinion it means, to be able to reach your goal you must first work hard and with effort. If you don't try you shall not succeed. a qoute my mom always uses is, "Without goals and plans to reach them, you are like a ship thats has set sail but with no destination" -Fitzhugh Dodson. It is very motivational in which I think that its saying you must set goals at least, and it makes a more clear path. I love the song "Never Say Never" by Justin Bieber and the title just shows the content of the song. Simply stating that if you set your mind to something you shall not give up because anything is possible.“People react to criticism in different ways, and my way is definitely to come out fighting.” is a qoute in which David Beckham said. He is telling us that even if at times people doubt him he willjust try harder to show them that they were wrong.
My favorite quote from this video is "Those on the top of the mountain didn't just fall there". This means that acheiving your goals doesn't justb happen, you have to work hard for it. This quote can really relate to a lot of people, but I believe mainly athletes. Every athlete's dream is to be a professional in their sport. But this takes hard work and practice. My dad always says "Practice makes perfect", which is very true. One of my favorite songs is called Chase That by Lecrae. The whole song talks about how he figured out his goals and he is going to chase them, until he is successful.
-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
The quote I chose from this video is, "To lead a symphony, you must occasionally turn your back on the crowd." This quote means that to be a leader, you can't be a follower. Following what everybody else is doing is following the crowd. To turn your back on the crowd is to ignore that. To lead a symphony is to be an excellent leader. Therefore, the quote I chose means that you can't follow if you are going to lead.
The most common quote in this video is, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
My parents and grandparents often tell me, "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."
A phrase from a song that I really like is from the song "All Will Be Well" by The Gabe Dixon Band. My favorite quote from that song is, "All will be well, even after all the promises you've broken to yourself. All will be well, you can ask me how but only time will tell." I love that line because it states that things may go wrong, but they will be okay in the end, and also you have to live your own life to learn why things will be okay.
My favorite quote is defiantly this one “If you accept who you are, then you can start working to become better than you are." And the meaning of this quote is that find who you really are and stick to it and try harder and harder every day to express it. don't point a finger if your not willing to lend a helping hand. This means, don’t judge people, its very rude and can hurt some people’s feelings. My parents or grandparents don’t really say quotes? If they did I never understood that it was a quote. The quote from a song? “Never say never” by Justin Bieber mostly means that don’t ever give up on your self. No I don’t have any quotes from a famous athlete. –Sarah Esposito <3:D 7-8 :)
The quote that I have selected is "The person who is pulling the oars doesnt have time to rock the boat". I believe that the quote means that their choosing hard work to get done, or past the river, rather than playing around. I think the most commonly used quote in this would be "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. My reason being that You should treat people how you want to be treated. My grandparents have always used that quote, but in different wording. My parents just have used simple quote. Such as, "Don't give up". I don't remember any songs that feature lots of quotes, but I believe nickleback haves some songs like that.
-Megan Hermance, 7&8th period
The quote I would choose is "If you accept who you are, then you can start working to become better than you are." meaning be happy with who you are, and if you dont like somthing about yourself to change it. " dont judge a book by its cover" My mom always tells me that because you never know what others are going through. I cant think of any quotes from the top of my head. " Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation" by Micheal jordan.
The quote I chose was A man may die and cities rise and fall but an idea is forever. It means That no matter what happens if you get a thought or an ideal of there it can never be destroyed. Take america for example. It has always standed for freedom equality and the right to be involved in your government. When we first formed people thought we wouldnt last the year, and now look at us the world super power. The most common quote in here is the golden rule do unto others as you would have them do to you. You hear it a lot. My grandparents never seem to use quotes but the like to hear them. I know a perfect quote out of a song " you cant always get what you want , but if you try somtimes you get what you need. I dont even know the names of athlets let alon what they say.
I choose the quote "a flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." because it means that you should be happy about what is going on at that moment, even if it's not what you want. The most common quotes used are those showing that you should treat others the way they should be treated. My mother usually quotes "Do unto others as they would do unto you" and " Use what talents you posses, for the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except the best". I do know a few quotes from songs but they are very long. I don't like athletes so I don't know any quotes from them.
My favorite quote is do into other as what others unto you. This means treat others as you want to be treated. I don't know the most common quate in this Visio. My coaches always tell me that practice makes perfect. Yes you will miss 100% of the shots you never take.
my favortie quote is " Do unto other how you would have others do unto you " . My mother and father tell me this all time , because they also belive if you treat others with respect most of them will trat you with respect . most athletes say you will never when if you do not try your best , which i also belive is true . i dont really know any great quotes from a song . but i know that theyre is many great quotes in the world that is used on a daily bases . merissa laddd 2&3 period . !
The quote I choosed was "No day is over if it makes a memory." This quote means that special day you had never ends because you make a memory of that day because that memory stays with you forever. The quote that is used the most is ones that wants to break the silence to see what particular thing is the best. My parents have a quote that they use and it is "Be the best that you can be." I don't know any songs that could be used as great quotes. No, I don't find any quotes from athletes that I find inspiring.
-Sabrina Coe 2nd & 3rd Period
The quote I choosed was "No day is over if it makes a memory." This quote means that special day you had never ends because you make a memory of that day because that memory stays with you forever. The quote that is used the most is ones that wants to break the silence to see what particular thing is the best. My parents have a quote that they use and it is "Be the best that you can be." I don't know any songs that could be used as great quotes. No, I don't find any quotes from athletes that I find inspiring.
-Sabrina Coe 2nd & 3rd Period
My mom uses the quote if you nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. Its a great quote to use because it will stop name calling and people being mean to each other. Practice makes perfect is what me dad uses because i have to work he works me and i think this quote is stupid because there should always be room for imprufment.
"If you accept who you are, then you can start working to become better than you are," this means that you got to appected who you are and belive in yourself To make yourself better. What is the most common quote used in the video My Mother said that You got to love yourself before you can love any one else. "There's nothing wrong with loving who you are"
She said, "'Cause he made you perfect, babe""So hold your head up girl and you'll go far." From lady gaga Born this way. Are there any quotes from athletes that you find inspiring?
The quote I would pick would probably be "Never judge a book by its cover". It means don't just look on the outside but also look on the inside. My dad always says practice makes perfect. And it does because when he says that is when I play my guitar and when I first started playing I sucked but now I am pretty good at it. No I really don't know any of these quotes from any songs or anything.No.
The quote is chose was, "There must be millions of girls dreaming the same dream I am, but im not worried about them, because im dreaming the hardest."- marland MInroe. It means to never give up on your dream. THe most common quote was treaat others the way you want to be treated one. No, not that im aware of. Yes most song do have insperat5ional quotes. I've never really looked for a quote by an athleyte but im sure there are some out there.
Kathryn Scarbro (:
4th & 5th<3
the quote i choose is we all rather be destroyed by praise rather than saved by criticism. this means that people rather be praised for the big the things they do and not be criticis to help them get better at the things thy did wrong. the most commen quote is do not speak about others. the way you want others to treat you. my mom always says treat others the way you want to be treated. i cant think of the top of my head i quote from a song that could be used in this video. one quote that i know from a athlete is by tom brady never give up on your dreams.
The quote I chose is "Those who wish to sing always find a song." That is my favorite quote from this video. It means that if you were really meant to sing the you should know what to sing. The most common quote is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." My parents and coaches always say the sky is the limit which means you can achieve anything. There is this song called Heaven by 3 Doors Down which is one of my favorite songs. In it they use the lyrics,"I didn't have to die to go to heaven, I just had to go home." I believe that's really sweet and inspiring. Its pretty much like saying there's no place like home. :)
Jordyn Weaver
7th and 8th period <3 :)
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