The Nazi camps catergoized by age,gender,and physical fitness. People that were safe were Germans the Dutch and generaly every one that was not Jewish. There leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to kill all the Jews. People should learn not to judge people because Hitler just did not like the Jews he ended up killing thousands of them. Stereotypes are rumors told about a certain type of person. Racism is hating a person because of there race. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated for such a long period of time mainly because of war world 2. The Nazi's were stoped when American and British troops killed most of the Nazis. 2nd and 3rd periods.
There were two types of camps. There were concentration camps, and there were death camps. The only safe people in Nazi Germany were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. These people were called Aryans. The leader of the Nazi's was the cruel Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that an abundance of people were killed. The world should learn that Adolf Hitler was a very cruel person and he killed many millions of innocent people. Racism is where you only like your ethnic race of people. An example is white people hating black people or black people hating whit people. In this case, the Nazis hated the Jews.
The way they created the camps was by kids, teenager, middle age, and elder. People with Blonde and blue eyes were safe from the Nazi. The leader was Adolf Hitler. Hitler wanted to call the race of jews. People shouldn't jugde other people. Hitler didnt like the jews. So, he thought was a good idea was to kill their race. Stereotypes are like rumors. Racism means hating a normorl person just like you because of their race. Jews were tolerated for a long time. The people that are now called the russins.
The way the camps created by the Nazi regime be categorized by age, gender,and physical fitness. The only people safe from Nazi Germany was the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was the big abundance of the people that got killed. So, he killed the Jews. Other people shouldn't judge other people just because of their race. Sterotypes is a conventional,formulaic, and oversimplified conception,opinion, or image. Racism is the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others and discrimination or prejudice based on race. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated for such a long period of time because of WW2. The Nazi's were stopped when the American and British troops were killed most of the Nazi's.
The camps were categorized by age, gender,and physical labor ability. The people who were safe were, Germans, Dutch, and people with blonde hair and blues eyes, mainly eveyone who wasn't Jewish. Adolf Hitler was their leader. Well, first they tried just putting all the Jews together in a fenced off area with barley enough to survive. Then they decided that this was too difficulf, so the just decided to kill them all and be done with it. They wanted to completely wipe out the entire Jewish population. The world should learn that life no matter how big or small has meaning, and should no be destoyed like this! Especially when the people we were destroying did absoultly nothing wrong! Racism is when people are discrimnated, because of what they believe or what skin color they have. it's really discrimnating people for being different than you are. The Nazi's finally stopped their terrible rein, when the American and British soilders killled most of them. -madiosn urse <3 4 th& 5th period
After listening to this video it is perfectly clear that Hitler was crazy and a terrible leader!! He wanted to make the perfect race so he put the Jewish people into 2 different camps – Concentration camps and death camp. They sorted the people into groups. Some had healthy and hard working people, and the others had disabilities and were unhealthy. Hitler – (the leader of Nazi Germany) thought that Germans, and people with blonde hair and blue eyes were a superior race. The world let this terrible event go on for a long time. People around the world should always defend freedom. Stereotypes are conception or image that the world has on certain people. Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race because they are different. I think that the genocide was tolerated because people in other countries just didn’t want to get involved. They knew that it would take our own people and would probably lose their lives. America, England, Russia, and France were the main powers that stopped the war. I think that George Patton was one of the main leaders to stop the Nazi’s.
The leader of the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler , he killed innocent people for nothing. He killed not only the jews but other people that he didnt approove of . Nazi camps were catergoized by your sex , age , and race . Genocide was a place where over 3 million people died . Nazi's were taken over by the British Troops . 2nd&3rd pd .
The way the camps created by the Nazi regime be categorized by age, gender,and physical fitness.the people who had blond hair and blue eyes.ple surond hitler. that all jews wer bad and desuting.when peole hate pealoe that is a diffent rase then them
The Nazi camps were catergorized in death camps and the those working like a slave camp, and both were very wrong. The people with blonde hair and blue eyes were the only safe ones. The leader of the Nazi's was Hitler untill he was over thrown. The world should learn that is very wrong to do that to people. They should have learned to help fellow people on this earth early because it could have been stopped before it was very easily. Racism is the not liking of another race just because someone has a different color of skin or if its something they believe in. That is very wrong also. The genocide was tolerated because know one else wanted to get into it with them. The people who stopped them were us and lots of other countries.
There were two types of camps. There were concentration camps, and there were death camps. The only safe people in Nazi Germany were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. These people were called Aryans. The leader of the Nazi army was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that over 11 million people were killed in it. The world should learn that Adolf Hitler was a very cruel person and he killed many millions of innocent people. A stereotype is a popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. Racism is the belief that inherent different traits in human racial groups justify discrimination. The Soviet Union killed the Nazis. Justin Okel 4/5
There were two types of camps, concentration camps and death camps. The only safe people were the ones that had blonde hair and blue eyes. The leader was Adolf Hitler. At first, they tried to keep all of the Jewish people together, separated from the rest of society, but they soon realized that was too difficult and decided to just do away with all of them. The world should learn that people are different and everyone just needs to accept that and move on. You can't waste your life away hating minorities. Stereotypes are an image that the world has put on a certain group of people. They are usually wrong. Racism is when someone dislikes another race because they're different. The genocide was tolerated because other countries did not want to get involved. American, France, England, and Russia were the main powers who stopped the Nazi's. mia manzo(:
The camps were categorized into two groups. Concentration Camps and Death Camps. The only safe people, were the people in the Nazi Army, if the weren't Jewish, and people of the Arian race. I find that very Ironic, because the Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler, was Jewish, and didn't have blond hair and blue eyes. The final solution was Hitler's decision to send all the Jews to concentration and death camps to be disposed of. The world should learn that no one should be killed just because of their race. W should all be accepted no matter what race or religion we are. Stereotypes are what everyone automatically thinks something is when they see or hear about it. Racism is the hatred or abuse towards a group of people or a single person due to their race. It was tolerated because no one wanted to mess with the Nazi. We all knew how powerful they were and that they possessed nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union eventually stopped the Nazis when they attacked Berlin and took over the Reichstag. The US and other countries played a part in this but Russia finished the War.
The camps were categorized, there was a concentratoin camp and a death camp. The concentration camps were for the jews with blue eyes and blonde hair, everyone else was sent to a death camp where they would be killed. The solution was that hitler sent all the jews to be killed. The world should learn to always stay united and not have war, due to this. Anything can happen, but if we all stay at peace then everything will be okay.Stereotypes are what people "catergorize" races as, ect. example: black people like friend chicken, thats a stereotype. Racism is when you dont like a certain race. Nobody wanted to get involved and take the risk of being killed for sticking up for others. The Russian and Amercian soilders killed majority of them and they stopped.
They went by gender and health but, generally women and the children were immediately gased. Mostly non-jewish population, like Germans, Dutch. Their leader was known as Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to kill, Jews, Blacks, and Homosexuals. Stereotypes are sub conscious judgements about a person, by appearance or race. Racism is when you dislike anyone of a different race or ethnic group. It was tolerated because, of WWII. The people who stopped the Nazi's were Russian, British, and American
The camps created by the Nazi were catagorized by gender and age. Anyone who was not Jewish was basically safe, such as the Germans and Dutch. The leader of all of this was, Adolf Hitler. The outcome was to have all Jews killed in the end. Looking back on the Holocaust, we should learn how lucky we are. Today, you arent grouped by religion, everyone is treated equally, the way it should be. Stereotypes are people who base their decisions of a certain group of people on what they've heard, read about, or seen. Racism is discrimination againist a person because of their race, religion, or beliefs. The genocide of Jews was tolerated, because of WWII. Nazis were stopped by American eventually.
The camps were catergorized by gender, and physical fitness.The only people that were safe would be the arian race, and anyone who wasn't a cripple, black, gypsy, handicapped person, or jew. The leader of the Nazi army was Adolf Hitler. The world would learn that some people have no shame or regret for what they've done. Stereotypes are consumptions about a certain group of people that aren't true. Racism is being prejudice agaisnt a group of people because of their ethnicity. The genocide of the jews was tolerated for so long because of the war that was going on at the time. Hitler and the Nazi's were eventually stopped by America, England, Russia, and France.
The camps can change by age. The only people that were saved where people with blonde hair and blue eyes.The leader was Adolf Hitler.The final solution was that it was taking way to long to kill them all one by one so , he decided to all of the people in showers filled with gasoline and would kill them all at once. the world learn that the holocaust was very bad and take this to heart! The people who eventually stopped the Nazi's were the British people(:
The nazi concentration camps was orginized by age , sex , and fitness . the only people that were safe was the dutch and the germans. the final destenations was to kill all jews . the leader was adolf hitler . stereotypes are rumors that are told about a certain kind of person . the genocide of the jews was tolerated for such a long period of time because of world war II . but not all nazis were killed in the end . merissa ladd 2 & 3 period
by people change there life. all of the people that were not german were safe. adolph hitler was the leader. to kill everyone that was german. that people were kill for no reason.racism is people that dont like sertin reses of people. they were not tolerated they didnt wont them on there land.anne frank did.
The Nazis were horrable people who mainly catorigized people in two ways. You were one of them or you died. The only people who were safe in Nazi Germany were the people with blonde hair, blue eyes, and were young. Hitler was the Nazi leader and eventually decided to kill all people of the Jewish faith. The persicution of the Jews continoued untill they were stoped and defeated by the allies. I can not say for certian why peole put up with the genocide for so long before actions were taken. Had we just acted millions could have been saved. Steriotypes are atributes people associate with an entire group. Such as blondes being dumb. Racisim I feel can be classified in three ways singling out a group because they are a minority, not singling out a group because they are a minorety and singling out people because they are part of the majority.
The Nazi camps catergoized by age,gender,and physical fitness. The people who were safe in Nazi Germany were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. These type of people were known as the Aryans. The leader of the Nazi's was Adolf Hitler. The final solution of the crazy Holocaust was that over millions and millions of people were killed do to this tragedy. Some people should learn that the Holocaust was a very cruel thing that happened and need to learn that this was a very meaningful time in history. Racism is people who like ther own ethnic race of people. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because Adolf Hitler was in charge and there was no one who could stop him at that time period. The Nazi's were stoped when the American and British troops killed nearly all of the Nazi's. So as you can see this is how I describe the Holocaust.
The camps created by the Nazi can be categorizes in two group the labor camps and the death camps. Healthy straight people with blonde hair and blue eyes were safe in Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that ten thousands of Jews were killed or tortured. That people should not be judged base on appearance or religion but based on their actions. stereotype is a belief about a specific group. racism is discrimination against people with a different race then your own or in some cases against your own race. Because if anyone got involved they and maybe even their own family too would have gotten the same fate. The Nazis were stopped by the allies force British,American and Russian military.
Iy can be characterized as HORRIBLE,TERRIFYING, AND MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE. Mostly people that had blonde hair and blue eyes. Adolph Hitler. To put all the jews in concentration camps and give them "showers." To never judge people by their defects, and that everyone isn't perfect the way they what to be. Racism is when someone hates another person just because they're different. It was tolerated, because Hitler was the head of the nazi's and he made everyone hate people that weren't perfect. The Americans,British, and the Soviet Troops.
There were two camps created by the Nazi regime. There were concentration camps, and there we're also death camps. The only people that were safe in Nazi Germany were those with blonde hair and blue eyes. These people were called Aryans. The leader of the Nazi's was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that many Jewish people were killed. The world should learn from the Holocaust that Life is very valuable and you should cherish every minute of it. Also, we should learn to always defend our freedom. What are stereotypes? A stereotype is a conception or an image that the world has on something or a certain group. What is racism? Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race. I think that the genocide of the Jews was tolerated because people from other countries did not want to be involved in it. America and other countries played a part in stopping the Nazi's, but Russia ended the war. -Olivia Moroose (:
They were categorized by gender, age, and there health. Some people who weren't jews and most of the non-jewish blonde hair and light eyed people. Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that after the fact that over 2 million people died allies finally came to help. That nobody should be judged for the way they look, what they bieleve and much more... Sterotypes are thy names or "clics" pople are idetifed to for how they look or act. Racism is judging someone for any reason and being agist them. I think that the genocide was tolerated because people in other countries just didn’t want to get involved. America, England, Russia, and France were the main powers that stopped the nati's.
The concentration camps can be categorized as labor camps and death camps. The labor camps were where you would work and were treated badly, with a high possible chance of death. The death camps however, you were practically guaranteed to die. The only people safe from the terror of the Nazi’s were people who Hitler considered “the master race”. The leader of the Nazi party and power was a man named Adolf Hitler. His final solution was the decision to send most of the people in the labor or death camps to be put to death even quicker. This resulted in over eleven million people being killed horribly. Stereotypes are when most people have certain though on what a group of people are like based on where they live, what they do or their religion etc. Racism is a certain dislike toward a group of people for their skin color or nationality. The genocide was mainly tolerated since the other European countries neighboring Germany had a small military or were neutral, which wouldn’t allow them to stand up against the Nazi regime. What stopped the Nazi control were the allied forces, which mainly were led by the U.S.A., England, France, and the Soviet Union.
Sydnee Shaffer4thand5th period:) <3 There were two very different types of camps. There were concentration camps and death camp. Death camps the people that were there had gotten kill by murder. But the concetration camp they make you do labor or work and then you would get gased. The only safe people in Nazi Germany were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. These people were called Aryans. The leader of the Nazi's was the cruel Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that an abundance of people were killed. The world should learn that Adolf Hitler was a very cruel person and he killed many millions of innocent people. Racism is where you only like your ethnic race of people. An example is white people hating black people or black people hating white people. But in this case, the Nazis hated the Jews. What stoped the Nazi's was the allies from American and the British. Which the day that them came to save all the Jews is called D-day.
They were categorized by age, gender, and physical fitness. If you were sick, a child, or elderly you were immediately taken to the "showers". That's what that Nazis called the poisonous gas chambers where the Jews were taken for execution. The Aryans were safe and some other non-Jewish races. The Aryans were thought of as the superior race and they all had blue eyes, light skin, and blonde hair. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to take the Jews to death camps and concentration camps throughout Europe to be killed or worked to death. The world should learn that all people are created equal and no one should be judged by what they look like on the outside. Stereotypes are usually offensive generalized statements about a group of people. Racism is being prejudice against a group of people because of their race. The genocide was tolerated because there were other battles going on and most people just didn't want to get involved at the risk of making an enemy and losing some of their people. The Americans and British troops killed most of the Nazis.
The camps were put or separated into two groups. Concentration Camps and Death Camps. The only safe people were the people in the Nazi army there leader Adolf Hitler was also Jewish I found that funny and had neither blonde hair nor blue eyes. The Final solution was that to kill all Jewish people in these camps. What people should learn from the holocaust is that know one on this planet has the right to separate families and kill only certain types and just kill them! The stereo types were that all Jewish people were bad and terrible and anybody with blonde hair and blue eyes are perfect. Racisms is that people separate people in good and bad by the way they look. Because they were telling the other Germans that the Jews were the problem on this earth so they killed them. Allied forces, such as the USA and the British. Sarah Esposito 7-8<3
Camps back them were categorized by gender. The only people safe back then were basically just people with blonde hair and blue eyes. The leader was Hitler. The final solution was that the americans, russians, british, and dutch (i think)...anyways the tryed to sqeeze the nazi out of germany. They should learn to not follow racist people. Racism is when...uhm i guess when one color dislikes another color. Genocide was tolerated because nobody liked jews because of hitler. the americans stopped the nazi's
Camps are categorizes by what age, gender, and state of health the jew is in. The germans and other nazis were safe in germany. Hitler was the leader and to kill him was the final solution to the problem. Don't treat others like dirt if you don't really know who they are. Steryotypes are crude guesses on what a person would do because of how they look. Racism is insults to another race. People were afraid of Hitler to do anything about it. Russians and americans stopped Hitler.
There were two different kinds of camps there were consintration camps and death camps. The camps were catergoried by age and ginder. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final sulioton was to kill all jews. MONTANA
The way they created the camps was by kids, teenager, middle age, and elder. The world should learn to always stay united and not have war, due to this.There were two types of camps, concentration camps and death camps. The only safe people were the ones that had blonde hair and blue eyes The genocide was tolerated because other countries did not want to get involved. American, France, England, and Russia were the main powers who stopped the Nazi's.
The camps created by the Nazi regime were categorized by age and gender. Physical fitness also had something to do with it.Almost nobody was safe in Nazi Germany. Germans, Dutch, and people who weren't associated with Jews were safe. However, if you didn't fit into one of those categories, you were in danger on being sent to a camp.The leader was Adolf Hitler.The final solution was that 11 milion people died.Stereotypes are assumptions on a group of people based on a single person.Racism is excluding somebody of a different race or a number of things for no decent reason.The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because people were too scared to do anything about it.The Americans and the British eventually stopped them.
The conditions in this camp were horrid. The only people safe in Germany were people of the arien race. This race consisted of blue eyes and blonde hair. Personally, I think this is really stupid, but I don't think Hitler really cares what anybody else thinks. Stereotypes are assuming something of someone just because the way they look or act. Racism is treating someone different because of their race or color. The genocide of the jews were tolerated because nobody said anything to Hitler. He was in charge of Germany and what he said goes. The allies eventually stopped Hitler. The allies consisted of the U.S.A., Russia, and Japan.
There were two types of camps, concentration camps and death camps. The only safe people were the ones that had blonde hair and blue eyes. In other words, Aryans. The leader of the Nazi's was Adolf Hitler. At first, they tried to keep all of the Jewish people together, separated from everybody else, but they soon realized that was too difficult and decided to just kill all of them. The world should learn that people are different and everyone just needs to accept that and move on. You can't waste your life away hating other people. Stereotypes are an image that the world has put on a certain group of people. They are usually wrong. Racism is when someone dislikes another race because they're different. For example, it's like white people hating black people or black people hating gingers.(evil people) The genocide was tolerated because other countries did not want to get involved. American, France, England, and Russia were the main powers who stopped the terrible Nazi's.
There were two types of camps there were death camps, and there were work camps.The only people safe in germany were the ones with blonde hair blue eyes. Adolf Hitler was the nazi leader. The final solution was to wipe out all jews. That everyone is equal. Racism is where you discriminate a certain race. because Hitler was elected to run germany and because he got just about every german to believe that all jews were bad. America and other countries stopped hitler
The constantroin camps were led by a man known as Adolf Hitler. He was the leader of the thing. He had camps set up all around weere he was. He had work camps and death camps. heres a little thing i founded out hitler was a jew himself. h e did not look like one, but even though he didn't have the blond hair and the blue eyes he was still a jew.
There were two types of camps death camps and concentration camps and by gender and ages. The people that were safe doing this war were people with blue eyes and blonde hair. The leader of the Nazi was Adolf Hitler.The final solution was to kill all of the Jews. The world should learn from the holocaust is that it shouldnt matter what you look like or what your religion is , we are all the same and we are all human beings. Racism is where some people are mean and think different of other peoples looks and religions. The Americans stopped the Jews.
The only people that was safe during the holocaust was the non jewish people. The reason why is because Hittler said if u dont have blonde hair and blue eyes u wasnt worth to live. They organized the camps by age, gender, and fitness. Hitler wanted all the jews killed and that was the final solution in this problem.
During the Holocaust there were two types of camps, concentration camps and death camps. The only safe people were the arians. The Nazi Party also chancellor of Germany was Adolf Hitler. At first, they tried to keep all of the Jewish families together in ghettos, separated from the rest of society as outcasts, but they soon realized that was too difficult and had too many so they decided to just send them all away. The world should learn that people are all the same created by one and that no matter ethnicity, race, or religion we are all human beings. Stereotypes are a standard that the world has put on a certain type of people. Racism is when someone dislikes another race because they're different. The genocide was tolerated because other countries did not want to get involved. American armies, French, England, and Russia were the main powers who stopped the Nazi's and liberated the camps. Ryan Ricer 4/5
the camps made by the NAZI where categorized into two groups labor camps and death camps. the only people that where safe in Germany where people with blond hair and blue eyes. the leader of the Nazis was Adolf Hitler. the final solution of the Holocaust many Jews died and the war ended. a lesson the world can learn from the Holocaust is to love everybody no matter there race. stereotypes are people who put different people in different groups. racism is someone discriminating someones skin color or religion. genocide of the Jews was tolerated because people knew that if they tried to help the Jews they would die to. the Americans, British, and Russians
There were two types of camps. There were concentration camps, and death camps. The only people who were safe in Nazi Germany were people who were blonde haired blue eyed. They were called Aryans. Adolfo Hitler was the leader of the Nazi's. The final solution was that millions of people were killed. The world should have learned that no one man should have all that power, discrimination is very wrong, and that when we know something bad like this is happening, we need to act quicker to stop it. A stereotype is a misperception of who or what someone is. Racism is hatred or intolerance to a race or other races. It was tolerated because of fear and ignorance. America, England, and Russians finally stopped the Nazis.Ciara Hornberger4-5th period (:
The camps were organized by leaving the people by there age, sex, and how athletic they are. The only people who were safe in this time were people with blonde hair and blue eyes. Hitler was the leader of all of this desastor. The final thing was that the American sodiers attacked hitler and killed him. Steriotypes are tuners about some one. Racism is somthing about Simone of the opposite race. It was all talorated because no body wanted to do anything about it. After they attacked purl harbor then the americans stopped them.
The camps created by the Nazi regime can be categorized by labor camps and death camps. The people were devided in these two camps by their age, gender and physical fitness. If people were not fit and were ill they were sent to the death camp in which they were put in the gas chamber. People with blond hair and blue eyes were safe. Adolf Hitler was the leader. Hitler was able to kill all of the jews and other people that he didn't like. That everyone is created equal and no one should be able to decide who lives or dies. Stereotypes are people the have been put in a certain category by other people. Racism is hatred against another race. Genocide was tolerated because people thought Hitler was a great leader and knew what he was doing. The American, France, England and Russia forced finely stopped the Nazi's.Ryan Valentine7th & 8th Period
The camps could have been categorized by age groups and gender. The safe people were the people who were not Jewish. The leader was Adolph Hitler. The final solution was when Hitler died. The Holocaust taught us to accept each other for who we are instead of killing the ones who we didn't think fit in with the rest. Stereotypes are rumors told about someone. Racism is the disliking of another race. The genocide of Jews was tolerated because Hitler tolerated it and he was in control. Eventually, the American and British troops stopped the Nazis.
Gender, age, and fitness categorized the camps. The only people that were totally safe were the ones with blonde hair and blue eyes. The leader of the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler. In the end Hitler just decide to try and kill the entire Jewish race. People should learn not to hate or judge people by their appearance and race. Also that everyone is created equally. Stereotypes are belief about group of people. Racism is the hating of a group of people or an indusial because of their race. It was tolerated most likely because all the resources and people were focused on the war. This all stopped when American and British troops came over to stop them.4th &5th Period<3Kathryn Scarbro (:
There were 2 differnt kinds of camps. There was concerration camps and death camps. The only person that was safe was a person with blond hair and blue eyes. The Nazi leader was Adolf Hitler. HE was cruel person and he killed many millions of people and there short lives. Racism is where you only like your race of people. Which would be white people only like white people and black only like black people.The people
The camps created by Nazi's were categorized by race, gender, and class. People who were safe were called the Aryans. The leader was a male named Adolf Hitler. The final solution was mass extermination. Something that we should learn from the Holocaust is that corruption can gain power. Some stereotypes would be on beliefs on a group of people based on one little thing. Racism is anger and hatred toward people other than your race and religion. They were tolerated because Hitler's people believed him. The people who eventually stopped the Nazi's were Russians and the American forces.-Megan Hermance, 7&8 period.
The camps created by the Nazis were categorized by age and gender. Anyone other than Jewish ethnicity was safe from being taken by the Nazis. Adolf Hitler was the man in charge of all this murdering. We should all feel lucky to have as much freedom like today. Back when Jews werecaptured, they had to be either put to death, starved, or ill. We have the freedom becuase of our brave troops fighting for us. Stereotypes a simplified or standardized perception of a person because of there actions or further common beliefs. Racism is the belief that races have distinct cultural characteristics determined by hereditary or ethnicity. Some believe that a certain race is better and has control over many others. The reason in which the genocide was tolerated is because, other countries did not want involved. The Americans, Russia, and Japan were the ones who stopped Hitler of demolishing all Jews.
The Nazi camps created were death camps and labor camps. The only people safe from going to those camps were the Aryan race. These people had blonde hair and blue eyes. The leader of this race was Adolf Hitler. The final solution to his problem of creating the ultimate race was to kill anybody that was not an Aryan. We can learn from this mistake. Treat everybody equal. Stereotypes are how we categorize people, by their skin color, or their background. Racism is degrading somebodies race because you think yours is better. We tolerated the Holocaust because we didn't want to get involved with the war. We eventually stopped it though.
The two ways the Nazi's seperated the camps where, one camp was the concentration camp, and the second one was the death camp. The people who where safe where the people in which where the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. The leader of the Nazi's was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to kill all the Jews. Everyone should know Hitler was a cruel, mean, rasist person. He dosn't understand how bad he is hurting everyone. Stereotypes are secrets or rumers told , that are all lies. Racism is going against someone's race or religion. The Nazi's where rasist because they hated the Jews. Megan Wilt,4th&5th period<3
They were categorized by gender, age and physical fitness. The Aryan Race was felt to be superior and was safe in Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany. The final solution was the death of all people that were not of the Aryan Race. The world should learn from the Holocaust that we should all get along and that all people are the same. A stereotype is when a person is classified a certain way because of their race. Racism is when you stereotype a person because of their race. The genocide was tolerated because people were afraid of Adolf Hitler. The Russians, the British and the United States eventually stopped the Nazi’s. Bryce BittingerPeriod 7th & 8th
The conditions of these camps were terrible. The only people safe in Germany were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. 11 million people got killed. I don’t understand why Hitler would do that. Stereotypes are assuming something of someone or something based on what they act or look like. Racism is treating someone different because of their race or color. Hitler was in charge of German. The reason this kept going on is because nobody stood up to him. -Emily Gettings/7&8 <3
The camps were catergorized by gender, age, and race.The only people that were safe would be the arian race, and anyone who wasn't a cripple, black, gypsy, handicapped person, or jew. The leader of the Nazi army was Adolf Hitler. The world would learn that some people have no shame or regret for what they've done. Stereotypes are consumptions about a certain group of people that aren't true. Racism is being prejudice agaisnt a group of people because of their ethnicity. The genocide of the jews was tolerated for so long because of the war that was going on at the time. Hitler and the Nazi's were eventually stopped by America, England, Russia, and France.Madison morrone 4/5th <3
The Nazi’s had both death camps and labor camps. The Jews put into them were separated by age, gender, and physical ability. The only people safe in Nazi Germany were people with pure Arian blood. Adolph Hitler was the leader of Germany at that time. The final solution according to Hitler was the genocide of all of the Jewish people. The world should learn that complete control by one person is not a good thing, Also, that killing anyone based on any ancestry or any other reason is wrong. Stereotypes are judging somebody based on what one person may have done. Racism is hatred towards a certain group of people. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because Hitler brain-washed people into thinking they were a bad race of people. The Nazi’s were stopped by the American and British Troops.Meghan 4/5
The Holocaust was one of the worst events in history. It is very sad watching these videos and remembering what happened in this era. The Camps weere categorized into two groups, Concentration and Death. The only safe people had blue eyes and blonde hair. The final solution was that there were millions of innocent people killed. We should learn to be thankful for our freedom and for each day that God has blessed us with. Stereotypes are a judgement or view the world has on something. Racism is a hatred toward a group of people because of their race.The genocide was tolerated because the other countries didnt want to get involved. The Nazis were stopped by several united countries. The main powers were Russia, England,and America.-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
Well they were all catagorized by wether you were a man or a woman. If you were a man then you would go to one side and the women went to the other side of the fence. The only two who were safe were the Dutch and the Germans. The leader was a horrible person "Adolf Hitler". The final solution was to fight germany in war. Stereotypes is what evryone of one race likes to do I think.Racism is discrimination against a race. Because hitler allowed it. The allies in 1944 went to war with germany at that time USSR, and the americans stopped the nazi's.
there were two types of camps the concentration camps and the death camps. the germans were the only safe ones there. hitler was the leader. the solution was it aventually eneded. the world should learn that treat people like you want to be treated. people didn't like jews so that is a stereo type. people who judge otheres peoples color,religion, and other stuff. the genocide of the of the jews were that hitler wanted them killed because they weren't german. alot of people stopped the nazi's
By age,race and gender. Every body that was not jewish. Adolf Hitler. To kill all the jews.That people were just killed by there religion so don't judge. Rumors on other people.Because of the world war 2. American and British soliders.
The camps were created to kill many people at once. The only people who were safe were the nazi's and people with blond hair and blue eyes. Hitler was the leader of nazi germany. U.s. finnaly stepped in and put an end to it all.The U.s. finnaly stopped the nazis.Hunter Hill
They were characterized by gender, age, and the shaoe they were in. The people who were safe were the Germans and the Dutch. The leader of this was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was Hitler dieing and the jews being freed. Stereotypes are rumors told by a person about another that aren't true. Racism is discrimination to a person of a certian race that is differant than yours. everyone agreed at first then people started to think it wasn't right. The Russians, Americans, and Japanese stepped in and ended the torture to jews.
There were only two types of camps, concentration camps and death camps. The only safe people were people with blonde hair and blue eyes, if you had that no one could harm you.Hitler was the leader of the Nazi army. The world should learn that no matter what, we are all apart of this world and need to stay united. stereotypes are catagorizing people by sex,gender,age, etc. Racism is strongly disliking someone of a different heritage. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated for such a long period of time mainly because of war world 2. In the end the russians ended up stopping the Nazis.
There were two types of camps. There were concentration camps, and there were death camps. The only safe people in Nazi Germany were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. These people were called Aryans. The leader was none other than Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that an abundance of people were killed. The world should learn that Adolf Hitler was a very cruel person and he killed many millions of innocent people. Racism is where you only like your ethnic race of people. An example is white people hating black people or black people hating whit people. In this case, the Nazis hated the Jews. The Americans and British stopped them.
The camps were categorized by age, gender, and physical fitness. the only people who were safe during the holocaust were the germans and dutch. The leader of the holocaust was Adolf hitler. When the holocaust ended 11 million people were killed. What the world should learn from this is to not judge people. Stereotypes are stories told about something. Racism is to dislike someone because the color of ther skin or their race. The holocaust was tolerated because of world war II. They were finally stopped by the Americans and British.
The way the camps created by the Nazi regime be categorized by age and gender. The people who were safe were, Germans, Dutch, and people with blonde hair and blues eyes, mainly eveyone who wasn't Jewish. Adolf Hitler was their leader.The final solution was to kill all the Jews.The world should learn that no one should be killed beacuase of their color or religion and every one deserves a chance at life.Stereotypes are rumors told about a certain type of person.Racism is when people are discrimnated, because of what they believe or what skin color they have. The genocide was tolerated because people in other countries just didn’t want to get involved. They knew that it would take thier people and they would probably lose their lives. America, England, Russia, and France were the main powers that stopped the war.
MAKAYLA PERRINE 7th and 8thEverything was oraganized with gender, age, sex, and fitness.I do belive the only people who were safe were Germans,and everyone who was not a Jew.Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi. The final soution was killing every Jew.A sterotype is a very lowlife person,they judge by everything.Racism is also like a sterotype they judge by hair colors and skin ect.Genocide was only tolerated because of World War II. The Nazi were killed by American and British troops.
The camps created by the Nazi Regime can be categorized as croyalty. The Germans were safe in Nazi Germany. Adolph Hitler was the leader. The world should learn that it isn't right to treat other races differently. Stereotypes is a group of people from the same race. Racism is when you treat other races differently or even make fun of their race. Adolph Hitler would kill anyone who didn't opey him. The American Soldiers stopped the Nazis.
The camps can be grouped by race, gender, and weight. The only people that were safe were the ermans, Dutch, and people with blond hair and blue eyes. The leader of the Nazi's was Adolph Hitler.Theirfinal solution was to gas all of the jews. We can learn today not to be racist against other ethnic groups.Stereotypes are the first judgement about a person. Racism is when you stereotype a hole group of the same race.Genocide was toleratd because war world two was stillgoing on. We the United states, Russia, and England stopped the Nazis.
The Nazi camps catergoized by age,gender,and physical fitness. People that were safe were Germans the Dutch and generaly every one that was not Jewish. There leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to kill most of the Jews. People should learn not to judge people because Hitler just did not like the Jews he ended up killing thousands of them. Stereotypes are rumors told about a certain type of person. Racism is hating a person because of there race. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated for such a long time because of the war.
the camps were organized in different ways gender age wellness these camps were the worst place to be in any one of them. the holocaust was the worst part of WWII millions of innocents died at the hands of the nazis and the rest of hitlers armies.
The Nazi camps seperated them by age and gender. Pretty much If you weren't Jewish, then you were safe. The Holocaust was led by Adolf Hitler. the solution was to kill off all the Jews. People should learn that Hitler was a very cruel man and killed innocent people because of the way they looked or for absolutely no reason at all. You shouldn't judge someone like that and people should learn that from what happened in the Holocaust. Racism is when people judge because of someone's skin color or discriminate them because they look funny or any type of discrimination even if it's for no reason, it's called racism. But mostly it just means that you only like your type of people. The people in your ethnic race. The Nazi's ended up stopping this horrible habit later on when the Americans and Russians joined together and caused the war between them and killed off most of them and the rest just ended up giving up.
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The Nazi camps catergoized by age,gender,and physical fitness. People that were safe were Germans the Dutch and generaly every one that was not Jewish. There leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to kill all the Jews. People should learn not to judge people because Hitler just did not like the Jews he ended up killing thousands of them. Stereotypes are rumors told about a certain type of person. Racism is hating a person because of there race. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated for such a long period of time mainly because of war world 2. The Nazi's were stoped when American and British troops killed most of the Nazis.
2nd and 3rd periods.
There were two types of camps. There were concentration camps, and there were death camps. The only safe people in Nazi Germany were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. These people were called Aryans. The leader of the Nazi's was the cruel Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that an abundance of people were killed. The world should learn that Adolf Hitler was a very cruel person and he killed many millions of innocent people. Racism is where you only like your ethnic race of people. An example is white people hating black people or black people hating whit people. In this case, the Nazis hated the Jews.
The way they created the camps was by kids, teenager, middle age, and elder. People with Blonde and blue eyes were safe from the Nazi. The leader was Adolf Hitler. Hitler wanted to call the race of jews. People shouldn't jugde other people. Hitler didnt like the jews. So, he thought was a good idea was to kill their race. Stereotypes are like rumors. Racism means hating a normorl person just like you because of their race. Jews were tolerated for a long time. The people that are now called the russins.
The way the camps created by the Nazi regime be categorized by age, gender,and physical fitness. The only people safe from Nazi Germany was the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was the big abundance of the people that got killed. So, he killed the Jews. Other people shouldn't judge other people just because of their race.
Sterotypes is a conventional,formulaic, and oversimplified conception,opinion, or image. Racism is the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others and discrimination or prejudice based on race. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated for such a long period of time because of WW2. The Nazi's were stopped when the American and British troops were killed most of the Nazi's.
The camps were categorized by age, gender,and physical labor ability. The people who were safe were, Germans, Dutch, and people with blonde hair and blues eyes, mainly eveyone who wasn't Jewish. Adolf Hitler was their leader. Well, first they tried just putting all the Jews together in a fenced off area with barley enough to survive. Then they decided that this was too difficulf, so the just decided to kill them all and be done with it. They wanted to completely wipe out the entire Jewish population. The world should learn that life no matter how big or small has meaning, and should no be destoyed like this! Especially when the people we were destroying did absoultly nothing wrong! Racism is when people are discrimnated, because of what they believe or what skin color they have. it's really discrimnating people for being different than you are. The Nazi's finally stopped their terrible rein, when the American and British soilders killled most of them.
-madiosn urse <3 4 th& 5th period
After listening to this video it is perfectly clear that Hitler was crazy and a terrible leader!! He wanted to make the perfect race so he put the Jewish people into 2 different camps – Concentration camps and death camp. They sorted the people into groups. Some had healthy and hard working people, and the others had disabilities and were unhealthy.
Hitler – (the leader of Nazi Germany) thought that Germans, and people with blonde hair and blue eyes were a superior race. The world let this terrible event go on for a long time. People around the world should always defend freedom.
Stereotypes are conception or image that the world has on certain people. Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race because they are different. I think that the genocide was tolerated because people in other countries just didn’t want to get involved. They knew that it would take our own people and would probably lose their lives. America, England, Russia, and France were the main powers that stopped the war. I think that George Patton was one of the main leaders to stop the Nazi’s.
The leader of the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler , he killed innocent people for nothing. He killed not only the jews but other people that he didnt approove of . Nazi camps were catergoized by your sex , age , and race . Genocide was a place where over 3 million people died . Nazi's were taken over by the British Troops .
2nd&3rd pd .
The way the camps created by the Nazi regime be categorized by age, gender,and physical fitness.the people who had blond hair and blue eyes.ple surond hitler. that all jews wer bad and desuting.when peole hate pealoe that is a diffent rase then them
The Nazi camps were catergorized in death camps and the those working like a slave camp, and both were very wrong. The people with blonde hair and blue eyes were the only safe ones. The leader of the Nazi's was Hitler untill he was over thrown. The world should learn that is very wrong to do that to people. They should have learned to help fellow people on this earth early because it could have been stopped before it was very easily. Racism is the not liking of another race just because someone has a different color of skin or if its something they believe in. That is very wrong also. The genocide was tolerated because know one else wanted to get into it with them. The people who stopped them were us and lots of other countries.
There were two types of camps. There were concentration camps, and there were death camps. The only safe people in Nazi Germany were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. These people were called Aryans. The leader of the Nazi army was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that over 11 million people were killed in it. The world should learn that Adolf Hitler was a very cruel person and he killed many millions of innocent people. A stereotype is a popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. Racism is the belief that inherent different traits in human racial groups justify discrimination. The Soviet Union killed the Nazis.
Justin Okel 4/5
There were two types of camps, concentration camps and death camps. The only safe people were the ones that had blonde hair and blue eyes. The leader was Adolf Hitler. At first, they tried to keep all of the Jewish people together, separated from the rest of society, but they soon realized that was too difficult and decided to just do away with all of them. The world should learn that people are different and everyone just needs to accept that and move on. You can't waste your life away hating minorities. Stereotypes are an image that the world has put on a certain group of people. They are usually wrong. Racism is when someone dislikes another race because they're different. The genocide was tolerated because other countries did not want to get involved. American, France, England, and Russia were the main powers who stopped the Nazi's.
mia manzo(:
The camps were categorized into two groups. Concentration Camps and Death Camps. The only safe people, were the people in the Nazi Army, if the weren't Jewish, and people of the Arian race. I find that very Ironic, because the Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler, was Jewish, and didn't have blond hair and blue eyes. The final solution was Hitler's decision to send all the Jews to concentration and death camps to be disposed of. The world should learn that no one should be killed just because of their race. W should all be accepted no matter what race or religion we are. Stereotypes are what everyone automatically thinks something is when they see or hear about it. Racism is the hatred or abuse towards a group of people or a single person due to their race. It was tolerated because no one wanted to mess with the Nazi. We all knew how powerful they were and that they possessed nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union eventually stopped the Nazis when they attacked Berlin and took over the Reichstag. The US and other countries played a part in this but Russia finished the War.
The camps were categorized, there was a concentratoin camp and a death camp. The concentration camps were for the jews with blue eyes and blonde hair, everyone else was sent to a death camp where they would be killed. The solution was that hitler sent all the jews to be killed. The world should learn to always stay united and not have war, due to this. Anything can happen, but if we all stay at peace then everything will be okay.Stereotypes are what people "catergorize" races as, ect. example: black people like friend chicken, thats a stereotype. Racism is when you dont like a certain race. Nobody wanted to get involved and take the risk of being killed for sticking up for others. The Russian and Amercian soilders killed majority of them and they stopped.
They went by gender and health but, generally women and the children were immediately gased. Mostly non-jewish population, like Germans, Dutch. Their leader was known as Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to kill, Jews, Blacks, and Homosexuals. Stereotypes are sub conscious judgements about a person, by appearance or race. Racism is when you dislike anyone of a different race or ethnic group. It was tolerated because, of WWII. The people who stopped the Nazi's were Russian, British, and American
The camps created by the Nazi were catagorized by gender and age. Anyone who was not Jewish was basically safe, such as the Germans and Dutch. The leader of all of this was, Adolf Hitler. The outcome was to have all Jews killed in the end. Looking back on the Holocaust, we should learn how lucky we are. Today, you arent grouped by religion, everyone is treated equally, the way it should be. Stereotypes are people who base their decisions of a certain group of people on what they've heard, read about, or seen. Racism is discrimination againist a person because of their race, religion, or beliefs. The genocide of Jews was tolerated, because of WWII. Nazis were stopped by American eventually.
The camps were catergorized by gender, and physical fitness.The only people that were safe would be the arian race, and anyone who wasn't a cripple, black, gypsy, handicapped person, or jew. The leader of the Nazi army was Adolf Hitler. The world would learn that some people have no shame or regret for what they've done. Stereotypes are consumptions about a certain group of people that aren't true. Racism is being prejudice agaisnt a group of people because of their ethnicity. The genocide of the jews was tolerated for so long because of the war that was going on at the time. Hitler and the Nazi's were eventually stopped by America, England, Russia, and France.
The camps can change by age. The only people that were saved where people with blonde hair and blue eyes.The leader was Adolf Hitler.The final solution was that it was taking way to long to kill them all one by one so , he decided to all of the people in showers filled with gasoline and would kill them all at once. the world learn that the holocaust was very bad and take this to heart! The people who eventually stopped the Nazi's were the British people(:
The nazi concentration camps was orginized by age , sex , and fitness . the only people that were safe was the dutch and the germans. the final destenations was to kill all jews . the leader was adolf hitler . stereotypes are rumors that are told about a certain kind of person . the genocide of the jews was tolerated for such a long period of time because of world war II . but not all nazis were killed in the end . merissa ladd 2 & 3 period
by people change there life. all of the people that were not german were safe. adolph hitler was the leader. to kill everyone that was german. that people were kill for no reason.racism is people that dont like sertin reses of people. they were not tolerated they didnt wont them on there land.anne frank did.
The Nazis were horrable people who mainly catorigized people in two ways. You were one of them or you died. The only people who were safe in Nazi Germany were the people with blonde hair, blue eyes, and were young. Hitler was the Nazi leader and eventually decided to kill all people of the Jewish faith. The persicution of the Jews continoued untill they were stoped and defeated by the allies. I can not say for certian why peole put up with the genocide for so long before actions were taken. Had we just acted millions could have been saved. Steriotypes are atributes people associate with an entire group. Such as blondes being dumb. Racisim I feel can be classified in three ways singling out a group because they are a minority, not singling out a group because they are a minorety and singling out people because they are part of the majority.
The Nazi camps catergoized by age,gender,and physical fitness. The people who were safe in Nazi Germany were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. These type of people were known as the Aryans. The leader of the Nazi's was Adolf Hitler. The final solution of the crazy Holocaust was that over millions and millions of people were killed do to this tragedy. Some people should learn that the Holocaust was a very cruel thing that happened and need to learn that this was a very meaningful time in history. Racism is people who like ther own ethnic race of people. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because Adolf Hitler was in charge and there was no one who could stop him at that time period. The Nazi's were stoped when the American and British troops killed nearly all of the Nazi's. So as you can see this is how I describe the Holocaust.
The camps created by the Nazi can be categorizes in two group the labor camps and the death camps. Healthy straight people with blonde hair and blue eyes were safe in Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that ten thousands of Jews were killed or tortured. That people should not be judged base on appearance or religion but based on their actions. stereotype is a belief about a specific group. racism is discrimination against people with a different race then your own or in some cases against your own race. Because if anyone got involved they and maybe even their own family too would have gotten the same fate. The Nazis were stopped by the allies force British,American and Russian military.
Iy can be characterized as HORRIBLE,TERRIFYING, AND MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE. Mostly people that had blonde hair and blue eyes. Adolph Hitler. To put all the jews in concentration camps and give them "showers." To never judge people by their defects, and that everyone isn't perfect the way they what to be. Racism is when someone hates another person just because they're different. It was tolerated, because Hitler was the head of the nazi's and he made everyone hate people that weren't perfect. The Americans,British, and the Soviet Troops.
There were two camps created by the Nazi regime. There were concentration camps, and there we're also death camps. The only people that were safe in Nazi Germany were those with blonde hair and blue eyes. These people were called Aryans. The leader of the Nazi's was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that many Jewish people were killed. The world should learn from the Holocaust that Life is very valuable and you should cherish every minute of it. Also, we should learn to always defend our freedom. What are stereotypes? A stereotype is a conception or an image that the world has on something or a certain group. What is racism? Racism is hatred or intolerance of another race. I think that the genocide of the Jews was tolerated because people from other countries did not want to be involved in it. America and other countries played a part in stopping the Nazi's, but Russia ended the war.
-Olivia Moroose (:
They were categorized by gender, age, and there health. Some people who weren't jews and most of the non-jewish blonde hair and light eyed people. Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that after the fact that over 2 million people died allies finally came to help. That nobody should be judged for the way they look, what they bieleve and much more... Sterotypes are thy names or "clics" pople are idetifed to for how they look or act. Racism is judging someone for any reason and being agist them. I think that the genocide was tolerated because people in other countries just didn’t want to get involved. America, England, Russia, and France were the main powers that stopped the nati's.
The concentration camps can be categorized as labor camps and death camps. The labor camps were where you would work and were treated badly, with a high possible chance of death. The death camps however, you were practically guaranteed to die. The only people safe from the terror of the Nazi’s were people who Hitler considered “the master race”. The leader of the Nazi party and power was a man named Adolf Hitler. His final solution was the decision to send most of the people in the labor or death camps to be put to death even quicker. This resulted in over eleven million people being killed horribly.
Stereotypes are when most people have certain though on what a group of people are like based on where they live, what they do or their religion etc. Racism is a certain dislike toward a group of people for their skin color or nationality. The genocide was mainly tolerated since the other European countries neighboring Germany had a small military or were neutral, which wouldn’t allow them to stand up against the Nazi regime. What stopped the Nazi control were the allied forces, which mainly were led by the U.S.A., England, France, and the Soviet Union.
Sydnee Shaffer
4thand5th period:) <3
There were two very different types of camps. There were concentration camps and death camp. Death camps the people that were there had gotten kill by murder. But the concetration camp they make you do labor or work and then you would get gased.
The only safe people in Nazi Germany were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. These people were called Aryans. The leader of the Nazi's was the cruel Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that an abundance of people were killed. The world should learn that Adolf Hitler was a very cruel person and he killed many millions of innocent people. Racism is where you only like your ethnic race of people. An example is white people hating black people or black people hating white people. But in this case, the Nazis hated the Jews. What stoped the Nazi's was the allies from American and the British. Which the day that them came to save all the Jews is called D-day.
They were categorized by age, gender, and physical fitness. If you were sick, a child, or elderly you were immediately taken to the "showers". That's what that Nazis called the poisonous gas chambers where the Jews were taken for execution. The Aryans were safe and some other non-Jewish races. The Aryans were thought of as the superior race and they all had blue eyes, light skin, and blonde hair. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to take the Jews to death camps and concentration camps throughout Europe to be killed or worked to death. The world should learn that all people are created equal and no one should be judged by what they look like on the outside. Stereotypes are usually offensive generalized statements about a group of people. Racism is being prejudice against a group of people because of their race. The genocide was tolerated because there were other battles going on and most people just didn't want to get involved at the risk of making an enemy and losing some of their people. The Americans and British troops killed most of the Nazis.
The camps were put or separated into two groups. Concentration Camps and Death Camps. The only safe people were the people in the Nazi army there leader Adolf Hitler was also Jewish I found that funny and had neither blonde hair nor blue eyes. The Final solution was that to kill all Jewish people in these camps. What people should learn from the holocaust is that know one on this planet has the right to separate families and kill only certain types and just kill them! The stereo types were that all Jewish people were bad and terrible and anybody with blonde hair and blue eyes are perfect. Racisms is that people separate people in good and bad by the way they look. Because they were telling the other Germans that the Jews were the problem on this earth so they killed them. Allied forces, such as the USA and the British.
Sarah Esposito 7-8<3
Camps back them were categorized by gender. The only people safe back then were basically just people with blonde hair and blue eyes. The leader was Hitler. The final solution was that the americans, russians, british, and dutch (i think)...anyways the tryed to sqeeze the nazi out of germany. They should learn to not follow racist people. Racism is when...uhm i guess when one color dislikes another color. Genocide was tolerated because nobody liked jews because of hitler. the americans stopped the nazi's
Camps are categorizes by what age, gender, and state of health the jew is in. The germans and other nazis were safe in germany. Hitler was the leader and to kill him was the final solution to the problem. Don't treat others like dirt if you don't really know who they are. Steryotypes are crude guesses on what a person would do because of how they look. Racism is insults to another race. People were afraid of Hitler to do anything about it. Russians and americans stopped Hitler.
There were two different kinds of camps there were consintration camps and death camps. The camps were catergoried by age and ginder. The leader was Adolf Hitler. The final sulioton was to kill all jews.
The way they created the camps was by kids, teenager, middle age, and elder. The world should learn to always stay united and not have war, due to this.There were two types of camps, concentration camps and death camps. The only safe people were the ones that had blonde hair and blue eyes The genocide was tolerated because other countries did not want to get involved. American, France, England, and Russia were the main powers who stopped the Nazi's.
The camps created by the Nazi regime were categorized by age and gender. Physical fitness also had something to do with it.
Almost nobody was safe in Nazi Germany. Germans, Dutch, and people who weren't associated with Jews were safe. However, if you didn't fit into one of those categories, you were in danger on being sent to a camp.
The leader was Adolf Hitler.
The final solution was that 11 milion people died.
Stereotypes are assumptions on a group of people based on a single person.
Racism is excluding somebody of a different race or a number of things for no decent reason.
The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because people were too scared to do anything about it.
The Americans and the British eventually stopped them.
The conditions in this camp were horrid. The only people safe in Germany were people of the arien race. This race consisted of blue eyes and blonde hair. Personally, I think this is really stupid, but I don't think Hitler really cares what anybody else thinks. Stereotypes are assuming something of someone just because the way they look or act. Racism is treating someone different because of their race or color. The genocide of the jews were tolerated because nobody said anything to Hitler. He was in charge of Germany and what he said goes. The allies eventually stopped Hitler. The allies consisted of the U.S.A., Russia, and Japan.
There were two types of camps, concentration camps and death camps. The only safe people were the ones that had blonde hair and blue eyes. In other words, Aryans. The leader of the Nazi's was Adolf Hitler. At first, they tried to keep all of the Jewish people together, separated from everybody else, but they soon realized that was too difficult and decided to just kill all of them. The world should learn that people are different and everyone just needs to accept that and move on. You can't waste your life away hating other people. Stereotypes are an image that the world has put on a certain group of people. They are usually wrong. Racism is when someone dislikes another race because they're different. For example, it's like white people hating black people or black people hating gingers.(evil people) The genocide was tolerated because other countries did not want to get involved. American, France, England, and Russia were the main powers who stopped the terrible Nazi's.
There were two types of camps there were death camps, and there were work camps.The only people safe in germany were the ones with blonde hair blue eyes. Adolf Hitler was the nazi leader. The final solution was to wipe out all jews. That everyone is equal. Racism is where you discriminate a certain race. because Hitler was elected to run germany and because he got just about every german to believe that all jews were bad. America and other countries stopped hitler
The constantroin camps were led by a man known as Adolf Hitler. He was the leader of the thing. He had camps set up all around weere he was. He had work camps and death camps. heres a little thing i founded out hitler was a jew himself. h e did not look like one, but even though he didn't have the blond hair and the blue eyes he was still a jew.
There were two types of camps death camps and concentration camps and by gender and ages. The people that were safe doing this war were people with blue eyes and blonde hair. The leader of the Nazi was Adolf Hitler.The final solution was to kill all of the Jews. The world should learn from the holocaust is that it shouldnt matter what you look like or what your religion is , we are all the same and we are all human beings. Racism is where some people are mean and think different of other peoples looks and religions. The Americans stopped the Jews.
The only people that was safe during the holocaust was the non jewish people. The reason why is because Hittler said if u dont have blonde hair and blue eyes u wasnt worth to live. They organized the camps by age, gender, and fitness. Hitler wanted all the jews killed and that was the final solution in this problem.
During the Holocaust there were two types of camps, concentration camps and death camps. The only safe people were the arians. The Nazi Party also chancellor of Germany was Adolf Hitler. At first, they tried to keep all of the Jewish families together in ghettos, separated from the rest of society as outcasts, but they soon realized that was too difficult and had too many so they decided to just send them all away. The world should learn that people are all the same created by one and that no matter ethnicity, race, or religion we are all human beings. Stereotypes are a standard that the world has put on a certain type of people. Racism is when someone dislikes another race because they're different. The genocide was tolerated because other countries did not want to get involved. American armies, French, England, and Russia were the main powers who stopped the Nazi's and liberated the camps.
Ryan Ricer 4/5
the camps made by the NAZI where categorized into two groups labor camps and death camps. the only people that where safe in Germany where people with blond hair and blue eyes. the leader of the Nazis was Adolf Hitler. the final solution of the Holocaust many Jews died and the war ended. a lesson the world can learn from the Holocaust is to love everybody no matter there race. stereotypes are people who put different people in different groups. racism is someone discriminating someones skin color or religion. genocide of the Jews was tolerated because people knew that if they tried to help the Jews they would die to. the Americans, British, and Russians
There were two types of camps. There were concentration camps, and death camps. The only people who were safe in Nazi Germany were people who were blonde haired blue eyed. They were called Aryans. Adolfo Hitler was the leader of the Nazi's. The final solution was that millions of people were killed. The world should have learned that no one man should have all that power, discrimination is very wrong, and that when we know something bad like this is happening, we need to act quicker to stop it. A stereotype is a misperception of who or what someone is. Racism is hatred or intolerance to a race or other races. It was tolerated because of fear and ignorance. America, England, and Russians finally stopped the Nazis.
Ciara Hornberger
4-5th period (:
The camps were organized by leaving the people by there age, sex, and how athletic they are. The only people who were safe in this time were people with blonde hair and blue eyes. Hitler was the leader of all of this desastor. The final thing was that the American sodiers attacked hitler and killed him. Steriotypes are tuners about some one. Racism is somthing about Simone of the opposite race. It was all talorated because no body wanted to do anything about it. After they attacked purl harbor then the americans stopped them.
The camps created by the Nazi regime can be categorized by labor camps and death camps. The people were devided in these two camps by their age, gender and physical fitness. If people were not fit and were ill they were sent to the death camp in which they were put in the gas chamber. People with blond hair and blue eyes were safe. Adolf Hitler was the leader. Hitler was able to kill all of the jews and other people that he didn't like. That everyone is created equal and no one should be able to decide who lives or dies. Stereotypes are people the have been put in a certain category by other people. Racism is hatred against another race. Genocide was tolerated because people thought Hitler was a great leader and knew what he was doing. The American, France, England and Russia forced finely stopped the Nazi's.
Ryan Valentine
7th & 8th Period
The camps could have been categorized by age groups and gender. The safe people were the people who were not Jewish. The leader was Adolph Hitler. The final solution was when Hitler died. The Holocaust taught us to accept each other for who we are instead of killing the ones who we didn't think fit in with the rest. Stereotypes are rumors told about someone. Racism is the disliking of another race. The genocide of Jews was tolerated because Hitler tolerated it and he was in control. Eventually, the American and British troops stopped the Nazis.
Gender, age, and fitness categorized the camps. The only people that were totally safe were the ones with blonde hair and blue eyes. The leader of the Holocaust was Adolf Hitler. In the end Hitler just decide to try and kill the entire Jewish race. People should learn not to hate or judge people by their appearance and race. Also that everyone is created equally. Stereotypes are belief about group of people. Racism is the hating of a group of people or an indusial because of their race. It was tolerated most likely because all the resources and people were focused on the war. This all stopped when American and British troops came over to stop them.
4th &5th Period<3
Kathryn Scarbro (:
There were 2 differnt kinds of camps. There was concerration camps and death camps. The only person that was safe was a person with blond hair and blue eyes. The Nazi leader was Adolf Hitler. HE was cruel person and he killed many millions of people and there short lives. Racism is where you only like your race of people. Which would be white people only like white people and black only like black people.The people
The camps created by Nazi's were categorized by race, gender, and class. People who were safe were called the Aryans. The leader was a male named Adolf Hitler. The final solution was mass extermination. Something that we should learn from the Holocaust is that corruption can gain power. Some stereotypes would be on beliefs on a group of people based on one little thing. Racism is anger and hatred toward people other than your race and religion. They were tolerated because Hitler's people believed him. The people who eventually stopped the Nazi's were Russians and the American forces.
-Megan Hermance, 7&8 period.
The camps created by the Nazis were categorized by age and gender. Anyone other than Jewish ethnicity was safe from being taken by the Nazis. Adolf Hitler was the man in charge of all this murdering. We should all feel lucky to have as much freedom like today. Back when Jews werecaptured, they had to be either put to death, starved, or ill. We have the freedom becuase of our brave troops fighting for us. Stereotypes a simplified or standardized perception of a person because of there actions or further common beliefs. Racism is the belief that races have distinct cultural characteristics determined by hereditary or ethnicity. Some believe that a certain race is better and has control over many others. The reason in which the genocide was tolerated is because, other countries did not want involved. The Americans, Russia, and Japan were the ones who stopped Hitler of demolishing all Jews.
The Nazi camps created were death camps and labor camps. The only people safe from going to those camps were the Aryan race. These people had blonde hair and blue eyes. The leader of this race was Adolf Hitler. The final solution to his problem of creating the ultimate race was to kill anybody that was not an Aryan. We can learn from this mistake. Treat everybody equal. Stereotypes are how we categorize people, by their skin color, or their background. Racism is degrading somebodies race because you think yours is better. We tolerated the Holocaust because we didn't want to get involved with the war. We eventually stopped it though.
The two ways the Nazi's seperated the camps where, one camp was the concentration camp, and the second one was the death camp. The people who where safe where the people in which where the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. The leader of the Nazi's was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to kill all the Jews. Everyone should know Hitler was a cruel, mean, rasist person. He dosn't understand how bad he is hurting everyone. Stereotypes are secrets or rumers told , that are all lies. Racism is going against someone's race or religion. The Nazi's where rasist because they hated the Jews.
Megan Wilt,4th&5th period<3
They were categorized by gender, age and physical fitness. The Aryan Race was felt to be superior and was safe in Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany. The final solution was the death of all people that were not of the Aryan Race. The world should learn from the Holocaust that we should all get along and that all people are the same. A stereotype is when a person is classified a certain way because of their race. Racism is when you stereotype a person because of their race. The genocide was tolerated because people were afraid of Adolf Hitler. The Russians, the British and the United States eventually stopped the Nazi’s.
Bryce Bittinger
Period 7th & 8th
The conditions of these camps were terrible. The only people safe in Germany were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. 11 million people got killed. I don’t understand why Hitler would do that. Stereotypes are assuming something of someone or something based on what they act or look like. Racism is treating someone different because of their race or color. Hitler was in charge of German. The reason this kept going on is because nobody stood up to him.
-Emily Gettings/7&8 <3
The camps were catergorized by gender, age, and race.The only people that were safe would be the arian race, and anyone who wasn't a cripple, black, gypsy, handicapped person, or jew. The leader of the Nazi army was Adolf Hitler. The world would learn that some people have no shame or regret for what they've done. Stereotypes are consumptions about a certain group of people that aren't true. Racism is being prejudice agaisnt a group of people because of their ethnicity. The genocide of the jews was tolerated for so long because of the war that was going on at the time. Hitler and the Nazi's were eventually stopped by America, England, Russia, and France.
Madison morrone 4/5th <3
The Nazi’s had both death camps and labor camps. The Jews put into them were separated by age, gender, and physical ability. The only people safe in Nazi Germany were people with pure Arian blood. Adolph Hitler was the leader of Germany at that time. The final solution according to Hitler was the genocide of all of the Jewish people. The world should learn that complete control by one person is not a good thing, Also, that killing anyone based on any ancestry or any other reason is wrong. Stereotypes are judging somebody based on what one person may have done. Racism is hatred towards a certain group of people. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated because Hitler brain-washed people into thinking they were a bad race of people. The Nazi’s were stopped by the American and British Troops.
Meghan 4/5
The Holocaust was one of the worst events in history. It is very sad watching these videos and remembering what happened in this era. The Camps weere categorized into two groups, Concentration and Death. The only safe people had blue eyes and blonde hair. The final solution was that there were millions of innocent people killed. We should learn to be thankful for our freedom and for each day that God has blessed us with. Stereotypes are a judgement or view the world has on something. Racism is a hatred toward a group of people because of their race.The genocide was tolerated because the other countries didnt want to get involved. The Nazis were stopped by several united countries. The main powers were Russia, England,and America.
-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
Well they were all catagorized by wether you were a man or a woman. If you were a man then you would go to one side and the women went to the other side of the fence. The only two who were safe were the Dutch and the Germans. The leader was a horrible person "Adolf Hitler". The final solution was to fight germany in war. Stereotypes is what evryone of one race likes to do I think.Racism is discrimination against a race. Because hitler allowed it. The allies in 1944 went to war with germany at that time USSR, and the americans stopped the nazi's.
there were two types of camps the concentration camps and the death camps. the germans were the only safe ones there. hitler was the leader. the solution was it aventually eneded. the world should learn that treat people like you want to be treated. people didn't like jews so that is a stereo type. people who judge otheres peoples color,religion, and other stuff. the genocide of the of the jews were that hitler wanted them killed because they weren't german. alot of people stopped the nazi's
By age,race and gender. Every body that was not jewish. Adolf Hitler. To kill all the jews.That people were just killed by there religion so don't judge. Rumors on other people.Because of the world war 2. American and British soliders.
The camps were created to kill many people at once. The only people who were safe were the nazi's and people with blond hair and blue eyes. Hitler was the leader of nazi germany. U.s. finnaly stepped in and put an end to it all.The U.s. finnaly stopped the nazis.
Hunter Hill
They were characterized by gender, age, and the shaoe they were in. The people who were safe were the Germans and the Dutch. The leader of this was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was Hitler dieing and the jews being freed. Stereotypes are rumors told by a person about another that aren't true. Racism is discrimination to a person of a certian race that is differant than yours. everyone agreed at first then people started to think it wasn't right. The Russians, Americans, and Japanese stepped in and ended the torture to jews.
There were only two types of camps, concentration camps and death camps. The only safe people were people with blonde hair and blue eyes, if you had that no one could harm you.Hitler was the leader of the Nazi army. The world should learn that no matter what, we are all apart of this world and need to stay united. stereotypes are catagorizing people by sex,gender,age, etc. Racism is strongly disliking someone of a different heritage. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated for such a long period of time mainly because of war world 2. In the end the russians ended up stopping the Nazis.
There were only two types of camps, concentration camps and death camps. The only safe people were people with blonde hair and blue eyes, if you had that no one could harm you.Hitler was the leader of the Nazi army. The world should learn that no matter what, we are all apart of this world and need to stay united. stereotypes are catagorizing people by sex,gender,age, etc. Racism is strongly disliking someone of a different heritage. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated for such a long period of time mainly because of war world 2. In the end the russians ended up stopping the Nazis.
There were two types of camps. There were concentration camps, and there were death camps. The only safe people in Nazi Germany were the people with blonde hair and blue eyes. These people were called Aryans. The leader was none other than Adolf Hitler. The final solution was that an abundance of people were killed. The world should learn that Adolf Hitler was a very cruel person and he killed many millions of innocent people. Racism is where you only like your ethnic race of people. An example is white people hating black people or black people hating whit people. In this case, the Nazis hated the Jews. The Americans and British stopped them.
The camps were categorized by age, gender, and physical fitness. the only people who were safe during the holocaust were the germans and dutch. The leader of the holocaust was Adolf hitler. When the holocaust ended 11 million people were killed. What the world should learn from this is to not judge people. Stereotypes are stories told about something. Racism is to dislike someone because the color of ther skin or their race. The holocaust was tolerated because of world war II. They were finally stopped by the Americans and British.
The way the camps created by the Nazi regime be categorized by age and gender. The people who were safe were, Germans, Dutch, and people with blonde hair and blues eyes, mainly eveyone who wasn't Jewish. Adolf Hitler was their leader.The final solution was to kill all the Jews.The world should learn that no one should be killed beacuase of their color or religion and every one deserves a chance at life.Stereotypes are rumors told about a certain type of person.Racism is when people are discrimnated, because of what they believe or what skin color they have. The genocide was tolerated because people in other countries just didn’t want to get involved. They knew that it would take thier people and they would probably lose their lives. America, England, Russia, and France were the main powers that stopped the war.
Everything was oraganized with gender, age, sex, and fitness.
I do belive the only people who were safe were Germans,and everyone who was not a Jew.
Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi. The final soution was killing every Jew.
A sterotype is a very lowlife person,they judge by everything.
Racism is also like a sterotype they judge by hair colors and skin ect.
Genocide was only tolerated because of World War II. The Nazi were killed by American and British troops.
The camps created by the Nazi Regime can be categorized as croyalty. The Germans were safe in Nazi Germany. Adolph Hitler was the leader. The world should learn that it isn't right to treat other races differently. Stereotypes is a group of people from the same race. Racism is when you treat other races differently or even make fun of their race. Adolph Hitler would kill anyone who didn't opey him. The American Soldiers stopped the Nazis.
The camps can be grouped by race, gender, and weight. The only people that were safe were the ermans, Dutch, and people with blond hair and blue eyes. The leader of the Nazi's was Adolph Hitler.Theirfinal solution was to gas all of the jews. We can learn today not to be racist against other ethnic groups.Stereotypes are the first judgement about a person. Racism is when you stereotype a hole group of the same race.Genocide was toleratd because war world two was stillgoing on. We the United states, Russia, and England stopped the Nazis.
The Nazi camps catergoized by age,gender,and physical fitness. People that were safe were Germans the Dutch and generaly every one that was not Jewish. There leader was Adolf Hitler. The final solution was to kill most of the Jews. People should learn not to judge people because Hitler just did not like the Jews he ended up killing thousands of them. Stereotypes are rumors told about a certain type of person. Racism is hating a person because of there race. The genocide of the Jews was tolerated for such a long time because of the war.
the camps were organized in different ways gender age wellness these camps were the worst place to be in any one of them. the holocaust was the worst part of WWII millions of innocents died at the hands of the nazis and the rest of hitlers armies.
The Nazi camps seperated them by age and gender. Pretty much If you weren't Jewish, then you were safe. The Holocaust was led by Adolf Hitler. the solution was to kill off all the Jews. People should learn that Hitler was a very cruel man and killed innocent people because of the way they looked or for absolutely no reason at all. You shouldn't judge someone like that and people should learn that from what happened in the Holocaust. Racism is when people judge because of someone's skin color or discriminate them because they look funny or any type of discrimination even if it's for no reason, it's called racism. But mostly it just means that you only like your type of people. The people in your ethnic race. The Nazi's ended up stopping this horrible habit later on when the Americans and Russians joined together and caused the war between them and killed off most of them and the rest just ended up giving up.
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