No, because that would just say something about my personality, and that I can only say something if I'm hiding behind something. When someone just doesn't like the person and asks people what their facebook is an they bully them. I can try to stick up for people and try to comfort them in troubled times. Yes I do, but I don't bully on it. By talking to people in a positvie manner and trying not to be mean and ignorant.
I would never say something on-line that I wouldn't say in person.People get on Facebook and put up statuses about people often. They also get hold of other students' phone numbers and call them and leave negative voice mails.I can stop cyberbullying by making sure I report it if it ever happens to me or if I know that somebody else is being cyberbullied. I also can stop it by refusing to do it myself.I do have a Facebook account.I can use my Facebook account in a positive way by not bringing any of my friends. I never friend request people who I don't think I would be able to talk to normally, so I keep myself from bullying others. I only talk positive about other people.
I would never say something online that I wouldn't say to a person's face. If you don't have anything nice to say, then you shouldn't say anthing at all. I know that some bullying goes on,on twitter and facebook.I don't try to get involved, because it isn't necessary.You can stop cyberbulling by thinking about saying it to the person's face before you type it. If you're about to type something you wouldn't say to a person's face, then you probably shouldn't put it online. I have a twitter and facebook, but I dont use them for that. I use them to keep in touch with family and friends.
No, I would not ever say anything on-line that I wouldn't say in person. The reason is because I like to be a nice person and say everything that I would say where ever I'm at because if you say something different that just going to make you seem like a very rude person. I know that some bulling goes on facebook, and also twitter because everyone on these two websites talk very bad about other people and then when ever you go up to them in person you ask them why they said that and they give you an answer and say that they did not even say that at all when ever you seen that on that website that day. So as you can see there are alot of bad things that people talk about on these two websites. 7th-8th Period
I wouldn't , I know one example of cyberbullying. How I can help stop cyeber bullying is tell on of the staff members at my school. I do have a facebook and myspace account. I can use facebook in a postive way by not bullying poeple and on myspace is dont thrantened people.
Honestly I probably do without even realizing it. That dosnt mean its bad just somthing different. When you are not talking with somone face to face or even on the phone you forget the entire humanity side of the conversation so you are more open to words. Cyberbullying can and probably does occur everywhere. It is just to easy to send a text or facebook update that is mean about someone, and not see the concequences ahead. You dont stop cyberbullying. You can't, you could threaten kids with death and it will still go on. All yo can do is stunt it and get strongle as a person when it affects you. I have a facebook and it can be used to contact friends you never see and arrange things.
no, because no one should bully anyone. Yes, because there have been a few times where someone would post something on facebook talking about another person. You could help stop it by telling an adult so they can handle it. Yes, i have a facebook and myspace account. You could use them in a positive way by writing them on their wall and complimenting them.
No, because if you can't say something to someones face you shouldn't say it at all. Yes, because on facebook there have been times where people post mean things about people on there. You can help by telling an adult and let them handle it. Yes, I have a facebook and myspace account. You can use them in a positive way by posting on someones walls and complimenting them.
No I would never say anything online then what I would do in person. I do not know any specific examples of cyberbulling that happens at WFMS but I am sure that it happens. I can stop cyberbullying by watching what you post facebook or twitter. I have a facebook account and I use it about everyday. I can use facebook in a positive way by using it to stay connected with my faraway relatives or even friends that live around me and I could post homework or project reminders on their wall and it is something to use if you want to spread information really fast. 2nd and 3rd period.
No, because that would just be rude and it makes u look like the scared one. If you have a problem with someone then you should confront them in person. No, I couldn't say that I have witnessed or seen any cases of cyberbulling at WFMS. There are many things you could do to stop cyberbulling, like not doing it. Yes I have a facebook. To connect with friend and family that live far away or mabey just to ask questions or talk with your friends outside of school.~Rainy Heston~~4/5 period~
I wouldn't say something online that I would not say in person because that would mean I was a coward. Cyberbulling can occur on blogs, facebook, and twitter and WFMS. I can help stop it by not doing it because that way people would not see it so they wouldn't do it. I do not have a facebook, myspace or twitter. My parents do not trust me to have one. Maybe it is because of all the cyberbullying. If I did I would say positive things.
No, its so rude to cyberbully. Its so rude to cyberbully to others online. It makes you stand out and look bad and others will feel bad about themseles too. Treat others how you would want to be treated. Contacting people on facebook and twitter just make you look stypid and trashey and no one will start toi like you. Jusrt think if that where to happen toi yoiu? how would you feel. yes, it happened last year, a group of kids started being measn to one certain person. I feel bad for people who get cyberbullied , it sucks for them,. I do have a faceb ook account and i use it all the time. POst things on peoples walls that are kind and nice to others. 4th and 5th period.<3
Cyberbullying is a terrible thing to do. Sometimes, it makes people go crazy and or kill themselves. I hope nobody cyberbullies because I sure don't. No, I would never say anything online that i wouldn't say in person. I don't know of any examples of cyberbullying at WFMS but I'm sure it occurs. To help stop cyberbullying, we can say nice things online and make new friends everyday so everybody is nice to each other. Yes, I have a facebook, a myspace, and a twiiter. You can use these in a positive way by saying nice things to each other. You don't have to say negative things to your peers.Michael Nuzum
cyberbulling is very easy now days because everyone uses technology. between facebook and twitter more and more people are getting bullied over the internet. without the internet cyberbulling would not even exist. I personally do not cyberbully and no one should ever cyberbully
I would not say something online that I wouldn't say in person because most of the time it gets brought up in person and you have to back it up. Yes, there is a lot of cyberbullying at WFMS. You can help to stop it by not doing it and by telling someone when it happens. Yes, I have a facebook account. You can use those without talking about people or mean to people. Madison Morrone 4/5th <3
I would not say anything online I would not say in person. I believe if you wouldn't say it to their face you shouldn't say it online. I don't see much cyberbullying on that internet involving WFMS. You can stop cyberbullying by adressing the culperate in person because doing it only would cause more of a fuss. I do have a facebook account and can use it in a positive way by stopping the mean, rude, and ignorant comments other people make to another student.
No, I would not, because that is mean and cruel it hurts people's feelings. No, I do not WFMS students are very nice most of them would never dso anything like that! You can educate people about it and share your thoughts on the subject. Yes, I have a facebook I' m on it all the time I love it! You can just use them for ehat they are ment for talk to your friends don't worry about anyone else. If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all. -madison urse :)
No, I would not, because that is mean and cruel it hurts people's feelings. No, I do not WFMS students are very nice most of them would never do anything like that! You can educate people about it and share your thoughts on the subject. Yes, I have a facebook I’m on it all the time I love it! You can just use them for what they are made for, to talk to your friends don't worry about anyone else. If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all. -Madison Urse :)
I have said some things online before but it was as a joke and the other person understood. I would never say anything mean to someone over the internet. I've heard of some stuff but no I have never witnessed it . We can all help each other out and try to calm down the person who is mad and the person who is getting bullied we could comfort them. Yes i have a Facebook and Twitter. We can find out what time practice is and communicate with our family members.Benny T
No, I would not. That is mean and it hurts peoples' feelings. Cyberbullying can occur when people are jealous of one another.Most occurs through socaial networking sites. You can stop cyberbullying by telling an adult. Yes, I have a Facebook and a Twitter account. I can use these in a pisitive way by putting positive things on them and using them to stay in touch with friends rather than cyberbullying.
sydnee shaffer4th and 5th period<3:) No i would never say something on-line that I wouldnt say to a persons face. Do I know of examples that occur at WFMS? I know of many examples like fighting on facebook and twitter.But other people also join in on the covos and coment what they think too. How can I help stop cyberbullying? To convince my friend to watch what they say on facebook or twitter. I have both a twitter and facebook. I just watch what I say of these social websites and my mom also has a facebook and has people watching me on twitter.
No, I would never say anything on line that I wouldn’t say to someone’s face. If you don’t have enough guts to say it to their face then you should not type it. I don’t have any examples of cyberbulling at WFMS. The only thing I can think of to help stop cyberbullying is not to fall into anyone’s trap and don’t respond to it. Yes, I have a facebook page. I don’t know how to use it in a positive way. I’m really not on it very much. Bryce Bittinger7th & 8th period
Yes, I would say something online that I wouldn't say in person. I would have more confidence to say something online because it wouldn't be face to face confrontation. An example of cyberbullying at our school is when people post negative comments on other people's photos. I can stop it by reporting the comments on facebook and letting the people know that it was a wrong thing to do. I can also stop it by not participating in it. Yes, I have a facebook. I can use facebook well by only saying positive things about others.
I definitely wouldn’t say something to someone on the computer or on my phone that I wouldn’t say to them in person. I wouldn’t for two reasons: You’ll eventually get confronted about it, and saying stuff on-line makes you look like the coward. I’m not really aware of any examples of cyber bullying at WFMS, but of course there has to be some. Every school has some type of bullying. Cyber bulling will probably never be completely stopped, but the least we can do is to think before we type. When it does happen, tell a trusted adult so he or she can try to prevent future occurrences. I don’t have a Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace. My mom doesn’t think I need one. She thinks it’ll just get me into trouble. You can use those sites in a positive way by only saying nice things and not talking about people on them. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. -mia manzo 4th & 5th perioddd (:
No, I would not say anything on the line that I would not say to a person. Cyberbullyling at WFMS fore example, when someone makes fun of other students, people spreading rumers to other people that is not true about a student. I would try to help every student that is getting bullyied and try to make like their selfs and I would tell them that its not their fault if people are bullyling them because its true they didnt do anything to them.I used to have a myspace but deleted it, now I have a facebook account. Say nice things about other people and dont say bad things on there. It's not nice to talk about people to face to face or on the interent. Interent is wores because once you post something on the interent it nevers comes off. It's onlys on there and people should think twice before they start hurting peoples feelings and stuff like that.
No I would not say anything mean to someone online that would hurt their feelings. I know how some examples of how cyberbullying occurs, when someone makes fun of someone online and they send that message to all their friends. So, cyberbulling starts with one person and turns to millions of people. How can you stop cyberbullying? You can stop cyberbullying by getting rid of all the websites that teens use for cyberbullying, like facebook, twitter,or myspace. I don't have a facebook or a myspace or a twitter account and I never will because I don't believe in having a account through myspace, facebook, or twitter. You can use those in a positive way by not even starting a rumor online about someone and sending it to all your friends just because they aren't better than you and they aren't as pretty as you.-Sabrina Coe 2nd & 3rd Period
No, I was tought better than that. Bullying is almost as low as you can get. Many ofthe students at WFMS get tormented on how they look or act and it is sad to see these people suffer. You can tell an adult or tell them to stop and knock it off.No, I don't see the purpose in a facebook because it's just another way of killingbrain cells. I don't think anything is positive on facebook.
No I would say everything that I would say online that I would say in person. Actually I have no idea at all. I don't know, and I wouldnt't really try to help all that much. No I do not have a facebook or myspace I think that those are stupid sites. I wouldn't know how to ud\se it in a positive way.
No, because that would tell the kind of person I am, and it may destroy someone's reputation, or feelings. Yes, people often write a status about that partuclar person or maybe message their friends about them. I have to make sure to stick up for the person being bullied, or try and help them brush it off. I have a facebook account, mostly status updates are about things they did after school or on the weekends, but there is the occasional status about someone they don't like. Make sure no writes about someone they don't like
I wouldn't because I will tell you something over internet and i will tell you the same in person. People on the internet would say you're ugly and to your face they will tell you that you are beautiful it not right. People would say i hate you and i don't want to be around you the students in my school do it all the time. You can stop it by making it a law that you can't cyberbully people that would solve the problem.
I would not say something on line that I would not say in person. No I dont know about any cyberbullying in WFMS. you can help stop cyberbullyling by not becoming Friends with people you dislike online. yes I have a facebook or myspace account. you can use these in a positive way by only appecting friend on them and talking to them and telling them about your day as your status.
It depends on what I'm saying. I wouldnt say something threatening in anyway though. There is quite a lot of cyberbullying at WFMS, ranging from making a facebook page to say mean things about someone, to people using their phones and accounts to threaten eachother. You can stop cyberbullying simply by getting along. If people quit being mean to eachother and accepted one another there would not be a problem. Yes, I have a facebook, and twitter account. You can use those for communication, and to tell people happy birthday, or to congradulate them on their accomplishments.
No, I would never say something on-line that I wouldn't say in person. People write statuses on facebook, or other socail networking sites, about other students at WFMS. Also, students can text or call another student and say negative things. I can help cyberbullying stop by always reporting it to an adult. Yes, I have a facebook and a twitter. I mainly use these to talk to my friends, and I also do not accept friend requests from people I do not know.
No, because that would just say something about my personality, and that I can only say something if I'm hiding behind something. Yes, people post mean things of facebook and start rumors in text message and that is cyberbullying. I honestly don't know how or if I can stop it but it just shows how peoples' personalities are. Yes, I actually have both but I don't get on myspace anymore. You can post nice things and try as hard as you can to stop bullying.
No, it depends on what im saying. It's hard to not say anything rude back to someone that has started the fight and is saying mean things about you. It depends on what the person says about me. But, I try not to lower myself down to there standards. Cyberbullying at WFMS starts over facebook or twitter. Just try to be nice to everyone. I know it’s hard sometimes but, ignoring them is probley the best way to act in a situation like that. Yes, I do have a facebook account, but I don’t get on it that much. Don’t say anything to anybody that could offend them. -emily gettings 7&8 <3
NO! WHY NOT JUST SAY IT TO THERE FACES. YES,like when something occurs at school those people will take out of school and start up again online and one of them the bigger or tougher one will start bulling other people online.I can stick up for them,also I can tell that person to stop messing with that other person.yes!,you could stop posting mean stuff about other people, and stop talking talk about things you don't even know nothing about!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe maybe not it just depends on what I would say. Not off the top of my head no. If you know someone that you don't like is online get off. Yes I have a facebook. Just talk to yur friends and don't say mean things.
No I would not ,because that shows you being a coward. Yes people have posted videos of fights on the internet. To help stop we could band together to help the bullied. Yes I have a facebook account. To use those in a positive way is to talk about good things about people.
MAKAYLA PERRINE 7th&8thI wouldn't say anything online that I wouldn't say to your face.People can get on facebook and make a status about them and then people gang up on them and bully them.I could stop cyerbulling by sticking up for people online tell them to quit.Yes I have a facebook.
STEPHANIE CHAPDELAINEI would never say somthing online if i wouldnt say it in person. some people dont know the person and bullies them online gor fun. i can make a bullie free websight and give advice for all the teens who are experiencing this. i do not have any of those accounts just for that reson. you can use them by sending people compliments.
No,I would never say something online that I wouldn't say to a person's face. Yes many ! On facebook girls always make things about them and have pictures of them and make things worse. You can tell principles or even go to other adults. Yes I a facebook account but I never get on it. The way you can use those are by putting if someone did good on a basketball team or something like that. - Ashley Bright 7/8th :)
I would not say something online that I wouldn't say in person. Some examples of cyberbullying at WFMS could be something that could possibly happen on facebook. I have a facebook, and you could use it in a positive way by not saying anything offensive and thinking about what you say before you say it.-Megan Hermance, 7&8 period.
I Would Not Say Anything Online To Somebody That I Could Not Say In Person . I Might Say Something To Them On Facebook or Something If They Started With Me , But Nothing I Wouldnt Say To Their Face. Iv Seen Bullying On Facebook From Kids That Go To WFMS , But I Hardly Ever See It In School . Its There , But I Honestly Dont Pay Attention To It Much .
Um, NO! That’s messed up! Yes I have seen kinds of cyber bulling at our school I am NOT going to put those examples on this blog because I think that would be a form of cyber bulling as well? How can I stop cyber bulling hmmmm… maybe going up to people that are shy and inviting them to sit beside you at lunch? Or start informing more people about what is going on and see if they can find a way. Yes, I do have a Face book account no, I don’t have a MySpace account I don’t think anybody does anymore so that is a good thing I guess. You could message some one that you see being bullied and tell them every thing is going to be ok and ask them to be your friend. Or something. Ok bye <3 Sarah Esposito 7-8 ;) <3
i would not say anything online that i wouldn't say to them in person. i don't really know any examples of cyberbulling at WFMS. but i do know alot of ways of school bulling.ya i do have a facebook but i only use my acount to talk to my freinds and family far away.
No, because if you don't have the guts to say it to their face don't say it at all. Anything you say online stays there forever and others can see it. Yes, I do recall hearing about one case of cyberbulling in seventh grade at WFMS, it was about a kid on facebook who threatened to beat up another student. You can tell a trusted adult, save all the proof and contact the police. Yes, I do have a facebook but I don't have a myspace. Only post positive things about yourself and others. Never post anything negative about someone because you would not like it said about you. Ryan Valentine 7th&8th period
Yes it probably would. It would depend on the situation and who's involved. Yeah I do. I see kids all the time in Facebook saying rude comments to each other and they don't realize how hurtful the things they say can be. You can stop and should stop it by trying to either resolve the problem or try to get them to stop. And if you were to become involved, just don't comment back. I did have a MySpace and I have a Facebook now. There are a lot of ways you could promote positive things. Like posting about school activities, give someone advice, or just post on someone's wall to make their day.Ciara Hornberger 4&5th period
No, I would not say something online that I would not say in person because I just dont. People on facebook and twitter often get bullied on those social networking sites, and another example of technological bullying would be through texting which happens often. One way that you can stop cyberbullying is by blocking the person. I do have a facebook which I rarely use but also I have a twitter ( follow me @RyrannMathieu7 ) which is my main social networking site and I use it to keep from being bored and connecting with friends and celebrities. One way to stop bullying is to be nice to everyone and in return they will be nice to someone else in my opinion. Ryan Ricer 4/5
No, I would not say something online that I would not say in person because I think it is a horrible thing. There are many things that are wrong with cyberbullying, but we can stop it once and for all. You can stop cyberbullying by telling an administrator or adult about the problem. Cyberbulling can occur on blogs, facebook, texts on your phone, and twitter at WFMS. Yes, I have a facebook and a twitter. You can use these in a positive way by saying nice things to each other. You don't have to say negative things to people to make them feel bad about themselves.Justin Okel 4/5
I absolutely would not say anything online. If it was a problem then I shouldn't spread the information to the public. Saying hurtful information to someone directly can even be more of a hazard. The best thing to do is to confront an adult or ministrator. I have not heard of any cyberbullying occuring at my school. Even if I havnt heard, there probably is an online confrontation going on. Cyberbullying can be helped by just having a better attitude and personality. Many people will not treat others like that if they have no reason to. I have a facebook acount and have had one for a while now. I could use that as a opportunity to know more people and have a better connection with others.
No, I wouldn’t say something online that I wouldn’t say in person. But, people do it all the time on Facebook, twitter, and other social sites, which messed up if they do. I don’t know anything happening about cyber bullying in the school right now. There are a few ways to stop cyber bullying such as reporting that person to an administrator or adults. Yes, I have a Facebook account and I use it for positive stuff. My friend list is filled with people I know who wouldn’t probably cyber bully anyone I know of.
No I would not say anything on line that I wouldn't say in person because that shows a lack of courage. There is a lot of bulling going on at school. I could help by confronting the person that is bullying in public. I have a Facebook. I can us this to show thanks and congradutate people.
I wouldn't say something online that I would not say in person. Many people would not though because posting something on your computer is an easy way out without confronting the person to their face. Yes, cyberbullying does occur at WFMS. Many students bully others by posting status updates, tweets, and posting photoes to humiliate others. I have social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. I also have a Myspace account, but I no longer use it. I believe that there are many positive ways to use social networking accounts. Such as, keeping in touch with friends and family, telling others Happy Birthday, ect.Brooke Elizabeth Ashcraft_4th&5th period
No because if your going to say it to them it might as well be in person. There are some people who bully people at our school and they are very mean. We can help stopm it by telling people to be nicer and stop what they are doing. No I do not h have a myspace or facebook I am not allowed.
I would never say anything online that i wouldn't say in person. No I dont get online much. Well I could put parental control on your computer so if someone said something bad you wouldn't know. I have both a MYspace and a Facebook. I could talk with freinds and not strangers and only add people I know.
i would not say something online that i would not say in person.i do not know of cyberbullying at way you can stop cyberbullying is by being nice to each other.i do have a facebook but i dont go on it way you can use facebook in a good way is to only have friends that are your true friends not people you dont know
No, I wouldn't say anything online that I wouldn't be strong enough to say in person. A lot of cyberbulling goes on in our in our school through sites like Facebook. I could help by telling an adult. They will put a stop to the bullying. I have a Facebook and a Twitter. I use these in a positive way by sharing inspirational quotes and ings about God. There are good ways to use these social networking sites.-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
sydnee shaffer:)4thand5thperiodI would never say something online that I wouldn't say to a person's face. If you don't have anything nice to say, then you shouldn't say anthing at all. I know that some bullying goes on,on twitter and facebook.I don't try to get involved, because it isn't necessary.You can stop cyberbulling by thinking about saying it to the person's face before you type it. If you're about to type something you wouldn't say to a person's face, then you probably shouldn't put it online. I have a twitter and facebook, but I dont use them for that. I use them to keep in touch with family and friends.
I don’t think that you should say anything online that you wouldn’t say in person. You shouldn’t post anything negative about another person online. If you have issues with someone it is better to talk to that person face-to-face. I do think that cyber bullying occurs at WFMS. I do have a face book account and I see lots of posts that other people make about someone when they are mad at or are picking on them. They may not post the persons name but you usually know who it is about. You can stop cyber bullying by sayings something to someone who is bullying another person or you can say something about it to an adult. Facebook can be used in a positive way by not posting anything negative about anyone. Meghan 4/5
no because if i had some thing to day i would say it to there face. yes there is alot of bully in our school because some peole get betup all the time.
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No, because that would just say something about my personality, and that I can only say something if I'm hiding behind something. When someone just doesn't like the person and asks people what their facebook is an they bully them. I can try to stick up for people and try to comfort them in troubled times. Yes I do, but I don't bully on it. By talking to people in a positvie manner and trying not to be mean and ignorant.
I would never say something on-line that I wouldn't say in person.
People get on Facebook and put up statuses about people often. They also get hold of other students' phone numbers and call them and leave negative voice mails.
I can stop cyberbullying by making sure I report it if it ever happens to me or if I know that somebody else is being cyberbullied. I also can stop it by refusing to do it myself.
I do have a Facebook account.
I can use my Facebook account in a positive way by not bringing any of my friends. I never friend request people who I don't think I would be able to talk to normally, so I keep myself from bullying others. I only talk positive about other people.
I would never say something online that I wouldn't say to a person's face. If you don't have anything nice to say, then you shouldn't say anthing at all. I know that some bullying goes on,on twitter and facebook.I don't try to get involved, because it isn't necessary.You can stop cyberbulling by thinking about saying it to the person's face before you type it. If you're about to type something you wouldn't say to a person's face, then you probably shouldn't put it online. I have a twitter and facebook, but I dont use them for that. I use them to keep in touch with family and friends.
No, I would not ever say anything on-line that I wouldn't say in person. The reason is because I like to be a nice person and say everything that I would say where ever I'm at because if you say something different that just going to make you seem like a very rude person. I know that some bulling goes on facebook, and also twitter because everyone on these two websites talk very bad about other people and then when ever you go up to them in person you ask them why they said that and they give you an answer and say that they did not even say that at all when ever you seen that on that website that day. So as you can see there are alot of bad things that people talk about on these two websites. 7th-8th Period
I wouldn't , I know one example of cyberbullying. How I can help stop cyeber bullying is tell on of the staff members at my school. I do have a facebook and myspace account. I can use facebook in a postive way by not bullying poeple and on myspace is dont thrantened people.
Honestly I probably do without even realizing it. That dosnt mean its bad just somthing different. When you are not talking with somone face to face or even on the phone you forget the entire humanity side of the conversation so you are more open to words. Cyberbullying can and probably does occur everywhere. It is just to easy to send a text or facebook update that is mean about someone, and not see the concequences ahead. You dont stop cyberbullying. You can't, you
could threaten kids with death and it will still go on. All yo can do is stunt it and get strongle as a person when it affects you. I have a facebook and it can be used to contact friends you never see and arrange things.
no, because no one should bully anyone. Yes, because there have been a few times where someone would post something on facebook talking about another person. You could help stop it by telling an adult so they can handle it. Yes, i have a facebook and myspace account. You could use them in a positive way by writing them on their wall and complimenting them.
No, because if you can't say something to someones face you shouldn't say it at all. Yes, because on facebook there have been times where people post mean things about people on there. You can help by telling an adult and let them handle it. Yes, I have a facebook and myspace account. You can use them in a positive way by posting on someones walls and complimenting them.
No I would never say anything online then what I would do in person. I do not know any specific examples of cyberbulling that happens at WFMS but I am sure that it happens. I can stop cyberbullying by watching what you post facebook or twitter. I have a facebook account and I use it about everyday. I can use facebook in a positive way by using it to stay connected with my faraway relatives or even friends that live around me and I could post homework or project reminders on their wall and it is something to use if you want to spread information really fast.
2nd and 3rd period.
No, because that would just be rude and it makes u look like the scared one. If you have a problem with someone then you should confront them in person. No, I couldn't say that I have witnessed or seen any cases of cyberbulling at WFMS. There are many things you could do to stop cyberbulling, like not doing it. Yes I have a facebook. To connect with friend and family that live far away or mabey just to ask questions or talk with your friends outside of school.
~Rainy Heston~
~4/5 period~
I wouldn't say something online that I would not say in person because that would mean I was a coward. Cyberbulling can occur on blogs, facebook, and twitter and WFMS. I can help stop it by not doing it because that way people would not see it so they wouldn't do it. I do not have a facebook, myspace or twitter. My parents do not trust me to have one. Maybe it is because of all the cyberbullying. If I did I would say positive things.
No, its so rude to cyberbully. Its so rude to cyberbully to others online. It makes you stand out and look bad and others will feel bad about themseles too. Treat others how you would want to be treated. Contacting people on facebook and twitter just make you look stypid and trashey and no one will start toi like you. Jusrt think if that where to happen toi yoiu? how would you feel. yes, it happened last year, a group of kids started being measn to one certain person. I feel bad for people who get cyberbullied , it sucks for them,. I do have a faceb ook account and i use it all the time. POst things on peoples walls that are kind and nice to others.
4th and 5th period.<3
Cyberbullying is a terrible thing to do. Sometimes, it makes people go crazy and or kill themselves. I hope nobody cyberbullies because I sure don't. No, I would never say anything online that i wouldn't say in person. I don't know of any examples of cyberbullying at WFMS but I'm sure it occurs. To help stop cyberbullying, we can say nice things online and make new friends everyday so everybody is nice to each other. Yes, I have a facebook, a myspace, and a twiiter. You can use these in a positive way by saying nice things to each other. You don't have to say negative things to your peers.
Michael Nuzum
cyberbulling is very easy now days because everyone uses technology. between facebook and twitter more and more people are getting bullied over the internet. without the internet cyberbulling would not even exist. I personally do not cyberbully and no one should ever cyberbully
I would not say something online that I wouldn't say in person because most of the time it gets brought up in person and you have to back it up. Yes, there is a lot of cyberbullying at WFMS. You can help to stop it by not doing it and by telling someone when it happens. Yes, I have a facebook account. You can use those without talking about people or mean to people.
Madison Morrone 4/5th <3
I would not say anything online I would not say in person. I believe if you wouldn't say it to their face you shouldn't say it online. I don't see much cyberbullying on that internet involving WFMS. You can stop cyberbullying by adressing the culperate in person because doing it only would cause more of a fuss. I do have a facebook account and can use it in a positive way by stopping the mean, rude, and ignorant comments other people make to another student.
No, I would not, because that is mean and cruel it hurts people's feelings. No, I do not WFMS students are very nice most of them would never dso anything like that! You can educate people about it and share your thoughts on the subject. Yes, I have a facebook I' m on it all the time I love it! You can just use them for ehat they are ment for talk to your friends don't worry about anyone else. If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all.
-madison urse :)
No, I would not, because that is mean and cruel it hurts people's feelings. No, I do not WFMS students are very nice most of them would never do anything like that! You can educate people about it and share your thoughts on the subject. Yes, I have a facebook I’m on it all the time I love it! You can just use them for what they are made for, to talk to your friends don't worry about anyone else. If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all.
-Madison Urse :)
I have said some things online before but it was as a joke and the other person understood. I would never say anything mean to someone over the internet. I've heard of some stuff but no I have never witnessed it . We can all help each other out and try to calm down the person who is mad and the person who is getting bullied we could comfort them. Yes i have a Facebook and Twitter. We can find out what time practice is and communicate with our family members.
Benny T
No, I would not. That is mean and it hurts peoples' feelings. Cyberbullying can occur when people are jealous of one another.Most occurs through socaial networking sites. You can stop cyberbullying by telling an adult. Yes, I have a Facebook and a Twitter account. I can use these in a pisitive way by putting positive things on them and using them to stay in touch with friends rather than cyberbullying.
sydnee shaffer
4th and 5th period<3:)
No i would never say something on-line that I wouldnt say to a persons face. Do I know of examples that occur at WFMS? I know of many examples like fighting on facebook and twitter.But other people also join in on the covos and coment what they think too. How can I help stop cyberbullying? To convince my friend to watch what they say on facebook or twitter. I have both a twitter and facebook. I just watch what I say of these social websites and my mom also has a facebook and has people watching me on twitter.
No, I would never say anything on line that I wouldn’t say to someone’s face. If you don’t have enough guts to say it to their face then you should not type it. I don’t have any examples of cyberbulling at WFMS. The only thing I can think of to help stop cyberbullying is not to fall into anyone’s trap and don’t respond to it. Yes, I have a facebook page. I don’t know how to use it in a positive way. I’m really not on it very much.
Bryce Bittinger
7th & 8th period
Yes, I would say something online that I wouldn't say in person. I would have more confidence to say something online because it wouldn't be face to face confrontation. An example of cyberbullying at our school is when people post negative comments on other people's photos. I can stop it by reporting the comments on facebook and letting the people know that it was a wrong thing to do. I can also stop it by not participating in it. Yes, I have a facebook. I can use facebook well by only saying positive things about others.
I definitely wouldn’t say something to someone on the computer or on my phone that I wouldn’t say to them in person. I wouldn’t for two reasons: You’ll eventually get confronted about it, and saying stuff on-line makes you look like the coward. I’m not really aware of any examples of cyber bullying at WFMS, but of course there has to be some. Every school has some type of bullying. Cyber bulling will probably never be completely stopped, but the least we can do is to think before we type. When it does happen, tell a trusted adult so he or she can try to prevent future occurrences. I don’t have a Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace. My mom doesn’t think I need one. She thinks it’ll just get me into trouble. You can use those sites in a positive way by only saying nice things and not talking about people on them. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
-mia manzo 4th & 5th perioddd (:
No, I would not say anything on the line that I would not say to a person. Cyberbullyling at WFMS fore example, when someone makes fun of other students, people spreading rumers to other people that is not true about a student. I would try to help every student that is getting bullyied and try to make like their selfs and I would tell them that its not their fault if people are bullyling them because its true they didnt do anything to them.I used to have a myspace but deleted it, now I have a facebook account. Say nice things about other people and dont say bad things on there. It's not nice to talk about people to face to face or on the interent. Interent is wores because once you post something on the interent it nevers comes off. It's onlys on there and people should think twice before they start hurting peoples feelings and stuff like that.
No I would not say anything mean to someone online that would hurt their feelings. I know how some examples of how cyberbullying occurs, when someone makes fun of someone online and they send that message to all their friends. So, cyberbulling starts with one person and turns to millions of people. How can you stop cyberbullying? You can stop cyberbullying by getting rid of all the websites that teens use for cyberbullying, like facebook, twitter,or myspace. I don't have a facebook or a myspace or a twitter account and I never will because I don't believe in having a account through myspace, facebook, or twitter. You can use those in a positive way by not even starting a rumor online about someone and sending it to all your friends just because they aren't better than you and they aren't as pretty as you.
-Sabrina Coe
2nd & 3rd Period
No, I was tought better than that. Bullying is almost as low as you can get. Many of
the students at WFMS get tormented on how they look or act and it is sad to see
these people suffer. You can tell an adult or tell them to stop and knock it off.
No, I don't see the purpose in a facebook because it's just another way of killing
brain cells. I don't think anything is positive on facebook.
No I would say everything that I would say online that I would say in person. Actually I have no idea at all. I don't know, and I wouldnt't really try to help all that much. No I do not have a facebook or myspace I think that those are stupid sites. I wouldn't know how to ud\se it in a positive way.
No, because that would tell the kind of person I am, and it may destroy someone's reputation, or feelings. Yes, people often write a status about that partuclar person or maybe message their friends about them. I have to make sure to stick up for the person being bullied, or try and help them brush it off. I have a facebook account, mostly status updates are about things they did after school or on the weekends, but there is the occasional status about someone they don't like. Make sure no writes about someone they don't like
I wouldn't because I will tell you something over internet and i will tell you the same in person. People on the internet would say you're ugly and to your face they will tell you that you are beautiful it not right. People would say i hate you and i don't want to be around you the students in my school do it all the time. You can stop it by making it a law that you can't cyberbully people that would solve the problem.
I would not say something on line that I would not say in person. No I dont know about any cyberbullying in WFMS. you can help stop cyberbullyling by not becoming Friends with people you dislike online. yes I have a facebook or myspace account. you can use these in a positive way by only appecting friend on them and talking to them and telling them about your day as your status.
It depends on what I'm saying. I wouldnt say something threatening in anyway though. There is quite a lot of cyberbullying at WFMS, ranging from making a facebook page to say mean things about someone, to people using their phones and accounts to threaten eachother. You can stop cyberbullying simply by getting along. If people quit being mean to eachother and accepted one another there would not be a problem. Yes, I have a facebook, and twitter account. You can use those for communication, and to tell people happy birthday, or to congradulate them on their accomplishments.
No, I would never say something on-line that I wouldn't say in person. People write statuses on facebook, or other socail networking sites, about other students at WFMS. Also, students can text or call another student and say negative things. I can help cyberbullying stop by always reporting it to an adult. Yes, I have a facebook and a twitter. I mainly use these to talk to my friends, and I also do not accept friend requests from people I do not know.
No, because that would just say something about my personality, and that I can only say something if I'm hiding behind something. Yes, people post mean things of facebook and start rumors in text message and that is cyberbullying. I honestly don't know how or if I can stop it but it just shows how peoples' personalities are. Yes, I actually have both but I don't get on myspace anymore. You can post nice things and try as hard as you can to stop bullying.
No, it depends on what im saying. It's hard to not say anything rude back to someone that has started the fight and is saying mean things about you. It depends on what the person says about me. But, I try not to lower myself down to there standards. Cyberbullying at WFMS starts over facebook or twitter. Just try to be nice to everyone. I know it’s hard sometimes but, ignoring them is probley the best way to act in a situation like that. Yes, I do have a facebook account, but I don’t get on it that much. Don’t say anything to anybody that could offend them.
-emily gettings 7&8 <3
No, it depends on what im saying. It's hard to not say anything rude back to someone that has started the fight and is saying mean things about you. It depends on what the person says about me. But, I try not to lower myself down to there standards. Cyberbullying at WFMS starts over facebook or twitter. Just try to be nice to everyone. I know it’s hard sometimes but, ignoring them is probley the best way to act in a situation like that. Yes, I do have a facebook account, but I don’t get on it that much. Don’t say anything to anybody that could offend them.
-emily gettings 7&8 <3
NO! WHY NOT JUST SAY IT TO THERE FACES. YES,like when something occurs at school those people will take out of school and start up again online and one of them the bigger or tougher one will start bulling other people online.I can stick up for them,also I can tell that person to stop messing with that other person.yes!,you could stop posting mean stuff about other people, and stop talking talk about things you don't even know nothing about!!!!!!!!!!
NO! WHY NOT JUST SAY IT TO THERE FACES. YES,like when something occurs at school those people will take out of school and start up again online and one of them the bigger or tougher one will start bulling other people online.I can stick up for them,also I can tell that person to stop messing with that other person.yes!,you could stop posting mean stuff about other people, and stop talking talk about things you don't even know nothing about!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe maybe not it just depends on what I would say. Not off the top of my head no. If you know someone that you don't like is online get off. Yes I have a facebook. Just talk to yur friends and don't say mean things.
No I would not ,because that shows you being a coward. Yes people have posted videos of fights on the internet. To help stop we could band together to help the bullied. Yes I have a facebook account. To use those in a positive way is to talk about good things about people.
I wouldn't say anything online that I wouldn't say to your face.
People can get on facebook and make a status about them and then people gang up on them and bully them.
I could stop cyerbulling by sticking up for people online tell them to quit.Yes I have a facebook.
I would never say somthing online if i wouldnt say it in person. some people dont know the person and bullies them online gor fun. i can make a bullie free websight and give advice for all the teens who are experiencing this. i do not have any of those accounts just for that reson. you can use them by sending people compliments.
No,I would never say something online that I wouldn't say to a person's face. Yes many ! On facebook girls always make things about them and have pictures of them and make things worse. You can tell principles or even go to other adults. Yes I a facebook account but I never get on it. The way you can use those are by putting if someone did good on a basketball team or something like that.
- Ashley Bright 7/8th :)
I would not say something online that I wouldn't say in person. Some examples of cyberbullying at WFMS could be something that could possibly happen on facebook. I have a facebook, and you could use it in a positive way by not saying anything offensive and thinking about what you say before you say it.
-Megan Hermance, 7&8 period.
I Would Not Say Anything Online To Somebody That I Could Not Say In Person . I Might Say Something To Them On Facebook or Something If They Started With Me , But Nothing I Wouldnt Say To Their Face. Iv Seen Bullying On Facebook From Kids That Go To WFMS , But I Hardly Ever See It In School . Its There , But I Honestly Dont Pay Attention To It Much .
Um, NO! That’s messed up! Yes I have seen kinds of cyber bulling at our school I am NOT going to put those examples on this blog because I think that would be a form of cyber bulling as well? How can I stop cyber bulling hmmmm… maybe going up to people that are shy and inviting them to sit beside you at lunch? Or start informing more people about what is going on and see if they can find a way. Yes, I do have a Face book account no, I don’t have a MySpace account I don’t think anybody does anymore so that is a good thing I guess. You could message some one that you see being bullied and tell them every thing is going to be ok and ask them to be your friend. Or something.
Ok bye <3
Sarah Esposito 7-8 ;) <3
i would not say anything online that i wouldn't say to them in person. i don't really know any examples of cyberbulling at WFMS. but i do know alot of ways of school bulling.ya i do have a facebook but i only use my acount to talk to my freinds and family far away.
i would not say anything online that i wouldn't say to them in person. i don't really know any examples of cyberbulling at WFMS. but i do know alot of ways of school bulling.ya i do have a facebook but i only use my acount to talk to my freinds and family far away.
No, because if you don't have the guts to say it to their face don't say it at all. Anything you say online stays there forever and others can see it. Yes, I do recall hearing about one case of cyberbulling in seventh grade at WFMS, it was about a kid on facebook who threatened to beat up another student. You can tell a trusted adult, save all the proof and contact the police. Yes, I do have a facebook but I don't have a myspace. Only post positive things about yourself and others. Never post anything negative about someone because you would not like it said about you.
Ryan Valentine 7th&8th period
Yes it probably would. It would depend on the situation and who's involved. Yeah I do. I see kids all the time in Facebook saying rude comments to each other and they don't realize how hurtful the things they say can be. You can stop and should stop it by trying to either resolve the problem or try to get them to stop. And if you were to become involved, just don't comment back. I did have a MySpace and I have a Facebook now. There are a lot of ways you could promote positive things. Like posting about school activities, give someone advice, or just post on someone's wall to make their day.
Ciara Hornberger
4&5th period
No, I would not say something online that I would not say in person because I just dont. People on facebook and twitter often get bullied on those social networking sites, and another example of technological bullying would be through texting which happens often. One way that you can stop cyberbullying is by blocking the person. I do have a facebook which I rarely use but also I have a twitter ( follow me @RyrannMathieu7 ) which is my main social networking site and I use it to keep from being bored and connecting with friends and celebrities. One way to stop bullying is to be nice to everyone and in return they will be nice to someone else in my opinion.
Ryan Ricer 4/5
No, I would not say something online that I would not say in person because I think it is a horrible thing. There are many things that are wrong with cyberbullying, but we can stop it once and for all. You can stop cyberbullying by telling an administrator or adult about the problem. Cyberbulling can occur on blogs, facebook, texts on your phone, and twitter at WFMS. Yes, I have a facebook and a twitter. You can use these in a positive way by saying nice things to each other. You don't have to say negative things to people to make them feel bad about themselves.
Justin Okel 4/5
I absolutely would not say anything online. If it was a problem then I shouldn't spread the information to the public. Saying hurtful information to someone directly can even be more of a hazard. The best thing to do is to confront an adult or ministrator. I have not heard of any cyberbullying occuring at my school. Even if I havnt heard, there probably is an online confrontation going on. Cyberbullying can be helped by just having a better attitude and personality. Many people will not treat others like that if they have no reason to. I have a facebook acount and have had one for a while now. I could use that as a opportunity to know more people and have a better connection with others.
No, I wouldn’t say something online that I wouldn’t say in person. But, people do it all the time on Facebook, twitter, and other social sites, which messed up if they do. I don’t know anything happening about cyber bullying in the school right now. There are a few ways to stop cyber bullying such as reporting that person to an administrator or adults. Yes, I have a Facebook account and I use it for positive stuff. My friend list is filled with people I know who wouldn’t probably cyber bully anyone I know of.
No I would not say anything on line that I wouldn't say in person because that shows a lack of courage. There is a lot of bulling going on at school. I could help by confronting the person that is bullying in public. I have a Facebook. I can us this to show thanks and congradutate people.
I wouldn't say something online that I would not say in person. Many people would not though because posting something on your computer is an easy way out without confronting the person to their face. Yes, cyberbullying does occur at WFMS. Many students bully others by posting status updates, tweets, and posting photoes to humiliate others. I have social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. I also have a Myspace account, but I no longer use it. I believe that there are many positive ways to use social networking accounts. Such as, keeping in touch with friends and family, telling others Happy Birthday, ect.
Brooke Elizabeth Ashcraft_4th&5th period
No because if your going to say it to them it might as well be in person. There are some people who bully people at our school and they are very mean. We can help stopm it by telling people to be nicer and stop what they are doing. No I do not h have a myspace or facebook I am not allowed.
I would never say anything online that i wouldn't say in person. No I dont get online much. Well I could put parental control on your computer so if someone said something bad you wouldn't know. I have both a MYspace and a Facebook. I could talk with freinds and not strangers and only add people I know.
i would not say something online that i would not say in person.i do not know of cyberbullying at way you can stop cyberbullying is by being nice to each other.i do have a facebook but i dont go on it way you can use facebook in a good way is to only have friends that are your true friends not people you dont know
No, I wouldn't say anything online that I wouldn't be strong enough to say in person. A lot of cyberbulling goes on in our in our school through sites like Facebook. I could help by telling an adult. They will put a stop to the bullying. I have a Facebook and a Twitter. I use these in a positive way by sharing inspirational quotes and ings about God. There are good ways to use these social networking sites.
-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
sydnee shaffer:)
I would never say something online that I wouldn't say to a person's face. If you don't have anything nice to say, then you shouldn't say anthing at all. I know that some bullying goes on,on twitter and facebook.I don't try to get involved, because it isn't necessary.You can stop cyberbulling by thinking about saying it to the person's face before you type it. If you're about to type something you wouldn't say to a person's face, then you probably shouldn't put it online. I have a twitter and facebook, but I dont use them for that. I use them to keep in touch with family and friends.
I don’t think that you should say anything online that you wouldn’t say in person. You shouldn’t post anything negative about another person online. If you have issues with someone it is better to talk to that person face-to-face. I do think that cyber bullying occurs at WFMS. I do have a face book account and I see lots of posts that other people make about someone when they are mad at or are picking on them. They may not post the persons name but you usually know who it is about. You can stop cyber bullying by sayings something to someone who is bullying another person or you can say something about it to an adult. Facebook can be used in a positive way by not posting anything negative about anyone.
Meghan 4/5
no because if i had some thing to day i would say it to there face. yes there is alot of bully in our school because some peole get betup all the time.
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