The Jewish Cemetery is terrible in the one part of Poland because there were 100,000 bodies burried in this one place and only 12,000 tomb stones and they were basically on top of each other. It was discusting good thing there was know one burried there in over 100 years. But the one part of it was very nice and clean and looked great and the Polish people built that monument to show there disdain. The cemetry in Philadelphia was very nice and had on the tomb stones in english and jewish. It was very nice and well put together.
The Jewish cemetary in Poland was different because it was 100,000 bodies burried together with only 12,000 tombstones, and they were all burried very closesly, if not on top of eachother.While the Philadelphia cemetary seemed much more like any other cemetary. The Polish people show they're disdain to Jewish in this video by building a monument to honor their lives. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show the horrors of the holocaust, and what a tradgedy it was. This play is related to this video, because Anna Frank was killed in the Holocaust like so many of the people burried here.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland actually had the bodies buried at one time. The one in Philadelphia is a memorial to help people remember how tragic of a loss we expierienced during this time. The Jewish showed their disdain with memorials an services. The authors purpose in creating this video was to inform people of these events. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank, because she lived during WWII.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland looks different because there was 100,000 bodies buried in it all together with only 12,000 tomb stones covering the whole cemetery. The one in Philadelphia is like a memorial cememtery to remember that tragic day for all those Jews during that time. The Polish people showed their disdain to the Jewish in this video when they built a memorial monument to honor their lives. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show the horrors of the holocaust, and what a tradgedy it was. This play is related to this video, because Anna Frank was killed in the Holocaust like so many of the other Jewish people buried here.
The Jewish cemetary in Poland was different because there were 100,000 bodies burried together with only 12,000 tombstones, and they were all most likly together.While the Philadelphia cemetary was like any other cemetary. They howed there disdain by the memorials and the nice things they did. I think the author wanted to show the real horror behind it all. I has to o with the holicost and camps that she was actully at.
The Jewish Cemetery is terrible in the one part of Poland.The cemetery in Philadelphia was very nice and had on the tomb stones in english and jewish.The author's purpose in creating this video is to show the horrors of the holocaust, and what a tradgedy it was.. They howed there disdain by the memorials and the nice things they did.
The Jewish cemetary looks awful. There are over 100,000 bodies burried there and only 12,000 tombstones. That means that not even 25% ahve their own. The one in Philadelphia looks very organised and nice in comparrison. Everyone has their own headstone and it looks beautiful. The polish people show their disdain by making the monuments. The author's purpose is to inform people on the Holocaust. This relates to Anne Frank because it tells about the Holocaust.mia manzo
The Jewish cemetary are different from the one in Philadelphia because the Jewish one has way more bodies than the one in Philadelphia. They show there disdain because the bodies are practically on top of each other which shows no respect. The author's purpose is to show the disrespect the Polish showed. This correlates with the play because Anne's race, the Jewish, were treated so poorly.
The jewish cemetery in Poland is way differant than the one in Philadelphia because there were 100,000 bodies burried in Poland, and 12,000 tomb stones in Philadelphia. The polish people show their disdain to the Jewish by keeping the cemetery clean. It was very nice and well put together.
the cematry in polland all the jews that died were buried in one big hole together. The cematary in philadelphia was sort of like any other cematary around here. It's a memmorail to remember the such a really bad time. The polish showed their disdain to the jewish by building a momument. The author's purpose in creating this video was to show thr horrors of the holocaust , and how tragic it was. Anne wwas killed in the hollocaost like so many other people buried there.
The Jewish Cemetary in the one part of Poland looks horrible for one reason there were over thousands of bodies and there were only a few tomb stones to be placed there but they also were basicly stacked on top of each other. The Jewish Cemetary is so dirty and nasty but it sure is a good thing that no one has been burried there in over a 100 or more years. But the part of the cemetary that looked very clean and nicely built the Polish people built it to shoe their disdain. The cemetary in Philadelphia was very and on the nicely built tombstones had the english people and the jews. The cemetary in Philadelphia is very nice clean and the people who built did a very nice job in putting it together.
The Jewish cemeteries in Poland is because there were 100,000 bodies buried there. In Philadelphia is a memorial to help people remember how tragic of a loss we expierienced during this time.The Polish people showed their disdain to the Jewish in this video when they built a memorial monument to honor their lives. The authors purpose is to show the horrible things that happened during this time. She was killed in the holocaust just like many other jews.
There were 100,00 bodies buried with only 12,000 tombstones in Jewish cemetery but the Poland cemetery looked like any ordinary cemetery. The Polish built a monument to honor the Jews' lives. This correlates with the play because Anne Franks diary was published afterwards and everyone was able to appreciate their lives and Anne Frank.
The Jewish cemeteries in Poland are very different from the ones in Philadelphia. The cemeteries in Poland are ran down and disrespected. There are not enough tombstones for all of the people that were killed. The tombstones that are there are not taken care of. Most of them are falling down and you can’t read the names or dates on them. Krakow even used some of the tombstones to pave their streets. The author’s purpose is to show the disrespect that Poland had for the Jewish people. This is similar to Anne Frank because she was also killed during the holocaust. Philadelphia is much more respectful of the Jewish people. Meghan 4/5
The Jewish Cemetery had 100,000 bodies but only 12,000 headstones present. The bodies were actually layered on top of each other.They used the headstones to pave roads, but rep;aced some of them. The cemetery in Philadelphia looks neater and more clear. They put their names in Yiddish, Hebrew, and English. The author's purpose was to inform on what the cemetery's look like. And to remember the people who went through this tragic events. It correlates with the play because, Anne Frank delt with the problem forehand she was in a concentration camp.
The one in Poland is terrible and the one in Philadelphia is almost perfect. There were way more people burried in Poland than in Philadephia. They tried to keep everything clean and they built monuments for the dead. To tell us that we shouldn't judge people by their religion an so forth but by their personality. They came from the ghetto and so did most of the jews, and they did terrible things to their grave stones.
The cemetary in Philadelphia looked more organized than the cemetary in poland but that is probably because there are more jews buried in poland. The polish used the jewish tombstones as road pavement. The authors purpose is to show and teach people of the aftermath of the holocaust. This correlates with Anne Frank because she was probably buried somewhere in the mass of graves.
The cemetery in Poland is in a worse than the ones in Philadelphia because in Poland they used the Jewish tombstones to used to pave streets. The Polish show the comepleate hate for the Jewish because the put the tombstones in the ground to pave rodes. The most likely reason that the Auther made the video is to show the cruelty that happend during the Halocaust. The video correlates with the play Anne Frank becuase of the way she felt with what was happening with the Jews.
The Jewish Cemetery is different because there were 100,000 bodies buried in this place, also 12,000 and paved into stone and they over lapped each other.The Polish show their disdain to the Jewish people in the video. The author's of creating this video is to show how it was like and pictures of how many people died and how bad it was. How does this correlate with the play "Anne Frank" is , Anne Franks got killed in the Holocaust.
they are terible in one part of poland becasue there were 100,000 bodies burried in one place and alot of tomb stones. by the people built that monument to show disdain. because he was wanting us to see how people were being treated in te older days. because all kinds of people were dieing and getting sent to all kinds of consintration camps to be killed or they were all seperated from there hole families as well. but it was very nice and well put together i should say.
The first things that are similar about the two cemeteries are how they both honor the Jewish people who were involved in the Holocaust. The two cemeteries are also different. For example, ones throughout Poland are filled with of people but, don’t they do not honor every individual one of them in particular. The Polish cemeteries are also scrambled, broken, and poorly kept. The ones in Philadelphia honor everyone with tombstones and are nicely kept compared to the ones in Poland.The Polish people show their disdain toward the Jewish people by stealing the tombstones and using them to pave the streets. The purpose of this video was to show the losses and the horrors of the Holocaust. The video correlates with the play, Anne Frank since she was also a Jewish person that died during the holocaust in concentration camps. It shows the hatred for the Jewish people and the hardships and suffering they went through.
The one in Poland is all messed up with old broken stones. The one in philadelphia is clean and in oder not broken like Poland. They made the Jewish grave stones into roads. To show that he/she feels bad for the Jewish and wants people to remember what happen to them so we won't do it again. This story is almost the same as Anne Frank because she was Jewish and died in a death camp and was buried not grave stone like some of the jews in Poland.
the jewish cemeteries were all jacked up because the Nazi were taking the headstones aand makin roads for the tanks, the polish wrer trying to put them back to the right person, people were being treated badley when they wrer even dead, they were going into hiding so they can be free for the Nazis.
the cemetery in poland looked a hot mess, and the other looked way better. they killed the jews, and put there there graves in the middle of the road and ran them over with tanks. the authors purpose on making this video is to show what happened in the holacaust. because anne frank died with no grave and some polish had no graves.
The Jewish Cemetery in Polan was horrific. They had hundreds, if not thousands of Jews burried on top of eachother. The sad part is , for the thousand dead, only one tombstone was placed. Nice people tried to take the tombs up from the street and put it back to where they belonged. Now the cemetry is put together, and is looking good.
The people of Poland were just as bad as the germans. They showed their hate everyday for no reason just because they wanted someone to blame. The Jewish cemetary in Poland is the perfect example of this. The polish peole stole the tombstones, threw them into the street, and drove over them with tanks until they were all broken and in peices. Thgis video and the play Anne Frank are just little examples of the evil that was going on at the time. I only hope that this will never happen again.
The diffrence is that the one in Philadelphia looks more modern and dull, but the one in poland is not so modern but with excitment. The oland people show there disain on the tomb stones. How the poland and the Philadelphia people build there tomb stones. How well put together it was.
The Jewish one is far more worse because, there were about 100,000 bogys buried, but only around 10,000 tombstones. The polish showed lost of hatred toward the jews. The author's purpose in this video is to inform readers that the holocaust was very emotional and how bad the jews had to suffer. They are alike because Anne attented some of these torcher camps.
The Philadelphia and the Poland cemetarys are diffrent because on is older than the other one. No one was buried there in a very long time. To intertain people about the diffrences of the jewish cemeterys.How put together it was.
The one in poland is huge but the one in philly is smaller. They are sad and filled with remorse from what that they had done. The author intended on showing what had happened in WW2.
The Jewish Cemitaries were bad in Poland there were more than 100,000 jews and only around 12,000 head stones, and they were almost on top of eachother. They just don't care about them. To tell that the people didn't care about the bodies there. This is like a real life Anne Frank.
The jewish cemetery in Poland was different because there were 100,000 bodies there and only 12,000 tomb stones. Because there were so many bodies and so less tomb stones people were buried on top of people. The Philidelphia cemetery was just like a regular cemetery. The jewish showed their distain with memorials and services. The author's purpose in making this video was to inform people on these events. It correlates with the play Anne Frank because it shows things about the holocaust.
The Jewish Cemetery is terrible in the one part of Poland because there were 100,000 bodies burried in this one place and only 12,000 tomb stones and they were basically on top of each other. It was discusting good thing there was know one burried there in over 100 years. But the one part of it was very nice and clean and looked great and the Polish people built that monument to show there disdain. The author is trying to inform people about how the Holocaust changed the world. This correlates with the Anne Frank play because they both take place during WWII.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland looks different because there was 100,000 bodies buried in it all together with only 12,000 tomb stones covering the whole cemetery. The one in Philadelphia is like a memorial cememtery to remember that tragic day for all those Jews during that time. The Polish people show they're disdain to Jewish in this video by building a monument to honor their lives. The authors purpose in creating this video was to inform people of these events. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank, because she lived during WWII.
They both look bad, but the one in Poland looks worse. But, it was unfair that they did this to innocent people. 11 million people got killed in this tragic event. Another part of Poland was very nice and clean, the polish people built the monument. The cemetery in Philadelphia had English and Jewish language on it, it was very nice. -Emily Gettings <3
MAKAYLA PERRINE 7th and 8thThe Jewish cemetary looks awful. There are over 100,000 bodies burried there and very few tombstones. In Philadelphia is a memorial to help people remember how tragic of a loss we expierienced during this horrible time.The autor ut this video together to inform people on what had happen. It can relate to Anne Frank because she was in the Holocaust, and was killed
In poland there was 100,000 bodies and in Philadelphia there was 12,000! The built a monument to show their disdain to the jewish. The purpose of this video is to inform the veiwer what happened and the difference between what happened in Poland and Philadelphia. They are both realistic! They are both put together very well.
In Poland is was terrible because there was alot of died bodys and only alittle bit of tomb stones. They build a monument to honor the jews who died. The reason why the authors purpose in creating this story was that how war's are so horrible and terrible and to show ever what about in the holocast, that isn't not right to do something to people that are just like us. Because Anne Frank was a jew and she died in the camps where the nazie send the jews.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland is very disrespectful and not well keep. There are more bodies buried then headstones. The cemetery in Philadelphia is just the opposite it is very neatly keep and very respectful looking. The Polish show their disdain by paving the streets of Krakow with headstones from the Jewish cemetery. The authors’ purpose in creating this video was to show the differences in the cemeteries which reflected the way the people felt about the Jews. I don’t know how this correlates with the play Anne Frank other than she was a Jew who also died during that time. Bryce Bittinger7th & 8th Period
The Jewish cemetary looks horrendous. There are over 100,000 bodies buried there and only about 12,000 tombstones. That means that not even 25 percent have their own tombstone. The one in Philadelphia looks very organized and nice while the one in Poland is just trashy and the tombstones are all clumped together. Everyone in Pennsylvania has their own headstone and it looks amazing. The polish people show their disdain by making the monuments. The author's purpose is to inform people about the horrifying event that took place a while back, the Holocaust. This relates to Anne Frank because it tells about the Holocaust.Michael Nuzum 4th/5th
The Jewish cemetery in Poland is different from the one in Philadelphia because the Jewish one has way more bodies than the one in Philadelphia. They show there disdain because the bodies are practically on top of each other which shows no respect. There are about 100,000 bodies there and only 12,000 headstones. The cemetery in Philadelphia is nice and tidy. It looks amazing. The author's purpose is to show the disrespect the Polish showed. This correlates with the play because Anne's race, the Jews, were treated horribly.Ben T 4-5
I think the Jewish cementary in Poland was diffent, because there were only 12,000 headstones and over 100,000 people burried in that grave yard alone! The Philiadelphia cementary is mainly just like any other normal cematary.The Polish people build a monument. This video realates to Anne Frank, because she died during the Holocaust just like so many others. -madiosn urse 4th &5th period <3
The Jewish cemetery is different because it has many more bodies then the one in Philadelphia. They show distain because there were over 10,000 bodies and only 12,000 tombstones. Many were buried together which shows no respect. I think the author's purpose is to inform people about the Holocaust and how terrible it was. It correlates to the play because Anne Frank was also Jewish and was a a victim of the Holocaust.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland has many more bodies than the one in Philadelphia. The Polish people show their distain by burying several bodies under one tombstone. For example, there were over 100,000 bodies and only 12,000 tombstones. The authors purpose is to inform people about the Holocaust. It correlates to the play because Anne was Jewish and also was killed because of the Holocaust.
The cemetery in the video is very nice and giving respect to all the Jewish families that died during the Holocaust, while the ones in Poland were completely destroyed by Hitler and company due to believing that the Jews were not people and deserved no respect or something honoring them. This videos purpose was to show all the terrible things the Nazis did to the Jews out of the concentration camps in my opinion. This video is relevant to the topic of Anne Frank because they are both similar due to the Holocaust. Ryan Ricer 4/5
The cemetary in Poland was very disgraceful. The stones had all fallen and even though there were 100,000 bodies buried there only 12,000 headstones were placed there. No one has been buried there for a 100 years. 3 million Jews died during this period and there headstones were used to pave the streets of Krakow. The cemetary in Philadelphia was very neat and respectful for the ones who lost there lives. The Polish people built monuments to honor their lives and to show disdain to Jews. To show how Jews were thought of during the Holocaust and how they were killed. It shows that Jews were hated and how Anne Frank had to live and die during the Holocaust.Ryan Valentine7th & 8th Period
The cemetary in poland is worser then the one in poland because tomb stones are all cracked and broken. They tried to put the stones back to were they belong. The author created this video to show what the Nazi's did to the cemetaries. It has to with the holocaust.
The Jewish cemetery is well manicured and well keeped up. A Poland cemetery all or most of the tomb stones are cracked or broken into peices. The poland cementary houses 100,000 bodies and ther is only 12,000 tombstones. The Jewish cementary is very well taked care of. The Poland is like a dum everything is over crouded and not well cared for.The author purpose is to inform us about these 3 cementaries that how they are opperated and manicured. She was a well cared for person and very respected
The Jewish cemetary in Poland was over crowded with bodies,wasn't really taken care of very well. The one in Philadelphia was well manicured, and had the same number of headstones as bodies, which is how it's supposed to be. The Polish show their disdain by building the monument in the cemetary. The author's purpose is to show the excessive loss of lives due to the Holocaust. It correlates with the play, because Anne Frank was a victim of the Holocaust and could be possibly buried in a similar grave yard.
The Jewish Cemetary in Poland is a terrible sight to see compared to the one in Philidelphia. The cemetary in Poland, it's horrific. There are over 100,000 people buried there and only about 12,000 tomb stones. The people buried there are basically buried on top of one another. The one in Philidelphia is very nice though. It's very nice and clean and the tomb stones have the names written in English and Jewish. The people in Poland built the monument to show there disdain. The author's purpose was to show how horrific the cemetary is. It correlates with the play because it shows some of the camps that Anne had been. Ciara Hornberger (:4th and 5th period
The Jewish Cemetary in Poland is a horrible place because there where 100,00 bodies burried in this place, and 12,000 tomb stones. They are all stacked on top of eachother because there wasnt much room for them to be buries side-by-side. They show their disdain by keeping the one very nice, and clean. he authors purpose of displaying this videos is to show ho bad it was durig this time.Megan wilt<3
The Jewish cemetery is different because there were more people in the Poland cemetery. It also has 100,000 bodies burried with only 12,000 tomb stones. That is a lot of tomb stones that take up a lot of space. The Polish people showed their disdain by building a monument. The authors purpose for making this video is to inform people about the cemeteries. This goes with the Anne Frank because she was a Jew like the people burried in the cemetery.
The Jewish Cemetery is very horrifying in the one part of Poland because there were 100,000 bodies buried in the one place and only 12,000 tomb stones and they were basically right on top of each other. It was absolutely gross! But the one part of it was clean and looked great and the Polish people built that monument to show their disdain. The purpose is that there are showing that doing this to people is terrible and should never happen again. Because Anne frank also went to a concentration camp so thst they are similar in that way. sarah esposito <3
The jewish cemetaries were way worse than the ones in Philadelphia. They were like piled up on each other. Also they were crooked. Polish showed their disdain by using the jews grave stones to pave the roads. I think the authors purpose of this video is how bad they actually treated the jews. They didn't even give them a break after they were dead.This correlates with the play,Anne Frank, because she was killed like a lot of people in the cemetaries. They both went with the holocoast in other words.
The first things that are similar about the two cemeteries are how they both honor the Jewish people who were involved in the Holocaust. The two cemeteries also are different in many ways. For example, ones throughout Poland are actually filled with people but they don't honor every individual in particular. The Polish cemeteries are broken and not kept in the best shape. The ones in Philadelphia honor everyone with tombstones and are arranged nice compared to the ones in Poland. The Polish people show their disdain toward the Jews by stealing the tombstones and using them to pave the streets. The purpose of this video was to show the terror and fear of the Holocaust. This relates to Anne Frank because it tells about the Holocaust and how terrible life was during that time.Justin Okel 4/5
The jewish cemetery in Poland was terrifying. 100 bodies buried under 12,000 tombstones, nothing could be more horrendous. Th cemetery in Philidelphia was very nice. The names of every Jewish person buried there was printed on a tomb stone with the names in English and in Hebrew. One of the Author's purposes may have been to show the number of people who died in the horrendous tragedy known as the Holocaust. It relates to the play because Anne Frank was one of the millions of Jews killed during the Holocaust.
The Jewish cemetery is in terrible shape. It looks bad because there were 100,000 people buried there, but nowadays there are only 12,000 tombstones. The cemetery in Philadelphia was very nice.The Polish show their disdain to the Jews by paving the roads with the tombstones.The author's purpose is to show how horrible people treated Jews. It is to show how they disrespected them.This video correlates with the play Anne Frank because it is about the Holocaust and horribly Jews were treated and how they were not respected at all.
The Jewish cemetery is in very bad shape. There are too many bodies in one place. They don't honor the Jewish people at all. Its sad because the bodies are stacked on top of each other. The authors purpuse was to show the terrible things that took place because of the Holocost. The Polish were very disrepectful. They stole the headstones. Anne Frank was killed the Holocaust. It is terrible the hatred that was given towards the Jewish people.
the Jewish cemetery is all beat up while the the one in Philadelphia is nice.the look sad for the Jews in the picture the authors purpose is to show you how much crap the jews take.
The cematarys are different because in one there were 100,000 body's buried and in the other they were only about 12,000. They built a monument to show there respect. The authors purpose of this Video was to show the disaster of the holocaust. They are similar because they both show traits of the holocaust.
The Jewish cemeterys were mostly mass graves. Witch means that hundreds if not thousands of bodies were barried on top of eachother. However the Polish cemeterts looked like any normal cemetery but distroyed. The Polish showed their disdain by building a statue to hour the Jewish people that were killed. The author's purpose of creating this viedo was to inform people about the horrors and what a horrible thing it was. It relates to Anne Frank because it notifys you about the Holocaust and gives you a glimps of how people were treated and their body's were after they were gone!4th&5th period (:Kathryn Scarbro<3
The Jewish cemetary looks absolutely awful. In the Holocaust the retched bodies werepiled into a huge hole in the ground. It was very dishonorable. The cemetary in Philadelphia at least had headstones to honor everyone who haddied during that time. The author's purpose was to inform the viewer that these were pitiful events that occured in the past. But those memories still linger today to help us remember how blessed we are to be free. This correlates to Anne Frank because she was alive during that era. She was housebound for her own safety. She unfortunately was captured.
The Poland Cemetery was old looking and everything was in Poland. and there was 100,000 bodies buried there and there were only 12,000 tomb stones so there were most likely buried together and they were all crammed together. While the Philadelphia Cemetery was neat looking and had things that we could read and everything wasn't all crammed up. They show there disdain by keeping there cemetery clean and neat looking and well put together. i think the author created this video was to show the true horrors of the Holocaust.
The Jewish Cemetery is terrifying in Poland because there were 100,000 bodies buried there. However, there were only 12,000 tombstones. This shows that they were buried together and on top of each other. On the other had, the cemetery in Philadelphia was very clean, nice, and presentable. They showed disdain by building the monuments. The author's purpose is to inform the reader about the Holocaust. They relate because they both show how the Jews were treated during this time era.-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
sydnee shaffer4th and 5th periodThe Jewish Cemetery is terrible in the one part of Poland because there were 100,000 bodies burried in this one place and only 12,000 tomb stones and they were basically on top of each other. It was discusting good thing there was know one burried there in over 100 years. But the one part of it was very nice and clean and looked great and the Polish people built that monument to show there disdain. The cemetry in Philadelphia was very nice and had on the tomb stones in english and jewish. It was very nice and well put together.
The Jewish Cemetery is terrible in the one part of Poland because there were 100,000 bodies buried in this place at a time and only 12,000 tomb stones and they were basically on top of each other. However the Polish cementers looked like any normal cemetery but all messed up. The author’s purpose was to show the terrible things that took place because of the Holocaust. The Polish were very mean of them! the stole the grave stones. It relates to Anne frank because it is about Jews and about the holocaust. sorry mrs. Constable its alot late ...... sarah esposito <3(: 7-8
The Jewish cemetary looks awful. There are over 100,000 bodies burried there and very few tombstones. In Philadelphia is a memorial to help people remember how tragic of a loss we expierienced during this horrible time.The autor ut this video together to inform people on what had happen. It can relate to Anne Frank because she was in the Holocaust, and was killed
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The Jewish Cemetery is terrible in the one part of Poland because there were 100,000 bodies burried in this one place and only 12,000 tomb stones and they were basically on top of each other. It was discusting good thing there was know one burried there in over 100 years. But the one part of it was very nice and clean and looked great and the Polish people built that monument to show there disdain. The cemetry in Philadelphia was very nice and had on the tomb stones in english and jewish. It was very nice and well put together.
The Jewish cemetary in Poland was different because it was 100,000 bodies burried together with only 12,000 tombstones, and they were all burried very closesly, if not on top of eachother.While the Philadelphia cemetary seemed much more like any other cemetary. The Polish people show they're disdain to Jewish in this video by building a monument to honor their lives. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show the horrors of the holocaust, and what a tradgedy it was. This play is related to this video, because Anna Frank was killed in the Holocaust like so many of the people burried here.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland actually had the bodies buried at one time. The one in Philadelphia is a memorial to help people remember how tragic of a loss we expierienced during this time. The Jewish showed their disdain with memorials an services. The authors purpose in creating this video was to inform people of these events. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank, because she lived during WWII.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland looks different because there was 100,000 bodies buried in it all together with only 12,000 tomb stones covering the whole cemetery. The one in Philadelphia is like a memorial cememtery to remember that tragic day for all those Jews during that time. The Polish people showed their disdain to the Jewish in this video when they built a memorial monument to honor their lives. The author's purpose in creating this video is to show the horrors of the holocaust, and what a tradgedy it was. This play is related to this video, because Anna Frank was killed in the Holocaust like so many of the other Jewish people buried here.
The Jewish cemetary in Poland was different because there were 100,000 bodies burried together with only 12,000 tombstones, and they were all most likly together.While the Philadelphia cemetary was like any other cemetary. They howed there disdain by the memorials and the nice things they did. I think the author wanted to show the real horror behind it all. I has to o with the holicost and camps that she was actully at.
The Jewish Cemetery is terrible in the one part of Poland.The cemetery in Philadelphia was very nice and had on the tomb stones in english and jewish.The author's purpose in creating this video is to show the horrors of the holocaust, and what a tradgedy it was.. They howed there disdain by the memorials and the nice things they did.
The Jewish cemetary looks awful. There are over 100,000 bodies burried there and only 12,000 tombstones. That means that not even 25% ahve their own. The one in Philadelphia looks very organised and nice in comparrison. Everyone has their own headstone and it looks beautiful. The polish people show their disdain by making the monuments. The author's purpose is to inform people on the Holocaust. This relates to Anne Frank because it tells about the Holocaust.
mia manzo
The Jewish cemetary are different from the one in Philadelphia because the Jewish one has way more bodies than the one in Philadelphia. They show there disdain because the bodies are practically on top of each other which shows no respect. The author's purpose is to show the disrespect the Polish showed. This correlates with the play because Anne's race, the Jewish, were treated so poorly.
The jewish cemetery in Poland is way differant than the one in Philadelphia because there were 100,000 bodies burried in Poland, and 12,000 tomb stones in Philadelphia. The polish people show their disdain to the Jewish by keeping the cemetery clean. It was very nice and well put together.
the cematry in polland all the jews that died were buried in one big hole together. The cematary in philadelphia was sort of like any other cematary around here. It's a memmorail to remember the such a really bad time. The polish showed their disdain to the jewish by building a momument. The author's purpose in creating this video was to show thr horrors of the holocaust , and how tragic it was. Anne wwas killed in the hollocaost like so many other people buried there.
The Jewish Cemetary in the one part of Poland looks horrible for one reason there were over thousands of bodies and there were only a few tomb stones to be placed there but they also were basicly stacked on top of each other. The Jewish Cemetary is so dirty and nasty but it sure is a good thing that no one has been burried there in over a 100 or more years. But the part of the cemetary that looked very clean and nicely built the Polish people built it to shoe their disdain. The cemetary in Philadelphia was very and on the nicely built tombstones had the english people and the jews. The cemetary in Philadelphia is very nice clean and the people who built did a very nice job in putting it together.
The Jewish cemeteries in Poland is because there were 100,000 bodies buried there. In Philadelphia is a memorial to help people remember how tragic of a loss we expierienced during this time.The Polish people showed their disdain to the Jewish in this video when they built a memorial monument to honor their lives. The authors purpose is to show the horrible things that happened during this time. She was killed in the holocaust just like many other jews.
There were 100,00 bodies buried with only 12,000 tombstones in Jewish cemetery but the Poland cemetery looked like any ordinary cemetery. The Polish built a monument to honor the Jews' lives. This correlates with the play because Anne Franks diary was published afterwards and everyone was able to appreciate their lives and Anne Frank.
The Jewish cemeteries in Poland are very different from the ones in Philadelphia. The cemeteries in Poland are ran down and disrespected. There are not enough tombstones for all of the people that were killed. The tombstones that are there are not taken care of. Most of them are falling down and you can’t read the names or dates on them. Krakow even used some of the tombstones to pave their streets. The author’s purpose is to show the disrespect that Poland had for the Jewish people. This is similar to Anne Frank because she was also killed during the holocaust. Philadelphia is much more respectful of the Jewish people.
Meghan 4/5
The Jewish Cemetery had 100,000 bodies but only 12,000 headstones present. The bodies were actually layered on top of each other.They used the headstones to pave roads, but rep;aced some of them. The cemetery in Philadelphia looks neater and more clear. They put their names in Yiddish, Hebrew, and English. The author's purpose was to inform on what the cemetery's look like. And to remember the people who went through this tragic events. It correlates with the play because, Anne Frank delt with the problem forehand she was in a concentration camp.
The one in Poland is terrible and the one in Philadelphia is almost perfect. There were way more people burried in Poland than in Philadephia. They tried to keep everything clean and they built monuments for the dead. To tell us that we shouldn't judge people by their religion an so forth but by their personality. They came from the ghetto and so did most of the jews, and they did terrible things to their grave stones.
The cemetary in Philadelphia looked more organized than the cemetary in poland but that is probably because there are more jews buried in poland. The polish used the jewish tombstones as road pavement. The authors purpose is to show and teach people of the aftermath of the holocaust. This correlates with Anne Frank because she was probably buried somewhere in the mass of graves.
The cemetery in Poland is in a worse than the ones in Philadelphia because in Poland they used the Jewish tombstones to used to pave streets. The Polish show the comepleate hate for the Jewish because the put the tombstones in the ground to pave rodes. The most likely reason that the Auther made the video is to show the cruelty that happend during the Halocaust. The video correlates with the play Anne Frank becuase of the way she felt with what was happening with the Jews.
The cemetery in Poland is in a worse than the ones in Philadelphia because in Poland they used the Jewish tombstones to used to pave streets. The Polish show the comepleate hate for the Jewish because the put the tombstones in the ground to pave rodes. The most likely reason that the Auther made the video is to show the cruelty that happend during the Halocaust. The video correlates with the play Anne Frank becuase of the way she felt with what was happening with the Jews.
The Jewish Cemetery is different because there were 100,000 bodies buried in this place, also 12,000 and paved into stone and they over lapped each other.The Polish show their disdain to the Jewish people in the video. The author's of creating this video is to show how it was like and pictures of how many people died and how bad it was. How does this correlate with the play "Anne Frank" is , Anne Franks got killed in the Holocaust.
they are terible in one part of poland becasue there were 100,000 bodies burried in one place and alot of tomb stones. by the people built that monument to show disdain. because he was wanting us to see how people were being treated in te older days. because all kinds of people were dieing and getting sent to all kinds of consintration camps to be killed or they were all seperated from there hole families as well. but it was very nice and well put together i should say.
The first things that are similar about the two cemeteries are how they both honor the Jewish people who were involved in the Holocaust. The two cemeteries are also different. For example, ones throughout Poland are filled with of people but, don’t they do not honor every individual one of them in particular. The Polish cemeteries are also scrambled, broken, and poorly kept. The ones in Philadelphia honor everyone with tombstones and are nicely kept compared to the ones in Poland.
The Polish people show their disdain toward the Jewish people by stealing the tombstones and using them to pave the streets. The purpose of this video was to show the losses and the horrors of the Holocaust. The video correlates with the play, Anne Frank since she was also a Jewish person that died during the holocaust in concentration camps. It shows the hatred for the Jewish people and the hardships and suffering they went through.
The one in Poland is all messed up with old broken stones. The one in philadelphia is clean and in oder not broken like Poland. They made the Jewish grave stones into roads. To show that he/she feels bad for the Jewish and wants people to remember what happen to them so we won't do it again. This story is almost the same as Anne Frank because she was Jewish and died in a death camp and was buried not grave stone like some of the jews in Poland.
the jewish cemeteries were all jacked up because the Nazi were taking the headstones aand makin roads for the tanks, the polish wrer trying to put them back to the right person, people were being treated badley when they wrer even dead, they were going into hiding so they can be free for the Nazis.
the cemetery in poland looked a hot mess, and the other looked way better. they killed the jews, and put there there graves in the middle of the road and ran them over with tanks. the authors purpose on making this video is to show what happened in the holacaust. because anne frank died with no grave and some polish had no graves.
The Jewish Cemetery in Polan was horrific. They had hundreds, if not thousands of Jews burried on top of eachother. The sad part is , for the thousand dead, only one tombstone was placed. Nice people tried to take the tombs up from the street and put it back to where they belonged. Now the cemetry is put together, and is looking good.
The people of Poland were just as bad as the germans. They showed their hate everyday for no reason just because they wanted someone to blame. The Jewish cemetary in Poland is the perfect example of this. The polish peole stole the tombstones, threw them into the street, and drove over them with tanks until they were all broken and in peices. Thgis video and the play Anne Frank are just little examples of the evil that was going on at the time. I only hope that this will never happen again.
The diffrence is that the one in Philadelphia looks more modern and dull, but the one in poland is not so modern but with excitment. The oland people show there disain on the tomb stones. How the poland and the Philadelphia people build there tomb stones. How well put together it was.
The Jewish one is far more worse because, there were about 100,000 bogys buried, but only around 10,000 tombstones. The polish showed lost of hatred toward the jews. The author's purpose in this video is to inform readers that the holocaust was very emotional and how bad the jews had to suffer. They are alike because Anne attented some of these torcher camps.
The Philadelphia and the Poland cemetarys are diffrent because on is older than the other one. No one was buried there in a very long time. To intertain people about the diffrences of the jewish cemeterys.How put together it was.
The one in poland is huge but the one in philly is smaller. They are sad and filled with remorse from what that they had done. The author intended on showing what had happened in WW2.
The Jewish Cemitaries were bad in Poland there were more than 100,000 jews and only around 12,000 head stones, and they were almost on top of eachother. They just don't care about them. To tell that the people didn't care about the bodies there. This is like a real life Anne Frank.
The jewish cemetery in Poland was different because there were 100,000 bodies there and only 12,000 tomb stones. Because there were so many bodies and so less tomb stones people were buried on top of people. The Philidelphia cemetery was just like a regular cemetery. The jewish showed their distain with memorials and services. The author's purpose in making this video was to inform people on these events. It correlates with the play Anne Frank because it shows things about the holocaust.
The Jewish Cemetery is terrible in the one part of Poland because there were 100,000 bodies burried in this one place and only 12,000 tomb stones and they were basically on top of each other. It was discusting good thing there was know one burried there in over 100 years. But the one part of it was very nice and clean and looked great and the Polish people built that monument to show there disdain. The author is trying to inform people about how the Holocaust changed the world. This correlates with the Anne Frank play because they both take place during WWII.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland looks different because there was 100,000 bodies buried in it all together with only 12,000 tomb stones covering the whole cemetery. The one in Philadelphia is like a memorial cememtery to remember that tragic day for all those Jews during that time. The Polish people show they're disdain to Jewish in this video by building a monument to honor their lives. The authors purpose in creating this video was to inform people of these events. This correlates with the play, Anne Frank, because she lived during WWII.
They both look bad, but the one in Poland looks worse. But, it was unfair that they did this to innocent people. 11 million people got killed in this tragic event. Another part of Poland was very nice and clean, the polish people built the monument. The cemetery in Philadelphia had English and Jewish language on it, it was very nice.
-Emily Gettings <3
The Jewish cemetary looks awful. There are over 100,000 bodies burried there and very few tombstones. In Philadelphia is a memorial to help people remember how tragic of a loss we expierienced during this horrible time.The autor ut this video together to inform people on what had happen. It can relate to Anne Frank because she was in the Holocaust, and was killed
In poland there was 100,000 bodies and in Philadelphia there was 12,000! The built a monument to show their disdain to the jewish. The purpose of this video is to inform the veiwer what happened and the difference between what happened in Poland and Philadelphia. They are both realistic! They are both put together very well.
In Poland is was terrible because there was alot of died bodys and only alittle bit of tomb stones. They build a monument to honor the jews who died. The reason why the authors purpose in creating this story was that how war's are so horrible and terrible and to show ever what about in the holocast, that isn't not right to do something to people that are just like us. Because Anne Frank was a jew and she died in the camps where the nazie send the jews.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland is very disrespectful and not well keep. There are more bodies buried then headstones. The cemetery in Philadelphia is just the opposite it is very neatly keep and very respectful looking. The Polish show their disdain by paving the streets of Krakow with headstones from the Jewish cemetery. The authors’ purpose in creating this video was to show the differences in the cemeteries which reflected the way the people felt about the Jews. I don’t know how this correlates with the play Anne Frank other than she was a Jew who also died during that time.
Bryce Bittinger
7th & 8th Period
The Jewish cemetary looks horrendous. There are over 100,000 bodies buried there and only about 12,000 tombstones. That means that not even 25 percent have their own tombstone. The one in Philadelphia looks very organized and nice while the one in Poland is just trashy and the tombstones are all clumped together. Everyone in Pennsylvania has their own headstone and it looks amazing. The polish people show their disdain by making the monuments. The author's purpose is to inform people about the horrifying event that took place a while back, the Holocaust. This relates to Anne Frank because it tells about the Holocaust.
Michael Nuzum 4th/5th
The Jewish cemetery in Poland is different from the one in Philadelphia because the Jewish one has way more bodies than the one in Philadelphia. They show there disdain because the bodies are practically on top of each other which shows no respect. There are about 100,000 bodies there and only 12,000 headstones. The cemetery in Philadelphia is nice and tidy. It looks amazing. The author's purpose is to show the disrespect the Polish showed. This correlates with the play because Anne's race, the Jews, were treated horribly.
Ben T 4-5
I think the Jewish cementary in Poland was diffent, because there were only 12,000 headstones and over 100,000 people burried in that grave yard alone! The Philiadelphia cementary is mainly just like any other normal cematary.The Polish people build a monument. This video realates to Anne Frank, because she died during the Holocaust just like so many others.
-madiosn urse 4th &5th period <3
The Jewish cemetery is different because it has many more bodies then the one in Philadelphia. They show distain because there were over 10,000 bodies and only 12,000 tombstones. Many were buried together which shows no respect. I think the author's purpose is to inform people about the Holocaust and how terrible it was. It correlates to the play because Anne Frank was also Jewish and was a a victim of the Holocaust.
The Jewish cemetery in Poland has many more bodies than the one in Philadelphia. The Polish people show their distain by burying several bodies under one tombstone. For example, there were over 100,000 bodies and only 12,000 tombstones. The authors purpose is to inform people about the Holocaust. It correlates to the play because Anne was Jewish and also was killed because of the Holocaust.
The cemetery in the video is very nice and giving respect to all the Jewish families that died during the Holocaust, while the ones in Poland were completely destroyed by Hitler and company due to believing that the Jews were not people and deserved no respect or something honoring them. This videos purpose was to show all the terrible things the Nazis did to the Jews out of the concentration camps in my opinion. This video is relevant to the topic of Anne Frank because they are both similar due to the Holocaust.
Ryan Ricer 4/5
The cemetary in Poland was very disgraceful. The stones had all fallen and even though there were 100,000 bodies buried there only 12,000 headstones were placed there. No one has been buried there for a 100 years. 3 million Jews died during this period and there headstones were used to pave the streets of Krakow. The cemetary in Philadelphia was very neat and respectful for the ones who lost there lives. The Polish people built monuments to honor their lives and to show disdain to Jews. To show how Jews were thought of during the Holocaust and how they were killed. It shows that Jews were hated and how Anne Frank had to live and die during the Holocaust.
Ryan Valentine
7th & 8th Period
The cemetary in poland is worser then the one in poland because tomb stones are all cracked and broken. They tried to put the stones back to were they belong. The author created this video to show what the Nazi's did to the cemetaries. It has to with the holocaust.
The Jewish cemetery is well manicured and well keeped up. A Poland cemetery all or most of the tomb stones are cracked or broken into peices. The poland cementary houses 100,000 bodies and ther is only 12,000 tombstones. The Jewish cementary is very well taked care of. The Poland is like a dum everything is over crouded and not well cared for.The author purpose is to inform us about these 3 cementaries that how they are opperated and manicured. She was a well cared for person and very respected
The Jewish cemetary in Poland was over crowded with bodies,wasn't really taken care of very well. The one in Philadelphia was well manicured, and had the same number of headstones as bodies, which is how it's supposed to be. The Polish show their disdain by building the monument in the cemetary. The author's purpose is to show the excessive loss of lives due to the Holocaust. It correlates with the play, because Anne Frank was a victim of the Holocaust and could be possibly buried in a similar grave yard.
The Jewish Cemetary in Poland is a terrible sight to see compared to the one in Philidelphia. The cemetary in Poland, it's horrific. There are over 100,000 people buried there and only about 12,000 tomb stones. The people buried there are basically buried on top of one another. The one in Philidelphia is very nice though. It's very nice and clean and the tomb stones have the names written in English and Jewish. The people in Poland built the monument to show there disdain. The author's purpose was to show how horrific the cemetary is. It correlates with the play because it shows some of the camps that Anne had been.
Ciara Hornberger (:
4th and 5th period
The Jewish Cemetary in Poland is a horrible place because there where 100,00 bodies burried in this place, and 12,000 tomb stones. They are all stacked on top of eachother because there wasnt much room for them to be buries side-by-side. They show their disdain by keeping the one very nice, and clean. he authors purpose of displaying this videos is to show ho bad it was durig this time.
Megan wilt<3
The Jewish Cemetary in Poland is a horrible place because there where 100,00 bodies burried in this place, and 12,000 tomb stones. They are all stacked on top of eachother because there wasnt much room for them to be buries side-by-side. They show their disdain by keeping the one very nice, and clean. he authors purpose of displaying this videos is to show ho bad it was durig this time.
Megan wilt<3
The Jewish Cemetary in Poland is a horrible place because there where 100,00 bodies burried in this place, and 12,000 tomb stones. They are all stacked on top of eachother because there wasnt much room for them to be buries side-by-side. They show their disdain by keeping the one very nice, and clean. he authors purpose of displaying this videos is to show ho bad it was durig this time.
Megan wilt<3
The Jewish cemetery is different because there were more people in the Poland cemetery. It also has 100,000 bodies burried with only 12,000 tomb stones. That is a lot of tomb stones that take up a lot of space. The Polish people showed their disdain by building a monument. The authors purpose for making this video is to inform people about the cemeteries. This goes with the Anne Frank because she was a Jew like the people burried in the cemetery.
The Jewish Cemetery is very horrifying in the one part of Poland because there were 100,000 bodies buried in the one place and only 12,000 tomb stones and they were basically right on top of each other. It was absolutely gross! But the one part of it was clean and looked great and the Polish people built that monument to show their disdain. The purpose is that there are showing that doing this to people is terrible and should never happen again. Because Anne frank also went to a concentration camp so thst they are similar in that way.
sarah esposito <3
The jewish cemetaries were way worse than the ones in Philadelphia. They were like piled up on each other. Also they were crooked. Polish showed their disdain by using the jews grave stones to pave the roads. I think the authors purpose of this video is how bad they actually treated the jews. They didn't even give them a break after they were dead.This correlates with the play,Anne Frank, because she was killed like a lot of people in the cemetaries. They both went with the holocoast in other words.
The first things that are similar about the two cemeteries are how they both honor the Jewish people who were involved in the Holocaust. The two cemeteries also are different in many ways. For example, ones throughout Poland are actually filled with people but they don't honor every individual in particular. The Polish cemeteries are broken and not kept in the best shape. The ones in Philadelphia honor everyone with tombstones and are arranged nice compared to the ones in Poland. The Polish people show their disdain toward the Jews by stealing the tombstones and using them to pave the streets. The purpose of this video was to show the terror and fear of the Holocaust. This relates to Anne Frank because it tells about the Holocaust and how terrible life was during that time.
Justin Okel 4/5
The jewish cemetery in Poland was terrifying. 100 bodies buried under 12,000 tombstones, nothing could be more horrendous. Th cemetery in Philidelphia was very nice. The names of every Jewish person buried there was printed on a tomb stone with the names in English and in Hebrew. One of the Author's purposes may have been to show the number of people who died in the horrendous tragedy known as the Holocaust. It relates to the play because Anne Frank was one of the millions of Jews killed during the Holocaust.
The Jewish cemetery is in terrible shape. It looks bad because there were 100,000 people buried there, but nowadays there are only 12,000 tombstones. The cemetery in Philadelphia was very nice.
The Polish show their disdain to the Jews by paving the roads with the tombstones.
The author's purpose is to show how horrible people treated Jews. It is to show how they disrespected them.
This video correlates with the play Anne Frank because it is about the Holocaust and horribly Jews were treated and how they were not respected at all.
The Jewish cemetery is in very bad shape. There are too many bodies in one place. They don't honor the Jewish people at all. Its sad because the bodies are stacked on top of each other. The authors purpuse was to show the terrible things that took place because of the Holocost. The Polish were very disrepectful. They stole the headstones. Anne Frank was killed the Holocaust. It is terrible the hatred that was given towards the Jewish people.
the Jewish cemetery is all beat up while the the one in Philadelphia is nice.the look sad for the Jews in the picture the authors purpose is to show you how much crap the jews take.
The cematarys are different because in one there were 100,000 body's buried and in the other they were only about 12,000. They built a monument to show there respect. The authors purpose of this Video was to show the disaster of the holocaust. They are similar because they both show traits of the holocaust.
The Jewish cemeterys were mostly mass graves. Witch means that hundreds if not thousands of bodies were barried on top of eachother. However the Polish cemeterts looked like any normal cemetery but distroyed. The Polish showed their disdain by building a statue to hour the Jewish people that were killed. The author's purpose of creating this viedo was to inform people about the horrors and what a horrible thing it was. It relates to Anne Frank because it notifys you about the Holocaust and gives you a glimps of how people were treated and their body's were after they were gone!
4th&5th period (:
Kathryn Scarbro<3
The Jewish cemetary looks absolutely awful. In the Holocaust the retched bodies werepiled into a huge hole in the ground. It was very dishonorable. The cemetary in Philadelphia at least had headstones to honor everyone who haddied during that time. The author's purpose was to inform the viewer that these were pitiful events that occured in the past. But those memories still linger today to help us remember how blessed we are to be free. This correlates to Anne Frank because she was alive during that era. She was housebound for her own safety. She unfortunately was captured.
The Poland Cemetery was old looking and everything was in Poland. and there was 100,000 bodies buried there and there were only 12,000 tomb stones so there were most likely buried together and they were all crammed together. While the Philadelphia Cemetery was neat looking and had things that we could read and everything wasn't all crammed up. They show there disdain by keeping there cemetery clean and neat looking and well put together. i think the author created this video was to show the true horrors of the Holocaust.
The Jewish Cemetery is terrifying in Poland because there were 100,000 bodies buried there. However, there were only 12,000 tombstones. This shows that they were buried together and on top of each other. On the other had, the cemetery in Philadelphia was very clean, nice, and presentable. They showed disdain by building the monuments. The author's purpose is to inform the reader about the Holocaust. They relate because they both show how the Jews were treated during this time era.
-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
sydnee shaffer
4th and 5th period
The Jewish Cemetery is terrible in the one part of Poland because there were 100,000 bodies burried in this one place and only 12,000 tomb stones and they were basically on top of each other. It was discusting good thing there was know one burried there in over 100 years. But the one part of it was very nice and clean and looked great and the Polish people built that monument to show there disdain. The cemetry in Philadelphia was very nice and had on the tomb stones in english and jewish. It was very nice and well put together.
The Jewish Cemetery is terrible in the one part of Poland because there were 100,000 bodies buried in this place at a time and only 12,000 tomb stones and they were basically on top of each other. However the Polish cementers looked like any normal cemetery but all messed up. The author’s purpose was to show the terrible things that took place because of the Holocaust. The Polish were very mean of them! the stole the grave stones. It relates to Anne frank because it is about Jews and about the holocaust. sorry mrs. Constable its alot late ...... sarah esposito <3(: 7-8
The Jewish cemetary looks awful. There are over 100,000 bodies burried there and very few tombstones. In Philadelphia is a memorial to help people remember how tragic of a loss we expierienced during this horrible time.The autor ut this video together to inform people on what had happen. It can relate to Anne Frank because she was in the Holocaust, and was killed
The Jewish cemetary looks awful. There are over 100,000 bodies burried there and very few tombstones. In Philadelphia is a memorial to help people remember how tragic of a loss we expierienced during this horrible time.The autor ut this video together to inform people on what had happen. It can relate to Anne Frank because she was in the Holocaust, and was killed
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