NO I wouldn't want to participate in this event.Yes I have been to bridge day in west virginia. Yes I like to go. I would like to go wing gliding out of a air plane.
no i would never participate in this event it is very dangerous and no i wouldnt lke to either but would like to watch it though i think that would be a very good story to tell to my kids whn i get older !
No i would not be in this event i like to live.No I haven't gone to bridge day buut i have heard about and saw of it. No i would not like to go. I would like to go swim with sharks.
definitley not, because I'm not that fast and I love living. No I dont think so. Probably not because I dont know what it is and I love my living room a whole lot better. I'd probably want to seek out the Holy Grail. :)~Jocelynn kilgore2nd/3rd period
NO I would never ever do that. It would be so terrible and I would be almost guaranteed to get hurt. No, I've never been to bridge day, either. I've seen videos of it though and it looks insanely scary. It would be fun to go and see the people jump, though. I wouldn't jump it myself in a million years. I'm not really an adventerous person. But, I might go spelunking.
I wouldn't like to do this event. I would probably trip, and I would rather not be killed by a bunch of bulls running towards me.I have never been to Bridge Day in WV. I have seen videos of it, though.I kind of want to go to Bridge Day and participate in it. It looks like it would be really fun.I want to go to Laurel Caverns and go down deep into the caves where they don't have the lights. It sounds really fun, and my dad says we are going to try to do it sometime.
I think it would be really fun and exciting to participate in the running of the bulls. I would definitely do it. With my luck, I would be one of the people who gets trampled by a huge bull or pushed down. No, I’ve never been to bridge day. I would like to go to that too though. One adventure I’d like to participate in would be skydiving. A couple years ago my cousin went and she said it was crazy. She told me when I get old enough she’d take me. -mia manzo(: 4th & 5th period
I would want to participate. It would be a great story to tell my famliy one day. No i have never been to bridge day and dont really have any interest to go. I would like to go skydiving off of an airplane. Nobody in my family would ever do it. I want to be the first.Ben Stewart - 4th/5th Period
I wouldn’t participate in The Running of the Bulls in Spain. I would be terrified and probably get trampled with my luck. I think its plain crazy and stupid. I understand its part of their heritage, but I wouldn’t know why someone would risk their life for that. I've never been to Bridge Day, but that's one adventure I would do! I've heard of it and drove over the bridge. I think it sounds really fun, but I couldn't do it alone! I'd have to have someone go with me. I’m glad we don’t do any crazy events like that in America.
No, I would not want to take part in this event. I have heard many stories about bridge day, but I have never been to it. I would like to go, but it would be scary to jump. There is always a chance that your parachute wouldn't open, and you would fall to your death. There is a few adventures I would like to participate in. One for example is climbing Seneca Rocks along with many other climbers. -Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
No, I would never participate in a crazy event like this. It would be scary to run with three ton bulls with very long and sharp horns. You have to be half-stupid to participate in this. No, I have never been to Bridge day in WV. I would love to go to it if I had a chance. I think I might ask my mom if we could go this year. I would like to go swimming with the dolphins. My uncle was going to take me but he got sick and we couldn't go. I really wish we could've gone though. Running of the bulls may resemble something for the people in Spain, but it is just plain out dumb.Michael Nuzum II 4th 5th period
I think this day in Spain is the dumbest thing ever. No I would not like to participate in it. I have never been to bridge day but I would really like to go and when I get old enough, participate in that. I think it would be really fun to jump off of something and fall at a really fast speed and then to float to the ground. I can't think of any adventure I would like to be a part of other than skydiving or BASE jumping.
No I wouldnt go do that. Those people are very dumb and could possibly lose their life. So I would never participate in an adventure like this. No I have never been to bridge day. I would love to go and jump off though I think it would be very fun. I would like to climb Mt. Everest, I would like to climb it because it would be a fun thing to do. It is the biggest in the world that is why I want to do it.
Yes i would love to participate in this adventure. It looks very fun and exciting. Most thrill-seeking spaniards would love to do this. No I haven't been to bridge day but I would definitly like to. It looks like a a very fun thing to do. Especially if you jumped off the bridge onto a diving board, then down to the bottom. I would like to go skydiving once in my life. It looks like an awesome thing to do and I can't wait to do it. -Joseph Leon 4th/5th
I have heard of the Running of the Bulls, but no i would not like to perticipate in this event! It would be a really good, deadly adventure, but not one for me. I have never been to Bridge Day, yes I would love to jump off a bridge! It would be so much fun, but sadly you have to have a base jumping lisence first, and I don't have one.-madison urse 4th & 5th period <3
Yes, I would like to participate in running with the bulls. I think that it would be very fun. It would hurt to get trampled though. No, I have not been to bridge day and I would like to go if I got the chance. An adventure that I would like to participate in would be a marathon. It would take a lot of work, but it would be fun. -madison morrone 4/5th <3
No I would not like to participate in this event .No I have never been to bridge day and I would never want to go I think its a waste of time. I would like to go ski diving because i think I would like to fly . This video was kinda rediculous because there was a ton of people bleeding.
No, I would never want to participate in a thing like this because bulls would run over you and kill you.I have never been to bridge day, I would like to though.I would like to go sky diving.Makayla Perrine
no i wouldnt like to participate. No i have never been to bridge day yes i would like to go. no there arent any adventures i would like to paricipate in
No I would not like to participate in this , I would not like to get hurt and almost die in the running with the bulls. I think it is to scary. No i have never been to bridge day in WV , I would love to go there and do it. It looks like its alot of fun. I would like to go sky diving . I have always wanted to go sky diving. - Ashley Bright 7/8th :)
Yes, I would like to participate in an event like this. No, I have not been to bridge day in WV. Yes, I would like to participate in bridge day. Yes there is an adventure i would like to participate in. I would like to sky dive and scuba dive.
From looking at this event there is no way in heck that I would participate in this crazy activity, because 9 times out of 10 you could probably die participating in this crazy event. I have never been to bridge day in West Virginia for a matter of fact I have never heard of this activity until today to be exact. Yes I would certantly love to go to this avent as part of the audience because it seems really funny when ever someone gets ran over that is hilarious hahaha that is so funny man that is funny. I would like to go wing gliding out of a air plane because it would be the funest thing in the world because it feels probably like your soaring. So as you can see this is how I feel about this type of event.
Yes, I would like to participate in this event. I think it would be funny and exciting to be in this. But, it's very dangerous at the same time. No, i have not been to bridge day, and i would love to go and watch. I would not jump off of the bridge because im scarred of fish. Plus the bridge is to high and I dont like hights. -Emiy Gettings <3
Yes , i would participate in an adventure like this because it would be really funny and it looks fun.I never had been to the bridge in day WV.I wouldn't like to go because I don't like the smell of fish. The adventure I would like to do is go sky diving -Tyaira Horton <3(:
No i would not like to participate in this event because it is very easy to get hurt or even killed. I would like to whatch it though because to me it would be funny. I have never been to bridge day. To be honest I dont even know what it is. I dont want to go because it sounds boring. One adventure i would like to do is hike the grand canon. That would be so much fun (: Megan Wilt<3 4th&5thp(:
I do not think I would do something like this because I don't think I could out run an angry bull and many people get hurt during the running of the bulls. The bulls are big and can cause damage to the people running with them. I have never been to bridge day. I have always wanted to go skydiving at New River gorge. It is number 28 on my Bucket list. I would like to go jumping because I think it would be a very exciting experience and I would be able to say that I jumped off a famous bridge. An adventure that I would like to do is I want to climb Pikes Peak because it is the tallest mountian in North America. I think that would be a good accomplishment.
Yeah I would like to participate in the running of the bulls. I have never been to the bridge day in West Virginia. I either would want to go sky diving because, it would be an incredible rush or swim with sharks because, it would be something new. There is actually something else I would like to do is try bull fighting.
No i would not like to participate in something like that, because its very dangerous, an i could die if i tried it, so whats the point in participating in something you might die from. No i have never benn to bridge day. No i wouldn't like to go, because i'm scared of heights an to just look at the ground that high would make me sick. There's no adventures i would like to participate in right now that i can think of.
yes i would want to participate in this event because it would be fun to get hit by a bull and i would have a lot of fun no i have not been to bridge day but i would like to go. i wold like to go swimming with sting rays. and i think that woulg really be fun
NO! That is kinda crazy to risk your life just running through Spains streets. I wouldnt want to risk my life running through streets getting killed. I have never been to bridge day and probley never will. No i would like it. Its to high. I would like to do parasailing but thats all.
No I wouldn't like to participate in this event. I have not been to Bridge Day in West Virginia. Yes, there is an adventure I would like to go on. I would like to go in a Hot Air Ballon.
No, i would not like to join the running of the bulls. I love my limbs way too much to do that.No, i have never been to bridge day and i have never heard of it. Yes, i wouldn't mind going to bridge day, it sounds fun.I would like to go white water rafting one day. It sounds like a lot of fun and dangerous.
I don’t think I would like to participate in the running of the bulls, but I would like to sky dive which would be a great adventure for me. I have never been to bridge day in WV, but it sounds like it would be fun. Bryce BittingerPeriod 7th & 8th
No, I wouldn’t participate in the running with the bulls as it is practically waiting to get trampled to death. No, I have never been to Bridge Day. I have seen videos of it in WV Studies class and it looks fun. I would like to go to Bridge Day as it looks awesome to even just watch all of the BASE jumper’s. I would like to go mountain climbing because I have never done that before. I love white water rafting. I’d like to do that again. But, I would really like to go skydiving with a wing suit and be able to go in whatever direction I wanted, it would be like flying.
Absolutely not! I would never do that, it's practically suicide! No,I've never been to Bridge Day, but i'd like to go and try jumping off the bridge, i'd also like to try sky diving, or swimming with dolhpins. I think it'd be really fun to try those things! (:
Yes, ZI would love to participate in this adventure. I think it would be fasinating to go and see if I could survive and to meet different people that have done it. And the on who have not. HAve i heard of bridge day? YEs and i would like to go to bridge day. THe adventure I would like to go to would be to bungi jump or sky dive i think it would be fasinating do so.-Sydnee Shaffer 4/5 period <3:)
no i would not want to participate in this event. but i would love to go to bridge day. as a matter of fact my cousin is coming over this weekend so her mom can go to bridge day. but thats the only thing i really want to participate in.Jordyn Weaver7th and 8th period
No I wouldn't like participate in that because it looks too painful and I could die if i go, No I haven;t been to bridge day in wv, yes I would like to go to bridge day,no there isn't a adventure I would like to participate in yet.
I would most definitely not like to participate in the Running with the Bulls. Why in the world would anyone be so irresponsible!! People do it to say they are brave and have bragging rights, but it is truly senseless!!!When you think about the bulls, it is a type of animal cruelty. I didn’t like seeing them being teased and taunted. I also didn’t enjoy seeing the people get hurt, but if they chose to participate, then they deserve it. I haven’t been to Bridge Day, although I have been over the New River Gorge Bridge several times. It really is an amazing structure.My mom used to teach school in Nicholas County. Her students would go on field trips there. That would be an interesting place to visit. I think I would like to go on a Zip Line. My friends went last summer and they said it was a lot of fun! I did swim with sharks at Disney World, and that was a lot of fun! I do think they put the tame sharks in the tank though! I might want to go skydiving someday.Brooke Ashcraft 4th & 5th period
No, I would not particpate in this! Nope, I have not been to bridge day in WV. Sure, If I get the chance to go. Nope, I would not participate in any adventure.
The running of the bulls is an event in Spain that only those in an asylem would find fun to do. I dont know about anyone else but I personaly think its phycotic to try this and I never would. Bridge day on the other hand would be fun. I have never been there although I would love to one day. I want to be part of lots of adventures a lot of the time but I have a small shread of sanity holding me back.
No there is no way that i would ever perticipate in this event. No I have not been to brige day , Yes I would really enjoy going. I hope I will be able to go in the near future. There are plenty of adventures i would like to go on ... If i had to pick one it would be bungee jumping beacuse it seems EVERY exciting and probly much safer than jumping out an airplane.Rainy Heston :)4/5 period <3
No, I would not want to take part in this event. It would be scary to run with bulls that have long and sharp horns. I have been to bridge day only to watch people on our way to Disney, but didn't have the guts to attempt it. There is always a chance that your parachute wouldn't open, and you could die. I would like to go back in the future to either watch again or attempt it. Even though there are many things to do, I would either like to go hand-gliding or body-gliding off of a mountain. I think that would be extremely fun.Justin Okel 4/5 period
Yes, I would like to participate in an adventure like this, especially if it was a custom in my country. This proves that you are proud of your heritage and want people to be proud of you. The bad part is you can get hurt or even killed in this event. No, I have never been to Bridge Day in WV. I have heard it is really exciting and would like to go someday. Yes, I would like to go bear hunting in Canada someday with my Dad and brother. This can also be a very dangerous and exciting adventure.Ryan Valentine7th & 8th Period
Yes I would like to take part in this event. Saddly i have not been to bridge day. But yes i would like take part in this. I would like to jump out of an airplane.
yes, i would like to participate in this event because i think it would be cool. no i have not beeen to bridge day in wv. I would like to go though to see what its like. there is not another adventure that I would like to participate in.
Yes I would like to participate in this event because it looks like something that would be thrilling and I would just like to say that I participated in it. No I have never been to bridge day and wouldn't enjoy it because heights frighten me, and have since I've been young. If I could do any adventure I really don't know what I'd do because I haven't put much thought in to it.-Ryan Ricer 4/5 period
No, I wouldn't want to participate in this. I'd be too scared too do it. I can't imagine being chase by bulls. They can do serious damage to you if the hit you with their horns. In Mr.Patricks class we learned about Bridge Day not too long ago. He showed us videos us all the people bungee jumping off of the bridge. I probably wouldn't do that either. I'm not a very daring person and would be way to scared and nervous to ever do either of these things. Yes there are some adventures I'd like to go on. I always wanted to go paradailing and I've don't that twice now and it's a very cool thing to do. I'd also would maybe want to try sky diving. It looks really scary but I think it would be a lot of fun and would be one of the coolest things to do.-Ciara Hornberger<34&5th period(:
Ummmm, NO definitely would never participate in this horrifyingly dangerous activity I think it would it be something I would enjoy. No I have never been this to bridge day in WV. Would I like to go? Umm sure I would enjoy watching people do that and jump off but me no I would not want to jump off the bridge. Maybe, it seems very dangerous but I guess I would!Sarah Esposito <3 <3 <3 :-) 7-8th.
No, I would not like to participate in an adventure like this. I have never been to bridge day in West Virginia, but I would like to go and watch. It seems very scary, so I would just go and watch. An adventure I would like to go on would be parasailing. I think it would be a beautiful adventure! -Olivia Moroose (:
NO i will NEVER Participate in an event like that. I've never been to bridge day but i believe it would be pretty fun. i would really enjoy sailing across the atlantic ocean it seems like a great challenge.
The video of "running of the bulls" is insane. Why would anyone risk getting hurt just to run with a bunch of mean wild animals? Even though I'm a pretty daring individual I'd never do something that is extremely life threatening. I've never in my life been to an event called "Bridge Day." In my opinion bungee jumping of a bridge seems like something I'd like to experience in my life. There are many adventurous plans in my life and deep sea diving is one. That has always been on my ming. Even though it looks dangerous I would be willing to take a chance to swim with the marine life. Swimming with sharks, dolphins, sting rays, and most of all sea turtles sounds exciting. -Sami Stevenski :) -4th and 5th period-
I would not participate in the running with the bulls. It would be way to dangerous I think. You could get killed if a bull would catch you. It's not worth doing it to me. It would be cool to say I did the running with the bulls but if you got caught it would not be pretty. The event grows every year.
No I would not like to participate here. No I have not been to bridge day. Yes I would like to go to bridge day. An adventure I'd like to particapate in is scuba diving.Peyton Ozie 7/8 period.
No I would not like to participate in this event I don' tlike bulls and I like living ? No I have not been to Bridge Day in West Virginia, Probab;y not because I don't know what it is. I would like to go sky diving or swim in the ocean with dolphins. :)
no i wouldn't ever want to be in this yes i have been to a bridge day in west virgina.and yes i would go or like to go.i would be a great artist for cancer kids and be able to help them out.
I would never participate in something like that. I think you have to be not right in the head to do that. I’d probably be killed. No I’ve never been to bridge day. But I guess I would like to go. I’m not too sure what it really is. I think we have to go for Science this year. I want to go skydiving. I think it would be fun and scary. It’s on my bucket list. Kathryn Scarbro (:5th&6th period<3
I would never participate in any kind of bull riding events. I haven't been to bridge day in WV not really interested in those type things because they are very dangerious. You could get injured very badly, or even die.
I would not want to participate in an event where you have to run from bulls. I have never been to bridge day in Wv either, i would want to go because i would want to see people take a risk like that. Their is not many events that i would want to participate in, but i would want to jump out of an airplane sometime (:.-Megan hermance, 7&8th
I think this would be a fun but scary adventure. Those bulls chasing after you are huge! I would probably participate in it. I have been to Bridge Day in West Virginia but I was too small to remember much about it. My parents said it was fun to watch the BASE jumpers but it seemed like they got really close to the bottom before they pulled their parachutes. I would like to go helicopter skiing. I have been skiing since I could walk and think it would be so much fun to do it after jumping our of a helicopter.Meghan 4/5
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NO I wouldn't want to participate in this event.Yes I have been to bridge day in west virginia. Yes I like to go. I would like to go wing gliding out of a air plane.
no i would never participate in this event it is very dangerous and no i wouldnt lke to either but would like to watch it though i think that would be a very good story to tell to my kids whn i get older !
No i would not be in this event i like to live.No I haven't gone to bridge day buut i have heard about and saw of it. No i would not like to go. I would like to go swim with sharks.
definitley not, because I'm not that fast and I love living. No I dont think so. Probably not because I dont know what it is and I love my living room a whole lot better. I'd probably want to seek out the Holy Grail. :)
Jocelynn kilgore
2nd/3rd period
NO I would never ever do that. It would be so terrible and I would be almost guaranteed to get hurt. No, I've never been to bridge day, either. I've seen videos of it though and it looks insanely scary. It would be fun to go and see the people jump, though. I wouldn't jump it myself in a million years. I'm not really an adventerous person. But, I might go spelunking.
I wouldn't like to do this event. I would probably trip, and I would rather not be killed by a bunch of bulls running towards me.
I have never been to Bridge Day in WV. I have seen videos of it, though.
I kind of want to go to Bridge Day and participate in it. It looks like it would be really fun.
I want to go to Laurel Caverns and go down deep into the caves where they don't have the lights. It sounds really fun, and my dad says we are going to try to do it sometime.
I think it would be really fun and exciting to participate in the running of the bulls. I would definitely do it. With my luck, I would be one of the people who gets trampled by a huge bull or pushed down. No, I’ve never been to bridge day. I would like to go to that too though. One adventure I’d like to participate in would be skydiving. A couple years ago my cousin went and she said it was crazy. She told me when I get old enough she’d take me.
-mia manzo(: 4th & 5th period
I would want to participate. It would be a great story to tell my famliy one day. No i have never been to bridge day and dont really have any interest to go. I would like to go skydiving off of an airplane. Nobody in my family would ever do it. I want to be the first.
Ben Stewart - 4th/5th Period
I wouldn’t participate in The Running of the Bulls in Spain. I would be terrified and probably get trampled with my luck. I think its plain crazy and stupid. I understand its part of their heritage, but I wouldn’t know why someone would risk their life for that. I've never been to Bridge Day, but that's one adventure I would do! I've heard of it and drove over the bridge. I think it sounds really fun, but I couldn't do it alone! I'd have to have someone go with me. I’m glad we don’t do any crazy events like that in America.
No, I would not want to take part in this event. I have heard many stories about bridge day, but I have never been to it. I would like to go, but it would be scary to jump. There is always a chance that your parachute wouldn't open, and you would fall to your death. There is a few adventures I would like to participate in. One for example is climbing Seneca Rocks along with many other climbers.
-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
No, I would never participate in a crazy event like this. It would be scary to run with three ton bulls with very long and sharp horns. You have to be half-stupid to participate in this. No, I have never been to Bridge day in WV. I would love to go to it if I had a chance. I think I might ask my mom if we could go this year. I would like to go swimming with the dolphins. My uncle was going to take me but he got sick and we couldn't go. I really wish we could've gone though. Running of the bulls may resemble something for the people in Spain, but it is just plain out dumb.
Michael Nuzum II 4th 5th period
I think this day in Spain is the dumbest thing ever. No I would not like to participate in it. I have never been to bridge day but I would really like to go and when I get old enough, participate in that. I think it would be really fun to jump off of something and fall at a really fast speed and then to float to the ground. I can't think of any adventure I would like to be a part of other than skydiving or BASE jumping.
No I wouldnt go do that. Those people are very dumb and could possibly lose their life. So I would never participate in an adventure like this. No I have never been to bridge day. I would love to go and jump off though I think it would be very fun. I would like to climb Mt. Everest, I would like to climb it because it would be a fun thing to do. It is the biggest in the world that is why I want to do it.
Yes i would love to participate in this adventure. It looks very fun and exciting. Most thrill-seeking spaniards would love to do this. No I haven't been to bridge day but I would definitly like to. It looks like a a very fun thing to do. Especially if you jumped off the bridge onto a diving board, then down to the bottom. I would like to go skydiving once in my life. It looks like an awesome thing to do and I can't wait to do it.
-Joseph Leon 4th/5th
I have heard of the Running of the Bulls, but no i would not like to perticipate in this event! It would be a really good, deadly adventure, but not one for me. I have never been to Bridge Day, yes I would love to jump off a bridge! It would be so much fun, but sadly you have to have a base jumping lisence first, and I don't have one.
-madison urse 4th & 5th period <3
Yes, I would like to participate in running with the bulls. I think that it would be very fun. It would hurt to get trampled though. No, I have not been to bridge day and I would like to go if I got the chance. An adventure that I would like to participate in would be a marathon. It would take a lot of work, but it would be fun.
-madison morrone 4/5th <3
No I would not like to participate in this event .No I have never been to bridge day and I would never want to go I think its a waste of time. I would like to go ski diving because i think I would like to fly . This video was kinda rediculous because there was a ton of people bleeding.
No, I would never want to participate in a thing like this because bulls would run over you and kill you.I have never been to bridge day, I would like to though.I would like to go sky diving.
Makayla Perrine
no i wouldnt like to participate. No i have never been to bridge day yes i would like to go. no there arent any adventures i would like to paricipate in
No I would not like to participate in this , I would not like to get hurt and almost die in the running with the bulls. I think it is to scary. No i have never been to bridge day in WV , I would love to go there and do it. It looks like its alot of fun. I would like to go sky diving . I have always wanted to go sky diving.
- Ashley Bright 7/8th :)
Yes, I would like to participate in an event like this. No, I have not been to bridge day in WV. Yes, I would like to participate in bridge day. Yes there is an adventure i would like to participate in. I would like to sky dive and scuba dive.
From looking at this event there is no way in heck that I would participate in this crazy activity, because 9 times out of 10 you could probably die participating in this crazy event. I have never been to bridge day in West Virginia for a matter of fact I have never heard of this activity until today to be exact. Yes I would certantly love to go to this avent as part of the audience because it seems really funny when ever someone gets ran over that is hilarious hahaha that is so funny man that is funny. I would like to go wing gliding out of a air plane because it would be the funest thing in the world because it feels probably like your soaring. So as you can see this is how I feel about this type of event.
Yes, I would like to participate in this event. I think it would be funny and exciting to be in this. But, it's very dangerous at the same time. No, i have not been to bridge day, and i would love to go and watch. I would not jump off of the bridge because im scarred of fish. Plus the bridge is to high and I dont like hights.
-Emiy Gettings <3
Yes , i would participate in an adventure like this because it would be really funny and it looks fun.I never had been to the bridge in day WV.I wouldn't like to go because I don't like the smell of fish. The adventure I would like to do is go sky diving
-Tyaira Horton <3(:
No i would not like to participate in this event because it is very easy to get hurt or even killed. I would like to whatch it though because to me it would be funny. I have never been to bridge day. To be honest I dont even know what it is. I dont want to go because it sounds boring. One adventure i would like to do is hike the grand canon. That would be so much fun (:
Megan Wilt<3 4th&5thp(:
I do not think I would do something like this because I don't think I could out run an angry bull and many people get hurt during the running of the bulls. The bulls are big and can cause damage to the people running with them. I have never been to bridge day. I have always wanted to go skydiving at New River gorge. It is number 28 on my Bucket list. I would like to go jumping because I think it would be a very exciting experience and I would be able to say that I jumped off a famous bridge. An adventure that I would like to do is I want to climb Pikes Peak because it is the tallest mountian in North America. I think that would be a good accomplishment.
Yeah I would like to participate in the running of the bulls. I have never been to the bridge day in West Virginia. I either would want to go sky diving because, it would be an incredible rush or swim with sharks because, it would be something new. There is actually something else I would like to do is try bull fighting.
No i would not like to participate in something like that, because its very dangerous, an i could die if i tried it, so whats the point in participating in something you might die from. No i have never benn to bridge day. No i wouldn't like to go, because i'm scared of heights an to just look at the ground that high would make me sick. There's no adventures i would like to participate in right now that i can think of.
yes i would want to participate in this event because it would be fun to get hit by a bull and i would have a lot of fun no i have not been to bridge day but i would like to go. i wold like to go swimming with sting rays. and i think that woulg really be fun
NO! That is kinda crazy to risk your life just running through Spains streets. I wouldnt want to risk my life running through streets getting killed. I have never been to bridge day and probley never will. No i would like it. Its to high. I would like to do parasailing but thats all.
No I wouldn't like to participate in this event. I have not been to Bridge Day in West Virginia. Yes, there is an adventure I would like to go on. I would like to go in a Hot Air Ballon.
No, i would not like to join the running of the bulls. I love my limbs way too much to do that.
No, i have never been to bridge day and i have never heard of it. Yes, i wouldn't mind going to bridge day, it sounds fun.
I would like to go white water rafting one day. It sounds like a lot of fun and dangerous.
I don’t think I would like to participate in the running of the bulls, but I would like to sky dive which would be a great adventure for me. I have never been to bridge day in WV, but it sounds like it would be fun.
Bryce Bittinger
Period 7th & 8th
No, I wouldn’t participate in the running with the bulls as it is practically waiting to get trampled to death. No, I have never been to Bridge Day. I have seen videos of it in WV Studies class and it looks fun. I would like to go to Bridge Day as it looks awesome to even just watch all of the BASE jumper’s. I would like to go mountain climbing because I have never done that before. I love white water rafting. I’d like to do that again. But, I would really like to go skydiving with a wing suit and be able to go in whatever direction I wanted, it would be like flying.
Absolutely not! I would never do that, it's practically suicide! No,I've never been to Bridge Day, but i'd like to go and try jumping off the bridge, i'd also like to try sky diving, or swimming with dolhpins. I think it'd be really fun to try those things! (:
Yes, ZI would love to participate in this adventure. I think it would be fasinating to go and see if I could survive and to meet different people that have done it. And the on who have not. HAve i heard of bridge day? YEs and i would like to go to bridge day. THe adventure I would like to go to would be to bungi jump or sky dive i think it would be fasinating do so.
-Sydnee Shaffer 4/5 period <3:)
no i would not want to participate in this event. but i would love to go to bridge day. as a matter of fact my cousin is coming over this weekend so her mom can go to bridge day. but thats the only thing i really want to participate in.
Jordyn Weaver
7th and 8th period
No I wouldn't like participate in that because it looks too painful and I could die if i go, No I haven;t been to bridge day in wv, yes I would like to go to bridge day,no there isn't a adventure I would like to participate in yet.
I would most definitely not like to participate in the Running with the Bulls. Why in the world would anyone be so irresponsible!! People do it to say they are brave and have bragging rights, but it is truly senseless!!!
When you think about the bulls, it is a type of animal cruelty. I didn’t like seeing them being teased and taunted. I also didn’t enjoy seeing the people get hurt, but if they chose to participate, then they deserve it.
I haven’t been to Bridge Day, although I have been over the New River Gorge Bridge several times. It really is an amazing structure.
My mom used to teach school in Nicholas County. Her students would go on field trips there. That would be an interesting place to visit. I think I would like to go on a Zip Line. My friends went last summer and they said it was a lot of fun!
I did swim with sharks at Disney World, and that was a lot of fun! I do think they put the tame sharks in the tank though! I might want to go skydiving someday.
Brooke Ashcraft 4th & 5th period
No, I would not particpate in this! Nope, I have not been to bridge day in WV. Sure, If I get the chance to go. Nope, I would not participate in any adventure.
The running of the bulls is an event in Spain that only those in an asylem would find fun to do. I dont know about anyone else but I personaly think its phycotic to try this and I never would. Bridge day on the other hand would be fun. I have never been there although I would love to one day. I want to be part of lots of adventures a lot of the time but I have a small shread of sanity holding me back.
No there is no way that i would ever perticipate in this event. No I have not been to brige day , Yes I would really enjoy going. I hope I will be able to go in the near future. There are plenty of adventures i would like to go on ... If i had to pick one it would be bungee jumping beacuse it seems EVERY exciting and probly much safer than jumping out an airplane.
Rainy Heston :)
4/5 period <3
No, I would not want to take part in this event. It would be scary to run with bulls that have long and sharp horns. I have been to bridge day only to watch people on our way to Disney, but didn't have the guts to attempt it. There is always a chance that your parachute wouldn't open, and you could die. I would like to go back in the future to either watch again or attempt it. Even though there are many things to do, I would either like to go hand-gliding or body-gliding off of a mountain. I think that would be extremely fun.
Justin Okel 4/5 period
Yes, I would like to participate in an adventure like this, especially if it was a custom in my country. This proves that you are proud of your heritage and want people to be proud of you. The bad part is you can get hurt or even killed in this event. No, I have never been to Bridge Day in WV. I have heard it is really exciting and would like to go someday. Yes, I would like to go bear hunting in Canada someday with my Dad and brother. This can also be a very dangerous and exciting adventure.
Ryan Valentine
7th & 8th Period
Yes I would like to take part in this event. Saddly i have not been to bridge day. But yes i would like take part in this. I would like to jump out of an airplane.
yes, i would like to participate in this event because i think it would be cool. no i have not beeen to bridge day in wv. I would like to go though to see what its like. there is not another adventure that I would like to participate in.
Yes I would like to participate in this event because it looks like something that would be thrilling and I would just like to say that I participated in it. No I have never been to bridge day and wouldn't enjoy it because heights frighten me, and have since I've been young. If I could do any adventure I really don't know what I'd do because I haven't put much thought in to it.
-Ryan Ricer 4/5 period
No, I wouldn't want to participate in this. I'd be too scared too do it. I can't imagine being chase by bulls. They can do serious damage to you if the hit you with their horns. In Mr.Patricks class we learned about Bridge Day not too long ago. He showed us videos us all the people bungee jumping off of the bridge. I probably wouldn't do that either. I'm not a very daring person and would be way to scared and nervous to ever do either of these things. Yes there are some adventures I'd like to go on. I always wanted to go paradailing and I've don't that twice now and it's a very cool thing to do. I'd also would maybe want to try sky diving. It looks really scary but I think it would be a lot of fun and would be one of the coolest things to do.
-Ciara Hornberger<3
4&5th period(:
Ummmm, NO definitely would never participate in this horrifyingly dangerous activity I think it would it be something I would enjoy. No I have never been this to bridge day in WV. Would I like to go? Umm sure I would enjoy watching people do that and jump off but me no I would not want to jump off the bridge. Maybe, it seems very dangerous but I guess I would!
Sarah Esposito <3 <3 <3 :-) 7-8th.
Ummmm, NO definitely would never participate in this horrifyingly dangerous activity I think it would it be something I would enjoy. No I have never been this to bridge day in WV. Would I like to go? Umm sure I would enjoy watching people do that and jump off but me no I would not want to jump off the bridge. Maybe, it seems very dangerous but I guess I would!
Sarah Esposito <3 <3 <3 :-) 7-8th.
No, I would not like to participate in an adventure like this. I have never been to bridge day in West Virginia, but I would like to go and watch. It seems very scary, so I would just go and watch. An adventure I would like to go on would be parasailing. I think it would be a beautiful adventure!
-Olivia Moroose (:
NO i will NEVER Participate in an event like that. I've never been to bridge day but i believe it would be pretty fun. i would really enjoy sailing across the atlantic ocean it seems like a great challenge.
The video of "running of the bulls" is insane. Why would anyone risk getting hurt just to run with a bunch of mean wild animals? Even though I'm a pretty daring individual I'd never do something that is extremely life threatening. I've never in my life been to an event called "Bridge Day." In my opinion bungee jumping of a bridge seems like something I'd like to experience in my life. There are many adventurous plans in my life and deep sea diving is one. That has always been on my ming. Even though it looks dangerous I would be willing to take a chance to swim with the marine life. Swimming with sharks, dolphins, sting rays, and most of all sea turtles sounds exciting.
-Sami Stevenski :)
-4th and 5th period-
I would not participate in the running with the bulls. It would be way to dangerous I think. You could get killed if a bull would catch you. It's not worth doing it to me. It would be cool to say I did the running with the bulls but if you got caught it would not be pretty. The event grows every year.
No I would not like to participate here. No I have not been to bridge day. Yes I would like to go to bridge day. An adventure I'd like to particapate in is scuba diving.
Peyton Ozie 7/8 period.
No I would not like to participate in this event I don' tlike bulls and I like living ? No I have not been to Bridge Day in West Virginia, Probab;y not because I don't know what it is. I would like to go sky diving or swim in the ocean with dolphins. :)
no i wouldn't ever want to be in this yes i have been to a bridge day in west virgina.and yes i would go or like to go.i would be a great artist for cancer kids and be able to help them out.
I would never participate in something like that. I think you have to be not right in the head to do that. I’d probably be killed. No I’ve never been to bridge day. But I guess I would like to go. I’m not too sure what it really is. I think we have to go for Science this year. I want to go skydiving. I think it would be fun and scary. It’s on my bucket list.
Kathryn Scarbro (:
5th&6th period<3
I would never participate in any kind of bull riding events. I haven't been to bridge day in WV not really interested in those type things because they are very dangerious. You could get injured very badly, or even die.
I would not want to participate in an event where you have to run from bulls. I have never been to bridge day in Wv either, i would want to go because i would want to see people take a risk like that. Their is not many events that i would want to participate in, but i would want to jump out of an airplane sometime (:.
-Megan hermance, 7&8th
I would not want to participate in an event where you have to run from bulls. I have never been to bridge day in Wv either, i would want to go because i would want to see people take a risk like that. Their is not many events that i would want to participate in, but i would want to jump out of an airplane sometime (:.
-Megan hermance, 7&8th
I think this would be a fun but scary adventure. Those bulls chasing after you are huge! I would probably participate in it. I have been to Bridge Day in West Virginia but I was too small to remember much about it. My parents said it was fun to watch the BASE jumpers but it seemed like they got really close to the bottom before they pulled their parachutes. I would like to go helicopter skiing. I have been skiing since I could walk and think it would be so much fun to do it after jumping our of a helicopter.
Meghan 4/5
I wouldn't like to do this event. I would probably trip, and I would rather not be killed by a bunch of bulls running towards me.
I have never been to Bridge Day in WV. I have seen videos of it, though.I kind of want to go to Bridge Day and participate in it. It looks like it would be really fun.
I want to go to Laurel Caverns and go down deep into the caves where they don't have the lights. It sounds really fun, and my dad says we are going to try to do it sometime.
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