i think the ingredents that is in the mentos reacts with somthing in the diet coke thats why it explodes . i dont really like science all that much , its my worst subject . ive did this expeirment before it is acualy very intresting and fun to watch but besides that ive never really l\did experiments like this before my old school did do labs and expeirments till 9th grade . but i think this concept is very cool.
What is happen is the coke is having a cheimal reaction to minto and making it shoot up. I really don't have a favorite experiment. Yes when I was five I did the same thing they did.no because It makes a big mess. ya because it lookes fun.
I cant think of anything to scientific...but I think that the mentos and the diet coke didnt agree with eachother. The diet coke and the mentos formed a chemical reaction so the diet coke spit them out. I like to disect things :). No...i dont do much at home or at school. Yes I would love to make this experiment at home but I think I'd like having a diet coke/mento war with the people in my class. I'd like to target Noah...in the face :D.~jocelynn kilgore2nd/3rd period
When the mentos hit the Diet Coke it has a chemical reaction. The ingredients in the mentos have a chemical reaction the Diet Coke , and the acid in the diet coke also reacts to the chemical reaction. The most interesting experients that I have done in school is the mentos one. Yeah I do like science. Yes I would like to do this experient at home. I would like to target the coke at Emily Gettings and Hannah Petracca. - Ashley Bright 7/8th period:)
What happened during the video the coke had a certain chemical type of reaction with the minto that caused the coke to shoot out of the bottle. I've never had a favorite experiment because it just gets me out of writing assighnments so I didn't have to put up with writing for 45 minutes that was just to much and to much time to be writing in class. I never did this when I was at a younger age because it would have got everywhere and my parents would've yelled at me and I would've got grounded for the huge mess I caused. I loved this experiment since kindergarten because I thought that it looked fun and wet and I wanted to jump in it but I would've got all wet and smelled like diet coke the whole entire day at school. 7th-8th Period
The mentos and diet coke are having a chemical reaction.The diet coke and the mentos formed a chemical reaction so the diet coke spit them out.My favorite is probably this one. And yea I have it was vinegar and baking soda. Yes science is ok.Yes it would be so much fun, I have done it before,and I would aim the coke at my buds.Makayla Perrine 7/8th period
Two guys are putting mentos in diet coke causing it to explode. The mentos react chemically to the ingredients in diet coke. I don't really have a favorite science experiment. In sixth grade every science class went out and made a lot of soda fountains. Yeah, I like science but my favorite has to be Social Studies. I would like to target Jocelynn because, she said she was gonna hit me in the face,
The mentos and the diet coke aren't really getting along so the coke exploded! The diet coke is having a chemical reaction to the mentos or whatever is in them. My favorite science experiment is when we do things that aren't as messy or gross. I understand they have to be messy sometimes though. I absolutely HATE disecting things. It always smells really bad and I can't stand dead things.I once put mine and my sister's hamster in a box together to see if they would get along (didn't work out too well...) but that was probably the only experiment I've ever done at home. I don't really like science because it's kind of complicated but I like my science class since we get to do a lot of labs. I would like to do this at home and if I were to target it at someone...hm....that'd be a lot of people. But the top 5 would be Jastin, Treciton, Tristan, Matt or Jordan! :PJordyn Weaver7th and 8th period :)
What is happening is that the mentos have a harder surface and has many pores in it. The acid from the diet coke enters the pores and creates a chemical reaction. Then the mento has some kind of reation with the coke. Then they explode. I would choose this as my favorite science experment. I have made many science experments here at school and at home. I like science it is fun to learn about the reactios and how they work. Yes, i would do this exprement at home just to have fun and make a mess.If I had to choose to shoot ths experment at someone or something it would have to be my dog Max.
The diet coke an the mentos are having an chemical reaction to each other. The mentos. My favorite science experiment um... would be watching the diet coke explode, because of the mentos. As far as i can remember i haven't had any fun an interesting experiments anywhere. It depends on what they're teaching. Yes it looks very interesting an fun. I would say my brother, because he gets on my nerves an he would probably do the same thing only sooner.
The chemical in the mentos mixes with the diet coke and starts fizzing really fast and the more pressure that builds up the bigger the blast will be. My favorite science experiment is when you take two full glasses of water and put them on top of each other. When you pull one of the glasses a little bit off the water will stay in the cup. The gravity and the pressure in the cups will push against each other which will allow the water to stay in the glass, which is really cool. One time I made a volcano from a science kit that someone gave me. I do like science, the thing I like the most about science is the cool experiments that we do. I have done the diet coke and mentos experiment at home but nothing like on the video. I would like to target my little sister when she comes in my room to bug me. But I’m sure she would just cry and get me in trouble, so I will probably never do that. Bryce BittingerPeriod 7th & 8th
The mentos and diet coke are having a chemical reaction to each other in this video. When they interact, it causes an explosion with the diet coke. My favorite science experiment was in fourth grade when we had to remove all the chocolate chips from a chocolate chip cookie. I liked it, because I just remember it being really neat! I haven't done any experiments at home, but I've done a lot at school. I like science when we do fun things! I think it would be cool to try this at home! I'd have fun targeting the coke at my family!
what is happening is that the mentos and the diet coke dont like each other so it like putting a cat in a cage with a dog they are going to fight(most of the time) the thing that causes the diet coke to go crazy is that when you drop the mento in the soda it bubbles up really bad and since there is little air in the bottle the soda has no other choice but to go out of the bottle. i dont really have a favorite scince experment because really im not a big fan of science. a cool expeirment i have made at home is at my old school we had to make a habatait and but animales in it. so that was cool. no i dont like science because its just not my favorite subject.yes i would like to do this expeirment at home but after that my mom would yell at me for being sticky.i would like to target noah also because he is one of my best friends.
What is happening in the video , is the diet coke is reacting with the mentos and creating a chemical reaction or an explosion. In 5th grade we tried this expieremnt and it exploded everywere. I love science. I woould not like to try this at home because it is way too messy. I would aim the coke at my bestfriend , Kaitlyn because she hates diet coke (: 4th&5th
What the video is trying to show us is the chemical reaction between the effect of diet coke and Mentos to make a chemical explosion. This reaction is an example of the dissolved gas (carbon dioxide) within diet coke, quickly bubbling out of solution as a result of Mentos being dropped in. have I ever done a cool experiment before, yes I have I have put pop and water and chopped up red cabbage and the pop turned hot pink that was pretty cool. Do I like science? Yes I actually want to be a research scientist when I grow up. Yes I would like to do this again. Probably my little sister hahahahaha just to make her mad.Sarah Esposito <3 7-8:)
the people are puting mentos into the diet coke and it was making a giser.the coke was have a chemical reation to the mentos and it shot up.at the end when the did the last experament and they had a whole buch of them going at the same time.I think that was really cool because that there were only two of them and had all of them going.yes in 6th grade in sience class we went in front of the school and it was the whole class and we all let them off at the same time it look really cool and i think she put it on youtube.no i really dont like science.yes .if i could target some one i would target tyara and chynna because i think tyaras face wounld be soo funny. khadija lam 7/8
What is happening in this video is a chemical reaction from the mentos and the diet coke. The mixture of mentos and diet coke cause it to go crazy. Personaly my favorite experiment was disection. In the past it was very interesting to disect frogs. Science is not a favorited class of mine ,but it isn't the least either. I would like to do this experiment at home. My tarrget with the diet coke would be my dad because he would find it funny and he would be mad at the same time.Peyton Ozie 7-8 period
The mento reacts with the diet coke causing it to shoot up into the air.These two scientists made all of these chemical reactions go with a song. Science is in my top three favorite subjects in school. I like science because all of the interesting labs we do and how science is almost in everything in the world. The mentos lab is probably my favorite lab I have ever done in school
The people in the video are making a fountain show out of diet coke and mentos. It is like the fountains at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, only a lot smaller. The diet coke sprays out because of the chemical reaction with mentos when they are dropped in the bottle. My class did this experiment in fourth grade. We only used one bottle of soda for the entire class. It would have been more fun if we could have did it in groups. I am sure we would have all been very sticky. Science is my very favorite subject because it is hands-on and interesting. I would do this experiment at home and aim the coke bottle at my sister.Meghan 4/5
This video is a chemical reacttion between the mint in the candy and the acid in the diet coke. This happens when the mentos hits the acid in the coke it begains to build up pressure and it is relased. My favorite science experiment is when you get a film reel canister and fill it with vinigar. next you take a small napkin and wrap baking soda into it and place it into the cap. Next you close it tightly and get away. The pressure build up will cause it to burst open. I like science because you get to discover intersting things about the world. I would like to do this at home because I think it is intersting the way the mentos reacts with the coke and I think it is cool that it will do this. period 2/3
The scientists are making a chemical reaction by putting the mentos in the coke. There is something in the mentos that causes the diet coke to react and explode. My favorite science experiment is the mentos is the diet coke experiment. WE hav emade a few experiments, but none that were very interesting. I do like science. I would love to do this experiment at home. I would target my little brother Max. He would get so mad at me, then I would spray him again and watch him get even madder while I sat there and laughed harder and harder every time I sprayed him.
What happens in the video is achemical reaction between the mentos and the diet coke. What causes the diet coke to go crazy is something in the mentos and in the diet coke counter reacting together. My favorite science experiment is when we work with different chemicals and do different experiments. I have not made a interesting experiments yet but I hope to soon in science class. I love science, it is one of my favorite subjects in school. I would like to make this experiment at home just to do something fun over the weekend with my brother, if he wants to do or not. Its really up to him. He might thinks it cool or he might think that its not that interesting because its up to him. I can't tell him what to do or what not to do. I would actually like to target myself with the coke to see how it feels getting hit with coke and mentos. I think it would be alot of fun getting hit with coke and mentos.-Sabrina Coe
The guy in the video are doing a experiment. The diet coke and the mentos cause a chemical because the mentos surface have a lot of holes on the surface of the candy and it reacts with the co2 gases in the coke cause it to erupt. My favorite is when you put baking soda into vinegar. Yes I did a experiment make a normal rock turn into a crystal using a crystal making set I got for Christmas one year. I like science but it kind of hard to pay attraction in class. I already did make this experiment at home I enjoy it. I would like to target the popular people that think they’re better than me with the diet coke.:)
The scientists are causing a chemical reaction, by butting mentos into diet coke. Something in the mentos causes the carbonation in the diet coke to go crazy. Actually this summer my neighbor and I conduced that same experiment. WE bough 4 packs of mentos and 5 bottles of pop. We watched the gazer we created get higher by the amount of mentos we put in. Yes I would like to create this experiment again. It was a blast we had so much fun. I would love to target my sister right in the face! I love her but she isn’t very nice to me.Kathryn Scarbro(:4th & 5th
In this video, the scientists are putting Mentos into bottles of Diet Coke to cause a chemical reaction. When the two interact, it causes a small explosion with the diet coke. I don’t really have a favorite science experiment, but this one is very fun. In 6th grade, my class did the exact same experiment in the front of the school. It was really messy, but we all had a lot of fun. I like science, but it isn’t my favorite subject. I wouldn’t like to do this experiment at home because it would make a really really big mess which I would have to clean. I would target Casey Anthony because she is a heartless baby killer. :(mia manzo 4/5th perioddd(:
The diet coke and mentos form a chemical reaction which cause the diet coke to shoot in the air. The carbon dioxide in diet coke finds the holes in mentos causing the chemical reaction. My favorite science experiment is probably this, or a baking soda volcano. It amazes me how the baking soda reacts to vinegar, same with the diet coke and mentos. The most interesting thing I made at home and school was a baking soda volcano. Yes I would like to make this experiment at home, it would be a lot of fun. I would like to target my sisters. Also, I would target my parents too.
A chemical reaction happened when the Mentos went into the diet coke. The diet coke’s molecules are split during this reaction so it needs to find other liquid molecules. The Mentos are starting to dissolve which causes bubbles which take up more room in the bottle and the liquid shoots out of the bottle because there is no more room inside. This actually might be one of my favorite experiments since chemical reactions are pretty cool. Two simple ingredients combine to make a pretty exciting reaction. I really haven’t done any science experiments at my house. Yes, I’d like to do this experiment at my house. I’d like to aim it at my family or friends to see their reaction. I think that would be hilarious.
The coke is exploding because of the chemical reaction for the gum, and the coke mixing together.I hate science its the worst class ever i always do bad in science. I the done this expatiation. It looks fun to do and it is fun to do.
In this experiment the coke and mento react and the coke exlodes. The diet coke has chemicals that react with the mentos. I don't have a favorite science exeriment because I like them all. Yes I have made interesting science experiments. One time I had to make a boat that moved in the water when then motor as heated by fire. Yes I like science. I have already done this exeriment once in class so I wouldn't want to do it at home. I would like to target this coke at Selena Gomez for taking my future husband. -madison morrone 4/5th <3
Ah the age old mentos in coke experiment. In this video we see a chemical reaction between the chemicals in the mentos and those in the coke. This reaction is the coke flying in every which way. My favorite exparement was back in third grade we took ice and put salt on it. The salt caused the ice to melt then refreeze. It was so amazing I tried it like five more times when I got home. I peronally love science it is my second favorite subject in school second only to social studies. I have never actually done this exparament myself however it does seem very interesting and entertaining and I would honestly love to. If I had a chance to shoot the coke at anyone I would probably target my friend Phillip Keener from New York. It would be fun to see his reaction. It works on diet too!
The scientist are dropping mentos into the diet cokes. The diet coke goes crazy because there is some ingredient in the mentos that makes the diet coke react and fizz. My favorite science experiment is putting corn starch in water and making colloid. The colloid is a weird consistency, and it's hard to tell if it is a liquid or a solid. I made the colloid experiment in my third grade class. I like science most of the time, but I don't like memorizing the table of elements. I would like to make this experiment at home sometime, as long as I had a plastic coat or something so my clothes don't get ruined. I would target my dad with the diet coke.
The diet coke and mentos have chemicals that don't work together so that causes a chemical reaction. My favorite science experiment is anything that exploads,because i like things that expload. Yes, i've made the mento's experiment at home and school. I love science it's really cool. I aleady have. I would like to target Daniel Yost or Jastin with the coke because it would be really funny.Selenna McCaulley..........2nd and 3rd period
The diet coke is exploding, because of the reaction with the mentos. I think its something to do with the fizz in the coke and the mentos. In school last year we put white flowers in colored water and they turned the color of the food coloring in the water. It was really cool to see the flowers change over time. I really ike science, Mrs. Conley is a really awesome teacher we do a lot of fun experiments. I would love to hit my dad weith the coke it would be do much fun! -Madison Urse 4th&5th period <3
Diet coke is shooting up into the air. This is happening because the mintos is having a chemical reaction with the diet cake, therefor making it shoot into the air. My favorite science experiment is probably dissecting things. I like dissecting things because I think it is fun to learn what is inside of some animals. The only interesting science experiment I can recall is dissecting a frog. I'm not too much of a fan for science but I don't hate it. Yes, I would probably do this at my house. I would like to hit all of my friends and my parents. That would be so awesome. Michael Nuzum II 4th/5th Period
The diet coke bottles have mintos in them and they are exploding everywhere. The mintos and diet coke are having a chemical reaction towards each other. That is why the diet coke is shooting straight up into the air. My favorite science experiment was last year when we went outside and did this exact experiment. It was awesome. The most interesting science experiment was dissecting an owl pellet back in fifth grade. It was so fun because there were so many things in that little ball and it was just cool. Yes, i like science. It is probably my second best subject. Yes I would make this experiment at home and see how high I could get the diet coke to shoot up. I would like to hit my older brother Woody right in the face with the diet coke. That would be hysterical.Ben Taylor 4th 5th period
I think they put something in the coke to make it explode, like it did and I think it had a chemimal reaction. I dont like science very much and I dont have a science ezperiment. No, Not really. Nope, I dont like science at all. I would soo do it if I had a chance. My cousin Taylor, because she's bad and she needs it.
What is happening, is that the scientists are putting mentos in diet coke to make it fizz and explode. The ingredirents in the mentos cause the diet coke crazy. My favorite science experiment is when you use see differences in bases and acids. I have done experiments in my house, but none were too fun and i usually got in trouble. I LOVE science and everything to do with science. I would also do this expeiment at home and I would target my step brothers.
The Diet Coke is shooting everywhere.It is caused by a chemical reaction between the Diet Coke and the Mentos.I don't really have a favorite science experiment.I have done this experiment before. I have also made little volcanoes and made my own crystals.I think science is fun.I have made this experiment at home before. It's really fun.I wouldn't like to target anybody. I would shoot it up straight into the air and try to catch it in my mouth.
The diet coke explodes when the mentos is added to the bottle of diet coke. I think the reason is when the mentos hits the acid in the diet coke it has a chemical reaction and makes it explode. The diet coke and mentos is my favorite science experiment so far that we have done. At home, I made a light bulb light up with a battery and copper wire. Yes, it is one of my favorite subjects. Yes, I would like to try it at home. I would like to target my older brother Shane with it, when he came home from college.Ryan Valentine7th & 8th Period
The two scientists use mentos to make the diet coke explode. The mentos cause a chemical reaction to occur in the diet coke. My favorite experiment is making baking soda and vinegar react. In sixth grade, we made ice cream in Mrs. Garcia's science class. Science is probably my second favorite subject. I would like to try this at home. I would aim the coke at my second favorite english teacher, Mrs. Vacovsky. -Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
Sydnee Shaffer:) 4th/5th period What is happening in this video is they are droping mnetos into the coke bottles and making them explode. The diet coke and mentos must have two ingerdents in both of them that cause them to make a chemical reaction. Have I made any intresting experiment in school or at home? I recall that in Mrs.Murray's class we did do a pretty cool expirment. You take a pill bottle and put vinigear and baking soad into the pill bottle and it expoldes. Which this is also a chemical reaction. Do i like science. I do like it but at the same time I don't love it. I would like to do this at home. It would be cool to show my sister how it works and show her how to too. If i could target anyone with diet coke that would have to be, my sister for getting on my nerves all the time.:D
The theory with Mentos is that there is a chemical reaction with the candy and the coke that breaks the surface tension of the water molecules in the coke, making the carbon dioxide bubbles in the coke form faster. I performed one of my favorite experiments when I attended the Forensic Science Camp at WVU this past summer. We did a blood spatter experiment in which we dropped blood at different angles to see what kind of droplet was formed. I love science probably because my mom is a forensic scientist and has always made science fun for me. I would like to do the Mentos experiment at home and I would love to target my brother.Olivia Moroose 4th and 5th Period(:
The theory with Mentos is that there is a chemical reaction with the candy and the coke that breaks the surface tension of the water molecules in the coke, making the carbon dioxide bubbles in the coke form faster. I performed one of my favorite experiments when I attended the Forensic Science Camp at WVU this past summer. We did a blood spatter experiment in which we dropped blood at different angles to see what kind of droplet was formed. I love science probably because my mom is a forensic scientist and has always made science fun for me. I would like to do the Mentos experiment at home and I would love to target my brother.Olivia Moroose 4th and 5th period(:
When the mentos drop down to the bottom of the diet coke the molecules in the mentos react with it. It creates carbon dioxide in it and thrust it to the top and out of the bottle. My favorite science experiment is the bottle rocket experiment I love watching them fly in the air. I have made this rocket thing at my moms job before because my mom works for NASA so on take your child to work day we did tons of experiments and fun things. I even got to go in this spaceship simulator it was fun because you got to land the spaceship on earth. Yes I like science it is my second favorite subject. I would like too do this at home. I would like to target it at my sister because she would get really mad.
What is happening in this video is the chemicals from the diet coke meeting with the chemicals in the mentos causing a chemical reaction. Whatever chemicals they are the mentos seem to make the diet coke fizz out insanely.I don't have a favorite science experiment because I find them all very intriguing. In the past I've not really done any science experiments at home because I've chosen other alternatives. I like science because I think it's interesting because everything from our bodies' to our natural habitats.-Ryan Ricer 4/5th
When the diet coke and the mentos were combined, a chemical reaction was formed. The pressure builds up from the mentos being put into the diet coke that it shoots up like a volcano. This is one of my favorite experiments, even though I have many because I like to watch chemical reactions. I had made a helicopter a few years ago that was made out of metal. I like science because it teaches you things that are important in everyday life. You will need to use science once in a while to figure things out. I would like to target the diet coke and mentos experiment at my brother.Justin Okel 4/5th period
In this experiment, they are dropping mentos into diet coke. When the two meet, they create a chemical reaction that cause the coke to foam and explode. I don't know exactly what cause this, but the mentos make the diet coke go crazy. My favorite science experiment is when you put vinegar in a bottle, and put baking soda in a balloon. Then you put the balloon on top of the bottle and pour the baking soda into the vinegar. This causes a chemical reaction and forms a gas. This then blows the balloon up. It's a pretty cool project to do and a lot of fun. I wouldn't say science is my favorite subject, but I like it. Yes, I would like to do this experiment but there isn't anyone I would want to target with the coke.Ciara Hornberger<3(: 4&5th period
the mentos is making the coke explode. what I think is happening is that the mentos makes a chemical reaction in the coke and it makes it explode. My favorite science project was actually this one. Once in the 3rd grade when I did it. I wouldn't like to do it at home only because i would probably make a mess. I would like to target my little brother devin because it would make him mad. Also because I think it would be very funny to see.
In this experiment the two scientists are setting off a display of the diet coke bottles shotting off. The diet coke probably shots up like this because of the chemical reaction between the pop and the mentos. This is my favorite experiment because of how the coke reacts to the mentos. Yes, we have done many exoeriments in school before, including disection and many other things. Yes I like science class a lot. I think it would be fun to do this experiment at home and with friends. If I could point the coke at someones face it would probably be my mom's face.Brooke Ashcraft_4th&5th period.
The diet coke and the mento is reacting with an explosion.The mento caused the diet coke to go crazy.I dont really remember any.I have done this before. No i do not like science. I have before. I would target my step bother.2&3
In this science experiment diet coke and mentos are used. This is a well known project and we all know that when adding mentos, coke will explode. In fourth grade I did learn why coke reacts like it does. The molecules in the mentos extract with the soda and dissolve giving it a foam appearence. When that happens it interacts and disturbs the soda's carbon molecules making it react the way it does. My favorite science experiment would have to be the vinegar volcano. That interest me the most because it was a fun activity and was easy to make. Thats if you had a volcano laying around somewhere. I dont usually do experiments from my house but there are many I've done at school. Suuch as, the exploding volcano, mentos experiment, light bulbs, and many more.I love science and is my best subject. I guess its because I understand it so well. Another reason that came to mind is that I have never had one mean science teacher in my life. Everyone knows that if kids dont have many good experiences with nice teachers they will grow to dislike the class. Science is completely opposite. I have made this experiment at home. My thoughts on it was that it was too easy. I love challenges. I would never want to target anyone or anything with the coke and mentos experiment. That is very rude.Sami Stevenski 4/5 period
A chemical reaction happened with the diet coke and mentos. I think that something in the mentos caused to exploed the diet coke. I don't really have on I like alot.yes but not any I can remember. Yes I lobe science its one of my favorite sibjects. Yes I really would enjoy it . For sure my brother because he's really annoying . Rainy Heston4/5 PERIOD
Honestly, i don't really know what makes the mentos go "crazy". my favorite science experiment is disecting. I haven't really made any interesting experiments. Tt's not my thing. I can't stand science class!Sure i would like to do this at home. I would shoot it at Mia Manzo, Blake Gower, and Jimmy Hall.
The ingredients thats in the mentos made a chemical reaction to the acid in the coke!I dont have a favorite experiment, i dont like science. No i havent. I wouldnt like to try it at home, it doesnt entertain me! I wuld like to target it at , Tyairaa Hortonn (:
I think when you put the mentos into the diet coke a chemical reaction occurs. So I looked it up and the reason the diet coke explodes is that the mentos react with the CO2 in the coke. The mentos have small holes in that push the CO2 bubbles down causing the explosion. I have made some experiments in school. Right now in science we are learning about osmosis so we put an egg in vinegar, corn syrup and water. I don't like science very much. I think it would be really fun to do this at home so I can shoot my sister.
As you can see the scientists are making a chemical reaction by putting mentos into the coke. There is something in the mentos that causes the diet coke to explode. In school we have done experiments like this but, it wasnt as cool as it was in this video. Yes, i love science. If i did this experiment, i would target my dads girlfriend. I would love to do this experiment at home. -Emily Gettings <3
there is a chemical reaction. the mentos react to the diet coke. the one with the bottle rocket. yes, and i do like science.yes i would like to do this at home. Iwould point it at my brother
a chemical reactions occurs with something in mentos and diet coke that makes it blow up. but I do have a favorite experiment and it is were you put an alka seltzer in a water bottle and wait for a little while and the cap blows off and it goes really really high and foam pours out of the bottle. I did that experiment my old school in seventh grade.
The mentos bubbles up with the diet coke wich also has bubbles and explodes. I'm not really in to science, but one time someone dared me to mix vinigar with baking soda. So i did and i put it in a little container. Then it popped open and hurt my hand really bad.
I think that it was a chemical reaction that made the coke erupt. I liked the last experiment when the people made all of the cokes erupt. It was like 180 cokes. I did a experiment like this when I was in fifth grade for a project. I was interesting to see the eruptions because it was unexpected. I would love to do this again. I believe the author was showing us the ability that two chemicals have.
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i think the ingredents that is in the mentos reacts with somthing in the diet coke thats why it explodes . i dont really like science all that much , its my worst subject . ive did this expeirment before it is acualy very intresting and fun to watch but besides that ive never really l\did experiments like this before my old school did do labs and expeirments till 9th grade . but i think this concept is very cool.
What is happen is the coke is having a cheimal reaction to minto and making it shoot up. I really don't have a favorite experiment. Yes when I was five I did the same thing they did.no because It makes a big mess. ya because it lookes fun.
I cant think of anything to scientific...but I think that the mentos and the diet coke didnt agree with eachother. The diet coke and the mentos formed a chemical reaction so the diet coke spit them out. I like to disect things :). No...i dont do much at home or at school. Yes I would love to make this experiment at home but I think I'd like having a diet coke/mento war with the people in my class. I'd like to target Noah...in the face :D.
~jocelynn kilgore
2nd/3rd period
When the mentos hit the Diet Coke it has a chemical reaction. The ingredients in the mentos have a chemical reaction the Diet Coke , and the acid in the diet coke also reacts to the chemical reaction. The most interesting experients that I have done in school is the mentos one. Yeah I do like science. Yes I would like to do this experient at home. I would like to target the coke at Emily Gettings and Hannah Petracca.
- Ashley Bright 7/8th period:)
What happened during the video the coke had a certain chemical type of reaction with the minto that caused the coke to shoot out of the bottle. I've never had a favorite experiment because it just gets me out of writing assighnments so I didn't have to put up with writing for 45 minutes that was just to much and to much time to be writing in class. I never did this when I was at a younger age because it would have got everywhere and my parents would've yelled at me and I would've got grounded for the huge mess I caused. I loved this experiment since kindergarten because I thought that it looked fun and wet and I wanted to jump in it but I would've got all wet and smelled like diet coke the whole entire day at school. 7th-8th Period
The mentos and diet coke are having a chemical reaction.The diet coke and the mentos formed a chemical reaction so the diet coke spit them out.My favorite is probably this one. And yea I have it was vinegar and baking soda. Yes science is ok.
Yes it would be so much fun, I have done it before,and I would aim the coke at my buds.
Makayla Perrine 7/8th period
Two guys are putting mentos in diet coke causing it to explode. The mentos react chemically to the ingredients in diet coke. I don't really have a favorite science experiment. In sixth grade every science class went out and made a lot of soda fountains. Yeah, I like science but my favorite has to be Social Studies. I would like to target Jocelynn because, she said she was gonna hit me in the face,
The mentos and the diet coke aren't really getting along so the coke exploded! The diet coke is having a chemical reaction to the mentos or whatever is in them. My favorite science experiment is when we do things that aren't as messy or gross. I understand they have to be messy sometimes though. I absolutely HATE disecting things. It always smells really bad and I can't stand dead things.
I once put mine and my sister's hamster in a box together to see if they would get along (didn't work out too well...) but that was probably the only experiment I've ever done at home. I don't really like science because it's kind of complicated but I like my science class since we get to do a lot of labs. I would like to do this at home and if I were to target it at someone...hm....that'd be a lot of people. But the top 5 would be Jastin, Treciton, Tristan, Matt or Jordan! :P
Jordyn Weaver
7th and 8th period :)
What is happening is that the mentos have a harder surface and has many pores in it. The acid from the diet coke enters the pores and creates a chemical reaction. Then the mento has some kind of reation with the coke. Then they explode. I would choose this as my favorite science experment. I have made many science experments here at school and at home. I like science it is fun to learn about the reactios and how they work. Yes, i would do this exprement at home just to have fun and make a mess.If I had to choose to shoot ths experment at someone or something it would have to be my dog Max.
The diet coke an the mentos are having an chemical reaction to each other. The mentos. My favorite science experiment um... would be watching the diet coke explode, because of the mentos. As far as i can remember i haven't had any fun an interesting experiments anywhere. It depends on what they're teaching. Yes it looks very interesting an fun. I would say my brother, because he gets on my nerves an he would probably do the same thing only sooner.
The chemical in the mentos mixes with the diet coke and starts fizzing really fast and the more pressure that builds up the bigger the blast will be. My favorite science experiment is when you take two full glasses of water and put them on top of each other. When you pull one of the glasses a little bit off the water will stay in the cup. The gravity and the pressure in the cups will push against each other which will allow the water to stay in the glass, which is really cool. One time I made a volcano from a science kit that someone gave me. I do like science, the thing I like the most about science is the cool experiments that we do. I have done the diet coke and mentos experiment at home but nothing like on the video. I would like to target my little sister when she comes in my room to bug me. But I’m sure she would just cry and get me in trouble, so I will probably never do that.
Bryce Bittinger
Period 7th & 8th
The mentos and diet coke are having a chemical reaction to each other in this video. When they interact, it causes an explosion with the diet coke. My favorite science experiment was in fourth grade when we had to remove all the chocolate chips from a chocolate chip cookie. I liked it, because I just remember it being really neat! I haven't done any experiments at home, but I've done a lot at school. I like science when we do fun things! I think it would be cool to try this at home! I'd have fun targeting the coke at my family!
what is happening is that the mentos and the diet coke dont like each other so it like putting a cat in a cage with a dog they are going to fight(most of the time) the thing that causes the diet coke to go crazy is that when you drop the mento in the soda it bubbles up really bad and since there is little air in the bottle the soda has no other choice but to go out of the bottle. i dont really have a favorite scince experment because really im not a big fan of science. a cool expeirment i have made at home is at my old school we had to make a habatait and but animales in it. so that was cool. no i dont like science because its just not my favorite subject.yes i would like to do this expeirment at home but after that my mom would yell at me for being sticky.i would like to target noah also because he is one of my best friends.
What is happening in the video , is the diet coke is reacting with the mentos and creating a chemical reaction or an explosion. In 5th grade we tried this expieremnt and it exploded everywere. I love science. I woould not like to try this at home because it is way too messy. I would aim the coke at my bestfriend , Kaitlyn because she hates diet coke (:
What the video is trying to show us is the chemical reaction between the effect of diet coke and Mentos to make a chemical explosion. This reaction is an example of the dissolved gas (carbon dioxide) within diet coke, quickly bubbling out of solution as a result of Mentos being dropped in. have I ever done a cool experiment before, yes I have I have put pop and water and chopped up red cabbage and the pop turned hot pink that was pretty cool. Do I like science? Yes I actually want to be a research scientist when I grow up. Yes I would like to do this again. Probably my little sister hahahahaha just to make her mad.
Sarah Esposito <3 7-8:)
the people are puting mentos into the diet coke and it was making a giser.the coke was have a chemical reation to the mentos and it shot up.at the end when the did the last experament and they had a whole buch of them going at the same time.I think that was really cool because that there were only two of them and had all of them going.yes in 6th grade in sience class we went in front of the school and it was the whole class and we all let them off at the same time it look really cool and i think she put it on youtube.no i really dont like science.yes .if i could target some one i would target tyara and chynna because i think tyaras face wounld be soo funny. khadija lam 7/8
What is happening in this video is a chemical reaction from the mentos and the diet coke. The mixture of mentos and diet coke cause it to go crazy. Personaly my favorite experiment was disection. In the past it was very interesting to disect frogs. Science is not a favorited class of mine ,but it isn't the least either. I would like to do this experiment at home. My tarrget with the diet coke would be my dad because he would find it funny and he would be mad at the same time.
Peyton Ozie 7-8 period
The mento reacts with the diet coke causing it to shoot up into the air.These two scientists made all of these chemical reactions go with a song. Science is in my top three favorite subjects in school. I like science because all of the interesting labs we do and how science is almost in everything in the world. The mentos lab is probably my favorite lab I have ever done in school
The people in the video are making a fountain show out of diet coke and mentos. It is like the fountains at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, only a lot smaller. The diet coke sprays out because of the chemical reaction with mentos when they are dropped in the bottle. My class did this experiment in fourth grade. We only used one bottle of soda for the entire class. It would have been more fun if we could have did it in groups. I am sure we would have all been very sticky. Science is my very favorite subject because it is hands-on and interesting. I would do this experiment at home and aim the coke bottle at my sister.
Meghan 4/5
This video is a chemical reacttion between the mint in the candy and the acid in the diet coke. This happens when the mentos hits the acid in the coke it begains to build up pressure and it is relased. My favorite science experiment is when you get a film reel canister and fill it with vinigar. next you take a small napkin and wrap baking soda into it and place it into the cap. Next you close it tightly and get away. The pressure build up will cause it to burst open. I like science because you get to discover intersting things about the world. I would like to do this at home because I think it is intersting the way the mentos reacts with the coke and I think it is cool that it will do this. period 2/3
The scientists are making a chemical reaction by putting the mentos in the coke. There is something in the mentos that causes the diet coke to react and explode. My favorite science experiment is the mentos is the diet coke experiment. WE hav emade a few experiments, but none that were very interesting. I do like science. I would love to do this experiment at home. I would target my little brother Max. He would get so mad at me, then I would spray him again and watch him get even madder while I sat there and laughed harder and harder every time I sprayed him.
What happens in the video is achemical reaction between the mentos and the diet coke. What causes the diet coke to go crazy is something in the mentos and in the diet coke counter reacting together. My favorite science experiment is when we work with different chemicals and do different experiments. I have not made a interesting experiments yet but I hope to soon in science class. I love science, it is one of my favorite subjects in school. I would like to make this experiment at home just to do something fun over the weekend with my brother, if he wants to do or not. Its really up to him. He might thinks it cool or he might think that its not that interesting because its up to him. I can't tell him what to do or what not to do. I would actually like to target myself with the coke to see how it feels getting hit with coke and mentos. I think it would be alot of fun getting hit with coke and mentos.
-Sabrina Coe
The guy in the video are doing a experiment. The diet coke and the mentos cause a chemical because the mentos surface have a lot of holes on the surface of the candy and it reacts with the co2 gases in the coke cause it to erupt. My favorite is when you put baking soda into vinegar. Yes I did a experiment make a normal rock turn into a crystal using a crystal making set I got for Christmas one year. I like science but it kind of hard to pay attraction in class. I already did make this experiment at home I enjoy it. I would like to target the popular people that think they’re better than me with the diet coke.:)
The scientists are causing a chemical reaction, by butting mentos into diet coke. Something in the mentos causes the carbonation in the diet coke to go crazy. Actually this summer my neighbor and I conduced that same experiment. WE bough 4 packs of mentos and 5 bottles of pop. We watched the gazer we created get higher by the amount of mentos we put in. Yes I would like to create this experiment again. It was a blast we had so much fun. I would love to target my sister right in the face! I love her but she isn’t very nice to me.
Kathryn Scarbro(:
4th & 5th
In this video, the scientists are putting Mentos into bottles of Diet Coke to cause a chemical reaction. When the two interact, it causes a small explosion with the diet coke. I don’t really have a favorite science experiment, but this one is very fun. In 6th grade, my class did the exact same experiment in the front of the school. It was really messy, but we all had a lot of fun. I like science, but it isn’t my favorite subject. I wouldn’t like to do this experiment at home because it would make a really really big mess which I would have to clean. I would target Casey Anthony because she is a heartless baby killer. :(
mia manzo 4/5th perioddd(:
The diet coke and mentos form a chemical reaction which cause the diet coke to shoot in the air. The carbon dioxide in diet coke finds the holes in mentos causing the chemical reaction. My favorite science experiment is probably this, or a baking soda volcano. It amazes me how the baking soda reacts to vinegar, same with the diet coke and mentos. The most interesting thing I made at home and school was a baking soda volcano. Yes I would like to make this experiment at home, it would be a lot of fun. I would like to target my sisters. Also, I would target my parents too.
A chemical reaction happened when the Mentos went into the diet coke. The diet coke’s molecules are split during this reaction so it needs to find other liquid molecules. The Mentos are starting to dissolve which causes bubbles which take up more room in the bottle and the liquid shoots out of the bottle because there is no more room inside. This actually might be one of my favorite experiments since chemical reactions are pretty cool. Two simple ingredients combine to make a pretty exciting reaction. I really haven’t done any science experiments at my house. Yes, I’d like to do this experiment at my house. I’d like to aim it at my family or friends to see their reaction. I think that would be hilarious.
The coke is exploding because of the chemical reaction for the gum, and the coke mixing together.I hate science its the worst class ever i always do bad in science. I the done this expatiation. It looks fun to do and it is fun to do.
In this experiment the coke and mento react and the coke exlodes. The diet coke has chemicals that react with the mentos. I don't have a favorite science exeriment because I like them all. Yes I have made interesting science experiments. One time I had to make a boat that moved in the water when then motor as heated by fire. Yes I like science. I have already done this exeriment once in class so I wouldn't want to do it at home. I would like to target this coke at Selena Gomez for taking my future husband.
-madison morrone 4/5th <3
Ah the age old mentos in coke experiment. In this video we see a chemical reaction between the chemicals in the mentos and those in the coke. This reaction is the coke flying in every which way. My favorite exparement was back in third grade we took ice and put salt on it. The salt caused the ice to melt then refreeze. It was so amazing I tried it like five more times when I got home.
I peronally love science it is my second favorite subject in school second only to social studies. I have never actually done this exparament myself however it does seem very interesting and entertaining and I would honestly love to. If I had a chance to shoot the coke at anyone I would probably target my friend Phillip Keener from New York. It would be fun to see his reaction.
It works on diet too!
The scientist are dropping mentos into the diet cokes. The diet coke goes crazy because there is some ingredient in the mentos that makes the diet coke react and fizz. My favorite science experiment is putting corn starch in water and making colloid. The colloid is a weird consistency, and it's hard to tell if it is a liquid or a solid. I made the colloid experiment in my third grade class. I like science most of the time, but I don't like memorizing the table of elements. I would like to make this experiment at home sometime, as long as I had a plastic coat or something so my clothes don't get ruined. I would target my dad with the diet coke.
The diet coke and mentos have chemicals that don't work together so that causes a chemical reaction. My favorite science experiment is anything that exploads,because i like things that expload. Yes, i've made the mento's experiment at home and school. I love science it's really cool. I aleady have. I would like to target Daniel Yost or Jastin with the coke because it would be really funny.
Selenna McCaulley..........2nd and 3rd period
The diet coke is exploding, because of the reaction with the mentos. I think its something to do with the fizz in the coke and the mentos. In school last year we put white flowers in colored water and they turned the color of the food coloring in the water. It was really cool to see the flowers change over time. I really ike science, Mrs. Conley is a really awesome teacher we do a lot of fun experiments. I would love to hit my dad weith the coke it would be do much fun!
-Madison Urse 4th&5th period <3
Diet coke is shooting up into the air. This is happening because the mintos is having a chemical reaction with the diet cake, therefor making it shoot into the air. My favorite science experiment is probably dissecting things. I like dissecting things because I think it is fun to learn what is inside of some animals. The only interesting science experiment I can recall is dissecting a frog. I'm not too much of a fan for science but I don't hate it. Yes, I would probably do this at my house. I would like to hit all of my friends and my parents. That would be so awesome.
Michael Nuzum II 4th/5th Period
The diet coke bottles have mintos in them and they are exploding everywhere. The mintos and diet coke are having a chemical reaction towards each other. That is why the diet coke is shooting straight up into the air. My favorite science experiment was last year when we went outside and did this exact experiment. It was awesome. The most interesting science experiment was dissecting an owl pellet back in fifth grade. It was so fun because there were so many things in that little ball and it was just cool. Yes, i like science. It is probably my second best subject. Yes I would make this experiment at home and see how high I could get the diet coke to shoot up. I would like to hit my older brother Woody right in the face with the diet coke. That would be hysterical.
Ben Taylor 4th 5th period
I think they put something in the coke to make it explode, like it did and I think it had a chemimal reaction. I dont like science very much and I dont have a science ezperiment. No, Not really. Nope, I dont like science at all. I would soo do it if I had a chance. My cousin Taylor, because she's bad and she needs it.
What is happening, is that the scientists are putting mentos in diet coke to make it fizz and explode. The ingredirents in the mentos cause the diet coke crazy. My favorite science experiment is when you use see differences in bases and acids. I have done experiments in my house, but none were too fun and i usually got in trouble. I LOVE science and everything to do with science. I would also do this expeiment at home and I would target my step brothers.
The Diet Coke is shooting everywhere.
It is caused by a chemical reaction between the Diet Coke and the Mentos.
I don't really have a favorite science experiment.
I have done this experiment before. I have also made little volcanoes and made my own crystals.
I think science is fun.
I have made this experiment at home before. It's really fun.
I wouldn't like to target anybody. I would shoot it up straight into the air and try to catch it in my mouth.
The diet coke explodes when the mentos is added to the bottle of diet coke. I think the reason is when the mentos hits the acid in the diet coke it has a chemical reaction and makes it explode. The diet coke and mentos is my favorite science experiment so far that we have done. At home, I made a light bulb light up with a battery and copper wire. Yes, it is one of my favorite subjects. Yes, I would like to try it at home. I would like to target my older brother Shane with it, when he came home from college.
Ryan Valentine
7th & 8th Period
The two scientists use mentos to make the diet coke explode. The mentos cause a chemical reaction to occur in the diet coke. My favorite experiment is making baking soda and vinegar react. In sixth grade, we made ice cream in Mrs. Garcia's science class. Science is probably my second favorite subject. I would like to try this at home. I would aim the coke at my second favorite english teacher, Mrs. Vacovsky.
-Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period
Sydnee Shaffer:)
4th/5th period
What is happening in this video is they are droping mnetos into the coke bottles and making them explode. The diet coke and mentos must have two ingerdents in both of them that cause them to make a chemical reaction. Have I made any intresting experiment in school or at home? I recall that in Mrs.Murray's class we did do a pretty cool expirment. You take a pill bottle and put vinigear and baking soad into the pill bottle and it expoldes. Which this is also a chemical reaction. Do i like science. I do like it but at the same time I don't love it. I would like to do this at home. It would be cool to show my sister how it works and show her how to too. If i could target anyone with diet coke that would have to be, my sister for getting on my nerves all the time.:D
The theory with Mentos is that there is a chemical reaction with the candy and the coke that breaks the surface tension of the water molecules in the coke, making the carbon dioxide bubbles in the coke form faster. I performed one of my favorite experiments when I attended the Forensic Science Camp at WVU this past summer. We did a blood spatter experiment in which we dropped blood at different angles to see what kind of droplet was formed. I love science probably because my mom is a forensic scientist and has always made science fun for me. I would like to do the Mentos experiment at home and I would love to target my brother.
Olivia Moroose 4th and 5th Period(:
The theory with Mentos is that there is a chemical reaction with the candy and the coke that breaks the surface tension of the water molecules in the coke, making the carbon dioxide bubbles in the coke form faster. I performed one of my favorite experiments when I attended the Forensic Science Camp at WVU this past summer. We did a blood spatter experiment in which we dropped blood at different angles to see what kind of droplet was formed. I love science probably because my mom is a forensic scientist and has always made science fun for me. I would like to do the Mentos experiment at home and I would love to target my brother.
Olivia Moroose 4th and 5th period(:
When the mentos drop down to the bottom of the diet coke the molecules in the mentos react with it. It creates carbon dioxide in it and thrust it to the top and out of the bottle. My favorite science experiment is the bottle rocket experiment I love watching them fly in the air. I have made this rocket thing at my moms job before because my mom works for NASA so on take your child to work day we did tons of experiments and fun things. I even got to go in this spaceship simulator it was fun because you got to land the spaceship on earth. Yes I like science it is my second favorite subject. I would like too do this at home. I would like to target it at my sister because she would get really mad.
What is happening in this video is the chemicals from the diet coke meeting with the chemicals in the mentos causing a chemical reaction. Whatever chemicals they are the mentos seem to make the diet coke fizz out insanely.I don't have a favorite science experiment because I find them all very intriguing. In the past I've not really done any science experiments at home because I've chosen other alternatives. I like science because I think it's interesting because everything from our bodies' to our natural habitats.
-Ryan Ricer 4/5th
When the diet coke and the mentos were combined, a chemical reaction was formed. The pressure builds up from the mentos being put into the diet coke that it shoots up like a volcano. This is one of my favorite experiments, even though I have many because I like to watch chemical reactions. I had made a helicopter a few years ago that was made out of metal. I like science because it teaches you things that are important in everyday life. You will need to use science once in a while to figure things out. I would like to target the diet coke and mentos experiment at my brother.
Justin Okel 4/5th period
In this experiment, they are dropping mentos into diet coke. When the two meet, they create a chemical reaction that cause the coke to foam and explode. I don't know exactly what cause this, but the mentos make the diet coke go crazy. My favorite science experiment is when you put vinegar in a bottle, and put baking soda in a balloon. Then you put the balloon on top of the bottle and pour the baking soda into the vinegar. This causes a chemical reaction and forms a gas. This then blows the balloon up. It's a pretty cool project to do and a lot of fun. I wouldn't say science is my favorite subject, but I like it. Yes, I would like to do this experiment but there isn't anyone I would want to target with the coke.
Ciara Hornberger<3(:
4&5th period
the mentos is making the coke explode. what I think is happening is that the mentos makes a chemical reaction in the coke and it makes it explode. My favorite science project was actually this one. Once in the 3rd grade when I did it. I wouldn't like to do it at home only because i would probably make a mess. I would like to target my little brother devin because it would make him mad. Also because I think it would be very funny to see.
In this experiment the two scientists are setting off a display of the diet coke bottles shotting off. The diet coke probably shots up like this because of the chemical reaction between the pop and the mentos. This is my favorite experiment because of how the coke reacts to the mentos. Yes, we have done many exoeriments in school before, including disection and many other things. Yes I like science class a lot. I think it would be fun to do this experiment at home and with friends. If I could point the coke at someones face it would probably be my mom's face.
Brooke Ashcraft_4th&5th period.
The diet coke and the mento is reacting with an explosion.The mento caused the diet coke to go crazy.I dont really remember any.I have done this before. No i do not like science. I have before. I would target my step bother.
In this science experiment diet coke and mentos are used. This is a well known project and we all know that when adding mentos, coke will explode. In fourth grade I did learn why coke reacts like it does. The molecules in the mentos extract with the soda and dissolve giving it a foam appearence. When that happens it interacts and disturbs the soda's carbon molecules making it react the way it does. My favorite science experiment would have to be the vinegar volcano. That interest me the most because it was a fun activity and was easy to make. Thats if you had a volcano laying around somewhere. I dont usually do experiments from my house but there are many I've done at school. Suuch as, the exploding volcano, mentos experiment, light bulbs, and many more.I love science and is my best subject. I guess its because I understand it so well. Another reason that came to mind is that I have never had one mean science teacher in my life. Everyone knows that if kids dont have many good experiences with nice teachers they will grow to dislike the class. Science is completely opposite. I have made this experiment at home. My thoughts on it was that it was too easy. I love challenges. I would never want to target anyone or anything with the coke and mentos experiment. That is very rude.
Sami Stevenski 4/5 period
A chemical reaction happened with the diet coke and mentos. I think that something in the mentos caused to exploed the diet coke. I don't really have on I like alot.yes but not any I can remember. Yes I lobe science its one of my favorite sibjects. Yes I really would enjoy it . For sure my brother because he's really annoying .
Rainy Heston
Honestly, i don't really know what makes the mentos go "crazy". my favorite science experiment is disecting. I haven't really made any interesting experiments. Tt's not my thing. I can't stand science class!Sure i would like to do this at home. I would shoot it at Mia Manzo, Blake Gower, and Jimmy Hall.
The ingredients thats in the mentos made a chemical reaction to the acid in the coke!I dont have a favorite experiment, i dont like science. No i havent. I wouldnt like to try it at home, it doesnt entertain me! I wuld like to target it at , Tyairaa Hortonn (:
I think when you put the mentos into the diet coke a chemical reaction occurs. So I looked it up and the reason the diet coke explodes is that the mentos react with the CO2 in the coke. The mentos have small holes in that push the CO2 bubbles down causing the explosion. I have made some experiments in school. Right now in science we are learning about osmosis so we put an egg in vinegar, corn syrup and water. I don't like science very much. I think it would be really fun to do this at home so I can shoot my sister.
As you can see the scientists are making a chemical reaction by putting mentos into the coke. There is something in the mentos that causes the diet coke to explode. In school we have done experiments like this but, it wasnt as cool as it was in this video. Yes, i love science. If i did this experiment, i would target my dads girlfriend. I would love to do this experiment at home. -Emily Gettings <3
As you can see the scientists are making a chemical reaction by putting mentos into the coke. There is something in the mentos that causes the diet coke to explode. In school we have done experiments like this but, it wasnt as cool as it was in this video. Yes, i love science. If i did this experiment, i would target my dads girlfriend. I would love to do this experiment at home. -Emily Gettings <3
there is a chemical reaction. the mentos react to the diet coke. the one with the bottle rocket. yes, and i do like science.yes i would like to do this at home. Iwould point it at my brother
a chemical reactions occurs with something in mentos and diet coke that makes it blow up. but I do have a favorite experiment and it is were you put an alka seltzer in a water bottle and wait for a little while and the cap blows off and it goes really really high and foam pours out of the bottle. I did that experiment my old school in seventh grade.
The mentos bubbles up with the diet coke wich also has bubbles and explodes. I'm not really in to science, but one time someone dared me to mix vinigar with baking soda. So i did and i put it in a little container. Then it popped open and hurt my hand really bad.
I think that it was a chemical reaction that made the coke erupt. I liked the last experiment when the people made all of the cokes erupt. It was like 180 cokes. I did a experiment like this when I was in fifth grade for a project. I was interesting to see the eruptions because it was unexpected. I would love to do this again. I believe the author was showing us the ability that two chemicals have.
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