Thursday, August 4, 2011

Did You Know

What is the author's purpose in creating this video. What changes have occurred in your life in the last two years in terms of your use of technology at home and at school? What technology do you most rely upon? How is your experience and confidence with technology different from that of your siblings or parents? What changes do you hope to see in the school system in terms of technology?


Sydney MIchalski-4th period said...

Their purpose was to inform people about how technology is growing in the world.
We use computers a lot more in school now and we have a lot more assignments that we need the computer for. I use my phone and my computer a lot more when I'm bored at home now than what I used to.
The technology I use the most is my cell phone.
My brother and sister are too young to use technology that much. My parents are clueless and I always have to help them with stuff on the computer.
I hope we have all of our text books on a computer in the classroom so we don't have to carry around books.

Olivia Moroose said...

The author’s purpose for creating this video was to inform people about how technology has changed, and how it is still changing in our world today. Technology has changed in the past two years. For example, when I was in sixth grade I had a flip phone, now I have an iPhone. At school, we used to use paper dictionaries, but this year it was requested to purchase an electronic one. I rely mostly on my iPhone for communicating, internet, and even games. I am more experienced and confident then my parents when it comes to using today’s technology. I was born into a world where technology is essential in everyday life, where my parents had to adapt to it. I hope that one day in the future all of our textbooks will be on some kind of electronic device.

SnydeeWrayyy said...

Sydnee Shaffer 4th and 5th period
The author’s purpose is to show and to tell how technology has changed over the years.
Technology really hasn’t changed much, within my house. We add a laptop and a couple iPods. At school we now use laptops, white board, elmos, and other high tech things. In the past we used to use the desktop computer. Which we still use in the school.
I rely on my phone and iPod. For social (facebook and twitter) and communication reasons. My sister started with technology we she was about 7 years old. Which I started about the age of 5. On that hand I have to help her with something’s. I have an idea to have iPads that have apps that have all the text book you need for your classes.

madisonmorrone said...
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madisonmorrone said...

The author's purpose for making this video was to inform. They imformed us about how technology has change over time and how it is still changing. Two years ago I had a flip phone that you couldn't do anything on. Now I have a smart phone and I can get on internet and listen to music on it.The school's technology has changed a lot too, we used to use desktop computer for everything, and now they have made it so we have desktops and laptops. I rely on a bunch of technology now, but the ones I could say I used the most are probablr my phone and the internet to get on social network like facebook and twitter. My parents are still learning about texting and their phones but I could probably work mine blind folded. My sisters are as current as me when it comes to technology because of cell phones and the internet. School helps us learn about techonolgy a lot too. I hope to see Ipads and all laptops in the school system. I also would like for us to be able to use cell phones for educational uses and to help us learn.

Madison Morrone 4/5th <3

Sami Stevenski said...

The author intended to inform the viewer, with the fact that technology has been evolving throughout the years. For an example, in the past two years I have had a couple phone. My 6th grade year I had a flip phone that I thought was amazing. Like every other kid there was always the desire to get the latest and greatest device that comes out. A few weeks down the road I was carrying a newly bought I phone. Everyone had it. It was equip with everything possibly imagined. I mostly use the internet on my phone for homework.

My parents, on the other hand, are clueless when it comes to working a computer or any electronic device. I get so annoyed because that is all my brothers do is use electronics whether its xbox or an old gameboy. They are unfortunately better than I am.

In my opinion, there should be more computers to help us in our school work. It would be a tremendous help on facuilty and staff. In a few years there is a chance that that might happen with all the stress with organization, when all students would need is a USB drive.

Sami Stevenski 4&5 period <3

Donnie Freeman said...

The author's main purpose of making this video was to inform us.
We all have to admit that the world has changed in the last 2 years. When I was in 6th grade there was no PS3 Slim. But now there is more GBs,MBs,and KBs on the Playstation console. New technology is built,designed, or thought of everyday.
But the thing I use the most has to be my PS3. I am smarter than my mom when it comes to electronics. My mom is like electronicly challenged or something. She can't even play LittleBigPlanet.(It's a simply easy game) But I hope that life could be simplier.

mia manzo 4th/5th period said...

The author’s main purpose in creating this video was to inform you on how technology has grown in the past few years and is still growing today. Two years ago, the phone I had couldn’t even access the internet. The phone I have now can do that and much more. At school we use the computers and technology a lot more than we did before. If I had to pick one technologic device that I use the most, I would definitely chose my phone because I don’t have a facebook or anything so the only time I get on the computer is for school. My mom and dad are a lot better at technology than most people actually. They pretty much know what they are doing. Hopefully someday, we will be able to have an electronic device, like an iPad, to access all of our textbooks. It would be a lot easier to carry around.

mia manzo 4th & 5th periodd (:

ciaraahornberger(: said...
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ciaraahornberger(: said...

The author's purpose in creating the video, was to inform people about how technology has advanced and is still continuing to advance rapidly. For example, all they use to have where cell phones with a very small screen and flipped open. They couldn't do much, they were used more for just calling. Now they have phones, such as the iPhone, where the entire screen in touchscreen and the phone has the ability to browse the web, upload photos and videos to the Internet, video call, play games, listen to music, and much more. Over the past years, the technology I own has advanced. I used to have a flip phone that all I really did was text on. Now I have an iPhone4 that I use for everything. Homework, music, social networking, texting, camera. All of these things, Im able to do on one device. I definitely rely on my phone more than anything. I'm even using my phone to post this comment. Now my knowledge with certain types of technology is beyond my parents. I'm a lot better with cell phones, iPods, and iPads while my mom is better with computers, TV's, and gaming systems. I hope that they will have each student own something similar to a Kindle or Nook to store all of their textbooks on. Also that they will allow particle use of cell phones in school.

Ciara Hornberger<3 4th&&5th period(:

Hunter Sims 4-5 period said...
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Hunter Sims 4-5 period said...

The author’s purpose of this video is to inform the viewer’s how everything around us changes endlessly and how nothing stays the same. Two years ago in classes some of the technology we use now in school was practically unheard of, and maybe didn’t even exist. For an example, an Ipad wasn’t even known, while today everywhere I travel I see quite a few. Also at school with the newest laptops we are able to use Microsoft office 2010, with new tools and updated technologies. A few years ago people had to rent VHS tapes to watch movies. Now you can download movies from Netflx or Hulu right onto TVs or phones.
The technology I use most is a computer. I use it for school, entertainment, news, shopping and keeping up with friends and family. Everyone in my family keeps up with technology. My parents have to keep up to date because of their jobs and my sister does as well to be a good student.
I would like to see Ipads for every student. My friend goes to Bridgeport High School. His AP English teacher wrote a grant for everyone to get Ipads as long as they have that class. They could take it home, download and read books and do their homework on it and then return it at the end of the year. I think it would be great if we could get Ipads to help us use technology better at WFMS.

Andrew Bundy said...

The authors purpose was to inform people about how the world is changing.The author is trying to show us that technology is advancing very quickly. In the future people will rely on technology more and more. Inventors are creating new devices everyday, therefore older technology will be outdated faster than ever before. I use technology everyday.Eventually everything will be electronic. In school there will not be books, all the books will be on one electronic device and we will not have to carry around a book for each class. I personally can't wait for this to happen. It will be so much easier to carry one electronic device that three or four books.

gage payton said...

The author's purpose was to imform people how technology has changed over the years. What has happen to me was the cellphone were getting better and being able to play games online and have faster computers in school.what technology I use the most is my laptop because that is what I get on when I get home from school to talk to my friends. what is different form my parents the didn't have a game system to play on with their friends after school the only way to hang out with their friends was go to their house. What I wont to see is voice command so you can say what you wont to have research on and get work done faster.

Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period said...

The author's purpose in creating this video is to inform you about how technology has changed, and is continuing to change daily. In the past two years I have expericed technology change in many ways. One change i have noticed is the change in Ipods. In sixth grade, I had a first generation Ipod nano. Now I have the fifth generation touch-screen Ipod nano. At school I noticed a change from using projectors to now using Elmos. I rely most on my cell phone to communicate, as an alarm, and to get on the internet. My parents have no idea how to send a text message, while I send several messages daily. I hope that each student can be given an Ipad with the textbooks installed on it, so we dont have to carry different textbooks around to each class. Jarrod Bosley 4/5 Period

nathaniel romino 2nd said...
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nathaniel romino 2nd said...
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nathaniel romino 2nd said...

The author's purpose was to inform people how technology has changed our world. In my house we use a laptop and other devices. In school we use modern technology. In today's day we have a website called edline which allows you or your parents to access your grades. Also in school we use a ton of technology. At my house my parents need some help when it comes to using a computer. In sixth grade I had a flip phone, but currently have a blackberry smart phone. On my phone I can play games and access the internet. My experience with technology had improved in the past couple years. Now I’m the only one in the house who knows how to use a computer. My parents are clueless when it comes to a computer. In school I would like to see a mobile I pad lab.

Madison Urse said...

The author's purpose was to inform people how technologly has changed and will change in the future. In schools today, we use more computers than we used to.
I use my phone all the time when I'm home and when its not in my pocket I think that i lost it,because usually I have! My cell phone is the technology that i use the most.
I don't have any brothers or sisters. However my parents are clueless! We were driving home from Petersburg, and my mom kept telling me to use wi-fi and search somthing on google. I had to explain it to her four times before she understood that you can't get wi-fi in the middle of the road! And my grandma refuses to even get a computer!
I always have to explain to them how to use stuff newer technology. I think the reason they dont understand it, is because we all grew up in a high-tech world where are parents had to adapt to it.

Sarah Summers 4th and 5th period said...
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Sarah Summers 4th and 5th period said...
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Sarah Summers 4th and 5th period said...

I think that the author's purpose in creating this video was to inform people of how technology keeps changing each day. In the past two years technology has changed for me at school by using computers for projects more and at home by new kinds of cellphones that keep coming out. I rely mostly on my phone for technology such as texting, making calls, social networking, and emailing. I think that I use technology and know about it the same way my mom and sister do. In school I'd like to be able to use cellphones. If used right they could be great for calculators, science expieriments and school projects.

Kathryn Scarbro(: said...

The author’s purpose for creating this video was to inform people about how technology has changed and grown throughout the years.
Throughout the years technology has changed a lot. The computers in my house used to have a small screen and were wide and chunky, now they are skinny and the screen is large! In addition my cell phone used to be just used for calling and texting, now it’s like a mini computer all in itself.
I most often rely on my cell phone and its supporting applications. I use it in many ways, I can look things up, take pictures, check my email, call, listen to music, ect.
My parent’s jobs require them to use technology, and they are very good at it, actually they might be better then me.
I hope that we will be able to use it a lot more, instead of carrying textbooks we could have all of the books we need in a digital format. Also I would like for us to be able to use our cell phones for educational purposes.

Kathryn Scarbro<3 4th&5th period(:

MNuzum said...
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MNuzum said...

The author's purpose in creating this video was to inform people about how technology has grown. Now, we use a lot of technology. We use it in school, at home, almost everywhere. Most of our school assignments involve technology in some way. My PlayStation3 is probably the technology I use the most. My sisters are good at technology because they use it every day. Both of my parents are pretty good at technology too because my mom works with a computer and my dad is always on one. If it wasn't for technology, I don't have a clue what the world would be like.

-Michael Nuzum 4th/5th Period

Ben Taylor said...

The author's purpose for making this video is to inform everyone about how technology is growing rapidly is the world. In school, we use technology all the time like computers, cell phones, and a lot of other things. Technology has helped many people and I don't know what anybody would do without technology today. I use my cell phone the most. I play games, text, and other things on my phone. My parents pretty much don't have a clue how to use technology. But Woody, my older brother, he know how to. In conclusion, technology is a very important asset in our lives.

-Ben Taylor 4th/5th Period

Anonymous said...

The author's purpose was to inform people about how much technology has changed in the past and how it is expected to continue changed in the future.
I've had to use computers a lot more often. Before, I would be on the computer every now and then, and I might have an assignment or two that required me to be on the computer. Now I am on the computer all the time, and a lot of my assignments are on the computer.
I use my desktop and my laptop all the time.
My little brothers are probably better with the computer than me because they make creatures on Paint for fun and post them on the computer and such. My little sister isn't on the computer much. My dad has one of the fastest computers there are. My mom is on the computer all the time with editing her blog and working on her book.
I hope that we have a laptop instead of a bunch of books soon. I'd much rather carry a laptop around than a bunch of text books.

-Deborah Wright, 4th/5th period

joseph leon said...
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joseph leon said...

The author's purpose was to explain to the world how rapidly technology is growing. Two years ago i had a phone that costs a dollar. Now my phone can do almost anything. My family is decent in using technology except for my dad who is a technophobe. It is somewhat weird to think how smart our technology is, computers can just create smarter computers my themselves.
I believe if we cut all textbooks and workbooks, we could buy ipads for the students. They would be much more efficient than textbooks and much more portable. Also, the use for paper would decrease considering you can type everything on an ipad.
In five or ten years, there will probably be online school or no school at all. Computers could teach us everything we know. They keep getting smarter.

4th/5th period

Rainy said...
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jocelynn.k. said...

The author's purpose in creating this video is to inform us about how technology has changed through out the years. I use my Ps3 and my cell phone alot. I can remember in 6th grade almost nobody had cool touch screen phones, we had goofy looking flip phones. (but back in the day they were pretty awesome)Mainly when im bored at home I either play games on my phone or play call of duty black ops on the ps3. The technology at school has changed a little, we still use laptops sometimes but now we have electronic dictionarys! I mostly rely on my phone. I can call people whenever I want (if their not busy), text people, surf the web, and even watch funny videos on youtube. I have no siblings and personaly I think my parents are still adapting to all of this new technology. I hope to see that maybe one day in the future we can do all of our homework on the computer.
~jocelynn kilgore
2nd/3rd period

Rainy said...

They're purpose was to inform people on tecnology and how they world's changed and grown with the use of tecnology.
Two year ago i didn't have a phone with internet,apps,etc. or twitter which i just got like 5 months ago.
I really rely on my phone for a lot of reasons i get on the internet with it, i connect with friends and family , i also get on facebook and twitter.
My mom is really good with tecnology and her phone she can text and call people she also has a facebook, but my dad isn't very good at it at all all he does on his phone is call , he cant use the computer too well either.
Well in a few years i hope we have can have a device thats like all our books in one and its light weight so we dont have to carry so much , it would be nice to have something to have so we use less paper and save trees at the same time.

Rainy Heston 4/5 period :)

Dupont,Kaitlin said...

The author's purpose is to inform others that the technology is spreading throught out the world. I use technology by getting on facebook, gmail, and game sites. At school we have alot more computers now, When I was in 5th grade we like didnt have some much computers but now, we have alot. The computer because, I play on it, I talk to people I know that live far away, or I check my gmail.
My sister she knows how to use the computer but, I might have to help once in a while. My mom, she can use the computer way better then I can. I hope we get to do everything on the computer in school like our textbooks.

Teddy Brooks said...
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Teddy Brooks said...

The author's purpose in creating this video is to inform people how technology has change our way of life. The changes that have occurred in my life in the last two years in terms of my use of technology at home is that I would not able to talk to people far away with have to use the phone which would make the bill higher and now I can just use my computer. The changes that have occurred in my life in the last two years in terms of my use of technology at school are that I used to how do project on posters and now we use computer programs. The technology I most rely upon is my computer. My experience and confidence with technology different from my mother because she is always having trouble with easy stuff like installing stuff. I have trouble place the right software file in the right folder. I hope to see computer used for textbook.

Darius Brooks 2/3 period :)

Keely Stiles said...
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Keely Stiles said...

The author’s purpose for creating this was to inform people of how technology is changing, and forming in the world. Some changes in the past few years in technology at home and school are we use computers a lot more in school now. I use computers to do projects for school more often, and my family uses our computers to do daily tasks. I rely mostly on my phone and computer, to talk to friends, do assignments, and it gives me something to do when I’m bored. I know how to use technology fairly well. I’m not a professional with technology, but I’m not clueless on how to use it either. I’d have to say I’m probably the person who knows the most about technology in my family, but my family does a pretty good job when it comes to doing simple things on the computer, or using a smartphone. I hope to see technology used for more for education, and less for unimportant things like gaming, chatting, and shopping.

OfficialRyrann said...

The person who made this videos purpose is the growth of technology and how it changes or new devices are created over the last couple of years.One instant is a smart phone that is able to browse the web and find needed information. With all of this modern technology out now it will be revolutionized or made into something much better very soon. With all of this technology available anything is possible and technology will only get better. One question I have is that with the next generation of technology coming in heavy if America will be able to stay up with it.
Ryan Ricer -4/5

tanner holbert said...

I think the purpose of this vidio was to inform people on how technology has grown over the years.
In my life technology has changed alot over a 2 year time spand. Such as in 2 years I have gotton a phone with internet and computers. I think it has changed alot.
I think the most technology that I rely on the most on is my cell phone. I rely on my cell phone the most because I can do anything on it. I think that is a pretty good reason for choosing it.
My technology is not alot different from my parent because we all know how to work technology very well.
I would like to see the school provide every student with a laptop so teachers can just post the asighnment and we do it.

Tanner Holbert 2/3

Meghan said...

The author’s purpose was to inform the viewer about how technology is changing everyday. Phones, for example, are changing very quickly. Two years ago my phone could access the internet but not as fast as my phone can today. I use my phone for everything from homework to watching you tube videos, to texting my friends. My younger sister and I can both use our phones and other technology much faster than our parents. I would like for all of our school books to be available on Ipads or Nooks so we don’t have to carry all of our heavy books around. Meghan Muller 4/5

daniel yost said...

the author's purpose for the video is that we use to much technology now and the video said by 1245 technology will be alot more high tech for example there will be robots that will be smarter than humans and they will be building everything possible and they will take full control over all mechanical equipment pulse they will serve food and work every where possible and it will put every one out of jobs and how India is having that many children and china children pulse the rest of the world humans will not be able to get any food pay bills and take care of there children and if they cant do that the human race will be exterminated as we no it.

Brooke Ashcraft said...

The author’s purpose in creating this video is to inform us on how rapidly technology is changing not only in the United States, but world-wide. In the last couple years, I have upgraded many of my electronic possessions and acquired many more. Two of these include my phone and Ipod. In the past I had the 2nd generation Nano Ipod and now I have the 4th generation Ipod Touch. I also used to have an old flip phone which didn’t have a camera or any games/apps which was also virtually indestructible, now I have an Android phone which has a camera, games, and many apps and I’m extremely surprised it hasn’t broken yet. I also now have my own laptop at home for my school work and personal needs. The technology I rely on the most would most defiantly be my cell phone and laptop. My brother and I probably have the best understanding of technology in our home, but my mom is actually a Technology Integration Specialist or TIS for Mon. County Schools and my dad isn’t completely lost. Just like many of my other classmates I eventually hope to see some sort of device like an Ipad used for our text books and assignments.

Brooke Ashcraft: 4th/5th period

Anonymous said...

I think the author’s purpose for this video is to inform people about the changes of technology in the world. Two years ago all we had in my house was a desktop computer and everyone had one of those iPod classics that you can only listen to music and watch videos on. Now we have three desktop computers, two laptops, smartphones, a PS3 we can watch Netflix on, and now we all have iPod touches that we can watch thousands of videos on, play thousands of games, and surf the web. School has changed a lot because we are using technology more in class, and using the internet for our homework. I am really good with electronics and anything, and so are my parents. Even my grandparents can use the computer to email and Facebook. But my nine year old sister can’t even turn on the TV without messing something up. I hope to see textbooks on hand held devices and doing even more class work with computers.

NoahHaberland said...

The authors purpose is to inform people about how the world is advancing in the fields of education and technology.
In school you can now look up answers for hard questions, or use the calculator for a hard math problem. At home I can go on Facebook and talk to friends or listen to music on my I-Pod, or even play games with someone around the world with internet alone. I most rely on my computer because, if I forget an assignment in class, I can ask my friends on Facebook who have the same class. My Dad is pretty good with controllers, but when I ask him to play the PS3 with me he has no clue what he's doing.
I hope to see that text books will soon be replaced by an I-Pad, that way instead of carrying books we can a light I-Pad with textbooks on them. Also by doing this will cut down less trees

ashley bright said...

The authrors purpose is to inform people hw technologogy is changing over the past few years. The changes that has happened in the past few year are , we could never access internet on our cell phones. A couple years ago pepole only used there cell phones to call and talk to me on. The also never got there kids a cell phone when ever the were young until they were atleast 15 years old.
But now it's used for many things. Like for doctors , teachers , people with hearing disabilities and etc.
At our school we have upgraded our technology. Now we have brand new elmos , lapt tops , and computers. The technology i most rely on is my cell phone .
In school i hope to see our technology upgraded like instead of carrying our books. They waste to much paper , and cutting don our trees that we need to live. The things i would like to see in our school is I-Pads and Newer lap tops . Every student would be responsable for there own and if they loose it or if they damage it they would have replace it either with money or a new one.
That is all i think about technology today and i hope that it keeps upgrading over they years and im pretty sure it will.
Ashley Bright 7/8th (-:

Emily said...

In this video I think the authers purpose was to infrom people about how much technology has progrest throughout the years. Technology is still growing today. The phone I have today can access the internet, however the phone I use to have did not access the internet. In school, we use more computers than we use to. My mom has my old smart phone because I got a more advanced one. She is always asking me questions how to use it, but she usually ever understands what im talking about. I think it is because we grew up in higher technology as they did. In the future I hope that we have Ipads, so we dont have to carry our books around school. That would make everything easier.

-Emily Gettings 7/8 (: <3

Angelo Trae Hall said...

their purpose was to inform people that the world is growing in technology.Even in school we do alot more with computers and technology.Two years ago i didn't have a twitter,facebook,and i don't think i even had a cell phone
? Today our parents that grew up with no technology are getting ahead of the game. Sometimes us as kids have to teach our parents how to use it? What's up with that? I rely most on my laptop and HTC EVO for gaming,internet,facebook,and twitter. Think of this, in 100 years from now when people are digging up our artifacts people with look at our phones,laptops,and television's and say "Wow, now that is old!". I hope in high school they get us iPads and have all of our textbooks on them.

Angelo Hall 7th-8th pd.

♥♥KITA♥♥ said...
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Gatsby Rider said...
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Gatsby Rider said...

The author is trying to tell us we need to be familiar with more advanced technology. In recent years the technological advances have grown at a considerable rate and have to be kept up with by the average citizen. Even in school it is now written into the education plans to teach us how to use simple and complex programs o n the computer to complete work. One of the easiest places to see the increase in modern technology is in your own house. Take mine for example, we have multiple computers, televisions, game systems ect. I have even recently gotten a facebook which last year my mom would have never allowed.

I think without the computer I would definitely have a fairly difficult time. It provides entertainment ant an encyclopedic knowledge of all things. Unfortunately I am probably the least abled when it comes to technology. My dad even comented on how it was sad that I a child of the technological age needed his help to turn on the tv. Although I do wish things would not change in school, I don’t want to depend upon it any more than I already do.

Gatsby Rider said...

The author is trying to tell us we need to be familiar with more advanced technology. In recent years the technological advances have grown at a considerable rate and have to be kept up with by the average citizen. Even in school it is now written into the education plans to teach us how to use simple and complex programs o n the computer to complete work. One of the easiest places to see the increase in modern technology is in your own house. Take mine for example, we have multiple computers, televisions, game systems ect. I have even recently gotten a facebook which last year my mom would have never allowed.

I think without the computer I would definitely have a fairly difficult time. It provides entertainment ant an encyclopedic knowledge of all things. Unfortunately I am probably the least abled when it comes to technology. My dad even comented on how it was sad that I a child of the technological age needed his help to turn on the tv. Although I do wish things would not change in school, I don’t want to depend upon it any more than I already do.

♥♥KITA♥♥ said...
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selenna.(: said...

I think that the author's purpose was to inform. Two year's ago i didn't have a cell phone and i had an old computer. I mainly rely on my cell phone and the computer. I use my cell phone or the internet to talk to my friends and that's how i keep in touch with them that way we can make plans or just talk when on of us is down. I also keep in touch with my parents or family when i'm out somewhere or staying with one of my friends. My experince with technology is not very different than my mom or sister's we are on the same level of knowlegde almost. My dad,brother, and grandma arn't good with technology. I hope that the school gets rid of textbooks and paper and pencil work and have us all send our work through email. I hope for that because textbooks are heavy and we forget pencils and paer and other things.

Makayla Perrine said...

The author’s purpose for creating this video was to inform people about how technology has changed from back then, and how it is still changing now. Technology has changed in so many ways its unbelievable.For and example, everyone had to read hard back books and now, you can read books on nooks.At school,there was just writing on the chalkboard and now there in these things that you write on and then are projected on to the board. I rely mostly on my Blackberry for communicating,music and internet. I am more experienced and confident then my parents when it comes to using today’s technology but, then on the other hand my brother Colin who is eighteen is may more advanced then me. I hope that one day in the future we will be able to have all of your books in one kind of electronic device so we don't have to lug around 8,9,10 books.

Makayla Perrine 7/8 period.

fairmont runs said...

I think the author's purpose in creating the video was to inform people about how technology use is increasing throughout the world. We use many electronic things in school now to get our work done. I can remember in 5th grade when I got my first phone. I was amazed with what it could do and today I use a blackberry which is like a computer compared to my old phone. Recently, we have begun using electric dictionaries instead of paperback. It makes things so much easier now.
My mom is better at technology than my dad, but I still have to help them out once and a while. I still try to teach my dad how to text but it never works. My grandparents probably don't even know what a computer is.
I'm hoping in the next few years we can raise enough money to buy IPad's and Kindle's for our classes so we don't have to carry around any more books.

Justin Okel 4th/5th period

jordynweaver said...

The author's purpose was to inform people about how the world and our technology is growing and changing.
In the last two years I've had an ipod, iphone, laptop and all sorts off different technology and we've been using technology a lot more now in school with the computers and emailing and everything.
I mostly rely on my ipod/iphone because i can text, listen to music, google things, get on my email, call, and play games.
There's not really much difference in use of technology between my family except for my dad has to use a computer almost everyday so he helps me with that kind of stuff.
I hope that our school just gets iPads instead of laptops cause they're a lot easier to carry around and just as good as a laptop. (:

Jordyn Weaver 7/8th period (:

meganhermancee♥ said...

The author's purpose in this was to show that our world is becoming more advanced than it was in the past, meaning that our world will slowly come together and only rely on technology for everything.

Technology has changed much so since the past. At home, we used to only have a Dell computer with a mouse connected to a wire, and a tracphone. Today, we now own 3 laptops, smartphones, and much more technology. While in school we just used computers for projects rarely, now we use it as a source for weekly assignments.

I only rely on the computer and my phone. I rely on the computer for entertainment or work such as homework, music, pet care, games, and news. I rely on my phone for social occasions such as texting or facebook.

I am more experienced and confident with technology than my parents are, i believe it's because they were in a world where there were books instead of cell phones and I live in a world surrounded with new technology everywhere.

I'm hoping to see a technical device that is every piece of technology ever combined in a portable size. If we somehow get something like that we could cut down on factories making each separate device, and only having a few factories making an all in one.

- megan hermance , 7&8* period♥

Tyler Plivelich-7th-8th said...

What is the author’s purpose in making this video? I think his purpose is to inform us about how much technology has advanced over the last few years. We have a lot more assignments that we need the computers for. My life has changed by this advancement a lot. I use the computer way more than I use to two years ago. My brothers use the computer more than I do because they have more computer assignments than I do. I would like to have more computers in the classrooms than there are and be able to do more tech steps.

Cody said...

I think the story’s purpose is to tell how technology is changing around the world. The technologies used at home and in school has been enhanced over the last four years. The technology that I use most is the computer because it can be used for many different things. Technology is growing rapidly in areas like China, Indonesia, and Japan. Technologies will continue in these areas faster than the U.S. ever will. Technology will continue to advance in the world to make life better due to what we need, what jobs need done, and how our lives might change. I think that technology is an important part of our ever-changing world
Cody Satterfield, 2nd and 3rd periods.

Anonymous said...

The authors purpose in creating this video is to inform us about the new technology we use everyday of our lives!
Technology has changed a lot in the past two years, two years ago I had a flip phone, and now I have a blackberry! We used mainly desktop computers and now we use laptops! Technology has a big impact on the way we do things now days.
I mainly rely on my cell phone, i can use the internet,camera,texting,talking all in one!my experience and confidence is better then my parents! I came into the world learning about technology while it was new to them, they are still adapting to them!I hope that our books become some type of technology soon, so we dont have to carry so many books! We will have everything we need in our hand!

TheReal"KirkMoore" said...

The authors purpose of creating this video was to tell us that technology is growing at a rapidly fast rate. That also we need to step it up as a human race , because we a to dependent on technology. I think we should do more things on our own, and if we did that maybe the obesity rate would drop.

I liked this video a lot because it told me lots of interesting facts about society I did not know. Also the thing in technology I used the most is my cell phone I love my phone I use it everyday, but I think its good to have a day every once in a while not to use it or cut back on technology.

sarah esposito said...

Sarah Esposito
I think the authors purpose to this video is to inform the people that the worlds technology is increasing each and every day.

For example my technology has changed over the years because I used too have a little track phone and a MP3 player now I have increased very much because I have a smart phone and a Ipod touch four and I used to have a little box TV and now I have a flat screen TV.

The technology I probably I rely on the most is probably the my cell phone because I need it to basically survive it has my cell phone numbers my face book and twitter I would not live with out it!

I would probably say that my sister only relies on her ipod the most my mom relies on her phone just as bad as I do and I would probably say my dad only sends ten texts a month ha-ha.

I hope to see in the future that today’s school system will eventfully have computers and Ipads instead of old broken books like we have now and that and that we have smart boards witch are basically computers on the wall.

Ben Stewart said...

The authors purpose for creating the video was to inform us that the world is changing, and changing very quickly.
In the past few years, I have used technology so much more than I had in previous years. I am using a computer a lot more, I'm canstantly on my iPhone, and im always on the internet in one way or another. I've used computers alot more in school since I've started at WFMS. I'm using a computer for many assignment in multiple classes.
I rely heavily on my phone. I use my phone for nearly everything. I use it as a calculator, for research, for games, and for communication.
My entire family has much experience and confidence with technology. My entire family has iPhones, we all use computers a lot, and in fact, my parents actually have more experience with technology than I do. My parents are alway susing their computers for work, personal emails, looking up camps for my brother and I, and so many other things.
I would like to eventually see all of our textbooks on iPads distributed to the students. The iPads could be hooked up to a internet connection blocking the downloads of games, and blocking the access to all non-school related sites. With the exception of google, of course.

Ben Stewart 4th & 5th Period

tyairahorton(: said...

the purpose was to inform you about how technology e been changing in this world. the pass years technology has changed a lot like when i was i 4th or 5th grade i didn't even know how to use a cell phone. But as the years passed i have learned a lot about technology. My mom compared to me , she doesn't even know how to text. I don't even know what I would do without my social networking things! I also hope that technology is used for more education. However what i meanly use is my cell phone for face book, twitter , and texting. In the next few years I hope that there's some type of way that we can use technology instead of carrying thousands of books around!
tyaira horton 7th and 8th period <3(:

Kenny renner said...

Their purpose of was to inform people of how technology has has changed over the last decade. In school we are using computers a lot more from what they did just about ten years ago we use them in school for assignments also for homework assignments but they are used more for people when they're at home so that they can get on live sites such as twitter,face book and so on. The technology I mostly use is a computer because I get on face book and talk to friends when ever I have nothing else to do. I have to even help my sister,mom,dad, even my grandma sometimes because they don't use a computer as much as I do well my sister can't because she is to young yet and my mom and dad and grandma are too old for the newer technology. I hope that we can all have our homework assignments online with all of our classes marked next to it I think that would be a lot easier for all the student at WFMS. 7th & 8th period.

bryce bittinger said...

Tuesday, August 30th To show population and technology. How technology is beater then it was two years ago. Well now there are beater touch screens, faster computers, 3d TVs, beater game systems, and much more. In the past two years my mom had a really bad touch screen that was too sensitive. There is much faster computers now instead of waiting two centers to load a single thing you get it much faster. There is more detailed graphic gaming systems. Now at the house we have a flat screen and more than one computer. At school these pens you can use for the computer on the board and you have newer laptops. What technology do you most rely upon? It would have to be the computer I really on the Microsoft a lot. My parents they say you are lucky with all this technology it makes school much essayer. Nothing really I think we are good as we are now. By Bryce Bittinger

brian curry said...

the authors purpose in this video is to inform people on how technology has changed. technology has advanced and we use more computers than anything at school and also at home. the technology that i most rely on is a cell phone. i know more about technology than my parents do. More advanced technology.

ozie said...

This video is an informative way of telling how deficient the United States of Amarica is compared to other countries. Every year I am using the computer more often than the year before for school. Also, at home I'm using my cellphone more often. I rely on my cellphone for more tasks like communication, entertainment, and internet. I am confident in my abilities with technology. I hope to see more work with our cellphones in the school.
Peyton Ozie 7/8th period

meerissaerin (: said...

i think the authors purpose of this video is too show how tech. has changed over the years . i use technology very often especially my cell phone because it is a very easy way too have a conversation with your friends all over the world . tech. has really changed over the years they didnt always have computer or cell phones or anything use too when you had to type a report and print it you would use a typewriter which is a little computer that only types . i wish our schoolwould be able to use labtops all the time for homework and assignments i think it would be much easier . merissa ladd 2&3 period

Anonymous said...

The author's purpose for this video is the population of technology keeps growing and growing. My life has changed a little because I just opened my new laptop and i barely even use it unless I have to use it for homework or a report when I use Microsoft Office or use it for a powerpoint. The technology I would rely on is my laptop for my homework and when I do reports and powerpoints on Microsoft Office Or Microsoft Word. But know i do my reports and everything else at school now. My confidence with my family is different with technology because my family is more important than technology so my famoily comes first. I hope to see changes do I hope to see in the school system in terms of technology because they should have more books that all the information than using the internet for most of the stuff we do in school because if everybody starts thinking that its ok to use the internet then they are going to use some stupid excuse for their parents to buy them everything that has to deal with technology in the world and their going to be spoiled and every time they invent something that has to deal with technology their going to make their parents buy it for them so they can be like their friends and the people whos not their friends so that they can let everybody know that they are spoiled and they convince their parents that they should have everything in the world that revolves around technology and I think that its stupid because if they do have all this technology in the world that their going to be lazy and let their technology gadgets to do their homework so they don't have to do it by hand with a book, a pencil, and a piece of paper.

Anonymous said...

The purpose of this video is thatthe world is changing at an alarming rate. A lot has changed in the past two years. Things ive learned in 5th and 6th grade, are not even mentioned now. I learned division in 4th grade, my parents learned it in 8th and 9th. I mostly depend on my computer, i use it all day. I know i can trust my computer to know what i need it to know, hovever i love my family more than i will ever love my computer. I hope to see education get better in many ways when i comes to technoligy. Such as bringing computers for use, or better teaching methods.

cclinear said...

The author's purpose for creating this video is to tell us how the future will turn out to be, and what will happen eventually. New phones an computers. i mostly rely on phones and computers. I depend more upon it than they do an i know more about it. That we will be able to have enough trust for them to let us go to sites that are school appropriate an safe like facebook an myspace.