Humor is where you can laugh anytime about anything. Sometimes humor can be about someone and could be hurtful to that person. Also it could mean you told a joke and started laughing. This is funny because the guy is dancing funny and weird. I went to spend the night at my friend's house and she loves softball so she threw me the ball and I hit it and I looked out the road because I thought I hit it there and it wasn't so I looked up and then the ball hit me in between my eyes and we went to the pool to get water and put it on before it started swelling up and then after it happened we both just laughed about it. My friend Jenna was there and me. My friend Jenna was with me. The setting is at her house in Alabama. It occured after coming home from the school and hearing all the kids scream and then seeing the ball hit me in between the eyes.
Humor is something that you laugh at hysterically. This video is funny because the guy is kinda of old, and I mean who wouldn't laugh at an old guy dancing. A situation that I participated in that made me laugh was a couple months ago. I was at my friend Sarah's house and my friend Olivia fell asleep and then my friend Baylee put whipped cream on her and then she woke up. People that were there was Baylee, Sarah, Olivia, Breanna, and myself. The setting was at Sarah's house in W.V. It occured about 4-5 months ago. Maddi Craig 2-3 Period
Humor is when you are laughing about something. If something had humor to it, it is always funny and will make you laugh. Last summer my dad and I were out back passing baseball and I told him to throw me a pop fly. He threw it as high as he could, so I was going back to catch it and I hit the fence. As I hit the fence I flew over it and I started to laugh about it and so did my dad. Also I dropped the ball. It was just my dad and I. My dad and I. It was a nice cool fall day, with the leaves falling in the yard. Last year, sometime in the fall. Jayce Riley 4/5th period
I believe humor is the types of things that make a person laugh or that they think are funny. This video is funny because the guy doesn’t care what people think and he’s just dancing like an idiot the whole time. I’ve participated in many situations that made me laugh so I don’t know what to say so I’ll just pick something. When I’m at Chase’s house we always mess with people in his neighborhood. One time I dressed up in a Dr. Seuss hat and a pitch black mask and he put on a Barbie towel as a cape and some kind of old lady cap. I felt really sweaty in the mask. It was night time so we took a flashlight and stared at cars and chased them. We could see that one car had stopped so we sprinted away into the woods. It happened during the last school year sometime at the end of the school year.
Humor is something that makes you laugh. This video is funny because this guy obviously is old but doesn’t care and care and gets up there and dances like a maniac on stage to have fun. One hot day over the summer Sean, my cousin Mikayla, and I were swimming in our pool and we decided to have a contest. Well Mikayla gets the bright idea to do back smackers so we all line up and one at a time run and there we go and I jump then Sean, and, Mikayla. Well I’m here to tell you that wasn’t a good idea it stung really bad but we laughed so hard. We were our house in our pool with our cousin Mikayla.
Humor is something that makes you laugh. This video is funny because this guy is old, but he can dance which makes it even funnier. When Steven and I were 5 we were riding our four wheelers at our grandparents’ house. I was going to fast around the turn and I drove right through their wooden fence. I broke the fence and my four wheeler almost went into the creek my dad had to chase it which was funny. It was my grandparents, my uncle, my mom and dad, Steven, and me. The setting was at my grandparents’ house. It occurred when I was 5 years old.
Humor is when someone makes a joke or random comment and everyone starts laughing and will not stop after a certain amount of time. I think its funny just by the way he dances. While he is dancing he is making random faces to top it off. The time I was in a funny situation was when I was going to my grandparents and we were talking about how my little sister saw an albino bull in the field we just passed by and my little sister just randomly blurted out "If a black cat crosses your path it signifies that is is going somewhere." When she said that, everyone in the car started cracking up. The people that were with me were my dad, my older sister, Stephanie, my little sister, Kimmy, and me. Kimmy was right next to me in the back seats. We were on the road in Upsher County. It occurred Sunday, September 12th 2010.
Humor is just where you can laugh at things in life the occur. This video is funny because , first this dude is white , he is dorky , look at his hair(: , and you also think that when he starts that he wouldn't be able to pull off the moves. But i guess he can . There are to many things to pick from in my life that i have laughed at . One that i really laughed at is when Me and my basketball girls where at Tristan Marino's house and we played Manhunt at like 11:00 at night . we were split up into teams , and i was trying to get to base and i got pushed into the porch fence thing . So when i fell into it broke , and then after that happened Breanna fell down the hill . Everybody laughed so hard . It was such a fun night. It was Breanna, Sarah , Tristan, Tyaira, Hannah , Bailey , and myself . (: The setting was at Tristan's house. It occured about a year ago .brooklyn nuzum (: 2 & 3
Humor is something that makes you laugh or something that is funny. This is funny because the guy is white, dresses weird, and is kind of dorky and he's dancing. Also, he is doing funny dance moves. I laugh all of the time with my friends, but one time that I was laughing really hard was when I was at Baylee's house and Melia was on Facebook and it said "Young Boss has send you a friend request." And for some reason I thought it was hilarious. They all thought I was crazy for laughing at that so they kept saying "Young Boss" and I kept laughing harder and harder. In the end we were all cracking up laughing. Sydney Izydore, Melia DeWitt, Baylee Abbott were with me. The setting was in Baylee's basement. It occurred late at night in the beginning of summer 2010 after cheering conditioning that Syd and Melia came to help with after their volleyball. Sarah Marie Topardo 4&5
Humor is something that you can enjoy and laugh at with your friends and family. This is funny because the guy that is dancing in this video looks awkward. He isn't the guy that would come to your mind when you think of a dancer. An event that I participated in that made me laugh was a few years ago. My family and I were vacationing at Diney World and we went inside a hat shop and my little sister and I were trying on hats and then this little boy came up to us and told us to pose and smile and then he took a picture of us and showed his famiy. My little sister an I just looked at each other and started laughing. I laughed so hard that my abb muscles were starting to feel sore and my eyes were watering up like crazy. I heard the litle boy an his family talking about the picture. I think that this was funny because it was very random and unexpected. My whole family was there when it happened. My litte sister was with me when this took place. We were in a hat shop in Florida at the ausement park, Disney World when this happened. This occured a few years ago and it was in the afternoon around three.
Humor is something that is good to have because it is always good to laugh.Most of the time humor is about someone,something that someone did or maybe something you saw on t.v. or something you did.This video is very funny because there is an old guy dancing with a bald head and geaky clothes and thats not something you see every day.One day was at the mall with my friend Justin and we had seen two guys holding hands so every time we would walk past them we would randomly start laughing really hard and they had gotten really mad.T.J. Jones7th & 8th periods
Humor is the quality of being funny. This video is funny because for one his pants are too small. But he doesn’t look like he can dance but the way he dances is so funny. The situation that I participated in that made me laugh is when I was at the beach with my friend and she told this joke her color guard told her to everybody in the house at least 3 times each. Well the joke wasn’t even that funny. But the next morning Katie wanted to get up and watch the life guards run. So that morning her grandpa got up and went fishing. But he told us I asked this one life guard why they didn’t run today and she said because some blonde was running behind us saying her joke. Katie, Alexia, Kelsey, and myself where there when this happened. It happened in Bethany Beach, Delaware this summer.
To me, humor is something that makes you laugh and smile. It is something that makes you feel good. I think this is funny because the guy is kind of old. To look at him, he just doesn't seem like he would be able to dance like that. Also, it is funny to see all the different kinds of dancing from over time. One day last week, my sister, mom, and I were sitting in our family room talking. My sister was talking about this guy on her bus that talks a lot. I was trying to ask her if she sits by him. What I actually said was, "So you sit on him on the bus"? We started laughing and my mom told my sister she will never make friends if she keeps sitting on people on the bus.
Hummer is the best remedy for depression. Hummer Is what makes us laugh and enjoy all sorts of things in our life. This video id funny because It’s a white man that can dance better then The person who made the dance in the first place. The time I laughed the most was when I was in my car with my whole family and we were listening to Bill Cosby and the time they won the Buck Buck champion chip and the story of Fat Albert. But the story is only funny if you know how to play Buck Buck, and the wheat of Fat Albert.
Humor is where you laugh at something that is funny. Sometimes humor can be good but it can be bad. It can be good because somthings are kind of funny.But it can be bad because you can hurt someone in the proccess. The person is funny because to start he looks funny. Also he does not look like he can dance. I do not really know anything funny that has happened to me for a while.
Humor is anything that can make a person laugh.This is funny because he trys to bust all of these dance moves from different songs.A funny thing that haas happened is when Sydney Stalnaker and i was in science class watching a nature video last week and we saw a caterpiller eating a leaf and we started laughing and making funny faces to make us look like we were eating a leaf and that we were caterpillers.It was just a moment where you had to be there.
Humor is something that is funny or makes you laugh. When something is funny it is out of the ordinary. It might be a face someone is making or even something someone says or does. A situation in which I laughed was one time when I was at Megan's house. Elizabeth, Megan and I felt very adventurous so we decided to go into the woods behind Megan's house. We were all playing volleyball down there when the ball went out of sight. Megan and I asked Elizabeth to go and get it. After 5 minutes of her non stop screaming Megan and I walked over to see what the problem was. She had lost both of her shoes and she was sinking into the mud. With worms between her toes she yelled for help. Megan and I laughed hysterically at her. Then eventually we decided to help her out of the woods and back onto Megan's yard! This occurred in the summer of 08.Lauren Massacci
Humor is something you laugh at and makes you amused. Everyone has some humor in them whether it be them laughing at anything or them being funny themselves. This video is funny because there is this weird nerdy guy dancing who looks like he cant dance at all till he starts dancing. Also just how he is having fun with it and not caring what people think its just kinda like he is just doing what he wants just so he can have fun. The funniest thing that happened was when me and my family went to eating park in Morgantown,WV and my little brother was only 3 years old and now he is 6. But he was walking around up and down the asiles of the tables and he kept saying I cant do it. I can do it and my mom called him over to the table and said what Joey? Then he said I cant fart? haha it was the funniest thing ever because of how he said it. It was like 3 years ago. The setting was EatingPark. It was my stepdad,my mom my brother Joey and I. JoMarie Bogard 4/5 period
I think humor is what you think is funny. Some people have better senses of humor than others do, meaning, someone with a good sense of humor would find funny things funnier. Personally, I think the video is hilarious because I don’t see how anyone can dance like that. I also don’t see how he doesn’t smile. If it were me, I’d be cracking up laughing at myself, but the man continues to dance, his expression serious. One time, I was with my friend Lexi in Kentucky. We were walking around the track in gym. A bunch of the other kids were around us, but they were to busy talking to their friends to pay any attention to us. We were talking about just random stuff, but when we started to stop talking, and out of nowhere, she screamed, “Pickle cakes!” and we both cracked up laughing. I thought it was funny because out of nowhere, she screams some random word. Then we continued to laugh and when that started to die down, she screamed another random word and we laughed until our chests and sides hurt.
Humor is something that everyone can get a good laugh at. It's something the world has in common. This dance s funny because you don't expect this bald, geeky man to be able to bust out the great immitation dance moves. This one time in 7th grade, at my old school, I was in English. Each student had a report that day, and had to share it in front of the class. One of my good friends, Catherine was up. She began reading, and before she even got to the 2nd parragraph, one of the students bursts out laughing for no apparent reason. One laugh lead to another causing the whole class including the teacher to be interupting Catherine by laughing. We laughed the whole class period, and poor Catherine never got to finish her report. (: It was hilarious.
Humor is anything that can make a person laugh. The video is funny because it has a hairless guy with really short pants dancing. The time that made me laugh really hard would have to be when I was playing football and the ball had hit someone in the head while I was behind them and it bounced off and I caught it. I don’t know who was with me but It was with a lot of kids at Mary Loo Retton park in 2007. Triston Newbrough7-8 period
Humor is just plain out laughing and usually all of us have it. This video is funny because the guy is basically a dork with his shirt tucked into his pants and has a belt on. Now, tell me thats not funny, it's hilarious. I have not been in something funny once I get there it is quiet so I try to be as loud as possible. So no, I have never been in anything hilarious. A bunch of people were there but I didn't participate and I am not that funny either. The setting is at school nin the hallway. And it occured in the midde of classes right by the water fountains.
Humor is when you find something funny or someting that makes you laugh sometimes it can be obout what happend someone two someone else or something funny that happend to yourself. One tim in the forth grade me and my cousin butters pushed this girl down the hill at reccess and she rolled all the way down and smacked her head on the jungle gym i felt bad but it was realy funny.
humor is a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter. its funny because the guy is wearing jeans to his bellybutton with a plain tshirt with his tall white socks showin doing crazy dances to different styles of music. a situation i participated was last year when i went to my friend jaquelynns house and we recorded a video of us havin=g a jello eating contest without using our hands and it was so hard cuz we were laughing and spitting jello all over the place.
Humor is something that’s makes you laugh. This video is very funny because it is a bald white guy with his shirt tucked in and his belt is pulled up really high. One day me and my neighbors were down in the woods where we are building a creek type thing and we had a bunch of water in a hole and all of a sudden David Chiders falls in the water and just sits there for 5 seconds. Then, he said you guys going to help me and me and Isaac said how can we help you when your already out. I was with Isaac and David Childers. The setting is in the woods behind my house. This whole thing happened Monday.Logan orton
humor is were you think some thing is funny. the guy in the video is funny and he doesnt make rude comments at people. he makes people laugh without hurting the feeling of others. the reason he is funny becouse he look weird and no one thinks he can do some of the stuff he does. One time me and my friend jake were walking through the woods and we thought that we seen a bear so we ran back to his house and told his dad and later that week we went back into the woods. this timwe we climbed a tree and waited for the "bear" to come back. we heard something be hind us so we look and nothing there. then my friend screamed he seen the bear but when it got closer it was just his black dog that was running in the woods that we thought was a bear.
Humor is when you laugh at a joke about someone or a plain old joke.Humor could be hurtful or nice.Most people say hurtful jokes about people.When you say a mean joke about someone it could hurt their feeling or make them cry.Now the video of the old guy dancing, with his pants way up to his chest,his shirt tucked in and doing all them dances is hilarious.Who would espect and older man to be able to do them moves.Like thats kinda impossible. One day me and my friend went to his house and we was playing witha basketball.I shot it from far back.It hit the rim and hit him on the side of his face.It looked like it hurt but after that he started laughing so we both laughed for that whole night.But humor is something someone says to make you laugh.Every has it too.
Humor is something that something or someone does and you laugh at it. The guy doesn’t even look like he can dance but he bust some good moves. He is dancing to older songs and the older songs that he is listening are fast songs and he looks crazy up there dancing fast. It was Dr. D., my mom, and I. My mom and the doctor. The setting is at the doctor’s office. It was at the ear doctor and the doctor was putting this tool in my ear that sucked. He kept putting it in and out of my ear. The last time he stuck it in my ear it felt like he stabbed me with a needle and I jumped away from him. When I jumped back from him he pulled that tool out of my ear and he jumped back really fast. My mom and I started laughing really hard. The doctor didn’t think it was to funny though.
Humor is anything that is funny. I think its funny because the guy is dressed funny but can dance very well. This past Sunday Cameron and I were out riding our four wheelers. We decided to go to Austin’s house to see if he was there. The only way to get there is to drive through the woods along the highway. Cameron and I got to Austin’s house and we started to talk to him. Austin was going to ride with Cameron back to my house so we could get him a helmet. I forgot I didn’t have another one he could wear. Then Austin said lets go swim at his house. Cameron and Austin went first and hid from me in the woods. I drove by and saw them. Then they come sprinting towards me. Apparently they ran over a wasp nest. It took us an hour to get the four wheeler out away from the nest because we kept getting stung. It was very funny! It also hurt a lot. I got the whole thing on video. Lucas Kinder 2-3 Period
Humor is something that is happening that is funny. It is funny, because of they way he is dressed, the way he is dancing, and because, he looks like a really nerdy white guy. Something funny that happened to me was when I at my friends house during this past summer, and we wanted to go swimming at Wave Tek. When we got there, her mom dropped us off, and then we went in, and there were a lot of people there. So we started to swim, and then we wanted to go on the slide, so we did. We waited in line for the slide, for at least 20 minutes. When it was her turn to go on the slide she went down, and then I did. When I started to go down, there was a little kid behind me that went down at the same time, because he didn’t want to wait for me to go down. So we went down at the same time, and I looked behind me to see who it was. I didn’t know who he was, because I just got a quick glimpse at him, and then kept on walking. When I went back to the pool, he kept on following me. So I turned around too look at him to see who he was, and then I realized it, was my little cousin. He didn’t know my name, but he knew I was related to him. I asked him why he was following me this whole time, and he said because I didn’t know how to say your name, and If I poked you, then you’d get mad at me. Then I told him how to say my name completely, and he still can’t say my name, the right way. So now he calls me Ray. The people with me were my family, and friends. The setting was, the day before my birthday party. It occurred on July 21, 2010.- Samanthe Bolling 2nd&3rd period
Humor is feeling that makes you laugh so hard you sides hurt. This particular video is funny because the man is old and is also bald. His pants are pulled up to his chest and his pants are way too short. A situation that I was in that made me laugh is when Lizzie and I went to the movies and saw the movie Grown Ups. We laughed so hard that our sides were hurting and we then went to Applebee’s afterwards and laughed even harder. My mom, sister, Lizzie’s mom, Lizzie, and I were all there. The setting was at the Tygart Valley movie theatre. This occasion happened at the beginning of the summer. Kayla Delorenzo4th and 5th periods
What is humor? Humor if when something comical happens such as joke or a statement. This is funny because this is an older guy who is baud and is wearing dorky clothes. A situation that made me laugh and cry was a sleepover at Lauren’s. So it was Lauren, Elizabeth, Megan, and I also many other girls I can’t remember who all. Anyway I was standing at the bottom at Lauren’s stairs and somehow salt and pepper was sitting there on her banister. So I look up and I got salt and pepper in my eyes. My eye waters a lot and I was laughing really hard also .Elizabeth, Lauren, Megan, and everyone that was there saw it happen. It was at Lauren’s house. It happened in fifth grade. Holly Bogdanich 4th 5th
Humor is when you laugh like if someone says a joke and you laugh it is humor.This elevation dance is funny because they take a(n) old guy that has his pants up to his neck and make him dance.The activity that i praticipated in was when i was in the 7th grade, and me, Micheal, and Alyssa had to do a skit on tobacco, and we all dicided that we were supposed to do. And I dicided that wwe should stand up and say don't smoke and point our fingers at them, and the only person that did it was my best friend Alyssa.Anmd it was halarious you should have been there.
What is humor? The real definition is a comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement: the humor of a situation. Because, it is a middle aged man with is pants up high, hes dancing to all these older songs too. This experience happened on the river with my sisters friends and I were tubing and we got a new tube and so we all piled on and didn't think to lean back and we all flipped the tube and went into the river. The setting would be at 8:00 a.m. in the morning because we were taking our annual lock trip on our boats, and were trying to wake ourselves up and well it worked!
Humor is anything that makes you laugh because it is funny. This video is funny because the guy is white and looks dorky, but he can dance well! (better than me anyways) A funny situation I was in was about two years ago I went to Chase’s house for the first time for his birthday party. When it got dark we played manhunt. It was pitch black and Trevor led me into the wood because he said he knew a secret path, so I followed him. We got to the end of the path, then Cameron, T. J., Isaac, and Chase jumped out with masks and chased me and it scared me a lot. It was funny though because people were saying that they had never ever seen me run that fast. The people that were there was Trevor, Matt B., Matt S., Chase, me, Cameron, T. J., and some other people that I forget. It happened about two years ago. We were at Chase’s house.Cody BrubakerPd. 2/3
Humor is when something that makes you laugh. This is funny because you would never imagine this type of man doing this. I remember laughing histarically when Megan, Lauren, and myself were at Lauren's house walking down the steps from her attic. Well... all f a sudden Megan stops on the 8th step down and starts tripping and holding onto the rails and yelled my foot's jiving, guys, my foot's jiving! June 2010time it was Megan Lauren, and myself in Lauren's dining room and me and Megan were really hyper. And I was helping them make posters for their cheerleading tagging the next day. We were using glitter, and me and Megan went outside to hake it off. While doing that we let her dog out then Megan heard a train whistle and screamed THE BRITISH ARE COMING, THE BRITISH ARE COMING! And Lauren ran outside and was like what?! The police are coming?! And we just started laughing uncontrollably. But it really wasn't that funny. August 2010Elizabeth Tennant 4th and 5th
I think humor is anything you think is funny. You have to laugh at it for it to be humor. The video is funny because the guy is dressed funny and some of the dances are hilarious and the others modern. This funny moment occured about 4 days ago. Logan, my brother, and I were in the woods by this hole full of water. We were just about to leave when my brother, David, slipped and his foot went into the hole. He was just sitting there until he said "Well, are you going to help me or not!?". So when I started climbing around this tree to help him, he lifted his foot out and got away from the hole. You had to be there and know David to see the humor in it. (I know that Logan typed the same thing but this is my version)
Humor is when you laugh at something. This is funny because there is a guy that has tight jeans, dorky hair, and his shirt is tucked in. One day at east west stadium I was with my friends. My friend Matt was not paying attention and I witnessed a football hit him in the face. He made a loud shout that everyone heard, and we all lauphed. My friend matt, and my friend kaine. My teacher. East west stadium. It occuried in school about 2 weeks ago. Jacob work 2nd and 3rd period.
Humor: laughter caused by an action of something or somebody. Anybody can say or do something funny. But some things are funny to some people but not everybody. Those things are usually mean, but we can’t help but laugh sometimes. This is funny because there is a nerdy looking, bald guy who is doing weird dances to songs from the past. One of the many situations that I have participated in that was funny was when I was coming back from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The people who were with me included my mom, my brother, my brother’s friend (Jon Jon). We were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic for a couple ours. We could see cars and trucks for miles in every lane. My brother and Jon Jon all the sudden started doing the arm movement to every tractor trailer to get them to honk their horns. We could hear truck horns coming from every lane! …Then a little later (my mom was driving and Jon Jon was in the front passenger seat) my mom turned the radio to a station that she liked. Jon Jon didn’t like that music so he turned the radio to something else. My mom then turned the radio back to the music she liked and smacked Jon Jon’s hand every time he tried to turn it again. He was successful a couple times but then mom would look at him mean and he would turn it back. (You have to know the type of guy Jon Jon is because he is always entertaining and funny.) I had a lot of fun with my brother’s football buddies from high school; including a shaving cream fight, putting each other’s cars on blocks, and all the mountaineer football parties at my house.) Abby Cooper7/8th period
Humor is the quality of being funny or anything that makes you laugh. This video is funny because it's random to see an older man in an orange crush t-shirt doing the worm :) One time, I was walking through Hollister and I heard a good song come on and so my friend and I started dancing. I ended up knocking all of the body spray bottles off of the display table. I felt so embarrassed. We could not stop laughing. The cashiers laughed at me :) I was with Alexis and her mom. The setting is in Hollister. It happened when Alexis and I went shopping at the Morgantown Mall.*Carly Suplita7/8th periodd <3
Humor is something that makes you laugh. I think this video is funny, because its an old kind of dorky old man dancing which is, hysterical! A situation that made me laugh occurred a last year. My friend Lauren and I were upstairs in her bedroom talking about her new boyfriend. She was telling me how when he walked funny and when he put his arm around her she couldn't walk because of how he walked. So I told her to get up and put her arm around me and show me how he walked so I could get the full affect. When she was showing me it was so funny because I couldn't walk so I kept tripping over her feet. So I tripped over her feet and she tripped over mine and she fell really hard on the floor and cracked her side on her bed post. (And as we were talking and while she was showing me how he was walking she kept complaining about how bad she had to pee.) So when she fell and hit her side, she started peeing all over her white carpet. I told her to get up and go to the bathroom but she couldn't get up because she could not stop peeing or laughing! Plus her side was hurting way to bad to get up. It was just Lauren and I. The setting was at her house. It occurred last year, during winter. Megan McCullough :)
To me humor is making a person laugh. Making a person laugh so hard they lose a breath. This video is funny because it is very unexpected. The man whom was dancing made the entire video ten times better because he was bald, geeky and awkward. I have participated in many humorous things with ,my friends but the most often thing was i was sitting in language class with Sam, Sarah, and Baylee .Sarah and I have this weird Mexican voice and Sam started talking in it .Sam said, " I do what you do!"*Mexican voice*..(lots of laughter)The setting of this story is Mrs. Constable’s classroom 4-5 period. This occurred last week!-Olivia Wilson<3
Humor is something everyone can laugh at and enjoy. When you think of dancing like that you don't really think of some random old guy doing the craziest dance moves. The event that i participated in was me and sam were in tech ed and i kept writing Hannah's name all over Sam's paper he had do redo it three times. You had to be there for it to be funny. Sam Tonkovich, Kirsten Kinzer , and greta Satterfield were with me when this happened. The setting is the tech ed room. It occured Wednesday September 15, 2010. Abby Williams 7th and 8th (:
Humor is a sense that a person has on how that react to a joke or jokes they may make. Because its a video of a random white dude dancing in front of a lot of people. Yesterday in choir class when it was very silent as everyone was getting to their seats Steven had missed his seat and fell down and everyone had started laughing with Steven . Matt Brophy, Dalton Okel, and Trey Giorcelli. At the time Only Trey, Steven, and I where there. Mr.Hoffmaster's choir room. Yesterday morning as everyone was getting into Mr.Hoffmaster's room and was sitting down. -Taylor Campbell
Humor to me is something that can entertain you and result in happiness and laughter. This video is funny because first of all, the guy is like 40 years old and dancing. Second, he looked completely like a nerd. He had his pants pulled up further than his waist and the smallest shirt he could wear. A situation that I was a part of was when I was in my own living room. My little brother Justin bought this fake toy spider at a store in Ohio. Well, we got the idea of tricking our mom because as most people know, she HATES spiders!!! We took the spider and put it on her stomach while she was asleep. Then I used my fingers and acted like a spider was crawling up her leg. She woke up in a daze and asked what was going on. We acted like we were scared out of our minds. She looked straight ahead and literally flipped off the couch before you could say banana. Justin and I fell on the floor and laughed on and on until laughter wouldn’t exist anymore. We were inside of my living room. The people who were there are Julie (my mom), Justin, and me. It occurred about 5-6 years ago.Dalton Okel 4th/5th Period
humor is funny things that happen or funy jokes.funny is just like day about 3 weeks ago me and tj where on youtube and we looke up police sounds and we opened he windos and got his speakers and we turend the police ciroun on and somedrived by and they stoped because they where looking for the police car.
Humor is something that is funny that you laugh at like experiences. This is funny because you wouldn’t expect this guy to be able to dance like that. This guy has short pants so you can see his socks, a tight shirt, is old, and looks like a nerd.Me and my friend went to Wisp Resort. It was fun because we went tubing and snowboarding. It was cold and looked like a winter wonderland. It was humorous because we couldn’t get up and we fell a lot. There were also a lot of people that were better than us so we felt silly. I think we were doing everything wrong, too. I remember that we were laughing the whole time which made it a lot more fun!! I also remember we had hot chocolate afterward that tasted delicious. It was me and Jaquelynn at Wisp Resort about 8 months ago.Sarah Cox
Humor is laughing and comedy. This video is funny because the man dancing is a nerd who pulls his pants up to far and is balding is doing really awesome dance moves really well. There was a situation when my mom, aunt, cousin, and I went to the Indianapolis Childrens Museum and we visited the Egypt exhibit. We rode on a fake plane to Eygpt and we saw money, a coffee shop, a hut, a house and whle walking around we were invited to a party. When we were finally let into the party we found out it was actually a birth ceremony. We had to make decorations and learn to play a song. My cousin was chossen to be the mother of the chid and had to step over it 7 times. Sha accidently stepped on it's head. When we were all dressed up and knew the song we had to run around the exhibit singing and dancing, playing or instruments. My aunt, who was in front of my mom, stopped suddenly and my mom tripped and everyone stopped and starred at her. Everyone started laughing at her even herself. When she stopped laughing she got back up and lead the celebration again. Aubrie Moss 4th & 5TH 9/17/10
Humor is something that makes you laugh at anytime. This video is so funny beacause this guy looks like a dork or a nerd and he is doing these cool dances that make him look funny with his pants pulled up to his chest. A situation when I was laughing really loud was when Olivia Wilson was giving me and Michael Shaw a lecture about how we should act more mature and stop acting like 4 year olds because we always laugh so much. The setting was in Mrs. Norman's classroom. It occured about a week ago.
The dictionary says humor is a comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement. The video is funny because the guy knows all the dance moves and because his pants are pulled up really high. A situation that made me laugh was when my dad fell off the jet ski. My mom and dad were with me. The setting was at Lake Norman, North Carolina, It was extremely hot so we decided to stop and cool off in the water. I was driving the jet ski and going really fast. He was on the back and flipped off into the water. I had to turn around and help him get back on. Later when we were switching jet skis he fell off again. I laughed so much!
What's humor; humor is when you are having a good time laughing. Many things are funny like sometimes when someone gets hurt, make a joke, or just do something that will make you laugh. One time I was at a Dalton Michael’s house for a party and we went down to White Day creek to find crawdads. When we found one that was pretty big Broady said someone put this on your nipple. So I did and as soon as it clamped the pain was excruciating and I screamed, but all I herd was laughter. Then Daniel H put one on his and I understood why everyone was laughing because when he yelled it was hilarious. That was one of the funniest times I have ever experienced. There were a lot of people there to Daniel H, Broady, Dalton M, Matt S, Hayden and Cam s, Coach Doug, E.J T, Greg Y, and another Daniel.
Humor is being funny or knowing when something funny is happening. It is funny because you wouldn't think that this person would be dancing like this to weird songs. Yesterday Aubrie Moss and I were driving home from the awesome WVU game with my dad and we were both very tired. We were talking about the creepy baby in Toy Story 3 and how it would really creepily turn its head all the way around. She was showing me how to look at someone creepily like that and then I just randomly started laughing! Every time she looked over at me, we would both randomly start laughing really hard. Then Aubrie got the hiccups! That was the only time that I could remember me and my friends laughing so hard!Bethany McPherson Period 4 and 5
Humor is something that makes you laugh. This video is funny because the guy was old and he was trying to dance so that's what made this video funny. A situation that I participated in was in 5th grade and I was in gym class with marquis and Jacob lyndsey decide to jump off of the bleachers and hang on to the basketball net. So when he jumped on to the net he fell off of it and hit his head off of the basketball floor and he was dizzy. Me and marquis laughed so hard that we started crying and we laughed at him for a week. It was HILARIOUS. Jahlil howard 7/8th pd.
I think humor is all about laughter and something very funny. One day me and my brother decided to race from my house to the park. My brother was winning but as soon as he was almost there he tripped and fell and I won. It was funny! Me and my brother were the only ones there. The setting was outside. It occured this summmer.
Humor is something most people find funny. This is funny because you wouldn't suspect this 40-year-old looking guy do that. He reminds me of my dad. Well I was over at my friend's Jacob Casalinuova's house with Jake Delaney and Logan Orton. Me and Jake made up a new term called "bagel'd", and we get telling Jacob to "get bagel'd".
Comedy is anything that will make people laugh, giggle, or chuckle. I think that this video is funny, because you wouldn’t expect a guy like this guy to be “busting” these moves. I vividly remember a time that I laughed so hard that I cried. It happened just earlier today. It was a warm day I was with Brent Pacoe, Ryan Rosier, and my brothers; we were swinging on a great vine. Josh swung, hit the tree and fell, he wasn’t hurt, but he was very muddy. About n hour later after we had fixed the vine, so it would go farther, Andrew swung and he went the farthest anyone had gone! He was still hanging on, and then he hit the tree, he hit hard. Lets just say he had multiple pains.-Matt Strand
Humor is a situation that is either goofy, funny, or awkward that makes you laugh. This video is funny because some of the songs and dances were unknown to me and the guy is doing goofy and silly dances that related to popular songs over time. He looked really stupid in my eyes, but my parents said that it brought back special memories for them. I was at Fright Farm once, with my cousins Tressa and Braden, and my brother Andy. It was October 15, 2009. You could smell the cold air around you and it felt creepy. We were walking through, and all of a sudden the ground started shaking and I fell on the floor and my hand felt the glass which was dirty. Instead of feeling sorry for me, a scary guy came up and scared me even more. They all laughed at me, so I laughed with them. It made everyone's night so much better, and I am looking forward to this year’s trip. Michael Shaw 4th-5th period
Humor is a comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement. This is funny because it's a white man trying to dance. Stevie, my brother, and I were eating dinner at the dinner table and I seen a piece of gum that read CLOVE, so I asked, “What does clove taste like.” He said, “Clove.” Therefore, you know me I asked again, “Well what does clove taste like.” He replied, “Clove.” Therefore, I said, “well that just like saying, “what does salt taste like” “oh it’s just salty.” This is an argument that my brother and I had and we always crack up laughing every time we think of it. We have had this argument several times. Our last discussion was bout a couple of weeks ago.
Humor is where you laugh about anything or anytime. There is good and bad humor. Like if someone is telling mean jokes about people and people laugh that is bad humor but if its good humor then its hilarious. This is hilarious because this guy is a nerd and he’s dancing like a black person (not being racist) a funny moment for me was when i went to see scary movie I laughed so hard I cried!!!
Humor is a emotion. This is funny because I don`t think he knows what he`s doing. A situation that made me laugh is when Marquis yelled race war, and i got tripped. My whole football team was with me, and it was at Marry Lou Retton Park. It occured about two weeks ago.
Humor is somthing that can make people laugh. Humor can be helpfull to make people who are depressed happy and bad by hurting others feelings. This is funny because most people that you see dance are good looking and dressed up, but this man is just an ordinary guy who can dance.
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Humor is where you can laugh anytime about anything. Sometimes humor can be about someone and could be hurtful to that person. Also it could mean you told a joke and started laughing. This is funny because the guy is dancing funny and weird. I went to spend the night at my friend's house and she loves softball so she threw me the ball and I hit it and I looked out the road because I thought I hit it there and it wasn't so I looked up and then the ball hit me in between my eyes and we went to the pool to get water and put it on before it started swelling up and then after it happened we both just laughed about it. My friend Jenna was there and me. My friend Jenna was with me. The setting is at her house in Alabama. It occured after coming home from the school and hearing all the kids scream and then seeing the ball hit me in between the eyes.
Humor is something that you laugh at hysterically. This video is funny because the guy is kinda of old, and I mean who wouldn't laugh at an old guy dancing. A situation that I participated in that made me laugh was a couple months ago. I was at my friend Sarah's house and my friend Olivia fell asleep and then my friend Baylee put whipped cream on her and then she woke up. People that were there was Baylee, Sarah, Olivia, Breanna, and myself. The setting was at Sarah's house in W.V. It occured about 4-5 months ago.
Maddi Craig 2-3 Period
Humor is something that you laugh at hysterically. This video is funny because the guy is kinda of old, and I mean who wouldn't laugh at an old guy dancing. A situation that I participated in that made me laugh was a couple months ago. I was at my friend Sarah's house and my friend Olivia fell asleep and then my friend Baylee put whipped cream on her and then she woke up. People that were there was Baylee, Sarah, Olivia, Breanna, and myself. The setting was at Sarah's house in W.V. It occured about 4-5 months ago.
Maddi Craig 2-3 Period
Humor is when you are laughing about something. If something had humor to it, it is always funny and will make you laugh. Last summer my dad and I were out back passing baseball and I told him to throw me a pop fly. He threw it as high as he could, so I was going back to catch it and I hit the fence. As I hit the fence I flew over it and I started to laugh about it and so did my dad. Also I dropped the ball. It was just my dad and I. My dad and I. It was a nice cool fall day, with the leaves falling in the yard. Last year, sometime in the fall.
Jayce Riley 4/5th period
I believe humor is the types of things that make a person laugh or that they think are funny. This video is funny because the guy doesn’t care what people think and he’s just dancing like an idiot the whole time. I’ve participated in many situations that made me laugh so I don’t know what to say so I’ll just pick something. When I’m at Chase’s house we always mess with people in his neighborhood. One time I dressed up in a Dr. Seuss hat and a pitch black mask and he put on a Barbie towel as a cape and some kind of old lady cap. I felt really sweaty in the mask. It was night time so we took a flashlight and stared at cars and chased them. We could see that one car had stopped so we sprinted away into the woods. It happened during the last school year sometime at the end of the school year.
Humor is something that makes you laugh. This video is funny because this guy obviously is old but doesn’t care and care and gets up there and dances like a maniac on stage to have fun. One hot day over the summer Sean, my cousin Mikayla, and I were swimming in our pool and we decided to have a contest. Well Mikayla gets the bright idea to do back smackers so we all line up and one at a time run and there we go and I jump then Sean, and, Mikayla. Well I’m here to tell you that wasn’t a good idea it stung really bad but we laughed so hard. We were our house in our pool with our cousin Mikayla.
Humor is something that makes you laugh. This video is funny because this guy is old, but he can dance which makes it even funnier. When Steven and I were 5 we were riding our four wheelers at our grandparents’ house. I was going to fast around the turn and I drove right through their wooden fence. I broke the fence and my four wheeler almost went into the creek my dad had to chase it which was funny. It was my grandparents, my uncle, my mom and dad, Steven, and me. The setting was at my grandparents’ house. It occurred when I was 5 years old.
Humor is when someone makes a joke or random comment and everyone starts laughing and will not stop after a certain amount of time. I think its funny just by the way he dances. While he is dancing he is making random faces to top it off. The time I was in a funny situation was when I was going to my grandparents and we were talking about how my little sister saw an albino bull in the field we just passed by and my little sister just randomly blurted out "If a black cat crosses your path it signifies that is is going somewhere." When she said that, everyone in the car started cracking up. The people that were with me were my dad, my older sister, Stephanie, my little sister, Kimmy, and me. Kimmy was right next to me in the back seats. We were on the road in Upsher County. It occurred Sunday, September 12th 2010.
Humor is just where you can laugh at things in life the occur. This video is funny because , first this dude is white , he is dorky , look at his hair(: , and you also think that when he starts that he wouldn't be able to pull off the moves. But i guess he can . There are to many things to pick from in my life that i have laughed at . One that i really laughed at is when Me and my basketball girls where at Tristan Marino's house and we played Manhunt at like 11:00 at night . we were split up into teams , and i was trying to get to base and i got pushed into the porch fence thing . So when i fell into it broke , and then after that happened Breanna fell down the hill . Everybody laughed so hard . It was such a fun night. It was Breanna, Sarah , Tristan, Tyaira, Hannah , Bailey , and myself . (: The setting was at Tristan's house. It occured about a year ago .
brooklyn nuzum (:
2 & 3
Humor is something that makes you laugh or something that is funny. This is funny because the guy is white, dresses weird, and is kind of dorky and he's dancing. Also, he is doing funny dance moves. I laugh all of the time with my friends, but one time that I was laughing really hard was when I was at Baylee's house and Melia was on Facebook and it said "Young Boss has send you a friend request." And for some reason I thought it was hilarious. They all thought I was crazy for laughing at that so they kept saying "Young Boss" and I kept laughing harder and harder. In the end we were all cracking up laughing. Sydney Izydore, Melia DeWitt, Baylee Abbott were with me. The setting was in Baylee's basement. It occurred late at night in the beginning of summer 2010 after cheering conditioning that Syd and Melia came to help with after their volleyball.
Sarah Marie Topardo 4&5
Humor is something that you can enjoy and laugh at with your friends and family. This is funny because the guy that is dancing in this video looks awkward. He isn't the guy that would come to your mind when you think of a dancer. An event that I participated in that made me laugh was a few years ago. My family and I were vacationing at Diney World and we went inside a hat shop and my little sister and I were trying on hats and then this little boy came up to us and told us to pose and smile and then he took a picture of us and showed his famiy. My little sister an I just looked at each other and started laughing. I laughed so hard that my abb muscles were starting to feel sore and my eyes were watering up like crazy. I heard the litle boy an his family talking about the picture. I think that this was funny because it was very random and unexpected. My whole family was there when it happened. My litte sister was with me when this took place. We were in a hat shop in Florida at the ausement park, Disney World when this happened. This occured a few years ago and it was in the afternoon around three.
Humor is something that is good to have because it is always good to laugh.Most of the time humor is about someone,something that someone did or maybe something you saw on t.v. or something you did.This video is very funny because there is an old guy dancing with a bald head and geaky clothes and thats not something you see every day.One day was at the mall with my friend Justin and we had seen two guys holding hands so every time we would walk past them we would randomly start laughing really hard and they had gotten really mad.
T.J. Jones
7th & 8th periods
Humor is the quality of being funny. This video is funny because for one his pants are too small. But he doesn’t look like he can dance but the way he dances is so funny. The situation that I participated in that made me laugh is when I was at the beach with my friend and she told this joke her color guard told her to everybody in the house at least 3 times each. Well the joke wasn’t even that funny. But the next morning Katie wanted to get up and watch the life guards run. So that morning her grandpa got up and went fishing. But he told us I asked this one life guard why they didn’t run today and she said because some blonde was running behind us saying her joke. Katie, Alexia, Kelsey, and myself where there when this happened. It happened in Bethany Beach, Delaware this summer.
To me, humor is something that makes you laugh and smile. It is something that makes you feel good. I think this is funny because the guy is kind of old. To look at him, he just doesn't seem like he would be able to dance like that. Also, it is funny to see all the different kinds of dancing from over time. One day last week, my sister, mom, and I were sitting in our family room talking. My sister was talking about this guy on her bus that talks a lot. I was trying to ask her if she sits by him. What I actually said was, "So you sit on him on the bus"? We started laughing and my mom told my sister she will never make friends if she keeps sitting on people on the bus.
Hummer is the best remedy for depression. Hummer Is what makes us laugh and enjoy all sorts of things in our life. This video id funny because It’s a white man that can dance better then The person who made the dance in the first place. The time I laughed the most was when I was in my car with my whole family and we were listening to Bill Cosby and the time they won the Buck Buck champion chip and the story of Fat Albert. But the story is only funny if you know how to play Buck Buck, and the wheat of Fat Albert.
Humor is where you laugh at something that is funny. Sometimes humor can be good but it can be bad. It can be good because somthings are kind of funny.But it can be bad because you can hurt someone in the proccess. The person is funny because to start he looks funny. Also he does not look like he can dance. I do not really know anything funny that has happened to me for a while.
Humor is anything that can make a person laugh.This is funny because he trys to bust all of these dance moves from different songs.A funny thing that haas happened is when Sydney Stalnaker and i was in science class watching a nature video last week and we saw a caterpiller eating a leaf and we started laughing and making funny faces to make us look like we were eating a leaf and that we were caterpillers.It was just a moment where you had to be there.
Humor is something that is funny or makes you laugh. When something is funny it is out of the ordinary. It might be a face someone is making or even something someone says or does. A situation in which I laughed was one time when I was at Megan's house. Elizabeth, Megan and I felt very adventurous so we decided to go into the woods behind Megan's house. We were all playing volleyball down there when the ball went out of sight. Megan and I asked Elizabeth to go and get it. After 5 minutes of her non stop screaming Megan and I walked over to see what the problem was. She had lost both of her shoes and she was sinking into the mud. With worms between her toes she yelled for help. Megan and I laughed hysterically at her. Then eventually we decided to help her out of the woods and back onto Megan's yard! This occurred in the summer of 08.
Lauren Massacci
Humor is something you laugh at and makes you amused. Everyone has some humor in them whether it be them laughing at anything or them being funny themselves. This video is funny because there is this weird nerdy guy dancing who looks like he cant dance at all till he starts dancing. Also just how he is having fun with it and not caring what people think its just kinda like he is just doing what he wants just so he can have fun. The funniest thing that happened was when me and my family went to eating park in Morgantown,WV and my little brother was only 3 years old and now he is 6. But he was walking around up and down the asiles of the tables and he kept saying I cant do it. I can do it and my mom called him over to the table and said what Joey? Then he said I cant fart? haha it was the funniest thing ever because of how he said it. It was like 3 years ago. The setting was EatingPark. It was my stepdad,my mom my brother Joey and I.
JoMarie Bogard 4/5 period
I think humor is what you think is funny. Some people have better senses of humor than others do, meaning, someone with a good sense of humor would find funny things funnier. Personally, I think the video is hilarious because I don’t see how anyone can dance like that. I also don’t see how he doesn’t smile. If it were me, I’d be cracking up laughing at myself, but the man continues to dance, his expression serious. One time, I was with my friend Lexi in Kentucky. We were walking around the track in gym. A bunch of the other kids were around us, but they were to busy talking to their friends to pay any attention to us. We were talking about just random stuff, but when we started to stop talking, and out of nowhere, she screamed, “Pickle cakes!” and we both cracked up laughing. I thought it was funny because out of nowhere, she screams some random word. Then we continued to laugh and when that started to die down, she screamed another random word and we laughed until our chests and sides hurt.
Humor is something that everyone can get a good laugh at. It's something the world has in common. This dance s funny because you don't expect this bald, geeky man to be able to bust out the great immitation dance moves. This one time in 7th grade, at my old school, I was in English. Each student had a report that day, and had to share it in front of the class. One of my good friends, Catherine was up. She began reading, and before she even got to the 2nd parragraph, one of the students bursts out laughing for no apparent reason. One laugh lead to another causing the whole class including the teacher to be interupting Catherine by laughing. We laughed the whole class period, and poor Catherine never got to finish her report. (: It was hilarious.
Humor is anything that can make a person laugh. The video is funny because it has a hairless guy with really short pants dancing. The time that made me laugh really hard would have to be when I was playing football and the ball had hit someone in the head while I was behind them and it bounced off and I caught it. I don’t know who was with me but It was with a lot of kids at Mary Loo Retton park in 2007.
Triston Newbrough
7-8 period
Humor is just plain out laughing and usually all of us have it. This video is funny because the guy is basically a dork with his shirt tucked into his pants and has a belt on. Now, tell me thats not funny, it's hilarious. I have not been in something funny once I get there it is quiet so I try to be as loud as possible. So no, I have never been in anything hilarious. A bunch of people were there but I didn't participate and I am not that funny either. The setting is at school nin the hallway. And it occured in the midde of classes right by the water fountains.
Humor is when you find something funny or someting that makes you laugh sometimes it can be obout what happend someone two someone else or something funny that happend to yourself. One tim in the forth grade me and my cousin butters pushed this girl down the hill at reccess and she rolled all the way down and smacked her head on the jungle gym i felt bad but it was realy funny.
humor is a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter. its funny because the guy is wearing jeans to his bellybutton with a plain tshirt with his tall white socks showin doing crazy dances to different styles of music. a situation i participated was last year when i went to my friend jaquelynns house and we recorded a video of us havin=g a jello eating contest without using our hands and it was so hard cuz we were laughing and spitting jello all over the place.
Humor is something that’s makes you laugh. This video is very funny because it is a bald white guy with his shirt tucked in and his belt is pulled up really high. One day me and my neighbors were down in the woods where we are building a creek type thing and we had a bunch of water in a hole and all of a sudden David Chiders falls in the water and just sits there for 5 seconds. Then, he said you guys going to help me and me and Isaac said how can we help you when your already out. I was with Isaac and David Childers. The setting is in the woods behind my house. This whole thing happened Monday.
Logan orton
humor is were you think some thing is funny. the guy in the video is funny and he doesnt make rude comments at people. he makes people laugh without hurting the feeling of others. the reason he is funny becouse he look weird and no one thinks he can do some of the stuff he does. One time me and my friend jake were walking through the woods and we thought that we seen a bear so we ran back to his house and told his dad and later that week we went back into the woods. this timwe we climbed a tree and waited for the "bear" to come back. we heard something be hind us so we look and nothing there. then my friend screamed he seen the bear but when it got closer it was just his black dog that was running in the woods that we thought was a bear.
Humor is when you laugh at a joke about someone or a plain old joke.Humor could be hurtful or nice.Most people say hurtful jokes about people.When you say a mean joke about someone it could hurt their feeling or make them cry.Now the video of the old guy dancing, with his pants way up to his chest,his shirt tucked in and doing all them dances is hilarious.Who would espect and older man to be able to do them moves.Like thats kinda impossible. One day me and my friend went to his house and we was playing witha basketball.I shot it from far back.It hit the rim and hit him on the side of his face.It looked like it hurt but after that he started laughing so we both laughed for that whole night.But humor is something someone says to make you laugh.Every has it too.
Humor is something that something or someone does and you laugh at it. The guy doesn’t even look like he can dance but he bust some good moves. He is dancing to older songs and the older songs that he is listening are fast songs and he looks crazy up there dancing fast. It was Dr. D., my mom, and I. My mom and the doctor. The setting is at the doctor’s office. It was at the ear doctor and the doctor was putting this tool in my ear that sucked. He kept putting it in and out of my ear. The last time he stuck it in my ear it felt like he stabbed me with a needle and I jumped away from him. When I jumped back from him he pulled that tool out of my ear and he jumped back really fast. My mom and I started laughing really hard. The doctor didn’t think it was to funny though.
Humor is anything that is funny. I think its funny because the guy is dressed funny but can dance very well. This past Sunday Cameron and I were out riding our four wheelers. We decided to go to Austin’s house to see if he was there. The only way to get there is to drive through the woods along the highway. Cameron and I got to Austin’s house and we started to talk to him. Austin was going to ride with Cameron back to my house so we could get him a helmet. I forgot I didn’t have another one he could wear. Then Austin said lets go swim at his house. Cameron and Austin went first and hid from me in the woods. I drove by and saw them. Then they come sprinting towards me. Apparently they ran over a wasp nest. It took us an hour to get the four wheeler out away from the nest because we kept getting stung. It was very funny! It also hurt a lot. I got the whole thing on video. Lucas Kinder 2-3 Period
Humor is something that is happening that is funny. It is funny, because of they way he is dressed, the way he is dancing, and because, he looks like a really nerdy white guy. Something funny that happened to me was when I at my friends house during this past summer, and we wanted to go swimming at Wave Tek. When we got there, her mom dropped us off, and then we went in, and there were a lot of people there. So we started to swim, and then we wanted to go on the slide, so we did. We waited in line for the slide, for at least 20 minutes. When it was her turn to go on the slide she went down, and then I did. When I started to go down, there was a little kid behind me that went down at the same time, because he didn’t want to wait for me to go down. So we went down at the same time, and I looked behind me to see who it was. I didn’t know who he was, because I just got a quick glimpse at him, and then kept on walking. When I went back to the pool, he kept on following me. So I turned around too look at him to see who he was, and then I realized it, was my little cousin. He didn’t know my name, but he knew I was related to him. I asked him why he was following me this whole time, and he said because I didn’t know how to say your name, and If I poked you, then you’d get mad at me. Then I told him how to say my name completely, and he still can’t say my name, the right way. So now he calls me Ray. The people with me were my family, and friends. The setting was, the day before my birthday party. It occurred on July 21, 2010.
- Samanthe Bolling 2nd&3rd period
Humor is feeling that makes you laugh so hard you sides hurt. This particular video is funny because the man is old and is also bald. His pants are pulled up to his chest and his pants are way too short. A situation that I was in that made me laugh is when Lizzie and I went to the movies and saw the movie Grown Ups. We laughed so hard that our sides were hurting and we then went to Applebee’s afterwards and laughed even harder. My mom, sister, Lizzie’s mom, Lizzie, and I were all there. The setting was at the Tygart Valley movie theatre. This occasion happened at the beginning of the summer.
Kayla Delorenzo
4th and 5th periods
What is humor? Humor if when something comical happens such as joke or a statement. This is funny because this is an older guy who is baud and is wearing dorky clothes. A situation that made me laugh and cry was a sleepover at Lauren’s. So it was Lauren, Elizabeth, Megan, and I also many other girls I can’t remember who all. Anyway I was standing at the bottom at Lauren’s stairs and somehow salt and pepper was sitting there on her banister. So I look up and I got salt and pepper in my eyes. My eye waters a lot and I was laughing really hard also .Elizabeth, Lauren, Megan, and everyone that was there saw it happen. It was at Lauren’s house. It happened in fifth grade.
Holly Bogdanich 4th 5th
Humor is when you laugh like if someone says a joke and you laugh it is humor.This elevation dance is funny because they take a(n) old guy that has his pants up to his neck and make him dance.The activity that i praticipated in was when i was in the 7th grade, and me, Micheal, and Alyssa had to do a skit on tobacco, and we all dicided that we were supposed to do. And I dicided that wwe should stand up and say don't smoke and point our fingers at them, and the only person that did it was my best friend Alyssa.Anmd it was halarious you should have been there.
What is humor? The real definition is a comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement: the humor of a situation. Because, it is a middle aged man with is pants up high, hes dancing to all these older songs too. This experience happened on the river with my sisters friends and I were tubing and we got a new tube and so we all piled on and didn't think to lean back and we all flipped the tube and went into the river. The setting would be at 8:00 a.m. in the morning because we were taking our annual lock trip on our boats, and were trying to wake ourselves up and well it worked!
Humor is anything that makes you laugh because it is funny. This video is funny because the guy is white and looks dorky, but he can dance well! (better than me anyways) A funny situation I was in was about two years ago I went to Chase’s house for the first time for his birthday party. When it got dark we played manhunt. It was pitch black and Trevor led me into the wood because he said he knew a secret path, so I followed him. We got to the end of the path, then Cameron, T. J., Isaac, and Chase jumped out with masks and chased me and it scared me a lot. It was funny though because people were saying that they had never ever seen me run that fast. The people that were there was Trevor, Matt B., Matt S., Chase, me, Cameron, T. J., and some other people that I forget. It happened about two years ago. We were at Chase’s house.
Cody Brubaker
Pd. 2/3
Humor is when something that makes you laugh. This is funny because you would never imagine this type of man doing this. I remember laughing histarically when Megan, Lauren, and myself were at Lauren's house walking down the steps from her attic. Well... all f a sudden Megan stops on the 8th step down and starts tripping and holding onto the rails and yelled my foot's jiving, guys, my foot's jiving! June 2010time it was Megan Lauren, and myself in Lauren's dining room and me and Megan were really hyper. And I was helping them make posters for their cheerleading tagging the next day. We were using glitter, and me and Megan went outside to hake it off. While doing that we let her dog out then Megan heard a train whistle and screamed THE BRITISH ARE COMING, THE BRITISH ARE COMING! And Lauren ran outside and was like what?! The police are coming?! And we just started laughing uncontrollably. But it really wasn't that funny. August 2010
Elizabeth Tennant
4th and 5th
I think humor is anything you think is funny. You have to laugh at it for it to be humor. The video is funny because the guy is dressed funny and some of the dances are hilarious and the others modern. This funny moment occured about 4 days ago. Logan, my brother, and I were in the woods by this hole full of water. We were just about to leave when my brother, David, slipped and his foot went into the hole. He was just sitting there until he said "Well, are you going to help me or not!?". So when I started climbing around this tree to help him, he lifted his foot out and got away from the hole. You had to be there and know David to see the humor in it. (I know that Logan typed the same thing but this is my version)
Humor is when you laugh at something. This is funny because there is a guy that has tight jeans, dorky hair, and his shirt is tucked in. One day at east west stadium I was with my friends. My friend Matt was not paying attention and I witnessed a football hit him in the face. He made a loud shout that everyone heard, and we all lauphed. My friend matt, and my friend kaine. My teacher. East west stadium. It occuried in school about 2 weeks ago. Jacob work 2nd and 3rd period.
Humor: laughter caused by an action of something or somebody. Anybody can say or do something funny. But some things are funny to some people but not everybody. Those things are usually mean, but we can’t help but laugh sometimes. This is funny because there is a nerdy looking, bald guy who is doing weird dances to songs from the past. One of the many situations that I have participated in that was funny was when I was coming back from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The people who were with me included my mom, my brother, my brother’s friend (Jon Jon). We were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic for a couple ours. We could see cars and trucks for miles in every lane. My brother and Jon Jon all the sudden started doing the arm movement to every tractor trailer to get them to honk their horns. We could hear truck horns coming from every lane! …Then a little later (my mom was driving and Jon Jon was in the front passenger seat) my mom turned the radio to a station that she liked. Jon Jon didn’t like that music so he turned the radio to something else. My mom then turned the radio back to the music she liked and smacked Jon Jon’s hand every time he tried to turn it again. He was successful a couple times but then mom would look at him mean and he would turn it back. (You have to know the type of guy Jon Jon is because he is always entertaining and funny.) I had a lot of fun with my brother’s football buddies from high school; including a shaving cream fight, putting each other’s cars on blocks, and all the mountaineer football parties at my house.)
Abby Cooper
7/8th period
Humor is the quality of being funny or anything that makes you laugh. This video is funny because it's random to see an older man in an orange crush t-shirt doing the worm :) One time, I was walking through Hollister and I heard a good song come on and so my friend and I started dancing. I ended up knocking all of the body spray bottles off of the display table. I felt so embarrassed. We could not stop laughing. The cashiers laughed at me :) I was with Alexis and her mom. The setting is in Hollister. It happened when Alexis and I went shopping at the Morgantown Mall.
*Carly Suplita
7/8th periodd <3
Humor is something that makes you laugh. I think this video is funny, because its an old kind of dorky old man dancing which is, hysterical! A situation that made me laugh occurred a last year. My friend Lauren and I were upstairs in her bedroom talking about her new boyfriend. She was telling me how when he walked funny and when he put his arm around her she couldn't walk because of how he walked. So I told her to get up and put her arm around me and show me how he walked so I could get the full affect. When she was showing me it was so funny because I couldn't walk so I kept tripping over her feet. So I tripped over her feet and she tripped over mine and she fell really hard on the floor and cracked her side on her bed post. (And as we were talking and while she was showing me how he was walking she kept complaining about how bad she had to pee.) So when she fell and hit her side, she started peeing all over her white carpet. I told her to get up and go to the bathroom but she couldn't get up because she could not stop peeing or laughing! Plus her side was hurting way to bad to get up. It was just Lauren and I. The setting was at her house. It occurred last year, during winter.
Megan McCullough :)
Humor is something that makes you laugh. I think this video is funny, because its an old kind of dorky old man dancing which is, hysterical! A situation that made me laugh occurred a last year. My friend Lauren and I were upstairs in her bedroom talking about her new boyfriend. She was telling me how when he walked funny and when he put his arm around her she couldn't walk because of how he walked. So I told her to get up and put her arm around me and show me how he walked so I could get the full affect. When she was showing me it was so funny because I couldn't walk so I kept tripping over her feet. So I tripped over her feet and she tripped over mine and she fell really hard on the floor and cracked her side on her bed post. (And as we were talking and while she was showing me how he was walking she kept complaining about how bad she had to pee.) So when she fell and hit her side, she started peeing all over her white carpet. I told her to get up and go to the bathroom but she couldn't get up because she could not stop peeing or laughing! Plus her side was hurting way to bad to get up. It was just Lauren and I. The setting was at her house. It occurred last year, during winter.
Megan McCullough :)
To me humor is making a person laugh. Making a person laugh so hard they lose a breath. This video is funny because it is very unexpected. The man whom was dancing made the entire video ten times better because he was bald, geeky and awkward. I have participated in many humorous things with ,my friends but the most often thing was i was sitting in language class with Sam, Sarah, and Baylee .Sarah and I have this weird Mexican voice and Sam started talking in it .Sam said, " I do what you do!"*Mexican voice*..(lots of laughter)The setting of this story is Mrs. Constable’s classroom 4-5 period. This occurred last week!
-Olivia Wilson<3
Humor is something everyone can laugh at and enjoy. When you think of dancing like that you don't really think of some random old guy doing the craziest dance moves. The event that i participated in was me and sam were in tech ed and i kept writing Hannah's name all over Sam's paper he had do redo it three times. You had to be there for it to be funny. Sam Tonkovich, Kirsten Kinzer , and greta Satterfield were with me when this happened. The setting is the tech ed room. It occured Wednesday September 15, 2010.
Abby Williams
7th and 8th (:
Humor is a sense that a person has on how that react to a joke or jokes they may make. Because its a video of a random white dude dancing in front of a lot of people. Yesterday in choir class when it was very silent as everyone was getting to their seats Steven had missed his seat and fell down and everyone had started laughing with Steven . Matt Brophy, Dalton Okel, and Trey Giorcelli. At the time Only Trey, Steven, and I where there. Mr.Hoffmaster's choir room. Yesterday morning as everyone was getting into Mr.Hoffmaster's room and was sitting down.
-Taylor Campbell
Humor to me is something that can entertain you and result in happiness and laughter. This video is funny because first of all, the guy is like 40 years old and dancing. Second, he looked completely like a nerd. He had his pants pulled up further than his waist and the smallest shirt he could wear. A situation that I was a part of was when I was in my own living room. My little brother Justin bought this fake toy spider at a store in Ohio. Well, we got the idea of tricking our mom because as most people know, she HATES spiders!!! We took the spider and put it on her stomach while she was asleep. Then I used my fingers and acted like a spider was crawling up her leg. She woke up in a daze and asked what was going on. We acted like we were scared out of our minds. She looked straight ahead and literally flipped off the couch before you could say banana. Justin and I fell on the floor and laughed on and on until laughter wouldn’t exist anymore. We were inside of my living room. The people who were there are Julie (my mom), Justin, and me. It occurred about 5-6 years ago.
Dalton Okel 4th/5th Period
humor is funny things that happen or funy jokes.funny is just like day about 3 weeks ago me and tj where on youtube and we looke up police sounds and we opened he windos and got his speakers and we turend the police ciroun on and somedrived by and they stoped because they where looking for the police car.
Humor is something that is funny that you laugh at like experiences. This is funny because you wouldn’t expect this guy to be able to dance like that. This guy has short pants so you can see his socks, a tight shirt, is old, and looks like a nerd.
Me and my friend went to Wisp Resort. It was fun because we went tubing and snowboarding. It was cold and looked like a winter wonderland. It was humorous because we couldn’t get up and we fell a lot. There were also a lot of people that were better than us so we felt silly. I think we were doing everything wrong, too. I remember that we were laughing the whole time which made it a lot more fun!! I also remember we had hot chocolate afterward that tasted delicious. It was me and Jaquelynn at Wisp Resort about 8 months ago.
Sarah Cox
Humor is laughing and comedy. This video is funny because the man dancing is a nerd who pulls his pants up to far and is balding is doing really awesome dance moves really well. There was a situation when my mom, aunt, cousin, and I went to the Indianapolis Childrens Museum and we visited the Egypt exhibit. We rode on a fake plane to Eygpt and we saw money, a coffee shop, a hut, a house and whle walking around we were invited to a party. When we were finally let into the party we found out it was actually a birth ceremony. We had to make decorations and learn to play a song. My cousin was chossen to be the mother of the chid and had to step over it 7 times. Sha accidently stepped on it's head. When we were all dressed up and knew the song we had to run around the exhibit singing and dancing, playing or instruments. My aunt, who was in front of my mom, stopped suddenly and my mom tripped and everyone stopped and starred at her. Everyone started laughing at her even herself. When she stopped laughing she got back up and lead the celebration again.
Aubrie Moss
4th & 5TH
Humor is something that makes you laugh at anytime. This video is so funny beacause this guy looks like a dork or a nerd and he is doing these cool dances that make him look funny with his pants pulled up to his chest. A situation when I was laughing really loud was when Olivia Wilson was giving me and Michael Shaw a lecture about how we should act more mature and stop acting like 4 year olds because we always laugh so much. The setting was in Mrs. Norman's classroom. It occured about a week ago.
The dictionary says humor is a comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement. The video is funny because the guy knows all the dance moves and because his pants are pulled up really high. A situation that made me laugh was when my dad fell off the jet ski. My mom and dad were with me. The setting was at Lake Norman, North Carolina, It was extremely hot so we decided to stop and cool off in the water. I was driving the jet ski and going really fast. He was on the back and flipped off into the water. I had to turn around and help him get back on. Later when we were switching jet skis he fell off again. I laughed so much!
What's humor; humor is when you are having a good time laughing. Many things are funny like sometimes when someone gets hurt, make a joke, or just do something that will make you laugh. One time I was at a Dalton Michael’s house for a party and we went down to White Day creek to find crawdads. When we found one that was pretty big Broady said someone put this on your nipple. So I did and as soon as it clamped the pain was excruciating and I screamed, but all I herd was laughter. Then Daniel H put one on his and I understood why everyone was laughing because when he yelled it was hilarious. That was one of the funniest times I have ever experienced. There were a lot of people there to Daniel H, Broady, Dalton M, Matt S, Hayden and Cam s, Coach Doug, E.J T, Greg Y, and another Daniel.
Humor is being funny or knowing when something funny is happening. It is funny because you wouldn't think that this person would be dancing like this to weird songs. Yesterday Aubrie Moss and I were driving home from the awesome WVU game with my dad and we were both very tired. We were talking about the creepy baby in Toy Story 3 and how it would really creepily turn its head all the way around. She was showing me how to look at someone creepily like that and then I just randomly started laughing! Every time she looked over at me, we would both randomly start laughing really hard. Then Aubrie got the hiccups! That was the only time that I could remember me and my friends laughing so hard!
Bethany McPherson Period 4 and 5
Humor is something that makes you laugh. This video is funny because the guy was old and he was trying to dance so that's what made this video funny. A situation that I participated in was in 5th grade and I was in gym class with marquis and Jacob lyndsey decide to jump off of the bleachers and hang on to the basketball net. So when he jumped on to the net he fell off of it and hit his head off of the basketball floor and he was dizzy. Me and marquis laughed so hard that we started crying and we laughed at him for a week. It was HILARIOUS. Jahlil howard 7/8th pd.
I think humor is all about laughter and something very funny. One day me and my brother decided to race from my house to the park. My brother was winning but as soon as he was almost there he tripped and fell and I won. It was funny! Me and my brother were the only ones there. The setting was outside. It occured this summmer.
Humor is something most people find funny. This is funny because you wouldn't suspect this 40-year-old looking guy do that. He reminds me of my dad. Well I was over at my friend's Jacob Casalinuova's house with Jake Delaney and Logan Orton. Me and Jake made up a new term called "bagel'd", and we get telling Jacob to "get bagel'd".
Comedy is anything that will make people laugh, giggle, or chuckle. I think that this video is funny, because you wouldn’t expect a guy like this guy to be “busting” these moves. I vividly remember a time that I laughed so hard that I cried. It happened just earlier today. It was a warm day I was with Brent Pacoe, Ryan Rosier, and my brothers; we were swinging on a great vine. Josh swung, hit the tree and fell, he wasn’t hurt, but he was very muddy. About n hour later after we had fixed the vine, so it would go farther, Andrew swung and he went the farthest anyone had gone! He was still hanging on, and then he hit the tree, he hit hard. Lets just say he had multiple pains.
-Matt Strand
Humor is a situation that is either goofy, funny, or awkward that makes you laugh. This video is funny because some of the songs and dances were unknown to me and the guy is doing goofy and silly dances that related to popular songs over time. He looked really stupid in my eyes, but my parents said that it brought back special memories for them. I was at Fright Farm once, with my cousins Tressa and Braden, and my brother Andy. It was October 15, 2009. You could smell the cold air around you and it felt creepy. We were walking through, and all of a sudden the ground started shaking and I fell on the floor and my hand felt the glass which was dirty. Instead of feeling sorry for me, a scary guy came up and scared me even more. They all laughed at me, so I laughed with them. It made everyone's night so much better, and I am looking forward to this year’s trip.
Michael Shaw
4th-5th period
Humor is a comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement. This is funny because it's a white man trying to dance. Stevie, my brother, and I were eating dinner at the dinner table and I seen a piece of gum that read CLOVE, so I asked, “What does clove taste like.” He said, “Clove.” Therefore, you know me I asked again, “Well what does clove taste like.” He replied, “Clove.” Therefore, I said, “well that just like saying, “what does salt taste like” “oh it’s just salty.” This is an argument that my brother and I had and we always crack up laughing every time we think of it. We have had this argument several times. Our last discussion was bout a couple of weeks ago.
Humor is where you laugh about anything or anytime. There is good and bad humor. Like if someone is telling mean jokes about people and people laugh that is bad humor but if its good humor then its hilarious. This is hilarious because this guy is a nerd and he’s dancing like a black person (not being racist) a funny moment for me was when i went to see scary movie I laughed so hard I cried!!!
Humor is a emotion. This is funny because I don`t think he knows what he`s doing. A situation that made me laugh is when Marquis yelled race war, and i got tripped. My whole football team was with me, and it was at Marry Lou Retton Park. It occured about two weeks ago.
Humor is somthing that can make people laugh. Humor can be helpfull to make people who are depressed happy and bad by hurting others feelings. This is funny because most people that you see dance are good looking and dressed up, but this man is just an ordinary guy who can dance.
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