Sunday, December 29, 2013


What is the weather event that you most fear? Have you ever been caught in a bad storm of some sort? Where? When? How can the world be better prepared for a disaster like the tsunami that occurred in 2004? What kind of effect would a disaster of this magnitude have on the world?


Emma Copley said...

The weather events that I most fear are tornadoes and hurricanes. I have been stuck in my house because of bad snow storms, but I have never been stuck outside while a storm is occurring. If you know of a storm, especially a tsunami, heading toward where you live, try to get out of the area and into a safe environment. Tsunamis are a very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption. Surprisingly, tsunamis can have a very powerful effect on land. The Indian Ocean tsunami traveled as far as 3,000 miles to Africa and still arrived with sufficient force to kill people and destroy property. Tsunamis are dangerous, and there are few ways to avoid them.

Unknown said...

The weather of that I most fear are tornadoes and snow blizzards. The thought of having your house, and all your belongings including yourself thrown up into the air is a horrifying thought. More than likely a storm that was big enough would kill you and many others. I have been caught in the worst wind, lightning, rain, and some hail storm ever 2 years ago.there were wind gusts of up to 80 mph and tress falling rapidly. The worst part about this whole storm, is I was in a camper along with my mom brothers grandma and grandpa. Honestly, at the time I thought we might die. You could feel the camper beginning to turn but luckily god watched over us and allowed our camper to stay situatied safely on the ground. I don't feel there is much way to prepare for a tsunami. My only advice would be to get to higher grounds. A disaster of the magnitude would have a great impact on our world. For example, farmers ginormous farms would be washed aways and that means no food for them or money because for some, that is how they make a living.

Josh Strand
1/2nd period

Unknown said...

The weather event in most afraid of is tornados and tsunamis mostly because I can't swim so if there is a tsunami in going down, because I will for sure drown. I've never been caught in any type if weather other than rain and snow. Snow is above the worst! Its cold and turns icy. I hate it.

Unknown said...

The weather event I most fear an earthquake I guess. I really don't fear any of them that much to tell the truth. I have been caught in a really bad storm before. It was a rainstorm and it was lightning everywhere and a lot of cars were swerving on the road. This was about two years ago. I don't really know how we could be more prepared other than to expect the worst and be ready for it. A disaster that big happening again would be tragic. Hundreds maybe thousands of people could die!

Unknown said...

The weather event I most fear is a hurricane. Acually, I have been in a hurricane before. I was on vacation down in Florida, about five years ago. And we were waiting in a little coverd area of sidewalk were people waited for the bus. Well, we were waiting for the bus, and it was already raining and there was strong wind. I was on like 6 or 7 years old, and I remember look out and seeing a tiny little spinning thing touching down to the ground. It kept getting closer, and my parent had to hold me to the ground because the winds were geting harder and the rain with stinging our skin. Then the thing started going somewhere else. And just in time for the bus to get there. We were red from the stinging rain and soaked. The world could be more prepared if maybe they had local safe buildings or something. A disaster like that could kill lots of people and animals, and it would damage alot.
Madison Brotosky 6/7

Angela DeLorenzo said...

The weather event I most fear would have to be a tornado. The worst storm I have ever been in was the in the summer about two years ago. My grandma and I went to Applebee's and then a massive wind blew through. All the dust from the construction area beside us looked liked a tornado! The only thing that worried me was that my parents, sister, and I were all at different places. Personally, I don't think anyone can be prepare for such a massive storm because you never know when something like that is going to happen. The effect of a disaster like a tsunami has a lot of impact on this world. The major thing this kind of weather could change is the life styles people are living.
Angela DeLorenzo 1/2 period

Quentin Davis said...

The weather event that I most fear is probably all of them. I mean one storm is not bigger than the other. I have never personally been in a storm that bad but my parents have been through a sand storm in Arizona. There is no way to prepare for a major storm. That's only because you never know when it is going to hit. I think that storm would defiantly affect the world a lot. People would lose their family, food, shelter, and all of their personal belongings.
Quentin Davis 6/7 period

Unknown said...

The weather events that I fear the most are hurricanes and tornadoes. I actually have been caught in a tornado before. I was when I lived in Ohio like 2006 this was when I was really little. For when those weather emergencies I would say have marked off prepared safe zones. Where you think it would be safe from danger. The other choice if it was a hurricane or tsunami just try to get to really high ground. The kind of disaster would take millions of dollars to repair. Then think of the casualtys.

dante stills said...

The weather event that I fear is a tornado because its really bad wind that can make trees fall and power lines fall and the by oceans it makes the water rise and cause a tsunami and thats makes the whole shore get ruined and also the wind distroy building to.

Unknown said...

The weather events I fear most are tornadoes and hurricanes. I have never been caught in a bad storm before, and I hope I never do. The world can’t be prepared because, it could happen at anytime. Any storm can effect the world. If a tornado hit somewhere people could lose their house, loved ones, and anything personal to them. It would be awful! What you could do to protect yourself from any storm is make sure you’re in a safe place with food and water. Also if any storm hit it would change peoples living. If their house got washed away or anything like that they would not have any place to live!

Elizabeth Williams 1/2 period

Unknown said...

I fear tornadoes and hurricanes the most because there is little to now way to prepare. I have never experienced anything like that. Heading to a safe area near where you live is your safest bet. This probably tor apart so many families, and other countries willing to pitch in most use allot of money tom help, along with the already huge price in damage.

Unknown said...

Joren Cloutier

Allison Crites said...

The weather event that I fear most is tornadoes. Luckily, I have never been caught in one and I hope I never am. However, when I was 4 my family and I went to Disney World. A couple days after we arrived Hurricane Katrina hit. We were able to get home before it got too bad, but it was still very scary. There is no way to be 100% prepared for such weather disasters, but there are a few things you can do in case one would hit. First, you should have somewhere in your house that you could hide, like a storm cellar or even a bathtub. Also, you should keep a disaster kit that contains things helpful for keeping yourself alive during storms. Bad storms like the tsunami in 2004 can effect the world very badly. Many people lost their houses, and even worse, their lives. The ones who were lucky enough to live, their lives were changed completely. They had everything taken away from them so quickly. I could not imagine ever experiencing something so awful.

Alli Crites

Allison Crites said...
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The most feared weather event is when a tornado hits the ground or a bad snow storm. I've been in an area where a tornado hit and my family was at a hotel. I was about 7 or 8 when it happened. I was comfortable sleeping on the bed until my mom woke me up. She explained that a tornado hit the ground about 3 miles away. We had to wait in the hallways with other families at the hotel until the tornado ended. To make the world a safer place to live in if we had advanced technology to tell when a storm is being in effect. The magnitude of another tsunami would have a strong effect to the world like a few years ago when a tsunami hit Japan.

Zach Wolford 6-7th period

Unknown said...

The weather event that strikes me as the most terrifying would have to be a tornado. It amazes me how much power they have and how much destruction they can cause. The only somewhat severe storm that I have personally been involved in was about three years ago when my family and I were returning from Ocean City after our vacation. There were very strong wind gusts and hail the size of golf balls. I do not consider it to be that bad of a storm, but it was definitely very frightening. I believe that everyone should take these situations more seriously and in order to prevent any harm to people they should be forced to evacuate the location of where any natural disaster might occur. A disaster of this magnitude would definitely result in many deaths, but it would also cause an out-pouring of money and food to the places that need it the most. Lastly, I also believe that even though the disaster would cause a ton of hardship for many people, we would be able to come together and work things out.

Isaac Swiger/2-4-14/1-2

mariah said...

The weather events that terrify me most are hurricanes and tornadoes. Just the thought of having your house destroyed worries me. I mean once it is destroyed you can never replace all the pictures and everything that you had. I don't think I have ever really been in a bad storm, but I have been in just a mild flood before. That is about the worst that I can think of. I am very thankful that I haven't been in anything worse, because it just kills me to see all the people suffer when stuff like that happens. I'm not really sure how you could be prepared for the weather because it is always changing. A disaster of magnitude could end up with people dying, and getting injured. Also it would cause people to be low on food and be struggling for money. So that is just a little bit about storms and things that I worry about.

Mariah Thompson 1-2nd

Unknown said...

The weather events that mostly scare me are tornadoes and hurricanes. When you see these horrible storms and things on the news, they don't look real. I have never really experienced a tornadoes or hurricane and I hope I never do. You house can be destroyed wining is very scary. You can lose everything you have too. Sometimes people can be killed by these weather conditions. I am extremely lucky that I have never experienced extremely bad weather. I can't imagine the feeling of not have a house or my family because of a storm. It is horrible seeing people on the news suffering because of the weather.
Kaitlyn. Vilain 1-2

Unknown said...

Since pretty much my biggest fear is drowning, a flash flood or tsunami would be the weather event I fear the most. The worst storm I've been caught in was a really bad wind and lightning storm at Myrtle Beach two years ago. There were trash cans and umbrellas flying everywhere and I swore it was a tornado or something. I think the world could be better prepared for things like this by having disaster shelters everywhere, that are accessable to everyone. Another disaster like that would be heartbreaking and tragic.

Cole Weaver said...

The weather event I fear most is a tornado. They can cause a lot of damage before they even touch the ground. Luckily we live in West Virginia so we don’t get them very often. Now that I look back at it the storm wasn’t very bad. It was the first time I had ever seen hail. We were near my mom’s office and out of nowhere the storm hit. I was little and all the thunder scared me. I love thunder and lightning but not when it hits right next to our car. We decided we would hide under the banks roof until the storm ended. It never did so we got home as fast as we could. There not very much we can do with todays technology to tell what mother nature will do.

Unknown said...

Out of all extreme weather events, I fear tornadoes and tsunamis the most. They can both do unimaginable destruction and take away everything you have, even your life! I can't imagine seeing every last one of my belongings being tossed into the air or sinking underwater! In addition, drowning in a tsunami or being trapped in a tornado would be extremely frightening to go through because you would be helpless! There would be absolutely nothing you could do. I've never been in either situation, thankfully. The only severe storm I was caught in took place at our house about five years ago, and it was an enormous thunderstorm. Our entire yard was flooded, and chairs and a glass table on our pool deck were tossed into the pool and over the railing, causing them to shatter! Also, the thunder was super loud, and the lightning lit up the whole house, which terrified my siblings and I. I feel that people really need to take events like tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados, and more very seriously since you never know when it could happen to you. Some precautions we could take are to plan a designated safe spot, such as a basement or cellar. Another example is an emergency disaster kit, containing all necessities needed in case of a disaster. Disasters of this magnitude can have a great effect on the world. For example, if they took place in a major location where many goods were made, the economy could be in some severe trouble. They can also wipe out everything they cross, leaving thousands of people homeless and out of work. Overall these disasters can cause an enormous amount of damage, and we all need to be prepared for them because we never know for sure when they will strike.-Kylie Bushko 6th period

Unknown said...

Weather events that I fear the most are large thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes. I don't think I have ever been stuck in my house because of a storm. The world could be better prepared for something like the tsunami in 2004 by evacuating as may people as possible to an area with high altitude. An event of the tsunami's magnitude would cause loss of lives and land. It could also cause chain reactions. A tsunami would cause great flooding which will cause humidity to rise and then storms would occur. The storms would cause even greater flooding. Plus the earthquake or volcanic eruption that caused the tsunami could also cause complete devastation to the surrounding area.

By: Jacqson Munro

Unknown said...

The weather event that I fear most is tornadoes. I have been stuck inside my house because of a bad snow storm, but I have never been stuck outside while the storm is happening. The world could be better prepared for a disaster in many ways. For example, if you know the storm is coming stay in your house or go to a safe place. Another thing that would help people be more prepared for a storm is to make sure they have enough things to keep them alive until they can go out again. An effect that a disaster like this can have on the world is people dying and losing their homes is the storm.
~Kayla Lough 1-2

Anonymous said...

There are two weather events that scare me half to death just thinking about and those are tornadoes and tsunamis. My worst fear is to drown so being caught in any type of tsunami or flood would completely terrify me and don't even get me started on tornadoes. I would say the worst storm I have ever been in is a gigantic thunderstorm down in Kentucky a couple years ago and I hope that will be the worst that ever happens. Since the world can never be completely prepared for any type of natural disaster, I would say the best bet is to take extreme precautions. Also, you should find somewhere safe to stay until the storm or flood is over and always have a disaster kit at hand. Disasters of this magnitude effect not only the country hit but also many other countries around the world. The cost to repair the damage would be sky high and also the relief and rescue funds would cause debt. The loss of life would be horrifyingly tragic and cause so many to grieve and mourn. A major toll from a disaster would be the emotional damage to ones self, like losing a family member, or even the pain they go through for their physical injuries is enough to scare a person for life. On a bigger scale, any disaster that takes place takes a toll globally, emotionally, and physically and will take a lot to heal and recover from.
-Spencer Dublin 6/7th Period

Unknown said...

Honestly the worst that could happen would be a tornado. If you do not go underground you are screwed. Tornadoes can pick up anything. This is a hard question considering I am in West Virginia and barely nothing happens here. We have been snowed in with snow coming past our door but other than that I have not been caught in a severe storm. Check the weather 24/7 and if it says that there is a tsunami coming find the nearest basement or cellar and get to it quick!!!! Fatalities, hope,poverty,disease and a bunch of other scary sad things are examples of tsunami symptoms.

Keaton Linger said...

Something that I would be very sacred of in a storm is a tornado they scare me big time. I have been caught in a very bad storm when we were on the boat it was a mini tornado that formed over the river and trees were dropping left and right as we were on the boat I was scared. Get away from ocean and take everything with you. The disaster was a bug impact taking lives, homes, belongings, and more.
Keaton Linger 1-2

Unknown said...

The worst weather disaster I would hate to be in would be a hurricane because it is a tornado with water. The worst storm I've ever been in would have to be a normal storm where the power was out four 5 days and 4 nights. A good way to prepare would be to know if it's coming or not. We would have to start life over if this happened because half the people will be dead or injured. We probably won't have a good hospital. Life would be tough
Jacob Branch 4th period

Samuel Cox said...

I think the worst weather event would be a tsunami. Everything would be flooded and destroyed and people who don't know how to swim would have slim chances of survival. The worst I've been through are some snowstorms here in West Virginia. I think the best way to be prepared as a People need to know how to react and have plans in motion. A disaster that big would hit the entire world economically. Hopefully it would inspire people to be prepared though.

Unknown said...

A bad weather event that I most fear would be a hurricane or a tornado or a tsunami. I have been caught in a really bad rainstorm while coming home from shopping with my mom. It was so bad we had to pull over to not wreck because we couldn’t see out the windows. That was a couple of years ago though. The world can be more prepared be watching the news to see what is about to happen. That way you can get out of the area in time if possible. The effects would be torn up houses and messed up places. It may cause floods or anything else imaginable in this world.
~~Autumn Sorrels 6/7th period

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Actually, there really is no storm that I am afraid of. Even though I have been through snow, sleet, rain, and lightning storms all over the East coast, I have not gotten scared. I have been in Boston, Massachusetts, Miami, Florida, and even in my back yard has held some the worse of the storms. we could use modern technology to figure out when and where it will happen, about 6 months ahead of when it will. Plus, this effect will destroy and gain hope for people at the disaster area and all around the world.

Unknown said...

I am scared of a bunch of weather events like a volcano erupting, a tsunami, an earthquake, a tornado, and a hurricane. All of these events are very dangerous and tragic. I have never been in a bad storm like this and hope that I will never be in one. To better prepare for a tsunami you could move the road farther away from the sea and rays the houses off the ground so they don’t get washed away. A disaster of this magnitude would get the whole world’s attention and be a travesty.

Unknown said...

I fear alot of things such as hurricanes, earthquakes, a tsunami and tornadoes. I remember this one time during school we had an earthquake.Also this one time I was in Ohio and I got caught in this really bad rain storm. To prepare for a tsunami and that is know your community escape routes.Also you should have a first aid kit ready just in case. These kind of things would have a terrible effect on our world because it would flood places and also knock down houses and stuff.

bobbi uphold
6/7th period

Anonymous said...

There are many kinds of diasters to fear in the world. Such things as earthquakes, tornadoes. hurricanes, and tsunamis. I have never been caught in a very bad storm of any sort. But, I do remember one time during school there was an earthquake in another state and we got the aftershock of it. I think to prepare for a natural diaster like a tsunami is to have cellars or something of the sort in all of the homes of a town. Also have maps up to show where people can escape to if they needed to. A diaster like this could have a terrible affect on the world. It would tear down houses and leave debris all over an area.
Haley Johnson 4/5

Unknown said...

That natural disaster that is feared by most are tornados due to the many paths of destruction it could lead. I have never been caught in a bad storm or anything of the sort. There are many ways we could prepare for storms like these. We could prepare by coming up with better technology to use for natural disasters like these. This disaster was responsible for many catosphres . No one should ever have to deal with these tradgeys . Hayden Moran 1/2

Unknown said...

I think that the worst storm I have ever been in was last year when I was on the interstate coming from Morgantown. It started to rain really hard then it got cold and started to hail. Some peoples windshields chartered as we went by. Me and my family where very scared. We thought that our wind shield was going to break just like some of the people that me and my family drove by. I think that people could be aware of event like tsunami's by getting news apps on there phone so that you can get weather advisory's to get out of the area.

Anonymous said...

I really depends on the intensity of the weather event for me. Any storm or earthquake is equally scary. If I had to choose, it would probably be the kind of ice that has been on the roads lately because it can cause car wrecks. My parents and I were driving back from Morgantown last summer and this huge rain storm started. We were on the highway and we had to pull over because we couldn't see anything. The world really can't be prepared for these events. Of course, one can go and get to high ground or whatever safe place there is, but as humans, the only thing that we can do to ensure that everyone is safe is to be able to detect a storm and evacuate the area that storm will hit.

Chloe Wean 1st-2nd period

Zachary Ayers said...

Tornados scar me the most. Yes, my grandma and me got caught in hurricane sandy. Have a set plan and always know were to go. It would be a disaster because many people would die and lose many people they love.

Unknown said...

I most fear hurricanes and tornadoes. These weather hazards have been known to destroy lives. At one time my friends and I were playing outside during a bad storm. We hurried inside so nothing bad came of it. The homes being built could be built with better housing equipment. The weather can destroy homes if the right stuff isn't used to make the homes right. This kind of disaster could kill millions, if a big enough impact is made. If more people prepare for these natural disasters, then maybe more lives could be saved.

Stephanie Allen, period:4/5

Gentry M said...

The weather events that I am afraid of most are tornadoes and thunder and lightning storms. In West Virginia we don't get tornadoes; however, we do get thunder and lightning storms. Yes, one time I did get stuck in a terrifying thunder storm. My family and I were on our way to Ohio for my cousin's graduation party. At one point it was raining so hard that we couldn't see the lines on the road. Once we got passed all of the hard rain we did have to drive through this huge water puddle that was a big and deep as a river. The water was up to the door handle on my mom's car. If you know that a storm is coming you should definitely have a flash with you at all times. Also, if you have a basement you should bring flashlights and blankets down there with you so you can stay warm and protected.

Gentry Morrone
1st-2nd period

Unknown said...

I greatly fear tornadoes and hurricanes. Tsunamis scare me in many ways also. The damage caused by these weather conditions is tragic and, they've also taken lives along with them. I remember being caught in a very terrible snow storm while driving home from a trip and still had over an hour of driving time left. To be in the presence of a tsunami would scare me beyond belief. I feel much sorrow for people who suffered loss from past tsunamis. If you have yet to learn to swim, being caught in a tsunami would be the worst for you only because of the disadvantage you have. One of the worst storms I've been in so far was when I was around the age of 7 and was preparing to go to red lobster with my family. It started off raining and then quickly changed to hail. Lightning began to strike and wind blew like crazy. Lightning took its toll on one of our neighbor's trees and, the sound of it's fall made me worrying if it landed near us. It also struck right at my window and i ended up jumping over my bed and landing on the floor. I've been terrified of lightning ever since.
~Sophie Delligatti 1st/2nd~

Unknown said...

I think the weather event that I probably fear the most is either a hurricane or an earthquake. There's never been a terribly bad storm that I've been caught in outside but I have sat inside through one or two. The world can be more prepared for disasters by doing a variety of things. Doing things like providing homes with emergency supply kits, creating alarms to alert and help evacuate citizens, and arming cities with safety shelters for everyone to use could make conditions a lot more safe and good for everyone.

Unknown said...

The weather event that I most fear would have to be a tornado. I pick this event for one reason and one only. It is very hard to escape, Sure you can go down into your basement but is that going to help you if it comes straight through your house and rips your roof off? I don't think so, but, either way you are not supposed to try to drive away either. A tornado moves so quickly that it would catch up with your car if you are going the max speed! The worst storm I have ever been in was a blizzard. I was in Garret County, Maryland on the Garret Bypass. This storm was crazy! It was four days after Christmas, 2013. We were on our way home and then bang, you couldn't see a thing. It was a literal white out. The road conditions were terrible too, our whole car spun around in a circle at one point! I hope I never experience that again!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I am scared of a bunch of weather events like a volcano erupting, a tsunami, an earthquake, a tornado, and a hurricane. All of these events are very dangerous and tragic. The worst storm I was in was a tornado in ohio; although, it we could not see it there was raging winds. The world can be more prepared be watching the news to see what is about to happen. That way you can get out of the area in time if possible. The effects would be torn up houses and messed up places. It may cause floods or anything else imaginable in this world.
Keyshawn Mcclung 1/2

Unknown said...

The weather event that i most fear is tornadoes and tsunamis. I have been caught in a tornado before but it the tornado went in another direction.It was when i went to visit my mother in Michigan.The world now knows about the tsunamis so they can be prepared when they start to occur. There are only a couple ways you can avoid being in a tsunami.What do you think about world disasters.

Unknown said...

The weather event I most fear is lightning. The worst storm I had ever been caught in was last year in the summer and my house got struck by lightning. It didn't catch anything on fire but it put a hole in a few of our walls because it travelled through my house to the basement then struck the floor and broke the tiles. The world could put up more flood walls which could save many towns if necessary. A storm of that magnitude could effect the whole world because countries would need to sent in recourses to help build the area back up which in turn would make a country loose recourses.

Unknown said...

The weather that I fear the most is tornadoes. The only bad storms that I was ever caught in was a snow storm. This winter have been the worst and I was stuck in my house because it was to bad for us to leave the house. It could be better prepared by going out of town to stay with relatives or just be safe I think you will have a better chance of surviving. It would effect the world very much because they will have to pay for all the damages that the tsunami caused and therefore other cities wont have the attention that they will need.

Unknown said...

The weather event I fear is a tornado because they have destroyed so many homes in a city;therefore, that if a tornado have came to my city I probally be the first personout of the state. I have been caught in a real bad rain storm where I came home soak, but anyway the rain was so hard it was like people throwng rocks at me plus I had clothes on to, and I knew it was bad when I was sick for two weekand that was my worst. I would have got out of there as fast as I can because I'm not trying to get caught in no disastr and almost dying with no home to go to. It would have killed almost a quarter of our world.The affect that it would have happen I can't even comprehend but it would have probally been one of the worst disasters in earths history

Unknown said...

The weather event that I most fear would have to be a blizzard or a hurricane. I would hate to be stuck in a hurricane because they take a lot of lives. I have been caught in a bad storm two years ago when I was playing baseball at Lewis County. There were trash cans and stuff flying everywhere. We can be more prepared by the tsunami of 2004 by having better weather systems and other things like that

Unknown said...

The weather events that I fear are Tornado's those are the worst just like really strong wind tearing everything down is scary!Hurricane and a earthquake well im scared of a lot but i wouldn't want my stuff to get ruined by any of these storms. I could deal with a blizzard cause i have in the house when he have that a lot of snow fro school. that really wouldn't phase me. No i have never been in a weather storm but my mom has she is from blue field when she was little she was in a flood the water was like up to her knees. I don't think they is a way to be ready for a tsunami you could leave the state well that's what i would do.

Unknown said...

The weather event that I most fear is a hurricane, because of the massive destruction they can cause. The worst storms I have been caught in have been thunderstorms in Florida during the summer. The world can be better prepared for tsunamis by changing the structure of houses and advancing technology so we can predict when, how, and where they will happen. A disaster such as this would cause mass destruction and possible poverty if it where to happen again.

Unknown said...

The weather event that I most fear is a hurricane, because of the massive destruction they can cause. The worst storms I have been caught in have been thunderstorms in Florida during the summer. The world can be better prepared for tsunamis by changing the structure of houses and advancing technology so we can predict when, how, and where they will happen. A disaster such as this would cause mass destruction and possible poverty if it where to happen again.

Unknown said...

The weather that i fear most is a tornando theres just no way i would survive id probably have a heart attack before anything would happen plus i know we are in west virgina and we havent had one since forever ago so it's not like one is going to just pop up we have to may hills for one to create on surface they need a flat plain so there for this is my worst weather fear.

Unknown said...

The weather that i fear most is a tornando theres just no way i would survive id probably have a heart attack before anything would happen plus i know we are in west virgina and we havent had one since forever ago so it's not like one is going to just pop up we have to may hills for one to create on surface they need a flat plain so there for this is my worst weather fear.

Unknown said...

The weather that i fear most is a tornando theres just no way i would survive id probably have a heart attack before anything would happen plus i know we are in west virgina and we havent had one since forever ago so it's not like one is going to just pop up we have to may hills for one to create on surface they need a flat plain so there for this is my worst weather fear.

Unknown said...

One thing i would hate to see happen is a tornado! Although it most likely wont happen in west Virginia its still a thought and it is something we muat worry about! We should also be prepared for these type of disasters! One thing we could do in our atate or even our country is make stronger house structures. This will prevent damage to our houses and we will still have places to live after the disaster!

Elijah Cunningham 4th

Kaycee Cox said...
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Kaycee Cox said...

The weather events that mostly scare me are tornadoes and hurricanes. When you see these horrible storms and things on the news, they don't look real. I have never really experienced a tornadoes or hurricane and I hope I never do. You house can be destroyed wining is very scary. You can lose everything you have too. Sometimes people can be killed by these weather conditions. I am extremely lucky that I have never experienced extremely bad weather. I can't imagine the feeling of not have a house or my family because of a storm. It is horrible seeing people on the news suffering because of the weather.
Kaycee Cox 4th period

Unknown said...

The wether that most scare me are tornadoes and hurricanes. I have been stuck inside because of snow storms and bad thunder stormes. I can't say that I have ever been outside during one though. If there is a tsunami coming your way then you need to get far away from that place.

Jenna Petracca said...

Close to six years ago, we had a terrible storm. A apple tree in my backyard fell on my swingset. That was probably my scariest incounter with a storm. Strong winds scare me mostly because I have big trees near my house and I'm always afraid they are gonna fall on my house. I'm really glad I don't live near oceans because tsunamis are very dangous and cause many deaths. They are frequant in Japan, and other countries.
-Jenna Petracca 1/2 period

Unknown said...

Weather events I most fear are earthquakes and tornadoes. I have been caught in a terrible storm before. It was a snow storm, almost like a blizzard. It snowed me in and my family and I were unable to go anywhere for 3 days. It was a year ago during December. I think the world could be more prepared for a disaster similar to this one by moving away from water. An effect a disaster of this magnitude can have on the world is killing people and breaking homes and shelters.

Unknown said...

A weather event that I fear the most is tornadoes.I've been caught in one bad storm on my way to the beach.If there was any type of bad storm heading where I lived at I would go somewhere to a safe enviorment.

Anonymous said...

The storm I fear the most is a tornado. I have never been in a tornado and I dont want to be. To avoid tsunamis, you can move away from water. Thats the best way I guess.

Unknown said...

The weather event that i most fear are tornadoes. I have been stuck in a awful storm, it was a tornado actually. I was 9 years old and i lived in Virginia at the time. Luckily it wasn't bad and none of the houses or buildings had any damage done to them. If you are stuck or near a natural disaster you should try to get out of the area. But if you can't for some reason you should try and protect yourself and any others in the house and or in the area. This natural disasters have effect on people because it can cause death and damage that will take a long time to clean up and repair.
-hydia george 1/2 period

Sydnee Boyles said...

The weather event that I fear most is the occurrence of a tornado! The only bad storm I have ever been caught in was when I was on my way to the beach when topical storm Deby was sweeping through. This storm was this past summer and I was probably about in the middle of South Carolina when it us. I've never seen so many cars on the side of the interstate with busted out windshields in my life! I think that if everyone is warned about an upcoming Tsunami everyone should evacuate the area and find a better and safer place to stay, but there is also not much you can do to prepare yourself... A disaster of this magnitude would have a gigantic impact on our world. It would wash away houses, farm land, cars, etc. It would not be a pretty thing to live through.
Sydnee Boyles, 6-7th

Unknown said...

the weather event I fear most is probably a hurricane or tornado yes I have been in a bad storm before here in wv when the lightning and wind was really bad we had lost power for days and had to use a generator I think it would some what of an inpact but not that much.

Derrick Nulph said...

the weather event that I fear the most would be a tornado. Never have I been caught in a tornado but some of my family have.In kansas around the end of vietnam. We could be better prepaired for things like this by setting sand bags around the coastal states. If another would happen a wourld wide shut down would occur

Derrick Nulph

Derrick Nulph said...

the weather event that I fear the most would be a tornado. Never have I been caught in a tornado but some of my family have.In kansas around the end of vietnam. We could be better prepaired for things like this by setting sand bags around the coastal states. If another would happen a wourld wide shut down would occur

Derrick Nulph

Unknown said...

The worst weather that I most fear would be really bad thunder storms that occur at night when I try to sleep. I also fear tornados, I know that they won't happen in West Virginia, but you never know. I have never been in a bad storm, but every time I go camping there is a thunder storm, and ruins our campfires, and stories. You can be prepared for a tsunami because I saw somewhere that after a earthquake a tsunami occurs.

Unknown said...

My most feared weather event is a thnderstorm. When i was little i was lef ina car for only about 10 minutes and it started raining. I like rain so i didnt care. The thinder and lighting started and i have been terrified ever since. If one of these happened in 2014 in my town itd be very tragic -caleb masters-

Unknown said...

my most feared weather is defientantly a tsumani. if a tsunami hits us. i would be so scared. i would absolutly hate it if we had a tsunami like what happened to japan. ive never been in a bad storm. would not like to either

Unknown said...

The weather event I'm afraid of is probably a tsunami. It sounds so scary and so serious. If we were to have a tsunami we would have nothing. Think about it, we would have cars or places to sleep. Everything would be taken away from us. I haven't been in any bad or real serious kind of storm and I'm thankful that I haven't.
Paige king

Unknown said...

The weather event that I most fearis probably a tornadoe, becuase west virginia doesnt really get big storms like other places.One storm I have been in is when I went to the beach and it started to rain really hard. We thought it was a tornado, but it turned out to just be a bad storm. The world can be better prepared for a disaster like the tsunami that occurred in 2004 by sending out alerts to the people so they can get away before the storm comes. The kind of effect that the disaster of that magnitude would have on the world is extreamly bad. It could hurt a bunch of people and ruin a bunch of buildings.

Unknown said...

I think that tornado is the worst because it can take down whole citys.i have never been in a storm the world is never pepared for a weather alert

Unknown said...

I think that the one type of storm I would never want top be in would be a hurricane because of what happened in New Orleans. I have family who lives about two hours from there and when Katrina hit they got stuff from the beach in New Orleans.

- Ryan Laxton 4/5 period

Unknown said...

The only type of weather that would scare me is something like a hurricane, because water is the most powerful element that god created and i dont want to be in the midst of it all. Ive never really been in a bad storm, just heavy rain and snow. I have family up in maryland who gets hit hard in the winter by snow

Unknown said...

The weather event that I most fear would be tornadoes, hurricanes, and most storms except rain storm. Yes I have been caught in a bad storm in North Carolina, and we thought it was a tornado because of the effects of the storm. I was about 9. I don't think you could ever be prepared because you never know how big a storm can be. It could have a big disaster by taking states down under.
Lauren 7/8pd

Unknown said...

my most feared weather has to be a hurricane mostly i cannot swim period. plus i get a little hyper when a storm happens

corey payne said...

the weather that I most fear is a tornado because it probably destroy anything. The only bad storm I have been is when I was at my grandma's house. It was last year. they could put borders around the city. People didn't have any power for weeks and they had no cable and no phone service.

corey payne said...

the weather that I most fear is a tornado because it probably destroy anything. The only bad storm I have been is when I was at my grandma's house. It was last year. they could put borders around the city. People didn't have any power for weeks and they had no cable and no phone service.